Aprender Inglés en 15 Días

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Aprender inglés en 15 días

#1 Cheat verbs: 20 minutos. Conjugar los verbos correctamente.

 I have to eat

 I want to eat

 I´m going to eat tomorrow

 I can´t eat

Verbs List (A)

List of verbs that start with A with verb examples.

1. Accept: I accept your appolozy.

2. Accuse: Tom accused me of lying.
3. Achieve: She achieved remarkable results
4. Acknowledge: She acknowledged receiving assistance.
5. Acquire: Meg acquired many new friends.
6. Adapt: He adapted himself to his new life.
7. Add: I added a room to my house.
8. Adjust: You will soon adjust to living in a dormitory.
9. Admire: I admire your confidence.
10. Admit: He was embarrassed to admit making a mistake.
11. Adopt: I liked your idea and adopted it.
12. Adore: He adores his grandfather.
13. Advise: He advised applying at once.
14. Afford: I can’t afford to spend any more money this week.
15. Agree: Why did you agree to meet her in the first place?
16. Aim: We aim to increase the speed of delivery.
17. Allow: Swimming isn’t allowed here.
18. Announce: She announced her intention to retire.
19. Anticipate: I didn’t anticipate having to do the cooking myself!
20. Apologize: You don’t have to apologize.
21. Appear: Jack appears to be tired today.
22. Apply: Tom applied for a leave of absence.
23. Appreciate: I appreciate having a trouble with his supervisor.
24. Approach: She approached him with a smile on her face.
25. Approve: I don’t think Tom would approve.
26. Argue: I don’t want to argue with you.
27. Arise: The problem has arisen simply because you didn’t follow my instructions.
28. Arrange: Have you arranged to meet Mark this weekend?
29. Arrive: We arrived home late.
30. Ask: Historians frequently ask to consult the collection.
31. Assume: I assume Tom didn’t show up.
32. Assure: I assure you Tom will be perfectly safe.
33. Astonish: I was astonished by his ignorance.
34. Attach: You need to attach your photo to the application form.
35. Attempt: Are you going to attempt to pass the exam?
36. Attend: She attends school at night.
37. Attract: Tom certainly attracted a lot of attention.
38. Avoid: She decided to be a nun in order to avoid meeting him.
39. Awake: Tom awoke at daybreak.

Verbs List (B)

List of verbs that start with B with verb examples.

1. Bake: Tom baked some muffins.

2. Bathe: I bathe every day.
3. Be: He is immature.
4. Bear: I wish she wouldn’t eat so fast. I can’t bear watching her.
5. Beat: You can’t beat me.
6. Become: John became very sick.
7. Beg: I beg to differ with you.
8. Begin: The leaves begin to fall when autumn comes.
9. Behave: Tom always behaves himself well. However, Mary does not.
10. Believe: I believe you’re right.
11. Belong: This bicycle belongs to me.
12. Bend:  Lie flat and let your knees bend.
13. Bet: I bet you know French.
14. Bind: Do you bind books?
15. Bite: I got bitten by mosquitoes.
16. Blow: Tom blew himself up accidentally.
17. Boil: Please boil an egg for me.
18. Borrow: I need to borrow your car.
19. Bounce:  Bounce the ball and try and hit it over the net.
20. Bow: Every child bowed to the teacher.
21. Break: We broke up.
22. Breed: Rabbits breed quickly.
23. Bring: I brought some dessert.
24. Broadcast: We broadcast news on the hour.
25. Build: We need to build a fire.
26. Burn: The spy burned the papers.
27. Burst: John burst into the room.
28. Buy: I’ll buy a lot of candies for you.

Verbs List (C)

List of verbs that start with C with verb examples.

