Effect of High Add Power, Medium Add Power, or Single-Vision

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JAMA | Original Investigation

Effect of High Add Power, Medium Add Power, or Single-Vision

Contact Lenses on Myopia Progression in Children
The BLINK Randomized Clinical Trial
Jeffrey J. Walline, OD, PhD; Maria K. Walker, OD, PhD; Donald O. Mutti, OD, PhD; Lisa A. Jones-Jordan, PhD;
Loraine T. Sinnott, PhD; Amber Gaume Giannoni, OD; Katherine M. Bickle, OD, MS; Krystal L. Schulle, OD;
Alex Nixon, OD, MS; Gilbert E. Pierce, OD, PhD; David A. Berntsen, OD, PhD; for the BLINK Study Group

Visual Abstract
IMPORTANCE Slowing myopia progression could decrease the risk of sight-threatening Editorial page 558
Supplemental content
OBJECTIVE To determine whether soft multifocal contact lenses slow myopia progression in
CME Quiz at
children, and whether high add power (+2.50 D) slows myopia progression more than
medium (+1.50 D) add power lenses.
DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS A double-masked randomized clinical trial that took
place at 2 optometry schools located in Columbus, Ohio, and Houston, Texas. A total of 294
consecutive eligible children aged 7 to 11 years with −0.75 D to −5.00 D of spherical
component myopia and less than 1.00 D astigmatism were enrolled between September 22,
2014, and June 20, 2016. Follow-up was completed June 24, 2019.

INTERVENTIONS Participants were randomly assigned to wear high add power (n = 98),
medium add power (n = 98), or single-vision (n = 98) contact lenses.

MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES The primary outcome was the 3-year change in cycloplegic
spherical equivalent autorefraction, as measured by the mean of 10 autorefraction readings.
There were 11 secondary end points, 4 of which were analyzed for this study, including 3-year
eye growth.

RESULTS Among 294 randomized participants, 292 (99%) were included in the analyses
(mean [SD] age, 10.3 [1.2] years; 177 [60.2%] were female; mean [SD] spherical equivalent
refractive error, −2.39 [1.00] D). Adjusted 3-year myopia progression was −0.60 D for high
add power, −0.89 D for medium add power, and −1.05 D for single-vision contact lenses. The
difference in progression was 0.46 D (95% CI, 0.29-0.63) for high add power vs single vision,
0.30 D (95% CI, 0.13-0.47) for high add vs medium add power, and 0.16 D (95% CI, −0.01 to
0.33) for medium add power vs single vision. Of the 4 secondary end points, there were no
statistically significant differences between the groups for 3 of the end points. Adjusted mean
eye growth was 0.42 mm for high add power, 0.58 mm for medium add power, and 0.66 mm
for single vision. The difference in eye growth was −0.23 mm (95% CI, −0.30 to −0.17) for
high add power vs single vision, −0.16 mm (95% CI, −0.23 to −0.09) for high add vs medium
add power, and −0.07 mm (95% CI, −0.14 to −0.01) for medium add power vs single vision.

CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE Among children with myopia, treatment with high add power Author Affiliations: The Ohio State
multifocal contact lenses significantly reduced the rate of myopia progression over 3 years University College of Optometry;
Columbus (Walline, Mutti,
compared with medium add power multifocal and single-vision contact lenses. However,
Jones-Jordan, Sinnott, Bickle, Nixon,
further research is needed to understand the clinical importance of the observed differences. Pierce); University of Houston
College of Optometry; Houston,
TRIAL REGISTRATION ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT02255474 Texas (Walker, Giannoni, Schulle,
Berntsen); Private Practice, Houston,
Texas (Schulle); Johnson & Johnson
Vision Care, Inc, Jacksonville, Florida
Group Information: Members of the
BLINK Study Group are listed at the
end of the article.
Corresponding Author: Jeffrey J.
Walline, OD, PhD, The Ohio State
University College of Optometry, 338
West Tenth Ave, Columbus, OH
JAMA. 2020;324(6):571-580. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.10834 43210-1240 ([email protected]).

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Research Original Investigation Effect of High vs Medium Add Power vs Single-Vision Contact Lenses on Myopia Progression in Children

