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Sr i K

Krrisishhna K
Kaa t hamr it
Tav k QaaMa*Ta& TaáJaqvNaMa(
tava kathämåtaà tapta-jévanam Bindu
Issue No. 67 Fortnightly email mini-magazine from Gopal Jiu Publications
4 December 2003 Çré Mokñadä Ekädaçé, 26 Keçava, 517 Gauräbda Circulation 1,323


His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur
Vaishnava Das

“SOMETIMES FOR PREACHING ...” says, äcäryaà mäà vijänéyän. Vaiñëavera

kriyä, mudrä vijïeha nä bujhaya, [Cc. madhya
His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta
23.39] in the Caitanya-caritämåta it is de-
Swami Prabhupada
scribed that even the wisest man cannot un-
As Krishna is free from all reaction, similarly derstand the activities of a vaiñëava äcärya.
Krishna’s devotee who only wants to satisfy Äcärya, guru, is completely surrendered to
Krishna, is also free from all reaction. There- Krishna. He has taken the shelter of Krishna,
fore Krishna says, äcäryaà mäà vijänéyän näva- being completely freed from all material af-
manyeta karhicit — “The äcärya is as good as I fection, brahmaëy upaçamäçrayam [Bhäg.
am.” Krishna says näva-manyeta karhicit — 11.3.21]. Everyone has got some material
“Never neglect him.” Na martya- desire to fulfill, but a guru or äcärya has no
buddhyäsüyeta — “Never be envi- such business. That is the symptom of äcärya.
ous of the äcärya, thinking him He has no more material business. ·
as anything of this material — Room Conversation, Vrindavan, 10 March 1972.

