Learning Metaphors: by James Lawley and Penny Tompkins

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The passage discusses using students' metaphors to understand how they learn as well as some examples of metaphors for learning like planting flowers or switching on a light bulb.

Some examples of metaphors for learning mentioned are planting flowers, playing cards, savings account, switching on a light bulb, and eating.

Some classroom games described are Red Elbow, Copy Me, Hear Me, Beat the Teacher, Rhythm Race, and Chopsticks.

metaphors carry a great deal of abstract and intangible

LEARNING METAPHORS information in a concise and memorable package.

by James Lawley and Penny Tompkins In addition there is a fourth property, and it is the one
which most impacts the way students learn. Because
Learning is a highly complex process about which we metaphors describe one experience in terms of another,
know very little. But one thing we know for sure is that they specify and constrain our ways of thinking about
people learn in different ways. How can we have a sense the original experience. This influences the meaning and
of the way our students learn -- just by listening to what importance we attach to the original experience, the way
they say? A very practical approach is to take note of the it fits with other experiences, and the actions we take as
metaphors in their language. a result.

What is a Metaphor? Clean Language

In the innovative and mind-expanding book Metaphors There is a very simple way to discover your student's
We Live By, linguist George Lakoff and philosopher metaphors for learning -- just ask them:
Mark Johnson say:
And when you're learning, that's learning like what?
The essence of metaphor is understanding and
experiencing one kind of thing in terms of another.  [Note Whatever answer they give can be further developed by
1] asking:

We like this definition for a number of reasons. First, it And is there anything else about that 'X'?
recognises that metaphor is about capturing the essential And what kind of 'X' is that 'X'?
nature of an experience. For instance, when a student of
ours described his situation as "It's like I'm banging my [Where X' is the metaphorical or symbolic part of the
head against a brick wall." the sense of the repetitive, answer to the original question.]
painful and self-defeating nature of his experience was
instantly apparent. Second, the definition acknowledges These 'Clean' Language questions are taken from a
that metaphor is an active process which is at the very method of exploring a person's metaphors devised by
heart of understanding ourselves, others and the world David Grove, and are fully explained in our
about us. Third, metaphor need not be limited to verbal book Metaphors in Mind: Transformation through
expressions. For us, a metaphor can Symbolic Modelling. [Note 4]
include any expression or thing that is symbolic for a
person, be that nonverbal behaviour, self-produced art,
In the 1980s, psychotherapist David Grove realised that
an item in the environment, or an imaginative
many of his clients naturally described their symptoms
representation. In other words, whatever a person says,
and outcomes in metaphor. He discovered that when he
sees, hears, feels or does, as well as what they imagine,
enquired about these metaphors using the
can be used to produce, comprehend and reason through
client's exact words, their perception of their problems
began to change. This led him to create Clean Language,
a method of asking simple questions of clients'
Metaphor is not an occasional foray into the world of metaphors which neither contaminate nor distort them.
figurative language, but the fundamental basis for
everyday cognition. Lakoff and Johnson state:
Metaphors for Learning
In all aspects of life, ... we define our reality in terms of
Using the above clean questions, we elicited a metaphor
metaphors and then proceed to act on the basis of the
for learning from ten adult students:
metaphors. We draw inferences, set goals, make
commitments, and execute plans, all on the basis of how
we in part structure our experience, consciously and 1. Planting flowers -- A seed is planted in my mind
unconsciously, by means of metaphor.  [Note 2] which I nurture with water and sun in the faith that it
will sprout and grow.
Andrew Ortony has identified three characteristics of
metaphors that account for their utility: vividness, 2. Playing cards -- I divide things into four categories
compactness and expressibility. [Note 3] In short, and look for patterns across the suits until the logic and
meaning emerges and I know which card to play.
3. Savings account -- I invest the time to accumulate d. It's got me beat.
data and information until there is enough interest that I e. Just when I think I understand, it all gets shuffled
can roll it over into the next idea. around.
f. I can't make anything out of this.
4. Switching on a light bulb -- It's not until the light g. It makes me want to weep.
switches on that I have an insight or an 'ah ha'. h. I'm clueless.
i. I'm wandering around in the dark.
5. Eating -- You need to take in the basic meat and j. We can't learn in these conditions.
potatoes before you get to the mouth-watering dessert.
It's easy to find the correspondence, isn't it? [Note 6] Why?
6. Being a detective -- It's all about uncovering the facts, For two reasons: first, we generally use common and
looking for clues and asking the right questions until the well understood experiences as the metaphorical basis
whole mystery makes sense. for complex and abstract information; and second, there
is a consistency and logic to the metaphors each of us
7. Peeling an onion -- I peel off a layer which reveals uses.
the next layer to be peeled off. Each time something teIls
me I'm get closer to the core of the matter. You can see that if you want to teach in a way that
corresponds to the metaphors of a group of students, you
8. A quest -- I'm searching for that illusive something will need a highly flexible approach.
and every step I take brings me closer to what I need to
know, but I never get there ... it's a continuous journey. Using Multiple Metaphors