etween 2000 and 2050, the worldwide prevalence of
myopia is projected to increase from 23% to 54% and Key Points
the prevalence of high myopia is projected to increase
Question Can soft multifocal contact lenses with a high add
from 3% to 10%, based on a 2016 study.1 Less time spent out- power slow myopia progression in children more than medium
doors and increased near work time most likely explain the add power or single-vision contact lenses?
increased prevalence of myopia, although the specific attri-
Findings In this randomized clinical trial that included 294
bute of outdoor time that protected people was unknown.2
children aged 7 to 11 years with myopia (−0.75 D to −5.00 D), after
Myopia is associated with sight-threatening ocular sequelae, 3 years, the use of high add power (+2.50 D) contact lenses
such as cataracts, retinal detachment, glaucoma, and choroi- resulted in myopia progression of −0.60 D, the use of medium add
dal atrophy.3,4 Effective myopia control measures should power (+1.50 D) contact lenses resulted in myopia progression of
therefore be implemented to reduce the risks associated with −0.89 D, and the use of single-vision contact lenses resulted in
increasing myopia prevalence and high societal costs. myopia progression of −1.05 D. The pairwise comparisons were
statistically significant between high add power and single-vision
In the US, myopia typically begins between 8 and 10
contact lenses as well as between high add and medium add
years of age and progresses through 15 or 16 years of age.5 power contact lenses.
Typical treatment involves single-vision glasses or contact
lenses, but myopia control has become more standard, using Meaning Among children with myopia, treatment with high add
power multifocal contact lenses compared with medium add
orthokeratology, 6 soft multifocal contact lenses, 7 and
power multifocal and single-vision contact lenses reduced the rate
low-concentration atropine.8 Myopia control is typically pre- of myopia progression over 3 years, but further research is needed
scribed at least until myopia progression is expected to to understand the clinical importance of the observed differences
stop naturally. as well as long-term outcomes.
A modifiable risk factor for myopia progression is the
optical profile of the eye. Specifically, focusing light in front
of the retina slows eye growth in humans.9,10 Soft multifocal
contact lenses provide clear vision by focusing some light on The study had 3 specific aims, but this article only addresses
the retina while simultaneously focusing some light in front the first: (1) to compare the change in myopia between
of the retina to slow eye growth.11-13 Higher add power con- single-vision contact lens wearers and soft bifocal contact
tact lenses focus light further in front of the retina14 and may lens wearers to test the hypothesis that soft bifocal contact
lead to slower myopia progression than medium add power lenses slow myopia progression in a dose-dependent man-
and nonmultifocal contact lenses (Figure 1). The Bifocal ner in children, (2) to determine whether peripheral defocus
Lenses In Nearsighted Kids (BLINK) study randomly assigned created by soft bifocal contact lenses is associated with
children to wear single-vision (nonmultifocal) contact lenses myopia progression to test the hypothesis that peripheral
or medium or high add power soft multifocal contact lenses myopic defocus slows myopia progression in children, and
for 3 years to determine whether commercially available soft (3) to determine whether changes in ocular shape differ
multifocal contact lenses slow myopia progression and between children wearing single-vision and soft bifocal con-
whether a higher add power provides more effective myopia tact lenses to test the hypothesis that peripheral myopic
control than a lower add power. defocus globally slows eye growth.

Eligibility Criteria
Eligible participants were aged 7 to 11 years; had myopia of
Methods −0.75 D to −5.00 D (spherical component by cycloplegic
Study Oversight autorefraction), astigmatism less than 1.00 D cylinder,
Ethical approval was obtained from institutional review best-corrected visual acuity of 20/25 or better in each eye,
boards at The Ohio State University and the University of binocular visual acuity of +0.1 logMAR (20/25) or better with
Houston. Written informed consent was provided by a +2.50 D add power soft multifocal contact lenses, and a clini-
parent/legal guardian, and written assent was provided by cally acceptable fit with study contact lenses at baseline; and
the participant. A data and safety monitoring committee were willing to participate in the study for 3 years. Partici-
oversaw the trial and reviewed the trial data for patient safety pants were ineligible if they reported more than 1 month of
at regular intervals. gas permeable, soft bifocal, or orthokeratology contact lens
wear; more than 1 month of myopia control (including atro-
Study Design and Setting pine or bifocal spectacles); had systemic issues that could
This 3-year, double masked, 3-group, parallel randomized affect myopia or myopia progression; or if they were chroni-
clinical trial of children with myopia was conducted in cally using oral or ophthalmic steroids.15
Houston, Texas, and Columbus, Ohio. The study protocol
was summarized 15 and is available in Supplement 1. All Randomization and Masking
investigators and key personnel were trained and certified After verifying eligibility, REDCap16 (a web-based electronic
on study procedures prior to study commencement. Partici- data capture system) issued a randomization assignment
pants were enrolled between September 22, 2014, and in a 1:1:1 ratio to wear single-vision contact lenses, medium
June 20, 2016. Follow-up was completed on June 24, 2019. add power (+1.50 D) soft multifocal contact lenses, or high

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Effect of High vs Medium Add Power vs Single-Vision Contact Lenses on Myopia Progression in Children Original Investigation Research

add power (+2.50 D) soft multifocal contact lenses. The ran-

Figure 1. Theoretical Explanation of How Soft Multifocal Contact Lenses
domization assignment was stratified by clinical site and age Slow Myopia Progression
group (7-9 vs 10-11 y) using a random permuted block design
with varying block sizes of 3 to 6. The data coordinating cen- A Single-vision contact lens
ter verified the appropriate treatment group assignment after CROSS SECTION
the unmasked examiner enrolled each participant. Masked Peripheral light rays focus
Contact behind the peripheral retina
examiners performed cycloplegic autorefraction and eye
lens Lens
length measurements at annual visits. Participants and
parents/legal guardians were masked by removing all contact Light rays
lens labels prior to receiving the lenses, so it was nearly
impossible to differentiate between single-vision and multi-
focal contact lenses. Retina

