Carver Practical Data Analysis With JMP Student Solutions

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Practical Data Analysis

with JMP

Second Edition

Robert H. Carver

Student Solutions
This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical
Data Analysis with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS
Practical Data Analysis with JMP®, Second Edition
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This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Scenario 1

Student answers will vary. Answers will depend on data set student selects to input into a new
JMP data table

Scenario 2
Quantity of cement (component 1), expressed as kg in a m^3 mixture.
Quantity of Superplasticizer (component 5), expressed as kg in a m^3 mixture.
Quantity of Fine Aggregate (component 7), expressed as kg in a m^3 mixture.

Scenario 3
Columns that need to be corrected: DMDMARTL, RIDEXPRG, BPQ150A

Scenario 4
NHANES does not contain experimental data because the experimenters are not
manipulating any of the variables. The data was not obtained through a designed
experiment but through observation.

Scenario 5
Open the table, and select ► ► and
specify a sample size of . Then choose ► .

Scenario 6
This data table contains monthly stock values and volume from the FTSE 100 index,
from1 January 2003 through 1 December 2007. Data were collected by observation on

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
the first day of each month. The date column is ordinal because it is a chronological
variable. Open, High, Low, Close, Volume, and change% are all Continuous columns
containing numeric measurements. Open is the FTSE 100 index’s opening price. High
represents the high price for the day. Low is the low price for that day. Close is the
closing price for that day. Volume is the number of shares exchanged during the day.
change% is how much the index changed from open to close.

Scenario 7
This data table contains statistics from earthquakes recorded worldwide between
August 20, 2009 and September 19, 2009. Data was collected by observation on the first
day of each month. The date column is ordinal because it is a chronological variable.
Latitude is a continuous variable indicating the latitudinal coordinate of where the
earthquake took place. Longitude is also a continuous variable indicating the
longitudinal coordinate of where the earthquake took place. Magnitude is a
continuous measurement of how strong the earthquake was, while depth is a
continuous variable describing how far from the surface the epicenter was. Time is an
ordinal column describing when the earthquake took place. This data was found by

Scenario 8
This table contains observational data from the WHO regarding tobacco use,
cardiovascular disease and cancer rates. Code is a nominal variable uniquely
identifying each nation. Country is a nominal variable that provides the name of the
country relating to the data. Region is also a nominal variable indicating the region
where the country is located in. TobaccoUse is a continuous variable observed
describing the prevalence of tobacco use in that country. Female and Male are both
continuous variables that were found observationally which describe the prevalence of
tobacco use for both genders. CVmort is the mortality rate from cardiovascular disease
for this country and CancerMort is the cancer mortality rate for this country. Both are

Scenario 10
The variables are Activity (travel, feed, social), Period (morning, noon, afternoon,
evening), and Groups (numeric). The observational units were groups of dolphins.
Activity and Period are nominal and Groups (# dolphins in each group) is continuous.
Scenario 11
The columns are as follows:

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
: marital status (nominal). Respondent’s marital status, one of six levels

: employment status (nominal). Respondent’s employment status, one of five


minutes spent sleeping each day (continuous).

minutes spent on the telephone with family and friends each day (continuous).

Scenario 11
This data table appears to contain demographic, economic, crime and other statistics
for the 50 US states and the District of Columbia. The three specific variables are all
continuous, and represent the following:

is the percentage of the state population that smokes.

is the per capita amount of federal spending in the state (dollars)

is the percentage of power coming from nuclear sources

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Scenario 1
a.Using the grabber tool, click and drag upwards to increase the number of bars in the histogram. A second
peak near 80 appears when as the number of bars increases, while the peak at 75 remains.

c.Scale can be manipulated in order to change the center, shape, and spread of a histogram, so it is
important to carefully analyze and think critically about the choice of scale on an axis.

Scenario 2
a.This histogram has a shape that is skewed to the left, has a mean of about 70, and a spread described by a range from
35 to 80. It has one peak

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
c.The standard deviation is 9.87 in the 1985 data compared to 10.4 in the 2010 data.

Scenario 3
a. The points furthest to the left and right indicate the minimum and maximum respectively. In each
boxplot, the ends of the box represent the first and third quartiles, and the line within the box represents
the median. The diamond shows the location of the mean. We see a handful of outlying points in the
LifeSpan boxplot, but not in the TotalSleep plot.


c.99.5% of the species have a life span less than 100 years.

e.The animals that get the most sleep tend to be relatively small animals and have low predation, exposure,
and danger values.

g.The animals that sleep in the most exposed locations are also the largest in terms of body weight. This
may be because larger animals cannot hide as easily, or due to sheer size, they can sleep in exposed
locations safely.

Scenario 4
a....Volume has a nearly symmetrical and normal distribution. It ranges from 1043.49 to 2115.33 with a
median of 1726.22 and a mean of 1710.49.

c.The FTSE declines approximately 25% of the time.

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
e.This line graph shows fluctuation without any obvious pattern. The monthly percentage change seems to
vary at random from month to month, typically remaining approximately between –3% and +3%. There is
no obvious growth over the five years, in contrast to the closing index value.

Scenario 5
a.The histogram has four bars. DFW, LAX, and ORD all have high with counts of over 4000 while LAS is
low with only a count of around 400.

c.Because airlines attempt to schedule arrivals accurately, it is unlikely that very many flights would be
extraordinarily early. However, given the many possible reasons for delays and the nature of travel, some
flights can be exceptionally late. The practical minimum sets a lower bound for this variable, but there
isn’t a comparable upper bound. As such, a few flights with very long delays will tend to skew the data.

Scenario 6
a.TobaccoUse is somewhat symmetrical with a mean of 24.77 and median of 25.6. It ranges from 4.3 to

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
c.CVMort has two peaks at around 150 and 400. It is skewed to the right. It has a mean of 355.5 and a
median of 375. It ranges from 106 to 713.

e.Europe & Central Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa have the highest count of countries in this data table.
South Asia has the lowest count and America, East Asia & Pacific and Middle East & North Africa all fall
in the middle.

Scenario 7

This is a strongly right-skewed distribution with 4 outliers (California, Texas, New York, and Florida).
The mean population was 6,053,834 people and the median was just 4,339,367. States range from
approximately 563,000 people in Wyoming to more than 37 million in California. The largest number of
states have fewer than 5 million residents.

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Scenario 1
a.Mosaic Plot

Public provision is most common by far in the Americas and Europe & Central Asia.
Provide provision seems to be the norm in the rest of the world. Most areas have relatively
few countries with both public and private, though such arrangements are fairly common
(more than 25% of countries) in the Americas.

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

The fitted line and RSquare value are shown above. There is a strong, positive linear
relationship between the two variables.

Scenario 2

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
The plot, equation and Rsquare are shown above. The correlation coefficient is 0.17395. There is a
weak negative relationship between mileage and price: the higher the mileage, the lower the price.


The distribution of price across the three cities seems to be fairly uniform. The box plot shows
similar middle 50% with varying means. They also have very similar spreads.

Scenario 3

As individuals get older, blood pressure increases.

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
c.Men have a higher average systolic blood pressure. Both genders have similar shape, being
skewed to the right. Women have a far greater range, spanning from 70 to 270 while men
have readings from 80 to about 210.


