Cement Process Engineering Vade-Mecum: 4. Milling

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Rev. 2002

Table of Contents

1. Mill ....................................................................................................... 4.1

1.1 Ball Mill General .......................................................................... 4.1
1.2 Ball Charge and Internals.............................................................. 4.3
1.3 Ball Charge Design (Finish Mill)................................................... 4.6
1.4 Grinding Laws.............................................................................. 4.9
2. Separator............................................................................................ 4.12
2.1 Circulating Load......................................................................... 4.12
2.2 Tromp Curve.............................................................................. 4.12
2.3 Indicators for Cement Milling and Typical Values ....................... 4.14
2.4 Sturtevant/O'Sepa (Bath #B mill) ................................................ 4.15
2.5 Recommended Steps for Sizing a HES ........................................ 4.16
3. Heat and Water Balance .................................................................... 4.17
4. Grinding Aid ...................................................................................... 4.18
5. Sieve ................................................................................................... 4.19

Index - i
Rev. 2002

1. Mill
1.1 Ball Mill General
a) Mill design
General L/D ratio
• Raw mills: 1.5 < L/D < 3.2
• Finish / cement mills: 2.8 < L/D < 3.2
Length of first Compartments relative to total mill length
• Raw mills: First compartment length equals 35 – 45% of total mill effective length.
• Cement mill: First compartment length equals 30 – 35% of total mill effective length.
• When L/D>1.5, classifying liners might be used.
• The lower the L/D, the higher the circulating load needs to be (see below).
b) Percent loading of mill

αr 2 − r sin α (h − r )
• % volume load = 360 0.8
πr 2
where: 0.7

- r is the radius
- h is the free height
- α = arccos 0.5 0 10 20 30 40 50%
r % volume load
- α in degrees π = 3.14
Rules of thumb
• % vol. Load = 111.87 – 123.98 (h/d), 25 – 50%: error max 0.6%.
• It is estimated that material increases the actual ball filling ratio by about 2%.
• Another method (quick but not as accurate) consists in counting the number of visible shell liner plates (n) and
to divide by the total number of shell liner plates per circumference (N): Angle α = n x 360 / N.
Values of angle h/d ratio in relation to the ball load (% filling degree)
Ball load (%) h/d n/N Ball load (%) h/d n/N
20 .7459 .667 31 .6516
21 .737 32 .6434 .590
22 .7281 .653 33 .6352
23 .7193 34 .627 .580
24 .7106 .639 35 .6189
25 .702 36 .6109 .569
26 .6926 .625 37 .6028
27 .685 38 .5948 .558
28 .6765 .611 39 .5868
29 .6682 40 .5789 .549
30 .6598 .601 41 .5709
42 .563 .539

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c) Mill Critical Speed

Gω 2 r
C • C = mω 2 r =
r - G = Weight of grinding ball in kg
- ω = angular velocity of mill tube (rad/sec)
G - D = inside mill diameter (m)
- n = rev per minute
- C = centrifugal power kg
- D1 = inside mill diameter (ft)
• P = G * sin ∂
(P is the resulting force of gravity)
• To maintain the ball in this position on the mill wall, it is
necessary that C ≥ P.
60 2 g 42.3 76.6
• Mill critical speed: nc = = (= ), with D in meters ( D1 in feet)
4 π2 r D D1
% Critical speed:
• Practically, mill speed between 68and 80% of critical speed.
• % critical speed is the mill actual speed in RPM divided by nc.
3.98 meter mill with rotational speed of 15.6 rpm then nc = 21.2, % critical speed = 73.6 %.
d) Retention Time
Rules of thumb:
• Retention time: Open circuits: ≥12 min
Closed circuits: ≥5 min
• The feed is pushing the material through the mill so that, If mill throughput increases: retention time decreases:
8 < < 12 where: C is the ball charge weight, M is the material weight
Fluoresceine test:
• 2g/t of mill production. Prepare the fluoresceine with 800-ml alcohol and impregnate 2 kg of mill feed
material (in a plastic bag).
• Put the material at mill inlet, start the time and sample every 30 s during 30 min. (others use salt).
e) Mill Throughput
• Using elevator power and after calibrating we have:
(kW − kW0 ). 3600 .η where:
• A= - A = Material flow (mtph)
9,81. H - kW = Actual elevator power ( in kW)
- kW0 = Elevator power empty
- η = Elevator efficiency
- H = Inter axis elevator height