1. Calculate: A computer can calculate very rapidly.

2. Can/Could: Can you give me a ring at about 10?
3. Care: Would you care to join us for dinner?
4. Carry: I don’t carry cash anymore.
5. Catch: Let’s catch a bite.
6. Celebrate: We’re celebrating Tom’s birthday.
7. Change: I changed my mind.
8. Choose: Every day is beautiful if you choose to see it.
9. Chop: Tom chopped down the tree that was in our front yard.
10. Claim: This diet claims to eliminate toxins from the body.
11. Climb: Carlos climbed the mountain.
12. Cling: The mud clung to his shoes.
13. Come: I’m coming today.
14. Commit: David didn’t commit those crimes.
15. Communicate: I can’t communicate with Anna like I used to.
16. Compare: They compared the new car with the old one.
17. Compete: I competed with him for the first prize.
18. Complain: John complained about the weather.
19. Complete: He completed drawing his pictures.
20. Concern: I’m concerned for Anna’s safety.
21. Confirm: The report has yet to be confirmed.
22. Consent: We hope you will consent to act in his stead.
23. Consider: Investors should consider putting some money into an annuity.
24. Consist: A soccer team consists of eleven players.
25. Consult: You’d better consult your doctor.
26. Contain: This box contains five apples.
27. Continue: The finance minister will continue to mastermind Poland’s
economic reform.
28. Convince: I’m not totally convinced of that.
29. Cook:  The pizza will then take about twenty minutes to cook.
30. Cost: It’ll cost about 10,000 yen.
31. Count: We’re counting on you.
32. Crawl: Tom crawled into bed just before midnight.
33. Create: I have to create a new website.
34. Creep: We crept toward the enemy.
35. Criticize: Tom criticized Mary for not doing the job correctly.
36. Cry: The baby is crying.
37. Cut: John cut his finger.

Verbs List (D)

List of verbs that start with D with verb examples.

1. Dance: I want to dance.

2. Dare: He didn’t dare to speak to her.
3. Deal: I have to dealt with it.
4. Decide: He has decided to live in France.
5. Defer: She deferred writing my thesis.
6. Delay: Big companies often delay paying their bills.
7. Deliver: Letters are delivered every day.
8. Demand: I demand to know what’s going on.
9. Deny: She denied taking the money.
10. Depend: I can’t depend on you anymore.
11. Describe: John can’t describe how painful it was.
12. Deserve: They didn’t deserve to win.
13. Desire: We all desire success.
14. Destroy: John’s house was destroyed by a hurricane.
15. Determine: I am determined to carry out this plan.
16. Develop: Swimming develops our muscles.
17. Differ: My opinion differs from yours.
18. Disagree: It pains me to disagree with your opinion.
19. Discover: The miner discovered a valuable pocket of gold.
20. Discuss: We briefly discussed buying a second car.
21. Dislike: I dislike being the centre of attention.
22. Distribute: The teacher distributed the leaflets.
23. Dive: John learned to dive when he was five.
24. Do: I don’t know.
25. Doubt: I doubt if it’ll snow.
26. Drag: I had to drag him out of bed.
27. Dream: I dreamt about you.
28. Drill: They intended to drill for oil.
29. Drink:  Can I have something to drink?
30. Drive: He drives a truck.
31. Drop: I dropped my sandwich.
32. Dry: Raisins are dried grapes.

Verbs List (E)

List of verbs that start with E with verb examples.

1. Earn: He earns three times more than me.

2. Eat:  You can’t eat your cake and have it.
3. Emphasize: I want to emphasize this point in particular.
4. Enable: His wealth enables him to do anything.
5. Encourage: John encouraged Mary to learn how to speak French.
6. Engage: We used to be engaged.
7. Enhance: Can we enhance the image?
8. Enjoy: I really enjoy talking to you.
9. Ensure: This medicine will ensure you a good night’s sleep.
10. Entail: This review procedure entails repeating the test.
11. Enter: He entered the room.
12. Establish: The school was established in 1650.
13. Examine: The doctor examined the patients.
14. Exist: I don’t believe such things to exist.
15. Expand: The workers are expanding the road.
16. Expect: What time do you expect to arrive home?
17. Experiment: They’re experimenting with a new car.
18. Explain: I can e
19. xplain everything.
20. Explore: He explored the Amazon jungle.
21. Extend: We extended a hearty welcome to them.

Verbs List (F)

List of verbs that start with F with verb examples.
1. Fail: I fail to comprehend their attitude.
2. Fall: I fell in the pool.
3. Feed: We just fed the baby.
4. Feel: I feel that Mr. Peter is a good teacher.
5. Fight: Don’t fight with me.
6. Find: I can find them.
7. Finish: He finished cleaning the kitchen.
8. Fit: This coat doesn’t fit me.
9. Fly: Tom wishes he could fly.
10. Fold: Tom and Mary folded up the flag.
11. Follow: We must follow the rules of the game.
12. Forbid: I forbid you to smoke.
13. Forget: I’ll never forget visiting them.
14. Forgive: We have already forgiven you.
15. Freeze: It’s freezing cold in this country.
16. Fry: She fried fish in salad oil.