Parents/legal guardians categorized their child’s race/
ethnicity according to National Institutes of Health–defined B Medium add power contact lens
Peripheral light rays focus
categories, because myopia prevalence and progression in front of the peripheral retina
rates vary by race.17

All participants wore Biofinity single-vision contact lenses,
Multifocal D with a +1.50 D add power soft multifocal contact
lenses, or Multifocal D with a +2.50 D add power soft multi-
focal contact lenses (CooperVision). All participants re-
ceived contact lenses, solutions, and contact lens cases
throughout the study at no charge; they also received
C High add power contact lens
updated spectacles at a reduced cost annually. Participants Peripheral light rays focus further
in front of the peripheral retina
were encouraged to wear their contact lenses during the
day as often as they could comfortably do so, but were re-
stricted from overnight wear. A single-vision spectacle con-
trol group was not included to maximize masking to treat-
ment group and because single-vision soft contact lenses do
not alter myopia progression.18

The primary outcome was the 3-year change in spherical
equivalent cycloplegic autorefraction (myopia progression).
Theoretical model showing that the peripheral rays through the distance
Ten measures of central refractive error were conducted
portion of the single-vision contact lens focus behind the peripheral retina. The
on each eye with the Grand Seiko WAM-5500 Binocular peripheral rays through the medium and high add portion of the multifocal
Autorefractor/Keratometer (AIT Industries) and averaged.19 contact lenses focus in front of the retina, acting as a cue to slow myopia
Cycloplegia was achieved using 1 drop of 0.5% proparacaine progression and eye growth. The high add focuses further in front of the retina
than the medium add, potentially acting as a stronger signal to slow eye growth.
or tetracaine followed by 2 drops of 1.0% tropicamide, sepa-
rated by 5 minutes. Measurements were taken 25 minutes
after the second drop of tropicamide. Participants fixated and report of myopia risk factors, binocular vision and
20/30 size letters on a near-point test card viewed through a accommodation symptoms, and vision-specific quality of life
+4.00 D Badal lens. The letters were presented at the far (Supplement 1).
point, then moved to a slightly blurred position to ensure The 3-year change from baseline in axial length (eye
relaxation of residual accommodation.20 growth) was measured using the Lenstar LS 900 (Haag-Streit
Secondary outcomes presented in this article include USA). The measurements were taken on each eye immedi-
axial elongation (eye growth), visual acuity, adverse events, ately after cycloplegic autorefraction, with the contralateral eye
and adherence. Other secondary outcomes not addressed in patched while fixating the internal red light. Five readings with-
this article included accommodative lag (how accurately the out a poor-quality warning indicator were obtained at base-
eyes focus at near); peripheral measurements of refractive line and each annual visit.
error and eye length under a variety of conditions (peripheral Visual acuity was measured using Bailey-Lovie logMAR vi-
refractive error is believed to influence myopia progression sual acuity charts with luminance between 75 and 120 cd/m2.
and eye growth); choroidal thickness (blood vessels in the Participants read the charts with both eyes open while wear-
back of the eye that may signal changes in myopia); pupil ing habitual refractive correction and a spherical over-
size; aberrometry (measures very small changes in vision); refraction in a trial frame. From 4 m away, participants read

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Research Original Investigation Effect of High vs Medium Add Power vs Single-Vision Contact Lenses on Myopia Progression in Children