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f) Required air velocities for mill ventilation

Rules of thumb
• Recommended 1.5 m/s above the ball charge:
- inside the trunnion: 22-25 m/s.
- partitions: 8-14 m/s (<20 m/s).
- hood: <5 m/s to prevent dust from being sucked up (dust pick-up is proportional to speed^2).
- dropout box: <2 m/s.
• 0.3-0.5 Nm3/kg ck
0.6-0.8 Nm3/kg raw mix
• Wet bulb temperature should be 30oC below the dry bulb temperature.
g) Optimum filling ratio:
• U= (volume of powder in the mill)/ (volume of voids in the charge): between 60% and 110%, optimum around
• In practical terms, material level should equal ball level.

1.2 Ball Charge and Internals

a) Biggest Ball
Bond Formula
- K is a constant (350 for a dry mill open or close circuit,
d Wi ρ 300 for wet)
• d KMAX = 20.17 20 .3
K Ψ. Du - ρ is the specific mass of material (g/cm3)
where: - Wi is the Bond work index (kWh/t)
- d KMAX is the biggest ball diameter (mm) - Du is the mill inside diameter (m)
- d 20 is the sieve dimension (µ) with 20% - Ψ is the ratio between the actual / critical speed (%)

Quick evaluation Grinding Ball vs Clinker Size

• For clinker: 100
Optimum Ball Diameter (mm)

B = 24 d 80
(Other formula exist that result in value differences
of ± 5%)
- B = ball dimension (mm)
- d 80 is the sieve with 80% passing
.1 1 10 100
Clinker Size d80

Rowland Formula
d 80  ρ . Wi 
• B = 25.4 .  d 80 is the sieve with 80% passing

K  100 . Ψ . 3.281 Du 

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Material bulk density and Bond index

Wi kWh/st ρ (g/cm3) Bulk density g/l or kg/m3 lb/ft3
Clinker: 13.49 3.09 Sand 1387 86.6
Limestone 10.18 2.68 Sand 1679 104.9
Shale 16.40 2.58 Iron 2629 164.2
Slag 15.76 2.93 Bauxite 1980 123.6
Sand stone 11.53 2.68 Brick 1502 93.8
Silica sand 16.46 2.65 Gypsum 1677 104.7
Coal 11.37 1.63 Fluid coke 926 57.8
Clay 7.10 2.23 Limestone (crushed) 1803 112.6
Gypsum 8.16 2.69 Silica fume 1024 63.9
Kiln feed 10.57 2.67 Bottom Ash 1241 77.5
Cement T I-II 1234 77.1
T 10 1207 75.4
T III 1054 65.8
Clinker 1575 98.4
Clinker 1400 87.4
Raw mix 1041 65.0
b) Grinding Balls Data
Grinding Ball dimensions

Diameter Weight Surface Number of balls per Weight of 1 m3 of Specific surface

mm inch (g) (cm2) metric tons balls (kg) (m2 / mt)
100.00 ± 4" 4,001.153 314.159 250 4560 7.854
90.00 ±3½" 2,916.841 254.469 343 4590 8.728
80.00 2,048.590 201.062 488 4620 9.812
77.00 ±3½" 1,826.658 186.265 548 10.207
70.00 1,372.396 153.938 729 4640 11.222
64.00 ±2½" 1,048.878 128.680 954 12.276
60.00 864.249 113.097 1,157 4660 13.085
50.00 ±2" 500.144 78.540 2,000 4708 15,708
40.00 256.074 50.265 3,905 4760 19.628
38.00 ±1½" 219.551 45.365 4,555 20.664
35.00 171.549 38.485 5,830 22.437
31.75 ±1¼" 128.061 31.669 7,809 24.730
30.00 108.031 28.274 9,257 4850 26.173
25.00 ±1" 62.518 19.635 15,996 4894 31.408
23.00 48.682 16.619 20,542 34.139
22.22 =7/8" 43.895 15.511 22,782 35.337
20.00 ±3/4" 32.009 12.566 31,242 4948 39.259
17.00 ±5.8" 19.658 9.079 50,870 4989 46.185
(Unit weight and specific surface of MAGOTTEAUX grinding media)