Verbs List (G)

List of verbs that start with G with verb examples.

1. Generate: This machine generates electricity.

2. Get: We’ve got to get the economy under control or it will literally eat us up.
3. Give:  The waiter gives me the menu.
4. Go: Let’s go eat.
5. Grind: We grind our coffee by hand.
6. Grow: Apples grow on trees.

Verbs List (H)

List of verbs that start with H with verbs examples.

1. Hang: Don’t you hang up on me.

2. Happen: You made it happen.
3. Hate: I hate getting to the theatre late.
4. Have: I have a car.
5. Hear: I will hear me.
6. Hesitate: I hesitate to spend so much money on clothes.
7. Hide: I’m hiding from Tim.
8. Hit: I hit the jackpot.
9. Hold:  Hold the knife at an angle.
10. Hop:  I tried to hop on my good foot while holding onto Jim…
11. Hope: I hope to see you again soon.
12. Hug: I really need a hug.
13. Hurry: It had to hurry to find a home because I was already on to something else.
14. Hurt: I hurt my elbow.

Verbs List (I-J)

List of verbs that start with I & J with verbs examples.

1. Identify: She identified him as the murderer.

2. Ignore: He ignored her advice.
3. Illustrate: The teacher will illustrate how to do it.
4. Imagine: I can imagine how you felt.
5. Imply: Silence implies consent.
6. Impress: We’re not impressed.
7. Improve: I need to improve my French.
8. Include: Tom’s lunch includes a sandwich and an apple.
9. Incorporate: Her business was incorporated.
10. Indicate: The arrow indicates the way to go.
11. Inform: I’ll inform John about our decision.
12. Insist: She insisted on going there.
13. Install: The man tried to install his own antenna.
14. Intend: I heard they intend to marry.
15. Introduce: I’ll introduce you to Tom.
16. Invest: He invested his money in stocks.
17. Investigate: I came here to investigate Tom’s death.
18. Involve: This procedure involves testing each sample twice.
19. Iron: I iron my clothes almost every day.
20. Jog: I make it a rule to jog every morning.
21. Jump:  Can you jump over the river?
22. Justify: My results justify taking drastic action.

Verbs List (K)

List of verbs that start with K with verbs examples.

1. Keep: I keep thinking about Joe, all alone in that place.

2. Kick:  The kids love to kick a ball against my wall.
3. Kiss: Did you kiss anybody?
4. Kneel:  Do not run, stand, kneel or spin in the slide.
5. Knit: She knit him a sweater for his birthday.
6. Know: We know him.

Verbs List (L)

List of verbs that start with L with verbs examples.

1. Lack: Tom seems to lack energy.

2. Laugh: Tom is laughing.
3. Lay: He laid on his back.
4. Lead: Tom leads a quiet life.
5. Lean: He leaned on his elbows.
6. Leap: Ken leapt over the wall.
7. Learn: Children learn to creep ere they can go.
8. Leave: Leave me alone!
9. Lend: Tom lent Mary his camera.
10. Lie (in bed): Lie back down.
11. Lift:  He couldn’t lift the table and no more could I.
12. Light:  Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.
13. Lie (not to tell the truth): He hated lying.
14. Like: She likes playing tennis.
15. Listen: Why won’t you listen?
16. Look: It looks cold outside.
17. Lose: She lost a book.
18. Love: I love going out to restaurants.

Verbs List (M,N)

List of verbs that start with M & N with verbs examples.

1. Maintain: Tom maintained eye contact with Mary.

2. Make: I’m making tea.
3. Manage: Did you manage to catch the post?
4. Matter: It doesn’t matter, Tom.
5. May: Each nurse may be responsible for up to twenty patients.
6. Mean: I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.
7. Measure: The surfboard measures 2 meters by 55 centimeters.
8. Meet: We’ve never met.
9. Melt: The snow is melted.
10. Mention: He mentioned going to that college.
11. Might: Donna might be able to come tomorrow, but it’s very unlikely.
12. Mind: Would you mind repeating what you just said?
13. Miss: He had missed being elected by a single vote.
14. Mix: If you mix blue and red, you get violet.
15. Mow: I mowed Tom’s lawn.
16. Must: I really must get some exercise.
17. Need: You need to change your eating habits.
18. Neglect: Don’t neglect to lock the door when you leave.
19. Negotiate: The two countries negotiated a treaty.