It appears there is little evidence of a relationship between pulse and blood pressure, as the r
squared statistic is .2, which is very low.

Scenario 4
a.Tobacco is most heavily used in Europe and Central Asia and to a lesser extent in East Asia
and the Pacific. There is a moderate use in the Middle East and North Africa as well as the
Americas while South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa has the lowest tobacco use.

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Here again, we find scant evidence of a relationship.

Scenario 5

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
More males were employed (at work) than females while more females were not in the labor
force. About the same amount of males and females were unemployed and looking or
employed and absent.

c.People employed had the lowest mean time spent sleeping. All employment statuses had
nearly normal distributions with some like employed at work being more skewed to the right
than others. Nearly all the spreads of employment categories ranged across the same amount
of time.

Scenario 6

Animals with lower exposure values seem to have lower predation ratings. Conversely,
creatures with higher exposure values also had higher predation ratings.

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

There seems to be evidence of a weak negative relationship between lifespan and total sleep.
The Rsquare statistic is only 0.168.

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Scenario 7

Neither the mosaic plot nor the contingency table show much evidence of large differences in
number of birds struck across different sky conditions. Regardless of conditions, for example,
it appears that about 75% of incidents involve a single bird.


This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
There are various ways to approach this question. One simple way is to explore the
relationship using Graph Builder. In this graph we see that median speed is approximately
the same regardless of the number of birds struck. However, single-bird incidents occur at a
wide variety of speed; as the number of birds involved increases, the variability of speed

Scenario 8

Using Graph Builder to investigate this relationship we find a positive but inconsistent
relationship between income and percentage of population with a bachelor’s degree. There is
a clear upward pattern with a lot of scatter, indicating that a relationship exists but it is not
very strong.

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

There are very few counties lying below the 45-degree diagonal line, indicating that the
percentage of homes where a foreign language is spoken almost always exceeds the
percentage of homes with a foreign-born member. This makes sense, assuming that homes
with no foreign-born members would be less inclined to speak a foreign language.


The slope of the line is approximately 1.065, indicating that on average, the population of US
counties grew by 6.5% from 2000 to 2010.

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Scenario 1

NOTE: This contingency table provides the necessary information to respond to all parts:

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
a.Pr(Mexican American) =0.2303

c.Pr(Mexican American and Never Married) = 0.0949.

e.No. In part e we found that Pr(Never Married|Mexican American)= 0.4114. The marginal
probability Pr(Never Married) = 0.3596. Because the probabilities are unequal, we find that the
events are not independent.

Scenario 2

For all of the questions that follow, we can use this contingency table:

a.Pr(Binge at least once a week) = 0.1276.

c.Pr(Accident) = 0.0560.

e.Pr(Accident | binge at least once a week) = 0.1443.

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
g.No. Comparing the results in parts a and f or parts c and e should lead to the conclusion that
because the relevant marginal probabilities do not equal the corresponding conditionals, the
events are not independent.

Scenario 3

NOTE: Different contingency tables are needed for different parts of this problem.

a.Pr(Not in labor force) =0.3154

Parts c and d rely on this


c.Pr(Part-time or female) = Pr(part-time)+ Pr(female) – Pr(part-time and female) = 0.1306 + 0.5674 –

0.0932 = 0.6048

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
e. The marital status column identifies three types of
respondents who are not married: those who are
divorced, never married, or widowed. To find the
probability of selecting a person who is not married, we
sum the probabilities of these three categories:

Pr(Not Married) =0.13741 + 0.23718 + 0.08777 = 0.46236.

This table can be used for Part f:

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Scenario 4

a.Pr(Central)= 0.2863

c.This problem is complicated by the fact that most cells in this column are blank and the
remaining cells contain the label “Yes.” There are 189 “Yes” values and 468 rows in all.
Therefore Pr(Evacuation) = 189/468 = 0.4038.


Pr(Rupture or Explosion) = Pr(Rupture) + Pr(Explosion) – Pr(Rupture and Explosion) = 0.2230 +

0.3676 – 0.0784 = 0.5122.

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Scenario 5

a.Pr(Registered) = 0.6295

c.This table applies to questions c and d:

Pr(female who is registered) = 0.2431.

Note: The full contingency table is too large to reproduce effectively here.
e.Pr(began at South Station) = 0.0477 = 2,636/ 55,230 trips.

g.Pr(start at South Station and end at Library) = 0.0013 = 72/55,230 trips.

Scenario 6
a.A Fit Y by X contingency table shows that 19 of the 1,000 women were smokers with
premature babies. Hence, the probability is 0.019.

c.A Fit Y by X contingency table shows that 11 of the 1,000 women were smokers and mature
moms. Hence, the probability is 0.011.

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Scenario 7

Birdstrikes occur most often July through October (months 7 through 10), and rather
infrequently during December, January, and February. So, we would say that they do not
occur with equal frequency through the year.

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Scenario 1

a. The normal quantile plot appears to the left.

The distribution is strongly skewed
positively, and therefore the normal model is
not suitable for this variable.

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
c.Pr(X>5.5) = 1 – 0.9426 = 0.0574. In comparison, based on the reported quantiles, we find that
more than 10% of the observed data lies above 5.5 children per woman.

Scenario 2

a. In the shadowgram to the left we see a generally

symmetric distribution that seems to be mound-
shaped. There may be some indication of a
secondary peak at approximately 299,950
km/sec., but the overall impression is that the
distribution might be well-described by the
normal model.

c.The data set provides some support for the assumption. Michelson’s various measurements of
the speed of light seem to vary according to an approximate normal distribution.
Scenario 3
a. This distribution shows mild skewness. The lower
tail is truncated and therefore shorter and thicker
than a normal distribution would be.

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Scenario 4

a. Student answers will vary. Most will likely choose the weekly change column corresponding to
the Hang Seng market index, but others might select a different column (e.g. Tel Aviv or S&P).
In these graphs, the points track most closely to the diagonal line.

c. The mean and standard deviation of the changes in Hang Seng for the weeks observed are –
1.102065 and 5.242892. For a normal distribution with that mean and standard deviation,
Pr (X <0) =0.5832, or approximately 0.58.

Scenario 5

Use these graphs to respond to all parts:

a. This histogram is mound-shaped with a single peak centered near 500 minutes. The large
majority of respondents report between approximately 300 and 700 minutes of sleep per week.

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
c. The Age histogram is more skewed that the Sleeping histogram, with distinct secondary peaks
in each tail. It appears to be centered near 40, but with the peaks in the tails it is difficult to
generalize about the degree of dispersion. Again, the normal quantile plot casts doubts on
using a normal model for this variable. The normal model seems to fit acceptably near the
center of the distribution, but deviates quite dramatically in the tails.

Scenario 6

These graphs can be used to respond to parts a and b.

a. Closing values appear to be symmetric and bimodal, with peaks between 4000-5000 and 6000-
6500. The center of the distribution is close to 5000 and it ranges from approximately 3500 to

In contrast, the %change column is moderately symmetric with a single peak just above 0. Most
of the distribution lies between -5 % and +5 %.

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
c. The volume column has a normal quantile plot
that looks quite close to a normal distribution.
It would be well described by a model
~N(1710.4911, 203.1369).

