While India has witnessed a significant improvement in Ease of Doing Business over the
recent years, there are still parameters where substantial improvement is required to break
into the Top 50. Following are some of the recommendations to attain the same:
1. Enforcing contracts- India ranks 163rd in this parameter, mostly due to endless
delays in resolution of commercial disputes. Judicial Reforms like setting up of ICTS
(Indian Courts and Tribunal Services), increasing the number of working days for
Supreme Courts and High Courts, sanctioning justice benches to their full strength
(especially in lower courts), and faster implementation of e-Courts Mission Mode
Project are some of the measures that can help enhance productivity of the judiciary.
2. Registering Property- India’s rank in this parameter is a dismal 154th, due to reasons
like high stamp duty rates, rigid real estate and housing laws. Focusing on reforms
like timely settlement of disputes related to property, transparency in land records to
display actual ownership, and application of Land Titling act in all the major cities
can help.
3. Starting a business- India ranks 136th overall in this parameter. The problem lies in
the complex registration process of a business involving substantial documentation,
licenses, deposits, and proofs. A single window system with a self-declaration form
and a minimal fee can fasten the process of business registration, and encourage
entrepreneurship in the country.
4. Paying taxes- India’s rank is slightly better in this parameter at 115th. This is
primarily due to the collation of multiple layers of taxes into a single GST. However,
the GST needs further reforms and simplification to bring down the compliance time,
along with making both types of taxes (income and consumption) more taxpayer-
friendly. We also recommend further simplification of the income tax filing process,
and working with labor ministry to bring down the number of payments and
compliance time in the EPFO.