Book - 1677 - Richard Saunders - Astrological Judgment and Practice of Physick

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The text discusses astrology and its relationship to medicine and healing. It presents the author's 30 years of experience and experiments in astrology and physic.

In the preface, the author discusses establishing the foundations of the art from the 'centre of verity', which is Jesus Christ. Christ is described as the light that illuminates all.

The author says Jesus Christ is the true Sun of Justice, who illuminates our senses with the splendor of his divine light. All wisdom and knowledge is hidden in him.

The Afhological





Deduced from thePofition of the Heavens at the

D'eeumbiture of the Sick Perlbn ;

Wherein the Fundamental Grounds thereof arc moil clearly

difplayed and laid open : Sheafing by an Vnivcrfal Method'
not only the but the Cure and End of all manner of
Vifeafis incident to humane Bodies.
Alfo divers notable Experiments, of great ule to all the
Indulirious Students in Phylick and Aerology.

Being the XXX years Pradfice and Experience of

Student in Allrology and Phylick.

Printed for L. C. and are to be Ibid by Thomas
Sawbridge at the three Flower-dc-luces in
Little Britain, 1677.
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AS a Circle is of all d-
ther Figures in Geo-
metry the rnoft iritire-
ly compleat and per-
fect, becaufe it is a
Line equally drawn

from the Centre \ id likewife thole

Conclufiohs are undoubtedly molt
true, whofe Beginnings are drawn
from the Centre of v erity j and
A 2 this
The Preface.

this is a Maxima or Fundamental

point in this Art, That our Saviour
Jefus Chrift is Fia, Vita & Veritas j

therefore he that entreth not by him

goeth out of the way., he that hath

not vegetation from him is dead., and

he that fwerveth from him., Erreth;

in him, as Holy Writ witnefletli, In

eo omnes Thcfawi Sapienti# & Scien-
t/£ ahfconditi. It is he that openeth
and no man fhutteth., and fhutteth
and no man openeth ; he is the true

Light that illuminateth every man

that cometh into the world j for as
the Sun afcending above the Horizon

doth not onely penetrate into all pla-

ces with his lole-h eating Raies, but
alfo illuminateth all things ; and with
Jiis refplendent Beams of Light dif

covereth thofe things \vhich before

The Preface.

were obfcured^ and hid with the black

Pall of Nights contraded Curtains;

fb likewife our blefled Saviour Je(us
being the true Sun of Juftice^arifing on
the Horizon of our hearts., doth not on-
ly heat the fame with the fervency of
his Love^ but alfb illuminateth all our
Senfes^ and with the fplendour of his
Divine light, maketh thole things to
be in manifefio which before were in

occulto; Therefore with all Humility

proftrating our fclves at the foot of
his infinite Mercy^ we moft eameftly
beleech him., of his exceeding Clemen-
cy and Bounty^ to illuminate thedark-

ne/s of our Senles^ obnubulated with

the cloudy black Meteors of Sin and
Iniquity., that being aflilled by his Di-
vine Aid., we may deliver to all Po-
fterity luch infallible grounds of this
The Preface.

Art, that this my Book, which by his

Dire&ion, and in Honour of his Holy

Name, I mean to publifh, may wor-

thily deferve the Title it bears ; that

the true uncjerftanding Reader may

hereby be refblyed ot fuch things as

he denreth, concerning the ftate of any

Sick or DifeafedPerfon, in as ample a

manner as it fhall pleafe the Almighty

to decipher unto' us by the Theo-

tente of the Coeleftial Motions and

Cohfigqratlons of the Planets, to the

Laud and Praife of his moft Holy

c J which is Blelled for cverf

Jiich. Saunderf.


Upon my worthy Friend (and old Acquaintance)


£ Aftrolonrical Judgment and Praftice of

P H T S I C K.]

B Eing now Cby the mercy of

a moji gracious God J ar-
rived to my feventy fixth
year current; and of late
years having pafs'd tho-
rough much Sicknefs and
■ affliction of Body (which
has too much decayed my fight J it cannot be ex-
petted that I Jbould oblige the World with any
thing of this Subjett, which once I had thoughts
to have attempted, and not only enlarged the
To the Reader.
Judgments upon the Sixth Houie in my Intro-
dud ion, f xchkh as it isi h [ujficient for the
InfiruRion of any young Studerk ) But alfo to
have communicated to the grateful Sons of Arc
divers remarkable Experiments in the Aftro-
Iepical confiderations o/Difeifes from the De-
cumbirure of the Sick, touching Life and
Death, (sre, I hope theref-re this mofl elaborate
Work of my Old Friend, may inftead thereof
be accepted, in which I find he has (to his great
co'nmendation J taken much pains to good pur-
pcfe-i and in every Branch thereof is very co-
pious, and no lefs perfpicuous, both in the
Theory and Pradick part (which hitherto
has been negleoied by mofi Authors that have
undertaken this Task, in the Englifh Tongue)
Jo that I may , without the Icafi partiality,
affirm the Work to be the mofl compleat and
p, rjeti of any of the Sub'jeR I have hither-
to foen or read; and do heartily rejoyce (though
now in my declining years) to fee fo Learned a
produRLn proceed from an Er^lidi Pen, In
fine, the Work, deferves Comincndation ; and
I do really approve thereof and recommend it
p the ferpus Jli^dy andperufal of all tire Noble
To the Beader.
Students of this Kingdom, which now I live to
fee abounds with many hopeful and Ingenious per"
fons that are not only Lovers of, but Students
in the Syderal Science, notwithftanding the
Contempt and Oppofition it has met with all from
fome bufie Scioiijis as Ignorant as Envious;
Whence I conclude, this mojl ufeful and harmlefs
Art may in few years arrive to great perfection,
andconfequently, daily meet with Eminent and
Noble Favourites to protefi it from Calumny
and detraCiion; Though I dare not affirm C as
that bold pretender lately did ) That Ftolomy
is now become as dan mftrable (to the Sen-
fes ) as Euclide. Much mere might he [aid, but
the Work, (peaks its own praife, and I do but
hold a Candle to the Sun, Ijloall therefore con-
clude with that Old Proverb, Good Wine needs
no Bufln Vale,

From my Hou(c in Hcrfham Your old Friend and

in the Pjrilh of JVuhon
upon thamer, 1677. faithful Propagator

of Aftrology,

William Lilly*


Upon this Excellent Work of




Aving, at the Bookiellers requejls, peru-
fedthis Learned Treatife, ana finding
therein many excellent Secrets brought
to Lights viz. The Natures, Signs,Cau-
fes, and Cures of all Dileafes incident
to Mankind, as they depend upon the Pofttions and
Afpe&s of the Planets and Stars 5 The Do&rine of the
Crifis explained and applied , and divers experienced
Rules and Aphorifins touching the Recovery or Mif
carriage of the Patient from the Decumbiture 5 and a
firengthning of the Nature, Signification, and Divifi-
on of the Twelve Houfes, by Phyfical and PhiloCi-
phical Reafons, not hitherto performed by any other :
together vrith fun dry other matters of excellent Die to
all Students in Art All which do eminently dejerve
Commendations the Author thereof [ although he have
To the Reader/e^c.
pitblijfxd many things very much to the advance of Sci-
ence,'] having in this very Work out-done them all;
and, likg Truth it filf in the Miracle, referved ffeBeft
of his Works to the Laft. And, becau fe his Perfon
cannot, (that being inter mortuoshis furviving Me-
mory mitji, receive the Honour due to the Merit of hi?
Pen, for this Exquifite and Elaborate Performance:
To vohich very end, I freely enter my Suffrage, as ap-
proving of it for a Learned, LWeful, Plain, and Bene-
ficial Worlds, and a Secure Guide to Health by the
Stars: ichich tohofoever makes ufi of, Jhall not need to
doubt of Difcovering the Difcafe affU&ing, though ne-
ver fo occult and ftrange, or yet of its termination,
xohether in Life or Death.

John Gadbury,

Student in Aftrology and Phyfick.

Upon the Author? my Worthy Friend


and his Elaborate Wor^ Entituled,

Afbrological Judgment and Praftice of PhyficHf

f A Ntiquity I honour, but I do declare (Chair 5

/ \ Some things well done, befides from Plato's
Hippocrates and Galen in their time
Were men of Fame, perfons of no Defign,
And to this day are had in great Repute
Amongft the Learned, who can this refute ?
Thefe men well knew the Stars had Influence
Upon all Humane Bodies ^ Then from hence
Withdraw all Carping Criticks, that deny
The Great Art of Sublime AJirologyy
Which unto fuch as have attain'd the Key^
Shews the true caufe of a Difeafe, and may
Direft the Dotfor expeditioufly
The neareft Courft to cure the Malady :
Come all men therefore, and refolve to follow
Theft Did ate s of our Englijh Apollo,
That for his Art and Ingenuity,
Dcferves Encomiums Immortally.


Student in the Mathematicks,

In Approbation

Accurate Wor^ and deferved Praije

Of the Learned Author, my late Wor-

thy Friend


THough I pretend not to Predi&e Fires,

Tie boldly write what iacred Truth infpires.
The Dead are lafe, and the Impartial Grave
Can tempt no Flatterers, what's Good and Brave
Commands Applaule ^ and ludi this Piece I find.
The Labour d Product of a Learned Mind 5
Whole Studious Induftry, and aftive Parts,
Had drawn the Jshiintejfence of deepeji Arts,
A more CelejtialOracle by far.
Than Syhills Leaves, or Delphian Anlwcrs were:
Englijh Apollo ! who does difplay
PhyjiclCs hid Tieafure in the fiireft way 5
For, who without Ajirology would know
The Art of Healing, docs but blindfold go.
By dull Conjedtures they are wandring led.
Into a Labyrinth without a Thread.
But he removes dark Errours pitchy Shrbftds,
Like Sol difperfing Intervening Clouds,
And by affording this Illuftrious Ray,
Kings forth hid Science into opdi day.
A folid Work! fo well compos'd a fiarrie,
That he, true Artift, (hall endear his Name,
And for Timers date Immortalize his Fame.

Lancelot Coelfon.
Upon tbe

Aflrologicdl Phyfick. of the late Learned and

Judiciowi Mr. Richard Saunders.

GO Book, and may'ft thou ne're Return until

Thou find thy Equal in the Starry Skill.
None doubts thy Fortune, who at firft view fees
SAVNDERS Afeending in thy Fronti(piece 5
But he who farther looks, and fees him ftrong
In Dignities EffectiaI all along 5
Elpecially confidering that He
Is found herein the Lord o'th' Sixth to be;
Who weighs thcfe Teftiiconies, may conclude
To Artifts Light, and Health to th' Multitude.
Gnido Bon at us, Haly, Ptolomy,
The World once crack'd on for Aftrology,
And well it might, the World was Childifh then,
Took up vi'im Infants, 'caufe it knew not Menj
But 'tis grown Wifer in thefe latter dayes,
Lilly and Sounders now (hare all the Praife ;
Lilly on Heav'n's Txoelve Houfes treated well,
Saunders doth Lilly on the Sixth excell:
Lilly ran Heav'n all over for his praife,
Saunders at One dayes Journey won the Baycs.
Lilly for IntroduSion did his part,
Saunders his Judgment perfefted the Art;
Who kindly wrote this AJirological
Judgment of Phyjkk,, for the good of all;
None e're wrote like him o'th* Decumbiture,
None ere prcfcribcd like him for the Cm.*
And Opportunely Nine, whfcn others have
Done all they can for to befriend the Grave,
Confirming old Difeafes, making A/rtu,
UfingjQi//e Med'cines, 'caule they knew not true:
Ev'n Then did Sau»ders, our grand CoH»ter-g>uac/{0
Write this, which then the World did chiefly lack.
Avaunt then £>uackt, Pifs-prppheti difappear,
I can foretell your Fall will be this Year 5
The Starrs and San»ders told die lb, and Who
Qucftions the Truth wheri Ipbken by thole two?

Nathan Nicholf,
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Principal Masters contained iri


tlx Sicl^Pcrpn^tnd the Mor~

TH £ LiinJuftion i. bipcant Planet 12,
Tlie QnMrtity of tbt How to find in what part of the
Orb: if tlit Planets 4. Body the Semen Morbihctim
Of Applications and Separati- is, together with the DiJcafes
tiont ibid. in the hiember:. i|.
Of Reception 5* From what. Cailfe the $ichrtj >
A Table of tlx Effential D/g- is, obferve,(icc. 14.
nitiet qf thf Planet: accor- The Part: of the Body attribu-
ding to Ptolomy 6. ted to tbef'cven Plane}: il>'.
Of Comb tijl ion and Sxbradia- The Petrt: if fix Body attribu-
■ t'1"1 t 1' ted to the 12 Sign: 15*
Of divert Accident} which be- Oljetje: attributed to ihe 12
long to tlx Planet: , ibid. Signs, and their proper Sig-
Of tlx twelve lioufes of Heaven, . kineationt i 6.
and fmte Names or Tertn: of- t>lj(afe: attribtltcd to the Jeven
. Ajhology ibid. . Planet: 1$.
How it pnd the Signijicator: of Of tbt CfifiS in Vijcafe: i as
[a] being
The Table.
hfitijT .a .principal SnbjcQ re- A Figwt denoting that eveiy
lating to this Trtatifi: and Houfe bath 30 degrees, 515.•
what Ctifis fignifiei 2 2. degrees within tlx Afeendantl
How the true Ciifis may be and 5 degrees pafi, or virtu-
found > or the bow, day. ally in tlx next Houfe py.
Month, or year, in which the Judgments of tlx four Angles
Difeaje may Ix perfefily judg- of the Iguejiion, and thefrf
ed 2^5, Houfe p8.
Of Judgment 32. Of tlx Retentive Faculty 102.
ai Table,(hewing what Members Remedies wlxn tlx Retentive
in Mans Body every Planet Virtue is weakened in tlx
Jignifieth in any of tlx twehe Stomach, or that one doth
Signs 37. Vomit much or often by re.t-
Life and Death 39. foa of too much woj/farerby.
Gigns of Recovery <5+. Remedies wlxn tlx Retentive
Of the 12 Hotef's of Haven, Faculty is weakrted in tlx Li-
fo far at tlxy concern our htt- ver by ovtr-ntuch heat i bid.
fwefs of Sickncfs 66, A Remedy where tlx Retentive
Ofthefcvcn Planets, fo far Of Faculty is weakped in tlx
concerns the SubjcS of Sicl^ Belly by cold and moifure,
nefs 67, viz. A Ctyfcr to purge and
Of the Elementary Bodies, dfc. fcowre tlx Belly and Bowels,
6^,69. and purge out IVater and
Of Compound Qualities 70. Flegm ibid.
Experimented Judgments of Life A very good Clyfler 108,
and Death, and of Difeajcs A Remedy wlxn the Retentive
i -T 1 Virtue is weakened in the Bel-
JVe are to know and obfirve, ly, and the Party hath tlx
which of the four Virtues or Flux if a loot Caufe ibid.
Humours u weaker or firung- A Remedy wlxn the Retentive
er than the.other, or than it Virtue is too firong in tlx
Jhould he, wl.vnby the di- Matrix, by too much cold
Jicmptr of tlx Body duds and dry MelancMy of I?,
grow S1. and the Expulfvt Virtue too
Ccncral Judgments on tlx Hmrfe wcaf^ j op.
which is tlx place of the Li- Of tlx Aftronameal Judicial of
ver 93. Dif-
The Table.
'Difeafes 114. t choly, eaujid of h in Jli
Tlta Cure of Vijeafes catrfed by that is hot and dry in tlx
Saturn in Aries and in third degree ibidi
Leo ' 115. Another way i 21
FrepSrert and digejlers of yellotv Purg&t of yellow Choler and
Choler 116. Melancholy cattfed ef \i in
To dfyeji Melancholy ibid. «Sl, hot and dry in tlx third
Syrtips that do properly digefi degree. ibid<
Melancholy 117. Another way ibid.
To prepare Melancholy ibid. A Purge againji Choler and
To digeji both Melancholy and Melancholy in the third de-
Choler ibid. gree, Ciiufd of Saturn in Leo
Hon> to prepare yelloxp Choler 122.
and Melancholy cattfed of T? Another ibid
in T or Si in the frji or fe- Olhcfs 1^^,123.
cond degree ibid. Of tlx pain bf the Side and
Another nuj/ ti8. felly cattfed by Saturn in
Another jvay ibid. Leo 124.
Phrgerr of yellow Choler ibid. Digejlers of red Choler and Me-
Purgeri only of Melancholy ib. lancholy, caufed of h in T,
Haufius Melancholiaim Humo- hot and dry in the extremity
rem concoqtteiu, & ad e'ojeu- of tlx qth degree 125.
' ationem prtparans ibid. Ptergers of red Choler And Me-1
To purge yellow Choler and Me' lanchdy caufed of Tj in
lancMy in tlx fecond de^ee hot and dry in the fourth de-
gree ibid.
Anoilxr way ibid. Turgers of red Choler 126.
0/Saturn in Leo r 19. Of IS, ,TR, "W, that are cold
To digejl Melancholy and yellow and dry, of tlx nature of the
" Cljoler of in S\. 120. Earth, Melanehalick^, &c.
A Digejlive againji dfowth of ; I27.
Tj in <51, the }> Applying to Of Saturn in Capricorn 129.
^ in IS * ibid. In Gemini 130.
Another ibid. In Libra ibidi
"Digeflnei of Choice ilut U thicl^ Of Saturn in AtJuatJ 131.
and yellow., and of Mchr.* Saturn in Cancer 132.
[a 3 ] Of
The Table.
Of tlx Black Plague eattjid of \fbe Curt _ 157*
Saturn in Cancer 133. Mats in Aquarius ibid*
Saturn in Scorpio 13;. The Curt 158.
O/TIfccs 13d. Mars in Cancer ibid*
Of Jupiter 13 7/ The Cure 159.
Of U in n, aS: and as 139 Mars in Scorpio ibid.
Jufttcr ih Gemini ibid. The Cure 160,
Jupiter in libra 140. Mars in Pifccs ibid<
Or Aquarius 141. Tlx Cure rdr.
_ upitcr in Aquarius ibid. Of the Sun in Aries, and of his
> 'upitcr in Leo 142. Nature ibid.
' upiter in Sagittary 143. Of tlx Sun in Aries 162,
_ upiter in Taurus ibid. The Cure ibid.
upiter in Virgo 144. Sol in Taurus 162.
_ upitcr in Capricorn ibid. The Cure ibid,
, upitcr in Cancer 145. Sol in Gemini 164.
upiter in Scorpio ibid. The Cure ibid.
Jupiter in Pifccs 146. Sol in Cancer ibid.
Of Mm in and T 147. The Cure r^1
Of the cholerick^ Humour fidjeci Sol in Leo ibid.
to Mars ibid. The Curt of Q in SI of much
Of Natural Cbolcr 148. yellotv Cboln' 166,
OfVnnaturalCboltr ibid. Sol in Virgo ibid.
Of Vrine J4P. The Cure l6j,
tyMarswIjeo 151. Sol in Libra ibid.
Mars in Sagittarius ibid. 7be Cure ibid.
Of the Cure of Mars in Sagita- Sol in Scorpio - it? 8.
ry 152. The Cure ibid,
Of Mars in Taurus 153. Sol in Sagittary ibid.
Mars in Virgo 154. The Cure 169.
Ibe Cure ibid. Sol in Capricorn ibid.
Mars in Capricorn 155. Tlx Cure 270.
Ibe Cure ibid. Sol in Aquarius ibid.
Mars in Gemini ibid. Tlx Cure 171.
Ibe Cure I36. Sol in Piffes ibid.
Mars in Libra ibid. The Curt, ibid.
The TaMe.
Venus m Aries 17*. C/ Mercury in Capricorn ibid,
Slat Curt ibid. it Curt ibid.
^ Venus in Taurus ibid. O/Meicury in Gemini iS8»
hv Gittf 17 . Tbt Cure ibid.
§f Venus in Gemini ibkl. Of Mercury in UB lSjp»
Hm Cm ibid. Tbt Curt _ ibid.
Of. Vrnus in Cauccr 174. y Mercury in Aquarius ibid.
JRr Cttre ibid. 'the Cure , . iffa.
0/Venus in Leo ibid. 0/" Mercury in Can ej ibid.
The Cm* . 175. ThlCxre ifai^.
Bfi Venus cli Virgo ibid. Of Mercury in Scorpio ijt-
JbtCnre 17*. Tbtaae , ibid.
Venus in Libia ibid. Of Mercury in Pifces > ibid.
2&r Cure 177. Tbt Cttre Ijjsr.
Of Venus in Scorpio ibid. Qf tht Term* being jiojit ibid.
32* CM* 278. Tbt Virtue or Fnadty
6/ Venus rn SagiUaiy ibid.
Sis Curt 17$. A Remedy what tbt Enfuffivt
fiyVenus ii Capricorn, ibid Virtue if trt iped Iff, too
Tit Cut* 180. much drotfth in any Mem-
0£ Venus in Aourius ibid. ^ ber lygi.
Tie Cure 181. d medy where the Ex yt nu
tf/Venus in Pifces ibid. 1 Virtue it mdkfied fyy hep
The Curt ibid. 1 and drotpth rbkf.
0/ the Iropertiu of Mercury Ltf emtdy xoltere the Ex JJrve
183. Virtue u weafped, or the
C/Mercury in Arks ibi , Flowers ftotft by drorvtB in
Tl Curt 18a. the .3d degree, mi Irr cold in
^Mercury in Leo ib . the 2d Ibid.
The Cttre 1S4. To mnfy one laxat e ibid.
Of, Mercury in Sagittary ibid. To caufi women to have enfte de-
The Curt 185. liyerutifc ip7.
Of; Mercury in Taurus ibid. To bring forth a desa child ib.
Tbt curt iS<5. OfLupa ibid.
Of Mkrcury in Vjrgo ibid. Of Regm 1^8.
The Cttre, 187. O/Luiu in Aries 200.
fa31 The
The Table.
75c ttrt ibiSi Of Sol 'ij.
Of the Moon in Leo ibid. Of Venus in reference to Oifea-
The Curt ' 201. fes I5:
Luna in Sagittary ibid. O/Mercury in reference to Difi
The Cure Ibid. cafes ' ld»
Luna in Cancer 202. What dijiempers are nnder tlx
The Cure ibid. ' fignification cf the Moon
Luna in Scorpio ibid. *7.
The cure 203. To htow where tlx fatelt /hall be
Luna in Pjfces ibid. if tlx Sici^be not cured 19~
The cure of Diftafei catffed of Of the 10th Hou/e 24I
• P in K, <K far fofth at Of the 7th Houfe - 2%*
'iixy ntin he cured 204. Of the Fourth Houfe 3 4«
■L«rw in Taurus ibid. Of the fixtb Houfe ' '$6.
The Cure ibid, To kfnw by what tHeans the
puna in Virgo ibid. Party ttuy be cured, arid rioith
The cure 205. Whit to begin 40.
The Moon in Capricorn 2 06. Of compounding of Medicines,
The Moop in Gemini ibid. when arid at what lime'they
The Cure ibid. Jhouldproperly be compounded
The Moon in Libra ? 07. and nude ' 4'S,•
The Cure ibid. An Example 4 8.
Luna in Aquarius ibid. Of giving of Medicine ' 5 2'
!7jbcf«re 208. Matrix 5
O/fCaput Dracoms ibid. Whether you (hall cure the f .rrtfy
jO/Cauda Draconts ibid. or no, upon the Quejiion of
( Judgments whereby to thefirft Frgterc? 5^*
tyawiheDifeaJes anddijicw Ofghing the firjl Medicine to
pert of the Body I. tlx Sicl^ 60.
folyofV the caetfc cf the Difeafe I Medicines that reprefs Vcnome
%. dj.
Of application of the D to Pla- Certain confidcr.itions about the
nefs ibid. Urine, ,;f frly'iJter it be lah or
^ fignifctb the Blood and hers that brings it, or Jome
Mirth 10. bodies elfc 66,
P/Mars 11. Of Going to the Sh\ d8.
The Table.
JuJgmentt of Difatfti rvithm DigcftftS if Melancholy mixed
the Urine 77* vciih Blood ibid.
irixther thoK Jhah cure him or Purgrrs. - ■ . . ibid.
no ttjjon tbefirfi Figure "p. The cure of it in ^ ibid.
JVhether the Dijiafe be in the Purga-r againjl ihefe Difeajes
Body, or Mind, or both So. 90.
Of proper natural Medicines and The cure of Tj in 'U . ibid.
Cures that belong to every Digfiives 91.
Difeaje, caufed by the Pla- Purgcrs ibid.
nets pafling through all tlx 7lx cure of Dfeafes of b in
Signs of the Zodiackg 85. k . ibid.
Firji of Ji in iS, the Earthly Preparatives ,,v -92.
Triplicity, and the Cure ibid. Repreffers of Venome ibid.
Simples that digejt Melancholy Purgcrs for tlx fame ibid.
generally ibid. Of tlx cure of Dfeafes caufed
Simples that purge Melancholy by U in IT ibid.
87. To prepare Adnftive Blgoi 9 3 •
Coinpounds that purge Melan- To dhninijh the quantity of
choly ibid. blood ibid.
Preparatives againjl Melancholy To purge and clcanfc the blood
cMifid of n in if, cold and ibid.
dry in the id degree ibid. Others to purge and cleanj'e the
"Tlx ctrre of Difeajes caufed by blood 94.
h w ns 88. To purge the blood of hot and
Digejiers of ft rang Melancholy, moill j/eperfluom Matter ib.
caufed of in iS or Tlx cure of Dfeafes caufed of
V ibid. I? in ^ ibid.
Purgcrs of b in ,VZ and V? Things good againjl /pitting of
ibid. blood 95.
flic Cure ofD/feafes caufed by Good againjl Isot feculent blood,
T? in 31, produced by Mc flopping tlx Pipes, objlrufl-
Jancholicl^ Blood having do- ing the Breath, cauftng diffi-
minion .ibid. culty in breathing ibid.
The cure of Vifcafes of b in Things to npurijh good blood, and
89. increafe the Radical Humi-
The (ifr: of h in xs ibid. dity in Man ibid.
£ a 4 } Things
The Table.
Taingt to open the months of the The curt of U in ibidt
Feins ibid. Preparatives again]! "Difeafes
The cure of DifejJes of It in caufed of U in X, proceed-
•=5 ibid. ing of Melancholy mixed with
Agjinji congealed Blood in tlx blued ibid.
body 96. Purgers againji thofe Difeafes
Others ibid. 103'.
To mundife and cleanfe tlx Pseparalives in thit cafe ibid.
blood from qll corruption 57. Other Piirgers ibid.
For fitting of blood ibid. A Purge 104.
For bleeding at the Nofe, or The cure of Difeafes caufed of
Bloody Flux ibid. Kind * " ibid.
To open allObjiruflioHS throitjrh Others 105,
tlx whole Body of man ibid. T/;f cure of U in ibia.
Tlx cure tf Viftafes caufed of Preparatives againji thefe Dif-
' U /a Y, coming of blood eafes, which art cold in tlx
and yellow Choler ^ Choler fecond, and moijl in the third
predominating 98. degree ibid.
Vigejiives of yellow choler mix- Otherwife ibid.
ed with the blood chpler ha- Purgers againji tfxfe Difeafes
ving dominion ibid. caufed of Jupiter in Scorpio
P/ergersfor the fame ibid. • 1 io5.
fix cure of Difeafes caufed of The cure of Difeafes of Jupitet
U /n 99. in Pifces " fbid.
Preparatives ibid. Digellivis 'againji Cholera Vi-
Purgcrs of this fallow Choler tdlina, raufd of Jupiter in
ibid. Pitas, thai is cold and'hioijl
Preparatives J 00. in the 4th degree ibid.
Pj/rgers ibid. Otherwife 107.
Tlx cure of X- in 101. Purgcrj againji Difeafes catifed
Preparatives again1! choler cau- 0/Jupiter in Virgo, that
fed of Ij. in i5, cold and are cold and moiji in the
dry " " ibid. 41/; degree ibid. ibid. Digclln cS of Choler of Mars in
Puroerf f r the fame ibid. Aries ' " ibid.
Mrs - ■■ 102.
The Table.
tojkf ihicl^ snd ^rnj} Cbo-1 predominatet ibid
Icr tbin, and cjfie to be digcji- ' Vurgcrs of red cholcr aqd me-
jo8. lane holy caufed of <J in
'to a!hy the heat afCboltr ibid. tv/xrc Melancbply hath the
To purge Chnler fvcll ibid. pre-eminence, IIJ.
To purge burnt and adifji cbo- Digcfiivei of red eholer and
ler ibid. tough hjelanfholy , caufed if
To purge all red qnd fitperflu- <S in yf. Melancholy predo-
ous cbolcr J op. minating ibid.
Frcparativef ibid. To purge and cleanfe the blood,
burgers of grnfj ihicl^ yellorr infccltd or mixed with red
cholcr, and thin red chnler, clxler of c? in Ji, ^ or
caufed of M^is in Leo tS), or of yellorv eholer of the
no. Sun in Gemini, Libra or
"Digdhvct of yellojV cholcr ibid. Aquarius 114-
Topttrgered choler ibid, Preparativet in the Difeafet of
targers of red choley and flegm <5 in jr, in which you need
ibid. ufe but few, becaufe the Hu-
X5 purge red chnler and me!an- mour it thin. ibid.
choly ibid. Pitrgti againjt Dijeafef caufed
To purge and cleanfe tlx Blood of ef in IT, of red eholer
mixed tvith cholcr, of Mars mixed with blood ibid.
or the Suii in Gemini, Libra, Preparatives againji Difeafet
or Aquarius 111. caufed of <5 iq of red
The cure of Difeafet caufed of eholer ttfixei with blood,
Mars in Taurus, when Me- winch if more feculent, hot-
lancholy hath the dominion ter and drier than in IT, ri?.
ibid. in the 3d degree 11 $•
Digcffert of Melancholy, of Sy- Purgcrt againji red cbolcr of S
rups and IV.uers ibid. in ^ ibid.
fiigejicrt of red eholer ibid. Purgcrs agahijl theft Difeafet
P/irgers againlt Dijcafes caufed of cf in of red eholer
o}'MarsTaurus 112. mixed with Blood, blood pre-
J /red
k.t« leholer
1 r and 1 J 1dominating
r W'/U flu 11 fl IT ibid-
.'■'ft Melancholy can fed of 1 7j cleanfe fx blood thickiied by
d in T!",' where Milancholy' red cholcr 116.
The Table.
PrfpJritrvej agjjt'ft the DiJejJes Digefiives againft thid^ Melan*
of Mars in Aquarius, hot chnty and thin yellow clroler
and dry in the qth decree, caufed of the Sun in Taurus,
c jufed of red theler mixed Melancholy predominating,
rritb thrcl{_, grofi and fecu- ibid.
lent blood, blood bein% mofl Puegers again]} the fame Difea-
predominant ibid. fes 120.
j4 Vrinl^ to eleanfe the blood, Digelleves of yellow Cbnlcr mix-
being thkkned with red cho- ed with Elond, caufed of tlx
Icr, of- Mars in Aquarius O in IT, Blood having do-
ibid. minion ibid.
Si Purge again]} that Dijiem- Puegers for the fame Difeafes
per ibid. ibid.
Prrparaiives againfl Dijiafei Digefivrt of thin If^ater and
caufed of Mars in Cancer, thin yellow Choler, caufed of
of flegn, water, and red cho- tlx O in.'S, Flegm haz'ittg
ler 117. dominion 121.
Pwgcrs agai/ijl thofe Difeafes Puegers for the fame Difeafes
ibid. ibid.
'Others • ibid. Others ibid.
.afgainjlfalt Flegat proceeding of Digcllites of yellow cljolcr cj/f-
choler andfiegnt ibid. fedof tlx & ii? Si 122.
the am of Mars in Scorpio Others ibid.
\r II
8- Puegers for the fame Difiem-
The ct/rf of, cold Htrmours and pers ibid.
red cholercanfed of <3 in Digcftives of Melancholy and
yi, qafi.and moift in the 3d thin yellow Choler, c.utfed of
degree ibid. tlx O in HI', Melancholy be-
Purges againflt hofe Difeafes, ib. ing predominant 123.
'Ihc cure of Difeafes canfed of burgers for the fume Difeafes
the Q in T . ibid. ibid.
• Digejlives of yellow Choke c ut- Others ibid,
fed of the Q in f ibid. Drgijiivcs ofyllow Choler, and
Pnrrers again]} the fme Dijea- fuch m thin and cool the
fts II p. Blood, of G) in ^ 12 4.
Ccner itpuegers again]} tbefe di- P.v.-ji .f foe ihefa ne ibid,
jTftnffrs ibid. Others

The Table.
Others ibid. Pills • ibid.
VigfiivtJ of fait Flefftt and Digejlives of grofs thi\ Melan-
yellow chohr, cattjid of O choly and thin mater caufed
in ■rn. ibid. of Venus in Taurus, where
Pwyrcrs againfl tlx jamc Di- Melancholy hath the domini-
- • (leniperf of the Sun in Scor- on ibid.
pio 125. Purgcrs for the fame Difeafes
Other wife ibid. 130.
DigefiivcT of red choler caujcd Digejlives of thin Flegm or Wa-
of tlx Q in ■? ibid. ter mixed with the Blood,
Pnrgm againjl tlx fame Difea- blond having dnminion,c<zHftd
fei ibid. ■ 0/Venus in Gemini ibid.
Digcfiivei of thin Melancholy Putgers for the J'ame Difeafes
■and yell are Choler, Melancholy as aforcfoid, of ? in &,
predominating, caitfcd of tlx and let blood ibid.
Sun in Capricorn 126. Digejlives of Flegm and cold
Pnrgers for tht fame Difeafet Humours, caufed of Venus
ibid. 1 - in Cancer, Scorpio or Pifccs
"Digejlives- efyellom cholcr caw generally 131.
Jed bf the Sun in Aquarius Pm-gers for the fame Difeafes
1 127. v ibid.
F/trgers f " the :Jhmc Difeaf 'es Digejlives of yellow choler and
ibid. thin mater caufed of Venus
Digejlives of FUgm and thin in Leo, where yellow cboltT
yellow choler, emtfed of tlx hath dominion 132,
• Sun in Pifccs, Flcgm prcda- Purgers aga'mf the fame Difea-
minatiog } 28. fes ibid.
~Pio-gcrs fur the fame Difafes Digjlives of Melancholy and
ibid. thin Water, caufed if Venus
Preparatives againjl Difeafes in Virgo, where melancholy
caitfcd of Venus in Aries, y predominant 13 3 •
pf thin yellow cholcr and _ Purgers of the fame Difeajes
thin water, cholcr having do- I ibid.
minion ibid. Digefthcs of thin water mixed
Pnrgers jof the fame Difeafes i9ith hho'l, caufed of Venus
i 2 p. /)2 Libra 134-.
Pills P;<r-
The Table.
for the fame, and let A Purge againft the fame- ibid*
ftfood, " ibid. A Preparative fir tlx fame 138.
Diftfhvtt of Flr^m and IF"t- Vigrjlives againft Melancholy
ter cattftk of Venus in Scor- and thin Flegm, eaufid of
pio, and to difatfi jpofa Venus in Leo, MelanchAy
and JUnty Flegm. ibid. predominating ibid.
Ttrrgert of Flegm and IVattr Purgert of the fame Difeajes as
cattfcd of Venus in Scorpio. aforefaid, ibid.
Digdiives and things to eleanje
4gainfi Ciddintfr of the Head and fiveeten the Blood, are
andApoplexia. ibid. as in the Chapters if
Digefivci agiihjl D//e.xff/ catt- Mars in Gemini and Libra,
fid of Venus in Rigitary of and Jupiter in Gemini, Li-
shic^ red Choler, and thin bra and Aquarius 135.
If iter mixed, Chakr predo- Pttrgers of thin Flegm mixed
minating. i$6. tvith the Blood, caufed of
Anmhcr approved Receipt ibid. Venus in Aquarius. ibid.
Another, rvben the Moon ap- Digtftives of Flegm and IVa-
piies to Mercury ibid. ter caufed of Venus in PiC
Another, zrben the Moon in ccs are, as in the Cbapters
Taurus feparates frsm Jupi- f Venus and Luna in Can-
ter, and applies to a Quar- cer , Scorpio and Pifces,
ti! o/"Saturn ibid. 140*
A Dirt ibid. Pttrgers f the Difeafcs afore-
Jurgers aoiinji the Diftaj'es faid, as in the Chapters of
caafed y Venus in Sagittary Venus and tlx Moon ibid.
137. Digcftives of Dijeafes caufed of
efgainji Pain and Ache in the Mercury in Aries, Leo, Sa-
Body caafed of Venus in gittary, which prxetd of thin
Sagittary, the Moon in Vir- yelloiv Chojcr and Melancho-
gp Jeparate from Mars in Li- ly mixed, Cboler having do-
bra, an. d font Venus in Scx- minion 141.
t'd of Mercury, king in Ptt'gers agtinji the fame T>if-
Sanrpio com'j ii, & ptji app. cafes ibid.
ad S.xtil. Salis in tlx .atli 1 Digelih-cs nf 2 in a.
ibid. Pn.gers .tgainjl the fame ibid,
The Table.
Di&eflivu of pffiajlf cariftd of' Mercury in Cancer ibid.
Mercury in Sagittaxy ibid. Pnrgers for the fame 147.
Pitrgert againji the fame Dif- Digcjiivei of thic\ftinklngfiegm,
ejfer 143. and of thin melancholy, can-
Digifth'ef of Melancholy ibid. fed of Mercury in Scotpio
Turgers for the fame 144. ibid.
Vigeftnes againft Vifiafei can- Agatnft "Diftafes of V in "1,
Jed of Mercury in Virgo, D in — applying to cf in
as are found in the Chapter j —, preparative ibid.
of Mercury in V, and Sa- dgainji Vifeafei of Mercury in
turn in Taurus and Virgo Scorpio, Luna in Libra or
ibid. Gemini, applying to Mercu-
Pnrgert agautji Melancholy cold ry 148.
and dry, as are caujid if Againji Difeafes of ? in n,
Mercury in Virgo, and as D in S, or X apply-
in the Chapter of Satum in ing to Venus mid.
Virgo dm* Taurus ibid. A Preparative againji Difeafes
To cleanfe and fvecten tlx 0/Mercury in Scorpio, J);
Mood, and cool it 145. in —, feparating from the
Treparers of Melancholy ibid. O, applying to S in 7,0
Pter&rt of the blood ibid. in "l. ibid.
A Vigefiive ibid. Purges againji the fame Difea-
Purges againji the fame DiJ'ca- fes ibid.
fes ibid. Digefihes againji Difeafes can-
Digejlives of Difeafes of Mer- fed of Mercury in Pifces
cury in Aquarius, and as in 14S>.
the Chapter of Mercury and Purges againji the fame Difea-
Saturn in Gemini and A- fes , cold and moiji in the
quarius 146. Ofth degree ibid.
iVrgfrr againji the fame Difea- Of the Terms being flopt , ibid.
fes caiejed of Mercury in Digejiivcs of Flcgm and yel-
Aquarius, of Melancholy and lotv choler cat fed of the
Blood, hot and moiji in the I i in Aries, of fait Flsgm
4th degree ibid. 15c.
Digejiives nf thin Flegm, IVutcr Purges for list fame Dffejfis
and Melancholy, caufed of ibid.
The Table.
Dfgeflives ofDifeafts canjid cf Digejiives againji Difeajes cau-
tht Moon in Leoi, which pro- fed <f the MoOn in Pilccs,
ceed of Jolt Flegm ibid. cold and mo/ft in tlx ^th de-
Purges againjl the fame Difcafes gree, of ft inking, tough, glajfv
Flegn ibid.
D'tgejtives of fait Flegm Pff/^er againfi the fame Difea-
Moon or Venus in jes caufed of tlx 3 in Pif-
Leo, or Sagittary ces, of tough Jiinkjng Flegm
Turgers of, fait Flegm eaufed cf in the \th degree 1^6.
the Moon in Sagittary, of Digejiives of Melancholy and
flegm and red cholcr, cholcr Flegm caitfi'd tf the 3 in
having dominion 152. is, and y? ibid.
Preparatives againfi Difeafs Purgers againji the fame Dtfea-
eaufed of the Moon in Can- fes of Melancholy and four
cer, Scorpio or Pifces, which Flegm, caufed of the 3 in iS
are of flegm and cold Hu-
mours ibid. Digejiives againji the Dijeajis
Vurgers for the fame Difeajes if Flegma Acetofum in the
ef Flegm and cold Humours, 3d degree, caufed of D in ^
caufed of the Moon in Can- ibid.
cer, and tbefe purge cold fli- Of Syrups proper in this eaji
nty Flegm in the Belly 153. ibid.
Vomits to exempt the Stomach Of IVaters ibid.
of cold Humours ibid. Purges againji Flegma Aceto-
ji Clyjicr againji Flegm 154. fum eaitjid of 3 in VX,
Digejiives againji fait Flegm cold and dry 158.
and ft inking tnugh Flegm, Againji Melancholy and Flegm
' caufed of the Moon in Scor- of tlx 3 in ''I?, where Me-
' pio ibid. lancholy bath dominion ibid.
Vurges againji the fame "Difeajes Digeiiivts of Dijeafes of 3 in
caufed of the 5 in Scorpio W, of fait Flegm and Met
ibid. lancholy, melancholy predo-
A Mjgijierial Potvdcr to purge minuting ibid.
Flegm and grojs Humours Purgess agaiiji Flegm and Me-
jvithal 155* laneholy caufed of 3 in V,
Againji the P.ilfle ibid. called flegma Acetoftrm,
The Table.
cold and dry in the 4th dt- the Patient loof^clear^fafr, heft
grec, melancholy predomina- and lively Ibid.
I 7b confime Flegm in an humid
ting 59»
Digtfiiw of fireet Flegm carded conjiitution and complexion
of the Moon in Gemini 16$.
1 do. ^to confianc Flegm in a hot com-
PtfreW agaiali the fame Di/ea- plexion ibidi
Jes of the Moon in Gemini 7o digeji cold Humours in the
ibid. hreaji and flomach ibid.
Uigcjiivcs again]} Difiajei can- To purge Flegm amf cold Hu-
fed of tlx 2 in ^ of ftvcei mours in the Freaji^Stomach
Flegm ibid. and Lungs ibid.
Vtirgcrs of the fame Difeajes Medicines emptying tlx Stomach
eaujed of the 2 in of and Intcjiines 165.
fivect Flegm rdi. Medicines Evacuatrie that purge
Digejiiz'es off/reet Flegm in the the Head And Frain, are
^tb degree, CMtJld of the 2 principally nineteen ibid.
in 23, and of Flegm and To purge the Head eflecialiy
Blood mixed ibid. ihiti.
TttrgcrJ <f ftPeet Flegm ca/tfed Medicines which purge Humour.?
■ of 2 in ~ ibid. from the Spleen. 166.
Digdinvi of. Flegm generally Principal Mediciats purging ill
cattfed of the Moon in Humours from tlx Liver and
y Cancer, Scorpio or Pifces, parts adjoyning ibid.
and. of Venus in the fame Medicines vrhith more fharply
162. cleanfe the Humisrs-, and
Digefiers of Flegm generally mnndifle the skjn ibid.
Medicines nhicb purge Flegm
Pnrgers of Flegm generally in from the JunSures, and
that cafe ibid. .draw ill Humours from the
fo purge putrid and rotten flegm remote parts ibid
being drily takgn ,163. Things good again]} ache of the
7b purge rotten and corrupted Bones, Sinews, Mufcles and
Flegm that will not yield to Joynts, and draw Humours
any medicine, and , redifie afar off 1 167.
the-Complexion, -and makg
The Table;
dgtefi mum Hutmnrf, and A Gentltmans Urine ipat
fopping of the Bredft, and brought under ibe Pofition if
Flegm in the Stomach, Head Heaven dejeribed in Table
and Mu(ekn and againjl It. where the Morbificant
Utand Eyer, and wattring) Planets are 0, D and $ ,
Eytt- 157. but the 0 is the principal
Jiedidnei that purge the Blad- interfeHiiig Planet, corrupting
der from Gravel and Hu- $ tlx Lady of the Hora-
mmer j, and art gSbd again]} feope, by combufiion, and al-
the Strangury, and to proveh J'o by a Platiek, Square
Vrm. ibid. 177.
algoinji Exulceration tf the The Urine of a certain Man
Bladder ibid. was brought according to the
Midieinu that purge the Wind- Carl iichcfnc defcribed Table
pipeof grofi Htemourj 16S. III. where the Morbificant
Medidnu which purge the Planets art S, 5, $, I?
Jinnt ibid. and U. 17?.
Jdedkintr good again]} Pain of A Gentleman fends a Mefienger
the Reinf that cometb of cold for a Pbyfieian, which came
Caufit ibid< to him about 10 of the clock,
"Xo furge the Reins tf Gravel in the Fore-noon, dejeribed
idfii in Figure IV. where the mor-i
Jin Appendix ijit bifiean} Planets cx pattc
Some Experimenlr of Skkpefs Dofnifti Afccndentis, are
and Death, demanfirated as d and 5, rrf pane Itiae
a Condufion to this Work %,\and * 183.
ibid; A certain man carHt to enquirt
To lyiotv whether tlx fick^ Per- of the Health of his Child,
fin /hall die of hit Infrrrmty being a San, but brought not
or no ibid. bis Urine with bint', tbtder
A certain man brougbt bis Wa- the Poption of Heaven de±
ter under the Pofit/on of Jiribed Table V. where tlx
Heaven dejeribed in Table 1. Mir hi leant Planets are T?j
where the Planets principally $ and 5 . 1*85.
morbificant are 0, T? and A {fmcj'tion afl^d concerning
* 174. the Jijte of a Sid^ t/un,
tbe [able;
tcitlyom Vrinty the Vact of Of is defcribed Table Xt.
Heaven being at i* defcribed svhere the . Mnrbificant fTa*
Table VI. xvlyre the Marbi- nets are the 0, 5 and^Uy
ficant Tlamts are Tj, S cx partc Domini afe'en-
and U 187. dentis, led ex partc Cons,
"The Urine if a Jtcki mat) pre' ©, 5 , ? , if and Tj
Jented to examination tender 20?.
tlx Pofuion defcribed Table The Urine if a SicklPomalt
VII. trbere tlx Morbifeant prefented to be confaered un-
Planet t are Tj, 0 and X der the Olympial /Edilxa-
l8p, tion difcribed Table XII.
atn old Centlman fid^ fent for 204.
Ids Pbypiians tender tlx ro-, A Qenthtvo kn fent her Urine
ft ion of Heaien defcribed ttHder the Scheme defcribed
Table Vltli wlxh the Mor- Table Xlil. - 20 5;
bifcani Planets are Tj, c? A Cent! em an fent concerning h;s
and U ipj. So . Tlx Face of He men
dl §tttfion vaas moved concern- defcribed in Table X1 V.
ing the fate of a certain fcl{ 2084
Matty under (it Confgura- The Urine of a Centlervoman
iOft" difcribed Tbhle IX. . being Sicily confulied under
sphere the Mnrbificant fla- tlx Conjirllation difcribed in
ms arc Saturn, Mars, Jupi- Table XIV. 210.
ter, and Mercury 195, Mr. Mayn of Eaflirgfhaw-
A certain Man brought his Sam fircet fent on the 2d of April
IFater under tlx Conjiellati- inter 7. & 8. A.M. 1640.
on defcribed Table X, sphere about his Sicfyefs. be being
■ tlx Morbifcant Planets are tFtak^ Die Jovis Hora Mar-
(?,©,», 5,9. rp8. tis defcribed in Table XVI.
A Womans IPater brought un- 212,
der feeh Cocliconfiguration Tlx End of the IForhf 214.

Jan. 1^7 ?•

Roger L'Efirange*
Of the Legitimate


Laudable Ufe



X HE High and Incomprchen-

fible WifHnra of Almightv
God, which produced aU
vifible and invifiblc Crea-
Crcatures from the vaft
and empty Womb of No-
thing, repleninicdall things
with hisCoodncJs, commu-
nicating unto them divers andfundry Energies, In-
ftinfts and Operations, garnilhing and invefting.
them al(b with an admirable Pulchritude and Beau-
ty, inforouch that the leaftofhis Creatures duelj
confidcred, doth wonderfully Extoll and Magnific
the infinite, infcnitable, incircumlciiptable Wift
{' b 2 dom
Of the Legitimate and Landable
<3^m and Bounty of his Divine Majefty, efpecially,
the goodly Theatre of Heaven, being adorned with
innumeraolc moft excellent illuminating Bodys of
Light, as the Sun, the Moon, ?uid Sotk, and the
Seat of God, from whence, as Saint 'john faith, Apoc.
32. the Chriftalline Fountain of Life proceedcth,
influencing on this our Infln-iour Orb, according to
the Will and Ordinance of God ^ as Hofea the Pro-
pl}pt witnefleth, Chap. 2. Exandiam dicpt Qcm/nxs,
cxqtdiafft C£los,& ipj} exaudiant Terr ant terra ex-
airdrat Frua/eutnmet M/ilJiimet Oleum ^c: Now fbr-
afrnuch as God created alf thingstotheHonour and
J5rai(e of his Holy Name, and the further illuftrat'
ing and felting forth of his Glory ^ it trtutk needs
follow, that the u(e of thote faid Creatures to the
lame End, can be no abufc or dilhonouf to God,
but rather a means to (hew foith his Divine
Power and Wiltlom, as long as we acknowledge
him to be prima Canft cattftrunt^ whicli giveth 10-
flucncc, Energy, and Power to all things, without
whofe Providence a Sparrow lighreth not on the
ground \ For although we confefi that the Stu^s
have great Power and predotninacion In the Ele-
ments, and all elementated Bodies, and Animals, anrl
Vegetables puoducing divers and fundry Dilealos
and Inliiroitiies, yet we deny that they are the C.tu-
fes of the lacce, (jwplinter, by their own power, or
that >«• fi they have any Energie, Inflinft or O
peration, hur chat which is communicated to them
from Almighiv God, and by him dc din a ted and
aypointcyi to that pnd j ail which cpr.fiderai, it
L * f
Z)fe of this yirt.
behoveth him that defireth to ufe thde Prcfagci
following, to the Honour and Glory of God, and
the benefit of his Neighbour s Firft, with a pro-
found Humility to acknowledg on the one fide
his own InfiifHciency, Ignorance, and promptnefs
to erre, as altogether unable to penetrate into the
fecret working of the Almighty, except it pleafe
his Divine Majefty to illuminate the Caliginous
darknefi of his underftanding, with the Light of
his Holy Spirit ^ and on the other fide. That God
is the oncly and eflential Truth, with whom,
( as St. James faith ) Non cji ira»fmvfatioi tiec zidjfi-
tit dints ohumbratio. All other Sciences of men, al-
though never fb excellent and percellebrous,yetare
fubjea to crrour and uncertainty, unlcls they arc
informed and animated from him which ruletn and
guideth all things, Li brans in pondere monies, &
colles in Jiaiera: And fb all curiofity and Vain-glo-
ry fet apart, with a firm and ftedfaft confidence in
Almighty God, craving his afliftance in every adb-
on 5 and then proceed as he lhall direft thee in this
Science, given and bequeathed to all the Sons of
Art, out of the Treafury of the Almighty, not by
me, but by him, that as Daniel the Prophet faith,
chap. 2. doth rcTelare mjfjicria. And fb I doubt,
not, but to Gods Honour and Glory, and the Gom-
mendations of this Ai t, thou (halt have juft caufs
with David to (ay, Cali cnarraytgloriam Dei fortis,
dr opus nununnt ejus inclnat exfanjitm cor tun 5 and
as often as it fhall pi afo God to give thee the true
prefcicncc of thofe things tliou required from his
Of the Legitimate ahd 'Laudahle
ftdliferous Canopy of Heaven, be Hire thou forge?
not to render thanks to Us infinite Majefty, that
lie hath vouchfafed of his exceeding Goodnefs to
create thole bright lamps of Heaven, not only to
(bine in the firmameoc, and illuminate this our opa-
cous Globe oftheGarth 5but allb by their mediation
to fecund it with many dowries of virtues, and or-
daining them as Signs and Tokens, toguide and lead
us to the knowledg offuch things as it (hall please
him to reveal unto us: But if thou prefiimefl: other-
wife of thine own skill and knowledge, without
confidence in God, or craving Divine Aid or
Aliilboce, no Doubt but that will be verified on
thee which the Prophet prelageth to the CaleUins^
Sapitatia & Scientia te decefit, for either by thy
own iignotance and milbiking thou (halt be Sedu-
ced, or clfe Heaven it lelf (hall yield uuto thee
fb Ambiguous an Anfwer, that thou (halt not be able
to conclude any Certainty.
Things to he ohferved before we gfte

any Mathematical Prefages.

T His one thing I would requeft from the Sons

of Art, that before fuch time as long Ex-
perience, ( which is the Lapis Ljdius to
try the Truth from Falftiood } hath efta-
blilhed their opinion in the Prediftions following,
that they never prelume to give any Judgment or
Sentence of this Art, except the time of the day Or
night be exaftly known, when the Sick perfon, or
elle fbme other in his behalf doth Confult with
thee concerning his Direa(e,or the time he bringeth
or lendeth his Urine to thee be afTuredly known,
that thereby the Afcendant, and the Angles of the
figuremay be exaftly taken, as alfo the Cufp of the
Eighth houfe, that the Lords of the Afcendant,
fourth and eighth Houle, be no ways miftaken 5 for
upon thele, and their (everal habitudes and confi-
gurations, all our whole (rape depcndeth.
Another thing alfb is to be diligently obferved,
that there be no error commited in the calculation
of the Planets, (b that the true degree (of their lon-
gitude at theleaft) may be perfedily had, the which
by way of Caveat I thought good to rememBer,
left this Arc and my felf (hould be bothun juftly ac-
Of the Legitimate &c.
culed, or blamed without dele it; and efoecialty be
Careful in the motions of Mmtj and Mercuty, for
there are Calculations now extant that have erred
in the retrocedation Murx above s. degrees, and
in the flow motion, and efpedally in the Retro-
gradation of Mercvrj, it is ufual at Ibroetimes to
mifs 3 or 4, if not 7. or 8. degrees, which intolle-
rable Error is more than the Semidiamcter of his

Aftrological Jiidgment^




P H Y S I C K;

THE whole cnfuing Difcourle is Mrologically

• Compoled, therefore it's necelTary, by way
of IntrodudHon, briefly to give fome light
into the grounds thereof
In the tirll place you muft know that there
are feven Planets, (b called and charadtered i
Saturn h ; Jupiter U : Mart <? : Sol O ; Venus 2 : Mer-
cury 2 : Lttna » : there is alfo the head of the Dragon, thus
noted '■ and the tail thus y. £2 and y are not Planets,
but Nodes.
There be al(b twelve Signcs, thus called, and charaderiz'd i
Aries V; Taurus & ; Gemini Ji : Cancer S : Leo «5l; Virgo Ttf:
Libra ^: Scorpio ni; Sagittarius f : Caprieornus VP: Aquari-
us as; Tijcet K ; through thele twelve Signs the Planets con-
tinually move, and are ever in one or other Degree of them.
It's ncceflary you can perfedly diftinguilh the Charader of eve-
ry Planet and Sign, before you proceed to any part of this Study.
2 AJirological Judgment of Pfyjitks
You muft alfo know, that every Sign contains in Longi-
tude thirty Degrses, and every Degree llxty Minutes, &c. the
heginning is from T, and (bin order, one Sign after another;
fo the whole Zodiacl^ contains 3 60 Degrees i the 4 Degree
of is the 34 Degree of the Zodiac^ the roof ^ is the for-
tieth, and (b in order, all throughout the twelve Signs ■> yet
you muft ever account the Afpcdt from that Degree of the Zo-
ti/./c^wherein the Planet is, as if Tj be in ten Degrees of IT,
and I would know to what Degree of the Ecliptick he cafteth
his Cnilier Sextile Afpedh reckoning from T to the 10 Degree
of it, I find Tj tobe in the (eventieth Degree of the Zodiac^
according to his longitude,if I add lixty Degrees more to feven-
ty, they make one hundred and thirty, which anfwers to the
tenth Degree of the Sign <51, to which h calleth his Sextile
Afpedh, or to any Planet in that Degree.
You muft alfo underftand, that there are five Afpedfs of the
Planets, and thus named and charadfered i Conjnniiion d: Sextile
: §Q<xri'tl □ ;Irine At zudOppofitiori cP ; hut Conjundtion is
not properly called an Afpedf, although for brevity (akewe (b
term it,intending to deliver a general Explication of that with
the reft. Note that there are four ft veral kinds of every one
of thele Afpedts, i iz.Corpor.iln-, Partilif, Monograph/cttf, Plaiicttf.
Ajpccittf CorporAif, is the mod perfedl Afpcct of all the reft,
and is when two Planets or more, do refpea or behold each o-
ther, either of them being inthcfameD gree and Minute.
Tlie Conjunction Corporal is, when two Planets are in the
fame degree and minute of Longitude i as if h and d were
bothin the firll degree and ten minutes of Y :withgood Planets^
this is the ftrongfft good v with evil, the greateft e\'il.
The Sextile * Corporal is, when two are dillant the one
fromtheother two Signs,or fixty Degrees, or the lixthpart of
theZodiicl^, as if U were in the 10 degree ot ir, and the O in
the 1 c degree of <51 ithisisan Alpedl uf Amity.
The Square, or Quartil Corporal is, when two Planets are
remote three Signs, or 90 Degrees, or the fourth part of die
'/.odiacl^ dietue from die othcii as if Tj were in the 5 degree
AJlfologkal Judgment of Phyjick- 9
ol>, and U in the 5 degree of V: this is an Afpect of En-
mity and Malignancy.
The Trine A Corporal is, when two Planets are elongated
the one from the other, four Signs, the third part of the Zo-
diaci^-, or 120 Degrees i as if U were in the firft degree of V,
and 9 in the firft degree of (51: this is an Afped of Friendthip
and Amity.
The Oppofition Corporal is, when two Planets or more
dtediftanccd apart by thefpace of fix Signs, or 180 Degrees i
asif h were 5n 20 degrees of T, and $ in 20degr.of
this is an Afped of the grcateft Hoftility. And as the Corpo-
real Afped is moil period, becaufe it hapneth when two Pla-
nets do behold each other corporally, without refped to their
beams, lb by it all other kinds of Afpeds may fitly and aptlj
The Partil Afped is next in perfedion to the Corporal,
and in virtue and power fully equivalent unto it, only there
is this difference, that the Corpoial Alped produceth his e£
fed inftantly, without fucceflion of time, and the Partil more
llowly, with fuccelfion.
The Partil Afped is, when two Planets are diftant from a
Corporal and perfed Afped, yet lb that the difference doth
not exceed the Scmidiameter of either of them, lb that they
do mutually joyn by the Semitadient circle of their Beams, fo
that the Scmidiameter of the one be not remote from the Cor-
poral Afped of the other, as if were in the third degree
of T, and U in the 12 of <51, for then U were but 9 degrees
diftant from a Trifie A corporal with h , and forafmuch as
this difference doth not exceed either of their Diameters,
therefore they lhall behold each other by a Trine Partil.
The Monographick Afped is, when two Planetsdo behold
each other, and yet the diftance between the Centre of both
their Bodies doth not differ from a per fid Alped above the
Scmidiameter of one of them, and yet it muft exceed the Sc-
midiameter of the oth r of them. And this Alped is not lb
powerful and forcible as the former, becaufe the Contad be-
4 Ajifohgical "judgment of Phyfc!^
twecn them is not (b peifeft, as for Example •, if 9 were in
the 4-degree of S, and the » in the 12 degree of T » here
the difference from a perfeft Afpedf is S degrees, which is left
than the D her Scmidiamctcr, and more than the Semidiamc-
Terof ?,fo that the 2) by her beams toucheth ? ,but not ?
the Moon, and therefore in that refped, the configuration be-
tween them is not foperfcd.
The Platick Afped is, when two Planets or more do differ
from a pcrfed Alpcdt, more than the Semidiameter of either
of them, yet fb that this diftance doth not exceed the fum of
both their Semidiameters i as if h were in the yth degreeof
Y, and d" in the 20th of the famcSign, here (hould be a Con-
jundtion Platick between b and c?, becaufe the diftance they
differ from a true Afped is 13 Degrees, which is more than the
Diameter of either of them, and yet lefs than the fum of both
their Semidiameters : and this Afped is of the leaft efled of
all the reft, bccaufe they do not behold each other from their
Centre, but by Contadion of Beams.

The Quantity of the Orbs if theFlanets.

Tj— p d is good with the good,
V 9 and evil with the evil.
The Semlra- 6 8 if- isunpcrfedt Friendfhip.
dientCir- 9 7 A is perfed Friendfhip.
cle of 5 6 □ impcrfcd Enmity.
D 12 & open defiance, or per-
0■ 15 fedt Hoftility.

Of Jpplicatms and Separations.

A Pplication is when one Planet doth apply toward the A-

■i*- (ped offome otheriand Separatingiswhen a Planet doth
llparatc from the Afjpcd of another^and of each of thefe there
AJirobgical Judgment of Phy fick. 5
arc (wo kinds » the one is Applkatio or Separatio communkflK
other is Applicatioor Separatio lew > and firii of Applications,
(hat whichwe here call CommunU, is, when a Planet that is of
a lefs Longitude doth Apply to the Afpedt of a Planet, that
according to his place in the Zodiackjs of a greater Longitude;
as if 5 were in the iSth degree of 3>, and "h in the 20th of
the fame Sign, then (hould 2 apply to "h, becaufe the Lon-
gitude of Tj is greater by 2 degrees than the Longitude of 5 .
Applieatio Lew, is, when a Light Planet or interiour, doth
apply toward the Afpod of another more weighty or fape-
Separatio Commttm, is, when a Planet of a greater Longi-
tude in the Zodiac}^, doth feparate from the Afpcd of ano-
ther having lefs Longitude; verbi eratilt, the D being in 1 o
gr. of X and U in the 20 of IT, here U is feparated from 3
Sextil Partil of 5 .
Separatio LevU, is, when a Light Planet doth feparate from
the Afpcd of another more weighty than he, or an inferiour
Planet from a Superiour.

Of Reception.

D Eception is of two forts, petfeSa & hnperjetfa; perfed Rc-

ccption, otherwiie called mutual Reception, is when two
Planets afped one the other, either of them being in the
Dignity ot the other ", as if c? were in «5l, and the O In T,
here cf receiveth the © and the © alfo receivcth c?.
Imperfed Reception is when a Planet beholds another in
his Dignity; as if the D'were in it and 2 in K, here the »
doth receive 5 with a □.
Alfo Reception is divided into two other kinds, forth and
Forth Receptio is, when two Planets do receive each other
by the Dignity of Houle or Exaltation.
Dehilii Receptio is, when two Planets receive each other by
the dignity of Triplicity, Term, or face.
B 3 ' A Table
$ AJirologkal Judgatetitof Phyjkh.

A Table of the Eflential dignities of the Planets,

according to ttoiomy.
o3" W „ 3 tfrifh |Thc DcciQjtes
C □ § =-1 "ty Thstermf, or bounduies. or facts of
^ IdTno of the placets the planets
r 05 9 0¥ ¥ (f.914 221 rf2d t? 10 0io|9 30
9 8 915 ¥22 haii c? 30 yio !>2O|
g 3 hy 9 7 V14 9 2t ^2$ cfjo VlQ cf 20(030
dT^fd1 ¥1; 920 9 27j ^30 9 io 9ao >3o

®¥ Tj 6 9i? 2 19 ¥2$ djo, hio ¥20 d^o

Ht 5_N 91$ 2> 9 7| 9 13 ¥i8,Tj2^ d jo, 0io 9 2o| 9jo
- 2D ffTs F? 1? (?|2 U ¥19 924 d3oTToi"l72ofj£3o
'Tl d N frj did1 (S-V 14 2 211 927, d la.gao 2 30
¥S 3®¥ ¥ 8l9i4 9i9h2$'d3o9iol ) 2e.|b 30
yr h N, d28.slT,9 ^: 9 i2i¥i9 das b3o ¥10 d 2o'®|a
^ Tj D1 b9 b 9i2|2 20 ¥25 d3o 9 10 £2O|1 '
Ki¥ N, 9 27|dd'9 8 V«4 gao.da^ b5o!bio ¥2o).d30

A Planet without any Eflential Digditics is called. Pere-

Afirological Judgment of Phyjtck. 7

Of Combiffiion and Suhradiation.

Planet is (aid to be Combuft, when he is near the Sun,

by the (pace of his Stmiradicnt Circle, and he is fuh
radiu, until he be 16 degr. remote from the Sun.

Of divers Accidents which belong to the Planets.

THe Egyptians, Caldeans, and Arabians, do cbferve many

curious Oblcrvations in this Art, as Trandation of Light,
Prohibition, Contraradiation, Keftimtion,Fru(lracion,ObletIi-
00, Anti(cian,Curruvacation, Curfutardation, Ferality, Au-
gedcfccntion, Meridional defccntion, Luininiminution,Nu-
uacriminution. Via Combitlia, &c. wliich althougli 1 will not
deny to have fome fmall Effed, yet I have often proved that
overmuch Curiofity herein doth rather deviate a man from
concluding any thing certainly i tor thele being compared to
other Oblcrvations that we mean here to exprels, are no more
than a little (park to a great flames for as the Light of the
Sun doth hide and oblcure the Stars, and as the Sea ah jrbeth
the little Streams, fo do thofe greater Accidents fwallow up
the fmaller, themLlvcs alfo thereby no whit, or little intend-
ed, as we may (enfibly perceive.

Of tlx twelve Hottfcs of Heaven, and fome Names or

"Terms of Ajisology.

THe whole Sphere of Heaven is divided into four equal

parts, By, the Meridian and Horizon, and again into four
Quadrants,and every Quadrant again into three parts,accord-
ing unto other Circles drawn hy points of Sedions of the
aforcfaid Meridian and Hori/on : So the whole Heaven is di-
vided into twelve equal parts, which the Allrologcrs call
Hottfcs or Majifwis, taking their beginning from the Eall.
Tllff flrjf Quadrant is defcribed from the Eall to the Mid-
B q heaven,
8 AJirological Judgment of Phyfltk.
heaven, or from the Line of the firft Houfe, to the Line of the
tenth Houfe, and contains the twelfth, eleventh, and tenth
Houfes > It's called the Oriental, Vernal, Mafculine,Sanguine,
The fecond Quadrant is from the Cufjr of the Mid-heaven
to the Cufpofthe 7 th Hoofb, containing the ninth, eighth,
and feventh Houies, and is called the Meridian,Eftival, Fe-
minine, Youthful, Cholerick Quarter.
The third Quadrant is from the Cufp of the feventh Houtt,
to the Cufp of the fourth Houfe, and contains the fixth, fifth,
and fourth Houfes, is called Occidental, Autumnal, Mafculinc,
Melancholick, Manhood, cold and dry.
The fourth Quadrant is from the Cufp of the fourth, to
the Cufp ofthe firft Houfe, and contains the third, fecond,
and HrftHoufh i is Northern, Feminine, Old age, ofthe na-
ture of Winter, Phlegmatick.
The firft, tenth, feventh, and fourth Houfes hereof, are cal-
led Angles, the eleventh, fecond, eighth, and fifth, are called
Succedants v the third, twelfth, ninth, and fixth, are termed
Cadents \ the Angles are moll powerful, the Succedants are
next in virtue, the Caden ts bow, atid of little efficacy i the
Succedant Houfes follow the Angles, the Cadents come next
the Succedants in force and virtue, they Hand lb in order i
i, 10,7,4, Anglesi the u, 5, 8, 2, Succedants» thej,^,
<5,12, Cadents,
The meaning whereof is this, that two Planets equally
dignified, the one in the Afcendant, the other in the tenth
Houfe"»you (hall judge the Planet in the Afcendant fomewhat
of more power to eftebt what he is Significator of, than he
that is in the tenth: Do fo in the reft, as they Hand in order,
remembrihg that Planets in Angles do more forcibly (hew
their Effbfls.
When we name the Lord of the Afcendant, or Significator
of the Querent, or thing qucfitcd, we mean no other thing,
than that Planet who is Lord of that Sign which Afcends, or
Lord of that Sign from which Howie the thing demanded is
required >
AJlrological "judgment of Phjfick. 9
required i as if from the feventh Houfc, the Lord of that Sign
defcending on the Cufp is SigniHcator,and fb of the reft; but
of this more in the enfuing Judgments. The Houiesand
Signs wherein the Planets Rule as Lords, and have lipecial do
minion, arc thus: T? ruleth in "v? and es ; U in / and K :
6 in T and m: Q in <51: ? in and =2=, 2 in n and
ttC: the S in
The Champions for Aftrology in all Agps, have by their
Encn ics been moll gravelled, and put to a imn-plns^ ( above
all other parts of the Science ) in this particular of the divili-
on of the Houfis, and their Names > as why the Heavens might
not be divided into more or fewer parts than 12 ? and where-
fore the tirft Houfc is called the Houfc of Life, and placed in
the Eaft ? why the Order and Numerical fuccelhon of the
Houles is from Eaft to Weft ? and why the (econd Houfe is
called the Houfe of Riches? the twelfth of Enemies, Impri-
fonment, and Mifcry ? and fo why the other Houfcs are cal-
led by their names, and di'pofed in that order ? Seeing ( as
the Enemies hereof pretend ) as well their Order as Names,
obferve no Order at all, but are rather a Chymara of Confu-
lion, a plain hotch-potch of Fiction and Foolery, as P/rwr
Mirandulm, a bitter and Learned Antagonill, in his 10th
Book, and Jlexwder ah Jngclis in his Book and 27th
Chapter, and indeed not without rea(on •, for all who have
endeavoured formerly to give the reafons of thefe Houfcs,
C though very Learned J as Lw.m Bellamixf, JhHus Firm/m^
and others, have produced nothing orderly, nothing of tmtli,
but mcer Figments oncly; lb that if any where they brought
a Rcafon which feemed but to defend one Houfc, the very
lame really dellroycd all the reft", and therefore Alexander -
Angelii, lib. 4. cap. 19. after his Manjire of all the Arguments
brought by jstlm Firm tens concerning thefe Houles, he jultly
rcfells them in thefe words v Ridiculw fo, quknnque ridicuhis
has rat tones >ia\ira rcfutatione egcre exiftimam. Thus this No-
ble Science, (to the great dilcouragemcnt of her Prof elTors >
hath rdfed under this obloquy, to the great encouragement of
10 Ajlrological Judgment of Phyfick.
its virulent Adveriarics, till of late years, thefc Doubts have
been cleared, and this Do&rine molt Elegantly juftitied by
the worthy Pen of JoImuiiU Baptilta Morinus in his Ajh-nln^ra
Galhca^ lib. 17, to the end of the 7th chap, and excellently
Englilbed by our Honoured Countryman Capt. George Whar-
and highly honoured and applauded by that Famous Ma-
thematician of our times, Mr. Will. Oitgbtrid, recorded in
Whjrtoiis Almanack 1659, to which I refer my Reader, it
being too copious forme in this place.
Seeing this Doftrine of the 12 Houfes hath been fo op-
pugned by Ad verfaries, andfo weakly defended by Friends,
I will take the Liberty, de nova; to make a fmall Addition in
reference to its juftificarion and probation.
And becaufe there are many think the divifion of tlx:
12 CelelUal Houfos to be a vain and frivolous invention, I
thought it good here to ihew fomc Phyfical and Mathematical
rcafons for the grounds thereof, belides what others have
(aid, which although they are not fubjeel to the grofs under-
ftanding ofthofe which racafure every Objedf by the palpable
feeling of their muddy brains, yet to the Sons of Art I doubt
not but they will be as clear as the day. And to the end,
that we may the better exprefs our mind herein, we will ule
the help of Number-, becaufe there are many Mylreries contain-
ed therein i for as Holy Writ tcftitieth, God hath difpofed
all things in Number, Weight, and Mcafure: and the Babyh-
nijiis were wont to iay, Cur Homo Animal Japientiffirniim ?
Quia Numerare pit eft.
You ihall underhand that there are four Numbers analogi-
7ing with the four tirft Phylkal Qualities v and that,like as all
tfeings are made and do conhll ot divers combinations and
mixtions of the faid Elemental Qualities, fb likewife by the
Compofition, and union of thele Numbers, all other Numbers
do reiult and arife.
For One is the beginning of Numbers, yctofit fclf proper-
ly is no Number, and hath for his Epergie Unity, Peace, and
Life > Unity, bccaule One is indivitible, and contrary tp
Jjirological 'judgment of Phyfukt n
Death, which is a divifion of all things compktflionatcd. It
doth Analogize with Moilturc radical, which hath more En-
tity, or is circa efe-, more than any other Elemental Quality \
Moifture uniteth and conglutinateth things together, it is the
' Radical Moifture of Life, that nourifheth and fecdeth lx)th
Animals and Vegetables.
One hath for his Contrariety or Oppofition, Tnw ", for Du-
alllty is contrary to Unity, and therefore it hath contrary
Energies j for Two fignitieth Enmity, Diicord, Hate, and
Difealts, and Two dotli Analogi/e with Siccity j for Dryncfs
confiiming Humidity,makes the Subjcdl fall to Dull and Cin-
And by the Union of One and Two is three produced, and
therefore Three refcmbleth aihts into: age/is & pat/ens i and bc-
yaufe mnnis aclus eft cum mot it, therefore it lignities tlie opera-
tion and motion, &c. It analogizeth with Heat, for Heat is
produced between Moifture and Dtynefs, as may \x feen in a
Lime-llone put in to Waters alfo Heat is molt adhial of all
Elemental Qualities s and Three hath for his Duallity or Op-
pofition, Six •, and therefore Six being contrary to Three,
hath alfb Energies oppugnant thereunto, Aciin fignitieth im-
mobility, reft, becaufo §hics appmitnr nmtni j alfia it iignirieth
foe end of things, for things do in fine Qu/cjccre. Jt ana-
logizfth witli Cold, for Moifture that is flexible, and apt to
move, by Cold is congealed and made liable, and unapt to
fpw. In I.atitude all things are determinated in Six, but
according to Longitude in i?, bccuufe i, 2, 3, and 6 added
together, refulteth or amountcth unto 12 s lb likewife the
whole Sphcar of Heaven in Latitude containeth fix Divifions,
and in Longitude 12, which we call Houfes, whereof the
ftrftCbeginning at the Ealljhath One,tor his Conformity , for
as One is the beginning of Number, fo the lirft Houfc is the
beginning of all the reft, and hath like Energies, as Unity,
Identity, Peace, and Life.
As One hath Two for his Oppofition, fo the lirft Houfo
Jiath the \Vcft Apglc for his Oppofition, being alfo the fc-
12 Ajirological Judgment oj Phyjick.
cond part of the whole Sphear, and that is the reafbn, that
the 7th Houfe being oppugnant to the hrfl, hath repugnant
Energiess as the Logician (aith, Contnr/arum Contrary eji can-
fequentia: therefore it lignilicth Strife, Hate, Enmity, Solu-
tion of Continuity, and DHcratiealfo it fignitietli Wives or
Women, for Siccitx doth ap Pet ere Hnmiditatem i as between
One and Two is ingendred Three, between Jigent and Pdtiene
is ACtus produced, being a mediim as it were, imer termimint
a Quo & ad Ghtem i therefore the South Angle, or Tenth
Houle fignihcthAdion, Operation, and Motion, and hath
for his Oppofiticsi the Angle of the North, or 4th Houle,
which tigniheth the end of Things, and ah things that defili
to move, becaufl* Quies oppnniitir Monti. Some AJirnlnghns
Jay that thefe two laft rehearled Angles do rcprefent the Fa-
ther and Mother i for as Artefitu in Libra primo Sapientix ma"
jom, f aith, Tcmper.tvit enim— J'cil.tfna pars caloris cum parte fri-
giditatis fibi equali, evenit ex ea Temperjntcnta1Mjttir£ Hnmi-
ditatis» which laid Humidity doth analogize with the hvft
Houfe, and thus much in brief as touching the Significati-
ons of the four Angles : the other Houles confurge of like
Reafons,but parallcfd to myQical Demon I bat i ons^alling the
Capacity of the Commcn fort, which for brevities fake, here
we emit accounting this lufficient to give the incredulous
a Tall of our Mathematical Ccslifclxmatm, and to Ihew that
the Diviiion of the Houfes, and the Signification of them, is
no frivolous invention, built upon the tantaftick imagination
of rnens idle brains, but grounded upon lufficient demon-
firation, both Mathematical, Phyfical, and Cabalijiical.

