Ingles Sebastian Barrera 901: Spent Used

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The passage discusses the Space Race that occurred between the Soviet Union and United States during the Cold War in the late 1950s and 1960s. It provides details about some of the major events and accomplishments of both countries in their efforts to be the first to explore space.

The race was to be the first country into space.

Some major events included the Soviet Union launching the first satellite Sputnik in 1957. Yuri Gagarin became the first man in space in 1961. The US landed on the moon with Apollo 11 in 1969.


Sebastian Barrera
study, live, answer, want, do, be, read, make, know, start
Past regular Past irregular
infinitive past meaning Infinitive past Meaning
study studied Estudiar read read leer
live lived Vivir do did Hacer
answer answered responder make made Hacer
want Wanted Buscar know knew Saber
start started Empezar Be Was/were estar

In the 1960s there was a race between the Sovietic Union and the United
States to be the first country into space.
It (1) cost a lot of money. The United States (2) spent (spend) about $100
billion. Both countries (3) used (use) German scientists to develop their
The Space Race (4) began (begin) in 1957 when the Sovietic Union launched
the first satellite, Sputnik . They (5) sent (send) a dog into space on Sputnik 2.
Then, in 1961, Yury Gagarin (6) became (become) the first man in space. He
(7) went (go) round the Earth once. It (8) took (take) 108 minutes.
In 1961 President Kennedy (9) said (say) that before the end of 1969
Americans would land a man on the moon.
In 1966 a Russian spacecraft landed on the moon, but there were no
astronauts on board.
In 1968 Apollo 8 orbited the moon. Then, in 1969, Apollo 11 (10) landed
(land) on the moon, and Armstrong and Aldrin (11) walked (walk) on its
The Space Race (12) ended (end) in 1975 when the Russian Soyuz 19 (13) met
(meet) and joined (join) American ́s Apollo in space.
So the Russians (15) won (win) the race to put first man in space, but the
Americans put the first man on the moon. New headway, 2016

3. Look at the answers about the Space Race. Complete the questions.
1. How much did the United States spend? About $100 billion.
2. When did the Space Race begin? In 1957.
3. What did the Soviet Union send into space on Sputnik 2?. A dog.
4. When did Yuri Gagarin become the first man in space? In 1961.
5. Did he go round the Earth once? Yes, he did.
4. Complete the sentences in the negative form.
1. I went shopping, but everything was too expensive.
I didn ́t buy anything.
2. My wife and I had a good weekend at home.
My wife and I didn´t feel good anywhere.
3. Unfortunately, I only got 35% in the exam.
I didn’t pass the exam.
4. Pete went to the party, but it wasn ́t very good.
Pete didn´t enjoy it.
5. I saw Danny in the mall, but I was very busy.
I didn´t have time to talk to her.
5. Put the words in the correct order to make questions. Answer about you.
1. school/did/when/start/ you/?
When did you start school?
I started school in 2012.
2. weekend /you / time/get up/ what/last/did?
What time did you get up last week?
I get up at 7:00 am
3. dinner/ night/ have/what/ you/ last/for/did?
What did you have dinner for the night?
I have bread and chocolate
4. do/what/ Sunday/you/ last/did?
What do you did last Sunday?
I go to play football
5. holiday/did/on/go/where/last/you?
Where did you go on last holiday?
I went to a town called Subachoque

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