Problem From The Book

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The document discusses various mathematical inequalities and their proofs, introducing useful substitutions that can simplify solutions. It also presents examples of applying these substitutions to solve specific problems.

One substitution discussed is setting a=1/(1+x), b=1/(1+y), c=1/(1+z) to simplify the condition xyz=x+y+z+2. The other is setting x=a(b+c), y=b(c+a), z=c(a+b) to simplify xy+yz+zx+2xyz=1.

The document discusses Nesbitt's inequality and its proof using one of the substitutions. Nesbitt's inequality states that for positive numbers a,b,c, it holds that a/b + b/c + c/a ≥ 3/2.



T2 ’S LEMMA 65


We know that in most inequalities with a constraint such as abc = 1

x y z
the substitution a = , b = , c = simplifies the solution (don’t kid
y z x
yourself, not all problems of this type become easier!). But have you ever
thought about other similar substitutions? For example, what if we had
the conditions x, y, z > 0 and xyz = x + y + z + 2? Or x, y, z > 0 and
xy + yz + zx + 2xyz = 1? There are numerous problems that reduce
to these conditions and to their corresponding substitutions. You will
be probably surprised when finding out that the first set of conditions
implies the existence of positive real numbers a, b, c such that
b+c c+a a+b
x= , y= , z= .
a b c
Let us explain why. The condition xyz = x + y + z + 2 can be written
in the following equivalent way:
1 1 1
+ + = 1.
1+x 1+y 1+z
Proving this is just a matter of simple computations. Take now
1 1 1
a= , b= , c= .
1+x 1+y 1+z
1−a b+c
Then a + b + c = 1 and x = = . Of course, in the same
a a
c+a a+b b+c c+a
way we find y = ,z= . The converse (that is, , ,
b c a b
satisfy xyz = x + y + z = 2) is much easier and is settled again by
basic computations. Now, what about the second set of conditions? If
you look carefully, you will see that it is closely related to the first one.
1 1
Indeed, x, y, z > 0 satisfy xy + yz + zx + 2xyz = 1 if and only if , ,
x y
1 1 1 1 1
verify = + + + 2, so the substitution here is
z xyz x y z
a b c
x= , y= , z= .
b+c c+a a+b

So, let us summarize: we have seen two nice substitutions, with even
nicer proofs, but we still have not seen any applications. We will see
them in a moment ... and there are quite a few inequalities that can be
solved by using these ”tricks”.
First, an easy and classical problem, due to Nesbitt. It has so many
extensions and generalizations, that we must discuss it first.
Example 1. Prove that
a b c 3
+ + ≥
b+c c+a a+b 2
for all a, b, c > 0.
Solution. With the ”magical” substitution, it suffices to prove that
if x, y, z > 0 satisfy xy + yz + zx + 2xyz = 1, then x + y + z = .
Let us suppose that this is not the case, i.e. x + y + z < . Because
(x + y + z)2 3
xy + yz + zx ≤ , we must have xy + yz + zx < and
3 4
x+y+z 1
since xyz ≤ , we also have 2xyz < . It follows that
3 4
3 1
1 = xy + yz + zx + 2xyz < + = 1, a contradiction, so we are done.
4 4
Let us now increase the level of difficulty and make an experiment:
imagine that you did not know about these substitutions and try to
solve the following problem. Then look at the solution provided and you
will see that sometimes a good substitution can solve a problem almost
Example 2. Let x, y, z > 0 such that xy + yz + zx + 2xyz = 1.
Prove that
1 1 1
+ + ≥ 4(x + y + z).
x y z
Mircea Lascu, Marian Tetiva
Solution. With our substitution the inequality becomes
b+c c+a a+b a b c
+ + ≥4 + + .
a b c b+c c+a a+b

But this follows from
4s a a 4b b b 4c c c
≤ + , ≤ + , ≤ + .
b+c b c c+a c a a+b a b
Simple and efficient, these are the words that characterize this sub-
Here is a geometric application of the previous problem.
Example 3. Prove that in any acute-angled triangle ABC the fol-
lowing inequality holds
cos2 A cos2 B+cos2 B cos2 C+cos2 C cos2 A ≤ (cos2 A+cos2 B+cos2 C).
Titu Andreescu
Solution. We observe that the desired inequality is equivalent to
cos A cos B cos B cos C cos A cos C
+ + ≤
cos C cos A cos B
1 cos A cos B cos C
≤ + +
4 cos B cos C cos C cos A cos A cos B
cos B cos C cos A cos C cos A cos B
x= , y= , z= ,
cos A cos B cos C
the inequality reduces to
1 1 1
4(x + y + z) ≤ + + .
x y z
But this is precisely the inequality in the previous example. All that
remains is to show that xy + yz + zx + 2xyz = 1. This is equivalent to

cos2 A + cos2 B + cos2 C + 2 cos A cos B cos C = 1,

a well-known identity, proved in the chapter ”Equations and beyond”.

The level of difficulty continues to increase. When we say this, we
refer again to the proposed experiment. The reader who will try first to
solve the problems discussed without using the above substitutions will
certainly understand why we consider these problems hard.

Example 4. Prove that if x, y, z > 0 and xyz = x + y + z + 2, then
√ √ √
2( xy + yz + zx) ≤ x + y + z + 6.

Mathlinks site

Solution. This is tricky, even with the substitution. There are two
main ideas: using some identities that transform the inequality into
an easier one and then using the substitution. Let us see. What does
√ √ √
2( xy + yz + zx) suggest? Clearly, it is related to
√ √ √
( x + y + z)2 − (x + y + z).

Consequently, our inequality can be written as

√ √ √ p
x+ y+ z≤ 2(x + y + z + 3).

The first idea that comes to mind (that is using the Cauchy-
√ √ √ p
Schwarz inequality in the form x + y + z ≤ 3(x + y + z) ≤
2(x + y + z + 3)) does not lead to a solution. Indeed, the last inequal-
ity is not true: setting x+y+z = s, we have 3s ≤ 2(s+3). This is because
s3 s3
from the AM-GM inequality it follows that xyz ≤ , so ≥ s + 2,
27 27
which is equivalent to (s − 6)(s + 3) ≥ 0, implying s ≥ 6.
Let us see how the substitution helps. The inequality becomes
r r r s  
b+c c+a a+b b+c c+a a+b
+ + ≤ 2 + + +3
a b c a b c

The last step is probably the most important. We have to change

b+c c+a a+b
the expression + + + 3 a little bit.
a b c
We see that if we add 1 to each fraction, then a + b + c will appear
as common factor, so in fact
b+c c+a a+b 1 1 1
+ + + 3 = (a + b + c) + + .
a b c a b c

And now we have finally solved the problem, amusingly, by employ-
ing again the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality:
r r r s  
b+c c+a a+b 1 1 1
+ + ≤ (b + c + c + a + a + b) + + .
a b c a b c
We continue with a 2003 USAMO problem. There are many proofs
for this inequality, none of them easy. The following solution is again not
easy, but it is natural for someone familiar with this kind of substitution.
Example 5. Prove that for any positive real numbers a, b, c the
following inequality holds
(2a + b + c)2 (2b + c + a)2 (2c + a + b)2
+ + ≤ 8.
2a2 + (b + c)2 2b2 + (c + a)2 2c2 + (a + b)2
Titu Andreescu, Zuming Feng, USAMO 2003
Solution. The desired inequality is equivalent to
b+c 2 c+a 2 a+b 2
1+ 2+ 1+
a b c
2 + 2 +  ≤ 8.
a+b 2
b+c c+a
2+ 2+ 2+
a b c
Taking our substitution into account, it suffices to prove that if xyz =
x + y + z + 2, then
(2 + x)2 (2 + y)2 (2 + z)2
+ + ≤ 8.
2 + x2 2 + y2 2 + z2
This is in fact the same as
2x + 1 2y + 1 2z + 1 5
+ 2 + 2 ≤ .
x2 + 2 y +2 z +2 2
Now, we transform this inequality into
(x − 1)2 (y − 1)2 (z − 1)2 1
+ 2 + 2 ≥ .
x +2 y +2 z +2 2
This last form suggests using the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality to prove
(x − 1)2 (y − 1)2 (z − 1)2 (x + y + z − 3)2
+ 2 + 2 ≥ 2 .
x +2 y +2 z +2 x + y2 + z2 + 6

So, we are left with proving that 2(x + y + z − 3)2 ≥ x2 + y 2 + z 2 + 6.
But this is not difficult. Indeed, this inequality is equivalent to

2(x + y + z − 3)2 ≥ (x + y + z)2 − 2(xy + yz + zx) + 6.

Now, from xyz ≥ 8 (recall who x, y, z are and use the AM-GM
inequality three times), we find that xy + yz + zx ≥ 12 and x + y + z ≥ 6
(by the same AM-GM inequality). This shows that it suffices to prove
that 2(s−3)2 ≥ s2 −18 for all s ≥ 6, which is equivalent to (s−3)(s−6) ≥
0, clearly true. And this difficult problem is solved!
The following problem is also hard. We have seen a difficult solution
in the chapter ”Equations and beyond”. Yet, there is an easy solution
using the substitutions described in this unit.
Example 6. Prove that if x, y, z ≥ 0 satisfy xy + yz + zx + xyz = 4
then x + y + z ≥ xy + yz + zx.
India, 1998
Solution. Let us write the given condition as
x y y z z x x y z
· + · + · + 2 · · = 1.
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Hence there are positive real numbers a, b, c such that
2a 2b 2c
x= , y= , z= .
b+c c+a a+b
But now the solution is almost over, since the inequality

x + y + z ≥ xy + yz + zx

is equivalent to
a b c 2ab 2bc 2ca
+ + ≥ + + .
b+c c+a a+b (c + a)(c + b) (a + b)(a + c) (b + a)(b + c)
After clearing denominators, the inequality becomes

a(a + b)(a + c) + b(b + a)(b + c) + c(c + a)(c + b) ≥

≥ 2ab(a + b) + 2bc(b + c) + 2ca(c + a).

After basic computations, it reduces to

a(a − b)(a − c) + b(b − a)(b − c) + c(c − a)(c − b) ≥ 0.

But this is Schur’s inequality!

We end the discussion with a difficult problem, in which the substi-
tution described plays a key role. But this time using the substitution
only will not suffice.
Example 7. Prove that if x, y, z > 0 satisfy xyz = x + y + z + 2,
then xyz(x − 1)(y − 1)(z − 1) ≤ 8.
Gabriel Dospinescu
Solution. Using the substitution
b+c c+a a+b
x= , y= , z= ,
a b c
the inequality becomes

(a + b)(b + c)(c + a)(a + b − c)(b + c − a)(c + a − b) ≤ 8a2 b2 c2 (1)

for any positive real numbers a, b, c. It is readily seen that this form is
stronger than Schur’s inequality (a + b − c)(b + c − a)(c + a − b) ≤ abc.
First, we may assume that a, b, c are the sides of a triangle ABC, since
otherwise the left-hand side in (1) is negative. This is true because no
more than one of the numbers a+b−c, b+c−a, c+a−b can be negative.
Let R be the circumradius of the triangle ABC. It is not difficult to find
the formula
a2 b2 c2
(a + b − c)(b + c − a)(c + a − b) = .
(a + b + c)R2
Consequently, the desired inequality can be written as
(a + b)(b + c)(c + a)
(a + b + c)R2 ≥ .

But we know that in any triangle ABC, 9R2 ≥ a2 + b2 + c2 . Hence
it suffices to prove that

8(a + b + c)(a2 + b2 + c2 ) ≥ 9(a + b)(b + c)(c + a).

This inequality follows from the following ones:

8(a + b + c)(a2 + b2 + c2 ) ≥ (a + b + c)3
9(a + b)(b + c)(c + a) ≤ (a + b + c)3 .
The first inequality reduces to
a2 + b2 + c2 ≥ (a + b + c)2 ,
while the second is a consequence of the AM-GM inequality. By com-
bining these two results, the desired inequality follows.

Problems for training

1. Prove that if x, y, z > 0 satisfy xy + yz + zx + 2xyz = 1, then
1 3
xyz ≤ and xy + yz + zx ≥ .
8 4
2. Prove that for any positive real numbers a, b, c the following in-
equality holds
b+c c+a a+b a b c 9
+ + ≥ + + + .
a b c b+c c+a a+b 2
J. Nesbitt
3. Prove that if x, y, z > 0 and xyz = x + y + z + 2, then
√ √ √ 3√
xy + yz + zx ≥ 2(x + y + z) and x+ y+ z≤ xyz.
4. Let x, y, z > 0 such that xy + yz + zx = 2(x + y + z). Prove that
xyz ≤ x + y + z + 2.
Gabriel Dospinescu, Mircea Lascu

5. Prove that in any triangle ABC the following inequality holds
cos A + cos B + cos C ≥ (3 + cos(A − B) + cos(B − C) + cos(C − A)).
Titu Andreescu
6. Prove that in every acute-angled triangle ABC,

(cos A + cos B)2 + (cos B + cos C)2 + (cos C + cos A)2 ≤ 3.

1 1 1
7. Prove that if a, b, c > 0 and x = a + , y = b + , z = c + , then
b c a
xy + yz + zx ≥ 2(x + y + z).

Vasile Cartoaje
8. Prove that for any a, b, c > 0,
(b + c − a)2 (c + a − b)2 (a + b − c)2 3
+ + ≥ .
(b + c)2 + a2 (c + a)2 + b2 (a + b)2 + c2 5
Japan, 1997


In recent years the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality has become one of

the most used results in elementary mathematics, an indispensable tool
of any serious problem solver. There are countless problems that reduce
readily to this inequality and even more problems in which the Cauchy-
Schwarz inequality is the key idea of the solution. In this unit we will
not focus on the theoretical results, since they are too well-known. Yet,
seeing the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality at work is not so well spread out.
This is the reason why we will see this inequality in action in several
simple examples first, employing then gradually the Cauchy-Schwarz
inequality in some of the most difficult problems.
Let us begin with a very simple problem, a direct application of the
inequality. Yet, it underlines something less emphasized: the analysis of
the equality case.
Example 1. Prove that the finite sequence a0 , a1 , . . . , an of positive
real numbers is a geometrical progression if and only if

(a20 + a21 + · · · + a2n−1 )(a21 + a22 + · · · + a2n ) = (a0 a1 + a1 a2 + · · · + an−1 an )2 .

Solution. We see that the relation given in the problem is in fact

the equality case in the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality. This is equivalent to
the proportionality of the n-tuples (a0 , a1 , . . . , an−1 ) and (a1 , a2 , . . . , an ),
that is
a0 a1 an−1
+ = ··· = .
a1 a2 an
But this is just actually the definition of a geometrical progression.
Hence the problem is solved. Note that Lagrange’s identity allowed us
to work with equivalences.
Another easy application of the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality is the
following problem. This time the inequality is hidden in a closed form,

which suggests using calculus. There exists a solution by using deriva-
tives, but it is not as elegant as the featured one:
Example 2. Let p be a polynomial with positive real coefficients.
Prove that p(x2 )p(y 2 ) ≥ p2 (xy) for any positive real numbers x, y.
Russian Mathematical Olympiad
Solution. If we work only with the closed expression p(x2 )p(y 2 ) ≥
p2 (xy), the chances of seeing a way to proceed are small. So, let us write
p(x) = a0 + a1 x + · · · + an xn . The desired inequality becomes

(a0 + a1 x2 + · · · + an x2n )(a0 + a1 y 2 + · · · + an y 2n )

≥ (a0 + a1 xy + · · · + an xn y n )2 .

And now the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality comes into the picture:

(a0 + a1 xy + · · · + an xn y n )2
√ √ p p √ √
= ( a0 · a0 + a1 x2 · a2 y 2 + · · · + an xn · an y n )2

≤ (a0 + a1 x2 + · · · + an x2n )(a0 + a1 y 2 + · · · + an y 2n ).

And the problem is solved. Moreover, we see that the conditions

x, y > 0 are useless, since we have of course p2 (xy) ≤ p2 (|xy|). Addi-
tionally, note an interesting consequence of the problem: the function
f : (0, ∞) → (0, ∞), f (x) = ln p(ex ) is convex, that is why we said in
the introduction to this problem that it has a solution based on calculus.
The idea of that solution is to prove that the second derivative of is non-
negative. We will not prove this here, but we note a simple consequence:
the more general inequality

p(xk1 )p(xk2 ) . . . p(xkk ) ≥ pk (x1 x2 . . . xk ),

which follows the Jensen’s inequality for the convex function f (x) =
ln p(ex ).

Here is another application of the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, though
this time you might be surprised why the ”trick” fails at a first approach:
1 1 1
Example 3. Prove that if x, y, z > 0 satisfy + + = 2, then
x y z
√ p √ √
x − 1 + y − 1 + z − 1 ≤ x + y + z.

Iran, 1998
Solution. The obvious and most natural approach is to apply the
Cauchy-Schwarz inequality in the form
√ p √ p
x−1+ y − 1 + z − 1 ≤ 3(x + y + z − 3)
p √
and then to try to prove the inequality 3(x + y + z − 3) ≤ x + y + z,
which is equivalent to x + y + z ≤ . Unfortunately, this inequality is
not true. In fact, the reversed inequality holds, that is x + y + z ≥ ,
1 1 1 9
since 2 = + + ≥ . Hence this approach fails. Then, we
x y z x+y+z
try another approach, using again the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, but
this time in the form
x−1 √
r r r
√ p √ √ y−1 √ z−1
x − 1+ y − 1+ z − 1 = a· + b· + c·
a b c
x−1 y−1 z−1
≤ (a + b + c) + + .
a b c

We would like to have the last expression equal to x + y + z. This
encourages us to take a = x, b = y, c = z, since in this case
x−1 y−1 z−1
+ + = 1 and a + b + c = x + y + z.
a b c
So, this idea works and the problem is solved.
We continue with a classical result, the not so well-known inequality
of Aczel. We will also see during our trip through the exciting world of
the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality a nice application of Aczel’s inequality.

Example 4. Let a1 , a2 , . . . , an , b1 , b2 , . . . , bn be real numbers and let
A, B > 0 such that

A2 ≥ a21 + a22 + · · · + a2n or B 2 ≥ b21 + b22 + · · · + b2n .


(A2 − a21 − a22 − · · · − a2n )(B 2 − b21 − b22 − · · · − b2n )

≤ (AB − a1 b1 − a2 b2 − · · · − an bn )2 .
Solution. We observe first that we may assume that

A2 > a21 + a22 + · · · + a2n and B 2 > b21 + b22 + · · · + b2n .

Otherwise the left-hand side of the desired inequality is smaller than

or equal to 0 and the inequality becomes trivial. From our assumption
and the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, we infer that
q q
a1 b1 +a2 b2 +· · ·+an bn ≤ a1 + a2 + · · · + an · b21 + b22 + · · · + b2n < AB
2 2 2

Hence we can rewrite the inequality in the more appropriate form

a1 b1 + a2 b2 + · · · + an bn + (A2 − a)(B 2 − b) ≤ AB,

where a = a21 + a22 + · · · + a2n and b = b21 + b22 + · · · + b2n . Now, we can
apply the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, first in the form
p √ p
a1 b1 +a2 b2 +· · ·+an bn + (A2 − a)(B 2 − b) ≤ ab+ (A2 − a)(B 2 − b)

and then in the form

√ p p
ab + (A2 − a)(B 2 − b) ≤ (a + A2 − a)(b + B 2 − b) = AB.

And by combining the last two inequalities the desired inequality

As a consequence of this inequality we discuss the following problem,
in which the condition seems to be useless. In fact, it is the key that
suggests using Aczel’s inequality.

Example 5. Let a1 , a2 , . . . , an , b1 , b2 , . . . , bn be real numbers such

(a21 +a22 +· · ·+a2n −1)(b21 +b22 +· · ·+b2n −1) > (a1 b1 +a2 b2 +· · ·+an bn −1)2 .

Prove that a21 + a22 + · · · + a2n > 1 and b21 + b22 + · · · + b2n > 1.

Titu Andreescu, Dorin Andrica, TST 2004, USA

Solution. At first glance, the problem does not seem to be related

to Aczel’s inequality. Let us take a more careful look. First of all, it
is not difficult to observe that an indirect approach is more efficient.
Moreover, we may even assume that both numbers a21 + a22 + · · · + a2n − 1
and b21 + b22 + · · · + b2n − 1 are negative, since they have the same sign
(this follows immediately from the hypothesis of the problem). Now, we
want to prove that

(a21 + a22 + · · · + a2n − 1)(b21 + b22 + · · · + b2n − 1)

≤ (a1 b1 + a2 b2 + · · · + an bn − 1)2 (1)

in order to obtain the desired contradiction. And all of a sudden we

arrived at the result in the previous problem. Indeed, we have now the
conditions 1 > a21 + a22 + · · · + a2n and 1 > b21 + b22 + · · · + b2n , while the
conclusion is (1). But this is exactly Aczel’s inequality, with A = 1 and
B = 1. The conclusion follows.
Of a different kind, the following example shows that an apparently
very difficult inequality can become quite easy if we do not complicate
things more than necessary. It is also a refinement of the Cauchy-Schwarz
inequality, as we can see from the solution.
Example 6. For given n > k > 1 find in closed form the best con-
stant T (n, k) such that for any real numbers x1 , x2 , . . . , xn the following

inequality holds:
(xi − xj )2 ≥ T (n, k) (xi − xj )2 .
1≤i<j≤n 1≤i<j≤k

Gabriel Dospinescu

Solution. In this form, we cannot make any reasonable conjecture

about T (n, k), so we need an efficient transformation. We observe that
n n
2 2
(xi − xj ) is nothing else than n xi − xi and also
1≤i<j≤n i=1 i=1

k k
(xi − xj )2 = k x2i − xi ,
1≤i<j≤k i=1 i=1

according to Lagrange’s identity. Consequently, the inequality can be

written in the equivalent form

n n
!2 
k k
!2 
n x2i − xi ≥ T (n, k) k x2i − xi .
i=1 i=1 i=1 i=1

And now we see that it is indeed a refinement of the Cauchy-Schwarz

inequality, only if in the end it turns out that T (n, k) > 0. We also
observe that in the left-hand side there are n − k variables that do not
appear in the right-hand side and that the left-hand side is minimal
when these variables are equal. So, let us take them all to be zero. The
result is
k k
!2 
k k
!2 
n x2i − xi ≥ T (n, k) k x2i − xi ,
i=1 i=1 i=1 i=1

which is equivalent to

!2 k
(T (n, k) − 1) xi ≥ (kT (n, k) − n) x2i (1)
i=1 i=1

Now, if kT (n, k) − n > 0, we can take a k-tuple (x1 , x2 , . . . , xk ) such
Xk Xk
that xi = 0 and x2i 6= 0 and we contradict the inequality (1).
i=1 i=1
Hence we must have kT (n, k) − n ≤ 0 that is T (n, k) ≤ . Now, let us
proceed with the converse, that is showing that
n n
!2 
k k
!2 
X n X 2 X
n xi − xi ≥ k xi − xi  (2)
i=1 i=1 i=1 i=1

for any real numbers x1 , x2 , . . . , xn . If we manage to prove this inequality,

then it will follow that T (n, k) = . But (2) is of course equivalent to
n n
!2 k
X n X
n xi ≥ xi − xi .
i=k+1 i=1 i=1

Now, we have to apply the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, because we

need xi . We find that

n n
X n X
n x2i ≥ xi
i=k+1 i=k+1

and so it suffices to prove that

n n
A2 ≥ (A + B)2 − B 2 , (3)
n−k k
X k
where we have taken A = xi and B = xi . But (3) is straight-
i=k+1 i=1
forward, since it is equivalent to

(kA − (n − k)B)2 + k(n − k)B 2 ≥ 0,

which is clear. Finally, the conclusion is settled: T (n, k) = is the best
We continue the series of difficult inequalities with a very nice prob-
lem of Murray Klamkin. This time, one part of the problem is obvious

from the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, but the second one is not immedi-
ate. Let us see.
Example 7. Let a, b, c be positive real numbers. Find the extreme
values of the expression
p p p
a2 x2 + b2 y 2 + c2 z 2 + b2 x2 + c2 y 2 + a2 z 2 + c2 x2 + a2 y 2 + b2 z 2

where x, y, z are real numbers such that x2 + y 2 + z 2 = 1.

Murray Klamkin, Crux Mathematicorum
Solution. Finding the upper bound does not seem to be too difficult,
since from the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality it follows that
p p p
a2 x2 + b2 y 2 + c2 z 2 + b2 x2 + c2 y 2 + a2 z 2 + c2 x2 + a2 y 2 + b2 z 2 ≤
≤ 3(a2 x2 + b2 y 2 + c2 z 2 + c2 y 2 + a2 z 2 + c2 x2 + a2 y 2 + b2 z 2 )
= 3(a2 + b2 + c2 ).
We have used here the hypothesis x2 + y 2 + z 2 = 1. Thus,
3(a2 + b2 +√c2 ) is the upper bound and this value if attained for
x=y=z= .
But for the lower bound things are not so easy. Investigating what
happens when xyz = 0, we conclude that the minimal value should be
a + b + c, attained when two variables are zero and the third one is 1 or
−1. Hence, we should try to prove the inequality
p p
a2 x2 + b2 y 2 + c2 z 2 + b2 x2 + c2 y 2 + a2 z 2
+ c2 x2 + a2 y 2 + b2 z 2 ≥ a + b + c.
Why not squaring it? After all, we observe that

a2 x2 + b2 y 2 + c2 z 2 + b2 x2 + c2 y 2 + a2 z 2 + c2 x2 + a2 y 2 + b2 z 2 = a2 + b2 + c2 ,

so the new inequality cannot have a very complicated form. It becomes

p p
a2 x2 + b2 y 2 + c2 z 2 · b2 x2 + c2 y 2 + a2 z 2

p p
+ b2 x2 + c2 y 2 + a2 z 2 · c2 x2 + a2 y 2 + b2 z 2
p p
+ c2 x2 + a2 y 2 + b2 z 2 · a2 x2 + b2 y 2 + c2 z 2 ≥ ab + bc + ca

which has great chances to be true. And indeed, it is true and it follows
from what else?, the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality:
p p
a2 x2 + b2 y 2 + c2 z 2 · b2 x2 + c2 y 2 + a2 z 2 ≥ abx2 + bxy 2 + caz 2

and the other two similar inequalities. This shows that the minimal value
is indeed a + b + c, attained for example when (x, y, z) = (1, 0, 0).
It is now time for the champion inequalities. We will discuss two
hard inequalities and after that we will leave for the reader the pleasure
of solving many other problems based on these techniques.
Example 8. Prove that for any nonnegative numbers a1 , a2 , . . . , an
X 1
such that ai = , the following inequality holds

X ai aj n(n − 1)
≤ .
(1 − ai )(1 − aj ) 2(2n − 1)2

Vasile Cartoaje
Solution. This is a very hard problem, in which intuition is better
than technique. We will concoct a solution using a combination between
the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality and Jensen’s inequality, but we warn the
reader that such a solution cannot be invented easily. Fasten your seat
belts! Let us write the inequality in the form
!2 n
X ai X a2i n(n − 1)
≤ 2
+ .
1 − ai (1 − ai ) (2n − 1)2
i=1 i=1

We apply now the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality to find that

!2 ai
n n n n
! !
X ai X X ai X
≤ ai = .
1 − ai (1 − ai )2 (1 − ai )2
i=1 i=1 i=1 i=1

Thus, it remains to prove the inequality
n n
X a2i n(n − 1)
≤ 2
+ .
(1 − ai ) (1 − ai ) (2n − 1)2
i=1 i=1

The latter can be written of course in the following form:

X ai (1 − 2ai ) 2n(n − 1)
≤ .
(1 − ai )2 (2n − 1)2

This encourages us to study the function

1 x(1 − 2x)
f : 0, → R, f (x) =
2 (1 − x)2

and to see if it is concave. This is not difficult, for a short computa-

tion shows that f 00 (x) = ≤ 0. Hence we can apply Jensen’s
(1 − x)4
inequality to complete the solution.
We end this discussion with a remarkable solution, found by the
member of the Romanian Mathematical Olympiad Committee, Claudiu
Raicu, to the difficult problem given in 2004 in one of the Romanian
Team Selection Tests.
Example 9. Let a1 , a2 , . . . , an be real numbers and let S be a non-
empty subset of {1, 2, . . . , n}. Prove that
ai ≤ (ai + · · · + aj )2 .
i∈S 1≤i≤j≤n

Gabriel Dospinescu, TST 2004, Romania

Solution. Let us define si = a1 + a2 + · · · + ai for i ≥ 1 and s0 = 0.

Now, partition S into groups of consecutive numbers. Then ai is of
the form sj1 −si1 +sj2 −si2 +· · ·+sjk −sik , with 0 ≤ i1 < i2 < · · · < ik ≤ n,
j1 < j2 < · · · < jk and also i1 < j1 , . . . , ik < jk . Now, let us observe that

the left-hand side is nothing else than
s2i + (sj − si )2 = (sj − si )2 .
i=1 1≤i<j≤n 1≤i<j≤n+1

Hence we need to show that

(sj1 − si1 + sj2 − si2 + · · · + sjk − sik )2 ≤ (sj − si )2 .

Let us take a1 = si1 , a2 = sj1 , . . . , a2k−1 = sik , a2k = sjk and observe
the obvious (but important) inequality
(sj − si )2 ≥ (ai − aj )2 .
0≤i<j≤n+1 1≤i<j≤2k

And this is how we arrived at the inequality

(a1 − a2 + a3 − · · · + a2k−1 − a2k )2 ≤ (ai − aj )2 (1)

The latter inequality can be proved by using the Cauchy-Schwarz

inequality k-times:

 (a1 − a2 + a3 − · · · + a2k−1 − a2k )2

≤ k((a1 − a2 )2 + (a3 − a4 )2 + · · · + (a2k−1 − a2k )2 )


 (a − a + a − · · · + a
 1

 2 3 2k−1 − a2k )

≤ k((a1 − a4 )2 + (a3 − a6 )2 + · · · + (a2k−1 − a2 )2 )

 ...

(a1 − a2 + a3 − · · · + a2k−1 − a2k )2

≤ k((a1 − a2k )2 + (a3 − a2 )2 + · · · + (a2k−1 − a2k−2 )2 )

and by summing up all these inequalities. In the right-hand side we

obtain an even smaller quantity than (ai − aj )2 , which proves
that (1) is correct. The solution ends here.

Problems for training
1. Let a, b, c be nonnegative real numbers. Prove that

(ax2 + bx + c)(cx2 + bx + a) ≥ (a + b + c)2 x2

for all nonnegative real numbers x.

Titu Andreescu, Gazeta Matematica
2. Let
  p be a polynomial with positive real coefficients. Prove that
1 1
if p ≥ is true for x = 1, then it is true for all x > 0.
x p(x)
Titu Andreescu, Revista Matematica Timisoara
3. Prove that for any real numbers a, b, c ≥ 1 the following inequality
√ √ √ p
a−1+ b−1+ c−1≤ a(bc + 1).
4. For any positive integer n find the number of ordered n-tuples of
integers (a1 , a2 , . . . , an ) such that

a1 + a2 + · · · + an ≥ n2 and a21 + a22 + · · · + a2n ≤ n3 + 1.

China, 2002
5. Prove that for any positive real numbers a, b, c,

1 1 1 1 (a + b + c + 3 abc)2
+ + + √ ≥ .
a + b b + c c + a 2 3 abc (a + b)(b + c)(c + a)
Titu Andreescu, MOSP 1999
6. Let a1 , a2 , . . . , an , b1 , b2 , . . . , bn be real numbers such that
ai aj > 0.

Prove the inequality

 2   
 ai bj  ≥  ai aj   bi bj 
1≤i6=j≤n 1≤i6=j≤n 1≤i6=j≤n

Alexandru Lupas, AMM

7. Let n ≥ 2 be an even integer. We consider all polynomials of the
form xn + an−1 xn−1 + · · · + a1 x + 1, with real coefficients and having at
least one real zero. Determine the least possible value of a21 + a22 + · · · +
a2n−1 .
Czech-Polish-Slovak Competition, 2002
8. The triangle ABC satisfies the relation
A 2 B 2 C 2
cot + 2 cot + 3 cot = .
2 2 2 7r
Show that ABC is similar to a triangle whose sides are integers and
find the smallest set of such integers.
Titu Andreescu, USAMO 2002
9. Let x1 , x2 , . . . , xn be positive real numbers such that
1 1 1
+ + ··· + = 1.
1 + x1 1 + x2 1 + xn
Prove the inequality
√ √ √ 1 1 1
x1 + x2 + · · · + xn ≥ (n − 1) √ + √ + ··· + √ .
x1 x2 xn
Vojtech Jarnik Competition, 2002
h πi
10. Given are real numbers x1 , x2 , . . . , x10 ∈ 0, such that
sin2 x1 + sin2 x2 + · · · + sin2 x10 = 1.

Prove that

3(sin x1 + sin x2 + · · · + sin x10 ) ≤ cos x1 + cos x2 + · · · + cos x10 .

Saint Petersburg, 2001

11. Prove that for any real numbers a, b, c, x, y, z the following in-
equality holds
p 2
ax + by + cz + (a2 + b2 + c2 )(x2 + y 2 + z 2 ) ≥ (a + b + c)(x + y + z).
Vasile Cartoaje, Kvant

12. Prove that for any real numbers x1 , x2 , . . . , xn the following in-
equality holds
!2  
n X
n n X
X 2(n2− 1)  X
|xi − xj | ≤ |xi − xj |2  .
i=1 i=1 i=1 j=1

IMO 2003
13. Let n > 2 and x1 , x2 , . . . , xn be positive real numbers such that
1 1 1
(x1 + x2 + · · · + xn ) + + ··· + = n2 + 1.
x1 x2 xn
Prove that
1 1 1 2
(x21 + x22 + · · · + x2n ) + + ··· + 2 > n2 + 4 + .
x21 x22 xn n(n − 1)
Gabriel Dospinescu
14. Prove that for any positive real numbers a, b, c, x, y, z such that

xy + yz + zx = 3,
a b c
(y + z) + (x + z) + (x + y) ≥ 3.
b+c c+a a+b
Titu Andreescu, Gabriel Dospinescu
15. Prove that for any positive real numbers a1 , a2 , . . . , an , x1 ,
x2 , . . . , xn such that  
X n
xi xj = ,
the following inequality holds
a1 an
(x2 + · · · + xn ) + · · · + (x1 + · · · + xn−1 ) ≥ n.
a2 + · · · + an a1 + · · · + an−1
Vasile Cartoaje, Gabriel Dospinescu


Real equations with multiple unknowns have in general infinitely

many solutions if they are solvable. In this case, an important task char-
acterizing the set of solutions by using parameters. We are going to
discuss two real equations and two parameterizations, but we will go
beyond, showing how a simple idea can generate lots of nice problems,
some of them really difficult.
We begin this discussion with a problem. It may seem unusual, but
this problem is in fact the introduction that leads to the other themes
in this discussion.
Example 1. Consider three real numbers a, b, c such that abc = 1
and write
1 1 1
x=a+ , y =b+ , z =c+ (1)
a b c
Find an algebraic relation between x, y, z, independent of a, b, c.
Of course, without any ideas, one would solve the equations from
(1) with respect to a, b, c and then substitute the results in the relation
abc = 1. But this is a mathematical crime! Here is a nice idea. To
generate a relation involving x, y, z, we compute the product
1 1 1
xyz = a + b+ c+
a b c
1 1 1
= a2 + 2 + b2 + 2 + c2 + 2 + 2
a b c
= (x2 − 2) + (y 2 − 2) + (z 2 − 2) + 2.

x2 + y 2 + z 2 − xyz = 4 (2)

and this is the answer to the problem.

Now, another question appears: is the converse true? Obviously not
(take for example the numbers (x, y, z) = (1, 1, −1)). But looking again

at (1), we see that we must have min{|x|, |y|, |z|} ≥ 2. We will prove the
following result.
Example 2. Let x, y, z be real numbers with max{|x|, |y|, |z|} > 2.
Prove that there exist real numbers a, b, c with abc = 1 satisfying (1).
Whenever we have a condition of the form max{|x|, |y|, |z|} > 2, it is
better to make a choice. Here, let us take |x| > 2. This shows that there
exists a nonzero real number u such that x = u + , (we have used here
the condition |x| > 2). Now, let us regard (2) as a second degree equation
with respect to z. Since this equation has real roots, the discriminant
must be nonnegative, which means that (x2 − 4)(y 2 − 4) ≥ 0. But since
|x| > 2, we find that y 2 ≥ 4 and so there exist a non-zero real number
v for which y = v + . How do we find the corresponding z? Simply by
solving the second degree equation. We find two solutions:
1 u v
z1 = uv + , z2 = +
uv v u
1 1
and now we are almost done. If z = uv+ we take (a, b, c) = u, v,
uv   uv
u v 1 u
and if z = + , then we take (a, b, c) = , v, . All the conditions
v u u v
are satisfied and the problem is solved.
A direct consequence of the previous problem is the following:
If x, y, z > 0 are real numbers that verify (2), then there exist
α, β, χ ∈ R such that

x = 2ch(α), y = 2ch(β), z = 2ch(χ),

ex + e−x
where ch : R → (0, ∞), ch(x) = . Indeed, we write (1), in
which this time it is clear that a, b, c > 0 and we take α = ln a, β = ln b,
χ = ln c.
Inspired by the previous equation, let us consider another one

x2 + y 2 + z 2 + xyz = 4, (3)

where x, y, z > 0. We will prove that the set of solutions of this equation
is the set of triples (2 cos A, 2 cos B, 2 cos C) where A, B, C are the angles
of an acute triangle. First, let us prove that all these triples are solutions.
This reduces to the identity

cos2 A + cos2 B + cos2 C + 2 cos A cos B cos C = 1.

This identity can be proved readily by using the sum-to-product

formulas, but here is a nice proof employing geometry and linear algebra.
We know that in any triangle we have the relations

 a = c cos B + b cos C

b = a cos C + c cos A

 c = b cos A + a cos B

which are simple consequences of the Law of Cosines. Now, let us con-
sider the system

 x − y cos C − z cos B = 0

−x cos C + y − z cos A = 0

 −x cos B + y cos A − z = 0

From the above observation, it follows that this system has a non-
trivial solution, that is (a, b, c) and so we must have

1 − cos C − cos B

− cos C
1 − cos A = 0,

− cos B − cos A 1

which expanded gives

cos2 A + cos2 B + cos2 C + 2 cos A cos B cos C = 1.

For the converse, we see first that 0 < x, y, z < 2, hence there are
numbers A, B ∈ 0, such that x = 2 cos A, y = 2 cos B. Solving the
equation with respect to z and taking into account that z ∈ (0, 2) we

obtain z = −2 cos(A + B). Thus we can take C = π − A − B and we
will have (x, y, z) = (2 cos A, 2 cos B, 2 cos C). All in all we have solved
the following problem.
Example 3. The positive real numbers x, y, z satisfy (3) if and only
if there exists an acute-angled triangle ABC such that

x = 2 cos A, y = 2 cos B, z = 2 cos C.

With the introduction and the easy problems over it is now time to
see some nice applications of the above results.
Example 4. Let x, y, z > 2 satisfying (2). We define the sequences
(an )n≥1 , (bn )n≥1 , (cn )n≥1 by

a2n + x2 − 4 b2n + y 2 − 4 c2n + z 2 − 4

an+1 = , bn+1 = , cn+1 = ,
an−1 bn−1 cn−1

with a1 = x, b1 = y, c1 = z and a2 = x2 − 2, b2 = y 2 − 2, c2 = z 2 − 2.
Prove that for all n ≥ 1 the triple (an , bn , cn ) also satisfies (2).
1 1 1
Solution. Let us write x = a+ , y = b+ , z = c+ , with abc = 1.
a b c
1 1 1
a2 = a2 + 2 , b2 = b2 + 2 , c2 = c2 + 2 .
a b c
So, a reasonable conjecture is that
1 1 1
(an , bn , cn ) = an + n , bn + n , cn + n .
a b c
Indeed, this follows by induction from

1 2
n 1
a + n + a2 + 2 − 2
a a 1
= an+1 + n+1
1 a
an−1 + n−1
and two similar identities. We have established that
n 1 n 1 n 1
(an , bn , cn ) = a + n , b + n , c + n
a b c

But if abc = 1, then certainly an bn cn = 1, which shows that indeed
the triple (an , bn , cn ) satisfies (2).
The following problem is a nice characterization of the equation (2)
by polynomials and also teaches us some things about polynomials in
two or three variables.
Example 5. Find all polynomials f (x, y, z) with real coefficients
such that  
1 1 1
f a + ,b + ,c + =0
a b c
whenever abc = 1.
Gabriel Dospinescu
Solution. From the introduction, it is now clear that the polyno-
mials divisible by x2 + y 2 + z 2 − xyz − 4 are solutions to the problem.
But it is not obvious why any desired polynomial should be of this form.
To show this, we use the classical polynomial long division. There are
polynomials g(x, y, z), h(y, z), k(y, z) with real coefficients such that

f (x, y, z) = (x2 + y 2 + z 2 − xyz − 4)g(x, y, z) + xh(y, z) + k(y, z)

Using the hypothesis, we deduce that

1 1 1 1 1
0= a+ h b + ,c + + k b + ,c +
a b c b c
whenever abc = 1. Well, it seems that this is a dead end. Not exactly.
Now we take two numbers x, y such√that min{|x|, |y|}p > 2 and we write
1 1 x+ x −42 y + y2 − 4
x = b + , y = c + with b = ,c= .
b c 2 2
1 p
Then it is easy to compute a+ . It is exactly xy+ (x2 − 4)(y 2 − 4).
So, we have found that
(xy + (x2 − 4)(y 2 − 4))h(x, y) + k(x, y) = 0

whenever min{|x|, |y|} > 2. And now? The last relation suggests that we

should prove that for each y with |y| > 2, the function x → x2 − 4 is


not rational, that is, there aren’t polynomials p, q such that x2 − 4 =
. But this is easy because if such polynomials existed, than each
zero of x2 − 4 should have even multiplicity, which is not the case. Con-
sequently, for each y with |y| > 2 we have h(x, y) = k(x, y) = 0 for all
x. But this means that h(x, y) = k(x, y) = 0 for all x, y, that is our
polynomial is divisible with x2 + y 2 + z 2 − xyz − 4.
O a different kind, the following problem and the featured solution
prove that sometimes an efficient substitution can help more than ten
complicated ideas.
Example 6. Let a, b, c > 0. Find all triples (x, y, z) of positive real
numbers such that
x+y+z =a+b+c
a2 x + b2 y + c2 z + abc = 4xyz

Titu Andreescu, IMO Shortlist, 1995

Solution. We try to use the information given by the second equa-
tion. This equation can be written as
a2 b2 c2 abc
+ + + =4
yz zx xy xyz
and we already recognize the relation

u2 + v 2 + w2 + uvw = 4
a b c
where u = √ , v = √ , w = √ . According to example 3, we can
yz zx xy
find an acute-angled triangle ABC such that

u = 2 cos A, v = 2 cos B, w = 2 cos C.

We have made use of the second condition, so we use the first one
to deduce that
√ √ √
x + y + z = 2 xy cos C + 2 yz cos A + 2 zx cos B.


Trying to solve this as a second degree equation in x, we find the
√ √
−4( y sin C − z sin B)2 .

Because this discriminant is nonnegative, we infer that

√ √ √ √ √
y sin C = z sin B and x= y cos C + z cos B.

Combining the last two relations, we find that

√ √ √
x y z
= =
sin A sin B sin C
Now we square these relations and we use the fact that
a b c
cos A = √ , cos B = √ , cos C = √ .
2 yz 2 zx 2 xy
The conclusion is:
b+c c+a a+b
x= , y= , z=
2 2 2
and it is immediate to see that this triple satisfies both conditions. Hence
there is a unique triple that is solution to the given system. Notice that
the condition
√ √ √
x + y + z = 2 xy cos C + 2 yz cos A + 2 zx cos B

is the equality case in the lemma stated in the solution of the following
problem. This could be another possible solution of the problem.
We have discussed the following very difficult problem in the chapter
”An useful substitution”. We will see that example 3 helps us find a nice
geometric solution to this inequality.
Example 7. Prove that if the positive real numbers x, y, z satisfy
xy + yz + zx + xyz = 4, then

x + y + z ≥ xy + yz + zx.

India, 1998

Solution. It is not difficult to observe that at first glance, the con-
dition xy + yz + zx + xyz = 4 it’s not the same as the equation (3). Let
us write the condition xy + yz + zx + xyz = 4 in the form
√ √ √ 2 √ √ √
xy 2 + yz 2 + zx + xy · yz · zx = 4.

Now, we can use the result from example 3 and we deduce the exis-
tence of an acute-angled triangle ABC such that
 √
 yz = 2 cos A

zx = 2 cos B
 √

 xy = 2 cos C
We solve the system and we find the triplet
2 cos B cos C 2 cos A cos C 2 cos A cos B
(x, y, z) = , ,
cos A cos B cos C
Hence we need to prove that
2 cos B cos C 2 cos A cos C 2 cos A cos B
+ + ≥ 2(cos2 A+cos2 B+cos2 C).
cos A cos B cos C
This one is a hard inequality and it follows from a more general
Lemma. If ABC is a triangle and x, y, z are arbitrary real numbers,
x2 + y 2 + z 2 ≥ 2yz cos A + 2zx cos B + 2xy cos C.

Proof of the lemma. Let us consider points P, Q, R on the lines

AB, BC, CA, respectively, such that AP = BQ = CR = 1 and P, Q, R
and do not lie on the sides of the triangle. Then we see that the inequality
is equivalent to
−→ −−→ −→
(x · AP + y · BQ + z · CR)2 ≥ 0,

which is obviously true.

The lemma being proved, we just have to take
r r r
2 cos B cos C 2 cos A cos C 2 cos A cos B
x= y= , z=
cos A cos B cos C
in the above lemma and the problem will be solved.
But of course, this type of identities does not appear only in inequal-
ities. We are going to discuss two problems in which the identity is very
well masked.
Example 8. Find all continuous functions f : (0, ∞) → (0, ∞)
f (x)f (y) = f (xy) + f .
Sankt Petersburg
  First of all, observe that
 by  symmetry in x, y we must
x y 1
have f =f and so f (x) = f . Next, by taking x = y = 1
y x x
we obtain f (1) = 2 and then f (x2 ) = f 2 (x) − 2. These relations should
now ring a bell! It seems that we are searching for something like f (x) =
xk + k . We are right, but still far from the solution. Let’s make another
small step: proving that f (x) ≥ 2 for all x. Indeed, this is going to be

easy, since f (x2 ) = f 2 (x) − 2 implies that f (x) > 2 for all x. Thus,

f 2 (x) = f (x2 ) + 2 > 2 + 2. Repeating this argument, we find that for
all x we have r

f (x) > 2+ 2+ 2 + ... = 2

(the last equality being immediate for a beginner in analysis).

Yet, till now nothing related to our theme. Wrong! Let’s observe that
2 2 x
f (x ) + f (y ) = f (xy)f
for all x, y. Indeed, it suffices to write
x xy
x2 = xy , y2 = x .

With this information, let us make one more step and write

f 2 (x) + f 2 (y) − 4 = f (x2 ) + f (y 2 ) = f (xy)(f (x)f (y) − f (xy)).

We are now on the right track, since we find that

f 2 (x) + f 2 (y) + f 2 (xy) = f (x)f (y)f (xy) + 4.

Using also the fact that f (x) ≥ 2, we deduce the existence of a con-
tinuous function g : (0, ∞) → [1, ∞) such that f (x) = g(x) + . The
above relation implies of course that g(xy) = g(x)g(y). By considering
h(x) = ln g(ex ), we obtain that h is a continuous solution of Cauchy’s
functional equation f (x + y) = f (x) + f (y), thus h(x) = kx for a certain
k. This shows that g(x) = xk and that our thoughts were right; these are
all solutions of the equation (the verification of the identity is immediate
for this class of functions).
And finally, an apparently inextricable recursive relation.
Example 9. Let (an )n≥0 be a non-decreasing sequence of positive
integers such that

a0 = a1 = 47 and a2n−1 + a2n + a2n+1 − an−1 an an+1 = 4 for all n ≥ 1.

Prove that 2 + an and 2 + 2 + an are perfect squares for all n ≥ 0.
Titu Andreescu
Solution. Using the idea from the chapter with real equations, we
write an = xn + , with xn > 1. The the given condition becomes
xn+1 = xn xn−1 (we have used here explicitly that xn > 1), which shows
that (ln xn )n≥0 is a Fibonacci-type sequence. Since x0 = x1 , we deduce
that xn = xF0 n , where F0 = F1 = 1, Fn+1 = Fn +√Fn−1 . Now, we have to
47 + 472 − 1
do more: who is x0 ? And the answer x0 = won’t suffices.
Let us remark that  2
√ 1
x0 + √ = 49

from where we find that
√ 1
x0 + √ = 7.
Similarly, we obtain that
√ 1
x0 + √
4 x
= 3.

Solving the equation, we obtain

√ !2
√ 1+ 5
x0 = = λ2

that is x0 = λ8 . And so we have found the general formula an = λ8Fn +

λ−8Fn . And now the problem becomes easy, since

an + 2 = (λ4Fn + λ−4Fn )2 and 2 + 2 + an = (λ2Fn + λ−2Fn )2 .
All we are left to prove is that λ2k + ∈ R for all k ∈ R. But this
isn’t difficult, since
1 1
λ2 + ∈ R, λ4 + ∈R
λ2 λ4
2(k+1) 1 2 1 2k 1 2(k−1) 1
λ + = λ + 2 λ + 2k − λ + 2(k−1) .
λ2(k+1) λ λ λ

Problems for training

1. Find all triples x, y, z of positive real numbers, solutions to the
x2 + y 2 + z 2 = xyz + 4
xy + yz + zx = 2(x + y + z)
2. Let x, y, z > 0 such that x2 + y 2 + z 2 + xyz = 4. Prove that
s s s
(2 − a)(2 − b) (2 − b)(2 − c) (2 − c)(2 − a)
+ + = 1.
(2 + a)(2 + b) (2 + b)(2 + c) (2 + c)(2 + a)
Cristinel Mortici, Romanian Inter-county Contest

3. Prove that if a, b, c ≥ 0 satisfy the condition |a2 +b2 +c2 −4| = abc,
(a − 2)(b − 2) + (b − 2)(c − 2) + (c − 2)(a − 2) ≥ 0.