9. Sculpting -- You start with the raw material and shape One way to appeal to a wide range of learning styles is
it into a form that's pleasing to the eye. to make sure that you use a variety of metaphors. These
should have as diverse a structure as possible. For
10. Wrestling -- I struggle with the ideas until they're instance, in addition to saying to the class "Can you
pinned down and I've captured them. figure this out?" and leaving it at that, you might also
offer a few other metaphorical alternatives, such as:
These metaphors reveal the diversity of student's
symbolic representations for how they learn. They also Who can solve this?
suggest some interesting contrasts. For example the See what you make of this.
'savings account' student steadily accumulates What conclusions do you draw?
knowledge, whereas no learning will appear to be Who feels they can work this out?
happening for the 'light bulb' student until the light is Tell me when you get somewhere.
switched on. The 'playing cards' student presumably What can you construct out of this?
wants all the cards dealt so they can start looking for Take your time and see what emerges.
patterns, but giving the 'detective' student all the relevant Tell me when you've come up with an answer.
information in advance will probably take the fun out of Play around with the ideas and see where you get to.
their investigation. The student on a 'quest' needs to Chew over the information until you've digested the
discover new things at each step of their journey, while ideas .
the 'planting flowers' student will want to stay with and Spend some time considering this and it will all become
continually tend the seed of an idea. clear.
You'll need to dig below the surface to get the nub of the
Although we obtained the metaphors for learning issue.
through asking Clean Language questions, students are
speaking in metaphor all the time. Research shows that In conclusion...
everyday conversation makes use of at least four
metaphors per minute. [Note 5] Below are examples of Metaphors embody and define the intangible and
metaphorical expressions which are 'hidden' or abstract, but this process inevitably constrains
'embedded' in language. Can you match the above ten perceptions and actions to those which make sense
students to the following problems with learning? within the logic of the metaphor. Metaphors are
therefore both descriptive and prescriptive. As students
a. I've lost my way. become aware of their own metaphors for learning they
b. I can't digest all this information. can recognise how these limit or liberate them. In this
c. There's not enough in the bank. way they can learn from their own learning process!
It also pays to know your own preferred metaphors
because they have such an influence on the way you It is important to understand how a metaphor works and know when
teach. Once you are familiar with your preferences you
you have heard one. They are meant to create a vivid picture, or be a
can begin to stretch yourself by employing new
metaphors. For some students your new metaphors will profound saying. The stronger the metaphor is, the better your intent
say the same thing in a different way -- but other
students will need to engage in a different class of will be received. Using metaphors to explain something to a child
mindbody processing. In addition to teaching the subject
matter you will be training your students to process helps them by giving them a more visual picture.
information via a variety of metaphors. The result will
be an enhanced ability to think more creatively. Simple Metaphor Examples For Kids

What is a Metaphor?
Here is a list of simple metaphor examples you can use to help teach

your child about new things.

If your child asks what a metaphor is, here is how you can explain it.

