Rectification of Accident Black Spot Preparation of Proposal and Sanction Approval Regarding On 26th August 2019.-Min

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No RW-NH-29011
/0 /2019-S&R(P&B)
Governmer ~of India
Ministry of RoadTra isport & Highways
(S&R(P&B: Section)
Transport Bhawan, 1, Parliarm nt Street, New Delhi-110001

Dated: 26th August, 2019

1. The Chief Secretaries of all the St. te Governments/ UTs.
2. The Principal Secretaries/ Secre:aries of all States/ UTs Public Works
Department dealing with Nation ,I Highways, other centrally sponsored
3. All Engineers-in-Chief and Chief I ngineers of Public Works Department of
States/ UTs dealing with Nation II Highways, other centrally sponsored
4. The Director General (Border FDads), SeemaSadakBhawan,Ring Road,
New Delhi-110 010.
5. The Chairman, National Highway, Authority of India, G-5 & 6, Sector-10,
Dwarka, New Delhi-110 075.
6. The ManagingDirector, NHIDCL,I TI Building, New Delhi-110001.
7. All CE-ROs,ROsand ELOsof the J .inistry.

Subject: Rectification of Accident Bl ick Spot - Preparation of proposal and

sanction/approval regarding.

(i) Circular No- RW/NH-15017/109'2015-P&M(RSCE) dated 08.10.2015

(ii) Circular No- RWINH-290111212 )15-P&M(RSCE) dated 07.12.2015
(iii) Circular No- RWINH-290111212 J15-P&M(RSCE)dated 02.09.2016
(iv) Circular No- RWINH-29011 12/i J15-P&M(RSCE)dated 14.09.2016

Precious life of several road U! ers is lost due to road accident in India.
The Road Accident imposes a huge social and economic cost in terms of
untimely deaths, injuries, disabilitie and loss of potential income. The cost
of road accidents is borne not only b: the victims and their family, but by the
society and economy also.

2. Ministry earlier issued sever I guidelines/circulars as mentioned in

reference above, for rectification 0 black spots so that the road accidents
could be minimized and precious life of the road users are saved. A
comprehensive guideline, in supers -ssion of above circularsl guidelines has
now been prepared and to be follow -d by all concerned.

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3. The definition of road accident black spots on National Highways and
the protocol for their identification has already been provided in Ministry's
OM No. RW/NH-15017/10912015-P&M(RSCE) dated 28.10.2015 (copy enclosed
at Annexure A). However for inspection, framing of proposal and obtaining
approvals/sanction for rectification of the accident black spots, the instant
guidelines may be followed. The definition as per said circular is as under:

"Definition of Road Accident BLack Spot on NationaL Highways: Road Accident

BLack spot is a stretch of NationaL Highway of about 500m in Length in which
either 5 road accidents (in aLLthree years put together tnvolving [atalitiesl
grievous injuries) took pLace during the Last 3 caLendar years or 10 fatalities
(in aLL three years put together) took pLace during the Last 3 caLendar
years. "

4. The Regional Officers inter-alia by involving their Officers, PWD

Officers, PIU Officers etc. has to inspect each black spots on National
highways under their jurisdiction, analyze the reason of accidents with
respect to geometry and other features of Highways, the cross roads and
other reasons. Local enquiry and discussion with local authorities including
with Police Personnel may also be duly considered in identifying the
reasons/remedial measures for repeated accidents/fatalities. Based on such
inspection and analysis if it is concluded that the accidents are not due to
engineering deficiencies, a certificate in this regard may be issued by the
Regional Officer.
5. Based on site inspection, preliminary survey etc. the type of
interventions required may be identified and accordingly the action for taking
corrective measures i.e. short term measures and Long Term Measuresmay be
initiated at Regional Office Level. Depending upon the site
condition/requirement the corrective measures may require Short Term
Measures only, and in some cases Long Term Measures including Cautionary
Measures&/or Short Term Measures. The suggestive items/measures and
guidelines to be followed for rectifications of black spots are as under:

(a)Short term measures:

(I)The suggestive items/measures:
(i) Pedestrian facilities like Zebra crossings
(ii) Crash barriers/ railings

(iii) Solar light

(iv)Junctions improvement

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(v) Road signs inter-alia speed l mits sign, pavement/road markings,
delineators, studs/ cats eye.

(vi) Traffic calming measures incl iding rumble strip

(vii) Repairing/maintenance of unsafe road/appurtenance including

filling of berms/shoulder on National Highways

(viii) Restriction of certain t~ pes of vehicles, one way streets,

reversible lanes, bus lanes, restr ction on movement of different types
of vehicles by time/ by lane etc. specially in urban areas.