Verbs List (O)

List of verbs that start with O with verbs examples.

1. Observe: You must observe those rules.

2. Obtain: I obtained the painting at an auction.
3. Occur: The accident occurred yesterday morning
4. Offer: She offered to help me move my things to my new house.
5. Open: Open the windows.
6. Operate: I can’t figure out how to operate this machine.
7. Order:  What do you suggest I order?
8. Organize: They want me to organize the party.
9. Ought to: You ought to get your watch repaired.
10. Overcome: We have to overcome many difficulties.
11. Overtake: Their car overtook ours.
12. Owe: Tom owes me money.
13. Own: I own a German car.

Verbs List (P)

List of verbs that start with P with verbs examples.

1. Paint: She painted the wall pink.

2. Participate: He participated in the debate.
3. Pay: Can I pay by installment payment?
4. Peel: Anna peeled the apple.
5. Perform: Tom performs in a jazz club three nights a week.
6. Persuade: I persuaded Tom to help me.
7. Pinch: He pinched and scraped for many years to save money.
8. Plan: Next year I plan to travel around the world.
9. Play: I can play tennis.
10. Point: Tom pointed to the sky.
11. Possess: The old man possesses great wealth.
12. Postpone: He postponed returning to Paris.
13. Pour: She poured tea for me.
14. Practice: Today we’re going to practice parking.
15. Prefer: Chantal prefers travelling by train.
16. Prepare: The doctor prepared to prescribe a receipt.
17. Pretend: She was pretending to cry. I knew she was lying.
18. Prevent: The rain prevented me from coming.
19. Proceed: They will proceed to build another laboratory building.
20. Promise: He promised to collect her from the airport.
21. Propose: We propose to deal with this subject in the following chapter.
22. Protect: We’re supposed to be protecting John.
23. Prove: I’ll prove it to you.
24. Pull: John pulled out a pen.
25. Punch: You punch like a girl.
26. Pursue: The police pursued the murderer.
27. Push: We had to push our way through the crowd.
28. Put: I put on my shoes.

Verbs List (Q,R)

List of verbs that start with Q & R with verbs examples.

1. Qualify: He is qualified as an English teacher.

2. Quit: She quits worrying about the problem.
3. React: Tom reacted appropriately.
4. Read: I read the book.
5. Realize: I didn’t realise we were late.
6. Recall: I don’t recall seeing any cars parked outside.
7. Receive: We received a warm welcome.
8. Recollect: I recollect seeing Ryder some years ago in Bonn.
9. Recommend: I would never recommend using a sunbed on a regular basis.
10. Reduce: I think we should reduce the price.
11. Refer: I often refer to the dictionary.
12. Reflect: She reflected on what she had done.
13. Refuse: She refused to answer questions about her personal finances.
14. Regret: I regret leaving school so young.
15. Relate: She is related to him by marriage.
16. Relax: We’re supposed to relax.
17. Relieve: I was relieved to hear that he was alive.
18. Rely: You can certainly rely on him.
19. Remain: He remained poor all his life.
20. Remember: He had remembered to bring a pair of gloves, unlike me.
21. Remind: It reminds me of the good old days.
22. Repair: He repaired his watch by himself.
23. Replace: The car replaced the bicycle.
24. Represent: He represented the labor union on the committee.
25. Require: This task requires dexterity.
26. Resent: Many conscripts resent having to do their military service.
27. Resist: She can never resist buying new shoes.
28. Retain: We had to retain a lawyer.
29. Retire: I have decided to retire.
30. Rid: You’ve got to get rid of it
31. Ride:  Life is a horse, and either you ride it or it rides you.
32. Ring: The phone is ringing.
33. Rise: The sun is about to rise.
34. Risk: He risked being caught.
35. Roast: He is roasting coffee beans.
36. Run:  Do not run too fast after gain.

