b-3087 Final Project Choices
b-3087 Final Project Choices
b-3087 Final Project Choices
Directions Choose a project from the list. Pay attention to detail. Class work time is a part of your final grade.
Pay attention to the rubric. Ask questions! Have fun while making the project.
Project 2: Map out Yanek’s Journey
Trace Yanek’s journey on a map of Europe. Use colored pencils and follow the color directions.
1) Using a blank map of Europe (provided by Mr. Sheets), research and trace Yanek’s journey
a. Label each country (black)
b. Label each country’s capital with a star and name the capital (blue)
c. Label each of Yanek’s concentration camps (10 locations) with a dot and name the
camp (red)
d. Label the city of Kraków with a dot and name it (orange)
e. Trace the route of Yanek’s journey (purple)
f. Label each death march route
i. Death March 1 (green)
ii. Death March 2 (brown)
g. Measure the distance from each place in order to calculate the total distance of Yanek’s
journey (a scale will be provided)
2) Presentation
a. Present your model on the due date and talk about the map
b. Explain the routes, starting from Kraków to the end in Munich
c. Answer questions from the class
Project 4: iMovie Scene Creation
Pick a scene from the book and recreate the scene. Film the scene on iMovie.
1) Pick a scene or event from the book and recreate the scene or event.
2) Film the scene using iMovie
3) iMovie Requirements:
a. 1-2 minutes in length
b. Title
c. Scene description
d. Credits
4) 200-word written description of the project.
a. What difficulties did you face while creating the project?
b. How did filming the project make you feel?
c. How did the scene you pick impact Yanek?
d. What did you enjoy about creating the project?
e. What did you not enjoy about creating the project?
f. Was there anything that surprised you about creating the project?
5) Presentation
a. Give a short overview of your project
b. Show your iMovie to the class
c. Answer questions from the class