Scenario 7

a.Here are the graphs, which very clearly show that the cell column is better modeled as normal
than the broadband data. The broadband histogram is strongly skewed to the right and its
probability plot does not track the diagonal line at all.

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
c. Using the normal model, we
would estimate that
approximately 8.4% of
countries had 150 or more
cell subscribers per 100

Scenario 8

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
a. Use Analyze > Distribution to obtain histograms, then red triangle Normal Quantile plot to
produce these two plots:

Scenario 9

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
a. The graphs above show that Height is very strongly skewed to the right with many outliers.
Speed is more closely normal, through there is a second mode at approximately 250 mph.

c. From the distribution platform, we find that the mean is

143.103 mph and the standard deviation is 47.2.

Placing these values into the normal distribution calculator,

we can approximate that the 90th percentile of the normal
distribution is 203.6 mph.

In this instance, the normal approximation comes reasonably

close to the observed data.

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Scenario 1
a.Student answers will vary due to the operation of the random number generator.

c.The probability that a SRS of 250 households would include 25 or fewer homes without Internet
service is 0.00031368.

Scenario 2
a. The proportion of countries in Sub-Saharan Africa is 0.24227.


This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Student answers will vary due to random sampling. Above we find the results of one random
sample—only 5 of the 30 countries are in Sub-Saharan Africa (16.7%). The mean mortality rate
in the sample is 29.82 (note that in this sample all 30 countries reported an infant mortality
rate). In general students’ results will not match the population values shown in parts a & b due
to sampling variation.

Scenario 3
a.Student answers will vary. In general, the sampling distribution will be bell-shaped and
symmetrical, centered very near 0.40 and ranging from about 0.35 to 0.45.

c.Student answers will vary again. In general, the sampling distribution will be roughly bell-
shaped and possibly a little left skewed, centered very near 0.95. Compare to the distribution in
part c, this distribution will be steep and range only from about 0.90 to 1.00.

e.In part c we notice that the population with a proportion of .95 generates samples with
comparatively small standard errors. The risks associated with sampling variation tend to be
smaller in more uniform populations.

Scenario 4
a.Student responses will vary. In general, the sampling distribution will be bell-shaped and
symmetrical, centered very near 15 with an overall standard error (std. deviation of the sample
means) approximately equal to 0.10 and ranging from about 14.7 to 15.3.

c.Student responses will again vary. In general, the sampling distribution will be bell-shaped and
symmetrical, centered very near 15 with an overall standard error (std. deviation of the sample
means) approximately equal to 0.40 and ranging from about 13.8 to 16.2.

e.The results will be very similar to parts a and d though each student may have slightly different
numerical results.

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Scenario 5
4, 857 strikes occurred in California, for a proportion of 0.095, or
about 9.5%.

c.Each student will obtain a different SRS, so these answers will vary. In general they will differ
from the values in parts a and b due to the chance variation associated with random sampling.

Scenario 6

The mean rider age is 35.46 years.

c.Using the CLT, we’d expect the sampling distribution of the sample mean to approach an
approximately normal distribution as the sample size, n, grows large. The mean of the
distribution should be 35.46 years with a standard error equal to approximately 11/(sqrt(n)).

e.Here are the results of one such simulation, rescaled for clarity:

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
The sampling distribution is symmetric and unimodal, with a mean at 35.47 years and a
standard error of 1.936. Note that in part c the CLT would have predicted a mean of 35.46 and a
standard error of 11/√50 = 1.56

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Scenario 1
a. Based on the analysis shown to the
left, 95 of 447 disruptions with
known causes were ruptures. The
estimated confidence interval is
from 0.177 to 0.253. We can be 95%
confident that the true population
proportion is somewhere between
0.177 and 0.253.

c.When we lower the confidence level the interval becomes narrower.

Scenario 2
a.Yes. We have a random sample of sufficient size to invoke the Central Limit Theorem.

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
c. With a p-Value of 0.0556, this sample falls
just short of statistical significance.
Assuming that we are using the standard
5% significance level, the sample does not
quite provide sufficient evidence to
conclude that the rate is currently below

e.A larger sample with the very same proportion provides more precision in the confidence
interval (i.e. a narrower interval) and enhances the statistical significance of the test result.

Scenario 3
a.Yes. We have a random sample of sufficient size to invoke the Central Limit Theorem.

c.We can be 99% confident that the population proportion is between 0.071 and 0.085. Both
intervals are centered at the same value, but the 99% interval is wider than the 95% interval.

e.The lower the confidence level, the narrower the interval.

Scenario 4
a.Yes. We have a random sample of sufficient size to invoke the Central Limit Theorem.

c. (For this question, it is simplest to create a

small summary table). Create a Because of the
question’s wording, a two-tailed test is most
appropriate here. Based on this random
sample, we can confidently conclude that it is
not credible to conclude that 10% of the
population binge drinks at least once per
week. If anything, this sample suggests a
higher population proportion.

Scenario 5

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a.It depends The total sample size is 189; because some events or combination of events are
relatively rare, it may be the case that np <5, in which case we should not interpret the
inferential results.

c.Although the observed relative frequency is 0.53, and thus greater than 0.5 the p-Value is 0.362
which is quite high enough that we can readily attribute the result to sampling error. In other
words, a null hypothesis that the population proportion is 0.50 or less is still plausible, so we
fail to reject the null.

Scenario 6

We can be 90% confident that the proportion of trading days on which McDonald’s stock
increases is somewhere between 0.423 and 0.569.

Scenario 7
a.Yes. We have very large samples, and can rely on the Central Limit Theorem.

c.The 99% confidence interval is (0.237 and 0..247). Like the prior interval, this interval is centered
at 0.237, but is slightly wider.

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with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

When we apply the sampling weights, the point estimate changes from 23.7% to 29.1%, and the
95% confidence interval is approximately 29.1049% to 29.1055% -- it shrinks dramatically in
width, and is considerably higher than before.

Scenario 8
a.It depends on which variables we examine. We have a random sample of sufficient size to
invoke the Central Limit Theorem, but there is a considerable amount of missing data.


We can be 99% confident that, out of all instances where there is a bird strike, a single bird is
struck somewhere between 86.1% and 86.8% of the time. The 99% CI is slightly wider than the
95% CI.

Scenario 9
a.Yes. We have a random sample of sufficient size to invoke the Central Limit Theorem, but
there is a considerable amount of missing data.

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
c.This question is most easily done by creating a small summary table.

We can be 95% confident that between 3.9% and 4% start at the library.

e.The smaller sample makes the interval wider, but has no effect on the center of the interval.

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Scenario 1
a.Probably. These columns contain continuous data, and though both distributions are strongly
right-skewed, both have a sufficiently large number of observations to rely on the Central Limit
Theorem. The critical question is whether we can view this particular time period as
representative of the overall process of pipeline disruptions; if we can regard it as random, then
we can proceed to make inferences.

c.The 90% interval is –$ 307,156 to $ 2,979,847. We can be 90% certain that the mean damage cost
lies between these two values.


We can be 99% confident that the mean dollar cost of

lost natural gas is between –$6646.48 and $39,415.62. NOTE: the distribution is so strongly right-
skewed that we should be reluctant to draw conclusions from this sample, even with a sample
size of 468.

