Project Proposal

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Finite Element Analysis of a CNC Milling

Machine Vice and Potential Modifications.

Phil Miller

Finite Element Analysis in Design – DP238

Date of Submission -06/01/2014

Title Page: Page(s) 1
Contents: Page(s) 2
Abstract: Page(s) 3
Introduction: Page(s) 4
Background Research: Page 4 & 5
Objectives: Page(s) 5
Method: Page(s) 6,7 & 8
Results: Page(s) 8,9 & 10
References: Page(s) 11

This report is for the process of investigating a CNC milling machine work holding device.
The report will contain a full theory, method, results and conclusion for all calculations and
investigation carried out on the complete Solidworks model. During the project calculations
will be made both manually and by appropriate computer programs to determine the
effects of different stresses acting on the vice while in operation, as well as determining
other key factors affecting the model. Information from the testing will be gathered and
compared against the theory, conclusions are then made.

A vice is a mechanical device used for clamping a work piece to allow work to be performed
on it. Vices use a screw system to clamp the work piece between the moving jaw and the
parallel fixed jaw.

The aim of this project is to develop a greater understanding of Solidworks, its modelling
capabilities as well as the different forces and the effects they have on models of different
design and material.

The project looks to design a full model of a CNC milling machine vice on Solidworks and
carry out tests to determining its capabilities, suitability and potential improvements to its
current design. All information for the vices geometry, material and related British
standards will be gathered for manufacturing sources.

The vice is tested by first producing an accurate 3D model in Solidworks and then adding
different parameters to the model to simulate real life forces acting on the vice. Solidworks
will then produce a results model of the vice showing how the material will be affected by

As well as potential forces acting on the vice and their affects, research into improvements
into the current design will be made. This will look into the effects of moving and altering
the fixed securing points of the vice to the machine bed as well comparing the potential
negative effects of removing material from the design (Reduced rigidity) to the positive
effects (Lighter and better manoeuvrability).

Information will be gathered, recorded, compared against the relevant theory and
conclusions will be made.

The current design for machine vices of this kind has remained the same for decades.
Although some changes have been made to production techniques and materials the basic
design has remained the same.

Machine vices of this kind are secured to machine beds using clamps and bolts. This
produces two points where the vice is held. Fig 1 shows a machine vice secured to the bed
and clamping a work piece ready to be machined.

Work piece

Fixed Jaw Moving Jaw

Screw To Tighten Vice Jaws

Fixed Points To Secure To Machine Bed.

(Fig 1) – Machine Vice In Use

The body of the machine vice is generally made from cast iron; the grade depends on the
required tolerances of the components being produced. The jaws also can be made from
different materials dependant on the purpose of the vice and what will be machined in it,
for the purposes of this report the vice jaws will be specified as hardened mild steel, this is
to set a standard material for the simulations.

“A hollow spindle is threaded into a stationary block and carries a slide member thereon
and a drive rod therein.”(2)This is a general description for any vice of this nature as all are
made up with the same sort of components in the same way.

There are a small number of British Standards relating to the manufacture and use of milling
machine vices. There are many other engineering vices and chucks with detailed British
Standard specifications. The known standards from U.S and British patents are all based
heavily around maintaining a parallel distance between the two jaws and a constant fixed
point for the vice to be secured to the machine bed (3). Due to the large forces acting on the
vices while components are being tested they are subjected to high levels of testing to
ensure that after uses they will not become unreliable and produce inaccurate parts.

Due to machine vices requiring high levels of resistance to vibration stress and fatigue them
are made from high grade material and have large bases for support. Although this means
they are capable of producing components to within very tight tolerances it makes moving
and setting them difficult.


 To gather relevant and useful information about a machine vices standard design
features (Material, Dimensions...Etc.)
 To have an understanding of the British standards relating to the vice and how these
effect its operation (Grade of casting, Geometry…Etc.)
 To have a greater understanding of the potential tests to be carried out of the vice
(Normal static study, Buckling, Fatigue, Failure analysis…Etc.)
 To carry out research for potential improvement to the machine vice (Material
suitability, Design, Geometry, Removal of material…Etc.)
 To decrease the mass of the vice by 1Kg while not reducing the rigidity by more than
one percent.

The first step on this report was to design or find a suitable machine vice model. After
carrying out research both online and within the university workshop a basic concept for
what form of vice should be investigated was decided. After further online research into
vices which fitted the required parameters, a model was selected based on its design
characteristics (5).