A metaphor is a comparison between two things that share a 1. Max is a pig when he eats.
2. You are my sunshine.
common characteristic. One thing is equal to another because it has 3. It’s raining cats and dogs.
4. Even a child could carry my dog around for
this characteristic. For example, “You are my sunshine,” just like the hours. He is a feather.
5. He is the Tiger Woods of his golf team.
sun brings warmth and happiness to someone’s day; you do the 6. Mary’s hair was a fierce lion’s main; always
sticking out in wild directions.
same, by bringing happiness to someone’s day. You are sunshine 7. He tried to help but his legs were rubber.
8. Her eyes were fireflies.
because you share the characteristic of making someone happy. A 9. I was lost in a sea of nameless faces.
10. My teacher is a dragon.
metaphor is a stronger image than a simile; and makes the reader 11. Their home was a prison.
12. Life is a rollercoaster.
feel or see something to help them understand it. It states that 13. America is a melting pot.
14. His eyes were ice.
something  is  equal to something else; it is not just a comparison 15. The world is a stage.
16. Life is a fashion show.
between two things. 17. My kid’s room is a disaster.
18. The alligator’s teeth are white daggers.
The Purpose of Metaphors 19. Time is money.
20. The wheels of justice turn slowly.
21. She cut him down with her words.
Metaphors should create an impact on the reader. They are used to
22. The teacher planted the seed of wisdom.
23. The clouds sailed across the sky.
inspire and help people understand the importance of something. For 24. Laughter is the music of the soul.
25. He is a chicken.
example, “Max is a pig when he eats,” gives the reader a strong visual 26. The peaceful lake was a mirror.
27. Your brain is a computer.
of how messy Max is when he eats. This is very important not only in 28. He is a night owl.
29. The car was a furnace in the son.
a story or poem, but in everyday conversation. If someone says that 30. A blanket of snow covered the ground.
31. The park was a lake after the rain.
his stomach is a black hole you know it is important to have plenty of 32. The lawn is a green carpet.
33. The kids were monkeys on the jungle gym.
food at your event. If he had just said that his stomach is big or can 34. The stars are sparkling diamonds.
35. My brother is a couch potato.
hold a lot you wouldn’t think you needed as much food. If his 36. The clouds are balls of cotton.
37. His stomach is a black hole.
stomach truly were a black hole you would need a never ending 38. His heart is a rock.
39. She is fishing for more.
supply of food. 40. He was feeling blue.
41. She is on a rollercoaster of emotions.
42. He has a broken heart.
43. She has a bubbly personality.
British school story (which includes elements
44. She is a shining star.
45. The interstate was a parking lot at rush hour. of mystery, thriller, adventure, horror and romance), it
46. Books are the keys to your imagination. has many cultural meanings and references.
47. The ballerina was a swan, gliding across the
stage. [5]
According to Rowling, the main theme is death.
48. Her angry words were bullets to him. [6]
 There are also many other themes in the series,
49. The thunder was a lion.
50. The road was a ribbon stretching across the such as prejudice, corruption, and madness.[7]
The series was originally printed in English by two
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious- wonderful major publishers, Bloomsbury in the United Kingdom
andScholastic Press in the United States. The seven
or fantastic
books were adapted into an eight-part film
series by Warner Bros. Pictures, which is the
second highest-grossing film series of all time as of
Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy August 2015. The series also originated much tie-
novels written by British author J. K. Rowling. The in merchandise, making the Harry Potter brand worth
series chronicles the life of a young wizard, Harry in excess of $15 billion.[8]
Potter, and his friends Hermione Granger and Ron
Because of the success of the books and films, Harry
Weasley, all of whom are students atHogwarts School
Potter-themed areas, known as The Wizarding World
of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The main story
of Harry Potter, have been created at
arc concerns Harry's struggle against the Dark
several Universal Parks & Resorts theme parks
wizardLord Voldemort, who aims to become immortal,
around the world. The franchise continues to expand,
overthrow the Ministry of Magic, subjugate non-magic
with numerous supplemental books to accompany the
people and destroy anyone who stands in his way.
films and the original novels, a studio tour in London
Since the release of the first novel, Harry Potter and that opened in 2012, a traveling exhibition that
the Philosopher's Stone, on 30 June 1997, the books premiered in Chicago in 2009, a digital platform
have gained immense popularity, critical acclaim and entitled Pottermore, on which J.K. Rowling updates
commercial success worldwide. They attracted a wide the series with new information and insight, a sequel
adult audience, and have remained one of the in the form of a stage play, and a trilogy of spin-off