world.” [Bhäg. 11.17.27] There-

fore the, äcärya’s position is as CHEATERS, HYPOCRITES AND
good as Krishna. Säkñäd- PRETENDERS
dharitvena samasta-çästrair [Srila Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur
Viswanath Chakravarti’s Gurväñöaka verse 7].
Äcärya is always cautious that he may not be Who are self-deceivers?
subject to criticism. One who criticizes äcärya, Those who call themselves vaiñëavas and
becomes immediately an offender. Because he make a show of performing kértana but do not
is playing the part of äcärya, he plays as far as accept initiation are certainly self-deceivers.
possible. But sometimes for preaching work he (Sajjana-toñaëé 11.6)
might have to do something which is not con- Who are hypocrites?
sistent. But if he is criticized then the man who Hypocrites are those who do not accept
criticizes becomes [an offender]. Of course, he that devotional service is eternal, but they
must be [a genuine] äcärya, not bogus. An or- always display external signs of devotional
dinary man cannot transgress the laws, but service. Their goal is to accomplish some
Krishna and His representative, äcärya, might remote purpose.
sometimes transgress them. Therefore Krishna (Caitanya-çikñämåta 3.3)
next column ! !
Issue Sixty-seven
Sixty-seven,, Page — 2 é[q k* Z<ak QaaMa*Ta ibNdu
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Who are sinful and cheating on the QUESTIONS ON HOUSEHOLDER LIFE
pretext of being an äcärya?
Prabhupada Srila Bhaktisiddhanta
Pseudo ascetics and hypocrites give oth-
Saraswati Thakur
ers mantras and pretend to be äcäryas, but
they engage in various sinful activities. De- Question: Who is attached to
tached vaiñëavas must develop extremely household life?
pure characteristics. Answer: One who considers
(Sajjana-toñaëé 5.10) oneself as a man or
woman is attached to
Who are pretenders?
household life. Such a per-
Those who put on external signs of reli-
son is an illusioned house-
gion but do not follow the religious principles
holder or a gåhavrata. [See Srila A.C.
are known as dharmadhvajés, pretenders.
Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada’s purport to
There are two types of dharmadhvajés: hypo-
crites and fools; also described as the cheat- Bhäg. 5.1.4 for an explanation of the word
ers and the cheated. “gåhavrata”.] The illusioned householder is
(Sajjana-toñaëé 10.11) greedy for money, relations with the oppo-
site sex, name, and fame, kanaka, käminé,
What are the characteristics of cheaters pratiñöhä. One who has the tendency to enjoy
who imitate successful yogés? these three things is an illusioned householder
Some cheaters dress themselves as suc- or a gåhavrata.
cessful yogés and thus cheat the world. A gåhavrata thinks, “I need others to serve
They search after sensual happiness and me. The goal of my life is to be the owner of
try to increase their own glories by living
my household and to gratify my senses in any
their lives as yogés. Because chanting the
way I like.”
holy names of Hari is the constitutional
We are living on the level of consciousness cen-
duty of the devotees of Krishna, the cheat-
tered on the body. By becoming gåhavratas we
ers artificially preach the principles of
are pretending to be masters. We are getting into
kértana, and they act whimsically in regard
trouble by looking at this world through the eyes
to the fruitive and religious activities of real
of enjoyment. Until we have the proper intelli-
yogés. They engage in various material en-
gence to see that the whole world is meant to
joyments and create illusion in the minds
serve the Lord we will remain on the level of the
of ordinary people, but these material ac-
illusioned householder; we will never know
tivities cause their own downfall. They
about our real benefit. Those who resolve to take
artificially cry and fall unconscious dur-
the path of enjoyment or the path of complete
ing kértana, and they become more materi-
alistic than ordinary people. They become renunciation lose everything. They never get to
proud of being devotees, on account of know the Supreme Lord.
accepting the dress of a Vaiñëava and the By depending on this temporary world one
signs of the renounced order of life. They can only get misery and death. Actually death
can therefore never approach the pure and the suffering of the three-fold miseries
vaiñëavas, and they take shelter of and as- result from a materialistic lifestyle that is
sociate with worldly abominable people. averse to Krishna.
Even though they are averse to glorifying All the thoughts and efforts of this material
the qualities of Krishna, they sometimes world are actually leading to death. The
manifest artificial symptoms of ecstatic gåhavrata does not think, “These kinds of
love, such as shivering while dancing in thoughts and tendencies are taking me to hell
the kértana. Day by day these activities be- day by day, and they can only give me more
come the object of their enjoyment. · and more misery, now and in the future.”
(Bhajanämåtam) Question: How should one live in one’s house?
— Çré Bhaktivinoda Väëé Vaibhava chapter 7 sections 44-48. Compiled Answer: One can destroy his tendency to fall
by and with questions by Sri Sundarananda Vidyavinode. Translated
by Sri Bhumipati Das, Published by Sri Iswara Das and Touchstone into the dark pit of materialistic household life
Media. Vrindavan. 2002. by having the beneficial association of great
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Sri Krishna-kathamrita Bindu top right 3
Issue Sixty-seven, Page — 3
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saints. Only by associating with liberated souls favorable for that. The householder should
does one achieve the qualifications to become always stay away from bad association and
a transcendental householder, paramärthika- gossip. He should nurture with great care
gåhastha. Those who do not associate with the qualities such as enthusiasm, determina-
devotee bhägavata and the book bhägavata, tion, and patience, and devotional prac-
which are non-different, cannot have a ben- tices such as hearing and chanting,
eficial life, living in their own homes. çravana-kértana. To serve Hari, Guru, and
It is good to live in one’s own house with vaiñëava, to chant Sri näma, to associate
the desire to serve the Lord; then one can with sädhus, and to hear about the Lord
serve the Lord properly. But this is not pos- are the essential duties of householders. If
sible for the illusioned householder at- all their endeavors are directed toward the
tached to money, the opposite sex, and service of the Lord they will definitely ben-
name and fame. One should enter into his efit, they will be protected, and their lives
house resolving to serve Krishna. That is will be fulfilled. ·