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
g. Student answers will vary but
should conclude that if the null
hypothesis were that  =
approximately $ 31,100 then we
would reject the null in favor of
the one-sided alternative

Scenario 2
a. Yes. We do not know the population so we will use the t-
distribution. Because the sample is small (n = 20) we want to see if
the sample data suggest that the population is roughly normal in
shape. The histogram and normal quantile plots indicate mild
skewness but no serious indication of non-normality.

c.From the confidence interval in part b we can see that Michelson would probably have
(erroneously) concluded that the value 300,000 kps is not credible. The two-tailed hypothesis
test yields a P-value < 0.0001 and a test statistic equal to –13.898; Michelson would have rejected
a null hypothesis that the constant speed of light is 300,000 kps.

Scenario 3
a.Student answers will vary. On the one hand, because both measurements refer to the same
child’s height, we expect them to be quite similar. On the other hand, when a person stands the

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
spine may compress slightly, so that standing height measurements may be less than reclining

Scenario 4
a.Yes. We do not know the population so we will use the t-distribution. Because the sample is
so large (n = 1787) we can rely on the Central Limit Theorem to proceed.

c.No. The interval is an estimate of the population mean, not the range of individual values. The
interval provides an estimate of the location of the population mean acknowledging the
uncertainty that arises from using a sample.

e.If the true population mean actually = 10 minutes the power of this test would be
approximately 0.996. In other words, if the reality were that the mean flight is delayed 10
minutes, this test would detect that the mean is less than 12 minutes.

Scenario 5
a.Yes. We do not know the population so we will use the t-distribution. Because the sample is
so large (n = 1455) we can rely on the Central Limit Theorem to proceed.

c. We can be 95% confident that the mean time from scheduled

departure to wheels off is between 31.75 and 36.33 minutes.

Scenario 6
a.The speed column does seem to satisfy the conditions: it is moderately symmetric and the
sample is very large (n = 23,077) so we can rely on the Central Limit Theorem to proceed. We do
not know the population so we will use the t-distribution.

The Cost of Repairs column is a smaller sample (n = 1716) and very strongly skewed. Even with
the CLT, we should proceed with caution.

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
c.At the 99% confidence level, we can be 99% confident that the mean flight speed at impact is
between 142.3 and 143.9 MPH.

e. The test results indicate that the sample provides convincing

evidence to reject the null hypothesis, yielding a very small P-value
of just 0.007. The sample is, as noted, very right-skewed, but if
anything that would overstate the population mean.

g.Student answers will vary, depending on which possible “True Mean” values they explore. It is
useful to notice that the power of the test exceeds 90% for all true means below approximately

Scenario 7
a.Yes. We do not know the population so we will use the t-distribution. The sample is large
enough (n = 1000; some mothers’ gains are missing, n = 973) and the distributions are
reasonably symmetric so we can rely on the Central Limit Theorem to proceed.

c. We can be 95% confident that the mean

birthweight of infants in NC for the year 2004
was between 7 and 7.2 pounds.

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Scenario 1
a. No. At the 0.05 level of significance we reject the
null hypothesis of equal probabilities.

c. Based on this sample, we would conclude that the

variables are independent. We do not have
sufficient evidence to conclude that the two
variables are not independent (assuming a
significance level of 0.05).

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Scenario 2

Because there are some cells with very small counts

and expected counts, we should use caution making
inferences from the ChiSquare test. However, we can
note that the evidence points towards rejection of the
null hypothesis of independence and we can also
note (for example) that dolphins were regularly
observed feeding in the morning and evening, but
rarely if ever at other times.

Scenario 3
a. No. At the 0.05 level of significance we reject that
null hypothesis that Provider and Region are

c. No. At the 0.05 level of significance we reject that

null hypothesis that MatLeave90+ and Region are

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with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Scenario 4
a. Because there are a substantial proportion of cells
with very small expected counts, we should use
caution making inferences from the ChiSquare test.
However, we can note that the evidence points
toward rejecting the null hypothesis of
independence. We might observe (for example) that
married respondents were disproportionately non-
Hispanic whites.

Scenario 5
a. No. At the 0.05 level of significance we reject
that null hypothesis that binge drinking
regularity and involvement in car accidents are
independent. Students who report binging at
least once a week are far more likely to have
been involved in an accident than other

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Scenario 6

a. The Chi-Square goodness-of-fit test indicates

that the five categories are not equally
distributed across mammalian species. We
reject the null hypothesis that all proportions
are equal at 0.20.

c. The total sample size here leads to many cells

with expected counts < 5, makng the Chi-
Square test unreliable. That said, the test
results point in the direction of rejecting the
null hypothesis.

Scenario 7

a. According to the Chi-Square test the two

variables are not independent. There is sufficient
evidence to reject a null hypothesis that they are

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
c. According to the Chi-Square test the two
variables are not independent. There is sufficient
evidence to reject a null hypothesis that they are

Scenario 8

a. According to the Chi-Square test there is not

sufficient evidence to reject a null hypothesis
that mothers are equally likely to give birth to a
male as a female baby.

c. We should be reluctant to draw inferences about

this question because of the high number of cells
with counts less than 5. That said, Pearson’s test
does indicate sufficient evidence to reject a null
hypothesis that they are independent. It would
be wise to obtain a larger sample before drawing
a conclusion.

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Scenario 9

a. According to the Chi-Square test the two

variables are not independent. There is sufficient
evidence to reject a null hypothesis that they are
independent. The distribution of phase of flight
is different at different airports.

c. According to the Chi-Square test the number of

birds struck per incident does vary by airport.
There is sufficient evidence to reject a null
hypothesis that they are independent.

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Scenario 1

NOTE: Complete answers should note that we have continuous data, independent samples, and that
the samples in each part of the question are large enough to rely on the Central Limit Theorem.

a. We can be 95% confident that the mean

difference in Body Mass Index between
men and women is between .34761 and

c. We can be 95% confident that the mean

difference in Diastolic Blood Pressure
between men and women is between –
4.387 and –2.7689.

Scenario 2

a. We should first note that we have modest sample sizes (n= 35 and n=43) from strongly skewed
distributions. Therefore, we should be reluctant to interpret the resulting interval at all.
However, the reported 95% confidence interval is from –$11,026,606 to +$32,748,087.

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Scenario 3

a. We should first note that we have

strongly skewed distributions but the
sample sizes are reasonably large.
Therefore, we can proceed to interpret
the results of a t-test.

In this test, there is compelling evidence

to suggest that it does not take longer to
secure the area after a rupture than after
a leak; to the contrary, leaks require more

c. In this case the different tests of

homogeneity of variance lead to different
conclusions. Using Levene’s test, we
would fail to reject the null hypothesis of
equal variances; with F Test 2-sided, we
would reject the null and conclude that
the variances are unequal. Given the
ambiguity, it is safer to conclude that the
variances are unequal when conducting
the tests of means (above).

Scenario 4

a. Student answers will differ. We have only 8 individuals without PD, and for the baseline pitch
and jitter, the distributions appear bimodal with few observations in the “center”; shimmer
may be normally distributed for non-PD observations. Among individuals with PD (n = 24)
the distributions tend to be skewed. As such, with non-normal distributions and small samples,
this sample does not satisfy the conditions for the use of the t-test.

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
c. Based on the Wilcoxon test (assuming a
significance level of  = 0.05) we reject the null
hypothesis that the mean jitter measurement is
equal for both groups. There is a statistically
significant difference in this sample data.