Quick calculation:
• Ball diameter (mm) = 3 250 P (P = weight in g)
785 2
• Specific surface of balls of diameter = m / mt (d = diameter in mm)

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Wear rates:
Ball diameter mm Wear GT ball Wear / Ball Wear ∂ diam
g/h.T g/100h mm/100h
90 12.9 38.6 0.4
80 14.4 30.4 0.4
70 16.7 23.6 0.4
60 19.3 17.2 0.4
50 23.1 11.9 0.4
40 28.9 7.6 0.4
30 38 4.22 0.4
25 46.5 2.98 0.4
20 58.5 1.92 0.4
17 68.2 1.38 0.4
Bulk density for ball load
(coarse to medium ball size distribution):
• In first compartment; 4.3 –4.5 metric tonnes per tonne of balls (3.0 to 2.0 inch balls would be fine).
• In second compartment; 4.5 – 4.65 metric tonnes per tonne of balls (2.0 to 0.75 inch balls would be considered
medium to fine).
• In single compartment: 4.5 – 4.55 metric tonnes per tonne of balls.
c) Others internals
• Total slot area: 10 to 20 cm2/tph production:
Slot Size Central Part Discharge Part
FM 7 mm ± 1 mm 9 mm ± 1 mm Max: ½ min ball size
RM 10 mm ± 1 mm 12 mm ± 1 mm
• Liners must be changed when 60% of their effective lifting height has worn away:
- -8 to –10 % production
- reference points to measure lifting height are the lowest point on the liner to the highest release point
(contact points between grinding ball and liner plate)
• American Lorrain pattern: diameter (ft)*2=# bolt holes/row, 18.8” center to center.
• DIN pattern: diameter (m)*10== # bolt holes/row, 31.4 cm center to center.
• Classifying liners if L/D>1.5 and volume load<35%.
• Without classifying liners, keep a maximum of 3-4 ball sizes.

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d) Mill Internal Inspection Sheet

Points to audit Ball Charge Remarks
Shell Liner Thickness Ball Coating Remarks
Shell Liner Lifter Thickness Ball Classification Remarks
Shell Liner Remarks Discharge Grate Slot Size-Average
Inlet Head Liner Thickness Discharge Grate Slot Size-Maxim.
Inlet Head Liner Remarks Discharge Grate Metal Thickness
Inlet Opening Remarks Discharge Grate Percent Blinded
Height Liner, to Balls - Average Discharge Center Screen Percent Blinded
Width Across Balls - Average Material Position in Mill
Calculated Percent Fill

1.3 Ball Charge Design (Finish Mill)

a) Recommended volume loading
(see BP Ball Charge Management)
Recommended Volume Loading
1 Compartment 2nd Compartment 3rd Compartment
Minimum kWh/t1 26 – 28% 28 – 30% 28 – 30%
Maximum Production 32 – 34 % 34 – 36% 34 – 36%
(Ball level in the trunion should not be higher than 2 to 3 inches.)
b) Polysius Design
• As a rule of thumb, it suits raw mills and especially monochambers very well, especially if no classifying
liners are used.
 D 
ln 
9.6 
• D = 9.6 e−013.x ⇔ x =  
− 0.13
- D = Ø ball (cm)
- x = effective mill length (m)
• Process step-by-step, calculating each effective length starting from the input and with the largest ball:
1. Calculate effective lengths and the ball sizes you plan to use.
2. Double the first effective length which is both the first interval width and the first cumulative length.
3. Calculate each succeeding interval width by taking the effective length and substract the preceding
cumulative length and doubling it. Add this value to the previous cumulative length to get the new one.
4. If an interval overlaps with the partition divide the interval at the point of overlap. The excess is carried
over to the next compartment. At the end of the mill, the interval is truncated at the point of overlap.
5. Once the intervals have been adjusted for compartment lengths as described in step (4), divide the adjusted
interval by compartment length and multiply by 100. This is the percent weight for each size to be used in
the compartment.
c) Slegten Model

The recommended volume loading for minimum kWh/t is based on an acceptable compromise with production. For minimum kWh/t
the volume loading can be as low as 22%.