How to find the Significators of the Sicl^ Perjon, and the

Morbificant Planet.

THe time aforctaid being truly had, and the points of the
twelve Houfes anfwerablc thereunto, with the Polltion
and Situation of the 7 Planets i then for the Significators of
tire SkkPatient, take the Afccndant, his Lord, and the Moon,
Ajirologkal Judgment of Phyfick: 13
anJ that Planet or Planets, which by cf, □, or cP, afflldeth
thofe Places, (hall be the true Morbificant Planets, or Signi-
ficators of the Difeafe i yet here it is to be noted, that the
principal Effedl herdn is to be referred to the Planets that
afflifl: the Lord of the Afcenclant,next the D ,and lallly the
Afcendantv for a Planet atfliiHng the Afcendant, brings no
notable Detriment, except it be by Conjunction,as 1 have by
long experiment proved i and although the * ACpeCt of Tj
and c? do alfo bring fome Diftemperance to the Sick, yet it
is (b (mall, that it is not equivalent to a □ of U or $, and
therefore not much to be regarded, for overmuch fcrupulofi-
ty in this Art doth rather deviate a man from the true Scope,
than bring him ad Iramittm reciam.

Htm to find in what part of the Body the Semen Morbifi-

cum w, together with the Vifeafes in the Members.

"THofo things are very hard to find without the help of the
Parties Urine, or relations in fome fort from the Party,
for although the Starrs do infinuate unto us thefe things more
precifoly than either Urine, Pulfe, or Excrements, yet the
Significators in this behalf are many, and thereof Ambiguity
often arifoth, except fome farther help alfilteth that may di-
rect our Judgment herdn •, for fometimes the Semen Morbi-
fcum is in thofe parts of the Body that are governed by the
Lord of the Afcendant, fometimes in thofe parts whicn arc
attributed to the Dodecatemory Afcendant, fometimes to
^ the Sign the Lord of the Alcendant or the Moon is in, and
fometimes according to the domeftical Situation of the Lord
of the Afcendant, or the Moon. And in one of thefe places
it never faileth the imbccillitated members or parts of the Bo-
dy wherein pain or grief is felt: fometimes it is in thole places
aforefaid,and fometimes in thofe parts attributed to the mor-
bificant Planets, their Situation in Longitude, or Domeftical
Location, and in one,or more of thefe it never faileth,as may
appear in divers Examples,at the end of the Book following,
u Fw
14 AJlrological Judgment of Phyfick.

For what Caitfe tlx Sictyieff if, generally obferve

THe Significators in fieiy Signes, and the Sign afcending}
in the firft, and defcending in the lixth of the fame Na-
ture, Ihew Hedick Fever, and tliat Cholcr principally is
predominant in th'is Sicknefs.
The SLgniticators in Earthy Signs, argue long and tedious
/\giies,or Fevers of great continuance,or fuch Difeafcs as may
occafionally proceed from Melancholy, as Cdnfmnpiion, See.
The Significators in Aiery Signs Ihew the Blood putrilicd
corrupted,Gouty Diieafes,Lepiolies,the Ha/id and Foot-Gout.
The Significators in Moift Signs, declare the Difeafe to
proceed from fome Cold and Moift Canfe or Caufes, and
Ihew Coughs, Rottennefs in the Stomach, and that thofe
parts are amided and difaffeded.

The Parts of the Body attributed to the Seven Planets.

c . f1 1 'He right Eat, the Spleen, Bladder, Paunch,

Saturn ^ J. middle Finger and Teeth.

JThe Liver, Lungs, Seed, Ribs, Sides, Veins, Ar-

teries, Grillels, Navel, Mufdes, Pulfe, and the
[_ fore-finger of the hand.

,, f The left Ear, Gall, reins. Veins, Tefticlcs, right

L Noftril, and the plane of Mars in the Hand,

(The right Eye, the Heart, Brain, Sight, right

Side, Sinews, Head, Nerves, with the Ring-hn-
^ ger of the Hand.

The Matrix, Belly, Reins,Sperm,Ioyns, Fatnefs,

Genitals, Buttocks, Paps, Parts of generation),
Venus Throat, Flcfh, left Noftril, Liver, Stomach, Smell
and Tafte, and tlic Mount of the Thumb.
Ajirological judgment of Phyfck.
T The Memory, Phantafy, Spirits, Imagination,
,, ( Brain, Voice, Speech, Tongue, Pipes and Organs
ti'cury 0f Voice, Sinews, the Gall, Hands and Feet, and

the little Finger.

' Tlte left eye of a Man, and the right of a Wo-

man, the Stomach, Belly, left fide, Bowels, Blad-
Luna dcr, Tafte, Appetite, Stones, the Liver of a Wo-
man, Brain, Marrow of the Back, Intefiines, En-
. trals, and the ferient or brawny part of the hand.

Tlx Tarts of the Body attributed to the 12 Signs,

. . ,
f'T'He Head, Face, Nofe, Brows, Cheeks, Chin,
i r"i Head.
tlxprjiHafe^ Eyes and Ears, and all other parts of the

Turrits and C The Neck, the Throat, Pole, Wefand, and ,

the 2d Houfe\ Parts under the Chin.

Gemini and f The Shoulders, Arms, Hands, Fingers, and

tlx 3d Houje ^ Wrills.

Cancer and f The Bread, Mediaftine, Sides, Liver, Ribs,

the -ph Hottfe Pnecordiacks, Lights, Spleen, Paps.

L nd tl f T'ie Heart, Liver, Gall, Stomach, the Back

0 ^ '3etween t^e Shoulders and praecordiacks,-the
' L hh Pap.

Virgo and f The Midriff, Bowels, Belly, Guts, Gall, Me-

the 6&Hotfe\ fenterion, and bottom of the Stomach.

T ., , j* The Reins, Loyns, Navel, fmall of the

,1fe ' ,kH
Itzi r ^ Back, Liver, part of the Belly-Buttocks,Groin,
' 7 *tf'LandiiUdte.
l6 AJirological Judgment of Phyjit\
Scorpio and f Tlie Privy Members, Stones, Bladder, Cods,
the^Houfe Matrix and parts adjoyning.

Sagitariiu &f The Hips, Thighs, Buttocks, lower part of

the pdi Hottfe the Back, and Of Sac/tun.

Capricorn & f Tire Knees, Hatntns, and upper part of the

lOthHanJi \Legs.

Aqmriitf &f The Legs from the Knee downward, and

11 th Houje \ the Shins.

^U1^^CS5hiftep,and Toes.

"Difeafef attributed to the 12 Signs, and their proper


V TS a mafculine Diurnal Sign, moveable, Cardinal,Eqiu-

-L nodtial: in nature Hery, Hot and Dry, Cholerick,
Bcftial, Luxurious, Intemperate, and Violenti the Diurnal
Houfc of cf, of the fiery Triplicity, and of the Eafl. Of
Difeafes thefe i
All Puihes, VVhdks, Pimples in the face, fmall Pocks,
Hare-lips, Polypus, ( Noli me tangere J Ring-worms, Falling-
Sicknefs, Apoplexies, Megrims, Tooth-ach, Head-ach, and
» Is an Earthly, Cold, Dry, Melancholy, Feminine, No-
dtumal. Fixed, Domellical, or Bellial Sign j of the Earthly
Triplicity, and South, the Night-houfe of fonits. It llgni-
fieth. Of Difeafes,
The Kings Evil,Sore Throars,\Vcns, Fluxes of Rheums fal-
ling into the Throat, Quinzies and Impolhimes in thofe parts.
n Is an Aerial, Hot, Moid, Sanguin, Diurnal, Common,
or double-bodied Humane Sign the Diumal Houfe of Mer-
cury, of tlte Aery Triplicity, Wettern, Mafculine.
AJirologicalJudgment of Phyjtcf^ 17
This fignifies all Difeafes and Infirmities in the Arms,'
Shoulders, Hands, corrupted Blood, windinels in the Veins,
diflempered Fancies, &c.
ffi Is the onely Houfe of the Moon, and is the firft Sign
of the Northern and Watry Triplicity, is VVatry, Cold,
Mod, Flegmatick, Feminine, No£kurnal,moveablc, a Solftice-
Sign, mute, and flow of Voice, Fruitfti and Northern. In
It fignifies Imperfoflions all over, in the Breaft, Stomach
and Paps, weak Digeftion, cold Stomach, Ptifick, fait Flegtns,
rotten Coughs, droplkal Humours, Impoftumations in the
Stomach, Cancers, which ever are in the Bread.
«5l Is the only Houle of the Sun, by nature Fiery, Hot
and Dry, Cholenck, Diurnal, Commanding, Beftial, Barren,
of the Eaft and Fiery Triplicity, Mafculine. Of Difedes,
All Sicknelfes ana dKtempers in the Ribs and Sides, as
Plurifles, Convulfions, pains in the Back, Trembling, or paf-
lion of the Heart, Violent burning Fevers, all Weaknefles or
Difeafes in the Heart, fore Eyes, the Plague, the Peflilence, the
yellow Jaundies.
tJC It's an Earthly,Cold,Melancholick, Barren, Feminine,
Nodlumal, Southern Sign i the Houtfc and Exaltation of 5,
of the Earthy Triplicity. In Difeafes,
The Worms, Wind-Cholick, all obftrudions in the Bow-
els and Meieraicks, croaking of the Guts, infirmities in the
Stones, any Difeafe in the Belly.-
^ Is a Sign Aereal, Hot and moift, Sanguin, Mafculine,
Moveable, /Equinodial, Cardinal, Humane, Diumol, of the
Aereal Triplicity, and Weftern > the chief Houfe of Fems.
It lignifies,
All Difeafes, or the Stone or Gravel in the Reins of the
Back, Kidneys, Heats and Difeafes in the Loyns or Haunches,
Impoftumcs or Ulcers in the Reins, Kidneys, or Bladder,
sveaknefs in the Back, corruption of Blood.
m Is a Goltij Watry, Nodumal, Flegmatick, Feminine
Sign > of the VVatry Triplicity, fixed, and North, the Houfe
18 AJlrohgktl Judgment of Phjfick.
Joy of A&rh In Difcafcs it rqprefents,
Tm Gravel, the Stone in the ftaet Parts, Bladder, Ra-
ptures, Fiftulaes, or the Pyles in Am : Gononhea's, Pria-
ntfin's, all afflfiSttons of Ac privy Parts either in Man or
Woman, Deffeifb in the Matrix.
■? Is of the Fiery Triplicity, Eaft tin nature fiery, Hot,
Dry, Maiculine, Gholerick, Diumal, Common, Bicorporeal
or Double-bodied, the Houfe and Joy of Jupiter, In Dif-
Itfignifies all Fiftila^, jar Hihtt fitJJing in the Thighs or
Buttocks, and gencrill^ dcnctefhllood heated, Fevers pefti-
lential. Falls from Horib, or hurts from them, or other fbur-
feoted Beafts v aHb prejudice by Fire, Heat and Intcmperate-
nefs in Sports.
V is the Honfe dt Satttrn, and is Nodfurnal, Cold, Dry,
Melancholick, Earthy, Feminine^ Solftitial, Cardinal, movea-
ftfe, Domeftical, Four-footed, Southern, and the Exaltation
of Man. It figrdfies.
All Difeafes hnSdent to the .Knees, either by Strains, or
Fradhires i it notes Lcpiofie, the Itch, the Scab.
hm Is an Aereal, Hot and ifeifi Sign, of the Airy Tripli-
city, Diumal, Sanguine, fixed, Rational, Humane, Maiailinc,
the principal Hpuie of Saturn, wherein he moft rejoycetb,
Weftem. In Diieafts,
It (ignifieth all maimer of infirmitks in the Le^ and An-
cles, incident to thofe Members, all melancholick Winds co-
agulated in ths Veins, or diflurbing the Blood, Cramp, and
the like.
K Is of the Watry Triplldty, ,a Northern, cold Sign,
Moift, Phlegmatick, Feminine, Nodumal, the Houle of U,
and exaltation of S, a Bicorporeal, Common, or double-
bodied Sign, an Idle, Effeminate, lickly Sign, or reprefent-
ing a Party of no adion. In DHeifes, it fignifies,
All Difeafes in the Feet, as the Gout, and all tamenefs
and Aches incident to thofe Members, and fo generally (alt
Flegms, Scabs, Itch, Botches, Breaking^ out, Boyls and
AJirobgical 'judgment of Pkyftck. 19
Ulcers proceeding from Blood putrified, cold and moill Dif-

Difeafes Attributed to the Seven Planets,

OAturn in a Chronical Difeafe is the Author of fuch as pro-

^ ceed of Melancholy, as Quartan Agues, Black Jaundies,
obftrudion of the Spleen, Deafhels, Madnels proceeding of
Melancholy, Palfie, Swimmings in the head, rin^ngs and
noile ur the Ears, Anorexia, Hypofkrca, Gouts, Pcius, Crudi-
ties, and Flux. In acute Difeafes Tj being the Morbificant
Plauet, the Difeafe (ball proceed offupcrabundanceof Flegm,
and crude Humours, Surfeits,fluffing of the Pipes with Flegm,
toughnefs of the Stomach, a laflitudc and wearinefs in all the
Limbs, lothnefs to fpeak, the Pulle flow and remifs, all Im-
pediments in the right Ear and Teeth, Leprolics, Rheums,
Confumptions, Palfies, Tremblings, vain Fears, Fantafies,
Dropfy, the hand and foot-Gout, Apoplexies, Dog-hunger,
too much flux of the Hemorrhoids, Ruptures, if in "i or <51,
in any ill Afped with Venus : Note Tj corrupts the Blood
by Melancholy, d by Choler.
Jupiter, of Chronical Difeafes, fignifieth Inflammation of
the Lungs, Heat of the Liver, Convullions, Apoftemations,
Flegmons, Itch, Ring-worms, Apoplexy, Arthritis, Head-
ach proceeding of Blood, Spitting or Blood, Paflions of Ore
Back-bone, Swelling and Inflammations proceeding of Blood,
sire. -In Acute Difeafes, V. being the Morbificant Planet, he
(ignifieth fuch as proceed of Blocid, as Plurilics, Peripneumo-
nia, Squinaixes, Inflammations, Pocks, Meafels, Plague, con-
tinual Fevers, Synochus putrida, Diftempcrs of the Liver, dart-
ing of the Members, heavinefs of the Head, Sleepinels with-
out pcrfed reft, the Pulfb ftrong and lofty, infirmities of the
left Ear, palpitation and trembling of the Heart, Cramps, pain
in the Back-bone, all Diflafes lying in the Veins or Ribs,
and proceeding from corruption of Blood, windinefs, all pu-
trcfadfion in the Blood, or Fevers proceeding from too great
abundance thereof. C a Mass
20 Afirological Judgment efPbyficks
Aforx, of Chronical Diftafes, importeth (uch as proceed
of red Choler, hot Apoftemations, overflowings of the Gall,
Taundies, Madnefs, Frenzies, hot Gouts, Exulcerations, Fiftu-
Taes, Carbuncles, Fluxes of Blood, breaking of Veins, Agues,
Burnings, Vomiting of blood, &c. In Acute Difeafes, S
Being the Morbiflcant Planet, the DiCeafe (hall proceed of
Choler, as Burning Fevers, Tertians, Choierickejedf ions up-
ward and downwards, Jaundies, Inflammations of all the Bo-
dy, pronends to Anger,great Thirft^rednefs of the Face,Pefli-
lent burning Fevers, Megrims in the Head, Carbuncles, the
Plague, and all Plague-Sores, Ring-worms, Elifters, mad fud-
den Diftcmpets in the Head, Bloudy-flmc, all Wounds and
Difeafes in mens Genitories, the Scone both in the Reins and
Bladder, Scars or fmall Pox in the Face, all hurts by Iron,
the Shingles, and fuch oth r Difeafes as arife by abundance
of Choler, S affedb the Gall, and left Ear, the Pulfe high
and fwift.
Sol govemeth yellow Choler, burning Fever, Semitertian
and Tertian Fevers, beating and palpitation of the Heart,
Swooning, Qpthalmia, rednefs of the Eyes, and blood-fhot,
hot Rheums, Tuffis, Catarrhs, In Acute Difealw, fuch
as proceed of Choler, like unto Mars, but more rtmils, Con-
fumptions, Collick, pricking under the Sides, baftard Pluri-
fies. Pimples in the Face, trembling of the vitals, or any Dif-
cafe of the Brain or Heart, Tympanies, infirmities of the Eyes,
Cramps, fudden Swoonings,Difea(es of the Mouth, and (link-
ing Breaths, rotten Fevers \ principally in Man he govemeth
the Brain, the Heart, and right Eye, and Vital Ipirit •, in Wo-
men, the left Eye»the PuKc uneven, fwift, and intended,#*.
Venus, being the Morbificant Planet of Chronical Difeafc,
fignifies fuch as proceed from Flegm, as Aftmaes, fluffing of
the Pipes, the Liver and Stomach with crude Humours, Suffo-
cation of the Matrix, Swelling, Lmcapblegmatia, pain in the
Reins, Gonorrhea's, French Pox, all Dilcafcs of the Matrix,
and Members of generation, in the Reins, Belly, Back, Navil,
and thofe puts i airy Difeafe or Dilicmper arifing by inor-
Ajirological 'judgment of Phyjick. a1
inordinate Luft, Priapifm, Impotcncy in Generation, HothW,
the Diabetes or pilling Diieafe. Of Acute Difeafes, fuch as
oitxeed from abundance of Flegm and cold. Vow > combufi;
lignifies Dilcafcs proceeding of Torture, as Agues, Collick,
Stone, Pain in the Limbs or Side, Gravel, and lofs f Appc-
tit , the Pulfe low and remifs, but ibmewhat intended.
Merctry denoteth Difeafes proceeding of mixt Hiunours,
according to whom he is configurated, DiftradHon of Senlc,
Madnefs^all Vertigo's, Lethargy, or Giddincfs in the Head,
Lightnefs, or any Diieafe of the Brain, Ptilick, Stammering,
and imperfcdl ion in the Tongue, vain and fond Imaginati-
ons, all defects in tire Memory, Hoarfnels, dry Coughs, tuper-
abounding oi Spittle, all fnafBing and fnuffling in the Head
or Note, the hand and foot Gout, Durabneis, Tongue-evil,
all evils in the Fancy and Intelledfual parts, SuggelHons of
Evil-ipiiits,fooliih and irrational Conceitstroubled Thoughts,
(luffing of the Pipes and Organs of Voice, black Jaundies,
Wind in the Bowels, ligjitneis of Mind, Deliration, aridity of
the Tongue, Swellings in the Leg?, Hands and Fingers.
Luna, being the Morbificant Planet, in Chronical Difeafes,
fgnifies the Falling-ficknels, Apoplexies, Palfies, the Cholick,
the Belly-ache, Artliritis, Sciatica, Leucoflegmatia, Worms,
Rheums, Lunatick paflions, Quotidian Fevers, Difeafes pro-
ceeding of Oppilations, Retention of Mcnftma, and all other
Excrements, as Ordure, Urine, and Sweat, and the inordi-
nate evacuation of them i Difeafes in the left Side, StoneSjthe
Bladder, and Members of Generation, the Menftrues, and Li-
ver in Women, Dropfies, Fluxes of the Belly, and cold Rheu-
tnatick Difeafes, cold Stomach, the Gout in the Wrifis and
Feet, Sciatica, Rheums or Hurts in the Eyes, viz. in the Left
of Mm, and the Right of Women, Surfeits, rotten Coughs,
Convulfion-fits, Kings-evil, Apoftemes, Small Pox, and Mea-
fels. In Acute Difeafes, the Moon prognofticateth fuch as
proceed of Watry Humours, Citrine Water, and Salt Flegm,
(or the moft part with Swellings and Breakings out, annexed
with Heat and InfUmoiation, Drought and appetite of Drink,
C 3 In
22 AJlroIogical Judgment of Phypck.
In young Maidens, the 2 being the Morbificant Planet, in
Chronical Difelfcs fignifieth the Green ficknefs \ in old Wo-
men, Pallions of the Matrix, the Mother, and inch like.
Now having briefly ( yet fully ) (hewed what manner of
Infirmities are moft ufually attributed to the 7 Planets, yet
here is to be noted, tint many of thefc, and divers other
of like nature and condition, may happen, as well under any
other Planet, as the fame Planet they are here attributed un-
to, the Caufes tliat produce them being divers i therefore
the (ureft ground is not altogether to depend upon Aftrolo-
ey in the invefligation of the Difeafe, but alfo to require the
help of Pathological means, and die Difeaie once found,
the Morbificant Planet will affuredly, without fail, demon-
flratc the true Caufe of the Difeafe, and of what Humour it
procecdeth, far more direftly than any Urine, PuKe, or Ex-
crement whatfoever s and this is the true Scope herein, not
to rely only upon this Art to find out the Difcafo, but the
true Caufe thereof, which being removed, or taken away,
the eficdt will alfo ceafe j Hamjtwlaia Cattju. deficit Ejfeftitf.

In the next place m Jhall briefly (yet fully 'treat of tlx

Crifis in Difeafer, as being a principal Snbjed relating to
this treat/ft: Andfirfi xvhat Crifis lignifies.

Ctifis is no other thing, than a Duel or Contention be-

twixt Nature and the Infirmity i if Nature at the time
of the Crifis overcome the Malignity of the Difeafe, it's a
good Crifis , if the Sicknefs prevail, it's a pernicious and ill
Crifis. Or,
Crifis is no more than this, viz. a iudden alteration of
mans body when he is fick, tending either to health, or fur-
ther ficknefs '■> for when this Crifis is, there's a (harp fight,
as it were, betwixt Nature and the Difeafe, whether of them
(hall overcome.
Days Critical, Decretory, and Crifinal are all one, and
intend no more than a certain and more fure Judgment of
Ajlrological Judgiuefrt of'PhyjUk. 23
the Infirmity afflidling, either more powerfully, or in a lels
ineafiire, at thofb times when the true Crifts is.
Hie true Crifts is bell of all taken from that Moment of
time when firii the llcknels invaded the infirm i which
if it cannot be had, then it may be taken ( but not fo cer-
tainly ) from the very hour when firft the water is brought
to the Phylician to advife for recovery, but if no Urine come,
then when the Dodlor firft fpeaks with the fick Party, and
is demanded by the infirmed what he thinks of his ficknefs,
and what courfe he would advife for cure thereof.
Every fudden and vehement motion of the Dileafe, may
be called a Crifis, or it is not a local motion altogether, but
an alteration of the Difeafe.
Or Crifts imports Judgment in the Dileafe afBidling, and
which way it will terminate, viz. for good or evil i and ac-
cording to Avicen, Cryfis eji velox motus morbt ad falutem vd
ad mortem.

Next horp the true Grifvs may be found i or the Hour, Vay,
Month, or Tear, in which the Difeafe may be perfeftly
THe true Crifts is the time in which the Dileafe is moft 5n-
tended, infomuch that the Party either dyeth at that in-
ftant, or the Difeafe at that time imports Death i or-from
that time forwards amendeth, and hath the fymptomes al-
leviated : and how to find this fame time there are many
opinions among Phyftcians and Ajirolopans, but all of thefo
that ever I could yet read of, are foil of ambiguity and uncer-
tainty, and many times fwerving from the truth, partly, and
oft times wholly i as thofe that obferve the Hera deatbim,
and from thence account the 7th day as Critical •, or thofe
that think they come nearer to the mark ( as I my felf did
fometimes think, although long experience proveth both to
be far diftant) which oblerve the time the Moon cometh to
a Quartile Afpedt of the plxe (he palled under at the decubi-
tus j for although the Crifts fometimes doth happen upon
C 4- the
24 AJiroIogical Judgmtnt of Phyfick:
the lame times, yet it is doubtful or uncertain whether it be
upon the next 7 th day, or the 14th, or the 21ft, or the 28 th
day, &c. or at the time the D cometh next'to alpeft the
place (he poflelled at the Horn deaibith, either by a □ or
cP, &c. which cometh neareft to the truth of any former gi-
ven Rule, and for which I (hall annex a Table at the end of
this Dilcourfe, to find the true time according to the
motion of the Moon and Sun, 8cc. Yet fometimes the Crifis
happeneth upon none of thefe times, whereby it appeareth,
that thefe Obfervations are uncertain, and not to be depend-
ed upon i therefore he that would be more petfedHy refolved
concerning this main point, let him give ear to thefe our
2\7m> refined Principles and Grounds i the which by Gods
Aid and AlTiftance, and many painful Obfervations, wc have
proved, and found to be of fuch truth, that I cannot choofe
but admire the wonderful Providence of Almighty God here-
in, which fweetly difpofeth all things in Nztmro, Pondert,
& Menfura, prefcribing to the whole oeconomy of Nature,
fuch a Law, Order, and Dependency, that it were eafiet for
Heaven and Earth to annihilate and turn to nothing, than to
break or infringe the fame, unlefs it (hall pleafe his Divine
Ma jelly, miraculoufly, at his Will and Pleafure to command
it any new kind of Service > but yet for all this, neither I,
nor any man elfe, is able to give any fuch Rules that lhall
never fail: although 1 dare boldly affirm, that the like for
verity in all refpefts are not to be found : for howbeit I am
afTured, that there is in rcrum natitra, lex, & immmabilis ordo,
yet with Solomon I mull confels, that omnium Opemm Dei, rtul-
iui pojfit homo invenire rationcm. Admit that Natter a fit vera,
Ars vera, yet ran vems An if ex, a true Artill rarely found:
therefore to come to the matt rHe that would be certified
when the Crifii (hall happen, let him obferve whether the
Lord of the Alcendant doth apply to the corporal Conjun-
dlion □ or cf of any Planet, per applicationem commmem, or
no j and if he apply to more than one, look to which of them
he is nearell, and then count how many Degre«s of Longi-
AJirologica I Judgment of Phyjtc^ 35
tude arc between them, and for every Degree add fomany
Days, Weeks, Months, or Years, to the time the Dileafe was
firft related to thee, or to the time the Urine was tirfi brought
unto you, and you (hall have the time exaftly in which there
will be a Crifu of the Infirmity ■» yet here is to be noted, that
when the Dileafe is mortal,that neither U, ?, S , nor the 5,
are able to make a ptrfcdt Crifu, although they do in fomc
relpedt Criftfie, as 1 have (een by experience •, for the Lord of
the Afcendant at fuch time coming to any of thcfc by dedu-
dlion aforefaid, will at that inftant intend the Difcafe, and
afterwards the Party (hall for a time feem to amend, and the
fymptomes ofhis Dileafe abate, and yet for all that, at the
next Crifification with Tz, cf, or the 0, the Party (hall dye i
and you (hall here underhand, that the Lord of the Afcendant
doth not only (hew the time of the Cryfu, in manner afbre-
faid, by the di fiance from (bme other Planet per applkaiionem
vmmmem, but alfo per Jeparatinnem commnnem'i when he (hall
be elongated from ad □ or <f Corporal,the fpace of the fe-
midiameter ofhis Beams, or of the affliding Planets, and for
every degree he lacketh of that diftancc, add as before fo ma-
ny Days, Weeks, Months, or Years. Some Aftrologians have
curioully taken upon them to determinate the time of the
Crijis in manner following, viz. If the Significators be in a
movable Sign, for every degree of longitude they add a dayi
in a common Sign a week, and in a fixed Sign a month, or a
yearj others in Angles, a day, in Succedant Houfes a week,
and in Cadcnt a month or year. But how vain and fuperfti-
tious thefe Obfervations are, daily experience teachcth. And
although I dare not warrant at all times this Rule following
to be currant, yet for the moft part I have found it true, and
very feldome otherwifc •> that is, to look whether the Difcaft
be Acute or Chronical, (I term them acute, which be (pic^Dif-
eafes, and have had no long time before in breeding-, and
them 1 term Chronical which be long and inveterate i J if the
Difeafe be acute, then for every degree add a day > if chronical,
a week, a month, and fometimes a year.
a6 AJlrologkal Judgment of Phyfic^.
Let the Reader take notice, that there are Acute and Chro-
nick DifeaTes. Of Acute Difcafe, fome are fimple Acute,
others Peracute,^ eft, very Acute i others are Perperacute, or
exceeding Acute. Thofe which axe fimple Acute, arc finiflied
in 8,10, ii, 14, 20,or 21 dayes, they are terminated in the
time the Moon traceth the 12 Cccleftial Signs of the Zodwd^,
which is in 27 dayes •, fome odd hours ana minutes.
Thofe acute Difeafcs which fuffcr changes, are very fickle»
for fometiroes they incrcafc, fometimes they are remitted, ac-
cording as the Lord of the Afcendantor ( according to ci-
thers) as the Moon, meets with the beams either of good or
evil Planets > and fometimes they change out of acute Difea-
fcs into chronick Difeafes, and (b a continued Fever may
change into a Hedick Fever, or an intermitting Fever into
a continual Fever i and thefe Difeafcs terminate in forty
Very acute Difcafes are fuch as tenninate and are conclu-
ded in 5,6,7, or 8 dayes» amongil which is the Difeafe cal-
led Peripneumonia, an inflammation of the Lungs.
Exceeding acute Difeafes are fuch as end in three or four
dayes at farthelt, as Pefiilences, Apoplexies, &c,
Chronick Difeafcs follow the motion of the Sun, and 'tis
about ninety dayes before the firft Crifis appears, for in that
time the Sun comes to the proper Quartil of the place he was
In at the Decumbiture, as appears in Hcdfick Fevers, Drop-
lies, and the like •, but when he comes to thofe Degrees from
the Decumbiture, which are called Judicative, or Interciden-
tal, which are both one, or Judicial, ( as lhall be feen in the
Table following ) fome motion appears, whereby a man may
judge of the Crijis to come. It falls out well, if the Sun be
well afpedled by good Planets i and worfe, if by evil Planets i
and this holds true, if you confider it from the Nativity,
throughout all the whole courfe of a mans Life; for Difeafcs
are particular attendants on a mans Life.
Moreover, of the Cwfix, fome are perfedf, fome are impcr-
(edi i A perfect Crifjs is when the Difeafe appears plain and
AJlrologica I Judgment of PhjJtck. a7
intirdy, and perfcdly to be judged of, and this is (bmetimcs
hopeful, fometimes defreratei Hopeful, when there is a
great probability of Health and Recovery Delpcrate, when
there are palpable figns of Death.
An imperfeft Crifis, is, when the Difeafe is changed upon
every light occafion i as if Mart be author of the Difcafc,
and in a double-bodied Sign, without fail the Crilis is va-
That Crifis is fafe, which comes without great pernicious
It is doubtful and dangerous, which comes with great per-
nicious Afpcfts. The Difeafe is fit to be judged, when figns
of Concodtion come the fourth day, and then certainly the
Crifis will appear the ninth •, the D moves not upon an e-
qual motion, therefore it's fafer to trull to her motion, ra-.
ther than to the tradition of days, for herein is a great error,
by rcafon of the inequality of the Moons motion •, for, ac-
cording to the bell extant opinions, the Sun hath dominion
in Chronick Difeafes, ( as is laid before) and the Moon in
Acute i and therefore I have fpoken to this end to them.
It Is the motion of the Sun and Moon, and Lord of the
Afcendant, that produce the Crifis, and not the number of
When any notable Difeafe comes, if you would difcern
whether it tends to Health, Death, Mutation, or continuance,
it is neceflary that you begin at the firll pundl of time of the
invafion of the Difeafe. This GaJen faith is very hard, if not
impoflible to find, 'tis taken pro confefa that it may be eafily
known when a man takes his bed in nis ficknefs, but when
the beginning of the ficknefs is, that's the Quellion v for a
lufty Body bears the Difeafe longer, and is longer before it
fubmits to take Bed, than a weak, infirm, fickly Body i a meer
fufpition of a Difeafe will lend a faint-hearted pcrfon to bed,
you may perfwade him he is lick, though otherwife. But the
true time to be taken for the beginning of the Difeafe, is
that in which a man finds a manifell pain or hurt in his Bo-
»5 Ajirological Judgment of Phyjicl^
dyi for inftance, when a man hath got a Fever, ufually the
head akes certain days before i tliis is not the Fever, but a
TneHengcr, or fore-runner of the Fever •, the true beginning of
the Fever is, when the Difcafe appears fenfibly, or when a
honour or trembling invades the fick, as does ufually in the
beginning of a Fever i this is the beginning of the Difeafe,
when the Difeafe appears manifcll tofenfc -, and this was the
Judgment of Hippocrates^ the beft of Phylicians. And you
mall find this always, that the more acute the Difeafe is, the
more manifeft the beginning of it is tofenfe, yea fn manifeft,
that it is almoft impofliblc, that the beginning (hould lye hid
from any one, though he want Reafbn, if he liave but Scnfci
but if it (hould fo fall out that you cannot take a beginning
fiom the firft invafion of the Difeafe, then take your ground
from that very time the Parties Urine was firft brought, or
the time when firft they confultcd with the Phyfkian about
the Difeafe and cure, and account that the firft Crifis.
Now the time called Critical is always evil, becaufe of the
contrariety of the Sign the Moon is in then, to the Sign fhc
was in before, or the contrariety of her nature to thcoppollte
rlace, at fbch a tjmc there arifeth a controverfy and contell
between the Difcafe and Nature i the Moon maintains Na-
ture in Acute difeafes, and hence is the reafbn, that if fhe be
afflidfed upon a Critical day, by the Eodicsor ill Beams of T>
or cf, or the Lord of the Houfe of Death, ( which is always
Lord of the eighth Houfe, and fometiraes Lord of the fourth
Houfe, if he be a Malevolent, becaufe he fignifics the grave)
the Difcafe incrcafeth, and fometimes the Sick dyes but if
the Moon at the time of Crifts behold the Lord of the
Afcendant, or the Fortunes fortunately. Health enfiics i for
the malady is vanquifhed, and overcome in the conflid.
If the Uifcafe terminate not upon the firft Crifts, fee how
the Moon is configurated on the fecond Crifis, and judge th n
by the fame Rules, &c.
If it terminate not then neither, as fnmetimes fnch a thing
happens, view the third Crifis, and judge by that the fame
Afirological Judgment of %/yJick. a^
wayif your Judgment, ballanccd by Rcafon and the foi-
mcr Rules, certifie you that the DLfeafc will not end, one
way nor other, neither in Health nor Death j fte what you
can fay when the Moon returns to the place flic was in at tho
Decumbiture, which is about twenty feven days, eight hours,
and fbme minutes, and fee how the Moon is then leated and
afleded, and to what Planets (he is configurated then;
and this of neceflity muil be the end of all Acute dif-
Thus you fee an Acute difeafe can laft but a Month at long-
eft, not one in a hundred lafteth fb long i nor one in twenty
lafteth above half fb long.
If the Difeafe end not then, the Acute difeafe is tum'd in-
to a Chronick difeafe i and all Chronick difeafes mufl be
judged of by the Sun *. the Rules of judging of Chronical
difeafes by the Sun, are the fame by which we judge of Acute
difeafes by the Moon.
Now to come to the matter and conclufion of this Sub-
jed, you muft know, that the times confidcrable in Difeafes
are three principally ■, the principal is the Crijis, or Critical
day, which is when the D hath gone 90 degrees from her
place at the decumbiture, or laft Crifo i and this is fo called,
becaufe then Nature will manifcll what the Difeafe Is j and
at this time it will afluredly be more fully difbemed in one
kind or other, for good or bad, according to the Afpcds the
Moon applies to, as hath been faid. The next time is cal-
led Judicial, which is half a Chryfn, viz. the motion of 45
degrees, at what time the Difeafe doth more or lefs manifeft
it fclf, according as the D is afpeded, which prognofticates
a good or bad Chyfis to enfhe.
The third denomination of time, in reference to critical
Obfervation, is called Indicativi, wherein the Phyfician may
cxped Indications how the Difeafe will (hew it felf. This
by fbme is called Intercidental: upon thefc intercidental and
indicative dayes, the Difeafe is ufually remitted and mitiga-
go AJhological Judgment of Phypcki
Now for right diftinftion and calculation of Time, ob>
ferve in what degree of the Zodiack^the D was at the decum-
fciture, and to that degree add 22 degrees and 30 minutes,
which is half the time between the Grids and Indidal
time, and this (hews fwhen the Moon comes to that degree)
the lird Indicative, or intercidental time j then to this for-
mer time add 22 degrees 30 minutes more, and that makes
the Indicial time j to which, when the Moon comes, it is
accounted a Judicial day i which is when the i is gone 45
degrees or half a Quadrat from the firft Grids i then to this
lad Indicial time add 22 degrees, 30 minutes more, which
makes 67 deg. 30 min. from the firil Grids i and this is the
iecond Indicative day, or Intercidental timers falling between
the Grids and Judicial day i to which again add 22 de-
grees 30 minutes more, and you have the firft perfedf Cri-
iisfrom the decumbiture, v/z, 90 degrees', and adding 22
degrees 30 minutes more, makes the next Judicative day,
whim the D comes to it, and fb on through the whole Zo-
diaci^, and over it again, if the Difeafe Terminate not in that
time, as will plainly appear by the following Table, in a fa-
miliar Example , when the 3 comes to an Indicative, or In-
tercidental time, when to a Judicial day, a femiquadrat, or
half a Grids, and when to a true □ , and when to an eP,
which is called a full Grids, and fb to all the Indicative
and Judicial days during the Sickhefs, &c. as for Example i
Let the tme place of the 2 at the decumbiture, and begin-
uing of the Difeafe, be fuppofal to be 15 degrees, 44 minutes
of n, and becaufe 44 minutes almoll make one degree, I
enter with 16 degrees under the Sign n, in the 4th Column,
lb that id degrees of Gemini is my Radix, or true place of the
2 i over againft id degrees, to the right hand, I rind 8, 30,
over the head thereof ffi i fb that when the Moon came to
8 degr. and 30 min. of $, it was the firft Indicative, or In-
tercidental day, wherein the Phylician might expert how
tiie Difeafe would (hew it ftlf i upon every Crifis, or Indi-
cative day, have coufidemion with what Planet the Moon is
AJlrological Jfidgmeut of Phyfcks 51
in Configuration > if with a benevolent, expedi fome retrriC-
ncfs in theDifeafc, if with a malevolent, a bad Indication^.
Next on the right hand to 8,30 of ffi, you find 1 «5li viz.
when the D comes to the firft d^ree of <Sl, (he was then
in ftmiquadrate to her firft place i and this is as if it were
half a Crifis, at what time the Difealc might more or left
manifeft it fclf, according .to that Ai^edt the 5) found at
her being in that firft degree of Leo •, in the next Column on
the rigiht hand you fte 23, go, over it <51 i it was a ftcond
Indiative day, whereby the Phyfician might further judge
of the incrcafe or decreale of the Difcafe: in the next Co-
lumn you find 16, over it TO, when the 2 came to the 16th
degree of Virgo, there was then a true Crifis, at what time
the Difcafe afluredly might be more fully diftemed in one
Jtind or other, and then according to the Afipe^s, the 2 in
that degree had to the Planets, good or ill, Co might the Pa-
tient or Phyfician cxpeft a better or worfe Crifis; and fo
in the fame confmued line or Column you run round the
Heavens, ever obferving the 2 her coming to thofe places of
the Zadiack^ wherein (he makes the Indicative, Indidal, or
Critical day, and what Planet or Planets (he is then in Afpedfc
with, and whether in the figure they promife good or ill;
befides this you (hall oblctve, what dayes (he, or the Lord of
the Afcendant tranfits the Cufp of the (ixth, ftventh, and
eighth Houfes, and how then (he is afpedled of the benevo-
lent or ill Planets •, and obferve, if (he be combuft, or in
via eombujlay which is from the 20th degr. of n to the firft
of S, in theNorthpart of the Zodiackj, and in the South
from the 6th degr. of / to the i6th of the fame, and from
the 24th of / to the fifth of V, or in <5, □, or of h
or c?, or of a Combuft Planet, or of fome hurtful fixed
Star, of malignant nature, it is evil, and a fign of death or
of long fickneft, &c.
AJirohgical Judgment of Phyftcke

And notfi) whitfbever the

Sg 8 Si*
Moon doth work in Acute
and Ihaip Diicafes by Criti-
cal dayesj Indicatives, and
Jntercidents^n 27 dayesand ft IJtc,
S hours, the fame is to be
accounted in Chroniael dl-
ftempers, by the yearly mo- di£. min.
tion of the Sun j when the □ po 45 22 30
Sun comes to the O, or rf5 <P l8o 135 112 30
of the place in which he was □ 270 225 202 30
at the beginning of the Dif- cP jdo 2^2 30
eafe j therefore mark all the
Afpe&s of die Sun to that
Degree, and of the Moon, as aforefaid, &e.

Of Jttdgmtta.

'T^fcte are carefully to be confidered before you give any

•*- Judgments
Fiill, That you make your Prayer to Almighty God, that
lie would give you the grace that you may mod faithfully
perform that which you take in hand}to his Glory and to your
own Credit.
Secondly, If thou findeft theCufp of the Afcendant to fall
In the very latter end of a Sign, or the beginning, as it were,
between two Signs j then doubtlds the Quasrent comes but
to tempt thee.
Thirdly, If the Qucftion be not Radical, that Is, if die
lord of the Afcendant, or the Lord of the Hour be not of one
Triplidty, this iigniiies the carelcfhefs of the Quatrent, and
chat he cares not whether you hit or mifs. Therefore thy
Figure thus found, proceed no firther to any Judgment, un-
Jels it were Radical -, which being fo, it noteth an univerfal
deGre in the Quaercnt to be lelbl ved in the Qocftion propound-
Afirologkal Judgment of PhyfUk. 35
Fourthly, You ought not toereft a Scheme for ybur felfj
but it is more proper to commit it to another, led you flatter
your felf in choice of your Afcendant, or the like.
Fifthly, Confider the place of the Moon, whom if you
find in the end of a Sign, chiefly in a common Sign, in a
double-bodied Sign, or a moveable Sign, then I wi(h thee to
take heed to thy felf, and to be very wife and careful what
communication of Speech you do ufe with the Qmerent, for
doubtlefs he comes of malice to tempt thee, that he may find
(bme occafion to do thee villany.
Sixthly, If the Afcendant and his Lord, and thefeventh
Houfe and his Lord beaffli&ed, deferr that bufinefs at that
time, for fear left thou receive fome blame for thy labour, or
elfe (hame for thy falfe Judgment.
Seventhly, If thou prelume to give Judgment, riot being
skilful therein.
Eighthly, If thou be affedfionate to the Qusrent, whereby
thou art loth the truth (hould be delivered ; for as Ftolom<ei«
worthily faith. Love or Hatred do wreft a man from the
truth for where Love is there is Favorir ( oftimes ) in Judg-
ment/nany times making the matter better than it is > and if
Hatred, then he will dilcourage the Quterent more than need
Ninthly, If the Quaerent come to thee in the Hour of Tj,
or d, or if the Dragons tayl be in the Afcendant, •r with
the Moon, or the Moon be in Scorpio, then there will be Ly-
ing on all fides > or if the Lord of the iSth, 7th, 8th, or 10th
Houfes, be Lord of the Hour, or the Lord of the Hour in
thofe Houfes, or Combuft, or Retrograde, I counfel thee nor
to meddle therewith.
That Sicknefs that Ihall happen the Moon being in that
place of the figure or degree wherein a Malevolent Planet was
in the time ofnis Nativity, it is moft dangerous i if in a □,
or <f, it will prove a moft dangerous infirmity i but if (he
be in the place of a Benevolent Planet, or in good Afpedt,
then the fick Party is nothing to be feared at all i if the Ra-
54 Afirological Judgment ofPhyfck,
dical Afccndant of the Sick do behold the Alcendant of the
time wherein the fick Peribn began to be fick, or evil at
eaft, the Patient will be in great danger, or if they be in a □
or cP A(ped.
The Patient Qiall be in great danger by the means of the
Phyfician, if the Sick have or had U or 5 in thoft de-
grees wherein the Phyfician had or hath h or cf in their
Nativities j if in a □ or tf very hurtful, but not evil as
in Conjundion, for that and Oppofition arc the worft.
The Phyfician (hall be right welcome to that Patient whofc
Afccndants or Lords do agree, or be in any good Afpcdb
together, or if the Luminaries be in any good Afpcft toge-
ther, or if the Lights of the one do beholcl the Lights of the
other with a favourable Afpeft i or if the Lights of the one
do behold die Afcendant, or the Lord of the other, with any
friendly and amicable Afpcdh
When thou (halt find the feventh Houfe, or the Lord
thereof afflifted with T; or c? being therein, or beholding
it with a □ or tP, change thy Phyfician, for he fhall do no
good, but be crafty in his Aft ions and Judgment, and to thee
But if thou find U or 9 in the feventh Houfe, or in any
good Afpeft with the Houfe, or with the Lord thereof,
then refufe not in any wife the help of the Phyfician,
for he (hall by Gods help Cure thee, to Gods Glory, and his
The Phyfician ought to take heed that he vifit not the
Sick in the hours of b or c?,or in the hour of the Planet that
was Lord of the 8 th Houfe at his Nativity i as for Example:
if in the hour of b, the Phyfician (hall be blamed for being
too flow or negligent i if in the hour cf Mars, great brawl-
ing and ftrife (hall happen between the Patient and the Phy-
fician, with fmall gain to the Phyfician. The hours of U
and 9 are greatly commended of the Learned: the 0, 5,
and tlie 5 are accounted indifferent, except they be proper
Signihcators of Sicknefs or Death. The £ within four or
AJirological Judgment ofPhyjicks 3S
five degrees of the or ^ in Gonjunftion, fignifieth Death
to the Sick. If good Planets be in the Afcenaant, the fick
Party (hall be ealily ruled, and the Phyfician and thofe that
be about him (hall be right-willing to do him good* chiefly,
if they be not combuft or Retrograde * but if any evil Planet
be there, then judge the contrary, both to the Phyfician and
the reft about the lick Perfon s for the Sick (hall be froward
and unruly; if in the tenth Houfe there be any evil Planet,
the Medicine (ball not profit the Sick j and let the Phyfician
do what he can for his life, yet he (hall receive great blame
of the common fort of people.
If the firft Houfe and the fixth Houfe belong both to one
Planet, or the Lord of the Houfe where the Lord of the tfth
Houfe (hall be found, he (hall be the occafion of his own
Sicknefs or Infirmity j if the firfl and eighth Houfe, he (hall
be the caufe, or will procure his own death s if the Afcen-
dant and the Moon be unfortunated, and their Lords free,
the Patient is fick in his Body, and quiet in mind j but if the
S and the Afcendant be fortunate, and their Lords unfor-
tunate, then the fick Party is greatly vexed or grieved in his
mind, and not fick in his Body i but if the Moon, and the
Afcendant, and their Lords be afflicted, then he is fick both
in Body and in Mindj or if a fortunate Planet do behold the
Afcendant and not the Moon, he is fick in mind and not in
Body, and if the Moon only, and not the Afcendant, then
the contrary. The Lord of the tfth Houfe in the Afcendant
or 8th Houfe, it fheweth that theDifeafe is cafy to be known,
and in the yth or fourth Houfe, then it is hard to be" known
of what kind it is: and in the 9th, or nth Houfe, the In-
firmity is to be known, and in the other Houfcs hardly to
be known.
Ganivettw, in his Amicm Medicorum, affirms,that the Afcen-
dant and his I ord.and the Lord of the Houfe where hefhall be
found,are to be given to the Sick, the roth Houfe and his Lord
to the Phyfician, the fourth Houfe and his Lord to the Me-
dicines, and thnfc that are about the Sick as Helpers. The
36 AJlrologkal Judgment ofPhyftc^.
£th Houfe, and his Lord, and the Lord of the Houfc that he
is in, bat the Moon tnuft herdn be confidered. The 6th Houfe
doth fignifie the Diieafe, and the Caufc thereof, as for exam-
ple : if a Terrene Sign be upon the 6th, then he took his Di-
fiemper of Cold, and look where the Lord thereof is, and the
Moon, and fuch are the peccant Humours > and for the Air,
Water,or Fire, if the 6th Houfe beafflifted with any Malevo-
lent Star,or if the Lord thereof be afflifted in any {brt,fo judge
of the Humours, and look to the fourth Houfe from the 6th
Houfe for it hatha fecret Signification of the end of a parti-
cular Difeafe. In like manner, forget not this, that in any
Qucftion whatfocver, if you find the Lord of the Aicendant,
not to be in the Afcendant, neither to behold it v then he is
not to be accounted as Lord, but the Lord of the Exaltation is
to be reckoned as Lord, if he do behold it, if not, then the
Lord of the Triplkity i if not he, then the Lord of theTermj
if not he, then fee if the Lord of the Hour, chiefly if he have
any authority in the Afcendant, then he is to be accounted as
Lord of the Afcendant.
Note this, that the Lord of the Hour is to be reckoned in
as hill power as is the Lord of the Afcendant, if he be not
Retrograde, norCombuft, and fuch like.
Hcrmts fays in his 88 Aphorifm, Erit impedimeintm circa il-
ium partem corporn qitam fignificat fig/um quod foerit Nativitatif
temport impedip&Slm : There will be foine impediment in or
near that part of the Body which isfignified by the Sign that
lhall be afflided at the time of the Birth. The ufe of ail comes
to thus much:
That if yon would know where any Difeafe is, I mean, in
what part of the Body/ee in what Sign the Significator of the
lick Party is, and what part of mans Body that Planet figni-
Hes in that Sign, which you may do by the enfuing Tabki in
that Member or part of the Body lhall you fay the iick Party
i grieved or diffeafed.
Ajirological JudgMMt of Phyflck. 97

A Table Jbewing what Members in Mam Bo/y

every Planet fignifietb in any of the
Twelve Signes.

1 TE U 1 <f © * 1 i ] D
Brujl Throat Belly Thighs Reins Secrets Knees
Y Arm Heart Head Feet Legs Head

Hldrt Arms Reins Secrets Thighs Legs
Bnafl Belly Throat Knits Head Peet Throat
Belly Nec^

Secrets Feet'
Brea/l Thighs Knees Shoulders
Belly Reins Arms Lfggs Throat Head Arms
Htzrt Secrets Breafi Ancles

Reins Heart Brtsfl 1 Knis Legs Head

$ BeUy Secrets Thighs Feet Shoulders Throat Breaft
Stcrtts Thighs Arms Eyes Stomach

Kjites Legs Throat
Secrets Belly Arms
Reins Thighs
Heart Head Breafi Shoulders Stomach
Rnees Belly Heart Throat Heart

Feet Head
Thighs Legs Stomach Breafi Arms
TIE Secrets Kfltes Belly Throat [ Heart Heart Shoulders
Feet Bowels
| Belly
g8 AJlrological Judgment ofPhyfahs

fc 1 ^ 1 d" i © i S i I D
Secrets Feet Throat Breaft
-O. Knies tegs Reins Shoulders Small- Heart Reins
Thighs Head Secrets Arms Stomach Heart
pji/t guts. Belly Belly

' Head Shoulders Stomach

Xptts Thighs Secrets Breafl Throat Arms Heart
Ugs Feet Arms Heart Reins Bowels Secrets
Thighs Secrets Bici Belly

Throat Shoulders Breaft

Kaees Thighs Reins Bowel s
Ugs Head Heart Arms
/ Hands Secrets Heart Thigh s
Tttt Thigh s Feet Belly Baci
Thighs Secrets

tegs Arms Breafl Stomach Reins

Head Mc£ Sboulders Belly Heart Heart Knees
Yf Feet £yes 1 Knes Bac^ Thighs Stcrtts Thighs
I Knees | teggs

Feet Breafl
yecle Arms Legs Reins Heart Bowels Stcrtts
ss Head Thighs Legs
Shoulders Heart Secrets Knees
Breaft Heart Ancles

Heart Belly Reins

Hms Head Feet Secrets Ugs Knees Thighs
K Shoulders Breall Belly Ihighs mi Secrets Feet
Met Heart Ancles Throat Thighs

As if "h be Signiiicator of the fick Party,and ( at the time

of your Queiiion) in n, have rccourfe to your Table, and
you fee b in it fignificth aDifeafe in the Belly, or Hearty.
Do fo in the reft.
AJlrologkal "judgment of Phylic ki 59
And this is to be noted, that look what Planet the Moon
ftparated from laft, fo judge of the Infirmity in his beginnings
and whomfoever (he is conjoyned withall; fb judge of the
prefent ftate thereof» and look who (he doth apply to, fo
judge of die end.

Life and Death.