(II) Procedure:- The Regional Officers inter-alia by involving their Officers,

PWD Officers, PIU Officers etc. or / a d by engaging Road Safety Auditor /
Expert may prepare the estimate for ( arrying out short term measures. The
provision of IRC SP-88 may also be n ferred for proposing safety measures
/ analysis etc appropriately.

The qualification and experience 01 the Road Safety Auditor / Expert shall
be as under:

(i) Graduate in Civil Engineering \ lith more than 7 years' experience in

design, construction and mainte nance of roads;
(ii) Should have completed an apt roved road safety audit / engineering
training program of at least twc weeks duration
Post-graduate / diploma/ course in Traffic & Transportation including
Road Safety Engineering / Audi .
(iii) Should have a minimum of tv\ ) years practical experience in a road
(iv) Should have completed at least three road safety audits / engineering.

A lump sum fee of Rs. 5 Lakh per black spot including all other expenses
(i.e. TA, DA, inspection, survey, ret crt, estimate etc.) may be paid to the
Road Safety Auditor / Expert, if en ~aged. These fees may be paid by the
Regional Officer at his level under t le provision of contingencies of any NH
work in the State concerned.

These short term measures ma I be taken up under the provision of

ordinary repair or such estimate ma ' be sanctioned by the Regional Officers
at their own level under the provisic 1 of contingencies of any NH work in the
State concerned. The short tender notice (of 7 days) may be invited by
Regional Officers in case measures ( re to be taken up under the provision of
contingencies and work shall be corr oleted within a time span of 3 months.

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(b) Long term permanent measure: Based on inspection, survey etc. if it is
concluded that the spot require long term measures, a detailed estimate may
have to be prepared for the same. In such situations some of the short term
measure as mentioned in above para and following cautionary measures may
also be carried out.

(I) The signanges for cautionary/alerting road users may be as under:

(i) Cautionary accident black spot signs at both ends

(ii) Solar red blinking signals at both the ends

(iii) Rumble strips together with rumble strip sign

(iv) "Restriction ends" sign

(v) Traffic Calming Measures

An indicative sketch showing the locations and shapes of the above

signs is at Annexure-B. Sizes, shapes, locations and other specifications of all
the cautionary signs indicated at (I) above shall be as per IRC-67-2012 or its
latest edition.

The cautionary measures and short term measures(if required) which

are part of long term permanent measure may be taken up under the
provision of ordinary repair or such estimate may be sanctioned by the
Regional Officers at their own level under the provision of contingencies of
any NH work in the State concerned. The short tender notice may be invited
by Regional Officers in case measures are to be taken up under the provision
of contingencies and work shall be completed within a time span of 3

A lump sum fee of Rs. 7.5 Lakh per black spot including all other
expenses (i.e. TA, DA, inspection, survey, report, estimate etc.) may be paid
to the Road Safety Auditor I Expert for preparation of design, estimate etc.
for cautionary Ishort term measures. The Road Safety Auditor I Expert shall
also render his service as an advisor for preparation of estimate for
permanent measures within the lump sum fee of Rs. 7.5 lakh per black spot
as mentioned above. These fees may be paid by the Regional Officer at his
level under the provision of contingencies of any NH work in the State
The consultant may be engaged in addition to-rthe road safety
auditor I expert for detailed survey investigation, preparation of DPR, RFP
documents etc as detailed in the subsequent para.
(II) Suggestive Long Term Measures:- The long term corrective measures
shall be decided and finalized based on details survey and investigation.

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Some of the long term suggestive mea ures depending upon the location of
black spot are as under:

Location of Black spot Corrective / remedial measures

Obstacles such as trees, poles, Shifting/removal of these obstacles
structure, etc. within the clear or providing other safety measures
zone, encroachments etc. including crash barrier etc. further
set back distance at all locations
should invariably be achieved.
At grade junction Flyover, underpasses, overpasses
junction improvement etc.
Deficient geometry Improvement of horizontal/vertical
I alignment! curvature or other safety
measuresincluding crash barrier etc.
Mix traffic Providing service lane, Footpath,
crash barrier etc.
Distressed/narrow Bridge/culvert Reconstruction, rehabil itation /
widening of the bridges
Crossing of pedestrians/habitanl Foot over bridge etc.
areal school/ hospitals/ educational
institute etc.
Animal/ cattle crossing Cattle pass/VUP,fencing etc.
Hill roads/sharp curves Various safety measures including
crash barriers

(III) Procedure of sanction for long t -rrn measures:

The Regional Officers inter- Ilia by involving their Officers, PWD
Officers, PIU Officers etc. or/and b~ engaging Road Safety Auditor / Expert
may prepare the detailed estimate ft>r carrying out Long Term Measures.The
services of consultants may also be hired if so required. The cost towards
hiring the consultancy for preparatic 11 of detailed design, drawing, estimate,
bid document etc. @ of 5%of the ct il work cost may also be included in the
civil work estimate. The following pr icedure shall be followed:
(i) Regional Officers shal forward indicative approximate cost
(including centages) ff r rectification of each identified black
spots on National High\ 'aysfor administrative/financial approval
with estimated cost upto Rs 50.0 Crore (including land
acquisition cost if an) ) to concerned Project Zone. For tender
purposes Black spots at nearby locations may be clubbed
together (if felt appro mate) and such details shall be indicated
by ROsin their approv. l.