Verbs List (S)

List of verbs that start with S with verbs examples.

1. Sanction: They will not sanction copying without permission.

2. Satisfy: He satisfied his thirst with a large glass of beer.
3. Say: No one says that.
4. Scrub: Tom asked Mary to scrub the toilet.
5. See: Do you see that bird?
6. Seem: I always seem to be unlucky at cards.
7. Sell: I can’t sell you that.
8. Send: They’re sending help.
9. Serve: They serve good nosh in the cafeteria.
10. Set: I’m going to set the table.
11. Settle: The problem is not settled yet.
12. Sew: Mary is sewing baby clothes.
13. Shake: They shook hands when they met at the airport.
14. Shall: Shall I add your name to the list?
15. Shed: She tried not to shed a tear.
16. Shine: Susan shined your father’s shoes.
17. Shoot: I’ll shoot both of you.
18. Should: The university should provide more sports facilities.
19. Show: I’ll show you later.
20. Shrink: My jeans shrank after I washed them.
21. Shut: I shut my eyes again.
22. Sing: Tom loves to sing.
23. Sink: A ship sank near here yesterday.
24. Sit:  Sit on the floor, stretching your legs out in front of you.
25. Ski: I like skiing very much.
26. Sleep: I slept too much.
27. Slice:  It’s best to slice into a rich cake from the middle.
28. Slide: He slid the money into my pocket.
29. Slip: She slipped into her clothes.
30. Smell: Something smells bad. What is this?
31. Snore: Tom snored loudly with his mouth open.
32. Solve: He solved the difficult problem.
33. Sow: Farmers sow seeds in the spring.
34. Speak: He speaks English.
35. Specify: Tom didn’t specify how many pencils to buy.
36. Spell: I don’t know how to spell the word.
37. Spend: I spent some time in Boston.
38. Spill: I’m afraid I spilled coffee on the tablecloth.
39. Spit: I can’t put up with the way he spits.
40. Spread:  He spread some strawberry jam on his toast.
41. Squat: Tom squatted down next to his dog.
42. Stack:  They are specially packaged so that they stack easily.
43. Stand: Can you stand up?
44. Start: He started tipping the pea pods into a pan.
45. Steal: My watch was stolen.
46. Stick: He stuck to his job.
47. Sting: I was stung by a bee.
48. Stink: It stinks in here.
49. Stir: She stirred the soup with a spoon.
50. Stop: I hoped he would stop asking awkward questions.
51. Stretch:  Breathe in through your nose as you stretch up.
52. Strike: Tom struck the wall with his fist.
53. Struggle: He struggled to keep his footing on the slippery floor.
54. Study: She studies hard.
55. Submit: I submitted the application myself.
56. Succeed: He’ll succeed for sure.
57. Suffer: We suffered a pretty big loss.
58. Suggest: Tracey suggested meeting for a drink after work.
59. Supply: I supplied Tom with everything he needed.
60. Suppose: I suppose you’re hungry.
61. Surprise: She surprised him when she arrived early.
62. Survive: He survived the plane crash.
63. Swear: Do you swear to tell the whole truth?
64. Sweep: I will sweep out my room.
65. Swell: The river swelled rapidly because of the heavy rain.
66. Swim: She swims well.
67. Swing: The lamp was swinging back and forth.

Verbs List (T)

List of verbs that start with T with verbs examples.

1. Take: I took a walk.

2. Talk: Tom talked a lot.
3. Taste: The soup tastes salty.
4. Teach: I’ll teach you how to swim.
5. Tear: I tore the picture out of the album.
6. Tell: I told him to come.
7. Tend: She tends to be late for school.
8. Think: I think that Mr. Peter is a good teacher.
9. Threaten: They threatened to ban the book.
10. Throw: I threw away my shoes.
11. Tiptoe: Tom quietly tiptoed out of the room.
12. Tolerate: We don’t tolerate smoking in the library.
13. Translate: He translated the verse into English.
14. Try: We tried to confuse the enemy.

Verbs List (U,V)

List of verbs that start with U & V with verbs examples.

1. Understand: I knew you’d understand.

2. Vacuum: Tom vacuumed his bedroom.
3. Value: We value our customers.
4. Vary: The boxes vary in size from small to large.
5. Volunteer: They volunteer to teach introductory courses.