much better than false renunciation. Noth-
ing good can come from false renunciation. KRISHNA’S YOGI DISGUISE
If one’s household life is favorable for de- Adapted from Garga Saàhitä
votional service then that is acceptable; on Canto four chapter 11
the contrary, if it is unfavorable for devo- By Lord Narayan’s benediction, many girls
tional service, then such a deep, dark pit who were friends of the goddess of fortune
called “home” should be given up. But if took birth in the families of cowherds in Vraja.
one wants to show off his desire for renun- Taking birth in Vraja they always thought of
ciation and artificially shows some detach- Krishna’s lotus feet, and to gain His favor they
ment then that is not beneficial. Such an followed the vow of mägha-vrata.
immature renunciate will fall from his po- On the fifth day of the bright fortnight of
sition in a few days. the month of Mägha (January-February), as
The tendencies of the illusioned house- springtime was about to begin, to test their
holders can only be destroyed by associat- love for Him, Lord Krishna went to those
ing with the devotees of the Lord. Those gopés’ homes. Dressed in a tiger skin, with
who enter into household life following the His hair matted and His natural opulences
rules of the external world will be more and concealed, by playing the flute he enchanted
more absorbed in the illusioned condition. all the worlds. Seeing Him on the path, the
Just as some devotees of the Lord need to enchanted gopés were overcome with love.
enter into the sannyäsa-äçrama (the lifestyle To gaze at Him, they came close. As they
of a renunciate), in the same way some need looked at the very handsome yogi, the bliss-
to enter into the gåhastha-äçrama (the ful gopés spoke among themselves, “Who is
lifestyle of a householder). The festival this? Is this Nanda’s son or the son of a
known as gåha-praveça (the ceremony of wealthy king? Is He renounced because His
entering a house for the first time) should heart was broken by a woman’s harsh words
be celebrated only by a devotee householder, or because He has performed many pious
not a non-devotee householder. When a deeds? He is very handsome. His features are
devotee enters his house we should know graceful and delicate. Like Cupid, He
that he has actually entered his temple. For charms the hearts of the entire world. Ah!
a devotee, there is no difference between How can He live without a mother, father,
entering his house and entering a temple. sister, and wife?”
But there is a heaven-and-hell difference be- Filled with wonder and love, the assembled
tween a devotee’s entering his house and a girls of Vraja asked Him many questions. The
non-devotee’s entering his house. gopés said, “O yogi, who are You? What is Your
One should enter one’s house only to al- name? O sage, where do You live? What do You
ways engage oneself in the service and do? What mystic powers have You attained? O
thoughts of Krishna, and to have everything best of eloquent speakers, please tell us.”
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Issue Sixty-seven
Sixty-seven,, Page — 4
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The perfect yogi replied, “I am a master When the gopés closed their eyes, the Lord
of yoga. I always stay at Mana-sarovara. abandoned the form of a yogi and again
My name is Svayamprakash. I never eat. adopted His original form of Krishna, the son
My mystic powers keep Me alive. O girls of of Nanda Maharaja.
Vraja, I have attained the great treasure of Opening their eyes, the gopés were de-
the paramahaàsas. I have spiritual eyes. I lighted and filled with wonder. Now aware
can see the past, present, and future. I know of His transcendental powers, the gopés
mantras that can ruin people, kill them, be- fainted unconscious.
wilder them, paralyze them, or bring them As Indra enjoys with the girls of Suraloka,
under My control.” so Lord Krishna enjoyed with these gopés in
The gopés said, “O wise yogi, if You know a great räsa-dance in the sacred Vrindavan
the past, present, and future, then please forest during the month of Mägha. ·
tell us one thing; What are we thinking at — Translated by Sri Kusakratha Das. Krishna Library. Culver City,
California. 1990.
this moment?”
The perfect yogi said, “The answer to this “DANCE MORE! DANCE MORE!”
question I will now whisper in each girl’s
By Vaishnava Das
ear, or, if you request, I will speak it aloud
so all may hear.” This song was well liked by Sri Srimad Gour
The gopés said, “O sage, if it is true that You Govinda Swami, who would sing it every year
are a master of yoga, if without doubt You on the occasion of Lord Balaram’s appearance. A
know the past, present, and future, and if by recording of Maharaja singing this song can be
merely chanting a mantra You can actually heard and downloaded from: http://
bring others under Your control, then we think
You must be the best of all mantra-chanters.” Paöhamaïjaré räga
The perfect yogi said, “Any impossible thing
you ask, I can do. The words of saintly per- näcare näcare mora räma dämodara
sons are never false. O girls, don’t lament. yata näca tata diba kñéra nané sara
Close your eyes and you will attain your wish. Mother Yasoda tells Krishna and Balaram:
Of this there is no doubt. “My dear Rama and Damodar, dance more,
! dance more! I’ll give you condensed milk,
butter, and cream!
SRI KRISHNA KATHAMRITA BINDU ämi nähi dekhi bächä näca ära bära
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Gopal Jiu Publications
“Oh, I didn’t see You. Dance again! Then I
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Subscriptions: [email protected] and directs their dance — tä tä thaiyä thaiyä.
Rama and Krishna, the jewel of the Yadu
Gopal Jiu Publications is a branch of the Inter- dynasty, clap Their hands and dance in time.
national Society for Krishna Consciousness,
Founder-Acharya His Divine Grace A.C. räma känu ore mora ore räma känu
Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. manimaya jhuri mäjhe jhalamala tanu
Quotations from the books, letters, and lectures of His Yasodamayi sings, “O my dear Rama and
Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Kanu (Krishna)! O dear Rama and Kanu!
©Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International. All other mate-
rials, unless specified, © ISKCON Bhubaneswar/Gopal You look so beautiful with Your effulgent bod-
Jiu Publications. All rights reserved. Blanket permission is ies and jeweled crowns on Your heads.” ·
given to redistribute Bindu in electronic or print form pro- — By Vaishnava Das. Published in Gokulananda Sen’s Pada-kalpa-taru,
vided no changes are made to the contents. prathama khaëòha, page 963. Syamacharan Library. Calcutta. 438
Gaurabda (1924). Bengali.

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