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• Compatible mostly with classifying linings in the second compartment.

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First Compartment – Crushing

• Same number (n) of balls in each size range.80, 70 and 60 mm Ø and then add some 90 mm Ø to deal with
oversize clinker. This equilibrium charge will not change as you add 90 mm Ø make-up balls to maintain
volume load.
Ø Ball (mm) % of Weight (x) % of Weight Number/ 10 t of Charge
90 100-5x 20.0 670
80 2-4x 38.4 1820
70 1.6x 25.6 1820
60 x 16.0 1820
- x = is taken to be the number of balls in the last size.
• In recent years, Slegten has favored a 3-ball size distribution in first compartments over a 4- ball size as shown
in table above.
Transition Zone
• This is at the beginning of the second compartment and basically its job is to clean up anything which
penetrated the partition that is oversize for the second compartment charge to fracture.
• The design for this area is to use "n" balls of 50 and 40 mm.
Ø Ball (mm) Number/ 10 t of Charge
50 1820
40 1820
• The transition zone is made of the largest ball size used in this transition zone is sometimes identical to the
smallest ball size used in the first compartment.
Second Compartment – Fine Grinding
• The envelope curve for the balls smaller than 40 mm follows the following formula:
• D = 3.3e −010.x where:
- D = Ø ball (cm)
- x = distance from transition zone finish (m)
• The 30 mm balls start at the completion of the transition zone and the exponential curve follows.
Rule of thumb:
• The smallest ball size should, as a minimum, be at least twice the width of the slots in the grates (ex. ≥16 mm
balls if slots are ≤8 mm wide). For this reason, it is generally recommended to use ¾” (19 mm) balls as the
smallest size in Finish mills. 5/8” balls are fine when the grates are new but often become problematic as the
grate slots enlarge.
d) Example: Comparison Slegten/ Polysius
1st compartment useful length = 3.81 m, 2nd compartment useful length = 7.66 m
Using an average ball weight of 1.65 kg per ball and 3 ball sizes in the first compartment for the Slegten model.
Ball size and % compartment load Polysius design Slegten design
1st compartment 3 ½” 31.0% 32.1%
3” 31.2% 43.1%
2 ½” 37.8% 24.8 %
2nd compartment 2” 2.31% 7.67% Transition
1 ½” 23.73% 2.94% zone
1 ¼” 34.05% 10.08%
1” 2.57% 48.18%
¾” 37.34% 31.13%
5/8” - (Some)1

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A limited amount of 5/8” balls should theoretically be added but the designer decided to use ¾” as the smallest ball size.
e) Fineness in Finish Mills:
In the first compartment before intermediate diaphragm
• 95% passing of 2.365 mm (2360 µ or 8 mesh) for the material leaving the first compartment 33% of energy.
• Particle size distribution recommended on other sieves:
- 86 – 92 % passing 1.0 mm (1000 µm or 18 mesh)
- 80 – 90 % passing 0.6 mm (595 µm or 30 mesh)
- 75 – 85 % passing 0.5 mm (500 µm or 35 mesh)
In the second compartment before discharge diaphragm
• 95% passing 0.5 mm (500 µm or 35 mesh)
• 70- 80 % passing 0.2 mm (212 µm or 70 mesh)

1.4 Grinding Laws

a) Absorbed Power of a Mill
• Only 5-10 % of the energy is used for grinding, 90% is wasted into heat, wear…
• With similar ball charge gradation and similar liners' lifting effect, the absorbed power is related to:
- Tonnage of balls
- Mill rpm
- % volume load
- Mill diameter
Slegten formula
 rpm  π
• P = W *  