Scenario 5

a. If we rely on Levene’s test, we conclude that

there is insufficient evidence to conclude
that the variances are different; the F Test 2-
sided leads to the opposite conclusion. To
be safe we’ll use the t-test assuming unequal
variances for the next question.

Scenario 6

a. Using just the 2003 data, we estimate with

95% confidence that females reported
sleeping between 5.55 and 12.95 minutes
more than males.

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
c. Combining all of the data from both years,
we can conclude with 95% confidence that
men spend, on average, 2.3 to 6.1 fewer
minutes per day socializing than do women.

Scenario 7

a. Comment: Smoking status is missing (NA)

for one respondent—filter out that case in
order to compare the means of smokers and

The data provide sufficient evidence to

reject the hypothesis of equal birth weights,
and conclude that smokers have lower
birthweight babies than non-smokers.

c. The data do not provide sufficient evidence

to reject the hypothesis of equal number of
weeks at delivery. We cannot conclude that
there is any difference in the length of
pregnancy between the two groups.

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Scenario 1

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In this case we find that the regional variances are not equal but the residuals do appear to be
approximately normal. According to Welch’s test, the mean birthrate is not equal across the
regions of the world. Strictly speaking we cannot rely on a formal test to determine which
regions differ. Visual inspection of the means diamonds in the Oneway graph suggests that
SubSaharan birth rates are unusually high, and that birth rates in Europe and Central Asia are
unusually low.


We start by evaluating conditions. The Residual by Predicted Plot raises some question about
the equality of variances, but it is not definitive. The residuals do not appear to be normally
distributed, but we have reasonably large samples and can rely on the Central Limit Theorem.

We find no significant interaction term, and we do find a significant main effect associated with
the Provider of benefits. It appears that countries with private provision of maternity benefits
have significantly higher rates of maternal mortality.

Scenario 2
a. We see no evidence that the ANOVA assumptions have been violated; variances across the
three groups appear to be equal and residuals are approximately normal. The F Ratio of 4.6275

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
and corresponding P-value of 0.0187 indicate that we should reject the null hypothesis of equal
means; there is compelling evidence that the different additives lead to different mean changes.

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
c. We find that there is a significant improvement in insulation with the “super” additive—the
temperature change is smallest with that additive. The company should switch from regular to

Scenario 3

We start by evaluating conditions, and find no signs that the sample data violate the conditions
for inference.

A review of the Effect Tests shows that we have a significant interaction effect as well as
significant main effects. This tells us that prices vary by city and by model, and what’s more the
impact of model varies across the cities.

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
When we apply Tukey’s HSD (output not shown fully here) we see the complexity of the
interactions; we should not make statements about main effects but can use the connecting
letters report to identify differences among the model-city combinations.

Scenario 4

As usual we start by evaluating assumptions. We have a very large sample, so the Central Limit
Theorem applies and we need not be concerned with normality (above we see the residuals are
unimodal and symmetric, but depart from the normal model in the tails). We also see evidence
that the variances are unequal. In practice, because of the very large sample it is not surprising
that we find significant differences.

Both Welch’s test and the standard ANOVA results strongly indicate that there are significant
differences in group means. There is no control group here. Tukey’s HSD indicates that
employed people at work get the least sleep and unemployed people who are looking report
the most. All others are significantly different from those two groups, but indistinguishable
from one another.

Scenario 5

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with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

As we can see from the output, the sample data seem to violate the assumptions of normality
and equal variance. Each of the regional subsamples is large enough to rely on the Central
Limit Theorem with respect to normality. Using Welch’s test (below) we would conclude that
the mean costs of property damage are not identical across the regions.

c. The distribution of residuals (not shown here) raises questions about normality and the usual
tests indicate that the variances of the different disruption-type subgroups are unequal.
According to Welch’s test, there is at least one disruption type that differs from the others in
terms of time required to make the area safe.

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with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Scenario 6

We start by examining assumptions. The residuals appear to be normally distributed (the

sample sizes are large enough to rely on the Central Limit Theorem in this case), but the
subsamples appear not to share a common variance.

Both Welch’s test and the conventional ANOVA find no significant differences among group

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
c. The assumption of normality does appear to be
satisfied; visual inspection of residuals vs.
predicted values does not reveal any obvious
differences in group variances.

The interaction plots indicate interaction effects

between operator and machine, making it
difficult to interpret the main effects of machine
and operator separately.

Scenario 7: NOTE-- Due to the large amount of output required in this problem, only a few selected
results are shown.
a. We begin by checking the normality and equal variance assumptions. These are particularly
important with such a small sample.

Among the three analyses, we find that there are unequal variances for the analysis of Yield by
Popcorn type and Yield by batch.
The residuals in the analysis by Batch appear to be approximately normal, but the others do
not. Due to the non-normality, we should use the Wilcoxon approach for the other two.

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Yield vs. Batch satisfies normality, but not Equal Variance. Hence, we should consult Welch’s
test for Yield vs. batch.

There are no significant main effects on yield for either Popcorn or Oil Amt.
However, the Welch’s test result does indicate a significant effect of batch size (small batches
improve yield).

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with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Scenario 1

Above are the regression results for adult females. We find a significant relationship between
waist circumference and BMI, with the waist measurement accounting for about 88% of the
variation in BMI. Each addition centimeter of waist circumference is associated with an
increase of 0.3847 in BMI.

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

If we restrict the analysis to females under the age of 17 we find a slightly stronger relationship
between Waist and BMI. The estimated slope is slightly smaller than before (0.344 vs. 0.385) but
otherwise the regression models are very similar.
Scenario 2

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In this regression we find a weak (R2 = 0.31) but highly significant positive relationship. Subjects
who differ in age by 1 year tend to have, on average, systolic BP that is approximately 0.47
points higher per year. This is not a strong relationship because age accounts for less than one-
third of the variation in systolic BP.

c. The scatterplot to the left shows little or no relationship

between pulse and systolic BP. If anything, there may
be a very weak negative relationship here, contrary to
the suspicion expressed in the question.

Scenario 3

a. The estimated equation is appears beneath the

graph, with R2 = 0.979 – indicating a very strong
relationship and excellent fit.

Despite the strong summary statistics, the

scatterplot very clearly indicates some doubt
about the linear model: the points seem to bend
around the line, suggesting that the relationship
is not best described as a line.

Scenario 4

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

The equation appears beneath the graph, and R2 = 0.03.

This regression shows there is a weak, significant negative relationship between mileage and
price for used cars. The further a car has been driven, on average the lower the price (about 4
cents per mile, on average). However there is considerable scatter around the line.

Scenario 5

a. In the scatterplot we see a moderately strong positive

linear association.

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with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Although the estimated slope of 0.906 might appear to be approximately 1, the custom
test indicates a significant difference from 1 (p-value = .004). Moreover, we find that
the Intercept is significantly different from 0.

Scenario 6


Using the Haydn data we find a similar story to the one we saw with Mozart. We again find the
Golden Mean model plausible.

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Scenario 7


Here we find a significant, but weak, negative relationship. On average, each additional day of
gestation is associated with a reduction of 0.02 hours of sleep per night. Gestation accounts for
only about 40% of the variation in total sleep, so it is a fair predictor of sleep hours.