Titu Andreescu, Gazeta Matematica

4. Find all triples (a, b, c) of positive real numbers, solutions to the
a2 + b2 + c2 + abc = 4
Cristinel Mortici, Romanian Inter-county Contest
5. Prove that in any triangle the following inequality holds
C 2
sin + sin + sin ≤ cos2 + cos2 + cos2 .
2 2 2 2 2 2
6. Let x, y, z > 0 such that xy + yz + zx + xyz = 4. Prove that
1 2
1 1
3 √ +√ +√ ≥ (x + 2)(y + 2)(z + 2).
x y z
Gabriel Dospinescu
7. Prove that in any acute-angled triangle the following inequality
 2  2  2
cos A cos B cos C
+ + + 8 cos A cos B cos C ≥ 4.
cos B cos C cos A
Titu Andreescu, MOSP 2000
8. Solve in positive integers the equation

(x + 2)(y + 2)(z + 2) = (x + y + z + 2)2 .

Titu Andreescu
9. Let n > 4 be a given positive integer. Find all pairs of positive
integers (x, y) such that
(x + y)2
xy − = n − 4.

Titu Andreescu
10. Let the sequence (an )n≥0 , where a0 = a1 = 97 and an+1 =
q √
an−1 an + (a2n − 1)(a2n−1 − 1) for all n ≥ 1. Prove that 2 + 2 + 2an is
a perfect square for all n ≥ 0.
Titu Andreescu
11. Find all triplets of positive integers (k, l, m) with sum 2002 and
for which the system
 x y
 + =k

 y x

 y z
+ =l

 z y

 z +x =m

x y
has real solutions.
Titu Andreescu, proposed for IMO 2002
12. Find all functions f : (0, ∞) → (0, ∞) with the following prop-
√ √ √
a) f (x)+f (y)+f (z)+f (xyz) = f ( xy)f ( yz)f ( zx) for all x, y, z;
b) if 1 ≤ x < y then f (x) < f (y).
Hojoo Lee, IMO Shortlist 2004
13. Prove that if a, b, c ≥ 2 satisfy the condition a2 +b2 +c2 = abc+4,
a + b + c + ac + bc ≥ 2 (a + b + c + 3)(a2 + b2 + c2 − 3).

Marian Tetiva
14. Prove that if a, b, c ≥ 0 satisfy a2 + b2 + c2 + abc = 4 then

0 ≤ ab + bc + ca − abc ≤ 2.

Titu Andreescu, USAMO 2001


Most of the times, proving divisibility reduces to congruences and

the famous theorems from this field, such as Fermat, Euler, or Wil-
son. But what do we do when we have to prove for example that
lcm(a, b, c)2 |lcm(a, b)·lcm(b, c)·lcm(c, a) for any positive integers a, b, c?
Then one thing is sure: the above methods fail. Yet, another smart idea
appears: if we have to prove that a|b, then it is enough to prove that
the exponent of any prime number in the decomposition of a is at least
the exponent of that prime number in the decomposition of b. For sim-
plicity, let us denote by vp (a) the exponent of the prime number p in
the decomposition of a. Of course, if p doesn’t divide a, then vp (a) = 0.
Also, it is easy to prove the following properties of vp (a):
1) min{vp (a), vp (b)} ≤ vp (a + b) ≤ max{vp (a), vp (b)}
2) vp (ab) = vp (a) + vp (b)
for any positive integer numbers a, b. Now, let us repeat the above idea
in terms of vp (a): we have a|b if and only if for any prime number p
we have vp (a) ≤ vp (b) and we have a = b if and only if for any prime
number p, vp (a) = vp (b).
Some other useful properties of vp (a) are:
3) vp (gcd(a1 , a2 , . . . , an )) = min{vp (a1 ), vp (a2 ), . . . , vp (an )},
4) vp (lcm(a1 , a2 , . 
. . , an ))= max{v
 p (a1 ), vp (a2 ), . . . , vp (an )} and
n n n n − sp (n)
5) vp (n!) = + 2 + 3 +· · · = whenever p|n. Here,
p p p p−1
sp (n) is the sum of digits of n when written in base b. Observe that 3)
and 4) are simple consequences of the definitions.
  Less straightforward
n n
5). This follows from the fact that there are multiples of p, 2 are
p p
multiples of p2 and so on. The other equality is not difficult. Indeed, let
us write n = a0 + a1 p + · · · + ak pk , where a0 , a1 , . . . , ak ∈ {0, 1, . . . , p − 1}

and ak 6= 0. Then
n n
+ 2 +· · · = a1 +a2 p+· · ·+ak pk−1 +a2 +a3 p+· · ·+ak pk−2 +· · ·+ak
p p
and now using the formula

pi+1 − 1
1 + p + · · · + pi = ,
we find exactly 5). Enough with the introduction, let’s see some concrete
results. We have chosen with intention the first problem (the classical
one) a very nasty one, so that the reader doesn’t think that all the above
formulas were for nothing and because it offers us the opportunity to
prove a very nice inequality. There are hundreds of variants of it in all
contests around the world and in all elementary magazines. Let us see.
(3a + 3b)!(2a)!(3b)!(2b)!
Example 1. Prove that ∈ Z for
(2a + 3b)!(a + 2b)!(a + b)!a!(b!)2
any positive integers a, b.
Richard Askey, AMM 6514
Solution. First, let us clearify something. When we write
n n n
+ 2 + 3 + ...,
p p p
X n 
we write in fact and this sum has clearly a finite number of
non-zero terms. Now, let us take a prime p and let us apply formula 5),
as well as the first observations. We find that
X  3a + 3b   2a   3b   2b 
vp ((3a + 3b)!(2a)!(3b)!(2b)!) = + k + k + k
pk p p p

and also
vp = ((2a + 3b)!(a + 2b)!(a + b)!a!(b!)2 )
X  2a + 3b   a + 2b   a + b   a   
= k
+ k
+ k
+ k +2 k
p p p p p

Of course, it is enough to prove that for each k ≥ 1 the term cor-
responding to k in the first sum is greater than or equal to the term
corresponding to k in the second sum. With the substitution x = k ,
y = k , we have to prove that for any nonnegative real numbers x, y we

[3x + 3y] + [2x] + [3y] + [2y] ≥ [2x + 3y] + [x + 2y] + [x + y] + [x] + 2[y].

This isn’t easy, but with another useful idea the inequality will be-
come easy. The idea is that

[3x + 3y] = 3[x] + 3[y] + [3{x} + 3{y}]

and similar relations for the other terms of the inequality. After this
operation, we see that it suffices to prove the inequality only for 0 ≤
x, y < 1. Why is the new inequality easy? Because we can easily compute
all terms, after splitting in some cases, so that to see when [2{x}], [3{y}],
[2{y}] are 0, 1 or 2.
We won’t continue studying these cases, since another beautiful
problem is waiting.
Example 2. Let a, b be positive integers such that a|b2 , b3 |a4 , a5 |b6 ,
b7 |a8 , . . . . Prove that a = b.
Solution. Let us take a prime p and try to prove that vp (a) = vp (b).
We see that the hypothesis a|b2 , b3 |a4 , a5 |b6 , b7 |a8 , . . . is the same as
a4n+1 |b4n+2 and b4n+3 |a4n+4 for all natural number n. But the relation
a4n+1 |b4n+2 can be interpreted as (4n + 1)vp (a) ≤ (4n + 2)vp (b) for all
n, that is
4n + 2
vp (a) ≤ lim vp (b) = vp (b).
n→∞ 4n + 1
Similarly, the condition b4n+3 |a4n+4 implies vp (a) ≥ vp (b) and so
vp (a) = vp (b). The conclusion follows: a = b.

We have mentioned in the beginning of the discussion a nice and
easy problem, so probably it’s time to solve it, although for sure the
reader has already done this.
Example 3. Prove that lcm(a, b, c)2 |lcm(a, b) · lcm(b, c) · lcm(c, a)
for any positive integers a, b, c.
Solution. Let p an arbitrary prime number. We have

vp (lcm(a, b, c)2 ) = 2 max{x, y, z}


vp (lcm(a, b) · lcm(b, c) · lcm(c, a)) = max{x, y} + max{y, z} + max{z, x},

where x = vp (a), y = vp (b), z = vp (c). So, we need to prove that

max{x, y} + max{y, z} + max{z, x} ≥ 2 max{x, y, z}

for any nonnegative integers x, y, z. But this is easy, since we may assume
that x ≥ y ≥ z (the symmetry allows us this supposition) and the
inequality becomes 2x + y ≥ 2x, obviously true.
It is time for some difficult problems, which are all based on the
observations from the beginning of the discussion.
Example 4. Prove that there exists a constant c such that for any
positive integers a, b, n that verify a! · b!|n! we have a + b < n + c ln n.
Paul Erdos
Solution. This time the other formula for vp (n!) is useful. Of course,
there is no reasonable estimation of this constant, so we should better
see what happens if a! · b!|n!. Then v2 (a!) + v2 (b!) ≤ v2 (n!), which can
be translated as a − s2 (a) + b − s2 (b) ≤ n − s2 (n) < n. So, we have
found almost exactly what we needed: a + b < n + s2 (a) + s2 (b). Now,
we need another observation: the sum of digits of a number A when
written in binary is at most the number of digits of A in base 2, which
is 1 + [log2 A] (this follows from the fact that 2k−1 ≤ A < 2k , where

k is the number of digits of A in base 2). So, we have the estimations
a + b < n + s2 (a) + s2 (b) ≤ n + 2 + log2 ab ≤ n + 2 + 2 log2 n (since we
have of course a, b ≤ n). And now the conclusion is immediate.
The following problem appeared in Kvant as a hard problem. It took
quite a long time before an olympic found an extraordinary solution. We
shall not present his solution; but another one, even easier.
Example 5. Is there an infinite set of positive integers such that
no matter how we choose some elements of this set, their sum is not an
integer power of exponent at least 2?


Solution. Let us take A = {2n · 3n+1 |n ≥ 1} If we consider some

different numbers from this set, their sum will be of the form 2x · 3x+1 · y,
where (y, 6) = 1. This is surely not a power of exponent at least 2, since
otherwise the exponent should divide both x and x + 1. Thus this set is
actually a good choice.
The following problem shows the beauty of elementary number-
theory. It combines diverse ideas and techniques and the result is at
least beautiful. This one is also a classic problem, that appeared in lots
of mathematics competitions.
Example 6. Prove that for any natural number n, n! is a divisor of

(2n − 2k ).

Solution. So, let us take a prime number p. Of course, for the ar-
gument to be non-trivial, we take p ≤ n (otherwise doesn’t divide n!).
First, let us see what happens with p = 2. We have

v2 (n!) = n − s2 (n) ≤ n − 1

and also
n−1 n−1
n k
v2 (2 − 2 ) = v2 (2n − 2k ) ≥ n − 1
k=0 k=0

(since 2 n − 2k is even for k ≥ 1), so we are done with this case. Now, let
us assume that p > 2. We have p|2p−1 − 1 from Fermat’s theorem, so we
also have p|2k(p−1) − 1 for all k ≥ 1. Now,
n−1 n
Y n(n−1) Y
(2n − 2k ) = 2 2 (2k − 1)
k=0 k=1

and so, from the above remarks we infer that

n−1 n
n k
v2 (2 − 2 ) = v2 (2k − 1)
k=0 k=1
≥ v2 (2k(p−1) − 1) ≥ card{k|1 ≤ k(p − 1) ≤ n}

card{k|1 ≤ k(p − 1) ≤ n} = ,
we have found that
n k n
v2 (2 − 2 ) ≥ .

But we know that

n − sp (n) n−1 n
v2 (n!) = ≤ <
p−1 p−1 p−1
and since v2 (n!) ∈ R, we must have
v2 (n!) ≤ .
From these two inequalities, we conclude that
v2 (2n − 2k ) ≥ v2 (n!)

and now the problem is solved.

Diophantine equations can also be solved using the methods em-
ployed in this topic. Here is a difficult one, given in a russian olympiad.
Example 7. Prove that the equation
1 1 1 1
= + + ··· +
10n n1 ! n2 ! nk !
does not have integer solutions such that 1 ≤ n1 < n2 < · · · < nk .
Tuymaada Olimpiad
Solution. Suppose we have found a solution of the equation and let
us consider
P = n1 !n2 ! . . . nk !.

We have

10n ((n1 + 1) . . . (nk − 1)nk + · · · + (nk−1 + 1) . . . (nk − 1)nk + 1) = nk !

which shows that nk divides 10n . Let us write nk = 2x · 5y . First of

all, suppose that x, y are positive. Thus, (n1 + 1) . . . (nk − 1)nk + · · · +
(nk−1 + 1) . . . (nk − 1)nk + 1 is relatively prime with 10 and it follows
hn i hn i
k k
that v2 (nk !) = v5 (nk !). This implies of course that j
= j for all
hn i hn i 2 5
k k
j (because we clearly have > ) and so n k ≤ 3. A verification
2j 5j
by hand shows that there is no solution in this case.
Next, suppose that y = 0. Then (n1 +1) . . . (nk −1)nk +· · ·+(nk−1 +
1) . . . (nk − 1)nk + 1 is odd and thus v2 (nk !) = n ≤ v5 (nk !). Again this
implies v2 (nk !) = v5 (nk !) and we have seen that this gives no solution.
So, actually x = 0. A crucial observation is that if nk > nk−1 + 1,
then (n1 + 1) . . . (nk − 1)nk + · · · + (nk−1 + 1) . . . (nk − 1)nk + 1 is again
odd and thus we find again that v2 (nk !) = n ≤ v5 (nk !), impossible. So,
nk = nk−1 + 1. But then, taking into account that nk is a power of 5, we
deduce that (n1 + 1) . . . (nk − 1)nk + · · · + (nk−1 + 1) . . . (nk − 1)nk + 1 is
congruent to 2 modulo 4 and thus v2 (nk !) = n+1 ≤ v5 (nk !)+1. It follows
hn i hn i
k k
that ≤ 1+ and thus nk ≤ 6. Since nk is a power of 5, we
2 5

find that nk = 5, nk−1 = and a quick research of all possibilities shows
that there are no solutions. Thus, the given equation has no solution in
natural numbers.
A tricky APMO problem asked once upon a time to prove there is a
number 2 < n < 2000 such that n|2n + 2. We will let to the reader the
job to verify that 2 · 11 · 43 is a solution (and especially the job to find
how we arrived at this number) and also the exercise to prove that there
are actually infinitely many such numbers. Yet... small verifications show
that all such numbers are even. Proving this turns out to be a difficult
problem and this was proved for the first time by Sierpinski.
Note. After the quadratic reciprocity law topic, it will be proved that
2 11 43 is a solution of the problem.
Example 8. Prove that for any n > 1 we cannot have n|2n−1 + 1.
Solution. Although very short, the proof is tricky. Let n = pki i
where p1 < · · · < ps are prime numbers. The idea is to look at v2 (pi − 1).
Choose that pi which minimizes this quantity and write pi = 1 + 2ri mi
with mi odd. Then of course we have n ≡ 1 (mod 2mi ). Hence we can
write n − 1 = 2m t. We have 22 ≡ −1 (mod pi ) thus we surely have
−1 ≡ 2 2m tmi ≡ 2(pi −1)t ≡ 1 (mod pi ) (the last congruence being derived
from Fermat’s theorem). Thus pi = 2, which is clearly impossible.
We continue with a very nice and hard problem, in which the idea of
looking at the exponents really saves us. This problem seemed to appear
for the first time in AMM , proposed by Armond E. Spencer. In the last
years, it appeared in various contests.
Example 9. Prove that for any integers a1 , a2 , . . . , an the number
Y ai − aj
is an integer.

Armond Spencer, AMM E 2637

Solution. This time, we consider a prime number p and we prove
that for each k ≥ 1, there are more numbers divisible by pk in the se-
quence of differences (ai −aj )1≤i<j≤n than in the sequence (i−j)1≤i<j≤n .
   
vp  (ai − aj ) = Npk  (ai − aj )
1≤i<j≤n k≥1 1≤i<j≤n
 
(here Nx  y  is the number of terms from the sequence A that are
multiples of x) and
   
vp  (i − j) = Npk  (i − j) ,
1≤i<j≤n k≥1 1≤i<j≤n

the problem will be solved if we prove our claim. Now, let us fix k ≥ 1
and let us suppose that there are exactly bi indices j ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n} such
that aj ≡ i (mod pk ), for each i ∈ {0, 1, . . . , pk − 1}. Then we have
  k −1  
Y bi
Npk  (ai − aj ) =
 .
1≤i<j≤n i=0
n+i n+i
We see that if ai = i, then bi = (there are numbers
pk pk
congruent with i (mod p) between 1 and n; any of them is of the form
n−i n
i + jp, with 0 ≤ j ≤ , of course, if i = 0 we have 1 ≤ j ≤ ). So,
p p
  k −1
 h i 
pX ni
 pk 
Npk  (i − j) =
1≤i<j≤n i=0 2

and it suffices to prove that

k −1  k −1
 h i 
pX  pX ni
bi pk
≥  .
2 2
i=0 i=0

Now, observe that we are practically asked to find the minimal
k −1 
pX  k −1
pX k −1
value of , when xi = n (it is clear that bi = n =
i=0 i=0 i=0
k −1 
from the definition of bi ). For this, let us suppose that
x1 ≤ x2 ≤ · · · ≤ xpk −1 is the n-tuple which attains the minimal
k −1
value (such a n-tuple exists since the equation xi = n has a finite
number of solutions). If xpk −1 > x0 + 1, then we consider the n-tuple
(x0 + 1, x1 , . . . , xpk −2 , xpk −1 − 1) which has the sum of the components
n, but for which
x0 + 1 x1 xpk −2 xpk −1 − 1
+ + ··· + +
2 2 2 2
x0 x1 xpk −2 xpk −1
< + + ··· + + .
2 2 2 2
The last inequality is true, since it is equivalent with xpk −1 > x0 +1, so it
is true. But this contradicts the minimality of (x0 , x1 , . . . , x2 , . . . , xpk −1 ).
So, we must have xpk −1 ≤ x0 + 1 and from here it follows that
xi ∈ {x0 , x0 + 1} for all i ∈ {0, 1, 2, . . . , pk − 1}. Thus, there is
j ∈ {0, 1, 2, . . . , pk − 1} such that x0 = x1 = · · · = xj and xj+1 =
xj+2 = · · · = xpk −1 = x0 + 1. This easily implies that the minimal
n-tuple is in fact and the problem is solved.
pk i=0,pk −1
Finally, it is time for a challenge.
Example 10. Let a, b two different positive rational numbers such
that for infinitely many numbers n, an − bn is integer. Then prove that
a, b are also integers.
Gabriel Dospinescu, Mathlinks Contest
x y
Solution. Let us start by writing a = , b = , where x, y, z are
z z
different natural numbers relatively prime. We know thus that z n |xn −y n

for infinitely many numbers n. Let M be the set of those numbers n.
Now, assume that z > 1 and take p a prime divisor of z. Assuming that
p does not divide x, it obviously follows that it can’t divide y. We have
thus two cases:
i) If p = 2, then let n such that 2n |xn − y n and write n = 2un vn ,
where vn is odd. From the identity
un v un v un −1 v un −1 v
x2 n
− y2 n
= (xvn − y vn )(xvn + y vn ) . . . (x2 n
− y2 n

it follows that
n −1
n n vn vn kv kv
v2 (x − y ) = v2 (x −y )+ v2 (x2 n
+ y2 n

But xvn −1 + xvn −2 + · · · + xy vn −2 + y vn −1 is obviously odd (since

vn , x, y are odd), hence

v2 (xvn − y vn ) = v2 (x − y).

Similarly, we can prove that

v2 (xvn + y vn ) = v2 (x + y).

Since for k > 0 we have

kv kv
x2 n
+ y2 n
≡2 (mod 4),

we finally deduce that

2un vn ≤ v2 (xn − y n ) ≤ v2 (x + y) + v2 (x − y) + un − 1 (∗)

Consequently, (2un )n∈M is bounded, a simple reason being the in-

equality 2un ≤ v2 (x + y) + v2 (x − y) + un − 1. Hence (un )n∈M takes only
a finite number of values and from (∗) it follows that (vn )n∈M also takes
a finite number of values, that is M is finite.
ii) If p is odd, then let d the smallest positive integer k such that
p|xk −y k . Then for any n in M we will have p|xn −y n . Let x = tu, y = tv,

where (u, v) = 1. Obviously, tuv is not a multiple of p. It follows then
that p|(ud −v d , un −v n ) = u(n,d) −v (n,d) |x(n,d) −y (n,d) and by the choice of
d, we must have d|n. Take now n in M and write it in the form n = md,
with m natural. Let A = xd , B = y d . Then pm |pn |xn − y n = Am − B m
and this happens for infinitely many numbers m. Moreover, p|A − B.
Let R the infinite set of those numbers m. For any m in R we have
m ≤ vp (Am − B m ). Now, let us write m = pi j, where j is relatively
prime with p. We clearly have
i i
m m j Apj − B pj
j Ajp − B jp
A −B = (A − B ) j . . .
A − Bj Ajpi−1 − B jpi−1
(we have assumed that i > 1, since the final conclusion will be obvi-
ous in any other case). An essential observation is that we cannot have
k k
2 Ajp − B jp
p | jpk−1 for a certain k > 1. Indeed, otherwise we would have
A − B jpk−1
k k
p2 |Ajp − B jp ⇒ p2 |Apj − B pj (Euler’s theorem). Yet, we also have
k−1 (p−1) k−1 (p−2) k−1 k−1 (p−1)
p2 |Ajp + Ajp B jp + · · · + bjp . From p2 |Aj − B j
we have
k−1 (p−1) k−1 (p−2) k−1 k−1 (p−1)
Ajp + Ajp B jp + · · · + B jp

k−1 (p−1)
≡ pAjp (mod p2 ),

so we should have p|A, that is p|x, false.

Apj − B pj
Let us prove now that we cannot have p2 | . Indeed, oth-
Aj − B j
erwise (since p|A − B), we can write Aj = B j + wp and then a simple
computation using Newton’s binomial formula shows that

Apj − B pj
= Aj(p−1) + Aj(p−2) + · · · + B j(p−1)
Aj − B j

p − 1 j(p−2) 2
≡ pB j(p−1) + B p ≡ pB j(p−1) (mod p2 )
and thus it would follow that p|B, that is p|y, false.

After all, we have shown that in this case we must have

m ≤ vp (Am − B m ) ≤ vp (Aj − B j ) + i.

Using again the fact that A ≡ B (mod p), we infer that

Aj−1 + Aj−2 B + · · · + B j−1 ≡ jAp−1 ≡ j (mod p),

which shows that

vp (Aj − B j ) = vp (A − B).
Thus, for infinitely many numbers m we have

m ≤ vp (A − B) + [log2 m],

which is clearly impossible.

Thus, we must have p|x and p|y, contradiction with the fact that
x, y, z are relatively prime. This shows that z = 1 and a, b are integers.

Problems for training

1. Prove the identity
lcm(a, b, c)2 gcd(a, b, c)2
lcm(a, b) · lcm(b, c) · lcm(c, a) gcd(a, b) · gcd(b, c) · gcd(c, a)
for any positive integers a, b, c.
USAMO, 1972
2. Let a, b, c, d be positive integers such that ab = cd. Prove that

gcd(a, c) · gcd(a, d) = a · gcd(a, b, c, d).

Polish Mathematical Olympiad

3. Let a1 , a2 , . . . , ak , b1 , b2 , . . . , bk be positive integers such that
gcd(ai , bi ) = 1 for all i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , k}. Let m − lcm[b1 , b2 , . . . , bk ]. Prove
a1 m1 a2 m2 ak mk
gcd , ,..., = gcd(a1 , a2 , . . . , ak ).
b1 b2 bk
IMO Shortlist 1974

4. Let n such that 2n−2005 |n!. Prove that this number has at most
2005 non-zero digits when written in base 2.
5. Prove that for any natural number n we have
(n2 )!
     ∈ R.
n n+1 2n − 1
... n!n
n n n
R.M Grassl, T. Porter, AMM E 3123
6. Prove the identity
(n + 1)lcmk=0,n = lcm(1, 2, . . . , n + 1)
for any positive integer n.
Peter L Montgomery, AMM E 2686
7. Let 0 < a1 < · · · < an be integers. Find the maximal value of the
number m for which we can find the integers 0 < b1 < · · · < bm such
X m
X n
Y m
ak ak
2 = bk and (2 )! = bk !.
k=1 k−1 k=1 k=1
Gabriel Dospinescu
8. Prove that the least common multiple of thenumbers
  1, 2, .
. . ,
n n n
equals the least common multiple of the numbers , ,...,
1 2 n
if and only if n + 1 is a prime.
Laurentiu Panaitopol, TST 1990 Romania
9. Prove that for any n ∈ N we have n!(n + 1)!(n + 2)!|(3n)!.
10. Prove that the product of the numbers between 21917 + 1 and
21991 − 1 is not a perfect square.
Tournament of the Towns, 1991
11. Show that if n is a positive integer and a and b are integers, then
n! divides a(a + b)(a + 2b) . . . (a + (n − 1)b)bn − 1.

IMO Shortlist, 1985
2 +k+1
12. Prove that k!k divides (k 3 )!.
Poland Olympiad
13. Let x, y be relatively prime different natural numbers. Prove that
for infinitely many primes p the exponent of p in xp−1 − y p−1 is odd.
14. Let a1 , . . . , an > 0 such that whenever k is a prime number of a
power of a prime number, we have
na o na o
1 n
+ ··· + < 1.
k k
Prove that there is a unique index i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n} such that a1 +
· · · + an < 1 + [ai ].
16. Find the exponent of 2 in the decomposition of the number
 n+1   n 
2 2
− n−1 .
2n 2
17. Prove that (xn )n≥1 the exponent of 2 in the decomposition of
2 22 2n
the numerator of + + · · · + , goes to infinity as n → ∞. Even
1 2 n
more, prove that x2n ≥ 2n − n + 1 (hint: try to prove first the identity
2 22 2n 2n X 1
+ + ··· + =   ).
1 2 n n n−1
Adapted after a Kvant problem
18. Prove that the product of at most 25 consecutive integers is not
a square.
Narumi’s theorem


The study of the properties of the prime numbers is so well developed

(yet, many old conjectures and open questions wait their solution), that
some properties have become classical and need to be known. In this unit,
we will try to present a unitary view over the properties of some classes of
primes and also some classical results related to representations as sum
of two squares. These things are not new, but they must be included
in the mathematical culture of a serious problem-solver. Yet, in the end
of the unit, we will discuss as usual some non-classical and surprising
problems. So, don’t skip this unit!
Since we will use some facts several times in this paper, we prefer to
make some notations before discussing the problems. So, we will consider
A, B the sets of all prime numbers of the form 4k + 1 and 4k + 3,
respectively. Also, let C be the set of all numbers which can be written as
the sum of two perfect squares. Our purpose is to present some classical
things related to A, B, C. The most spectacular property of the set A
is surely the fact that any element is the sum of two squares of positive
integers. This is not a trivial property and we will see a beautiful proof
for this theorem of Fermat, which is far from easy.
Example 1. Prove that A is a subset of C.
Solution. Thus, we need to prove that any prime number of the form
4k+1 is the sum of two squares. We will use a very nice theorem of Thue,
which says that if n is a positive integer and a is relatively prime with

n, then there exist integers 0 < x, y ≤ n such that xa ≡ ±y (mod n)
for a suitable choice of the signs + and −. The proof is simple, but the
theorem itself is a diamond. Indeed, let us consider all the pairs xa − y,
√ √
with 0 ≤ x, y ≤ [ n]. So, we have a list of ([ n] + 1)2 > n numbers and
it follows that two numbers among them give the same remainder when
divided by n, let them be ax1 − y1 and ax2 − y2 . It is not difficult to see

that we may assume that x1 > x2 (we certainly cannot have x1 = x2 or
y1 = y2 ). If we take x = x1 − x2 , y = |y1 − y2 |, all the conditions are
satisfied and the theorem is proved.
We will use now Wilson’s theorem to find an integer n such that
p|n2 + 1. Indeed, let us write p = 4k + 1 and observe that we can take
n = (2k)!. Why? Because from Wilson’s theorem we have
p−1 p−1
−1 ≡ (p − 1)! (mod p) ≡ 1 · 2 . . . p− . . . (p − 1)
2 2
p−1 p−1 2
≡ (−1) 2 ! ≡ (2k)!2 (mod p)
and the claim is proved. Now, since p|n2 + 1, it is clear that p and n
are relatively prime. Hence we can apply Thue’s theorem and we find
√ √
the existence of positive integers 0 < x, y < p (since p 6∈ R) such
that p|n2 x2 − y 2 . Because p|n2 + 1, we find that p|x2 + y 2 and because

0 < x, y < p, we conclude that we have in fact p = x2 + y 2 . The
theorem is proved.
Now, it is time now to study some properties of the set B. Since they
are easier, we will discuss them all in a single example.
Example 2. Let p ∈ B and suppose that x, y are integers such that
p|x2 + y 2 . Then p|(x, y). Consequently, any number of the form n2 + 1
has only prime factors that belong to A or are equal to 2. Conclude that
A is infinite and then that B is infinite.
Solution. Let us focus on the first question. Suppose that p|(x, y)
is not true. Then, it is obvious that xy is not a multiple of p. Because
p|x2 + y 2 , we can write x2 ≡ −y 2 (mod p). Combining this with the
observation that (x, p) = (y, p) = 1 and with Fermat’s theorem, we
p−1 p−1
find that 1 ≡ xp−1 ≡ (−1) 2 ≡ (−1) 2 ≡ −1 (mod p), which is
clearly impossible. This settles the first question. The second one follows
clearly from the first one. Now, it remains to prove the third assertion.

Proving that B is infinite is almost identical with the proof that there
exist infinitely many primes. Indeed, suppose that p1 , p2 , . . . , pn are all
the elements of B greater than 3 and consider the odd number N =
4p1 p2 . . . pn + 3. Because N ≡ 3 (mod 4), N must have a prime factor
that belongs to B. But since pi is not a divisor of N for any i = 1, n
the contradiction is reached and thus B is infinite. In the same manner
we can prove that A is infinite, but this time we must use the second
question. Indeed, we consider this time the number M = (q1 q2 . . . qm )2 +
1, where q1 , q2 , . . . , qm are all the elements of A and then simply apply
the result from the second question. The conclusion is plain.
It is not difficult to characterize the elements of the set C. A number
is a sum of two squares if and only if any prime factor of it that also
belongs to B appears at an even exponent in the decomposition of that
number. The proof is just a consequence of the first examples and we
will not insist. Having presented some basic results that we will use in
this unit, it is time to see how many applications these two examples
have. An easy consequence of the previous observations is the following.
As a simple application of the first example, we consider the following
problem, which is surely easy for someone who knows Fermat’s theorem
regarding the elements of A and very difficult otherwise.
Example 3. Find the number of integers x ∈ {−1997, . . . , 1997} for
which 1997|x2 + (x + 1)2 .
India, 1998
Solution. We know that any congruence of the second degree re-
duces to the congruence x2 ≡ a (mod p). So, let us proceed and reduce
the given congruence to this special form. This is not difficult, since
x2 + (x + 1)2 ≡ 0 (mod 1997) is of course equivalent to 2x2 + 2x + 1 ≡ 0
(mod 1997), which in turn becomes (2x + 1)2 + 1 ≡ 0 (mod 1997).
Since 1997 ∈ A, the congruence n2 ≡ −1 (mod 1997) surely has at

least a solution. More precisely, there are exactly two solutions that
belong to {1, 2, . . . , 1996} because if n0 is a solution, so is 1997 − n0
and it is clear that it has at most two non-congruent solutions mod
1997. Because (2, 1997) = 1, the function x → 2x + 1 is a permutation
of R1997 and so the initial congruence has exactly two solutions with
x ∈ {1, 2, . . . , 1996}. In a similar way, we find that there are exactly two
solutions with x ∈ {−1997, −1996, . . . , −1}. Therefore there are exactly
four numbers x ∈ {−1997, . . . , 1997} such that 1997|x2 + (x + 1)2 .
From a previous observation, we know that the condition that a
number is a sum of two squares is quite restrictive. This suggests that
the set X is quite RARA. This conclusion can be translated in the
following nice problem.
Example 4. Prove that C doesn’t have bounded gaps, that is there
are arbitrarily long sequences of integers, no term of which can be written
as the sum of two perfect squares.


Solution. The statement of the problem suggests using the Chinese

Remainder Theorem, but here the main idea is to use the complete
characterization of the set C, that we have just discussed: C = {n ∈
R| if p|n and p ∈ B, then vp (n) ∈ 2R}. Hence we know what we have
to do. We will take long sequences of consecutive integers, each of them
having a prime factor that belongs to B and has exponent 1. More
precisely, we take different elements of B, let them p1 , p2 , . . . , pn (we can
take as many as we need, since B is infinite) and then we look for a

solution of the system of congruences

 x ≡ p1 − 1 (mod p21 )

 x ≡ p − 2 (mod p2 )

2 2

 ...

 x ≡ p − n (mod p2 )

n n

The existence of such a solution follows from the Chinese Remainder

Theorem. Thus, the numbers x + 1, x + 2, . . . , x + n cannot be written as
the sum of two perfect squares, since pi |xi , but p2i does not divide x + i.
Since n is as large as we want, the conclusion follows.
The Diophantine equation x(x + 1)(x + 2) . . . (x + n) = y k has been
extensively studied by many mathematicians and great results have been
obtained. But these results are very difficult to prove and we prefer to
present a related problem, with a nice flavor of elementary mathematics.
Example 5. Prove that a set of p − 1 consecutive positive integers,
where p ∈ B, cannot be partitioned into two subsets, each having the
same product of the elements.
Solution. Let us suppose that the positive integers x + 1, x +
2, . . . , x + p − 1 have been partitioned into two classes X, Y , each of
them having the same product of the elements. If at least one of them is
a multiple of p, then there must be another one divisible by p (since in
this case both the products of elements from X and Y must be multi-
ples of p), which is clearly impossible. Thus, none of these numbers is a
multiple of p, which means that the set of remainders of these numbers
when divided by p is exactly 1, 2, . . . , p − 1. Also, from the hypothesis it
follows that there exists a positive integer n such that

(x + 1)(x + 2) . . . (x + p − 1) = n2 .

Hence n2 ≡ 1 · 2(p − 1) ≡ −1 (mod p), the last congruence being

true by Wilson’s theorem. But from the second example we know that

the congruence n2 ≡ −1 (mod p) is impossible for p ∈ B and this is the
needed contradiction.
The results stated in the second example are an useful tool in solving
non-standard Diophantine equations. The technique is better explained
in the following two examples.
Example 6. Prove that the equation x4 = y 2 + z 2 + 4 does not have
integer solutions.

Reid Barton, Rookie Contest, 1999

Solution. Practically, we have to show that x4 − 4 does not belong

to C. Hence we need to find an element of B that has an odd exponent
in the decomposition of x4 − 4. The first case is when x is odd. Using the
factorization x4 −4 = (x2 −2)(x2 +2) and the observation that x2 +2 ≡ 3
(mod 4), we deduce that there exists p ∈ B such that vp (x2 + 2) is odd.
But since p cannot divide x2 − 2 (otherwise p|x2 + 2 − (x2 − 2), which is
not the case), we conclude that vp (x4 − 4) is odd and so x4 − 4 does not
belong to C. We have thus shown that in any solution of the equation x
is even, let us say x = 2k. Then, we must also have 4k 4 − 1 ∈ C, which
is clearly impossible since 4k 4 − 1 ≡ 3 (mod 4) and thus 4k 4 − 1 has
a prime factor that belongs to B and has odd exponent. Moreover, it
worth noting that the equation x2 +y 2 = 4k+3 can be solved directly, by
working modulo 4. We leave to the reader the details, which are trivial.
The following problem is much more difficult, but the basic idea is
the same. Yet, the details are not so obvious and, most important, it
is not clear how to begin. It has become a classical problem due to its
beauty and difficulty.
Example 7. Let p ∈ B and suppose that x, y, z, t are integers such
that x2p +y 2p +z 2p = t2p . Prove that at least one of the numbers x, y, z, t
is a multiple of p.

Barry Powel, AMM
Solution. First of all, we observe that it is enough to assume that
x, y, z, t are relatively prime. Next, we prove that t is odd. Supposing
the contrary, we obtain that x2p + y 2p + z 2p ≡ 0 (mod 4). Since a2
(mod 4) ∈ {0, 1}, the latter implies that x, y, z are even, contradicting
the assumption that (x, y, z, t) = 1. Hence t is odd. This implies that
at least one of the numbers x, y, z is odd. Suppose that it is z. Now,
another step is required. We write the equation in the form
t2p − z 2p 2
x2p + y 2p = (t − z 2 )
t2 − z 2
and we look for a prime number q ∈ B with an odd exponent in the
decomposition of a factor that appears in the right-hand side. The best
candidate for this factor seems to be
t2p − z 2p
= (t2 )p−1 + (t2 )p−2 z 2 + · · · + (z 2 )p−1 ,
t2 − z 2
which is congruent to 3 (mod 4). This follows from the hypothesis p ∈ B
and the fact that a2 ≡ 1 (mod  2p 4) 2pfor any odd number a. Thus, there
t −z
exists q ∈ B such that vq is odd. Since x2p + y 2p ∈ C, it
t2 − z 2
follows that vq (x2p + y 2p ) is even and so vq (t2 − z 2 ) is odd. In particular
q|t2 −z 2 and, because q|(t2 )p−1 +(t2 )p−2 z 2 +· · ·+(z 2 )p−1 , we deduce that
q|pt2(p−1) . If q 6= p, then q|t, hence q|z and also q|x2p + y 2p . Because q ∈
B, we infer that q|(x, y, z, t) = 1, which is clearly impossible. Therefore
q = p and so p|x2p + y 2p . Because p ∈ B, we find that p|x and p|y. The
conclusion follows.
It’s time for a hard problem.
Example 8. Find the smallest nonnegative integer n for which there
exists a non-constant function f : Z → [0, ∞) with the following prop-
a) f (xy) = f (x)f (y);

b) 2f (x2 + y 2 ) − f (x) − f (y) ∈ {0, 1, . . . , n} for all integers x and y.
For this n, find all the functions with the above properties.
Solution. We will use all results proved in the beginning of the note.
First, we will prove that for n = 1 there are functions which verify a)
and b). We remind that A and B are the sets of all primes of the form
4k + 1 and 4k + 3, respectively. For any p ∈ B we define:
0, if p|x
fp : Z → Z, fp (x) =
1, otherwise
Using properties of sets A and B, one can easily verify that fp verifies
the restrictions of the problem. Hence fp is a solution of the problem for
any p ∈ B.
We will prove now that if f is non-constant and verifies the conditions
of the problem, then n > 0. Suppose not. Then 2f (x2 +y 2 ) = f (x)+f (y)
and hence 2f 2 (x) = 2f (x2 + 02 ) = f (x) + f (0). It is clear that we
have f 2 (0) = f (0). Since f is non-constant, we must have f (0) = 0.
Consequently, we must have 2f 2 (x) = f (x) for every integer x. But if
there exists x such that f (x) = , then f 2 (x2 ) 6= 2f (x2 ), contradiction.
Thus, f (x) = 0 for any integer x and f is constant, contradiction. So,
n = 1 is the smallest number for which there are non-constant functions
which verify a) and b).
We will prove now that any non-constant function f which verifies
a) and b) must be of the form fp . We have already seen that f (0) = 0.
Since f 2 (1) = f (1) and f is non-constant, we must have f (1) = 1. Also,
2f 2 (x) − f (x) = 2f (x2 + 02 ) − f (x) − f (0) ∈ {0, 1} for every integer x.
Thus, f (x) ∈ {0, 1}.
f 2 (−1) = f (1) = 1 and f (−1) ∈ [0, ∞), we must have f (−1) = 1
and f (−x) = f (−1)f (x) = f (x) for any integer x. Then, since f (xy) =
f (x)f (y), it is enough to find f (p) for any prime p. We prove that there is

exactly one prime number p for which f (p) = 0. Since f is non-constant,
there exists a prime number p for which f (p) = 0. Suppose there is
another prime q for which f (q) = 0. Then 2f (p2 + q 2 ) ∈ {0, 1}, which
means f (p2 + q 2 ) = 0. Then for any integers a and b we must have: 0 =
2f (a2 +b2 )f (p2 +q 2 ) = 2f ((ap+bq)2 +(aq−bp)2 ). Since 0 ≤ f (x)+f (y) ≤
2f (x2 + y 2 ) for any x and y, we must have f (ap + bq) = f (aq − bp) = 0.
Since p and q are relatively prime, there are integers a and b such that
aq − bp = 1. Then we have 1 = f (1) = f (aq − bp) = 0, contradiction. So
,there is exactly one prime number p for which f (p) = 0. Let us suppose
that p = 2. Then f (x) = 0 for any even x and 2f (x2 +y 2 ) = 0 for any odd
numbers x and y. This implies that f (x) = f (y) = 0 for any odd numbers
x and y and thus f is constant, contradiction. Therefore p ∈ A ∪ B.
Suppose p ∈ A. According to proposition 2, there are positive integers
a and b such that p = a2 + b2 . Then we must have f (a) = f (b) = 0. But
max{a, b} > 1 and there is a prime number q such that q| max{a, b} and
f (q) = 0 (otherwise, we would have f (max{a, b} = 1). But it is clear
that q < p and thus we have found two distinct primes p and q such
that f (p) = f (q) = 0, which, as we have already seen, is impossible.
Consequently, p ∈ B and we have f (x) = 0 for any x divisible by p and
f (x) = 1 for any x which is not divisible by p. Hence, f must be fp and
the conclusion follows.

Problems for training

1. Prove that if p ∈ A, then it can be represented in exactly one way
as the sum of the squares of two integers, except for the order of the
2. Prove that a positive integer can be written as the sum of two
perfect squares if and only if it can be written as the sum of the squares
of two rational numbers.


3. Find all positive integers n with the property that the equation
n = x2 + y 2 , where 0 ≤ x ≤ y and (x, y) = 1 has exactly one solution.
4. Here is another proof of the theorem from example 1. Suppose
that p = 4k + 1 ∈ A and let x, y ∈ Z such that max{|x|, |y|} < and
2k 2 2
2xε (mod p), y ≡ (2k)!x (mod p). Prove that p = x + y .

5. Find all pairs of positive integers (m, n) such that

m2 − 1|3m + (n! − 1)m .

Gabriel Dospinescu

6. The positive integers a, b have the property that the numbers

15a + 16b and 16a − 15b are both perfect squares. What is the least
possible value that can be taken on by the smallest of the two squares?


7. Prove that the number 4mn − m − n cannot be a perfect square

if m, n are positive integers.

IMO 1984 Shortlist

8. Find all n-tuples of positive integers (a1 , a2 , . . . , an ) such that

(a1 ! − 1)(a2 ! − 1) . . . (an ! − 1) − 16

is a perfect square.

Gabriel Dospinescu

9. Find all pairs of positive integers (x, y) such that the number
x2 + y 2
is a divisor of 1995.
Bulgaria, 1995

10. Prove that the equation y 2 = x5 − 4 does not have integer

Balkan, 1998

11. Solve in integer numbers the equation x2 = y 7 + 7.

ROMOP, 2001

12. Find all positive integers n such that the number 2n − 1 has a
multiple of the form m2 + 9.

IMO Shortlist, 1999

13. Prove that there exists infinitely many pairs of consecutive num-
bers, no two of them having any prime factor that belongs to B.
14. Prove that if n2 + a ∈ C for any positive integer n, then a ∈ C.

Gabriel Dospinescu

15. Let T the set of the positive integers n for which the equation
n2 = a2 + b2 has solutions in positive integers. Prove that T has density

Moshe Laub, 6583

16. a) Prove that for any real number x and any natural number N
one can find integer numbers p, q such that |qx − p| ≤ .
N +1
b) Suppose that a ∈ Z is a divisor of a number of the form n2 + 1.
Then prove that a ∈ C.
17. Find all functions f : N → Z with the properties:
1. if a|b then f (a) ≥ f (b)
2. for any natural numbers a, b we have

f (ab) + f (a2 + b2 ) = f (a) + f (b).

Gabriel Dospinescu, Mathlinks Contest

18. (for the die hards) Let L0 = 2, L1 = 1 and Ln+2 = Ln+1 + Ln
be the famous Lucas’s sequence. Then the only n > 1 such that Ln is a
perfect square is n = 3.
Cohn’s theorem


T2 ’s lemma is clearly a direct application of the Cauchy-Schwarz in-

equality. Some will say that it is actually the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality
and they are not wrong. Anyway, this particular lemma has become very
popular among the American students who attended the training of the
USA IMO team. This happened after a lecture delivered by the first
author at the Mathematical Olympiad Summer Program (MOSP) held
at Georgetown University in June, 2001.
But what exactly does this lemma say? It says that for any real
numbers a1 , a2 , . . . , an and any positive real numbers x1 , x2 , . . . , xn the

a21 a2 a2 (a1 + a2 + · · · + an )2
+ 2 + ··· + n ≥ (1)
x1 x2 xn x1 + x2 + · · · + xn
holds. And now we see why calling it also the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality
is natural, since it is practically an equivalent form of this inequality:
a22 a2n

+ + ··· + (x1 + x2 + · · · + xn )
x1 x2 xn
s s s 2
a21 √ a22 √ a2n √ 
≥ · x1 + · x2 + · · · + · xn .
x1 x2 xn

But there is another nice proof of (1), by induction. The inductive

step is reduced practically to the case n = 2, which is immediate. Indeed,
it boils down to (a1 x2 − a2 x1 )2 ≥ 0 and the equality occurs if and only
a1 a2
if = . Applying this result twice it follows that
x1 x2

a21 a2 a2 (a1 + a2 )2 a2 (a1 + a2 + a3 )2

+ 2+ 3 ≥ + 3 ≥
x1 x2 x3 x1 + x2 x3 x1 + x2 + x3
and we see that a simple inductive argument finishes the proof. With this
brief introduction, let us discuss some problems. And there are plenty

of them given in mathematical contests or proposed in mathematical
First, an old problem, that became classical. We will see that with
T2 ’s lemma it becomes straightforward and even more, we will obtain a
refinement of the inequality.
Example 1. Prove that for any positive real numbers a, b, c

a3 b3 c3 a+b+c
2 2
+ 2 2
+ 2 2
≥ .
a + ab + b b + bc + c c + ca + a 3

Tournament of the Towns, 1998

Solution. We will change the left-hand side of the inequality so that

we could apply T2 ’s lemma. This is not difficult: we just have to write it
in the form

a4 b4 c4
+ + .
a(a2 + ab + b2 ) b(b2 + bc + c2 ) c(c2 + ca + a2 )

It follows that the left-hand side is greater than or equal to

(a2 + b2 + c2 )2
a3 + b3 + c3 + ab(a + b) + bc(b + c) + ca(c + a)

But we can easily observe that

a3 + b3 + c3 + ab(a + b) + bc(b + c) + ca(c + a) = (a + b + c)(a2 + b2 + c2 ),

so we have proved an even stronger inequality, that is

a3 b3 c3 a2 + b2 + c2
+ + ≥ .
a2 + ab + b2 b2 + bc + c2 c2 + ca + a2 a+b+c

The second example also became representative for a whole class of

problems. There are countless examples of this type in numerous contests
and mathematical magazines, so we find it necessary to discuss it at this

Example 2. For arbitrary positive real numbers a, b, c, d prove the
a b c d 2
+ + + ≥ .
b + 2c + 3d c + 2d + 3a d + 2a + 3b a + 2b + 3c 3
Titu Andreescu, IMO 1993 Shortlist
Solution. If we write the left-hand side in the form
a2 b2 c2 d2
+ + + ,
a(b + 2c + 3d) b(c + 2d + 3a) c(d + 2a + 3b) d(a + 2b + 3c)
then the way to continue is clear, since from the lemma we obtain
a b c d
+ + +
b + 2c + 3d c + 2d + 3a d + 2a + 3b a + 2b + 3c

(a + b + c + d)2
≥ .
4(ab + bc + cd + da + ac + bd)
Hence it suffices to prove the inequality

3(a + b + c + d)2 ≥ 8(ab + bc + cd + da + ac + bd).

But it is not difficult to see that

(a + b + c + d)2 = a2 + b2 + c2 + d2 + 2(ab + bc + cd + da + ac + bd),


8(ab + bc + cd + da + ac + bd) = 4(a + b + c + d)2 − 4(a2 + b2 + c2 + d2 ).

Consequently, we are left with the inequality

4(a2 + b2 + c2 + d2 ) ≥ (a + b + c + d)2 ,

which is just the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality for four variables.