THe Moon moving from the ^ of the Lord of the Afcen-

dant to the <S of the O Lord of the 8 th Houfe^null pro-
gnofticate Death i and being Combufl, doth much augment
theevihwhercupon Death mull needs follow s and the rather,
if the Lord of the 6 th Houfe be Retrcgrade, and behold the
7thHoufeby a □ Afpedl.
Though the X> be in the 8th Houft with the Lord of the
Alcendant, and beholding 3 or 4 Planets more, the Party
will efcape s for this is a genaal Rule, The S beholding 3
or 4 Planets, whether good or bad, or with what A£pc6t fo-
ever, it betokeneth Life.
live D feparating her felf from the Lord of the Afcen-
dant, and applying to the Lord of the 8th Hou(e, (hew-
eth Death j (b doth the Lord of the Alcendant in applying to
the Lord of the 8 th Houle. If U be Significator with c?,
and cf in Application to the cP of b > it is a tedious lingring
Sicknels s for this is always a general Rule, that if th D or
any Planet be in the end of any Sign, it is to be accounted as
in the next Sign.
The S being in the Afcendant in K, and feparates her
(elf from a friendly Afpeft of U L d of the Alcendant, and
applies her felf to a good AfpeA of c? in the 6 th Houle, and
Lord of the 8th Houle, and then fhoitly after beholds with a
Malignant Afpoft, mull needs lignific Death, though the firtl
was a Trine j for this is always a general Rule, that the 0,
the Moon, and the Almuten of the Alcendant, are Signihca-
The Moon in the 41?! Houfe in 61, afflicted by the 0,and
D 4 6
40 AJirological Judgment of PfyJItki
£ i Mars being in the <5th Houfe, fignihes Death. This is ? ger
ncral Rule, the I) in the 4th Honfe in <51, ill affeded, de-
clares Death.
Mercury Lord of the 8th Houfc, the Moon alfo combuft,
betokeneth Death. Gannett us giveth it for a general Rule,
that the Lord of the Afcendant in the 8th Houle, or in any
of the Houfes of "h or <5, or chiefly beholding them with any
ill Afpedf, it denounces Death.
U in the 8th Houle, Lord of the Afcendant, and R, the
Moon feparating therefrom, and applying to c?, betokeneth
Death s for it is held a general Rule, the Lord of the Afcen-
dant in the 8th Houfe, beholding h or c? with any AfpedV,
though it be by tran flat ion, Ggnities Death.
The O being Lord of the Afcendant, and unfortunately
placed in the 8th Houfe, and beholding h, though but by
tranllation of Rayes, it (ignifies Death, and if pars mortis be
within 3 degrees of the Afcendant, afpedfed by h and c?, by
c? or □, ifeither be Lord of the 4th Houfe, 'he willnor lin-
ger above three dayes.
2) in m being the Afcendant, the Sun Lord of the hour
in the 8th Houfe, b Lord of the 4th in the 3d, R, <S Lord
of the fir/1 and dth Houfes, afpedling Tj or the Sun, the Par-
ty is caufe of his own death, by unfcafonable drinking, or
drinking at a Pond.
This is held for a general Rule, that the Moon within 5
degrees of the 4th Houfe, is a teilimony of Death, and fo is Tj
in the thirdHoule, R, and beholding 5 by oppofition.
The Moon Lady of the Afcendant, placed in the fourth,
applying to a with a R-Ctrograde Planet, though U, if
b be Lord of the 8th Houfe, and in the 16th from the 8th,and
the terms of ih afcend, it (Ignifies Death.
The 3 being in □ to Ca.tda Draconic doth fignific Death,
unkfs it be a Critical day, then it is not death, but a vehe-
ment vexing, in a moil horrible fi rt, of the Patient i neither
js her or <f with ^ or y in a Critical day, a Judgment
Ajirological Judgmetit of Phyjicf^ 41
of Death, but a grievous vexing of the Patient, elpccially in
the Hcaa, Bread, and Heart.
The J) in "t in the xothHoufe, being in Alpedl with T?,
U, cf, and the O, (hews the Patient to c(cape Death, but
yet (hail vomit much Blood, and corrupt Matter, which Qull
endanger the fight.
The fi being in the 8th Houfc, removed one degree from
the O at the Parties falling fick, doth fignifie a fore time of
Sicknefs, for a Months (pace, but not Death, though (he be
in the 8th Houfe i for her Separation is nothing fo noxious
in any Didemper as the Application.
The J> in Scorpio in the 4th, beholding c? with a □ in
<Sl, and oppofing the O, S, and ? in the 10th, caufeth
Blood greatly to abound in the Face \ yet after vomiting of
Blood the Party will efcape.
Mart afflidf ing the D by a □ or cF, and 2 being R, and
cpmbud in the 4th Houfc from the 8th, it lignihes the Par-
ty to become freray, and cfpedally if the D be within 5 de-
grees of S2 or y-, in the 4th from the 8 th, or 4th from the
7th Houfe, it (ignifies Death; for this is a general Rule, that
the fi at the decumbiturc, within 5 degrees of^ or y, por-
tends Death.
The S in b1, with the Pieiade in the 8th Houfc,("though
Afpefted with any Planets, good or bad J it is a (brewd
fign of Death, and the Patient to be troubled with many Fan-
cies and fears.
A general Rule, if be within 5 degrees of the Alcen-
dant, and Combuft, it intimates Death j and S in like man-
ner ligniries Death.
It's very neceffary in this manner of Judgment, that you
always have refpedf untp the Qucltion i for if the Quell ion
come diredt, that the Party fick did (end, or was acquainted
with the coming of the Meficnger, or Urine, then ought you
always to have refpe& to the Afccndant, the Lord thereof
to the Moon, to the 8th Houft, and Lord thereof v as thus,
for brevity fake, fomc Examples in our own experience.
4* AJirobgical Judgment of Phjfuk.
The Lord of the Afcendant in the 4th or 8 th, not too far
icinote, as viz. not above five degrees from the Cufps of
thcHoiircs,and being in his fall or detriment, denotes Death v
if the Party do efcape, it will be very hardly 1 if the £ with-
all alped^ the 8th, or his Lord, or be in the 8th not remote,
it is Death without doubt.
The Lord of the Afcendant in Combuftion, or fub radii! of
the ©dignifies Death,whether Applying or Separating ■, efpe-
cially if the £ be ill-affeded, or do Apply to the Lord of the
8th, or be in the 8th.
The Lord of the AfcendantCadent, Angular, Afpefting
the 8th Houfc, or his Lord, and the £ evil-affedtcd, it is
The Lord of the Afcendant, and Lord of the 8 th both one
Planet, and beholding the 8th Houfeby any Afpe&,beingCa-
dent, and aiflidfed by b or c?, and the £ ill-afpedted, it
is Death without doubt.
The Lord of the Afcendant, and Lord of the 8 th Houfc
both in one Sign, both Combuft, and both in a Cadent
Houfc, the Moon applying to the Lord of the dth or 8th, it -
is Death.
The Lord of the Afcendant and the £, if both behold the
8th Houfeand Lord thereof, it is Death.
The Lord of the Afcendant and Lord of the dth, both
Combuft or Retrograde, afpedling the 8th Houfe, or the £
ill-afpeifted withall, it is Death.
But always have regard to the Lord of the Afcendant, and
the Moon, and fee in what ftate they be, and in what place
of the Heavens, and how they do behold the 8 th Houfe, and
lord thereof for thereafter (hall the Judgment of Death be,
Pan Mortit, or the part of Death, is taken by day from
Tj to V, and in the night from ^ to b, and projedfed
from the Afcendant in the fame manner the part of For-
tune is taken, from the Sun to the Moon i of this 1 think few
are ignorant.
And alfo, whereas you may dedrc to know where the
Afirological 'judgment of Pfyfukg 45
ACcendant (hall be taken, when the Father or Mother do
make the Qucftion for their Son or Daughter, without con-
fentofthe Sick,
This you (hall obferve after our Experience in fiich a cafe;
The 4th Houfe (hall be the Afcendantfor the Qu2Brent,ancl
(or the Urine.
The firft Houfe and Lord thereof (hall be the Afccndant
for the Son or Daughter fick.
The 12 th Houfe and the 8th (hall be for death.
The 10th Houfe for the Infirmity, whether long orlhort,
or no.
The pth Houfe and Lord thereof for the Liver.
In fuch a cafe you mud have always a double confideration,
that is to (ay, to take the Afcendant of the Figure, and of
the Qucflion for Life, and note how their Lords be afpedted
to the 8th Houfe of the Queftion,and of the Figure,and their
Lords, and how the Moon doth behold them \ and fo in all
other Qucftions, where the Queftion comes without confent
of the Sick.
The D in J or A(pe& of the Lord of the 12 th Houfe,
the Lord of the Afeendant in d or Afpect of the Lord of the
12th, the Lord of the Hour in d or A(pc& of the Lord of
the 12th i any of thele in the 12th in d with Tj or cf, then
it is a Ihrewd fign the party is bewitched, or fore-fpoken, or
hurt by fomeill Perfon or Spirit.
If the Lord of the Afccndant, the Moon, or Lord of the
Hour be in d-, □, or cP of the Lord of the 10th Houfe,
and neither of them Lord of the iixth Houfe, then the
Finger of God is on the Party, and the Diftemper is fuper-
If the Lord of the Afeendant be in the 6th, or the J or
Lord of the Hour be in the llxth Houfe, the Party is caufe of
his ownDifcafe, by Surfeit or ill Diet.
If the Lord of the 6 th be in the Afcendant, or the Lord of
the Afcendant in the 6th, or in or cP with the Lord
of the fixth, the Sicknefs is natural. If the Lord of the At
cendant, the Lord of the Hour, or the i) do apply to the
Lord of the 6th, the Dileafe is not at the higheft.
Take heed in Adminiftring Phyfick, that the Lord of the
6th Houfe be not in the 12, 3, or ^ Houfcs, or within 5 de-
grees of any of them > becaufe the Phyfidan will be (lighted,
and the Medicine appear loath&me.
Take heed aUb, that the Lord of the fixth Houle be not in
the Afcendant, thd xo, 6, 4,7, 5, or 1 xth Houtb, nor that
the D apply to the Lord of the 6th Hoult.
As before I have written, (b it refteth yet to proceed for
to (hew more at large whether the Sick be likely to live or
dye upon the Queftion madei for if he be like to live, then
may you with comfort give Phyfick, but the fit/1 thing that
belongs thereto is, to give him counfel to repent him of his
fins before committed, and call to God for Mejcy and Grace,
and that he would forfake the World, and rely only on the
Mercy of Jefus Chrift i not perfwading through vain hope
to live, knowing that we mull all dye, and we know not
how foon, except God give us knowledge by fudj as hehath
chofen and appointed to be Judiciaries of Sicknefs and Dif-
eafes, and of Life and Death: as Phyficians skilful in the mo-
tion of the Heavens, andcourfos of Natural cau/es, feeing the
ends and effefts thereof by the faid Heavenly motions, and
Cotljftial glorious Bodies, by which, under God, we and all
the Creatures on Earth are ruled and Governed,^-
Now therefore to our purpofeThou (halt under/land
that the 8 th Houfe of the Figure and Queftion is the Houfc
of Death.
The 4th Houfe and 8 th Houle of the Queftion are witnef-
fos to the 8th Houfe of the Figure.
The firft Houfe, or Angle of the Eaft, or Afcendant, is al-
ways naturally the Houfe of Life.
The Afcendant of the Queftion, viz. the Houfe that is
fur the Quirent, is witnefs to the Houfe of Life, and is
Damns Vit* accidentaliter* for the Sick joy in both tcge-
Ajirohgical Judgment of Phyfcks 45
TTk ford of the Afcendant and the 2) are the Meflengcrs
and (igniHers of Life. If the Father of a Child make the
Queftion, then the 4th Houfe is the Afcendant.
It is a flgn of Death when the lord of the Afcendant and
lord of the 8 th are found together in d or Afpedf, then the
Patient (hall dye of that Infirmity.
The lord of the Afcendant in the 4, or 8th Houfe, not re-
mote, viz. or within 5 degrees of the Cufps, ill-afpeftcd, or
in his fall or detriment, fignifieth Death, and if the Party do
efcapCiit will be very hardly.
The lord of the Afcendant Combufl,orfitb radiU figra-
fies Death, whether Applying or Separating.
The lord of the Afcendant Cadent from an Angle, afpedf-
ing the Afcendant of the 8th Houfe, fignifics Death.
The lord of the Afcendant and 8th Houfe, both one Pla-
net, and beholding the 8th Houfe by A or any Afpefr, be-
ing Cadent, and afnidted by h or tf, it is Dqith.
The lord of the Afcendant, and lord of the Hour, in <P or
□ to the Houfe of Death, and the lord of the 7th beholding
the Afcendant of the 8 th Houfe,therc is a probability the Pati-
ent may not dye, but recover. If they do not behold the
8th Houfe, though they be in <P to the lord of the 8th, al-
though the 2) be in the 4th, he may live. But if the lord of
the Afcendant and lord of the hour do behold the 8th Houfe,
and the 2) in the 4, or 8th, though the lord of the 7 th be-
hold the 8th Houfe, he (hall dye i or if the 2) do behold the
Afcendant of the 8 th Houfe, or his lord, he (hall dye.
If the lord of the Afcendant be in □ to the Afcendant of
the 8th Houfe, and not beholding the lord of the 8th Houfe,
and the lord of the hour in * to the 8th Houfe, and not
beholding the 8th Houfe, and the Moon in the dth, and not
beholding the 8th, nor his lord,thoug{h the lord of the 4th be
in the 8th, the Party (hall not dye, but be fbrely grieved, and
hardly cfcape.
If the lord of the Afcendant do apply to the lord of the
8th, and the I> be afflidtcd, itfheweth Death.
45 AJirological Judgment of Phypckt
If the lord of the Hour be allb lord of the 8 th, R, in a ca-
dent Houfe, and the Moon apply to a combuR Planet, or
that is fttb radiis, though the lord of theAfcendant be in the
Aibendant, if the lord of the 8th affli& the Aiccndant, or
if Saturn be joyned to the Houfe of Death, the Party (hall
The lord of the Afeendant under the Earth, and the lord
of the 8th in the 8th or 4th, or the lord of the Afeen-
dant apply to the lord of the 8 th, it fignifies Death.
If the lord of the Afeendant give his light to the lord of
the 8th, and the lord of the 8 th be in an Angle, and the lord
of the Afeendant cadent, it fignifieth Death.
The lord of the Afeendant above the Earth, applying to
the lord of the 8th, the lord of the 8th in the 8, or 4th
Houfe, it is Death.
The lord of the Afeendant, and the D with evil Planets,
it is Death.
The lord of the Afeendant free from affli&ion, and free
from the 8, and 4th Houfe, and from their lords, and from
Tj and <?, and an evil Planet in the Afeendant, every man
(hall (ay he will dye, and yet he (hall efeape.
The lord of the Afeendant, or 2), or 6th being Combuft
or R, and the lord of the Afeendant in the 8 th, conjoyncd
to <7 or Ij, the fick (hall dye of that Difeafe.
The lord of the Afeendant in the 8th unfortunate, the
Sick (hall dye by evil guiding of himfelf.
The lord of the Afeendant, lord of the hour, and lords of
the 6,7, and 8th, all combuft in a Cadent houfe, though U
be in the Afeendant, the Party (hall dye.
The lord of the Afeendant, and lord of the 6th together,
and no good Planet in the 6th, nor in a fortunate place, he
(hall dye.
If the lord of the Afeendant and the D do both behold
the 8th Houfe, he (hall dye.
The lord of the Afeendant, and lord of the 6th, both Com-
buft or Retrograde, he (hall dye.
Aftrologkal Judgment of Phyfak. 47
The lord of the Afcendant in the 8th, joyncd to cf ®i li
by 6 or Afpedt, it is great danger of Death.
The lord of the Afcendant in the 4th, and the 3> in
®, in the 6th, applying to $ in ^ in the 8th Hoafcby
□ , it is Death.
The lord of the Afcendant Cadent and Retrograde, and
beholding the Afcendant of the 8th Houfc by and the
5 in the 4th, (eparating from the lord of the Afcendant,
and applying to the lord of the 8th, by a A ifpofc, the Par-
ty (hall dye of that Difcafe.
If one Planet be lord of the Afcendant, and lord of the
Sth, and Combuli in the Houfc of the Quserent, and the S
in the 8, or 4th, if c? be lord of the Afcendant, and 8th,
and Combuft, it is Death.
If vr be in the Afcendant, the lord of the Afcendant, and
al(b lord of the 8 th', both in one Sign, and both Combuft
in a Cadent Houfc, D applying to the lord of the 6th in n,
it is Death.
If the lord of the Afcendant do not behold the Sth houfc,
nor his lord, although the ) do behold the Afpe£t of the
Sth houfc, and apply to the lord of the 4th in the Sth houfc,
the Party (hall live, and not dye at this time.
if die lord of the Afcendant of the Nativity be in the Sth
in the Qucftion for the Sick, and in the fame Sign that was
Afcendant at the Birth, and the 5 apply to the lord of the
Sth, it is Death, m afcending at the Birth, <S in rn in the
Queftion, in the Sth Houfc.
If one Planet be lord of the Afcendant, and alfo lord of
the 8th, as S in S in the oth, and the D in m in the 5tli
Houfc, and feparatc from h and U, and apply to the lord
of the Sth, or Lady, being $, and the 0 lord of the hour in
the Sth, it is death without doubt.
If the lord of the Afcendant do apply to a Planet in the
8th, as to c?, and the lord of the Sth be in the Afcendant,
as h ,the Party will dye (hortly of that Inrirmity, although ?
be in the Afcendant, and alfo in with the lord of the 8th,
48 AJirologkal Judgmut of Phyftcl^.
and between the Afcendant and him, this fignifieth a Light-
ning before Death.
when the lord of the Afcendant is in the 8th, artd the 5
in a full Aipcft of U, and leaving U, and applying by □
or d5 to the lord of the Afcendant in the 8th, and the lord
of the 8th in □ or d3 to U at that inllant, and the Almu-
len of the Afcendant in his fall, ft in a Cadent Houfo, as S
in ^5, in the 3d ft, then it feems the Parly (hall be very fick,
like to dye, and yet (hall amend, and be reafonable well a-
gain, and prefently rclapie and foil lick again, through his
own folly, and fo dye.
Lord of the Afcendant, and in the 5th, within 30 de-
grees of the lord of the 8 th, and within 30 degrees of the
Afcendant of the 8 th Houfo, and the lord of the 7 th in the
7th, then the Party fhall dye of that Infirmity.
The lord of the Afcendant cadent, in a * to the 8 th
Houfo, and the lord of the hour in a A to the 8 th Houfe,
and a to the lord of the Afcendant, and the 2) in the
5th, foparating from the lord of the 8th, it is Death with-
out doubt.
The lord of the Afcendant and lord of the hour being
combuft, both of them in a Cadent Houfe, although ^ be
in the Afcendant, and the S fepame from the lord of the
8th, yet it is Death.
Whenfoever you find the lord of the Afcendant, the lord
of the hour, and the D in the laft degrees of the Signs they
be in, as if 5 29 in the 4th, 2) 27 in the 9th, 9 Lady of
the hour, 29 degr. in the 5th,in n, or the like, and the lord
of the 8 th be joyned to the Afcendant, applying or fopara-
ting within half the degrees of his Orb, it prognofticates
Death fhortly after.
Again, if the laft degrees of a Sign, as the 2 9 degr. of 5,
or the like, be in the Alcendant, and the lord of the Afcen-
dant, or the lord of the hour, or the D going from one
Houfe to another, it is a fign of Death.
Wherefore be wife in giving Judgment, when thou find-
AJirological Judgafettt of Phyjick. 49
eft in the Afcttidant, for if c? be either in d, □, A,
or tP of the Afccndant, it is Death j for he hath his Exalta-
tion in yf, and I never found it fo but it was Death v or if
he did afped the lord of the 8th by d or he beingperc-
If W be in the Afccndant, and h lord of the hour in V, or
peregrine, and d in ^5, in the 4th, or in any place of debili-
ties^t any Afpcft to the lord of the 8th, the lord of the 8th
being peregrine, and the peregrine in a Mafculine Sign,
it is Death very fliortly after.
If the lord df the hour be lord of the 8th, and in his Detri-
ment or Fall, and in the 8th, or in a cadent Houle, and the )
fcparate from the Houfe of T2,and apply to him again before
flic come to any other Planet,though the lord ofthe A(cendant,
being in the 7th in his Fall, and > in the7th, and U in the
Aftendant j if with this the Aftendant of the 8th Houfe do
apply to the lord of the Afccndant,it is Death without doubt.
if one Planet be lord of the Afcendant, arid aHb of the 8th,
and be in A to the Afccndant of the 8th Houfe, or the
Afcendaht of the 8th Houfe apply to that Planet, and the }
ftparate from the lord of the Afcendailt and 8th, and apply
to the lord of the 4th being in the 10th, though in his Detri-
ment, it is Death without all doubt after 14 dayes: you (hall
account for every degree lacking of the full Afpodl ofthe ) to
h 60 dayes.
If the lord of the Afeendant be in his Fall or Detriment,
although in Succedauts or in Angles, and the Afeendant of
the 8th Houfe apply to him by * or A, and the ) be Lady
of the hour in the 8th, feparate from h in the pth, and ap-
ply to the lord of the 8 th by A or * in the 1 ithi, though
there be a A between "h and cT, yet the Party will dye with-
out doubt.
If the lord of the Afeendant be in his Detriment or Fall
in cP to the Afeendant of the 8th Houfe, within the moiety
of their Orbs, or do behold the 8th Houfe by □, A, or
d, or be alfo lord of the 8th, and in □, cP, or d of the
50 Afirokgicdl 'judgment of Pfyjic^.
lord of the 4th Houfe, and though the D do not behold
the 8th Hade, nor his lord, but apply to the lord of the
dth, then the Dileafe will wax Wronger and ftronger on the
Party, and he will dye without doubt.
If the lord of the Afcendant be lord of the hour, in his (idl
or detriment, and in the 6th, and go from cf to Ti by
i<i, □, or tP Rr, though they do not either of them be-
hold the 8th, nor his lord applying, but feparating, yet it is
If the 5 go from the lord of the Afcendant by <J or A-
fpedf, and next apply to the lord of the 8th, by d or Afpcd,
the Party (hall dye.
If the 2 be in the 4th or 8th, and behold the Afendant
of the 8 th, or his lord, it is Death.
If the 2 give the light of the lord of the Alcendant to
the lord of the 8th, it is moft ulually Death.
If the 2 and lord of the Alcendant be both in Cadents,
and the 2 do apply to the lord of the Afcendant by A, and
after Qic leaveth the lord of the Afcendant, (he apply by d
or Alped to the lord of the 8th, or the lord of the Houle of
the lord alccnding, or both, the Party will dye.
If the 2 or lord of the Alcendant have any Malignant
Alped to the lord of the 8th. it is Death i efpecially if the
Quefiion be by night > for then the Moon governs the
If the Moon be in the 7 th, feparating from 5 lord of
the 8th in the 9th combuft, and the lord of the Alcendant
combuft, and the 2 applying to V, being Lady of the 6th
or 7th, going out of the Sign (he is in, in a cadent Houle,
and if (he be Combull or alllided, it is Death, though U be
in the Alirendant.
If the 2 do leparate from the lord of the hour by and
apply to the lord of the 4th being in the 8 th, by A, and the
lord of the 8th in the 8rh, alfo Rc in □to the 2, the Sick
cannot efcape, but (hall (hortly dye.
Jf the 2 be in the 4th in tn, and apply to "h being lord
Aflrologica rjuctgwent of Phyftcks 5f
fcf the 8th, though there be 29 degrees ot ss in the 8th, the
B (cparating from ^, and h allo being lord of the hour,
it is Death without fail,
If the B be Lady of the 8th, and in a cadent Houfc, and
apply to the O in the 7th, and the lord of the hour in the
8tn, and the lord of the Afcendant in his Fall and Retro-
grade in cP to the 8th Houfc, it is Death.
If the B do feparatc from the lord of the Afcendant,
though the lord of the Afcendant be in his own houfe,
and apply to the lord of the 8th by cP, the Moon cxitting
In the 4th, and 9 in the Afcendant in her fall, it is Dcatn
without fail.
If the B feparate from the Afcendant, and from the lord
thereof and apply to the lord of the 8th, it is Death.
If the B be in the Sign of the 8th, in the 7 th, going from
die Afcendant of the 8 th, and did laft feparate from the lord
of the 8th,the lord of the 8th being in the Sign afcending, in
the lath Houfe, and the lord of the Afcendant ft in thc^th,
going from the Afcendant of the 8th,the Sick thall efcape and
not dye, though every man think he will dye.
If die B be in the Sign of the 8th, and the lord of the
8th Combufl, and the Moon apply to the lord of the
Afcendant by A, or the like, all being Cadent, though the
Moon do not behold the Afcendant nor the 8th Houfe, the
Party will dye.
If the B do feparatc from a Planet in the dth, though
UL > and apply to a Planet in the 8th, as to 5 being lord of
the 4th, and the B in cP to the 8th Houfe, the Party will
dye of that Difeafc.
If the B do feparatc from a Planet in the 6th, and apply
to a Planet in the 8 th, the B exifting in the 4th, and the
lord of the 4th in the 8th, and fo fbon as (he feparates
from the lord of the 4th (he apply to the lord of the 8th
by □, being Retrograde, the Party cannot by any means
If the B do feparate from the O by A, the O bang lord
5i Afirologieal Judgment of Phyjicfa
of the hour, and the 5 applying to 9, being Lady of the
8th, and combult oifitb rtdiii, it is Death without an^ re-
medy. /
If the 2) (eparate from the 6 of the lord of the Alcen-
dant, and apply to the Sun by 6, and alter that apply to
the Conjun&ion of Mars, fo foon as (he is feparate from
the Sun, being lord of the 8 th, the Party undoubtedly will
If the S do feparate from the lord of the I oth, the lord of
the roth exifting in the dth, applying to the lord of the 4th
being in the 8 th, and the I» in cP to the 8th, and the Afcen-
dant of the 8th apply to the D, (he being lady of the hour, the
Sick-will dyefhortly.
If the Moon be in the dth in cP to the Afcendant, feparate
from the lord of the Afcendant being in the 10th, and
applying to the lord of the 8th, in the 7 th R, in thcSign of
the 8th, and the lord of the 4th in the 8 th, the Party (hall
dye of that Difeafe.
If the Moon do feparate from the lord of the Afccndant,
the lord of the Afcendant being combull, and in the dth,
in his Fall, going to the Sun, it isDeath.
If the D be in the 4th, and do feparate from the lord of
the Afcendant, and from the lord of rnc 7 th, and apply to the
)(S of T? in the 4th Houie R, it is Death.
If the ) be in the Afcendant void of Courie, and the lord
of the hour in the 8 th, and being lord of the 6th, and next
apply to the lord of the 8th Houfe, he will dye (hortly,
and the Sicknefs will more and more fortihe until he
If the 1 be in the 6th, and feparate from the lord of the
hour in the 7th, and apply to a Planet in the 8th, tha
lord of the Afcendant being in the 4th, it is Death without
If the 3 do feparate from the lord of the 7th and 8th,
and apply to the 0 by A, and the lord of the 8th in
the fame Sign with the Sun, and the Moon after fhe doth
Ajirological judgment of Phyfick. 53
go from the Sun do apply to the lord of the 5th by Dyit is
If the 3 dofeparate from the lord ofthe 8th, and apply to
a Planet in the 10th by A, and after (he leave that Planet flic
find the lord of the 5th by □, and the lord of the hour a-
fpedf the 8 th Houfe, or if the the lord of the Attendant afpeft
the 8th by A or it is Death.
Ifthe Moon do (cparate from the lord of the Afcendant^
and be void of Couric, and the next Planet (he applies to
be the lord of the 8th from the Quserenr, then the Par-
ty (hall dye i and if 5 be lord of the 8th, in iuch a
cafe the Party will be Fran tick, and Mclancholick, mad, and
fo dye.
Ifthe S do apply to Tj lord ofthe 8th, in the 2d, in d1
to the 8th, and alfo to U by a A, being in V? in the 8th R,
the Party dyes of that Infirmity.
If the Moon be Lady of the Atcendant, and the laft de-
gree of S in the Atcendant, and the Moon be in d or Ap-
plication to the lord of the 4th, being in the 8th Hou(e of the
Queftion, it is Death. w,#
The } in "1 in the 4th, in d with y, ftparating from
the lord of the hour, and the lord of the 4th, and applying
to U lord of the 8 th, and afpedfing the Afcendant ofthe 8 th
al(b,thc lord ofthe Atcendant being the O, and in the 10th,
not afpcdHng the Atcendant nor the 8th, it flgnifies long
Sickncfs, or Death within 13 dayes. .r ■)
If die Moon be Lady of the 8th, the lafl degrees of S
being in the 8 th, and the Moon in the 5th applying to
an tP of the O, the 0 being in the Atcendant, falling in-
to the 12 th Honfe, and the 3 did laft feparate from h in
the 8th, and the lord of the Afcendant in a cadent Houte, it
is a fign of Death.
Iftne 3 be Lady of the 8th, and in the 8th, and apply
to the Sun by A, or □ in the Afcendant, and the lord
of the Afcendant cadent out of Angles, as in the 3d, and A-
(pc3 the 8tli, It is Death without doubt.
54 Aflrohgical Judgment of Phyfct^
If the 2) do (eparate from "V-, being lord of the Afcendant
in the Afcendant^ind apply to Tj in the (5th, 9 being Com-
baft, it is Death i becauic 9 is exaltad in K the Afcendant.
When the 2) is in a cadent Houfe, in via combitfia, and
doth apply to the lord of the 8th, as the ©, and tothclord
of the (5th alfo, though the lord of the 8th and (5th be both
in the Afcendant in o, yet the Party will dye without doubt,
even when they think he will lire, he will dye iiiddenly.
If the £ do leparate from U or 2 in an Angle or Suc-
cedant, and apply to a Planet in a cadent Houfe, in his Fall
or Detriment, the lord of the Afcendant alio in his Fall, al7
though he behold the Afcendant, it is Death » die lord of the
Afcendant being lord of the 8th, efpecially if the J>, the lord
of the Afcendant, or the Planet which the £ applies to, be
going out of the Signs or Houlcs they are in.
If the 2> do apply to the lord of the 8th, and the lord of
the Afcendant in the 8th both at once, the lord of the Afcen-
dant in a full afpeft of the lord of the 8th, with reception,
it is Death. I have found it fo. ft lord of the 8th in 7 degr.
of tip, ft, 5 lord of the Afcendant in the 7th of "W, in the
8th, and the £ in the 3d of m in the (5th Houfe.
If the £ be in the 6th Houfe, or in the Sign of the 7th,
and do feparate from ft in the 12 th, in the Sign of the Af-
cendant, and do apply to c? by a □, being lord of the 8th,
in the 10th 1 the lord of the Afcendant and lord of the hour
in the 8th Houfe,in the Sign of the 8th,not remote, it fignihes
the Sicknefs will grow more and more on the Party until lie
dye: as,fuppofb 16 of ^ to afcend, 5 lord of the Afcendant,
and the © lord of the hour in T, both in the 8th Houfe,
d lord of the 8th Houfe in n in the 10th, ft ft in VX. in
the 12, 9 in in the 8th, in V the 8th, the £ ft para-
ting from ft and applying to c?.
The lord of the Afcendant, and the lord of the hour in
yhe 8 th Houfe, not afpedting the lord of the 8th, and the £
in the 6 th applying to the lord of the 8th, it is Death.
If the £ do feparate from lord of the 6tli, <? being
AJlrologkal 'judgment of Pfyju:^. 55
(oyned to the Afcendant, and the 2> and lord of the Afccn-
dant do both apply to the lord of the 8th, it is Death to die
Mother of the Child.
If the lord of the Afcendant be lord of the 8th in the 8th,
and the 3 combuft, applying to, or (eparating from the ©i ■
but feparating from the Sun, and applying to "b or cT ft in
the 11,5,2, or 8 Houies, it is Death, in what place of the
Heavens foevcr the S be.
If the lord of the Alcendant be alfo lord of the 8th, and
in the 8th, not remote, but within 30 degrees of the Alcen-
dant of the 8 th, it is a fign of Death.
Lord of the Afcendant, and lord of the hour in the 8th, and
in the Sign of the 8th, not afpeding the lord of the 8th, and
the S in the dth applying to the lord thereof, it is Death.
If the S do apply to cT in the 8th, in the Sign of the 8th,
going out of the 8th into the 7th Houle, within one degree,
and the S do apply to the Alcendant of the 8th, within 12
degrees, and the lord of the Afcendant do not behold the
8tn,hut is Angular, then the Party (hall be in great peril of
Death, and be as 'twere dead for a time.
If there be an evil Planet joyned to the lord of the Af-
cendant, by d, □, or cP, then the Sick (hall hardly efcape,
except that ill Planet da receive the lord of the Alcen-
dant, which if he do, then with much ado he may efcape in
the end.
The lord of the Afcendant in parti le Alpedl, applying to
die lord of the 8 th with any Alpedf, with Reception, it is
If the lord of the 8th be lord of the hour, and combufi,
and the Moon within 3 degrees going out of the Sign (he
is in, and applying to a Retrograde Planet, it is Death.
If the laft degrees of a Sign be in the Aicendanf, as 27, 28,
2p, or 30, and the 0 be lord of tlae 4th, and the lord of
the Afcendant be comhud, it is Death, though the Moon
apply to U.
If the lord of the 8th be in the 10th, and do behold the
E ^ lord
$5 AJirologkal Judgment ofPhyjtck;
lord of the Afcendant, and do apply alfo to the Alcendant of
die 8th Houfe by Afpoft, it (heweth Death.
If Mars be within one degree of the Afcendant in a move-
able Sign, beholding pars Mortis by a □, and 5 be lord of
the Houfe of the Moon, and in the 8th, both Retrograde
and Combuft \ then will the Party be Mad, and dye within
a day or two after, and will be the caufe of his own
If the lord of the Afcendant be alfo lord of the hour, as
the O in the nth with 9, and lord of the 8th, as "h in
the Afcendant at a A, □, or cP to the lord of the Af-
cendant, and U in the 8th v though the Moon do not be-
hold the Sth, nor his lord, the Party (hall dye of that Infir-
mity before it goes from him.
The lord of the Afcendant cadent without an Angle above
8 degrees, and the Alcendant applying to him by A, □,
dyOr eP, the D in the Sth in <51, and applying to the O
in the latter degrees of JT in the Alcendant by A or and
the lord of the hour cadent, and the lord of the 6 th combuft,
it is Death.
The lord of the Sth and of the 6th in the Alcendant in the
Sign ol the Alcendant, beholding the lord of the Alccndarit
\yith "¥ or A, though U be in the Sth, it is Death.
If h be lord of the 8,7, or 6th, and in the Afcendant and
Sign afccnding, cafiing any Alpedl to the lord of the Afcen-
dant, it is Death i for" theSicknels willfortifie till Death do
If 9 be Lady of the Afcendant, and alfo of the Sth, and
the i feparate from the lord of the ^th, and apply to 9 by
(S or Afpcit, it is Death without doubt.
When the Planet that is Exalted in the Sign afccnding is
combuft,or going to corabuftion, and cadent, and the 5 goes
from the lord of the Afcendant and beoppolitc to the Sth
Jioufe^nd apply to h ore? in the 6 th, it is Death without fail.
"b Lord of the Alcendant in the Sth in itf, c? in ^ ft in
ihf 3d, and the ^ at □ to the Afcendant bTthe Sth, going
djlrological 'judgment of Phjftk. 57
from U to Tz, c? being lord of the hour, it is a fign of
When the firft degree of any Sign is in the Afccndant^nd
the lord of the Afccndant in the 8th, within half his Orb of
the Afcendant of the 8th, and combuft, though 9 be in the
fane Sign between the Sun and the lord of the Afccndant, $
going from the O and applying to the lord of the Afcen-
dant oy 6 ■, being R,and the 3 in a full A to <7 ,and leaving
<? fhc apply to the d0, d, or □ of U, it is Death.
When the © is lord of the 4th, and cadent, and the lord
of the 8 th combuft, and the lord of the Afcendant and the }
allb cadent, and there be Reception by tranllation of Light
between the ) and the lord of the 8th by Exaltation or
Houfcs, then the Party (hall dye without fail.
If an evil Planet be in the Afcendant, and another evil
Planer with the lord of the Afcendant, then no medicine will
do the Sick good, but Death follows.
If in the 6th Houfc be an evil Planet, and alfo in the firft
Houfe, and fome other Planet joyned with them, it isDeath.
But if the malice of the Planet be ftrong, and from ftrong
places, as Angles, then is the Sicknefs very ftrong.
The lord of the 6 th in the lirft, or the lord of the firfl in
the 6th, it is very evil.
And univerfally, fci often as the } and lord of the Afcen-
dant be letted, impedited, or afflided, it's a fign of long Sick-
nefs or Death.
If h doapply to the lord of the Afcendant by * or A, he
(hall live, but h muft not be lord of the 8th then.
If h be ft from the lord of the Afcenclantjie (hall dye.
If the principal lord of the 8th do apply to the lord of the
Afcendant by or A, he lhall live i if he go R: from the
lord of the Afcendant, he (hall dye.
When the O islord of the Afcendant^t is a good fign ofLife.
When the ) doth apply to the © by * a A, it's a good
fign i but if the ) do feparatc from the ©, it's an evil fign,
be it by what AfpCd focver.
5S Ajirologkal Judgmnt ofPbyfivk:
The lord of the Afcendant, lord of the hour, and the Moon
ifi cadcnt Houfes, or in the 8th, and (bme of them afped
the 8th, and fomcthe lord of the 8th Hou(e, it is Death.
If ? be Lady of the Afcendant, and afped the lord cf
the Sth, entring into combuftion, and the Moon combufl,
and fcparating irom the lord of the Sth, being in the Afcen-
dant, the Party (hall not dye, yet every one will defpair of
his life.
Although the Moon do feparate from the lord of the 4th,
and apply to a Planet in the Sth, if the Moon do not behold
the lord of the Sth, although (he do behold the Afcendant
of the Sth afar offi the Party (hall not dye of this Infirmity,
but (hall hardly efcape •, although cJ be in the 4th, in □ to
die Afcendant.
If the I) be Lady of the 8 th, and the Afcendant of the Sth
apply to the I) by *, the lord of the Afcendant and lord
of the hour both in the Sth remote, not in the Sign of the
Sth, though the Moon apply to h by A, and to tf by □,
being lord of the 4th, and in the 7 th, the Party (hall not
dye, but hardly efcape.
If the D be Lady of the Afcendant, and go from the lord
of the 4th by afpea:, and the Afcendant of the Sth go from
the Moon, and the Moon do not behold the lord of the Sth
Houfc, the lord of the 4th being lord of the hour, and the
Afcendant apply to the I) by the Sick (hall not dye of
that Difcafe.
If the Moon do laft fcparate from the lord of the Sth, and
next after apply to the O by * or A in the pth Houfc, thai
the Party (hall not dye of that Infirrruty.
If the Moon do feparate from the lord of the hour lad,
being in the Afcendant, weak and Retrograde, and apply to
the lord of the Sth by d at that indant, the Moon being
Lidy of the 4th,and the lord of the Sch being Retrograde in
the 5 th, and neither the Moon nor lord of the Sth behold
the Sth, but the Afcaidant by □, the degree afcending go-
ing from the Moon, and lord of the Sth, though the lord of
Ajlrological Judgment of Phyfck- 59
the Afcendant do behold the 8th by the Afcendant of
jhe 8th going from the the fick Party (hall not dye.
If the Moon do feparate from the lord of the 8 th being
Retrograde in the 5 th, and apply to a Planer that is in his
Exaltation in the 8th Houfe by if, and the O lord of the
hour in the 6 th, the Party (hall efcape, even beyond expe-
If the Moon be combuft in a cadent Houfc, and the lord of
the hour alfo, and not beholding the lord of the 8th, but
Icparate from him, and the O lord of thcAffcendanf, the Par-
ty (hall not dye, but miraculoully efcapc after much ficknels.
If the Moon do go from the lord of the 8th to the lord
of the Alcendant, he (hall efcapc.
Whofbever falleth fick near the time of an Ecliple, and
the Ruling Planets in the Ecliplc be in the Alcendant of his
Nativity that lb falleth fick, or in the Afcendant of his Re-
volution, or in the place of his Hyleck, or of his Signilier
of Life, that Dlfeafe then taken will be perilous and deadly.
If at the time of the tirft falling fick, or in the time of the
Queftion, or firft beginning of the Sicknefs, the S be in the
4th with <?, and the good Planets be cadent, it is a fign of
How greatly is the Sicknefs to be feared, if in the time of the
Queftion, or firft beginning of the Sickncfe, both the Lumi-
naries be under the Earth!
In the beginning of any Sicknefs, or in the time of any
Queftion for the Sick, if the Moon be Oriental, within 12
degrees of the Sun, it is a Sign of Death, and the nearer the
Sun the worfe.
If in the degree afcending, or near unto it within 2 de-
grees, be an evil Planer, it is an argument of Death, as well
in the Queftion as when he firft falleth fick. If it be in a
fixed Sign, reckon for every degree a month i if in a com-
mon Sign, then reckon for every degree 7 dayes, but be fure
that dircdf, and apply to the Afcendant.
If the O be lord of the Afcendant, and the 2) combuft.
JJirological 'judgment of
and ihe ^ ftparate from the lord of the 8 th of the QneflioH,
and apply to the Q, the lord of the 8 th in the Alcendant,
viz. U, the Party fliall cCcape, being well looked unto.
If the ) be in the Afcendant in SB, and do feparate from
the Alcendant, and apply to the lord of the 8 th R; in the 4th,
and the lord of the Alcendant in the 7th Houfc, going out of
the Sign he is in i as 5 lord of the Alcendant in 29 degrees
of X the 7 th, and the lord of the Alcendant and lord of the
8th do behold the Alcendant of the 8th within the tnoity of
their Orbs, the Sick lhall not dye at this time.
If the D do feparate from the lord of the 8th, the lord of
the 8 th being in the 12 th in the Sign of the Alcendant, and
apply to the □ of c? in the^d, and T-< lord of the Afcen-
dant be in theytb ft, and tne D in the 6th, the Party will
not dye, but be long lick before he petfedfly recover.
If the lord of the Afcendantand the Moon be joynedby
•<J or Afpcdf to the lord of the Houfe of Death, then the
Party (hall dye of that Infirmity, except the lord of the 8th
do receive the lord of the Alcendant or the Moon: and if
the lord of the Houfe of Death be joyned to the lord of the
Alcendant, he will dye, except there be fome ftrong Recep-
tion between them.
It's a very evil fign when the lord of the Afcendant is
joyned to an evil malignant Planet, or is unfortunate and
weak, or if he be joyned to the lord of the 8 th.
Allb if an evil Planet, or if the lord of the 8th be in the
Alcendant, or joyned to the Alcendant, it's a very evil fign.
When the Alcendant at the time of rirfi falling fick lhall be
the 7th Houfe at the birth, you may feat Death, unlcls the
profedfion of that year be the lame Sigh * thofe Signs which
arc advcrle in a Nativity, are the Signs of the 6 th, 7 th, 8tb,
and 12 th.
When the 5 Hylegiacal places at the hour of birth, at the
time of decumbiture of the Sick, as allb the lord of the Af-
cendant are opprcficd, judge death immediately to follow,
unlels Reception intervene betwixt the Infortunes, and the
Ajlrological 'judgment of Phj/Jic^ €i
Fortunes interjed thdr comfortable Afped's j for then, by a
Divine Miracle, as it were, the Party (ick may cfape.
He will be infinitely oppreffed, who in the hour of t?
(ball firft get an Hot Difeale^nd in the hour of Tt a Cold one.
The lord of the A(cendant, and of the Figure, Combuft,
do undoubtedly declare Death, unleft fomc Reception be
between the Sun and them, fuch a chance hapning, and the
5 proving fortunate, after all hopes of efcape, a little hope
The lord of the 8th in an Angle, the lord of the AJccn-
dant in a Cadent Houfe, is always Mortal, the rather if he be
an Infortune.
The lord of the Alccndant and the £ in c£ with the lord
of the 8th, without the interpofing Afpcds of the Fortunes,
threatens Death.
The Application of the D to a Planet in the 8th is always
dangerous j the Application of the lord of the Alccndant un-
to the lord of the 8th, or unto malevolent Planets therein, the
P bcingany manner of way afflided, denotes Death.
The P transferring the Light and Influence of the lord of
die Afccndant to the lord of the 8th,brings u(bally Death; fo
alfo when the lord of the 8th is in the Alccndant, the lord of
the Afccndant and the P being both afflided. It alwayes
proves fatal, when the lord of the Afccndant is infortunatc in
the 8th, and the P being then afflided, and very weak, and in
no EiTcntial Dignity. The lord of the Alccndant being (ub-
tcmnean, and in any Afpcd to the lord of the 8th in the 8 th,
or if he be in the ^.th, and the lord of the 8th in the 4th, and
they both in 6, argue death. It's a very illlign oflife, when
the lord of the Afccndant is corporally joyncd with the lord
of the 4th, dth, 7 th, or 12 th, it feldome fuccecds well with
/ the (ick Perfon then.
Havefpecial confideration to the Luminary of the time, for
according to the well or ill affedion thereof, you may improve
your judgments the lord of the Afccndant afflided of an evil
Planet in the 8th,without the benevolent Afpeds of the For-
AJhrologicdl Judgmnt of Phyfick.
tunes,the 3) alfo then vitiatedJhcw great peri! of dcathj andu*
fiially by rcafon of the ill government of the fick Party, or (bnt
errour in his ordering, or courfe in Phyfick; it's a poweifnl
Argument that the fick Party will dye, when at the time of
his rirft Queftion to his Phyfician you find the lord of the Af-
ctndant combuft in the Afcendant.
The lord of the Afcendant and of the 8th unfortunate, de-
note Death*
The lord of the 8 th in the rothHoufc, and lord of the Af-
cindant in the 4, 6, or 7 th, affixed of the malevolent Pla-
nets, argue Death.
A Planet very ftrong, and placed in the Afcendant, ifhebe
lord of the hour, and of the 8 th, portends Death. If the
lord of the 8th be Rr, and in d, or tP of the £, it (hews
Death j the lord of the 8 th in the 7th, . the D and lord of
the Afcendant in cadent Houfes, infefted with the ill Afpcds
of Infortunes, and more certain if one of the Malevolcnts b6
lord of the 8th, or pofited in the 8th: (bme fay, if the D
be in (4 with h or U, the fick Party wfll have little good
thereby •, nor will he efcapc, unlefs h be Retrograde, and
li. dired.
When the lord of the Afcendant is in cf with the lord of
the 8th, or in □ or rf1 of a Planet pofited in that Houfe,
or in the Antifcian of the lord of the 8th, without the be-
nevolent * or A of 'U, and at the fame time the Moon be
any ways affiided, it's probable the Sick will dye i but if
the lord of the Afcendant be in reception with the Planet
in the 8th, it's potlible he may avoid Death; however let
him be aflured of a very long and grievous Dlfcafc.
If the S be with h or o, without the aflilhnce of fome
good Alped from U and S, and if Tj be flow in motion,
or is going Retrograde, it's fomuch the worfe, and it's one
Argument the Sick will dye at that time j if other teflimo-
ries concur, it's more certain.
The lord of the Afcendant in the 7th, in his Fall, or tin-'
dcr the Earth in the 4th, or dth, or in other cadent Houfcs,
jijtrologkal Judgment of Phjjkk. 6%
affliddl by the Malevolents, and the lord of die 8th ih the
ythj thefc are teftimonies of Death.
A Malevolent Planet near to the Degree afcending, or a
violent fixed Star, viz. Antans in the 4th degree of ■?,
Lanx Aujiralii about the jth of "l, Pallilichtm in 4 of 31,
Cajva Medufa in 20 of thefe prenote Death.
The lord of the Afccndant in SI or as, in any bad con-
figuration of the lord of the dth of 12, (hews little hopes of
Both the Lights afflidfed of 1? in Angles, give teftitnony
of a tedious long Sicknefs > Co do both the Lights being ill
dignified, and under the Earth, fignifie the fame.
Whenas alfo the Sun from the beginning of the Difeale
(hall be corporally affli&ed, or by the □ or eP of Tj or c?
impedited, or be in the perfe& Antifcian ofa Malignant Pla-
net, and Iball apply and not (eplrate, cither Death, or an ex-
traordinary long Sicknefs fucceeds.
The 5) after the beginning of the Dileale conung to cP of
the lord of the Afcendant, and he ft or combull, argues
Death, or a (harp Difealc, not cafily curable i "h in cf with
the lord of the 8th, the D in the 4th with d", or the D in
the Afcendant^ and near the Degree afcending, are Argu-
ments of Death. The Moon befieged by the Inforruncs, or
between the 0 and cf ,or between 0 and h, are ill Omens
of Death.
Who falls fick whilft the Moon is under the Sun-bcsms,
viz. departing from Gombuftion, his Dileafe (hall increafe till
(he hath pafled the O his cPi but then if (he prove ill-affedl-
ed, and come to an ill Afpedt of the lord of the 8 th, it threa-
tens Death, otherwife he or (he will cfcape.
Any Malevolent in the 5th, or any Planet peregrine and
unfortunate in, that hou(e, (hew great danger in the Difcafe v
the combuflion of the 2) in the 8th Houle, and in 51 or in
ctt in □ or t to b or ?, or in d with the Pleiades in
24 25, or other violent fixed Stars, argues Death : the
being Lady of the 5th or of the Afcendant in combuftion,
6\ AJlrological Judgment of Phyjick.
and the lord oF the 8th at the fame timcafiUfted by rf or ill
Alpe<S df T? or cf, (hew Death.
Both the Luminaries afflifted by I2 denote a chronical
and long Diftempcr, but being afflidted by cT, the Sickncfe is
(hort, and Death fpecdy.

Signa Viu. Signs of Recovery.

1. TVpiter^ $, ©, and D in the Alcendant, not behold-

J ing the lords of the 8th or dth Houfes, free from the
afflidion of the MalevolcntSj and in good Signs > good (igns
of Recovery.
tj The1J of the D with U is (prtunate, elpecially if it
(all in S, where cither of them have Dignities *> but it hath
the lead of goods in it if it (all in XT, bccaufc there they are
both debillitatcd.
3. The Moon fret from the lords of the dth and 8th Hou-
fes, and applying to the lord of the ATcendant, falutem figni'
4. The D in an Angle well-affoficd, or inaSuccedant, in-
creafing in Light and Motion, and free from Tj and d*, far
bet em judicat,
5. The S pofitcd in a good Houfe of Heaven, viz. as the
Albcndant, 10, 5, 11, 9, 2, or 3d Houfes, in d, or A
with the lordof the Afcendant, or in his Antifcian, although
he be a Malevolent Planet, fo that he be not afflidtcd from
any other Malevolent, and the } and he incrcafing in light
and motion, falutem pollicentur.
6. In the beginning of the Difcafc, though the J> make
no Afpedl, yet if upon a Critical Day (he well apply, it is
good. In like manner, the ) applyingby □ or <£, with-
out any good Alped, toe being in her own Houfe or Exalta-
tion, it is good.
7. The Moon in her own Hou(e, in the Houfe of U
or and being beheld by either of than, without the
AJirological Judgment ofPhyjkks 6$
noxious Rayes of the Malevdents, Morbtts ad falutem tea-
8. In the thinning of the Difeale, the Sun, Moon, and
Lord of the Horofcope, being free from any afflidion of the
lord of the 8th, ana the lord ofpan mortif, nulla aderit mor-
tii fequmW fufptio.
9. If the Bcnevolents are generally more fttong and pow-
erful ( at the decumbiture } than the Malevolcnts, ana that
they behold the Afcendant or the Moon, Sanitatm £ger con-
to. Although the Moon be with "h or cf, yet if or 2'
friendly aiped her, UberabitHr £ger,
11. If the S (hall feparate from a weak Malevolent, and
apply to a powerful and ftiong Benevolent, Sanitos agrota
12. Saturn Oriental from the Sun, if the Difeafe pro-
ceed from Cold, the Party (hall recover, but be long weak.
In like manner, if "h be Occidental of the O, and the Dif-
eafe be from a hot Caufe, he recovers likewite.
13. Mars after his Oppofition with the O, is not fo ma-
lignant as before the cP i tire Conjundion of cf with the
Moon is very noxious and pernicious, the <P, or □, or
any Afped by Rayes, beholding each other, are not (b hurt-
ful, the Moon is more noxious in her Increafe than Decrcafe
of Light, and d is more milchievous being Oriental than
14. The Lord of the Afcendant received by the Lord of
the 8th, and both free from the Malevolents, pojiJanitatem
defperatam £ger convalefcet.
15. The Lord of the Afcendant in reception of Houfes
with the lord of the 8 th, Auxilianuir beneficiis, Evafionem i
morbo dmotat.
16. If you find the Lord of the Afcendant benevolent,
in a good Houfe of Heaven, and free from the rayes of the
Malevolent, maxime ad Janitatem condudt. In like manner,
it's of little moment to conlldcr the Pofition of Heaven, at
F die
66 JJiroloffcal Judgment of Phj/fck.
the time of the decumbiturc, or beginning of the Dileafe,
though Benevolents are in the Afcendant, or Ioth Houft, ox
behold the fame, if the D in the mean time be affli&ed by
J, □, or d3 of the Malevolents, wn trit inde OMxilutm lent
adfalntan cotiffijuendam.

Of tie twelve Houfes of Heaven, fo far as tbey concern our

bufi/iefs of Sickgefs.

ONderrtand that the whole Heaven is divided into 12

parts, according to the Longitude and Latitude of eve-
ry Place, City, or Town v and thefe 12 parts are called the 12
Houfes of Heaven, which are not fixed, but in refpedi of
every feveral place, and we are toconGder thefe 12 Houfes
under a treble notion.
Four of thefe Houfes, which are called Angular, arc like-
wife efteemed good, and do fignifie Health, Strength, long
Life, and good Fortune ; and thefe ate the 1, 4,7,10, Ma-
Four other are called Succedant, and mean, and do figni-
fie both Health and Sicknefs, Strength and Wcaknefe, long
Life and Ihorr, Life and Death, good Fortune and bad, for
theyarecommon to both, and thele are the 2,5,8, and nth
Houfes, Common.
The other four are cfteemcd evil and bad, and do fignifie
Evil, Sicknefs, fhort life, (hcrt time, Weakncfs, ill Fortune,
and Death '•> and thefe are called Cadent Houfes: which are
the 3, d, p, and 12th Houfes.
Undcrlland alfb, that there are 12 Signs in the Zodi-
ack^ of Heaven, and thefe are Fixed, and are circumvolv'd
round about the World once in 24 Hours, by virtue of the
firll Mover.
Of thefe 12 Signs feme be Movcable, feme Fixed, and
fome Common, &c. for they are to be underlfood under thefe
three conliderations.
Afirologkal Judgment of PhyJtcJf. 6y
V, ®, andYT, are moveablc, in them Sicknefs will
<51, "i, a?, are fixed Signs, and intimate long Sick-
nf, ■?, K, arc common to Sicknefs and Health both.
Again, thpfe Signs are divided into four Parts or Tripli-
cities, as thus i
Y, <51, /, are Hot and Dry, Cholcrick and Fiery,
y, tij, and V, arc Cold and Dry, Melancholick, of the na-
ture of the Earth.
n, aOi, and £?, arc Hot and Moill, Sanguine, of the na-
ture of the Air.
S, tn, and K are Cold and Moift, Flcgtnatick, of the na-
ture of Water.

Of the Seven Planetr, fo far as concerns this,

SuhjeH of Sichptfi,

THere are Seven Planets, whole ordinary motions are in

their fevcial Spheres under the Zodiack, of the which,
Tl is Cold and Dry, Melancholick, refembling the Earth,
with a fuperfluous cold Flcgn, naturally Noxious and Evil,
Unwhollbm, Unplcafant.
U is Hot and Moid, Sanguine, of the nature of the Air,
Fortunate, Healthful, Temperate, and naturally good and
friendly unto Life.
d is Hot and Dry, Cholcrick, Fiery, Untemperate, Un-
fortunate, an utter enemy to the Life of Man, and good E-
liatc thereof °s increafing Cholcr, Hot and Dry, Aftive, In-
- Q is Hot, and more Dry than Moift, friendly to the Life
and Nature of Man, increafing and cherifhing good Blood,
caufing yellow Choler, Simple, of the nature of Fire, AC-
(lending, Aftivc, Sharp and Subtile.
is Temperate in Heat and Cold, in Moift and Dry, but
F a yet
68 AJirologtcu IJudgmefit of Phyjick,
yet more Cold than Hot, and more Moift than Dry, Dccrca-
ling, and Defending, Pallivc, Flegmatick, caufing thin Flcgm
and Water.
2 is naturally more Cold and Dry than Hot and Moift,
but of a faperfluous Humidity, and is MoveaWc, Quick in Mc-
iancholick caufes, Thin,Me!ancholick and Subtil.
D is Cold and Moift, of the nature of Water, Decreafing
and Defending, Paffive, caufing a fiiltilh, thick Water, ana
id Capttt Vraconu is of the nature of U and 9, Good and
Fortunate, Temperate in Heat and Cold, but moift in the
firft,^. Both Malculine and Feminine, Adfive and Paffive,
Afcending and Defending, friendly to the Life and nature
of Man, caufing few Difcafes, but apt to help all Difeafes,
when the S is therewith.
PJ Canda Draconit is of the nature of Tj and cf, and is
moit Evil and Unfortunate, Untemperate, Deftrudl:ive,A(ftivc,
Mafeuline, Aiccnding, an Enemy to the Life and Nature of
Man, caufing many Sickneftes and Difeafes.

Now we have fpoken of thcHoufes, the Signs and Planets

of Heaven, which are Bodies Cotleftial, and do difpofe and
rule the Motions and Adtions of our Bodies Elemental and
Terreftrial i you (hall alfo underftand, that the 12 Houfes of
Heaven are ftrongcr, and of more force and effeft in opera-
tion, than the 12 Signs, and the 12 Signs are of greater force
and efficacy in their operation, than the 7 Planets > and the
natures of the Planets do alter and vary according to the
Signs that they be in > and thcSigns do alter and vary accor-
ding to the Houfes they are in.

VTow to leave Bodies Cotleftial, and {peak of the Elemen-

tary, whereof the Bodies Terreftrial are compounded,
conftitutcd, and made you are to underftand that there arc
4 Elements, viz. Fire, Waiter, Earth, Air.
Guido BonatM underftaudcth them thus >

Caliditittem, qut tfi cattftt Generationis.

Frigiditatm, qua eft caufa Delhit&iom.
Humiditattm, qua eft caufa Corruptiwi!,
SiccitaUm, qua eft caufa Durationk.

JLt Element a funt nt infu'u Spharkpura & fimplicta^ hahent

Sanplket Qualitattf Quatmr vincentes, viz.

0 Ignk Cahditatem generative G, V.

% Aer Humiditatem corruptivi, U, D .
?2 Terra, Sieeitatem durativi, Tj
D Aqua, Frigiditattm, dejhuflhie. 7).

Whatfoever therefore is Hot, as the Fire is in his Simple

and Elementary Quality, doth heat, open,-digeft, attenuate,
ripen, {ubtilitate, and make thin, and fimple, and maketh
Whatfoever in his Simple and Elementary Quality and
nature is Moifi,as the Air, doth moiftcn, putrifieand corrupt,
make flippcry, lighten, and conglutinate.
WhatfoevcT is Dry, as the Earth is in its Simple Quality
and nature, drieth, maketh barren, atcra&eth and fctleth, and
i? tire word: in dccreafing.
Whatfoever is Cold in his Simple Nature and Quality, as
the Water, doth make cold, thiclten, and caufeth indigedi-
on, congealeth, dedroyeth, maketh hard, knitfeth together:
it doth not pierce and open, but fhutteth, inclofeth and ftop-
pcth, and nourifheth not, but allonilh th and extinguilheth
the Radical Heat and Breath of Life.
Of Compound Qualttits.

Hatfoevcr is Hot and Dry of Nature, is cholcrick, ge-

nerative, attriftivc, durative, and confervativc, dry-
ing, heating, and attracting doth harden, and caufe watch-
fumefs, becaufe of heating and drying of the Brain and Hcadj
they do alfo exhauft and draw; gather together and collett,
they do alfo cleanfc and purge, provoke to Hedge, and make
fweet, they do cleanfc and fcour the Body replcnilhed with
cold and moift Humours.
Whatfbcvcr is Hot and Moift, generates by reafon of
Heat, and corrupteth by reafon ofMoifture, andbringcth not
to perfection.
Whatfbevcr is Cold and Dry pardcipatcth of duration and
dcftru&ion i for if the Dry exceed the Cold, then it will be
durativei but if the cold Quality in the lame fubjeft exceed
the dry, then deflmit, & ejificut Lignum arridum.
VVhatlbcvcr is Cold and Moift, eji indigejl* moieri*, cor-
ruptaty & omnino dejirnity non generat, tuque durat, neqttt fru-
Gum forty fed objlupety expellit, infrigat, humeGaty corrum-
phy mortifcat > creates hcavincfs, dulnefs, and flownefs in all
things,provokes to deep and drow(ine(s,and Rots, conlumes,
feparates and divides, is of the nature of the J> and 9,
ingenders moift and watry Humours and Impoftumatiorts,
and rcpells Humours by congelation and thickning, dilperfing
them in fundry places.
Firft therefore, underftand, that the Body of Man, and all
other Elementary things, are compofed of the 4 Elements,
viz. of Air, Water, Fire, jnd Earth i two active, and two
pallive matters j one aftive and one paftivc afccnding and
increafing, and one active and one paflive matter dcfcend-
ing and dccreafing, for Guido faith, omne corpus ex quatuor
Elemenlit conftat.
Secondly, underftand, that the Body of man is divided in-
to twelve parts, according to the twelve Signs, and then in-
to $6 puts, according to the divifion of the 12 Signs into
36 Faccsond Triplicities.
Thirdly, underftand, that the 12 Signs have Dominion
over and in the Body Humane, as well as in other bodies
and things i and theft Signs are divided into 4 ftvcral Tri-
plidties, as followeth.
■V, «5l, /, arc hot and dry, cholerick, bitter, of the na-
ture of Fire, confuming, yet generative, duracive, attra-
£kivc, by reafbn of Heat and drowth i for by rcafon of their
heat they arc generative and attradivc, and by reaibn of
drowth they arc durative > and by rcafon both of heat and
drowth they arc confuming: for the Fire doth confume all
impctfcd matter and fubftancc, that is not united in a jult
IP, MP, are cold and dry, of the nature of the Earth,
and of Tj, mclancholick, durative, by rcafon of Drowth, and
deftrudive by reafon of Cold, for th r ■ is no deftrudtion but
by 9 and 9 i they are alfo aftringent and durative in them-
felves, and dchroycrs of others externally •, for b in his own
being once revived, doth rive long life, and is durable, by
rcaibn of his dry Quality •, but if S, 9, and b be put toge-
ther, then is dellrudion by over much cold.
21, and s», are hot and moift, of the nature of the
Air, Sanguine, and bccauft they are more moill than hot by
nature, and do participate with Fire in heat, and Water in
moifturc, and arc digclUyc and generative by rcafon of heat,
and corruptivc by rcafon of their moifture, 5, 2,and b
therefore alter the meat, digeft, and increafe the blood.
ffi, tti, and X, are cold and moill, of the nature
of the Water, Feminine, Partive, like the Moon, Flegma-
tick, fait in tafte, D, c?, U, corruptivc by rcafon of their
moifturc, and deftruclive by reafon of their coldnefs ■> they
are more cold than moill, and are called the cxpulfiveSigns,
for they do corrupt, deftroy, and expell; Lma ergo pen-ttr-
rens in SignU foil multa admiranda pojfont fieri ad corporum de-
7S AJirologicttl Judgment of Phyjick,
And here note, that thefefour Elements twelve Signs, and
icven Planets, do induce in all mortal Bodies four Humours,
•viz. Blood, which is fweet, Choler, which is bitter. Melancho-
ly, which is four, and Flegm, which is faltifti; but thefe four
Humours are (b united in the Body of man, and mixed and
knit in fuch fort, that there is no feparatiort thereof until
the diifolution of the Body, and reparation of the Spirit from
the Body, the which diifolution is cone many ways s but here
it is to be undcrltood but of one way, that is, by natural
Death, and not by unnatural Deathand according to that
Humour which is moll prevalent, and predominant in thg
Body of man, thereafter is the man called, either Sanguine^
Cholerick, Flegmatick, or Melancholick, and every one of
thefe Humours have their proper times ot Rule, and different
times of Working in their ievcral times, as occaiion is given.
Their general times of diftindl Rule, as thus j Sanguine
rules from ^ at night till 3 in the morning, Choler from 3
to p fore-noon, Melancholy from £» to 3 afternoon, Flegm
from 3 to 9 at night. Thus briefly touching on things as
they may in the progrefs of this Work concern us, but now
to proceed.

Experimented Judgments of Life and Death, and

of Difeafcs.

AS touching the true knowledge hereof it is by the mo-

tions of the Heavens, and Alpeds of the Planets, there-
fore in eredting of your Figure, ana beforeyou give any Judg-
ment, certain things arc to be confidered, and divers Quefti-
ons to be asked.
The firft thing to be noted is, the inllant time when the
Queftion is made, or the Urine brought i for forpetimes one
bringeth it when the Phyfician is not at hojnc, and the Par-
ty leaveth it with forne of his Servants, or with fome friend,
or with a neighbour, to be delivered unto him j then5infuch
a cafe,
JJlrological Judgment of Phypck. 75
a aft, he (bail take the Queftion at the delivery of the Urine,
.or when the Party cometh for an Anfwers but if you find
the Urine by chance left in fome place for you, then you (hall
take that Queftion of the Urine when the Party comes to you
for his Anfwer.
The fccond thing by way of Queftion is, you (hall ask the
Name of the Party that is fick, and the Age s for by the
Name you (hall know whether it be man or woman, by the
Age you (hall know whether the Party be young or old \ for
there arc divers things to be confidered in the differen-
ces of Difeafes of men and women, and of old folk and
If it be a Woman, the third Queftion is, whether (he be
married or not ? for if married, Ihe may be with child, or
flic may have pain in her matrix by child-birth, the which
Maids nave not. Again, if (he be young, (he may have the
Grcen-fickncfs, by rcafon of Nature's Obftrudions i and this
is incident both to Women, Children and Maids, obftrudi-
.on of Nature, their natural Courfes, cither they may not
have them at all, or el(e not in their due order and courfe \
and then they experience pains in the Reins, in the Side and
Stomach, and ofren incline to vomit, and have much pin in
the Head, and this feldome or never failcth.
The fourth Queftion is, you (hall ask, who font the Urine,
or by whofc motion or command the Urine was brought or
font? for fometimcs the Sick faith, go to (bch a Dodor and
ask my Difoafo i and (bmetimesthey (ay, ask him whether I
(hall Iive.or dye i and (bmetimcs whether he can help me.',
and (bmetimes again, fome of the Friends of the Sick, un-
known to the Sick, do come and ask his Difoafo i whereup-
on you (hall ask the bearer of the Urine, who bad him or her
come with it ? or whether the Party that bringeth the Urine
came with it of his or her own accord, or not ? for if the
bearer of the Urine, or any fuch like that makcth the Quefti-
pn, come unto you, not being of his blood or kindred that
pvetb IhC Urine, but a§ his friend op neighbour, trjoved with
74 Afirolcgical Jitdgwent of Phyfck.
pity, or of good will, or being dedred thereunto, or if it be
the Husbands Brother's Wife that bringcth the Urine, or
askcth the Qucftion, then the firft Houfe (which is the Angle
of the Eafl) and his Lord, is the Houfe of Life, and is af(b
lord of the Urine, and the lord of the 5th Houfe is lord df
the Liver, and the firft Houfe (hall be the Alccndant for the
Asker, and the 7 th Houfe for the Gck Perfon, and the 8 th
Houfe and the 4th (hall be Significators Of Death j the
4th Houfe is the end and determination of every Qucftion,
and therefore alfo of Life and Death, as hereafter (hall be
(hewed more plainly. And finally, know this for a general
Rule, that whofocvcr brings the Urine, or asketh the Quc-
ftion by confcnt of the fick Body, whether it be Father, Mo-
ther, Brother, Sifter, or Child, or the Wife or Husband of any
Sick, If the fick Party bid them go, or content unto their
going to ask (he Qucftion, then die firft Houfe (hall be the
Alccndant of the Qucftion, as before.
If (bme fecrct fdlow, or counccllour to the Sick in private
matters, whom he truftcth much, which rcapeth benefit at
his hand, or that truftcth to have ibmething by the death
cf the Sick (be it he or (he, man or woman, not being of his
kindred, nor fent by the fick.) bring the Urine, or ask the
Qucftion, then the fccond Houfe and his lord is for the Qusc-
rcnt, and for Life, and the 8th Houfe is for the fick Perfon,
and the pth Houfe is the Houfe of Death, and the dth Houfe
is for the Liver. This was the Opinion of Dr. Foreman, very
knowing this way.
If the Brother, the Sifter, the Uncle, Aunt, or Kinfinan of
the Sick, bring the Urine, or ask the Qucftion for the Sick,
not being fent by the Sick, then the third Houfe and his lord
is the Alccndant of the Qucftion, and for the Asker j and the
7th Houfe (hall be for the liver, and the pth Houfe (hall be
for the lick Perfon, and the 10th Houfe (hall be the Houfe of
Death, and the 8th Houfe (hall fignific thclufirmity, and the
firft Houfe (hall (hew the remedy, and how it is to be
done, and this muft be without confcnt of the fick Bo-
Afirologlcal Judgment ef Phyfak. 75
dy, of the Biothers or Sifters own accord, or proper tnfr»
tion. >-
If the Father or Mother of the Sick, tmknown to the Sick^
bring the Urine, or ask the Queftion for the Sick, then the
4th Houfe (ball be the Afccndant for the Queftion, for the
Quircnt, and for life, and for the Urine, anil the 8th Houft
ftull (ignifie the liver, and the 10th hcokc (hall be for the
fick Body, and the 1 ith Houlc (hall be the Houfe of Death,
and the ad Houfe (hall (hew the Remedy, and the oth Houfe
(hall (hew the particular Infirmity i as (bmetirnjs the Fa-
ther of a young child doth bring the Urine, or ask the Que-
ftion for tne child bang fick, {omettmes the Mother.
If the Son or Daughter "of the Sick Bring .the Urine, or
tnake the Queftion for the Sick, then th^ firft Houfe and his
lord dull be the Afcendant of the Queftion for the Quttent,
for Life, and the pth Houfe (hall (ignifie the (late of theJGiver,
and the 11 th Houfe (hall be for the fick Perfoa, Smd the 1 oth
Houfe (hall Ggnilic the Infirmity, and the 12 th Houfe (hall Be
Ac Houfe or Death, and the third Houfe (hall (hew the
Remedy : and this is, If the Queftion be asked by fuch a
one unknown, and without content of the Party fick.
If the fick Perfon himfelf bring his own Urine, or make
the Queftion for himfelf, or (ay to (bmcone, take my Urine,
and go and know my Difeafe, &c. then the Queftion is by
the fick, or by the command of the fick himfelf, then the
Afcendant of the Sign and his lord (hall be fignificators of
the fick Party i the 6th Houlc and lord thereof, the Planets
therein placed, the place of Heaven, and Sign wherein the
2) is, (hall fignifie the Difeafe and part affliftecU in reference
to the Afccndant the 7th Houfe (hall reprefent the Phyfician,
and the 10th his Medicine v if the Lord of the 7 th be unfor-
tunate, the Phyfician (hall not cure-, if the roth Houfe or
lord thereof, his Phyfick is improper •, the 4th Houfe fignifies
the end of the Sicknefs, and whether it will terminate quick-
ly, or indure long.
If the Husband ©f the Sick, or Wife of the Sick make the
75 JJirolegical Judgment rfPhyjie^g
Qucftion, pr baling the Urine, then the 7 th Houtc (hall be the
Ascendant of thcQucftion,for the Quzrent, for the Urinc,and
for Life,and the 1 ft Houtc (hall be for the Sick, and (hall (ignific
the Diftcmpcr, thcSickncS and part aifli&cd, the 1 ith houfe
for the liver, an4 the eftate thereof the 1 ft houfe the Phylician,
and the 4th his Medicine, or means, the ad houfe (hall be the
houfe of Deaths and the xoth houfe for the^end and determi-
nation of the Sick,and the Difcafc. And hae note allb, that if
the Wife come for the Husband, if he bid her go, the firft
houfe (hall be for the Quaercnt, &c, but if (he come without his
confent, although he do know ofher coming, then the 7th
houfe fliall be for the Quacrcnt, & i contri, for the Wife fiiith
fbmctimcs,! will go, and the Husband faith no, yet (he goeth,
then the 7th Houfe is for the Qusrcnt, and (b of the Husband
in reference to the Wife.
If the Maftcr or Miftris of thefkk bring the Urine, or make
the Queftion for the Sick, (aying my Servant isiick, then the
toth houfe (hall be for the Quzrent, for the Urinejmd for Life,
and the 4th hpufe for the (ick Pcrfon, and the ad for the Li-
ver, and the 8th houfe ( according to fomc ) for the Me-
dicine, the 3d houfe for the Infirmity, and the firft houfe for
the end thereof i and the 5 th houfe for Death.
If the fervant of his own accord make the Queftion for his
Maftcr or Mrs. being lick, then the dth houfe (hall be the AG-
cendant of the Queftion, for the Quzrent, for the Urine, and
for life, and the 12th Houfe for the fick Party, the 1 oth houfe
for the Liver,and the 1 ith for the Difeafe, the firft houfe for
Death, and the pth houfe for the end and determination of
the Sick and his bifeafe, and the 4th houfe for the Medicine.
If a man come,laying, my brother fent mc to you to know
what Difeafe his Servant hath that is fick j whether hp will live
or dye ? here the 11 th houfe is the Afccndant of the Queftion,
for Life, for the Quzrent, and the Urine, the 5 th houfe for the
Sick, the third houfe for the Liver, the 4th houfe for the Sick-
ne(s, the 6th houfe to know whether he will live or dye, the
jth houfe for the Medicine, and the fecond for the end of hi^
Afirohgicdl 'judgment of PhyjUk- 77
Difcafei except the Uriite do come by the confent of the (kk
Perlbn,if it do, then the iixth houle lhall be the ATccndant for
the Qujerent.
And fometimes alfo the Matter or Mrs. faith unto their Ser-
vant, go to fuch a one, and ask what Difeafcdv. Here in fuch
a quettion I take the ift houfe for the Quxrent, for Life, and
for the Urine, and the 7th houfe for theSick,becaufe the Mef-
fenger came by commandment of his Matter or Mrs, Father or
Mother,and not of his own accord i the 5 th houfe for the Li-
ver, the 6th for the Infirmity, the 8th for Death, the 11 th for
the Medicine and Remedy»the 4th houfe for the end, the 2d
houfe how thou (bait be paid for doing thy Cure, and what
Expence he (hall be at for his health, whether much or little.
And here note, that naturally the ift houfe is the houle of
Life, the 4th houfe fignifieth the end, the 5 th the liver,the 6th
the Infirmity, the 7th the ftck Pricfon, the 8th whether it be
Death or no, the pth the Phyfician, the nth the Cure and
Medicine, the 10th the Finger of God, the 12 th a (ecret Ene-
my, or Witchcraft. Though this Method do fomewhat dif-
fer from what I propofed before, which was the way of the
Ancients, yet I thought neceflary to mention likewife what
hath been verified by experience j let each Student and Pra-
dhtioner try and truft.
And furthermore, obferve, that by whomfoever the Qiieftl-
on is made, and what Houfe focver thou dolt find Alcendant
for the Queftion, for the Urine, and for life, thou (halt in thy
Judgment joyn him and his lord with the 1 ft Houfe Natural
and his lord,for Life land the 5th Houle of the Queftion^nd the
5 th Houfe of the Figure for the ftate of the Liver, and the 6th
Houfe of the Figure, and 6th Houfe of the Queftion for the
ttateof the Sicknels, whether it lhall belong orThort i and the
7th Houfe of the Queftion,and 7 th Houle of the Figure for the
fick Perfon, and the 8th Houle of the Figure, and Sth Houle of
the Queftion for Death i the 1 ith Houle of the Figure (or ac-
cording to others, the 10th) and nth of the Queftion for the
Medicine »the 4th Houfe of the Queftion and 4th of the Figure
^0 AflroUgicitl Judgment sfPkyfeki
for die end of the Difofe«and whofoever bringech die Uiin^
or makcth the (^cfikMi^Ichcr be dodi it bv comcnt of the fidi
Pcxfbn, or without the content of the Gck Perfbn« and if it
be by and with the cgnfent of the Cck Pcrfon, and with his
or her good will, or if the Sick fay go, then the firil Houfc
alwayes (hall be for the Quaercnx, &c. asafbidsid « but if he
fay go not, or that he know not of it, then the Patty that is
die caufb thereof (hall make the Afcendant of the QucfUon«
as if it be the Father, then the 4th Houfc is for the Afccn-
danti if the Brother, then the third houfci if the Servant, then
the 6 th Houfe, and lb forth, as aforeGiid.
When any one therefore comes to you with any Uiine, or
doth make any Queftion for the Sick, the premife befbre-faid
confidcred, and the infiant time of moving the Qudlion be-
ing noted, you (ball mark cfpedally his demand, Tor fomc
tiines the Patty that cotncth faith,
Sir, I am come to you to have your counfcl on this Urine of
one that is Gck, and faith, 1 would know his Difcafc, or
whether he will live or dye.
Sometimes alfb they fay, I would know what Difcafc he
- Sometimes they fay, I would know whether he will efcape
it, or whether he will dye thereof.
Sometimes they ask none of thefe things, but they fay, I
would know what is good for him.
Sometimes again they will ask, whether you can help him
that isfick^
Sometimes they ask for a Woman, whether (be be with
Child or no ?
And fometimes they ask, whether the Party hath not fuch
a Difcafc as is fufpeded, or no ?
So that fbmetime they ask one Queftion, fometimes ano-
ther i for the minds of People are variable and divers, even
according to the motions of the Heavens, and afpefts of
the Planets and Stars, and a man (hall have no power to go
to ask a Queftion for the Sick, though many times they de-
Afirological ^ndgment of Phyjicks 1$
tire and determine it, neither to ask any thing touching thfr
Sick , but when his mind doth accord with the Heavens, and
when the Heavens do accord to the end of his intent, to (hew
the juft end thereof j for I have known oft-times by experi-
ence, that (ome have been in the mind to come to me, as
thcniftlves have confets'd, for their infirmities, a quarter of
a Year together, yet have had no power to come to me until
they have bear paft remedy > upon which coming I have told
them fuch a time they would dye of their infirmity, and they
have died, as I have (aid \ and fometimes becaufc my felf
would not deal with them, they have gone to others for Phy-
ftck, yet all hath not fervod : this have I proved many a
time and oft, as well on young folk as on old and middle
aged, and as well on women as on men, and children of both
(exes > for by the figure many things are feen and known,
that are not to be known by Urine, in mine opinion, at firii
time. Amongft the old Philolbphers, it was advifed to be
brought to the Phyfidan to know the Difeafe v not for that
tne Difeafe, or life, or Death can be perfedly difcemed by
the Urine, but by bringing the Urine, it is a token from the
Sick to know his Diieaie, by making the Queftion for the
Sick i for no man ought to ffudy Phyfick except he be well
feen in Afirology \ for it is impoflible to give a juft Judgment
of the (late of a Difeafe only by feeing the Urine, or by feel-
ing the Pulfe, or Sicdgc, or feeing the Sick i for a man by A-
llrology will fay more by a Quellion demanded for the (late
of the fick, for his fickneis and Difeafe, and touching Life
and Death, for curing of the Party hurt or fick, than ten other
Phyficians that (hall foe the Urine, and (beak with the fick
Body i for many are fick that know not their own Difcafo,
nor the Caufe, nor the Degrees thereof i and by Aflrology
it is to be known, and by no means clfo, becaufo the Bodies
of men are fubjofl to Difeafos, according to the influence of
the Heavens i for, 0 fitperioribus inferior a regtntttr j for if a
man mark well, all Difeafos are either Natural, Supernatural,
vx againfl Nature 9 if k be Natural, it Is by the Influence of
8o Aftrotogical "judgmnt of Phyfc^
the Heavens in Ilis Nativityif it be Supernatural, it is the
FingerofGodonaman, or on his generation, for fbmc of-
fence committed, which remaineth on a man, and (bme*
times on his Pofterity, through many generations to come*,
by which means they arc more or lefs fubjedt to fomc certain
Difcafe, as fomc to dye fuddenly, fame to have the Kings
Evil, fomc the Stone, the Gout, fomc the French Pox, fomc
the Leprofie, and fuch like hereditary Diftempers, and all
to die of one Difeafe, and thefc arc (aid to have fuch
a Dileafe by Nature, but it is Supernatural, and Natural
If it be again ft Nature, it is by Surfeiting, or drinking or
eating fomething that makes them lick, or by Witchcraft, or
Sorcery, or by Inchantment,or by the punilhment of the De-
vil, or fomc Spirit, by the permiftion and fuftcrancc of God •,
and all thelc things cannot be known but by Aftronomic, and
therefore'we conclude, that if he be not a good Aftronomcr
and Aftrologer withall, he can be no good Phyfician \ this I
have often hinted in my Almanacks, and (hewed the lame
from the moft Learned.
Again, the proportion of Medicine and of the Body, and
the degree of the Difeafe, and of Medicine, and commixtion
of Humours, and the diverfity thereof^ arc not known by any
means but by Aftronomy v for who can make a juft propor-
tion of Medicine for any Difeafe, except he be a good Aftro-
nomcr? neither can he tell the times proper for healing the
Difeafe, nor whether it be to be cured or no, even as theblind
mail hits the Hare i nam Afhologia eft octtlus mdici, faith dri-
jiotle-jfme qua cactu gppellabitttr.
AJirologkal judgment of Phyfick* 81

Next jve are to kporv and objervt, which of the four Virtuet
or Humouri is weaker or firongcr than the other., or than
itjhould be, whereby tlx dijlemper of the
Body doth grow,