Scenario 8


This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
We find a non-significant relationship here – Tobacco Use is not a useful predictor of cancer
deaths in a country.

c. The aggregate prevalence of tobacco use obscures the fine distinctions in the amount and length
of tobacco use in individuals. We’d really want to look at data at the individual level in order to
determine the degree to which increased tobacco use influences the risks of death from cancer
or from cardiovascular disease.

Scenario 9

This is a highly significant, but weak, positive relationship. For each additional kg of cement in
the mixture, compressive strength increases on average by 0.09 megapascals.

Scenario 10
a. There are slight differences, but when we round the major statistics we find that all four models
are nearly identical: Yi = 3 + 0.5 Xi. All R2 (0.66) and p-values (0.0022 for the slope) are the same.

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
c. In the other three graphs, the points do not fall in a linear pattern at all. This illustrates a
substantial risk in running a linear regression without first examining the data visually. (In JMP
we always see a scatterplot of the points either prior to fitting a model or in conjunction with
fitting a model).
Scenario 11
a. The estimated equation is Price = 17625.688 - 0.054972*Miles. On average, the price declines
approximately 5.5 cents per mile driven, and a car that had never been driving would have an
asking price of $ 17,625.69.

c. The estimated equation is Price = 10659.169 - 0.0350164*Miles. Due to the large p-value for the
slope, we cannot be confident that the true slope differs from 0, and hence should not venture
an estimate of the price decline. The p-value for the intercept is significant , and we can
estimate that a car that had never been driving would have an asking price of $ 10,659.17.

Scenario 12
a. Countries in which higher percentages of
citizens have access to sanitation have
greater life expectancies. The equation
appears beneath the fitted line plot. The
slope is significant at the 0.0001 level, and R2
= 0.58.

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
c. The equation appears beneath the fitted line
plot. In this case, the estimated slope is not
significant (p-value = 0.253) and R2 = 0..03.

Scenario 13

We first should note that the linear model is not particularly suitable for the cloud of
points. There are a relatively small number of outlying points, but overall the trend is
that higher per capita income is associated with higher retail spending. This makes
logical sense because areas of higher incomes have residents who are in a position to

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
spend more, other things being equal. On average, each additional dollar in per capita
income is associated with an increase of approximately 37 cents in spending. The
estimated slope is highly significant, but the relationship is weak, with R2 = 0.14.

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with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Scenario 1

We first performed this regression in the previous chapter. Above are the regression results
for adult females. We find a significant relationship between waist circumference and BMI,
with the waist measurement accounting for about 88% of the variation in BMI. Each addition
centimeter of waist circumference is associated with an increase of 0.3847 in BMI. When we
save the residuals and check their normality, we find the normality assumption seems to be
reasonable. The graph of residuals vs. predicted values suggests that the dispersion of

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
residuals increases as predicted values increase, though it is not an overly dramatic tendency.
We can probably trust this model for predictions.

c. Looking at the fitted line graph , it appears that the mean BMI for women with 68 cm. waists is
approximately18 .
Scenario 2

Once again we see the suggestion of heteroskedasticity on the left side of the graph. The
residals are largely normal in shape, though somewhat right-skewed. We can probably use the
model safely.

c. The scatterplot to the left shows little or no relationship

between pulse and systolic BP. If anything, there may
be a very weak negative relationship here, contrary to
the suspicion expressed in the question.

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
The residuals graphs cast doubt on both normality and
constant variance.
Scenario 3

In Chapter 15 we noted that despite the strong

summary statistics, the scatterplot very clearly
indicates some doubt about the linear model: the
points seem to bend around the line, suggesting that
the relationship is not best described as a line.

The Residual by Predicted plot very clearly depicts

both the non-linearity and the heteroskedasticity.
Normality does not seem to present a serious

Scenario 4

(Note: it is wise to adjust the horizontal axis on the residual by predicted plot to more clearly
see the pattern.) The residuals are not normally distributed, there may be a problem with
constant variance on the left side of the graph. The sample size may be large enough to rely on
the Central Limit Theorem.

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
c. Student answers will vary. The prediction bands on this graph are quite wide, and even with
rescaling the axes it is difficult to read predicted values of Y. A reasonable response would be
that the price should fall between $6200 to $19,500.
Scenario 5
a. In the scatterplot we see a moderately strong positive
linear association.


Although the estimated slope of 0.906 might appear to be approximately 1, the custom
test indicates a significant difference from 1 (p-value = .004). Moreover, we find that
the Intercept is significantly different from 0. Therefore, the Random Walk model does not

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
suit this set of data.

Scenario 6


With the Haydn data, in the Residual vs. Partb plot we find a heteroskedastic pattern; the
residual do deviate slightly from normality, but the distribution is single peaked, so inference is
probably appropriate.

Scenario 7

Here we find a heteroskedastic pattern in which the variability of residuals increases as the
Gestation period lengthens. Normality is not ideal, but the sample size may be enough to rely
on the CLT. Given the non-constant variance, we should be reluctant to interpret or use the
results of the regression.

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with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Scenario 8

(Note: it is wise to adjust the horizontal axis on the residual by predicted plot to more clearly
see the pattern.)
Recall that we find a non-significant relationship here – Tobacco Use is not a useful predictor of
cancer deaths in a country. The residuals seem to show more variability in the middle range of
tobacco use (non-constant variance), and residuals are nearly normal, with a long upper tail but
large sample size. This model is not useful for inference.

Scenario 9

These residuals look good… the Residual vs. Cement plot shows an even scatter above and
below the 0-line and the normal quantile plot shows that the residuals follow a nearly normal
distribution except for the lower tail. In any case, we have a large sample, so the CLT applies.
We can safely interpret the results.

This is a highly significant, but weak, positive relationship. For each additional kg of cement in
the mixture, compressive strength increases on average by 0.005 megapascals.

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with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Scenario 10

Above are the four plots of residuals vs. predicted. The residuals in the first regression are
homoskedastic and approximately normal. The others indicate non-linearity and/or
heteroskedasticity. Normality plots also indicate non-normal residuals in these small samples.

Scenario 11



(Note: it is wise to adjust the horizontal axes on the residual by predicted plots to more clearly

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
see the pattern.)
Recall that we find a non-significant relationship for the Cruiser data. Each set of residuals
would appear to have constant variance; the Civic data are most nearly normal, but normality
is questionable for the others. Hence p-value estimates and confidence intervals may be

Scenario 12

These residuals are unimodal and somewhat symmetric. With a small sample it is difficult to
determine non-constant variance. No obvious violations, so inference is reasonable.


This is a non-significant relationship. The residuals seem to show constant variance, but
a skewed and flat distribution. Inference is safe.

Scenario 13

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

This is a very large sample, so the skewness to the right side may not be a major issue. The
residuals do not appear to have a purely random pattern with constant variance, so judgments
based on confidence intervals and p-values may be questionable.

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with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Scenario 1

The residual plots from this multiple regression model are very similar to those from the
simple regression using Waist circumference as the only predictor (see those graphs
below). We can use this set of data for estimation. The regression results themselves are
shown below.