The problem below, given at the IMO 1995, was discussed exten-
sively in many publications. It could be also solved by using the above

Example 3. Let a, b, c be positive real numbers such that abc = 1.
Prove that
1 1 1 3
+ 3 + 3 ≥ .
a3 (b
+ c) b (c + a) c (a + b) 2
Solution. We have:
1 1 1
1 1 1 a2 b 2 c2
+ + = + +
a3 (b + c) b3 (c + a) c3 (a + b) a(b + c) b(c + a) c(c + a)

1 1 1 2
+ +
a b c (ab + bc + ca)2 ab + bc + ca 3
≥ = = ≥ ,
2(ab + bc + ca) 2(ab + bc + ca) 2 2
the last inequality following from the AM-GM inequality.
The following problem is also not difficult, but it uses a nice combi-
nation between this lemma and the Power-Mean inequality. It is another
example in which proving the intermediate inequality (that is, the in-
equality that remains to be proved after using the lemma) is not difficult.
Example 4. Let n ≥ 2. Find the minimal value of the expression
x51 x52 x5n
+ + ··· + ,
x2 + x3 + · · · + xn x1 + x3 + · · · + xn x1 + x2 + · · · + xn−1
where x1 , x2 , . . . , xn are positive real numbers satisfying x21 + x22 + · · · +
x2n = 1.
Turkey, 1997
Solution. Usually, in such problems the minimal value is attained
when the variables are equal. So, we conjecture that the minimal value
1 1
is attained when x1 = x2 = · · · = xn = √ . Indeed, by using
n(n − 1) n
the lemma, it follows that the left-hand side is greater than or equal to
n .
xi (x1 + · · · + xi−1 + xi+1 + · · · + xn )

But it is not difficult to observe that
n n
xi (x1 + · · · + xi−1 + xi+1 + · · · + xn ) = xi − 1.
i=1 i=1

So, proving that

x51 x52 x5n
+ + ··· +
x2 + x3 + · · · + xn x1 + x3 + · · · + xn x1 + x2 + · · · + xn−1

n(n − 1)
reduces to proving the inequality
!2 xi −1
x3i ≥ .
n(n − 1)

But this is a simple consequence of the Power-Mean inequality. In-

deed, we have
 n  13  n  12 n
 x3i   x2i  xi
 i=1
 ≥  i=1 i=1
  
  ≥ ,
 n   n  n
   

n n
X 1 X √ √
x3i ≥ √ and xi ≤ n.
i=1 i=1
The conclusion follows.
In 1954, H.S.Shapiro asked whether the following inequality is true
for any positive real numbers a1 , a2 , . . . , an :
a1 a2 an n
+ + ··· + ≥ .
a2 + a3 a3 + a4 a1 + a2 2
The question turned out to be extremely difficult. The answer is
really unexpected: one can prove that the inequality is true for all n =
3, 4, 5, 6, 7 (and for all small values of n the shortest proof is based on

this lemma), but it is false for all even numbers n ≥ 14 as well as for
sufficiently large odd numbers n. Let us examine the case n = 5, a
problem proposed for MOSP 2001.
Example 5. Prove that for any positive real numbers a1 , a2 , a3 , a4 ,
a5 ,
a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 5
+ + + + ≥ .
a2 + a3 a3 + a4 a4 + a5 a5 + a1 a1 + a2 2
Solution. Again, we apply the lemma and we conclude that it suf-
fices to prove the inequality

(a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 + a5 )2
≥ [a1 (a2 + a3 ) + a2 (a3 + a4 ) + a3 (a4 + a5 ) + a4 (a5 + a1 ) + a5 (a1 + a2 )]
Let us denote a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 + a5 = S. Then we observe that

a1 (a2 + a3 ) + a2 (a3 + a4 ) + a3 (a4 + a5 ) + a4 (a + 5 + a1 ) + a5 (a1 + a2 )

a1 (S − a1 ) + a2 (S − a2 ) + a3 (S − a3 ) + a4 (S − a4 ) + a5 (S − a5 )
S 2 − a21 − a22 − a23 − a24 − a25
= .
With this identity, we infer that the intermediate inequality is in fact
(a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 + a5 )2 ≥ (S 2 − a21 − a22 − a23 − a24 − a25 ),
equivalent to 5(a21 + a22 + a23 + a24 + a25 ) ≥ S 2 , which is nothing else then
the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality.
Another question arises: is there a positive real number such that
for any positive real numbers a1 , a2 , . . . , an and any n ≥ 3 the following
inequality holds:
a1 a2 an
+ + ··· + ≥ cn.
a2 + a3 a3 + a4 a1 + a2
This time, the answer is positive, but finding the best such constant
is an extremely difficult task. It was first solved by Drinfield (who, by
the way, is a Fields’ medalist). The answer is quite complicated and we

will not discuss it here (for a detailed presentation of Drinfield’s method
the interested reader can consult the written examination given at ENS
in 1997). The following problem, given at the Moldavian TST in 2005,

shows that c = 2 − 1 is such a constant (not optimal).
For any a1 , a2 , . . . , an and any n ≥ 3 the following inequality holds:
a1 a2 an √
+ + ··· + ≥ ( 2 − 1)n.
a2 + a3 a3 + a4 a1 + a2
The proof is completely elementary, yet very difficult to find. An in-
genious argument using the arithmetic-geometric means inequality does
the job: let us write the inequality in the form
a1 + a2 + a3 a2 + a3 + a4 an + a1 + a2 √
+ + ··· + ≥ 2 · n.
a2 + a3 a3 + a4 a1 + a2
Now, using the AM-GM inequality, we see that it suffices to prove
the stronger inequality:
a1 + a2 + a3 a2 + a3 + a4 an + a1 + a2 √
· ... ≥ ( 2)n .
a2 + a3 a3 + a4 a1 + a2
Observe that
 ai+1 ai+1 2
(ai + ai+1 + ai+2 )2 = ai + + + ai+2
2 2
 ai+1   ai+1 
≥ 4 ai + + ai+2
2 2
(the last inequality being again a consequence of the AM-GM inequal-
ity). Thus,
Y n
Y n
(ai + ai+1 + ai+2 ) ≥ (2ai + ai+1 ) (2ai+2 + ai+1 ).
i=1 i=1 i=1

Now, the real trick is to rewrite appropriately the last products. Let
us observe that
Y n
(2ai+2 + ai+1 ) = (2ai+1 + ai ),
i=1 i=1

Y n
Y n
(2ai + ai+1 ) (2ai+2 + ai+1 ) = [(2ai + ai+1 )(ai + 2ai+1 )]
i=1 i=1 i=1

n n
≥ (2(ai + ai+1 )2 ) = 2n (ai + ai+1 ) .
i=1 i=1
The conclusion now follows.
This lemma came handy even at the IMO 2005 (problem 3). In order
to prove that for any positive real numbers x, y, z such that xyz ≥ 1 the
following inequality holds
X x2 + y 2 + z 2
≤ 3,
x5 + y 2 + z 2
a few students successfully used the above mentioned lemma. For exam-
ple, a student from Ireland applied this result and called it ”SQ Lemma”.
During the coordination, the Irish deputy leader explained what ”SQ”
stood for: ”...escu”. A typical solution using this lemma is as follows:
x4 y 4 z 4 (x2 + y 2 + z 2 )2
x5 + y 2 + z 2 = + 2+ 2 ≥ ,
1 y z 1 2 2
+y +z
x x
X x2 + y 2 + z 2 + y2 + z2 xy + yz + zx
≤ =2+ ≤ 3.
x5 + y 2 + z 2 2 2
x +y +z 2 xyz(x2 + y 2 + z 2 )
It is now time for the champions. We begin with a difficult geometric
inequality for which we have found a direct solution using T2 ’s lemma.
Here it is.
Example 6. Prove that in any triangle ABC the following inequality
ra rb rb rc rc ra
+ + ≥ 3.
ma mb mb mc mc ma
Ji Chen, Crux Mathematicorum

Solution. Of course, we start by translating the inequality into an
algebraic one. Fortunately, this is not difficult, since using Heron’s rela-
tion and the formulas

K 2b2 + 2c2 − a2
ra = , ma =
s−a 2
and the likes the desired inequality takes the equivalent form
(a + b + c)(b + c − a) (a + b + c)(c + a − b)
√ √ +√ √
2a2 + 2b2 − c2 · 2a2 + 2c2 − b2 2b2 + 2a2 − c2 · 2b2 + 2c2 − a2
(a + b + c)(a + b − c)
+√ √ ≥ 3.
+ 2b2 − a2 · 2c2 + 2a2 − b2
In this form, the inequality is more that monstrous, so we try to
see if a weaker form holds, by applying the AM-GM inequality to each
denominator. So, let us try to prove the stronger inequality
2(a + b + c)(c + b − a) 2(a + b + c)(c + a − b)
4a2 + b2 + c2 4b2 + c2 + a2
2(a + b + c)(a + b − c)
+ ≥ 3.
4c2 + a2 + b2
Written in the more appropriate form
c+b−a c+a−b a+b−c 3
2 2 2
+ 2 2 2
+ 2 2 2

4a + b + c 4b + c + a 4c + a + b 2(a + b + c)
we see that by T2 ’s lemma the left-hand side is at least
(a + b + c)2
(b + c − a)(4a2 + b2 + c2 ) + (c + a − b)(4b2 + a2 + c2 ) + (a + b − c)(4c2 + a2 + b2 )

Basic computations show that the denominator of the last expression

is equal to

4a2 (b + c) + 4b2 (c + a) + 4c2 (a + b) − 2(a3 + b3 + c3 )

and consequently the intermediate inequality reduces to the simpler form

3(a3 + b3 + c3 ) + (a + b + c)3 ≥ 6[a2 (b + c) + b2 (c + a) + c2 (a + b)].

Again, we expand (a + b + c)3 and obtain the equivalent inequality

4(a3 + b3 + c3 ) + 6abc ≥ 3[a2 (b + c) + b2 (c + a) + c2 (a + b)],

which is not difficult at all. Indeed, it follows from the inequalities

4(a3 + b3 + c3 ) ≥ 4[a2 (b + c) + b2 (c + a) + c2 (a + b)] − 12abc

a2 (b + c) + b2 (c + a) + c2 (a + b) ≥ 6abc.

The first one is just an equivalent form of Schur’s inequality, while

the second follows immediately from the identity

a2 (b + c) + b2 (c + a) + c2 (a + b) − 6abc = a(b − c)2 + b(c − a)2 + c(a − b)2 .

After all, we have managed to prove the intermediate inequality,

hence the problem is solved.
The journey continues with a very difficult problem, given at the
Japanese Mathematical Olympiad in 1997 and which became famous due
to its difficulty. We will present two solutions for this inequality. The first
one uses a nice combination between this lemma and the substitution
discussed in the unit ”Two useful substitutions”.
Example 7. Prove that for any positive real numbers a, b, c the
following inequality holds
(b + c − a)2 (c + a − b)2 (a + b − c)2 3
2 2
+ 2 2
+ 2 2
≥ .
a + (b + c) b + (c + a) c + (a + b) 5
Japan, 1997
Solution. Of course, from the introduction to this problem, the
reader has already noticed that it is useless to try a direct application of
the lemma, since any such approach is doomed. But with the substitution
b+c c+a a+b
x= , y= , z= ,
a b c

we have to prove that for any positive real numbers x, y, z satisfying
xyz = x + y + z + 2, the inequality

(x − 1)2 (y − 1)2 (z − 1)2 3

+ 2 + 2 ≥
x +1 y +1 z +1 5
holds. It is now time to use T2 ’s lemma in the form

(x − 1)2 (y − 1)2 (z − 1)2 (x + y + z − 3)2

+ + ≥ .
x2 + 1 y2 + 1 z2 + 1 x2 + y 2 + z 2 + 3
Hence it is enough to prove the inequality

(x + y + z − 3)2 3
≥ .
x2 + y 2 + z 2 + 3 5
But this is equivalent to

(x + y + z)2 − 15(x + y + z) + 3(xy + yz + zx) + 18 ≥ 0.

This is not an easy inequality. We will use the proposed problem 3

from the unit ”Two useful substitutions” to reduce the above inequality
to the form

(x + y + z)2 − 9(x + y + z) + 18 ≥ 0,

which follows from the inequality x + y + z ≥ 6. And the problem is

But here is another original solution.
Alternative solution. Let us apply T2 ’s lemma in the following
(b + c − a)2 (c + a − b)2 (a + b − c)2
+ +
a2 + (b + c)2 b2 + (c + a)2 c2 + (a + b)2

((b + c)2 − a(b + c))2 ((c + a)2 − b(c + a))2 ((a + b)2 − c(a + b))2
= + 2 + 2
a2 (b + c)2 + (b + c)4 b (c + a)2 + (c + a)4 c (a + b)2 + (a + b)4

4(a2 + b2 + c2 )2
≥ .
a2 (b + c)2 + b2 (c + a)2 + c2 (a + b)2 + (a + b)4 + (b + c)4 + (c + a)4

Consequently, it suffices to prove that the last quantity is greater
than or equal to . This can be done by expanding everything, but here
is an elegant proof using the observation that

a2 (b + c)2 + b2 (c + a)2 + c2 (a + b)2 + (a + b)4 + (b + c)4 + (c + a)4

= [(a + b)2 + (b + c)2 + (c + a)2 ](a2 + b2 + c2 )

+2ab(a + b)2 + 2bc(b + c)2 + 2ca(c + a)2 .


(a + b)2 + (b + c)2 + (c + a)2 ≤ 4(a2 + b2 + c2 ),

we observe that the desired inequality reduces to

2ab(a + b)2 + 2bc(b + c)2 + 2ca(c + a)2 ≤ (a2 + b2 + c2 )2 .
But this inequality is not so difficult. Indeed, first we observe that

2ab(a + b)2 + 2bc(b + c)2 + 2ca(c + a)2

≤ 4ab(a2 + b2 ) + 4bc(b2 + c2 ) + 4ca(c2 + a2 ).

Then, we also find that

4ab(a2 + b2 ) ≤ a4 + b4 + 6a2 b2 ,

since (a − b)4 ≥ 0. Hence

4ab(a2 + b2 ) + 4bc(b2 + c2 ) + 4ca(c2 + a2 ) ≤ 2(a2 + b2 + c2 )2

+2(a2 b2 + b2 c2 + c2 a2 ) ≤ (a2 + b2 + c2 )2
and so the problem is solved. With minor changes, we can readily see
that this solution works without the assumption that a, b, c are positive.
We end this discussion (which remains probably permanently open)
with a difficult problem, based on two hidden applications of T2 ’s lemma.

Example 8. Let a1 , a2 , . . . , an > 0 such that a1 + a2 + · · · + an = 1.
Prove that:
a1 a2 an n
(a1 a2 +a2 a3 +· · ·+an a1 ) 2 + 2 + ··· + 2 ≥ .
a2 + a2 a3 + a3 a1 + a1 n+1

Gabriel Dospinescu

Solution. How can we get to a1 a2 + a2 a3 + · · · + an a1 ? Probably

a2 a2 a2
from 1 + 2 + · · · + n after we use the lemma. So, let us try
a1 a2 a2 a3 an a1
this the following estimation:

a1 a2 an a2 a2 a2 1
+ +· · ·+ = 1 + 2 +· · ·+ n ≥ .
a2 a3 a1 a1 a2 a2 a3 an a1 a1 a2 + a2 a3 + · · · + an a1
The new problem, proving that
a1 a2 an n a1 a2 an
+ + ··· + 2 ≥ + + ··· +
a22 + a2 a23 + a3 a1 + a1 n+1 a2 a3 a1

seems even more difficult, but we will see that we have to make one more
step in order to solve it. Again , we look at the right-hand side and we
a1 a2 an
write + + ··· + as
a2 a3 a1

an 2
a1 a2
+ + ··· +
a2 a3 a1
a1 a2 an .
+ + ··· +
a2 a3 a1
After applying T2 ’s lemma, we find that
 2  2  2
a1 a2 an
a1 a2 an a2 a3 a1
2 + 2 +···+ 2 = a1
+ a2
+···+ an
a2 + a2 a3 + a3 a1 + a1 a1 + a2 + an +
a2 a3 a1

an 2
a1 a2
+ + ··· +
a2 a3 a1
≥ a1 a2 an .
1+ + + ··· +
a2 a3 a1

a1 an
And we are left with an easy problem: if t = + ··· + , then
a2 a1
t2 nt
≥ , or t ≥ n. But this follows immediately from the AM-GM
1+t n+1

Problems for training

1. Let a, b, c, d be positive real numbers such that a + b + c + d = 1.
Prove that
a2 b2 c2 d2 1
+ + + ≥ .
a+b b+c c+d d+a 2
Ireland, 1999
2. Let a, b, c, be positive real numbers satisfying a2 + b2 + c2 = 3abc.
Prove that
a b c 9
+ + ≥ .
b2 c2 c2 a2 a2 b2 a+b+c
3. Let x1 , x2 , . . . , xn , y1 , y2 , . . . , yn be positive real numbers such that

x1 + x2 + · · · + xn ≥ x1 y1 + x2 y2 + · · · + xn yn .

Prove that
x1 x2 xn
x1 + x2 + · · · + xn ≤ + + ··· + .
y1 y2 yn
Romeo Ilie, Romanian Olympiad, 1999
4. For arbitrary positive real numbers a, b, c prove the inequality
a b c
+ + ≥ 1.
b + 2c c + 2a a + 2b
Czech-Slovak Competition, 1999
5. Prove that for any positive real numbers a, b, c satisfying a+b+c =
a b c 9
+ + ≥ .
1 + bc 1 + ca 1 + ab 10

6. Prove that for any positive real numbers a, b, c, d satisfying ab +
bc + cd + da = 1 the following inequality is true
a3 b3 c3 d3 1
+ + + ≥ .
b+c+d c+d+a d+a+b a+b+c 3
IMO 1990 Shortlist
7. Prove that if the positive real numbers a, b, c satisfy abc = 1, then
a b c
+ + ≥ 1.
b+c+1 c+a+1 a+b+1
Vasile Cartoaje, Gazeta Matematica
8. Prove that for any positive real numbers a, b, c the following in-
equality holds
a2 + bc b2 + ca c2 + ab
+ + ≥ a + b + c.
b+c c+a a+b
Cristinel Mortici, Gazeta Matematica
9. Prove that for any nonnegative real numbers x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ,
x1 x2 xn
+ + ··· + ≥ 2.
xn + x2 x1 + x3 xn−1 + x1
Tournament of the Towns, 1982
10. Prove that for any positive real numbers a, b, c, d, e satisfying
abcde = 1,
a + abc b + bcd c + cde
+ +
1 + ab + abcd 1 + bc + bcde 1 + cd + cdea
d + dea e + eab 10
+ + ≥ .
1 + de + deab 1 + ea + eabc 3
Waldemar Pompe, Crux Mathematicorum
11. Prove that for any positive real numbers a, b, c the following
inequality holds
2  2  2
3 a2 + b2 + c2

a b c
+ + ≥ · .
b+c c+a a+b 4 ab + bc + ca
Gabriel Dospinescu

12. Let n ≥ 4 an integer and let a1 , a2 , . . . , an be positive real num-
bers such that a21 + a22 + · · · + a2n = 1. Prove that
a1 a2 an 4 √ √ √
+ 2 + ··· + 2 ≥ (a1 a1 + a2 a2 + · · · + an an )2 .
a22+ 1 a3 + 1 a1 + 1 5
Mircea Becheanu, Bogdan Enescu, TST 2002, Romania
13. Find the best constant k(n) such that for any positive real
numbers a1 , a2 , . . . , an satisfying a1 a2 . . . an = 1 the following inequality
a1 a2 a2 a3 an a1
+ 2 +· · ·+ 2 ≤ kn .
(a21 2 2
+ a2 )(a2 + a1 ) (a2 + a3 )(a3 + a2 ) (an + a1 )(a21 + a2 )
Gabriel Dospinescu, Mircea Lascu
14. Prove that for any positive real numbers a, b, c,
(2a + b + c)2 (2b + c + a)2 (2c + a + b)2
+ + ≤ 8.
2a2 + (b + c)2 2b2 + (c + a)2 2c2 + (a + b)2
Titu Andreescu, Zuming Feng, USAMO 2003


There were so many strategies and useful ideas till now, that the
reader might say: enough with this game of tricks! When shall we go
to serious facts? Not only that we will ”dissapoint” him again, but we
will try also to convince him that these are more than simple tools and
tricks. They help to create a good base, which is absolutely indispensable
for someone who enjoys mathematics and moreover, they are the first
step to some really beautiful and difficult theorems or problems. And the
reader must admit that the last problems discussed in the previous units
are quite serious facts. It is worth mentioning that they are not panacea.
This assertion is proved by the fact that each year problems that are
based on well-known ”tricks” prove to be very difficult in contests.
We will focus in this unit on a very familiar theme: graphs without
complete subgraphs. Why do we say familiar? Because there are hun-
dreds of problems proposed to different contests around the world and in
mathematical magazines that deal with this subject and each one seems
to add something. Before passing to the first problem, we will assume
that the basic knowledge about graphs is known and we will denote by
d(A) and C(A) the number, respectively the set of vertices adjacent to
A. Also, we will say that a graph does not have a complete k subgraph
if there aren’t k vertices any two of them connected. For simplicity, we
will say that G is k-free. First, we will discuss probably the first classical
result about triangles-free graphs, the famous Turan’ theorem. But be-
fore that, an useful lemma, which is also known as Zarankiewicz lemma
and which is the main idea in Turan’ theorem’ proof.
Example 1. If G is a k-free graph, then there exists a vertex having
degree at most n .


Solution. Suppose not and take an arbitrary vertex A1 . Then
|C(A1 )| > n ,
so there exists A2 ∈ C(A1 ). Moreover,

|C(A1 ) ∩ C(A2 )| = d(A1 ) + d(A2 ) − |C(A1 ∪ A2 )|

≥2 1+ n − n > 0.
Pick a vertex A3 ∈ C(A1 ) ∩ C(A2 ). A similar argument shows that
|C(A1 ) ∩ C(A2 ) ∩ C(A3 )| ≥ 3 1 + n − 2n.
Repeating this argument, we find
A4 ∈ C(A1 ) ∩ C(A2 ) ∩ C(A3 ), . . . , Ak−1 ∈ C(Ai ).

Also, we have
\ k−2
C(Ai ) ≥ j 1 + n − (j − 1)n.


This can be proved easily by induction. Thus,


C(Ai ) ≥ (k − 1) 1 + n − (k − 2)n > 0



and consequently we can choose

Ak ∈ C(Ai ).

But it is clear that A1 , A2 , . . . , Ak form a complete k graph, which

contradicts the assumption that G is k-free.
We are now ready to prove Turan’ theorem.
Example 2. The maximal number of edges of a k-free graph with
vertices is
k − 2 n2 − r 2
· + ,
2 k−1 2

where r = n (mod k − 1).
Turan’ theorem
Solution. The theorem will be proved by induction on n. Since the
first case is trivial, let us suppose the theorem true for all k-free graphs
having n − 1 vertices and let G a k-free graph with n vertices. Using
Zarankiewicz’ lemma, we can find a vertex A such that
d(A) ≤ n .
Since the subgraph determined by the other n−1 vertices is obviously
k-free, using the inductive hypothesis we find that G has at most
k − 2 (n − 1)2 − r12
k−2 r1
n + · +
k−1 k−1 2 2
edges, where r1 = n − 1 (mod k − 1).
Let n = q(k − 1) + r = q1 (k − 1) + r1 + 1. Then r1 ∈ {r − 1, r + k − 2}
(this is because r − r1 ≡ 1 (mod k − 1)) and it is easy to check that
k − 2 (n − 1)2 − r12 k − 2 n2 − r 2
k−2 r1 r
n + · + = · +
k−1 k−1 2 2 2 k−1 2
and the inductive step is proved. Now, it remains to construct a k-
k − 2 n2 − r 2 r
free graph with n vertices and · + edges. This is
2 k−1 2
not difficult. Just consider k − 1 classes of vertices, r of them having
q + 1 elements and the rest q elements and join the vertices situated in
different groups. It
 is immediate to prove that this graph is k-free, has
k − 2 n2 − r 2 r
· + edges and also the minimal degree of the vertices
2 k − 1 2
is n . This graph is called Turan’ graph and it is denoted by
T (n, k).
These two examples generate lots of beautiful and difficult problems.
For example, knowing them means a straightforward solution for the
following bulgarian problem.

Example 3. There are 2001 towns in a country, every one of which is
connected with at least 1600 towns by a direct bus line. Find the largest
n for which it is always possible to find n towns, any two of which are
connected by a direct bus line.
Spring Mathematics Tournament, 2001
Solution. Practically, the problem asks to find the maximal n such
that any graph G with 2001 vertices and minimum degree at least 1600
is not n-free. But Zarankiewicz’ lemma implies
 that if G is n-free, then
at least one vertex has degree at most 2001 . So, we need the
maximal n for which 2001 < 1600. It is immediate to see that
it is n = 5. Thus, if n = 5 then any such graph G is not n-free. It
suffices to construct a graph with all degrees of the vertices at least
1600, which
 is 6-free.
 We will take of course T (2001, 6), whose minimal
degree is 2001 = 1600 and which is of course 6-free. Thus, the answer
is n = 5.
Here is a beautiful application of Turan’ theorem in combinatorial
Example 4. Given are 21 points on a circle. Show that at least 100
pairs of points subtend an angle smaller than or equal to 120 at the
Tournament of the Towns, 1986
Solution. In such problems, it is more important to choose the
right graph than to apply the theorem, because as soon as the graph is
appropriately chosen, the solution is more or less straightforward. Here,
we will consider the graph with vertices in the points and we will connect
two points if they subtend an angle smaller than or equal to 120 at the
center. Therefore, we need to prove that this graph has at least 100
edges. It seems that this is a reversed form of Turan’ theorem, which

maximizes the number of edges in a k-free graph. Yet, the reversed form
of a reversed form is the natural one. In the aim of this principle, let
us look at the ”reversed”
  graph, the complementary one. We must show
that it has at most −100 = 110 edges. But this is immediate, since
it is clear that this new graph does not have triangles and so, by Turan’
212 − 1
theorem it has at most = 110 edges. And the problem is solved.
At first glance, the following problem seem to have no relation with
the previously examples, but, as we will see, it is a simple consequence
of Zarankiewicz’ lemma. This problem is an adaptation of a USAMO
1978 problem. Anyway, this is trickier than the contest problem.
Example 5. There are n delegates at a conference, each of them
knowing at most k languages. Anyway, among any three delegates, at
least two speak a common language. Find the smallest number n (in
terms of k) such that it is always possible to find a language spoken by
at least three delegates.
Solution. We will prove that n = 2k + 3. First, we prove that if
there are 2k + 3 delegates,then the conclusion of the problem holds.
The condition ”among any three of them there are at least two who
can communicate” suggests us to take the 3-free graph with vertices
in the persons and whose edges join persons that cannot communicate.
From Zarankiewicz’ lemma, there exists a vertex whose degree is at most
= k + 1. Thus, it is not connected with at least k + 1 other vertices.
Therefore, there exists a person A and k + 1 persons A1 , A2 , . . . , Ak+1
that can communicate with A. Since A knows at most k languages, there
are two persons among A1 , A2 , . . . , Ap that know a language also known
by A. But that language is known by at least three delegates and we are
done. It remains to prove now that we can create a situation in which
there are 2k + 2 delegates, but no language is known by more than two
delegates. We use again Turan’ graph, by creating two groups of k + 1

delegates. In each group a person will have a common language with
each other person from the group and will not have common languages
with the members of the other group. Of course, any language is spoken
by at most two delegates and there are no triangles.
The following problem turned out to be a surprise at one of the Team
Selection Tests for 2004 IMO, being solved by 4 contestants. The idea is
even easier than in the previous problems, but this time we need a little
observation, that is not so obvious.
Example 6. Let A1 , A2 , . . . , A101 be different subsets of the set
{1, 2, . . . , n}. Suppose that the union of any 50 subsets has more than
n elements. Prove that there are three subsets among them, any two
of them having common elements.

Gabriel Dospinescu, TST 2004 Romania

Solution. Of course, as the conclusion suggests, we should take a

graph with vertices in the subsets, connecting two subsets if they have
common elements. Let us assume that this graph is 3-free. The main
idea is not to use Zarankiewicz’ lemma, but to find much more vertices
with small degrees. In fact, we will prove that there are at least 51
vertices whose degree are smaller than or equal to 50. Suppose this is
not the case, thus there are at least 51 vertices whose degrees are greater
than 51. Let us pick such a vertex A. It is connected with at least 51
vertices, thus it must be adjacent to a vertex B, whose degree is at
least 51. Since A and B are each connected with at least 51 vertices,
there is a vertex adjacent to both, so we have a triangle, contradicting
our assumption. Therefore, we can find Ai1 , . . . , Ai51 , all of them having
degrees at most 50. Consequently, Ai1 is disjoint from at least 50 subsets.
Since the union of these subsets has more than n elements, we infer
50 n n
that |Ai1 | < n − n = . In a similar way, we obtain that |Aij | ≤
51 51 51

for all j ∈ {1, 2, . . . , 51} and so

|Ai1 ∪ Ai2 ∪ · · · ∪ Ai50 | ≤ |Ai1 | + · · · + |Ai50 | < n,
which contradicts the hypothesis. And the solution ends here.
We end the discussion with an adaptation of a very nice and quite
challenging problem from the American Mathematical Monthly.
Example 7. Prove that the complementary of any 3-free graph with
n vertices and m edges has at least
n2 − n

n(n − 1)(n − 5) 2
+ m−
24 n 4


A.W Goodman, AMM

Solution. Believe it or not, the number of triangles from the com-

plementary graph can be expressed only in terms of the degrees of the
vertices of the graph. More precisely, if G is the graph, then the number
of triangles from the complementary graph is
n 1X
− d(x)(n − 1 − d(x)),
3 2

where X is the set of vertices of G. Indeed, consider all triples (x, y, z) of

vertices of G. We will count the triples that do not form a triangle in the
complementary graph G. Indeed, consider the sum d(x)(n−1−d(x)).
It counts twice every triple (x, y, z) in which are connected, while z is not
adjacent to any of x, y: once for x and once for y. But it also counts twice
every triple (x, y, z) in which y is connected with both x, z: once for x and
once for z. Therefore, d(x)(n − 1 − d(x)) is exactly the number of
triples (x, y, z) that do not form a triangle in the complementary graph
(here we have used the fact that G is 3-free). Now, it is enough to prove

n2 − n
n 1X n(n − 1)(n − 5) 2
− d(x)(n − 1 − d(x)) ≥ + m− .
3 2 24 n 4
Using the observation that d(x) = 2m, after a few computations
we find the equivalent form of the inequality
X 4m2
d2 (x) ≥ .

But this is exactly the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality combined with

the observation that
d(x) = 2m.

Problems for training

1. In a country there are 1998 cities. In each group of three cities,
at least two are not directly connected. What is the maximal number of
direct flights?
Japan, 1998
2. Let x1 , x2 , . . . , xn be real numbers. Prove that there are at most
pairs (i, j) ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n} × {1, 2, . . . , n} such that 1 < |xi − xj | < 2.
3. If n points lie on a circle, then at most segments connecting
√ 3
them have length greater than 2.
Poland, 1997
4. Let G be a graph with no triangles and such that no point is
adjacent to all the other vertices. Also, if A and B are not joined by
an edge, then there exists a vertex C such that AC and BC are edges.
Prove that all vertices have the same degree.
APMO 1990

5. Show that a graph with n vertices and k edges has at least (4k−
n2 ) triangles.
APMO 1989
6. Let A be a subset of the set S = {1, 2, . . . , 1000000} having exactly
101 elements. Prove that there exist t1 , t2 , . . . , t100 ∈ S such that the sets
Aj = {x + tj |x ∈ A} are pairwise disjoint.
IMO 2003
6. There are 1999 people participating in an exhibition. Out of any
50 people, at least 2 do not know each other. Prove that we can find at
least 41 people who each know at most 1958 other people.
Taiwan, 1999
7. A graph with n vertices and k edges is 3-free. Prove that we
can choose a vertex such
the subgraph induced by the remaining
vertices has at most k 1 − 2 vertices.
USAMO 1995
8. Prove that for every n one can construct a graph with no triangles
and whose chromatic number is at least n.
9. A graph with n2 + 1 edges and 2n vertices is given. Prove that it
contains two triangles sharing a common edge.
China TST, 1987
10. We are given 5n points in a plane and we connect some of them,
so that 10n2 + 1 segments are drawn. We color these segments in 2
colours. Prove that we can find a monochromatic triangle.


When reading the title, one will surely expect a hard unit, which will
show what a complex field is combinatorics. Unfortunately, this was not
our intention. We ”just” want to discuss some combinatorial problems
that can be solved elegantly using complex numbers. In this moment,
the reader will probably say we are crazy, but we will continue our
idea and say that complex numbers can play a very important role in
counting problems and also in problems related to tilings. There are also
numerous applications in combinatorial number theory, so our purpose
is to present a little bit from each of these situations. After that, the
reader will surely have the pleasure of solving the proposed problems
using this technique. For fear of useless repetition, we will present in the
beginning of the discussion a useful result
Lemma. If p is a prime number and a0 , a1 , . . . , ap−1 ∈ Q satisfy the
a0 + a1 ε + a2 ε2 + · · · + ap−1 εp−1 = 0,

2π 2π
ε = cos + i sin ,
p p
then a0 = a1 = · · · = ap−1 .
We will say just a few words about the proof, which is not difficult. It
is enough to observe that the polynomials a0 +a1 x+a2 x2 +· · ·+ap−1 xp−1
and 1 + x + x2 + · · · + xp−1 cannot be relatively prime-because they share
a common root-and since 1 + x + x2 + · · · + xp−1 is irreducible over Q,
1 + x + x2 + · · · + xp−1 must divide a0 + a1 x + a2 x2 + · · · + ap−1 xp−1 ,
which can only happen if a0 = a1 = · · · = ap−1 . Therefore, the lemma
is proved and it is time to solve some nice problems. Not before saying
that in the following examples m(A) will denote the sum of the elements
of the set A. By convention m(∅) = 0.

The first example is an adaptation from a problem given in the Inter-
County Contest ”Traian Lalescu”. Of course, there is a solution using
recurrent sequences, but it is by far less elegant than the following one.
Example 1. How many numbers with n digits, all equal to 1, 3, 4,
6, 7, 9 are divisible by 7?
Solution. Let an be the number of n-digits numbers, formed using
only the digits 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9 and which are congruent to k modulo 7.
It is clear that
a(k) k
n ε = εx1 +x2 +···+xn
k=0 x1 ,x2 ,...,xn ∈{1,3,4,6,7,9}

= (ε + ε3 + ε4 + ε6 + ε7 + ε9 )n ,
2π 2π
where ε = cos + i sin . The remark that 1 + ε + ε2 + · · · + ε6 = 0
7 7
helps us to bring (ε + ε3 + ε4 + ε6 + ε7 + ε9 )n to the simpler form (−ε5 )n .
Let us assume that n is divisible by 7, for example (the other cases can
be discussed similarly). Then
a(k) k
n ε = (−1)


(0) (1) (6)

and from the lemma we infer that an − (−1)n = an = · · · = an . Let
k be the common value. Then 7k = a(k) n n n
n − (−1) = 6 − (−1) - this
is because exactly 6n numbers have n digits, all equal to 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9.
(0) 6n − (−1)n
Thus, in this case we have an = (−1)n + . We leave to the
reader the study of the other cases: n ≡ 12, 3, 4, 5, 6 (mod 7).
The same simple, but tricky idea can offer probably the most beau-
tiful solution for the difficult IMO 1995 problem 6. It worth saying that
Nikolai Nikolov won a special prize for the following magnificent solu-

Example 2. Let p > 2 be a prime number and A = {1, 2, . . . , 2p}.
Find the number of subsets of A, each having p elements and the sum
of the elements divisible by p.
Marcin Kuczma, IMO 1995
2π 2π
Solution. Consider ε = cos + i sin and let xj the number of
p p
subsets x ⊂ A such that |X| = p and m(X) ≡ j (mod p). Then it is
clear that
xj εj = εm(B) = εc1 +c2 +···+cp .
j=0 B⊂A,|B|=p 1≤c1 <c2 <···<cp ≤2p
But εc1 +c2 +···+cp is exactly the coefficient of xp in
1≤c1 <c2 <···<cp ≤2p
the expansion (X + ε)(X + ε2 ) . . . (X + ε2p ). Since X p − 1 = (X −
1)(X − ε) . . . (X − εp−1 ), we easily find that (X + ε)(X + ε2 ) . . . (X +
ε2p ) = (X p + 1)2 . Thus, xj εj = 2 and lemma implies the equality
x0 − 2 = x1 = · · · = xp−1 . Since there are subsets with p elements,
we have  
x0 + x1 + · · · + xp−1 = .
1 2p
x0 = 2 + −2 .
p p
With a somewhat different, but closely related idea we can solve the
following nice problem.
Example 3. Let a1 , a2 , . . . , am be natural numbers and let f (k) the
number of m-tuples (c1 , c2 , . . . , cm ) such that 1 ≤ ci ≤ ai , i = 1, m and
c1 + c2 + · · · + cm ≡ k (mod n), where n > 1 is a natural number.
Prove that f (0) = f (1) = · · · = f (n − 1) if and only if there exists
an index i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , m} such that n|ai .
Reid Burton, Rookie Contest ,1999

Solution. It is not difficult to observe that

X X m
f (k)εk = εc1 +c2 +···+cm = (ε + ε2 + · · · + εai )
k=0 1≤ci ≤ai i=1

for any complex number ε such that εn−1 + εn−2 + · · · + ε + 1 = 0. Thus,

one part of the problem is already proved, since if f (0) = f (1) = · · · =
f (n − 1) then of course we can find i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , m} such that ε + ε2 +
· · · + εai = 0, where we have chosen here a primitive root of the unity ε.
We infer that εai = 1 and so n|ai . Now, suppose there exists an index
i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , m} such that n|ai . Then for any root ε of the polynomial
X n−1
X n−1
X k we have f (k)εk and so the polynomial X k divides the
k=0 k=0 k=0
X n−1
polynomial f (k)X k . This is because the polynomial X k has only
k=0 k=0
simple roots. By a simple degree consideration, this is possible only if
f (0) = f (1) = · · · = f (n − 1). The solution ends here.
The enthusiasm determined by the above solutions will surely be
ATENUAT by the following problem, in which e need some tricky ma-
Example 4. Let p > 2 be a prime number and let m, n be multiples
of p such that n is odd. For any function f : {1, 2, . . . , m} → {1, 2, . . . , n}
that satisfies p|f (1) + f (2) + · · · + f (m), consider the product
 f (1)f (2) ·
n m
f (m). Prove that the sum of these products is divisible by .
Gabriel Dospinescu
2π 2π
Solution. Let ε = cos + i sin and xk be the sum of all
p p
the numbers f (1)f (2) . . . f (m), after all functions f : {1, 2, . . . , m} →
{1, 2, . . . , n} that satisfy f (1) + f (2) + · · · + f (m) ≡ k (mod p). It is

clear that:
xk εk = c1 c2 . . . cm εc1 +c2 +···+cm
k=0 c1 ,c2 ,...,cm ∈{1,2,...,n}

= (ε + 2ε2 + · · · + nεn )m .

Recall the identity

nxn+1 − (n + 1)xn + 1
1 + 2x + 3x2 + · · · + nxn−1 = .
(x − 1)2
Plugging ε in the previous identity, we find that
nεn+2 − (n + 1)εn+1 + ε nε
ε + 2ε2 + · · · + nεn = = .
(ε − 1)2 ε−1
X nm
xk εk = .
(ε − 1)m
On the other hand, it is not difficult to deduce the relations

εp−1 + εp−2 + · · · + ε + 1 = 0 ⇔
1 1
= − (εp−2 + 2εp−3 + · · · + (p − 2)ε + p − 1).
ε−1 p
Thus, if we consider

(X p−2 +2X p−3 +· · ·+(p−2)X +p−1)m = b0 +b1 X +· · ·+bm(p−2) X m(p−2) ,

then we have

= − (c0 + c1 ε + · · · + cp−1 εp−1 ),
(ε − 1)m p
ck = bj .
k≡k (mod p)
If r = − , then we have the relation
x0 − rc0 + (x1 rc1 )ε + · · · + (xp−1 − rcp−1 )εp−1 = 0.

From the lemma, it follows that x0 − rc0 = x1 − rc1 = · · · = xp−1 −
rcp−1 = k. Because clearly c0 , c1 , . . . , cp−1 ∈ R, it remains to prove that
r|k. Since

pk = x0 + x1 + · · · + xp−1 − r(c0 + c1 + · · · + cp−1 )

= (1 + 2 + · · · + n)m − r(b0 + b1 + · · · + bm(p−2) )

n(n + 1) m p(p − 1) m
= −r ,
2 2
it is clear that r|k. Here we have used the hypothesis. The problem is
It is time now to leave this kind of problems and to speak a little bit
about some nice applications of complex numbers in tilings. The idea is
to put a complex number in each square of a table and then to translate
the hypothesis and the conclusion in terms of complex numbers. But
we will better see how this technique works by solving a few problems.
First, some easy problems.
Example 5. Consider a rectangle which can be tiled with a finite
combination of 1×m or n×1 rectangles, where m, n are natural numbers.
Prove that it is possible to tile this rectangle using only rectangles 1 × m
or only with rectangles n × 1.
Gabriel Carrol ,BMC Contest,2000
Solution. It is obvious that the rectangle has natural dimensions,
let them be a, b. Now, let us partition the rectangle into 1 × 1 squares
and denote this squares

(1, 1), (1, 2), . . . , (a, 1), . . . , (a, 1), (a, 2), . . . , (a, b).

Next, put the number εi1 εj2 in the square whose label is (i, j), where
2π 2π 2π 2π
ε1 = cos + i sin , ε2 = cos + i sin .
n n m m

The main observation is that the sum of the numbers in any 1 × m
or n × 1 rectangle is 0. This is immediate, but the consequence of this
simple observation is really surprising. Indeed, it follows that the sum
of the numbers from all the squares is 0 and so

a b
εi1 εj2 εj2 .
0= = εi1
1≤i≤a i=1 j=1

a b
εj2 is 0. But this
Thus, at least one of the numbers εi1 and
i=1 j−1
means that n|a or m|b. In any of these cases, it is clear that we can tile
the rectangle using only horizontal or vertical rectangles.
The idea in the previous problem is quite useful, many tilings prob-
lems having straightforward solutions by using it. An example is the
following problem, given in Baltic Contest in 1998.
Example 6. Can we tile a 13 × 13 table using only 1 × 4, 4 × 1
rectangles, such that only the center of the table does not belong to any

Baltic Contest,1998

Solution. Suppose such a tiling is possible and label the squares of

the table as in the previous problem. Next, associate to square (k, j) the
number ik+2j . Obviously, the sum of the numbers from each 1 × 4, 4 × 1
rectangle is 0. Therefore, the sum of all numbers from the squares of the
table is equal to the number in the square situated at the center of the
table. Thus,

i13 − 1 2 i26 − 1
i21 = (i + i2 + · · · + i13 )(i2 + i4 + · · · + i26 ) = i · ·i · 2 = i3 ,
i−1 i −1

which clearly cannot hold. Thus, the assumption was wrong and such a
tiling does not exist.

The following example we are going to discuss is based on the same
idea, but here complex numbers are more involved.
Example 7. On a 8 × 9 table we put rectangles 3 × 1 and figures
formed by rectangles 1 × 3 by cutting the median 1 × 1 square. The
rectangles and the figures do not intersect and cannot be rotated. Prove
that there exists a set S of 18 squares of the table such that if there are
exactly two uncovered squares, then they belong to S.
Gabriel Dospinescu
Solution. Again, we label the squares of the table (1, 1), (1, 2), . . . ,
(8, 9) by starting from the up-left corner. In the square labeled (k, j) we
will put the number ij · εk , where i2 = −1 and ε2 + ε + 1 = 0. The sum of
the numbers from any figure or rectangle is 0. The sum of the numbers
from the table is ! 
X 9
εk  ij  = −i.
k=1 j=1

Let us suppose that the squares (a1 , b1 ), (a2 , b2 ) are the only un-
covered squares. Then we have of course ib1 εa1 + ib2 εa2 = −i. Let
z1 = ib1 −1 εa1 , z2 = ib2 −1 εa2 . We have |z1 | = |z2 | = 1 and z1 + z2 = −1.
1 1
It follows that + = −1 and so z13 = z23 = 1. This in turn im-
z1 z2
plies the equalities i3(b1 −1) = i3(b2 −1) = 1, from where we conclude that
b1 ≡ b2 ≡ 1 (mod 4). Therefore, the relation z1 + z2 = −1 becomes
εa1 + εa2 = −1, which is possible if and only if the remainders of the
numbers a1 , a2 when divided by 3 are 1 and 2. Thus, we can take S the
set of squares that lie at the intersection of the lines 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8 with
the columns 1, 5, 9. From the above argument, if two squares remain
uncovered, then surely they belong to S. The conclusion is immediate.

Problems for training
1. Three persons A, B, C play the following game: a subset with k
elements of the set {1, 2, . . . , 1986} is selected randomly, all selections
having the same probability. The winner is A, B or C, according to the
case when the sum of the elements of the selected subset is congruent
to 0, 1, or 2 modulo 3. Find all values of k for which A, B, C have equal
chances of winning.
Imo Shortlist, 1987
2. The faces of a die are labeled with the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
We throw the die n times. What is the probability that the sum of the
numbers shown by the die is a multiple of 5?
IMC, 1999
3. Let ak , bk , ck ∈ R, k = 1, n. Let f (p) be the number of ordered
triples (A, B, C) of subsets (not necessarily non-empty) of the set M =
{1, 2, . . . , n} whose union is M and for which
ai + bi + ci ≡ 3 (mod p).
i∈M \A i∈M \B i∈M \C

We assume that
xi = 0 and f (0) = f (1) = f (2).

Prove that there exists i ∈ M such that 3|ai + bi + ci .

Gabriel Dospinescu, Recreaţii Matematice
4. How many subsets with 100 elements of the set {1, 2, . . . , 2000}
have the sum of their elements divisible by 5?
Qihong Xie, High School-Mathematics
5. There are 2000 white balls in a box. There are also unlimited
supplies of white, green and red balls, initially outside the box. At each
step, we can replace two balls in the box with one or two balls according

to the following rules: two whites or two reds with a green, two greens
with a white and red, a white and green with a red or a green and red
with a white.
a) After some finite number of steps, in the box there are exactly
three balls. Prove that at least one of them is green.
b) Is it possible that after a finite number of steps there is just one
ball in the box?

Bulgaria, 2000

6. A 7 × 7 table is tiled with 16 rectangles 1 × 3 such that only one

square remains uncovered. What is the position of this square?

Tournament of the Towns, 1984

7. Let k > 2 be an integer. For which odd natural numbers n can

we tile a n × n table with 1 × k or k × 1 rectangles such that only the
square in the center of the table does not belong to any rectangle?

Arhimede Magazine, Gabriel Dospinescu

8. Let n ≥ 2 be an integer. In each point (i, j) having integer coordi-

nates we write the number i + j (mod n). Find all pairs (a, b) of natural
numbers such that any residue modulo n appears the same number of
times on the frontier of the rectangle of vertices (0, 0), (a, 0), (a, b), (0, b)
and also any residue modulo n appears the same number of times in the
interior of the same rectangle.

Bulgaria, 2001

9. Let F be the family of the subsets of the set A = {1, 2, . . . , 3n}

which have the sum of their elements divisible by 3. For each element of
F , compute the square of sum of its elements. What is the value of the
sum of all the obtained numbers?

Gabriel Dospinescu

10. Let p > 3 be a prime number and let h be the number of se-
quences (a1 , a2 , . . . , ap−1 ) ⊂ {0, 1, 2}p−1 such that p| jaj . Also, let
k be the number of sequences (a1 , a2 , . . . , ap−1 ) ⊂ {0, 1, 3}p−1 such that
p| jaj . Prove that h ≤ k and that the equality appears only for p = 5.
IMO 1999 Shortlist


We start with a riddle and a challenge for the reader: what is the
connection between the following problems:
1. The set of natural numbers (including 0) is partitioned into a
finite number n ≥ 2 of infinite arithmetic progressions having ratios
r1 , r2 , . . . , rn and first term a1 , a2 , . . . , an . Then the following relation is
a1 a2 an n−1
+ + ··· + = .
r1 r2 rn 2
2. The vertices of a regular polygon are colored in some fashion so
that each set of vertices having the same colour is the set of vertices of
a regular polygon. Then there are two congruent polygons among them.
The first problem was discussed during the preparation for IMO of
the USA team, but it seems it is a classical result. As for the second one,
well, it is a famous problem given in a Russian olympiad and proposed
by N. Vasiliev.
If the reader has no clue, then let’s give him one small hint: the
methods used to solve both problems are very similar and can be in-
cluded into a larger field, that of formal series. What is that? Well,
given a commutative ring A, we can define another ring, called the ring
of formal series with coefficients in A and denoted A[X]. An element of
A[X] is of the form an X n , where an ∈ A. As we are going to see
in what follows, these formal series have some very nice applications in
different fields: algebra, combinatorics, number theory. But let’s start
working now, reminding that the reader is supposed to be familiar with
some basic analysis tools:
Example 1. Let a1 , a2 , . . . , an be some complex numbers such that
for any 1 ≤ k ≤ n we have ak1 + ak2 + · · · + akn = 0. Then all numbers are
equal to 0.

Solution. Of course, experienced reader has already noticed that
this problem is a trivial consequence of Newton’s relations. But what
can we do if don’t know them? Here is a nice way to solve the problem
(and a way to prove Newton’s relations too).
First of all, observe that the given condition implies that

ak1 + ak2 + · · · + akn = 0

for all positive integer k. Indeed, let

f (X) = X n + bn−1 X n−1 + · · · + b1 X + b0

the polynomial (x − ai ). Then for all k ≥ n + 1 we have

aki + bn−1 ak−1

i + · · · + b0 ak−n
i = 0.

Then it suffices to add these relations and to prove the statement by

strong induction.
Now, let us consider the function
X 1
f (z) = .
1 − zai

Developing it by using
= 1 + x + x2 + . . . (for |x| < 1),
we obtain that f (z) = n for all sufficiently small z (which means that
|z| max(|ai |) < 1). Assume that not all numbers are zero and take
a1 , . . . , as (s ≥ 1) to be the collection of numbers of maximal modu-
lus among the n numbers. Let the common value of the modulus be r.
1 z
By taking a sequence zp → such that < 1, we obtain a contra-
r r
X 1
diction with the relation = n (indeed, it suffices to observe
1 − zp ai
that the left-hand side is unbounded, while the second one is bounded).
This shows that all numbers are equal to 0.

We are going to discuss a nice number theory problem, whose solu-
tion is practically based on the same idea. Yet, there are some details
that make the problem more difficult.
Example 2. Let a1 , a2 , . . . , aq , x1 , x2 , . . . , xq and m some integers
such that m|a1 xk1 + a2 xk2 + · · · + aq xkq for all k ≥ 0. Then
m|a1 (x1 − xi ).

Gabriel Dospinescu
Solution. Consider this time the formal series
X ai
f (z) = .
1 − zxi

By using the same formula as in the first problem, we deduce immedi-

ately that
q q
f (z) = ai + ai xi z + ...,
i=1 i=1
which shows that all coefficients of this formal series are integers multi-
ples of m. Obviously, it follows that the formal series
a1 (1 − x2 z) . . . (1 − xq z)
also has all coefficients multiples of m. Now, consider St the i-th
fundamental symmetric sum in xj (j 6= i). Since all coefficients of
a1 (1 − x2 z) . . . (1 − xq z) are multiples of m, a simple computation
shows that we have the divisibility relation:
q q q
(i) (i)
m|xq−1 ai − xq−2
1 i ai S1 + · · · + (−1)q−1 ai Sq−1 .
i=1 i=1 i=1

This can also be rewritten in the nicer form

(i) (i)
ai (xq−1 − x1q−2 S1 + · · · + (−1)q−1 Sq−1 ).
m| 1

Now, the trivial identity

(x1 − x1 ) . . . (x1 − xi−1 (x1 − xi+1 ) . . . (x1 − xn ) = 0

gives us the not-so obvious relation

(i) (i)
1 − xq−2
1 S1 + · · · + (−1)
Sq−1 = 0

for i ≥ 2. Therefore we can conclude, since

(1) (1)
1 − xq−2
q S1 + · · · + (−1)
Sq−1 = (x1 − x2 ) . . . (x1 − xn ).