IN the Bodies of Natural Men are four Radical Virtues,

holding a due proportfon by Nature^ by the which the
Health and Strength of the Body is always maintained, and
when any of thele four do predominate and get dominion
over the other, then doth the body wax lick, and languiCh in
pain, or elfe is utterly fruftratc of the RadicalHumidity, and
lb furpriftd, and overcome by Death. The firft of theft four
Virtues is Digcftion, the ftcond Retention, the third Attra-
ftion, and the fourth Expulfion i and theft four Virtues are
alwayes fuftaincd by four Principal and Radical qt Natural
i. Digcftion hath its operation, and is maintained by
Blood, making his operation in the Stomach by the Liver,
for lb long as the Liver keepeth his natural proportion, by
heat and moifture of good blood, (b long (hall the Body be in
Health i and if the Party diftemper himfdf by his Diet or
othcrwift, whereby the Liver is opprefTed with much Moi-
fture, Drowth, Heat or Cold, then the meat in the ftomach
for want of Decodtion, by too much cold, or overmuch heat,
fouleth and comipteth the Blood, and breedcth diftempers
and Diftafes in the Body, proceeding unnaturally from the
excels of Cholcr, Melancholy, Blood, or Flegm.
The natural Blood, or fpirits of Life, relate to the liver,
the Vital to the Heart, the Animal to the Brain, to which the
Sperm and Seed is much relative.
The fecond of the four Virtues afbrelaid is Attradlion, this
operation is performed by natural Heat and Cholcr, which
is ingendrcd by good digeftion, of the Liver, and hath its
principal refidcncc in the Gall, and if this Humour becom ad-
82 djirolegicjil Judgment of Phyfuk.
. uft or abound, the Blood is infcdted thereby, and many di-
ftempcrs and infirmities are caufed, as (hall be (hewed more
plainly when we come to treat of Choler.
The third of thefe Virtues is R.etention, which confcrveth
the Nutriment in the Body till it be digefted, and it is main-
tained by Melancholy, naturally cold and dry, and hath its
proper rdldcnce in the Milt or Spleen, as (hall be leen here-
The fourth and laft is natural Flcgm, which is expulfive,
and partly mixeth in the Veins with the Blood, is cold and
moid, and thereby is maintained the Expullive faculty, whole
office is to expdl the Excrements that annoy the Body, as
ifter will farther appear.
And now to return to our former matter again, to know
which of thefe four Virtues or Faculties is diminilhed, or
which of them doth abound beyond his natural Order, you
Ihall underhand, the Virtue Retentive bclongeth to b, the
Virtue Digcftivc to U, the Virtue Attradive to 9, and the
■Virtue Expulfive to the D.
Obferve diligently therefore which of thefe four Planets,
Tj, U, 2, or the 2) have moll dignities in the Sign of
the 5th Houle of the Queltion, which alwayes fignitieth
the (late of the Liver, that Planet according to his potency
or debility in the Figure of Heaven, in the Sign, and De-
gree, and Place where he is, (hall tlgnirie the ftrength or
d bility of the Liver, and of that Virtue which he govern-
If b be (irengeft in the Sign of the 5 th Hcufe of the Que-
ftion, thai the fault is in the Virtue Retentive, that either it
is too (irong or t owealt, by too much unnatural Melancho-
ly abounding therein, or for want of natural Melancholy tt?
retain the incac in the Body, and then the Mufcl s of the Sto-
mach being opprtlTcd with too mudi m illure, the Party
remittcth up the and drink he takcth, (b (bonandas
often as he doth take it > for that the Liver is oppletcd
with moiilurc, whi'h wcakeneth and uxucuuxch the Virtue
AJirological Judgment of Plyfc^, 83
If T; be ftrong in an earthly Sign, as i?, tt, or
which are cold and dry, melancholy, then is the Virtue re-
rentivc too (iking in the Liver, through too much Melan-
choly abounding in the Liver, (lopping and opprelfing the
Liver, caufing Oppilations, Paintings, Heavineft, black Jaun-
dies, with the Spleen fwelling, Wind and Indigeliure, and
the Party hath a ftomach to eat meat, and when he hath
it, he eateth very little, for having eaten it, it is long
before it be digeilcd, and lieth hard and heavy in the Sto-
And if the faid Melancholy defcend into the Bowels, then
the Parties arc Coftive, and cannot go tollooli if in to the
Mufdes of the Bladder, then he cannot make water, if into
the Milt, then the Party bccomcth Splenetick, and waxeth
lean, and fometimes, the Veins being (lopped, fwelleth in the
Body and Members, or conlumeth, and Ibmctimcs hath much
Stitch in the Sides.
If the faid Melancholy enter into the Cells of the Heart,
the party affedieth Solitude, and avoids talk and nodes,
(huns the light, and delights to be in dark places, and will
fometimes incline to rave and curie, and is prone to all mif-
chief, and to mdchief himfclfor fome others.
Furthermore, Melancholy is cold and dry, foure and (harp,
of the nature of the Earth and of Saturn, dark, pale, and
' wan, the dregs of all the Humours v for fburenefs and (harp-
nefsare from cold and dry Qualities, as from £5, "vy, and
Tj, and it is oftentimes like Allum-warcr in tafte.
Bitteme(s proceeds from the Qualities of Hot and Dry, and
relates to T, (51, ■!, and the ©, and d in them.
Salrncfs comes of Cold and Moifture, as from S, "i, K,
and the D in any of them, cold and moid, Flegmatick.
Frelhncfs of take comes of "h in <5, VZ, or V)0, or of b
in ss,
Swectncfs comes of Heat and Moifture, ^ in ^r,
or ss.
Unfavourynels in talk comes of 33, tn, K, dpccially K,
G 2 and
84 AJlrobgieal Judgmxt of PhjJtcki
and therefore we {ay, h is cold and dry, (bur and fharp', Co
arc flC, V, Melancholy.
U is hot and moift, Sanguine, fwcct in tallc, ptcafant s (b
arc at, and cs.
<? and the O arc hot and dry, Cholerick, hitter i fo arc Y,
£1, and /.
2 and 2) arc cold and moift, Flegmatick, faltilh and un-
favoury and fb arc $, "t, and X.
5 is indifferent according the Planet he is joyncd unto,
or Sign he is found in : for if he be in V he is bitter, if in
^ {bure,ifin it fwect, ifin S faltilh and unfavoury.
If I* be in $,♦»!, or X, having moft Dignities in the 5 th
Houfc, then is the Retentive Faculty weakned in the Liver,
by too much cold Flcgm, and the Party hath a cold Liver
and vomiteth much, and hath no lull to eat, and catcth lit-
tle, and the Party is fearful and timorous i and T? in S doth
caufc the black Plague of Melancholy and Flcgm, then maft
you purge Flcgm and Melancholy, and help the digellivc Fa-
culty with warm things.
If h have moft Dignities in the 5th Hou(e, and be in V,
il,or -j?, which are hot and dry, Cholerick, then is the Li-
ver oppreffed with too much Choler and Melancholy, mixed
with a very dry, hot, bitter, (harp, hard, and yellowilh Hu-
If Tj be in T, it is of (lender, thin, yellow Choler and Me-
lancholy : if in «Sl, it is of grofs, thick, yellow Choler, and
reddilh, and is hot and burning, and very dry, caufing cho-
lerick Palfions in the Bowels, and mich vomiting, and hot
burning Agues of long continuance, and the Plague (if the
Scafon be inlediousj of green Choler, tough Flcgm, and Me-
lancholy, with a wonderful drought in the parts, that they
can fcarcely fpeak ftcn times.
If h be in /, is of red Choler, ftrong and potent,
burnt,mixJd with melancholy, cauling Plagues, hot burning
Fevers, with Madnefs. If h be in <51 Retrograde, and in
the 4th Houft, then this Choler cpprcfleth the Stomach, and
AJirological Judg/Hcut of Phyfuk. 8$
the Party doth vomit much, by tcafou of that excels of
drowth in the Stomach fupematurally.
If h be in it, or ™, then is the Liver opprefTed with
Melancholy mixed with Blood, and maketh the blood thick
and feculent •, if Melancholy have the upper hand, and be
predominant, then it is more dry than moill, and more cold
than hot, and more foure and (harp than fwect. And if
Blood have the better, it is more not than cold, and more
fweet than (harp.
If h be Lord of the Afcendant, and in n, ^ or and
"d afcend in the 5th Houfe, or any Sign where the 2 hath
moll Dignities, by rcafon the D hath moft Dignities in
01 in the Sign of the 5th Honfc, h being lord of the Afcen-
dant, and in the 5 th as is aforefaidi in it it fignifics the
Stomach is weak, and the cxpnlfive Virtue is too ftrong : and
the Party vomiteth much, and cannot keep his meat, by
rcafon of much cold and moifture in the Stomach and Liver,
Melancholy and tougji Flegm mixed with the Blood in the
Liver and Tunides ot the Stomach above Zirbus, but the Re-
tentive Virtue or Faculty below Zirbnr, in the Belly, Bowels,
and Bladder, is too ftrong, and the Party is very collive, and
cannot go to ftool nor make water.
If h liave moft Dignities in the 5 th, and be in an Angle
not remote, although he be Occidental and R, and in 53, yet
the Retentive faculty is too ftrong i and if it be in a Woman,
her Terms are ftop't.
If U be ftrong, and have moft Dignities in the 5 th houfc,
or Sign of the 5th, then the Virtue Digeftive is too ftrong, or
too weak, according to the ftrcngth of U in the Figure of
Heaven at that time.
if It then be in Airy Signs ftrong, as in jt, ^ as, then
the Blood aboundeth in the Liver, and the Digeftive faculty^
is fwifc and. quick, by reafon of the heat and moifture of
Blood which is in the Liver. Blood overmuch abounding
' cauleth Plcurifics and Difeafes, and heat of the Lights, and
impollumations pf the Liver and Lungs i if then the Ebod
86 AJirological Judgment of Phyflck-
afcend to the heart, it choaketh the vital (pirits, and caulech
Syncope and f amtnefs, Palpitations and Swoonings i if it
afcCnd to the Brain, it caufcth Head-ache in the Sinciput^ or
fore-part of the head, with Lunacy oft-times and Frantick- '
ncls i if it pats out to the extreme parts of the Body, it cau-
feih impoltumations j but if U have no Dignities, but be in
a Cadent Houfe, as in the 5th, Combuft, or opprcffed by S
by a □, cP, or rf, then it caufcth Sickncfs, very oft the
Dropliein the Belly.
It U be weak in iJ, ^ or VJ", which are Earthly Signs,
cold and dry, contrary to Nature, then is the Liver opprcf-
fed with Choler, Pr-effitia and Cholera fitfiginafa, that is,
green or footy Choler wix'd with Melancholy, and mix'd
With the Blood in the Liver, which doth thicken and cool
the Blood, caufing Oppilations and Stoppings in the Liver,
with Indigeftion, as when a man hath fecmingly a llotnach
to eat, yet cannot cat.
If be ftrong in the 5lh Houfe, and in Y, or
then is the Liver corrupted with Chsler, vitiating and in-
fedfing the Blood j if in Y, with thin yellow Choler s if
in cSl, then with thick yellow Choler, hot and dry, cau-
fing great, hot, feculent Fevers > if in /, of red Ch fcr
mixed with Blood, caufing Madncfs and pefiilencc, and hoc
burning Fevers.
If It be in 33, tri, or X, and have moft Dignities in the
5 th Houfe, then the Digelhve Virtue is weakened by too
much cold and moilture, efpecially of much ir.oitlurc, called
Cholera Vitellina, which is of Flegm and Blood mixed, and
isllimy, tough, moilf and vifcous, and the Party hath a cold
Stomach, anddigefts not his food, for the abounding of this
vifcous, flegmy matter in the Liv r, corrupts the Liver and
the Blood, and caufeth Dropfics, and fuch Difcafcs ; in this
Diftcmper adminiftcrnot Phyfick in the hour of U, the b,
nor $, neither let them be if rong in the Figure of heaven,
but minifter in the hour of d and the 0, when they be in
Y, <51, or /, or in the hour of Satimiy when he is in ai .
A, or «», fortunate and ftrong, putting in the Afcendant
V, eSl, or •?, and let the S be in Y, <41, or -f, applying
to the Sun or Mars by A or *■, and it muft be cured by
and with things that are very dry in operation, and hot in
prinw gradit.
If U be lord of the 5 th, and have mofl Dignities in the
5th, and be in his own Sign, or where he hath many Digni-
ties, and he ftrong in Angle, free from the malevolent A-
fpedb of b and o, viz. the or <P, then it fignihcs
the Liver and the Virtue digeftivc is ftrong.
If U be lord of the 5 th, and have molt Dignities in the
5 th, and be in as in the <5th, fitb rari/is or combult, having
no Dignities at all, and be opprcfled with the □ of t? cut
oftJ in the jo th, then it fignilieth the Party hath a pain
can fed of Choler and Melancholy, and that the Digeftivc Vir-
tue is weak for want of good Blood, and the like is alfo if he
be opprefled by the cP of b out of cSl, but then yellow
Choler hath the Dominion.
If 9 have molt Dignities in the 5 th Houfe of the Quefti-
on, and be in $, "i, or K, then is the Attradive Virtue
weakened by much cold and thin vvatry Flegm, and Water
caufed of $ in 33, "i, Jf, and it is fait Flegmi and iflhe
be in $ the water is thin Flegm, and fait, and cold i if in
ni thicker, (alter,more llinking, tougher, and colder, ifin K
moft ftinking, and more tough, thicker and colder, cnufiug
Dropfies, cold Oppilations, Fevers, and Swellings ■> and in
fuch a cafe Adminiller not in the hour of 9 nor the b , but
in the hour of © or cf, or in the hour of U, he being in Y,
eft, or J or put Y", 61, or 7 in the Afcendant, or when
the D is in Y- <41,, or 7, applying to d" or the O by *
or A, and then purge F legm and watry Humours, and let
the Cure be done with hot and dry things, and the Diet hot
and dry.
If $ be iu Y, <51, or 7, then the Attradive Virtue is
too ftrong, and draweth many ill Humours to the Liver, of
Flegm and Choler, which is lalt and bitter vvithall, caufed
88 Afirologtcal Judgment of Phyfuk.
• of 9 in V, eSl, or 7 i if 9 be in Y, then it is of thin yel-
low Cholcr mixt with Flegm v if 9 be in <Sl, then of thick
and feculent yellow Choler, and fubtil, bitter, and faltifh
if 9 be in 7, then it is caufed of red Choler and Flegm,
hot and dry, very bitter and brinifh, caufing (alt flegmic
If 2 be in it, ■/v, or es, it comes of thin Flegm and Wa-
ter mixed with Blood i if 9 be In n, of Blood and thin
Flegm, fwcetifli and faltilh i if 9 be in =^, thicker Blood
and Flegm, more fwcct and (alcith j if 9 be in «, then of
very thick Blood and Flegm, mod fait and fwectilh j with ill
hot and molil, with Oliver g, caufing oftentimes impofiuma-
tions i minifter not in the hour of 9 nor the , but in the
hour of U in YP, tE, or ^, or in the hour of d" or the O
being in b", 'tr, or VP, $, nt or D in b, ^ or VP,
applying to ©, <?, or U, with or and b, ^ or VP
in the Afccndant.
If .2 be in b, TO, or VP, then the Virtue Attradivc is
diftcmpered by cold and dry Qualities, and by Melancholy
and thin Flegm, cold and dry, four and faltifii, mixed with
the Blood in the Liver, flopping the Stomach, caufing a loath-
ing of meat and indigeflton, and it is (altilh and (harp like
Allum-wateri if 9 be in b then of thin Melancholy and
thin Flegm, and is (harp, cold, and (altifli a little i if 9 be
in TO,thcn thicker Mehncholy.^nd more thin Flegm, and it is
more (harp, and fomewhat (altilh, like Allum-water i if 9
be in VP, then of thicker, blacker, gjrolTer Melancholy, and
thin Flegm, and it is very (altifh and iharp withall, like Al-
lum-water j in this cafe minifler not in the hour of 9, K,
nor 5, nor b, but in the hour of U, <?, or the ©, when
ji, set, or is in the Afccndant, and tlie D in Y, cSl, or
7, or when Y, <51, or 7 is in the Afcendant, and the a
in it, =Or,or applying to d1, ©,or U, by or and
purge Melancholy and Flegm ftrongly,
If the I> have mort Dignities in the Afcendant of the gth
haife oi the Queltifip, and be in ^^^r ^, then tlie Virtue
JJirological Judgment of Phyjick- 89
Expulfive is too ftrong in the Liver, by reafon of too much
Flcgm and Moifture opprcding the Liver, efpccially if the
2> bcin the Jth, if the 5 be in the 4th houfe, tnen the
Virtue Expulfive is too fliong in the Stomach, and the Party
Vomits much, and hath much gnawing in the Stomach i if
the D be in the Afccndant, then the Expulfive Virtue is too
ftrong in the Head, and then the Eyes do run and drop, or
Scabs come out, or the Ears run, or fomc other impediment
comes out in the Head, or the Nofe blcedeth » if the Moon be
in the 10th houft, then the Party hath the running of the
Reins, or Gonorrhea Paflfion, or fome flux or weaknefs in
the Reins, or cannot hold his Urine > if the 2 be in die yth
houfe, then the Expulfive Virtue is too ftrong in the Limbs,
and there be Scabs, Pufties, Carbuncles, Botches, Impoftumati-
ons, or other fores j if the 5 be in the 9th, then the Expul-
five Virtue is too ftrong in the liver, and the Party blcedcch
at thcNofe, or at the Mouth j and if thcQucftion be for a
Woman, the Expulfive Virtue is too ftrong in the Matrix,
and [he hath the Running of the Whites, or thew extraordi-
nary of her Flowers, or a Lask » if for a man, then it is too
ftrong in the inwards, and there may follow a Lisk or Dyfen-
If the 5 be in $, then the Flegm and Water is thin and
cold, faltifli and unfavoury.
If the I) be in "i, then it is thicker, (linking, unclean and
venomous, with vifcous Flcgm, corrupt.
If the 5 be in K, then it iscaufcd of thick Flegm, very
celd, moift, and (altiih,
In fuch a cafe minifter not in the hour of the 2), nor 9,
but in the hour of d or the ©, being in T, (51, or •/, and
put Y, <51, or / in the Afeendant, and the 2> in T,<Sl,
or J s when the 0 doth apply by * or A to the ©, <?,
or to U being in VjtSl, /, or to b in T, <51, or or to
9 in T, «Sl, or /, with the 2) in A or * out of a fiery
Sign, then purge Flegm, and give a dry Diet: and if y,
or vy be in the Afeendant, ana the ? in Y, <51, or ■?, ap~
90 AjlroJogkal Judgment of Phyflck,
plyfng to c? or tlie © you may give the Party a Vomit;
and let the lord o the 6th be weak, and the lord o£ the Af-
fcendant ftrong, fortunate, and dircd.
If the 2 he in n,—, or ss, having moft Dignities in the
5tb, then the Expulfive Virtue is too ftrong, through tod
much moifture of fvveet Flegm abounding in the Liver,which
is caufed of Flegm and Blood mixed i but if the Blood have
the dominion, tlie Party is moilt and Hheumati'ck, and the
pittleis whitiih, and fomewhatclammy, and a little fweet,
but rather tails a littlefaltilh.
If the 2 be in n", the Spittle and Flegm are thin, and s
little fweetifh and hot > if the D be in =^,it is more fwectilh,
hot and thick '■> if the 2 be in very fweet, thick and
In (uch a cafe, miniflcr not in the of U, the 2, nor
9, bnt in the hour of S or T?, they being (if it may be) in
^or V i neither (hall you put it, or zz in the AC-
fcendant, or the 2 or U, but let them be weak ■> but you
may put the 2 in T, 61, or •?, applying to h or 2,
or in tf, "tP, or VP, applying to the 0 or c? by * or Aj
then purge fweet Flegm, and give things that do dry and
If the 2 have more Dignities in the yth, and be in the
5tb, in !P, or VP, then is the Expullive Virtue weakened
hrough too much cold and drowth of Melancholy and
Flegm, infefling the Blood, and (lopping the Liver, and it is
called Acetofa Tbhgma, and Vitrea Phlegm*, by rcafon of the
Analogy it hcareth in colour and talk to Ghfs and Vinegar,
as being a little laltilh, but foure and (harp like Allum-wa-
tcr, and it is wonderful cold, tough and dry, making op-
pilations and indigeftion in the Liver, and little lull to meat,
and the Party is heavy, dull, earthy, and melancholy, if this
Vitrea Fhlegnia afccnd to the Stomach, the Stomach will be
cold, hard, heavy, and foure, inclining to vomit, and yet can-
not vomit, but hath much pricking, reaching, tearing and
mwing in the Stomach > for fuch it is good to vomit :
AJhrologicaJ'judgment of Phyfick- 91
if this Vitrea Phlegma affeft the Lungs, it cauCcth (hortnels of
Wind, Ptifick, and extreme Coughs : if it afcend, and a fifed:
the Brain, it caufeth hcavinefs, yet little flcep, but prickings^
and cold, and aches in the Head i and this Ihall you know, if
the D be in 'tC,or ace, and in the Afccndant, then it is in
capite i if (he be in the 1 oth,then it is in the Reins, and caufeth
the Stone •> if fhe be in the 4th, it is in the Stomach > if in
the 7 th, the Limbs, cauling dry Scurfs and Scabs s if the D
be in the 5 th, the Quellion being for a Woman, then this Hu-
mour is in her Matrix-veins, and caufeth Retention of her
Flowers j if it be in the Bowels, it obftruds going toflool.
If the 2 be in it is cold, dry, lharp, ftiff and foure.
If the J) be in iJP, it is more cold, dryer, (harper, ftiffer
and (burer.
If the 2) be in "vy, then all thcfc exceed in the Superlative
In fuch a cafe minifter not in the hours of the D, Tj, or
?, but in the hour of U, the 0 or <?, they being in n,
or if it may be s nor give the Party any thing that
may breed Flegm or Melancholy, but things to diged and
purgp Melancholy, and to increalc the Blood, and adminiftcr
thin^hot in the third degree. And in adrainiliring to cure
this Diftempcr, put not the D in £5, 'tf, or vy, nor the D
Tj, nor 5 in the Afccndant but let them be weak and un-
fortunate ; but you may polite ^ Ji, or in the Alcen-
dant, and the D in it, or or in S, applying to d1 or
the 0 by A or * j or in X, applying to c? i or in T, <51,
or /, applying likewife to 9, and let the lord ofthedth
be weak and inroitunate, and the lord of the Afccndant ftrong
and fortunate. „ , „' , , , . j . n
If the J) m fuch a cafe be m tlic 5 th, and in o or Afpect
with h, it caufeth the black Jaundies i if with 2, it cau-
feth Madnefs.
If the 2 have mod Dignities in the 5th, and be in T, <51,
or / j then it figniheth the Expullive Virtue is weakened by
too much heat and drynefs, caufed of Flegm and Gholcr
pa AJlrologicid Judgment of Phyfuk.
mixM, and it is very hot and dry» if the 5 be then in the
5 th Houle, this (alt Flcgm rcftcth in the Liver and inwards
of a man, and Matrix of a Woman.
If the D be in the 4thHoufc, then it is in the Stomach, bit-
ter, clammy, (altand dry : if the 0 be then in the Afccndant,
it is then in the Head and Face, and will caufc Redncfs and
Pimples, and the Eyes will look red and yellowilh, full of
jed Veins.
If the D be then in the 10th Houft, it is in the Reins, and
will caufc the Stone, and Hopping in the Reins and Kidneys:
if (he be in the 4th,itafFedfcth and afflidcth the Stomach; If
the D be in the 7th houle, then it is in the Limbs and ex-
treme Ports, and will break out in Scabs and Flux.
And this note, if Flcgm predominate in this commixtion,
it is more (alt than bitter, and caufcth great drynefs and
burning, and a red face, with fraartinz and fwclling, if it be
in the Stomach, and forenefs in the Womb » and if Cholcr
predominate, it is faltilh, but more bitter than (kitand if it
rife to the Head, you (hall perceive it b y the Eyes, for they will
be yellowilh, full of ted Veins.
The D in Y, it is cauled of thin and fubtil yellow Cho-
lcr and Flegm i if the D be in or application with c?,
or if <? be lord of the 12 th in the New of the Moon, or lord
of the 6 th in the Wane s it caufcth the yellow Jaundies, and
over-flowing of Cholcr in the Liver from the Gall.;
The D in 61, it is caufcd of thicker yellow Cholcr and
Flcgm, and is drier and (alter, caufing the yellow Jaundies
generally, and St. Anthoniei fire,Carbuncles and Shingles, and
hot burning Fevers and Itches.
The i in 7, it is eaufed of red Cholcr, hot and dry in
the degree, hot and burning, caufing Noli me taiigcre. Can-
kers, falt'hcry Faces, and aches in the Body, Gouts, and many
Dilealcs hard to be cured.
And when it happencth fo, that <? or the © be lord of
the 6th, 10th, or 12 th Houfe, or lord of the hour, it is fo
much the worfc, and harder to be cured, or not to be cured
JJlrological Judgment of Phypck. 95
at all, bccaufe it is in the extremity of the 4th degree > and
if you go about to cure it, you muft beware you rnini-
ller not in the hours of the D, c?, or the 0, but in the
hour of ?, (he being in or ~ \ or in the hour of
It, bang in S, "i, or K i or in the hour of the 0, he be-
ing in n, ^,or»»the 2 in m or K,applying to ? or U.
Neither muft you put Y, «Sl, or / in the Afcendant, nor
the 2 in T, <Sl, nor / > but in a weak Sign and place of
the Heavens, where (he doth not behold the fixth Houfc,
nor the Afccndant.nor the lord of the6thHoufe,but (he may
behold the lord eft he Afcendant. Neither lhall you put V,
«5l, or t in the <5th, but in (bme cadent Houfc, for this kind
of Flcgm is fait, hot and dry, clammy and burning, and the
Party muft be cured with cold and moift Medicines in the4th
degree, if it be in /, and in the third degree, or in Y or eSl ■,
for it is of Flegm and Choler commixr.
Firft, prepare the Party four or five dayes, thai purge three
dayes ftrongly and if it be a Woman, diet her with a Die-
tary drink to that intent, and let .her blood after it, if occa-
fion fcrve.

Central Judgments on the Houfe which if the place

of the Liver.

IF the Planet that hath moll Dignities rin the 5 th Houfe of

theft four Planets, viz. Tj,U, ? and the 2 be for-
tunate and ftrong, or apply to fortunate Planets, then he
(hall help the fame Virtue which he governeth, if you mini-
fler means in his hour, when the 2 applieth to him, and
give things to increaft the Virtue dimimlhed, and to dimi-
ni(h thepcccant faculty abounding i but if the ft id Planet be
unfbrtunateand weak, he (hall thai beunfitto helper fuccour
theftid Virtueor Faculty which he governeth, ifyouadmini-
fter in his hour, or if the 2 do apply to him when you do mi-
94 AfirologicaI "judgmttt of PfyftcJ^
But in all your iirft miniftrations to any for any Dilcafc,
let the lord of the £th Houfe be weak and infbrtunate, in his
Fall or Detriment, in a Cadent houfe, or in if to the 5th
Houfe *, but if the lord of the 5th be Retrograde, or a Retro-
grade Planet in the 5th, or in the Sign of the 5th Houfe, it
is a fign that the Sicknels will return again s or if it be a Sore
or Wound, that it will rclapfe and break out again.
And if any two of the four Planets, Tj, U, 9, 1>, have
equal Dignities in the Sign of the yth Houfe, and be in equal
places of the Heavens, fas both in Angles, or in Conjunftion,
or if one of them be lord of the Alccndant, and the other of
the hour, or if the 2 apply to one of them, and the otherbe
lord of the Afcendant or hour J then is the fault in thole two
Virtues which thoft two Planets do lignilie.
And notealfb, if you find a Sign in the yth Houle, in the
which two of the aforelaid Planets have equal Dignities, as
Y in the 5 th, ccnlidering Tj and li-, then (hall you look
which of thofe two Planets is weakdl in the figure, and if
■U be in XP in the fecond, and "h in the 9th in 51 Retro-
grade, or in the 8th, he (hall lignifie according to the Sign
and Place wherein he is, the Humour abounding, as T? in
•51 lignifies thick yellow Cholcr and Melancholy, with wa-
terilh Flegm, or U in vy, which there doth fignifie thick Me-
lancholy mixed with the Blood, caufing Oppilations.
And generally note, that if the Planet that lignifies the
ftrength and virtu of the Liver, or weaknefs thereof, if the
laid Planet be in a Sign of hi own nature, he fignifieth the
abounding, and overmuch of this Humour and virtue i and if
he be in a Sign contrary to his nature, he (ignifieth the weak-
nefs and debility of the faid Virtue, as for example, If h,
which fignities the Virtue Retentive, be in a Sign cold and
dry, of the nature of the Earth, like unto h, as £5, *!?, or
yr, and in hisTriplicity, Term, or Face in an Angle,, then
the Virtue Retentive is too lirong, by reafon of too much
natural Mcl: ncholy in the E dyi as if h be in the 4th
houle, then it is tuo ftrong in the Stomach > if in the jtli.
Afirologkal Judgmnt of Phyjtck, 95
then in the Liver or Matrix of a Woman '■> if in the Afcen-
dant, then in the Head and Brain i if in the 10th, then in
the Reins j if in the 7 th, then in the limbs and extreme parts
of the Body.
But if h be in S, ni? or x, and have no Dignities at
all, then the Virtue Retentive is weakened for want of na-
tural Melancholy, by too much cold and moifture abounding:
if b be in the 5 th houfe, then the excels of Moifture is in
the Liver, and in the inwards of a man, and in the Matrix
of a Woman, caufing the iftliing of the Whites in a wnmair,
if it be in the Liver, it caulcth the Droplie and Indigeftion *
if b be in the 4th, then there is too much cold and moi-
fture in the Stomach,caufing vomiting "> if b be in the Af-
cendant, then there is too much cold and moifture in the
Brain and Head, caufing Head-ache and humours, and rutr-
ningofthe Eyes-, if b be in the 10th, then there is too
much cold and moifture in the Reins and Bladder, caufing
Gonorrhea Pftflfn, or ifluing of Nature, or much pilling-,
if b be in the 7 th, then there is overmuch cold and moi-
fture in the Legs and extreme parts, caufing Impoftumatious
of cold Humours, and Dropfics.
And this is generally to be obferved, that if the lord of the
Alcendant, or lord of the hour be in any of the four Angles,
and fignifier of the grief and Dileafe i or if the Planet that
hath melt Dignities in the 5th be lord of tlie Alcen-
dant, or lord of the hour, or lord of the <5th, or the Planet
to whom the 1) doth apply, and be angular look which of
the four Angles he is in, and there is the molt griefas if he
be in the Alcendant, then is the greateft grief and pain in the
Head i if in the 10th, then in the Reinsi if in the 7th, then
in the Legs and extreme Parts 1 if in the 4th, then in the Sto-
mach iif in the 5 th then in the Liver and Matrix of a Wo-
man, and in the Liver and Inwards of a Man.
And note, the nearer the laid Planet is to the Cufp of the
Angle of the Houfe wherein he is, the nearer is the Dilealc
to die extremity of tliat place of the member, as if the Pla-
95 Afirological Judgmnt of Phyjicke
net be near the Degree afccnding, or within a degree or two,
then is the pair, in the upper part, or mould of die Head > if
he be in the loth or 12 th degree of the Sign a(cending,then
it is in the Brain, or middle of the Head > and if he be in 24
or 26 degrees, then is the grief in the lower part of the head,
near the (cparation of the Head and Neck, as in the Pole, or
under the Chin.
And if the Planet in the 1 oth Houfe be near the Cufp of
the 1 oth Houfe, then the pain is below the girdle, in the Reinsi
if it be 10,12, or 14 degrees from the Cufp, then it is in the
Kidneys : if 20, or 24 degrees then abovcthcKidncys i if he
be in the 4th near the Cufp, then the pain is in theupperpart
of the Stomach near the Throat i if in 10, r 2, or 14 degrees,
then is the grief in die midft of the Stomach \ if in 20 degr.
to 30, then in the bottom of the Stomach \ ifhc be near the
Cufp of the 5th Houfe, the Diftcmpcr is in the upper part of
the Matrix or Liver if in the midft of that Sign, in the midft
of the liver or Matrix i if in the latter degrees of the Sign,
then the Diitemper affcdls the lower parts of the liver or
And generally note, that if there be no Planet found in any
of the 4 Angles, or in the 5 th Houfe, or within 5 degrees df
any Angle, nor within 25 dagrees of the Afccndant of An-
gle, or of the 5 th Houfe, then the Party hath no Difcafc, but
is found, except it be of fbme extraordinary or fuperfkial
caufe beyond Nature.
And in as many of thefe Angles or places as you fhall find
any Planet not remote from the Cufp, in that place which it
lignifieth, there is pain and Difeafe in the Body more or lefs j
and thefe Rules foil not.
Again, if one Planet be lord of the Alccndant and lord
of the hour alfo, angular and not remote, or in the 5 th, or
within 5 degrees falling from the Angle, the chief pain and
grief fhall be in that place which the Houfe he is in doth
fignific 1 ifhc be in the Afcendant, then the Head > and it ne-
ver failcth.
The better to itnprint this Doftrine in the mind of the
Readet, behold the Figure following*, and note that every
Houfc hath 30 degrees, 25 degrees within the A£oendant, ana
5 degrees paft, or virtually in the next houfe.

Hear Edly
1#. o &

iy vi
O.x \
Tlvcfe be Liinbt

C-. XvX o,. « 't-.

^roarnextthc 'S. SV>.e

5 Stomach
7be yh Hvitfv.

Tliefe are the five principal Houfcs, that' (hew the

clpal Parts of the Body, if there he any Difeafe in
The Figure being eredfed, it is very ncceflary to ask four
Qlieftfons-of the party touching the Sick'.
t. A^hrft, What AeName of the fick Perfonls?1
98 JJirological JudgMext ofPhyjick.
2. Inquire of the age of the Party.
3. If a Woman, whether married or no?
4. The 4th Queftion, and moft neceffary of all, is. At
whofc procurement the Urine was brought, whether by the
fiek Perfon himfelf, or that fbmc of his Friends or kindred
procured the Urine to be brought, as aforeGud, for the Que-
llion made.

Judgments of the $ Angles of the ^teftion^ and tlx

fitji Houfe.

ANY Planet whatfbever, or £2 or in the Afcendant,

not remote in the 12th Houfe, but in the 12th within
5 degrees of the Afcendant, fignificth pain in the Head, ac-
cording to the ftrength and weaknefs of the Planet, or of
Qorfj whatfoever he be.
Any Planet whatfbever, or caput or cauAa Vracon'u in the
4th Houfe, or in the 3d not remote from the Cufp above
5 degrees, this fignifies pain and diflemper in the Stomach.
Any Planet, or or in the 7 th Houfe, or in the 6th
within 5 degrees of the Cufp of the 7th, fignifies pain and
weaknefs in the limbs, in fbmc part between the huckle-bone
and the top of the toes.
Any Planet, or £2 or JJJ iu the xoth houfe, or in thepth
not remote from the Cufp of the loth above 5 degrees, fig-
nifies pain in the Back, Reins and Kidneys.
Any Planet, or fc or in the 5 th, if the Queftion be for
a Woman, the Planet either in the 5th, or remote not above
5 degrees, then that Woman hath impediment in her Matrix,
and her Terms be ftopt, or dfe ihe hath them too much, or
the purging of the Whites i and if the Queftion be f or a Man,
he hath fome pain in his Liver and Inwards. Cauda Draco-
nu in the 5th, in a fixed Sign, implies Retention of the Terras.
Any Planet in the 5th in a fixed Sign, fignifieth the Reten-
tion of Tciras.
AJlrologkal Judgmnt of Phyju%. 99
The firft ten degrees of the firft Houfc have the upper part
of the Head, the (econd ten degrees have the Fore-head and
the Poll, the 3d ten degrees and laft, contain the Mole,
Cheeks, Mouth, Tongue, Teeth and Chin i and fo forth of
the 12 Houfes as of the 1 a Signs, for every Houfc and Sign
hath 30 degrees, which are divided into 3 triplicities, and
every triplicity is 10 degrees. Alfo the Neck and Throat is
divided into 3 parts, as before is faid ot the Head i that is, the
firft 10 degrees for the upper part, the fecond ten degrees for
the middle part, and the laft 10 degrees for the nether or low-
eft part of the Neck and Throat, and then the the 3d Houie
for the Shoulders and Arms, and the 4th for the Breaft and
Stomach, and fb forth with the reft.

Some Anci-
ent and Modern XWa fer Fil"e
Phyficians very \ .4ir e
eminent,' have
confidered the JL ell- fil
12 Houles thus,
in reference to
the Tempera- fl
ments, which in Holf cind Wafer
Pradicc will be
found ncceffa- D
ry, the better to
judge of the na- Mrc af Iff
ture of the Dif-
cafe ias will ap-
pear more plain-
ly in the fequcl: l/C?oI4 Hmoij f Fire
every one of
thefe Temperaments admits of 4 degrees.

In the next place it will be neceftary to give a brief touch

of the principal Difeafcs that are to be undcrftood upon evc-
H 2 ry
100 JJirolagtCit I Judginetit of Phyftck-
iy Houlc, to the which all the other may be referred i as in
the firftHoufe which fignifies the Head, we may confider all
Head-pains and aches, all infirmities of the Eyes, diftempers
of the Brain, Falling-evil, weaknefs of the Nerves, and de-
cay or default of the fpinal Marrow v all impediments inci-
dent to the Animal faculty, pans of the Taws and Teeth, the
Nofe, Face, and Ears, and Alopecia, In the fccondHoufecon-
fider the Difeafes incident to the Throat, as Squinancy,Kings
Evil, and the like. In the third Houfe confider all impcdi-
mcnts incident to the Arms and Shoulders. In the fourth
Houfe confider all Diftempers of the Stomach, Lungs, and
Flenroy as Peripneumoma, riling or rottennefs of the Lungs,
Coughs, Plunfic, Vomitings, Impoftumations, and the like.
In the 5 th Houfe confider falfc Conceptions, the evil acci-
dents of the Womb, fuffocation of the Matrix, fits of the
Mother, the Whites, and excefs of Flowers. In the llxth
Houfe confider the Sciatica, and the like. In the 7th houfe
confider the accidents of the Limbs, Podagra, all pains and
accidents belonging to the Feet and Toes. In the eighth
Houfe confider the Dropfie and the like. In the 9th, gri-
ping of the guts, the Gholick, of Wind and ctherwife, and
all like Diftempers. In the 10th Houfe confider all accidents
of the Reins and Bowels, as Scowring, Gonorrhea, pain of
the Back, Gravel and Sand. In the nth Houfe the affection
and afflidtions of the Heart are to be confidered, as Cardiack
Pallions, Trcmblings, Palpitations, and the like. In the 12 th
Houfe are underfiood the Herpes, Palfie, and all afflidtions of
the Nerves and Sinews.
Farther note, that the whole circumference of the Heavens
is 3 60 degrees, which are in every Figure contained in the
12 Houfes, and every Houfe properly hath 30 degrees: if 12
degrees go before the Line or Sedtion of the Houfe, then 18
follows after •, and alfo in our Latitude of 5 2 degrees or
thereabouts, by realbn of the obliquity of the Zodiack, in
fbme htufes may be contained more than 30 degrees j nay,
a whole Sign intercepted, and in other Houfes las than 30
AJlrohgkal "judgment of Phyjicl?. 101
degrees? but be it more or lefs, die degrees muft admit of
equal Divifion » as if 40 degrees be in one Houfe, they arc
to be divided equally into 3 parts, or more i fo if 20 de-
grees be in another houle, the (ame, and the Planets placed in
theftme, to be confidered as in the following figure, by way
Here in this Figure of
Suppoiition, $ is in the
ad degree of m, in the &
12 th Houle, therefore -e
you (hall account $ in
that place, in refped of
the Houle, to be hot and
dry in >the firft degree,
becaufe (he is not out
of the verge of the firft V
Houle, by rcafon in this
fence of Temperaments, CO
1 a degreesbefore are ac-
counted within the Houle : 2 is in 28 of "i, though ^
be there in the firft Houle, yet you (hall reckon him in tjic
beginning of the fecond Houle i and in refpe<ff of the place
where he flandech in the Houfe, he is hot and moift in the
firft degree, becaufe he is not 12 degrees above the Afcendant
of the 2d Houfe i and if 5 had been 16 degrees in /, then
he Ihould have been (lid to be hot and moift in the begin-
ning of the fecond degree, in refpeft of the Houle, and not
of the Sign i and if he were 25 degrees in /, then he Ihould
be faid to be in the third Houle, and Ihould be laid to be
cold and moift in the firft degree : & in the i^th of ?», is
laid to be in the beginning of the fourth Houfe, and is laid
there (in relpcdfof the HoufeJ to be cold and dry in thefirl^
102 AJirological Judgment of Phyfckz

Nozp it followeth to fpeak^ of tlx Retentive


"D Etention is one of the principal Virtues in the Body of

man^nd bclongeth to 5<2tw^,whichis cold and dry^Earthy
ofnaturc, and Melancholick, and hath dominion of the Milt
or Spleen, wherein the natural Melancholy is contained, and
fortifieth and ftrengthencth the Body of Man and his Mem-
bers, and hath its operation in and VT", terrene Signs,
as Guida Eonatus i Tantum agit in f errant, & in corpore hu-
And this Retentive Faculty may be confidercdas Natu-
jal or Unnatural, before, and after Digeftion i Natural accor-
ding to the Body, for the fupport and maintenance of Na-
ture i Unnatural againfl the Body, diilcmpering and injuring
the fame.
Retention before Dlgeflion in the upper part of the Sto-
mach, which is the place of the firft digeftion, which keep-
cth the meat it cannot deicend, by reafon of unnatural Melan-
choly remaining in the Stomach, nor yet digeftfor want of
natural Heat and Moihure, whereby a man is forced to call
up again, or doth retain and keep it in his Stomach with
great pain, except he force it up again i For naturally it will
not come up, b caufe the Expullive Virtue is wcakned in
the Stomach, by reafon of the faid unnatural Melancholy
there remaining.
Retention in digeftion is to detain the meat in the proper
place of Digeftion, till it be throughly digclled to the con-
lerving and ftrengthening of Nature.
Rttemioi! after Digeftion is performed in all the members
by operation of natural M lancholy, and his office is to retain
and keep the nourifhment that is appropriate to nature for
the maintenance and upholding the Body in health, after due
feparation in the liver after Dig ftion, whereby every part
Ajirological Judgment of Phy fick. 103
and member of the Body may receive that which properly and
peculiarly belongeth thereunto.
Retentm after Digeftion is of two (bits, Natural and Un-
natural i this unnatural is performed two wayc, well in
the outward parts of the Body, as in the Arms, Legs, or
Flefti, Mufdes or Sinews i as inwardly in the Belly, Liver,Sto-
mach, Bowels, CNr.
Unnatural Retention is caufed of unnatural Melancholy, whe-
ther it be in the extreme parts, or in the inward parts i and
by rcafon of this unnatural Retention a man falleth into a
Confumption, efpecially when it is in the extreme parts :
when the Confumption is cither particular, or general, in one
Member, or throughout the whole Body, by rcafon of unnatu-
ral Melancholy impadkd in the Veins in foine particular place,
or (pread abroad generally in all the Body, which kind of
Melancholy is more dry than that which is natural, and by
reafon of the great drynefs thereof, ftoppeth the Veins and
paffages, that the Blood cannot have free courfe as it ought,
to give nourilbmcnt to the Body, or to the Members i and
this unnatural Mdancholy ovcrcometh the natural Melancho-
ly, even as the greater quantity of (linking wafer doth over-
come a little quantity of fwcet and frell! water-, for it is to be
conlidered, that cold and drynefs arc enem'es to heat and
moillure, which, if they get the niaftery of hot and moid,
then they do expell them \ and if heat and moillure beconfu-
med in the Liver or other parts of the Body, how can the
Digellive Virtue do his Office ? for cold and drowth cau-
feth indigeftion.
Therefore know this, that the whole date of the Body in
Sicknefs and in Health dandeth and conlllleth in a ng it good
and natural Digeftion, and in the maintenance ot Radical
heat and humidity in the Stomach, Liver, and other parts of
the Body. Alfo know this,that a hoc Liver never caufethacon-
fumption of the Body, but a cold Liver v and a cold Liver and
a cold Stomach never caule a hot Di(eafe,and a nioift Liver ne-
ver ingendretha dry Difeafe, but a Dropiie and fiich like : for
I 4 Afirologkal jHelgmnf of Phyfu k:
the Liver is as the root and foundation of the whole Body;
and according to the good or bad digeluon of the Liver, fb
(hall the ftate and health of the Body be, cither good or
^id. And when this unnatural melancholy Retention is in
the Body it fclf, and notin the extreme parts, then is theEx-
pulfive Virtue wcakned in the Liver, Milt, Lungs, Stomach,
Body and Bowels, in which foeverof thgm it doth abound.
yVhen one doth receive meat or drink in to his Body, and
vorrpt it up again, then it is a lign that the Retentive Virtne
is weakned in the Stomach, and the natural Faculties in the
Stomach are overcome by too much moiiiure, or by too much
heat and drowth.
When one doth vomit blood, and bleed much at the
•Nofe or Mouth, then is the Retentive Virtue or Faculty
weakened in the Imr and Veins by over-much heat and
tnoidure. *
\Vhcn the Lask or bloody Flux prevails, then is the Re-
tentive Virtue weakned in the Bowels and Mufcles, and in
the Belly, and the Expullive Faculty is too llrong. But if
it be the bloody Flux, then is it weakned in the Veins and
Rcips of tlje Back, apd then there is too much heat or moi-
iiu,e in the Reins and Veins ■> when Nature pafll-th from a
man, and that he waxeth weajtin the Reins of his back, it
is caufcd of too much moiftnefs and heat in the Reins, or of
one pf thqn, and in the Veins that pals from the Reins to
jhe IWhtf, which Veins are called the Sccd-bringcrs, ft r
the lull of a mai is ijr the B-eins, and the lull of a Woina.i
in her Navel.
ilVhpn one (hjeth Blood, or that his Water goeth from
him more often than it ought, or otherwife than itlhould,
then ishlre Retentive Virtue weakened in the Mid'clcs of the
1 ladder, and Conduits th^t come from the R ins to the Blad-
der, by too much moiftnefs.
When a Woman^ Flowers or Terms be ftopt, fothatfhc
Jiath ncit her natural Courfc as jlje was wont, or as (lie of
jcight pirghf to hftvc, then it is a lign that tl s. Retentive Vir-
AJirologica fjudgwent of PhjiJtc^. 105
tnc is too ftrong in the Veins of the Matrix, which are ttopt
and Ihut up by too much dry and hard Melancholy, or Cho-
ler aduft, mat relleth in them and in the Matrix.
When a Womans Flowers or Terms do pafs from her un-
naturally, or otherwife than they ought, as (omctimcs itchari-
ceth, whether they be the white Flowers or the red, though
it come (bmetimes by a Cquat, a fear, a fall, or howfoever it
cometh, yet is the Body below Zirbus and the Matrix and
her Veins, opprefs'd by too much mniflncfs thither rcforting
to the Mufcles rranfveric, or to the five Veins of the Matrix
whereby the (aid Veins cannot (hut and clofc, but open, and
being open by reafbn of the moiihicfs, the Matrix being weak
openeth her felf oftentimes more or lefs, according to the
Humour, day by day, or fomctimcs in two or three days,
(bmetimes in longer and ihorter fpace, and in (uch a cafe the
Party hath pain and heat in the Back and Reins, and pain of
the Head and Sides. When thercd Flowers do ifllie unaccu-
ftomcdly, it is a fign of perfeft digclbon in the Veins,and the
caufe of their fo ifTuing is, overmuch unnatural heat and moi-
fture in the Veins of the Matrix, and that the Reteutive Vir-
tue is thereby weakened in the faid Veins.
When the white Flowers do iffuc, it is a lign of imper-
fed Digcftion, and that the Retentive Virtue is weakened in
the Matrix and Veins thereof, by too much cold and moi-
(lure, and the more they do flow, the more moifturc is
there, and the more cold in the Matrix 1 and in fuch a
cale a Woman hath a great pain in her Sides and
Hanks, and is very weak in the Pieins,pained in the Stomach
and Head.
Signs that the Retentive Virtue is weakened arc thefe,
much bleeding at the Nbfc or Mouth, much vomiting up
Blood, Flegm, Cholcr, or meat undigelted, or digcllsd
in part or in all, or if a man be given to, or forced to
vomit, or that his Stomach doth turn (as they fay J at
the fight of any meat or other thing, in this the Rcten-
' five Faculty is weakened above Zirhuf, by over-much moi-
106 Ajirologkal Judgment ofPhjjick,
fture reding in the Stomach, or in the Liver, or in the Mu«
fcles of the Stomach.
But if one have the bloody Flux, the Lask, the running of
the Reins, Gonorrhea Palfion, or that his Urine pals from
him againft his will, or more often than it (hould, or if the
Terms, Flowers, or Mcnltrues, white or red, flow or pafs
from the Woman out of due time, or other wife than they
(hould, or if the Milk in a Womans Breaft pafs more than it
(hould of natural courfe, then is the Retentive Virtue
weakened by too much cold and moifture below Zirbus, in
the proper places aforefaid, except the milk which is above
Zirbuf in refpedf of the Paps, but the generation of milk is
from the Menftnies.
The four tranfverfe Mufcles which were fpoken of before,
that arc in the Belly, which are called the Retentive Mufcles,
becaufe the meat and dregs are by them retained and kept in
the Body, two of them fpring from the Ribs on the right
lide, and pafs over-thwart the Belly, the one on the one fide
of the Navel, and the other on the other fide, dofe almoft by
the Navel, and they pafs to the left fide to the bones of the
Haunch or of the Pedfcn : and the other two fpring from the
Rib on the left fide, in manner and form as aforefaid, and
they pafs over the Womb by the Navel crofs to the Haunches,
as the other do on each fide of the Navel, as in the Anatomy of
the Mufcles you lhal! fi e more plainly *. and by thefe 4 Mufcles
the Retentive Virtue in the Womb is retained in due pro-
portion, to the upholding of Nature, And thefe are de-
bilitated and hurt by too much fuperfluous humidity and
moifture opprefling or tilling them i and it isholpen again by
adminiftxing of Medicines, by Cataplafmes, Oyls, Unguents,
Purges or Olyfters, and fuch like.
For Suffocation or ftrangling of the Matrix, when it is cau-
fed of Retention of the Flowers, for chat the Retentive Vir-
tue is too ftrong by overmuch drynefs.
AJirologkal Judgmnt of Phyfick- X07

Remedies rvbtn the Retentive Virtue it weakened in tlx Sto-

machy or that one doth Vomit much or often by reafon
of too much Moijiwe.

OYL of Mints, oylof Mercury, oyl of Pftllil, and rub there-

with the Stomach, the foals of the Feet, and Members,
01 take Syrup of FentaplTylion, Syrup of fitter Almonds, Syrup
of Nenuphanc, alias Nymph<ea, cum ypoguiltidos mixtura :
or take the Water of Mints drunk, Syrup of Mints eaten, in
a reafonable Quantity, as from half an ounce to an ounce.

Remedies when the Retentive Faculty is weakened in the

Liver by over-much Heat.

R Oleum Pfylliiyoleum Jufquiami-plcum Sem.papaventfir fuch

like, for thefe are cold and moill. Retentive ; and anoint the
Stomach and Region of the Liver therewithor give him to
take fome of thefe Syrups for the fame.
Syrup. AcetoftUy Syr. Amygdalar, amar. Syr. PentaplylH, Syr.
Violar. cum ypognifidos. Aqua Pentapbylliy aqua Acetof. for
thefe Waters are Cool, Retentive, and Confortative in fuch a
cafe. Or with this Unguent anoint the Stomach and Re-
gion of the Liver.
ft Virge Pajbrify ypogniflidosfernpervh'ty ana M {i.pentaplylliy
pfyllii laturs agrejiity a/w, pug, (3. herb. Acetof. ScarioUy ana
M j. cum axungia porcina jiat uiiguentuniy and put thereto
a little Vinegar.

A Remedy where the PLetcntive Faculty is weakned in

the Belly by cold and moifture, viz. A Clyfter to
purge and fcowr the Belly and Bowels, and
purge out Watcrand Flegm.

ft Origaniy CamomiU, MeIilot*y Fenugty anay M j. coqttan-

tur in aqua ufque ad confnmptionem tertix partiiy de colatitra ac-
lo8 AJIro logical Judgment of Phyjick.
cipetk j. cut aeUUdiaphacniconit, Elefir, indima, benedi&x laxai'w,
hierapig. ana ^(J; old Camomilli Rntard f j. Salk 5))j> mi-
fie, pat Clylier. and then anoint the four tranfverfe Mufoles
with fotnc of thcfc oyls, viz. Oyl of Mints, oyl of Mercury,
oyl of Baycs, oyl of Mace, oyl of Foxes, or with fuch like
oyls that are hot and dry, and let them drink the water of
Mints or of Mercury, with fotnc other appropriate Syrup.
In materia ffigida tevebtnunU ancixjtte dolort, con foil Iffckg'
rut on this fubjeft.

A very good Cly/lcr in thefe Caufcs.

R Hordci, violaria, mercurialii ana M j, pat deeoftio, dt eo-

latrrra accipe |xjj, qttibns adde Diacatlxlicon f), EleSuarii dt
fucco Rofamm Jvj, old violarum "^Apfalit jp, mfce^pat C/y*

A Remedy when' the Retentive Virtue is weakened in

the Belly, and the Party hath the Flux of a
Hot Caufo.

Take fome of thefe Oyls and anoint the Back and the
Reins, and the Mufoles tranfverfe, viz. Oyl of Henbane,
oylofPfyllii, oyl of Poppy, or the Unguent aforcfaid j and
let him drink Syrup of Violets, or otAcctojitf, or amigdalarum
emarum^pentaphyllihypognijiidos^nA fitch like Syrups, in wa-
ters appropriate, and in fuch a cafe of weaknefs there is no-
thing better than the middle Bark of an Oak boyled in
milk, and drunk oftentimes i the Acorns and Cups are very
good boyled, or taken in powder, in any weaknefs, or pain,
or ft itch.
Camphire drunk with the juice of Watcr-lillies, ftop-
peth the running of the Reins, and white flux of the Flow-
ers pafling from Women. It is cold and dry in the third de-
Ajlrolcgical Judgment of Phyjicks 109

A Remedy when the Retentive Viituc is too Hrong in

the Matrix, by too much cold and dry Me-
lancholy of Tj,and the Expuliive Vir-
tue too weak, as followeth.

R flor. Borag. bttglojf. ocimi, malvarHm ana M j, radic. buglof-

radio, ajpri, rad. aoricnii, rad, rapbani ana 5)) fim. anifi Jj,
fim.fenigre, Kaphani, ana Zfyfiat Vecofi. CaleU{r, & tolle |viij,
addamur pulp. Cajfia ^ij, olei Jem. /mi, old oeimi ana Jj, pat
Clyfier pro matrice & vulva > thisCIyfter is hot and moift, cx-
pulllve in thefecond degree.

If you will make a Cataplafine thereof to lay on the belly,

then when it is boyled put all in a mortar, and beat it
well after the oyl is ftrained out, and thicken it with
the flower of Venerick or Linefeed beaten, and make a
Cataplafme or bag for the belly, but then you muft put in
twice as much of the herbs at lirft to boyl therein, or elfc
there will be too little to make a Cataplafme.
"ft is fuperiour of the feven Planets, fignifies blacknefe,
darknefs, and all uncomfortableneis, is heavy and ilow in his
motion, of nature cold, and dry of temper, Enemy to the
Earth, and to the Nature and Health of human kind, incli-
ning more to evil than good j melancholick of nature and
complexion, paffive, defcending, wailing, and confuming,
evil of himfclf by nature, and is more evil than 6 by reafon
of his cold and dry temper, whole fpecial enemy and oppo-
lite is Ui for what Difeafe or evil is caufed by Ji under his
Alccndant or hour, or when the Moon appliech to him, or
by what means Ibevcr it be, the lame is to be remedied in
the hour of U,when the Moon applies to U, he being lord of
the Afccndant, and by fuch things as belong to U j and like-
wife whatfoever is bound in the hour of U, may be loofed in
the hour of b s when b is lord of the Alcendant^nd the 2
applying to him by or the b fcparating from U,
HO AJiroIogical Judgment of Phyjtc%.
and it is to be done with thofe things that belong to Tj s and
here note, that T? hath of the humane body, the Milt, the
Spleen, and the flelhy part of the Stomach, the inner part of
the right ear, and above it, and the bladder, and the melan-
cholick Humour mixed with Flegm,that is vifcous and tough,
and he ruleth the virtue Retentive, and the retentive Muicles,'
and naturally he caufeth Leprofics, Morphcws, and the Gout
in the Feet, the Canker, and all Difeafes that come of vifcous
Flegm, as the Fever hedtick, the Flux, the Dropfie, the
Ptifick, Catairha, ventriifolutio, the fpumatick and melancho-
lick Humour, both natural and unnatural, and alib againll
nature, of the which Melancholy we will here Ihew the ge-
neration, and the particular natures and properties thereof
before we pafs any farther.
Melancholy Natural is one of the four principal Humours
. ruling and reigning in the Body of Man, and tendeth to the
natural fupportation and fubfiftcnce of the Body of Man in
Health, and it hath its principal refidence under the Milt, on
the left fide, and is termed black Choler, and is the Dregs
and faces of all other Humours, and it felf i for if one be bom
under T?, he being in V?", then lhall he be naturally Melan-
choly in the 4th degree, and will be very wife and deep in
Judgment v but if one be born in the 3d degree of Melancho-
ly, and come to be melantholick in the 4th degree,againfl Na-
ture, then hewaxeth mad, and is as if Diabolically poflelfed,
becaufe it is againfl Nature.
When the Spleen is opprefled with Unnatural Melancholy,
the Party be he young or old will v ax very fad, penfive, fo-
litary and heavy, and his Belly will wax hard and tough, and
fwell as though he had a Tympany, which will be deftruftivc
in the end, if it be not remedied by anointing the Party on
the Region of the Milt with oyl of Bayes or oyfof Camomile,
of Foxes, of Swallows, ofLill ies, of Dill, or fuch like oyls,
hot, and fomewhat moili withall.
If this Unnatural Melancholy be mixed with Flcgm, or
remain in the Belly, in the Mufcles tranfvcrfe, or in theMuf-
Jf^oIogicalJitdfffttHt ofPlyjtek. ill
clcs Lnitudinalti, then is the Viitue Expulfivc weakened,
and the Virtue Retentive too ftrong, by rcafon of the great
drowth, and then is the Body bound, and the Party cannot
gp to ftool, and in Cuch a cafe a Clyfter is to be uicd \
or elfc anoint the Mufcles aforcfaid on the Belly with oyl of
Mercury, and Violets, and Nim^iainm mixed together.
When one doth receive meat and drink into their Body,
and vomit it up again, or is troubled much with vomiting,
then it is a fign that the Retentive Virtue in the Stomach is
much weakened for want of natural melancholy, or that
there is in the Mufcles too much unnatural melancholy or iu-
perfluous moifturc i in fuch a cafe if the Party be hot in the
Stomach, or very cold, make him vomit wd! fiift, and then
give comfortable things for the Stomach, to allay it if it be
too hot.
This noxious and unnatural Melancholy is canfed three
kind of ways s cither of melancholy mixed with the blood
in the Veins of the whole Body, hurting the Brain, or of the
blood in the Brain onely,being infedfed with melancholy, or
of inflammarinn, nr evil afiedt in the Stomach,^*
The common figns of this Difeafe bccarcfulnefs,(adnefs,(bli-
tarineG & hatred ^they have (hong imaginations,and withdraw
thcmfelvcs from Company i moreover, they defperately defire
death, or to kill or drown themfelves \ and fome fear left they
(hould be killed^and then is the Humour in the Heart, fome do
laugh^nd fome do weep, and fome think thcmfelvcs to be in-
Ipired with the Hdy Ghoft, and prattle or prophefy of things
to come t fuch arc melancholy cither naturally born, or die
againft nature, as is aforefaid, born under "h in 'tC orW,
far in them the Bate of the Body is (lender, black, rough, and
altogether melancholick j Saturn, cold and dry,they are foil of
great and fearful apprcheniions, addidted to, and loving evil
meats,' and iiudying and deviling great and deep matters, and
occupy thcmfelvcs about unknown things, and llightor re-
gard noc common things, for their Judgment and Capacity
azc above ordinary.
H2 Ajirologkal Judgment of Phyjtck.
, If the Melancholy reft in the Sides, you (hill know it by
this, they will have rawnefs and much windinefi, lharp
belchings, burnings, and grief of the Sides i alfo the Sides are
plucked upwards, and many times they arc troubled with
inflammations, Specially when Choler is mixed with Melan-
choly alfo there is coftivenefs in the womb, little fleep,trou-
blefome, fearful and naughty dreams, fwimmings in the head,
and foundings in the ears, &c.
If you Would know whether natural .or unnatural Me-
lancholy do abound in the Liver, you (hall know it firft by
the Urine; if the Urine be grayith, blue, or white, it fignifc
cth that natural melancholy doth abound, and alfo focli U-
rines have they that have fplenetick pallions, and thofc that
are troubled with Quartan Agues, and thofc that arc trou-
bled with Indigcflion, and cannot digeft their meat.
Unnatural Melancholy caufeth the Urine to be of two
forts, fomcomes without Quantity and Quality, and then is
the Urine pale and thin, for that it is caufed of melancholy
that is more cold and more dry than Natural melancholy.
Sometimes Unnatural melancholy changcth the fubftancc of
the Urine, and then the Urine lookcth black.
If Blood be mixed with Melancholy, and Blood have the
predominancy, then the Urine looketh rcddilh, but of a deep
colour tending to black or darknefs.
If Melancholy have the predominancy, then the Urine
looketh dark and gray, tending fomcwhat to rednefs.
If Melancholy be mixed with Chokr, and have the pre-
heminencc, then the Urine looketh dark and waterilh, but
ycllowifh withall.
If Choler abound, then the Urine looketh of a deep
Amber-colour, deer, and moll commonly is much in quan-
If Melancholy be mixed with Flegm, and have the
predominancy in the commixtion, then the Urine look-
eth gray and whitilb, flimy, and fomewhat darkiQt with-
JJirological judgment of Phyfick^ ti 3
If Flegm exceed in the commixtion, then it looketh thick
and whitilh, full of Flegm, like the whites of eggs, and of a
dirty colour.
If Melancholy be equally mixed with Flegm, the colour of
the Urine lhall be like unto Hemp,or like to fmall Alej clear
and thinnidi and full of frotln and fuch an Urine fignificth
a great Hopping in the whole Members and Milt, cauied of a
ftrong Melancholick Humour, which caufeth, through a great
drowth, a general fwdling throughout all the Members of
the Body, from the Head to the Foot, the Veins are full of
Wind, and the Blood wholly corrupted » give no vomit to
fuch a one, for then he dicth.
Urine of an aged man clear and whitilh, like good Sack
or white Wine, and full of fmall motes boyling in the mid-
dle Region, and feething very round upward, and yet re-
main in the middle fparkling like bright Stars, and full of
Froth withalfignifieth great ObllruCtions of the Milt and
Liver -, a great Rneum, is pained in the Head, Stomach, and
Reins, and digefteth not his meat, hath Wind in his Body
running from place to place, and is caufcd of Melancholy
flopping the Milt j which caufeth alfo Stitches, Prickings,
and the Spleen.
And finally all Urines in Men or Women that look very
clear like White-wine, brownilh dark, or black, or grayilh,
do fignitie Melancholy to abound in the Body, and a great
cold and drynefs, and Hopping of the Liver, Milt, or Reins.
Hairs long or (hort in Urine lignifie fwelling of the Milt,
and pain ot the Side in a Man, and Hopping of the Terms
in a Woman.
Sparkles like Stars, or fparkles of fire in a mans Urine,
fignilie Rheum \ in a womans, that the is with Child, or
elfe Rhmnadek,
114 AJirologkal Judgment of Pfyjtc^g

Of the Aflronmical Judicial of Difeajiu

BEfoie 1 have (hewed of Melancholy by the Urine i and

now I will (hew you how you (hall judge of it by the
Figure of Heaven, but firft I will (hew what DifeafeS Tj doth
caufe, and how he doth alter his Nature, and commix him-
felf with the other Humours in the Body of Man, and how
you (hall know his degree of Heat and Cold, more or lets,
his temperature and diftemperature, by which the Difeafcs
which he doth caufe generally are (hewed > and for the bet-
ter underftanding of what is (aid, I will note down the na-
ture of the twelve Signs of the Zadiaek^, and the reft of the
Planets, and Saturn s commixing in the Signs with the Pla-
nets, and that he runs his courfe in 30 years j and firft we
will (peak of T, il, and 7, which are the tlueeOriental
Signs, of the fiery Triplicity, hot and dry.
Aries is a Sign of the heart of the Eaft, moveable and
quick, and afoendeth fwiftly, and is moft moveable of all the
Signs i bitter in Tafte, and weak in Nature, and caufeth yel-
low Choler thin and (harp, Biles, Leprolle, red Spots, Itches,
Scurfs, Deafhels, Baldnefs or little hair, Gnall Beard, is hot
and dry, cholerick, of the nature of Fire, the Day-houfe of
<?, the Exaltation of the ©, the Fall of li, the Detri-
ment of Venus, and is hot and dry, temperate in the firft de-
gree, &c.
The firft 18 degrees of T are temperately hot and dry,
equal; the laft 12 degrees of V are hot and dry in the be-
ginning of the firft degree.
Suturn therefore in the firft 18 degrees of V is temperate
in cold and heat, but dry in the firft degree, and the Difea-
fcs that he caufeth are of .yellow Choler and Melancholy
mixt, which is neither cold nor hot, but very dry inward,
bitter and hard, cauling Aguesin the laft 12 degrees of V
SAt urn is hot in the beginning of the firft degiee, and dry in
Ajitologkal Judgment of Phyfok. 115
the fecond degree, caufcth Difcafes: "h lord ot the 12 th or
6th, or being lord of the hour, and in Y in 6 with £ in
the Afccndant, cauleth the fallijig-fickneis, black Choler and
Leprofte, Morphew, Fiilulacs, ina Podagra,

Tin Cure of Difeafei cattfed by Saturn in Aries and

in Leo.

NOW you (hall undcrftand, that if in the Queftion for the

fick the £ do apply to Tz or 2 being in y, ^ or Vf,
and Tz in Y ot <51, or if the £ apply to Tj in Y, or
/, then the Melancholy exceeds in the ConjundHon, and
the yellow Choler is leaft, and then is the Humour tough.
The like is if b bo in «Sl, but then the yellow Choler is
tnore thick, and then will it require a DigeftivC before it be
It b be in Y ot <51, and the £ apply tec 6 or the O,
then is the Gholcr augmented, and is moft in the Conjunfti-
on but if the £ apply to If., then is the Blood infedted
with Choler, and the Heat is increalcd in the Liver, then
after Digeftion and Purging it is neceflary to let Blood,
and to give things that cool the heat of the Body ; but if
the £ applies to $, if (he be in Signs cold and moid, (he
allaycth part of the heat and drynefs of the Choler v but if (he
be in Signs hot and dry, the augmenteth the Choler» if (be
be in Signs hot and moid, then me tempereth the dry quality
of the Difeafe, but augmenteth the heat v and if (he be in
Signs cold and dry, then ihe allayeth the heat partly, but (he
augmenteth the drowth. Now in curing thele Difeafcs cau-
fed of b in Y or <51, take heed that you minifter not hrli
to the Party in the hours of b, c? or the O, or of U, if he
be in Y, <51 or /, or of 2, if he be in Y, <51, /, tn:,
or VP, but in the hours of the £ or $ , being in ffi, *1 or
K, and beware that when vat miniller firll rhc £ be not in
Yj^jOr •/, and that (he do not apply to b, dT, or
116 Afirologkal Judgment ofPfyfitl^
but to 5, if it may be, and put in the Afcendant 3, )€j
or if polfibly you can.
But you may make T? lord of the 6th Houfe, and put him
in the 12 th, or 11 ch, or pth Houfe, in his Fall or Detriment,
efpccially in the iith combuft, the D feparatefrom b, b'e-
caufc he is caufe of the injirmity, and let the S apply to the
Lord of the Afcendant, and for a need you may put n in the
Afcendant,J?ut you muft make the Lord of the 6th Houfe
weak, and in any cafe let not the^Moon apply to Tj •
Thefe things beforc-faid obferved and confidered, you
may purge without Preparatives if b be in V, bccaufc the
Humours be thin, but h in sSl requires Preparatives, becaufe
the Humours arc more condcnfe,and thicker, and caufeth yel-
low thick Choler.

Freparcn and Digejtcrs of yellow Clwler are thefe.

Violet-leaves and flowers, cold in the 2d degree, Nenn-

phare, cold in the 4th dcg. Poppy, cold in the 4th degr. Let-
tuce,cold in the 3d deer. Nightfhadecold in the3ddeg.Rofes,
cold and dry in the jddeg. Jc(tojaxo]d in 2d gr.Orange,cold
in 1 gr. and 2 degr. Biiticm, cold in 2 degr. Cichory-roots,
cold in 2 gr. Cisri cam cold in 1 degr. Cnrcub/U femen, cold
in 2 degr. CacumcrU femen, cold in 2 degr. Cichorit folia, cold
in 2 degr. Eiidiz]d in 2 degr. Succi imonirr. cold in 3 gr.
Semen Melnnmi, cfjld i n 2 gr. Mala gfanat, cold in 2 deg. fla-
res Nymphiiie, cold in 2 gr. prmix V.nuafcen. c Id in 2 degr.
Scamonia, cold in 4 degr. tria Sandnla cold and dry in 3 degr.
SyntpM Papaver, Nenuphar, si at of. Rofar. Endiv. Ciccor.
Oximel pomic. Limoniorum, Sol ant, Atriplicis, Malunm granat.

7btfe Vigejl Melancholy.

Borrage, Englois, Ecgle, Buglofs-roots, all hot in 1 gr.

B:cts, hot in 2 gr. black Bi/antic, temperate, Batil hot in 2 gr.
Cajju jiflula, hot in 1. moid in 1. Radtx dttlc;^ temperate, hot
Ajirotogka I Judgment of Phjfc^. 117
and moift, "Dragacanthum, hot in 2d,moift in lit, Flowers of
Buglofe, hot and moift in the ad gr. Flowers of Borragc,
hot and moift in the ift gr. Flowers of Ciccory, moift in the
lOiQL. flaresmalin. moift in ift deg. Jtcjubcs h. ift m. ad gr.
Mjcex hot 3d degr. Macropipcr, h. m. ad. long Pepper white
and black, hot in 4th degr. Peacocks flelh, h. and moift in
the 4th gr. iW.Zap, hot and moift in the ad, rad. Bug\o!s,hot
and moilt 1 deg. rad. Acori^hot and moift 3d. rad. Afari,hot
and moift 3d. rad. 'Dcrvini^ot and moift 3d. rad. Kaphani, liot
in 3d, moift in ad degr. Sachar/m, hot in ift, moift in ad.
TJvapaJfa, temperate hot and moift.

"tlxjl Syrups do properly d/gefi Melancholy.

BorJginU, hugloff. de ftecados, epithimi, Ciccorii, endivie, dc-

eoS.polypodiitlimnior. oximel pontic. Elect. pUrit, efdra, jotira
magrta, oppOptra, mufa tnea, metridute, plsilanthrupos diacoftum,

Tbtflprepare Melancholy.

Borrage, buglols, bugle, blitarum, oximel, cicorii, endivu,

malvarnm, mirab, in die & noire.

ThelcDigeft both Melancholy and Cholcr.

Dcftecadns, Epithimi, Lupnlmum,Endtvi£,Cicorii,Oximl pon-

ii(, cap.Veneris, NympUje, lintomoriirit, malor,grauatje,

Yai may prepare yellow Cholcr and Melancholy caufcd

of 1^ in T or cSl in the lirli or fccond degree thus.

R Syrup. Endiv. Cichar. ana ^j. Syrup, Epithym. & Futni-

torii, an. Syr. huglaf. Aqm borrag. Endiv. Fumitcrii a.
flat pot us pro 6 Dof,
•I 18 AJirological judgment of Phyfick,
Or thus;
T'amarifidorum ^ (?,/enn^, anifeed, fane. a. 3). polypodii ^iij,
iiffit fandi %i\,florum violarKm^ borag. buglojf, ana 5v), fat dt~
cocijo, adcolatur |xvj. Addantnr Syr. Fumitorix^ capillarHm
I'encr. ana SyrT acetofi oxyfarcha. ana |j, fat potus pro
1 Vof.
Or thus:
R Oximel fimple |vj, Acstof, pulverit Jeralogodn |j?,
Aqux byag. endiv. abfintbii ana fiat potur pro 5 Do/!

Purgers of yellow Choler.

Manna, alancalon, tamarinds. Rhubarb, confe&ion of Man-

na i Eleii. face. Rofar, Diagfidion-, Scammonii.

Purgers only of Melancholy,

Polipody, lapis Lazul. lapis Armcn. Efdra.

Hauftus Melancholicum Humorem concoquens, & ad

Evacuationcrn prafparans,

R Syr. de Epithymo, de ftmo terra, de lupnlo, ana ^ij, Aqua

boragini*, ovjgani, ana ^iii), mifceantur,fiat potio, cujus exhibeak-
tur pro ttnb hattjht, ^vj.

To pur^e yellow Choler and Melancholy in the

fecond degree.

R Diafrrunorum, Eleft. Sued Rofar. lax. ana ^(5, Aqua fie-

mitnr. abfyntbii ana |j, pulverif Jeralogodii 3(3, fiat poius pro
nna DijT'. It purgeth yellow Choler and Melancholy in the
third degree almoll, . • ' •
Or thus:
R Senna orient. ^(5, polipodia Rad. fcenic. petrof, fi(,
thy ni, bsirag. bug!of I ana p. j, fiat decotf, ad conjhmpt. dimid.
» • partis
Ajlrobgical Jwlgmnt of Phyjtck. 119
partis ad colatur^v'ivy addanlur dijcathel, confcftio Hamtch,dia-
fnmorum folutivornm, ana pulvcris Jeralogodii 5(?j 5)r. Rn-
Jantm,EoraginiT, ana f], fiat pntus pro tribm Dojl It purgeth
Melancholy and Choler in the third degree.

Of Saturn in Leo.

SAturn in the firft fix degrees of Leo is hot in the firft degree
and dry in the lecond, cauling firong Pelhlcntial Fevers,
hot and very dry, of yellow Choler mixed with Melancho'v
and fuperfluous Flegm, cauling much vomiting, and llrong
Fits of twelve hours, fix hot and fix cold, in which they burn
mightily, and are wonderfully dry, and in the end of the
Fit they rwoon,much like one that hath the Falling-fickncls v
and when the Fits are gone a Week, two, or three, the
leaft difiemper caufeth a relapfe, and it alfo caufeth many
times the black Plague on them that have this Fever : in this
Difeafe Choler hath the Dominion, but it is mixed with
much Melancholy, caufeth the Piles and Hemorrhoids, and
Eain of the Back, h in tSl caufeth the Pallion and trem-
ling of the Heart through thought and fearfulnels.
Saturn in the next 18 degrees of Leo is hot in the lecond
and dry in the third, caufing Difeafes of thick yellow Cho-
ler, and of Melancholy i but Choler hath the dominion,
with a -fuperfluous Flegm, caufing Pellilential, and hot hom-
ing Fevers, and lb dry that the Speech is hindfed, Hopping
of the Liver and Stomach, forcing to vomtit with pains, and
if the 2> be in ii,and apply to cT in 7, Tj in the 6th, it cau-
feth the Strangury,and the Fever Hcdick.
Saturn in the laft fix degrees of Leo is Hot in principio ter-
♦«, and Dry in principio quarti grati, caufing the Plague and
hot Pellilential and burning Fevers, of thick yellory Choler
mixt with Melancholy, and a fuperfluous Flegm, the dry tem-
per doth exceed, and it alfo caufeth the Fever Hedlick, which
is a confuming Fever, and reigncth in the Belly with a pa'n
qr Hitch in the fide.
120 AJirological Judgment of Phyjick.