Fig 2 shows the final model which was to be tested. Certain components had to be removed
for the model in order to get a mesh of the assembled parts. All parts removed were small
details which should have no major effect on the final simulation of the vice.

Moving Jaw System

Fixed Point

(Secured to
m/c bed) Fixed Jaw

(Fig 2) -
Solidworks Model of Machine Vice

The next stage of the project was to produce a free body diagram of the forces acting on the
vice and the reaction forces which will be produced. This is to develop a greater
understanding of what is actually happening to the vice and where the effects in the results
section were produced and how.

Fig 3 shows the free body diagram, the potential force calculations are based on figures
used on manufacturing websites and the selected vices design specification (4).

20kN Total Clamping Force

(Fig 3) – Free Body Diagram

Reaction Force.

Manual Clamping Force.

The following stage of the project involves adjusting the model and completing a mesh. This
allows simulation to be run on the model and it breaks it down into very small segments.
The levels of mesh provide slightly different results and range from course to fine mesh.

(Fig 4) - Meshed Model Of Vice

After a mesh has been produced the model can be prepared for the force simulations.
Accurate information on realistic forces and fixing points has to be identified in order to
make the results as reliable as possible. Manual calculations and research into
manufacturing specification help develop the free body diagram for the vice and this
information is now used to begin analysing the vice.

In Fig 5 the model has had all its relevant fixings and forces added for its first simulation
which will test how they model will act under 20Kn split over the two jaws, this is to
simulate something being clamped in vice jaws under maximum tension.
10kN Force 10kN Force
Acting On Acting On
Moving Jaw Parallel Fixed

The Orange
Represent the
Point Where
Vice Is Fixed
To Machine

(Fig 5) – Model with

Visible Fixings and Forces

Once the model has been meshed and all required forces and fixings have been added a
simulation can be run to see the effects that they will have on the material. Numerous
different simulations are available to simulate displacement, stress, strain and many more.

Fig 6 shows the first simulation run and the results, heat chart show the highest and lowest
levels of displacement.

Lowest Level
Highest Level

(Fig 6) – Displacement Simulation

The next stage on the project involved collecting all information gathered during the
simulations and producing results tables which relate to the effects of different forces acting
on the model. The results are then used to determine the best ways in which to improve the
model with regard to the original objectives set out in the report.


Mesh Local Size (mm) Vs Max Stress - Von Mises (Mpa)

Max Stress - Von Mises (MPa)

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Mesh Local Size (mm) Max Stress - Von Mises (Mpa)

The choice of mesh determines how accurately the results produced will be. Due to the
mesh affecting how many segments the model is broken into effects how many smaller
sections will be tested. Different mesh sizes were tested to see how they produced different
levels of stress within the model. The ranges of meshes simulated are from course to fine.
The results are shown in Fig 7.

(Fig 7) – A graph to show the relationship between mesh size and stress recorded.

The graph (Fig 7) shows that as the mesh becomes coarser the level of stress indicated
within the model drops. While the higher level of analysis in the simulations is preferred the
time taken to run each simulation becomes excessive when the mesh is to fine. A level of
mesh was selected that produced both reliable results while not taking too long to process.

The maximum force which will be exerted by the jaws is 20kN this is a maximum over both
jaws, so the total forces are split over two jaws. To see the effects that applied forces will
have on the vice in terms of displacement a simulation was run then results recorded (Fig 8).

Total Force (kN) Displacement (mm)

5 0.0018
10 0.0036
15 0.0055
20 0.0073

Although the displacement is very small ranging from 0.0018mm to 0.0073mm, when this is
compared to general tolerances used within engineering machine shops where milled
components can sometimes be expected to be within microns which is hundredths of a

Applied Forces (kN) Vs Displacement (mm)
Displacement (mm)

4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Total Applied Force (kN)

(Fig 8) – A graph to show the relationship between applied forces and displacement.

Other calculations can be carried out to determine how well the vice will hold up under its highest
potential force. To calculate the stiffness of the vice



 (1)
 (01/01/11 09:48)
 (2)
sec=abstract#v=onepage&q=machine%20vice&f=false (Mechanical Clamping Device :
Patent Number – 3650522)
 (3)
+british&printsec=abstract#v=onepage&q&f=false (Milling Vice Patent : Patent
Number – 2667799)
 (4)
 (5)


 Haan, E. R. "Selecting and using a bench vise"

 Winston A. Knight, Boothroyd Geoffrey. “Fundamentals of Metal Machining and
Machine Tools, Third Edition”
 “Zeus Precision Data Charts and References Tables for Drawing Office, Toolroom &


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