In order to solve the problem announced in the very beginning of

the presentation, we need a little lemma, which is interesting itself and
which we prefer to present as a separate problem:
Example 3. Suppose that the set of natural numbers (including
0) is partitioned into a finite number of infinite arithmetic progressions
of ratios r1 , r2 , . . . , rn and first term a1 , a2 , . . . , an . Then the following
relation is satisfied:
1 1 1
+ + ··· + = 1.
r1 r2 rn
Solution. Let us observe that for any |x| < 1 we have the identity:
xa1 +kr1 + xa2 +kr2 + · · · + xan +krn = xk .
k≥0 k≥0 k≥0 k≥0

Indeed, all we did was to write the fact that each natural number is
exactly in one of the arithmetic progressions. The above relation becomes
of course the very useful relation:
xa1 xa2 xan 1
+ r
+ · · · + r
= (1)
1−x 1 1−x 2 1−x n 1−x
Let us multiply the relation (1) with 1 − x and use the fact that
1 − xa
lim = a. We find of course the desired relation
x→1 1 − x

1 1 1
+ + ··· + = 1.
r1 r2 rn

It’s time to solve the first problem. We will just a small, but not
obvious step and we’ll be done. The fundamental relation is again (1).
Example 4. The set of natural numbers (including 0) is partitioned
into a finite number n ≥ 2 of infinite arithmetic progressions having
ratios r1 , r2 , . . . , rn and first term a1 , a2 , . . . , an . Then the following re-
lation is satisfied:
a1 a2 an n−1
+ + ··· + = .
r1 r2 rn 2
Solution. Let us write the relation (1) in the more appropriate form:
xa1 xan
+ · · · + =1 (2)
1 + x + · · · + xr1 −1 1 + x + · · · + xrn −1
Now, let us derive the relation (2) and then make x → 1 in the
resulting expression. A small computation let to the reader will show
ri (ri − 1)
n ai ri −
= 0.
But it suffices to use the result proved in example 3 in order to
conclude that we must have
a1 a2 an n−1
+ + ··· + = .
r1 r2 rn 2
Some commentaries about these two relations are necessary. First of
all, using a beautiful and hard result due to Erdos, we can say that the
1 1 1
+ + ··· + =1
r1 r2 rn
implies that max(r1 , r2 , . . . , rn ) < 22 . Indeed, this remarkable theo-
rem due to Erdos asserts that if x1 , x2 , . . . , xk are natural numbers whose

sum of inverses is strictly smaller than 1, then
1 1 1 1 1 1
+ + ··· + ≤ + + ··· + ,
x1 x2 xk u1 u2 uk
where u1 = 2, un+1 = u2n −un +1. But the reader can verify immediately
1 1 1 1
+ + ··· + =1−
u1 u2 uk u1 u2 . . . u k
(it is trivial by induction). Thus we can write
1 1
1− ≤1− ,
rn u1 u2 . . . un−1
or even better rn ≤ u1 u2 . . . un−1 = un − 1 (the last relation being
again a simple induction). Once again, the reader will do a short in-
duction to prove that un ≤ 22 . And here is how we can prove
that max(r1 , r2 , . . . , rn ) < 2 2n−1 (since of course any number among
r1 , r2 , . . . , rn can be taken as rn ). Using the relation proved in example
n−1 −1
4, we also deduce that max(a1 , a2 , . . . , an ) < (n−1)·22 . This shows
that for fixed n not only there is a finite number of ways to partition
the set of natural numbers into n arithmetic progressions, but we also
have some explicit (even though huge) bounds on ratios and first terms.
It is now time to solve the remarkable problem discussed in the
beginning of this note. We will see that in the framework of the previous
results proved here, the solution becomes natural. However, it is not at
all true, the problem is really difficult.
Example 5. The vertices of a regular polygon are colored such that
vertices having the same colour form regular polygons. Prove that there
are at least two congruent polygons among them.
N. Vasiliev, Russian Olympiad
Solution. Let us assume that the initial polygon (which we will call
big from now on) has n edges and that it is inscribed in the unit circle,
the vertices having as affixes the numbers 1, ε, ε2 , . . . , εn−1 , where ε =

e n (of course, we will not loose generality with all these restrictions).
Consider now n1 , n2 , . . . , nk the number of edges of each monochromatic
polygon and let us assume that all these numbers are different. Let
εj = e nj ; observe that the affixes of the vertices of each monochromatic
n −1
polygon are zj , zj εj , . . . , zj εj j , for some zj complex numbers on the
unit circle. First, a technical result.
Lemma 1. For any complex number z, if ζ = e p then we have the
1 1 1 p
+ + ··· + p−1
= .
1 − z 1 − zζ 1 − zζ 1 − zp

Proving this lemma is a very simple task. Indeed, it suffices to observe

that z, zζ, . . . , zζ p−1 are exactly the roots of P (X) = X p − z p . Or, we
know that
P 0 (x) 1 1
= + ··· + .
P (X) X −z X − zζ p−1
By taking X = 1, we obtain exactly the desired identity.
Now, the hypothesis of the problem and lemma 1 allow to write

n1 nk n
+ ··· + = .
1 − (zz1 )n1 1 − (zzk )nk 1 − zn

Also, the simple observation that n1 + n2 + · · · + nk = n allows the

new identity

n1 z1n1 n1 n2 z2n2 n2 nk zknk nk nz n

z + z + · · · + z = . (1)
1 − (zz1 )n1 1 − (zz2 )n2 1 − (zzk )nk 1 − zn

Let us assume now that n1 < min(n2 , . . . , nk ) and let us divide (1)
by z n1 . It follows that for non-zero z we have

n1 z1n1 n2 z2n2 n2 −n1 nk zknk nk −n1 nz n−n1

+ z + · · · + z = .
1 − (zz1 )n1 1 − (zz2 )n2 1 − (zzk )nk 1 − zn

Well, we are done: it suffices to observe that if we make z → 0
(by non-zero values) in (2) , we obtain that z1n1 = 0, which is surely
impossible since |z1 | = 1. The proof ends here.
The following problem that we are going to discuss appeared in var-
ious contests under different forms. It is a very nice identity that can be
proved elementary in a quite messy way. Here is a magical proof using
formal series.
Example 6. For any complex numbers a1 , a2 , . . . , an ∈ C, the fol-
lowing identity holds:
!n  n
X n
ai −  aj 
i=1 i=1 j6=i
 n
X X n
X n
+  ak  − · · · + (−1)n−1 ani = n! ai .
1≤i<j≤n k6=i,j i=1 i=1

Solution. Consider the formal series

f (z) = (ezai − 1).

We are going to compute it in two different ways. First of all, it is

clear that
z 2 a2i
f (z) = zai + + ...
thus we can say that the coefficient of zn in this formal series is ai .
On the other hand, we can write
P n z
aj n
z ai X X
f (z) = e i=1 − e j6=i
+ · · · + (−1)n−1 ezai + (−1)n .
i=1 i=1

Indeed, the reader is right: now everything is clear, since the coeffi-
cient of z n in ekz is . The conclusion is clear: not only the identity is
true, but it has a four-line solution!!!

There aren’t only algebra problems that can be solved in an elegant
manner using formal series, but also some beautiful concocts of numbers
theory and combinatorics. We shall focus a little bit more on such type
of problems in the sequel.
Example 7. Let 0 = a0 < a1 < a2 < . . . be a sequence of positive
integers such that the equation ai + 2aj + 4ak = n has a unique solution
i, j, k. Find a1998 .
IMO Shortlist, 1998
Solution. Here is a very nice answer: 9817030729. Let A =
{a0 , a1 , . . . } and bn = 1 if n ∈ A and 0 otherwise. Next, consider the for-
mal series f (x) = bn xn , the generating function of the set A (we can
write in a more intuitive way f (x) = xan ). The hypothesis imposed
on the set A translates into
f (x)f (x2 )f (x4 ) = .
Replace x by x2 . We obtain the recursive relation
k k+1 k+2 1
f (x2 )f (x2 )f (x2 )= .
1 − x2k
Now, observe two relations:
Y k
Y 3k 3k+1 3k+2
Y 1
f (x2 ) = (f (x2 )f (x2 )f (x2 )) =
k≥0 k≥0 k≥0
1 − x23k

Y k
Y 3k+1 3k+2 3k+3
Y 1
f (x2 ) = (f (x2 )f (x2 )f (x2 )) = .
k≥1 k≥0 k≥0
1 − x23k+1

Therefore (the reader has observed that rigor was not the strong
point in establishing these relations) we have
Y 1 − x23k+1 Y 1 − x23k+1
8k k
f (x) = 2 3k = (1+x )f (x) = 2 3k = (1+x8 ).
1−x k≥0 k≥0
1−x k≥0

This shows that the set A is exactly the set of nonnegative integers
that use only the digits 0 and 1 when written in base 8. A quick com-
putation based on this observation shows that the magical term asked
by the problem is 9817030729.
The following problem is an absolute classic. It appeared, under dif-
ferent forms, in Olympiads from all over the world. We will present the
latest one, given in a Putnam competition:
Example 8. Find all partitions with two classes A, B of the set
of nonnegative integers having the property that for all nonnegative
integers n the equation x + y = n with x < y has as many solutions
(x, y) ∈ A × A as in B × B.
Solution. Consider f, g the generating functions of A, B and write
them in explicit form
f (x) = an xn , g(x) = bn xn
n≥0 n≥0

(as in the previous problem, an equals 1 if n ∈ A and 0 otherwise). The

fact that A, B form a partition of the set of nonnegative integers can be
also rewritten as
X 1
f (x) + g(x) = xn = .

Also, the hypothesis made on the number of solutions of the equation

x + y = n imposes that

f 2 (x) − f (x2 ) = g 2 (x) − g(x2 ).

f (x) − g(x)
f (x2 ) − g(x2 ) = ,
which can also be rewritten as
f (x) − g(x)
= 1 − x.
f (x2 ) − g(x2 )

Now, the idea is the same as in the previous problems: replace x by
x2k and iterate the process. After multiplication, we deduce that
Y k 1
f (x) − g(x) = (1 − x2 ) lim n n .
x→∞ f (x ) − g(x2 )

Let us assume without loss of generality that 0 ∈ A. Then the reader

can easily verify that
n n
lim f (x2 ) = 1 and lim g(x2 ) = 0.
n→∞ n→∞

This shows that actually

f (x) − g(x) = (1 − x2 ) = (−1)s2 (k) xk ,
k≥0 k≥0

where s2 (x) is the sum of digits of binary representation of x. Taking

into account the relation
X 1
f (x) + g(x) = xn = ,

we finally deduce that A, B are respectively the set of nonnegative inte-

gers having even (respectively odd) sum of digits when written in binary.
We will discuss two nice problems in which formal series and complex
numbers appear in a quite spectacular way:
Example 9. Let n, k be positive integers such that n ≥ 2k−1 and
let S = {1, 2, . . . , n}. Prove that the number of subsets A ⊂ S such that
x ≡ m (mod 2k ) does not depend on m ∈ {0, 1, . . . , 2k − 1}.
Balkan Olympiad Shortlist 2005
Solution. Let us consider the function (call it formal series, if you
f (x) = (1 + xi ).
k −1
If we prove that 1 + x + · · · + x2 divides f (x), then we have
certainly done the job. In order to prove this, it suffices of course to

prove that any 2k th root of unity, except for 1 is a root of f . But it
suffices to observe that for any l ∈ {1, 2, . . . , 2k−1 − 1} we have
 2k−2−v2 (l)
2lπ 2lπ
cos k + i sin k = −1
2 2
and so  
2lπ 2lπ
f cos k + i sin k = 0,
2 2
which proves our claim and finishes the solution.
Example 10. Let m, n ≥ 2 be positive integers and a1 , a2 , . . . , an
integers, none of them divisible by mn−1 . Prove that one can find integers
e1 , e2 , . . . , en , not all zero, such that |ei | < m for all i and such that
mn |e1 a1 + e2 a2 + · · · + en an .

( n IMO )
Shortlist 2002
Solution. Look at the set A = ei ai | 1 ≤ ei ≤ m and observe
that we can assume that A is a complete system of residues modulo mn
(otherwise, the conclusion is immediate). Now, consider f (x) = xa .
On one hand, we have
 
n m−1 n
Y X Y 1 − xmai
f (x) =  xjai  = .
1 − xai
i=1 j=0 i=1

On the other hand, take ε = e mn . Since A is a complete system of
residues modulo mn , we must have f (ε) = 0. Therefore (the hypothesis
ensures that εai 6= 1) we must have (1 − εmai ) = 0. But this surely
contradicts the fact that none of the numbers a1 , a2 , . . . , an is a multiple
of mn−1 .
Finally, it is time for a tough problem. Of course, it will be a com-
binatorial problem, whose nice solution below was found by Constantin

Example 11. Let A be the set of all words which can be formed
using m ≥ 2 given letters. For any c ∈ A, let l(c) be its length. Also,
let C ⊆ A be a set of words. We know that any word from A can be
obtained in at most one way by concatenating words from C. Prove the
X 1
≤ 1.
Adrian Zahariuc
Solution. Let S be the set of all words which can be obtained by
concatenating words from C. Let
f (x) = xl(c) , g(x) = xl(s) .
c∈C s∈S

By the definition of S, we have that:

g(x) = 1 + f (x) + f 2 (x) + · · · = .
1 − f (x)
f (x)g(x) = g(x) − 1. (∗)
Now, S (and C) has at most mk elementsof length
 k, thus g(x) < ∞
1 1
and f (x) < ∞ for x < . Thus, for all x ∈ 0, :
m m
f (x)g(x) = g(x) − 1 < g(x)
and so f (x) < 1 for all x ∈ 0, . All we need now is to make x tend
1 1
to and we will obtain that f ≤ 1, which is nothing else than
m m
the desired inequality.

Proposed problems
1. Let z1 , z2 , . . . , zn be some arbitrary complex numbers. Prove that
for any ε > 0 there are infinitely many numbers n such that
|z1k + z2k + · · · + znk | > max(|z1 |, |z2 |, . . . , |zn |) − ε.

2. Find the general formula for the sequence (xn )n≥1 given by

xn+k = a1 xn+k−1 + · · · + ak xn

in function of x0 , x1 , . . . , xk−1 . Here a1 , . . . , ak are arbitrary complex

3. Prove that if we partition the natural numbers into a finite number
of infinite arithmetic progressions, then there will be two of them having
the same ratio.
4. How many polynomials P with coefficients 0, 1, 2 or 3 satisfy
P (2) = n, where n is a given positive integer?

Romanian TST, 1994

5. Define A1 = ∅, B1 = {0} and An+1 = {1 + x| x ∈ Bn }, Bn+1 =

(An \ Bn ) ∪ (Bn \ An ). What are the positive integers n such that Bn =


6. In how many ways can we parenthesis a non-associative product

a1 a2 . . . an ?

Catalan’s problem

7. For which positive integers n can we find real numbers a1 , a2 , . . . ,

an such that
{|ai − aj | | 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n} = 1, 2, . . . , ?

China TST 2002

8. Let a1 , a2 , . . . , an relatively prime positive integers. Find in closed

form a sequence (xn )n≥1 such that if (yn )n≥1 is the number of positive
integral solutions to the equation a1 x1 + a2 x2 + · · · + an xn = k, then
lim = 1.
n→∞ yn

9. Let A1 , A2 , . . . , Ak ∈ Mn (C) be some complex nθn matrices such
kAp1 + Ap2 + · · · + Apk k ≤
for any natural number p ≥ 1. Here C does not depend on p ≥ 1 and
kXk = max |xij |. Then prove that Ani = 0 for all 1 ≤ i ≤ k.
Gabriel Dospinescu
10. Is there an infinite set of natural numbers such that all suffi-
ciently large integer can be represented in the same number of ways as
the sum of two elements of the set?
D. Newman
11. Find all possibilities to color a regular polygon in the way pre-
sented in example 5.
12. Find all positive integers n with the following property: for any
real numbers a1 , a2 , . . . , an , knowing the numbers ai + aj , i < j, deter-
mines a1 , a2 , . . . , an uniquely.
Erdos and Selfridge
13. Suppose that a0 = a1 = 1, (n + 3)an+1 = (2n + 3)an + 3nan−1 .
Prove that all terms of this sequence are integers.
14. Define two sequences of integer numbers (an ), (bn ) : a1 = b1 = 0
an = nbn + a1 bn−1 + a2 bn−2 + · · · + an−1 b1 .

Prove that for any prime number p we have p|ap .

15. Is it possible to partition the set of all 12-digit numbers into
groups of 4 numbers such that the numbers in each group have the same
digits in 11 places and four consecutive digits in the remaining place?

Saint Petersburg Olympiad
16. Prove the following identity
X X X (−1)k
(ε1 ai1 + ε2 ai2 + · · · + εk aik )2n
k=1 1≤i1 <i2 <···<ik ≤n ε1 ,ε2 ,...,εn ∈{−1,1}

(−1)n (2n)!a21 a22 . . . a2n

for any real numbers a1 , a2 , . . . , an .
Gabriel Dospinescu
17. A set of positive integers A has the property that for some
positive integers bi , ci , the sets bi A + ci , 1 ≤ i ≤ n are disjoint subsets
of A. Prove that
X 1
≤ 1.
IMO Shortlist 2004


We have seen how analysis can help in solving number theory prob-
lems. But linear algebra has an important role as well, especially because
it makes a beautiful connection between number theory and algebra.
This discussion practically started from the following difficult problem
that we solved in the chapter ”Look at the exponent!” and which ap-
peared in the American Mathematical Monthly a long time ago.
Y aj − ai
For any integers a1 , a2 , . . . , an the number is an in-
You will see a nice and short solution to this problem. At the ap-
propriate time... But first, we need some basic facts about matrices,
determinants, and systems of linear equations. For example, the fact
that any homogeneous linear system

 a11 x1 + a12 x2 + · · · + a1n xn = 0

 a x + a x + ··· + a x = 0

21 1 22 2 2n n

 a x + a x + ··· + a x = 0
n1 1 n2 2 nn n

in which

a11 a12 ... a1n

a21 a22 ... a2n
6= 0

... ... ... . . .

an1 an2 . . . ann

has only the trivial solution. Secondly, we need Vandermonde’s identity

1 x1 x21 . . . xn−1


2 n−1
1 x2 x2 . . . x2 Y
= (xj − xi ). (1)

... ... ... ... . . . 1≤i<j≤n
1 xn x2n . . . xn−1


With these basic facts (of course, for a better understanding, the
reader should have some more knowledge on linear algebra), we are
ready to begin the discussion. As usual, we start with an easy and clas-
sical problem. This time, we will prove a result from the theory of per-
mutations. Here is a nice solution.
Example 1. Let σ be a permutation of the numbers 1, 2, . . . , n.


(σ(j) − σ(i)) = 1! · 2! . . . (n − 1)!.
Solution. The formula in the left-hand side suggests that we might
use Vandermonde’s identity (1). But we also need a small trick. Using
the fact that det A = det t A for any matrix A, we get

1 1 1 ... 1

σ(1) σ(2) σ(3) ... σ(n) Y
= (σ(j) − σ(i)).

... . . . . . . . . . . . .
σ(1)n−1 σ(2)n−1 σ(3)n−1 . . . σ(n)n−1

So, by multiplying the two determinants we find

 2
 (σ(j) − σ(i)) =

1 1 1 ... 1 1 σ(1) ... σ(1)n−1

σ(1) σ(2) σ(3) ... σ(n) 1 σ(2) ... σ(2)n−1

... ... ... ... ...
... ... ... ...

σ(1)n−1 n−1 n−1 n−1

σ(2) σ(3) ... σ(n) 1 σ(n) . . .

S0 S1 ... Sn−1

S1 S2 ... Sn
= ,

... ... ... . . .

Sn−1 . . . ... S2n−2

Si = σ(1)i + σ(2)i + · · · + σ(n)i .

But since σ is a permutation of the numbers 1, 2, . . . , n, we have

Si = 1i + 2i + · · · + ni and repeating the arguments we conclude that
 2  2
 (σ(j) − σ(i)) =  (j − i) .
1≤i<j≤n 1≤i<j≤n



(σ(j) − σ(i)) = (j − i) = (n − 1)!(n − 2)! . . . 1!.
1≤i<j≤n 1≤i<j≤n

Using this result, we can answer immediately the following question:

Example 2. Given a polynomial with complex coefficients, can we
decide if it has a double zero only by performing additions, multiplica-
tions, and divisions on its coefficients?
Solution. Yes, we can. Let f (x) = a0 + a1 x + · · · + an xn . Then this
polynomial has a double root if and only if
 2
 (xi − xj ) = 0,

where x1 , x2 , . . . , xn are the zeros of the polynomial. But we have seen

S0 S1 ... Sn−1

 2
Y S1 S2 ... Sn
(xi − xj ) = ,
 

... ... ... . . .

Sn−1 . . . ... S2n−2
where Si = xi1 +xi2 +· · ·+xin . So, we need to express Si = xi1 +xi2 +· · ·+xin
in terms of the coefficients of the polynomial. But this is a consequence
of Newton’s and Vieta’s formulas, which combined yield

an Si + an−1 Si−1 + · · · + an−i+1 S1 + ian−i Si = 0, i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , }.

The last formula allows us to prove by induction that Si can be ex-
pressed only in terms of the coefficients of the polynomial (this could
have been shown much easier, since after all Si is a symmetric polyno-
mial in n variables, hence it can be expressed only in terms of the fun-
damental symmetric polynomials, which can also be expressed in terms
of the coefficients due to Vieta’s formulas). Consequently, we can decide
whether  2
 (xi − xj ) = 0

only by using the described operations on the coefficients of the polyno-

mial, which shows that the answer to the problem is positive.
You may know the following classical problem: if a, b, c ∈ Q verify
√ √
a + b 3 2 + c 3 4 = 0, then a = b = c = 0. Have you ever thought about
the general case? This cannot be done only with simple tricks. We need
much more. Of course, a direct solution could be the following: from
Eisenstein’s criterion, the polynomial f (X) = X n − 2 is irreducible,
√ √
n−1 n−1
so if a0 + a1 n 2 + · · · + an−1 2 = 0 for some rational numbers
a0 , a1 , . . . , an−1 , then the polynomial g(x) = a0 + a1 x + · · · + an−1 xn−1
is not relatively prime with f . Hence gcd(f, g) is a polynomial of degree
at most n − 1 that divides an irreducible polynomial f of degree n. This
cannot happen, unless g = 0, i.e. a0 = a1 = · · · = an−1 = 0. But here
is a beautiful proof using linear algebra. This time we will have to be
careful to work in the most appropriate field.
Example 3. Prove that if a0 , a1 , . . . , an−1 ∈ Q satisfy


a0 + a1 2 + · · · + an−1 2n−1 = 0,

then a0 = a1 = · · · = an−1 = 0.
√ √
n−1 n−1
Solution. If a0 + a1 n 2 + · · · + an−1 2 = 0, then


ka0 + ka1 2 + · · · + kan−1 2n−1 = 0

for any real number k. Thus, we may assume that a0 , a1 , . . . , an−1 ∈ Z
(for example, we can choose k to be the least common multiple of all de-
nominators of the numbers a0 , a1 , . . . , an−1 ). The idea is to choose n val-
ues for k so that to obtain a system of linear equations, having nontrivial
solutions. Then, the determinant of the system must be zero and this
will imply a0 = a1 = · · · = an−1 = 0. Now, let us fill in the blanks. What

are the best values for k? This can be seen by noticing that 2n−1 · n 2 =
√ √
2 ∈ Z. So, the values (k1 , k2 , . . . , kn ) = (1, n 2, . . . , 2n−1 ) are good and
the system becomes
 √ √

 a0 + a1 · n 2 + · · · + an−1 · 2n−1 = 0
 a ·√


2 + a · 22 + · · · + 2a

0 1 =0 n−1

 ...
 a ·√ √

 n n−1 n
+ 2a1 + · · · + an−1 · 2n−2 = 0

0 2
√ √
Viewing (1, n 2, . . . , 2n−1 ) as a nontrivial solution to the system,
we conclude that

a0 a1 ... an−1

n−1 a0 ... an−2
= 0.
... ... ... . . .

2a1 2a2 ... a0
But what can we do now? Expanding the determinant leads nowhere.
As we said before passing to the solution, we should always work in the
most appropriate field. This time the field is Z2 , since in this case the
determinant can be easily computed. It equals an0 = 0. Hence a0 must
be even, that is a0 = 2b0 and we have

b0 a1 ... an−1

n−1 a0 ... an−2
= 0.
... ... ... . . .

a1 2a2 ... a0

Now, we interchange the first two lines of the determinant. Its value
remains 0, but when we expand it in Z2 , it is an1 = 0. Similarly, we
find that all ai are even. Let us write ai = 2bi . Then we also have
√ √
n−1 n−1
b0 + b1 · n 2 + · · · + bn−1 · 2 = 0 and with the same reasoning we
conclude that all bi are even. But of course, we can repeat this as long
as we want. By the method of infinite descent, we find that a0 = a1 =
· · · = an−1 = 0.
The above solution might seem exaggeratedly difficult compared
with the one using Eisenstein’s criterion, but the idea was too nice not
to be presented here.
The following problem can become a nightmare despite its simplicity.
Example 4. Let A = {a3 + b3 + c3 − 3abc| a, b, c ∈ Z}. Prove that
if x, y ∈ A then xy ∈ A.
Proof. The observation that

a c b

3 3 3

a + b + c − 3abc = b a c

c b a

leads to a quick solution. Indeed, it suffices to note that

  
a c b x z y
  
 b a c  y x z  =
  
c b a z y x

 
ax + cy + bz az + by + cx ay + bx + cz
 
 ay + bx + cz ax + cy + bz az + by + cx 

az + by + cx ay + bx + cz ax + cy + bz

and thus

(a3 + b3 + c3 − 3abc)(x2 + y 3 + z 3 − 3xyz) = A3 + B 3 + C 3 − 3ABC,

where A = ax + cy + bz, B = az + by + cx, C = ax + cy + bz. You see,
identities are not so hard to find...
We all know the famous Bezout’s theorem, stating that if a1 , a2 , . . . ,
an are relatively prime, then one can find integers k1 , k2 , . . . , kn such
that k1 a1 + k2 a2 + · · · + kn an = 1. The following problem claims more,
at least for n = 3.
Example 5. Prove that if a, b, c are relatively prime integers, then
there are integers x, y, z, u, v, w such that

a(yw − zv) + b(zu − xw) + c(xv − yu) = 1.

Solution. First of all, there is a crucial observation to be made: the

given condition can be also written in the form det A = 1, where

 
a x u
 
 b y .
v 
c z w

So, let us prove a much more general result.

Theorem. Any vector v whose integer components are relatively
prime is the first column of an integral matrix with determinant equal
to 1.
There is a simple proof of this theorem, using clever manipulations of
determinant properties and induction on the dimension n of the vector
v. Indeed, for n = 2 it is exactly Bezout’s theorem. Now, assume that
it is true for vectors in Z n−1 and take v = (v1 , v2 , . . . , vn ) such that vi
v1 vn−1
are relatively prime. Consider the numbers , . . . , , where g is the
g g
greatest common divisor of v1 , . . . , vn−1 . They are relatively prime and

thus we can find an integral matrix
 v1 
a12 ... a1,n−1
 g 
... ... ... ...
 
 
 vn−1 
an−1,2 . . . an−1,n

having determinant equal to 1. Now, using Bezout’s theorem, we can

find α, β such that αg + βvn = 1. In this case, it is not difficult to verify
that the following matrix has integral entries and determinant equal to
 v1 
v1 a12 ... a1,n−1 (−1)n−1 β
 g 
 
 ... ... ... ... ... 
 vn−1 .
 vn−1 an−1,2 . . . an−1,n−1 (−1)n−1 β
 

 
vn 0 ... 0 (−1)n−1 α

We said at the beginning that the discussion started from the difficult
problem that appeared in AMM, but yet we did not present its solution
yet. It is now time to do it.
Example 6. For any integers a1 , a2 , . . . , an then
Y aj − ai
∈ Z.

Armond Spencer, AMM E 2637

Solution. With this introduction, the way to proceed is clear. What

does the expression (aj − ai suggest? It is the Vandermonde’s
identity (1), associated to a1 , a2 , . . . , an . But we have a hurdle here. We
might want to use the same formula for the expression (j − i).
This is a dead end. But we have seen what is (j − i) equal to in

the first problem. It equals (n − 1)!(n − 2)! . . . 1!. Now, we can write

1 1 1 ... 1

Y aj − ai 1 a1 a2 a3 . . . an

= .

j−i 1! · 2! . . . (n − 1)! . . .

1≤i<j≤n ... ... ... ...

n−1 n−1 n−1 n−1
a1 a2 a3 an

As usual, the last step is the most important. The above formula
can be rewritten as

1 1 1 ... 1

a1 a2 a3 an

Y aj − ai ...
1! 1! 1! 1!

= .

j−i ... ... ... ... ...
an−1 an−1 a2n−1 n−1

1 2 an

(n − 1)! ...
(n − 1)! (n − 1)! (n − 1)!

And now we recognize the form

1 1 ... 1

a1 a2 an


1 1 1

Y aj − ai    
= ,
a1 a2 an
j−i ...
2 2 2

 ...   ...  ... ...

a1 a2 an

n−1 ...
n−1 n−1

  can be proved easily by subtracting lines. Because each number
is an integer, the determinant itself is an integer and the conclusion
We end the unit with a very nice and difficult problem that also
appeared in AMM in 1998. A variant of this problem was given in 2004
at a TST in Romania and turned out to be a hard problem.

Example 7. Consider the sequence (xn )n≥0 defined by x0 = 4,
x1 = x2 = 0, x3 = 3 and xn+4 = xn + xn+1 . Prove that for any prime p
the number xp is a multiple of p.
Solution. Let us consider the matrix
 
0 0 0 1
 
 1 0 0 1 
 

 0 1 0 0 
 
0 0 1 0

and let trX be the sum of the entries of the main diagonal of the matrix
X. We will first prove that xn = T rAn (here A0 = I4 ). This is going to
be the easy part of the solution. Indeed, for n = 1, 2, 3 it is not difficult to
verify it. Now, assume that the statement is true for all i = 1, 2, . . . , n−1
and prove that it is also true for n. This is true because

xn = xn−4 + xn−3 = T rAn−4 + T rAn−3 = T r(An−4 (A + I4 )) = T rAn .

We have used here the relation A4 = A + I4 , which can be easily

verified by a simple computation. Hence the claim is proved.
Now, let us prove an important result, that is T rAp ≡ T rA (mod p)
for any integral matrix and any prime p. The proof is not trivial at
all. A possible advanced solution is to start by considering the matrix A
obtained by reducing all entries of A modulo p, then by placing ourselves
in a field in which the characteristic polynomial of A has all its zeroes
λ1 , λ2 , . . . , λn . This field has clearly characteristic p (it contains Zp ) and
 we have (using the binomial formula and the fact that all coefficients
, 1 ≤ k ≤ p − 1 are multiples of p)
n n
trA = λi = λi = (T rA)p ,
i=1 i=1

from where the conclusion is immediate via Fermat’s little theorem.
But there is a beautiful elementary solution. Let us consider two
integral matrices A, B and write
(A + B)p = A1 A2 . . . A p .
A1 ,...,Ap ∈{A,B}

Observe that for any A, B we have T r(AB) = T r(BA) and by in-

duction, for any X1 , . . . , Xn and any cyclic permutation σ,

T r(X1 . . . Xn ) = T r(Xσ(1) . . . Xσ(n) ).

Now, note that in the sum A1 A2 . . . Ap we can form
A1 ,...,Ap ∈{A,B}
2p − 2
groups of p-cycles and we have two more terms Ap and B p . Thus
p X
T r(A1 A2 . . . Ap ) ≡ T rAp + T rB p modulo p (the reader has
A1 ,...,Ap ∈{A,B}
already noticed that Fermat’s little theorem comes handy once again),
since the sum of T r(A1 A2 . . . Ap ) is a multiple of p in any cycle. Thus
we have proved that

T r(A + B)p ≡ T rAp + T rB p (mod p)

and by an immediate induction we also have

T rApi .
T r(A1 + · · · + Ak ) ≡

Next, consider the matrices Eij that have 1 in position (i, j) and 0
elsewhere. For these matrices we clearly have T rAp ≡ T rA (mod p) and
by using the above result we can write (using Fermat’s little theorem
one more time):  p
T rAp = T r  aij Eij 

T r(apij Eij
≡ )≡ aij T rEij = T rA (mod p).
i,j i,j

The result is proved and with it the fact that xp is a multiple of p.

Problems for training

1. Let F1 = 1, F2 = 1 and Fn = Fn−1 + Fn−2 for all n ≥ 3 be the
Fibonacci sequence. Prove that

Fn+1 Fn−1 − Fn2 = (−1)n and Fm+n = Fn Fm−1 + Fn+1 Fm .

2. Let the sequence of polynomials (fn )n≥1 be defined by f1 (x) = 1,

f2 (x) = x and fn+1 (x) = xfn (x) + fn−1 (x). Prove that this sequence
satisfies the following Fibonacci-type relations fm+n = fn fm−1 +fn+1 fm .
√ √ √ √
3. Prove that the number 2 + 3 + 5 + 7 is irrational.
4. Compute the product (εj − εi )2 , where

2kπ 2kπ
εk = cos + i sin
n n
for all k ∈ {0, 1, . . . , n − 1}.
5. Consider 2005 real numbers with the following property: whenever
we eliminate one number, the rest can be divided into two groups of 1002
numbers each and having the same sum per group. Prove that all the
2005 numbers are equal.
6. Let a, b, c be relatively prime nonzero integers. Prove that for any
relatively prime integers u, v, w satisfying au + bv + cw = 0, there are
integers m, n, p such that

a = nw − pv, b = pu − mw, c = mv − nu.

Octavian Stanasila, TST 1989, Romania

7. Let p be a prime and suppose that the real numbers a1 , a2 , . . . ,
ap+1 have the property: no matter how we eliminate one of them, the
rest of the numbers can be divided into at least two nonempty classes,

any two of them being disjoint and each class having the same arithmetic
mean. Prove that a1 = a2 = · · · = ap+1 .
Marius Radulescu, TST 1994 ,Romania
8. Let a, b, c be integers and define the sequence (xn )n≥0 by x0 = 4,
x1 = 0, x2 = 2c, x3 = 3b and xn+3 = axn−1 + bxn + cxn+1 . Prove that
for any prime p and any positive integer m, the number xpm is divisible
by p.
Calin Popescu, TST 2004, Romania
9. Prove that for any integers a1 , a2 , . . . , an the following number
lcm(a1 , a2 , . . . , an ) Y
(aj − ai )
a1 a2 . . . an

is an integer divisible by 1!2! . . . (n − 2)!. Moreover, we cannot replace

1!2! . . . (n − 2)! by any other multiple of 1!2! . . . (n − 2)!.
10. Let a1 , a2 , . . . , an ∈ R. A move is transforming the n-tuple
(x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) into the n-tuple
x1 + x2 x2 + x3 xn−1 + xn xn + x1
, ,..., , .
2 2 2 2
Prove that if we start with an arbitrary n-tuple (a1 , a2 , . . . , an ), after
finitely many moves we obtain an n-tuple (A1 , A2 , . . . , An ) such that
max |Ai − Aj | < .
1≤i<j≤n 22005
(k−1) (k−1)
(0) (0) (0) + ai+2
(k) ai
11. Let a1 , a2 , . . . , an ∈ R and define ai =
all k ≥ 1 and 1 ≤ i ≤ n (the indices are taken modulo n). Prove that
k n (k) (0)
(−2) ai = (−1)n ai

for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n.
Gabriel Dospinescu


Another topic with old fashioned tricks... will surely say the reader
at first about this small note. Yet, how many times happened to pass
too many time on a problem just because we neglected basic and triv-
ial aspects of it? This is why we think that speaking about these ”old
fashioned tricks” is not lack of imagination, but rather an imperious
need. In this small note we joined together some classical arithmetic
properties of polynomials. Of course, as usual, the list is just a small
and insignificant introduction to this field, but some basic things should
become reflex and between them there are also some problems we shall
discuss. As usual, we kept some chestnuts for the end of the note, so the
tough solver will have his own part of lecture, especially in a chapter
like this one, when extremely difficult problems with extremely simple
statements can be asked...
There is one result that should be remembered, that is for any poly-
nomial f ∈ Z[X] and any different integers a, b, a − b divides f (a) − f (b).
Practically, this is the fundamental result that we shall use continuously.
We will start with an essential result, due to Schur, and which ap-
peared in many variants in contests. Although in the topic Analysis
against number theory we proved an even more general result using a
nice analytical argument, we prefer to present here a purely arithmetic
Example 1. (Schur) Let f ∈ Z[X] be a non constant polynomial.
Then the set of prime numbers dividing at least one non-zero number
between f (1), f (2), . . . , f (n), . . . is infinite.
Proof. First, suppose that f (0) = 1 and consider the numbers f (n!).
For sufficiently large n, they are non-zero integers. Moreover, f (n!) ≡ 1
(mod n!) and so if we pick a prime divisor of each of the numbers f (n!).
we obtain the conclusion (since in particular any such prime divisor is

greater than n). Now, if f (0) = 0, the conclusion is obvious. Suppose thus
f (xf (0))
that f (0) 6= 0 and consider the polynomial g(x) = . Obviously,
f (0)
g ∈ Z[X] and g(0) = 1. Applying now the first part of the solution, we
easily get the conclusion.
This result has, as we have already said, important consequences.
Here is a nice application.
Example 2. Suppose that f, g ∈ Z[X] are monic non constant irre-
ducible polynomials such that for all sufficiently large n, f (n) and g(n)
have the same set of prime divisors. Then f = g.
Solution. Indeed, by Gauss’s lemma, the two polynomials are ir-
reducible in Q[X]. Even more, if they are not equal, then the above
remark and the fact that they have the same leading coefficient implies
they are relatively prime in Q[X]. Using Bezout’s theorem we conclude
instantly that we can find a non zero integer N and P, Q ∈ Z[X] such
that f P + gQ = N . This shows that for all sufficiently large n, all prime
factors of f (n) divide N . But, of course, this contradicts Schur’s result.
The result of example 2 remains true if we assume the same property
valuable for infinitely many numbers n. Yet, the proof uses some highly
non elementary results of Erdos in this field. Interested reader will find
a rich literature on this field.
A refinement of Schur’s lemma is discussed in the following example.
The ingredient is, as usual, the Chinese remainder theorem.
Example 3. Let f ∈ Z[X] be a non constant polynomial and n, k
some positive integers. Then prove that there exists a positive integer
a such that each of the numbers f (a), f (a + 1), . . . , f (a + n − 1) has at
least k distinct prime divisors.

Bulgarian Olympiad

Solution. Let us consider an array of different prime numbers
(pij )i,j=1,k such that for some positive integers xij such that f (xij ) ≡ 0
(mod pij ). We know that this is possible from Schur’s theorem. Now,
using the Chinese remainder theorem we can find a positive integer a
such that ai −1 ≡ xij (mod pij ). Using the fundamental result, it follows
that each of the numbers f (a), f (a + 1), . . . , f (a + n − 1) has at least k
distinct prime divisors.
Classical arithmetic ”tricks” and the fundamental result that a − b
divides f (a) − f (b) are the main ingredients of the following problem.
Example 4. Find all polynomials with integer coefficients f such
that for all sufficiently large n, f (n)|nn−1 − 1.
Gabriel Dospinescu
Solution. Since clearly f (X) = X − 1 is a solution, let us consider
an arbitrary solution and write it in the form f (X) = (X −1)r g(X) with
r ≥ 0 and g ∈ Z[X] such that g(1) 6= 0. Thus, there exists M such that
for all n > M we have g(n)|nn−1 − 1.
We will prove that g is constant. Supposing the contrary, then, since
changing g and his opposite has no effect, we may assume that the
leading coefficient of g is positive. Thus one can find k > M such that
for all n > k we have g(n) > 2 and g(n)|nn−1 − 1. Now, since n +
g(n) − n|g(n + g(n)) − g(n), we deduce that g(n)|g(n + g(n)) for all n. In
particular, for all n > k we have g(n)|g(n + g(n))|(n + g(n))n+g(n)−1 − 1
and g(n)|nn−1 − 1. Of course, this implies that g(n)|nn+g(n)−1 − 1 =
(nn−1 − 1)ng(n) + ng(n) − 1, that is g(n)|ng(n) − 1 for all n > k. Now,
let us consider a prime number p > k and let us look at the smallest
prime divisor of g(p + 1) > 2. We clearly have q|g(p + 1)|(p + 1)g(p+1) − 1
and q|(p + 1)q−1 − 1. Since gcd(g(p + 1), q − 1) = 1 (by minimality) and
gcd((p + 1)g(p+1) − 1, (p + 1)q−1 − 1) = (p + 1)gcd(g(p+1),q−1) − 1 = p, it
follows that we actually have p = q. This shows that p|g(p + q) and thus

(again using the fundamental result) p|g(1). Since this happens for any
prime number p > k, we must have g(1) = 0. This contradiction shows
that g is indeed constant.
n −1)−1
Let g(X) = c. Thus, c|2n(2 − 1 for all n > M . (2n > M ). Since
gcd(2a −1, 2b −1) = 2gcd(a,b) −1, in order to show that |c| = 1, it suffices to
exhibit k < m < n such that gcd(m(2m − 1), n(2n − 1)) = 1. This is very
simple to realize. Indeed, it suffices to take m a prime number greater
than M, k and to choose n a prime number greater than m(2m − 1).
A simple argument shows that gcd(m(2m − 1), n(2n − 1)) = 1 and so
|c| = 1.
Finally, let us prove that r ≤ 2. Supposing the contrary, we deduce

(n − 1)3 |nn−1 − 1 ⇔ (n − 1)1 |nn−2 + nn−3 + · · · + n + 1

for all sufficiently large n and since

nn−2 + nn−3 + · · · + n + 1 =

= n − 1 + (n − 1)[nn−3 + 2nn−4 + · · · + (n − 3)n + (n − 2)],

we obtain that n − 1|nn−3 + 2nn−4 + · · · + (n − 3)n + (n − 2) + 1 for all
sufficiently large n, which is clearly impossible, since

nn−3 + 2nn−4 + · · · + (n − 3)n + (n − 2) + 1 ≡ 1 + 2 + · · · + (n − 2) + 1

(n − 1)(n − 2
≡ +1 (mod n − 1).
Hence r ≤ 2. Finally, the relation

nn−1 − 1 = (n − 1)2 [nn−3 + 2mn−4 + · · · + (n − 3)n + (n − 2) + 1]

shows that (n − 1)2 |nn−1 − 1 for all n > 1 and allows to conclude that
all solutions are the polynomials ±(X − 1)r , with r ∈ {0, 1, 2}.
After reading the solution of the following problem, the reader will
have the impression the problem is very simple. Actually, it is extremely

difficult. There are many possible approaches that fail and the time spent
for solving such a problem can very well tend to infinity.
Example 5. Let f ∈ Z[X] be a non constant polynomial and k ≥ 2
a positive integer such that k f (n) ∈ Q for all positive integers n. Then
there exists a polynomial g ∈ Z[X] such that f = g k .
Solution. Let us assume the contrary and let us decompose f =
pk11 . . . pks s g k where 1 ≤ ki < k and pi are different irreducible polyno-
mials in Q[X]. Suppose that s ≥ 1 (which is the same as denying the
conclusion). Since p1 is irreducible in Q[X], it is relatively prime with
p1 p2 . . . ps and thus (using Bezout’s theorem and multiplication with in-
tegers) there exist some polynomials with integer coefficients Q, R and
a positive integer c such that

Q(x)p1 (x) + R(x)p1 (x)p2 (x) . . . ps (x) = c.

Now, using the result from example 1, we can take a prime number
q > |c| and a number n such that q|p1 (n) 6= 0. We shall have of course
q|p1 (n + q) (since p1 (n + q) ≡ p1 (n) (mod q)). The choice q > |c| ensures
that q does not divide p1 (n)p2 (n) . . . ps (n) and so vq (f (n)) = vq (p1 (n))+
kvq (g(n)). But the hypothesis says that k|vq (f (n)), so we must have
vq (p1 (n)) > 2. In exactly the same way we obtain vq (p1 (n + q)) ≥ 2. Yet,
using the binomial formula, we can easily establish the congruency

p1 (n + q) ≡ p1 (n) + qp01 (n) (mod q 2 ).

Therefore, we must have q|p1 (n), which contradicts q > |c| and

Q(x)p1 (x) + R(x)p1 (x)p2 (x) . . . ps (x) = c.

This contradiction shows that the hypothesis s ≥ 1 was wrong and

thus the result of the problem follows.

The next problem was given in the USA TST 2005 and uses a nice
combination of arithmetic considerations and computations using com-
plex numbers. There are many arithmetic properties of polynomials spec-
ulated in this problem, although the problem itself is not so difficult, if
we find the good way to solve it, of course...
Example 6. Let us call a polynomial f ∈ Z[X] special if for any
positive integer k > 1, in the sequence f (1), f (2), f (3), . . . one can find
numbers which are relatively prime with k. Prove that for any n > 1, at
least 71% of all monic polynomials of degree n, with coefficient in the
set {1, 2, . . . , n!} are special.
Titu Andreescu, Gabriel Dospinescu, USA TST 2005
Solution. Of course, before counting such polynomials, it would be
better to find an easier characterization for them.
Let p1 , p2 , . . . , pr all prime numbers at most equal to n and let us
consider the sets Ai = {f ∈ M | pi |f (m), ∀ m ∈ N∗ }, where M is
the set of monic polynomials of degree n, with coefficient in the set
{1, 2, . . . , n!}. We shall prove that the set T of special polynomials is
[r [
exactly M \ Ai . Obviously, we have T ⊂ M \ Ai . The converse,
i=1 i≤r
however is not that easy. Let us suppose that f ∈ Z[X] belongs to
M \ Ai and let p be a prime number greater than n. Since f is
monic, Lagrange’s theorem ensures that we can find m such that p is
not a divisor of f (m). It follows then that for any prime number q at
least one of the numbers f (1), f (2), f (3), . . . is not a multiple of q. Let
now k > 1 and q1 , q2 , . . . , qs its prime divisors. Then we know we can
find u1 , . . . , us such that qi does not divide f (ui ). Using the Chinese
remainder theorem, we can find a positive integer x such that x ≡ ui
(mod qi ). Then f (x) ≡ f (ui ) (mod qi ) and thus qi does not divide f (x),
thus gcd(f (x), k) = 1. The equality of the two sets is thus proved.

Using a brutal estimation, we obtain
r r
[ X
|T | = |M | − Ai ≥ |M | − |Ai |.

i=1 i=1

Let’s compute now |Ai |. Actually, we will show that . Let f a
ppi i
monic polynomial in Ai ,

f (X) = X n + an−1 X n−1 + · · · + a1 X + a0 .

Then for any m > 1 we have

0 ≡ f (m) ≡ a0 + (a1 + ap + a2p−1 + a3p−2 + . . . )m

+(a2 +ap+1 +a2p +. . . )m2 +· · ·+(ap−1 +a2p−2 +a3p−3 +. . . )mp−1 (mod p),

where, for simplicity, we put p = pi . Using Lagrange’s theorem it follows

that p|a0 , p|a1 + ap + a2p−1 + . . . , . . . , p|ap−1 + a2p−2 + . . . We are going
to use this later, but we still need a small observation. Let us count the
number of s-tuples (x1 , x2 , . . . , xs ) ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n!}s such that x1 + x2 +
· · · + xs ≡ u (mod p), where u is fixed. Let
2π 2π
ε = cos + i sin .
p p
Let us observe that

0 = (ε + ε2 + · · · + εn! )s
= εk |{(x1 , x2 , . . . , xs ) ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n!}s | x1 + · · · + xs ≡ k (mod p)}|.
A simple argument related to the irreducibility of the polynomial
1 + X + X 2 + · · · + X p−1 shows that all cardinals that appear in the
above sum are equal and that their sum is (n!)s , thus each cardinal
equals .
We are now ready to finish the proof. Assume that among the
numbers a1 , ap , a2p−1 , . . . there are exactly v1 numbers that among

ap−1 , a2p−2 , . . . there are vp−1 numbers. Using the above observations,
it follows that we have
n! (n!)v1 (n!)vp−1 (n!)n
|Ai | = · ... = .
p p p pp
Hence, we obtain
X (n!)n
|T | ≥ (n!)n − .
p prime

1 1 1 1 1 1
+ 7 + ··· < 5 1 + + 2 + ... <
5 7 5 5 5 1000
and so the percent of special polynomials is at least
1 1 1 100 1
100 1 − − − = 75 − − > 71.
4 27 1000 27 10
The solution of the problem ends here.
Example 7. Suppose that the non constant polynomial f with in-
teger coefficients has no double roots. Then for any positive integer r
there exists n such that f (n) has at least r distinct prime divisors, all of
them appearing with exponent 1 in the decomposition of f (n) in prime
Iran Olympiad
Solution. Already for r = 1 the problem is in no way obvious, so
let’s not try to attack it directly and concentrate at first on the case
r = 1. Suppose the contrary, that is for all n, all prime divisors of
f (n) appear with exponent at least 2. Since f has no double root, we
deduce that gcd(f, f 0 ) = 1 in C[X] and thus also in Q[X] (because of
the division algorithm and Euclid’s algorithm). Using Bezout’s theorem
in Q[X], we deduce that we can find integer polynomials P, Q such that
P (n)f (n) + Q(n)f 0 (n) = c for a certain positive integer c. Using the
result stated in the first example, we can choose q > c a prime divisor

of a certain f (n). The hypothesis made ensures that q 2 |f (n). But then
we also have q|f (n + q) and so q 2 |f (n + q). Using Newton’s binomial
formula, we deduce immediately that f (n+q) ≡ f (n)+qf 0 (n) (mod q 2 ).
We finally deduce that q|p0 (n) and so q|c, impossible since our choice was
q > c. Thus the case r = 1 was proved.
Let us try to prove the property by induction and suppose it is true
for r. Of course, the existence of P, Q such that P (n)f (n)+Q(n)f 0 (n) = c
for a certain positive integer c did not depend on r, so we keep the above
notations. By inductive hypothesis, there is n such that at least r prime
divisors of f (n) appear with exponent 1. Let these prime factors be
p1 , p2 , . . . , pr . But it is obvious that n + kp21 p22 . . . p2r has the same prop-
erty: all prime divisors p1 , p2 , . . . , pr have exponent 1 in the decomposi-
tion of f (n+kp21 p22 . . . p2r ). Since at most a finite number among them can
be roots of f , we may very well suppose from the beginning that n is not
a root of f . Consider now the polynomial g(X) = f (n + (p1 . . . pr )2 X),
which is obviously non constant. Thus, using again the result in exam-
ple 1, we can find q > max{|c|, p1 , . . . , pr , |p(n)|} a prime number and
a number u such that q|g(u). If vq (g(u)) = 1, victory is ours, since
a trivial verification shows that q, p1 , . . . , pr are different prime num-
bers whose exponents in f (n + (p1 . . . pr )2 u) are all 1. The difficult case
is when vq (g(u)) ≥ 2. In this case, we shall consider the number N =
n+u(p1 . . . pr )2 +uq(p1 . . . pr )2 . Let us prove that in the decomposition of
f (N ), all prime numbers q, p1 , . . . , pr appear with exponent 1. For any pi ,
this is obvious since f (N ) ≡ f (n) (mod (p1 . . . pr )2 ). Using once again
binomial formula, we easily obtain that f (N ) ≡ f (n + (p1 . . . pr )2 u) +
uq(p1 . . . pr )2 f 0 (N ) (mod q 2 ). Now, if vq (f (n)) ≥ 2, then since vq (f (n +
(p1 . . . pr )2 u)) = vq (g(u)) ≥ 2, we have q|u(p1 . . . pr )2 f 0 (N ). Remember
that the choice was q > max{|c|, p1 , . . . , pr , |p(n)|} so necessarily q|u (if
q|f 0 (N ) ⇒ q|(f (N ), f 0 (N ))|c ⇒ q ≤ |c|, contradiction). But since q|g(u),

we must have q|g(0) = f (n). But hopefully, we ensured that n is not a
roof of our polynomial and also that q > max{|c|, p1 , . . . , pr , |p(n)|} so
that the last divisibility relation cannot hold. This allows to finish the
induction step and to solve the problem.
Example 8. Find all non constant polynomials f with integer coef-
ficients and with the following property: for any relatively prime positive
integers a, b, the sequence (f (an + b))n≥1 contains an infinite number of
terms, any two of which are relatively prime.
Gabriel Dospinescu
Solution. We will prove that the only polynomials with the spec-
ified property are those of the form X n , −X n with n a positive inte-
ger. Because changing f with its opposite does not modify the property
of the polynomial, we can suppose that the leading coefficient of f is
positive. Thus, there exists a constant M such that for any n > M
we have f (n) > 2. From now on, we consider only n > M . Let us
prove that we have gcd(f (n), n) 6= 1 for any such n. Suppose that
there is n > M such that gcd(f (n), n) = 1. Consequently, the sequence
(f (n + kf (n))n≥1 will contain at least two relatively prime numbers. Let
them be s, r. Since f (n)|kf (n) = kf (n) + n − n|f (kf (n) + n) − f (n),
we have f (n)|f (n + kf (n)) for any positive integer k. Hence ,we ob-
tain that s, r are multiples of f (n) > 2, impossible. We have shown
that gcd(f (n), n) 6= 1 for any n > M . Thus ,for any prime p > M we
have p|f (p) and so p|f (0). Since any integer different from zero has a
finite number of divisors, we conclude that f (0) = 0. Thus, there is a
polynomial q with integer coefficients such that f (X) = Xq(X). It is
obvious that q has positive leading coefficient and the same property
as f . Repeating the above argument, we infer that if q is non-constant,
then q(0) = 0 and q(X) = Xh(X). Since f is not constant, the above
argument cannot be repeated infinitely many times and thus one of the

polynomials g, h must be constant. Consequently, there are positive inte-
gers n, k such that f (X) = kX n . But since the sequence (f (2n + 3))n≥1
contains at least two relatively prime integers, we must have k = 1. We
have obtained that f must have the form X n . But since f is a solution
if and only if −f is a solution, we infer that any solution of the problem
is a polynomial of the form X n , −X n .
Now let us prove that the polynomials of the form X n , −X n are solu-
tions. It is enough to prove for X n and even for X. But this follows triv-
ially from Dirichlet’s theorem. Let us observe that there is another, more
elementary approach. Let us suppose that x1 , x2 , . . . , xp are terms of the
sequence, any two of which are relatively prime. We prove that we can
add another term xp+1 so that x1 , x2 , . . . , xp+1 has the same property. It
is clear that x1 , x2 , . . . , xp are relatively prime with a, so we can apply
the Chinese remainder theorem to find xp+1 greater than x1 , x2 , . . . , xp ,
such that xp+1 ≡ (1 − b)a−1
i (mod xi ), i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , p}, where a−1
i is a’s
inverse in Zx∗i . Then gcd(xp+1 , xi ) = 1 for i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , p} and thus we
can add xp+1 .
Here is an absolute classic, that appears in at least one Olympiad
around the world each year. Very easy, it uses only the fundamental
Example. Suppose that
Fie n natural nenul. Care este gradul minim al unui polinom monic
cu coeficienti intregi f astfel incat n|f (k) pentru orice k natural?