Verbs List (W)

List of verbs that start with W with verbs examples.

1. Wait: I can’t wait to see you.

2. Wake: I have to wake Tom up.
3. Walk:  Don’t try to walk before you can crawl.
4. Want: I want to watch TV.
5. Warn: We’ve got to warn Tom.
6. Wash: Tom washed his hands.
7. Watch: We watched a movie.
8. Wave: She waved her hand to me.
9. Wear: Tom wore black pants.
10. Weep: She wept over her child’s death.
11. Weigh: The suitcase weighs 20 pounds.
12. Whip: She whipped out her pistol.
13. Will: I don’t think Emma will get the job.
14. Win: I can win this time.
15. Wish: I wish to insert an advertisement in your newspaper.
16. Would: If I lived on an island, I would know how to swim.
17. Write:  Write it down on a piece of paper.

List of Verbs in English Grammar

Useful list of verbs classified by their grammatical functions.

Stative Verbs List

List of common stative verbs in English

Mental State

1. Know
2. Believe
3. Understand
4. Doubt
5. Think (have an opinion)
6. Suppose
7. Recognise
8. Forget
9. Remember
10. Imagine
11. Mean
12. Agree
13. Disagree
14. Deny
15. Promise
16. Satisfy
17. Realise
18. Appear
19. Astonish
20. Please
21. Impress
22. Surprise
23. Concern


1. Love
2. Like
3. Dislike
4. Hate
5. Adore
6. Prefer
7. Care for
8. Mind
9. Want
10. Need
11. Desire
12. Wish
13. Hope
14. Appreciate
15. Value

Measure, cost, others

1. Cost
2. Measure
3. Weigh
4. Owe
5. Seem
6. Fit
7. Depend
8. Matter

#2 Gramática: 60 minutos

Aprende estas 13 frases en inglés, porque en ellas están la mayoría de las formas
gramáticas utilizadas.

1. The apple is red La manzana es roja

2. It is John´s apple Es la manzana de John
3. I give John the apple Yo le doy la manzana a John
4. We give him the applpe Nosotros le damos la manzana a él
5. He gives it to John Él se la da a John
6. She gives it to him Ella se la da a él
7. Is the apple red? ¿Es la manzana roja?
8. The apples are red Las manzanas son rojas
9. I must give it to him Yo tengo que darselo a él
10.I want to give it to her Yo quiero dárselo a ella
11.I´m gonig to know tomorrow Yo lo voy a saber mañana
12.(I have eaten the apple) (He comido la manzana)
13.I can´t eat the apple No puedo comer la manzana

#3 Las 1200 palabras más utilizadas: 12 días, 60–90 minutos por día
501 grand grandioso
502 ball pelota