preeminent cornerstones of young adult literature. films premiering in 2016, amongst many other
 The series has also had some share of criticism, developments.
including concern about the increasingly dark tone as
the series progressed, as well as the often gruesome Plot[edit]
and graphic violence depicted in the series. As of July Further information: Harry Potter universe
2013, the books have sold more than 450 million
The novels revolve around Harry Potter, an orphan
copies worldwide, making the series the best-selling
who discovers at the age of 11 that he is a wizard,
book series in history, and have been translated into
though he lives within the ordinary world of non-
73 languages.[3][4] The last four books consecutively set
magical people known as Muggles.[9] The wizarding
records as the fastest-selling books in history, with the
world has hidden itself from the Muggle world,
final instalment selling roughly 11 million copies in the
presumably to avoid persecution of witches and
United States within the first 24 hours of its release.
wizards, which had occurred to a great extent several
A series of many genres, centuries before. His magical ability is inborn, and
including fantasy, drama, coming of age and the children with such abilties are invited to attend an
exclusive magic school that teaches the necessary When the first novel of the series, Harry Potter and
skills to succeed in the wizarding world.  Harry
the Philosopher's Stone (published in some countries
becomes a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft as Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone) opens, it is
and Wizardry, and it is here where most of the events apparent that some significant event has taken place
in the series take place. As Harry develops through in the wizarding world – an event so very remarkable,
his adolescence, he learns to overcome the problems even the Muggles (non-magical people) notice signs
that face him: magical, social and emotional, including of it. The full background to this event and Harry
ordinary teenage challenges such as friendships, Potter's past is revealed gradually through the series.
infatuation, romantic relationships, schoolwork and After the introductory chapter, the book leaps forward
exams, anxiety, depression, stress, and the greater to a time shortly before Harry Potter's eleventh
test of preparing himself for the confrontation in the birthday, and it is at this point that his magical
real world that lies ahead, in wizarding Britain's background begins to be revealed.
increasingly-violent second wizarding war.[11]
Harry's first contact with the wizarding world is
Each book chronicles one year in Harry's life  with [12]
through a half-giant, Rubeus Hagrid, keeper of
the main narrative being set in the years 1991–98. grounds and keys at Hogwarts. Hagrid reveals some
 The books also contain many flashbacks, which are of Harry's history.[15] Harry learns that, as a baby, he
frequently experienced by Harry viewing the witnessed his parents' murder by the power-obsessed
memories of other characters in a device called Dark wizard Lord Voldemort, who subsequently
a Pensieve. attempted to kill him as well.[15] For reasons not
immediately revealed, the spell with which Voldemort
The environment Rowling created is intimately
tried to kill Harry rebounded. Harry survived with only
connected to reality. The British magical community of
a lightning-shaped scar on his forehead as a
the Harry Potter books is inspired by 1990's British
memento of the attack, and Voldemort disappeared
culture, European folklore, classical mythology
afterwards. As its inadvertent saviour from
and alchemy, incorporating objects and wildlife such
Voldemort's reign of terror, Harry has become a living
as magic wands, magic plants, potions, and spells,
legend in the wizarding world. However, at the orders
flying broomsticks,centaurs and other magical
of the venerable and well-known wizard Albus
creatures, the deathly hallows, and the Philosopher's
Dumbledore, the orphaned Harry had been placed in
Stone, beside others invented by Rowling. While
the home of his unpleasant Muggle relatives, the
the fantasy land of Narnia is analternative
Dursleys, who kept him safe, but treated him poorly,
universe and the Lord of the Rings' Middle-earth a
having him live in a cupboard and do many more
mythic past, the wizarding world of Harry Potter exists
chores than their son Dudley, whom they spoiled.
in parallel within the real world and contains magical
Petunia Dursley was jealous of her sister's magical
versions of the ordinary elements of everyday life,
abilities as a child, and therefore hated wizards, so
with the books being mostly set in Scotland
the Dursleys hid Harry's true heritage from him,
(Hogwarts), the West Country, Devon, London and
saying his parents died in a car crash in hopes that he
Surrey in south-east England.[14] The world only
would grow up "normal".[15]
accessible to wizards and magical beings comprises
a fragmented collection of overlooked hidden streets, With Hagrid's help, Harry prepares for and undertakes
ancient pubs, lonely country manors and secluded his first year of study at Hogwarts. As Harry begins to
castles invisible to the Muggle population. [10]
explore the magical world, the reader is introduced to