* K j * K Fr and W= * Fr 2 * L * J * d
 V cr  4
- P : the motor absorbed power (kW) - J : the ratio between the apparent ball
- W : the weight of the load (T) volume and the internal volume
- Fr : internal diameter (inside liners) (m) - rpm: is mill speed (rpm)
- d is the apparent density of load (t/m3)
#1 comp : d = 4.5
#2 comp : d = 4.65, if fine ball size distribution (say with average ball weight < 40 g)
d = 4.6, if coarser ball size distribution (average ball weight > 40 g)
Average : d = 4.6
 42.3 
- Vcr is the critical speed inside liners=   , L : the useful length of mill (m)
  Fr
 
K j = 1.36 − 1.2 J , K Fr = C .Fr
- K Fr is the influence of the location of the center of gravity for the moving ball charge vs. the mill center
(C is a constant depending on the material and the liners).
- C= 11.262 for Clinker mill closed circuit with Slegten equipment
10.7 for clinker + slag, 12.16 for raw mix, 10.1 for slurry

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 rpm  π
• P = L *  

* J*K j* * Fr2.379 * d * C
 Vcr  4
Simplified formula
 RPM  100 Fr
• P =T * * *Kj * * 9.5
 V cr  75 1.366
Kj Function of Volume Load
Volume load Kj
40% 0.9
30% 1
20% 1.1
Rules of Thumb
• One metric ton of balls increases the mill power draw by 10kW.
• Usually, 8 to 12 kWh/t is absorbed in the first compartment for clinker grinding.

b) Grinding Laws
General Law: Charles
• dW = cx −n dx
- If W = Comminution work, x = Size of
particles (initial, final)
Value of n
Energy Law Value of n: Applies well over range of:
Rittinger 2 10 – 1000 µm
Kick 1
Bond 1.5

Normalized Blaine fineness equation

• Fineness equation, generally accepted within Lafarge Corp:
 Blaine 1
W2 = W1  
 Blaine 2
- n = 1.4 for high efficiency separator (HES) circuit, n = 1.6 for Sturtevant separators, bearing in mind
that 16’ and 18’ Sturtevant separators are more efficient than the larger 20’ and 22’ Sturtevant.
- W: communition work, W is proportional to production rates.
• Proposed by Polysius: C2 = C1 * e0.43( Blaine 1− Blaine 2 ) / 1000
where C2 and C1 are production capacities
• Rene’s Study: +1% passing at 10µm: +10.8 SSB
Rules of thumb
• Raw material: 10-16 kWh/t (target fineness: passing 200µm>99%, passing 100µm>90%)

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• Clinker: 45 ± 15 kWh/t at 3500 SSB

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2. Separator
2.1 Circulating Load
a) Junction with Three Streams
A • A, R, F are the feed, reject and fine of the separator
- ai , ri , f i are the cumulated % passing at a defined sieve(i).
- da, dr, df are the % retained corresponding to the sieve interval dx.
- A= R+F
- A da = Rdr + Fdf
R df − da F dr − da
With: da = ai + 1 − ai , = , =
A df − dr A dr − df

b) Drawing c) CL calculation
• Plot ( f i − a ) vs ( f i − ri ) • Using the least square line calculations,
If the mill circuit is steady, the graph has to be a with α = 0
straight line:
( f − a) = α + β( f − r ) d) Quick CL calculation
- α should be close to 0 • With one set of results of sieving:
R R f −a
- β is the most probable value of =
A F a−r
R β
- The circulating load is defined as: =
F 1− β

2.2 Tromp Curve

a) Tromp Curve
• On the Gausso-logarithmic paper, let's plot the probability for a given particle of a certain size entering the
dr( x )* R
separator to go to the rejects = with:
da( x )* A

∑ ( f − a )( f − r )
i i i i
R i =0

∑( f − r )
A n
i i
i =0

• The Tromp curve can be divided into two straight lines:

- The right one (higher sieves) has a slope which is representative of the separator efficiency (a perfect one
would be vertical).
- The left one (smaller sieves) is flat.