the first letter of every line until one was incorrectly read. Par- and Rosner. 24 Linear model assumptions were checked.
ticipants then read all 5 letters of each line, beginning 2 lines Additional details of the modeling are included in Supple-
above the first letter missed, moving down the chart until 3 ment 2. The estimates of change assumed an equal mix of
or more letters were missed on the same line. The same pro- male and female participants, clinical sites, age groups, and
tocol was used at near using the Logarithmic Visual Acuity right and left eyes, and that baseline values were equal to the
Chart 2000 “New ETDRS” near visual acuity chart (Precision mean values of those observed in the sample. Significant
Vision) held 40 cm from the eye. interactions that were retained in the model were between
Adherence was monitored by parental report of week- age group and time (P < .001; younger age group had a
days and weekend days that the participant usually wore con- steeper slope) and treatment group and time (P = .02). The
tact lenses and the time the participant usually inserted and P values for the pairwise differences between treatment
removed contact lenses during those periods. From that in- groups were adjusted using the step-down Bonferroni
formation, the number of hours per week that contact lenses method.25 Two-sided P values <.05 were considered statisti-
were typically worn was calculated. The mean number of hours cally significant. Because of the potential for type I error due
per day was calculated by dividing the hours per week by the to multiple comparisons, findings for analyses of secondary
number of days worn. end points should be interpreted as exploratory.
Using linear regression analyses, we examined whether
Adverse Events wear time modified the effect of the treatment group on
Potential adverse events were reported by the unmasked change in spherical equivalent to determine whether better
examiner, and a final determination of the adverse event adherence to treatment improved myopia control. Analyses
was conducted by the executive committee. Serious ad- of variance comparing treatment groups for different vis-
verse events were defined as “fatal, life threatening, or re- ual acuity measurements were conducted, and P values
sulted in a two-line loss of best corrected visual acuity or hos- were adjusted using the step-down Bonferroni method as
pitalization.” Severe adverse events were defined as “inca- described above.
pacitating or sight-threatening.” Moderate adverse events Post hoc analyses also compared the proportion of par-
“interfered with daily activities and/or were treated with pre- ticipants whose myopia progressed −1.00 D or more (the
scription medication.” mean myopia progression of the control group) or eyes grew
0.36 mm or more (the equivalent of −1.00 D of myopia pro-
Sample Size gression) by treatment group. The adjusted P values from
Sample size calculations assumed an α level of .05, 80% the step-down Bonferroni method from Holm for 3 pairwise
power, progression of −1.29 D over 3 years,18 a 50% treatment comparisons are presented.
effect (reducing the progression by 0.65 D for the high add
power group), and a treatment effect for the medium
add group that was halfway between the single-vision and
the high add power group. A 30% to 50% reduction of myo-
pia progression is generally considered to be clinically Of the 294 enrolled participants, 292 were included in the
meaningful.21 The sample size required was 24 participants analyses (Figure 2) and 287 (97.6%) completed the 3-year visit.
per treatment group, or a total sample size of 72 participants. Overall, participants attended 861 of the 882 annual visits
The ultimate sample size was determined by the second aim (97.6%). Complete data were available for 282 of 294 partici-
related to assessing changes in eye shape,15 which required pants. Four participants did not attend the 1-year visit, 10 did
89 participants per group, or a total sample size of 267 par- not attend the 2-year visit, and 7 did not attend the 3-year visit.
ticipants. Adjusting for 10% loss to follow-up22,23 yielded a Approximately 60% of the participants were female, the
total sample size of 294 participants. mean (SD) age was 10.3 (1.2) years, 60% were aged 10 or 11 years
at baseline, 26% were Hispanic or Latino, and 68% were
Statistical Analyses White.15 The mean (SD) right eye cycloplegic spherical equiva-
We analyzed participants in their originally assigned treat- lent at baseline was −2.39 (1.00) D. Demographic and ocular
ment groups. Data from all participants who attended at least characteristics of each treatment group at baseline are shown
1 subsequent annual visit were used to fit the models, regard- in Table 1.
less of whether a participant missed a visit. No missing out-
comes were imputed. Repeated measures analyses using Primary Outcome
mixed linear models in SAS, version 9.4, Proc MIXED were For the high add power group, the mean myopia (mean
undertaken to model myopia progression (primary outcome) value of both eyes) was −2.30 D at baseline and −2.84 D at 3
and eye growth (secondary outcome). Models controlled for years, with a progression of −0.56 D (95% CI, −0.70 to
the baseline value of the outcome, clinic site, sex, age group –0.41). For the medium add power group, myopia was −2.46
(7-9 or 10-11 y), and eye (right or left). Site was fitted as a fixed D at baseline and −3.32 D at 3 years, with progression of
effect. The repeated participant outcome measures result in −0.85 D (95% CI, −0.99 to −0.70). For the single-vision
clusters of correlated data. This correlation between eye and group, myopia was −2.45 D at baseline and −3.46 D at 3
visit was modeled using a combination of unstructured and years, with progression of −1.01 D (95% CI, −1.15 to −0.87)
autoregressive covariance structures as described by Glynn (Figure 3A and eFigure 1A in Supplement 3).

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Effect of High vs Medium Add Power vs Single-Vision Contact Lenses on Myopia Progression in Children Original Investigation Research

Figure 2. Flow of Participants in the BLINK Randomized Clinical Trial

443 Children assessed for eligibility

149 Excluded
58 Myopia not –0.75 D to –5.00 D
44 Astigmatism too high
19 Visual acuity worse than +0.1 logMAR
16 Declined participation
10 Strabismus
5 Other

294 Randomized

98 Randomized to wear high add power 98 Randomized to wear medium add 98 Randomized to wear single-vision
multifocal soft contact lenses power multifocal soft contact lenses contact lenses

97 Completed follow-up 98 Completed follow-up 97 Completed follow-up

1 Insufficient follow-up 1 Insufficient follow-up
Participants may have been excluded
for multiple reasons, so the category
97 Included in the analyses 98 Included in the analyses 97 Included in the analyses
numbers are greater than the number
of excluded participants.