Early years[edit] many of the primary locations used throughout the

series. Harry meets most of the main characters and
gains his two closest friends: Ron Weasley, a fun- The third novel, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of
loving member of an ancient, large, happy, but poor Azkaban, follows Harry in his third year of magical
wizarding family, and Hermione Granger, a gifted and education. It is the only book in the series which does
very hardworking witch of non-magical parentage. [15]
not feature Lord Voldemort. Instead, Harry must deal
 Harry also encounters the school's potions with the knowledge that he has been targeted
master, Severus Snape, who displays a by Sirius Black, his father's best friend, and, according
conspicuously deep and abiding dislike for him, and to the people of the Wizarding World, an escaped
the Defence Against the Dark Artsteacher, Quirinus mass murderer who assisted in the deaths of Harry's
Quirrell, who later turns out to be controlled by Lord parents. As Harry struggles with his reaction to
Voldemort. The first book concludes with Harry's the dementors – dark creatures with the power to
second confrontation with Lord Voldemort, who, in his devour a human soul – which are ostensibly
quest for immortality, yearns to gain the power of protecting the school, he reaches out to Remus Lupin,
the Philosopher's Stone, a substance that bestows a Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher who is
everlasting life. [15]
eventually revealed to be a werewolf. Lupin teaches
Harry defensive measures which are well above the
The series continues with Harry Potter and the
level of magic generally executed by people his age.
Chamber of Secrets, describing Harry's second year
Harry came to know that both Lupin and Black were
at Hogwarts. He and his friends investigate a 50-year-
best friends of his father and that Black was framed
old mystery that appears uncannily related to recent
by their fourth friend, Peter Pettigrew.[17] In this book, a
sinister events at the school. Ron's younger
recurring theme throughout the series is emphasised
sister, Ginny Weasley, enrolls in her first year at
– in every book there is a new Defence Against the
Hogwarts, and finds an old notebook which turns out
Dark Arts teacher, none of whom lasts more than one
to be Voldemort's diary from his school days. Ginny
school year.
becomes possessed by Voldemort through the diary
and unconsciously opens the "Chamber of Secrets," Voldemort returns[edit]
unleashing an ancient monster, later revealed to be a
basilisk, which begins attacking students at Hogwarts.
The novel delves into the history of Hogwarts and a
legend revolving around the Chamber that soon
frightened everyone in the school. The book also
introduces a new Defence Against the Dark
Arts teacher, Gilderoy Lockhart, a highly cheerful,
self-conceited know-it-all who later turns out to be a
"The Elephant House" – One of the cafés
fraud. Harry discovers that prejudice exists in the
in Edinburgh where Rowling wrote the first part of Harry
wizarding world, and learns that Voldemort's reign of
terror was often directed at wizards who were
descended from Muggles. Harry also learns that his During Harry's fourth year of school (detailed in Harry
ability to speak the snake language Parseltongue is Potter and the Goblet of Fire), Harry is unwillingly
rare and often associated with the Dark Arts. The entered as a participant in the Triwizard Tournament,
novel ends after Harry saves Ginny's life by a dangerous contest where Harry must compete
destroying the basilisk and the enchanted diary which against a witch and a wizard "champion" from visiting
has been the source of the problems. schools Beauxbatons and Durmstrang as well as
another Hogwarts student, causing Harry's friends to
distance themselves from him.[18] Harry is guided against Voldemort's Death Eaters at the Ministry of
through the tournament by their new Defence Against Magic. Although the timely arrival of members of the
the Dark Arts professor, Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody, Order of the Phoenix saves the children's lives, Sirius
who turns out to be an impostor – one of Voldemort's Black is killed in the conflict.
supporters named Barty Crouch, Jr. in disguise. The
In the sixth book, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood
point at which the mystery is unravelled marks the
Prince, Voldemort begins waging open warfare. Harry
series' shift from foreboding and uncertainty into open
and his friends are relatively protected from that
conflict. Voldemort's plan to have Crouch use the
danger at Hogwarts. They are subject to all the
tournament to bring Harry to Voldemort succeeds.
difficulties of adolescence – Harry eventually begins
Although Harry manages to escape, Cedric Diggory,
dating Ginny, Ron establishes a strong infatuation
the other Hogwarts champion in the tournament, is