503 yet todavía

504 wave ola

505 drop soltar

506 heart corazón

507 am a.m

508 present presente

509 heavy pesado

510 dance baile

511 engine motor

512 position posición

513 arm brazo

514 wide amplio

515 sail vela

516 material material

517 size tamaño

518 vary variar

519 settle resolver

520 speak hablar

521 weight peso

522 general general

523 ice hielo

524 matter importar

525 circle circulo

526 pair par

527 include incluir

528 divide dividir

529 syllable sílaba

530 felt sintió

531 perhaps quizás

532 pick recoger

533 sudden repentino

534 count contar

535 square cuadrado

536 reason razón

537 length longitud

538 represent representar

539 art art

540 subject tema

541 region región

542 energy energía

543 hunt cazar

544 probable probable

545 bed cama

546 brother hermano

547 egg huevo

548 ride paseo

549 cell celda

550 believe creer

551 fraction fracción

552 forest bosque

553 sit sentar

554 race carrera

555 window ventana

556 store almacenar

557 summer verano

558 train tren

559 sleep dormir

560 prove probar

561 lone solitario

562 leg pierna

563 exercise ejercicio

564 wall pared

565 catch captura

566 mount montar

567 wish deseo

568 sky cielo

569 board tablero

570 joy alegría

571 winter invierno

572 sat sab

573 written escrito

574 wild salvaje

575 instrument instrumento

576 kept mantenido

577 glass vaso

578 grass césped

579 cow vaca

580 job trabajo

581 edge borde

582 sign firmar

583 visit visitar

584 past pasado

585 soft suave

586 fun divertido

587 bright brillante

588 gas gas

589 weather clima

590 month mes

591 million millón

592 bear oso

593 finish terminar

594 happy contento

595 hope esperanza

596 flower flor

597 clothe vestir

598 strange extraño

599 gone ido

600 jump saltar

601 baby bebé

602 eight ocho

603 village pueblo

604 meet reunirse

605 root raíz

606 buy comprar

607 raise aumento

608 solve resolver

609 metal metal

610 whether si

611 push empujar

612 seven siete

613 paragraph párrafo

614 third tercero

615 shall deberá

616 held retenida

617 hair cabello

618 describe describir

619 cook cocinar

620 floor piso

621 either ya sea

622 result resultado

623 burn quemar

624 hill colina

625 safe seguro

626 cat gato

627 century siglo

628 consider considerar

629 type tipo

630 law ley

631 bit poco

632 coast costa

633 copy dupdo

634 phrase frase

635 silent silencio

636 tall alto

637 sand arena

638 soil suelo

639 roll rodar

640 temperature temperatura

641 finger dedo

642 industry industria

643 value valor

644 fight lucha

645 lie mentira

646 beat golpear

647 excite excitar

648 natural natural

649 view ver

650 sense sentido

651 ear oreja

652 else más

653 quite bastante

654 broke rompió

655 case caso

656 middle medio

657 kill matar

658 son hijo

659 lake lago

660 moment momento

661 scale escala

662 loud ruidoso

663 spring primavera

664 observe observar

665 child niño

666 straight Derecho

667 consonant consonante

668 nation nación

669 dictionary diccionario

670 milk Leche

671 speed velocidad

672 method método

673 organ Organo

674 pay paga

675 age años

676 section sección

677 dress vestir

678 cloud nube

679 surprise sorpresa

680 quiet tranquilo

681 stone piedra

682 tiny minúsculo

683 climb escalada

684 cool guay

685 design diseño

686 poor pobre

687 lot mucho

688 experiment experimentar

689 bottom fondo

690 key llave

691 iron hierro

692 single soltero

693 stick palo

694 flat plano

695 twenty veinte

696 skin piel

697 smile sonreír

698 crease pliegue

699 hole agujero

700 trade comercio

701 melody melodía

702 trip viaje

703 office oficina

704 receive recibir

705 row fila

706 mouth boca

707 exact exacto

708 symbol símbolo

709 die morir

710 least menos

711 trouble problema

712 shout gritar

713 except excepto

714 wrote Escribió

715 seed semilla

716 tone tono

717 join unirse

718 suggest sugerir

719 clean limpiar

720 break descanso

721 lady dama

722 yard yarda

723 rise subir

724 bad malo

725 blow soplar

726 oil petróleo

727 blood sangre

728 touch toque

729 grew Creció

730 cent centavo

731 mix mezcla

732 team equipo

733 wire cable

734 cost costo

735 lost perdió

736 brown marrón

737 wear vestir

738 garden jardín

739 equal igual

740 sent expedido

741 choose escoger

742 fell cayó

743 fit ajuste

744 flow fluir

745 fair justa

746 bank banco

747 collect recoger

748 save salvar

749 control controlar

750 decimal decimal

751 gentle amable

752 woman mujer

753 captain capitán

754 practice práctica

755 separate separar

756 difficult difícil

757 doctor doctor

758 please Por favor

759 protect proteger

760 noon mediodía

761 whose cuyo

762 locate localizar

763 ring anillo

764 character personaje