Proposed problems

1. Let (an )n≥1 be an increasing sequence of positive integers such

that for a certain polynomial f ∈ Z[X] we have an ≤ f (n) for all n.
Suppose also that m − n|am − an for all distinct positive integers m, n.

Prove that there exists a polynomial g ∈ Z[X] such that an = g(n) for
all n.
USAMO 1995
2. We call the sequence of positive integers (an )n≥1 relatively prime
if gcd(am , an ) = 1 for any different positive integers m, n. Find all integer
polynomials f ∈ Z[X] such that for any positive integer c, the sequence
(f [n] (c))n≥1 is relatively prime. Here f [n] is the composition of f with
itself n times.
Leo Mosser
3. Are there polynomials p, q, r with positive integer coefficients such
2 x 1
p(x) + (x − 3x + 2)q(x) and q(x) = − + r(x)?
20 15 12
Vietnam Olympiad
4. Given is a finite family of polynomials with integer coefficients.
Prove that for infinitely many numbers n, if we evaluate any member of
the family in n, we obtain only composite numbers.
5. Find all polynomials with integer coefficients such that f (n)|2n −1
for any positive integer n.
Poland Olympiad
6. Suppose that f ∈ Z[X] is a non constant polynomial. Also, sup-
pose that for some positive integers r, k, the following property is sat-
isfied: for any positive integer n, at most r prime factors of f (n) have
appear with exponent at most equal to k. Does it follow that any root
of this polynomial appears with multiplicity at least equal to k + 1?
7. Is it true that any polynomial f ∈ Z[X] that has a root modulo
n for any positive integer n must necessarily have a rational root?

8. Let f, g ∈ Z[X] some non zero polynomials. Let us consider the
set Df,g = {gcd(f (n), g(n))| n ∈ N}. Prove that the two polynomials are
relatively prime in Q[X] if and only if Df,g .
M. Andronache, Gazeta Matematica 1985
9. Prove that there are no polynomials f ∈ Z[X] with the property:
there exists n > 3 and integers x1 , . . . , xn such that f (xi ) = xi−1 , i = 1, n
(indices are taken mod n).
10. Let f ∈ Z[X] a polynomial of degree n at least 2, with integer
coefficients. Prove that the polynomial f (f (X))−X has at most n integer
Gh. Eckstein, Romanian TST
11. Find all trinomials f ∈ Z[X] with the property that for any
relatively prime integers m, n, the numbers f (M ), f (n) are also relatively
Sankt Petersburg Olympiad
12. For the die hard: find all polynomials with the above property.
13. Let f ∈ Z[X] be a non constant polynomial. Show that the
sequence f (3n ) (mod b) is not bounded.
14. Is there a second degree polynomial f ∈ Z[X] such that for any
positive integer n all prime factors of f (n) are of the form 4k + 3?
15. Prove that for any n there exists a polynomial f ∈ Z[X] such
that all numbers f (1) < f (2) < · · · < f (n) are
a) prime numbers b) powers of 2.
16. Find all integers n > 1 for which there exists a polynomial
f ∈ Z[X] such that for any integer k we have f (k) ≡ 0, 1 (mod n) and
both these congruences have solutions.

17. Let p be a prime number. Find the maximal degree of a poly-
nomial f ∈ Z[X] having coefficients in the set {0, 1, . . . , p − 1}, knowing
that its degree is at most p and that if p divides f (m) − f (n) then it
also divides m − n.
18. Use example 1 and properties of the cyclotomic polynomials
Y 2iπk
φn (X) = (X − e n )

to prove that there are infinitely many prime numbers of the form 1+kn
for any given n ≥ 2. You may be interested to characterize those numbers
m, n for which p|φm (n), but p does not divide any other number of the
form φd (n), where d is a divisor of m different from m
Classical result


Almost everyone knows the Chinese Remainder Theorem, which is a

remarkable tool in number theory. But does everyone know the analogous
form for polynomials? Stated like this, this question may seem impossible
to answer. Then, let us make it easier and also reformulate it: is it true
that given some pair wise distinct real numbers x0 , x1 , x2 , . . . , xn and
some arbitrary real numbers a0 , a1 , a2 , . . . , an , we can find a polynomial
f with real coefficients such that f (xi ) = ai for i ∈ {0, 1, . . . , n}? The
answer turns out to be positive and a possible solution to this question
is based on Lagrange’s interpolation formula. It says that an example of
such polynomial is
X Y x − xj
f (x) = ai (1)
xi − xj
i=0 0≤j6=i≤n

Indeed, it is immediate to see that f (xi ) = ai for i ∈ {0, 1, . . . , n}.

Also, from the above expression we can see that this polynomial has
degree less than or equal to n. Is this the only polynomial with this
supplementary property? Yes, and the proof is not difficult at all. Just
suppose we have another polynomial g of degree smaller than or equal
than n and such that g(xi ) = ai for i ∈ {0, 1, . . . , n}. Then the polyno-
mial g − f also has degree smaller than or equal to n and vanishes at
0, 1, . . . , n. Thus, it must be null and the uniqueness is proved.
What is Lagrange’s interpolation theorem good for? We will see in
the following problems that it helps us to find immediately the value of a
polynomial in a certain point if we know the values in some given points.
And the reader has already noticed that this follows directly from the
formula (1), which shows that if we know the value in 1 + deg f points,
then we can find easily the value in any other point without solving a
complicated linear system. Also, we will see that it helps in establishing

some inequalities and bounds for certain special polynomials and will
even help us in finding and proving some beautiful identities.
Now, let us begin the journey trough some nice examples of problems
where this idea can be used. As promised, we will see first how we can
compute rapidly the value in a certain point for some polynomials. This
was one of the favorite’s problems in the old Olympiads, as the following
examples will show. The first example is just an immediate application
of formula (1) and became a classical problem.
Example 1.
Let f be a polynomial of degree n such that
1 2 n
f (0) = 0, f (1) = , f (2) = , . . . , f (n) = .
2 3 n+1
Find f (n + 1).
USAMO 1975, Great Britain 1989
Solution. A first direct approach would be to write
f (x) = ak xk

and to determine a0 , a1 , . . . , an from the linear system

1 2 n
f (0) = 0, f (1) = , f (2) = , . . . , f (n) = .
2 3 n+1
But this is terrible, since the determinants that must be computed
are really complicated. This is surely a dead end. But for someone who
knows Lagrange’s Interpolation Theorem, the problem is straightfor-
ward. Indeed, we have
X i Yx−j
f (x) = ,
i+1 i−j
i=0 j6=i

so that
X i Y n+1−j
f (n + 1) = .
i+1 i−j
i=0 n≤i

Now, how do we compute this? The reader might say: but we have
already found the value of f (n+1)! Well, it is tacit that the answer should
be expressed in the closest possible form. But, after all, computing the
above sum is not so difficult. Indeed, we can see that
Yn+1−j (n + 1)!
= (−1)n−i
i−j (n + 1 − i) · i! · (n − i)!

just by writing
Yn+1−j (n + 1)n . . . (n + 1 − (i − 1))(n + 1 − (i + 1)) . . . 1
= .
i−j i(i − 1) . . . 1 · (−1) . . . (−(n − i))

According to these small observations, we can write

X i (n + 1)!
f (n + 1) = · (−1)n−i
i + 1 (n + 1 − i) · i! · (n − i)!
X (n + 1)!
= (−1)n−i
(n + 1 − i)! · (i − 1)!
n   n−1
X n 
X n n−i
= (n + 1) (−1) = (n + 1) (−1)n+1−i .
i−1 i
i=1 i=0
And we have arrived at a familiar formula: the binomial theorem.
According to this,
n−1 n  
X n  X n
(−1)n+1−i = − (−1)n−i − 1 = 1.
i i
i=0 i=0

This shows that f (n + 1) = n + 1.

The first example was straightforward because we didn’t find any
difficulties after finding the idea. It’s not the case with the following
Example 2. Let F1 = F2 = 1, Fn+2 = Fn + Fn+1 and let f be a
polynomial of degree 990 such that f (k) = Fk for k ∈ {992, . . . , 1982}.
Show that f (1983) = F1983 − 1.
Titu Andreescu, IMO 1983 Shortlist

Solution. So, we have f (k + 992) = Fk+992 for k = 0, 990 and we
need to prove that f (992 + 991) = F1983 − 1. This simple observation
shows that we don’t have to bother too much with k + 992, since we
could work as well with the polynomial g(x) = f (x+992), which also has
degree 990. Now, the problem becomes: if g(k) = Fk+992 , for k = 0, 990,
then g(991) = F1983 − 1. But we know how to compute g(991). Indeed,
looking again at the previous problem, we find that
990   990  
X 991 k
X 991
g(991) = g(k) (−1) = Fk+992 (−1)k
k k
k=0 k=0

which shows that we need to prove the identity

X 991
Fk+992 (−1)k = F1983 − 1.

This isn’t so easy, but with a little bit of help it can be done. The
device is: never complicate things more than necessary! Indeed, we could
try to establish a more general identity that could be proved by induc-
tion. But why, since it can be done immediately with the formula for
Fn . Indeed, we know that
an − bn
Fn = √ ,
√ √
5+1 1− 5
where a = and b = . Having this in mind, we can of
2 2
course try a direct approach:
X 991
Fk+992 (−1)k
" 990   990   #
1 X 991 k+992 k
X 991 k+992 k
=√ a (−1) − b (−1) .
5 k k
k=0 k=0
But using the binomial theorem, the above sums vanish:
990   990  
X 991 k+992 k 992
X 991
a (−1) = a (−a)k = a992 [(1 − a)991 + a991 ].
k k
k=0 k=0

Since a2 = a + 1, we have

a992 [(1 − a)991 + a991 ] = a(a − a2 )991 + a1983 = −a + a1983 .

Since in all this argument we have used only the fact that a2 = a + 1
and since b also verifies this relation, we find that

X 991 1
Fk+992 (−1)k = √ (a1983 − b1983 − a + b)
k 5

a1983 − b1983 a − b
= √ − √ = F1983 − 1.
5 5
And this is how with the help of a precious formula and with some
smart computations we could solve this problem and also find a nice
property of the Fibonacci numbers.
The following example is a very nice problem proposed for IMO 1997.
Here, the following steps after using Lagrange’s Interpolation formula are
even better hidden in some congruencies. It is the typical example of a
good Olympiad problem: no matter how much the contestant knows in
that field, it causes great difficulties in solving.
Example 3. Let f be a polynomial with integer coefficients and let
p be a prime such that f (0) = 0, f (1) = 1 and f (k) = 0, 1 (mod p) for
all positive integer k. Show that deg f is at least p − 1.

IMO Shortlist 1997

Solution. As usual, such a problem should be solved indirectly,

arguing by contradiction. So, let us suppose that deg f ≤ p − 2. Then,
using the Interpolation formula, we find that

X Y x−j
f (x) = f (k) .
k=0 j6=k

Now, since deg f ≤ p − 2, the coefficient of xp−1 in the right-hand
side of the identity must be zero. Consequently, we have
X (−1)p−k−1
f (k) = 0.
k!(p − 1 − k)!

From here we have one more step. Indeed, let us write the above
relation in the form
k p−1
(−1) f (k) = 0

and let us take this equality modulo p. Since

k! = (p − k)(p − k + 1) . . . (p − 1) ≡ (−1)k k! (mod p)

we find that
≡ (−1)k (mod p)
and so
p−1   p−1
X p−1 X
(−1)k f (k) ≡ f (k) (mod p).
k=0 k=0

f (k) ≡ 0 (mod p),

which is impossible, since f (k) ≡ 0, 1 (mod p) for all k and not all of
the numbers f (k) have the same remainder modulo p (for example, f (0)
and f (1)). This contradiction shows that our assumption was wrong and
the conclusion follows.
It’s time now for some other nice identities, where polynomials do
not appear at first sight. We will see how some terrible identities are
simple consequences of the Lagrange Interpolation formula.

Example 4. Let a1 , a2 , . . . , an be pairwise distinct positive integers.
X ak
Prove that for any positive integer k the number Y i is an
i=1 (ai − aj )

Great Britain

Solution. Just by looking at the expression, we recognize the La-

grange Interpolation formula for the polynomial f (x) = xk . But we may
have some problems when the degree of this polynomial is greater than
or equal to n. But this can be solved by working with the remainder of
f modulo g(x) = (x − a1 )(x − a2 ) . . . (x − an ). So, let us proceed, by
writing f (x) = g(x)h(x) + r(x), where r is a polynomial of degree at
most n − 1. This time we don’t have to worry, since the formula works
and we obtain
X Y x − aj
r(x) = r(ai ) .
ai − aj
i=1 j6=i

Now, we need three observations. The first one is r(ai ) = aki , the sec-
ond one is that the polynomial r has integer coefficients and the third one
X ak
is that Y i is just the coefficient of xn−1 in the polynomial
i=1 (ai − aj )
X Y x − aj
r(ai ) . All these observations are immediate. Combining
ai − aj
i=1 j6=i
X ak
them, we find that Y i is the coefficient of xn−1 in r, which
i=1 (ai − aj )
is an integer. Thus, not only that we have solved the problem, but we
X ak
also found a rapid way to compute the sums of the form Y i .
i=1 (ai − aj )

The following two problems we are going to discuss refer to combi-
natorial sums. If the first one is relatively easy to prove using a combi-
natorial argument (it is a very good exercise for the reader to find this
argument), the second problem is much more difficult. But we will see
that both are immediate consequences of the Interpolation Formula.
Example 5. Let f (x) = ak xn−k . Prove that for any non-zero
real number h and any real number A we have
n−k n
(−1) f (A + kh) = a0 · hn · n!.

Alexandru Lupas
Solution. Since this polynomial has degree at most n, we have no
problems in applying the Interpolation formula
X Y x − A − jh
f (x) = f (Ak h) .
(k − j)h
k=0 j6=k

Now, let us identify the leading coefficients in both polynomials that

appear in the equality. We find that
n n  
X 1 1 X n−k n
a0 = f (A + kh) Y = (−1) f (A + kh),
[(k − j)h] n!hn k
k=0 k=0

which is exactly what we had to prove. Simple and elegant! Notice that
the above problem implies the well-known combinatorial identities
k n
(−1) kp = 0
X n nn−k
for all p ∈ {0, 1, 2, . . . , n − 1} and (−1) k = n!.
As we promised, we will discuss a much more difficult problem. The
reader might say after reading the solution: but this is quite natural! Yes,
it is natural for someone who knows very well the Lagrange Interpolation

formula and especially for someone who thinks that using it could lead
to a solution. Unfortunately, this isn’t always so easy.
Example 6. Prove the identity
X n n+1 n(n + 1)!
(−1)n−k k = .
k 2

Solution. We take the polynomial f (x) = xn (why

 we take the
polynomial f (x) = xn+1 ? Simply because (−1)n−k appears when
writing the formula for a polynomial of degree at most n) and we write
the Interpolation Formula
X x(x − 1) . . . (x − k − 1)(x − k + 1) . . . (x − n)
x = kn (−1)n−k
(n − k)!k!

Now, we identify the coefficient of xn−1 in both terms. We find that

n−k n
0= (−1) k n (1 + 2 + · · · + n − k).

And now the problem is solved, since we found that

n   n  
n−k n n(n + 1) X n−k n
(−1) k = (−1) kn
k 2 k
k=0 k=0

and we also know that

n−k n n
(−1) k = n!

from the previous problem.

Were Lagrange interpolation formula good only to establish identi-
ties and to compute values of polynomials, it wouldn’t have been such
a great discovery. Of course it is not the case, it plays a fundamental
role in analysis. Yet, we are not going to enter this field and we prefer to
concentrate on another elementary aspect of this formula and see how
it can help us establish some remarkable inequalities. And some of them
will be really tough.

We begin with a really difficult inequality, in which the interpola-
tion formula is really well hidden. Yet, the denominators give sometimes
precious indications...
Example 7. Prove that for any real numbers x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ∈ [−1, 1]
the following inequality is true:

X 1
Y ≥ 2n−2 .
i=1 |xj − xi |

Iran Olympiad
Solution. The presence of |xj − xi | is the only hint to this prob-
lem. But even if we know it, how do we choose the polynomial? The
answer is simple: we will choose it to be arbitrary and only in the end
we will decide which is one is optimal. So, let us proceed by taking
f (x) = ak xk an arbitrary polynomial of degree n − 1. Then we have

X Y x − xj
f (x) = f (xk ) .
xk − xj
k=1 j6=k

Combining this with the triangular inequality , we arrive at a new


Y x − xj

|f (x)| ≤ |f (xk )| xk − xj .

k=1 j6=k

Only now comes the beautiful idea, which is in fact the main step.
From the above inequality we find that

f (x) X |f (xk )| Y  xj
xn−1 ≤ 1−
|xk − xj | j6=k

and since this is true for all non-zero real numbers x, we may take the
limit when x → ∞ and the result is pretty nice

X |f (xk )|
|an−1 | ≤ Y .
k=1 |xk − xj |

This is the right moment to decide what polynomial to take. We

need a polynomial f such that |f (x)| ≤ 1 for all x ∈ [−1, 1] and such
that the leading coefficient is 2n−2 . This time our mathematical culture
will decide. And it says that Chebyshev polynomials are the best, since
they are the polynomials with the minimum deviation on [−1, 1] (the
reader will wait just a few seconds and he will see a beautiful proof of
this remarkable result using Lagrange’s interpolation theorem). So, we
take the polynomial defined by f (cos x) = cos(n − 1)x. It is easy to see
that such a polynomial exists, has degree n − 1 and leading coefficient
2n−2 , so this choice solves our problem.
X |f (xk )|
Note also that the inequality |an−1 | ≤ Y can be
k=1 |xk − xj |
proved by identifying the leading coefficients in the identity

X Y x − xj
f (x) = f (xk )
xk − xj
k=1 j6=k

and then using the triangular inequality.

The following example is a fine concoct of ideas. The problem is not
simple at all, since many possible approaches fail. Yet, in the frame-
work of the previous problems and with the experience of Lagrange’s
interpolation formula, it is not so hard after all.
Example 8. Let f ∈ R[X] be a polynomial of degree n with leading
coefficient 1 and let x0 < x1 < x2 < · · · < xn be some integers. Prove

that there exists k ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n} such that
|f (xk )| ≥ .
Crux Matematicorum
Solution. Naturally (but would this be naturally without having
discussed so many related problems before?), we start with the identity
X Y x − xj
f (x) = f (xk ) .
xk − xj
k=0 j6=k

Now, repeating the argument in the previous problem and using the
fact that the leading coefficient is 1, we find that
X |f (xk )|
Y ≥ 1.
k=0 |xk − xj |

It is time to use that we are dealing with integers. This will allow us
to find a good inferior bound for |xk − xj | ≥ 1. This is easy, since
|xk − xj | = (xk − x0 )(xk − x1 ) . . . (xk − xk−1 )(xk+1 − xk ) . . . (xn − xk )

≥ k(k − 1)(k − 2) . . . 1 · 1 · 2 . . . (n − k) = k!(n − k)!.

And yes, we are done, since using these inequalities, we deduce that
X |f (xk )|
≥ 1.
k!(n − k)!|

Now, since
n n  
X 1 1 X n 2n
= = ,
k!(n − k)! n! k n!
k=0 k=0

it follows trivially that

|f (xk )| ≥
We shall discuss one more problem before entering in a more detailed
study of Chebyshev polynomials and their properties, a problem given

in the Romanian mathematical Olympiad and which is a very nice ap-
plication of Lagrange’s interpolation formula. It is useless to say that it
follows trivially using a little bit of integration theory and Fourier series.
Example 9. Prove that for any polynomial f of degree n and with
leading coefficient 1 there exists a point z such that

|z| = 1 and |f (z)| ≥ 1.

Marius Cavachi, Romanian Olympiad

Solution. Of course, the idea is always the same, but this time
it is necessary to find the good points in which we should write the
interpolation formula. As usual, we shall be blind and we shall try to
find these points. Till then, let us call them simply x0 , x1 , x2 , . . . , xn and
X |f (xk )|
Y ≥ 1.
k=0 |xk − xj |
This inequality was already proved in the two problems above. Now,
consider the polynomial
g(x) = (x − xi ).

We have then

|g (xi )| = (xi − xj ) .
Now, of course we would like, if possible, to have |xi | = 1 and also
n n
X 1 X |f (xk )|
≤ 1. In this case it would follow from ≥1
|g 0 (xk )|
k=0 k=0 |xk − xj |
that at least one of the numbers |f (xk )| is at least equal to 1 and the
problem would be solved. Thus, we should find a monic polynomial g of
X 1
degree n + 1 with all roots of modulus 1 and such that 0
≤ 1.
|g (xk )|

This is trivial: it suffices of course to consider g(x) = xn+1 − 1. The
conclusion follows.
We have an explanation to give: we said the problem follows trivially
with a little bit of integration theory tools. Indeed, if we write f (x) =
ak xk then one can check with a trivial computation that
Z 2π
ak = f (eit )e−ikt dt
2π 0

and from here the conclusion follows since we will have

Z 2π Z 2π
it −int
|f (eit |dt ≤ 2π max |f (z)|.

2π = f (e )e dt ≤
0 0 |z|=1

Of course, knowing already this in 10-th grade (the problem was

given to students in 10-th grade) is not something common...
The next problems will be based on a very nice identity that will
allow us to prove some classical results about norms of polynomials,
to find the polynomials having minimal deviation on [−1, 1] and also to
establish some new inequalities. In order to do all this, we need two quite
technical lemmas, which is not difficult to establish, but very useful.

Lemma 1. If we put tk = cos , 0 ≤ k ≤ n, then
n √
Y x2 − 1 p
2 − 1)n − (x −
f (x) = (x − tk ) = [(x + x x2 − 1)n ].

Proof. The proof is simple. Indeed, if we consider

x2 − 1 p
2 − 1)n − (x −
g(x) = [(x + x x2 − 1)n ],
using the binomial formula we can establish immediately that it is a
polynomial. Moreover, from the obvious fact that lim n+1 = 1, we
x→∞ x
deduce that it is actually a monic polynomial of degree n + 1. The fact

that g(tk ) = 0 for all 0 ≤ k ≤ n is easily verified using Moivre’s formula.
All this proves the first lemma.
A little bit more computational is the second lemma.
Lemma 2. The following relations are true:
Y (−1)k n
i) (tk − tj ) = n−1 if 1 ≤ k ≤ n − 1;
Y n
ii) (t0 − tj ) = ;
Y (−1)n n
iii) (tn − tj ) = .
Proof. Simple computations, left to the reader, allow us to write:
n p p
f 0 (x) = n [(x + x2 − 1)n + (x − x2 − 1)n ]
x p p
+ √ [(x + x2 − 1)n − (x − x2 − 1)n ].
2n x2 − 1
Using this formula and Moivre’s formula we easily deduce i). To
prove ii) and iii) it suffices to compute lim f 0 (x), using the above for-
mula. We leave the computations to the reader.
Of course, the reader hopes that all these computations will have a
honourable purpose. He’s right, since these lemmas will allow us to prove
some very nice results. The first one is a classical theorem of Chebyshev,
about minimal deviation of polynomials on [−1, 1].
Example 10. (Chebyshev theorem) Let f ∈ R[X] be a monic poly-
nomial of degree n. Then
max |f (x)| ≥
x∈[−1,1] 2n−1
and this bound cannot be improved.
Solution. Using again the observation from problem 7, we obtain
the identity:
X Y 1
I= f (tk ) .
tk − tj
k=0 j6=k

Thus, we have
X 1
1 ≤ max |f (tk )| .
0≤k≤n Y
(tk − tj )


Now, it suffices to apply lemma 2 to conclude that we actually have

X 1
= 2n−1 .
(tk − tj )


This shows that max |f (x)| ≥ and so the result is proved.
x∈[−1,1] 2n−1
To prove that this result is optimal, it suffices to use the polynomial
Tn (x) = cos(n arccos(x)). It is an easy exercise to prove that this is
really a polynomial (called the nth polynomial of Chebyshev of the first
kind) and that it has leading coefficient 2n−1 and degree n. Then the
polynomial n−1 Tn is monic of degree n and

1 1
max n−1 Tn (x) = n−1 .

x∈[−1,1] 2 2
There are many other proof of this result , many of them are much
easier, but we chosen this one because it shows the power of Lagrange
interpolation theory. Not to say that the use of the two lemmas allowed
us to prove that the inequality presented in example 7 is actually the
Some years ago, Walther Janous presented in Crux the following
problem as open problem. It is true that it is a very difficult one, but
here is a very simple solution using the results already achieved.
Example 11. Suppose that a0 , a1 , . . . , an are real numbers such that
for all x ∈ [−1, 1] we have

|a0 + a1 x + · · · + an xn | ≤ 1.

Then for all x ∈ [−1, 1] we also have

|an + an−1 x + · · · + a0 xn | ≤ 2n−1 .

Walther Janous, Crux Matematicorum

Solution. Actually, we are going to prove a stronger result, that is:
Lemma. Denote
kf k = max |f (x)|.
Then for any polynomial f ∈ R[X] of degree n the following inequal-
ity is satisfied:

|f (x)| ≤ |Tn (x)| · kf k for all |x| ≥ 1.

Proof. Using Lagrange’s interpolation formula and modulus in-

equality, we deduce that for all u ∈ [−1, 1] we have:
  n Y
f 1 ≤ 1 kf k
X 1 − tj u
u |u|n |tk − tj |
k=0 j6=k

The very nice idea is to use now again Lagrange interpolation for-
mula, this time for the polynomial Tn . We shall then have

  n n
Tn 1 = 1 (−1)k
X Y 1 − utj 1 X Y 1 − utj
u |u|n tk − tj |u|n |tk − tj |
k=0 j6=k k=0 j6=k

(the last identity being ensured by lemma 2). By combining the two
results, we obtain
f 1 ≤ Tn 1 kf k for all u ∈ [−1, 1]

u u
and the conclusion follows.
Coming back to the problem and considering the polynomial f (x) =
ak xk , the hypothesis says that kf k ≤ 1 and so by the lemma we have

|f (x)| ≤ |Tn (x)| for all |x| ≥ 1.

We will then have for all x ∈ [−1, 1]:
n 1 n 1
|an + an−1 x + · · · + a0 x | = x f
≤ x Tn .
x x

It suffices to prove that

x Tn 1 ≤ 2n−1 ,

which can be also written as

p p
(1 + 1 − x2 )n + (1 − 1 − x2 )n ≤ 2n .

But this inequality is very easy to prove: just set a = 1 − x2 ∈ [0, 1]
and observe that h(a) = (1 − a)n + (1 + a)n is a convex function on [0, 1],
thus its superior bound is attained in 0 or 1 and there the inequality is
trivially verified. Therefore we have

|an + an−1 x + · · · + a0 xn | ≤ 2n−1

and the problem is solved.

We end this topic with a very difficult problem, that refines a prob-
lem given in a Japanese mathematical Olympiad in 1994. The problem
has a nice story: given initially in an old Russian Olympiad, it asked to
prove that
Y n
max |x − ai | ≤ 108n max |x − ai |
x∈[0,2] x∈[0,1]
i=1 i=1

for any real numbers a1 , a2 , . . . , an . The Japanese problems asked only

to prove the existence of a constant that could replace 108. A brutal
choice of points in Lagrange interpolation theorem gives a better bound
of approximately 12 for this constant. Recent work by Alexandru Lupas

reduces this bound to 1 + 2 6. In the following, we present the optimal

Example 12. For any real numbers a1 , a2 , . . . , an , the following in-
equality holds:
n √ √ n
Y (3 + 2 2)n + (3 − 2 2)n Y
max |x − ai | ≤ max |x − ai |.
x∈[0,2] 2 x∈[0,1]
i=1 i=1

Gabriel Dospinescu
Solution. Let us denote

kf k[a,b] = max |f (x)|


for a polynomial f and let, for simplicity,

√ √
(3 + 2 2)n + (3 − 2 2)n
cn = .
We thus need to prove that kf k[0,2] ≤ cn kf k[0,1] where
f (x) = (x − ai ).

We shall prove that this inequality is true for any polynomial f ,

which allows us to suppose that kf k[0,1] = 1. We shall prove that for
all x ∈ [1, 2] we have |f (x)| ≤ xn . Let us fix x ∈ [1, 2] and consider the
1 + tk
numbers xk = . Using Lagrange interpolation formula, we deduce
n Y n Y
X x − x k X x − xj
|f (x)| ≤ =
xk − xj
|xk − xj |
k=0 j6=k k=0 j6=k
n Y n Y
X 2 − xj X 3 − tj
≤ = .
|xk − xj | |tk − tj |
k=0 j6=k k=0 j6=k
Using lemma 2, we can write
n Y n−1
X 3 − tj 2n−1 X Y
= (3 − tj )
|tk − tj | n
k=0 j6=k k=1 j6=k
 
n−1 n
2n−2 Y Y
+  (3 − tj ) + (3 − tj ) .
j=0 j=1

Using again the two lemmas, we obtain:
n √ n √ n 3 √ n √ n
[(3 + 2 2) + (3 − 2 2) ] + √ [(3 + 2 2) − (3 − 2 2) ]
2n 2n+1 2
X Y n−1
Y n
= (3 − tj ) + (3 − tj ) + (3 − tj ).
k=1 j6=k j=0 j=1

All we have to do now is to compute

Y n
Y n−1
(3 − tj ) + (3 − tj ) = 6 (3 − tj ).
j=0 j=1 j=1

But using lemma 1, we deduce immediately that

Y 1 √ √
(3 − tj ) = √ [(3 + 2 2)n − (3 − 2 2)n ].
2n+1 2

Putting all these observations together and making a small compu-

tation, that we let to the reader, we easily deduce that |f (x)| ≤ cn . This
proves that kf k[0,2] ≤ cn kf k[0,1] and solves the problem.

Problems for training

1. A polynomial of degree 3n takes the value 0 at 2, 5, 8, . . . , 3n − 1,
the value 1 at 1, 4, 7, . . . , 3n − 2 and the value 2 at 0, 3, 6, . . . , 3n. It’s
value at 3n + 1 is 730. Find n.
USAMO 1984
2. A polynomial of degree n verifies p(k) = 2k for all k = 1, n + 1.
Find its value at n + 2.
Vietnam 1988
3. Prove that for any real number a we have the following identity
k n
(−1) (a − k)n = n!.

Tepper’s identity

n   n  
k n n+2 X
k n
4. Find (−1) k and (−1) k n+3 .
k k
k=0 k=0

5. Prove that
n n
X xn+1
Y = xk
k=0 (xk − xj ) k=0

and compute
X xn+2
Y .
k=0 (xk − xj )

6. Prove the identity

n n
X k X 1
(−1)k−1 (n − k)n = nn .
k k
k=1 k=2

Peter Ungar, AMM E 3052

7. Let a, b, c be real numbers and let f (x) = ax2 + bx + c such that

max{|f (±1)|, |f (0)|} ≤ 1. Prove that if |x| ≤ 1 then
5 2 1
|f (x)| ≤ and x f ≤ 2.
4 x
Spain, 1996

8. Let f ∈ R[X] a polynomial of degree n that verifies |f (x)| ≤ 1 for

all x ∈ [0, 1], then
f − 1 ≤ 2n+1 − 1.

9. Let a, b, c, d ∈ R such that |ax3 +bx2 +cx+d| ≤ 1 for all x ∈ [−1, 1].
What is the maximal value of |c|? Which are the polynomials in which
the maximum is attained?

Gabriel Dospinescu

10. Let a ≥ 3 be a real number and p be a real polynomial of degree
n. Prove that
max |ai − p(i)| ≥ 1.
India, 2001
11. Find the maximal value of the expression a2 + b2 + c2 if |ax2 +
bx + c| ≤ 1 for all x ∈ [−1, 1].
Laurentiu Panaitopol
12. Let a, b, c, d ∈ R such that |ax3 + bx2 + cx + d| ≤ 1 for all
x ∈ [−1, 1]. Prove that

|a| + |b| + |c| + |d| ≤ 7.

IMO Shortlist, 1996

13. Let A = p ∈ R[X]| deg p ≤ 3, |p(±1)| ≤ 1, p ± ≤ 1 .

Find sup max |p00 (x)|.
p∈A |x|≤1
IMC, 1998
14. a) Prove that for any polynomial f having degree at most n, the
following identity is satisfied:
n 1X 2zk
xf 0 (x) = f (x) + f (xzk ) ,
2 n (1 − zk )2

where zk are the roots of the polynomial |X n + 1.

b) Deduce Bernstein’s inequality: kf 0 k ≤ nkf k where

kf k = max |f (x)|.

P.J. O’Hara, AMM

15. Define F (a, b, c) = max |x3 − ax2 − bx − c|. What is the least
possible value of this function over R3 ?
China TST 2001


Till now, we have seen numerous applications of analysis and higher

algebra in number theory and algebra. It is time to see the contribution
of this ”non-elementary mathematics” to combinatorics. It is quite hard
to imagine that behind a simple game, such as football for example
or behind a quotidian situation such as handshakes there exists such
complicated machinery, but this happens sometimes and we will prove it
in the next. For the beginning of the discussion, the reader doesn’t need
any special knowledge, just imagination and the most basic properties
of the matrices, but, as soon as we advance, things change. Anyway,
the most important fact is not the knowledge, but the ideas and, as we
will see, it is not easy to discover that ”non-elementary” fact that hides
after a completely elementary problem. Since we have clarified what is
the purpose of the unit, we can begin the battle.
The first problem we are going to discuss is not classical, but it is easy
and a very nice application of how linear-algebra can solve elementary
problems. Here it is.
Example 1. Let n ≥ 3 and let An , Bn be the sets of all even,
respectively, odd permutations of the set {1, 2, . . . , n}. Prove the equality
X X n
|i − σ(i)| = |i − σ(i)|.
σ∈An i=1 σ∈Bn i=1

Nicolae Popescu, Gazeta Matematica

Solution. Writing the difference
X X n
|i − σ(i)| − |i − σ(i)|
σ∈An i=1 σ∈Bn i=1

X n
ε(σ) |i − σ(i)| = 0,
σ∈Sn i=1

1, if σ ∈ An
ε(σ) =
−1, if σ ∈ Bn

reminds us about the formula

det A = ε(σ)a1σ(1) a2σ(2) . . . anσ(n) .

We have taken here Sn = An ∪ Bn . But we don’t have any product

in our sum! That is why we will take an arbitrary positive number a and
we will consider the matrix A = (a|i−j| )1≤i,j≤n . This time,
det A = (−1)ε(α) a|1−σ(1)| . . . a|−nσ(n)|

P n
X |i−σ(i)| X |i−σ(i)|
= ai=1 − ai=1
σ∈An σ∈Bn

This is how we have obtained the identity

1 x x2 . . . xn−2 xn−1

1 x . . . xn−3 xn−2

x2 x 1 . . . xn−4 xn−3

... ... ... ... ... ...

xn−2 . . . . . .

x x 1

P n
X |i−σ(i)| X |i−σ(i)|
= xi=1 − xi=1 . (1)
σ∈Sn σ∈Sn
σ pară σ impară

Anyway, we still do not have the desired difference. What can we do

to obtain it? The most natural way is to derive the last relation, which is
nothing else than a polynomial identity, and then to take x = 1. Before

doing that, let us observe that the polynomial

1 x x2 ... xn−2 xn−1

1 x ... xn−3 xn−2

x2 x 1 ... xn−4 xn−3

... ... ... ... ... . . .

xn−2 . . .

x ... x 1

is divisible by (x − 1)2 . This can be easily seen by subtracting the first

line from the second and the third one and taking from each of these
line x − 1 as common factor. Thus, the derivative of this polynomial is
a polynomial divisible by x − 1, which shows that after we derive the
relation (1) and take x = 1, in the left-hand side we will obtain 0. Since
in the right-hand side we obtain exactly
X X n
|i − σ(i)| − |i − σ(i)|
σ∈An i=1 σ∈Bn i=1

the identity is established.

Here is another nice application of this trick. We have seen how many
permutation do not have a fixed point. The question that arises is how
many of them are even. Here is a direct answer to the question, using
Example 2. Find the number of even permutations of the set
{1, 2, . . . , n} that do not have fixed points.
Solution. Let us consider Cn , Dn , respectively, the sets of even and
odd permutations of the set {1, 2, . . . , n}, that do not have any fixed
points. We know how to find the sum |Cn | + |Dn |. We have seen it in
the unit ”Principiul includerii si excluderii” that it is equal to

1 1
n! 1 − + − · · · + .
1! 2! n!

Hence if we manage to compute the difference |Cn | − |Dn |, will be
able to answer to the question. If we write
|Cn | − |Dn | = 1− 1,
σ∈An σ∈Bn
σ(i)6=i σ(i)6=i

we observe that this reduces to computing the determinant of the matrix

T = (tij )1≤i,j≤n , where
1, if i 6= j
tij =
0, if i = j

That is,

0 1 1 ... 1

1 0 1 ... 1
|Cn | − |Dn | = .

... ... ... ... . . .

1 1 1 ... 0

But it is not difficult to compute this determinant. Indeed, we add

all columns to the first one and we give n − 1 as common factor, then
we subtract the first column from each of the other columns. The result
is |Cn | − |Dn | = (−1)n−1 (n − 1) and the conclusion is quite surprising:

1 1 1
|Cn | = n! 1 − + − · · · + + (−1)n−1 (n − 1).
2 2! 3! (n − 2)!
We will focus in the next problems on a very important combina-
torial tool, that is the incidence matrix (cum se spune la matricea de
incidenta?). What is this? Suppose we have a set X = {x1 , x2 , . . . , xn }
and X1 , X2 , . . . , Xk a family of subsets of X. Now, define the matrix
A = (aij )i=1,n , where
1, if xi ∈ Xj
aij =
0, if xi 6∈ Xj

This is the incidence matrix of the family X1 , X2 , . . . , Xk and the
set X. In many situations, computing the product t A · A helps us to
modelate algebraically the conditions and the conclusions of a certain
problem. From this point, the machinery activates and the problem is
on its way of solving.
Let us discuss first a classical problem, though a difficult one. It ap-
peared in USAMO 1979, Tournament of the Towns 1985 and in Bulgar-
ian Spring Mathematical Competition 1995. This says something about
the classical character and beauty of this problem.
Example 3. Let A1 , A2 , . . . , An+1 be distinct subsets of the set
{1, 2, . . . , n}, each of which having exactly three elements. Prove that
there are two distinct subsets among them that have exactly one point
in common.
Solution. Of course, we argue by contradiction and suppose that
|Ai ∩ Aj | ∈ {0, 2} for all i 6= j. Now, let T be the incidency matrix of
the family A1 , A2 , . . . , An+1 and compute the product

 n
X n
X n
X 
 t2k1 tk1 tk2 ... tk tkn+1 
 k=1 k=1 k=1 
 
T ·T =
 ... ... ... ... .

 X n
X n
X 
 
tkn+1 tk1 tkn+11 tk2 . . .
k=1 k=1 k=1

But we have of course

x2ki = |Ai | = 3

xki xkj = |Ai ∩ Aj | ∈ {0, 2}.

Thus, considered in the field (R2 , +, ·), we have
 
b 0
b ... 0
b 0
 
tT · T = 
 ... ... ... ... ,
... 
b 0
b ... 0
b 1

where X is the matrix having as elements the residues classes of the

elements of the matrix X. Since of course det X = det X, the previous
relation shows that det t T · T is odd, hence non-zero. This means that
t T yT is an invertible matrix of size n + 1, thus rank t T · T = n + 1 which
contradicts the inequality rank t T ·T ≤ rankT ≤ n. This shows that our
assumption was wrong and there exist indeed indices i 6= j such that
|Ai ∩ Aj | = 1.
The following problem is very difficult to solve by elementary means,
but the solution using linear-algebra is straightforward.
Example 4. Let n be an even number and A1 , A2 , . . . , An be distinct
subsets of the set {1, 2, . . . , n}, each of them having an even number of
elements. Prove that among these subsets there are two having an even
number of elements in common.
Solution. Indeed, if T is the incidency matrix of the family
A1 , A2 , . . . , An , we obtain as in the previous problem the following rela-
tion  
|A1 | |A1 ∩ A2 | . . . |A1 ∩ An |
 
T ·T =
 ... ... ... ... .

|An ∩ A1 | |An ∩ A2 | . . . |An |
Now, let us suppose that all the numbers |Ai ∩ Aj | are odd and
interpret the above relation in the field (R2 , +, ·). We find that
 
b 1 ... b
b 1 1
 
tT · T =  ,
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
b 1 ... b
b 1 0

which means again that det t T . . . T is odd. Indeed, if we work in
(R2 , +, ·), we obtain

b 1
b ... 1
b 1

... ... ... ... . . . = b

b 1
b ... 1
b 0

The technique used is exactly the same as in the second example,

only this time we work in a different field. Note that this is the moment
when we use the hypothesis that n is even. Now, since det t T ·T = det2 T ,
we obtain that det T is also an odd number. Hence we should try to prove
that in fact det T is an even number and the problem will be solved. Just
observe that the sum of elements of the column i of T is |Ai |, hence an
even number. Thus, if we add all lines to the first line, we will obtain
only even numbers on the first line. Since the value of the determinant
doesn’t change under this operation, the conclusion is plain: det T is
an even number. Since a number cannot be both even and odd, our
assumption was wrong and the problem is solved.
Working in a simple field such as (R2 , +, ·) can allow us to find quite
interesting solutions. For example, we will discuss the following problem,
used for the IMO preparation of the Romanian IMO team in 2004.
Example 5. The squares of a n×n table are colored with white and
black. Suppose that there exists a non-empty set of lines A such that
any column of the table has an even number of white squares that also
belong to A. Prove that there exists a non-empty set of columns B such
that any line of the table contains an even number of white squares that
also belong to B.

Gabriel Dospinescu

Solution. This is just the combinatorial translation of the well-
known fact that a matrix T is invertible in a field if and only if its
transpose is also invertible in that field. But this is not that easy to see.
Let us proceed easily. In each white square we write the number 1
and in each black square we put a 0. We thus obtain a binary matrix
T = (tij )1≤i,j≤n . From now on, we work only in (R2 , +, ·). Suppose that
A contains the columns a1 , a2 , . . . , ak . It follows that ta,j = 0 for all
j = 1, n. Now, let us take
1, if i ∈ A
xi =
0, if i 6∈ A
It follows that the system

 t11 z1 + t21 z2 + · · · + tn1 zn = 0

 t z + t z + ··· + t z = 0

12 1 22 2 n2 n

 ...

 t z + t z + ··· + t z = 0
1n 1 2n 2 nm n

admits the non-trivial solution (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ). Thus, det T = 0 and

consequently det t T = 0. But this means that the system

 u11 y1 + u12 y2 + · · · + u1n yn = 0

 u y + u y + ··· + u y = 0

21 1 22 2 2n n

 ...

 u y + u y + ··· + u y = 0
n1 1 n2 2 nn n

also has a non-trivial solution in R2 . Now, we take B = {i| yi 6= 0} and

we will clearly have B 6= ∅ and uix = 0, i = 1, n. But this mean that
any line of the table contains an even number of white squares that also
belong to B and the problem is solved.
In the end of this sub-unit, we will discuss a very difficult problem,
in which just knowing the trick of computing t A · A does not suffice. It

is true that it is one of the main steps, but there are much more things
to do after we compute t A · A. And if for these first problems we have
used only intuitive or well-known properties of the matrices and fields,
this time we need a more sophisticated machinery: the properties of the
characteristic polynomial and eingenvalues of a matrix. It is exactly that
kind of problem that kills you just when we feel most strong.
Example 6. Let S = {1, 2, . . . , n} and A be a family of pairs of
elements from S with the following property: for any i, j ∈ S there exist
exactly m indices k ∈ S for which (i, k), (k, j) ∈ A. Find all possible
values of m, n for which this is possible.

Gabriel Carrol

Solution. This time, it is easy to see what hides after the problem.
Indeed, if we take T = (tij )1≤i,j≤n , where
1, if (i, j) ∈ A
aij =
0, otherwise

the existence of the family A reduces to

 
m m ... m
 
 m m ... m 
T2 =  .
 
 ... ... ... ... 
 
m m ... m

So, we must find all values of m, n for which there exist a binary
matrix T such that
 
m m ... m
 
 m m ... m 
T = .
 
 ... ... ... ... 
 
m m ... m

Let us consider
 
m m ... m
 
 m m ... m 
TB =  .
 
 ... ... ... ... 
 
m m ... m

and find the eigenvalues of B. This is not difficult, since if x is an ein-

genvalue, then

m−x m ... m

m m ... m

... ... ... . . .

m m ... m−x

If we add all columns to the first one and then take the common
factor mn − x, we obtain the equivalent form

1 m ... m

1 m − x ... m
(mn − x) = 0.

... ... ... ...

1 m ... m − x

In this final determinant, we subtract from each column the first

column multiplied by m and we obtain in the end the equation
xn−1 (mn − x) = 0, which shows that the eigenvalues of B are precisely
0, 0, . . . , 0, mn. But these are exactly the squares of the eigenvalues of
| {z }
n−1 √
T . Thus, T has the eingevalues 0, 0, . . . , 0, mn, because the sum of the
| {z }
eingenvalues is nonnegative (being equal to the sum of the elements of
the matrix situated on the main diagonal). Since T rT ∈ R, we find that
mn must be a perfect square. Also, because T rT ≤ n, we must have
m ≤ n.

Now, let us prove the converse. So, suppose that m ≤ n and mn is
a perfect square and write m = du2 , n = dv 2 . Let us take the matrices

I = (11
| .{z
. . 11}), O = (00
| .{z
. . 00}).
dv dv

Now, let us define the circulant matrix

 
111 . . . 1 00 . . . 0
 | {z } | {z } 
 u v−u 
 
 0 11 . . . 1 00 . . . 0 
 | {z } | {z } 
S=  u v−u−1   ∈ Mv,n ({0, 1}).

 . . . 

 
 111 . . . 1 00 . . . 0 1 
| {z } | {z }
u−1 v−u

Finally, we take
 
 
 S 
A=  ∈ Mn ({0, 1}).
 
 ... 
 
It is not difficult to see that
 
m m ... m
 
 m m ... m 
A2 =  .
 
 ... ... ... ... 
 
m m ... m

The last idea that we present here (but certainly these are not all
the methods of higher mathematics applied to combinatorics) is the use
of vector spaces. Again, we will not insist on complicated notions from
the theory of vector spaces, just the basic notions and theorems. Maybe
the most useful fact is that if V is a vector space of dimension n (that is,
V has a basis of cardinal n), then any n + 1 or more vectors are linearly
dependent. As a direct application, we will discuss the following problem,

which is very difficult to solve by means of elementary mathematics. Try
first to solve it elementary and you will see how hard it is. The following
example is classical, too, but few people know the trick behind it.
Example 7. Let n be a positive integer and let A1 , A2 , . . . , An+1
be nonempty subsets of the set {1, 2, . . . , n}. Prove that there ex-
ist nonempty and disjoint index sets I1 = {i1 , i2 , . . . , ik } and I2 =
{j1 , j2 , . . . , jm } such that

Ai1 ∪ Ai2 ∪ · · · ∪ Aik = Aj1 ∪ Aj2 ∪ · · · ∪ Ajm .