Table 1. Baseline Demographic and Ocular Characteristics in a Study of the Effect of High Add Power,
Medium Add Power, or Single-Vision Contact Lenses on Myopia Progression in Childrena
High add (+2.50 D; Medium add (+1.50 D; Single vision
Characteristic n = 98) n = 98) (n = 98)
Site, No. (%)
Columbus, OH 46 (46.9) 48 (49.0) 49 (50.0)
Houston, TX 52 (53.1) 50 (51.0) 49 (50.0)
Age, y 10.3 (1.2) 10.3 (1.2) 10.3 (1.1)
7-9, No. (%) 39 (39.8) 39 (39.8) 39 (39.8)
10-11, No. (%) 59 (60.2) 59 (60.2) 59 (60.2)
Median (Q1-Q3) 10.2 (9.4-11.3) 10.5 (9.5-11.3) 10.5 (9.5-11.2)
Sex, No. (%) a
Data are expressed as mean (SD)
Female 64 (65.3) 49 (50.0) 64 (65.3) unless otherwise noted. All
Male 34 (34.7) 49 (50.0) 34 (34.7) randomized participants are
Ethnicity, No. (%)b included.
Hispanic or Latino 26 (26.5) 26 (26.8) 25 (25.5) Parent/legal guardian report of
participant based on categories
Race, No. (%)
defined by the National Institutes
White 66 (67.3) 75 (76.5) 59 (60.2) of Health.
>1 race 13 (13.3) 7 (7.1) 11 (11.2) c
Based on cycloplegic autorefraction
Black or African American 5 (5.1) 7 (7.1) 17 (17.3) to paralyze the ciliary muscle of the
eye so the participant cannot focus
Asian 9 (9.2) 7 (7.1) 9 (9.2)
their eyes, which changes the
American Indian 3 (3.1) 1 (1.0) 1 (1.0) prescription; ocular data differed
or Alaska Native
between the right and left eye by
Other 1 (1.0) 1 (1.0) 1 (1.0) less than 0.05 D and 0.05 mm.
Native Hawaiian 1 (1.0) 0 0 d
Anterior cornea to retina; normal
or other Pacific Islander
range: 23.4-24.8 mm.26
Right eye refractive error, Dc e
Posterior cornea to anterior
Spherical equivalent –2.28 (.90) –2.43 (1.11) –2.46 (.97) crystalline lens; normal range:
Right eye biometry, mm 3.0-4.2 mm.26
Eye lengthd 24.43 (.74) 24.57 (.85) 24.45 (.83) f
Anterior crystalline lens to posterior
Anterior chamber depthe 3.97 (.21) 3.96 (.23) 4.00 (.23) crystalline lens; normal range:
3.2-3.6 mm.26
Lens thicknessf 3.33 (.14) 3.34 (.13) 3.31 (.13)
Posterior crystalline lens to retina;
Vitreous chamber depthg 17.13 (.77) 17.27 (.83) 17.14 (.82)
normal range: 16.1-17.5 mm.26

The 3-year adjusted (for baseline spherical equivalent, group, −0.89 D for the medium add power group, and −1.05 D
clinic site, sex, age group at randomization, and eye) mean for the single-vision group. The difference in progression was
myopia progression was −0.60 D for the high add power 0.46 D (95% CI, 0.29-0.63) between the high add power and

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Research Original Investigation Effect of High vs Medium Add Power vs Single-Vision Contact Lenses on Myopia Progression in Children

Figure 3. Myopia Progression and Eye Growth in a Study of the Effect of High Add Power, Medium Add Power, or Single-Vision Contact Lenses
on Myopia Progression in Children

A Myopia progression B Eye growth

High add power Medium add power Single vision
2.0 2.5

Change in eye growth from baseline, mm

Change in myopia from baseline, D



–4.0 0

–5.0 –0.5
1 2 3 1 2 3
Year Year

Box plots are shown in which the middle line represents the median change of the nearer quartile, and dots represent observed values outside that range.
from baseline, boxes represent the interquartile range, whiskers extend to The data represent the mean change of the 2 eyes. A, More negative values
the most extreme observed values withing 1.5 × the interquartile range indicate myopia progression. B, More positive values indicate eye growth.