with fellow Hogwarts student Lavender Brown, and
killed by Peter Pettigrew and Voldemort re-enters the
Hermione starts to develop romantic feelings toward
wizarding world with a physical body.
Ron. Near the beginning of the novel, lacking his own
In the fifth book, Harry Potter and the Order of the book, Harry is given an old potions textbook filled with
Phoenix, Harry must confront the newly resurfaced many annotations and recommendations signed by a
Voldemort. In response to Voldemort's reappearance, mysterious writer; "the Half-Blood Prince." This book
Dumbledore re-activates the Order of the Phoenix, a is a source of scholastic success and great
secret society which works from Sirius Black's dark recognition from their new potions master, Horace
family home to defeat Voldemort's minions and Slughorn, but because of the potency of the spells
protect Voldemort's targets, especially Harry. Despite that are written in it, becomes a source of concern.
Harry's description of Voldemort's recent activities, Harry takes private lessons with Dumbledore, who
the Ministry of Magic and many others in the magical shows him various memories concerning the early life
world refuse to believe that Voldemort has returned. of Voldemort in a device called a Pensieve. These
 In an attempt to counter and eventually discredit reveal that in order to preserve his life, Voldemort has
Dumbledore, who along with Harry is the most split his soul into pieces, creating a series
prominent voice in the wizarding world attempting to of horcruxes – evil enchanted items hidden in various
warn of Voldemort's return, the Ministry locations, one of which was the diary destroyed in the
appoints Dolores Umbridge as the High Inquisitor of second book.[21] Harry's snobbish adversary, Draco
Hogwarts and the new Defence Against the Dark Arts Malfoy, attempts to attack Dumbledore, and the book
teacher. She transforms the school into a dictatorial culminates in the killing of Dumbledore by Professor
regime and refuses to allow the students to learn Snape, the titular Half-Blood Prince.
ways to defend themselves against dark magic. [19]
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the last book in
With Ron and Hermione's suggestion, Harry forms the series, begins directly after the events of the sixth
"Dumbledore's Army," a secret study group aimed to book. Lord Voldemort has completed his ascension to
teach his classmates the higher-level skills of Defence power and gained control of the Ministry of Magic.
Against the Dark Arts that he has learned from his Harry, Ron and Hermione drop out of school so that
previous encounters with Dark wizards. An important they can find and destroy Voldemort's remaining
prophecy concerning Harry and Lord Voldemort is horcruxes. To ensure their own safety as well as that
revealed,  and Harry discovers that he and
of their family and friends, they are forced to isolate
Voldemort have a painful connection, allowing Harry themselves. As they search for the horcruxes, the trio
to view some of Voldemort's actions telepathically. In learns details about Dumbledore's past, as well as
the novel's climax, Harry and his friends face off Snape's true motives – he had worked on
Dumbledore's behalf since the murder of Harry's countries. The book was published internationally on
mother. 4 December 2008.[25][26] Rowling also wrote an 800-
word prequel in 2008 as part of a fundraiser
The book culminates in the Battle of Hogwarts. Harry,
organised by the booksellerWaterstones.[27] All three of
Ron and Hermione, in conjunction with members of
these books contain extra information about the
the Order of the Phoenix and many of the teachers
Wizarding World not included in the original novels.
and students, defend Hogwarts from Voldemort, his
Death Eaters, and various dangerous magical Pottermore website[edit]
creatures. Several major characters are killed in the
In 2011, Rowling launched a new website announcing
first wave of the battle, including Remus
an upcoming project called Pottermore.[28] Pottermore
Lupin and Fred Weasley. After learning that he
opened to the general public on 14 April 2012.
himself is a horcrux, Harry surrenders himself to [29]
Pottermore allows users to be sorted, be chosen by
Voldemort in the Forbidden Forest, who casts a killing
their wand and play various minigames. The main
curse (Avada Kedavra) at him. The defenders of
purpose of the website was to allow the user to
Hogwarts do not surrender after learning of Harry's
journey though the story with access to content not
presumed death and continue to fight on. Harry
revealed by JK Rowling previously, with over 18,000
awakens and faces Voldemort, whose horcruxes have
words of additional content.[30]
all been destroyed. In the final battle, Voldemort's
killing curse rebounds off Harry's defensive spell In September 2015 the website was completely

