Cap Week Iii-Industry 4.0: Nidhi Kumari F19 - 134 Section-A FMS 2019-2021

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F19- 134
FMS 2019-2021
Emerging Trends in FMCG industry (2019)

New consumer mind-set

1. Health conscious, Organic and local products, Vegan consumers, Sugar free products,
Environment friendly products
2. Reflection of new generation + breed of consumers + recent global movements (veganism,
Innovation in Marketing

1. Social media presence + partnering with new-age influencers

2. Innovation in Marketing & closer customer engagement (Viral trends to promote product,
mining new platforms)

E-Commerce and FInTech Rise

1. Market reach expanding due to e-commerce going global with all-round-the-global infra,
supply chain and FinTech solutions
2. Product listing and catalogue on e-commerce websites like Amazon, Grofers etc.
Examples of industry players implementing digital

• Have social media presence of their brands- be it on

Instagram or Twitter
- Capturing the attention of consumers (Eg: Knorr
(HUL brand) starting ‘Love at first taste’ social-
media campaign)
- viral trends to promote their products (eg: #XYZ
challenge on social media like Twitter)

• Closer customer engagement

- Blackmore, a health brand, started chat-bots called
Well-bots to engage customers

• Use of Analytics and IT in decision-making

- Unilever has an ‘Insight engine’ for its employees
which gives access to 70k research documents to
generate global consumer marketing insight
3 Industry Specific Key Trends in Banking and
Financial Services :

• Big Data: Customers’ data can be easily collected -> Easier customer transactions
-> Process Development of Data to optimize and get best clients

• Startups : Huge growth in startups -> Indian Govt. aiding in financial aspect ->
Rising Startups need investment -> they need business models for the workability
of financial scenario

• NPAs: Non-Performing Assets -> responsible debt payments -> boosts

entrepreneurship and decreases faulty payments

Advancement in Digital Re-thinking on Concept

FinTech on the Rise
Transformations of Money
• Continued rise in • Banks partnering with • Technologies like Block
digitization like Mobile FinTech Companies Chain – already a
Data, Mobile App, revolution
Digital Payment, Big • FinTech providing loan
Data services, administration, • Questioning the
marketing etc conventional business
• Aims to increase speed- models and concepts like
to-market • FinTech also provides physical cash seem
access to customers and outdated
• Deliver great customer assets
experiences • Cryptocurrencies like
• Partnership redefining BitCoin, Ripple,
• Banks investing in self- the financial scenario Ethereum gaining
service digital channels momentum and on the
rise as well
• Digital Wearable
devices offering • Re-defining concept of
selective services to ‘money'

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