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(ii) Detailed estimates for black spot rectification including layout
drawings & technical proposals up to 5% above the approved
indicative cost shall be approved by ROsat their level.
(iii) Other aspects shall be followed as per the procedures applicable
to NH (0) works.
(iv) The indicative timeline to be followed is as under:-
51. Activity Timeline
1 Indicative cost estimate to be 45 days
prepared and submitted by Regional
2 Administrative and financial approval 30 days
to be accorded by HQ.
3 Detailed 120 days
survey/investigationl preparation of
drawing, design, detailed estimate,
bid documents etc. by RO through
consultant (if required) and technical
(If consultant is require to be engaged
the process for the same may be
initiative through short tender notice
while submitting the indicative
estimate to MoRTH.)
4 Finalization of contractor for the civil 120 days
construction work.
5 LA/ environment clearance etc. (if 1 Year
6 Time line for Completion of civil 2 years
construction work

6. The execution of the remedial measures after the sanction/ approval

may be carried out through a contract to be awarded through bidding as
mentioned above. However, in case some work is in progresson a nearby NH
location, the execution of Cautionary/short term/long term remedial
measures may be carried out through variations, within the provisions of that
contract avoiding extension of time/ delay on account of these additional

7. Efficacy of the Road Safety Engineering measuresis ensured only when

road accidents / fatalities related to road and road environment are
eliminated as reflected in feedback on accidents/ fatalities at the improved

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location for at least 3 years. Therefon , State PWD shall collect accident 1
fatality data at the improved locations from police authorities and forward
the same to Road Safety Cell Enginee ring MORTHon yearly basis through
RegionalOfficer, MORTH.

8. In casesomeof these black spot, are falling on State roadsimmediate

necessaryaction for removal of those I Iack spots may be taken by the State
Governmentincluding under CRFfund. Theseworks shall be taken up by the
State Governmentafter carrying out Sl rvey, investigation and designetc. as
per their own procedure. In view of the highest importance which road
safety deserves, it is requested that, Il concerned should take the actions
with special attention in a strictly tin e bound matter.

9. In respect of black spots fa ling on the stretches entrusted to

NHAI/NHIDCL appropriate actions nay be taken by the respective
organizations for implementing remer ial measureswherever such measures
are required and the action takenl ~rogressachieved may be intimated to
the Roadsafety Engineeringcell, MoR H.

10. This circular is issued with the concurrence of vide IFD U.O.
No.471/TF-II/2019dated 16/0812019 .nd approval of competent authority.

Yours faithfully,

(Varun Aggarwal)
Superintending Engineer-S&R
For itrector General (Road Development) & SS
Copy to:
1. All CEsin the Ministry of RoadTr: nsport & Highways
2. The Secretary General, Indian Ro Ids Congress
3. Technical circular file of S&R(R) iection
4. NIC-for uploading on Ministry's w .bsite under "What's new"

Copy for kind information to:

1. Sr. PPSto Secretary (RT&H)
2. PP5to OG(RO)& 55
3. PP5to A5&FA
4. P5to AOG-I
5. P5to J5 (T)/ J5 (H)/ J5 (LA&C)/ J5 (EIC)

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Government t r

10ft' HIghwIIyS
MInistry of RoM Trant
qftq;t ~,1 m 11111 "" ~ • 110001
Transport Bhawan, 1 P.rllamt It StrMt, ... De1h1-110001
No. RW/NH/15017f109/2015/P&M (RSCE) Dated: 28.10.2015


Subject: Protocol for identification c ld rectification of road accident black spots

on National Highways

The present Road Safety scenario 0 I road netw<rt in general and on National
Highways in particular with a high rate of al cidents leaves much to be desired. Though
the roads especially National Highways w re expected to be developed adopting all
Safety Engineering measures including del gn stage Road Safety Audit at the time of
preparation of DPRs and Pre-opening stag! Road Safety Audit after completion of the
development work, , a Significantnumber of locations even on NHs have remained prone
to accidents on the road network in the COl ntry including NH network which has already
been developed in one scheme or the other due to several reasons and constraints in the
development and maintenance. For improvr "ent of such locations a systematic approach
is required which includes a common defin [ion for road accident black spots on NHs and
a sequence of actions with time frame for I smoval of those black spots. For this purpose
the following is the protocol for road accidet t black spots on National Highways.