We find a strong relationship between BMI and the model, but this model is not much of
an improvement over the previous model (shown again below). The intercept has
changed dramatically, though in this model the intercept does not have much meaning.
The effect size for the Waist measurement is almost equal to that of the single variable
model, and the coefficient of height is not significant at the cusotmary .0.05 level. The
height variable is not significant at the 0.05 level, though it is significant at the 0.10 level.

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
The two-variable model has a very small improvement in goodness of fit in comparison to
the single-variable model.

In short, the addition of the height data does not improve the model in any material way.

We first performed this regression in Chapter 15. At that time we found a significant
relationship between waist circumference and BMI, with the waist measurement
accounting for about 88% of the variation in BMI. Each addition centimeter of waist
circumference is associated with an increase of 0.3847 in BMI. When we saved the
residuals and check their normality, we find the normality assumption seems to be
reasonable. The graph of residuals vs. predicted values suggested that the dispersion of
residuals increases as predicted values increase, though it is not an overly dramatic
tendency. We can probably trust this model for predictions.

c. NOTE: The scenario question mistakenly asks for you to use the Write Circumference as a
predictor. The question should ask for thigh circumference.

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
In the model using waist and thigh circumference (note typographical error in early
printings of the book that this is refrered to as wrist cicumference), we find residuals that
are approximtely normal and more heteroskedastic than our prior models. In this sense, the
model is less attractive than the earlier ones. On the other hand, the goodness of fit is
improved (Adj. RSquare; see below) now equals 0.92 and both slopes are statistically
signifiant and make logical sense.

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Scenario 2
a. Student answers will vary. One rotated scatterplot is shown here (including a density
ellipsoid). We see a weak tendency for systolic BP to increase both as age and weight


Here again we find concerns about heteroskedasticity and normality; if we continue on to

interpret the coefficient estimates, we see that the Diastolic BP adds little to the model. The
estimated value is not significantly different from zero, and the adjusted R2 is very nearly
the same in the prior model using just 2 factors in the model. This model is no meaningful
improvement over the prior one.

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with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Scenario 3

The leverage plots immediately suggest a problem with collinearity, which is confirmed by
the very high VIFs in the table of parameter estimates (below):

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
This model should not be used or interpreted.

Scenario 4

When we estimate a simple linear model using gestation as the factor, we find a
heteroskedastic pattern in which the variability of residuals diminishes as the Gestation
period lengthens. Normality is not ideal, but the sample size is large enough to rely on the
CLT. Given the non-constant variance, we should be reluctant to interpret or use the
results of the regression.


This model is not an improvement over the prior two. We still see heteroskedasticity in the
plot of residuals vs. fitted values (not shown here). We see evidence of collinearity in the
large VIF for BrainWt, and only the Gestation variable is statistically significant.

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Scenario 5

In the correlation matrix we find that the Basic Goods index is most highly correlated with
the General Index. The simple model that estimates monthly values of the General IIP
from the Basic Goods IIP provides an excellent goodness of fit and the sample is large
enough to invoke the CLT. However, we do see some evidence of non-linearity in the plot
of residuals vs. fitted values (below):

Given the R2 value of nearly 0.99, the non-linearity may not be a major problem. The
estimation results are as follows:

An increase of 1 in the Basic Goods index will be accompanied on average by an increase

of approximately 1.4 in the General Index.

c. See discussion in part (b) above. It is not surprising that these index variables are all highly
correlated because they all measure different aspects of the fundamental production
activity within the Indian economy, and all reflect the general level of economic activity.

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Scenario 6
a. Student models will vary. Here is one plausible result using the Enfield and Orono

The residuals appear to have a non-constant variance,

which raises a problem with using this model for prediction or estimation. The model
adjusted R2 is approximately 0.9 which indicates a very good fit. Both variables are
statistically significant and we see no real evidence of collinearity.

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with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Scenario 1

The key results are shown above. Compared to the model using waist circumference only, this
model has a slightly higher adjusted RSquare and smaller Root Mean Square Error. Both
variables are statistically significant. The residuals vs. fits graph is quite similar in both models,
and this model makes logical sense.

Scenario 2

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

The leverage plots indicate collinearity problems. We see that the model has rather poor fit, and
only the Gender variable is not statistically significant.
Scenario 3

This model fits the data rather well, and all coefficients are significant. We find that other things
equal higher rates of maternal mortality are associated with higher birthrates, and that after
controlling for differences in maternal mortality, countries that do not offer lengthy maternity
leaves have higher birthrates than countries with longer leaves. Residuals appear to be
normally distributed with equal variances.

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with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Scenario 4
a. For Denmark, the annual growth rate is e0.2448519–1 = 0.277
or 27.7% per year.

c. For the U.S., the annual growth rate is e0. 2228187–1 = 0.249
or 24.9% per year.

Scenario 5
a. The logistic regression results appear to the left. The
regressor, PPE, is statistically significant and we see
that patients with Parkinson’s Disease have
significantly lower PPE values than patients without
PD. In the Logistic Plot, the dark markers are patients
with PD; we see that the estimated curve
distinguishes between PD and non-PD patients.

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Scenario 6
a. The results are to the left. We find that the whole
model is significant with a rather poor fit, as measured
by U. Other things being equal, the longer Part a is the
lower the odds that it was composed by Haydn.
Conversely, the longer Part b is (holding Part a
constant) the higher the odds that it was composed by

Scenario 7
a. Here are the results for the quadratic and linear fits:

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
We can see that the quadratic model has better goodness of fit statistics, and graphically it is
clear the parabolic model fits the observed points better than the linear model.

Scenario 8
a. Here are the results for the linear, quadratic and log- linear fits: The linear and log-linear are
nearly indistinguishable. None of the models fit particularly well, which visual inspection
makes clear. The quadratic model has the best fit of the three, but it is weak.

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Scenario 1

As shown above, using a 6-month season (top row) is a minor improvement over the 3-month
season. The variance, MAPE, and MAE are smaller with this model than the earlier model, and
RSquare is very slightly higher.


As shown above, the AR(2,1) model is an improvement as indicated by all measures of fit.

Scenario 2
a. Student answers will vary. Responses should note that Durables show a marked upward trend
with likely seasonal component. Below are summary results for several reasonable approaches.
Among the methods available through the Time Series platform, Linear Exponential Smoothing
outperforms the others according to the measures we have studied. The adjusted RSquare
statistics for the regression-based models are inferior to all but the AR(1) model, as follows:
Linear, (.854), Quadratic (.855), LogLinear (.867).

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with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Scenario 3
a. This is an annual series and therefore there can be no seasonal component.

c. Student answers will vary. For the Malaysia data, a 3 rd degree polynomial (cubic) model
provides a very good fit:

e. These countries are all best approximated by different models. Effective time-series modeling
requires the use of a variety of approaches.
Scenario 4
a. The fertility rate in Brazil has declined following an S-shaped curve:

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
An AR(1,1) model fits modertately well, with relatively high RSquare (0.969), low variance
(0.077) and MAPE and MAE of 5.35% and 0.20 respectively.


India’s decline is very regular, especially since 1960. Linear Exponential Smoothing (Holt’s
method) and AR(1,1) models both fit extremely well.


Saudi Arabia’s decline is very regular, especially since 1980. Linear Exponential Smoothing
(Holt’s method) and AR(1,1) models both fit extremely well.