single-vision groups, 0.16 D (95% CI, −0.01 to 0.33) between was statistically significantly better than the +0.10 (20/25)
the medium add power and single-vision groups, and 0.30 D logMAR distance visual acuity for the high add power group
(95% CI, 0.13-0.47) between the high add and medium add (P = .04) and +0.10 (20/25) for the medium add power group
power groups (Table 2). The 1- and 2-year mean and adjusted (P = .01), but the differences were less than 2 letters (ie, not
progression values are presented in eTable 1 in Supplement 3. clinically meaningful).
Participants who wore their contact lenses wore them for
Secondary Outcomes a mean (SD) of 11.0 (4.4) hours per day. The correlation of re-
For the high add power group, mean axial length was 24.42 sponses between each 6-month visit ranged from 0.72 to 0.83.
mm at baseline and 24.81 mm at 3 years, and the growth was A treatment and wearing time interaction effect on myopia pro-
0.39 mm (95% CI, 0.32-0.46). For the medium add power gression was not statistically significant (P = .29), indicating
group, mean axial length was 24.55 mm at baseline and 25.12 that longer wearing times did not enhance the effect of the
mm at 3 years, and the growth was 0.55 mm (95% CI, 0.49- +2.50 D add power.
0.62). Mean axial length was 24.43 mm at baseline and 25.08
mm at 3 years, and the growth was 0.62 mm (95% CI, 0.56- Adverse Events
0.69), for the single-vision group (Figure 3B and eFigure 1B in None of the ocular adverse events reported were serious or se-
Supplement 3). vere or caused permanent discontinuation of contact lens wear.
The 3-year adjusted eye growth was 0.42 mm for the high All adverse events resolved with no reported loss of best-
add power group, 0.58 mm for the medium add power group, corrected visual acuity. Thirty-five ocular adverse events were
and 0.66 mm for the single-vision group. The difference in eye moderate and were definitely or probably related to contact
growth was −0.23 mm (95% CI, −0.30 to −0.17) between the lens wear (eTable 2 in Supplement 3). The most common of
high add power and the single-vision groups, −0.07 mm (95% these adverse events were giant papillary conjunctivitis (n = 9),
CI, −0.14 to −0.01) between the medium add power and single- infiltrative keratitis (n = 8), and ocular allergies (n = 7). There
vision groups, and −0.16 mm (95% CI, −0.23 to −0.09) be- was no significant difference in those adverse events be-
tween the high add and medium add power groups (Table 2). tween the 3 treatment groups (P = .41).
The 1- and 2-year means and adjusted growth are presented
in eTable 1 in Supplement 3. Post Hoc Outcomes
At the final visit, the mean high-contrast distance The percentage of participants who progressed −1.00 D
logMAR visual acuity was −0.04 (20/20+2) for the high add or more during the study was 16.8% (95% CI, 9.9%-25.9%)
power group, −0.03 (20/20+1) for the medium add power for the high add power group, 36.5% (95% CI, 26.9%-46.9%)
group, and −0.05 (20/20+2) for the single-vision group (analy- for the medium add power group, and 51.0% (95% CI, 40.6%-
sis of variance P = .13). The mean high-contrast near logMAR 61.4%) for the single-vision group. The percentage of partici-
visual acuity was −0.07 (20/15−2 ) for the high add power pants who had eye growth more than 0.36 mm over 3 years
group,−0.07 (20/15−2) for the medium add power group, and was 47.4% (95% CI, 37.0%-57.9%) for the high add power
−0.08 (20/15−2) for the single-vision group (analysis of vari- group, 61.5% (95% CI, 51.0%-71.2%) for the medium add
ance P = .25). The mean low-contrast logMAR distance visual power group, and 80.2% (95% CI, 70.8%-87.6%) for the
acuity was +0.07 (20/25+2) for the single-vision group, which single-vision group (Table 2).

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Effect of High vs Medium Add Power vs Single-Vision Contact Lenses on Myopia Progression in Children Original Investigation Research