Ilxfe follomng do digefl Melancholy and yellow Choler

of T? in «5l.

Violets, NightHiade, Lettuce, Purflane, Limons, Whey,

Vinegar, Butter-milk, Sorrel, Endive, Succory, cold Water,
Vcrjuyce, Poppy, Orage, Abfuitbitm, Fumitory, Cortex ligni
JanSi, Bugloft, Burrage, Nenuphar. Semen Melonum? femen cu-
curbit. 4. fern, frigid, major, 4 fan. frigid, minor, femen laRuct,
fern. At rip!ids, 'Tamarind. Senna, Pol/pod. Capil. VenerU, Stsca-
dns, Adianthes, all the forts of Mirabolanes, Sanicnla, Roles.
Syup. furn arum, violarum, akfntbii, papavcr. cicor. Syrup of
Rofo, fr.fnlani, acetof. endiv.fyr. capill. Ven. Scolopend. Syrup
of Stccados, Oximcl Pontick, Oxifachara,/jir. Epaticr.

A Vigcfiive again]} Vrotvtb of T? in <51, the D apply-

ing to ? in is.

R Syrup of Violets, Burrage, Succory, ana |if?, aquantm

viol arum atriplic. betarnm, rojarnm, borag. bstgl. ana ^iij, fiat
pot its pro 6 Tof.
Or thus;
R Syrup, pcrtbemii, borag. viol arum ana ^i(3, aquarttm per-
themii, vhlarum, fumitor. abfintbii, folatii, ana jiij. fiat pot us
pro 3 Vof.

Digehives of Choler that is thick and yellow, and of

Melancholy, with tough Flegm caufed of fi in
^l, that is hot and dry in the 3d degree.

R F0.'. violarnm, acetof. blitt, cicborii, jujub. ana M. ]. rad.

Cicorii, p. j. fiat Decoifio ad colaturam jxij. addanttir de Syrup,
cicnrii, viol arum, papaveris ana 5), fiat pot us pro 5 Dof. This
is cold and moift m the third degree, digelling yellow Cho-
ler and Melancholy caufed of h in the third degree.
JJirological Judgment of Phyfc^. lai

Moreover; >
R Syr. pzpaveriSy Jyr. nenupharif, violarum ana |ij, aquamm
folani, portulace^fimitme ana ^'ni).fiat pot its pro Dof. 6, This
doth cLigcli Choler m the extremity ot the third degree, and
doth moiften much againft Tj in <51, in the 3ddegr.

R Ligni fanUi ^Liij, eorticis ejufdem 5j(5, infundantur in

5 tfe aqtte buglof. cichorii-, abfmthii; coquantur igne lento, ad me-
dias, &in colatura dtjfolve Jyrup.ftmitori* j ft, and let the Par-
ty drink hereof |vi morning and evening to the end. It di-
gefteth the cholcrick and melancholick Humours corrupting
the Blood, wonderfully, even in the extrcam of three de-

Purgcrs of yellow Choler and Melancholy caufed of Tj

in Jl, hot and dry in the 3d degree.

R Flowers of Violets, Borrage, Buglofs, Nemtpharis ana

p.). dcorii, blitu, laUuct, acetof. endiv. ana p. j. feminum alri-
plids, lattucr, mtlonum, cuctirhit, ana Jij, feminum Anifi, fvenie,
petrqfelini ana 9j(?, pajjielar. mundatar. |f?, polipodii ^iiij, Rha-
bctrb. Jij, prmorum pernor. numero xij. tamarindorum |j, fenne
?(?, coloqxintida pat decoSio in collatura ij ft, diflolve fucci
laUttc.fttcci limonumffjtcci cucurbite,fumari, ana^ii], fucci po~
mnrum odorifer. |ij. Boyl them again to j ft, and with a
fuflicicnt quantity of Sugar, pat potus pro 5 Dofibur. Clariiic
it, and Aromatize it, cum Viatragacantba, frig. 5|5, aqttaRofe
cochlear. This doth purge Choler and Melancholy almoft
in the fourth degree, and doth moiften and refrefh the Body
very much.
R Pill, feetidar. pill, fagap. ana 9ii(J, pulveris Hjcralogodii,
5ij, agaric, trochif. 9(5, mifce, & cum Syrup, betonic. pant pill,
xv). whereof (the Body before prepared J give sight for a
Dole j they do purge the Back, Arms and Legs, of Choler
133 Ajirotogical Judgmeut of Ph£u\
and Melancholy in die 3d degree, and do diruQ out bro-
ken bone in Wounds, purging all the extreme parts ex-

A Purge againft Choler and Melancholy in the third degree,

caufed of "h in <51.

R PoJypodii 5(5, pajjularum ^(5, pmnorum, febejien ana p. v,

'tamarind orum liij. Sannicle |f5, violarum, p. j. mmurialu, ba-
rag. ana, M |3. fiat decofiio, & in col I at nr a % v. dijjolve Confe-
Gionis Hamecb Jij, Eleftnarii diacarthami 5j, fymp. Rof. laxat.
^ij, fiat potur pro ij dofl Clarihe it, and it purgeth Chokr
and Melancholy in the third degree, cauied by li in <$1.

» i
R Flortm borag. buglaf. violarum, ana p.). pulp, tamarind.
^j. polipodii ^fenn* orient. Jij, Ugni fian&i, fern, feniculi petro~
filing anifi, liquirit. agaric, ana 5j, Rhabarb. ^j, prunoritm Da-
mafic. nuntero ix. pajjularum mundatarum ^(3, fiat decodio ad
collatur. ^ij. addatur manna Elefi. fiyrup. Rof. lax. ana ttnc, j.
fiat potus pro una dofit, clarificatur & arotiz. cum aqua Rofa-
rum M«c.p. This potion is gentle both in taftc and working,
and yet purgeth Choler and Melancholy in the third degree,
and giveth commonly 20 ftools.


R Polipod. pafifular. mundatar. prunorum febefii. numero

V. tamarindarum, ftnne, ana fihrum violar. borag. buglof.
ana p. j. mercurialis M (5, fiat decoftio ad colatur. ^v. difijolve
conftR. Hamecb 5ij> Eleciuar. Diacarthami, Jj, Syrup. Rofar.
iaxat.^ i). fiat potur pro 2 dtfi. Clarifie it \ it purgeth Choler
and Melancholy in 3 degrees, caufed of h in <51.
AfiroJogica fjudgmnt of Phj/Jicfa 11$
R Polypodii ?(?,^(5, flor. violar. borag. buglof, ana p j,
mercurialif, M (T, fiat decoSio ad colaturam ?y , addaniur c«i-
feSfionif Hatnech, EleU. Viacarthami, ana rof. laxa.
5i(5, fiat potiu pro duabus dofibiu. This purgeth Choler, Wa^
ttfr, and Melancholy in the third degree, and worketh won-
derful well and gently, giving a dozen or 14. ftools, this dif-
folvcthhard congelations in the Belly.

R Flo. borag. buglof. violar. ana p j, ftfmitor. lupulor. fcolo-

ptndr. ana M )^fennr oriental. Jiij, polypodii fyfi^prunorum Da~
mafcen. numero 9, pajjitlar. mitndatar. ?f5, Jan. fienic. petrofel.
ana anifi, liquarit. ana 3j, fiat atcoUio ad colatur. |ij(5,
addantur conftSion. Hamech Jj, diapmiorum folutrvor. JijfJ,
Elecfr.fitcci Rofar. laxat. fiat potut pro ana daft. Clarifie if.
It purgeth Choler and Melancholy in 3 deg. and gently gi-
veth 14. or 15 ftools.

R Con fell. Hamech, diapfunorum ana Jij, Eleft.Jitcci rofar.

aquafumitor. borag. ana fiat pom pro ana dof.
It puigeth Choler, Melancholy and Flegm, in the 3d deg.
ttna is good againft the Plague caufed of Iz in <$1.

R Florum borag. buglof. nymph, anap j, lupulor. Jlecad. hepa-

ik.feabiof. ana p ^fem. petrofel mi, foeniculi, cummini, anifi, bru-
jfci, ana %],Jemen aneti zinziber. Cinnamon, ana ^j, Rad. po-
lypod. \\$,fenne Jiiji tamarindar. (3, paffular. mundatar.%),
pmnofum p, de mirahol. nitrinor. Indi kebttlz ana Jiij, Rha-
barb. 3J3, lignifanlii 5jj mcchoacan. 3^, fiat decoilio ad colatur.
5vij. Addantur EleBr. futxi rofar, laxat. ?), diaprunorum |(J.
m it (land fix hours, then clarifie it for three doles, and aro-
fnatize it with pulv. diatrag. frigid, ana 9j, aqua rofar. ^(5,
'dctnr mane cum cttfiodia horar. 2. this doth purge Melancholy
and Choler ftmngly in the 3d degr, caufed by 1? in <51, and
ft'purgeth the Head, Liver, Stomach and Milt, and worketh
f24 'Aftrologcal Judgment of Phyfick.

Of the pain of the Side and Belly cattfed by Saturn in Leo.

Plis pain afflidtcth often the right Side, and fometimes

the Belly, like the Cholick, and fometimes it is per-
ceiv'd like a Wind or Stitch under the right Side, and there
is no better Remedy for it than to drink Bay-berries beaten,
and to eat Limons, or to drink the juyce thereof with
Vi ncgar, or Vinegar and Sugarondy, or Butter-milk, or
any marp or four things i look in the Chapter of Mercury
in V.
Saturn in the firll 12 degrees of / is hot in the third de-
gree and dry in the 4th, cauling Difeafes of red Cholcr and
Melancholy, with a fuperfluous Flegm mixed, and red Cho-
lcr hath the dominion, as appears by the Difeales it produ-
ceth» as the Noli me tangere, the Plague, Peftilential Fe-
vers, Carbuncles, fait Flegm, hot and dry Difeafes hard to
be remedied. Piles and Hemorrhoids, Canker, and contrafti-
on of the Sinews.
Satttrn in Sagitary being lord of the hour, lord of the 12th
or 6th, caufeth the dry and hot Gout, and fw el lings in the
Feet remedilefs.
Saturn in the laft 18 degrees of Sagittarius, is hot in the
4th degree, and dry in the extremity of the 4th j above
Nature dellrudlive and mortal, uncurable, of red Choler and
Melancholy, utterly confuming the Radical Humidity of the
Body, breeding violent Fevers, Noli m tangere, Piles, Hemor-
hoids, and contraftion of the Sinews, and fuch dry Difeafes
as are without Remedy.
The Cure of Difeafes that are caufed of Saturn in Sagita-
ry, fo far forth as they may be cured, infomuch as they are
of thick, hot, and dry burning Choler and Melancholy,
with a tuperficial tough Flegm, but Choler predominates, and
caufcth thefe Diftempcrs vehemently hot and dry in the ex-
tremity of 4. degrees, as is faid before.
Jfirologictl JmUgmefrt of Phyfck. 125
To thcfe Diltempers adminiftcr not Phyfick in the hours
of U, cT, nor h, but under ? or S, putting ffi, tn3or K
in the Afcendant, and Luna in one of them.

Vigefien of red Chnler and Melancholy^ caufed of Tj in

/, Hot and dry in the extremity of 4 Degree/.

Cold W atcr, Ntghtfhade, Whey, White-wine-Vincgar,an4

Vinegar of Squills, juyce of Limons, Lettuce, Purllane, Vio-
lets, Jujubes, Atriplex, oxilachara, Syrup of Fumitory, fyntf-
violarum^ acetof, fyr. papaver.fior. borag. & buglof.

R Syrup, fumitor. acetof. oxifachar. viol or. ana |j, jdqua

acetof. violar. jujubi ana ^iij. fat potuf pro iribm doftbus. It dl-
gefteth red Choler and Melancholy in the 4th degree.
R Sued acetof. fjicci hlita^ fuccif:amoni£^ fucci pap aver if, ana
^ij, focci litnonior.^nV], Aquamm folani, violamm, laSuce, aco-
ti aibi vini, anajiiij. Boyl them foftly, itrain them, and add
thereunto two Ounces of Oxifachare, of white Sugar-candy
two ounces, & fiat potus. Of the which let him take 4 oun-
ces at a time, two or three times in a day. It mightily digeft-
cth Choler aforefaid, in the 4th degree.

Furgers againfi red Choler and Melancholy caufed of T2 in

/, Hot and Dry if the ^-th degree.

Syrup, acetof. Jyr. viol or. fr. acctnfit. citri, fyr. folaniyfyr. dc
Aqua folani, aquapapaveris, violamm, laUuc. aqua bete, aqua
ncnuphe, angelica, aqua cardui benedidi, aqua ferpentarie.
"Tlxriaca Galenr, Mitlxridattm, pulvii contra pejiem, Oyl of
Scorpions, bacca bedert, triforafenica, Eleftuarium frigi-
dttm, oxiphamicum, cum decodione mirab. cafiia fijiula, tama-
rinds, magnes, violets, hops, Juyce of Limons, epitbimum,
126 Afirological Judgment of Phyjick*
jtecadoS) mrabolan. nigr. polypodii, firing rofarum virii. poppy,
fiitnifory, volubilit, mrab. Indite calamentttm, folia ptjubi, endiv.
frttna perjica^Jolamm,
LapU lazuli, lapis Amen. pill, de lap. lazul. pill, de 5 gn.
ndrab. pill, de jtralogod. pill, Ruffini, confeft. hamecb, anacard.
hiera picra fimpl. rhabarbt diapruneu

Thefe purge red Cholen

FilluU elaltfU, pill, de turbith, pill, de colaqmntidd, eleftuarl'

urn pfiliticttm, elefluar. Thtcii.

R Diafenne 3ij, pill, de lapide lazul. de fumitor. ana 5),

pill, luck major, 5i), Aqua boragin. hyfopi, folani, ana Com-
mx them (or two Doles, they purge Melancholy and Cho
ler aduft in the 4th degree.

R Hyfipi, fcabiofe, fionitar. calamenti, endiv. ana M ). Capil.

Vener. Scolopendr. Rad.fanicul. petrof. ungulte, ana p.). tamd-
rindan manna |f}, jenna 5v, polypodii^xi], mirabol. Ind, &
beber. ana abfi/ithii M (5, fiat decoUio adcolatur. ad-
Jantur de pill. Elaterii, pill, de turbith. ana 5), confeS. hamech ^ij,
■diaturb. Jiomatic. laxativ. diafenna, ana 5v, fiat potus pro
tribui dofibut. It purgeth the Stomach, Lutigs, Brcaft and
Bowels firongly, in 4 degrees, Cholera aruginnfa, and red Cho-
Jer and Melancholy, and Choleraprafiva caufed of Ti in I,
and of cf in v?.

Saturn in the firft 18 degrees of y, is cold and dry irt pri-

mogradu, and caufeth Difeafes of Melancholy, hard, cold and
dry, with a fuperfiuous flegm polfdling the heart, raifing
many fantafies, and madnels.
Saturn in tho laft 12 degrees of £J is cold and dry in the be-
g'nning of the 2d degree, caudng Difeafes of Melancholy, cold
and dry, with a fuperfluous flegtn poffelTing the heart, caufing
vilions and fantafies, mdancholick paihons, folitarinels, hea-
AJiroUgical Judgment of Pkyfck. 127
vinels, and fadnefs, wlthCankctSj GoutSj and fiiffncfs of the
Limbs and Sinews.

Of 'iS, ^3 that are cold and dry^ of the natttre of

the Earth, Melancholick^ &c.

TJum is a Sign of the South, towards the Weft, cold and

dry, of the nature of the Earth, melancholick and fixed,
Nodfumal, Feminine, flow, fharp, rheumatick, hurtful, urv
fortunate, the rT' ' ' r ^
the Detriment
of Melancholy, as Cankers, dry Scabs, and Itches.
In the laft 12 degrees are caufed melancholick paflions, as
before is laid, with Cankers and Sores caufed of an Humour
cold and dry in the fccond degree, of very thick and fecu-*
lent Melancholy, bitter and unfavcury, fomewhat ftiarp, like

Saturn in the firft fix degrees of P7reo is cold and dry in the
extremity of 2 degr. caufing Difcales of Melancholy, cold
and dry, mixed with a certain fuperficial and tough Flegm,
the which, if it poflclTeth the Liver, it caufeth indigdUon
and a cold and dry Stomach, and maketh oppilations and in-
digeftions in the Liver j and if it affed the Milt, it caufeth
fwellings of the Milt, pain of the fide. Stitches, with Con-
fumptions. If it affed the heart, it caufeth heavinefs and
evil thoughts i if it reach the Brain, it drieth the Brain, pre-
vents Sleep, fo that one ihall be ever muling, melancholick
and folitary i and when it fallcth into the great guts, as it
doth often, it caufeth exceeding pain in the guts, like the
Cholick, and it breedeth much wind in the Belly, and
griping in the Bowels, and pain of the Haunches, and
fmall of the Back, and an exceeding defire often to the
Scool, and yet to void nothing but Flegm, and lurd knobs
like Nuts.
138 AJiroIogicul Judgment of Phyjick.
Saturn in the next 18 degrees of Virgo is cold and dry in
the third degree, caufmg ftrongDi&afes of Melancholy, Soli-
tarinels, Griefs and Sadnefs, Fearfulnefs, Fanfies, Madnefs,
Watching, and all Mdancholick dillcmpers, with Quartan A-
gues cold and dry, confuming the Radical Humidity of
mans Body, and the Wind-cholick, and great gripings in the
Bowels, with weaknels in the Haunches and fmall of the
' Back, and oft provoking to the Stool, and nothing done, by
xeafbn of fo much cold in the great guts, in the which is ga-
thered great Itore of black Melancholy and tough Flegm,
which makes the Retentive Faculty fo ftrong in thofe guts,
that they will not let the Excrements pafs through them, and
the Expulfive Faculty is exceeding ftrong in the Mufcles of
the Fundament, to cxpell the dregs which reft: above, and
come not down , the Party fo afilided, his beft way is to
fweat and lye Hill, and to purge Melancholy •, if Tj be in
and the 2 apply to U in K, then it is caufcd of much
tough Flegm mixed with Melancholy, in the places aforefaid.
Saturn in the laft 6 degrees of , is cold and dry in the
beginning of the fourth degree, caufing Melancholy, Madnefs,
the Wolf, Cankers, and the like ", dead Palfies, Quartan Agues,
cold Gouts, Sciaticaes, and pain of the Hips, from ftrong,
thick and tough Melancholy, and Wens, Warts, and fiich
like i and • this Melancholy is mixed with a fuperfluous dry
Flegm, and tough withall, ftopping the Veins and palla-
Vhrgo is a Sign of the South, and by Eaft, cold and dry,
of the nature of Earth, Melancholick, Common, Feminine,
Nocturnal, and more cold and dry than tf", Barren, Reafona-
ble, Tradtable, Beautiful, equal in Body, having a convenient
Voice, Dark, Fearful, the Houfe, Joy and Exaltation of ?,
the Fall of 5, the Detriment of U, and caufeth Difcafes of
cold and dry Melancholy in the Belly and Bowels.
AJlrological Judgment of Plyfic^. 129

"h in "^4

Afrkmn is a Sign cold and dry, of the nature of tile Earth,

^ melancholick, of the heart of the South, but he is more
dry and more melancholick thart VZ or Feminine,No&ur-
nal, oblique, weak and vitious, flow, (harp, violent, rheumatick,
hurtrul,unfortunate,hca.vy,luxurious,of few Sons,/c^ mtlt't ttfut
cum »H«/(ere,and is the Houfc of b by night, the Exaltation of
r?, the Fall of U, the Detriment of the S, and caufeth DiCa-
fes of thin Melancholy,cold and dry in the 4th degree, and in-
gendreth Biles and Botches, Leprolie, red fpots, Itches, Scurfs,
Dcafncls, Melancholy, Madncfe, Stammering, and a (mall
Beard, by reafon he is generally cold and dry*.
Saturn in the iirft 12 degrees of Capricorn, is cold and dry
in the 4th degree, caviling Melancholy, Madncfs, the Gout,
Leprofie, Cankers, Quartan Fevers of long continuance, and
Saturn in the la(l 18 degrees of "W, is cold and dry in
the cxtreihity of 4 degrees, and above nature, caviling fuch
melancholick Difeafes as are not to be cured, as pofleflion by
Devils, dclpcratc Madnefs, Lcproties, Wolves and Cancers^
of thin Melancholy and Flcgm, infecting the Brain, Head and
Eyes, drying up and confuming the Body, and Quartan Fe-
vers not to be cured. And (iich as be born under this Sign,
either they be Prophets, or very good men, or commanders
©f Devils, and diabolically affedted, and wax mad, or do not
live long in the world, they eat little, and watch much,
and lludy, they love to live alone in dcfcrts or obfeure pla-
ces, and either the Angels of Cod fetch them away, or die
Devil in the end, if they live to years, and do not dye before
they come to 30 years of age. Under fuch a conliellation
■Was Hcnoch and Eliu bom : for it makes them wife and id-
Jous, and deep in under (landing of Myllerics. And fo like-
wife, if Saturn be at that time in the 9 th Hoafe, and be
L*rd of the Afcendant, or in fome Angle of the heaven
150 AJlrologkal 'judgment of Phyfck.
well-afpedkd, then he fhall incline to God, if "h be in fome
evil place, Retrograde, Combuft, or with dT, he will incline
to Evil, and be dealing with Devils, and negleft his God
and his Service,

Of Cjemui,

GEm/nf is a Sign hot and moift, of the nature of the Air,

fweet in tafte,{anguine, common, oblique, fair, and rea-
fonable, having a fmall voice, and is llrong in the South-
weft and by Weft, a barren Sign, great and long, mighty of
ilature •> he governeth of the Body humane the Arms and
Shoulders, and caufeth hot and moift Dileafcs of Blood, as
Impoftumations, Plurides, fluxes of Blood, and much bleed-
ing, he is the Day-hou(e of 5, the Exaltation of the Dra-
gons head, the fall of the Dragons tayl, and detriment of
Saturn in the firft iS degrees of Jx is hot and moift, fan-
guine, temperate, not diftempering the Body with Melancholy
and Flegm, comforting and incrcaGng Nature and the Radi-
cal humidity in the body, and caufeth few Difcafes, or none
at all, but in the Belly and Bowels.
"b in the 12 laft degrees of 31 is hot and moift in the be-
ginning of the firft degree, ingendring fweet and tough
Flegm, of Melancholy and fuperfluous moifture mixed with
the Blood, caufing Difcafes of the Belly and Bowels, ingen-
dring worms.

Of Libra.

Libra is a Sign of the Airy triplicity, Occidental, hot and

moift, the heart of the Welt, moveable, fortunate, and
Mafouline, a dired, fair, rcafonable, and jEquinodhal Sign >
is fw eet in tafte, and is light, the Day-houfe of Vuiik, the
Afirological Judgment of Pfyjtck. 131
Exaltation of Tj, the Fall of the 0, and the Detriment of
<J, and caufeth Dileafes in the Reins, Navel and Buttocks,
of not, thick and feculent Blood, and govemeth the Reins
and Kidneys.
Saturn in the firft fix degrees of Libra is hot and moift in
the fixft degree, caufing Difeafes of Blood infected with Me-
lancholy, apt to ingender Fremies, Impoftumes, and fluxes
of Blood, the Hemorrhoids, in cold Sweats and flulhing
Saturn in the next 18 degrees of ^ is hot and moift in
the lecond degree,caufing infedionof the Blood of Melancho-
ly and fuperfluous Flegm, but Blood predominates, caufing
Fevers and Impoftumes, the Meafels and Small Pox, Fluxes,
Plurifies, Scowrings, Coughs, Rheums, Plague, and Pox
in Children, Grief, Thoughts and Difcontcnt, and pain of
the Side.
Saturn in the laft fix degrees of Libra is hot and moift in
the beginning of the third degree, infedting and thickning
the Blood with Melancholy and fuperfluous Flegm, caufing
the Meailcs, Small Pox, Hoarfnels, and heat ot the Lights,
runnings and flowings of Nature, Gonorrhea-Palfions, Impo-
ftumations and Pleurifies under the Diaphragma, pain of the
Side, rifing of the Lungs ready to flop the breath, the Dyfen-
tery, the Plague, the Piles and Hemorrhoids, Grief and Dif-
contcnt, Fevers of two fits, and a trembling in the Body.

Of Saturn in Aqnary.

A Quary is a Sign hot and moift, of the nature of the Air,

light and fixed, vain, North-weft, and is more hot
and moift than n ot and is more fixed than Scorpio or
Leo, and not fo much fixed as j he is Mafculine,fortunate,
diurnal, Hyemal, (weet in talle, a violent, humane, and ftrong
double-bodied Sign, found and rcafonable, of few Sons, long
of Body, and weak Spirited, and crooked withall, addi&cd
13 s JJlrological judgment of Phyjicl{,
to Women \ he is the Day-houfc of Saturn, the Detriment
of the 0, and caufcth Difeafes and diftetnpers of the Shanks,
Legs and Throat, of hot and moift caufes, of Hood hot and
rnoift, thick and abounding, as Impoftumations, Kings Evil,
Squinancy, Inflammations, Pimples, and much Sweating, the
Mumps, Swellings and Pleurifies, with fluxes of Blood.
Saturn in the rirft 12 degrees of ss is hot and moift in the
third degree, ingendring and multiplying Blood, as afore-
faid, mixed with Melancholy and fuperfluous Flegra, breed-
ing Fevers of two fits, with heat inward, and cold outward,
fmall Pocks, Meailes and Cankers.
Saturn in the laft 18 degrees of sz is hot in the beginning'
of the fourth degree, caufing Difeafes of Blood abounding,
mixed with Melancholy and Flegm, producing the French
Pox, Impoftumes, Cankers and Itches, and divers fuch Dif-

Saturn in Cancer.

CAncer is the heart of the North, and is a Sign cold and

moift, of the nature of the Water, corruptive and ex-
polfive, Nodfurnal and Feminine, diredV, vitious, heavy and
lalt in tafte, of the Summer, hurtful, found, and of many
Sons, and doth give divers and unequal proportions of the
Body, fignifying creeping Vermin, and Beafts of the Water,
and noble, gentle, yet unftable Women, without voice,
and is the Day and Night-houfe of the 2, the Exaltation of
U, and the Fall of (?, the Detriment of Saturn, and hath
of the Body humane the Stomach, Breaft, the Lungs ar d
the Appurtenances: and of Difeafes he caufcth Biles, Lepro-
lies, Dropfies, Fiftubcs, Red fpots, Itches, Scurfs, Deafnefs,
Baldnefs, and fmall Beard, the French Pox and Impoftuma-
tions of cold: of Humours it fignificth waterilh and thin
vfaltilh Flegm and corruptive.
Ajirologkal Judgment of Phyfuk- 13 3
Saturn in S in the firft iS degrees is cold in the firft
degree, and temperate in drowth and moillure, ingendring
Diftaics of much Flegm and Water mixed with thin Melan-
choly, caufingCoughs, Hopping ot the Stomach, oppilations,
with pains and prickings, of cold cauies, in the Stomach, with
fiiivering-, and it produccth alfo the black Plague, by reafon
that the Blood is overcome with Flegm and Water, and it
will be long e're the Sores will come out, and they come
forth with much pain =, but this Plague is not infedHous.
This Plague, by the teftimony of Dr. Foreman, reigned in
London in the years j 592, and 15^3, (who had it himfelf,
and {aw the depth of this Dileafe •,) fome were taken in the
Heads, and they did deep much, for the Brain was then much
infeded j and they did oft efcape, being well look'd to, and
purged with ConfeRion of Hamech; fomc were infefted both
jn the Brain, and at the Heart and Liver, and thefe would
-vomit much, and fleep much, and were very drowfie i and
thefe did moll commonly dye the fourth day, and were with- /
out Remedy : (bme were infefted in the Liver, and their
Sores came forth in the Groyns, and thefe did neither fleep
nor vomit, and did always efcape, being well looked unto,
being purged well with Co/ifeaion of Hamech and Diacar-

Of the Black Plague caxfed of Saturn in Cancer.

^"OU muft undedbnd that the caufe of this Plague is, as

aforefaid, of Flegm, thin Wafer, and Melancholy mixt,
Flegm and Water having the dominion i and they that are
taken with this Plague nave much heavinefs, weaknels, and
faintnefs, with a cold (hivering thyee or four d3yes,and forae-
tim^s feven or eight dayes before they be (ick, and they can-
-nnt eat their meat, but are cold inward •, and if the Humours
apply to the Brain, then they are heavy and drowiie with
fleep, and the Sores do come forth and appear commonly
134 -AJholoffcal Judgment ofPhrfdts
about the ears or neck, or in the fece \ and if the Humooa
fettle to the Heart, hen the Parties are fearful, Timorous and
feint, and the botch coineth forth under t e Armpits, Breaft
and Shoulders, or Back \ if the humour red in the Livtr, ana
fomething affcft the Heart widiall, then they vomit, and die
Sores will come forth in the Gro n,Buttocks or thighs, and in
this cafe it is good to vomit much, and to purge -, and if the
Brain and lirer be both infedfed, then the Party vomiteth
much, and is very fleepy,and moft commonly they dvc with-
in three or four dayes after they be taken with it, ana there is
feldome fenkdy, or none at all.
And you (hall undetftand that this Plague was not infedH-
ous, bcnrtfe it came qfa cold caufe j ana there was nothing
that bred i fo Coon as ea in of fieflj Herrings and Cucuns;
bcrs, and fruit, and fuch mines as breed fUmy Flegra and
Waterand moll commonly where it took a houfe, it went
round amongft childrep and fervants, that were all of one
kind of feeding \ and thofe two years was great plenty of
frefh Herrings, and much fhiitand there dyed in the year
15i?3 eighscn hundred a week, and moll of the Dodors of
Phylick did fly from London^ and Dr. Foreman (laid by it, and
thanks God he feved manj.
He farther feith from his own experience, that as there
ate two forts of Plague, viz. from Saturn and Mzrr, fb there
are two forts of Gods Tokens, the one black, and the other
red i if the red fpots do appear on them that have the black
Plague, they may elcape and live \ and if the black fpots
do appear on them that have the red Plague, then thsy
ulually efcapc •, but if the red (pots appear in the red
Plague, ana the black fpots in the black Plague, there is no
other to be expeded but death. Healfo faith, he few this
in himfelf and many others. And moreover he obferves,
that the farther Saturn went into Cwicrr, the more the Plague
did inarafe, and when he was in the latter end of S the
Plague raged vehemently, and was at the highelL
Ajirological Judgment of Phyfick. igj
Saiurn in the laft 12 degrees of Cancer, is moift in the be-
ginning of the firft degree, and cold in the beginning of the
fecond degree, ingendring Difeafes, and the black Plague,
of thin Water and Melancholy, with heavinefs and faintnels,
three or four dayes before they fed the Plague, and have no
luft to their meat, and yet they are in reafbnable tempera-
ture, and if this Humour fettle and affedf the Brain, the
Party will be very heavy with flcep > if into the Stomach,
then apt to caff.

Saturn in Scorpio.

SAtvrn in the firft fix degrees of Scorpio is moift in the firft

degree, and cold in the fecond, engendring Difeafes of
much FIcgm and Melancholy, but Flegm is predominant,
as the French Pox, Swine Pox, Fiftulaes, Gouts, Impoftumcs
and cold Agues, and in this cold and moifture beareth fway j
and it is tough, ftinking, and flimy Flegm, caufing cold, and
the Parties lhall be cold both inward and outward, with
trembling and (baking i and Saturn in m caufeth alfo the
black Plague, as he doth in S, but more ftrong and more
forcible, of flimy Flegm and ftinking Water i and the fpittle
is lharp and four, efp dally if the Humour be gathered in the
Stomach, but if it be gathered in the liver, then there is hea-
vinefs in the Hypocondries, in the right fide v and if the Hu-
mour be gathered in the inwards, it will grieve him to fetch
his breath, but if it be in the Milt, there will be grief and
heavinefs in the left fide if it be in the Matrix, then there
will be grief in the Reins and place of the Matrix i and if it
be in th Lights and fpiritual Members, then there followeth
a Cough, and a hard fetching of breath, and dulnefs in the
Stomach and Liver i it caufeth evil digeftion, and little ap-
petite to eat, and raoft commonly this runneth out into the
extreme parts, and caufeth much pain of the joyntsand ar-
tbritica pajfzo, and the French Pox, and fometimes the Party
K 4 hath
136 Afirohgkfl Judgmntof Phy(ic^.
hath a Fever withall, and then the Urine is duskifh white,
of an Iron colour, grayilh, near unto white, with a mean
Ifance i and this fignitieth Acetoftim : id eji, Flegm tart, four
and cold.
Saturn in the next 18 degrees of Scarf 10 is moift in the
Iccond degree, and cold in the third, cauling Difeares of hl-
thy Flegtn mixed with Melancholy, caufing the French Pox,
Fiftulaes, cold and moift Gouts, Impoftutnations and cold
Fevers, or Anhritica paflio, and Fevers of Phlegma Acctofum, as
is faid in the firft fix degrees of Scorpio.
Saturn in the laft fix degrees of m is cold in the beginning
of the third degree, caufing Difcafes of tough, fiimy and fil-
thy ftinking flegm, mix'd with Melancholy, caufing Fiftu-
laes, cold Gouts, Impoftumations, cold Fevers, the Frencli
\ Pox, &c. and this Flegm is called Phlegma Acnafum, which
is tart, lour and coldaud the Party (hall be cold both inward
and outward, with trembling and (baking, and caufeth allb
the black Plague, more forcible than in Cancer., and of a more
llimy and ftinking Humour, and in fuch a cafe the Urine is
white and yellowilh, or of an Iron gray, near unto white,
with a mean fubftance, and this fignificth Acetnjutif phlegmJ
to abound without a Fever.

Of Ptfces.

FCcet is a Sign cold and moift, of the nature of the Water,

ficgimtick, and is more cold than Cancer or Scorpio, and
is the moillcft of all the Signs, and is of the North-weft, No-
dfurnal. Feminine, common, oblique and crooked, infertu-
natf, lacking voice, fignifying Birds, Fowls, and Filhes of
the Sea and other waters i is double-bodied, unfavoury, fait
ot tafte, and more fait than S or tn, pncqiial of proportion,
of mean beauty, hurtful, burft, broken, rent, torn, wayward,
and a Sign of many Daughters, aud much ufc aud company
tx Wuit^n, and figi ilieth thick and tough Flegn, the Gout-
JJIr(/logical Judgment ofPhyjtck, 157
in the Feet, the wet Gout and Dropfie, Biles, Botches, Im-
poftumations, French Pox, Mcailcs, red Spots, Fluxes, Scurfs,
Itches, Deafnefs ai^l Baldnefs, and a fmall Beard, he is the
Night-houfe of U, the Exallttion of 9, the Fall and De-
triment of 9.
Saturn in the firft 12 dcgretc of Pifcer, is moid in the 3d
degree, and cold in the ^th, ingendring Difcafts cold and
moift, of much tough and liinking Flegm mixed with Me-
lancholy, as the French Pox, Aches in the Bones, Arthritica
pajfto, the cold and moift Gout, Fiftulacs.
Saturn in the laft 18 degrees of Pifces, is moift in the be-
ginning, and cold in the extremity of the 4th degree, above
Nature, corruptive and digeftive,extinguilhing the radical Hu-
midity of the Body by much cold, and inferring death and
corruption, and mortification of the Members, ingendring
Diftales, as Gouts, dead Palfies, Falling-fickne&, Epiiepfia,
French Pox, Aches in the bones, Arthritica Paflio, Dropfics,
and the black Plague, as in Scorpio.

Of Jirpiter.

r'piter is next unto Saturn, and he paftcth the I2-Signs of

the Zodiack^ in 12 years i By nature he is hot and moift, /
temperate, of the nature of the Air, (anguine, light, fwect in
talk, Afomding, nourifhing and increaling ; He bath in the
Body humane the Liver, the Blood and the Stomach, the Vi-
tal fpirits, the left Ear, and the Belly the inward part of the
Brain-pan, the Navel, the Inteftincs, the Ribs, the right
Hand, and Cartilages, with the Grificls, and ruleth the Vir-
tue Digeftive and the Natural Virtue, and is friendly to the
Life of Man.
OfDileafes, Jupiter caull-th the increaflngand abundance
of Blood, Impoftumations and Plurifies. the Squinancy, Im-
pofiumcs of the Lungs, the Cramp, the Apoplexy, the Le-
thargy, the Cephalick and Cardiack Palfion, the Fever Syno-^
138 Afirological Judgment of Phjijte^.
chm and Synocha inflatimcu, and all Impoftumations of Blood)
and Difcales that come of (upcrabounding of blood.
If tlic Blood be mixed with Melancholy the water looketh
(bmcwhat dark or blackifii, fwarthy and neavy.
If Blood and Choler aduft be mixed, the colour of the U-
jnne will be like unto Hemp.
If Blood and Choler aduft be mixed, and Blood be predo-
minate, then is the Urine fubruhicunda.
If Blood be mixed with Choler, and Blood predominate,
then the Urine is reddilb, and the Party is troubled and tor-
mented moft with his Difeaft from nine of the clock at night
till throe in the morning, and is dry, and drinketh much and
fleepeth little.
But if Blood and Choler be mixed, and Choler have the
predotnfach Vrinam.
If Blood and Choler be equally mixed, tune ritfam facit
Vrinam \ but the Choler (heweth ydlow in the Urine, and
the Urine is very red and thin.
If Blood be mixed with Flegm, and Flegtn have the upper
hand, then the Urine looketh of a dark reddilh colour, hea-
vy C as it were ) a deep yellow, and the Party eateth little,
and is dry inwardly, yet drinketh but ordinarily, but is in
moft pain from three a dock at afternoon till nine at night.
If the Urine be thick in fubftance, and red in colour, then
Blood hath the predominancy in the Diftemper, and is caufe
of the Difeafe.
If Urine be thin of fubftance, and red of colour, then Cho-
ler hath the predominancy, and caufeth the Difeafe.
If the Urine be thin of fubftance, and darkifb white in co-
lour, then Melancholy ruleth, and caufeth the Difeafe.
Cold caufeth whitcnefs in colour, and doth thicken, and is
paftive and ponderous, congealing and deffroying, indigeftive,
flopping and making oppilations in the Body, extinguilbing
the Radical Heat andBreath of Life.
Heat caufeth rednefs and thinnefs, attenuating, digeftive,
preparing and opening, adtive,increafing and afcending, light
Ajhological Judgfxevt of Phyjtck, 15 y
and quick in moving, nourifhing and prefcrving the Radical
tnoifture and humidity of the body.
Moiftnefs caufcth blacknefs, darkneis and thicknds, cor-
ruptive, putrifying and rotting, and isdecreadng and defcen-
ding, heavy, flow in motion, diflblving and expelling.
Drowth caufeth thinnefs, blacknefs or darknefs, yellownefi
and cleemefe, as it is mix'd with Choler or Melancholy i if
with Choler, the Urine lookcth yellowiflij if with Melancho-
ly, black and darkilh i and Drowth is palfive, defcending,
dccreafing light, and quick in moving, drying and drawing,
thirfly, lucking, preferving, making to abide and indure,
knitting and joyning together.
Cold and drowth caulc thinnefs and whitencfs, but if the
mekncholick Humour be Isculent, or of burnt Choler, then
the Urine (beweth fomewhat thick and dark, or brown like
deep Sack or Baftaid s and if the melancholick Humour
be very dry, not burnt, then is the Urine very thin and
cleer, like Rhcnith-wine orWhite-wine, and fometime like
Heat and Moiflure of Blood make the Urine red and
fomewhat thick, or between thick and thin, but r«d.
Heat and Drowth of Choler make the Urine glowing
ltd, and fomewhat thin.

Of w -E, -""S and ss.

JVpiUr in Gemini., Libra and Aquary, is of the nature of the

Air, fanguine, hot and moift, increafing of the blood, and
cauling Di[cafes from blood lupcrabounding, &c. as follows.

Jupiter in Gemini.

fytini is a Sign hot and moift,of the nature of the Air, fan-
guine, of the South-weft, common, long and large, the
Houfe of Mercury, and the Fall of Cauda, the Detriment of
JttpHer, and Exaltation of Caput Vracomi, is oblique in A(-
140 AJlrological Judgment of PbjJh^.
lending, fair, reafonable, and of fmall voice, tnafculine, fweet
in tatte, light, vernal, humane, fortunate.
U in the firft 18 degrees of it is hot and tnoift in the firrt
degree, encreafing good and natural blood, mightily caufing
Pleurifies and Impoftumes, Peripneumonia and Iflues of
Jupiter in the laft 12 degrees of n is hot in the beginning
of the fecond degree, and caufeth the blood to increafe and
furmount in moifture and heat, caufing Pleurifies and Impo-
ftumes ( as before ) and IfTues of blood, and flowings b Wo-
men, and oft Spitting of Blood.

0/Jupiter in Libra.

Libra is alfo a Sign hot and moift, and more hot and moift
than Gemini^ is the heart of the Well, of the nature of
Air, (anguine, increafeth blood, is moveable, tnafculine and
fortunate, diredl, reafonable and dark, having a great voice,
double-bodied, ioying in company of Women, a humane
Sign, the Day-houfe of $, the Exaltation of b, the Fall of
the O, and the Detriment of c? i and caulcth Difeafes in the
Jleins and Kidneys, ifluing of Nature and Gonorrhea Paflio >
increafes Blood and Impoliumations, and Pleurifies, Paipneu-
monia^ and the like.
Jupiter in the firft fix degrees of — is hot and moift in the
fecond degree.
Jupiter in the next 18 degrees of ^ is more intent, hpt
and moift in the (econd degree, much increafing blood, cau-
fing Difeafes of Blood, as beforefeid, Impoftumes, Pleurifies,
and fuch like.
Jirpiter in the laft fix degrees of ^ is hot and moift in the
beginning of the degree, caufing much heat and moifturc,
•and abundance of blood, breeding many Difeafes of bloa.d
in the Liver and Lungs, as Pleurifies and Impoftumes, the Ma-
trix with much bleeding and the like.
Jjirologicaljudgmnt of Phyfick. 141
In theTe Difeafes caufed of U in minifter .not in the
fiour of U, but in the hour of/h or 5 i neither let n,
or ~ be in the Afcendant, but £5, VZ or vCf, and cure tlie
Party with cold and dry things, firft letting him blood in the
Liver-Vein, and give him things to cool the blood, and to
diminilh the quantity, and abate the quality thereof, as is fpe-
citicd before.

Of Aquarius,

A §>uary is a Sign of the Airy Triplicity, more hot and

■i\ moilt than n oringendringBlood, fweet in talle,
mafculine, fixed, fortunate, occidental,towards the North, Di-
urnal, Hyemal, violent, double-bodied, humane, light, found-
and reafonable, of few Sons,gentle, longofbody, fome crook-
ednefs, the Day-houfe of "h, the Detriment of the O, and
caufeth Difeafes in the Liver, Reins and Lights, through the
excefs of blood, hot and moid, and the rifmg of the Lights in
the Throat through much hot blood flopping the Lights,

Jupiter in Aqttarins,

r'piter in the firft 12 degrees of is hot and moift in the

4th degree, ingendring much feculent blood, very hot and
moift, producing diftempers in the Lights and Liver.
U in the laft 18 degrees of ~ is allb hot and moift in the
4th degree, caufing much feculent thick blood, flopping the
Lungs and Lights, making a rifing in the Throat ready to flop
the Wind, and aifedHng the face with fwelling and rednefs »
itmultiplycs blood in the Liver and Veins, caufing Pleuri-
fies, Impoftumes, Fluxes, and Spitting of blood. Jupiter in
the 8 th, and the 2) in applying to <f of <S in n, caufeth
the Fever Hedick, great pain of the back, the Stone in the Kid-
1 leys,and Indigeftion, and botch s in the Liver.
143 AJirologkal Judgment of Phyjtc^.
V in the firft 18 degrees of V is temperate in drought
and moiftute, but hot in the ift degree, caufing Difeafcs of
yellow Choler, thin and lharp , corrupting the blood, cau-
fing Pimples, Itches, Scabs, fmall Fevers and Heart-burn-
ing, vomiting up of clots of blood, and bleeding at the
Jupiter in the lad twelve degrees of Aries is hot in the
beginning of the firil degree, ingendring Difeafes of yel-
low Choler mixed with the Blood, Choler having predomi-
nation, caufing Pimples, Itches, Scabs and heat 01the blood,
and Fevers.

Of Jupiter in Leo.

JVpiter in the firft fix degrees of Leo, is dry in the fecond,

and hot in tire firft degree, ingendring Difeafcs of'thick
yellow Choler and Blood mixed i and the Choler having
predominancy, caufethImpoftumadons and Fevers, Itches,
Scabs, Heat of the liver, yellow Jaundies, pains of the Thighs,
Sciatica, fait Flegmy faeces, and the like.
Jupiter in the next 18 degrees of Leo is dry in the fecond
degree, and hot in the third, caufing Difeafcs of thick yel-
low Choler and Blood mixed f Choler predominating i) as
Impoftumes, Fevers, Botches, the Sciatica and pain of the
Thighs, and heat of the Lungs, and Itches, and Heart-burning,
and the yellow Jaundies.
Jupher in the laft fix degrees of Leo is hot in the begin-
ning of the 4th degree, and dry in the beginning of the
third degree, ingendring Difeafes of thick yellow Choler
mixed with Blood i Choler hath the dominion, and cau-
feth hot burning Fevers, the Kings Evil, Impoftumes, heat
of the Lungs, flopping of the Liver, the yellow Jaundies,
the Sciatica, pain of the Thighs, and fait flegmy faeces.
jijirological judgment of Phyfcfy.

Of Jupiter in Sagitary^

Ftpitrr in the firft twelve degrees of Sngitary is dry in thfi

third, and hot in the 4th degree, caufing Difefes hot
and dry, of red Choler mixed with Blood; and the red Cho-
ler having dominion caufeth drynefs of the Liver, red and
high colour in the Face, ftrong Fevers, Impoftumes and flrong
pains of the Head and left Ear, di vnels of the Brain, Frcmy,
Griping pains in the belly, CoIJiea Pajfw, Impoftumes in the
liver, pains in the GrifTels, gtddinefs of the Brain, fore Eyes,
heat of the Lungs, and fuch like.
Jupiter in the lalt 18 d^rees of t is hot in the extremity
of the 4th degree, and dry in the beginning of the 4th de-
gree, caufing Difcafes oi red Choler mixed with Blood, that
are without Remedy *, as Noli mt tangm^ the Kings Evil, Im-
poftumes and drynefs of the liver, Franticknefs, yellow Jaun-
dies, fait Flegmy-fxces, and Difeafes of exceeding heat and
drowth, confummg the Radical moifture and Humidity of
the body.

Of Jupiter in Taurus.

JVpittr in the firft 18 degrees of Taurus is temperate in all

the four Qualities, but makes the Blood apt to convert in-
to Melancholy, and to turn into Cholera eruginojk, and Cholera
It in the laft 12 degrees of £5 is cold and dry in the begin-
ning of the firft degree, ingendring Difcafes of Melancholy
mixed with Blood,Melancholy having the dominion, caufing
Cholera prajfiva and JEruginnJa, making oppilations and ftop-
pings in the Liver and Milt, and caufing coftivenefs and pains
of the Bowels and about the Navel, and Cartilages, and left
car and throat, and in the veins and bones i a Fever in the
bones, indigeftion, and much wind and blood, melancholy
running up and down the Body from place to place.
144 Ajlrological Judgment of Phyfck.

Of Jupiter in Virgo.

"fVpiter in tfie firft 6 degrees of Virgo is cold and dry in

J the firft degree, ingendring Cholera antginofa and prafi-
va, that Is, a Humour mixed of Melancholy and Blood, Me-
lancholy having the dominion, caufing Chaps, Wens, Warts,
Knobs, Meafels, Small Pox, ftiffnefs and ache in the Knees,
Belly and Sinews, with coftivencfs and oppilationsi
Jupiter in the next 18 degrees of 'TC is cold and dry in
the fecond degree, ingendring Cholera eruginofa & praflha,
which is a Humour1 compact of Melancholy and Blood,
Melancholy having the Dominion, caufing, as beforefaid, in
all things, and the wind cholick, and much pain in the bot-
tom of the belly -, efpecially if U be in the 8th or 9th, and
he fignifier of the Difeafe, and great pain and cold in the

Of Jupiter in Capricorn*

r'fiter in the firft 12 degrees of Capricorn is cold and dry

in the third degree, cauhng Difeafes of Melancholy mix'd
with Blood, Melancholy having the dominion •, as Difeafes
in the throat and mufcles, and it is called, as before. Cholera
pragma & aruginofa i and it is fomewhat a thin Humour,
caufing Knobs, Warts and Wens, and hard Impofturnes.
Jupiter in the laft 18 degrees of Capricorn is cold and dry
in the beginning of the ^.th degree, ingendring Difeafes of
thin Melancholy cormpting the blood, and Melancholy ha-
ving the dominion, caufing Difeafes in the Throat, and
ftveUing in the Jaws and Glandules.
AJlroIogical Judgment of Phjrjicl^ 145

Of Jupiter in Cancer.

r/filer in the firfl 12 degrees of 33 is cold in the beginning

of the lirft degree, and muili ih the beginning of the fc-
cond ingendring Cholera vhtllina, that is a Humour mixed
of Flegm, Water and Blood, and and Flcgm hath the doiiii-
nionand it is very tough and flimy, and very moid, ingen-
dting Difeifes in the Stomach, and in the privy parts and Ma-
tfix, and flopping of the Conduits of the Bladder, afid pain
in the left lide tinder the Ribs, and under the left Pap like
a Pleurilie, the Worms in Children, and the French Pox and
ache in the bones.
U in the lafl 18 degrees of $ is temperate in cold and
heat, but moill in the tirlt degree,ingendring Cholera vitellina,
that is an Humour mixed of Flegm, Water and Blood, where
Flcgm hath the dominions caufing Difeafes in the Bladder
and privy parts, in the Yard, and flopping of the Urine, Go-
norrhea, the Dropfy in the hands and other parts, and htipo-
flumations ih the bottom of the Stomach, a great Rheum and
Cough hi the Lungs, faint and weak lleeps, and the falling-1
evil. T? ih S ,and d in caufeth Gonorrhea, and Impo-
flumes in' the Reins s U in S, and h in caufeth the
Pox of a venomous Humour.
U in 'S ,and d Lord of the Horofcope, and T? in caiu
feth tlie French Pox, the Gonorrhea, and lliarpnefs of Urine.

Of Jupiter in Scorpio.

JVbher iiS the firfl 6 degrees of Sccrpio is cofd in the firfl

degree, and moifl in the fccond, ingendring Difeafes
of thick and flinking Flegm, corrupting the Blood,
and Flegm predominates in the commixtion , ingendring
L Cbc-
I4<j Jjirologkal Judgment ofPhyjick;
cholera vitrll/na, with Gouts in the Feet, (wellings and pains
in the Feet, and in the privy Members, Fillulaes, Pox and
tunning fores.
^ in the next 18 degrees of "i is cold in the fecond degr.
and moift in the 3d i mgendring cholera viiellica of Flegm,
flinking and corrupt Blood, but Flegm is moll in the com-
mixtion, caufing the French Pox, Fihulacs, running Sores,
fwelling of the Feet, the wet Gout, and fiich like.
U in the lalt 6 degrees of m is cold in the beginning of
the third degree, and moil! in the beginning of the 4th degr.
ingendcing cholera vitellina, caulTng the Pox, the wet and cold
Gout, fwellings of the Feet, Filhilaes and running fores, and
many evil and moift Difealcs, as the Dropfie, &c^

Of Jupiter in Pifces.

ryttcr in the firft 12 degrees of K is cold in the third, and

moift in the 4th degree, caufing many Difeafes of Water
and Flegm mixed with the Blood i as the cold and moift
Gout, the Pox, aches, Fiftulaes, Itches and Droplies, with rot-
ting and corruption of the Liver, indigeftion, a pricking and
gnawing of the Stomach, a great Rheum, ftuffings of the
Stomach and Liver, the Droplie and quotidian flcgmatick
Fever, which feize the Party in the extreme parts with great
eold, and create pains in the belly and under the ftiort ribs,
and hips, and reins, neck and ftomach.
It in the laft x8 degrees of X is cold in the beginning of
the 4th degree, and moift above mture, in the extremity of
the 4th degree, caufing Difeafes of Flegm and Water mixed
with the Blood, but Flegm and Water have dominion, and
the Dilealcs are rcmedilels, as the French Pox, Droply, wet
Gout, rotting of the Liver, gnawing, pricking and tearing of
the Stomach, with ir.ceflant pin, pricking, and afflidrion to
the Head.
Aftrologicat Judgment of Phyjic^ 147

Of Mars in "V, <5\. and T.

MArs is a Planet hot and dry, of the nature of Fire, un-

natural to the life and health of man and humane kindj
untcmperate, burning and fcorching, more hot in his navurc
than the Sun, full of red Choler, and is Adlive by rcafon he
is hot and malculine : Man hath of the Body humane the
Ci/fof, the Gaul it (elf, and alfo hath a part in the Blood, the
veins, reins and kidneys ■> as alfo the back and the buttocks,
and the Dectltfus fpermaw, and vim irafcibilem, the reins, and
•worms in the head, die fide, the blood of a wound j and to
him belongeth cutting and fcarifving of wounds of men, and
burning with Cauteries either adtual or potential.
Man caufeth Head-achc, Frenzies, and hot cholerick Agues
of long continuance, the Fever tertian and quotidian, the
hot Peltilence and Plague, hot Apoftcmes, Megrims and In-
flammations of the Liver, Tetters, and Sc. Anthonies lire, and
the Stone in the Reins, Canker, Noli me tangere. Abortion.
Man rules the cholerick Humour, his Houfe is Aries and Scor-
pio, his Exaltation is his Fall is ffi, his Detriment ^
and &.

Of thtcholerick^ Hiimoscf fttbjeti to Mars.

CHoln' is one of the four Natural Humours in the body of

Man, and is ingendred in the Liver, and hath its rcfi-
dence in the Gall 1 and by Natural Choler is maintained the
Virtue Attraftive in the members of Man, which is hot and
dry, and is of the nature of $ and the O, if it be Natural i
but if it be Unnatural and burnt, then it is of the nature of
cT, which is hut and dry, by Nature untcmperate i and fo
much the more if he be in T, «Sl or /, breeding DLTeaics
and Infirmities in the body humane.
148 Ajirological Judgment of Phyjick*
Cholcr hath moft power and dominion in Summer, from
the 8 Ides of May until the 8 Ides of whereby are
ingendred hot Agues and (harp Fevers, and is of moft force
from three a clock in the Morning till nine before Noon : and
as by Natural Choler the Body humane is maintained and
kept in temperance, fo by Unnatural Choler it is deftroyed
and killed i for there arc four degrees of Choler, according
to its Heat and Drowth, more or lets, and the firft is the
mean wherein tlie full proportion of Natural Choler doth
con lift, the which being diftempcrcd, the Body bccomcth
difealed more or lefs, according to the Diftcmper and Hu-
mour abounding.

Of Natural Cholsr.

NAtural Cholcr is hot and dry, temperate, and maintain-

cth the Attradive Virtue in all the Members of the Bo-
dy, to the maintenance of Life and Health i and the right
Natural Choler is reddilh,clcer and pure.

Of Unnatural Cholcr.
T TNnatural Cholcr, if it abound in the Gall, it ovcrflow-
cth the Liver and caufeth the yellow Janndics, and
there arc cauted many bitter belchings in the Stomach i if
Unnatural Cholcr in the Liver commix it felf with Blood
in the Veins, and afcend to the Brain, it maketh the
Party light-wittcd, and frantick, and drieth the R.adical moi-
fture and humidity of the Brain, preventing ileep and reft.
If this Unnatural Cholcr remain in the Liver and Sto-
mach, it caufeth great drought and oppilations in the Liver,
breeding the yellow Jaundies, and div rs other Dilcafes, and
£6 iiiiich the more when it cncc ipreadeth through die Veins
JJlrologtcal Jndgmeftt of Phyfck- T 49
into the Body, and then it caufeth Fevers, Pimples, Ring-
worms, and fometimes Impoftomations, efpecially in thofe
places of the body where the Attractive Virtue is very ftrong,
and the Expulfive very weak.
And when this unnatural Cholcr doth fall into the Liver,
and mix it felf with Melancholy, then mixing it (elf with
Blood, and running out into fome particular place or part of
the Body through the Veins 1 it is there then the caufe of
wonderfull ill Difeafes, as Cankers, Fillulacs, Wolvc>, Noli
m tjngere, and fuck like.

Of Vtint,

'T,He Urine of Natural Choler thould be red or fubrufe,

Kftbea and jitbritbea, per tot am tenucm i and fuch Urines
do fignlhe Natural choler without a fever, but if there be a
fever, thefe are the tokens :
Bitternefs of the mouth, anger, tliirft, little flcep, pain of
the head, hardnefsof the belly a and in the hourcs of Choler,
which are from three of the clock in the morning till nine
before noon, the Party hath much grief and pain, and the
fever ufually feizes the body in thefe hours.
But if Natural choler doth abound with a Fever, then
the colour of the Urine cji wagU r/thea re I nefa, irt ignis ex-
pnjjr, and hath all the (ignsaforcfaid, but more ftrong.
Of Vmutural Choler there are four forts j
Firlt, Cholera citrina, caufed of the O n T or <51.»Then
Cholm vhellina. Thirdly, Cholera prjfna i and fourchIy,C/'0-
hra xrnginofa.
Cholera citrina is caufed of cf and O in T or £L, efpe-
cially of O in T or <51, and makcth the Urine of Citrine
colour, like pcrfeCl Ad|ber, and but meanly thin, as after (lull
150 Ajlrological 'judgment of Phyftks
Cholera vitellina is caufed of U in $, "1 or X, and of <?
and 0 in $, "1 and K, & reddit ttrinamfubeitrinam medio-
critcr tenwm, and is ingendred of the congelation of Flegm
and cleer Choler, and is vifcous and clammy, whitith, like tiie
white of an Egg.
Cholera prafvta is canfcd of U, and O, in ^^
and this doth fcldom change the cobur of the Urine, except
in (harp Fevers, and this is grccnifti of colour, and is ingai-
dred of the dillemperature of the Stomach.
If Choler adull be mixed with blood, then the colour of
the Urine is like unto Hemp.
If Citrine colour be mixed with Melancholy, and Choler
have the upper hand, then the Urine looketh yellow.
Cholera reruginofa is of a dark grccnilh colour, and doth
bum in the Stomach, being ingendred from aduftive Hu-
mours, by the influence of U, c? and O, in and "W.
Mits in the hrft 18 degrees of Y is hot and dry in the
firll degree, ingendring hot and dry Diicafes of yellow Choler
and red mixed, but the yellow is moft in the commixtion;
■which caufeth Agues, Itclics, Jaundies and Oppilations, and
pains in the right fide of the Head, and Pimples in the face,
red nets of the Eyes, with Lunacy and Franticknefs.
Mars in the 13 lafl degrees of Y is hot and dry in the be-
ginning of the fccond degree, ingendring yelbw Choler and
red, but the yellow Choler is moft in the commixtion, and
caufeth Pimples in the face, pain in the right fide, the Head,
Kidneys, and drynefs and ftifi'nefs of the Eyes, over-flow-
ing of the Gall, the Jaundies and Oppilation of the
Liver, Shingles, Agues and Itches, Alopecia, Frenzy and
For the curing of fuch Difcales caufed of hitrs in
minifter not in the hour of <S nOr the O, nor in the hour
of li. being in Y, <51 or / ; neither let Y, <51 nor / be
in the Afcendant, nor , TO nor VP, if cf or the O be
therein, but $, K or n, — or ss,if 9 or ^ be there-
in, and the things that mull cure rr.uft be cold and moift
AJlrohgifal "judgment of Phyjick. 151
and firft it were good to bathe the Parly, to digeft the Hu-
mours » then to purge, and prefcribe a cold Diet for a fca-

Of Mars in Leo.

MAfj in the firfl fix degrees of Leo is' hot and dry in the
fecond degree, ingendring red and yellow Choler, uiid
the yellow preoominates, caufing Difeafcs of the heart and
back, flopping of the Liver, and Cardiaca pajpo, Syncopcn,
hot Fevers, Plague and Peftilence, with great heat and
Mars in the next 18 degrees of Leo is hot and dry in the
third degree, caufing Difeafcs of thick yellow Choler, of
red Choler caufing peftilential Fevers, the Plague and Pefti-
lence infective, and pains of the heart and back, the yellow
Jaundies and oppilation of the Liver, Piles and Hemor-
Mars in the fix laft degrees of <51, is hot and dry in the
beginning of the fourth degree, ingendring much yellow,
thick and red Choler, very hot and dry, caufing peflilential
Fevers, the Plague and Pclhlence infedltous,. Syncppcn and
trembling of the Heart, and great pains of the Heart and
For Cure hereof, minifter not in the hour of O or cf,
but in the hour of 2), 9, 5 , being in $, tn or K i $, "1
or K being in the Afcendant.

Of Mars in Sagittarius.

MArs in the firft 12 degrees of A is hot and dry in the

^th degree, infecting the body and blood with much
thick, red choler that is hot and very dry, caufing the Plague
and Pdlilenec, and hot pcllilcntial Fevers, Carbnudes and
153 jfjirologkal judgment of Phjifick.
fuch like, Hemorrhoids and Piles, Wolves, Cancers, Impop
ftumations, and fuch Difeafes as cat and confutne the tidh
and Radical Humidity of the Body, and fwdling of the
Mars in the lafl 18 degrees of / is hot and dry above
nature, confuming and drying up the Radical Moiflure and
Humidity of the Body, and utterly extinguilhing the life
of Man i caufing alfq Botches, Carbuncles, Plague, pclhlcnce,
confurnipg Agues, and the like \ as the violent Sciatica, and
great cxtreara pain jn the joynts and huckle-bone, witli ex-
treme heat and burning. If the Moon be in Cajiini and
apply to Mars in the lali 18 degrees of /, and h in dil, and
be Lord of the 12 th, in the 6 th, it caufcth the Stone and
Strangury, piiiing of Blood, and intolerable pain i for S
in 7 caufcth hot and dry Difeafes of red Cholcr '■> and in
fuch a cafe, if 'b be in ^, 'I? or "VS*, and joyned to cf by
4 or afpedf, or the Mopn apply to "h, or if h be Lord of
the hour, it cauieth Noli mc twgen. Canker, Wtalf, or fuch
like , for the Humour is venomous, confuming and cprro-
ding above nature.

P/ tlx Cut,: of Mars in pagittary,

Minifter not to any in this cafe in the hour of c? or 0,

bpt ip the hour of X), 2 or 2 being in S, "i, X, and put
25, "ijOr X in the Afcendant, aixl make the lord of the dtlj
weak, then bathe tire Party in cold Water, and let him blood
out of hand, and give him things to quench his great heat
and drought and a* oinc his Body with if,fr/giJa/ts GJcni, and
fuch like cold Ointments, and purge red ChoLr iirop.gly,
far thefe Difeafes are motive.
JJirological judgment of Phyfe^ 15 j

Of Mars in Taurus.

MArs in the fiift 18 degrees of fanm is temperate in heat

cold, and dry in the Jirft degree, ingendring Difeafes of
red Cholcr and Melancholy equally mix'd, caufing Difeafes
cold and dry in the neck and throat, as Wens, hard knobs,
drynefs of the Sinews, Cramps, oppilations of the Liver:
cf in & in Afpcft to T? in ^ 5nt or YP, cauferh hardnefs of the
Spleen, the Stone, pain in the belly and fide, and dry Melan-
choly Difeafes, ana Confumptions, putrefadion in the Ma-
trix, Difeafes in the Head, like to vomit, but cannot, and
pain of the Back and Stomach,
Mars in the hit 12 degrees of W is cold in the beginning
of the hrlt degree, and dry in the beginning of the fecond, in-
gendring Difeafes of dry, thick and tough Melancholy and
red Choler, and Melancholy predominates, and caufes Difea-
fes hot and dry in the Neck and Throatas Warts, Wenns,
flilfnGfs of the Sinews, Cramps, oppilations of the Spleen and
Liver, and Difeafes that do breed Wind, and do pine and con-
firme the fldh away, by rcaf»n of many oppilations and Itop-
pings in the Body, the Stone in the Pvcins and Gravel, and
provocation of vomiting, but incfTcdtual •, and if in y
behold a Planet in a fiery Sign, he cauleth Gonorrhea, and
if d afpedt I?, and T> in 'H*, then it caufeth a venomous
fnaip Humour, riling in the flclh, like Itmging of Nettles, and
will aufe the Meazles or Pox.
Adminillcr not to any where the Difeafe is caufcd of d in
^5, 'If or vy, in the hour of cf, li or 5, but in the hours
C-f $, X or the ?, and put T, ir or ^ in the Afcendanr,
or $ if U be there, and the 5 in ii, — or Y, applying to
U or 9, and the Cure (hall Ire by digclhon hrft of the Hu-
tnours, then purge and bathe.
154 AJiroJogical Judgment of PhjJlcfy.

Of Mars in Virgo.

JiA-drs ui the firft fix degrees of VX. is cold in the firft de-
eree, and dry in the Ibcond, caufing Difcafes of Me-
lancholy and red Choler, Melancholy having dominion, cau-
fing oppilations of the Liver, pains and gripings in the Bel-
ly, the Stone in the Bladder, the Strangury and Gholick,
pain of the Milt, the Piles and Hemorrhoids, with Tympanics
and (uch like.
d in the next 18 degrees of ^ is cold in the fecond, and
dry in the third degree, caufing oppilations and flopping of
the Liver, of Melancholy and red Choler feculent and thick.
Melancholy predominating, caufing ftoppings and fwdling of
the Milt, pains and gripings in the Belly, the Wind Cholick
and Strangury, the Stone in the Bladder i and d with Ti
the Piles and Hemorrhoids.
d in the lafl fix degrees of VZ is cold in the beginning of
the 3d, and dry in the beginning of the deg. caufing Dif-
ealcsof thick Melancholy and red Choler, Melancholy exceed-
ing, caufcth Difcafes and Oppilations of the Liver and Milt,
pain and gripings of the Belly, the Strangury, the Wind-Cho-
lick and Stone in the Bladder, the Hemorrhoids, Piles, and
Meazlcs in children.

The Curt.

Adminifter not in the hours of b j or 5 i but in the

hours of 5 , U and 2, and put T, ^ or it in the Afccii-
dant, or SS or if U be in either of them, and the j in
oj or Y, applying to U or ? •, then digeli, vomit,
bathe and purge, for this Humour will not be well purged
without a djgeftive be given before.
Ajiralogical 'judgment of Phyfick. 155

Mars in Capricorn.

\Adri in the firil 12 degrees of Capricorn is cold in the 3d,

and dry in the 4th degree, caufing Difeafes of much
tough and dry Melancholy and red Choler '■> as the Leprofic
and Cankers, Noli me tangcre, Confumptions and fuch like i
ftiffnefs of the Joynts, drynefs of the Sinews, and many dry
and cold Difcates in the extremity of Nature.
c? in the latt 18 degrees of "•0° is cold in the beginning of
the 4th degree, and dry above nature, caufing Difeafes of
much Melancholy and red Choler i as Confumptions, Can-
kers, Noli me tangcre^ the Wolf, and fuch like, with ftiflfnefs in
the Joynts and Sinews, and the dry Gout, red fpots in the
Legs and Arms, and other places> and the Party is dry, and
pincth and confumeth away.

Hk C«rf.

The Difeafes of eT in are very hard to be curcd,and dan-

gerous, or not to becured at all -, for the Humour is red Choler
and Melancholy mix'd, and dry in the extremity of the 4rh
degree, drying up the Radical humidity, and Hopping the paf-
fages and ports of the Humours that maintain nature.
To thele Diftempers admit ihter not Phyfick in the hours of
the 0, cf, V nor T? i look in the Chapt, of c? in ^ and
and in tlie Chapt. of h in / i and let him vomit well,
and purge ftraigly after digeftion, for this will not be well
purged, but it mud be firft Ilrongly prepared.

Of Mars in Gemini.

MArs in the firft 18 degrees of Gemini is temperate in

moillure and drowth, and hot in the firft degree, cau-
ling Difeafes of red Cb.olcr mixed with Blood i but Blood is
15 5 AJirological Judgmefit of Phyjickt
predominant, cauling the Shingles, Tetters, Ring-worms,
Piles and Hemorrhoids, ImpoIhimes,Fcvers,Scabs and Itches.
Mars in the laft 12 degrees of n is moift in the beginning
of the hrft degree, and hot in the beginning of the fecond,
ingendring Difeafes of red Chder and Blood, Blood exceed-
ing In the commixtion, and the Difeafes are hot and fome-
thing flegmatick withall, and hereof breeds the Shingles,
Tetters, King-worms, the Piles and Hemorrhoids, Impollumes,
Fevers, Scabs and Itches.

Tlx Cure.

In theie Difeafes minifter not in the hour of S nor V., net*

ther lhall you put ax, nor ~ in the Alcendant, but mini-
fter in the hour of D, $, ?, or in the hour of U being in
, VZ or V, and cure it by cold things that purge *cd Gho-
ler, asaforefaidi for in this cafe the blood will look exceed-
ing ted ; Try it by blood-letting.

Of Mars in Libra.

MArs in the firli 6 degrees of =£= is hot in the lecond and

moift in the lirft degree, ingendring corruption and in-
fedion of the Blood by red Gholer, cauling Impoftumations
and pains of the Reins and Kidneys, Fluxes and Gonorrhca-
Paliton, Biles, Carbuncles, and the Water hot and fcalding,
much pain in the Head and roots of the Eyes, as though the
Head would break in pieces and the pain is molt felt on the
right fide of the Hea l,an(l in the Neck airo,and a Cough wirlv-
all, and pain of the Lungs and Stomach, of much red Choler
corrupting the Blood, and fmall Pox, if the 3 apply to or
5 , if tlie 5 apply to $, it cauft th pain of the Belly, cold-
Is of the Stomach and indigeliion.
c? in the next 18 degt es of is moift in the fecond, and
dry in th; tltijrd degvfcingwdrli-g coniiptiop in tltf Blood
Aftrologkal Judgment of Phyfich- 157
Blood by red Choler, through drynefs thickning the fame,
cauling Impollumations,Tetters, Ring-worms,Peftilential Fe-
vers, Difcafes of the Lungs and heat thereof. Biles, Carbuncles,
Piles and Hemorrhoids, the Flux and Gonorrhea PaJJio, Water
hot and fliarp, pain and heat in the Reins, and pain of the
Side, the green Sicknefs, and a rifing of the Lungs into the
Throat ready to (top the Wind.
Mars in the laft 6 degrees of ^ is moift in the beginning
of the third degree, and hot in the beginning of the tburth ,
ingendring much thick and feculent blood, baufed by red dry
Choler, producing heat and pain of the Reins, wafting of Na-
ture, Gonorrhea, Fluxes, Scalding-water, Impoftumes, Car-
buncles, Biles and Botches^ Hemonhoids and Piles, oppibtion
of the Liver and Lungs, with retention of the Flowers, the
Mother alfo and the Small Pox.

'The Cure.

