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5/30/2019 Review Test Submission: Chapter 12 Quiz – 201925 May ...

Angeline Garcia
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H Week 2 content - Ch slides, quizzes, and video Review Test Submission: Chapter 12 Quiz

Review Test Submission: Chapter 12 Quiz

User Angeline Michelle Garcia

Course 201925 May 2019 05/13-05/31 BA_3301 25048:Kurt Stanberry - Fully Online
Test Chapter 12 Quiz
Started 5/30/19 10:42 AM
Submitted 5/30/19 10:47 AM
Status Completed
Attempt Score 27 out of 30 points  
Time Elapsed 4 minutes out of 30 minutes
Results Displayed All Answers, Submitted Answers, Correct Answers

Question 1 0 out of 3 points

Shasta offers to sell a used hay baler to Roberto, but receives a letter of accep tance from Quito, who
has no relation to Roberto. A valid contract exists between

Selected Answer: b. Shasta and Quito.

Answers: a. Shasta and Roberto.
b. Shasta and Quito.
Roberto and Quito.
d. none of the choices.

Question 2 3 out of 3 points

Deb  buys  a  song  through  eSongs,  an  online  music  vendor.  Before  completing  the  purchase  and
downloading the song, Deb must review a provision stating that she will not make and sell
copies of the song and is required to click “I agree.” This provision is

Selected Answer: b. a click­on agreement.

Answers: a. a browse-wrap term.

b. a click­on agreement.

a shrink­wrap agreement.

d. none of the choices. 1/3
5/30/2019 Review Test Submission: Chapter 12 Quiz – 201925 May ...

Question 3 3 out of 3 points

Casey offers to sell a certain used forklift to DIY Lumber Outlet, but Casey dies before DIY ac cepts.
Most likely, Casey’s death

Selected Answer: a. termi nated the offer.

Answers: a. termi nated the offer.

extended the time of the offer.
c. did not affect the offer.
d. shortened the time of the offer but did not terminate it.

Question 4 3 out of 3 points

On behalf of Bobble Head Manufacturing Company, Carmela types her name at the bottom of an e­
mail purchase order and submits the order to Designer Parts Company. Under the UETA, Carmela’s
typed name qualifies as

Selected Answer: a. a “signature.”

Answers: a. a “signature.”

b. a statement of future intent.
c. a preliminary negotiation.
a partnering agreement.


Question 5 3 out of 3 points

Under federal law, an e­document is not as enforceable as a paper one.

Selected Answer: False

Answers: True

Question 6 3 out of 3 points

Only the United States has created regulations for global Internet transactions.

Selected Answer: False

Answers: True
False 2/3
5/30/2019 Review Test Submission: Chapter 12 Quiz – 201925 May ...

Question 7 3 out of 3 points

A request or invitation to negotiate is an offer.

Selected Answer: False

Answers: True

Question 8 3 out of 3 points

Generally, a contract must express its terms—no reasonable inferences are permissible.

Selected Answer: False

Answers: True

Question 9 3 out of 3 points

An important rule to keep in mind is that the offeree (the buyer) controls the acceptance and thus the
resulting contract.

Selected Answer: False

Answers: True

Question 10 3 out of 3 points

An advertisement is generally considered an offer.

Selected Answer: False

Answers: True
Thursday, May 30, 2019 10:47:08 AM CDT

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