(Expelliarmus) killing Voldemort. Also, as most overhauled and most of the features were removed.

viewers saw coming, Harry Potter marries and has The site has been redesigned and it mainly focuses

children with Ginny Weasley and Hermione Granger on the informations already available, rather than

marries and has children with Ronald Weasley. exploration.[31]

An epilogue describes the lives of the surviving Structure and genre[edit]

characters and the effects of Voldemort's death on the
wizarding world. It also introduces the children of all The Harry Potter novels are mainly directed at a

the characters. young adult audience as opposed to an audience of

middle grade readers, children, or adults. The novels
Supplementary works[edit] fall within the genre of fantasy literature, and qualify
In-universe books[edit] as a unique type of fantasy called "urban fantasy,"
See also: J. K. Rowling § Philanthropy "contemporary fantasy," or "low fantasy." They are
Rowling has expanded the Harry Potter universe with mainly dramas, and maintain a fairly serious and dark
several short books produced for various charities.[22] tone troughout, though they do contain some notable
 In 2001, she released Fantastic Beasts and Where instances of tragicomedy and black humor. In many
to Find Them (a purported Hogwarts textbook) respects, they are also examples of
and Quidditch Through the Ages (a book Harry reads the bildungsroman, or coming of age novel,[32] and
for fun). Proceeds from the sale of these two books contain elements of mystery,
benefitted the charity Comic Relief.[24] In 2007, adventure, horror, thriller, and romance. They can be
Rowling composed seven handwritten copies of The considered part of the British children's boarding
Tales of Beedle the Bard, a collection of fairy tales school genre, which includes Rudyard Kipling's Stalky
that is featured in the final novel, one of which was & Co., Enid Blyton's Malory Towers, St. Clare's and
auctioned to raise money for the Children's High Level the Naughtiest Girl series, and Frank Richards's Billy
Group, a fund for mentally disabled children in poor Bunter novels: the Harry Potter books are
predominantly set in Hogwarts, a fictional British According to Rowling, a major theme in the series is
boarding school for wizards, where the curriculum death: "My books are largely about death. They open
includes the use of magic.[33] In this sense they are "in with the death of Harry's parents. There is
a direct line of descent from Thomas Hughes's Tom Voldemort's obsession with conquering death and his
Brown's School Days and other Victorian and quest for immortality at any price, the goal of anyone
Edwardian novels of British public school life," though with magic. I so understand why Voldemort wants to
they are, as many note, more contemporary, grittier, conquer death. We're all frightened of it."[6]
darker, and more mature than the typical boarding
Academics and journalists have developed many
school novel, addressing serious themes of death,
other interpretations of themes in the books, some
love, loss, prejudice, coming-of-age, and the loss of
more complex than others, and some
innocence in a 1990's British setting.[34][35]
including political subtexts. Themes such
The books are also, in the words of Stephen King, as normality, oppression, survival, and overcoming
"shrewd mystery tales",  and each book is
imposing odds have all been considered as prevalent
constructed in the manner of a Sherlock Holmes- throughout the series.[39] Similarly, the theme of
style mysteryadventure. The stories are told from making one's way through adolescence and "going
a third person limited point of view with very few over one's most harrowing ordeals – and thus coming
exceptions (such as the opening chapters to terms with them" has also been considered.
of Philosopher's Stone, Goblet of Fireand Deathly [40]
Rowling has stated that the books comprise "a
Hallows and the first two chapters of Half-Blood prolonged argument for tolerance, a prolonged plea
Prince). for an end to bigotry" and that they also pass on a
message to "question authority and... not assume that
In the middle of each book, Harry struggles with the
the establishment or the press tells you all of the
problems he encounters, and dealing with them often
involves the need to violate some school rules. If
students are caught breaking rules, they are often While the books could be said to comprise many
disciplined by Hogwarts professors. However, the other themes, such as power/abuse of power,
stories reach their climax in the summer term, near or violence and hatred, love, loss, prejudice, and free
just after final exams, when events escalate far choice, they are, as Rowling states, "deeply
beyond in-school squabbles and struggles, and Harry entrenched in the whole plot"; the writer prefers to let
must confront either Voldemort or one of his followers, themes "grow organically", rather than sitting down
the Death Eaters, with the stakes a matter of life and and consciously attempting to impart such ideas to
death–a point underlined, as the series progresses, her readers.[7] Along the same lines is the ever-
by one or more characters being killed in each of the present theme of adolescence, in whose depiction
final four books.[37][38] In the aftermath, he learns Rowling has been purposeful in acknowledging her
important lessons through exposition and discussions characters' sexualities and not leaving Harry, as she
with head teacher and mentor Albus Dumbledore. In put it, "stuck in a state of permanent pre-
the final novel, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, pubescence". Rowling has also been praised for her
Harry and his friends spend most of their time away nuanced depiction of the ways in which death and
from Hogwarts, and only return there to face violence affects youth, and humanity as a whole.[42]
Voldemort at the dénouement.[37]
Rowling said that, to her, the moral significance of the
tales seems "blindingly obvious". The key for her was
Themes[edit] the choice between what is right and what is easy,
"because that … is how tyranny is started, with people using all parts of their bodies, a
being apathetic and taking the easy route and
suddenly finding themselves in deep trouble."[43]
2. Copy Me
Origins[edit] This is simply a game of copycat.  The
Main article: Harry Potter influences and analogues teacher uses a combination of clapping and
In 1990, Rowling was on a crowded train sounds to make a pattern.  Students need to
from Manchester to London when the idea for Harry
copy what the teacher says/does.  This can
suddenly "fell into her head". Rowling gives an
account of the experience on her website saying:[44]
start with a simple pattern of only 2-3 and
can extend to add more.  To make it even
"I had been writing almost continuously since the age
of six but I had never been so excited about an idea more challenging complete the pattern
before. I simply sat and thought, for four (delayed quicker and see how many students are able
train) hours, and all the details bubbled up in my
to keep up and remember all the parts.  An
brain, and this scrawny, black-haired, bespectacled
boy who did not know he was a wizard became more example pattern could be: clap, slap, snap,
and more real to me." click and yell.