Table 2. Outcomes at 3 Years in a Study of the Effect of High Add Power, Medium Add Power, or Single-Vision Contact Lenses
on Myopia Progression in Children
High add Medium add Single vision Mean difference
Outcome (n = 97) (n = 98) (n = 97) (95% CI) P value
Primary outcome
Refractive error, D
Baseline mean (SD)a −2.30 (0.91) −2.46 (1.09) −2.45 (0.96)
Year 3, mean (SD)a −2.84 (1.22) −3.32 (1.48) −3.46 (1.20)
3-y absolute change (95% CI)b −0.56 (−0.70 to −0.41) −0.85 (−0.99 to −0.70) −1.01 (−1.15 to −0.87)
(n = 95)c (n = 96)c (n = 96)c
High add vs single vision 0.45 (0.25 to 0.66) <.001
Medium add vs single vision 0.16 (−0.04 to 0.37) .11
High add vs medium add 0.29 (0.09 to 0.50) .01
3-y adjusted change (95% CI)d −0.60 (−0.72 to −0.47) −0.89 (−1.01 to −0.77) −1.05 (−1.17 to −0.93)
High add vs single vision 0.46 (0.29 to 0.63) <.001
Medium add vs single vision 0.16 (−0.01 to 0.33) .19
High add vs medium add 0.30 (0.13 to 0.47) .004
Secondary outcomes
Eye length, mm
Baseline, mean (SD)a 24.42 (0.75) 24.55 (0.84) 24.43 (0.83)
Year 3, mean (SD)a 24.81 (0.83) 25.12 (0.97) 25.08 (0.85)
3-y absolute change (95% CI)b 0.39 (0.32 to 0.46) 0.55 (0.49 to 0.62) 0.62 (0.56 to 0.69)
(n = 95)c (n = 95)c (n = 96)c
High add vs single vision −0.23 (−0.33 to −0.14) <.001
Medium add vs single vision −0.07 (−0.16 to 0.03) .15
High add vs medium add −0.16 (−0.26 to −0.07) .002
3-y adjusted change (95% CI)d 0.42 (0.38 to 0.47) 0.58 (0.54 to 0.63) 0.66 (0.61 to 0.71)
High add vs single vision −0.23e (−0.30 to −0.17) <.001
Medium add vs single vision −0.07e (−0.14 to −0.01) .09
High add vs medium add −0.16 (−0.23 to −0.09) <.001
Adverse eventsf, No. (%) 14 (40.0) 8 (22.9) 13 (37.1) .41g
Visual acuity, mean (95% CI), logMAR
High contrast distance −0.04 (−0.06 to −.03) −0.03 (−0.05 to −0.02) −0.05 (−0.07 to −0.04) .13i
High contrast near −0.07 (−0.09 to −0.05) −0.07 (−0.08 to −0.05) −0.08 (−0.10 to −0.07) .25i
Low contrast distance +0.10 (+0.08 to +0.11) +0.10 (+0.09 to +0.12) +0.07 (+0.05 to +0.09)
High add vs single vision 0.03 (0 to 0.05) .04
Medium add vs single vision 0.03 (0.01 to 0.06) .01
High add vs medium add −0.01 (−0.03 to 0.02) .58
Post hoc outcomes, No. (%) [95% CI] (n = 95) (n = 96) (n = 96)
Progress >1.00 Dj 16 (16.8) [9.9 to 25.9] 35 (36.5) [26.9 to 46.9] 49 (51.0) [40.6 to 61.4]
High add vs single vision −34.2 (−46.7 to −21.7) <.001
Medium add vs single vision −14.6e (−28.5 to −0.7) .04
High add vs medium add −19.6e (−31.8 to −7.4) .004
Eye growth >0.36 mm 45 (47.4) [37.0 to 57.9] 59 (61.5) [51.0 to 71.2] 77 (80.2) [70.8 to 87.6]
High add vs single vision −32.8 (−45.7 to −20.0) <.001
Medium add vs single vision −18.8e (−31.3 to −6.2) .01
High add vs medium add −14.1 (−28.1 to −0.1) .05
a e
Treatment group mean values include the mean value of both eyes Values do not equal the simple difference between values in the table
(eg, 98 participants implies 196 measurements). due to rounding.
b f
Absolute changes are not simply 3-year measurements minus baseline The 3 most common adverse events were giant papillary conjunctivitis (n = 9),
measurements because a few participants were missing the 3-year infiltrative keratitis (n = 8), and ocular allergies (n = 7) (eTable 2 in Supplement 3).
measurements. g
P value for χ2 test of equality of proportions.
A total of 287 of 294 participants attended the 3-year visit. h
Visual acuity with both eyes open at the last visit while wearing habitual
Models were adjusted for baseline outcome value, eye (right or left), clinical correction and a spherical spectacle lens to adjust for myopia progression.
site, sex, age group (7-9 vs 10-11 y), treatment × time, and age group × time i
P value for analysis of variance; P value corrected for multiple comparisons
interactions. The estimates of change assumed an equal mix of male and using the Bonferroni stepdown method.
female participants, sites, age groups, and right and left eyes. They also j
The average myopia progression of the single-vision control group was 1.00 D.
assumed baseline values were equal to the mean values of the observed data
(–2.40 D for refractive error and 24.5 mm for eye length). The eye growth equivalent of 1.00 D of myopia progression is .36 mm.

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Research Original Investigation Effect of High vs Medium Add Power vs Single-Vision Contact Lenses on Myopia Progression in Children