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Scenario 5
a. Bangor: For this series, an AR(4,1) works
moderately well. The strong seasonal element
here suggests that points are correlated with
the observation 4 quarters earlier.

c. Enfield: This pattern is much like the one in

Bangor; Once again an AR(4,1) model fits well.

e. Winslow: Here we see the dramatic change

occurring roughly half-way through the time
series. Simple exponential smoothing provides
are reasonably good model.

Scenario 6
a. CO2 emissions in Afghanistan have fallen since
the series began, and have leveled off (with minor
increases) in most recent years.

For this series, a log-linear model fits quite well

(Rsqr =0.905). The other time series methods do
not fit quite as well, though an AR(1,1) provides a
good fit.

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
c. In sharp contrast to the prior two graphs, China’s
CO2 emissions have been rapidly rising. A 3 rd-
degree polynomial (cubic) provides a moderately
good fit, as does AR(1,1).

e. CO2 emissions in the US rose for much of the

period and seem to have leveled off, presenting a
quite different pattern from the prior 4 nations. A
2nd degree polynomial fits best.

Scenario 7
a. The series to the left (expanded for clarity)
would be poorly described with any type of
linear trend model because it exhibits several
changes of direction. Because we have just 6
months of data, we should not use Winter’s
method which accounts for seasonal variation.

Scenario 8

The Nikkei225 has the highest correlation with the S&P500 (0.9812) and the FTSE100 is close
behind with r = 0.9810)

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
c. Yes. Both markets are engaged in competition in the same global markets, and move very
closely together as indicatd by their very high correlation.

Scenario 9

This is a non-stationary annual series with a curvilinear trend since approximately 1800. We
saw in the previous chapter that a quadratic trend model fit to a degree, but this pattern is
probably better modeled as an autoregressive process.


This non-stationary annual series shows considerable variability. A trend model won’t capture
the year-to year oscillations, but an autoregressive model will.

Looking at the summary of 4 different AR models (below) it appears that the AR(2,1) model
performs best. The estimates using that model are shown below the Model Comparison table.

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
2013 58.272704408
2014 58.257001165
2015 58.262675668
2016 58.28208585
2017 58.290882083

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Scenario 1

The first 5 rows are shown to the left.

c. Assuming we follow the example presented in the chapter, we now have 50 experimental runs,
the first 10 of which are assigned to team member #1. Each team member will perform 10 of the
16 possible runs, with each member having a slightly different pattern assigned randomly.

Scenario 2
a. There will be 32 runs in a Resolution IV, full-factorial design.

c. [NOTE: The question should read: “Briefly explain what happens when we move from a two-
factor screening design to a five-factor design.”]

In a two-factor screening design there would be just four runs (22) and the five-factor model has
25 = 32 runs.

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with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Scenario 3

The first five rows of the data table, including Patterns, are shown above.

c. With 72 subjects, the prediction profiler shows that the variance ranges from approximately
0.042 to approximately 0.056. With 144 subjects, the corresponding variance range is reduced by
half, ranging from approximately 0.021 to 0.028.

Scenario 4
a. Categorical factors: type of incentive, timing of incentive, survey mode, guarantee vs. lottery.
Continuous factors: Duration of survey, number of contacts made, and amount of money
[some students might classify “burden” of survey as categorical.]

c. Assuming that we use minimal number of factor levels described in b, and two factor levels for
the continuous factors, we would have four dichotomous categorical factors and three
continuous factors. This would, then, require 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 27 = 128 runs.

Scenario 5
a. Here are the first five rows of the table:

c. The full-factorial design has 528 runs and the fractional custom design has 35. In the initial
design, the Anti-UV additive is tested at levels of 3, 5 and 10 with each of the three tested in

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
one-third of the runs. In the revised design, the levels are 3, 6.5, and 10. The profiler for the
custom design reveals substantial interactions among the three factors; the fractional design can
detect these, but the loss of resolution in this design could be costly.
Scenario 6
a. This table has 72,072 rows. Here are the first five:

c. In the full factorial design, every combination of all levels the five factors (2 x 3 x 2 x 3 x 2 = 72)
is tested whereas in the reduced custom design, far fewer are tested because interactions are
limited to two factors at a time.

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
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Scenario 1

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As we can see in the graphs above, Machine C334 may have an unstable standard deviation
and machine A455 shows two sample means beyond the control limits. These machines should
be inspected closely for possible adjustment.

c. This capability analysis shows that 5% of the

observations lie outside the capability limits,
indicating that the process is capable of
producing tubing that is within .5 mm of 4.4.

Scenario 2
a. This process is out of control at three points.
Because a day with 0 cancellations is desirable,
we should not be concerned about dates with
values below the LCL. However, the chart
shows 3 date well above the UCL.

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Scenario 3
a. Production of basic goods has been
rising steadily over time, which is a
good thing. This is not a process
designed for a constant target, but
rather one of continuous growth.

c. Once again we see a steady pattern of

growth, with clear seasonal variation.
In contrast to the control chart for
Basic Goods, the one for NonDurables
may exhibit a more linear upward
trend, and substantial growth in
variability (the R Chart) in the most
recent years.

Because the need for basic goods

probably follows the growth in
population we might expect steady
growth akin to population trends.

Scenario 4
a. In most regions except for the Southwest the standard deviations are sufficiently unstable that
we should not interpret the Xbar charts. In the Southwest, the standard deviations have been
steadily increasing but the limited data (only five sample mean) indicates increasing mean
times to restore the area to safety, but still within control limits.

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with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Scenario 5
a. Bangor: The S chart is stable; early in
the study period there was one year
below the LCL. Otherwise Bangor has
remained within limits, though the 6
most recent years have been above

c. Enfield: This pattern is much like the

one in Bangor. The S chart is stable
throughout. Otherwise Enfield has
remained within limits, though the 5
of the 6 most recent years have been
above average

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
e. Winslow: In year 3 the S chart (not
shown) shows the sample standard
deviation above the UCL; otherwise
the standard deviations are
moderately stable. The Xbar chart
shows a process out of control until
year 6, after which the process seems
to be in control.

Scenario 6
a. Emissions in most regions are
relatively stable In Africa (shown to
the left), both the ranges and means
have been steadily rising over the 15-
year period.

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with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Scenario 7
a. Given the instability in the standard
deviations, we should be reluctant to
interpret the Xbar chart. However, we might
observe that for roughly the first 10 samples
both the standard deviations and means
tended to be substantially higher than for the
remainder of the period. It would appear
that there was a fundamental process change
leading to shorter and more predictable
departure delays sometime around the 10th

c. We need to use the Data Filter to

select only the weekday flights. In the
Capability analysis, the critical
capability limit here is the USL, which
we set at 20 minutes; the other values
may be set to zero

We see that 16% of the flights

exceeded delays of more than 20
minutes. Therefore the current
process is not capable of meeting the

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Scenario 8
a. It appears that the variability of the
process standard deviation has increased
over time, with one recent S above the
UCL. Nearly all of the sample means are
within the control limits; early in the
observation period (roughly the first 15
samples) the mean magnitudes remained
quite close to 4.0. Since that time, the
fluctuations in mean magnitude have
increased even as the mean appears to
have remained stable.

This set of Solutions for Students is a companion piece to the following SAS Press book: Carver, Robert. Practical Data Analysis
with JMP®, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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