The times and manner of Curing are rehearfed in the

Chapter of c? in u, but in this there ought to befomedi-
geftion ufed before purging, and then let blood, and you
ought to digeft three dayes at leaft, for elfe a Purge will not
cffe&ually work ( as 1 have proved ) and your Purges muft
be very ftrong, as 5') of Pills, or ^j(5 of Eledhiary, elfe they
will not fumciently work out this Humour i thefe Parties
being let blood, the blood doth look exceeding red, and it is
good after purging to let blood, for the blood is thick i and
then give drink to purge the blood, and to cleanfe it of red

0/ Mars in Aquarius.

MArs in the firft 12 degrees of £5 is moift in the 3d, and

hoc in the 4th degree, cauling Difcafes of hot, thick and
feculent Blood and red Choler mix'd, as impoftumes, the
158 AJirological Judgment of Phyficl^.
Kings Evil, Carbuncles, Pleurifies, Botches, heat of the Lights
mucnChoicr, and fluffing in the Stomach, Faintnefs,Tremj
bling, heat of the Reins and Water, flopping of the Urine
and pain of the Yard, with pains in the fide and flopping
of the Terms j if t? be in and the D in •? applying to
5 in K, then it caufeth a general weaknefein the body, and
indigeftion, coldnefs of the Liver, thick corrupt rottennefs
of the Blood, and pain of the Cods, and the Humours be
equally mixed.
Man in thclafl 18 degrees of £? is moifl in the beginning
of the 4th degree, and hot above nature, caufing Difeafcs of
hot, thick and ficculent blood and red Cholcr, and the Blood
hath the dominion, producing Impollumations, Botches,
the Kings Evil, Plague, &c. the Scurvy and fwelling of a
venomous Humour, and the Meazles •, for Blood of <S in i»,
and Ij. in caufeth the Measles.

"lix Cmt.

Minifler not to any of thefe Difeafes of in » in hora

Mann, nor of U if he be in V,<51 or 7 i nor of h nor
5 if they be in n, *», V, A or 7 i but in the hours
of the 2) or 9 in S, m or K , prepre him, purge him, and
let blood fpcedily, but firft let blood.

Of Mars in Cancer.

A>f^rr in the firfl 18 degrees of Cancer is temperate in all

the four Qualities, yet caufing Difeafcs of red Choler
and thin Flegm, caufing biles, botches, and leprofie, pimples,
red fpots, itches, fcurf, deafnefs, and worms in the Stomach,
and hardnefs in the Belly, and it is the beginning of (alt
Flegm, whence Flegm hath the dominion; hot and dry.
Man in the lall 12 degrees of S is cold and moill in the
beginning, of the firft degree, caufing Diiiaftsof red Choler,
Aftrological 'judgment of Phyjuks >59
and thin faltilh Water and Flegm, and Flegm hath the domi-
nion, caufing Difcafcs of the Stomach, Coughs, Rheums,
Scabs and Itches, of fait Flegm, red Choler, and thin Water
mixed together *, the Water or Flcgmatick Humour having
the dominion.
Mars in the laft 12 degrees of $ is exceeding moid, dark
and heavy, temperate between hot and cold, and a little
windy, and breeding much Water and flegmatiek Humours.

The Cure.

Miniftet not in hora Mortis, or ©, nor the D, but in the

hour of 9, Ihe being in Y, or / , or in the hour of U,
he being in Y, cSl or •/ ; n, or sai being in the Afcen-
dant, the 2> applying to U, and vomit the Party, and let
him blood, then purge red Choler and Flegm in the lirft de-

Of Mars in Scorpio.

Mdrs in the firft fix degrees of Scorpio is cold and moift in

the ill degree^cauling Difeales of thick Flegm and link-
ing, and of red Choler mix'd, but Flegm hath the prehemi-
nence v caufing Itches, Pimples, faucy flegmy fseces, fait flegm,
pains of the privy parts and Matrix, and Reins likewife»and
t? in "i cauleth Small Pox, and c? in the laft face of ^ cau-
feth Small Pox of fait Flegm, that having the dominion v and
cauleth the French Pox and aches and pains in the bones,No-
(fhirnal as well as Diurnal.
Man in the next 18 degrees of "i is cold and moift in the
fecond degree, caufing Diltafes of thick llinking Flegm and
Water, with red Cho'er, Flegm predominating, caufing Difi-
caics of the privy parts, Fulva and Matrix, Hopping the Urine
that a man Ih ill not pi Is, and the Small Pox in young and old,
and long w«nns in the Stomach and Belly, and vomiting, with
a Fever of Choler and Flegm.
166 Ajirological Judgmnt of Phyjick,
Mars- in the Taft 6 degrees of is cold and moid in th'C
beginning of the third degree, cauling Difeales of thick (iink-
ifig Wafer and Flegin mixed with reaCholer, Flcgm having
the preheminence, cauiing Difeafes of the Bladder and privy-
parts, of the Matrix, and Hopping of the Urine.

the Cum

Minifler not in hora Man if ^ G nor 2), hut in the hour of

S, being in Y, or / v or in the hour of U being in Y,
tfl, or ■?, it, &:ot ass being Afcendant i D applying to U,
make him vomit, let him blood, and purge him of red Cho-
ler, and digeft if occaiion ferve: This kind of ialt FTegm is
very tough and ftinking, for it is commixed 6f red Cnoler
and flegm, flegm predominating i therefore digeft flcgm and
purge it moft, and the red choler will evacuate with the
flcgm, for this kind of fait flegm is more cold and moid.

Of Mars in Pifces.

MAn in the firft 12 degrees of K is cofd and moid in the

3d deg. ingendring Difeafes of thick and tough Flcgm'
mixed with red Choler, Flegin having dominion, as the
French Pox, pains of the Feet, the Gout and Sciatica, Podagr
Cenugra, Chiragrji the Lethargy pricking and gnawing or
the Stomach, oppilations of the Liver, the Droply and dead
PaKic, benummednefs of the Members and the black Plague,
of fait flegm i for it is a kind of tough and ftrong flegm, lalt,
cold and moid, mixed of three parts flegm, and one of red
choler, caufing alfo Fevers, fait flegm in the Stomach and
bitter bclchings.
Mars in the lad 18 degrees of K is cold and moift in the
beginning of the degree, caufing Difeafes of flcgm thick
and tough mix'd with red choler, flegm predominating i aS
AJlroIogical JudgMent of Phyflc^. 1^1
all kinds of Gouts aforcfaid. Aches, the Lethargy and Dropfie,
Eains of the Feet, the dead PalGe, and fuch like i pains and
itter bdchings of the Stomach, of {alt Flegm, of d in K,
of red Choler and Flegtri having dominion: four parts of
Flegm and one part of red Choler.

'Xbt Cure,

The manner and form of Curing is let down before in

the Chapters of V and $ i but here you are to fweat the
Party mightily, and to prepare and purge Flegm and red
Choler i but herein it is not good to let blood, but to give
a drying drink.

Of the Sun in Aries, and of his Matured

WHich is hot and dry, temperate, and is (cituatc in the

midll of the Planets as a King, and is the Life of all
things by his appfoximation and afcenfion, and the Death of
all tnings by his detention and elongation; and therefore lie
is (aid to rule the Heart of Man, which is (cituate in the midlt
of the Members in the lelfer World, which is the Body of
Man: and is the firft part in Man living, and the hit dying.
He ruleth alfb the Spirit of Life, which conlifteth in the Heart.
He hath alfo the right Eye, the Sight and the Nerves, the Mar-
row and Virtue Attractive, and caufeth dry Difcafcs. He hath
alfo the Thighs, the roof of the Mouth, and Organs ofthe Scn-
fes inwardly,the Hands, the Feet, the Sinews, the Fantafiacal
Virtue, the left eye in a Womanj and the right eye in a man,
and caufeth the Rheum to defcend from the Eyes, the hoc
Rheum, the hurts of the Eyes, and all ficknefles of yellow
Choler, hot and dry, thin and Ibarp, and caufeth the yellow
Jauudies, Itches,Scabs and the Flux.
153 jiJirdJogical Judgment of Phjjit^.

Of the Sun in Aries.

SOL in the firft 18 degrees of Y is hot and dry in the be-

ginning of the firlf degree, ingendring Difeafes of much
yellow Choler lharp and thin, caufing Pimples, Heat in the
Breaft, Head-ache, yellownefs in the Eyes, fwelling in the
Legs, Scabs, Itches, Ring-worms, Inflammations thereof. Fe-
vers, Strangullion, Deafnels and darknefs of the Eyes,Rheums,
itching of the Eyes, flopping of the Terms, with flint lan-
guiflung and the Gout.
© in the laft 12 degrees of Y is hot and dry in the firft
degree, ingendring Diflafes, of thin, yellow and fharp Chdlcr,
in the Eyes, Itchings, Pimples, Scabs, Heat in the Stomach and
Breaft, Head-ache and pains of the Head, the Strangury and
pain in the Thigh and Huckle-bone, Sciatica, much yellow
water in the Stomach, Liver and Belly, with faintnefs and'
The Cure.

The Cure of Difeafes proceeding from the © in Y, caufed

of much thin yellow Choler; Minilkr not in bora © nor cf,
but in the hours of S or i), efpecially being in S, m or Xv
or at leaft being in i5, TP or Y?", putting 25, "t or X in the
Aflendant, and the S applying to ?, and let the lord of the
dth Houfe be weak, and pertorm your Cure with cold and
moil! things, few digeflives do fcrve in this caufe, becaufethe
Humour is thin =, but firli purge the Patient of yellow Choler,
then let him blciod,and give him drinks cold and moid, and if
the Rheums fall much to the Eyes, then purge the Head, and
make an Ifliic backwards, or a Scaton on the 3d Verteltra of
the Neck, and draw a lilk througb it, to draw and divert the
Rheum from the Eyes, often moving the ftring, and you
may wear it as long as you think good, and you Iball find it
Afirologkal ^ndgment ofPhyJick.

O/Sol in Taurus.

SOL in the fir ft 18 degrees of® is temperate in cold and

heat, but dry in the firft degr. tngendring Difcafes of Me*
lancholy and thin yellow Choi r. Melancholy predominating,
cauling Difcafes in the Legs •, as Itches, Warts and Knobs.
0 in the 4th degr. of ® .being Lord of the hour, and in V
in the 2d, caufeth Biles, Botches, Swellingsand Impoftumati-
ons in the Throat between the Neck and Head, and under
the Chin.
0 in ® in the 7th with S caufeth Bunches, Sores and
Swellings in the Throat and in the Limbs.
O in the laft 12 degrees of ® is cold in the beginning
of the rirft degree, and dry in the beginning of the fecond
degree, caufing Difeafes of thick Melancholy and thin yellow
and (harp Cholcr, Melancholy predominating, and the Hu-
mour is (bare and bitter withall, cauling Difeafes in the
Knees,and ftifthefs of the Sinews and Joynts.

11k Curt.

Minifter not in hora O nor c?, if lie be in J5, or v*,

but if he be in n, ^ or you may => neither in the hour
of 2 nor T?, being in n, ^ nor as i but you may mini-
fter in Ima U, ? or the 2, being in n, ^or is, and put
jr} .^ or » in the Afcendant, the D applying to U ■> and
you muft cure with things moift and temperate in heat and
cold, but fomcwhat heating i and in (uch a caie it is good
to bathe the Parties, and to digcll the Humours well before
you purge, for that it is caufed of grofs Mchncholy and thin
yellow Cholcr, Melancholy predominating.
164 AJirologkal JitdgmMt ofPh/Jic^.

Of Sol in Gemini.

SOL in the firft 18 degrees of Grmni is temperate in heat

and moifture, but hot in the firft degree, ingendring Dif-
eafcs of Blood, and lharp thin yellow Cnoler, Blood prevail-
ing, cauftng Pimples, Itches, Scabs, and flopping of Womens
Terms. The Sun in IE cither Lord of the hour, of the fithor
of the 12 th Houfc, caufeth the Strangullion and the Stone.
Sol in the laft 12 degrees of xc is hot in the beginning of
the 2d degree, and moilt in the beginning of the hrft, ingen-
dring Difeafes of thin, fharp, yellow Choler and Blood i as
Scabs Itches, Pimples, Heat of the Liver, and pain in the Knees.

The Cure.

Minifter not in the hour of the Sun, nor Mjrr,nor Jupiter',

but in the hours of 9, 5 or 2, or Tj being in V, "tf or "vT*,
or in S3, ni,or K, and purge yellow Choler, and let blood i
but few digeftives icrve in this manner and cafe.

Of Sol in Cancer.

SOL in the firft 18 degrees of $ is temperate in all the four

Qualities, caufing Difealcs of thin Flegm, and thin, fharp,
yellow Choler, Flegm abounds in the commixtion, caufing
Itches, Flux, Scabs, laltilh Humours in the Face and Stomach,
and pains of the Feet, faintnefs, pain and weaknefs in the
Reins, and langnidiing Dilcafes, with faintnefs of the Limbs,
fait flegmy fives, and a fpice of the Pox.
© in the laft 12 dcgr.of S5 is cold and moift in the begin-
ning of the hrft degr. ingendring Difealcs of faltilh Water and
Flegm, and lharp thin yellow Choler,and Flegm hath the do-
minion, and produceth Scabs, Itches, Ptillick and ftraitnefs of
AJlrohgical Judgment of Phyjick 16$
Breath, and Difeafes of Fleam in the Lights and Stomach, and
exceeding languifhing and faintneft, and pain of the Heart,
and they cannot eat, nor relilh their meat, and oft-times the
Strangury withall.
Tfje Cure,

Minifter not in bora G nor <?, except he be in $, m or

K, but in bora 11, or in the hour of ? or the D being in T,
5\. or X, and put V, £1 or X in the Afccndant, and let the
Party fweat well and vomit, and then purge him welL

Of Sol in Leo.

COL in the firft 6 degrees of £1 is hot and dry in the begin-

^ nlng of the ad degree, and caufedi Difcalcs of thick yel-
low Choler, and thin (harp yellow Choler, caufing the yellow
Taundies, hot burning Fevers, Scabs, Pimples, ftopping of the
Liver, and heat of the Liver.
Sot in the next 18 degr. of £1 is hot and dry In the extre-
mity of the 2ddegree,canling Difeafes of abundance of yellow
Choler i as the yellow Jaundies, ftopping of the Terms, vo-
miting, indigellion,drynefs and heat of the Liver, pain of the
Heart,faintnefs, weaknefs, pining away and ennfuming.
Sol\u the laft 6 degrees of £1 is hot and dry in the5 d degr.
cauGng hot and dry Fevers, yellow Jaundies, ftopping of the
Liver, pain of the Head, overflowing of the Gall, pain in the
Groin, with kernels like and near unto the Peftilential and
infedHous Plague; the rod Plague is alfo cauled of much Cho-
ler, and alfo caulcth the running of the Reins, and Gonor-
rhca-palTion in men, and vomiting up of much blood in Wo-
men, through corruption and ftopping of their Terms, and
conliiming and pining away of the llelh, with overmuch heat
and drowth, of Choler, pain in the head and back, weaknefs
and faintnefs.
155 JJlrological JiidgmCKt of Phyfick.

The Cwe of Q in £\, nf much ycllntv Choler.

Minifter not in hm-a 0 nor c?, neither put T, <51, no)f

■? in the Afcendant, but miniltcr in/*»'.* S, ? ,0): in hor.i U
jn $, or ~ i or in hnra 2, or Tj in S, m or K, when
the 2) is in 35^ "1 or K, applying to ? , or 2 , or Tj •, and
digch Cholcr hrft, then purge yellow Chr,ler,fcr this kind of
yellow Cholcr is fomewhat thick, and give things to cooj
and quench drought,

<9/Sol in Virgo.

SOL in the firft 6 degrees of n? is cold in the firrt degree,

ingendring Difeafes of Melancholy and thick yellow Chor
ler, and Melancholy hath the Dominion, and the Humour is
cold and dry, foure and (harp in tallc, caufing Kernels and
Scabs in the neck and throat, ftiflfnefs of the Sinews, Cramps,
Small Pox, Merles and flrcng Fevers, oppilations in the ti-
ver and Milt.
Sol in the next j8 degrees of Fir^n is cold in the fccond
degree and dry in the third i caufing Difeafes by the ingen-
dring of Melancholy and thick yellow Cholcr, and Melan-
choly hath the Dominion, and the Humour is foure and lharp,
caufing Scabs in the hjeck, and Kernels, liirfnefs of the Si-
news, -the Squinancy, the Kings Evil and Angina.
Sol in the lafl 6 degrees of is cold in the beginning of
the 3d degree, and dry in the beginning of the 4th degr.
ingendring Difeafes of Melancholy and thick yellow Cholcr,
Melancholy being in the excefs, the Humour is (bur and Lharp,
caufing oppilations in the Liver, pains in the Almonds in the
Throat and root of the Tongue, and the Kings Evil, Kernels
ancj Noli me toogvrc.
JJirologtcarjudgmitt of Phjficl^ l6j

Tlx Cure.

Look in the Chapter of the 0 in if, for the manner df

Curing i but here it is not amifs to fweat the Party, and to
let blood if need require, but you muft lirft digtft, and then
purge him well, and then let blood.

Qf Sol in Libra.

SOL in the firft 6 degrees of^ is moid in the firfl degree,

and hot in thefecond, ingendring Difeafcs of thick Blood
and thin yellow Choler, caultng Difeafes in the Arms, Shoul-
ders and Hands, Scabs, Itches,B(les,and heat in the Reins, and
Scalding of the Water, with running of Nature.
Sol in the next 18 degrees of is moift in the beginning
of the ad degree, and hot in the beginning of the 3d degr.
ingendring Difeafes of thick Blood, and thin yellow Cliplcr,
Blood having the dominion, caufing pains and Difeafes in the
Reins, Arms, Shoulders and Hands, Biles, Botches, yellow
Jaundics, Ihaip Urine, and wafting of Nature.
Sol in the lafl 6 degrees of ^ is moift in the ad, and hot
in the 3 d degree, caufing Di(cafes of thin Blood and thin yel-
low Choler, Blood predominating:, as pains of the Reins,
(calding of Urine, wafting of Nature, Bloody Flux, pains of
the Hands, Arms and Shoulders, lungs Evil, Angmd^Squinan-
tij, Fluxes of the Terms, Biles, Scabs and Itches.

I he Cure.

Minifter not in hora O, U nor <?, but in the hour of J>,

5 or 9, if they be in ^^ or y, S5, m or K ? but lirft
you ought to darihe the Blood, and cool and thin it, and then
breathe a Vein,
163 JJIrological 'judgment of Phyjick.

Of Sol in Scorpio.

COL in the firft 6 decrees of ^ is cold and moid in the firft

^ degree, caufing diftafcs of tough Flegm, (linking, and of
rhin yellow Cholcr, Flegm having the Dominion as Drop-
tics, benumming of the Members, Pal lies and griping and
pricking of the Stomach, oppilations of the Liver, (tuftngof
the Lights,Coughs.
Sol in the next 18 degrees of nt is cold and moid in the
ad degree, ingendring Difcafes of Itinking corrupt Water
and Flegm, and of thin yellow Choler, Flegm bearing fway»
as Droplies, Rottenncfs and Oppilations of the Liver and
Lungs, Coughs, Fevers, great pricking and tearing at the Sto-
mach, Palfies and Impoltumations.
Sol in the laft 6 degrees of m is cold and moid in the be-
ginning of the 3d degree, ingendring Difeafcs of tough ftink-
ing Flegm and Water, and of thin yellow Choler, Flegm ha-
ving the predominancy j as Palfies, Dropfies, Fillulaes, I dues,
pains of fretting and tearing af the Stomach, Hopping and
rotting of the Liver and Lungs, with Coughs.

The Ciercj

Minidcr not in hr.r.i O, vel c?, but in the hours of T> of

5 , when they be in at, =£= of ■, or in the hours of B or
S , being in <5, ^ or vy, 31, -^or ss,ain(l fwcat and purge,
and digelt the matter well, for it is a kind of fair 'tough
Flegm mixed with yellow Choler, flegm having the domif
nion, and therefore will ask good and often digcllion and
purging. Look in fheChapter of O in S and X.

OfSoMn Sagittary,

QpL jn the frd 18 degrees of f Is hot and dry in the begin-

ping pf the fth decree, iisgcndrlng much thick red Cho*
Ajlrohgical Judgment of Phyficl^. 169
ler, caufing Ethica paflio, fwclUog of the Limbs, heat and paiti
of the Back and Heart, CarJtaca bafftp, and heart-buming,great
drought, pains in the Head ana Brain, Rheums in the Eyes,
and a dux of hot Humours falling thereinto Framicknels, pain
of the Gums and roof of the Mouth, Tootn-ache and pain in
theFeet, the Piles, Hemorrhoids, and impediments in pilling.
Sol in the laft 18 degrees of / is hoc ai d dry in the extre-
mity of the 4th degree, ingendring Difcafes of thin yellow
Choler, and thick red Choler, increafing pdlilential Fevers,
Noli me ton/pre, Carbuncles, pains at the Heart, and in the
Back, in the Head and Brain, and roof of the Mouth, Frantick-
nefs, paip in the Feet and Hands, Heart-burning, Syncope,
flopping of the JLiver, overflowing of the Call, yellow Jaui>
dies and Green-ficknefs.

"Tlx Cure.

Mlnifter not in the hour of the 0 nor c?, but in the hour
ofBjS^Sorbi being in 35, "i or X, and put $, "I
or X in the Afcendant •, and firfl prepare this kind of red
and yellow Choler, for it is red, grofs and thick, red Choler
predominating, and it is hot and dry, confuining in the 4th

Of Sol in Capricorn.

0<PL in the flrft 12 degrees of vy is cold in the 3d degree,

^ and dry in the 4th degreeingendring Dilcafes of fecu-
lent Melancholy and thin yd ow Choler and the Melancholy
hath the dominion, caufing Cramps, pontradions of the Si-
news, Warts, \Vens, Knobs, Cankers, gripings and pain in
the Belly and Bowels, the Wind-cholick and Stone in the
Reins, Palfics and benumming of the M'mbers, the Strangu-
ry, the Swine Pox and the French Pox, Measles, Piles and
I/O Ajirological 'judgment of Phyjiik.
Sol in the laft 18 degrees of VT* is cold in the 4th degr. and
dry above Nature, ingendring Difeafes of Melancholy and
thin yellow Cholcr, Melancholy predominating, caufing
Cramp?, contra(ftion of the Sinews, Wens, Knobs, Warts,
Piles, Hemorrhoids, Strangury, griping and pain of the Belly
and Guts, Small Pox, and Frencb Pox, and Mcarles vand if D
be in vy and apply to ©, it is the French Pox, with ache in die
bones, nodfurnal pains, pricking and knobs in the fle(h.

T'lx Ciere.

Minificr not in the hours of c?, 0, h nor 5, but in the

bouts of It, S or the J), being in Jt, or ck, or in V, i5l
or /,putting or cs in the Aftendant, the S applying
to U or 2 i and give digeft ions, and bathe die Party well to'
moiftcn the Humours i for it is a fubtil kind of Melancholy
mixed with thin yellow Choler, Melancholy liaving the do-
minion, and if occafion ferve, open a Vein but it is alwayes
fetter to open a Vein in hot caufe than in cold, and better
to purge and vomit in cold caufes than in hot.

Of Sol in Aquarim.

COL in the firfl 12 degrees of ss is moid in the beginning

of the 3d degree, and hot in the 4th, ingendring Difeafes
of Blood and thin yellow Choler, cauling ImpoUumations in
the Reins, watting of Nature, Gonorrhea Pajfio, Water hot,and
frtiarring of the Yard, Strangullion and Gravel in die Kid-
neys, the Green Sicknefs,and (topping of the Terms.
Sal in the laft 18 degrees of ss is moilt in the 3d, and hot
above Nature, cauling Difeafes of thick Blood and thin yel-
low Cholcr, Blood having the dominion, caufing Impottu-
mations, Carbuncles, the Rofe-fwclling, Gonorrhea Fujfio,
(harpnefs of Urine, pains of the Reins, Kidneys and yard,
watting of Nature.
jtjirologkal Judgwevt of Phyfok. 17

Tlx Curt.

Minifter not in the liour of the 0 nor (J, but in the hour
of ?, », 2 or "b, ^5, n? or being in the Afccndant j di-
geft yellow Cholcr, thin the Blood, ana open a Vein.

Of Sol in Pifccs.

(Cf B in the firft 12 degrees of X is hot and moid in the 3d

^ degree, ingendring Dilcafcs of thick ftinking Water a d-
Flegm, and the Flcgm hath the dominion, and is faltifh and
bitter, caufing Droplies, rotting of the Liver, Coughs, Im-
poflumations, dead Pallies, and many Difeaies in the privy
parts, fluxes of the Flowers, and fuch like, benumming of
the Hands and Fingers, Legs and Arms, of a venomous Hu-
mour, and in the joynts like dinging of Nettles, caufing the
dead Pallie.
O in the laft 18 degrees of X is cold and moid in the be-
finning of the ^.rh degree, ingendring much thick dinking
legm and Water, and thin yellow Cholcr, and the Flcgm
hath the dominion, caufing Difeaies and pains in the privy-
parts > alfo fluxes of the Flowers, Hovria Aquofa, Dropfics,
Indigcdion, and rottennefs and eoldnefs of the Liver, Stran-
gury, &c.
The Curt.

Minidcr not in the hour of d" or U, being clpccially in

ffi, tu or nhr in the hour of 2) or 5, being in Y, <51,
or /, but minider in the hour of h or 2 being in H,—or
£^.ps it is faid in the Chapter of O in S and "1 j and fwcat
and digeft, and purge them drongly.
17^ Ajirological Judgmnt of Phjfcfy.

Of Venus in Aries.

\TEiiutin ttie firft 18 degrees of Y is temperate in all the

* four Qualities, yet caufmg d iilcmperature of thin yellow
Choler, and thin flegm equally mixed, Jaundies and Itches,
the Whites and running of the Reins, Rheums and Biles.
S in the laft 12 degrees of Y is hot and dry in the begin-
ning of the hrft degr. ingendring Difcafcs of thin Flegm and
yellow Choler > the Choler is llrongeft, eauling Itches and
Agues, &&
Ibt Cure.

MiniAcr not to any that grc grieved with the Difcafcs of

5 in Y, in the hour of 9 nor the S, efpccially if the 3 be
in Y, or ^ i nor in the hours of d* nor the O, if they be
in m or M i but if cf or 0 be in it, ^ or ss, putting
S, m or K in the Afcendant you may minifter other wife •,
as in the hour of U, being in ??, ''W or "vy i or in the hour
of 2 or Ti, if they be in n, =2= or ss, and make the Par-
ties tp fweat well, and purge, and let blood, for tew dige-
Itions fervc for inward caufcs, becaule the Humour is thin
and (harp, yellow Choler and thin Water,Choler having pre-
heminence, &c.

Of Venus in Taurus,

\TEnm in the firft 18 degrees of ^ is cold in the firft degr.

* and temperate in drowth and moillurc, ingendring Dif-
eafes of Melancholy and thin Flegm, Melancholy preceding,
ciufing Di(cafes of Head ^nd Brain, with Deafncls, and pain
of the earsin the fide and Reins with Hitches, e^c.
Fenik in the laft 12 degrees of & is cold in the beginning
of the 2d degree, and dry in the beginning of the firft, ingen-
[AftroJogical 'judgment of Phyfeks 175
dring Difeafes of thick Melancholy and thin Flegm, Melan-
choly predominating, cauling pains of the Head, and dea£
nds of the Ear, pain oi the fides and Stitches.

D)t Curt,

Minifter not in the hour of ? nor "h, hut in the hour

of U, being in Y, «Sl or / ^ or in the hour of U, being in
it, fis or — > digeft the Humour, and fweat the Party, then
purge him well, and if need require^ then open a vein, and
the Cure mull be done with hot and moill things.

Of Venus in Gemini,

VKnm in the firft 18 degrees of Gemini is temperate in heat

and cold, but moid in the firft degree, ingend ring Dif-
eafes of Blood and thin Flegm, Blood having dominion, cau-
fing Impodumations, Pleurifies and fwellings, Rheums and
Kernels, and pains of the Throat, the quinancy and Angina.
Ventu in thelail 12 degrees of n is hot in the beginning
of the firft degree, and moift in the beginning of the lecond
ingendring Difeafes of Blood and thin'Water, the Blood pre-
vailing, cauling Impoftumes, Pleurifies, Scabs, Swellings and
Rheums, with pains of the Throat, Angina, Squinancy, Abo-
t'mm, and luch like.

Tht Curt)

Minifter not in the hour of Vtnto nor the D , if flic be in

lr, or as, but if ihe be in ^ or v? you may i and
in the hour of U, he being in 'IC or xr, or in the hour
of the 0, 5 or Tj, in Y, or / •, purge, fweat, and let
blood, and make the Lord of the dth weak, and clcanfc the
174 Afirological Judgment of Phjjicl^

0/Veil us in Cancer.

VEnut in the firft 18 degrees of S ismoift and cold in the

firft degree, ingendring Difcafcs of much Flegm and
(alt Water, caufmg Pains and Aches in the Arms and Shoul-
ders i Fiftulaesj Dropfies and Palfies, and pains and prick-
ings of the Stomach, Giddinefs of the Head and Apoplexie,
with the French Pox, and Swelling at the Stomach.
9 in the laft 12 degrees of ffi is cold and moift in the
beginning of the (ccond degree j caufing Difeafes of much
cold Flegm, and jEalcilh thin Water, in the Arms and Shoul-
ders, Hands and Fingers i as, Chilblains, Impollhumations,
Dropfies, palfies, Filtulaes and French Pox.

The Cure.

Minifter not in the hour of £, 9, Tj nor 2, if they be

in $, m or K, but if they be in n, ^ or £5, you may ad-
minifter » and you may alfo in the hour of O or U, being in
V, e5l, /, or it, :Ctor s», and let the Party fwcat well,
and then purge Flegm, and vomitand avoid all things that
breed Flegm, or cauie cold.

0/ Venus in Leo.

VEhhs in the firft 6 degrees of Leo, is hot and dry in the

firft degree, ingendring Difeafes of yellow Cholcr and
thin Water, in the Stomach, Matrix and Reins, with Ca-
tarrhes, Choler predominating, caufeth Pimples and Scabs.
9 in the next 18 degrees of <£1 is hot and dry in the id
degree, ingendring Difeafes of thin Water and thick yellow
Choler, Choler being the lirongcr, cauling the Piles and He-
rtiorrhoids, Rheums in the Stomach, yellow Jaundics, oppila-
tions in the Liver, evil digeftions, Fevers, Impoftumations in
the Stomach i and in children the fmall Pox, if the i fepa-
AJirological judgment of Pfyjick 175
irate from the 0 in S, and much Flcgtn and Huffing in the
Stomach, with fleepinefs and heavinds.
9 in the lall 6 degrees of =$1 is hot and dry in the begin-
ning of the 3d degree, ingendring Difeafes of thick yellow
Cholcr and thin Flegm, foure and faltifh, and unlavoury in
tafte, and Cholcr exceeds in the commixtion, and the Party's
hot inwardly, and outwardly cold, Ihivering with Fevas,
pains of the Stomach, oppilations, ill digciiion, Hemorrhoids,
Piles, Itches, Scabs, Flux, Chilblains, Swellings and Sciatica.


In the Difeafes caufed of 9 in <51, miniller not in the

hour of 9 nor in the hour of the 2), if (he be in V, <51 or
/, nor in the hours of d or the 0, being in S, m or K s
but in the hours of 5 or "h being in IT, ^ or i», or in the
hour of the S being in S, m or K, and digeft die matter
well, and purge and let blood.

Of Venus in Virgo.

\TEniu in Virgo in the fir ft 6 degrees thereof is cold in the

> 2d degree and dry in the hrft, ingendring Difeafes of
Melancholy and thin Water, Melancholy predominating as
Melancholick Paftions,Difeafes of the Heart, pain of the Back-
bone, and the Illiaca Paffto, with Difeafes in the Bowels and
Navel, and trembling and faintnefs of the Heart i if the D go
from the 0 to 9, it caufeth the Strangury, Heat of the li-
rinc and pain of the Reins, with great Imarting in the Yard,
and Gonorrhea-pallion, and a Fever, the D being Lady of
the hour.
9 in the next 18 degrees of is cold in the 3d, and dry
in the 2d degree, ingendring Difeafes of Melancholy and thin
Flegm, with trembling and faintnefs of the Heart, fcarfulnefs,
and pain of the Back-bone, Difeafes of the Bowels and about
17^ Ajirological Judgment of Phyjick.
the Navel, Iliaca Paffio, the wet and dry Gout, Cbiragra and
$ n thelaft 6 degr. of VZ is cold iri the beginning of the
4th degree, and dry in the beginning of the 3d, ingendring
Difeafes of Melancholy and thin Flegm i as Rheums, catarrhs,
MelancholicH pallions and faintnefs, trembling of the heart,
Jliaca paffio-, griping pains of the Bowels, and about the Na-
vel, the Wind-cholick and pain of the Back-bone.

The Cure,

Miniftcr not in hora $,2,5 nor b, but in the hour of

•ll., or in the hour of © or <?, being in it, ^ior » i fvtcat
the Parties well, digeft and purge,- as in the Chapter of $

0/Venus in Libra.

VEnm in the firft 6 degrees of ^ is hot in the firft degree,

and moift in the ad, ingendring Difeafes of thick and
hot Blood, and of thin Water, Blood having Dominion, cau-
ling the Cholick, the Strangury, pains ana gripings in the
Belly, and about the Navel, Worms in the Maw, Iliack Paf-
fion and fufibcation of the Matrix, bleeding at the Nofe in a
Man, and Vomiting of Blood in a Woman, thePleuritie and
Impoftumations, and a Wind running up and down the Bo-
dy, that is fometimes in the Bowels, and fornedmes in the
Stomach, and fometimes under the (hort ribs in the left fide,
with great pain purge and let blood.
9 in the next 18 degrees of Librd is hot in the fecond,
and moid in the third degree, ingendring Difeafes of thin
Water and thick Blood, Blood predominating, caufing ma-
ny Difeafes i as Chilblains, Cholick, Strangury, pain
and griping in the Belly and about the Navel, and
Worms in the Maw, Jliaca Pajfio, fuffocation of the Matrix,
and continual ifiuing of the Terms, and much Blood in
AJiroIogkal Judgmut of Pfyjicb. 177
the Liver, and tnuch bleeding at the Note, or vomiting of
Blocjd, moft commonly in a Woman, and bleeding in a man
at the Nofe, much pain in the left fide by Wind, and it is apt
to breed a Pleutifie, or Impoftumations in the Liver, or the
Fever Sjnochur,
9 in the laft d degrees of is hot in the beginning of the
3d degree, and motif in the beginning of the ^tn, ingendring
Diieafes of thick Blood and thin Flegm, cauiing pain and gri-
pings in the Belly, and about the Navel,lliack Pallion, Worms
in the Maw, and (uffbeation of the Matrix, with fluxes of
W omens Terms.
27* Cure.

Miniiler riot in the hour of 5, nor in the hour of the 2, if

(he be in n, =£= or ss, but if ihe be in W, ^ttor v?" you may i
drid alib miniiler in the hour of 11., Tf, or 9, if they be in
if, HC or V ; lookin theChaptcrof 9 in 3£,and let blood.

O/Venns in Scorpio.

VEnut in the firft £ degrees of rn is cold and mdilin the 2d

degree, ingendring Difeafes of much chick (linking flegm
and Water1, cauiing Diieafes in the Reins and Kidneys, the
^Whites in Women and Hopping of the Veins and conduits
of the Urine, that one cannot piis, if D be in aipeft of T? in
if, 'tC or w, ihe caufeth in Women the Mother, in Men the
Wind-cholick and Indigeilion, weaknefs of the Liver, and
much Water in the Stomach and Matrix, if (he be joyned Co
U in K, with venomous Humours cauiing fuffocation of the
Matrix, and the Dropiie.
9 in the next 18 degrees of "1 is cold arid moift in the
3 d degree, ingendring Diieafes of (linking tough Flegm and
Water, cauiing Indigeilion, rottennefs in the Liver, Dropiies,
flux of the Whites in Women, (lopping of the Urine, pains of
the Reins and Kidneys, and iifuing of Nature \ when 9 is in
35, m or K, and is Lady of the rath Houfc, or £th,it (igni-
178 djirological Judgment of PhjjUk.
fieth that the Expulfive Virtue, or Faculty, waxeth ftrong in
the Bodies of Women, and that if theirTcrras were ftop'd
before, they will come down (hortly j for the Expulfive Vir-
tue is maintained by cold and moifturc, and to fuch, where
Venus is Lady of the 12 th, and the D applyes to S , efpecial-
ly if the 2) (cparate from Saturn^ then give them to bring
down their Terms Milk boylcd, and drink Ale or Beer put in
ic without Sugar, and let them oft eat it, and it will bring
down much congealed Blood, and their Terms from them,
Venus in the 7th in "j, and the D in the 12th applying to Ve-
nus and (cparatine from 1? .probat.
Venus in the <5 laft degrees of m is cold and moift in the be-
ginning of the 4th degree, ingendring Difeaies of much cold,
Ainking and tough Flcgm and Water i as Dropfies, Indigcili-
ons, rottennefs of the Liver, Coughs, tickling of the Lights,
pains of the Reins and Kidneys, flopping of the Urine, fluxes
of the Whites in Women, Cramps.

The Cure.

Minifternctin thehourof 9,3,5 nor T?, being in $,

" »n or K, but in the hour of U or the O, and put V, eJl or
t in the Alcendant. Look in the Chapt. of 9 in S. Sweat,
vomitand purge, and forfake all cold and moifl meats.

Of Venus in Sagitary.

VEnas in the flrfl 12 degrees of T is hot and dry In the 3d

degree,ingendring Difeafes of thick redCholer and thin
Flegm, Choler predominating, caufing Difeafes in the privy
parts, in the Matrix and Vulva, as burning with Women,
Botches, Carbuncles, the Gonorrhea and Piksin the Funda-
ment, Fillulaes in the lower parts of the Bdly.
9 in the laft 18 degrees of / is hot and dry in the begin-
ning of the 4th degree, ingendring Difeafes of much thick
red Choler and thin Water, Choler exceeding j as Difeafes of
Ajlrological Judgment of Phyftck. 179
the Tcfiiclcs and privy parts the Vulva, Matrix and Green-
ficknefs, Hemorrhoids and Piles, Heat of the Reins and Fever,
Botches and Carbuncles, claps and heat of Urine, hot burning
Fevers of long continuances breeds great pains in the Sto-
maidi, Head and Back, comes fomctimcs with cold, other*
whiles with hot fits for 12 hours, and much rifing in the
Throat, I like to Hop the breath, like heart-burning of (alt
Flegm^and breeds pain under the Ribs, under die region of
thcLivcr,of (alt Flegm, and pain round about the Body, gird-
ing them round about the Paps, efpccially when the D in the
6 laft degrees of / applies to the 0 in vi, or to cf in ^, or
if the © or d1 be lord of the hour, then there is much prick-
ing and tearing, and pain about the Heart, and under the left
Bread and right Side.
' The Cme.
Minifter not in the hour of the 5, nor the hour of $, be-
ing in Y, «5l or 7, nor in the hours of the © and <3 bdng
in S, or K, Y,il or 7 j but in the hour of U being in
31, or i or in the hour of T? or 5 being in SS, or K v
and firft digett the Humour well, then purge him flrongly, for
here Choler hath the Dominion, and your preparatives in this
mud be as firong as purgers of $ in Y, and therefore here
1 hold it good to purge withScamraony, Diagridion, Colo-
quintida or Turbith, as you (hall find mod convenient, and
give no Purges againd any Difeafes caufed of ? in 7, but
prepare three dayes fird drongly, for it is of drong fait Flegm.
Your diet in this Cure mud be freih Beef, Mutton or Veal, or
Birds, and (bmetimes frelh Butter, and Beer or Ale, but no
Wine, Spice, nor fait Meat.

O/Venus in Capricorn.

VEntts in Capricorn in the fird 12 degrees is cold in the 4th

degree, and dry in the 3d, ingendring Difeafes of Me-
lancholy and thin Flegm, caufing pains and aches in th"
N 2 joynts,
l8o AJlrologial JudgMent ofPhjJic^.
joynts, in the Thighs and Huckle-bones, and Buttocks, (bmc
times the Sciatica : if 9 be in VP, fhe alwayes fignities a Wo-
man weak and lean by Nature i being Lady of the Afcendant,
or fignifier of the Party, then (he is very fufpicious, full of care
and thought, and by nature fubjedi to much (icknels, with
pain of the Side ana Heart, pining and confuming, and off ill
thoughts, thinking thcmfclvcs to be bewitched, and indeed
are fubjc& to the power of ill pcrfons, as being timorous and
weak of Faith * they languilh in Sicknefs much, and fret'
quickly, and take thought and conceits, arc often puling-fick,
and not long well, yet apt to have many children i they are
conceited of themfclves, thinking thcmfelves fair, and indeed
are fair enough, but full of tongue and palfions, cfpecially if
, $ be in S, and the D apply to b.
$ in the lad 18 degr. of V is cold in the extremity of the
4th degree, and dry in the beginning of the 4th, ingendring
much cold Melancholy and thin Flegm, Melancholy exceed-
ing, caufing Difeafcs, as aches and pains in the Joynts, Thighs
and Huckle-bones, Sciatica, Impoftumations.

Tlx Cure.

Miniftcr not in the hour of 9 nor b, but in the hour of

Tl, being in or and do as is faid ip the Chapter
of 9 in 9 and 9 in VZ.

Of Venus in Aquarius.

VEnuf in the firft la degrees of 37 is hot in the 3d, and

moid in the 4th degree, ingendring Difeafes of chick fe-
culent Blood, and thin FTcgm, blood prevailing as Impoftu-
mations, and Dropftcs in the Knees, and aches and (wcllings
of thcFleth, Chilblains, the Kings Evil, and Lunar-palTions.
9 in the laft 18 degrees of ~ is hot in the beginning of
the 4th degree, and moift in the extremity of the 4th, ingen-
dring much thick Blood and thin Water, blood prevailing.
AJirologkal Judgment of PhjJte^. 181
cauGng Pleurifies, Impoftumations, Chilblains, Droplics, aches
in the Knees, the Kings Evil, and Lunatick pallion.

Tbt Cure.

Miniftcr not in the hour of 9, nor in the hour of Tj nor

the S, iilhebe in V, 't? or V ^ you may in the hour of It
being in 55,1? or >7 i or alfo in the hour of the O or Mercu-
ry \ and let blood, and cleanle the blood. Look in the Chapt. of
the i in ir.
Of Venus w Pitcs.

\T£ff»r in the IA ild.egr. of K is cold and moiA in the 4th

' dcgr. ingendring Difeafes of much thick, tough, Ainking
Flegm and Waters as IndigeAion, rottenncfs of the Liver,
Dropdes, FiAulaes, Hernia tquofa, ImpoAumes, lots of the
members, putrefadiion, and great Rheums, and Aoppings and
Auffings at the Stomach, Coughs, and pains of the Belly, with
the Quotidian flegmatick Fever.
9 in the la A 18 deer, of K is cold and moiA in the extre-
tnity of the 4th dcgr. above Nature, cauting mortal Difeates, of
much tough, cold, Aimy Flcgm and thin Water, cauting the
French Pox, Dropties, IndigeAion, rottennets of the Liver, Fi-
Aulaes, and many Ditcatcs in the Legs and Ankles of putrefa-
dHon and mollitication, pains of the Belly and Hips, with the
Quotidian flegmatick Fever and Gout in the Hands and Fin-
gers, ache of the Bones, and fwcllingof the hands and feet, the
Scurvy, the French Pox, of venomous Humours and corruption
of Blood, by venomous water and rotten blood.

The Cure.

MiniAer notin thehourof 9 nor 2), nor 5 nor Tj being

in 35, m or K, but in the hours of O, U or cT, being in T*
tRor /. Look in the Chapter of 9 in S : vomit, fweat and
let blood.

Of ike Properties ^/"Mercury.

MEiXioy is faid to rule the Tongue and Memory, bccaufe

of his Eloquence, and hath attributed to him the Speech
and Deliberation, the Lungs, the Spleen and Milt, the Lights,
theStomacli, the Bladder, the Matrix, the right Ear the Brain,
the Nolhrils, the inllruments of the Scnfe,and the Virtue Re-
ceptive, the Animal Spirits, the Thighs, the Belly, the Flank
and the Hands, the Throat-bole, the Navel, the Pc-den, the
Veins, the Nerves, the Thoughts and Difcafes of the mind,
the third fort of Madneft, ana the third kind of Falling-fickr
nefe, the Cough, the precipitation of the Matrix, and the per-
turbation of the mind, abundance of Spittle and Ilheurns, and
divers dry Difeales.

Of Mercury in Apes.

"JVyf in the firft 18 degrees of Y is temperate in heat

J- and cold, but dry in thcfirlh degree canting Dileafc of
fubcile, thin, yellow Choler,and of thin, fubtile,and (harp Me-
lancholy equally commixed, cauling Itches and froth, and
Rheum in the Stomach.
5 in the lafl 12 degrees of Y is hot in the beginning of
the hrft degree, and dry in the beginning of the 2d, ingen-
dring Difeales of thin yellow Choler, and thin and fubtile
Melancholy, Choler predominating i and the Urine will looly
Jiki. Sack, but fumewhat grccmlh, and it caufcth Difcafes of
the Brain, hot Fevers, Pimples and rilings of the Blood, the
Canker: n I the Kings Evil, St. Anthonits Fire, darknels and
dimntfs of the Eye's, tloppings of the Flowers, and fuffoca-
cioji of tire Matrix, horrible and fearful thoughts and vexati-
on of the mind, etpecially if <S behold 2 s He cadeth allo
Agues to come by hts, and forenefs of the Tongue and Mouth
Jjirohgka. f'judgment of PhjJick. 183
through Rheum, Choler,and Melanchf ly mix'd, which come
from the Lungs and Stomach, amending into the Head, the
riling of the Lungs into the Throat, cfpecially if he afped: 1^.
in as, and the ft para te from $ and apply to If..

"the Cure.

Minifter not in the hour of 5 nor Tj, but in the hour of

U or S, being in Jt, or as, and put Jr, ^ or as in
the Afcendant, or B, m or K, if U or the 0 be therein,
and fweat the Parties well, digeit the Humour, and purge, and
let blood.'

Of Mercury in Leo.

TVyfErcMrji in the firft 6 degrees of tSl is hot in the firft de-

•L'-L gree and dry in the fecond, ingendring Diftafes of thick
yellow Choler and thin Melancholy, but Choler predomi-
nates, caufing pains and aches in the Shoulders, Arms and Si-
ne* s, Ibraitnefs of the Lungs, Rheum and Hopping of the
Lungs and Stomach, Feaifulnefsand Frenzy if he be in Con-
jundnon or Afpcd: with h > Faintnefs and languilhing.
S in the next 18 degrees of «5l is hot in the ftcond degr,
and dry in the third i ingendring Difcafes of thick yellow
Choler and thin Melancholy, with pains in the Arms and
Shoulders, and aches in the Mufcles, S-c. the Piles, if $ be
Lord of the Afcendant, and the u go from the Q in 23, it
caufeth (lecpinels, heavinefs and vomiting, and much Water
mixed with Melancholy in the Stomach, and the Small Pox,
and much pain in the Head, Lungs and Stomach Huffed with
Flegm-, the Party is cold inward, hath pain of the Belly, with
(baking, fearfulnels and trembling^tfpicially if the D go from
S in ciT, with a Fever.
5 in the laft 6 degrees of <51 is hot in the beginning of the
3d degree, and dry in the beginning of the ^th degree i in-
N 4. gen-
184 Jfirologcal Judgment pf Phyjic%.
gendring Difeafes of thick yellow Chcler and thin Melan-
choly, pains in the Shoulders and Arms, Aches in the Sinews,

"the Cure,

Minifter not in the hour of 5, the © nor <?, being in

Y, or /, but in the hour of li > as before in the Chap-
ter of 2 V,

Of Mercury in Sagittary.

Aif ErcKg»in thcfirft 12 degrees of / is hot in the 3d dcgr.

-'•▼■A and dry in the 4th, ingendring Difeafes of red Cholcr
and thin Melancholy, Choler having dominion, and caufeth
ftrong, dry, and hot burning Fevers, and pains in the Reins,
and the Stone in the Reins, the Piles and Hemorrhoids, and
pains about the Navel, and Cankers, and foorching dryngfs
and hardnefs of the Liver, hopping of the Menrttues and dry>
nefs of the mouth with clammy Flcgm, tough, thick, and
four withall, and it rcrteth in the Lungs and Throat, cauiing
Confupptions, and drying up the Radical humidity of the
Body, and walicth Nature.
2 in the laft 18 degrees of 2 is hot almoh in fhe4th dcg.
and dry in the extremity of fhe 4th degree, jjigendring Dif-
eafes of thick red Cholcr and thin Melancholy, red Cholcr
predominating \ caufing dry and hot mortal Fevers, which do
con fume the Radical humidity erf" the Body, the Stop? and
pains of the Reins, the Piles apd Hemorrhoids, and pain about
the Nave), the Canker and corroding Piicalcs that arc with-
out Remedy. Further, he llirrethup lubtile Humours and ve-
nomous, caufing a kind of the French Pox, with much twinkr
ling, and pricking, and ?king in the Hc^d and Fore-head,
and ip the Arms and calyes of the Legs, pain of the Side and
(convullion in the Bowels and Belly, 9nd griping of thejputs,
pnd the Humour aforefeid cauftd of thin Melancholy and red
£hoJey i ^lrill)>an4 frccceth the TopglWj gpd ffpccially pajq
AJlroIogical Judgment of Phypck: 185
ofWind in the right Side, in the Region of the Liver, both
in Man and Woman, in one of the Sides, and benumming of
the Head and Brain.
If $ be combuft, and the 2 (cparatc from 9 in fn, and
apply to d in /, it caufeth ccnfumpiion of the Body and
Members, and drynefs of the Mouth, Throat and Lungs, and
flopping of the Terms, of a clammy thick Flcgm, of red Cho-
ler and Melancholy i and ic is ifaarp and four withal, and
(lops the pores of the Body, caufing great weaknefs, and con-
fumeth the Radical humidity by heat and drowth, cauiing
death (jiddenly.
If $ be in /in 11 or iS degr. and Lord of the Afcendant,
and the 0 feparate from 9 and apply to b in it caufeth
the great Pox, with extreme aches and pains i it breaks out
in the Head and Feet with great Scabs and black, and full of
holes and kernels, tyuh great pain in the Reins.

77* Cure.

Look in the Chapter of 5 in Y for the times and Cures,

but this Difeafe mull be tirll well prepared before the Patient
be purged, or elfe a Purge will do little good \ for the Hu-
mour is venomous s therefore in your preparations put fudi
things as prprefs venom.

Of Mercury in Taurus.

MErcxy in the fir ft 18 degrees of ^ is cold and dry in the

Hrll degree, cauiing Difeafesof two forts of Melancholy,
thick and thin \ as the Gout in the Feet, and many other Dif«
piles and pains in the Feet, with Quartan Agues and fwelling
in thcMembers, Cankers, Warts, Wens and Knobs. 5 in b1,
the £ in ft, applying to <? in K, caufeth the Plague, Mer*
(ury lord of the i?th, d lord of the hour.
5 in the the lad 12 degrees of & is cold and dry in the
beginning of the 2d degree, ingendring Difeafes of two forts
of Melancholy, viz. grors, and thin fubcile Melancholy, cau-
sing Melancholy pallions, fadnefs, heavinefs, Wens, Warts,
Knobs, Cankers, coldnefs in the Stomach, the Gout, if ? be
Retrograde, and the S apply next to h in «Sl, he hath a
Fever, is very fearful, timorous and dry.

TJx Cure.

Minidcr not in the hour of h nor 5, but in the hour of

H being in ar, ^ or sst, or put n, or in the Alcen-
danti and let the £ apply to If. in n , =2= or ss;, and purge

Of Mercury m Virgo.

TiyTErCTn^i in the firft 12 degrees of ^ is cold and dry in the

1VJ. 2d degree, ingendring Diieafcs of thin Melancholy, as
Madncis, Wens, Warts, Cankers, Hopping of the Liver and
Lungs, and pain in the Stomach, the Cramp and Palfie of the
Stomach, and contraction of the Sinews and Muicles of the
Stomach, with pricking and aches.
5 in ttf, between S and Tj in ^,caufcth much bleeding
at the iNiofc, pain of the Head, Lungs and Breaft, and bottom
of the Belly, fbrenefs of the Throat, and a great drought and
furring of the mouth ready to vomit, if the i> withall do (&•
pararc from the 0 in <51, then the Party is hot and burning,
very dry, and full of yellow Cholcr and chin Melancholy Hop-
•ping the Stomach, ana caufing indigeHion, efpecially if U be
in <5, in or near a fquare to the 0, if the £ dofeparate from
S in nr i ? Lord of the 12 th in nr, the greatell pain is in
the bottom of the Belly, and in the Keins and Matrix, with
much fluihing heat in the face, and pain of the right lide.
S in the next 18 degrees of VZ is cold and dry in the 3d
degree, ingendring Difeafes of Melancholy, Hopping of the
Afirological "judgment ofPhjJick. I$j
y Stomach and Liver, the Palfie of the Stomach, with
pricKtng and contra&icn of the Sinews and Mufcles of the
ScoiTOch, and Cramp » if S be Lord of the 12 th, and apply
to a ci of the 0, and the 2) apply to S in t5l in the loth,
it caufeth the Stone and Strangury.
The Cure, as before in the Chapter of 2 in

Of Mercury in Capricorn.

AyfErw/ry in the fir ft ra degrees of Vis cold and dry in the

4th degree, ingendring Difeafes of Melancholy cold
and dry, ftiff and four,caunng Madnels, Difeafes and pain in
the Groyn, in the Yard and in the Bladder, taking away the
ufe of the Yard, flopping of the Terms in a Woman, and Mo-
la Mjtricii, and fuffocation of the Matrix, Wens and hard
Knobs and Bunches, and (hrinking of the Sinews, the Mother,
much wind in the Matrix, Body and Stomach, and troubles of
the Mind, with fearfulnefs, Difeafes of the Lights, and hard-
nefs of the Sides, of much Melancholy and vomiting difturb-
ing of the Mind and Under (landing, and efpecially if 5 be
lord of the 6 th, the 12 th, or of the Afcendanr, or lord of the
hour,or that the D doth apply to, or be in fullafpedf of S,
2 in the lall 18 degrees of V is cold and dry in the ex-
tremity of the 4th degr. even above nature, cauling Difeafes
ftrong of Melancholy uncurable s as the Stone in the Bladder,
flopping of the Urine flopping of the Terms, Bunches, Wens
ana hard Knobs, Cankers, Wolves, Piles and Hemorrhoids,
and great pain in the right ilde under the (hort ribs, and in
the Bdly:gripiug like the Cholick or Stitches, caufcd of Wind
and Melancholy, (lopping the Veins, making the Parties to
vomit much, and fore lick, much driving.

TIk Cure.

Minifter not in the hour of 5 nor Tj, but in the hour of

as beforc-faid, in the Chapter of ? in , and fwcat the
188 AJirobffcal Judgment of Phyju^.
Party well, and diged and purge i the bed remedy is to give
them (harp or four things to eat or drink, as thefe, Lem-
morvs, Oranges, Oximel, polick Butter, Whey, Whitc-wine-
vinegar, with Sugar-candy, Tamarinds, (bur Ale and Beer,

Of Mercury in Gemini.

XyTEreKni in Gemini in the fird tS degr. is temperate in all

■fyj- the four Qualities, yet brecdcth Dubfis, as didcmpcra-
turc of the Blood by thin Melancholy, caafing pains ih the
left fide of the head, perturbations of the mind, and infetfring
the opdck Nerves, cauling many Vifions and Fancies appear-
ing before the eyes, melancholick Paflions, and great pain in
the right fide, and under the Qiort ribs, of Wind and Melan-
choly Ifopping the Vans.
Merewy in the lad 12 degrees of 3Z is hot and moid in the
beginning of the fird degr. ingendring Difeafes of thin Me-
lancholy and Blood, Blood predominating, cauling penurba-
tionsof the Mind and Brain, W himfies andftrange Villons and
Apparitions before the Eyes, melancholick Pallions and Fu-
ries, with fadnefs, fearfulnefs and folitarinefs, the Palfie of
the Tongue and lofs of Speech, the Tooth-ache, and hurteth
the Memory, Impolhimations and pains in the right Ear, and
pains of theNodrils, and in the inltruments of the Senres,iin-
pediting their operations with fearfulnefs and heavy thoughts.

The Cure,

Miniftcr not in the hair of Mercury nor h, but in thchcuy

of U or ?, being in tic or "W j or if 9 be in 3i, =0= or
ss, or the 2), placing Y, or / in the Afccndant, and
nuke the Party Iweat luftily, then purge, and let him blood.
^Ajlrologkal judgment of Phyfck* 189

Of Mercury in libra.

A^Ermry in the fixft 6 degrees of ^ is hot and moift in

■i-'J- the firft degree, ingendring Difeafcs of thin Melancho-
ly and Blood, Blood exceeding, cauiing Syncope, Pleurifies,
Cardiack PalTions, Impoftumations, and divers Di(ca(es of
the Heart and Back, vrith trembling of the Heart and fear-
Mercury in the next 18 deer, of ^ is hot and moid in the
2d degree, ingendring Diftafcs of thin Melancholy and thick
Blood, Blood predominating, cauiing the Cardiack Padion,
trembling at the heart, laintnels, Green licknels, Impoftuma-
tions and Sadnels j as alfo Cankers and Heavinels, the Stran-
gury, the Stone, and pains of the Reins.
Mercury in the laft 6 degrees of ^ is hot and moift in the
beginning of the 3d degree, cauiing Difeafcs of thin Melatv?
choly and thick Blood i as Pleurifies, Impoftumations, Cardi-
ack Padion, trembhng of the Heart, Cankers, Sadnels, heavy
Thoughts, ill Fancies, and the like.

The Cure,

Look in the Chapt. of Mercury in H, purge the Party, and

let him blood, and give him things to fcour, fwecten. compole
and cleanfe the Blood, and to puritie and thin it, and purge

Of Mercury in Aquarius.

rctay in the tft 12 degr. of ss is hot and moift in the

3ddegr. cauiing Difcaies of thick Blood and thin Me-
lancholy, Blood having dominion, cauiing pains in the Thighs
and aches in the Huckle-bones, as Sciatica, and Impoftumes in
the Huckle-bones and Thighs, precipitation and liiffocation
of the Matrix,
190 AJiroIogical judgment of Pfyjic%.
$ in the laft 18 degrees of xs is hot and moilt almoft in1
the 4thdegr. ingendring Difeafes of thick Blood and thin Me-
lancholy ,Blood being predominate i caufing pains and aches in
the Thighs and Huckle-bones, and Sciatica, with Impohuma-
tions, Hemorrhoids and Piles.

The Cure,

Look the Chapter of 5 in n » fweat the Party, purge

him, and let him blood.

Of Mercury in Cancer.

in the firft 18 degrees of S is cold in the rft degr.

and temperate in moiihire and drowth, caufing Difealcs
of thin Melancholy, and faltilh Water and Flcgm, cauiing
Rheutns and pains of the Throat, and in the root of the
Tongue and Gullet, the Squinancy, and the like.
$ in the lalt 12 degrees of S is cold in the beginning of
the 2d degree, and moilt in the beginning of the lirlt*, ingen-
dring Difeafes of thin Melancholy, and thin, faltilh, watry
Flegm, caufing Rheums, Catarrhes, pain in the Throat and
Mufcles of the Throat, and in the root of the Tongue, as the
Squinancy, rifing of the Lungs,ready to flop the Wind, much
Fkgm and Blthy Choler, and the Cough and ftraitnefs of the
Lungs, with Wind, as alfb a Cough of the Lights.

TJje Cure.

Minifter not in the hour of 3? nor Ti, but in the hour of

Tt or S , Y, <51 or being in the Afcendant, and let the
Party fweat well, then purge him and let him blood.
^ ^AJbrological Judgwevt of PhjiJicI^. 191

Of Mercury hi Scorpio.

TV^Eiwyin thefirft 6 degrees of m is cold in the addegr.

and moift in the Hrft,ingendringDifeafcs of thick ftink-
ing Flegm and thin Melancholy, Flegm predominating, cau-
fing pain and griping in the Belly, about the Navel, Woims
in the Maw and Guts, the Whites in Women and pains of
the Matrix, the French Pox, the Swine PoXj and the Meailes.
5 in the next 18 degrees of "1 is cold in the 3d degwe,
and moilt in the ad i ingendring Difeafcs of thick and funk-
ing Flegm and thin Melancholy, cauHng pains and gripings of
the Belly, Worms in the Belly and Maw, the Whites in Wo-
men and pains of the Matrix, heavy dulnefs and faintneft, hea-
vy and dill rafted thoughts. Swellings in the face like unto the
Mumps, and riling in the Throat threatning choaking, and
cold and chilnels over all the Body.
12 in the laft 6 degrees of "I is cold in the beginning of
the 4th degree, and moilt in the beginning of the 3dingen-
dring Difeafes of tough ftinking Flegm and thin Melancholy,
Flegm having dominion, cauling pains in the Belly, and gri-
ping about the Navel, and Worms in the Maw and Guts, and
ifluing of the Whites in Women, with pains of the Matrix.

The Cure.

Minifter not in the hour of Tj nor 1?. Look before in die

Chapter of 12 in $ : fweat and purge the Party well.

Of Mercury in Pifces.

Ercwry in the firft 12 degrees of K is moilt in the 3d,

ancfcold in the degr. ingendring Difeafes of thick
and tough Flegm and thin M lancholy, and the Flegm hath
19 a Afirologicat Judgment of Phyjuk.
the dominion, caufing Dropfies, Irapoftumes'in the Knees
and Legs, with fwelling of the Knees and thcGout.
5 in the latt iS degrees of K is cold above Nature, in the
extremity of the 4th degr. and moift in the beginning of the
4th degr. ingendringDiteafes of thick and tough Flcgm putri-
ficd,and of thin Melancholy \ and Flegmhath the dominion,
caudng pains, Impoftume3>Dropfics^na pain in the Knees and
Legs, as alfb the Gout.
Tht Cure.
Look before in the Chapter of 2 in S, tSra

Of tht Termt being fief t,

\K7Hcn the caufc of the Difcafe is of 5 in the rft degr. of

* ' H in the nth Houfc, and the I) in » fcparating
from <J in V, applying to an rf" of Ti in <51 Rctr. i firft let
her blood under the Ankles in both the feet, and the next day
this Potion three dayes together.
Be Trochijch Myrrh* & de Aleakingi fiJJ. Powder it, and
take it for one Dole in White-wine, and it bringeth them
The Virttte or faculty Expnlfivt*

TTle Expulfive Faculty is the 4th and laft principal Virtue

-*■ in the Body of Man, and is condituted by cold and moi-
fturc temperate, and is governed by the D,and the Signs 3,
m and X, which are more moid than cold v and in moifturc
the Expulfive Faculty doth participate with the Blood, and in
celdnels with the Earth, and with h, and it isholpcn in the
Signs 3, m and and it is debili rated or (lopped in the
Signs Y, £1 and /, and the firft 18 degrees of 3 are cold
and moift, temperate, and the laft 12 degrees of 3 are cold
and moift in the beginning of the id degree j and the firft 6
degrees of "i are cold and moift in the id decree, the next 18
degrees of "1 are cold and moift in the 2d degree, ihe lail 6
degfi aK cdki and moift in the beginning of the 3d degr. and
the firft 12 degr. of H are cold dnd moid in the beginning of
the jd degr. and the lad i8 degr. of K are cold and moid in
the jj-th degr.
The Expulfive Virtue therefore 13 thai which drivethoutby
fiedgc, the dregs of the meat after digeftioa, and feparatetli
tint which the Attractive Virtue hath drawn down into the
Bowels or Bladder, or that evacuateth, or drivcth out . of thc_
Veins ariy evil ot uHhatutdl humours gathered in a^y part of
the Body or Members i and this Expullion is either Natural or
Unnatural > Natural, when it doth temperately its office, Un-
hatural, veiled it dbth it Itronger, oftencr, or forsibiier than it
Ihould or ought, againlt Nature: therefore ibmctimes this Ex-
pull ivc Virtue is hurt, weakned or let, that he cannot do his
office in expelling the Humours ahd Excrements of the Body
as he Ihould or ought to do, either by heat or drowth, or by
both > by heat in refpedt of Cholef dhd Blood \ by drowth, in
refpeft of Cholcr and Mehnchbly ■, but moft of all, it is itope-
ditcd and hindrcd by drowth, cither of Cholcr or of Melan-
choly, fupematufalty abounding in the Body and in the mem-
bers, and ^henfoever it Ls fo, then the Retentive Faculty is
(hong, for the ExpUlfive is oppdlite to' the Retentive i and as
the one by drynefe ddth make hard ahd feraimfo the dtlicr by
tnbifture doth make foft and eApell v dnd the ExpuIGvc Virtue
beihg weakned, is to be comforted and ftrengthned when the
£ is in 35, m or K, as the Retentive Virtue is to be holpen
being diftcmpered, the 2) being in C, or Vf '■> or as the Di-
geftive Virtueis to be holpen arid ftrengthned the P itt T, <51
or /, afpcdHng the place where it iS weakhed.,
The Natural Expulflve Vif tue Is in all tHe Body, and in eve-
ry member, as well as in the Belly and Stomach, to drive ait
andexpell all fuperduitieS ill the Veins or Arteries, Stomach,
Belly or Bovtcls, that do ahriby Or arc hurtful to Nature, or to
the natural Health of the Body. For the weakning of the Ex-
pulfive virtue in the Matrix, and hopping of the Terms, look
for the caufi s in the Chapter of the Matrix, and ih the Chap-
O rci
rg4 \AJirologkal Judgment ofPhyftckj
ter of Retention of the Flowers^and in the Ghapt/^'of Flux' 5,
Menjintj) where thefe things are (hewed at large.
Muchdryncfscaufeth clearnefs, much cold caufeth white-
nefs, much heat caufeth rednels, much moiliure caufeth thick-
rds, much drowth in the Bowels and Mufcles lautudinales
caufeth colVivenefs.
Much drowth in the Matrix caufeth flopping and retention
of tha Flowers, much moillure in the Stomach caufeth vo-
miting and loofhefs of meat, much moilture in the Bowels
caufeth the Flux or Lask.
Much moiflure in the Reins and in the Secd-bringers caufeth
weaknefs df the Pieins, and iffuing and wafting of Nature.
Much moiflure in the Matrix caufeth the Flux of die MenJiruej,
or extraordinary ifliung of the Whites or flowers.
Much moiflnefs in the Head and Brain caufeth Hcad-ache,
pain, and heavinefs to flecp.
Excefsof moiflure in the Mufcles of the Bladder caufeth the
Party not to be able to retain his Urine.
Overmuch drynefs in the Mufcles of the Bladder caufeth
theParty that he cannot pifs, or breedeth the Stone.
Much drowth in the Reins, Kidneys and Mufcles of the
Back, ingendreth the Stone, and caufeth revullion of Nature.
Much drynefs in the Stomach caufeth one to keep his meat
long before it be digelled, and raaketh him hard to vomit, nor
to have any appetite to vomit, and if he vomit it will be by
Overmuch drynefs in the Milt doth make the Body and
Belly fwell, and wax hard, and caufeth Confumption, and
breedeth the Stitch, and (hortnefs of breath.
Much drowth in the Liver caufeth Indigdlion, and makcth
the Liver hard.
Much drowth in the Heart doth make one pine away, and
•fwell in the Storriach, and to have a toughnefs therein, and
to be very faint and unlit for action.
Overmuch moillure in the Liver doth rot him, and fill him
full of bandies and fores, and caufeth the Dropiic, and the
Party look; foggy, cloudy, and blough in the face, with Pim-
ples if it be hot withall", but if it be cold and moift it caufeth
the Dropfie.
Sometimes alfo it chanceth that the Expulfi ve Virtue is too
llrong, by rcalbn of too much moillurc in the Mufclcs Jatimeli-
naks, and then the Party becometh very laxative, and doth
fcourmuch with thelask.
If the Expnllive Virtue be too firong in the Reins of the
Back and in the Seed-carriers, then Nature doth walk and
confumc, and gocth from the party.
If it be too llrong in the Liver, the party Will bleed much i
if in the Stomach then he will vomit, or be given to vomiting
much,and fo in all other parts of the Body i if in the mufclcs of
the Bladder, then the Urine will pafs unnaturally from him.
If the Expulfive Faculty be too llrong in the Matrix, then
the Flowers do pafs away unnaturally, and then is cauled a
Flux of Flowers, as well of the red Flowers as of the white.
When the Virtue Expulfive is too llrong by rcafou of the
unnatural exccfs of Flcgm,then mollturc abounds in the Veins
in any of the Members. And then again, if the Virtue At-
tradfivc be too ftrong in that member allb, to draw thefupcr-
fluous moilture unto it, then the abundance of Humours rc-
forting to the place, caule lome Difcafes or Impollumations of
a flegmatick matter, or otberwifcopprcfleth the Sinews and
Mufdes by too much moiftnefs, and fo caufeth a Droplie or
PaHie, or benumming of the Members, and many times thelofs
of the ufe thereof.
Sometime alfo it happeneth that men have the Megrim iri
the Head, and are Ibrely Huffed in the Head, the caufe thereof
is, that the Expulfive Virtue is weakned through a dry Hu-
mour that opprcfieth the Mufdes Expulfive in the roof of the
mouth and nore,then the Retentive Virtue through drovvth is
fo llrong, that it fufierethnot the Expulfive Virtue to do its
office, which in that place is foon remedied, by holding in the
mouth a little Violet-water, and gargling the mouth there-
with, being mixed with a little Boiragc or Dill-waters
A Remedy when the Expulfive Virtue is weakned by too much
drowthin any Member) and this Unguent is our Inventi-
on, and it is almoft temperate in heat and cold, but it is
moill:, and doth moillcn almoft in 5 deg. and isExpuliive,
R Succi viol art althc£, boragt mar, mann*, fern* atri-
plic. paftinac.fttcci faceti, grana tnuUfucci ana ffl.fiucifapjver*
laditc. Jemcn pftllii, olti oliv. ana 5Hi axstng, forcing quantum
fufficit, buSiat & fiat mgmntum ftcmiwn artm » and anoint
therewith the Mulclcs lathtidinaks.

A Remedy where the Expulfivc Virtue is wcakned by heat

and drought, which Remedy is cold and moid almoli in
the third degr. Expuliive.
R Succi mercttrialif, malvt, pcrfil. camnm lafiae. atriplic.
agrcjii ma ^ ij. & cum axungix porcina fiat unguentum, & ungt
plant at pedum, rener & utnbilicumi or ag^inll the Mufdcs lati-
indinaleT, or tranfverfe.