less than 9% of the participants reported Asian ethnicity in the

Discussion current study.
Second, the contact lenses used in this study were not in-
In this 3-year multicenter, randomized, double-masked clini- dividually adjusted for the amount of myopic defocus or the
cal trial, commercially available center-distance soft multifo- area of the retina that received myopic defocus to potentially
cal contact lenses with a high add power slowed myopia pro- maximize myopia control. Instead, the commercially avail-
gression by 0.45 D and eye growth by 0.23 mm compared with able contact lenses were meant to provide myopic defocus for
single-vision contact lenses, and slowed myopia progression most participants.
by 0.29 D and eye growth by 0.16 mm compared with me- Third, the duration of the study did not allow measure-
dium add power multifocal contact lenses. ment of the participants’ ultimate myopia, the effect of mul-
Other soft multifocal contact lens myopia control studies tifocal contact lens myopia control on the ocular morbidity as-
reported a change in myopia progression that ranged from an sociated with myopia, or myopia progression after removal of
increase of 10% to a decrease of 79%, and they reported slow- the multifocal contact lenses (rebound effect). A 3-year exten-
ing of eye growth ranging from no change to 79%.7,9,27-36 The sion of the study during which all participants wear the high
43% slowing of myopia progression and 36% slowing of eye add power contact lenses will allow examination of the re-
growth reported in this study were in the middle of the ranges bound effect.
previously reported. This study reported 0.23-mm slower eye Fourth, the dose-response result exhibited in this study
growth compared with 0.32-mm slower eye growth in an- only examined up to a +2.50 D add power. Speculation re-
other 3-year randomized clinical trial when comparing the high mains about whether add powers outside of the standard range
add power group with the single-vision contact lens group.7 may provide better myopia control.
This study used commercially available soft multifocal con- Fifth, this study was designed to find a 50% slowing of
tact lenses, as opposed to proprietary lenses not available to myopia progression, a difference of 0.65 D between the high
the public, which were used in the other trial. add power and single-vision contact lens wearers. The re-
The high add power did not clinically alter the ability to sults indicated 45% slower progression, a difference of 0.45 D.
see or result in a greater number of adverse events. Although A consensus paper by the International Myopia Institute in-
these contact lenses were approved for wear by the US Food dicated that a 40% slowing of myopia progression was clini-
and Drug Administration (FDA) without age restriction, they cally meaningful,40 and a workshop organized by the FDA in-
did not have a specific FDA indication for myopia control and dicated that a 30% slowing may be clinically meaningful.21
were prescribed off label. Although the myopia control effect reported in this study did
not meet the standard for clinically meaningful myopia con-
Limitations trol set many years ago, it did meet the current standards of a
This study had several limitations. First, the adjusted myopic rapidly evolving area of study.
progression of the control group was −1.05 D, which is slower
than the 3-year progression of other single-vision contact lens
or spectacle wearers in the US, which ranges from −1.10 D to
−2.19 D.18,23,37,38 Younger participants and Asian children prog-
ress faster,39 but demographics of the study sample cannot ex- Among children with myopia, treatment with high add power
plain the slower progression of this study’s control group com- multifocal contact lenses significantly reduced the rate of myo-
pared with other myopia control studies conducted in the US. pia progression over 3 years compared with medium add power
However, it may explain why the treatment effect was less than multifocal and single-vision contact lenses. However, further
that of the other 3-year soft multifocal randomized clinical research is needed to understand the clinical importance of the
trial.7 In that study, 32% of the participants were Asian, whereas observed differences.

ARTICLE INFORMATION Obtained funding: Walline, Mutti, Jones-Jordan, the conduct of the study. Dr Giannoni reported
Accepted for Publication: June 3, 2020. Berntsen. receiving grants from NIH/NEI and nonfinancial
Administrative, technical, or material support: support from Bausch + Lomb during the conduct of
Author Contributions: Drs Jones-Jordan and Walline, Mutti, Jones-Jordan, Pierce, Berntsen. the study. Dr Bickle reported receiving study
Walline had full access to all of the data in the study Supervision: Walline, Mutti, Jones-Jordan, Berntsen. materials from Bausch + Lomb during the conduct of
and take responsibility for the integrity of the data the study. Dr Schulle reported receiving nonfinancial
and the accuracy of the data analysis. Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Dr Walline
reported receiving nonfinancial support from Bausch support from Bausch + Lomb and grants from NIH/
Concept and design: Walline, Mutti, Jones-Jordan, NEI during the conduct of the study. Dr Nixon
Berntsen. + Lomb and grants from the National Eye Institute
(NEI) during the conduct of the study and personal reported receiving grants from NIH and nonfinancial
Acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data: All support from Bausch + Lomb during the conduct of
authors. fees from SightGlass outside the submitted work.
Dr Mutti reported receiving grants from NEI and the study. Dr Pierce reported receiving grants from
Drafting of the manuscript: Walline, Walker, Mutti, NIH during the conduct of the study. Dr Berntsen
Jones-Jordan, Giannoni, Bickle, Schulle, Pierce, nonfinancial support from Bausch + Lomb during the
conduct of the study and personal fees from Welch reported receiving grants from NIH/NEI and
Berntsen. nonfinancial support from Bausch + Lomb during the
Critical revision of the manuscript for important Allyn outside the submitted work. Dr Jones-Jordan
reported receiving nonfinancial support from Bausch conduct of the study and personal fees from
intellectual content: Walline, Mutti, Jones-Jordan, Visioneering Technologies, Inc and Contact Lens
Sinnott, Giannoni, Bickle, Nixon, Berntsen. + Lomb and grants from the National Institutes of
Health (NIH)/NEI during the conduct of the study. Spectrum outside the submitted work. No other
Statistical analysis: Mutti, Jones-Jordan, Sinnott. disclosures were reported.
Dr Sinnott reported receiving grants from NIH during

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Effect of High vs Medium Add Power vs Single-Vision Contact Lenses on Myopia Progression in Children Original Investigation Research

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