Impaling Disc/ Adhesive: Wall Panel Installation Guides
Impaling Disc/ Adhesive: Wall Panel Installation Guides
Impaling Disc/ Adhesive: Wall Panel Installation Guides
2. Snap lines on wall both ver cally and horizontal‐
ly keeping lines plumb and square to create panel
loca ons on the wall.
3. Impaling discs are designed to help hold panels
in place.
4. Screw the impaling discs to the substrate, 100 ‐
150 mm in from the edges for all four corners of
where the panel will be located.
5. Use the following guide to determine the
number of discs needed per panel:
Clips 4 4 6 8
The following guidelines are given to help avoid 5a. Installers of Asona products have successfully
common errors. They are not intended to be a used the following construc on mas cs: Sikaflex
step‐by‐step list of instruc ons or a c checklist, Polyurethane Adhesive, Fullers Max Bond or Bos k
and it is assumed that the installer has general Extreme. (This is not a product endorsement).
6. Place a 40mm dab of construc on mas c in the
construc on knowledge. Asona bears no
responsibility for any installa on ac ons taken or centre of each impaling disc a er disc has been
not taken, and is not responsible for installer screwed to the substrate.‘
selec on. 7. Apply a ‘picture frame’ of adhesive about 10
mm from the edge (contac ng the fabric) and an
Handle individual panels ‘on edge’ to avoid ‘S’ or ‘W’ in the panel centre.
bending when moving and carrying. 8. Place panel into posi on, press panel carefully
Store panels on a flat, dry solid surface. Do not and evenly onto discs to impale into back of panel
store on edge.
and crea ng contact with dabs of glue.
Take necessary measures to keep panels dry, clean 9. Use perimeter adhesive as a wet shim to help
and free from dust. Pay special a en on to edges. align the panel faces.
INSTALLATION NB: Fabwall tolerance is +/‐ 3mm. We recommend
1. The wall surface must be dry and free from dirt, a gap of 10mm between panels when installed.
dust, grease, loose paint, or any foreign ma er Contact your Asona for ceiling applica ons on:
that would interfere with a good adhesive bond. If 09 525 6575 or [email protected]
the wall surface is not reasonably flat then panel
alignment will be compromised. © Copyright ASONA Ltd 2017 Ref. Wall Installation Guide-1803
2. Snap lines on wall both ver cally and horizontal‐
ly keeping lines plumb and square to create panel
loca ons on the wall.
3. Impaling clips are designed to help hold panels
in place.
4. Screw the impaling clips to the substrate, 100 ‐
150 mm in from the edges for all four corners of
where the panel will be located. (a fi h clip can be
applied to the centre if required).
5. Use the following guide to determine the
number of discs needed per panel:
Clips 4 5 8 10
The following guidelines are given to help avoid
5a. Installers of Asona products have successfully
common errors. They are not intended to be a
used the following construc on mas cs: Sikaflex
step‐by‐step list of instruc ons or a c checklist,
Polyurethane Adhesive, Fullers Max Bond or Bos k
and it is assumed that the installer has general
Extreme. (This is not a product endorsement).
construc on knowledge. Asona bears no
6. Place a 40mm dab of construc on mas c in the
responsibility for any installa on ac ons taken or
centre of each impaling clip a er clip has been
not taken, and is not responsible for installer
screwed to the substrate.‘
selec on.
7. Apply a ‘picture frame’ of adhesive about 10
mm from the edge (contac ng the fabric) and an
Handle individual panels ‘on edge’ to avoid
‘S’ or ‘W’ in the panel centre.
bending when moving and carrying.
Store panels on a flat, dry solid surface. Do not 8. Place panel into posi on, press panel carefully
and evenly onto clips to impale into back of panel
store on edge.
Take necessary measures to keep panels dry, clean and crea ng contact with dabs of glue.
and free from dust. Pay special a en on to edges. 9. Use perimeter adhesive as a wet shim to help
INSTALLATION align the panel faces.
1. The wall surface must be dry and free from dirt, NB: Fabwall tolerance is +/‐ 3mm. We recommend
dust, grease, loose paint, or any foreign ma er a gap of 10mm between panels when installed.
that would interfere with a good adhesive bond. If Contact your Asona for ceiling applica ons on:
the wall surface is not reasonably flat then panel 09 525 6575 or [email protected]
alignment will be compromised. © Copyright ASONA Ltd 2017 Ref. Wall Installation Guide-1803
1. Measure the Z‐Bar loca ons on the back of
the panel, 150 mm down from the top of the
panel and transfer to the wall. Chalking the
Z‐Bars and pressing panels to the wall or
ceiling can help with loca on.
2. Use a laser or snap a line using Z‐Bar
loca ons to provide a Z‐Bar loca ng guide.
3. Install Z‐Bar using appropriate mechanical
fasteners for the moun ng surface. Cut Z‐
Bars to desired lengths, and use drops as
The following guidelines are given to help avoid needed.
common errors. They are not intended to be a 4. Fir out hardware to compensate for uneven
step‐by‐step list of instruc ons or a c checklist, walls/ceilings, assuring proper face align‐
and it is assumed that the installer has general ment.
construc on knowledge. Asona bears no 5. Install panel by holding against wall and low‐
responsibility for any installa on ac ons taken or ering into place to engage clips. Ensure that
not taken, and is not responsible for installer all Z‐Bars are engaged.
selec on.