. Red Elbow 3. Hear Me

This game involves the teacher calling out a This game is an extension of the one above. 
colour and a body part.  Students must find This time students need to keep their eyes
an object in the room that is that colour and closed and use their ears to listen to the
then touch the selected body part to that pattern and then copy.
object.  For example, if the teacher calls out
4. Beat The Teacher
pink thumb, then students need to find an
This is probably my favourite game to play in
object that is pink and touch it with their
the classroom.  Essentially it is the class
thumb.  The teacher continues calling
against the teacher.
colours and body parts.

The students must copy four beat patterns

To make this into a game students that are
that the teacher claps, except for one.  The
too slow in completing the instruction can be
teacher claps the forbidden pattern to the
asked to sit down.  The last student
students at the start so they know which one
remaining is the winner.
not to copy.  For instance, the pattern not to
I have used this game with every class I have copy is: ta, ta, ti-ti, ta.  The teacher then claps
ever taught and they have all loved it.  This various four beat patterns that students
gets students moving around the room and must copy.  At a random time the teacher
claps the forbidden pattern.  If even one winner.  The winner can stay in and a new
student copies this, then the teacher wins 1 challenger is selected.
point.  If no students copy, then the class
I hope these six classroom games have given
scores 1 point.  The first to 5 is the winner.
you some new ideas of how you
This is another game that I have done with canenergize your class when you get those
every class….and I think I’ve only ever been blank looks.
I’d also love to hear from you….what are
some of your favourite classroom gamesthat
beaten a couple of times 
you use to re-energize your students?

5. Chopsticks If you’re interested in getting

For this game your students will need access more great tips, strategies and
to chopsticks.  This can be completed in a resources, please sign up by
couple of ways.  Firstly the teacher can say entering your name and email
different patterns, and then the students below.
copy by using the chopsticks.  For instance,
the teacher may say ti-ti, ti-ti, ta, ta, then the
students would clap this out with the

Alternatively, the teacher can clap out a

pattern on the chopsticks and the students
copy.  The teacher can make the patterns
progressively harder, faster and longer until
the students find it too difficult to keep up
and follow the pattern correctly.

6. Rhythm Race
This is a race between 2 students.  The
teacher claps out a rhythm using some
common patterns, such as ti-ti, ti-ti, ti-ti, ta. 
Students run to the board and then write the
rhythm clapped by the teacher.  The first
student to write the correct pattern is the

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