Solution. Let us associate to each subset Ai a vector vi ∈ Rn , where

vi = (x1i , x2i , . . . , xni ) and
0, if j ∈ Ai
xji =
1, if j 6∈ Ai
Since dim Rn = n, these vectors we have just constructed must be
linearly dependent. So, we can find a1 , a2 , . . . , an+1 ∈ R, not all of them
0, such that
a1 v1 a2 v2 + · · · + an+1 vn+1 = 0.

Now, we take I1 = {i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n + 1}| ai > 0} and I2 = {i ∈

{1, 2, . . . , n+1}| ai < 0}. It is plain that I1 , I2 are nonempty and disjoint.
[ [
Now, let us prove that Ai = Ai and the solution will be complete.
i∈I1 i∈I2
[ [
Let us take x ∈ Ai and suppose that x 6∈ Ai . Then the vectors vi
i∈I1 i∈I2
with i ∈ I2 have zero on their xth component, so the xth component of
the vector a1 v1 +a2 v2 +· · ·+an+1 vn+1 is aj > 0, which is impossible,
[ [
since a1 v1 + a2 v2 + · · · + an+1 vn+1 = 0. This shows that Ai ⊂ Ai .
i∈I1 i∈I2
But the reversed inclusion can be proved in exactly the same way, so we
[ [
conclude that Ai = Ai .
i∈I1 i∈I2

In the end of this ”non-elementary” discussion, we solve another
problem, proposed for the TST 2004 in Romania, whose idea is also
related to vector spaces.
Example 8. 30 boys and 20 girls are preparing for the 2004 Team
Selection Test. They observed that any two boys have an even number
of common acquaintances among the girls and exactly 9 boys know an
odd number of girls. Prove that there exists a group of 16 boys such that
any girls attending the preparation is known by an even number of boys
from this group.

Gabriel Dospinescu

Solution. Let us consider the matrix A = (aij ) where

1, if Bi knows Fj
aij =
0, otherwise

We have considered here that B1 , B2 , . . . , B30 are the boys and

F1 , F2 , . . . , F20 are the girls. Now, consider the matrix T = A · t A. We
observe that all the elements of the matrix T , except those from the
main diagonal are even (because tij = aik ajk is the number of com-
mon acquaintances among the girls of the boys Bi , Bj ). The elements on
the main diagonal of T are exactly the number of girls known by each
boy. Thus, if we consider the matrix T in (R2 , +, ·), it will be diagonal,
with exactly nine non-zero elements on its main diagonal. From now on,
we will work only in (R2 , +, ·). We have seen till now that rankT = 9.
Using Sylvester inequality, it follows that

9 = rankT ≥ rankA + rank t A − 20 = 2rank t A − 20

hence r = rank t A ≤ 14. Let us consider now the linear system in
(R2 , +, ·):

 a11 x1 + a21 x2 + · · · + a301 x30 = 0

 a x + a x + ··· + a x = 0

12 1 22 2 302 30

 ...

 a x + a x + ··· + a x =0
120 1 220 2 3020 30

The set of solutions of this system is a vector space of dimension

30 − r ≥ 16. That is why we can choose a solution (x1 , x2 , . . . , x30 ) of
the system, having at least 16 components equal to b
1. Finally, consider
the set M = {i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , 30}| xi = b
1}. We have proved that |M | ≥ 16
and also aji = 0 for all i = 1, 20. But we observe that aji is just
j∈M j∈M
the number of boys Bk with k ∈ M such that Bk knows Fi . Thus, if we
choose the group of those boys Bk with k ∈ M , then each girl is known
by an even number of boys from this group and the problem is solved.

Problems for training

1. Let p > 2 be an odd prime and let n ≥ 2. For any permutation
σ ∈ Sn , we consider
S(σ) = kσ(k).
Let Aj , Bj , respectively, be the set of even, respectively odd permu-
tations σ for which S(σ) ≡ j (mod p). Prove that n > p if and only if
Aj and Bj have the same number of elements for all j ∈ {0, 1, . . . , p−1}.
Gabriel Dospinescu
2. Let n ≥ 2. Find the greatest number p such that for all k ∈
{1, 2, . . . , p} we have
!k n
if (i) = if (i) ,
σ∈An i=1 σ∈Bn i=1

where An , Bn are, respectively, the sets of all even, respectively, odd
permutations of the set {1, 2, . . . , n}.
Gabriel Dospinescu
3. Is there in the plane a configuration of 22 circles and 22 points
on their union (the union of their circumferences) such that any circle
contains at least 7 points and any point belongs to at least 7 circles?
Gabriel Dospinescu, Moldova TST 2004
4. Let A1 , A2 , . . . , Am be distinct subsets of a set A with n ≥ 2 ele-
ments. Suppose that any two of these subsets have exactly one elements
in common. Prove that m ≤ n.
5. The edges of a regular 2n -gon are colored red and blue. A step
consists of recoloring each edge which is the same color as both of its
neighbours in red, and recoloring each other edge in blue. Prove that
after 2n−1 steps all of the edges will be red and show that this need not
hold after fewer steps.
Iran Olympiad, 1998
6. Problema de la Vietnamezi cu cunostintele
7. n ≥ 2 teams compete in a tournament and each team plays against
any other team exactly once. In each game, 2 points are given to the
winner, 1 point for a draw and 0 points for the looser. It is known that
for any subset S of teams, one can find a team (possibly in S) whose
total score in the games with teams in S is odd. Prove that n is even.
D. Karpov, Russian Olympiad,1972
8. On an m × n sheet of paper is drawn a grid dividing the sheet
into unit squares. The two sides of length n are taped together to form a
cylinder. Prove that it is possible to write a real number in each square,
not all zero, so that each number is the sum of the numbers in the
neighboring squares, if and only if there exist integers k, l such that

n + 1 does not divide k and

2lπ kπ 1
cos + cos = .
m n+1 2

Ciprian Manolescu, Romanian TST 1998

9. In a contest consisting of n problems, the jury defines the difficulty

of each problem by assigning it a positive integral number of points (the
same number of points may be assigned to different problems). Any
participant who answers the problem correctly receives that number
of points for the problem; any other participant receives 0 points. After
the participants submitted their answers, the jury realizes that given any
ordering of the participants (where ties are not permitted), it could have
defined the problems’ difficulty levels to make that ordering coincide
with the participants’ ranking according to their total scores. Determine,
in terms of n, the maximum number of participants for which such a
scenario could occur.

Russian Olympiad, 2001

10. Let S = {x0 , x1 , . . . , xn } ⊂ [0, 1] be a finite set of real numbers

with x0 = 0, x1 = 1, such that every distance between pairs of elements
occurs at least twice, except for the distance 1. Prove that S consists of
rational numbers only.

Iran Olympiad

11. Let x1 , . . . , xn be real numbers and suppose that the vector space
spanned by xi − xj over the rationals has dimension m. Then the vector
space spanned only by those xi −xj for which xi −xj 6= xk −xl whenever
(i, j) 6= (k, l) also has dimension m.

Strauss theorem

12. Let A1 , A2 , . . . , Am some subsets of {1, 2, . . . , n}. Then there are
[ [
disjoint sets I, J with non-empty union such that Ai = Aj and
i∈I j∈J
\ \
Ai = Aj .
i∈I j∈J

Lindstrom theorem

13. There is no partition of the set of edges of the complete graph

on n vertices into (strictly) fewer than n − 1 complete bipartite graphs.

Graham-Pollak theorem

14. Let 2n+1 real numbers with the property that no matter how we
eliminate one of them, the rest of them can be divided into two groups
of n numbers, the sum of the numbers in the two groups being the same.
Then all numbers are equal.
15. In a society, acquaintance is mutual and even more, any two
persons have exactly one friend. Then there is a person that knows all
the others.

Universal friend theorem

16. Let A1 , . . . , Am and B1 , . . . , Bp subsets of {1, 2, . . . , n} such that

Ai ∩ Bj is an odd number for all i, j. Then mp ≤ 2n−1 .

Benyi Sudakov

17. Let A1 , . . . , An , B1 , . . . , Bn ⊂ A = {1, 2, . . . , n} with the proper-

a) for any nonempty subset T of A, there is i ∈ A such that |Ai ∩ T |
is odd.
b) for any i, j ∈ A, Ai and Bj have exactly one common element.
Then prove that B1 = B2 = · · · = Bn .

Gabriel Dospinescu

18. A symmetric matrix of zeros and ones has only ones on the main
diagonal. Prove that we can find some rows in this matrix such that their
sum is a vector having all of its components odd.
Iran Olympiad


Again an apparently paradoxical note!!! Indeed, it may look weird,

but geometry it really useful in number theory and sometimes it can
help proving difficult results with some extremely simple arguments. In
the sequel we are going to show some applications of geometry in num-
ber theory, almost all of them playing around the celebrated Minkowski
theorem. We will see that this theorem gives a very simple criterion for
a nice region (we are also going to explain what we understand by nice)
to have a non-trivial lattice point and the existence of this point will
have important consequences in the theory of representation of numbers
by quadratic forms or in approximation of real numbers with rational
numbers. As usual, we will content to present only a mere introduc-
tion to this field, extremely well developed. The reader will surely have
the pleasure to read some reference books about this fascinating field,
mentioned in the bibliographies.
First of all, let us state the conditions in which we will work and
what is a nice figure. In general, we will work in Rn and we will call
convex body a bounded subset A of Rn which is convex (that is for all
a, b ∈ A and all 0 ≤ t ≤ 1 we have ta + (1 − t)b ∈ A), which is symmetric
about the origin (that is, for all x ∈ A we also have −x ∈ A). We will
admit that convex bodies have volumes (just think about it in the plane
or space, which will be practically always used in our applications).
Let us start by proving the celebrated Minkowski’s theorem.
Theorem. (Minkowski) Suppose that A is a convex body in Rn hav-
ing volume strictly greater than 2n . Then there is a lattice point in A
different from the origin.
The proof is surprisingly simple. Indeed, let us start by making a sort
of partition of Rn in cubes of edge 2, having as centers the points that
have all coordinates even numbers. It is clear that any two such cubes will

have disjoint interiors and that they cover all space. That is why we can
say that the volume of the convex body is equal to the sum of volumes of
the intersections of the body with each cube (since the body is convex,
it is clear that the sum will be finite). But of course, one can bring any
cube into the cube centered around the origin by using a translation by
a vector all of whose coordinates are even. Since translations preserve
volume, we will have now an agglomeration of bodies in the central cube
(the one centered in the origin) and the sum of volumes of all these
bodies is strictly greater that 2n . Necessarily there will be two bodies
which intersect in a point X. Now, look at the cubes where these two
bodies where taken from and look at the points in these cubes that give
by translations the point X. We have found two different points x, y
in our convex body such that x − y ∈ 2Zn . But since A is centrally
symmetric and convex, it follows that is a lattice point different
from the origin and belonging to A. The theorem is thus proved.
Here is a surprising result that follows directly from this theorem.
Problem 1. Suppose that in each lattice point in space except for
the origin one draws a ball of radius r > 0 (common for all the balls).
Then any line that passes through the origin will intercept a certain ball.
Solution. Let us suppose the contrary and let us consider a very long
cylinder having as axe the line and basis a circle of radius . We choose
it sufficiently long to ensure that it will have a volume strictly greater
than 8. This is clearly a convex body in space and using Minkowski’s
theorem we deduce the existence of a non-trivial lattice point in this
cylinder (or on the border). This means that the line will intercept the
ball centered around this point.
Actually, the theorem proved before admits a more general formula-
tion, which is even more useful.

Theorem 2. (Minkowski) Let A is a convex body in Rn and
v1 , v2 , . . . , vn some linearly independent
( vectors in Rn . Also
) consider
the fundamental parallelepiped P = xi vi | 0 ≤ xi ≤ 1 and de-
note V ol(P ) its volume. Assuming that A has a volume strictly greater
than 2n · V ol(P ), A must contain at least a point of the lattice L =
Zv1 + · · · + Zvn different from the origin.
With all these terms, it would seem that this is extremely difficult
to prove. Actually, it follows trivially from the first theorem. Indeed,
by considering the linear application f sending vi into the vector ei =
(0, 0, . . . , 1, 0, . . . , 0) one can easily see that P is sent into the ”normal”
cube in Rn (that is, the set of vectors all of whose components are
between 0 and 1) and that f maps L into Zn . Since the transformation
V ol(A)
is linear, it will send A into a convex body of volume > 2n . It
V ol(P )
suffices to apply the first theorem to this convex body and to look at
the preimage of the lattice point (in Zn ), in order to find a non-trivial
point of A ∩ L. The second theorem is thus proved.
We have already proved that any prime number of the form 4k + 1
is the sum of two squares. Let us prove it differently, using Minkowski’s
Problem 2. Any prime number of the form 4k + 1 is the sum of two
Proof. We have already proved that for any prime number of the
form 4k + 1, call it p, one can find a such that p|a2 + 1. Then let us
consider v1 = (p, 0), v2 = (a, 1). Visibly, they are linearly independent
and moreover for any point (x, y) in the lattice L = Zv1 + Zv2 we have
p|x2 + y 2 . Indeed, there are m, n ∈ Z such that x = mp + na, y = n
and thus x2 + y 2 ≡ n2 (a2 + 1) ≡ 0 (mod p). Moreover, the area of the
fundamental parallelogram is kv1 ∧ v2 k = p. Next, consider as convex


body the disc centered in the origin and having as radius 2p. Obviously,
its area is strictly greater than four times the area of the fundamental
parallelogram. Thus, there is a point (x, y) different from the origin that
lies in this disc and also in the lattice L = Zv1 + Zv2 . For this point we
have p|x2 + y 2 and x2 + y 2 < 2p, which shows that p = x2 + y 2 .
Proving that a certain Diophantine equation has no solution is a very
classical problem, but what can we do when we are asked to prove that
a certain equation has solutions? Minkowski’s theorem and in general
geometry of numbers allow quick responses to such problems. Here is an
example, taken from a polish Olympiad.
Problem 3. Consider positive integers such that ac = b2 + b + 1.
Then the equation ax2 − (2b + 1)xy + cy 2 = 1 has integer solutions.

Poland Olympiad

Solution. Here is a very quick approach: consider in R2 the set

of points verifying ax2 − (2b + 1)xy + cy 2 < 2. A simple computation

shows that it is an elliptical disc having as area √ > 4. An elliptical
disc is obviously a convex body and even more this elliptical disc is
symmetric about the origin. Thus, by Minkowski’s theorem we can find
a point of this region different from the origin. Since ac = b2 + b + 1, we
have for all x, y not both 0 the inequality ax2 − (2b + 1)xy + cy 2 > 0.
Thus for (x, y) ∈ Z2 \ {(0, 0)} a lattice point of this region, we have
ax2 − (2b + 1)xy + cy 2 = 1 and the existence of a solution of the equation
is proved.
The following problem (as the above one) has a quite difficult elemen-
tary solution. The solution using geometry of numbers is more natural,
but it is not at all obvious how to proceed. Yet... the experience of the
preceding problem should ring a bell.

Problem 4. Suppose that n is a natural number for which the
equation x2 + xy + y 2 = n has rational solutions. Then this equation has
integer solutions as well.


Solution. Of course, the problem reduces to: if there are integer

numbers a, b, c such that a2 + ab + b2 = c2 n, then x2 + xy + y 2 = n
has integer solutions. We will assume that a, b, c are non-zero (otherwise
the conclusion follows trivially). Even more, a classical argument allows
to assume that a, b are relatively prime. We will try again to find a
couple of integers (x, y) ∈ Z2 \ {(0, 0)} such that x2 + xy + y 2 < 2n
and n divides x2 + xy + y 2 . In this case we will have x2 + xy + y 2 = n
and the conclusion will follow. First, let us look at the region defined
by x2 + xy + y 2 < 2n. Again, simple computations show that it is an

elliptical disc of area √ n. Next, consider the lattice formed by the
points (x, y) such that n divides ax − by. The area of the fundamental
parallelepiped is clearly at most n. By Minkowski’s theorem, we can find
(x, y) ∈ Z2 \ {(0, 0)} such that x2 + xy + y 2 < 2n and n divides ax − by.
We claim that this will give an integer solution of the equation. Observe
that ab(x2 + xy + y 2 ) = c2 xyn + (ax − by)(bx − ay) and so n also divides
x2 + xy + y 2 (since n is relatively prime with a, b). This allows us to
Before continuing with some more difficult problems, let us remind
that for any symmetric real matrix A such that
aij xi xj > 0

for all x = (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) ∈ Rn \ {0} the set of points verifying

aij xi xj ≤ 1

V ol(Bn )
has a volume equal to √ , where
det A
V ol(Bn ) =  n
Γ 1+
Z ∞
(here Γ(x) = e−t tx−1 dt is Euler’s gamma function). The proof of this
result is non elementary and we invite the reader to read more about it
in any decent book of multivariate integral calculus. In particular, the
reader has noticed that these results can be applied to previous problems
to facilitate the computations of different areas and volumes. With these
results (that we will admit) in mind, let’s attack some serious problems.
If we spoke about squares, why not present the beautiful classical
proof of Lagrange’s theorem on representations using 4 squares.
Problem 5. (Lagrange’s theorem) Any natural number is a sum of
4 squares.
Proof. This is going to be much more complicated, but the idea is
always the same. The main difficulty is finding the appropriate lattice
and convex body. First of all, let us prove the result for prime numbers.
Let thus p > 2 a prime number and consider the sets A = {x2 | x ∈ Zp },
B = {−y 2 − 1| y ∈ Zp }. Since there are squares in Zp (as we
have already seen in previous notes), these two sets cannot be disjoint.
In particular, there are x, y such that 0 ≤ x, y ≤ p − 1 and p|x2 + y 2 + 1.
This is the observation that will allow us to find a good lattice. Consider
now the vectors

v1 = (p, 0, 0, 0), v2 = (0, p, 0, 0), v3 = (x, y, 1, 0), v4 = (y, −x, 0, 1)

and the lattice L generated by these vectors. A simple computation

(using the above formulas) allows to prove that the volume of the fun-
damental parallelepiped is p2 . Moreover, one can easily verify that for
all point (x, y, z, t) ∈ L one has p|x2 + y 2 + z 2 + t2 . Even more, one can

also prove (by employing the non-elementary results stated before this
problem) that the volume of the convex body A = {x = (a, b, c, d) ∈
R4 | a2 + b2 + c2 + d2 < 2p} is equal to 2π 2 p2 > 16V ol(P ), thus A ∩ L is
not empty. It suffices then to choose a point (x, y, z, t) ∈ L ∩ A and we
will clearly have x2 + y 2 + z 2 + t2 = p. Thus the theorem is proved for
prime numbers.
Of course, everything would be nice if the product of two sums of 4
squares is always a sum of 4 squares. Hopefully, it is the case, but the
proof is not obvious at all. It follows form the miraculous identity:

(a2 + b2 + c2 + d2 )(x2 + y 2 + z 2 + t2 ) = (ax + by + cz + dt)2

= (ay − bx + ct − dz)2 + (az − bt + dy − cx)2 + (at + bz − cy − dx)2 .

Of course, very nice, but how could one think at such an identity?
The eternal question... Well, this time there is a very nice reason: instead
of thinking in eight variables, let us reason only with four. Consider the
numbers z1 = a + bi, z2 = c + di, z3 = x + yi, z4 = z + ti. Introduce the
! !
z1 z2 z3 z4
M= , N= .
−z 2 z 1 −z 4 z 3
We have

det(M ) = |z1 |2 + |z2 |2 = a2 + b2 + c2 + d2

and similarly
det(N ) = x2 + y 2 + z 2 + t2 .

It is then normal to try to express (a2 + b2 + c2 + d2 )(x2 + y 2 + z 2 + t2 )

as det(M N ). But surprise! We have
z 1 z3 − z2 z 4 z1 z 4 + z2 z 3
MN =
−z1 z4 + z2 z3 z1 z3 − z2 z 4

and so det(M N ) is again a sum of 4 squares. The identity appears thus
Let us concentrate a little bit more on approximations of real num-
bers. We have some beautiful results of Minkowski that deserve to be
presented after this small introduction to geometry of numbers.
Problem 6. (Minkowski’s linear forms’ theorem) Let A = (aij ) be
a n × n invertible matrix of real numbers and suppose that c1 , c2 , . . . , cn
are positive real numbers such that c1 c2 . . . cn > | det A|. Then there
are integers x1 , x2 , . . . , xn , not all 0, such that aij xj < ci for all
i = 1, . . . , n.
Solution. We need to prove that there exists a non-zero vector
X that also belongs to the region {Y ∈ Rn | |A−1 Y |i < ci , i =
1, . . . , n} (here A−1 Y = (|A−1 Y |1 , . . . , |A−1 Y |n ). But observe that
{Y ∈ Rn | |A−1 Y |i < ci , i = 1, . . . , n} is exactly the image trough
A−1 of the parallelepiped {Y ∈ Rn | − ci < Yi < ci , i = 1, . . . , n} which
has volume 2n c1 . . . cn , thus {Y ∈ Rn | |A−1 Y |i < ci , i = 1, . . . , n} is
a convex body of volume 2n c1 . . . cn > 2n . By Minkowski’s theo-
det A
rem, this body will contain a non-zero lattice point, which will verify
the conditions of the problem.
And here is a nice consequence of the previous theorem.
Problem 7. Suppose A = (aij )1≤i≤m is a matrix with m, n real
numbers and a ≥ 1 is a real number. Then one can find x1 , x2 , . . . , xn
integers between −a and a, not all 0, such that

X n
aij xj < a− m for all 1 ≤ i ≤ m.

Solution. All we need to do !
is to apply the result in problem 6 for
A Im
the invertible matrix , whose determinant equals 1 or −1
In 0

and make the choice c1 = · · · = cm = a− m , cm+i = a, 1 ≤ i ≤ n.
Incredibly, but the proof ends here!!!

Proposed problems
1. Suppose that a, b, c are positive integers such that ac = b2 + 1.
Then there exist x, y, z, t integers such that a = x2 + y 2 , b = z 2 + t2 ,
c = xz + yt.
Imo Shortlist
2. Suppose that a natural number is the sum of three squares of
rational numbers. Then prove that it is also a sum of squares of three
natural numbers (the use of three squares theorem is forbidden!).
Davenport-Cassels lemma
3. Consider a disc of radius R. At each lattice point of this disc,
except for the origin, one plants a circular tree of radius r. Suppose that
r is optimal with respect to the following property: if one regards from
the origin, he can see at least a point situated at the exterior of the disc.
Then prove that
1 1
√ ≤r< .
R2 +1 R
4. Suppose that a, b, c are positive integers such that a > b > c.
Prove that we can find three integers x, y, z, not all 0, such that
ax + by + cz = 0 and max{|x|, |y|, |z|} < √ a + 1.
Miklos Schweitzer competition
5. Suppose that a, b, c are positive integers such that ac = b2 + 1.
Prove that the equation ax2 + 2bxy + cy 2 = 1 is solvable in integers.
6. Suppose that aij (1 ≤ i, j ≤ n) are rational numbers such that
for any x = (x1 , . . . , xn ) ∈ Rn \ {0} we have aij xi xj > 0. Then

there are integers (not all zero) x1 , . . . , xn such that
X √n
aij xi xj < n det A,

where A = (aij ).
7. Suppose that x1 , x2 , . . . , xn are algebraic integers such that for
any 1 ≤ i ≤ n there is at least a conjugate of xi which is not between
x1 , x2 , . . . , xn . Then the set of n-tuples (f (x1 ), f (x2 ), . . . , f (xn )) with
f ∈ Z[X] is dense in Rn .
8. Suppose that a, b are rational numbers such that the equation
ax2 + by 2 = 1 has at least one rational solution. Then it has infinitely
many rational solutions.
Kurschak contest
9. Let us denote A(C, r) the set of points w on the unit sphere in
Rn with the property that |wk| ≥ for any non-zero vector k ∈ Zn
(here wk is the usual scalar product and kkk is the Euclidean norm of
the vector k ∈ Zn ). Prove that if r > n − 1 there exists C > 0 such that
A(C, r) is non-empty, but if r < n − 1 there is no such C > 0.
Mathlinks contest (after an ENS entrance exam problem)
10. Using the non-elementary results presented in the topic, prove
that if A = (aij )1≤i,j≤n is a symmetric integer matrix such that
aij xi xj > 0 for all x = (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) ∈ Rn \ {0}, then we
can find an integer matrix B such that A = B · t B. Deduce the result
from problem 1.
11. Let n ≥ 5 and a1 , . . . , an , b1 , . . . , bn some integers verifying that
all pairs (ai , bi ) are different and |ai bi+1 − ai+1 bi | = 1, 1 ≤ i ≤ n (here
(an+1 , bn+1 ) = (a1 , b1 )). Prove that one can find 1 < |i − j| < n − 1 such
that |ai bj − aj bi | = 1.

Korea TST
12. Let a, b, c, d be positive integers such that there are 2004 pairs
(x, y) such that x, y ∈ [0, 1] and ax + by, cx + dy ∈ Z. If (a, c) = 6, find
(b, d).
Nikolai Nikolov, Bulgaria Olympiad
13. A polygon of area greater than n is given in a plane. Prove that
it contains n + 1 points Ai (xi , yi ) such that xi − xj , yi − yj ∈ Z for all
1 ≤ i, j ≤ n + 1.
China TST 1988


Often, a large amount of simple ideas can solve very difficult prob-
lems. We have seen or will see a few such examples in our journey through
the world of numbers: clever congruences that readily solve Diophantine
equations, properties of the primes of the form 4k + 3 or even complex
numbers and analysis. All these can be called ”tricks”, but in fact they
are much more, as you are going to see soon.
In this unit, we will discuss a fundamental concept in number theory,
the order of an element. It may seem contradictory for us to talk about
simple ideas and then say ”a fundamental concept”. Well, what we are
going to discuss about is the bridge between simplicity and complexity.
The reason for which we say it is a simple idea can be easily guessed
from the definition: given are the positive integer n > 1 and the integer a
such that gcd(a, n) = 1, the smallest possible integer d for which n|ad −1
is called the order of a modulo n. The definition is correct, since from
Euler’s theorem we have n|aϕ(n) − 1 so such numbers d indeed exist. The
complexity of this concept will follow from the examples.
In what follows we will denote by on (a) the order of a modulo n.
There is a simple property of on (a), which has important consequences:
if k is a positive integer such that n|ak − 1, then d|k. Indeed, because
n|ak − 1 and n|ad − 1, we find that n|agcd(k,d) − 1. But from the definition
of d it follows that d ≤ gcd(k, d), which cannot hold unless d|k. Nice and
easy. But could such a simple idea be good at anything? The answer
is positive and will follow from the solutions of the problems to come.
But, before that, we note a first application of this simple observation:
on (a)|ϕ(n). This is a consequence of the above property and of Euler’s
Now, an old and nice problem, which may seem really trivial after
this introduction. But do not get excited so easily, the problem has an

extremely short solution, but this does not mean that it is obvious.
It appeared in Saint Petersburg Mathematical Olympiad and also in
Gazeta Matematica.
Example 1. Prove that n|ϕ(an − 1) for all positive integers a, n.
Solution. What is oan −1 (a)? It may seem a silly question, since
of course oan −1 (a) = n. Using the observation in the introduction, we
obtain exactly n|ϕ(an − 1).
Here is another beautiful application of the order of an element. It
is the first case case of Dirichlet’s theorem that we intend to discuss and
is also a classical property.
Example 2. Prove that any prime factor of the nth Fermat number
22 + 1 is congruent to 1 modulo 2n+1 . Show that there are infinitely
many prime numbers of the form 2n k + 1 for any fixed n.
Solution. Let us consider a prime p such that p|22 + 1. Then
p|22 − 1 and consequently op (2)|2n+1 . This ensures the existence of
a positive integer k ≤ n + 1 such that op (2) + 2k . We will prove that in
fact k = n + 1. The proof is easy. Indeed, if this is not the case, then
n n
op (2)|2n and so p|2op (2) −1|22 −1. But this is impossible, since p|22 +1.
Therefore, we have found that op (2) = 2n+1 and we have to prove that
op (2)|p − 1 to finish the first part of the question. But this follows from
the introduction.
The second part is a direct consequence of the first. Indeed, it is
enough to prove that there exists an infinite set of Fermat’s numbers
(22 + 1)nk >a any two relatively prime. Then we could take a prime
factor of each such Fermat’s number and apply the first part to obtain
that each such prime is of the form 2n k + 1. But not only it is easy to
find such a sequence of Fermat’s coprime numbers, but in fact any two
different Fermat’s numbers are relatively prime. Indeed, suppose that
n n+k n+1 n+k
d|gcd(22 + 1, 22 + 1). Then d|22 − 1 and so d|22 − 1. Combining

this with d|22 + 1, we obtain a contradiction. Hence both parts of the
problem are solved.
We continue with another special case of the well-known difficult
theorem of Dirichlet on arithmetical sequences. Though classical, the
following problem is not straightforward and this explains probably its
presence on a Korean TST in 2003.
Example 3. For a prime p, let fp (x) = xp−1 + xp−2 + · · · + x + 1.
a) If p|m, prove that there exists a prime factor of fp (m) that is
relatively prime with m(m − 1).
b) Prove that there are infinitely many numbers n such that pn + 1
is prime.
a) is straightforward. In fact, we will prove that any prime factor of
fp (m) is relatively prime with m(m − 1). Take such a prime divisor q.
Because q|1 + m + · · · + mp−1 , it is clear that gcd(q, m) = 1. Moreover, if
gcd(q, m−1) 6= 1, then q|m−1 and because q|1+m+· · ·+mp−1 , it follows
that q|p. But p|m and we find that q|m, which is clearly impossible.
More difficult is b). But we are tempted to use a) and to explore the
properties of fp (m), just like in the previous problem. So, let us take a
prime q|fp (m) for a certain positive integer m divisible by p. Then we
have of course q|mp − 1. But this implies that oq (m)|q and consequently
oq (m) ∈ {1, p}. If oq (m) = p, then q ≡ 1 (mod p). Otherwise, q|m − 1
and because q|fp (m), we deduce that q|p, hence q = p. But we have seen
while solving a) that this is not possible, so the only choice is p|q−1. Now,
we need to find a sequence (mk )k≥1 of multiples of p such that fp (mk )
are pairwise relatively prime. This is not as easy as in the first example.
Anyway, just by trial and error, it is not difficult to find such a sequence.
There are many other approaches, but we like the following one: take
m1 = p and mk = pf (m1 )fp (m2 ) . . . fp (mk−1 ). Let us prove that fp (mk )

is relatively prime to fp (m1 ), fp (m2 ), . . . , fp (mk−1 ). Fortunately, this is
easy, since fp (m1 )fp (m2 ) . . . fp (mk−1 )|fp (mk ) − fp (0)|fp (mk ) − 1. The
solution ends here.
The following problem became classical and variants of it have been
given in contests for years. It seems to be a favorite Olympiad problem,
since it uses elementary facts and the method is more than beautiful.
Example 4. Find the smallest number n with the property that
22005 |17n − 1.
Solution. The problem actually asks for o22005 (17). We know
that o22005 (17)|ϕ(22005 ) = 22004 , so o22005 (17) = 2k , where k ∈
{1, 2, . . . , 2004}. The order of an element has done its job. Now, it is
time to work with exponents. We have 22005 |172 − 1. Using the factor-
k k−1
172 − 1 = (17 − 1)(17 + 1)(172 + 1) . . . (172 + 1),

we proceed by finding the exponent of 2 in each factor of this product.

But this is not difficult, because for all i ≥ 0 the number 172 + 1 is
a multiple of 2, but not a multiple of 4. Thus, v2 (172 − 1) = 4 + k
and the order is found by solving the equation k + 4 = 2005. Thus,
o22005 (17) = 22001 is the answer to the problem.
Another simple, but not straightforward application of the order
of an element is the following divisibility problem. Here, we also need
some properties of the prime numbers, that we have already studied in
a previous unit.
Example 5. Find all primes p, q such that p2 + 1|2003q + 1 and
q 2 + 1|2003p + 1.

Gabriel Dospinescu

Solution. Let us suppose that p ≤ q. We discuss first the trivial case

p = 2. In this case, 5|2003q + 1 and it is easy to deduce that q is even,

hence q = 2, which is a solution of the problem. Now, suppose that p > 2
and let r be a prime factor of p2 + 1. Because r|20032q − 1, it follows
that or (2003)|2q. Suppose that (q, or (2003)) = 1. Then or (2003)|2 and
r|20032 − 1 = 23 · 3 · 7 · 11 · 13 · 167. It seems that this is a dead end, since
there are too many possible values for r. Another simple observation
narrows the number of possible cases: because r|p2 + 1, must be of the
form 4k + 1 or equal to 2 and now we do not have many possibilities:
r ∈ {2, 13}. The case r = 13 is also impossible, because 2003q + 1 ≡ 2
(mod 13) and r|2003q + 1. So, we have found that for any prime factor
r of p2 + 1, we have either r = 2 or q|or (2003), which in turn implies
q|r−1. Because p2 +1 is even, but not divisible by 4 and because any odd
prime factor of it is congruent to 1 modulo q, we must have p2 + 1 ≡ 2
(mod q). This implies that p2 + 1 ≡ 2 (mod q), that is q|(p − 1)(p + 1).
Combining this with the assumption that p ≤ q yields q|p + 1 and in
fact q = p + 1. It follows that p = 2, contradicting the assumption p > 2.
Therefore the only pair is (2,2).
More difficult is the following problem, proposed by Reid Barton
for the USA TST in 2003. Anyway, using the order of an element, the
problem is not very difficult and the solution follows naturally. Let us
Example 6. Find all ordered triples of primes (p, q, r) such that

p|q r + 1, q|rp + 1, r|pq + 1.

Reid Barton, TST USA 2003

Solution. It is quite clear that p, q, r are distinct. Indeed, if for

example p = q, then the relation p|q r + 1 is impossible. We will prove
that we cannot have p, q, r > 2. Suppose this is the case. The first
condition p|q r + 1 implies p|q 2r − 1 and so op (q)|2r. If op (q) is odd, it
follows that p|q r − 1, which combined with p|q r + 1 yields p = 2, which

is impossible. Thus, op (q) is either 2 or 2r. Could we have op (q) = 2r?
No, since this would imply that 2r|p − 1 and so 0 ≡ pq + 1 (mod r) ≡ 2
(mod r), that is r = 2, false. Therefore, the only possibility is op (q) = 2
and so p|q 2 −1. We cannot have p|q −1, because p|q r +1 and p 6= 2. Thus,
q+1 r+1
p|q + 1 and in fact p| . In the same way, we find that q| and
2 2
r| . This is clearly impossible, just by looking at the largest among
p, q, r. So, our assumption was wrong and indeed one of the three primes
must equal 2. Suppose without loss of generality that p = 2. Then q is
odd, q|r2 + 1 and r|2q + 1. Similarly, or (2)|2q. If q|or (2), then q|r − 1 and
so q|r2 +1−(r2 −1) = 2, which contradicts the already established result
that q is odd. Thus, or (2)|2 and r|3. As a matter of fact, this implies
that r = 3 and q = 5, yielding the triple (2,5,3). It is immediate to
verify that this triple satisfies all conditions of the problem. Moreover,
all solutions are given by cyclic permutations of the components of this
Can you find the smallest prime factor of the number 22 + 1. Yes,
with a large amount of work, you will probably find it. But what about
the number 122 +1? It has more than 30000 digits, so you will probably
be bored before finding its smallest prime factor. But here is a beautiful
and short solution, which does not need a single division.
Example 7. Find the smallest prime factor of the number 122 + 1.
Solution. Let p be this prime number. Because p|122 − 1, we find
that op (12)|216 . Exactly as in the solution of the first example, we find
that op (12) = 216 and so 216 |p − 1. Therefore p ≥ 1 + 216 . But it is well-
known that 216 + 1 is a prime (and if you do not believe, you can check;
it is not that difficult). So, we might try to see if this number divides
15 15 q−1 q−1
122 + 1. Let q = 216 + 1. Then 122 + 1 = 2q−1 · 3 2 + 1 ≡ 3 2 + 1
(mod q). It remains to see whether = −1. But this is done in
the unit Quadratic reciprocity and the answer is positive, so indeed

3 2 + 1 ≡ 0 (mod 2) and 216 + 1 is the smallest prime factor of the
number 122 + 1.
Ok, you must be already tired of this old fashioned idea that any
prime factor of 22 + 1 is congruent to 1 modulo 2n+1 . Yet, here is a
problem that will keep you occupied for a certain period of time, even
if it uses only this simple idea.
Example 8. Prove that for any n > 1 the largest prime factor of
22 + 1 is at least equal to n · 2n+2 + 1.
China TST, 2005
Solution. The reader will not imagine how simple this problem re-
ally is. If the start is correct... Indeed, let us write 22 + 1 = pk11 . . . pkr r
with p1 < . . . , pr prime numbers. We know that we can find qi ∈ N
such that pi = 1 + 2n+1 qi . Now, reduce the relation 22 + 1 = pk11 . . . pkr r
modulo 2 2n+2 . It follows that 1 ≡ 1 + 2 n+1 ki qi (mod 22n+2 ) and so
X r
ki qi ≥ 2n+1 . But then qr ki ≥ 2n+1 . Now everything becomes sim-
i=1 i=1
n 2n
ple, since we have 22 +1 > (1+2n+1 )k1 +···+kr and so k1 +· · ·+kr ≤ .
This shows that qr ≤ 2(n + 1) and the proof finishes here.

Problems for training

1. Let a, n > 2 be positive integers such that n|an−1 − 1 and n does
not divide any of the numbers ax − 1, where x < n − 1 and x|n − 1.
Prove that n is a prime number.
2. Let p be a nonzero polynomial with integral coefficients. Prove
that there are at most finitely many numbers n for which p(n) and
22 + 1 are not relatively prime.
3. Let p > 3 be a prime. Prove that any positive divisor of the
2p + 1
number is of the form 2kp + 1.

4. Let a > b > 1 and n > 1 be positive integers. Prove that any
positive divisor of the number an − bn is either of the form nk + 1 or
divides a number of the form ad − bd , with d|n, d < n.
n n
5. Find all positive integers m, n for which n|1 + m3 + m2·3 .
Bulgaria, 1997
6. Find the smallest repunit divisible by 19.
Gazeta Matematica
7. Let p be a prime and q > 5 a prime factor of the number 2p + 3p .
Prove that q > p.
Laurentiu Panaitopol, TST Romania
8. Let m > 1 be an odd number. Find the smallest number n such
that 21989 |mn − 1.
IMO 1989 Shortlist
9. Let 0 < m < n be integers such that 1978m and 1978n have the
same last three digits. Find the least possible value of m + n.
IMO 1978
10. Let p be a prime number and let d a positive divisor of p − 1.
Prove that there is a positive integer n such that op (n) = d.
11. Let q = k · 2m + 1 be a divisor of the number 22 + 1, where k
is odd. Find oq (k) in terms of n and v2 (m)
J. van de Lune
12. Let n be a positive integer such that n − 1 = F R, where all the
prime factors of F are known and gcd(F, R) = 1. Suppose further that
there is an integer a such that n|an−1 − 1 and for all primes p dividing
n − 1 we have gcd(n, a p − 1) = 1. Prove that any prime factor of n is
congruent to 1 modulo F .

Proth, Pocklington, Lehmer Test
13. Let a > 1 be an integer and let us define op (a) = 0 if p|a. Prove
that the function f : {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, . . . } → N, f (p) = is unbounded.
op (a)
Jon Froemke, Jerrold W Grossman, AMM
14. Let d = op (n) and let k = vp (nd − 1).
a) If k > 1 then opj (n) = d for j ≤ k and opj (n) = pj−k d for all
j ≥ k.
b) If k = 1 then let l = vp (npd −1). Prove that op (n) = d, opj (n) = pd
for 2 ≤ j ≤ l and opj (n) = pj−l+1 d, for all j ≥ l.
15. Let A be a finite set of prime numbers and let a ≥ 2 be a positive
integer. Prove that there are only finitely many positive integers n such
that all prime factors of an − 1 are in A.
Iran Olympiad
16. Prove that for any prime p there is a prime number q that does
not divide any of the numbers np − p, with n ≥ 1.
IMO 2003
17. Let a > 1 be a positive integer. Prove that for infinitely many n
the largest prime factor of an − 1 is greater than n loga n.
Gabriel Dospinescu


Everyone knows that ({na})n≥1 is dense in [0,1] if a is an irrational

number, a classical theorem of Kronecker. Various applications of this
nice result have appeared in different contests and will probably make
the object of Olympiad problems in the future. Yet, there are some
examples in which this result is ineffective. A simple one is as follows:
using Kronecker’s theorem one can easily prove that for any positive
integer a that is not a power of 10 there exists n such that an begins with
2006. The natural question: what fraction of numbers between 1 and n
have this property (speaking here about large values of n) is much more
difficult and to answer it we need some stronger tools. This is the reason
for which we will try to discuss some classical approximation theorems,
particularly the very efficient Weil criterion and its consequences. The
proofs are non-trivial and require some heavy-duty analysis. Yet, the
consequences that will be discussed here are almost elementary.
Of course, one cannot start a topic about approximation theorems
without talking first about Kronecker’s theorem. We skip the proof, not
only because it is very well-known, but because we will prove a much
stronger result about the sequence ({na})n≥1 . Instead, we will discuss
two beautiful problems, consequences of this theorem.

Example 1. Prove that the sequence ([n 2003])n≥1 contains arbi-
trarily long geometric progressions with arbitrarily large ratio.

Radu Gologan, IMO TST Romania

Solution. Let us take p a very large number. We will prove that

there are arbitrarily long geometric sequences with ratio p. Given
n ≥ 3, let us prove that we can find a positive integer m such that
√ √
[pk m 2003] = pk [m 2003] for all 1 ≤ k ≤ n. If the existence of such a
number is proved, then the conclusion is immediate. But observe that

√ √ √
[pk m 2003] = pk [m 2003] is equivalent to [pk {m 2003}] = 0, or to
√ 1
{m 2003} < n . The existence of a positive integer m with the last
property is ensured by Kronecker’s theorem.
Here is a problem that is apparently very difficult, but which is again
a simple consequence of Kronecker’s theorem.
Example 2. Consider k ≥ 1 and a such that log a is irrational.
Define the sequence xn as the number formed by the first k digits of
the number [an ] with n ≥ 1. Prove that this sequence is not eventually
Gabriel Dospinescu, Mathlinks Contest
Solution. The solution is based on certain simple, but useful re-
marks. First of all, the number formed with the first k digits of a num-
ber m is [10k−1+{log m} ]. The proof of this claim is not difficult. Indeed,
let us write m = x1 x2 . . . xp , with p ≥ k. Then m = x1 . . . xk · 10p−k +
xk+1 . . . xp , hence x1 . . . xk · 10p−k ≤ m < (x1 . . . xk + 1) · 10p−k . It follows
h m i
that x1 . . . xk = and, since p = 1 + [log m], the claim is proved.
Another remark is the following: there is a positive integer r such
that xrT > 10k−1 . Indeed, assuming the contrary, we find that for all
r > 0 we have xrT = 10k−1 . Using the first observation, it follows that
k − 1 + {log[arT ]} < log(1 + 10k−1 ) for all r. Thus
log 1 + k−1 > log[arT ] − [log[arT ]] > log(arT − 1) − [log arT ]

= {rT log a} − log .
arT − 1
It suffices now to consider a sequence of positive integers (rn ) such
that 1 − < {rn T log a} (the existence is a simple consequence of Kro-
necker’s lemma) and we will deduce that:

arn T
1 1
log 1 + k−1 + + log rn T > 1 for all n.
10 n a −1

The last inequality is clearly impossible.
Finally, assume the existence of such an r. It follows that for n > r
we have xnT = xrT , thus
nT 1
{log[a ]} ≥ log 1 + k−1 .

This shows that

log 1 + k−1 ≤ log[anT ] − [log[anT ]] ≤ nT log a − [log anT ]

= {nT log a} for all n > r.

But this contradicts Kronecker’s theorem.

Before passing to the quantitative results stated at the beginning
of this chapter, we must speak about a simple, yet surprising result,
which turns out to be very useful when dealing with real numbers and
their properties. Sometimes, it can even help us reducing the problem
to integers, as we will see in one of the examples. But first, let us state
and prove this result.
Example 3. (Dirichlet) Let x1 , x2 , . . . , xk be some real numbers and
let ε > 0. There exists a positive integer n and integers p1 , p2 , . . . , pk such
that |nxi − pi | < ε for all i.
Solution. Thus we need to prove that if we have a finite set of real
numbers, we can multiply all its elements by a suitable integer such that
the elements of the new set are as close to integers as we want.
Let us choose an integer N > and partition the interval [0, 1) in
N intervals,
[ s−1 s
[0, 1) = Js , Js = , .

Now, choose n = Nk + 1 and associate to any positive integer

q ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n} a sequence of k positive integers α1 , α2 , . . . , αk , where

αi = s if and only if {qxi } ∈ Js . We obtain at most N k sequences cor-
responding to these numbers and so by Dirichlet’s criterion we can find
1 ≤ u < v ≤ n such that the same sequence is associated to u and v.
This means that for all 1 ≤ i ≤ k we have

|{uxi } − {vxi }| < ≤ ε.

It suffices thus to pick n = v − u, pi = [vxi ] − [uxi ].

And here is how we can use this result in problems where it is more
comfortable to work with integers. But don’t kid yourself, there are
not many such problems. The one we are going to discuss has had a
circuitous itinerary between world’s Olympiads: proposed for IMO long
time ago, it appeared next at the W.L. Putnam Competition and later
on in a Japanese Mathematical Olympiad.
Example 4. Let x1 , x2 , . . . , x2n+1 be positive real numbers with the
property: for any 1 ≤ i ≤ 2n + 1 one can make two groups of n numbers
by using xj , j 6= i, such that the sum of the numbers in each group is
the same. Prove that all numbers are equal.
Solution. Of course, the problem for integers is very well-known and
easy: it suffices to observe that in this case all numbers xi have the same
parity and the use of infinite descent solves the problem (either they are
all even and in this case we divide each one by two and obtain a new
set with smaller sum and the same properties; otherwise, we subtract 1
from each one and then divide by 2).
Now, assume that they are real numbers, which is clearly much more
subtle. First of all, if they are all rational, it suffices to multiply by their
common denominator and apply the first case. Thus assume that at least
one of the numbers is irrational. Consider ε > 0, a positive integer n,
and some integers p1 , p2 , . . . , pk such that |nxi − pi | < ε for all i. We
claim that if ε > 0 is small enough, the corresponding p1 , p2 , . . . , pk have

the same property as x1 , x2 , . . . , x2n+1 . Indeed, take some i and write
the partition condition in the form
aij nxj = 0 or aij (nxj − pj ) = − aij pj
j6=i j6=i j6=i

(where of course aij ∈ {−1, 1}). Then


aij pj =
aij (nxj − pj ) ≤ 2nε.
j6=i j6=i

1 X
Thus if we choose ε < , then aij pj = 0 and so p1 , p2 , . . . , pk
have the same property. Since they are all integers, they must be equal
(again, because of the first case). Thus we have proved that for any
N > 2n there are integers nN , pN such that |nN xi − pN | ≤ .
Because at least one of the numbers x1 , x2 , . . . , x2n+1 is irrational, it
is not difficult to prove that the sequence (nN )N >2n is unbounded. But
> |nN | max |xi − xj |, hence maxi,j |xi − xj | = 0 and the problem is
N i,j
Now, let us turn to more quantitative results about the set of frac-
tional parts of natural multiples of different real numbers. The following
criterion, due to Weil, is famous and deserves to be discussed because of
its beauty and apparent simplicity.
Weil criterion. Let (an )n≥1 be a sequence of real numbers from the
interval [0,1]. Then the following statements are equivalent:
a) For any real numbers 0 ≤ a ≤ b ≤ 1,
|{i| 1 ≤ i ≤ n, ai ∈ [a, b]}|
lim = b − a;
n→∞ n
b) For any continuous function f : [0, 1] → R,
n Z 1
lim f (ak ) = f (x)dx;
n→∞ n 0

c) For any positive integer p ≥ 1,
1 X 2iπpak
lim e = 0.
n→∞ n

In this case we will say that the sequence is equidistributed.

We will present just a sketch of the solution, containing yet all the
necessary ingredients.
First of all, we observe that a) says precisely that b) is true for
the characteristic function of any sub-interval of [0,1]. By linearity, this
remains true for any piecewise function. Now, there is a well-known and
easy to verify property of continuous functions: they can be uniformly
approximated with piecewise functions. That is, given ε > 0, we can find
a piecewise function g such that |g(x) − f (x)| < ε for all x ∈ [0, 1]. But
then if we write
n Z 1 n Z 1
1 X 1X
f (ak ) − f (x)dx ≤ |f (ak ) − g(ak )| + |f (x) − g(x)|dx

n n

k=1 0 k=1 0

1 X Z 1
+ g(ak ) − g(x)dx

n 0

and apply the result in b) for the function g, we easily deduce that b)
is true for any continuous function.
The fact that b) implies c) is immediate. More subtle is that b)
implies a). Let us consider the subinterval I = [a, b] with 0 < a < b < 1.
Next, consider two sequences of continuous functions
 fk , gk such that fk
1 1
is zero on [0, a], [b, 1] and 1 on a + , b − (being affine otherwise),
k k
while gk has ”the same” properties but is greater than or equal to λI
(the characteristic function of I = [a, b]). Therefore
n n
1X |{i| 1 ≤ i ≤ n, ai ∈ [a, b]}| 1X
fk (aj ) ≤ ≤ gk (aj ).
n n n
j=1 j=1

But from the hypothesis,
n Z 1
1X 1
fk (aj ) → fk (x)dx = b − a −
n 0 k

n Z 1
1X 1
gk (aj ) → gk (x)dx = b − a + .
n 0 k

Now, let us take ε > 0 and k sufficiently large. The above inequalities
show that actually for all sufficiently large positive integer n

|{i| 1 ≤ i ≤ n, ai ∈ [a, b]}|
− b + a ≤ 2ε
and the conclusion follows. The reader has already seen how to adapt
this proof for the case a = 0 or b = 1.
Finally, let us prove that c) implies b). Of course, a linearity argu-
ment allows us to assume that b) is true for any trigonometric poly-
nomials of any degree. Because any continuous function f : [0, 1] → R
satisfying f (0) = f (1) can be uniformly approximated by trigonometric
polynomials (this is a really non-trivial result due to Weierstrass), we
deduce that b) is true for continuous functions f for which f (0) = f (1).
Now, given f : [0, 1] → R continuous, it is immediate that for any ε > 0
we can find two continuous functions g, h, both having equal values at
0 and 1 and such that
Z 1
|f (x) − g(x)| ≤ h(x) and h(x)dx ≤ ε.