6. Add a dab of adhesive to ma ng Z‐Bar
HANDLING & STORAGE surfaces to prevent unwanted movement.
Handle individual panels ‘on edge’ to avoid
7. For ceiling applica ons ensure panels are
bending when moving and carrying.
posi vely locked to prevent disengagement.
Store panels on a flat, dry solid surface. Do not
A common example used in the field: Install
store on edge.
single pieces or con nuous runs of standard
Take necessary measures to keep panels dry, clean
ceiling grid wall angle along the edges of the
and free from dust. Pay special a en on to edges.
panels, or purchase fabric covered angle in‐
PLANNING THE INSTALL stall wood trim along the panel edges; install
1. Review the materials list supplied by Asona a locking screw into the ceiling at the outside
and any drawings. Carefully determine the panel edge. Use a drywall screw into a ceiling
star ng posi on of the first panel. joist or a screw‐wall anchor combina on.
2. In many cases, standing the panels against NB: Fabwall tolerance is +/‐ 3mm. We recommend
the walls in numbered sequence is helpful. a gap of 10mm between panels when installed.
3. Note that a minimum 20mm clearance at
Contact your Asona for ceiling applica ons on:
the top of the panel is required for clip
09 525 6575 or [email protected]
© Copyright ASONA Ltd 2017 Ref. Wall Installation Guide-1803
1. Measure the Z‐Bar loca ons on the back of
the panel, 150 mm down from the top of the
panel and transfer to the wall. Chalking the
Z‐Bars and pressing panels to the wall or
ceiling can help with loca on.
2. For free‐floa ng panels (non‐abu ng),
double Wall brackets are provided to keep
panels from moving le or right. Where
panels abut, double wall brackets can span
panels as illustrated.
The following guidelines are given to help avoid 3. User a laser or snap line using Z‐Clip loca‐
common errors. They are not intended to be a ons to provide a loca ng guide.
step‐by‐step list of instruc ons or a c checklist, 4. Install double wall brackets using appropri‐
and it is assumed that the installer has general ate mechanical fasteners for the moun ng
construc on knowledge. Asona bears no surface.
responsibility for any installa on ac ons taken or 5. Fir out hardware to compensate for uneven
not taken, and is not responsible for installer walls/ceilings, assuring proper face align‐
selec on. ment.
HANDLING & STORAGE 6. Install panel by holding against wall and low‐
Handle individual panels ‘on edge’ to avoid ering into place to engage clips. Ensure that
bending when moving and carrying. all Z‐Clips are engaged.
Store panels on a flat, dry solid surface. Do not
7. Add a dab of adhesive to ma ng Z‐Clip
store on edge.
surfaces to prevent unwanted movement.
Take necessary measures to keep panels dry, clean
and free from dust. Pay special a en on to edges. NB: Fabwall tolerance is +/‐ 3mm. We recommend
a gap of 10mm between panels when installed.
1. Review the materials list supplied by Asona
and any drawings. Carefully determine the
star ng posi on of the first panel.
2. In many cases, standing the panels against
the walls in numbered sequence is helpful.
Contact your Asona for ceiling applica ons on:
3. Note that a minimum 20mm clearance at
09 525 6575 or [email protected]
the top of the panel is required for clip
© Copyright ASONA Ltd 2017 Ref. Wall Installation Guide-1803
1. Measure the Z‐Bar loca ons on the back of
the panel, 150 mm down from the top of the
panel and transfer to the wall. Chalking the
Z‐Bars and pressing panels to the wall or
ceiling can help with loca on.
2. Use a laser or snap a line using Z‐Bar loca‐
ons to provide a Z‐Bar loca ng guide.
3. Install Z‐Bar using appropriate mechanical
fasteners for the moun ng surface. Cut Z‐
Bars to desired lengths, and use drops as
The following guidelines are given to help avoid needed.
common errors. They are not intended to be a 4. Fir out hardware to compensate for uneven
step‐by‐step list of instruc ons or a c checklist, walls/ceilings, assuring proper face align‐
and it is assumed that the installer has general ment.
construc on knowledge. Asona bears no 5. Install panel by holding against wall and low‐
responsibility for any installa on ac ons taken or ering into place to engage clips. Ensure that
not taken, and is not responsible for installer all Z‐Bars are engaged.
selec on.
6. Add a dab of adhesive to ma ng Z‐Bar
HANDLING & STORAGE surfaces to prevent unwanted movement.
Handle individual panels ‘on edge’ to avoid
NB: Fabwall tolerance is +/‐ 3mm. We recommend
bending when moving and carrying.
a gap of 10mm between panels when installed.
Store panels on a flat, dry solid surface. Do not
store on edge.
Take necessary measures to keep panels dry, clean
and free from dust. Pay special a en on to edges.
1. Review the materials list supplied by Asona
and any drawings. Carefully determine the
star ng posi on of the first panel.
2. In many cases, standing the panels against
the walls in numbered sequence is helpful.
Contact your Asona for ceiling applica ons on:
3. Note that a minimum 20mm clearance at
09 525 6575 or [email protected]
the top of the panel is required for clip
© Copyright ASONA Ltd 2017 Ref. Wall Installation Guide-1803