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b) Imperfection
• I = d75 − d 25
2 * d 50 - d25 is the size of the particle which has 25 % chance of going to rejects
- d50 is the size of the particle which has 50 % chance of going to rejects
- d75 is the size of the particle which has 75 % chance of going to rejects
I= 0.4 -0.5 for a high efficiency separator
0.6 - 0.7 for a Sturtevant
0.45 - 0.6 for a Raymond separator
Imperfection vs Circulation Load




0 100 200 300 400
Circ. load (%)

c) Acuity Limit
• AL is the abscissa of the intersection of the two Tromp curve lines.
• It’s the size at which selection is initiated
Rule of thumb
• Cement mill = Acuity limit: 20-30 µm, Raw mill = Acuity limit: 30-60 µm
d) Bypass
• By-pass is the ordinate of the intersection of the two Tromp curve lines.
• The bypass is the lowest percentage of feed that will go to the separator rejects.
Bypass vs. feed rate – Sturtevant Bypass vs. feed rate O’Sepa/Sturtevant

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00000 00 00 00 00 00 00000 00 00 00 00 00 00000 00 00 00 00 00 00000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

• The following graph shows the Bypass of an

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

18’Sturtevant versus its feed rate. 80

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bypass (%)

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Bypass (%)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
60 40

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
40 20
20 0
1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
0 Qf/Qa (kg feed/m3 separator sweep)
50 100 150 200 250 300
Feedrate to Separator (t/h)

Rev. 2002
00 00 00
QF/Qa vs. bypass
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
• If Qf is the separator feed rate (kg/h) and Qa the
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Bypass (%)
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
separator ventilation (m3/h),
• Qf/Qa is an important ratio for the separator 20

 Qf 
10 00 00 00
0 0
 − f1 

Qa 
• Bypass = 1 + e 
- f1: coefficient for the separator 0 1 2 3 4
Qf/Qa (kg/m3)

e) Rosin Rammler Number RRnumber vs. Feed to Air Ratio

0 0 0 0 0
• The steeper the size distribution (RR# high) the
more efficient the grinding and separating
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Rosin-Ramler Number (n)

Cement Mill RR#
Open Circuit 0.75 – 0.85
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
Raymond Sturtevant 0.85 – 1.00
2nd general HW 1.00 – 1.20 1.00
High Efficiency Separator 1.10 – 1.40 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
Qf/Qa (kg/m3)

• Raw mix RR# are usually lower

Separation Performance
• Rate of recuperation in the fines of particles smaller than a given dimension.
F f
r= *
A a
2.3 Indicators for Cement Milling and Typical Values
IMLt > 37 (laser / sieve)
IMLm: in the 17 –19 range
100/c: 63 – 91 % range
100/c C1: 60 –85 % range
100/c C2: 80 –110 % range
NRR fines: 1.1 – 1.4 for HES
0.85 – 1.0 for 1st generation separators (Sturtevant, Raymond)
1.2 for second generation separators
% recovery, 45 µm: 55% for HES
Acuity: 20 – 30 µm
Imperfection: 0.4 – 0.5 for HES
0.45 – 0.6 for Raymond separators
0.6 –0.7 for Sturtevant separators
Bypass: 5 – 10% range for HES
Circulating load: 150 –200 % with HES
HES Qf/Qa: 1.5 – 2.0 range
% Passing 45 µm: 93% minimum (45 µm = 325 mesh)

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2.4 Sturtevant/O'Sepa (Bath #B mill)

Data before (22' Sturtevant)-after (O'Sepa)
T10 T1
Before After Before After
Prod(T/H) 81 93.3 71 79.4
kWh/t total 42.6 40.3 48.6 47.1
Mill+elev+sep 42.1 36 48.0 42.4
Mill 38.3 34.9 43.7 41.0
Blaine 380 358 380 361
45µ 89 91.6 90 94.7
Strength 3d (MPa) 24.3 24.8 25.2 24.7
7d (MPa) 28.4 28.9 29.7 29.2
28d (MPa) 34.5 34.4 35.2 35.2
Water dem (% for NC) 24.8 25.8 25.3 26.4
Flow@ 48%W/C 113 107 121 113
Gypsum dehydrant(%) 65% 25 65 25
Setting time VIS(min) 120 120 117 124
VFS(min) 218 225 218 231
Blaine vs 325 40.6 39.0
Circuit characteristics
Mill Separator
Diameter: 3.96 m O'Sepa N-2000
#1 comp length: 5.04 m eff Airflow design: 2000 m3/mi
#2 comp length: 9.72 m eff Pressure drop: 8"
Power Connect: 3581 kW Rotor speed: 100-230 rpm
Lining #1 comp: Lifting Feed capacity: 420 tph
Lining #2 comp: Classifying Power: 200 HP AC var. freq
Partition slots: 8mm-1
Discharge slots: 8mm+1
Ball charge (B mill)
Before After Temp Press Flow Flow
comp 3"1/2 20% 20% ºC "WG m3/h Nm/h
3" 60% 60% Mill sweep 78.3 -11 34101 25781
2"1/2 20% 20% Separator
Volume load 33% 33% Primary 15 0 66487 63024
comp 2"1/2 7% 3% Aux 1301
2" 4% 6% Secondary 15 0 24079 22825
1"1/2 8% 9% Tertiary 15 0 13814 13095
1"1/4 9% 9% TOTAL 100245
1" 12% 22% Outlet fan 61 0 143381 117156
3/4" 60% 51%
Volume load 34% 36%
Power kw 3100 3260