765 insect insecto

766 caught Atrapado

767 period período

768 indicate indicar

769 radio radio

770 spoke habló

771 atom átomo

772 human humano

773 history historia

774 effect efecto

775 electric eléctrico

776 expect esperar

777 crop cultivo

778 modern moderno

779 element elemento

780 hit golpear

781 student estudiante

782 corner esquina

783 party fiesta

784 supply suministro

785 bone hueso

786 rail carril

787 imagine imagina

788 provide proporcionar

789 agree de acuerdo

790 thus así

791 capital capital

792 won't costumbre

793 chair silla

794 danger peligro

795 fruit Fruta

796 rich Rico

797 thick grueso

798 soldier soldado

799 process proceso

800 operate funcionar

801 guess adivinar

802 necessary necesario

803 sharp agudo

804 wing ala

805 create crear

806 neighbor Vecino

807 wash lavar

808 bat murciélago

809 rather más bien

810 crowd multitud

811 corn maíz

812 compare comparar

813 poem poema

814 string cuerda

815 bell campana

816 depend depender

817 meat carne

818 rub frotar

819 tube tubo

820 famous famoso

821 dollar dólar

822 stream corriente

823 fear miedo

824 sight visión

825 thin Delgado

826 triangle triángulo

827 planet planeta

828 hurry prisa

829 chief jefe

830 colony colonia

831 clock reloj

832 mine mía

833 tie Corbata

834 enter entrar

835 major mayor

836 fresh Fresco

837 search buscar

838 send enviar

839 yellow amarillo

840 gun pistola

841 allow permitir

842 print impresión

843 dead muerto

844 spot lugar

845 desert Desierto

846 suit traje

847 current corriente

848 lift ascensor

849 rose Rosa

850 continue continuar

851 block bloquear

852 chart gráfico

853 hat sombrero

854 sell vender

855 success éxito

856 company empresa

857 subtract sustraer

858 event evento

859 particular especial

860 deal acuerdo

861 swim nadar

862 term término

863 opposite opuesto

864 wife esposa

865 shoe zapato

866 shoulder hombro

867 spread untado

868 arrange organizar

869 camp acampar

870 invent inventar

871 cotton algodón

872 born nacido

873 determine determinar

874 quart cuarto de galón

875 nine nueve

876 truck camión

877 noise ruido

878 level nivel

879 chance oportunidad

880 gather reunir

881 shop tienda

882 stretch tramo

883 throw lanzar

884 shine brillar

885 property propiedad

886 column columna

887 molecule molécula

888 select seleccionar

889 wrong incorrecto

890 gray gris

891 repeat repetir

892 require exigir

893 broad ancho

894 prepare preparar

895 salt sal

896 nose nariz

897 plural plural

898 anger enfado

899 claim Reclamación

900 continent continente

901 oxygen oxígeno

902 sugar azúcar

903 death muerte

904 pretty bonita

905 skill habilidad

906 women mujer

907 season temporada

908 solution solución

909 magnet imán

910 silver plata

911 thank gracias

912 branch rama

913 match partido

914 suffix sufijo

915 especially especialmente

916 fig higo

917 afraid asustado

918 huge enorme

919 sister hermana

920 steel acero

921 discuss discutir

922 forward adelante

923 similar similar

924 guide guía

925 experience experiencia

926 score Puntuación

927 apple manzana

928 bought compró

929 led LED

930 pitch tono

931 coat capa

932 mass masa

933 card tarjeta

934 band banda

935 rope cuerda

936 slip resbalón

937 win ganar

938 dream sueño

939 evening noche

940 condition condición

941 feed alimentar

942 tool herramienta

943 total total

944 basic BASIC

945 smell oler

946 valley Valle

947 nor ni

948 double doble

949 seat asiento

950 arrive llegar

951 master dominar

952 track pista

953 parent padre

954 shore apuntalar

955 division división

956 sheet hoja

957 substance sustancia

958 favor favor

959 connect conectar

960 post enviar

961 spend gastar

962 chord acorde

963 fat grasa

964 glad alegre

965 original original

966 share compartir

967 station estación

968 dad papá

969 bread pan de molde

970 charge cargar

971 proper apropiado

972 bar bar

973 offer oferta

974 segment segmento

975 slave esclavo

976 duck pato

977 instant instante

978 market mercado

979 degree la licenciatura

980 populate poblar

981 chick polluelo

982 dear querido

983 enemy enemigo

984 reply respuesta

985 drink beber

986 occur ocurrir

987 support apoyo

988 speech habla

989 nature naturaleza

990 range distancia

991 steam vapor

992 motion movimiento

993 path camino

994 liquid líquido

995 log Iniciar sesión

996 meant Significado

997 quotient cociente

998 teeth dientes

999 shell cáscara

1000 neck cuello

4 Seleccionar 20 frases más comunes


#5 Job Interview Questions and Answers - Common Interview

Questions in English

#7 Seguir aprendiendo mientras aprendes un nuevo hobby

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