Ad laxandunt ventrem, ufe this Unguent wliich is hot and

dry in two degrees and a half, of great efficacy, and is good
tor the Sinews, the Cramp and Palfie.
R/o/. lilior. lupinor, mercur. caular. marrttb. origan, ana M ft,
axung, ponin. quantum fnfjicit, & fiat unguent um j and to that
Unguent add thefe Oyls, Oliv. camtmil. mtifilag, ana 3i), "hi
coft*, vulphi. tuplxrb, hypcricomi ana 3j. old liliorum amigialat*
ditlc. mercuriaHf,oleiJim. lint ana %[[].commifceanturfimul omnia,
& t/ngcplantaf pedum, and the raufcics tranjverj'alet and latitu*

A Remedy where the Expulfivc Virtue is wcakned, or the

Flowers llop'd by drowth in the 3d degr. and by cold in
the ad degr. inventinnit.
R Aijtur., laclttc, horte/i fir, pjp.ntr. ana aquar. ca-
inotni!. alt hex, tbymi, Jalvi.e, priroj'cJ. f'ceniatl. by} up. ana 3). of
Holy-lxxk-waccr jijjUt Buglufs and Borrage-watcr ana ?uj-of
^ ^Jirologkal Judgm rii of Phyfak. 97
Wfcite-winc a pint, of Spring-water a pint, put aU together;
then take of Sage, of Camomile, of Butter-dock roots, of Time
ana Mj[5. cut them, and boyl them in the faid Water, ufitte ad
mtdiat confumft. drain it, and put thereto of Honey clarified
|iiij. of Aganck ptlvtrizM. of the pulp of Caffia ^jfS, of
■pulvaif fantti Jij.of the Trochifch of mint Sj^-boyl them again
fofcly, and after put thereto de Syrupo Abfintkii |ij, and clarU
fic it, and give |iiij for a dt&cutn D e/i in St ^ or X.

To make one Laxative.

Antidotum afyneritwn hirra pkra, galeni, eonftnu violanm
diacajfia fifittlapro Enemat.

To caute Women to have caGe deliverance.

Eaurju AUxandrinj) Horftrange, Mo/fardica,

To bring forth a dead Child.

Camepyth\ Ch/zj, ealtuditlq, camamilla, thyma.

Of Luna.

TIE Moon is cold and moift, flegmatick by nature, but yet

more moid than cold, (he having chiefdominion over all
Bodies inhabiting this Globe of mortality; of her felf (be is a
dark opacous Body, and receives all her light from the Sun,
dillempered in her moiftmein 35, "i ana & j in S (he is
moft temperate, not much difagrecing from Nature, becaufc it
is her own hou(e ; but her qualities of moid and cold receive
feme didcmpcrature in the lad 12 degrees of ffi, and in m
Ihc is more dtdempered, and in X (he is altogether removed,
and is more hurtful and unnatural, and is cold and moid above
Nature "i for when (be comes into the cold Signs (be is made
more cold, and in the hot Signs the is made more hot.
The D hath of the Body humane, the Brain, the Lights, the
Marrow, the Neck, the tadc, the fwallowing, the Back-bone,
thcStomach, die Menllrucs, and all the Lxcremcnts, the right
193 AJirohgical Judgment of Phyjiikr *
Eye of a Woman, and the left Eye of a Man, die force and
ftrength of growing, the left ltdeof the Stomach, the Head, the
Matrix, the Vulvj, and, according to fome, (he hath the Billy
and Mother in Women»the 2» caufc-th all Lunary Difea(cs,an(i
Kings Evil, which comes under the chin like a fwdling, and
it doth incrcafe and dccreafc with the S iShe caufeth allb the
PaUlc,Lethargy and forgetfulnefs, Qiiotidian Fevers and the
Dvopiie, Apoplexy and Falling Evil: the 6 of the O and 5)
farthereth that diltemper wherein people leem to be atflifted
as pcflcfTcd by evil Spirits, cfpecially if the I> be in the T rrene
Trigon, r/z, ^ pr Y?, and makes them lickly, and incli-
ning to the Falling-ficknefs, and Madne(s,and hardly curable.

Of Flegm.

FL?gm is one of the four principal Humours in the Body of

man =, if it be Nltural, and is ingendred in the Liver, and
runneth with the Blond through tht Veins, by Nature it is cold
and moill, of the nature of the D , and it doth grow and in-
creafc in the winter, from the 8th Ides of November to the 8t!)
Ides of Fftfj'rtfy,and it doth rule in children until they be 15
years old, and it doth make a man heavy and llochful, and
without audacity or courage, and lhamcfaccd, baihful and
faint-hearted, and it makes one drowlie and llcepy.
And there are con (idcvable two forts of Flegm, thati Na-
tural and Unnatural s Natural is that which mainraineth Na-
ture, and conlerves the Pvadical moifture, and Urengthcncth
the Virtue Expulfive, and is that which runneth with the b'ood
in the Veins, throughout all the parts of the Body, maintain-
ing and upholding Nature, of which a good Author fpeaketh,
Eying, Natural I' lcgm is Jheet in tajie, and is an humour half
decathd^ and of nature and operation cold and moijl, and out of
this kind of Flcgtft by circulation is the blood derived h for they
both running in the Veins by circulation^ the beji and pttreji part is
■turned into (sIqicL, .qnd bccomcth red > and the rcji rcmaineth a thin
Jubjiancc.) and is Jftth thf bluudtftaking the blood mare fluid,
Ajlrological Judgment ofPhjJicky 199
and to nm tbroughtutt all the parts of the Body. And of Unna-
tural Flegm there are four forts i that is to fayj Dttlce Flegma,
S.iifnm Vlegma, Acetofkm Flegma, Viteetm Flegma '■> ana. by
thefe or ibmu of thefe the natural Flcgm is opprdTed and over-
come many times, and the Body thereby indifpofed, and be-
comes Difeafed.
Duke Flegma componitur vel inficintr ifangiune : ho: minus cji
nochtimcrter'n fpcciehns, fit autem aliquando cwn fehre-, & aliquan-
dn fine fehre. Vfinain col ore e/i oftai/ca.ij:.cfz grayilh blew,?/) fid;-
Jiantia pertotumfp/Jfa,ex dnplids himiditateflegmatu fit. uajargais
fignificat dttlce Flegma abtOtdare-, five Flegma c/ejushsc entm fign.t.
Salfum Flegma cometh of the S in T, cil or of Flcgm
and Choi r mixed i for when Cholcr doth abound in its due
and ordinary courfe of Nature, inficit Flegma & illud falf/m ejje
facit, and is lalt, hot and dry, & talis datur Kegnla. Vrina in
colors & fabjiantia mitt at ur, & fecitndum Autborcs hoc Flegma" (id
rlt falfnm) efi calidiut &ficciuf aliis fpeciehtif flegmatU.Vrina ergo
fnbpallida in colon, & in fitbjlantia mediocntertemtu, fignificat fai-
fum flegma abwidare, & hx fine febre.
AcelofumF Icgmacomponitw vel inficitur i Melancholia & Fleg-
mate,zud it is tart and four, of nature cold and dry,caufed of the
£ in £5, *1? and and of h and ^ in $, "i and K,&■ fri-
gid'nas difcoloratUrinam, &ficcitasaitennat Urinam, reddit ipj'am
difcoloratam & ten/tern. Hoc enim Flegma qitandoq/te in febre,(Juan-
doqne fine febre, & tune talk datur Regttla. Drina in colore alba
vel glauct, vel colom cifra album, cum fubjiantia mediocritcr tcni/i
talk fignificat Flegma Acctafitm fine febre abundare atjits hte: funt
Vitreitm Flegma, glafly Flcgm, is ingendrcd of too much cold,
and a congelation of Mclencholy, and is more cold than any of
thercli of the Fkgms, and iscaufl'd of the D in ffi, "^and K,
and of 1? and 5 in S, ^ and K, & eodem modo de eo jW/cj-
ittr quo Acetojim Flegma, five fit cum Febre five fit fine fcbfc, &da*
tin- ijia Rcg/tla dc ilia. Drina alba mediocritcr fpififa, in qua qieafi
gleba Humorum apparet, quotidianam febrem de Vitreo Flegmatefig-
1iificat,& hoc flegma frequenter facit erratic,ts febres 6" anoutalos,fi
^Hartanx,f<ptimanas,pefiimum genus flegmatk efi.

Of Lupa i« Aries.

LVita in tliefirft <8 degrees of Arks is temperate in all the ^

Qualities, ingendring yellow Choler and faltilh Flegin,
caudng aches and pains in the knees, and Fevers, and pain or
the Side and Head, and French Rpx.
2) in the firft 18 degrees of Y is very foul try hot but dry
and cloudy, and caufeth much heavinefs and taintnefs and dir
liemperature of the Body thereby.
D ip the laft 12 degrees of T is is hot and dry in the bc^
ginning qf the tiril degree, ingendringDifeales of thin yellovy
Choler and faltilh Water and flegm, Cfioler having dominion,
caufing red pimpled Faces, and lajt fl^my Faces, with drynefs
and pains in the Eyes, and aches m the Knees, pain of the Head
and Side.
( Ctbtf
Minifter not Phyfick in ban 5 nor c?, but in the hour of
V1 or 2, being in $, "i, or K, and you may not put T, «Sl,
nor -7 in thf Afcendant, nor in the fixtli, but in other cadenc
tioufes, for this kind of (alt Flegin is hot and biirmngdry, and
the Cure muft be done \yith cold and moid Medicines in the
rhird degree, and be fpre in the curing thereof pake the Lord
of the <5th weak.
pj fa Moqa in Leq.

LVna in the fijrft fix degrees of is hot and dry in Jrrim gn-
du, ipgeiidnng Pifcalesbf fait Flegin,'ol'a H"mour caufed
iit'thic^ yelhny Chs^fr and faltilh FIcgm, Choler having den
miniup, uujing rfd pimptei, fawcy, negmy Faiccs, heat of the
t-iver, digues, apd with heat of (he Back and Reins, Gonorrhea
f tffio, Heart.burpings, and the Sforje in the Reins' and Bladder,
and hot Ufipp," " • " ' •
i in thpne^t 18 degrees pf tSl is hot and dry in the fccpnd
degree, iiigenihing Diltafes of ("alt Flegin and yellow Choler,
with udek faltilh hrioilh Water, which aufcth drQWth and
Wf J
- •' ■ " 0Unc^
Mrtlogical Judgment of Pfyjick tzoy
fiJtncfs in the mouth and throat, with fait (awcy faces, the
Squinancy and fweUingin the throat, with forencfs thereof^nd
fcdnefs and forencfs of the Eyes, and a dry Liver, Hitters and
Swine Pox, ted fpots, fait Flcgm, and fwelling of the members.
I> in the laft 6 degrees of cSl is hot and dry iq the begin-
ning of the 3d degree, ingepdrmg Dilcafes of fait Flegm, and
thick yellowCholer, Cholex predominating, capfing Iwdlings
in the Throat, and Kings Evil, the Lunar Paflton, the Squinancy.,
and red pimpled Faces.
The Cure,

Look in the Chapt. of the 5 in V, diet, digett, and purge;

Digcttivcs againtt fait Flegm, and Difeafcs caufed of the D in
are, R Syrup of fumitory, jfyr. Acftof. ana |ij, Aq.fumitor,
Abjinth. Acetof, ana ^iij, fiat pottts pro tribtu Vofibut,

Of tlx 2) in Sagittary,

T Zfnain the firft 12 degrees of 7 is hot and dry in the 3d dcgrt

JL' ingendring Difeafes of thick red Choler and fait Flegm,
caufing Difeafcs of the Belly and Bowels, with griping and totr
incnt, 'called Cholica paffio, with fait fawcy faces,&c.
2) in the laft 18 degrees of 7 is hot and dry in the beginning
of the 4th degr.'caulirig rcd lawcy Faces, cholica paffio, with gri-
ping aqd torment in the PqwcJs, and pain of the Head, Reins
ana Scorhach, "which is of Flegm and red Choler mixed, and
red Choler hath dominion, ?nd therefore the pat) Jyeth much
in the right fide of the Head, the Falling Evil,

Tlx Cure,

Look in the Chant, of the 5 ip Y, but in this fait Flegm

you tmiil confidejr, that Choler dotli mole predominate, apd
lo much the more if the £ apply to the Q or to d" being in T,
«Sl, ojr 7, it doth augmept the heat and drQvyth thereof, and
maketh the Humour the more to abound, therefore the colder
and 1001110" the things be in digeftiun, or purgmg, the b^ccf it
302 AJirological Judgment of Phyficks

Of the Mcwn in Cancer.

LTJna in the firft 18 degrees of S is cold and moift in the ifl

degree, ingendringDifeafcs of raw glaffy Flegm, raw and
crude, indi gelled, with pains and drowllnets in the Head, the
Tooth-ache and Lethargy, PalGe, Dropfie, Apoplexy, Falling-
evil, &c. and the 3 in the hrlt 18 degrees of $ fepanting from
cf in V, applying to cf O in VP, and the O at a to U in
K, cauleth the Stone in the Reins, and a fpice of the dry Pox,
1? being lord of the hour,
Lma in the lall 12 degr. of 55 is cold and moift in the bc-
finning of the 2d degr. ingendring Difeafcs of cold and vitreous
legm and faltilh Water, cauling pains in the Head, Lethargy,
Pallie, the Apoplexy and Falling-evil, and in the hinder part of
the head a drowfinefs. 3 in the lad 12 degr. of S fcpara-
ting from h in HT, an cP 0 in VP, caufcth the Stone ur the
Reinsand the Strangury.
The Cure.

In the Dileafcs cauled of the 3 in S, "i or X, it is good to

fweat, to vomit and purge well, but miniftcr not in bora 3,
nor 5, but in bora U, 6 and 0 in n, ^ or or in T, <Sl
or /, putting Y, <5lor X in the Afcendant, and cure it with
things hot and dry. And this note, that it is not good in any
fuch cold caufe to let Blood, and it is fo much the worfc if the
Party be fat.
Of Luna in Scorpio,

LVnu in the firfl 6 degr. of m is cold and moid in the 2d de-

gree, ingendring Difeafo of much tough {linking and rot-?
ten f legm, cauling great pains at the Heart and Stomach, and
gnawing and pricking at the Heart and Back, with Aches, Fiftu-r
Jaes, Impollumations and Coughs, with a chill coldnefs of the
Luna in the next 18 degrees of "l is cold and moid in the
3d degree, ingendring Difeafesot tough, {linking, and rotten
HJlrologicat judgment of Phyjic^. 301
{altidi Flegi:, caufing great pan and pricking at the Heart,
Back and Stomach, Indigeftion, totting of the Liver, Dropfies,
Fillulaes, Swellings and cold Aches, and Morphews.
Lma in the lalt 6 degr. of "t is cold and moift in the begin-
ning of the 4th degree, ingendring Difeafes, and prickings and
gnawing at the Heart, and in the Stomach, with rottennefe
of the Liver, Dropfies, Indigeftion, watry Humours, and cold
Flegm in the Stomach and Lights, with the Cough, the French
Pox, and fwelling in the Feet and Legs, the cold Gout,Worms,
the Wind-cholick and aches.

The Cure.

Minifter not in hora 2, nor in hora 9 , but in the hour ofU,

<?, or O,being in T, <51 /, =^=or as,and digeft the Humours
well, then purge and fwcat well, but take heed of letting blood
in apy cold and moift caufes •, left the veins being exempt of
blood, the cold Water and Humours do till the veins up, and fa
caufe a worfe inconvenience^but you may vomit the Party,

Of tlx Moon in Pifces.

LVna in the lirft 12 degrees of X is cold and moift in the

4th degr. ingendring cold Difeafes of tough, thick, ftink-
ing faltiih Water, and of glafl y Klegm, caufing the wet Gout,
the French Pox, Impoltumations, rotting of the Liver, fwelling
in the Knees and Joynts, the Flux, Dropfies, Indigeftions, Mor-
tification, and Death, WoriTiS,Scowrings, Vomiting, Rheums,
gnawing in the Stomach and griping in theBclly, the Cholick.
Lwu in the lalt 18 degrees of >( is cold and moift in the
extremity of the 4th degree, even above nature, deadly, ingen-
dring Difeafes of tough, ftinking,corriipt,falti(li,glafly Flegm,
caufing many cold andmoiit Dirtempers that are deadly , as
Dropfies, French Pox, Filtulaes, Impoltumations and Swellings,
Indigeftion, and rottennefs of the Liver, ftuftingof the Lungs
and Stomach with Flegm, a mighty ftrong, painful, irkfbme
.Cough, and finally Death.
Tflte Cure of Difeafes caufed of S in K ^fo far fortk
as they may be cured.

Miniftcr not in the hour of D nor 5, neither put $ nor

H in the Afcendant i but put Y, <$1 or /, andminillcr in the
hour of U, d or ©, being in Y,«Sl or / > then fweat, vomit
and purge, in theChapter of the 5 in S.

Of the Moon in Taurus.

LTJaa'm the firft 18 degrees of & is temperate in drowchand

moifture, but cold in the hrft degree, ingendring thick Me-
lancholy and faltifh Flegm, cautlng cold Fevers, Ague-diakings,
Cramps, Aches in the Legs, and ihffnefs in the Sinews, and in
this Melancholy predominates.
Luna in the laft 12 degrees of & is dry in the beginning of
the firft degree, ingendring Difeafes of Flegma dcetqja, which
is a mixture of Melancholy, faltifh Water and Flegm, Melan-
choly predominating, caufing Cramps and contraftion of the
Sinews, cold Fevers, and cold aches of thejLcgs, a^d flifFncfsof
the Sinews*
Tlx Ciae.

Minifter not in bora 3 nor 9, if (he be in ^or YP, nor

in the hours of Tj nor $ , being in S, "1 ,or X nor put in
the Afcendant 55, TO, nor Yf; but minillcr in the hour of U
in n, sr, Y, <51, /, or one of thefe Signs in the Alcendant,
and let the Parties fweat well, and purge well.

Of the Moon in Virgo.

I Una in the firft 6 degrees of TO is dry in the firft degree and

^ cold in the ad, caufing Difeafes of Melancholy and faltilh
Water mixed, called Flegm.t Autofum^ M hncholy having the
dommionj a id it is Urt and four, cauling Difealcs and ftiifneis
and aches in he Arms and Shoulders, Cankers, Knobs, Warts^
Fevers, Mcazles, Impoftumations long growing, with intole-
rable pains of much -cold in the Stomach and Lights, with In-
Luna in the next 18 degrees of VZ is cold in the 3d degr. and
dryin the 2d, caufing an incrcafe of Flegma Acetofitm, and in-
gendring Difcafes proceeding from thence, viz. dFMelancholy
and fait Flcgm mixed, Melancholy predominating, which is
tart and four, caufing ftiflfnefs in the Arms and Sinews, thd
Cramp, Fevers, Cankers, Warts, Knobs, Indigcftion and pains
at the Stomach, hardnefiof the liver, the Cough and pains of
the Lights, Piles and Hemorrhoids. But if the D apply to
<? in Vjil or or if the 3 apply to 5 in and S be
alfo in O of Tj in iSl, then the Party is full of yellow Choler,
and his Blood is tainted, foul, rotten and fseculent, with thin
Melancholy, and much yellow Choler, {topping and obfirudt-
ing the Lungs, caufing great pain in the Head and Eyes, and a
greatCough, with drynefsot the Brain: In fiich a catclethim
blood, if the £ apply to the O in 3, then the Diftemper
is of much Melancholy and (bme yellow Choler, caufing lean-
nefs and confumption of the fieth, (topping of the Reins and
great Rheum, faintnefs of the Heart, and much crude Water
in the Stomach and fwimming in the Head, and drowth
through Acetofitm Flegma.
D in thelalt 6 degrees of ^ is dry in the beginning of the
3d degr. and cold in the beginning of the 4th, caufing Diiealbs
of Melancholy and faltilh Flcgm, called Flegma Acttafiun, which
is cold and dry, Melancholy having dominion, caufing Cankers,
IndigelHon, Knobs, Warts, hardnds of the Liver, Impoftumes
and liiffnefs in the Arms, and coldnefs of the Sinews, and
The 'Cure.

Look before in the Chapter of 3 in 55 v but here you mufi

bathe the Party and the wounds often, and purge Melancholy
and Flcgm.

Of the Moon in Capricorn.

LVna in the firft 12 degrees of Vf is dry in the 3d degree

and cold in the 4th, caufing Difeafes of Acetofum Flegnu^
that is, of ftiarp Melancholy and faltilh Water and Flegm, as
the Cramp, the Stone and Gravel in the Reins, the Strangury,
flopping of the Urine, hard pilling. Wens, Warts, hard knobs,
the French Pox and ache in the Bones.
Luna in the laft 18 degrees of VP is dry in the beginning
of the 4th degree, and cold in the extremity of the 4th deg.
even above Nature caufing Dilcafes of Melancholy, fait Wa-
ter and Flegm, uncurable, wherein Melancholy is moll predo-
minant, as Difeafes and conlumption of the Reins, the Stone,
difficulty in making water, the Strangury, the Cramp and con-
tradlion of the Sinews, the French Pox, the Meazles, Cankers
and Wolves, Warts, Wens, and hard knobs.

Of the J> in Gemini.

LVna i n the firft 18 degr. of it is moid in the firft degr. and

temperate in cold and heat, ingendring fweet Flegm, that
is a Humour of Blood and Flegm, Blood having dominion, cau-
fing fwellings of the Feet, and coughs, Pleurifies, and red Pim-
ples in the Face.
Luna in the laft x 2 degr. of it is moift in the beginning of
the ad degr. and hot in the beginning of the firft, caufing Dif-
eafes of Duke Flegma, that is, of Blood and Flegm, Blood ha-
ving the predominancy, as fwelling in the Feet, and fuch like.

The Cure.

Let blood, and purge, and reAifie the Blood, but minHler
not in the hour of U nor 3, but in the hours of Ti or 5 ,
put 'Tt or vy iix the Afcendant.

Of the Moon in libra.

LVna in the fir ft 6 degrees of — is moift in the ad, and hot

in the fiill degree caufing Difeafes of thick Blood and
fakith Flegm, and it is called fwcet Flegm, fur Blood prcdo
minate '» this caufeth oppilations in the Liver and Lungs,
Coughs, Pleurifies, Impollumacions, red Faces, Piles and He-
D in the next 18 degrees of ^ is hot in the 2d,and moift in
the 3d degr. ingendring DKeafcs of fwect Flegm, that is,
blood and faltifh water mixed, blood having principal dond-
- nion, caufing oppilations of the Stomach, Coughs and Pkmv-
Fcs, and Impoilumations, and Indigeilion.

The Care.

Let blood, and purge, and do as in the Chapter of the 2) ^

in n.
Of Luna in Aquarius.

LVna in the firft 12 degrees of e» is hot in the 3d degr. and

moift in the, ingendring Difeales of fweerFlegm, that
is, of Blood, faltifh Flegm and Water, Blood prevailing, with
pains and fwellings in the Bladder and privy parts, Hopping of
the Urine, and Whites in Women, Fluxes, Aguc-cakcs, vomit-
ing, and fwelling of the hands and feet, Chilblains, the Apo-
plexy, the Epileplie, Pmritiu, Catenrbtts.
Lima in the laft 18 degr. of ss? is hot in the beginning of
the 4th degr. and moilr in the extremity of the 4th, ingendring
Difeafcs of fweec Flegm, that is, of blood, faltilh water and
flegm mixed, the blood fuperabounding four to one, flopping
the Urine,and caufing pains in the Bladder and privy parts,and
in the Yard, Impoftumationsand fluxes of the Whites in Wo-
men, the Meazles, Worms, Fluxes, Lasks and Scow rings, Kings
Evil, riling of the Lungs. C
77;e Cure.
Look in the Chapter of the D in ar, and 2) in the Sign

Of Caput Draconis.

What Difeafet Capst Draconis doth eauje throughout the IZ

Signsy being in the 12th or 6th Hoiues or in Angles.

CAput 'Draconis in 61 in the 4th Houlc cauleth Botches and

Sores in the Arm-^its, and fwclling in the Stomach.
Caput in Si ift the 12 th Hoafc caufeth pain of the Back
and fvvelling of the Feeu
£2 in VZ in the 10th, caufeth the Wind Chdiek, and fwcl-
ling in the pit of the Belly.
Q in the 5 th Houle in & caufeth atwayes a great pin in the
rignt Side pnder the. ribs, on the Region, of the Livef, fibm
Wind and watry Humours there congealed, even between the
Zirfuf and the Ribs, a hands-breadth or fomewhat more from
the pit of the Belly.
id in & in the Aicendanr,diftant from the degreeafccnding
30 degrees or more, caufeth pain 6f the Throat, in the Mufcles
of the Throat, and lalling of the Uvula,

Of Gauda Draconis.

CAuia in V in the 6th, being opprcfe'd by the □ of cf cau-

feth the Mcazles in the face, and weaknefs of the brain,
and the fwelling of the Throat.
y in cr in the 10 th, in □ to .tj in caufeth Fiftulacs,
running Sores and Ulcers in the Legs, Ankles and Feet, and
rottennefs of the bones,
y in win the 6 th caufeth fwelling of the Belly and Legs,
y in the 10th caufeth aches and fwellings in the Knees'
ana Legs, arid pain in the Back ai»d Reins.-
(jeneral Judgments, thereby to kjvTto the Di*
feajes and Dijiempers of the 'Body.

NOte this for a general Rule, That if the Lord of.

the Afcendant, or Lord of the Hour, or Lotd of
the 12 th in the New Moon, or Lord of the dth in the!
full Moon be in any of the, Angles, and Signified of the
Grief i according to his ITgnitication and place ifj which
he is, Obferve in which Angle he is, or any of them art
there is the mod grief, according to his iigoltication ana
flace in which he is.j As if c? be Lord of the Hour,and
in the Aiccndent, then is the moll grief in the Head i if
in the 4th, then in the Ssomach * if in the 10th, in the
Reins j if in the 7th, then in the Limbs j and lb likewife
of the dth, i2th,and Lord of the Alcendant. ,
If one Planet be both Lord of the Afccndant, and lord
of the Hour, the chief pain or grief fhall be" in that place
or part of the Body vthere he is i as if in the Alcendant,
in the Head v if i.n the 4th then in the: Stomaich v if in'
the 7th then in the Limbs i and if in the 10th, then in
the Reins.
And it may be obferved ai a general Rule alfqi That
ais often as you rind the Lord of the Afcendant m the 6 th,
ihe Patty is caufe of his pv5n fickrtefs, dither through ill:
)iet, or by ufing fomethine that is nauglity, or by fol-
lovVing lome counfel of fome unlucky body about him,
being Lord of the 12th,or Lord of the dth.
If a hot Planet, as U, «?, or .the O be in a hot Sign ,■
then the Party hath a .great heat inward and outward.
If they be in a' cqld and dry Sign, then the Patty is dold
and dry inward, but hot outward.
Jf they be in a cold and moift Sign, then the Party is1
dold and moift inward, and hot Outward by lits.

If they be in hot and moift Signs, then the Party is

A a both"
both hot and moift inward and outward, and the Blood is
inflamed by Choler and over-much heat.
If a cold Planet, as 9, ?, oO be in a cold and
moid Sign, then the Party is cold and moid inward and
If the Lord of the dth or 12th, as "h or 2 be in a
cold and dry Sign, and die } feparate from b or 5,
and apply to ll- or cf in V, <51, 7, n, —,or ss, then
is the Party fometimes cold inward and hot outward,
with a Fever, and fometimes hot inward and cold out-
If a cold Planet be in a cold and dry Sign, then is the
Party cold and dry inward and outward ; u in a hot and
moiu Sign, then the Party is hot and moilt inward, and
cold outward, and fweateth many cold fweat%
If the } do feparate from the Lord of the Houie
that the is in, that is from "h , being in the 9th, the
} in 'v? or as, b in <51, and apply to 9, bang Ladyof
the 12 th, and in the 12th in the Sign afcending by A, it
ligniiieth that the Party hath taken fome Thought, or Me-
dicine, or both, whidi hath been the caufe of her Di-
If the } do apply to the Lord of the 7th, c? being
Lord of the 7th, and alib Lord of the 2d, he is (ick for
the love of fome woman, whom hedelireth to marry, or
lie withal, for fome of her wealth, b Lord of the Hour in
the nth combuft.
If ") do apply to b being Lord of the 4th and 5th in
<51 in roth combuft, and feparate from 9 being Lady of
the Afeendant, in the 1 ith in *1?, and being allb Lady of
the 2d,the Man is fick for the love of fome old Woman,
whom he delireth to marry for her Goods, and taketh
thought becaufe he cannot have her.
If the } do feparate from 9 , being Domina 4/^,
and apply to d1, being,Lord of the 10th in the. 12th in
35, it Veemeth the cauTe of his fickncfs is a furfdt and ill
t)iet, and the influence of the Heavens and Powerof God.
If the Lord of the Afcendant, Lord of the Hour, and
3 ,or two of thetn, be going out of the Sign that they be
in, it is a fign that the ftateof the Body will alter fpeedi-
ly h the nearer they be out, the fooner it will change.
And in fuch a cafe,if the Lord of the Afcendant,the } j
or Lord of the Hour, do go to a better eflate, then the bo--
by will mend as if d1 be Lord of the Afcendant, and
Lord of the Hour, and in the lali gr. of UC, and come intd
then the ftate of the body (hall change from better to
worfe, and be weak j or if ^ be in the laft degree of
and come into X, the ftate of the body (hall change?
from better to woric, and be weak, becaufc the ) hatTa
Face in the laft degree of as, and hath no Dignities in the
ftrft degrees of X i and if it be a Woman whofc Terms
have been long ftopt, then they (hall come down, and
flow freely from her, and her body thereby (hall Wax
But if ef were in the laft degree of X, and come into
T, then the ftate of the body (hall mend, becaufe S being
lord of the Afcendant is ftrbnget in Aries than he is in
If Dominus AjcendentU, Dominiu hor*-, and ^, ottwcf
6f them , being in the laft degrees of any Signs, and
fignifying the ftate of the bodies alteration, do enter into'
mnift Signs, when they go forth of the Signs they be in,
as into xr, «, ffi, nt, or K, it fignifieth (bme Flux
of Blood or Humours to come upon the Party, or her Men*
Jirues to defcend, or a lask, or much vomiting.
But if they enter into dry Signs, as into Y, <51,
7, or yp, it iignifieth a flopping of the body and coftive-
hefi, if they enter both in 55, TC, or it iignifieth the
melancholy Humour to absund, and the Party will enter
into a Confumption and pine away.
If } be Domina horr, and Domina 6tt, and "b Vomi*
tiu AfiendenW) both in the laft degree of tfl, or the ^ en-
4 yffirohgic&t Judgment of Phyfick*
tred two degrees of My and both in the fth combuft,
then the fiate of the body will foon alter, and begins al-
ready to alt er, becaufe of the ) V going out of <51 into
and wax worfc than it was, and be more cold and
dry, for Si turn had aTriplicityin <51, and hathnoTri-
plicity in the lirft of of M, neither } , but arc corabuft,
which figniheth a worfe cftate.
]f thty enter into Y, <51, or then will thechole-
rick humour abound, and the Party will have a ftrong Fe-
ver, or vexation of the Mind, and be hot and burning,
cfpccially if Dominut AfcendentHy ) , or Dumimif Hore ao
, apply to Dominm 6t£, or be in the 6th, or combuft.
If theLordof the Afctndant, Lord of the Hour, and
"), or two of them, being in the laft degree of any Sign,
do entcrinto it, ^,or it lignitieth the increafeof
the Blood', and fome Pkurifie or Flux of Blood (hortly to
follow, or much bleeding at the Note, or the Terms.
If they enter into 35, My or K,it fignihes a Lask, or
much vomiting, or fome great Rheiun, or much p.fling to
follow, or iffmng of the Whites.
If £? be Damimts AfcendentVy and Domimti Horn al(b, iti
the laildegrees of K. and enter into ^=, and the Xin the
laft degree of i», and enter into it, the Queftion being for
a Woman whole Terms have been long ftopt, and that
hath been dileas'd with heat of the Reins, and Gonorrhea
p.tfliPy it iignihetli that the liate of the hrdy will wax
weak, and Ihe will be much out of quiet, her Terras will
begin to flow fome 12 days after.
It is general, Hint if the Lord of the Afccfidant be in
the 7th. whomever be Lord of the Afcendant, and the )
be in K, and at a full Alpcdl with 9 , and fcparating from
9 to a vxcuumy and then apply to 9 again, if 9 be ei-
ther Domins AfiendentiSy or 5^, or in the I tth, the Wo-
man hath had many changes in her tits, or will have many.
If T? in fuch a" cafe be Dominut Ajcendent'u, and in
the Seventh, > in K, fcparating from 9 , df vacua cur-
fn., file batk had great variety of changes in her fits.
If 9 be Damina Afcmdvn'u in the 7 th, in 7, the ) in
X at a full afped, or near the afped of 9 , and then im-
ctta, Ihc will have hcrlhif'ting fits very Ihortly.
Allbnotc, That if Dominw AfcendentU, Domhm
and the 9, or two of them in the Quellion, be neir the
Angle afcending of the Houfei and going out of one Honfe
into another within (even days, that is, out of the fccond
Houffe into the fir ft, or out of the firft into the 12 thj it
figoifieth the ftate ofthe body will alter fhortly.
if tliey go out of "Succcdants into Angles, it will .be bet-
ter than it was; but if out hf Angles into Cadcnts, then
it willbeworle.
If they go out cf Cadents into Succcdants, the Party
will alfo mend and be better. Lenk^after forth'n again.
And it is general, ftat if the } do fcparate from b,
and apgly to 9 , although b, 9, and ^ be all three in
fixed Signs, if the Qucftion be for a Woman whofe Terms
have been ftopt v or if (he have not had them fully, that
they will come down (hortly , or c contra \ when the i)
doth feparatc from 9, and apply to b , then the Difeife
is not at the higheft, or at the worft by much, cfpecially if
b he Dominm i2m£, 6t*, or in a fixed Sign.
When the D doth go from a fuperior Planet to an infe-
rior Planet, as from 9 to 5, or from b to 9,or from c?
to the ®, it's a iign the Difeafe will diminifli.
When the ) goeth from an inferior Planet to a fuperi-
or Planet, the Di&afe will increafc, and the longer it will
continue,^* i contra.
When the ) doth fcparate from a fuperior Planet, and
apply to an inferior Planet, that is, in a movcablc Sign, in
cP, it is a iign that the Difeafe will fpeedily alter or go
away altogether.
When the ) doth fcparate from b, and apply to li, in
a fixt Sign, the Difeafe will dccreafeby little and little, and
in long time, if the wentfrom b to 0, or ? .
€ j4(trolcgicd Judgment of Phj/Jtek
When the "> doth feparate from the Lord jdF the 12th
fn the New ) , and from the Lord of the <5th, in a Full
, it's a Sign the Difeafe will diminiih, for it is then at
When the "> doth feparate from the Lord of the 12 th
in the New D, and apply to the Lord of the <5th in the
J3th in fun cafu,\t's a fign that the Difeafe doth begin to
decreafe, or will, but it will continue long on the Par-
When the 2) dnth feparate from the Lord of the 12th,
In the <5th, and apply to him again before (he come to any
other Planet, it's a fign the Difeafe doth continue at his
flate^eing at the higheft,and doth not diminiih, nor will
not diminiih till (be apply to an hiferior Planet.
Alfb when the £ is in 6, or full Afpeiff with Tj, or
goeth to the ATpedt of h , the Difeafe is at higheft, antl
at his Hate.
If the 2) dp apply unto ? by d , n,or , A, or cP,
and Venus be in the Afcendant, or 12th, in the Sign of the
Afcendant, (he is with child: But if the D , or Lord of the
5 th be in thelaft degrees of any Sign, then (he fliall be de-
livered before her time, after fo much time as is (ighi/ied
by the degrees which the Lord of the 5 th hath to go out
of the Sign he is im as if be in a common Sign in the 10th,
then reckon for every degree 60 days, and for every 30
minutes 3 p days, and you will reckon it by the £ , tor
that Ihehathto goj if the D be in in the third, then
reckon for every minute (he hath to go out of that Sign,
three days and you may reckon it by the afpeft the D
hath to 5, if they be both in fixed Signs, as the D in
in the third, and 9 in in the rath, then reckon for
every degree to the full Afped three days and eight hours,
and at that time ihe (lull be delivered.
If the 2) do feparate a Domino quint*, and apply to 9
being Lady of the Afcendant,in the 7th,the Woman will be
' delivered (hortlyjor have fome eafc and helpiand the nearer
1 is to the Afoedt of $, the fooner will it be, if flie
be in the full Afpedt of $, or going from the Afpcdf with-
in 30 minutes, then it will be within 12 hours after.
It is a general Rule, That if you lind any Planet in the
pth Houle, not remote, then the fick Party hath fought to
others before for remedy, and hath taken Medicines.
If it be Tj in fuch a cafe, that is in the 9th, and in his
detriment, or (all, or combufl, then the Medicines that the
party did take, and the counfel that was given him, did
him morehannthan good. Butif h be in his own Houle,
or Exaltation, then the Medicine did him more good than
harmi and if U be in the 9th, fortunate, then the Medi-
cine did him much good.
If X or ? be in the 9th, unfortunate, then the Medi-
cine did neither good nor harm, but the Medicine (hould
feem to be good, but the Party did not continue it, or take
it as he fhould.
Finally, any Planet in the pth,fortunate,the Medicine was
good, and did gpod, but if he be unfortunate, the Medi-
cine did more harm than good.
If the ©, 5, or D be in the pth, neither fortunate nor
infbrtunate, then the Medicine did neither harm nor good,
efr* e contra \ if ihey be evil, it did harm, if good, then it
did good.
And it is a general Rule, That fo often as you find the
Lord of the Afcendant in the pth, or Lord of the pth in
the 6th, or b or c?, or any unfortunate Planet in the
pth, the licknefs is augmented,by taking of evil Medicines ?
for an unfortunate Planet in the pth , (hewcth that he
hath taken Evil Medicines \ and a fortunate Planet in the
pth fheweth, that he hath taken Medicines that have done
him much good.
sfflrologktl 'judgment of Phyjick

To know (he Caufe of the pifeafe.

LOpk to -he Lord of the ^th or 12 th, and tp the Planet

from which the D doth (cparate.
If the S leparate from S in tr, and ? Lady of fhe
6th, then by fiufeip
If the 2 leparate from <$, aod S be Lord of the 6th
w i 2 th, then by a ftr^in or bruifc.
If the i> feparatefrom cf, and apply tp h apd S, ^
Lord of the 12th in V, the Party ftrained himfelf.
if the D feparate from h, and he Lord of the I2jh,
the fick Per fen hath taken thought, and inward griefs j if
from 5, he takes it with fear; if from 9 , with love or
lechery i if from the ©, with a fquat, fall, or bruifei if
from c?, with a firain or blow if from It, by over-heat?
ing his Blood, by fwcating and taking cold.

Of Application of the 5> to Tlanets.

I Nail your Tudgmcnts for the Party difcafed , you mull

have an efpeciil care and eye to what Planet the 2) is
conjoyned in a full Afpeft, and from what Planet (he did
lail feparate, and to what Planet (he doth next apply •, bq?
caufe that Planet to whom (he doth apply, doth alfofhew,
as well as the Lord of the 12 th Houfein the New 2 , or
the Lord of the dth in the wane or dccreafe of the D,
what Humour doth reign or is predominate in the Body,
and wh at Humour doth increafe or decreafe. As for Exam-
ple, In the new of the 5, T? is Lord of the 12 th Houfe
upoii the Quelhon, and h is in <51, which is hot and dry,
chqlerick, indreaiing yellow choler, and Tj himfelf is me-
lancholick with afuperfluousflcgme, therefore 1 conclude,
the humour abounding in the Body is yellow choler mix-
ed with Melancholy and the Party is hot inward; and
^ .
cold outward, and yellow chokr hath the Dominion i
then I look to what Planet the 2) doth apply, which
doth fignihe the Humour abounding or decreafing, either
augmenting the Difcafe, or caufe of :he Difcafe, or cUe a
diminifhing of it : As for Example, The Dileafe afore-
faid is caufed of "h in «Sl , now if the 2) be in T, and
do apply to the © , then fhe doth augment the Difcafe
with more yellow choler j for the © and Y do in-
creafc the fame j but if the 2) do apply to <? alfb being
in SI, then fhe doth ftrongly augment the Difcafe, both
by yellow choler and red choler alfo > for S caufeth red
cooler > if cf be in / and the 3 apply to him, then he
doth augment the Difcafe mightily By red choler, and it
is deadly, bccaufc it is in the fourth degree, except fpeedy
remcdybe found i and if the 2) do apply to h, theifit
doth augment Melancholy, in what Sign fbever b bci for
the augmenting of the Humour is taken from the Planet
the 3 doth apply unto, and not of the Sign the Planet is
in, as if fhe apply to If-, then blood aboundech.
b is cold and dry, melancholick, fearful, and full of
heavy thoughts, with a fuperfluous flegme now if the 3
do apply to b, the Party hath taken thought, and is full
of heavy, fad, penfive thoughts,and fearful, and the melan-
cholick humor doth increafe, which may end in a Con-
flimption, or a fplenatick Diftemper.
If b be Lord of the 8th, thai he taketh thoughts for
one that is dead, or like to die, or for his Inheritance or
Goods, if the 3 do fcparate from b, being Lord of the
If b be Lord of the 7th, then for his Wife, or for the
Husband, or for fome matter of Matrimony, or love, or
for fomelofs, or Theft.
If b be Lord of the dth, then for -one that is lick, or for
his Servant.
If b be Lord of the 5th, then for fome child, or (or
lofing of her birth, or bccaufc fhe cannot have Chil-
If % be Lord of fhe 4th, then for the Fatha oc NV>*
If Tj be Lord of the Third then for a Brother or a
If Iz be Lord of the Second, then for the Ids of ibme
Mony or Subflance.
If % be Lord of the Afocndant, thai for need or po>
vcrty, or for that he cannot die.
If h be Lord of the 12 th, then for Ibme Prifoner, for
(ear ofPrifon, or for fome great Bcait
If h be Lord of the 1 iui, then for fome fpedalFrimd,
or for the difpleafore of a Friend.
If h be Lord of the 10th, then for fome Gentleman or
Woman, or nobJePerfoo, or for his or her difpleafurc, or
fit- fear of lofe of Honour,Credit, or good Name.
If Ti be Lead of the pth, then (or one that is gone a
great Journey, or for fome Religion, or fome Suite in

% Signifieth the (Blood and cMirth,

F' the S apply to Uithcn it foems to bo caufod ofoudi

Mirth, or of riding , or of much {baking and over-
heat bg of the Body aud Blood and of coemption and foul-
nefs of the Blood, or of fome Impoftumation, or congela-
tion of the Blood in the ftomach or liver.
U, always ftgnifies the Liver, die Blood and Impoftur
mations \ and therefore know, whenfoever U is Signiher,
viz. ofthe rath or 6th Houfe, or Lord of the Hour, or if
the J> do either (eparate from, or apply to U, there is
fome fault in the Liver, or in the Blood , or fome Impo-
{tume in the Stomach, or other place of the Body.
If the 2> (eparate from U, and be in * or A to the
G, and afterward to a A or of d* in s , or in V,
the Man bath bruited himtelf with fome fall, and bath a
flux of Blood, and the Stone, and is very weak.
If the £ feparate from 'U in K R, and apply to $ in
«i, it came of cold taken in the Matrix in Child-bed.
If the > in yf feparate from 9 Lady of the Afcendant,
in ®, and apply to U R in V in the 7 th, (he never had
her Terms.
Luna in YP in the Third, feparate <1 "h in <51, and apply
fo U in T R in the 5th , K being on the Cu(^> of the
5th, (he hath had her Terms lately, by To many days as the
Moon is gone degrees from Saturn.
Luna in J in the Sacond, feparate i U. in T in the 5 th
R, and apply to ? in ^, in the nth, H in the 5th, lbs
had her Terms lately.

Of S.

TF the £ apply to c?, then it is caufed of fome ftripe,

hurt, or Drunkennefs, or fufpicion of Women, or mif-
carriage, or fuch-Iike aforefaid •, of Anger, Millruft Jeloufie,
or Fretting, or Bruife, orCholer, or over-flowing of the
If cT be Lord of the 6th,andin and the £ go from
$ in <51, to S in it (heweth theDifeafe came of cold-
taking upon heat •, for $ in <51 is hot and dry, fweating,
and <? in is cold and dry, the £ going from S,
which was hot in <51, and fignifieth that the Party was
hot, and then came to 6 in , which was cold, and fig-
nifled much cold to follow upon heat, and much drinking
cold things,which doth alfb make a doubt of the Running
of the Reins, and Gonorrhea Faffio.
If the £ feparate from a d of t? in the 4th Houfe,
not much remote from the Cufp, or in the 3d in the Sign
of the Fourth, not many degrees from the Angle of the
4th, it fignifieth the Party doth furfeit much in drinking
Wine: Ifthe £ infuch a cafe do apply to ^ in X, itlig-
oilieth great diftempcrature of the Liver. - If
If the D do fcparate from c? in the pth, not remote,
the fiek will change his Phyfitian, and fufpeft him that
4eals with him itrn.
If the 2 do fcparate from c?, being Lord of the 4th,
and in the 5 th in y Rr, orfitbradiii, applying to the ©,
then it fcems the Woman is mifch diftcmpered in her Bo-
dy, and Reins, and Belly, by reafon of fomc putrefadHon
of fome conception that refteth in her Matrix, and much
fculncfs of the part, neither will flie have Remedy until
the Part be well cleanled with a Glifter.
When ? is Lady of the 5th,in aCadent Houfe, and c?
In the 5 th ft, and $ Combuft , and the 1) apply to 9,
if the Quellion be for a Woman, her Difeale is caufcd by
much putrefadion and grofs Humour in her Matrix, by
reafon of fome falfe Conception , or of fome After-birth
remaining, neither will (he have Remedy until the Ma-
trix be well cleanfed: And the figns are thefe. She much
deiircth red to lit or rolie^nd hath much pain in the Back
and Loyns, and Sides, and bottom of the Belly, and fome-
times like to fwoon.
Note well, when c? or $ do govern the 5 th, and the
Hour, and the 2 apply to 5 being combu(l,and c? in the
5th in his Fall or Detriment, ft, or Combuft, it is a (ign
of much putrcfadHon in the Matrix, and fome rottennels
occalioncd by fome After-birth in the Matrix.
If d" be Domnnif quintx, and Deminus Hwxjn y ft, in
the yth Houfe, the (5rh, or 4th Houfcs , and the B apply
to 5 in being combuft, or not combuft in the nth
Houfe, then the Woman hath fome dcadfittus, or fome
^ ' dead/etw in her Matrix, which
jfjirologteal Judgment of Fhyfick.


IF the S feparate from the © in tlP, and be in a full #

of 5 in VX, combuft in the ioth,and after ihc leave 5
fhc come to a □ of c? in "i in die pth, 5 being Dominm
fexte. and of the Hour, arid the 7) in VT* in the Afcendau ,
then the Party hath furfeited, relapled, and renewed fome
old.Difeafe, that (bmetime before he hath been trou-
bled withal.
If the £ apply to tlje O, then it is caufed of cold ta-
ken when he was hot, that the fat of the body is congeal-
ed, and the Terrns be ftopt with Humours, and that the
Party ("if it be a woman) hath the mother.
If the £ be in "tf", and feparacc from 2 Doniina of tlie
6th in y? in the fecond, and apply to the O in n in the
12 th , "h being Domim Hor* in , tlicn is the Di-
feafe caufed of abundance of evil Humours in the Body^nd
fbmc evil Drink or Medicine by which they are made
worle, efpecialiy if O be Lord of the pth, and 12 in the
If £ be in the 7 th, and feparate a Domino Afeendeutif,
as from b in SI in Jim combulLand the £ apply to the
© being Lord of the 7 th in '"Z , it iignifiedi the man did
force Nature too much with his Wife, or otherwife,where-
by he did fweat and over-heat himfelf, and reacht, and
over-nrain'd his body, and being hot, took cold, which
ilruck into his body,and congealed his B3ood,which Blood
after putrilies in the Veins and Reins of the back, by rea-
fon ofCholcr and Melancholy being mixt thercwith,which
afterwards will caufe the running of the Reins, the Go-
norrhea fajfto, and heat of the Reins, and great weaknefs of
the Back,
If the £ do feparate from Tz in VZ in the yth, and ap-
ply to the © in m in the 5th, the Party hath furfeited by
eating fruit i if 9 Lady of the yth be in m in the pth, die
furfdt is by eating a piece of a Warden.
If the 2) do feparate from 9 in T, and apply to the
©in T,and 9 apply to b by any Al^ed:, the Diicafc
is caufed of much drinking and furfeiting, and is very
theumatick, like to have a Droplie.
If the 2) do feparate from 9 being Lady of the tfth
in the fecond, ahd be in a fidl Afpedi of the 0,and after"
wards come to 5 being combpft in the 12th, if fignifieth
that the Diftafe is old and of long continuance, jmd came
by conftellation of the Heavens at his Birth, and his body
will alter, according as the influcnee of the Heavens afteft
the lame, and is hardly to be cufed.
If the S be Lady of the 5 th, and do feparate from the
Lord of the 12 th, as b R in TO or as, or in his Fall, or
in the 12 th, it fignifieth to a Woman, that (he took her
Difeafe in Child-bed, and that there remaineth much rot-
tennefs and putrefaftion of the After-birth, or fbme Con-
ception in her Matrix, and (he will not befwell till (he be
cleared thereof, e(pecially if there bea A, or d be-
tween U Dominiu yijcendeutity and 5 Lord of xhc Houfe
of the X> i or if cf be Lord of the Afcendant in , and
in □, or A to the Afceftdant of the 5th Houfe, the 2)
being Lady of the 5 th, as before-faid.
If the 2) do feparate from the 0 in -7 , or from b in(
(51 R, and apply to 5 in the Afcendant, not remote nor
abfcluded, but in the Sign afcending, the Party hath
ftrained himfclf with lifting.
If the 2) do feparate from the Lord of the Houfe (he i£
in, as from b in the 12 th, and the D becombuft, ap-
plying to the 6 of the 0, and the O be in □ to If.,then
the Party hath furfatedwith drinking of Wine and eat-
ing of Oyfters,erpecially if 2) be Lady of the hour.
b Lord of the Third in the 9th, in TO not removed,
and the G Lord •f the 9th in »n in the 12, and the © in
d3 to d1 in fc?, the 2) in XP applying to 9 in "t, the
Party hath taken much kathfome and filthy Phyfick alrea-
dy, at feme mans hand, that hath done no good hut harm
to the body and the Stomach.
It's a general Rule, That if, or whenfoever 'you find the
2) to be Lady of the 5th, and apply to the 0 : and S or
<? to govern the hour, and be comhuft, or in thdr Fall,
and the D in n, *1, or "W, or in aCadent Houfe, that
the Caufe of the Difeafe is in the Womb, caufed of feme
putrified matter refiding after Child-birth, or feme Birth
perilhed in die Womb.
The 2) Lady of the 5 th in X in the 14 th,and feparatc
from 9, 9 being Lady of the Hour in -7 ^ombuft,apply-
ing to the 0 in me 8th, and the 5 applying to the ® by
(quare, thefe are figns of corruption putrcfa&ion and di-
fiempers of the Womb, with reftleis pains, as hath been
faid before.

Of 9 in reference to Difeafes.

UPon a Queftion of a Woman hot bang well, if the 5

apply to 9, (he may be with child.
Upon a Queftion of ficknefs, if the apply to 9, and
no Afpe&s elfe, you may )udge the Diftemper to come by
eadng or drinking (bmething that agreeth not with the
Party, or of feme lurfec, or for love of feme Child, or in
Child-bad, or by uling the company of women too
Jfthe D apply to 9, if 9 be Domina Har<e, Dmina
Afandentif and "Dmina qmnu, then it comes in Child-bed,
or the Party is lick for the love of feme Child.
If 9 in fuch a cafe be Lady of the 7th, then he is lick
for the love of a Woman > or a Woman if fick, for the
love of feme marl.
If the 2) bein 21, and fcparate from 9 in K in the
Afcendant, and apply to d* of (f in 7 m the pth, then it
16 jfpologkd 'judgment ofPhyfieki
feems the Party having fuifeited with drinking and riofj
hath taken lome great cold afterwards, and is ftopt in the
Veins of the Stomach and Liver, and hath .much pain at
the Hearty and in the Head, and in all the Body.
It' the S in vy do feparate from ^ in m in the 6th,
and apply to the A of h in ftf in the 6th, 9 being La-
dy of the Afcendant, it fienifieth the Party hath taken
thought, and cold upon cold, and fome great difcontent
troubleth the mind of the Party much.
Luna Domina Jfcendenw in dta, applying to 9 by in'
K, it Iheweth the Party is cauft of his own.difeale, partly
by ill diet, and partly byuhng the company of fome Wo-
man too much , hath over-acted his llrength, if it be a
Luna in "1 in the yth, feparate from 9 in as, apply-
ing to S being Lord of the Afcendant in tJ, the party
hath been too exccffive in copulation, and hath over-heat
bis blood, and cauftd great pain in the Reins by too?
much Lechery.

Of 5 in reference to frtfeafeJ.

IF the 3 apply to 5, the DKeafe is cavifed of fome fud-

den fear, or affront taken i or lie is fick for thought of
fome words fpoken, or for fome thing that he feareth or
flandeth in danger of.
If the 2> be in VX in the Afcendant, remote and apply-
ing to 5 being Lord of the Hour, and Domtmu fexte com-
butf iiv the 10th, the Woman hath laken her Diftafc by
grief, fear, and forrow, and it hath brought the mother
on her, to her great trouble.
If the 2 be in. 55 in the fecond, and feparate from 5
in y? in the i ith ft, and applies to b in <51. ft in the 6th,
it fcemeth the Party is fearful ', and fear, thought, and fret-
ting caufeth the Difeafe: if the 2 be Lady of the 6th, ihe'
frettech with her Servants.' ff
jfftrological Judgment of PhyRck '* 17
If the J) do ftparate from 5 in T , and apply to
in V, and S in A to Tj, the Difcafe was hrft
and taken by a fear and fright, and the Party is
and trembkth much.

77^ Moon fivnifieth Travel and Waters, the

^iMenfirues and Whites, MidlbiVes , and
great Ladies, and the Jdiother.

IF the £ be void of Courfe and apply to no Planetjiut

be Lady of the Houfe of Infirmities , and Afpeft the
^th Houfe , then (he hath been ill dealt withal in Child-
bed by fome Midwife, and (he hath the precipitation of
the Matrix, or the Mother, or fome fuch kind of Infif-
"The £ Lady of the Afcendant in Vf in the 5th, in the
fign of the 7th, feparate from S Domiria 'jtx in the 5th,and
apply to 1? Vominus of the 7th in the 3d, fhcWeth that the
Woman took her Difcafe by Thought/or fome" difcourtefle
of her Husband, in the time of her Childbed, and (he hath
the Mother.
The Lord of the 7 th being Lord Of the houfe of the £ ,
the ^ being Lady of the Afcendant, and the £ applying to"
the Lord of the 7th, flgnifieth the Husband of the Qumnt
to be partly the caufe of the Difeafe.
If the £ do apply to Domniu 12ms, the Sick man will
change his firft Phyfltian and take another i and if fhe fe-
parate from the Lord of the Afcendant or the hour, he will
take a Phyfitian that will be a firanger.
If the Lord of the 12 in fuch a cafe be in d with any
other Planet, then he will go to fome Phyfitian that hath
another joyned with him.
But in the cafe abovefaid, the Planet in the pth muft be
Dominur hor#, or Domhms afcendent'ts, and then if the £ fe-
B b paiates
18 Jfjlrolcgud Judgment ofPhyjick,
parates from him and apply to the Lord of die I zthjie will
change his Phyfitian.
If the £ do dparate from the Lord of die yth, and ap-
ply to the Lord of the 12th, being an inferior Planet,
and in the 12th, and % in the 7, or 6, the Medicine (hall
do much good, and the Difeafe will (bon be r medied.
If the £ do (eparate a Domino <5(<f,and apply to It, and
the ) be in the Afcendant, or do behold the Afccndant
being in the 4tb or in the Afcendant, the Party (hall Coon
be whole, and the Medicinedo much good.
If the ) do (eparate from $ being in the 12 th, and
apply to the 6 □ or cf of Tz, and 5 al(b do apply to
the □ of b, T? being Lord erf" the Hour, the party lhall
be Frantick or Mad baore the Sicknefs leave him, or be aC
the higheft.
If U be Lord of the Afcendant in K B: or not Kc, it
flgniheth the party is mild and gentle, and patient, and apt
and willing to take Phyfick, and to do any thing to have
remedy and help.
Mftrological JttJgmefU of Phyfck. i^

To Know Tthere the fault jhall he, if the

Sick he not Cured.

THerc are Five Houfes cfpeciatly to be Noted in every

Quertion of the Sick, viz, the hrli, the loth, the
7th and 4jch and the (5th Houlie, by whofe good and
evil difpofition, ("that is to fay Fortunate and Infortunatc)
thou mayli always know before thou begin, what end
the Difeafe will tend to, and how end, and where and in
whom the Fault (hall be if the party be not Cured of hi
Difeafe. And thefc Houfcs we will difpofe for their
figniheation after this manner. ,
Thelirft Houfefwhich is theAfcendant of the QuefUonj
and his Lord, fhall fignirie whether the Sick be tobe Cu-
red of his Infirmity or not i adding and adjoyning here-
with the ftate of the J), and the Planet (he applyes too to
know alfo thereby whether the Sick will live or dye, and
whether it be heft to take him in hand or no i and whe-
ther he will be eaufe of the prolongation of his own Sick-
nels yea or no.
If the rirll Houfe and Lord thereof be fortunate and free
from combuftion, and from an Evil Planet, and from the
Lord of the 8rh Houfe and 6 th Houfe,the D alfo free from
evil as aforefiidyind applying to a good Planer,then he may
be healed, and thou mayit take him in hand, except thou
find afterwards fomething to the contrary if there be a
good Planet, as U 9 or O in the Afcendanr, not remote
nor combull, nor Retrograde, nor afpedfed to the Lord of
the 8th Houfe, it is the better.
If there be c? Lord of the Afcendant in the 4th in X",
with U at a A to the afcendant, and free from T?, and
? Lady of the 6th in T, the Cure (hall be Ipeedy, and
the party (hall be quickly holpcn and take few Medi-
cines, for he will not take any thing often.
so yjftrologiciil Judgment of Phyjick.
If there be an evil Planet in the Alcendant, not remote,
as T? or c? Or or a combuft, or Retrograde Planet, or
the 2) lieing in the way of Combuftion,or a Planet in his
Detriment or Fall, or otherwife infortunate, then it fig-
nifieth that it is not good to take him in hand, for he wUl
not be ruled.
If Tj, or t?, or a Retrograde, or unfortunate Planet
in his Fall or" Detriment be Lord of the Alcendant,
then it is not good to meddle with him, for he will
not be ruled, for it feemeth fome evil Perfon hath rule
over the fick, and that the lick is of a ffoward nature, and
frets much.
If any Planet that is Combuft, Retrograde, or in his
Fall, do behold the degree afcending, or be in or
afpeft with the Lord of the Afcendant, it is not good
to meddle with him, for thou (halt have much ado with
him, and he (hall have evil counlel, and either evil Spirits,
or evil people will tempt him from good to evil.
If Vominm Afctndinhs be infortunate, Combuft, or Re-
trograde, or in his Fall, Detriment, or impedited, or in
or cP of an evil,Retrograde,Comixtft, or unfor-
tunate Planet, it (ignilieth the lick will not be ruled, but
he is fbme evil and unfortunate Perfon i for if the Lord
of the Afcendant be unfortunate of himlelf, then /is the
lick Perfon unfortunate, but if he be joyned to another
unfortunate Planet, or made unfortunate by another, then
there is fome evil and unfortunate Perfon about him, that
doth guide and give him evil counlel.
A fortunate Planet in the Alcendant, fignifieth the Phy-
fitian (hall be profitable to the fick i yea, if i t be U,though
he be R.etrograde, Oriental in <51, the fick (hall rejoyce
much at the prefonce of the Phyfitian, and find great eale,
and it is good to take him in hand.
If the Alcendant or his Lord be unfortunate, or affli-
<fted, either by the bodily prefence, or a(pe& of fome
evil Planet, or that the Alcendant or his Lord, or one of
them be evil and unfortunate by nature, and the ftventh
Houfe, and his Lord alfo unfortunate, the fault Hiall be in
the lick Perfon if he be not cured i for the Afcendant is for
Urine, and the 7th Houfe for die Tick.
If the Moon beCombuft of the Sun, or in via combujia,
orin her Fall, or in d , or □ of b or c?, or with Cau-
da, or with a Retrograde, or Combuft, or unfortunate
Planet, then meddle not with the fick, for evil will come
of it.
If the D be in cf , or □ of <?, there will come evil
words, and llander and reproach of it, and much anger
and trouble.
If the 5 be in cf or □ of Tj, then thou wilt be for-
lowful and repent thee that thou didft meddle with the
(Ick, and thy mind will be troubled for fomeCau(e.j
The Lord of the Afcendant in the nth fortunate, a(^e-
dling the Afoendant, thou may'ft take him in hand, for
the lick will be ruled by thee, and there will be great
friendihip In his iicknefs.
The Lord of the Afcendant in the 5 th unfortunate, and
not aipe^ing the Afcendant, he Ihall have few to attend
him, or take any care of him, and he will not be ruled
by thee i therefore meddle not with him.
The Lord of the Afcendant in the 6th Houfe, the Gck
Perfons will be loth to take any Medicines, and will find
fault caufelelly with them , and fay they are never the
better for them , or that it doth hurt the body, or aug-
ment the pain, and fo will be caufe of their own iick-
The Lord of the Afcendant in the 4th fortunate , the
Tick (hall be ruled and take the Medicines.
The Lord of the Afcendant in the roth fortunate, the
fick will be ruled, and take his Medicines willingly, and
honour his Phylitian.
Thei Lord of thei Afcendant ii thei 8th reimotei. aid Satuxi h
thei Afcendait lot reimotei. thei fick will bei veiry weiak
in taking his Medicine^ and be fick for a time, and leave
taking his Medicine, and yet he (hall tind great eafe , and
]be well again, but if "h be Lord of the 6th, he will be lick
The Lord of the Afccndant in the icth, with 2 Lady
of thf 4th in 56, and the 2> applying to U in the 7th,
then take the Party in hand, for he will be ruled , and
thou (halt have great love, favour and friendlhip.
The Lord of the Afcendam in Coi-dc Solii, or within
one degree of the O in the nth, and free from evil, and
from the afflictions of 1? and d", thou may'ft;take him in
hand , if the Lord of the Afcenaant be velox curfte, and he
will be ruled fb (b.
If the Lord of the Afccndant be in the Afcendant, ip
his own Houft, in the Sign of the Afcendant, not remote,
as 2 in ^r, and at a full ^ to Tz in <51 in tlic loth, be-
ing Lord of the 5 th, the Caufe of the Diftafe was thought
taken for one (he loved, which forfook her.
If the Lord of the Afcendant be Lord of the 6th or
12th,in T, K, or Y^and in the 7th, ioth,or
Afcendant, and apply to d", 5, 2, © , being in any of
fhe afbrefaid Signs, by d, ^ 1 or Ar, being in the 1 oth,
nth, 7th, 5th, or Third Houfes, thai the Party and the
whole flrcam of his defires run after the lulls of the flefh,
and much ufe of women, and the defire thereof is the
caufe of his o r her Difeafc, for thefe Signs do fignihe
much Lechery, and do caufb revulfion of Nature, and Co-
norrhea pafltO) with heat of the Reins , and burning of the
If one Planet be Lord of the Afcendant, and alfo Lord
ofthe6th, as d in 56, and in the 7th or 6 th, it iignir
eth the Party was caufe of his own Difeafb, efpecially if
the D apply to that Planet.
Mark always the Planet and his date from whom the
D did laft reparafe,and that Planet (hall fignirie what ftate
fhe Party was in. and what he did before he fickned > a?
if the i> went from ? in £1, it lignificth the Party was
merry, and hot, and did fweat.
TTien mark alfo in what Sign the } was, and that
fliall fignifie the Place where he was s as if the } was
in S, he tgok it on the Water, for the watry Signs do
iignifie the Water, and terrene Signs the Earth, and La-
bouring in Delving, Plowing, Husbandry, Harvelt, Threfh-
ing, or the like.
The fiery Signs fignifie labouring about the Fire, or tra-
velling on foot, or Lechery , or over-ftraining himfelf
with Women, cfpecially if the } did feparate from Sa-
turn in <Sl in the 7 th. then in the ufe of Lechery, he
through violence of Exercife did furfeit or over-heat him.
The Airy Signs fignifie Riding, as Hawking or Hunt-
ing , excefi in Gaming and Banquetting , and fuch
Then mark to whom the } doth apply next, and in
what Sign that Planet is * as if the Moon apply to cf
in &, then it fignifies he hath taken Cold upon Heat,
• whereupon is to be doubted the Running of trie Reins i
but if the } be in <51, then it came by Lechery. If the
} do apply to the Lord of the Afccndent, it is a fign the
Party will mend (hortly.
If the > be in the Sign Afcending in the 12 th. and
apply to the Lord of the Afcendant, or be alfb Lord of the
12 th, and< lignifier of thecaufeof the Difeafc, and the
Lord of the Afcendant apply to the Afcaident alfo, it is a
fign of Health fhortly, and tnat the Party will mend.
If ? be Lady of the Afcendant, and in the 7 th. or 5th.
in "i, then the Party came by her Difcafc by'too much
or too exceffive ufe of the Adl of Generation, or Ihe was
dealt with in an ill time or place, where Ihe took great
cold in her Matrix.
It is fddom leen that if c? be the Lord of the Afcen-
dent, or in the 7 th. or in the Sign of the 5 th. in the 7 th.
not remote, that die Parry doth or will take any Phy&fa }
but if they take one dragme, they will no more.
If h be Lord of the Afcendent, and Lord of the lath,
and Lord of the Hour aUb, and In die 7th, Rrin VX, and
the ) in Arief, applying to a A of Mercury in -if, it fig-
niliech that the Party is enemy to her feU^ and caufe of
her own EKftafc, and thirds (he is bewitched, which is
caufed of {bme fudden fear at firfl, and is loth to take any
In the 7th. degree 58 of is a Star of the nature of
' $ and 2 of the 3d. magnitude, on the left fide the Hance
cf the Lrow, {bme call it furim : This Star caufeth a mer-
ry kind of madne(s and frenzy, for they will fing mUch»
and therefore whenfoever ithe Lord of the rath, or 6th.
Houfe do come to the d □ or cP of this Star, or if the
"> do apply to 2 being in the Alcendcnt, and b or cT
be in d C or d3 of the (aid Star, or within two degrees
going to the fold Star, it caufoth frenzy or madneis, or
lightnefo cf the Head and Brain.

Of the I Oth. Houfi.

^TPHe 1 oth. Houfe (hall (knifie the Phyfidan i and if

■ there be in the 1 oth. Houfe an evil or unfortunate
Planet, combuft or retrograde, or a Planet in his detri-
ment or fall, then it ligmfies the Modicmc (hall not profit
the fick Per (in j for fometimes die Infirmity is fo tedious,
that it biingeth death, as if the Lord of the Afocndent be
ioyned with the Lord of the Houfe of Death.
A fortunate Planet in the 10th. Houft, ftgnifies the Phy-
fitian (ball rule the Patient, and be wdl thought of^ and
(hall have laud, praifc and pay for bis doings.
If the 1 oth. Houfe or ms Lord be afflidfed, or infortu-
nate, or impedited of themfelves, or by evil Planets, or
by the Lord of the 7th. Houft, then the raidt or error (hall
jfjlrologicd Judgment of Phyjick. s;
be in die Phyfitian, either that he doth not judge the Di-
feafc aright, or that he doth obferve an ill order or me-
thod in curing the Dileafe, or elfe that he is negligent
therein, and doth not fee it done himfelf, but trulteth to
others to give the Medicine, which deceive him.
If an evil Planet be Lord of the icth, or if a malevo-
lent Planet comburt or retrograde, behold the Afcendant
of the i oth. Houfe, then the Phyfitian (hall be in fault,
and either by negligence, or hearkning too much to the
(peechep of others, he (ball be feduced, and not give
right judgement, or elfe will hinder the Sick by fome
other means as aforefidd.
The Lord of the roth, in the 2d.-the Phyfitian will
dand upon Money for curing the Sick, and demand more
than the Sick will give, and the Sick will promife more
than he will pay.
If U, ©, ?, ) , or fj, be in the fecond Houfe, the
Phyfitian (hall have rea(enable reward for his pains i forty
brings the greateft profit and money, $ brings friendlhip,the
0 dignity and honour, ^ money, the 5 love and le-
chery, but little money.
Lwia, Lady of the 10th. in the 4th. or 5 th. applying to
cP of 9 Lady of the Afcendant, and the Lady of the Af-
cendant going to cP of Tj, it fignificth that the Finger of
God is 011 the Party, and hath given the Party over for a
time into his Enemies hands, and the Party hath no pow-
er to follow good counfel, to have remedy.
If h be Lord of the 1 oth. in S in the 4th, and ty in
the 1 oth. in >5", in d with cf, • and 6 be Lord of
the 7th, then the fick Perfbn (hall loon be eafed of his Di-
feafe, becaufe S which is Lord of the 7th, is in his exal-
tation, and in the 1 oth. with ty, and the Phyfitian (hall
be well thought of for his coming, and have credit.
If the Lord of the in the 4th, it fignifiesa
(hort Cure of the Sicknefs.
26 jf/lrological Judgment of Phyficf^.
If the Lord of the 10th. be in the dth. in his exaltation,
or otherwile, it fignifieth the fick Perfon (ball defire the
Phyfitian, and will rejoyce that the Phyfitian may come
ujito him , and abb He (ball defire to lee the fick
Mar/, Lord of the roth. Houfe, in the 7th. not remote,
and the ") feparate from the ©, Lord of the Afcendant in
the 10th, ana applying to c? by cJ or A, it fignifieth
the lick Peribn lhall be fond of his Phyfitian, and (hall be
loth to let him depart, for the love of the Sick (hall be fo
fervent, and the Sick lhall find great comfort at the pre-
fence of the Phyfitian.
If the Lord of the loth, be in the 7th, and the Lord of
the Alcendant in the 10th, and the ) go from the Lord
of the Afeendant to the Lord of the 7th, by * or
A, the fick Perfon (ball fall in love with the Phyfitian,
and (hall highly commend him, and receive great comfort
in his prefence.
If the Lord of the 1 pth. be in d , or A, to the
Lord of the 7th, or the ") go from the one to the other
by cJ, ^ or A, the fick Perfon (hall have the Phyfitian
in great regard, and deal friendly with him.
If the > go from the Lord of the Afcendant by c£, #,
or A, to the Lord of the 7th, the Sick perfon (hall be in
love with the Phyfitian, and Honour him, and find great
eafe by his prefence.
If U be lord of the 10th, and in the Afcendant in X
not remote, and c? in the 10th declining to the pth Houfe,
being in /, and b in <51 R in the (5th, or the D Lady
of the (5th in &, applying to a □ of b, then it feems
the Phyfitian lhall be profitable to the Sick in every reJpedU
yet the Sick will hardly be ruled, and is caufe of their own
ficknefs, and again Inall be lick by the Influence of the
The Lord of the rotli in the nth, and the } feparate
from the Lord of the 1 oth, and applying to the Lord of the
7th by □ or cP in the 12th Houfe in the Sign of the
.Afcendant, It fignifieth Health to the Sick from God, and
from the Phylitian by DivinePower, though he minifter no
Medicine at all to the Party for a timcifor the time is acccm-
plifti'd that he lhall be whole, and with great Commenda-
tions to the Phyfitian.
If the } do Apply to the Lord of the 10th by □ or cP,
then the Finger of God is upon the Party.
If the Lord of the 10 th be in □ or cP, of the Degree
atcending or his Lord, the Sick fhall not be Healed v for the
Finger or God is upon him, and the time of Health is not
yet come.
If the D be in ^ in the rothi and T? alfo in the 10th
R, and the } ft pa rate from the cf of "b, and apply to a
fortunate Planet in the Aftcndant i then the Sick peribn
Gull fawn on the Phyfitian, and receive great comfort in
him and in his preftnce, and (hall be ruled by him i if the
} feparate from T2,and Apply to U,the better.
If "h be in the ad Houfe, It will cod the Sick peribn
very much charge before he be well Cured.
If b feparate from the Lord of the Afcendant, and Ap-
fly to the Lord of the 10th by * or A, whofoever be
ord of the 10th, It figniHeth the Sick Gull find favour
>vitli God, and the Phyfitian (hall be profitable unto him i
except the Lord qf the 10th be in the (5th Re-
trograde, and caufer of the Infirmity i or the Lord of the
12 th in the Afcendant, or Lord of the (5th in the Aftcn-
But if the y do apply to the Lord of the 1 oth by □ or
d5, the ") Lady of the Afcendant, and in the 5th Houfe
in in via combMfta.znd U in T in the 11 th Houfe,then
the Sicknefs is fupernatural, and there is no medling with
the Party, nor no Medicine that will Help him or her till
the caufe be removed, be it never fo long.
If the Lord of the 10th, fas U Jbc alio Lord of the (5th,
and in the 10th in □ to the Aftendant, and the } ftpa-
rate from the Lord of the i oth, and apply to the Lord of
the 12 th in the New Moon, then it is a fign that this
Difeafc is hereditary from the Parents from one Genera-
tion to another, and fb will dcfcend from Generation to
Generation on Males and Females i and unlefsGod extra-
ordinarily give a Cure, it will never be Cured.
If there be in fuch a cafe a fixed Feminine Sign in the
6th Houfe, then the Difeaie had been impofed on the Fe-
males onely > if a Mafculine Sign were in the 6th Houfe,
then on the Males only •, if a Common Sign, then on the
Males and Females.

