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Business Buying Process of eSewa Pasal

Marketing Decisions

Submitted by:

Pratikchya Basnet (19303)

Shaibya Gautam (19310)
Roshni Magar (19317)
Utsav Raj Pant (19324)
Rakshya Shakya (19331)

July 1, 2019

eSewa Pasal is a registered e-commerce business in Nepal. The company does not have to
purchase raw materials or products for manufacturing or production purposes, but for
consumption purpose only. The buying center of eSewa Pasal is composed of a number of
departments and individuals from the office.

The buying center of eSewa Pasal can be categorized and described as follows,

INITIATORS The initiators in the office can be anyone, from users of the product
to immediate supervisors of product users. eSewa Pasal has a
culture where you can approach for any kind of merchandise
necessary for work related to office, to immediate supervisors, who
then will carry forward the request to the administration and
procurement department.

INFLUENCER Like the initiator, influencers in eSewa Pasal are usually the people
who have previously used the product in request. However, if the
product to be purchased is fairly a new one in the office, then they
search for experts who can advise them. For electronic goods for
the company, usually an expert from their existing suppliers is
contacted. For e.g., if they have products of Samsung, Sony and
such for selling purposes, then they contact experts from all the
companies and take suggestions.

DECIDERS The deciders on eSewa Pasal are usually people from the Finance
department, Operation manager, and CEO of the company.
However, if the concerned product purchase amount to huge
spending, the company has to contact F1 soft managers as well.

APPROVERS Like the deciders, if the product to be purchased are small and does
not include huge spending, approvers are Finance Department and
CEO. However, if it includes spending huge amount, approvers
can be Finance Department of F1 Soft, CEO of both F1 soft and
eSewa Pasal, and they collectively decide based on the available
END USERS End Users can be anyone from the office.

GATEKEEPERS The gatekeepers in eSewa Pasal can be considered the Finance

Department, or F1 soft in cases of huge purchases.


1. Problem recognition

The problem recognition stage in eSewa Pasal can be done by anyone in the company, from
CEO to Department managers, to employee. Generally, the problems are recognized by users of
the product, or department managers, but there are cases where CEO is influenced by various
environmental, technological or organizational factors.

For example, the computers that eSewa Pasal employees use might be getting old and may not
support newer marketing tools and application. In these cases, the employees might be managing
with whatever they have available, but the CEO recognizes that their competitors are using new
marketing tools which more effective than eSewa Pasal’s and those require new computer
models. So he jumps in recognizes the problem.

2. General Need description and Product specification

Next, the general product specifications and quantity is decided. In cases of electronic goods,
experts or department head from IT and marketing is contacted for suggestions. If new models
are available for computers with faster processing units, then need based correlation is formed
and the specifications are decided. But, in cases of refrigerators or air conditioners, the product
suppliers themselves are contacted and asked for suggestions. Various factors come in account
when deciding on product specifications of electronic goods, the technological market is ever
changing and expanding, so one of the main concerns of eSewa Pasal is whether to spend more
money and purchase the newest models or to do value calculation of the product and settle for
older models. If they settle for older models, they will have to purchase new products in certain
amount of time, but if they are thinking of new models, the purchase might have to be approved
by F1 soft, and there are many gatekeepers.

The same process does not apply to furniture, as these are purchased on need basis. The number
of chairs, kind of chairs, the material of the chairs, or tables, etc are considered. When
purchasing chairs, users of the chair develop a product specification. If shelves are to be
purchased, similar approach is done.

3. Supplier Search

eSewa Pasal generally has a contracted supplier for their products that are to be purchased in
regular intervals. They have a kitchen in their office where lunch for all employees is prepared,
and the grocery shopping for the vegetables, fruits are done in Kalimati Tarkari Bazaar, where
they have their regular supplier. The shopping is done by the member of kitchen, usually the
cook or else the helper. Similar process is applied for stationary products and Ekta Books are
their regular suppliers. So, for products that come to use every day, eSewa Pasal has a regular
supplier, and they don’t search for others.

The purchase of electronic goods and furniture however differ. They search for suppliers through
various mediums, and ask quotations. They contact their previous suppliers, they look online for
trusted and reviewed suppliers, or they contact F1 soft for such purposes. The goods provider in
F1 soft is also asked for quotations and then the accumulated quotations are evaluated. eSewa
Pasal also takes suggestions from their employees in these matter.

4. Supplier Selection

The supplier selection process in eSewa Pasal can sometimes be of hassle. When it comes to
purchase of smaller items that do not cost as much, it is comparatively easy but when purchasing
in bulk where a huge amount of money is considered, they have to involve F1 soft as well. The
supplier selection category for eSewa Pasal is:

 Reliability
 Quality
 Time
 Availability
 Contracts
 Money

These factors are general factors and always considered when purchasing for the company.
However, the factors like contracts are to be taken into account when there is existing contract
between eSewa Pasal and a supplier but another supplier is proposing better goods and better
quality. In these cases, the existing supplier is asked to maintain the same quality as the new
proposed supplier. As eSewa Pasal is a strong consumer, the suppliers usually give in to their

Other factors like time taken to complete and deliver the items, the materials used to make the
items, availability of products and materials, and the money spend is considered. After all these
factors are taken into account, a supplier is selected.

5. Performance Review

Performance review of the suppliers is a very important step in eSewa Pasal’s purchasing
decisions. The users of the product purchased in eSewa Pasal is asked for reviews and
suggestions for the product. The final review is also done according to them. As companies
don’t have time to always spend in looking for suppliers of offices items, they prepare a data
sheet of the suppliers they have worked with and take decisions in the future accordingly. The
suppliers list is maintained according to the preference and experience while purchasing from
them, so they are graded likewise.
The business buying process of eSewa Pasal is completed with this process.

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