Rev. 2002

Separator sp = 174 RPM Mill out temp = 84 °C

Mill feed = 79.2 t/h Elevator = 34 kW
Mill #1 sound = 78.2 Mill = 3101 kW
Mill #2 sound = 62.5 Type 10
Tromp curve (A mill)
R/A) mean = 0.656 Bypass =8%
CL = 191% Imperfection = 0.39
Acuity limit = 12 µm Rosin-Rammler(fine) = 1.15

2.5 Recommended Steps for Sizing a HES

a) Estimate new production rate
• Assume a specific power consumption for an optimized ball mill with HES (37 kWh/t TI @3700 Blaine)
• Back calculate the production rate based on the available motor power
• Use the standard Blaine adjustment formula (Prod1/Prod2 = [Blaine2/Blaine1]^1.4).
b) Fix the Qf/Qa target with the circulating load
• Decreasing Qf/Qa (kg feed per Am3 of air) increases the separator efficiency but also increases the capital and
the operating costs.
• The CTS process target is Qf/Qa = 1.6 @ CL (R/F) = 150%; Qa @ 65C; 3800 Blaine.
• The CTS upper limit is Qf/Qa = 2.0. Lower than this only marginally improve the separator Imperfection and
Bypass of 2-5% and therefore has no effect on production or product quality
Other suppliers’ rules of thumb:
• Fuller typically sizes at a Qf/Qa = 2.0-2.5 @ CL = 180%.
• Christian Pfeiffer
- Finish mill:
Qf/Qa = 1.8 @ CL = 200%; Qa @ 90C; 3500 Blaine; Qp/Qa (kg fines per m3 of air)
3000 Blaine 0.75-0.80 kg/Am3
4000 0.55-0.60
5000 < 0.50
- Raw mix:
Qf/Qa = 2.2 @ CL = 200%; Qa @ 90C; 12-14%R 90 µm., Qp/Qa: 0.55 kg/m3.
- Slag: Christian Pfeiffer sizes slightly larger for slag circuits due to lower density and higher CL, as does
c) Fan and Bag House Sizing
• Use the new production rate (T/h), Qf/Qa (kg/ Am3) and circulating load (%) to specify the air flow.
• Most separators can operate at +/- 20% of nominal.
• Only a margin of 5 - 8% above the separator airflow is recommended for the BH.
• Margin of 5-10% is recommended on top of the BH for the fan.
• Correctly specifying the static pressure:
- Pressure drop can be estimated by the dP of the separator (8-12"), D/C (4-8"), ducting. (3-6") and if
present, silencer (1-2").
- The recommendation is 26 in WG with a minimum of 24 in WG.
• Include in the circuit design, the possibility to recirculate from 0-80% of the separator airflow.