2. Definition of Road Accident Black s, )t on National Highways: Road Accident Black

spot is a stretch of National Highway of about 500m in length in Vo'hich either 5 road
accidents (in all three years put together nvolving fatalities/grievous injuries) took place
during the last 3 calendar years or 10 fats ties (in aUthree years put together) took place
during the last 3 calendar years.

3. Forwarding the road accident data on NHs to Transport Research Wing (TRW) of
MORTH: The accident data (keeping in v !w the above definition of accident black spot)
giving the specific location of black spot, imits of the black spot stretch (Up to a length of
about 500 m), Number of accidents ir lolving fatalities! grievous injuries. number of
fatalities if any during a calendar year al ~ to be forwarded by police authoritieslNational
Crime Records Bureau so as to reach TF W of Ministry of Road Transport & Highways by
31st March, of the subsequent calendar y !ar( For example Road accident data of the year
2015 is to be forwarded to TRW by 31sl" arch 2016}
4. Forwarding of compiled road ac( dent black spot data on National Highways by
TRW to Road Safety Cell(Engineering) I f MORTH: Transport Research Wing of MaRTH
shall compile/analyse road accident dat I on NHs of a particular calendar year based on
the above definition and furnish the bl Ick spot details along with details of accidents!
fatalities to Road Safety CeU(Enginee,ng) of MORTH by 3111 May of the subsequent
calendar year (For example black spot i ata based on road accident data of the year 2015
is to be forwarded to RSCE of MORT&I- by 31111 May2016).

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ri ~ 1IAirIr, ~ lmJR, 'ffiJl!Ir ~ • ~ ~, 111\ ~ ~ 1ft ~ ... 111( • ~ 1ft .. ~ _, {11ft : '~"

'" canlOOnicaIion should be adcjessed to the SeaaIary to the GovemmerV 01 • UiIiIIry d RI*J Trnport & ttpays. by .. f()T l1; ... 'WIpn :~
5. Remedial measures for RectificatlQ ' of Road accident black soots on NHs: The
concerned executing agency should take necessary actions for preliminary inspection.
framing of proposal and obtaining of appr Ivals/sanctions as per the guidelines given in
OM No RW/NH-150171 10912015 I P'IM (RSCE) dated 08.10.2015 and obtain
sanctions/approvals for rectification of tt ~ aCCident black spots identified based on
accident details of a particular Calendar ~ear by 3151 March of the next to SUbsequent
Calendar year (For example sanctions of remedial measures for black spots based on
road accident data of the year 2015 by 3 sl March 2017)The execution of the remedial
measures including acquisition of the land )r implementation of the road safety measures
for removal of black spots should be taker up on top priority and should be completed in
minimum POSSibletime commensurate wit! the sizel complexity of the remedial measures
as per the respective contract conditiOi s. In any case, short term measures like
installation of road signs, road marking, speed reduction measures and repair of
damages causing unsafe conditions or the National Highway shall be taken up
immediately and completed within 3 monl' lS of identification of the road· aCCident bfack
spot The prOgress of the execution of thE' Ie remedial measures should be regularly (on
& basis) reported to Road Safety C ~I (Engineering) of Ministry of Road Transport

6. Feedback on effectiveness of remeo al measures taken:

Concerned executing agencies who execu ed the remedial measures should obtain Road
accident data of the location/stretch wt ~re remedial measures are executed. from
concerned Police AuthOrities on a calend, r year basts after the remedial measures are
executed and should communicate to the f Dad Safety Cell {Engineering} by 3111 March of
the Subsequent calendar year till 3 years after completion of remedial measures or the
the remedial measures as effective by Road Safety Cell (Engineering)
declaration isoflater.

This issues with the approval of Secretary I H&H).

(Rav; Prasad)
To Chief Engineer (Road Safety)
Chief Engineer-p-1/P-2IP-3IP-4/P_5IP_6/P_

Chairman, NHAI [Attention: Chief General I tanager (Road Safety)]/

Director General BOrcier RoadslManaging I'irector, NHIOCL, Director, IAHE.
Joint Secretary (Transport), Senior Advisor Transport Research Wing. .

All Secretaries of PVIIDs, Chief Engineers ( : NH, Chief Engineers of project zones,
Regional Officers of MORT&H, DGBR, NH J, NHIDCL

Copy for information to: PS to Hon'ble Mini ,ter (RTH & S), PS to Hon'ble Minister of State
for RTH & S. PS to Secretary (RT&H), S, PPS to DG (RO) & SS, Chief Secretaries of
Concerned States & UTs, PPS to ADG-I AI G-II, Coordinator-I, " & III.

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