Using the same arguments as those used to prove that b) implies a),
one can easily see that b) is true for any continuous function.
The first problem that we discuss is in fact the most common result
about equidistribution. We invite the reader to find an elementary proof
in order to appreciate the power of Weil’s criterion. Before presenting the
second problem, we need another definition: we say that the sequence

(an )n≥1 is uniformly distributed mod 1 if the sequence of fractional parts
of an is equidistributed. So, here is the classical example.
Example 5. Let a be an irrational number. Then the sequence
(na)n≥1 is uniformly distributed mod 1.
Solution. Well, after so much work, we deserve a reward: this is a
simple consequence of Weil’s criterion. Indeed, it suffices to prove that
c) is verified, which reduces to proving that
1 X 2iπpka
lim e =0 (∗)
n→∞ n

for all integers p ≥ 1. But this is just a geometric series!!! A one-line

computation shows that (∗) is trivially satisfied and thus we have the
desired result.
It’s probably time to solve the problem presented in the very begin-
ning of this note: how to compute the density of those numbers n for
which 2n begins with 2006 (for example). Well, again a reward: this is
going to be equally easy (of course, the reader needs some rest before
looking at some deeper results...).
Example 6. What is the density of the set of positive integers n for
which 2n begins with 2006?
Solution. Indeed, 2n begins with 2006 if and only if there is a
p ≥ 1 and some digits a1 , a2 , . . . , ap ∈ {0, 1, . . . , 9} such that 2n −
2006a1 a2 . . . ap , which is clearly equivalent to the existence of p ≥ 1
such that
2007 · 10p > 2n ≥ 2006 · 10p .

This can be rewritten in the form

log 2007 + p > n log 2 ≥ log 2006 + p

2007 2006
This implies [n log 2] = p + 3 hence log > {n log 2} > log .
1000 1000
Thus the density of the desired set is exactly the density of the set of

positive integers n satisfying

2007 2006
log > {n log 2} > log .
1000 1000
From example 5, the last set has density log and so this is the
answer to our problem.
We have seen a beautiful proof of the fact that if a is irrational, then
(na)n≥1 is uniformly distributed mod 1. Actually, much more is true,
but this much more is also much more difficult to prove. The next two
examples are two important theorems. The first is due to Van der Corput
and shows how a brilliant combination of algebraic manipulations and
Weil’s criterion can yield difficult and nice results.
Example 7. (Van der Corput) Let (xn ) be a sequence of real num-
bers such that the sequences (xn+p − xn )n≥1 are equidistributed for all
p ≥ 1. Then the sequence (xn ) is also equidistributed.
This is not an Olympiad problem!!! But mathematics is not just
Olympiad and from time to time (in fact, from a certain time on) one
should try to discover what is behind such great results. This is the
reason for which we present a proof of this theorem, a difficult proof
that uses the ”well-known” but not easy to remember inequality of Van
der Corput.
Lemma. (Van der Corput) For any complex numbers z1 , z2 , . . . , zn
and any h ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n}, the following inequality is true (with the con-
vention that zi = 0 for any integer i not in {1, 2, . . . , n}):
2 " p−1
n n−r n
! #
h2 zi ≤ (n + h − 1) 2 (h − r)Re zi zi+r + h |zi |2 .

i=1 r=1 i=1 i=1

Unbelievable, but true! Not to mention that the proof of this in-
equality is anything but easy. We will limit to give the main idea of the

proof, the computations being very technical. The idea behind this fun-
damental inequality is another fundamental one. You would have never
guessed: the Cauchy Schwarz inequality!!! The simple observation that

X n+h−1
X X h−1
h zi = zi−j
i=1 i=1 j=0

allows us to write (via Cauchy Schwarz’s inequality):

n 2 2
X n+h−1


h zi ≤ (n + h − 1) zi−j .

i=1 i=1 j=0

And next ? Well... this is where the readers will get some satisfac-
n+p−1 p−1 2
tion... if they have the patience to expand
zi−j and see that
i=1 j=0
it is nothing else than

p−1 n−r n
2 (p − r)Re zi zi+r +p |zi |2 .
r=1 i=1 i=1

Wishing them good luck with the computations, we will now prove
Van der Corput’s theorem, by using this lemma and Weil’s criterion.
Of course, the idea is to prove that
1 X 2iπpxk
lim e = 0 for all p ≥ 1.
n→∞ n

Fix such a p ≥ 1 and take for the moment a positive real number h and
ε ∈ (0, 1) (h may depend on ε). Also, denote zj = e2iπpxj . Using the
lemma, we have:
2   
n h−1 n−i
1 X 1 n+h−1 X X
zj ≤ 2 · hn + 2 (h − i)Re  zj · zi+j  .
j=1 n h2
i=1 j=1

Now, let us regard
   
Xn−i Xn−i n−i

2iπp(x −x ) 2iπp(x −x )

Re  zj · zi+j  = Re  e j i+j ≤
e j i+j .

j=1 j=1 j=1

Using Weil’s criterion for the sequences (xn+i − xn ) for i =

1, 2, . . . , h − 1 we deduce that for all sufficiently large n we have

2iπp(xj −xi+j )

e ≤ εn.


n " h−1
1 X 1 n + h − 1 X
zj ≤ 2 · hn + 2εn (h − i)
n n h2
j=1 i=1

n+h−1 2(1 + ε)
< (1 + ε) <
nh h
2(1 + ε)
for all sufficiently large n. Now, by choosing h > , we deduce
that for all sufficiently large n we have

1 n

n zj ≤ ε.

This shows that Weil’s criterion is verified and thus (xn ) is equidis-
This was surely the most difficult result of this unit, but why not
taking one more step once we are already here? Let us prove the following
weaker (but as the reader will probably agree, absolutely nontrivial)
version of famous theorem of Weil. It is related to the equidistribution
of the sequence ({f (n)})n≥1 where is a real polynomial having at least
one irrational coefficient except for the free term. We will not prove this
here, but focus on the following result.

Example 8. (Weil) Let f be a polynomial with real coefficients and
irrational leading coefficient. Then the sequence ({f (n)})n≥1 is equidis-
The reader has probably noticed that this is an immediate conse-
quence of Van der Corput’s theorem (but just imagine the amount of
work done to arrive at this conclusion!!!). Indeed, the proof by induction
is immediate.
Indeed, if f has degree 1, then the conclusion is immediate (see
example 5). Now, if the result holds for polynomials of degree at most k,
it suffices (by Van der Corput’s theorem) to prove that for all positive
integers p, the sequence (f (n + p) − (f (n)) is equidistributed. But this
is exactly the induction hypothesis applied to the polynomial (whose
leading coefficient is clearly irrational) f (X + p) − f (X). The proof by
induction finishes here.

Problems for training

 

1. Compute sup  min |p − q 3|.
n≥1 p,q∈N
Putnam Competition

2. Prove that by using different terms of the sequence [n2 2006] one
can construct geometric sequences of any length.
3. Let x be an irrational number and let f (t) = min({t}, {1 − t}).
Prove that given any ε > 0 one can find a positive integer n such that
f (n2 x) < ε.
Iran 2004
4. Prove that the sequence consisting of the first digit of 2n + 3n is
not periodical.
Tuymaada Olympiad

5. Suppose that A = {n1 , n2 , . . . } is a set of positive integers such
that the sequence (cos nk )k≥1 is convergent. Then prove that A has zero

Marian Tetiva

6. Suppose that f is a real,!continuous, and periodical function such

X |f (k)|
that the sequence is bounded. Prove that f (k) = 0 for
k=1 n≥1
all positive integers k. Give a necessary and sufficient condition ensuring
X |f (k)|
the existence of a constant c > 0 such that > c ln n for all n.
Gabriel Dospinescu

7. Does the sequence sin(n2 ) + sin(n3 ) converge?

Gabriel Dospinescu

8. Let f be a polynomial with integral coefficients and let a be an

irrational number. Can all numbers f (k), k = 1, 2, . . . be in the set
A = {[na]| n ≥ 1}? Is it true that any set of positive integers with
positive density contains an infinite arithmetical sequence?
9. Let a, b be positive real numbers such that {na} + {nb} < 1 for
all n. Then at least one of them is an integer.
10. Prove that for every k one can find distinct positive inte-
√ √ √ √
gers n1 , n2 , . . . , nk such that [n1 2], [n2 2], . . . , [nk 2] and [n1 3],
√ √
[n2 3], . . . , [nk 3] are both geometrical sequences.

After a romanian IMO TST problem

11. A flea moves in the positive direction of an axis, starting from

√ √
the origin. It can only jump over distances equal to 2 and 2005.
Prove that there exists n0 such that the flea will be able to arrive in any
interval [n, n + 1] for all n ≥ n0 .

Romanian Contest, 2005

12. Let a, b, c be positive real numbers. Prove that the sets

A = {[na]| n ≥ 1}, B = {[nb]| n ≥ 1}, C = {[nc]| n ≥ 1}

cannot form a partition of the set of positive integers.

13. Let z1 , z2 , . . . , zn be arbitrary complex numbers. Prove that for
any ε > 0 there are infinitely many positive integers n such that
ε + k |z1k + z2k + · · · + znk | < max{|z1 |, |z2 |, . . . , |zn |}.


Problems about the sum of digits of a positive integer often occur in

mathematical contests because of their difficulty and the lack of stan-
dard ways to tackle the problem. This is why a synthesis of the most
frequent techniques that occur in such cases would be useful. We have
selected several representative problems to show how the main results
and techniques work and why they are so important.
We will work only in base 10 and we will denote the decimal sum of
digits of the positive integer x by s(x). The following ”formula” can be
checked easily:
Xj n k
s(n) = n − 9 (1)

From (1) we can easily deduce some well-known results about s(n) such
as s(n) ≡ n( mod 9) and s(m + n) ≤ s(m) + s(n). Unfortunately, (1) is a
clumsy formula, which can hardly be used in applications. On the other
hand, there are several more or less known results about sum of digits,
results which may offer simple ways to tackle hard problems. This is
what we will discuss about in the following.
The easiest of these techniques is, probably, just the careful anal-
ysis of the structure of the numbers and their digits. This can work
surprisingly well, as we will see in the following examples.
1. Prove that among any 79 consecutive numbers, one can choose at
least one whose sum of digits is a multiple of 13.

Baltic, 1997

Solution. Note that among the first 40 numbers, there are exactly
4 multiples of 10. Also, it is clear that the last but one digit of one of
them is at least 6. Let x be this number. Obviously, x, x+1,..., x+39 are
among our numbers, so s(x), s(x) + 1,...,s(x) + 12 occur as sum of digits

in some of our numbers. Obviously, one of these numbers is a multiple
of 13 and we are done.
We will continue with two harder problems, which still do not require
any special result or technique.
2. Find the greatest N such that one can find N consecutive numbers
with the property that the sum of digits of the k-th number is divisible
by k, for k = 1, 2, ..., N .

Tournament of Towns, 2000

Solution. The answer here is not trivial at all, namely 21. The
main idea is that among s(n + 2), s(n + 12) and s(n + 22) there are two
consecutive numbers, which is impossible since they should all be even.
In truth, we make transports at a + 10 only when the last but one digit
of a is 9, but this situation can occur at most once in our case. So, for
N > 21, we have no solution. For N = 21, we can choose N +1, N +2,...,
N + 21, where N = 291 · 1011! − 12. For i = 1 we have nothing to prove.
For 2 ≤ i ≤ 11, s(N + i) = 2 + 9 + 0 + 9(11! − 1) + i − 2 = i + 11! while
for 12 ≤ i ≤ 21, s(N + i) = 2 + 9 + 1 + (i − 12) = i, so our numbers have
the desired property.
3. How many positive integers n ≤ 102005 can be written as the sum
of 2 positive integers with the same sum of digits?

Adrian Zahariuc

Solution. Answer: 102005 − 9023. At first glance, it might seem al-

most impossible to find the exact number of positive integers with this
property. In fact, the following is true: a positive integer cannot be writ-
ten as the sum of two numbers with the same sum of digits iff all of its
digits (eventually) excepting the first are 9 and the sum of its digits is

Let n be such a number. Suppose there are a, b ∈ Z+ such that
n = a + b and s(a) = s(b). The main fact is that when we add a + b = n,
there are no transports. This is clear enough. It follows that s(n) =
s(a) + s(b) = 2s(a), which is impossible since s(n) is odd.
Now we will prove that any number n which is not one of the numbers
stated above, can be written as the sum of 2 positive integers with the
same sum of digits. We will start with the following:
Lemma. There is a ≤ n such that s(a) ≡ s(n − a)(mod2).
Proof. If the s(n) is even, take a = 0. If s(n) is odd, then n must
have a digit which is not the first and is not equal to 9, otherwise it
would have one of the forbidden forms. Let c be the value of this digit
and p its position (from right to left). Then let us chose a = 10p−1 (c+1).
At the adding a + (n − a) = n there is exactly one transport, so

s(a) + s(n − a) = 9 + s(n) ≡ 0(mod2) ⇒ s(a) ≡ s(n − a)(mod2)

which proves our claim.

Back to the original problem. All we have to do now is take one-by-
one a ”unity” from a number and give it to the other until the 2 numbers
have the same sum of digits. This will happen since they have the same
parity. So, let us do this rigorously. Let

a = a1 a2 ..ak , n − a = b1 b2 ...bk

The lemma shows that the number of elements of the set I = {i ∈

{1, 2, ..., k} : 2 does not divide ai + bi } is even, so it can be divided into 2
sets with the same number of elements, say I1 and I2 . For i = 1, 2, ..., k
define Ai = (ai + bi )/2 if i ∈ I, (ai + bi + 1)/2 if i ∈ I1 or (ai + bi − 1)/2
if i ∈ I2 and Bi = ai + bi − Ai . It is clear that the numbers

A = A1 A2 ...Ak , B = B1 B2 ...Bk

have the property that s(A) = s(B) and A + B = n. The proof is
We have previously seen that s(n) ≡ n( mod 9). This is probably the
most famous property of the function s and it has a series of remarkable
applications. Sometimes it is combined with some simple inequalities
such as s(n) ≤ 9(blg nc + 1). Some immediate applications are the fol-
4. Find all n for which one can find a and b such that

s(a) = s(b) = s(a + b) = n.

Vasile Zidaru and Mircea Lascu, JBMO TST, 2002

Solution. We have a ≡ b ≡ a + b ≡ n(mod9), so 9 divides n. If

n = 9k, we can take a = b = 10k − 1 and we are done since s(10k − 1) =
s(2 · 10k − 2) = 9k.
5. Find all the possible values of the sum of digits of a perfect square.

Iberoamerican, 1995

Solution. What does sum of digits has to do with perfect squares?

Apparently, nothing, but perfect squares do have something to do with
remainders mod 9! In fact, it is very easy to prove that the only possible
values of a perfect square mod 9 are 0, 1, 4 and 7. So, we deduce that
the sum of digits of a perfect square must be congruent to 0, 1, 4 or 7
mod 9. To prove that all such numbers work, we will use a small and
very common (but worth to remember!) trick: use numbers that consist
almost only of 9-s. We have the following identities:

2 2
| {z } = |99...99 {z } 1 ⇒ s(99...99
{z } 8 |00...00 | {z } ) = 9n
n n−1 n−1 n

2 2
| {z } 1 = |99...99 {z } 81 ⇒ s(99..99
{z } 82 |00...00 | {z } 1 ) = 9n + 1
n−1 n−2 n−2 n−1

2 2
| {z } 2 = |99...99 {z } 64 ⇒ s(99..99
{z } 84 |00...00 | {z } 2 ) = 9n + 4
n−1 n−2 n−2 n−1
2 2
| {z } 4 = |99...99 {z } 36 ⇒ s(99..99
{z } 88 |00...00 | {z } 4 ) = 9n + 7
n−1 n−2 n−2 n−1
and since s(0) = 0, s(1) = 1, s(4) = 4 and s(25) = 7 the proof is
6. Compute s(s(s(44444444 ))).
IMO 1975
Solution. Using the inequality s(n) ≤ 9(blg nc + 1) several times we

s(44444444 ) ≤ 9( lg 44444444 + 1) < 9 · 20, 000 = 180, 000;


s(s(44444444 )) ≤ 9( lg s(44444444 ) + 1) ≤ 9(lg 180, 000 + 1) ≤ 36,


so s(s(s(44444444 ))) ≤ 12. On the other hand, s(s(s(n))) ≡ s(s(n)) ≡

s(n) ≡ n(mod9) and since
44444444 ≡ 74444 = 7 · 73 ≡ 7(mod9),

the only possible answer is 7.

Finally, we present a beautiful problem which appeared in the Rus-
sian Olympiad and, later, in Kvant.
7. Prove that for any N there is n ≥ N such that s(3n ) ≥ s(3n+1 ).
Solution. Suppose by way of contradiction that there is one N such
that s(3n+1 ) − s(3n ) > 0, ∀n ≥ N . But, for n ≥ 2, s(3n+1 ) − s(3n ) ≡
0(mod9), so s(3n+1 ) − s(3n ) ≥ 9, ∀n ≥ N . It follows that
3k+1 − 3k ≥ 9(n − N ) ⇒ s(3n+1 ) ≥ 9(n − N ), n ≥ N + 1.
k=N +1

But s(3n+1 ) ≤ 9( lg 3n+1 + 1), so 9n − 9N ≤ 9 + 9(n + 1) lg 3, for all


n ≥ N + 1. This is obviously a contradiction.

If so far we have studied some remarkable properties of the function
s, which were quite well-known, it is time to present some problems and

results which are less familiar, but interesting and hard. The first result
is the following:
Statement. If 1 ≤ x ≤ 10n , then s(x(10n − 1)) = 9n.
Proof. The idea is very simple. All we have to do is write x =
a1 a2 ...aj with aj 6= 0 (we can ignore the final 0-s of x) and note that

x(10n − 1) = a1 a2 ...aj−1 (aj − 1) |99...99

{z }(9 − a1 )...(9 − aj )(10 − aj ),

which obviously has the sum of digits equal to 9n.

The previous result is by no means hard, but we will see that it can
be the key in many situations. A first application is:
8. Compute s(9 · 99 · 999 · ... · 99...99
| {z }).
USAMO, 1992

Solution. The problem in trivial if we know the previous result. We


1+2+...+2 n−1 n
N = 9 · 99 · 999 · ... · 99...99
| {z } < 10 < 102 − 1

| {z } N ) = 9 · 2 .
so s(99...99
However, there are very hard applications of this apparently unim-
portant result, such as the following problem.
9. Prove that for any n there is a positive integer n which is divisible
by its sum of digits.

IMO Shortlist, 1998

Solution. Only to assure our readers that this problem did not ap-
pear on the ISL out of nowhere, such numbers are called Niven numbers
and they are an important research source in number theory. Now, let’s
solve it. We will see that constructing such a number is hard. First, we

will get rid of the case n = 3k , when we can take the number 11...11
| {z } (it
can be easily proved by induction that 3k+2 |103 − 1).
Due to the trick that we should search numbers with many equal
digits and the last result, we decide that the required number p should
t t
| {z } b · (10 − 1), with aa...aa
be aa...aa | {z } b ≤ 10 − 1. This number will have
s s
s + t + 1 digits and its sum of digits will be 9t. Therefore, we will require
s + t = n − 1 and 9t| aa...aa t
| {z } b · (10 − 1). We now use the fact that
for t a power of 3, 9t|10t − 1. So, let us take t = 3k where k is chosen
such that 3k < n < 3k+1 . If we also take in account the condition
t 3 k k
| {z } b ≤ 10 − 1, the choice p = |11...11
aa...aa {z } 2(10 − 1) when n ≤ 2 · 3
s n−3k −1
and p = | {z } − 1) otherwise becomes natural.
We continue our investigations in finding suitable techniques for
problems involving sum of digits with a very beautiful result. The follow-
ing result turned out to have several consequences, most of them being
very hard.

| {z } has sum of digits at least k.

Statement. Any multiple of 11...11
Proof. We will use the extremal principle. Suppose by way of con-
tradiction that the statement is false and take M to be the smallest mul-

| {z }. Note that s(ia) = ik

tiple of a such that s(M ) < k, where a = 11...11
for i = 1, 2, ..., 9. So M ≥ 10a > 10k . Therefore, M = a1 a2 ...ap , with
p ≥ k + 1 and ap 6= 0. Take the number N = M − 10p−k a. Obviously, N
is a multiple of a. We will try to prove that s(N ) < k. In this way, we
would contradict the minimality of M and the proof would be complete.
But this is not hard at all since if ak+1 < 9, we have s(N ) = s(M ) < k
and if ak+1 = 9, we have s(N ) < s(M ) < k.

We will show 3 applications of this fact, which might seem simple,
but which might be unsolvable without it.
10. Prove that for every k, we have

lim =∞
n→∞ lnk ln n
Gabriel Dospinescu

Solution. Due to the simple fact that 10blg nc − 1 ≤ n ⇒ 10blg nc −

1|n!, we have that s(n!) ≥ blg nc, from which our conclusion follows
11. Let S be the set of positive integers whose decimal representation
contains only of at most 1988 1-s and the rest 0-s. Prove that there is a
positive integer which does not divide any member of S.

Tournament of Towns, 1988

Solution. Again, the solution follows directly from our result. We

can choose the number 101989 − 1, whose multiples have sum of digits
greater than 1988.
12. Prove that for any k > 0, there is an infinite arithmetical se-
quence having the ratio relatively prime to 10, such that all its members
have the sum of digits greater than k.

IMO Shortlist, 1999

Solution. Let us remind that this is the last problem of ISL 1999,
so the hardest. The official solution is indeed one for such a problem.
But, due to our ”theorem” we can chose the sequence an = n(10m − 1),
where m > k and we are done.
Now, as a final proof of the utility of these two results, we will present
a hard, but beautiful, problem from the USAMO.
13. Let n be a fixed positive integer. Denote by f (n) the smallest k
for which one can find a set X ⊂ Z+ of cardinality n with the property

s x =k

for all nonempty subsets Y of X. Prove that C1 lg n < f (n) < C2 lg n

for some constants C1 and C2 .

Gabriel Dospinescu and Titu Andreescu, USAMO 2005

Solution. We will prove that

n(n + 1)
blg(n + 1)c ≤ f (n) ≤ 9 lg +1 ,

which is enough to establish our claim. Let l be the smallest integer such
n(n + 1)
10l − 1 ≥ .
Consider the set X = {j(10l −1) : 1 ≤ j ≤ n}. By the previous inequality
and our first statement, it follows that
s x = 9l

for all nonempty subsets Y of X, so f (n) ≤ 9l and the RHS is proved.

Let m be the largest integer such that n ≥ 10m − 1. We will use the
following well-known
Lemma. Any set M = {a1 , a2 , ..., am } has a nonempty subset whose
sum of elements is divisible by m.
Proof. Consider the sums a1 , a1 + a2 ,..., a1 + a2 + ... + am . If one of
then is a multiple of m, them we are done. Otherwise, there are 2 of them
congruent mod m, say the i-th and the j-th. Then, m|ai+1 +ai+2 +...+aj
so we are done.
From the lemma, it follows that any set X with n elements has a
subset, say Y , whose sum of elements is divisible by 10m − 1. By our

second statement, it follows that
s x ≥ m ⇒ f (n) ≥ m,

and the proof is complete.

The last solved problem is one we consider to be very hard, and
which uses different techniques than the ones we have mentioned so far.
14. Let a, b ∈ Z+ such that s(an) = s(bn) for all n ∈ Z+ . Prove that
lg a − lg b ∈ Z.
Adrian Zahariuc and Gabriel Dospinescu
Solution. We start with an observation. If (max{a, b}, 10) = 1, then
the problem becomes trivial. Suppose a = max{a, b}. Then, by Euler’s
theorem, a|10ϕ(a) − 1, so there is an n such that an = 10ϕ(a) − 1 and
since numbers consisting only of 9-s have the sum of digits greater than
all previous numbers, it follows that an = bn, so a = b.
Let us solve now the harder problem. For any k ≥ 1, there is a nk
such that 10k ≤ ank ≤ 10k + a − 1. It follows that s(ank ) is bounded, so
s(bnk ) is bounded as well. On the other hand,
b b
10k ≤ bnk < 10k + b,
a a
so, for sufficiently large p, the first (nonzero) digits of b/a are exactly
the same as the first p digits of bnk for large enough k. This means the
the sum of the first p digits of b/a is bounded, which could only happen
when this fraction has finitely many decimals. Analogously, we can prove
the same result about a/b.
Let a = 2x 5y m and b = 2z 5t m0 , where (m, 10) = (m0 , 10)=1. It fol-
lows that m|m0 and m0 |m, so m = m0 . Now, we can write the hypothesis

s(2z 5u mn2c−x 5c−y ) = s(2x 5y mn2c−x 5c−y ) = s(mn), ∀c ≥ max{x, y}

Now, if p = max{z + c − x, u + c − y} − min{z + c − x, u + c − y}, we get
that there is a k ∈ {2, 5} such that s(mn) = s(mk p n) for all n ∈ Z+ . It
follows that

s(m) = s(k p m) = s(k 2p m) = s(k 3p m) = ...

Let t = ap , so lg t ∈ R − Q unless p = 0. Now, we will use the following:

Lemma. If lg t ∈ R − Q, then for any sequence of digits, there is a
n ∈ Z+ , such that tn m starts with the selected sequence of digits.
Proof. If we will prove that {{lg tn m} : n ∈ Z+ } is dense in (0, 1),
then we are done. But lg tn m = n lg t + m and by Kronecker’s theorem
{{n lg t} : n ∈ Z+ } is dense in (0, 1), so the proof is complete.
The lemma implies the very important result that s(tn m) is un-
bounded for p 6= 0, which is a contradiction. So p = 0 and hence
z + c − x = u + c − y, so a = 10x−z b and the proof is complete.
This problem can be nicely extended to any base. The proof of the
general case is quite similar, although there are some very important

The upmetioned methods are just a point to start from in solving

such problems since the variety of problems involving sum of digits is
very large. The techniques are useful only when they are applied cre-
atively. Finally, we invite our readers to solve this proposed problems:

Proposed Problems
1. Prove that among any 39 there is one whose sum of digits is
divisible by 11.
USSR, 1961
2. Prove that among any 18 consecutive 2-digit numbers there is at
least one Niven number.

Tournament of Towns, Training, 1997
3. Are there positive integers n such that s(n) = 1, 000 and s(n2 ) =
1, 000, 000?
USSR, 1985
4. Prove that for any positive integer n there are infinitely many
numbers m which do not contain any zero, such that s(n) = s(mn).
USSR, 1970
5. Find all x such that s(x) = s(2x) = s(3x) = ... = s(x2 ).
Kurschak, 1989
6. Are there arbitrarily long arithmetical sequences whose terms
have the same sum of digits? What about infinite aritmetical sequences?
7. Prove that
lim s(2n ) = ∞.

8. Are there p ∈ Z[X] such that

lim s(p(n)) = ∞?

9. Prove that there are arbitrarily long sequences of consecutive
numbers which do not contain any Niven number.
10. We start with a perfect number, different form 6 (which is equal
to the sum of its divisors, except itself), and calculate its sum of digits.
Then, we calculate the sum of digits of the new number and so on. Prove
that we will eventually get 1.

11. Prove that there are infinitely many x ∈ Z+ such that

s(x) + s(x2 ) = s(x3 ).

Gabriel Dospinescu
12. a, b, c and d are primes such that 2 < a ≤ c and a 6= b. We now
that there is one M ∈ Z such that the numbers an + b and cn + d have
the same sum of digits for any n > M and base between 2 and a − 1.
Prove that a = c and b = d.
Gabriel Dospinescu
13. Let (an )n≥1 be a sequence such that s(an ) ≥ n. Prove that for
any n, we have
1 1 1
+ + ... + < 3.2
a1 a2 an
Can we replace 3.2 by 3?
Laurentiu Panaitopol
14. Prove that one can find n1 < n2 < ... < n50 such that

n1 + s(n1 ) = n2 + s(n2 ) = ... = n50 + s(n50 )

Poland, 1999
15. Study whether we can choose the numbers in the previous prob-
lem such that n2 − n1 = n3 − n2 = ... = n50 − n49 .
Gabriel Dospinescu
16. Define f (n) = n + s(n). A number m is called special if there
is a k such that f (k) = m. Prove that there are infinitely many special
numbers 10n + b iff b − 1 is special.
Christopher D. Long
17. Find a Niven number with 100 digits.
Sankt Petersburg, 1990

18. Let S be a set such that for any α ∈ R−Q, there is a number n ∈
Z+ such that bαn c ∈ S. Prove that S contains numbers with arbitrarily
large sum of digits.
Gabriel Dospinescu
19. Let a be a positive integer such that s(an + n) = 1 + s(n) for
any n > M , where M is given. Prove that a is a power of 10.
Gabriel Dospinescu
20. Let k ∈ Z+ . Prove that there is a positive integer m such that
the equation n + s(n) = m has exactly k solutions.
Mihai Manea, Romanian IMO TST, 2003
21. Are there 19 positive integers with the same sum of digits, which
add up to 1999?
Rusia, 1999
22. Let a, b > 0. Prove that the sequence s(ban + bc) contains a
constant subsequence.
Laurentiu Panaitopol, Romanian IMO TST, 2002
23. If s(n) = 100 and s(44n) = 800, find s(3n).
Rusia, 1999
24. Find the smallest positive integer which can be expressed at the
same time as the sum of 2002 numbers with the same sum of digits and
as the sum of 2003 numbers with the same sum of digits.
Rusia, 2002
25. Prove that
X s(n) 10
= ln 10.
n(n + 1) 9
O. Shallit

Open Questions
1. For any a > 1, we have

lim s(an ) = ∞

(proved only for a couple of values, namely 2, 4, 6, 8).

2. Is it true that
lim = ∞?
n→∞n ln ln n
3. Let a, b ∈ Z+ such that s(an ) = s(bn ) for all n ∈ Z+ . Prove that
lg a − lg b ∈ Z.
4. Prove that for any n, there are a, b ∈ Z such that lg a − lg b ∈
with the property that s(ak ) = s(bk ) for any k ∈ {1, 2, ..., n}.
5. Is it true that
s(2n )
lim = ∞?
n→∞ ln n


”Olympiad problems can be solved without the aid of analysis or

linear algebra” is a sentence always heard when speaking about the el-
ementary problems given in contests. This is true, but the true nature
and essence of some of these problems is in analysis and this is the reason
for which such type of problems are always the highlight of a contest.
Their elementary solutions are very tricky and sometimes extremely dif-
ficult, while using analysis they can be solved quickly. Well, of course,
”quickly” only if you see the sequence that hides after each problem.
Practically, our aim is to exhibit convergent sequences formed by in-
teger numbers. These sequences must become constant and from here
the problem is much easier. The difficulty is in finding those sequences.
Sometimes, this is easy, but most of the time this is a very difficult task.
We will develop our skills in ”hunting” these sequences by solving first
some easy problems (anyway, ”easy” is a relative concept: try to solve
them elementary and you will see if they really are easy) and after that
we will attack the chestnuts.
As usual, we begin with a classic beautiful problem, which has lots
of applications and extensions.
Example 1. Let f, g ∈ Z[X] be two non-constant polynomials such
that f (n)|g(n) for an infinite natural numbers n. Prove that f divides g
in Q[X].
Solution. Indeed, we need to look at the remainder of g when di-
vided with f in Q[X]! Let us write g = f h + r, were h, r are polynomials
from Q[X] and deg r < deg f . Now, multiplying by the common denom-
inator of all coefficients of polynomials h, r, the hypothesis becomes:
there exists two infinite sequences (an )n≥1 , (bn )n≥1 of integer numbers
r(an )
and a positive integer N such that bn = N (we could have some
f (an )

problems with the roots of f , but they are in finite number and the
sequence (an )n≥1 tends to infinity, so from a certain point, an is not a
r(an )
root of f ). Since deg r < deg f , it follows that → 0, thus (bn )n≥1
f (an )
is a sequence of integer numbers that tends to 0. This implies that from
a certain point, all the terms of these sequence are 0. Well, this is the
same as r(an ) = 0 from a certain point n0 , which is practically the same
thing with r = 0 (don’t forget that any non-zero polynomial has only a
finite number of roots!). But in this moment the problem is solved.
The next problem we are going to discuss is a particular case of a
much more general and classical result: if f is a polynomial with integer
coefficients, k > 1 is a natural number and k f (n) ∈ Q for all natural
numbers n, then there exists a polynomial g ∈ Q[X] such that f (x) =
g k (x). We won’t discuss here this general result (the reader will find a
proof in the chapter about arithmetic properties of polynomials).
Example 2. Let a 6= 0, b, c be integers such that for any natural
number n, the number an2 + bn + c is a perfect square. Prove that there
exist x, y ∈ Z such that a = x2 , b = 2xy, c = y 2 .
Solution. Let us begin by writing an2 + bn + c = x2n for a certain

sequence of nonnegative integers (xn )n≥1 . We could expect that xn −n a
converges. And yes, it converges, but it’s not a sequence of integers, so
the convergence is useless. In fact, it’s not that useless, but we need
another sequence. The easiest way is to work with (xn+1 − xn )n≥1 , since

this sequence certainly converges to a (the reader has already noticed

why it wasn’t useless to find that xn −n a is convergent; we used this to
establish the convergence of (xn+1 − xn )n≥1 ). This time, the sequence is
formed by integer numbers, so it is constant from a certain point. Thus,

we can find a number M such that if n ≥ M then xn+1 = xn + a. Thus,
a must be a perfect square, let us say a = x2 . A simple induction shows
that xn = xM + (n − M )x and so (xM − M x + nx)2 = x2 n2 + bn + c for

all n ≥ M . A simple identification of coefficients finishes the solution,
since we can take y = xM − M x.
The following problem is based on the same idea, but it really doesn’t
seem to be related with mathematical analysis. In fact, as we will see,
it is closely related to the concept of convergence.
Example 3. Let a, b, c > 1 be positive integers such that for any
positive integer n there exists a positive integer k such that ak +bk = 2cn .
Prove that a = b.

Laurentiu Panaitopol

Solution. What does the problem say in fact? That we can find a se-
quence of positive integers (xn )n≥1 such that axn +bxn = 2cn . What could
be the convergent sequence here? We see that (xn )n≥1 is appreciatively
kn for a certain constant k. Thus, we could expect that the sequence
(xn+1 − xn )n≥1 converges. Let us see if this is true or not. From where
could we find xn+1 −xn ? Certainly, by writing that axn+1 +bxn+1 = 2cn+1
axn+1 + bxn+1
and after that considering the value = c. Now, let us sup-
axn + bxn
ax n+1 +b x n+1
pose that a > b and let us write = c in the form
a + b xn
x n

axn+1 −xn  xn = c,

from where it is easy to see that axn+1 −xn converges to c. Why is it so

easy? It would be easy if we could show that xn → ∞. Fortunately,
this is immediate, since 2axn > 2cn ⇒ xn > n loga c. So, we found
that axn+1 −xn converges. Being a sequence of integer numbers, it must
become constant, so there exist M such that for all n ≥ M we have

axn+1 −xn = c. This means that for all n ≥ M we also have
 xn = 1.
But this is impossible, since a > b. Thus, our assumption was wrong
and we must have a ≤ b. Due to symmetry in a and b, we conclude that
a = b.
Another easy example is the following problem, in which finding the
right convergent sequence of integers in not difficult at all. But, attention
must be paid to details!
Example 4. Let a1 , a2 , . . . , ak be positive real numbers such that
at least one of them is not an integer. Prove that there exits infinitely
many natural numbers n such that n and [a1 n] + [a2 n] + · · · + [ak n] are
relatively prime.
Gabriel Dospinescu, Arhimede Magazine
Solution. Of course, the solution of such a problem is better to be
indirect. So, let us assume that there exists a number M such that for all
n ≥ M the numbers n and [a1 n] + [a2 n] + · · · + [ak n] are not relatively
prime. Now, what are the most efficient numbers n to be used? Yes,
they are the prime numbers, since if n is prime and it is not relatively
prime with , [a1 n] + [a2 n] + · · · + [ak n], then it must divide [a1 n] +
[a2 n] + · · · + [ak n]. This suggests us to consider the sequence of prime
numbers (pn )n≥1 . Since this sequence is infinite, there is a number N
such that if n ≥ N then pn ≥ M . According to our assumption, this
implies that for all n ≥ N there exist a natural number xn such that
[a1 pn ] + [a2 pn ] + · · · + [ak pn ] = xn pn . And now, you have already guessed
what is the convergent sequence! Yes, it is (xn )n≥N . This is obvious,
[a1 pn ] + [a2 pn ] + · · · + [ak pn ]
since tends to n ≥ N a1 + a2 + · · · + ak .

Thus, we can find a number P such that for xn = a1 + a2 + · · · + ak for
all n ≥ P . But this is the same as {a1 pn } + {a2 pn } + · · · + {ak pn } = 0.
Of course, this says that ai pn ∈ Z for all i = 1, k and n ≥ P . Well,
the conclusion is immediate: ai ∈ Z for all i = 1, k, which contradicts
the hypothesis. Consequently, we were wrong again and the problem
statement is right!
Step by step, we start to have some experience in ”guessing” the
sequences. Thus, it’s time to solve some more difficult problems. The
next problem we are going to discuss may seem obvious after reading
the solution. In fact, it’s just that type of problem whose solution is very
short, but very hard to find.
Example 5. Let a, b ∈ Z such that for all natural numbers n the
number a · 2n + b is a perfect square. Prove that a = 0.
Poland TST
Solution. Again, we argue by contradiction. Suppose that a 6= 0.
Then, of course, a > 0, otherwise for large values of n the number
a·2n +b is negative. According to the hypothesis, there exists a sequence
of positive integers (xn )n≥1 such that for all natural numbers n, xn =

a · 2n + b. Then, a direct computation shows that lim (2xn − xn+2 ) =
0. This implies the existence of a natural number N such that for all
n ≥ P we have 2xn = xn+2 . But 2xn = xn+2 is equivalent with b = 0.
Then, a and 2a are both perfect squares, which is impossible for a 6= 0.
This shows, as usually, that our assumption was wrong and indeed a = 0.
A classical result of Schur states that for any non-constant polyno-
mial f with integer coefficients, the set of prime numbers dividing at
least one of the numbers f (1), f (2), f (3), . . . is infinite. The following
problem is a generalization of this result.
Example 6. Suppose that f is a polynomial with integer coefficients
and (an ) is a strictly increasing sequence of natural numbers such that

an ≤ f (n) for all n. Then the set of prime numbers dividing at least one
term of the sequence is infinite.
Solution. The idea is very nice: for any finite set of prime numbers
p1 , p2 , . . . , pr and any k > 0, we have
X 1
< ∞.
α1 ,α2 ,...,αN ∈Z+ pkα
. . . pkα

Indeed, it suffices to remark that we have actually

N X n
X 1 Y 1 Y pkj
= .
α1 ,α2 ,...,αN ∈Z+ pkα
. . . pkα
N pki j=1 pkj − 1
j=1 i≥0 j

On the other hand, by taking k = we clearly have
2 deg(f )
X 1
= ∞.
(f (n))k

Thus, if the conclusion of the problem is not true, we can find

p1 , p2 , . . . , pr such that any term of the sequence is of the form
. . . pkα
and thus
X 1 X 1
≤ < ∞.
akn pkα
. . . pkα N
n≥1 α1 ,α2 ,...,αN ∈Z+ N

On the other hand, we also have

X 1 X 1
≥ = ∞,
an (f (n))k
n≥1 n≥1

which is clearly impossible.

The same idea is employed in the following problem.
Example 7. Let a, b ≥ 2 be natural numbers. Prove that there is
a multiple of a which contains all digits 0, 1, . . . , b − 1 when written in
base b.
Adapted after a Putnam problem

Solution. Let’s suppose the contrary. Then any multiple of a misses
at least a digit when written in base b. Since the sum of inverses of all
1 1
multiples of a diverges (because 1 + + + · · · = ∞), it suffices to show
2 3
that the sum of inverses of all natural numbers missing at least one digit
in base b is convergent and we will reach a contradiction. But of course,
it suffices to prove it for a fixed (but arbitrary) digit j. For any n ≥ 1,
there are at most (b − 1)n numbers which have n digits in base b, all
different from j. Thus, since each one of them is at least equal to bn−1 ,
the sum of inverses of numbers that miss the digit j when written in base
X  b − 1 n
b is at most equal to b , which converges. The conclusion
We return to classical problems to discuss a beautiful problem, that
appeared in the Tournament of the Towns in 1982, in a Russian Team
Selection Test in 1997 and also in the Bulgarian Olympiad in 2003. It’s
beauty explains probably the preference for this problem.
Example 8. Let f ∈ Z[X] be a polynomial with leading coefficient
1 such that for any natural number n the equation f (x) = 2n has at
least one natural solution. Prove that deg f = 1.
Solution. So, the problem states that there exists a sequence of
positive integers (xn )n≥1 such that f (xn ) = 2n . Let us suppose that
deg f = k > 1. Then, for large values of x, f (x) behaves like xk . So,
trying to find the right convergent sequence, we could try first to ”think
big”: we have xk ∼
n = 2n , that is for large n, xn behaves like 2 k . Then,
a good possibly convergent sequence could be xn+k − 2xn . Now, the
hard part: proving that this sequence is indeed convergent. First, we
will show that converges to 2. This is easy, since the relation

f (xn+k ) = 2k f (xn ) implies
f (xn+k ) xn+k f (xn )
= 2k ·
xkn+k xn xkn
and since
f (x)
lim = 1 and lim xn = ∞
x→∞ xk n→∞
(do you see why?), we find that indeed
lim = 2.
n→∞ xn

We will see that this will help us a lot. Indeed, let us write
f (x) = xk + ai xi .

Then f (xn+k ) = 2k f (xn ) can be also written

ai (2k xin − xin+k )
xn+k − 2xn = k−1
(2xn )i xn+k
But from the fact that lim = 2. it follows that the right-hand
n→∞ xn
side in the above relation is also convergent. So, (xn+k − 2xn )n≥1 is con-
vergent and it follows that there exist M, N such that for all n ≥ M we
have xn+k = 2xn +N . But now the problem is almost done, since the last
result combined with f (xn+k ) = 2k f (xn ) yields f (2xn + N ) = 2k f (xn )
for n ≥ M , that is f (2x + N ) = 2k f (x). So, an arithmetical property
of the polynomial turned into an algebraic one using analysis. This al-
gebraic property helps us to immediately solve the problem. Indeed, we
see that if z is a complex root of f , then 2z + N, 4z + 3N, 8z + 7N, . . .
are all roots of f . Since f is non-zero, this sequence must be finite and
this can happen only for z = −N . Since −N is the only root of f , we
deduce that f (x) = (x + N )k . But since the equation f (x) = 22k+1 has

natural roots, we find that 2 k ∈ N , which implies, contradiction. Thus,
our assumption was wrong and deg f = 1.
The idea of the following problem is so beautiful, that after reading
the solution the reader will have the impression that the problem is
trivial. Wrong! The problem is really difficult and to make again an
experiment, we will ask the reader to struggle a lot before reading the
solution. He will see the difficulty.
Example 9. Let π(n) be the number of prime numbers smaller than
or equal to n. Prove that there exist infinitely many numbers n such that


Solution. First, let us prove the following result, which is the key
of the problem.
Lemma. For any increasing sequence  of positive integers (an )n≥1
an n
such that lim = 0, the sequence contains all natural num-
n→∞ n an n≥1
bers. In particular, for infinitely many n we have that n divides an .
Proof. Even if it seems unbelievable, this is true and moreover the
proof is   m ≥ 1 be a natural number. Consider the
extremely short. Let
amn 1
set A = n ≥ 1| ≥ . This set contains and it is bounded, since
mn m
amn amk 1
lim = 0. Thus it has a maximal element k. If = , then
n→∞ mn   mk m
m is in the sequence . Otherwise, we have am(k+1) ≥ amk ≥
an n≥1
k + 1, which shows that k + 1 is also in the set, contradiction with the
maximality of k. The lemma is proved.
Thus, all we need to show is that lim = 0. Fortunately, this is
n→∞ n
well-known and not difficult to prove. There are easier proofs than the
following one, but we prefer to deduce it from a famous and beautiful
result of Erdos.

Erdos’s theorem. We have p ≤ 4n .
p prime
The proof of this result is magnificient. The proof is by induction.
For small values of n it is clear. Now, assume the inequality true for all
values smaller than n and let us prove that p ≤ 4n . If nis even,
p prime
we have nothing to prove, since
= p ≤ 4n−1 < 4n .
p≤n p≤n−1
p prime p prime

Now, assume that n = 2k + 1 and consider the binomial coefficient

2k + 1 (k + 2) . . . (2k + 1)
= .
k k!
A simple application of the fact that
X 2k + 1
2 =

shows that  
2k + 1
≤ 4k .
Thus, using the inductive hypothesis, we find that
p≤ p p ≤ 4k+1 · 4k = 4n .
p≤n p≤k+1 k+2≤p≤2k+1
p prime p prime p prime

Now, the fact that lim = 0 is trivial. Indeed, fix k ≥ 1. We
n→∞ n
have for all large n the inequality
n lg 4 ≥ lg p ≥ lg k(π(n) − π(k)),
p prime

which shows that

π(k) lg 4
π(n) ≤ + .
n lg k

This shows of course that lim = 0. The problem is solved.
n→∞ n
It is time now for the last problem, which is, as usual, very hard. We
don’t exaggerate if we say that the following problem is exceptionally
Example 10. Let a, b > 1 be natural numbers such that for any
natural number n, an − 1|bn − 1. Prove that b is a natural power of a.
Marius Cavachi, AMM
Solution. This time we will be able to find the right convergent
sequence only after some double recurrences. Let us see. So, initially
we are given that there exists a sequence 1
 n of positive integers (xn )n≥1
b −1 b
such that x1n = n Then, x1n ∼
= for large values of n. So, we
a −1 a
could expect that the sequence (x2n )n≥1 , x2n = bx1n − ax2n+1 is convergent.
bn+1 (a − 1) − an+1 (b − 1) + a − b
x2n = ,
(an − 1)(an+1 − 1)
which is not necessarily convergent. But... if we look again at  this
b n
sequence, we see that for large values of n it grows like , so
much slower. And this is the good
n repeat this procedure until
the final sequence behaves like , where k is chosen such that
ak ≤ b < ak+1 . Thus, the final sequence will converge to 0. Again,
the hard part has just begun, since we have to prove that if we define
n = bxin − ai xin+1 then lim xk+1
n = 0. This isn’t easy at all. The idea
is to compute x3n and after that to prove the following statement: for
any i ≥ 1 the sequence (xin )n≥1 has the form

ci bn + ci−1 a(i−1)n + · · · + c1 an + c0
(an+i−1 − 1)(an+i−2 − 1) . . . (an − 1)
for some constants c0 , c1 , . . . , ci . Proving this is not so hard, the hard part
was to think about it. How can we prove the statement otherwise than by

induction? And induction turns out to be quite easy. Supposing that the
statement is true for i, then the corresponding statement for i+1 follows
from xi+1
n = bxin − ai xin+1 directly (note that to make the difference, we
just have to multiply the numerator ci bn +ci−1 a(i−1)n +· · ·+c1 an +c0 with
b and an+i −1. Then, we proceed in the same way with the second fraction
and the term bn+1 an+i will vanish). So, we have found a formula which
shows that as soon as ai > b we have lim xin = 0. So, we have deduced
that lim xk+1
n = 0. Another step of the solution is to take the minimal
index j such that lim xjn = 0. Obviously, j > 1 and the recurrence
relation xi+1
n = bxin − ai xin+1 shows that xin ∈ Z for all n, i. Thus, there
exists M such that whenever n ≥ M we have xjn = 0. This  is the same
as bxj−1
n = aj xj−1 j−1
n+1 for all n ≥ M , which implies xn = xj−1
for all n ≥ M . Let us suppose that b is not a multiple of a. Since
M ∈ Z for all n ≥ M , we must have xj−1 M = 0 and so
n = 0 for n ≥ M , which means lim xjn = 0. But this contradicts
the minimality of j. Since we have reached a contradiction, we must
have a|b. Let us write b = ca. Then, the relation an − 1|bn − 1 implies
an − 1|cn − 1. And now are finally done. Why? We have just seen that
an − 1|cn − 1 for all n ≥ 1. But our previous argument applied for c
instead of b shows that a|c. Thus, c = ad and we deduce again that a|d.
Since this process cannot be infinite, b must be a power of a.
It worth saying that there exist an even stronger result: it is enough
to suppose that an − 1|bn − 1 for an infinite number n, but this is a
much more difficult problem. It follows from a result found by Bugeaud,
Corvaja and Zannier in 2003:
If a, b > 1 are multiplicatively independent in Q∗ (that is loga b 6∈ Q),
then for any ε > 0 there exists n0 = n0 (a, b, ε) such that gcd(an − 1, bn −

1) < 2εn for all n ≥ n0 . Unfortunately, the proof is too advanced to be
presented here.

Problems for training

1. Let f ∈ Z[X] be a polynomial of degree k such that for all n ∈ N
we have k f (n) ∈ Z. Prove that there exists integer numbers a, b such
that f (x) = (ax + b)k .
2. Find all arithmetic progressions of positive integers (an )n≥1 such
that for all n ≥ 1 the number a1 + a2 + · · · + an is a perfect square.
Laurentiu Panaitopol, Romanian Olympiad 1991
3. Let p be a polynomial with integer coefficients such that there
exists a sequence of pair wise distinct positive integers (an )n≥1 such
that p(a1 ) = 0, p(a2 ) = a1 , p(a3 ) = a2 , . . . . Find the degree of this
Tournament of the Towns, 2003

4. Let f, g : N∗ → N∗ two functions such that |f (n) − n| ≤ 2004 n
and n2 + g 2 (n) = 2f 2 (n). Prove that if f or g is surjective, then these
functions have infinitely many fixed points.
Gabriel Dospinescu, Moldova TST 2004
5. Let a, b be natural numbers such that for any natural number n,
the decimal representation of a + bn contains a sequence of consecutive
digits which form the decimal representation of n (for example, if a =
600, b = 35, n = 16 we have 600 + 16 · 35 = 1160). Prove that b is a
power of 10.
Tournament of the Towns, 2002
6. Let a, b > 1 be positive integers. Prove that for any given k > 0
there are infinitely many numbers n such that ϕ(an + b) < kn, where ϕ
is the Euler totient function.

Gabriel Dospinescu

7. Let b an integer at least equal to 5 and define the number

xn = 11 . . . 1} 22
| {z . . . 2} 5 in base b. Prove that xn is a perfect square for
| {z
n−1 n
all sufficiently large n if and only if b = 10.