Rev. 2002

3. Heat and Water Balance

a) Water
Gypsum dehydration
• Water generated = 0.156977*M*K*D
- M = kg/h of SO3 source excluding clinker,
- K = % pure CaSO4(2H2O)
- D = % dehydration (from DSC)
Spray cooling with water
• Water flow(kg/h) = Q*Cp*(Tf-Ti)/((100-Tw)+538.9*f)
- Tf and Ti are the temperatures of material or gas before and after cooling (in C)
- Cp (kcal/kg) is the specific heat of material or gas and Q its flow rate (kg/h)
- Tw is the water temperature (C) and f is the % water evaporated.
Rule of thumb
• Usually, water flow ranges from 0 to 3 % of the mill production

b) Heat balance
Mill heat generation
• Kcal/h = kWh (power measured)*factor*860
- Factor = 0.75 for vertical mill and 0.9 for ball mill
Furnace wall losses
• About 5kcal/kg fuel

c) Mill heat balance sheet

Mill Product Rate (STPH) Percent H2O in Separator Rejects %
Feed Temperature ___________ Percent H2O % Product %
Mill Diameter_ Ft. Mill Length____ Ft. Mill Motor HP Mill Discharge %
Mill Liner Thickness ________in Ball Charge % Percent Recirculating Load %
Separator Ventilator Volume ACFM Percent Leakage Into Separator (CFM) %
Temperature F Maximum Separator Inlet Temperature F
Pressure in.H2O Ambient Temperature F
Mill Ventilator Volume ACFM Percent Relative Humidity %
Temperature F Plant Altitude FT
Pressure in.H2O Fuel Type Heat
Baghouse Ventilator Volume ACFM Value
Temperature F Separator Rejects Temperature F
Pressure in.H2O Product Temperature F
Auxiliary Ventilator Volume ACFM Baghouse Cloth Area FT2
Temperature F Number of Compartments
Pressure in.H2O Number of Compartments Cleaning Together

Rev. 2002

4. Grinding Aid
Type of Products
• Surface active agents tend to saturate the free valence and inhibit the pack-set. Typical surface-active agents
- ligno-sulphonates
- polyoils
- amines
- organic acids
• Polar compounds (water, ammonia) are known to have some action on such bonds through their polar moment.
However, their practical use as surface agents is limited by their other impacts on the cement properties.
• Other agents, particularly coal dust, have been used in the past.
• Commercial products available as grinding aids are essentially (60-800 g/t ck):
- Triethanolamine
- Polypropyleneglycols and polyethylene
• HEA2, DDA& and other products cause a definite reduction of pack-set but do not prevent agglomeration or
lump-formation problems that are caused by:
- Alkalis ( K 2 SO4 )
- Moisture
The effect of grinding aid on milling process:
- Enhances the flowability and prevents agglomeration
- Prevents coating on liners and grinding media- Decreases the "Blaine: Passing 325" ratio
- Is lLowers effect on coarser product (below 320 m2/kg)
- Reduces contraction
Example Bath
• HEA2 on the feeding belt, Range: 0.1-0.2 kg/t of kk
• Specific gravity: 1.195 kg/l, % active agent: 70%
• Price: 1.31 $/l, Cost: * 1.31 = 0.234 $/t kk
0.7 * 1.195
• At kWh/t cte, 200g/t of glycol: +80 SSB
• Production increase and pack set decrease. Mixed with water (3/1) and injected in #1 comp
HEA2 (Grace) HEA2/rm (Grace)
0.025% weight per weight of kk 0.078% weight per weight of kk
2.02$/kg 1.48$/kg
6% production increase for a higher setting time (20 min)
reduce cracks

Rev. 2002

5. Sieve
Sieve Screen Micron Iso alter Screen Micron Iso alter
#400 37 38 #14 1400
#325 44 45 #12 1700
#270 53 53 #10 2000 2000
#230 63 63 #8 2360
#200 74 75 #7 2800
#170 88 90 #6 3350
#140 105 106 #5 4000
#120 125 125 #4 4750
#100 149 150 #3.5 5600
#80 177 180 1/4" 6350 6300
#70 210 212 5/16" 8000 8000
#60 250 250 3/8" 9510 9500
#50 297 300 7/16" 11200 11200
#45 354 355 1/2" 12700 12500
#40 420 425 5/8" 16000 16000
#35 500 500 3/4" 19000 19000
#30 595 600 7/8" 22600 22400
#25 707 710 1" 25400 25000
#20 850 1"1/4 32000 31500
#18 1000 1000 1"1/2 38100 38100
#16 1180 2" 50800 50000

Rev. 2002

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