Laurentiu Panaitopol, IMO Shortlist 2004

8. Find all triplets of integer numbers a, b, c such that for any positive
integer n, a · 2n + b is a divisor of cn + 1.

Gabriel Dospinescu

11. Suppose that a is a real number such that all numbers

1a , 2a , 3a , . . . are integers. Then prove that a is also integer.


12. Find all complex polynomials f having the property: there exists
a ≥ 2 a natural number such that for all sufficiently large n, the equation
f (x) = an has at least a positive rational solution.

Gabriel Dospinescu, Revue de Mathematiques Speciales

13. Let f be a complex polynomial having the property that for all
natural number n, the equation f (x) = n has at least a rational solution.
Then f has degree at most 1.

Mathlinks Contest

14. Let A be a set of natural numbers, which contains at least one

number among any 2006 consecutive natural numbers and let f a non-
constant polynomial with integer coefficients. Prove that there exists a

number N such that for any n ≥ N there are at least ln ln n different
prime numbers dividing the number f (k).
N ≤k≤n
Gabriel Dospinescu

15. Prove that in any strictly increasing sequence of positive integers
(an )n≥1 which satisfies an < 100n for all n, one can find infinitely many
terms containing at least 1986 consecutive 1.


16. Any infinite arithmetical progression contains infinitely many

terms that are not powers of integers.
17. Find all a, b, c such that for all sufficiently large n, the number
a · 4n + b · 6n + c · 9n is a perfect square.
18. Let f, g two real polynomials of degree 2 such that for any real
x, if f (x) is integer, so is g(x). Then there are integers m, n such that
g(x) = mf (x) + n for all x.

Bulgarian Olympiad

19. Try to generalize the preceding problem (this is for the die-
20. Find all pairs of natural numbers a, b such that for every positive
integer n the number an + b is triangular if and only if n is triangular.

After a Putnam problem

21. Let (an )n≥1 be an infinite and strictly increasing sequence of

positive integers such that for all n ≥ 2002, an |a1 + a2 + · · · + an−1 .
Prove that there exists n0 such that for all n ≥ n0 we have an = a1 +
a2 + · · · + an−1 .

Tournament of the Towns, 2002

22. Find all real polynomials such that the image of any repunit is
also a repunit.

After a problem from Kvant

23. Fie doua multimi finite de numere reale pozitive cu proprietatea
ca ( ) ( )
xn | n ∈ R ⊂ xn | n ∈ R .
x∈A x∈B
Sa se arate ca exista k ∈ R astfel incat A = {xk | x ∈ B}.
Gabriel Dospinescu

For an odd prime p, define the function : Z → {−1, 1} by
= 1 if the equation x2 = a has at least a solution in Zp and, other-
wise, = −1. In the first case, we say that a is a quadratic residue
modulo p, otherwise we say that it is a non quadratic residue modulo
p. This function is called Legendre’s symbol and plays a fundamental
role in number theory. Perhaps the most remarkable result involving
this symbol is Gauss’s quadratic reciprocity law. This states that for
different odd prime numbers p, q the following equality holds:
p q p−1 q−1
= (−1) 2 · 2 .
q p
This is a nontrivial result whose proof will be sketched later. Until
then, we will unfold some easier properties of Legendre’s symbol. First,
let us present
  an useful theoretical (but not practical at all) way of
computing due to Euler.
Theorem. The following identity is true:
a p−1
=a 2 (mod p).

We will prove this result and many other simple remarks concerning
quadratic residues in what follows. First, let us assume that =1
and consider x a solution of the equation x2 = a in Zp . Using Fermat’s
  we find that a 2 = xp−1 = 1 (mod p). Thus the equality
a p−1
= a 2 (mod p) holds for all quadratic residues a modulo p. In
addition, for any quadratic residue we have a 2 = 1 (mod p). Now, we
will prove that there are exactly quadratic residues in Zp \ {0}.
This will enable us to conclude that quadratic residues are precisely the

roots of the polynomial X 2 − 1 and also that non quadratic residues
are exactly the roots of the polynomial X 2 + 1 (from Fermat’s little
theorem). Note that Fermat’s little theorem implies that the polynomial
p−1 p−1
X p−1 − 1 = (X 2 − 1)(X 2 + 1) has exactly p − 1 roots in the field
Zp . But in a field, the number of different zeros of a polynomial cannot
p−1 p−1
exceed its degree. Thus each of the polynomials X 2 − 1 and X 2 + 1
has at most zeros in Zp . These two observations show that in fact
each of these polynomials has exactly zeros in Zp . Let us observe
next that there are at least quadratic residues modulo p. Indeed,
all numbers i2 (mod p) with 1 ≤ i ≤ are quadratic residues and
they are all different. This shows that there are exactly quadratic
residues in Zp \ {0} and also proves Euler’s criterion.
We have said that Euler’s criterion is 
a very
 useful result. Indeed, it
allows a very quick proof of the fact that : Z → {−1, 1} is a group
morphism. Indeed, we have
ab p−1 p−1 p−1 a b
= (ab) 2 (mod p) = a 2 b 2 (mod p) = .
p p p
ab a b
The relation = shows that while studying Le-
p p p
gendre’s symbol, it suffices to focus on 
the prime numbers
 only. Also,
a b
the same Euler’s criterion implies that = whenever a ≡ b
p p
(mod p).
It is now time to come back to Gauss’s celebrated quadratic reci-
procity law. First of all, we will prove a lemma (due to Gauss).
Lemma. Let p be an odd prime and let a ∈ Z such that gcd(a, p) = 1.
p p
If m is the number of positive integers x such that x < and < ax
  2 2
a m
(mod p) < p, then = (−1) .

Proof. Let x1 , x2 , . . . , xm be those numbers x for which x < and
p p−2
< ax (mod p) < p. Let k = − m and y1 , . . . , yk all numbers
2 2
smaller than , different from x1 , x2 , . . . , xm .
Observe that
Y p−1 p−1 a p−1
(ax) = a 2 !≡ ! (mod p).
2 p 2

On the other hand,

Y 2 Y Y
(ax) = (ax) (mod p) (ax) (mod p).
x=1 ax (mod p)> p2 ax (mod p)< p2

We clearly have
(ax) (mod p) (ax) (mod p)
ax (mod p)> p2 ax (mod p)< p2

Y k
= axi (mod p) ayi (mod p).
i=1 j=1
On the other hand, the numbers p − axi (mod p) and ayi (mod p)
give a partition of 1, 2, . . . , (mod p). Indeed, it suffices to prove
that p − axi (mod p) 6= ayj (mod p), which is clearly true by the defi-
nition of xi , yj < . Hence we can write
Y k
axi (mod p) ayi (mod p)
i=1 j=1

Y k
= (−1)m (p − axi (mod p)) ayj (mod p)
i=1 j=1
Y p−1 m
≡ (−1) i (mod p) = (−1) ! (mod p).
Combining these facts, we finally deduce that = (−1)m .

Using Gauss’s lemma, the reader will enjoy proving the next two
classical results.  
2 p2 −1
Theorem. The identity = (−1) 8 holds for any odd prime
number p.
Theorem. (quadratic reciprocity law) For any different odd primes
p, q, the following identity holds:
p q p−1 q−1
= (−1) 2 · 2 .
q p

Using this powerful arsenal, we are now able to solve some interest-
ing problems. Most of them are merely direct applications of the above
results, but we think that they are still worthy not necessarily because
they appeared in various contests.
Example 1. Prove that the number 2n + 1 does not have prime
divisors of the form 8k − 1.
Vietnam TST 2004
Solution. Indeed, assume that p is a prime divisor of the form 8k −1
that divides 2n + 1. Of course, if n is even, the contradiction is im-
mediate, since in thiscasewe would have −1 ≡ (2 2 )2 (mod p) and
p−1 −1
so −1 = (−1) 2 = = 1. Now, assume that n is odd. Then
2 −2
−2 ≡ (2 2 ) (mod p) and so = 1. This can be also written in
−1 2 p−1 p2 −1
the form = 1, or (−1) 2 + 8 = 1. Fortunately, if p is of
p p
the form 8k − 1 the later cannot hold and this is the contradiction that
solves the problem.
Based on the same idea and with a bit more work, we arrive at the
following result.
Example 2. Prove that for any positive integer n, the number 23 +1
has at least n prime divisors of the form 8k + 3.

Gabriel Dospinescu
Solution. Using the result of the previous problem, we deduce that
2n + 1 does not have prime divisors of the form 8k + 7. We will prove
that if n is odd, then it has no prime divisors of the form 8k + 5 either.
Indeed, let p be a prime divisor of 2n + 1. Then 2n ≡ −1 (mod p) and
so −2 ≡ (2 )2 (mod p). Using the same argument as the one in the

p2 − 1 p − 1
previous problem, we deduce that + is even, which cannot
8 2
happen if p is of the form 8k + 5.
Now, let us solve the proposed problem. We will assume n > 2
(otherwise the verification is trivial). The essential observation is the
n n−1 n−1
23 + 1 = (2 + 1)(22 − 2 + 1)(22·3 − 23 + 1) . . . (22·3 − 23 + 1)
i i
Now, we will prove that for all 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n − 1, gcd(22·3 − 23 +
j j
1, 22·3 − 23 + 1) = 3. Indeed, assume that p is a prime number dividing
i i j j i+1
gcd(22·3 − 23 + 1, 22·3 − 23 + 1) We will then have p|23 + 1. Thus,
j i+1 j−i−1 j−i−1
23 ≡ (23 )3 ≡ (−1)3 ≡ −1 (mod p),

j j
0 ≡ 22·3 − 23 + 1 ≡ 1 − (−1) + 1 ≡ 3 (mod p).
i i
This cannot happen unless p = 3. But since v3 (gcd(22·3 − 23 +
j j
1, 22·3 − 23 + 1)) = 1 (as one can immediately check), it follows that
i i j j
gcd(22·3 − 23 + 1, 22·3 − 23 + 1) = 3

and the claim is proved.

i i
It remains to show that each of the numbers 22·3 − 23 + 1, with
1 ≤ i ≤ n − 1 has at least a prime divisor of the form 8k + 3 different
from 3. It would follow in this case that 23 + 1 has at least n − 1 distinct
prime divisors of the form 8k+3 (from the previous remarks) and since it

is also divisible by 3, the conclusion would follow. Fix i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n−1}
i i
and observe that any prime factor of 22·3 − 23 + 1 is also a prime factor
of 23 + 1 and thus, from the first remark, it must be of the form 8k + 1
i i
or 8k + 3. Because v3 (22·3 − 23 + 1) = 1, it follows that if all prime
i i
divisors of 22·3 − 23 + 1 except for 3 are of the form 8k + 1, then
i i
22·3 − 23 + 1 ≡ 8 (mod 8), which is clearly impossible. Thus at least
i i
a prime divisor of 22·3 − 23 + 1 is different from 3 and is of the form
8k + 3 and so the claim is proved. The conclusion follows.
At first glance, the following problem seems trivial. Far from being
true! It is actually very tricky, because brute force will take us nowhere.
In the framework of the above results, this should not be so difficult
Example 3. Find a number n between 100 and 1997 such that
n|2n + 2.

APMO, 1997

Solution. If we search for odd numbers, then we will certainly fail

(actually, this result due to Sierpinski has been proved in the topic ”Look
at the exponent!”). So let us search for even numbers. The first step
would be choosing n = 2p, for some prime number p. Unfortunately this
cannot work by Fermat’s little theorem. So let us try setting n = 2pq,
with p, q different
  prime  numbers.
 We need pq|22pq−1 + 1 and so we
−2 −2
must have = = 1. Also, using Fermat’s little theorem,
p q
p|22q−1 + 1 and q|22p−1 + 1. A small verification shows that q = 3, 5, 7
are not good choices, so let us try q = 11. In this case we find p = 43
and so it suffices to show that pq|22pq−1 + 1 for q = 11 and p = 43.
This is immediate, since the hard work has already been completed:
have shown that it suffices to have p|q 2q−1 , q|22p−1 + 1, and =

= 1 in order to have pq|22pq−1 +1. But as one can easily check, all
these conditions are verified and the number 2 · 11 · 43 is a valid answer.
Were we wrong when choosing to present the following example? It
apparently has no connection with quadratic reciprocity, but let us take
a closer look.
Example 4. Let f, g : Z + → Z + functions with the properties:
i) g is surjective;
ii) 2f 2 (n) = n2 + g 2 (n) for all positive integers n.

If, moreover, |f (n)−n| ≤ 2004 n for all n, prove that f has infinitely
many fixed points.
Gabriel Dospinescu, Moldova TST, 2005
Solution. Let pn be the sequence of prime numbers of the form
8k + 3 (the fact that there are infinitely many such numbers is a trivial
consequence of Dirichlet’s theorem, but we invite the reader to find an
elementary proof). It is obvious that for all n we have
2 p2
n −1
= (−1) 8 = −1.

Using the condition i) we can find xn such that g(xn ) = pn for all n. It
follows that 2f 2 (xn )= x
2 + p2 , which can be rewritten as 2f 2 (x ) ≡ x2
n n n n
(mod pn ). Because = −1, the last congruence shows that pn |xn
and pn |f (xn ). Thus there exist sequences of positive integers an , bn such
that xn = an pn , f (xn ) = bn pn for all n. Clearly, ii) implies the relation

2b2n = a2n + 1. Finally, using the property |f (n) − n| ≤ 2004 n we infer

2004 f (xn ) bn
√ ≥ − 1 = − 1 ,
xn xn an
that is
a2n + 1 √
lim = 2.
n→∞ an

The last relation immediately implies that lim an = 1. Therefore,
starting from a certain rank, we have an = 1 = bn that is f (pn ) = pn .
The conclusion now follows.
We continue with a difficult classical result, that often proves very
useful. It characterizes numbers that are quadratic residues modulo all
sufficiently large prime numbers. Of course, perfect square are such num-
bers, but how to prove that they are the only ones?
 Example 5. Suppose that a ∈ N is not a perfect square. Then
= −1 for infinitely many prime numbers p.
Solution. One may assume that a is square-free. Let us write a =
2e q1 q2 . . . qn , where qi are different odd primes and e ∈ {0, 1}. Let us
assume first that n ≥ 1 and consider some odd distinct primes r1 , . . . , rk
each of them different from q1 , . . . , qn . We will
 that there exists a
prime p, different from r1 , . . . , rk , such that = −1. Let s be a non
quadratic residue modulo qn .
Using the Chinese remainder theorem, we can find a positive integer
b such that

 b ≡ 1 (mod ri ), 1 ≤ i ≤ k

 b ≡ 1 (mod 8),

 b ≡ 1qi , 1 ≤ i ≤ n − 1

 b ≡ s (mod q )

Now, write b = p1 . . . pm with pi odd primes, not necessarily distinct.

Using the quadratic reciprocity law, it follows immediately that
m   m
Y 2 Y p2
i −1 b2 −1
= (−1) 8 = (−1) 8 = 1
i=1 i=1

m   m      
Y qi Y pj −1 q −1
· i2 pj qi −1 b−1
· 2 b b
= (−1) 2 = (−1) 2 =
pj qi qi qi
j=1 j=1

for all i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n}. Hence
 
m   m  n Y
Y a Y 2 qi
=  
pi pj pj
i=1 j=1 i=1 j=1

Y b b s
= = = = −1.
qi qn qn
Thus, there exists i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , m} such that = −1. Because
b ≡ 1 (mod ri ), 1 ≤ i ≤ k we also have pi ∈ {1, 2, . . . } \ {r1 , . . . , rk } and
the claim is proved.
The only remaining case is a = 2. But this one is very simple, since it
suffices to use Dirichlet’s theorem to find infinitely many primes p such
p2 − 1
that is odd.
As in other units, we will now focus on a special case. This time it is
a problem almost trivial in the above framework and almost impossible
to solve otherwise (we say almost because there is a beautiful, but very
difficult solution using analytical tools, that we will not present here).
Example 6. Suppose that a1 , a2 , . . . , a2004 are nonnegative integers
such that an1 + an2 + · · · + an2004 is a perfect square for all positive integers
n. What is the minimal number of such integers that must equal 0?
Gabriel Dospinescu, Mathlinks Contest
Solution. Suppose that a1 , a2 , . . . , ak are positive integers such that
an1 + an2 + · · · + ank is a perfect square for all n. We will show that k
is a perfect square.
 In order to prove this, we will use the above result
and show that = 1 for all sufficiently large prime p. This is not a
difficult task. Indeed, consider a prime p, greater than any prime divisor
of a1 a2 . . . ak . Using Fermat’s little theorem, ap−1
1 + ap−1
2 + · · · + ap−1
k ≡k
(modp),and since ap−1
1 + ap−1
2 + · · · + akp−1 is a perfect square, it follows
that = 1. Thus k is a perfect square. And now the problem becomes

trivial, since we must find the greatest perfect square smaller than 2004.
A quick computation shows that this is 442 = 1936 and so the desired
minimal number is 68.
Here is another nice application of this idea. The following example
is adapted after a problem given in Saint Petersburg Olympiad.
Example 7. Suppose that f ∈ Z[X] is a second degree polynomial
such that for any prime p there exists at least an integer n for which
p|f (n). Prove that f has rational zeros.
Solution. Let f (x) = ax2 + bx + c be this polynomial. It suffices
of course to prove that b2 − 4ac is a perfect square. This boils down
to proving that it is a quadratic residue modulo any sufficiently large
prime. Pick a prime number p and an integer n such that p|f (n). Then

b2 − 4ac ≡ (2an + b)2 (mod p)

and so
b2 − 4ac
= 1.
This shows that our claim is true and finishes the solution.
Some of the properties of Legendre’s symbol can be also found in
the following problem.
Example 8. Let p be an odd prime and let
X i
f (x) = X i−1 .

a) Prove that f is divisible by X − 1 but not by (X − 1)2 if and only

if p ≡ 3 (mod 4);
b) Prove that if p ≡ 5 (mod 8) then f is divisible by (X − 1)2 and
not by (X − 1)3 .

Romanian TST, 2004

Solution. The first question is not difficult at all. Observe that
X i
f (1) = =0

by the simple fact that there are exactly quadratic and non qua-
dratic residues in {1, 2, . . . p − 1}. Also,
p−1   X p−1  
X i i
f (1) = (i − 1) = i ,
p p
i=1 i=1

because f (1) = 0. The same idea of summing up in reversed order allows

us to write:
p−1   p−1  
X i X p−i
i = (p − i)
p p
i=1 i=1
p−1 X i p−1
= (−1) 2 2(p − i) = −(−1) 2 f 0 (1)
(we used again the fact that f (1) = 0).
Hence for p ≡ 1 (mod 4) we must also have f 0 (1) = 0. In this case
f is divisible by (X − 1)2 . On the other hand, if p ≡ 3 (mod 4), then
p−1   p−1
X i X p(p − 1)
f (1) = i ≡ i= ≡ 1 (mod 2)
p 2
i=1 i=1

and so f is divisible by X − 1 but not by (X − 1)2 .

The second question is much more technical, even though it uses the
same main idea. Observe that
p−1   Xp−1   p−1  
2 i 2 i X i
f (1) = (i − 3i + 2) = i −3 i
p p p
i=1 i=1 i=1

(once again we use the fact that f (1) = 0). Observe that the condition
p ≡ 5 (mod 8) implies, by a), that f is divisible by (X − 1)2 so actually
2 i
f (1) = i .

Let us break this sum into two pieces and treat each of them inde-
pendently. Let us deal with
p−1 p−1
2    X2  
X 2i 2 i
(2i)2 =4 i2
p p p
i=1 i=1

Note that
p−1 p−1 p−1
2 2 2
p2 − 1
2 i 2
i ≡ i ≡ i= ≡1 (mod 2),
p 8
i=1 i=1 i=1
X 2i 2
(2i) ≡ ± (mod 8)
2 p2 −1
(actually, using the fact that = (−1) 8 , we obtain that its value
is −4). On the other hand,
p−1 p−1
2   2  
X 2i − 1 X 2i − 1
(2i − 1)2 ≡ (mod 8).
p p
i=1 i=1

If we prove that the last quantity is a multiple of 8, then the problem

will be solved. But note that f (1) = 0 implies
p−1 p−1
2   2  
X 2i X 2i − 1
0= + .
p p
i=1 i=1

  
p−1 p−3 p−1 p−3
X  2i  X  2i  X 2
2 −i  2
=1+ =1+  
p p  p 
i=1 i=1 i=1

p−3 p−1
2   2  
X 2i + 1 X 2i − 1
=1+ = .
p p
i=1 i=1
X 2i − 1
Therefore = 0 and the problem is finally solved.

Finally, a difficult problem.
Example 9. Find all positive integers n such that 2n − 1|3n − 1.
Solution. We will prove that n = 1 is the only solution to the
problem. Suppose that n > 1 is a solution. Then 2n − 1 cannot be a
multiple of 3, hence n is odd. Therefore, 2n ≡ 8 (mod 12). Because any
odd prime different from 3 is of one of the forms 12k±1, 12k±5 and since
2n − 1 ≡ 7 (mod 12), it follows that 2n − 1 has at least aprime
of the form 12k ± 5, call it p. Obviously, we must have = 1 and
 p p p−1
using the quadratic reciprocity law, we finally obtain = (−1) 2 .
p ±2
On the other hand = = −(±1). Consequently, −(±1) =
3 3
(−1) 2 = ±1, which is the desired contradiction. Therefore the only
solution is n = 1.

Problems for training

1. Prove that for any odd prime p, the smallest positive quadratic

non residue modulo p is smaller than 1 + p.
2. Let p be a prime number. Prove that the following statements are
i) there is a positive integer n such that p|n2 − n + 3;
ii) there is a positive integer m such that p|m2 − m + 25.
Polish Olympiad
3. Let x1 = 7 and let xn+1 = 2x2n − 1. Prove that 2003 does not
divide any term of the sequence.
Valentin Vornicu, Mathlinks Contest
4. Let p be a prime of the form 4k + 1. Compute
2k 2
X k
−2 .
p p

Korea TST 2000
5. Prove that the number 3n + 2 does not have prime divisors of the
form 24k + 13.
Laurentiu Panaitopol, Gazeta Matematica
6. What is the number of solutions to the equation a2 + b2 = 1 in
Zp × Zp . What about the equation a2 − b2 = 1?
7. Suppose that p is an odd prime and that A, B are two different
non empty subsets of {1, 2, . . . , p − 1} for which
i) A ∪ B = {1, 2, . . . , p − 1};
ii) If a, b are in the same set among A, B, then ab (mod p) ∈ A;
iii) If a ∈ A, b ∈ B, then ab ∈ B.
Find all such subsets A, B.
8. Let a, b, c be positive integers such that b2 − 4ac is not a perfect
square. Prove that for any n > 1 there are n consecutive positive integers,
none of which can be written in the form (ax2 + bxy + cy 2 )z for some
integers x, y and some positive integer z.
Gabriel Dospinescu
9. Let be integers relatively prime with an odd prime p. Prove that:
p−1  2   
X ai + bi a
=− .
p p
X f (k)
10. Compute , where f is a polynomial with integral
coefficients and p is an odd prime.
11. Suppose that for a certain prime p, the values the polynomial
with integral coefficients f (x) = ax2 + bx + c takes at 2p − 1 consecutive
integers are perfect squares. Prove that p|b2 − 4ac.
IMO Shortlist

12. Suppose that φ(5m − 1) = 5n − 1 for a pair (m, n) of positive
integers. Here φ is Euler’s totient function. Prove that gcd(m, n) > 1.
Taiwan TST
13. Let p be a prime of the form 4k+1 such that p2 |2p −2. Prove that
the greatest prime divisor q of 2p − 1 satisfies the inequality 2q > (6p)p .
Gabriel Dospinescu


Why are integral pertinent for solving inequalities? Well, when we

say integral, we say in fact area. And area is a measurable concept, a
comparable one. That is why there are plenty of inequalities which can
be solved with integrals, some of them with a completely elementary
statement. They seem elementary, but sometimes finding elementary
solutions for them is a real challenge. Instead, there are beautiful and
short solutions using integrals. Of course, the hard part is to find the
integral that hides after the elementary form of the inequality (and to
be sincere, the idea of using integrals to solve elementary inequalities
is practically inexistent in Olympiad books). First, let us state some
properties of integrals that we will use here.
1) For any integrable function f : [a, b] → R we have
Z b
f 2 (x)dx ≥ 0.

2) For any integrable functions f, g : [a, b] → R such that f ≤ g we

have Z b Z b
f (x)dx ≤ g(x)dx (monotony for integrals).
a a
3) For any integrable functions f, g : [a, b] → R and any real numbers
α, β we have
Z b Z b Z b
(αf (x)+βg(x))dx = α f (x)dx+β g(x) (linearity of integrals).
a a a

Also, the well-known elementary inequalities of Cauchy-Schwarz,

Chebyshev, Minkowski, Hölder, Jensen, Young have corresponding in-
tegral inequalities, which are derived immediately from the algebraic
inequalities (indeed, one just
 have to apply
 the corresponding
k k
ities for the numbers f a + (b − a) , g a + (b − a) , . . . with
n n

k ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n} and to use the fact that
b n  
f (x)dx = lim f a+ (b − a) .
a n→∞ n n

The reader will take a look at the glossary if he doesn’t manage to

state them.
It seems at first glance that this is not a very intricate and difficult
theory. Totally false! We will see how strong is this theory of integration
and especially how hard it is to look beneath the elementary surface
of a problem. To convince yourself of the strength of the integral, take
a look at the following beautiful proof of the AM-GM inequality using
integrals. This magnificent proof was found by H. Alzer and published
in the American Mathematical Monthly.
Example 1. Prove that for any a1 , a2 , . . . , an ≥ 0 we have the in-
a1 + a2 + · · · + an √
≥ n a1 a2 . . . an .
Solution. Let us suppose that a1 ≤ a2 ≤ · · · ≤ an and let
a1 + a2 + · · · + an √
A= , B = n a1 a2 . . . an .
Of course, we can find an index k ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n − 1} such that
ak ≤ G ≤ ak+1 . Then it is immediate to see that
k Z G  n Z ai  
A 1X 1 1 1 X 1 1
−1= − dt + − dt
G n ai t G n G G t
i=1 i=k+1

and the last quantity is clearly nonnegative, since each integral is non-
Truly wonderful, isn’t it? So, after all, integrals are nice! This is also
confirmed by the following problem, an absolute classic whose solution
by induction can be a real nightmare.

Example 2. Prove that for any real numbers a1 , a2 , . . . , an the fol-
lowing inequality holds:
n X
X ai aj
≥ 0.
i=1 j=1

Poland Mathematical Olympiad

Solution. Now, we will see how easy is this problem if we manage
to handle integrals and especially to see from where they come. The
essential suggestion is the observation that
Z 1
ai aj
= ai aj ti+j−1 dt.
i+j 0
And now the problem is solved. What follows are just formalities;
the hard part was translating the inequality. After that, we will decide
what is better to do. So,
X ai aj

is equivalent to
n Z
X 1
ai aj ti+j−1 dt ≥ 0,
i,j=1 0
or, using the linearity of the integrals, to
 
Z 1 X n
 ai aj ti+j−1  dt ≥ 0.
0 i,j=1

This form suggests us that we should use the first property, that is
we should find an integrable function f such that
f 2 (t) = ai aj ti+j−1 dt.

This isn’t hard, because the formula

!2 n
ai xi = ai aj xi xj
i=1 i,j=1

solves the task. We just have to take
X 1
f (x) = ai xi− 2 .

We continue the series of direct applications of classical integral in-

equalities with a problem proposed by Walther Janous and which may
also put serious problems if not attacked appropriately.
Example 3. Let t ≥ 0 and the sequence (xn )n≥1 defined by
1 + t + · · · + tn
xn = .
Prove that
√ √ √
x1 ≤ x2 ≤ 3
x3 ≤ 4
x4 ≤ . . .

Walther Janous, Crux Mathematicorum

Solution. It is clear that for t > 1 we have
Z t
xn = un du
t−1 1
and for t < 1 we have
Z t
xn = un du.
1−t 1

This is how the inequality to be proved reduces to the more general

v v
uZ b uZ b
u k u k+1
t a f (x)dx t a f (x)dx
u k+1

b−a b−a
for all k ≥ 1 and any nonnegative integrable function f : [a, b] → R.
And yes, this is a consequence of the Power Mean Inequality for integral
The following problem has a long and quite complicated proof by
induction. Yet, using integrals it becomes trivial.

Example 4. Prove that for any positive real numbers x, y and any
positive integers m, n

(n − 1)(m − 1)(xm+n + y m+n ) + (m + n − 1)(xm y n + xn y m )

≥ mn(xm+n−1 y + y m+n−1 x).

Austrian-Polish Competition ,1995

Solution. We transform the inequality as follows:

mn(x − y)(xm+n−1 − y m+n−1 ) ≥ (m + n − 1)(xm − y m )(xn − y n ) ⇔

xm+n−1 − y m+n−1 xm − y m xn − y n
≥ ·
(m + n − 1)(x − y) m(x − y) n(x − y)
(we have assumed that x > y). The last relations can be immediately
translated with integrals in the form
Z x Z x Z x
m+n−2 m−1
(y − x) t dt ≥ t dt tn−1 dt.
y y y

And this follows from the integral form of Chebyshev inequality.

A nice blending of arithmetic and geometric inequality as well as
integral calculus allows us to give a beautiful short proof of the following
Example 5. Let x1 , x2 , . . . , xk be positive real numbers and m, n
positive real numbers such that n ≤ km. Prove that

m(xn1 + xn2 + · · · + xnk − k) ≥ n(xm m m

1 x2 . . . xk − 1).

IMO Shortlist 1985, proposed by Poland

Solution. Applying AM-GM inequality, we find that
m(xn1 + · · · + xnk − k) ≥ m(k k
(x1 x2 . . . xk )n − k).


P = k
x1 x2 . . . xk .

We have to prove that

mkP n − mk ≥ nP mk − n,

which is the same as

Pn − 1 P mk − 1
≥ .
n mk
This follows immediately from the fact that
Z 1
Px − 1
= ext ln P dt.
x ln P 0
We have seen a rapid but difficult proof for the following problem,
using the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality. Well, the problem originated by
playing around with integral inequalities and the following solution will
show how one can create difficult problems starting from trivial ones.
Example 6. Prove that for any positive real numbers a, b, c such
that a + b + c = 1 we have
a b c 3
(ab + bc + ca) + + ≥ .
b2 + b c2 + c a2 + a 4
Gabriel Dospinescu
Solution. As in the previous problem, the most important aspect
a b c
is to translate the expression 2 + 2 + 2 in the integral
b +b c +c a +a
language. Fortunately, this isn’t difficult, since it is just
Z 1 
a b c
+ + dx.
0 (x + b)2 (x + c)2 (x + a)2
Now, using the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, we infer that
a b c a b c
+ + ≥ + + .
(x + b)2 (x + c)2 (x + a)2 x+b x+c a+x
a b c
Using again the same inequality, we minor + +
x+b x+c a+x
with . Consequently,
x + ab + bc + ca
a b c 1
+ 2
+ 2

(x + b) (x + c) (x + a) (x + ab + bc + ca)2

and we can integrate this to find that

a b c 1
+ 2 + 2 ≥ .
b2 +b c +c a +a (ab + bc + ca)(ab + bc + ca + 1)

Now, all we have to do is to notice that

ab + bc + ca + 1 ≤ .

Now, another question for the interested reader: can we prove the
general case (solved in Cauchy Schwarz’s inequality topic) using integral
calculus? It seems a difficult problem.
There is an important similarity between the following problem and
example 2, yet here it is much more difficult to see the relation with
integral calculus.
Example 7. Let n ≥ 2 and S the set of the sequences
(a1 , a2 , . . . , an ) ⊂ [0, ∞) which verify
n X
X 1 − ai aj
≥ 0.
i=1 j=1

n X
X ai + aj
Find the maximum value of the expression , over all
i=1 j=1
sequences from S.

Gabriel Dospinescu

Solution. Consider the function f : R → R, f (x) = a1 + a2 x + · · · +

an xn−1 . Let us observe that
 
n X
n n n n Z 1
X ai aj X X aj  X
= ai  = ai xi f (x)dx
i+j i+j 0
i=1 j=1 i=1 j=1 i=1

Z 1 X Z 1
= xf (x) ai x dx = xf 2 (x)dx.
0 i=1 0

X 1
So, if we denote M = , we infer that
Z 1
xf 2 (x)dx ≤ M.

On the other hand, we have the identity

n X n  
X ai + aj a1 an a1 an
=2 + ··· + + ··· + + ··· +
i+j 2 n+1 n+1 2n
i=1 j=1
Z 1
=2 (x + x2 + · · · + xn )f (x)dx.
This was the hard part: translating the properties of the sequences
in S and also the conclusion. Now, the problem becomes easy, since we
must find the maximal value of
Z 1
2 (x + x2 + · · · + xn )f (x)dx

where Z 1
xf 2 (x)dx ≤ M.
Well, Cauchy-Schwarz inequality for integrals is the way to proceed.
Indeed, we have
Z 1 2
2 n
(x + x + · · · + x )f (x)dx
Z 1p 2
= xf 2 (x) x(1 + x + · · · + xn−1 )2 dx
Z 1 Z 1
= xf (x)dx (1 + x + · · · + xn−1 )2 dx ≤ M 2 .
0 0
n X
X ai + aj
This shows that ≤ 2M and now the conclusion easily
i=1 j=1
X 1
follows: the maximal value is 2 , attained for a1 = a2 = · · · =
an = 1.

Two more words about fractions. We have already said that bunching
is a mathematical crime. It is time to say it again. This is why we
designed this topic, to present a new method of treating inequalities
involving fractions. Some relevant examples will be treated revealing
that bunching could be a great pain for the reader wanting to use it.
Example 8. Prove that for any positive real numbers a, b, c the
following inequality holds:
1 1 1 3 1 1 1
+ + + ≥ + +
3a 3b 3c a + b + c 2a + b 2b + a 2b + c

1 1 1
+ + + .
2c + b 2c + a 2a + c
Gabriel Dospinescu
Solution. Of course, the reader has noticed that this is stronger
than Popoviciu’s inequality, so it seems that classical methods will have
no chances. And what if we say that this is Schur’s inequality revisited?
Indeed, let us write Schur’s inequality in the form:

x3 + y 3 + z 3 + 3xyz ≥ x2 y + y 2 x + y 2 z + z 2 y + z 2 x + x2 z
1 1 1
where x = ta− 3 , y = tb− 3 , z = tc− 3 and integrate the inequality as t
ranges between 0 and 1. And surprise... since what we get is exactly the
desired inequality.
In the same category, here is another application of this idea.
Example 9. Prove that for any positive real numbers a, b, c the
following inequality holds:
1 1 1 1 1 1
+ + +2 + +
3a 3b 3c 2a + b 2b + c 2c + a
1 1 1
≥3 + + .
a + 2b b + 2c c + 2a
Gabriel Dospinescu

Solution. If the previous problem could be solved using bunching
(or not? Anyway, we haven’t tried), this one is surely impossible to solve
in this manner. With the experience from the previous problem, we see
that the problem asks in fact to prove that

x3 + y 3 + z 3 + 2(x2 y + y 2 z + z 2 x) ≥ 3(xy 2 + yz 2 + zx2 )

for any positive real numbers x, y, z.

Let us assume that x = min(x, y, z) and write y = x + m, z = x + n
for some nonnegative real numbers m, n. Simple computations show that
the inequality is equivalent to

2x(m2 − mn + n2 ) + (n − m)3 + m3 ≥ (n − m)m2 .

Therefore, it suffices to prove that

(n − m)3 + m3 ≥ (n − m)m2 ,

n−m 3
which is the same as (via the substitution t = ) t + 1 ≥ t for all
t ≥ −1, which is immediate.
Starting this topic, we said that there is a deep relation between
integrals and areas, but in the sequel we seemed to neglect the last
concept. We ask the reader to accept our apologizes and bring to their
attention two mathematical gems, in which they will surely have the
occasion to play around with areas. If only this was easy to see... In fact,
these problems are discrete forms of Young and Steffensen inequalities
for integrals.
Example 10. Let a1 ≥ a2 ≥ · · · ≥ an+1 = 0 and let b1 , b2 , . . . , bn ∈
[0, 1]. Prove that if
" #
k= bi + 1,

X k
ai bi ≤ ai .
i=1 i=1
Saint Petersburg Olympiad, 1996
Solution. The very experienced reader has already seen a resem-
blance with Steffensen’s inequality: for any continuous functions f, g :
[a, b] → R such that f is decreasing and 0 ≤ g ≤ 1 we have
Z a+k Z b
f (x)dx ≥ f (x)g(x)dx,
a a

Z b
k= f (x)dx.
So, probably an argument using areas (this is how we avoid in-
tegrals and argue with their discrete forms, areas!!!) could lead to a
neat solution. So, let us consider a coordinate system XOY and let
us draw the rectangles R1 , R2 , . . . , Rn such that the vertices of Ri are
the points (i − 1, 0), (i, 0), (i − 1, ai ), (i, ai ) (we need n rectangles of
heights a1 , a2 , . . . , an and weights 1, so that to view ai as a sum
of areas) and
 the rectangles
  S1 , S2 , . .
. , Sn , where  the
 verticesof Si are
X i
X Xi−1 Xi
the points  bj , 0 ,
  bj , 0 ,
  b j , ai ,
  bj , ai  (where
j=1 j=1 j=1 j=1
bj = 0). We have made this choice because we need two sets of pair
wise disjoint rectangles with the same heights and areas a1 , a2 , . . . , an
and a1 b1 , a2 b2 , . . . , an bn so that we can compare the areas of the unions
of the rectangles in the two sets. Thus, looking in a picture, we find im-
mediately what we have to show: that the set of rectangles S1 , S2 , . . . , Sn
can be covered with the rectangles R1 , R2 , . . . , Rk+1 . Intuitively, this is
evident, by looking again at the picture. Let us make it rigorous. Since

the weight of the union of S1 , S2 , . . . , Sn is bj < k + 1 (and the
weight of R1 , R2 , . . . , Rk+1 is k + 1), it is enough to prove this for any
horizontal line. But if we consider a horizontal line y = p and an index
r such that ar ≥ p > ar+1 , then the corresponding weight for the set
R1 , R2 , . . . , Rk+1 is p, which is at least b1 + b2 + · · · + bp , the weight for
S1 , S2 , . . . , Sn . And the problem is solved.
And now the second problem, given this time in a Balkan Mathe-
matical Olympiad.
Example 11. Let (xn )n≥0 be an increasing sequence of nonnegative
integers such that for all k ∈ N the number of indices i ∈ N for which
xi ≤ k is yk < ∞. Prove that for any m, n ∈ N we have the inequality
X n
xi + yj ≥ (m + 1)(n + 1).
i=0 j=0

Balkan Mathematical Olympiad, 1999

Solution. Again, experienced reader will see immediately a similar-
ity with Young’s inequality: for any strictly increasing one to one map
f : [0, A] → [0, B] and any a ∈ (0, A), b ∈ (0, B) we have the inequality
Z a Z b
f (x)dx + f −1 (x)dx ≥ ab.
0 0

Indeed, it suffices to take the given sequence (xn )n≥0 as the one to
one increasing function in Young’s inequality and the sequence (yn )n≥0
X Xm
as the inverse of f . Just view xi and yj as the corresponding
i=0 j=0
integrals and the similarity will be obvious.
Thus, probably again a geometrical solution is hiding behind some
rectangles. Indeed, consider the vertical rectangles with weight 1 and
heights x0 , x1 , . . . , xm and the rectangles with weight 1 and heights
y0 , y1 , . . . , yn . Then in a similar way one can prove that the set of these

rectangles covers the rectangle of sides m + 1 and n + 1. Thus, the sum
of their areas is at least the are of this rectangle.
It will be difficult to solve the following beautiful problems using
integrals, since the idea is very well hidden. Yet, there is such a solution
and it is more than beautiful.
Example 12. Prove that for any a1 , a2 , . . . , an , b1 , b2 , . . . , bn ≥ 0 the
following inequality holds
(|ai − aj | + |bi − bj |) ≤ |ai − bj |.
1≤i<j≤n 1≤i,j≤n

Poland, 1999
Solution. Let us define the functions fi , gi : [0, ∞) → R,
( (
1, t ∈ [0, ai ], 1, x ∈ [0, bi ],
fi (x) = and gi (x) =
0, t > ai 0, x > bi .
Also, let us define
X n
f (x) = fi (x), g(x) = gi (x).
i=1 i=1
Z ∞
Now, let us compute f (x)g(x)dx. We see that
 
Z ∞ Z ∞ X
f (x)g(x)dx =  fi (x)gj (x) dx
0 0 1≤i,j≤n

X Z ∞ X
= fi (x)gj (x)dx = min(ai , bj ).
1≤i,j≤n 0 1≤i,j≤n
A similar computation shows that
Z ∞ X
f 2 (x)dx = min(ai , aj )
0 1≤i,j≤n

and Z ∞ X
g 2 (x)dx = min(bi , bj ).
0 1≤i,j≤n

Z ∞ Z ∞ Z ∞ Z ∞
f 2 (x)dx+ g 2 (x)dx = (f 2 (x)+g 2 (x))dx ≥ 2 f (x)g(x)dx,
0 0 0 0

we find that
min(ai , aj ) + min(bi , bj ) ≥ 2 min(ai , bj ).
1≤i,j≤n 1≤i,j≤n 1≤i,j≤n

Now, remember that 2 min(x, y) = x + y − |x − y| and the last

inequality becomes
|ai − aj | + |bi − bj | ≤ 2 |ai − bj |
1≤i,j≤n 1≤i,j≤n 1≤i,j≤n

and since
|ai − aj | = 2 |ai − aj |,
1≤i,j≤n 1≤i<j≤n

the problem is solved.

Using this idea, here is a difficult problem, whose elementary solution
is awful and which has a 3-lines solution using the above idea... Of course,
this is easy to find for the author of the problem, but in a contest things
Example 13. Let a1 , a2 , . . . , an > 0 and let x1 , x2 , . . . , xn be real
numbers such that
ai xi = 0.
a) Prove that the inequality xi xj |ai − aj | ≤ 0 holds;
b) Prove that we have equality in the above inequality if and only if
there exist a partition A1 , A2 , . . . , Ak of the set {1, 2, . . . , n} such that
for all i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , k} we have xj = 0 and aj1 = aj2 if j1 , j2 ∈ Ai .
Gabriel Dospinescu, Mathlinks Contest

Solution. Let λA be the characteristic function of the set A. Let us
consider the function
f : [0, ∞) → R, f= xi λ[0,ai ] .

Now, let us compute

Z ∞ X Z ∞
f 2 (x)dx = xi xj λ[0,ai ] (x)λ[0,aa ] (x)dx
0 1≤i,j≤n 0

= xi xj min(ai , aj ).
xi xj min(ai , aj ) ≥ 0.
ai + aj − |ai − aj |
min(ai , aj ) =
n n
! !
xi xj (ai + aj ) = 2 xi ai xi = 0,
1≤i,j≤n i=1 i=1

we conclude that
xi xj |ai − aj | ≤ 0.

Let us suppose that we have equality. We find that

Z ∞
f 2 (x)dx = 0

and so f (x) = 0 almost anywhere. Now, let b1 , b2 , . . . , bk the distinct

numbers that appear among a1 , a2 , . . . , an > 0 and let Ai = {j ∈
{1, 2, . . . , n}| aj = bi }. Then A1 , A2 , . . . , Ak is a partition of the set
{1, 2, . . . , n} and we also have
 
Xk X
 xj  λ[0,bi ] = 0
i=1 j∈Ai

almost anywhere, from where we easily conclude that
xj = 0 for all i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , k}.

The conclusion follows.

And since we have proved the nice inequality
xi xj min(ai , aj ) ≥ 0

for any numbers x1 , x2 , . . . , xn , a1 , a2 , . . . , an > 0 let’s make a step fur-

ther and give the magnificent proof found by Ravi B. (see mathlinks
site) for one of the most difficult inequalities ever given in a contest,
solution based on this result:
Example 14. Prove the following inequality
min(ai aj , bi bj ) ≤ min(ai bj , aj bi ).
1≤i,j≤n 1≤i,j≤n

G. Zbaganu, USAMO, 1999

max(ai , bi )
Solution. Let us define the numbers ri = − 1 and xi =
min(ai , bi )
sgn(ai − bi ) (if, by any chance, one of ai , bj = 0, we can simply put
ri = 0). The crucial observation is the following identity:

min(ai bj , aj bi ) − min(ai aj , bi bj ) = xi xj min(ri , rj ).

Proving this relation can be achieved by distinguishing 4 cases, but

let us remark that actually we may assume that ai ≥ bi and aj ≥ bj ,
which leaves us with only two cases. The first one is when at least one of
the two inequalities ai ≥ bi and aj ≥ bj becomes an equality. This case
is trivial, so let us assume the contrary. Then
ai aj ai aj
xi xj min(ri , rj ) = bi bj min − 1, − 1 = bi bj min , −1
bi bj bi bj

= min(ai bj , aj bi ) − bi bj = min(ai bj , aj bi ) − min(ai aj , bi bj ).

Now, we can write
min(ai bj , aj bi ) − min(ai aj , bi bj ) = xi xj min(ri , rj ) ≥ 0,
1≤i,j≤n 1≤i,j≤n i,j

the last inequality being nothing else than the main ingredient of the
preceding problem.
Finally, here is a very funny problem, which is a consequence of
this last hard inequality. Consider this a hint and try to solve it, since
otherwise the problem is really extremely hard.
Example 15. Let x1 , x2 , . . . , xn some positive real numbers such
|1 − xi xj | = |xi − xj |.
1≤i,j≤n 1≤i,j≤n
Prove that xi = n.
Gabriel Dospinescu
Solution. Consider bi = 1 in the inequality from example 14. We
min(xi , xj ) ≥ min(1, xi xj ).
1≤i,j≤n 1≤i,j≤n
u + v − |u − v|
Now, use the formula min(u, v) = and rewrite the
above inequality in the form
n n
2n xi − |xi − xj | ≥ n2 + xi − |1 − xi xj |.
i=1 1≤i,j≤n i=1 1≤i,j≤n

Taking into account that

|1 − xi xj | = |xi − xj |,
1≤i,j≤n 1≤i,j≤n

we finally obtain
n n
2n xi ≥ n + xi ,
i=1 i=1

which can be rewritten as
xi − n ≤0

xi = n.

Problems for practice

1. Show that for all a, b ∈ N∗
bn + 1 1 1 1 b
ln < + + ··· + < ln .
an + 1 an + 1 an + 2 bn a
2. Prove that for any a > 0 and any positive integer n the inequality
(n + 1)a+1 − 1
1a + 2a + · · · + na <
holds. Also, for a ∈ (−1, 0) we have the reversed inequality.
3. Prove that for any real number x
X n
n x2k ≥ (n + 1) x2k−1 .
k=0 k=1

Harris Kwong, College Math. Journal

4. Let a continuous and monotonically increasing function f :
[0, 1] → R such that f (0) = 0 and f (1) = 1. Prove that
9   X 10  
X k −1 k 99
f + f ≤ .
10 10 10
k=1 k=1

Sankt Petersburg, 1991

5. Prove the following inequality
an + bn a+b n an + an−1 b + · · · + abn−1 + bn
+ ≥2·
2 2 n+1
for any positive integer n and any nonnegative real numbers a, b.

Mihai Onucu Drambe
6. Prove that if a1 ≤ a2 ≤ · · · ≤ an ≤ 2a1 the the following inequality
!2 n
an min(ai , aj ) ≥ ai + 2n − ai .
1≤i,j≤n i=1 i=1

Gabriel Dospinescu
7. For all positive real number x and all positive integer n we have:
2n 2n 2n 2n
0 1 2 2n
− + − ··· + > 0.
x x+1 x+2 x + 2n
8. Prove that the function f : [0, 1) → R defined by

f (x) = log2 (1 − x) + x + x2 + x4 + x8 + . . .

is bounded.
9. Prove that for any real numbers a1 , a2 , . . . , an
n n
X ij X
ai aj ≥ ai .
i,j=1 i=1

10. Let k ∈ N, α1 , α2 , . . . , αn+1 = α1 . Prove that

X k−j j−1 k X
αi αi+1 ≥ k−2 αi .
1≤i≤n i=1

Hassan A. Shah Ali, Crux Mathematicorum

11. Prove that for any positive real numbers a, b, c such that a + b =
c = 1 we have:
1 b 1 c 1 a
1+ 1+ 1+ ≥1+ .
a b c ab + bc + ca
Marius and Sorin Radulescu

12. Prove that for all a1 , a2 , . . . , an , b1 , b2 , . . . , bn ≥ 0 the inequality
    
 min(ai , aj )  min(bi , bj ) ≥  min(ai , bj ) .
1≤i,j≤n 1≤i,j≤n 1≤i,j≤n

Don Zagier
13. Prove that for any x1 ≥ x2 ≥ · · · ≥ xn > 0 we have
n n
X x2i + x2i+1 + · · · + x2n X
≤π xi .
i=1 i=1

Adapted after an IMC 2000 problem

14. Let ϕ be Euler’s totient function, where ϕ(1) = 1. Prove that
for any positive integer n we have
X ϕ(k) 2k 1
1> ln > 1 − n.
k 2k − 1 2

Gabriel Dospinescu
15. Let p1 , p2 , . . . , pn some positive numbers which add up to 1 and
x1 , x2 , . . . , xn some positive real numbers. Let also
n n
xpi i .
A= ai xi and G =
i=1 i=1

a) Let us denote
Z ∞
I(x, a) = .
0 (1 + t)(x + at)2
Prove that
ln = pi (xi − A)2 I(xi , A).
Deduce the arithmetic-geometric inequality.
b) Suppose that xi ≤ and define A0 , G0 the corresponding means
2 0
for 1 − xi . Prove that ≥ 0.
Oral examination ENS

16. Prove that for any positive real numbers x1 , x2 , . . . , xn such that
X 1 n
= ,
1 + xi 2

we have the inequality

X 1 n2
≥ .
xi + xj 2

Gabriel Dospinescu
17. Prove that we can find a constant c such that for any x ≥ 1 and
any positive integer n we have

X kx 1 c
− ≤ .

(k + x)2 2 x
IMC, 1996
18. Let 0 = x1 < · · · < x2n+1 = 1 some real numbers. Prove that if
xi+1 − xi ≤ h for all 1 ≤ i ≤ 2n then
1−h X 1+h
< x2i (x2i+1 − x2i−1 ) < .
2 2

Turkey TST, 1996

19. Prove that for any a1 , a2 , . . . , an ≥ 0 we have the following in-
X ai aj X
≤π a2i .
1≤i,j≤n i=1
Hilbert’s inequality


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