Of the Seventh Htmfe,

THe 7thHouleand his Lord (hall fignifie the Sick pcr-

fon i If therefore there be in the 7th Houfe Ibme for-
tunate Planet by Nature, or by Accident, It fignifieth that
the Difcafe (hall be lighted, and the Sick perfon cafed by
the Medicine, and alfo by the prcfcncc of the Phyfi-
And this I have proved often, That if U were in the
7th, when the Queftion was firft made by the bringer of
the Urine j and alfbif U hath been in the 7th Houle when
I have been fbnt for, or when I have gone to the Sick, that
then the very prefence of thePhylitian as well as the Medi-
cine (hall be very delightful and comfortable to the Sick
If in the 7th Houfe be fome fortunate Planet, or if feme
fortunate Planet dp behold the 7th Houle or his Lord, The
Sicknefs (hall be lighted, not only by the Medicine, but
alfo the very prefence of the Phyfitian (hall pleafurc and
profit the Sick very much.
If the 7th Houfe or his Lord be Evil-affetfted, or Evil by
Nature or Accident in the time of the Queilion, or in the
firft growing to be lick i The Phyfitian th n called, lent
to, oi fent for, will not profit the Sick , not beclufe the
fault is in the Phyfitian, but in the Sick perfon, who Is
Unfortunate and will not be Ruled -, neither is his Sicknefs
at the worft, nor his time is not come to be Cured •, for
the 7th Houfo is for the Sick perfon, and for thofe things
that the Sick perfon is fubjedf unto, and ihall follow and
do i And this ihall you know, if the lord of the i oth be in
the 7th, or in O or (P to the 7th Houfe, or his Lord, then
it is a fign the Difoafe is preternatural or fupematuralor
that he fuffers under the immediate hand of God, and (hall
not be healed. Alfo if the D do apply to the □ or cP of
the Lord of the 10th Houle, the Difoafe is extraordinary i
if by A or not fo.
If the Lord of the 1 oth be in □ or (P to the Degree
afoending or his Lord, the Difeafo is extraordinary, and the
Sick ihall not be healed, or in d of h, or J1 being Lord
of the 10th •, but if by A or the contrary.
I have known them that have been long fick, and trou-
bled with grievous Difoafes, that have lent unto me to
cure them of their Infirmities, and becaufe I have found
the 7th. Houfe, and his Lord unfortunate, and evil difpo-
fed, I have put them oil" for a time j and a year after and
more, they have fent to me again, and then I have found
the 7 th. Houfe, and his Lord fortunate upon the Queftion,
and then by Gods help 1 have Cured them of their Di-
The 7th. Houfe is afflidfed and infortunate, if Tj ,or cT,
or y be there, and alib b and e? do infortunate the
Lord of the 7th i and the Lord of theAfcendantis alfo un-
fortunate, if he be combull or retrograde, in his fall or de-
triment, or in ^or cP, of an evil Planet, cadent
and weak.
The Lord of the 7 th. in the 7th, or in the Afoendant
unfortunate, fignifieth that the Company that are about
the lick Perfon_ihall binder and hurt him, for all are not
his friends.
3^ yfflrologicAl Judgment of Phyjtck.
The Lord of the 7th. in fthe 7th, free from Tj and
not in his fall nor detriment, nor retrograde nor combuft,
but fortunate, then thofe that be about the Sick, fhall wiftj
him or her well, and do any good for them that they can,
and feek topleafe him, and to cafe him.
The Lord of the 7 th, in the 10th. alpedfing the Afcend-1
ant, the prefence of the Phyfitian (hall comfort the fick
Party greatly > yea if it be Tj that is Lord of the 7th. re-
trograde, and the } leparate from b, and apply to the
A(cendant, or to his Lord, or to lome good Planet in the
The Lord of the yth. in the Afcendant, not remote, as
3 in W retrograde, and ) in V applying to Tj in the
6th, per A or if a Woman make the Quellion, (he ta-
keth grief and thought for her Husband, for he ufeth to be
drunken and brawl much > the fame of a Woman, if a
Man make the Qucftion.
The Lord of the 7th. in the Afcendant, whofocvcr be
Lord of the 7th, though it be <? in £5 R, it lignitictli
health to the Party, and that the Party will be ruled by
the Phyfitian i cfpecially if th Lord of the Afcendant be in
the 7th, or that the ) apply to the Lord of the 7th, or to
the Lord of the Hour, or the 10 th, but the Sick injureth
her felf, is corrupted by her Husband, and herDifeafe will
continue long with her,and in vice versa in a Man.
If b be Lord of the 7th, and alfb of the 6 th, and in
<51 in the 12th Houfe, and X- ia the 7th, the fick Pcrfon
(hall fbon be whole, fo that lie doth not behold the Lord
of the Afcendant, efpecially if the Lord of the Afcendant
be free from the Lord of the 8th, and tfom b and d" in
the 1 ith, or in Angles.
b, Lord of the 7th. in S, in 6 with $ in the 1 oth,
the fick Peifon will fawn on the Phyfitian, and if a Wo-
man, (he will be too indulgent toward him.
H., Lord of the 7th. in ss R.freefr m b and cfjand
in the 6th. Houfe, and the ") feparace from it will be
long before the Party be well, yet thou lhalt cure him in
the end with much ado, and many Medicines.
If U be in the 7th. in the Queliion, though he be Lord
of the 8th, and in the Sign of the 7th, yet it IlgniHeth
Health to the Sick, though fhe be at deaths door, except
the ) being in — 15, do feparate from h, being Lord
of the 7th, and in the 2d, in the Sign afcending, and ap-
ply to U by * or A, then it fignities the Party will net
be ruled, nor take any Medicine.
Man, Lord of the 1 oth. in the 11 th, and the ) go
from <S to the Lord of the 7 th, as to b by O, being in
the Sign afcending in the 12th, fignificth Health to the
lick Party from God and the Phyfitian by Divine Powert
though he minifter no Medicine, and great commendation
to the Phyfitian.
Man, Lord of the 7th. in y, 23d. retrograde, in the
Afcendant,not remote, fignifieth the Sick hath a good opi-
nion of the Phyfitian, and defireth Help, and yet doth mi-
nifter her felf, and think that Qie lhall fcant have remedy i
and when a Woman maketh theQueftion, if it be fo, the
Womans Husband is partly caufe of her Difeafe, for it
feems he is unruly and given to drinking, and to keep ill
Company, and to confume and fpend, and gives her evil
words j if a Man makes the Queftion, then the Husband
bath corrupted her.
Man, Lord of the Afoendant, in the 7th. retrograde,
not remote, and the ) apply to d1 or $ , or both, then
the Quarcnt is enemy to her felf, and caufe of her own
Difeafe, by keeping of fome ill Company, or by ill Diet,
or by Drunkenneis, and furfeits with it, and is fretful,
and difguifeth her felfand others.
Venus Lady of the 7th in the Afcendant in Scorpio^a the
Sign afcending, not remote, free from Tj and dVnd from
the Lord of the 8th, fignifieth Health, and that the Party
will be ruled, and her Phyfitian (ball do her good i and
fbe (hall live long, though many think fhe fhould dye.
j jfftrologlcil Judgment of Phyficif.
If the Lord of the Afcendatit be in the 7 th, in the Sigri
of the 7th,conibuft from the Lord of the 7th, he was hurt
by his Wife» for he lay with her in an ill time, and over-
heat himfelf, and took cold thereon.
If the Lord of the 7th be unfortunate, or t? in R in
the Afcendant, and S in the 7th or Sign of the 7th, not
remote, or in the dth in the Sign of the 7th in nt, yet the
Sicknefs lhall be lighted by the prefence of the Phyfitian,
and the Sick (hall have joy of his prefence.
If the Lord of the 7th be in o , * or A, or going to
the ci > * or A of the Lord of the Afcendant in the time
of the Queftion, Then undoubtedly the Sick perfbn (hall
be in love with the Phyfitian, and favour him greatly,
And in fuch a Queftion fear not to go to the Sick : But
if V in (iich a cafe be Lord of the 7tn, then the Sick will
make very much of thee.
But if c?, S ,0, 5 orTibe Lord of the 7th, In fuch a
Cafe the Sick will love thee, if thou makeft tryal there-
But if the Lord of the Afcendant be an inferiour Planet,
and do behold the Lord of the 7th by d , * 01 A, then
the Phyfician will love her, and do the beft that lies irt
him to do for her.
If yefitei beiady of the 7th, and do apply to the *
or A of c?, the Sick Woman will love the company of
^ ™ '''' ' ' 'Dth to let him depart, and will do

If 5 be Lord of the 7th, and % Lord of the Afcen-

dant, Idemi efpecially if $ be in the Houfes of $ or c?,
or in XC.
If 0 be Lord of the 7th, and apply to * or A 0
Tj, Idem'-, the Sick will be loath to let the Phyfitian de-
IO be Lady of the yth, and apply to by ^* o<
A, Idem*
If ? be Lady of the yth in as, and apply to the A of
1? in —, and the ") feparate from h, and Apply to $,
If c? be Lord of the 7th in , and in the A(cendant
not remote, and the ") in in the Afcendant, and apply
to h Lord of the 10th in the 6th, and caufes the Inhr-
inity, and feparate from 9, Then it is a fign that the
Body of the Party is infeiled by her Husband, and. her Bo-
dy is corrupted, and afflicted with Melancholy, and the
Finger of God is on the Party, and the Dileaic will ftan J
long on her, and no Medicine will do her good, till the
Lord withdraw his punifliment from her.
If the Lord of the 7th be going to combuftion, it's a
fign the Party will wax weaker and weaker, and (icker :
Ifthe Lord of the 7 th be in his fall or detriment, the Sick-'
nell will increafe, and the Party will wax Weaker and
If the Lord of the 7th be in a fixed Sign in his detri-
ment or fell, though he be in Angle, the Sickncfs will in-3
creafe. If the Lord of the 7th he Retrbgrade, and in a
Cadent Houfe, either in his fall or combull, the Sicknefs
foil increafe.

Of the Fourth Houfe.

THe Fourth Houfe and his Lord fignific the end of eve-
ry Sicknefs, and of every Cure one takes in hand,
and the Effe&s of the Medicines that he will ufc, and the
If the 4th Houle and his Lord be fortunate either by the
Prelence or Afpe& of any good and fortunate Planet, Then
it fignilieth a good and profitable end, and commendable,
and the Medicines (hall be good and efTe&ual.
If the 4th Houfe and his Lord be unfortunate, either by
the bodily prefence 6 orAfpedf of (bmeEvil & Unfortunate,
Combuft or Retrograde Planet, Then it lignifieth an ill
end, with Sorrow and Infamy, and brawling, or die the
Medicine (hall be Naught, or of No Value or Virtue.
If y be in the 4th, not remote, but within 5 Degrees
of the Cufp, The end will be evil, and of much Dillikingi
efpecially the Patient will miflike of the Apothecary.
If the Lord of the Houfe of the Moon be Combuli, The
end will be evil, efpecially if the Lord of the Houfe of the
Moon, as $ be Combuli in her own Houfe, viz. in and
D in ^ 3.
The Lord of the 4th in the 10th in his own Houfe, or
Exaltation, fre^ from Saturn and Man, lignifieth a gpod
And it is generally feen. That as often ar you find V,
or VP, or any of thefe in the Afeendant of the 4th
Houfe,the Party is given to Vomit more or lels» efpecially
if VP be in the 4th, and Tj in Ut, or the ) in b", tit, or
VP ; for when" T, b,VP, VX, are in the Afeendant of the
4th, and the Lord of the 4th in one of the laid Signs alfo,
Then the Party is inclined to Vomit very much.
If T, b1, VX or VP, be in the 4th, and the Lord of the
jffirological Judgment of Phyfick. 35
4th in ir, or es-. Then the Party (hall drain to Vomit
up Blood.
If Vj & t in the 4th,and the Lord of the 4th
in S, "i,or K, he Vomiteth up much Flegme and Wa-
If , TTf,"»y,be in the,and the Lord of the4th irl
V, <51, or /, he Vomiteth up much Choler,
If T, iS, ^ or be in the 4th, and the Lord of the
4th in ^^ or y: he Vomiteth up much Melancho^
If ses be in the 4th, and T? in W in the 10th, Then the
Terms be congealed in the Stomach of the Party, and the
Party is like to Vomit, and to Swoon, efpccially if the
fcparate from U, and apply to T?.
If S be in the 4th, and the Sin T or y}in the 12 th,
the Party is given oft to Vomit.
If ir be in the 4th, and 5 in •?, the party doth not
Vomit nor Scour, but is much troubled in the Head with
Wind, and Aduft Choler.

Of the Sixth Houje.

THe Sixth Houfe and his Lord in the laft Half of every
Moon, that is, from the juft point of the Full, to the
juft point of the Change, (hall fignitie the Cau(e of the
Difcale, whether it doth come of Blood, Melancholy,Fkgfn
or Choler > or of Humours mix't, as of Choler and Flegm,
or of Blood and Choler, or of Melancholy and Choler^nd
which of thelc Humors have Dominion, and predominate i
and in what Degree the Humours predominant be, either
in the firll, fccond, third or fourth degree i as if ^ be Lord
of the dth, in fuch a cafe, and in «Sl •, Then the Diicale
comes of thick yellow Choler, and Melancholy, and a fu-
ferticial Flegm therewith mixed, which do caufir llrong
evers, the Piles and Hemorrhcids, as if he be Lord of the
th Houfe or 12th Houfe: for as the Lord of the 6th Hcufe
in the laft part of the Moon doth (hew the Difeafe and
Caule thereof. So doth the Lord of the 12 th Houfe from
the Change unto the*Degree of the Full Moon : This is a
Secret, whereby we give Judgment of Difeafes, and
the Caufes in his Degree, of every Difeafe and Sick perfbn,
not yet obferv'd by any before this > Of which I will not
bragg, but give God thanks, who hath fo far revealed to
me, as to make me inftrumental in this moft profitable
Science: for from thefe Grounds and Reafons, which here
I divulge to the World, have 1, to the Wonder of the
World, i given Judgments of the Sick and their Diffem-
pers, without cither the fight of them or their Urine. All
trrai/e to God ondy.
If there be in 6th Houfe a movcable Sign, Then the
Difeafe will be Quickly removed, or have an End, and the
Patient (hall quickly be whole.
If in the 6th there be a Common Sign, It fignificth the
incertainty of the Difeafe, and that it is not always at one
ftay, but the Party is fometimes 111, fomctimes better, and
fbmetimes worfe i and is often troubled, but it may be re-
medied in a reafonable time.
If in the dth be a fixed Sign, It fignifieth continuance
of the Diftemper,and long Sicknefs s and it hath been long,
and will be long, and always after one order: and if the
lad Degree of a fixed Sign,be on the Cufp of the ^thHoufe,
It Is a fign that the Dileafe begins to draw toward an end,
and will change to better or worle i & e contra.
If the Lord of the <5th be in the Aicendant, or do infor-
tunate the Afcendant or his Lord by d or Afped, It
fignifieth that the Party fhall have great Sicknels, by the
Natural Courfe and Influence of the Heavens i and if the
Lord of the dth be in a fixed Sign, It will indure the
longer, if in a Moveable Sign, it will end the fboner.
If the Lord of the Afcendant be in the 6 th Houfe, Then
the Difcafe is not Natural, but the Party hath come by it
by ill Dyct, or Evil order, or by Accident j for he is the
caufe of his own Sicknefs.
If the LorcLpf the pth be in the 6th, then the Sicknefs
is cauled by Witches, Witchcraft, Magick, or by fome fuch
Extraordinary means.
If the Lord of the pth be in the 7th,whoroevcr be Lord
of the pth, and the) apply tob, the Party is in^hanted,
bewitched, or fnre-fpoken, as fome call it.
If b be Lord of the 6th, It fignifieth the Difcafe to be
of longer continuance, and that it will be longer before the
Party be whole, than if U, cf or the 0 were Lords of
the 6th Houfe i for the higheft Pknet lignifies the longer
time, and the inferiour, lefler time, Except b be alfbLcrd
of the 7th Houfe^nd in $ or <51 in the 12th Houfe,then he
"fhall foon recover.
If the Lord of the 6th be in the 12th, in the Sign
Afcending, then it fignifieth that the Difeafe came by
Nature, and the InRuence of the Heavens when the Party
38 yfjirological Judgment ofPhyftck,
Was born •, and that the Party hath had a fpice of this
Diftemper ever fince the Birth or Childhood, and is now
produced by fome apt Diredtion or Tranfit > The fame if
Ti Lord of the <5th be in <51 in the roth Houfe.
If the Lord of the <5th be alfo Lord of the Hour, and
in the nth Coinbuft,as c? in W, Then it feems die Party
came by her Sicknets by longing, or fome ill Dyet,at fome
place where (he was merry amongft her Friends.
If c? be Lord of the Afcendant in the <5th, Then he
came by his Difeafe by fretting, or furfeiting, or by a fquat
or blow.
If Fe/iHf, then by Luft and Lechery^nd too much Carnal
Copulation. If the 2), by taking Cold. If U, by over-
much Laughing, or Mirth or Sadnefs, Joy, or Cold upon
If the ©, then by Pride and Vain-glory. If 2, then by
Fear.If "h be Lord of the Afcendant and in the 6 th,then the
Party got his Difeafe by Fear,Thought andHeavinefs, and
Cold taking.
If the Lord of the yth or 6th, or both, be in the Afcen-
dant, or in the Sign of the Afcendant, fallii into the i a th
Houfe, though it be b, and the 2) feparate from the Lord
of the roth, and apply to the Lord of the yth, being in
the Afcendant as aforefaid, Thai (hall the Party be Cured
of the Infirmity, by the Grace of God, and good words of
the Phyfitian, without taking any thing elft of Medicines \
and efpecially if U be in the 7th in the time of the Que-
flion •, for whenfoever the 2) goeth from the Lord ofthe
loth Houfe to the Lord of the 7th,It fignificth Favour and
Vertue from God, and Health from God to the Sick.
If the Lord of the 6 th be in the 1 ith, and the Lord of
the 12th in the New Mwn in the 2d, and the 2) feparate
from the Lord of the 12 th Houfe, and apply to the Lord
of the Afcendant, or to a Planet that is going to 6 with
the Lord of the Afcendant, the Difeafe mall quickly alter,
and leave the Party, and little Phyfick (hall fervc.
The Lord of the 6th in the 10th in his own Houfe cr
other Dignitics^s It Lord of die 6th in K in 6 with ?
in her Exaltation, (ignirteth the Difeafe is very firong, and
increafeth more and more.
When the Lord of the 6th is ftronger than the Lord of
the Aicendant, then is the Difeafe ftronger than Nature is
able to refift, and the Difeafe doth increafe.
The Lord of the 6th in the pth,and Lord of the Afcendant
apply to 9 in the tothi D being Lady of the Aftendant, or
with the Lord of the Afeendant,the Sick (hall be fbon whole.
The 2) Lady of the 12th applying to the©,and the© in
a * of U in X, caufeth a Confumptive Rheum.
If the Lord of the 6th be in ,n,or ePpf 9 in ,thera
the Mufeles of his Throat are fore, and he cannot fwallow.
And look always if the Lord of the 6th be in , or Ap-
ply to any other Planet,or any other Planet Apply to him i
If it be fo, then (hall there be Come Difeafe or Grief in the
place under that Sign wherein that Planet is that beholdeth
die Lord of die 6th Houfe or 12th Houfe, being fignilier »
and the Grief or Difeafe (hall beCaufed by the Sign where-
in the Lord of the 6th is^nd by the Humor alfb fignified by
the Planet that'alpeds the Lord of the 6th Houfe or 12 th.
As b in «a Lord of the 6th, and Signifier, at a □ to 9 in
55,and the 2) applying to 1/ ,the Difeafe is caufed cf 3 parts
of Melancholy,and 3 parts of Choler, and the Party is hot
and dry,and hath taken Thought j now 9 in 55 Augmen-
ted! the Melancholy Humour.
If the Lord of the 6th be weaker than the Lord of the
Afcendant, then it is a fign that Nature is ftronger than
the Difeafe, and will quickly expel the Diftemper.
If the Lord of the 6th be in his Exaltation, or ftrong,
or where he hath any Dignities, It fignitieth the Difeafe is
ftrong. •
If he be coming to any DignityjtheDifeafe will increafe,
if he be falling from his Dignity, the Difeafe will fall and

If the Lord of the dth be in a fuccedant Houfe, in fitch
a cafe the Diftempcr groweth » if ijn a cajdent Houfc, it
falleth i if in an Angle, it is ftrong.
The ) Lady of the dth in a in the fecond Houle,
the Difeafe will increafe and be ftronger, for it is not yet
at the highef;.

To know by ibhat means the Party may he

Curedy and with Ibhat to begin.

Zar/, and the rert of his Followers, the old Aftrological

Philofophers and Phyfitians, did give the Afcen-dant for the
PhyJitian,and the 7th Houfe for the Sicknefs, becaufe the
Phyfitian is enemy to the Sicknefs, and Sick- nets is enemy
unto Health.
And therefore he faith, if the firft Houfo be fortunate, by
the prefence or afi pe& of a fortunate Planet, or the Lord of
the Afcendant fortunate, then (hall the Phyfitian do good,
and be profitable to the Sick.
Alfo he giveth the 10th Houfe for the fick Perfon, to
know thereby whether he will be ruled, and be obedient to
the Phyfitian or no, according as the 1 oth Houte is fortu-
nate or infortunate.
He giveth the 7 th Houfe for the Sicknets, to know there-
by whether the Sicknets (hall be long or (hort, or whether
it lhall be tedious or no, or whether it thould be great or
little. If there were a fortunate Planet in the 7th Houte,
.then the Sick (hall be foon w 11 i if there be an infortu-
nate Planet, then it will be longer ere he be well, and
the Sicknets (hall augment and increate.
He eiveth the 4th Jloufe alfo for the Medicine, whether
it fliall oe profitable to the Sick or no. If there be a good and
fortunate rlanet in the 4th Houfe, then the Medicine thill do
much good, & c contra •, If there be a malevolent Planet that
hath no dignity,neither houfe, exaltation ',

term, triplicity, nor face, then the Medicine thall do no good,

but rather harm than good. If there be no Planet in the 4th,
then look to the Lord of the 4th, what ftate he is in i if he be
in his houfe or exaltation, and in an Angle, thou (halt do him
good, and thy Medicine (hall be profitable unto him.
This Method of the Ancients is contradifted by our
Mo-dem Aftrologers, who give the firll Houfe for the fick
Per-fon, the <5thHou(e for the Difeafe, the 7 th Houfe for the
Phyfitian, and the roth for the Medicine, and from the 4th
they take the end and fuccefs of all their operations. This I
fhould rather aflentto, becaufe now mod in ufe, but that I in
my pra&ice have oft experienced both and I apprehend that
many formerly in obferving Zaefs me-thod, have been very
fortunate and fuccefsful, and given good account of the
Difeafe, and all Accidentsand there-fore in the enfoing I
fhall follow that method i and what is fpoke of one, may
readily be apprehended of the other s wherein 1 fay the
Afcendant tor the Phyfitian, you may underhand the 7th •,
and as I take the Difeafe from the 10th, you may underhand
the <5th j and whereas Zael takes the Medicine from the 4th
Houfe, you may under-hand the 1 oth. By thus proceeding,
you may make thefe enfuing Rules applicable to both
methods. But to pro- ceed.
If the Moon be Lady of the 4th, and in b in the Af-
cendant remote, and do apply to the O in the 12th, thou
(halt do him good with much ado in the end, and thou (halt
have a good beginning, and the Patient fhall jfind cafe.

But if the Lord of the 10th be Tj, and infortunate, as

in tlf R in the <5th, (he fhall mif-diet her felf, and take
cold, and be fick again, as bad as ever (he was.
If there be in the 4th c?, "b,or y , or any infortunate
Planet, if he be remote from the Angle, he hurreth n t,
neither (as to his efficacy^) fhall you account him to be in
5^2 yfflrological Judgment of Phyjiek,
the 4th i but look to the Lord of the 4thHoule, if the
Lord of the 4th be then fortunate, and in an Angle, the
Medicine (ball do him good i if ? in fuch a cafe be lady
of the 4th, and in the 7th in ss with V, the Medicine
(hall do him good, although It be in the Alcendant not
remote, and 6 in the 4th remote, and in the 4th not
Lnna in the 4th in V not remote, though "h be Lord
of the 4th in (51 in the nth Houfe, yet the Medicine (hall
do him good.
Mars Lord of the tfth in-the Alcendant in $, the Dif-
eafe is caufed naturally by conftellation of his Birth, and
it is not good to meddle with him, efpedally if the Lord
of the Afcendant be 5, retrograde in in the nth
Houle, though the "> do apply to 5, for he will quickly
give thee off.
If "h be Lord of the 1 oth, and in It R in the 4th, at
a □ to the Alcendant, although the > be in the 10th in
X , the Sick will not be ruled, but will give thee
h in the 4th R or unfortunate, the Medicine will do
him little good, for it is not well compounded.
If thou wilt deanfe, fweeten, or purge the Blood of
Water, or ether grofs humours, and wiltfcleanfe andpu-
rifie the Blood, and increafe good Blood, do it when he
) and Lord of the Afcendant are in Airy Signs, and do it
in the hour of U.
But if thou wilt diminiOi the quantity of good Blood,
to infcdl it with ill humours and Melancholy, then do it
when the ) and Lord of the Afcendant are in i?, TO?, or
V unfortunate v if with Choler, then when the } and
Lord of the Afcendant are in V, (SI, or applying to
c?, and a Fiery Sign aicending.
If thou wilt induce a Droplle, and inieft his Blood with
Water, then let him blood, or give him a Drink to that
intent, when the Lord of the Alcendant and the ") be in
ffi, "1, or K, in theincieatb of the ^, and when (he
applies to $ , and let ®, "t, or K be in the Afcendanr,
and do it in the hour of the } or ? , and fo likewife of
the reft of the Humours.
If thou wilt increafe Choler in the Body, doit when
the ^ and Lord of the Afcendant are in Y, <51, or /,
and one of them Attending, applying to c? or the ©.
. If thou wilt deftroy Choler, do it when the ^ and the
Lord of the Afcendant are in ffi, "i, or K, and one of
them in the Afcendant, and in the hour of the ) or $,
and let the ^ apply to $.
The i x th Houfe doth always fignifie the Medicines, and
the way, how and by what means to cure the Party, if he
be to be cured» as thus, in Phyiick and Chirurgery, The
Sign afcending in the nth Houfe, fhall always llgnifie the
beginning of the Cure, and what is to be done at firft i
as thus,
If there be in the nth Houfe a Fiery Sign, as T, «5l,
or /, which are hot and dry, confider of them which it
is, and whether it be for Chirurgery, in fbme manual
external application , or fome Phyflcal internal opera-
If it be for fbme matter in Chirurgery, and Y be in
the nth Houfe, which is the Houfe of c?, then itfigni-
fies Cutting, Amputation, or fome inclflon to be made,
or opening of a Vein at firli, or letting of blood » efpeci-
ally if c? be in or sa i and if <51 be in the nth,
then by laying fome hot Pultis thereto to digeft it, or by
And generally if the Lord of the nth be in a Fiery
Sign, then by Cutting, Boxing, or by putting fome Cor-
rolive or fuch like thereto, as Mercury Precipitate, &cc.
But if it be for fome inward caufe or matter of Phyfick,
then give the Party fomething that is hot and dry, attra-
dive, and expuliive to make him vomit, or to go to ftool,
as the Root otDaffodil.
If 5 be Lord of the nth in <51, then give him a Vo-
mit of Daffodil > if cJ be Lord of the i ith in then
give him Manna, CaJJta, "tamarinds. Barrage, Water of Vio-
lets, of Nightlhade, to allay the Heat.
If there be in the nth Houfe a Watery Sign, as ffi,
or K, then give them digeftives, and purge, and ufe good
diet, and nfe outward applications, to hdp die retentive
If X be in the i ith Houfe, and U in V, then give
him fbme digdHve, and let him blood.
, If ffi be in the nth Houfe, and the ) in •?, then
give him fome dige/Hve to thin the Blood, and forthwith
let him blqod.
If S be in the nth, and the in ^ digeft, and
then purge ftrongly, and vomit withal.
If T be in the i ith, and c? in n, then give fome di-
geftive Julep, to cool the Body, and to ftrengthen the
Virtue attraffive, and let them be quiet without fretting,
or being angry, and ufe a good diet i good if the ) ap-
ply to U.
If T be in the nth, and c? Jn n, and the } apply
to $ in^, give him a Glider, and after purge him and
let him blood.
If there be any Airy Sign in the i ith, as n, or ss,
then in the beginning of the Cure, it is bed to ratifie and
drengthen the Liver, by helping the Virtue digedive by
hot and moid digedives.
If in the nth be a Terrene Sign, as y, VX, or VP,
then by adminidring of VomitSj and by digeding of Me-
lancholy, and by helping the Virtue expulfive.
Then for the fecond part of the Cure, look to the Lord
of the 11 th, and to the Sign he is in, as I have faid
If the Lord of the nth be in an Earthly Sign, as y,
■tP, yf, then (hall you give him a Von it, and purge or
fu eat him.
If the Lord of the i ith be in an Airy Sign, as in xr,
—, then (hall you have tefped to the Blood to cool
it, if it be too hot, or to cleanfe and (cowr it, if it be
foul and feculent, according to the nature of the Planet j
for if it be $ in xr, ^ ot », then lhallyou cool the
Blood, and let the Party go into an open and frelh Air,
and be merry.
If U bein n, ^ or £5, then heat the Blood, and
let him have frelh Air.
If "h be Lord of the nth, and be in xr, s^, or
then cool and moillcn the Blood.
If $ be in 7, then give him Sallads of cqpl Herbs,
cold Syrups, and cold Waters.

Of Compounding of JMedicines, when and at

Ibhat time they Jhould properly be compound*
ed and made.

UNderftand that in Mans Body be four Natural Facul-

ties, working to the Health thereof, viz. theAttra-
dtive Power, the Retentive, the Digellive, and the Ex,-
The Attradiive Faculty is governed by c? and $, and
opcrateth by Heat and Drynets i and therefore fuch Medi-
cines as are made to comfort the Virtue Attractive, (hould
be made, and al(b given and received, when the ) is in
fome Attractive Sign, as V, <51, 7, when the } hath no
impediment, and doth apply to cT, ®, or $, by ^ or
A, or to the d of $, and when T, <51 or 7 are in
the Afcendant, and $ in the 6th Houfe.
The Vertue Retentive is governed by h, and worketh
by Cold and Dryncfs j and therefore iuch Medicines as are
made to comfort the Virtue Retentive, ihould be made,
given and received, when the ) is in a Retentive Sign,
as in 25, VZ or >7, when the M?afl hath no impediment,
and doth apply to the ^ or A of h or S, and. when
is, VZ or V? are in the Afccndant, and h or 5 jn the
6th, efpecially 5, for Nature is bettered -in his own na-
ture and kind, and every like will have like, or when Tj
is in an Angle and ftrong.
The Virtue Digeflive is governed by U, andworketh
by Heat and Moifture i and therefore fuch Medicines as
fliould comfort the Virtue Digeftive, (hould be made, and
alfo given and taken, when the 0 is in a Digeftive Sign,
as in n, — or «?, and when the ) is freeTiom impe-
diment, and doth apply to It, and when it, — or ar,
is in the Afcendant, and It in the <5th Houie.
The Virtue Expulfive is governed by the ), and work-
eth by Cold artd Moifture j and tlierefore (uch Medicines
as (hould comfort the Virtue Expulfive, when the Patient
is weak in Body, and cannot fwcat or vomit, or go to
ftool, (hould be made, given and taken, when the ) is
in an Expulfive Sign, as in ffi, ntorH, and when the
3 hath no impediment^nd doth apply to ? ,B,rn or X
in the Afcendant, and the D or ? in the fithydn the com-
pofition of the Medicine. And this is the proper method
of way and times to make Medicines.
For every Medicine receiveth his Virtue more or left,
according to the pofition and difpofition of the Heavens,
at the very inftant when it is maae, as I have often prov-
ed, (and the greateft Antagonift in the World muft herein
be convinc'd, if he will let patiende adt his reaton. ) For
if the Virtue Digeftive be weak, and thou woiddeft make
a proper Medidne to ftrengthen and help the (ame, then
diligently obferve when the D comes into Digeftive Signs,
and afpefts and then compound thy Medidne as afore-
But if thou make thy Medicine, the D being in a Re-
tentive Sign, applying to "b, cf, O or S, it will do no
good i therrfore if thou wilt make a fpeedy Cure,do it in a
convenient titne as aforefaid. Cuida
Gutdo counfdleth, in every Medidne thou makeft, thou
ftiouldeft put U in the dth, or at leaft in the yth Houfe,
but if in the 6th, it is the better '■> and whoibever (hall
give a Medicine to any one, U being then at that inftant
in the dth Houfe , the Medidne (hall profit very
But fometiines it falls out, that the Phyfician cannot po-
(ite It in the dth Houfe, when he would compound his
Medicine, for he oft-times comes into the dth very late, or
very early in the morning, lometimes at i, 2,3,4, 5, or
d of the Clock, (b that it is tedious (or one always to
watch the hour > and therefore, in matters of Necdlity,
when I could not put It in the dth, I did put $ in the
dth or 7th, when I did compound my Medicine, in Head
of It, when (be was free from combuftion, and the noxi-
ous Rays or Afpe&s of Tj or <?, and dire^, occidental,
and in her dignitiesor eUe I did put fome other fortu-
nate Planet in the dth •, but I did never put T* or cf in
the dth Houie, except there were U or $ with them in
the dth, or fome other Planet that was in his dignities,
and ft rang.
For U is naturally benevolent, good and friendly to
Man, and is Fortma Major, and $ is Fortuna Minor, and
2 and O are indifferent, but h and cf are enemies to
the Nature of Man and his Health, and h is Infortma
Major, and cf Infortma Minor.
And always I hold it good to compound Medicines,
when U or $ is in the dth Houfe, and the D applying
by ^ or A to the Lord of the Afcendant.
Hence is to be noted, That through the Negligence of
the Phyfitian, in not regarding or taking hesd to thefe
things afbrefaid, before he begins to work, oftentimes
and moft commonly his labour is in vain, and to none e&
(off to the Sick, becaufe the Virtue of Heaven, and the
heavenly Bodies do work againft him.
48 jffirologicd Judgment of Phyfick,

pis for Example.

If you would make a Medicine confortative, for expuHI-

dn of Humours, as in giving a Laxative Medicine, the
Virtue of the Heavens, and Influence of the'), mull
reeds oft-times be againft thee, (if thou compounded thy
Medicine by chance, without eledlion of a proper time )
and affedl the Patients Body contrary to thy intention, by
virtue of Retention, and that is becaufe you did not look
before to the Influence of the ), what (he took of the
CoelelHal Bodies above, that is to lay, of the Planets and
twelve Signs. And therefore whofoever will give Medi-
cine properly and naturally, he mud take heed that the
Influence of the Sign that the D is in, do accord or agree
with the Virtue of that he laboureth upon, and then he
Ihall not err.
So be Cure you make your Confedlion or Medicine in its
proper fympathetick Conftellation, and then it muft needs
work Naturally, becaufe of the Virtue that it receiveth in
the time of its making by the Influence of the Heavensy
and this is without doubt chiefly to be noted and ob-
For TltaivfV; affirms. That look what Compofition and
Medicine thou doll make under the Conftellation or courfe
of Heaven, it receiveth as great Virtue of the Influence of
Heaven, being made in due time, as it doth of the Con-
fedlion or Medicine it felf s as,Laxative and Expuliive Me-
dicines ought to be compounded, the 2 being in $, m,
or X ,and one of thele Signs Alcending, and the 2 ftrong,
as is aiorefaid, not afpctfling V.
Alfo it behoveth a Phyfitian to have confideratioti of
what Planet ruleth that Humour, which he intendeth to
expel, and to make that Planet Lord of the 6th Houfe,
and put him in a place where he hath no dignities o
power, and then ihall not that Planet overcome or hinder
the working of that Medicine. As
jfjlrologkal judgment of Phyftck, 4^

As for Exampla

If a Man will avoid and purge Melancholy, which Sa*

turn increafeth and ruleth, he inuft fee that Tj be weak
of power and ftrength, as in $ or in V, and in the 3d,
S>tn or 12 th Houfe, or removed from Angles, and if yoii
put y? in the 5th Houfc, "h being in $, you may put
him in the i2thHouie, or in the nth for a Ihift, and
let the } be ftrong.
If you will avoid or purge Choler, fee that c? Be weak
that governs that humour, in his fall or detriment, or in
fbme cadent Houle where he hath uo dignity.
if you would redlifie and purge the Blood, then fte
that % be weak of power and operation, for he ruleth
the Blood, yea and let the © and ^ be alfo weak, or re-
moved from Angles, becaule they do participate with U
in that behalf.
If you will avoid and purge Flegm, then fee that the
} be weak of power and debilitated, for (he gbverneth
that humour j therefore when you would purge Flegm, it
is better in mine opinion to put the ) in ^ or K than
in 35, but if the } be in 35, then let her afpedl the O
by *, or A, or cP, aild purge with an Eleffuary.
If (he be in "t, then let her afpedt the 0 Or J by ^
or A, and do it by a Potion.
If (he be in H, then let her apply to the © or cT by
A or yp, and do it with Pills.
And here note, that there is no Medicine laxative or
purging to be given C after the Rules of the Ancients )
when the ) is in d with li..
And Haly telleth the Caufe why , faying, that the
working of the Medicine is not wholdbme that is mini-
fired in that time, for becaule of drawing of Humours,-
for by that it deftroyeth the natural efiefe of the
Body, the which is the 4th part of the effetft of tire Medi-
cine. Dd Things
5o yfjlrological Judgwen t of Phyjick.
Tilings cold and dry, diminifhing natural Heat, and
hindring natural Digedion, are alligned to .
Things that do thicken and raanifeftly delay Heat natu-
rally, are given to ? .
Tilings that heat and over-heat the Body and Blood, as
in bitter things, making very hot and angry, are attribu*
ted to Mm.
Things having a glcwy property, and being miniftred
to wounds, have power to joyn the orifice together, and
keep back Ulcers healing, and are attributed to
ana $.
But the ) mud be confidered, according to the place
(he is in, and according to the Planet (be applieth to v for
if (he be in a good Horde or good Sign, with a fortunate,
good, or ftrong Planet, (he betckeneth good j if with an
evil Planet, or evil Sign, or Houfe, or Afpe&, (he beto-
keneth evil.
Wherefore if thou mean to heal DiCeafes of any inward
or outward grief, thou muft confider the time when the
Patient firft complained, or when the Difeaft firft took
him, or when he firft took his bed. If none of thefe may
be found, then confider die inftant time when his Urine
is brought to thee, or when any cometh to thee to ask of
his Di(ca(e, or when thou firft heareft of it, and eredl thy
Figure for that inllant time.
And then oblctve whether the T do decreafe or in-
creafe in light, and from whom (he feparatcs, and to
whom (lieapplies next j for if (he apply to an evil Planet,
or to a Planet weak, combuft, or infbrtunatc, it beto-
keneth the Difcafe doch tend to worfe \ bur if to a good
Planet and ftrong, (b that he be not Domntu mortify or in-
fortunate, it betokeneth good, and the Difeafe may be
If the } be increaling in light, and go fwiftly to the
Afocd of c?, it betokeneth the Difeafe to wax grievous
and dangerous.
Jftrological Judgment of Phyjtck. y-
But if (lie apply to a good Planet alfo at the fame tifnei
then although the Sick be much tormented, and in de-
spair, yet he (hall recover his health, fo that they be not
Lord of the Hou£e of death, nor of the Houfe of inHrmi-
If theO be dccreafing in light, and apply to the □,
cP, or of T?, it will be mortal and evil, and as long
as the D doth increafe in light and motion C applying asf
aforeiaid) fb long will the Difcafe wax and in-
And when the S beginneth fo be T'avda mot it, decreas-
ing in her motion, then the Uifeafe will decrcafc, and
change into better and more cafe i but fo long as Ihe is Vc^
lox motK, fwift in courfe, the Difcafe will increafe, and
be more tedious and painful to the Sick.
Thole that are II k of the Difeafes of b or 5 ,are floW^
dull, and aflonifht , and are fcarce able to draw their
grieved members to them for cold, for their powers are'
weakened through obftrudions, yet by reafon of the prick-
ing and biting quality of the Difcafe, they do awake them-
fclves by little and little v they oft dream of fearful things,
dreadful vifions they think they fee, and feem to defire
farmcnts of filk, and of fad and fearful colours, and much
efire natural heat i they rejoycc to be in darknefs, or in
dark defolate places, often lighing, are fearful, dull and
heavy, have all the figns and fyinptoms of Melancholy,
with trembling and fearfulnefs j the Pulle being feeble,
faint and flow, doth fignirie that all the upper parts of the
Body are cold and dry.
There is need in curing this Difcafe, of hot and moift
Medicines, not binding.
Of Giving of SMediclne.

HAly faith, That fweet Savours do greatly comfort

Nature, yet canfeth oft-tinies the letting of the ope-
rations of Medicines, therefore in adminiftring of divers
Medicines, the Phyfitian will make the Patient fmell to
bitter things and ftinking.
Ftalomem faith. That the receiving of Medicine is good
at fuch a time as the D is in 35, m or K, and if the Lord
of that Sign be under the Earth, then it is wholefome and
good to take Phylick.
And if the Lord of the Houfe of the } , or Lord of the
Afctndant, do apply to a Planet in the mid-Heaven, at the
giving of the Medicine, then (hall he vomit and caft up the
Medicine again. And Haly (kith, That It is good alfb
and moll wholefome to give a Drink in a cold and moid:
Triplicity, as in $, *1 and K, to diffolvc theSicknefs,
for at fuch a time the Medicine entring into the Body or
the Sick, findeth every part well and naturally difpofed
with moillure, which is his natural kind to work
And therefore when the Lord of the Afcendant is joyn-
ed with a Planet under the Earth,the Sickncfs (hall remove
to the lower parts, notwithflanding the inward ftrcngth
of the Body is not hot, and fb this manner of working
lhall be good.
But if you give a Medicine when the Lord of the Afcen-
dant is above the Earth, then he (hall left the operation of
the Medicine in its kind, and will lett the operation of the
Medicine downward, and caufe him to vomit and work
upward, or elfe it will reft and lye ftill in the ftqmach,
and there it will puttihe, and grow hurtful to Nature and
ta the Body,
And furthermore I am of this opinion, 1 hat if the Lord
of the Afcendant be between the icth and the Houfe
defcending, the Medicine fhal! workthe better downward,
and work more kindly, driving the Difeafe downward j
but if he be from the 4th Houfe, to the 10th Houfe as-
cending, it will lett the operation of the Medicine much
in purging.
Again, If the be in tn defcending in the 7 th Houfe,
and apply to c? by □, he being in the nth or 10th, it
hindreth the operation of the Purge, and makes it work
flowly, and give but a few ftools.
If the ) be under the Earth, and apply to the Lord of
the Afcendant by a ^ or A, being above the Earth, and
a watry Sign being in the Afcendant, the Medicine will
work downward iirnngly, and upward alfb.
The ) in <51, it is not good to give Vomit nor Purge,
for a Medicine given in fuch a time is not good for the
Stomach, nor for the Throat, and it maketh the receiver
to caft up blood, and in this Sign it is not good to let
When the ) is in V, 55 or V?, give no Purge nor
laxative Medicine to work downwards, but Vomits, and
fuch Medicines as fhould work altogether upwards.
Alfb if you will give Medicines in due manner, you
mull look that the Moon and the Lord of the Afcendant do
accord, and be in Signs of like triplicities, that neither of
them be impedited, nor one of them lett not the other,
and cfpecially that your Afcendant be not contrary to the
, nor to the 1 oth Houfe, for thefe three muft of neceili-
ty be well difpos'd, and accord in one difpofition.
Alfb you ought to take heed you give no Medicine when
the ) is in any evil Afpcdl, as a □, d or cP of b or
6, and efpecially when the 2 is in K.
And if the 2 be in a moveable Sign in the beginning
of a Sicknefs, the fame Sicknefs (hall Be ealie to remove by
Medicine i and if the 2 be in a fixed Sign, the Sicknefs
54 sfftrological Judgment of Phyfick.
(hall fland long n him i and if the 3 be in a common
Sign, the Sicknefs (hall come and go, and have its viciifi-
tude and change, being (bmetimes more and fometimes-
lefs, and not continue always at one (lay.
The i) in S, applying to $ in vy by rf5 in the Se-
cond, or in the Alcendant, or 7 be in the A(cendant,
give no Purge to purge Melancholy or Choler, for it will
not work, efpccially if it be in Winter, or in the fall of
the Leaf if the Weather be cold, or a Froh, or the Sky
clear, as in November i for I have given to many at that
time, and they never had above one llool.
And note this for a general Rule, Let not It at any
time be Lord of the Afcendant in the adminiftring of a
purge, nor in d or Afpeft of the }, nor / in the Af-
cendant, nor It in the Afcendant, nor beholding the Af-
cendant, for all this deftroys the working of a Purge, and
caulcth it not to work, or to come upward, and To to be
of no effed.
For 1 have proved it, and have given a Purge when
the } hath applied to U, and / hatli been in the Afcen-
dant, and the Papty hath vomited it up again, and hath
had but two (lobls, yet the Purge hath been' very llrong,
and I have known others haye done the fame, which puts
the great Phylitians ("ignorant of this Learning) oft-times
to a Hand with admiration, when their ' Phyfick crofleth
their intentions, by which you may foe they know not
what th y do.
1 have given a Patient a Preparative to drink, that hath
been delicate -and pleafing, when Yf hath been in the Af-
cendant, and T? hath been in W R in the 8th, and the
) hath been in applying to a d of U in the ad,
and the Party hath prefently vomited it up again.
If the Lord of the Afcendant be Retrograde, and the
in d or Afp ft with in 23, ttl or K, the Party
will yomit it up again.
Give no purgative Medicine to any Woman when the
^ is in TO, applying to c? in ^, and VP in the A(cen-
dant, and "h in TO Kr, received of 5 in VP, for it will
not work on the Party, but breed extream pain in their
Bellies and Stoinachs,with tonnents and troubling of the
Bowels, for I my (elf have given two Purges to feveral
Women, to purge Choler and Melancholy, and to force
the Menftrues down withal, and neither of them did
work, and yet they were Itrong Purges, and both of them
had had exceeding great pains in the Belly and Stomach,
and one of them did vomit it up again within two hours
after i but I gave a Purge to a Man the lame morning, /
being in the Alcendant, and it wrought well without any
Give no Puree to vomit withal when the ") is in
going to the oof c? in S, c? being Lord of the 6 th in
the Alcendant, and n in the Afcendant, and the ") going
from 5 to , 3 being Retrograde in the 11 th, or
combufl, going from the O \ ana it is worfe if 5 apply
to the O, for then it fignifieth great Sicknefs, and that
the Vomit will lodge in the Stomach, and trouble the Par-
ty very much, and in retching to vomit the Party will
hurft fome Vein in the Stomach, and will be fick with it
in peril of death.


UNdetftand that the Matrix belongeth to 5 and ^

and the menlkual Blood^'loweis^eims, and Whites
of Women, belong unto the ) and "t, the Sperm and
Seed of Man and Woman, and the courfe of Seed doth be-
long upto Maru
The Tcjhcles of Man and Woman, and the Vulva of a
Woman, and Secrets of Man, belong to ?, and the Reins
pf the Back, and Bottom of the Belly, and Navel, with the
Spi/ta dorfi.
Allb underftand for the curing of rhefe Members and
places, if they are amifs, and how and by what means
they are to be cured.
Note that any affiicfed or fick Member of the Body is
bed comforted and cured when as the fame Sign as go-
verneth the laid Member that is fo grieved, be free from
evil Planets,and from their in vrunatc Beams and Afpeds,
that is, when no malignant Planet dqth afped that Sign
by , □ or cP at lead, and when the ) is free from
impediments and in 6 ox afped of a good Planer, and
in the lame Sign that governetn that Member. And this
bath great force and virtue to comfort and cure the lame
Member, if the Planet that governeth the fame Member,
and the Alcendant of the Hour, be placed ip a laudable
Alfo the Virtues Digeftive, Expulfive, Retentive, Attia-
dive, &c. do receive great comfort, when the governour
of them is helped by natural means, and in the true time,
and with true and natural Medicines > as in the confidcrati-
on of the influence of the Heavens, and the feven Planets,
is fully declared.
Ttolomy faith. The O ruleth the Vital Virtue, and Ju-
fittr with the } the Natural Virtue, 5 the Apprehenlive
jfjlrologtcal Judgment of Phyjick. 57
and Animal Virtue, S the Attrailive and Cholerick, and
Tj with the earthy Signs, , VX. and X?, hath the Re-
tentive Virtue, U with n, ^ and hath the Dige-
iiive Virtue, and to comfort it, do it when the D is in
either of thefeSigns.
? with the Signs Luxurious, as T, ^5, <51, V, and
thofe Signs alfo that fignifie many Children, as $, "i
and X, hath the Virtue Generative, and the faculty of
the defire of Copulation.
The } with S, m or K, hath the Virtue Vegetative,
and this faculty is bell holpen and comforted when the D
is in any of thofe Signs, viz. $, m or X, free from im-
pediment i and it is hind red when the ) is in the fiery
triplicity, viz. T, <51 and /, applying to c?, or to h,
by 6, O or cP, being in Y, <s)L or /, and fb of all
the reft.
But to come again to the Cure of the Difeafcs of the
Matrix: Sometimes the Matrix is weak and full of evil
Humours, and gathereth much wind, by reafon of much
cold Flegm and Mejancjioly in the Matrix, for Melancholy
and Water breed much wind , and caufeth the Mother
by overmuch cold, and then there is little defire of Copu-
In Curing hereof the Phyfitian ought to cherifh and
comfort the Matrix by heat, as likewife to flir up and
ffrengthen the Virtue Digellive » and herein you ought to
put =2= in the Afcendant, and the } in T, <51 or vT, ap-,
plying if it may be to c? in Y, <51, -T or and let 2
bellrong in Y, 5^, <51, '/y, or X.
And when you would Purge the Matrix, do it in the
Hour of d, and put — in the Afcendant, with Savin,
Jgarick^, and proper Mediants, and let ? be free and
ftrong, and under the Earth, or in the 3d, 2d, 12th, 1 ith,
or 10th Houfe, free from the Lord of the 6th and 8th,
and let the Lord of the 6th be weak.1


When thou wouldcft Cure a Difeafe in any particular

But of the Body or Member, let the ) be in the Rrft
oule, joyned to, or afpefting fortunately a good Planet,
fortunate and proper, and let the Afcendant be or "1,
and let there be no infbrtunate Planet in any of the An-
Ples, neither let the ) in any wife be infbrtunate either by
biltion or Afpeft. But if you cannot do all this, then ta
fore that the j be in a good Afpe& of a fortunate Planet,
as ■y. or $, and in the Sign that govemeth that part ok
the Body or Member that thou m ended to Cure * as if it
were the Matrix, let the ) be in if the Cure be in-
ward , and without humours, or any incifion ma-

Whether you fhall Cure him or no * upon the

Queflion of the fir ft Figure.

Fthe ) do apply to the Lord of the pth, whofoevcr

be Lord of the pth, if he be in the Afoendan , or Sen
of the Afcendant, and the Lord of the Afcendant in the
Afcendant, and the Lord of the dth weak, and Lord of
the 7 h alfo weak, in his fall or detriment, and in aCa-
dent Houfe > then take him in hand, for thou fhalt Cure
But if the Lord of the pth do afpedf the } by □ or cP,
as S Lord of the pth in □ to the ) , thou malt hardly
Cure him. «
If the ) be Lady of the 6th in Via emhfia, in die
8th in foch a cafe, and do apply by □ to <7 Lord of the
9th, yet thou fhalt Cure him, but with much ado.
When the Lord of the Afcendant is in the Afcendant
with the Lord of the loth, both la one Sign, it is a good
Ign that there comes help from God, for to Cure the ,
If the } be Lady of the Afcendant, and apply to the
Lord of the 9th, as to Tj, and the Lord of the 9 th be in
an Angle direft, or b in K in the 10th being Lord of
the 1 oth, thou (halt Heal him of this Difeafe.
Take heed thou put not the Lord of the 6th in the pth,
whether behave any dignity or no, for then the Difeafe
will trouble the Phylltian, that he (hall be at his wits end,
and (hall not know what to lay or do i for if <? be Lord
of the 6th and m the pth, it will caule law and ftrife, and
lufpition, cfpecially if the D apply to d.
If 9 be Lady of the 6th in the pth, in her fall or de-
triment, though (he have a term, a face, or triplicity, yet
the Phyfitian (lull have difcrcdit and ill words, efpecially
if the D apply to cf , though cf be in V in the
If O be Lord of the 6th and in the pth, thou (halt have
ill words in the end. And it is general, that if the Lord
of the 6th be in the pth, whofbever be Lord of the 6th,
the Phylitian (hall leave his Cure unHnilhed, and (hall have
nothin0 for his pains, but ill words and anger.

Of Giving the firji Medicine (o the Sick.

f \ Lways take heed and be fure, that at the inftant time

X*- when thou wilt miniftcr the hrll Medicine or Potion,
either inwardly or outwardly, or do any thing unto the
Sick touching his Health, and recovery thereof, that at
that inftant time thefe three Angles, viz. the Afcendant,
the iQth and the 7th Houfe, be free from the bodily pre-
fencc of an evil Planet, and from their Afpedis, viz, from
b, c? and y, and from a Planet that is combuft, retro-
grade, or in his fall or detriment, and let the three Angles
aforelaid be fortunate by the bodily prelcnce or afpedb of
fbme good and fortunate Planet, as of V-, 9 or.Q, or
fome Planet that is other in his Houfe, exaltation, or
fome other of his dignities, and let the Lord of the AC-
cendant, and the fccond Houfe, and his Lord be free
from afflidion, and be ftrong, and apply to fortunes, or
elfe let there be fome fortunate Planet in thofe places, but
let the Lord of the 6th, and the 6th Houfo be infortwnate
and weak, or put the Lord of the 6th in a cadent Houfe
combuft, but if he be Retrograde, the Dileafe will come
again after the Party is whole, and the weaker and the
more unfortunate the Lord of the 6th is, the better is it
for the Sick, and the fboner will he be whole.
Alfo you may put an infortunate or weak Planet in the
6th Houfe, or no Planet at all, which is bell. 1
Never let there any good or fortunate Planet behold the
6 th Houfe, and when thou iindeft thepofition of the Hea-
vens even (b, as afbrefaid, then juft at that time minifter
frft unto the Sick, either inwardly or outwardly, as his
Dittemper requirctR for the whole Cure confifteth in the
firft adminillring or dieffing , be it never fo little or
yfftrologlcal "judgment of Phyjitk. 6i
And this note well for a general Rule, That if the Lord
of the 6th be fortunate or ftrong, or in his Houfe or exal-
tation, or other dignities," or in an Angle ftrong, or if any
fortunate or ftrong Planet be in the 6th Houfo, then thou
(halt never Cure him, except thou leave it off and begin
again, or elfe thou (halt be long in Curing of it, for the
ftronger the 6th Houfe or his Lord is, the ftrongcr (hall
the Infirmity be, and the longer ere Cured.
Let no Man meddle or take upon him to adminifter to
any Man whole Pallate of his Mouth is down, or that
hath any Dilcafe in his Tongue or Mouth, to minifter firft
unto him in the Hour of §, when he is combuft, and
Lord of the 6th Houfe, and in the 10 th Houfo, and the}'
apply to ? by any afpedt» for if he do, the Party (hall
lofo his Speech, or fbme other great Harm or Inconveni-
ence will happen to the Sick.
It feems to be a general Rule, That a Man ought not
to minifter to any Member or Part grieved, in the Hour of
the Planet that mleth that Member, if the fame Planet be
Lord of the 6th and combuft, and the } apply unto him,
efpecially if the } go from the 0, or after (he feparateth
from that Planet that Ruleth that Member, and next ap-
ply to the 6□ or cP of h or cf.
It foems very good to Adminifter firft unto a Party,
when U or $ being free, either of them is Lord in the
Afoendant, and the 7> from fome good Planet apply unto
him by <4 , * or A, and the Lord of the 6th Houfo
weak, and fome fortune in the yth, if it may bci but let
not the Lord of the Afoendant be alfo Lord of the 8th nor
6th, and the 3 apply unto them, for then it may caufe
Death or very long Sicknefs , otherwifo it cauftth
Take heed in the firft miniftringor drcfting, that the 3
do not apply to the Lord of the 6th by any afpedf, for
that fignineth the Difcafe to come again after he is
Let not 1? behold the 6th Houfe, except he be Lord of
the Alcendant, then he may behold the 6th by A or
but not by cP, □ or ConjmSion-
If T? be Lord of the Afcendant in tS Retrograde, and
at a * or A to the t6th Houfe, the D being Lady of the
<5th in VP in her fall, and in the Houfe of die Lord of the
Afcendant, the Party (hall be foon whole.
If the Lord of the 6 th be weak, and iri the Houfe of the
Lord of the Afcendant, and in <P to the 6th Houfe, and
do apply to the Lord of the Afcendant, it fignifreth that
the Difeafe yieldeth to the Phyfitian, and the Party fhall
be fbon well.
You may pofite the Lord of the 6th, being weak or in-
fbrtunate, in the iztli or i ith Houfe, in cP to the 6th
Houfe, or in the ad, 3d, or 5th Houfe, or in the 8th or
9th Houfe, whofoever be Lord of the 6th, but put not
the Lord of the 6th in the nth if it be U, but thou
maift put V, $, pars Fortune or ^ in the 7th Houfe, not
impedited, or elfe let pars Fortune be joynedto the Lord of
the 8th,iithor 2d Houfes/ree from afftiftion and ftrong,
for this fignifieth the good (iiccefs of the Phylitian.
Orelft you may put U, $ ^ars Fortune or ^ in the 2d,
free and ftrong , for it fignifieth good to the Phyfi-
Take heed thou put not the Lord of the 6th in the Af-
cendant, though it be U, for then the Medicine will be
longer ere it work \ neither put the Lord of the 6 th in the
4th Houfe, for then the Medicine will be long before it
work, or hot work at all.
At thy firft miniftring, let hot the 2 behold c? by any'
Afpcd whatfoever, though he be in T or "i, for it cauf-
cth cither difgrace , or fufpition of fbmething not
You may put the 5 at any time in the 12th, nth,
10th, 5 th, 4th, or 6th Houfe, free from combuftion, and
from Tj, <? and y, being well placed, and not impedi-
ted, and it is beA to ufe Medicines when (he is in the tfth,
5th or 4th Houfe, fo that (he be not Lady of the 6th
Houfe i if (he be, let her be weak.
But give no Medicine at the fir ft to a Patient, the S be-
ing in the ist, ad, yth, 8th, or ^th Houfe, for it is very
evil j for from the Afccndant to the xoth Houfe, Ok doth
increafe the natural Spirits and Humours, and from the
roth Houfe to the yth, (he doth hurt to the lame Humour,
and from the yth to the 4th (he doth increafe it again,
and maketh Humours to flow in the Body, and from the
4th to the 1st Houfe, (he doth deprcls and decreafo the
natural Humours in the Body of Man.
When thou wiltminifter to the lick Perfon, or anyone
that is hurt, put the Lord of the artificial Hour in d with
the 0 (if thou maift) ftrong and fortunate.
Or elfe let the Lord of the Hour be very ftrong and for-
tunate^ and at a A or ^ to the Afcendant of the 7th, or
to his Lord, and then thou (halt be fure by Gods help to
Cure him, or elfe he is incurable.
If the Lord of the Atcendant be in t(he Houfe or exalta-
tion of the Lord of the 6 th, and do behold the 6th Houfe
by X or A, and the Lord of the 6rh be weak, or in his
fall, or in the Houfe of the Lord of the Afcendant, then
the Patient (hall foon recover and be well.
If the Lord of the Afcendant be in the nth, and (fee
from evil and from combuftion, and from h and <?, and
be diredf and ftrong, the Phydtian (hall have great praife
and commendations.
But if the Lord of the Afcendant be unfortunate, he
(hall have difpraifc , and ill will, doing the beft he

There be four principal Difeafes, whercunto almoft all

othet Difeafes may be referred.
The firft is the Lcprofie, whofe badges all manner of
Ulcers do bear, as Itches, Scabs, Alopecia, Scurfs, Chops,
Riftes, Snolneis, Morphews, Ruagednels of the Skin,
St. Anthonki Fire, Shingles, Dryneisof the Skin, thedeaH
Evil, Noli mi tangere, 'and the like, all which come of Me-
lancholy and Choler adufl.
The fecond is the Gout, under which is comprehended
the Collick, Sciatica, Podagra, Chingra, Genugia, Gout
of the Stomach, pain in the Teeth, and running Humours,
the Oxice, a (harp Difeafe quickly difpatching a Man one
way or other, returning Pains, Gouts painfully flexed,
pain of the Head, Cephalea, and Hemicrania, for all thefc
are bred of venomous Humours, much Wind, and burnt
Choler mixed with (alt Flegm.
The third is the Vropfie, to the which are referred all
manner of Fevers, Apoftemations, Jaundies, and evil Dx-
geliion. Chilblains, Ancombs, and the like.
The fourth- is the fating Evil, to which belong all Ca-
tarrhs, Rheums, Palfies, beatings and palpitation of the
Heart, Cardiaca paffio, Giddinefs, Vertigoes, Apoplexies,
Vertex, Suffocations of the Matrix, ana Hopping of the
Terms, and the French Pox.

Si Aliquh Honun Morborim fitmnus fanatur,

Sanamar omnes inferiorei —

If any of the principal of thefe Difeafes be Cured, all the

other inferiour Difeafes are Cured thereby ■, for the princi-
pals of all thefe Difeafes do come of venomous Humours
in the 4th degree, which is in the extremity of Nature, as
either of Melancholy, red Choler, Flegm, or Blood cor-
rupted with any of thefe Humours in the 4th degree j as
if the Blood it fclf do abound, as when U is in as, or if
red Choler do abound, as when c? is in ■?, as if Chbler
aduft with Melancholy do abound, as when is in VS,
and liguifier of the Difeafe, or if Melancholy do abound
in the 4th degree, as when h or 2 is in HP, or when
much Flegm doth abound, as when $ and the } are in
K in the 4fh degree.
And for the Curing of the Gout, (faith Paracelfur) three
things are required, that is , Refolving, Mitigating, and
'Strengtbning. And tlio chiefdi point of Health confilts in
this, not to fill thy felf with Meat, nor be too ilow in
And in Curing, firft and principally looh to the Liver,
that it be fijund, and not ftopt, hard, or over-glutted
with Water, or wafted, bring him firft to a good order
and foundnels, to this operation, xedtifie the liver, and
then lhalt thou Cure the other Difeafcs the better, and
when Difeafo be grown to extremities, give Medicines
always to reprefs their Venome, for the venomous Hu-'
mours do kill the Body,and bring incurable Difeafcs.

Keprej! Venome f>y thefei

Mitbridate, Bezar, Treacle, Unicorns Morn, Angelica, Sca^

hioMsfiardttus Benedt5its,0yl Olive,OvumPhilofipbortm,Sarfa*
f arilla, Gttiactm, Rue, JVild Time, Juniper Berries, Marjorams
Dittany, Dafies Roots, Saxifrage, Bettony, Dragons, Afara-
bacca. Gentian Roots, Sedtveli Roofs, EUebor, Trifolie, Mai-
lows, Tttrnips, Indian Pepper, Limns.
. And it is to be noted. That if a Purge be given or any
Medidne inward, when dT is Lord of the Afcendant and
Lord of the Hour, or if the } apply to cf, that Medi;
cine will work Jfrongly, and if Y be in the Afcendant, ic
will alfb work fpeedily.
If the ) apply to U, in the admimftring of a Purge or
Medicine inward, the Patient will Vomit with it, for at
the like time I gave a Potion purgative, and thegrofs fub-
flance taken away , the Dole was |iii, and two hours
and a half after he Vomifed with it, yet there was nothing
in it whereby to caufe Vomit, but it wa^becaufe the ">
did apply Co 1%, and it was bng tafbie it wxaaght own-
ward, but k gave him live or uz ftodk with cafe, and be
liked very well of ir-
IGIve no inward Medkinc when die lord oftfac Afccnd-
ant is Lord of the 6th and in the 4tii, and die "} ^plying
to the Lord of the 8th, for it is deadly, and it will tor-
ment the Patient much, and not work outwardly hot in-
wardly i let not the ) apply to die Lord of the 6th nor
8th, nor behold the 6th nor 8th HouCe, for it will ad-
vance the Di&aft to defpeiation > nor let the Lord of die
Alcendant apply to the Lord of the dth, nor to the Lord
of the 8«h tor it is deadly.

Certain Confikrations about the Urine, as

whether it he his or hers that brings it, or

IF the Loud of die Afendant be in die Alcendant, or in

die Sign Afcending, fallen into the rath Mtxdc, and
die 3 Amending in the Sign of the Alcendant not icmote,
and apply to the Lord of the yth by *, A or <S, thm
it is the Parties own Water.
The 3 applying to the Lord of the A&endaot, utfUnti
tarfore gh&jUomi, and the Load of the ydi be Lord of t e
Nmr, the Urine is the Parties that mahn the (^e-
If the Lord of the Hour be Ac Lord of the Afiendant,
and Ae 3 apply to him by A or Aen it is her
Misbands Water, if the Woman king it i if the Man
bring it, it is his Wives.
the Lord of Ac Attendant oftbe QneAoR be Lord of
Ac Hour, and in Ac 6th, and apply to the Lord of dw
d, then it is her Sons Urine.
S- t
The Lord of the Afcendant in the Afendant not re-
hiote, and applying to a Planet in ah Angle, as to the O
in the 10th, being Lord of the 3d, It is niS own Urine,1
or the Party is prefent before thee.
If the ) be Lady of the Afcendant in the 2d in <51,-
Void of courfe, and do (rparate fropi ?, and apply to the
of Tj in Rr ih the 3d, and 5 Lord 01. the Hour,
Then he or (he that bringeth the Urine cometh to deceive
thee, for it is not his Urine, neither did the Party fend
him that he names, but lofne other bodies Water, that
fends to try thy skill.*
If the 5 apply to the Lord of the Afeehdarft, and the
Lord of the 7th be in the Afcendant not remote, It is the
Parties own Water that bringeth it.
Take great heed always, when the Lord of the Afcend-
ant afid the £ do apply to the Lord of the 7th and ptb,
by d, □ or cP, for then there is fomc deceit in hand,
efpecially if $ be Lord of the Hour in Y, which is the
Houfe of cf, for it figniheth forrow, mocking, and de*
If the D or Lord of the Afecndanfdo apply to the Lord
of the 7th, by d, * or A, and ?, V or O be Lord
of the Hour, It is the Parties Urine that is named.
If the £ be Lady of the Afcendant, and do apply to
the Lord of the 7th, the Lord of the 7th being in the Af-
cendant, Then it is the Parties Urine that i$ named, and
they come on a righf meflage.
If the Lord of the Afcendant and the Lord of the Houf
be both one Planet, and in the loth in a Sixtile to the
Afcendant, and the £ fepafatt from the Lo'rd of the AC-
cendaht, and apply to the O in the 9th, The Party that
Owns the Urine is before thee, and it is hers that comes
with hi
6S yfjlrological Judgment of Phyfck.

Of Going to the Sick*

GVido faith, If a Phyfitian be called or fent for to lee

a (ick Perfon, or one that is hurt, let him tirft con-
fider whether he may u(e any delay of going to him or
no, or wheth r Ncccflity doth force and conltrain him to
go prdently, not oblerving any time or feafon i but if
Neceflity urge him to go, then mud he take time as it fal-
leth our, othervvife let him choofe his time accordiilg to
thefe Rules following, if he mean to win favour and cre-
dit thereby.
And he faith, If it fall out fb that thou maift choofe
thy time, thai at thy firfc going forth unto him, put a
Rational Sign in the Afccndant, and in the 10th Houfc,
as it, —, TO or the tirtt part of X, if it may
And if thou canft not do fo in both, yet let a Rational
Sign be in the Afcendant, and let there be fbme fortunate
Planet, as U, ?, ©, ^ or i), viz. in the Afcendant, in
the roth, the 7th and 4th Houfe, fi fieri potefi, or at Icaft
let them behold the (aid Angles => but if it cannot be fb,
then let the fa id Angles be free from the infortunes, and
from their afpetds, viz. from b, c?, or a Retrograde or
combutt Planet, that is in his fall or detriment, or weak
but when thou art with a fick Perfon, if the » apply to
d', it is good letting of blood, if need requires.
And underftand, That U and 9 are fortunate by Na-
ture, and when they are in their dignities, they are the
more fortmrte, and although they be infortunate by Acci-
dent, yet thou mailt put them in Angjes. Another faith,
Trer fvnunati fmt U, 9, ©, fo that the © is a fortune,
.but the leffer fortune of the three i but if the © be Angu-
lar, or afpedf the AngI by or A, it is good and
And as for the "> and 3, cbefe two oE thrmftlves by
Nature are net foitumte nor infortunate, but mean v but
if they be in their dignities, or Angular, or apply to
or $, they are fortunate, being ocddental and dktfS, but
if they be with Ti or <?, Or in a or □ of the ©, or
in their fall or detriment. Retrograde or Orient, or in
Cadent Houfes, they are mfoitunate, then put them not
in the Afeendant or Angles, neither let them behold the
Afcendant, except they be Govemour in the yth Houfe,
and the ) apply by * or A unto tbetn, or Chat
fome fortunate Planet be there with them, but put them
in a Cadent Houfe.
Satmra and Mars are Planets accounted unfortunate by
Nature j but when they are unfortunate and evil by Acci-
dent, asCombuft, Retrograde, in detriment or foil, or
occidental, they are fo much the worfo, and the more apt
and ilrong in working of Evil, for they are accounted ne-
ver at any time to rejoyce in doinz Good \ but when they
are in their dignities, and &ee from evil, then they are
accountad good, and work good, but if feons againft
their wills and nature , therefore being evil, let them not
be Angular, nor afped the Aicendant, when thou goeft
firft to fee the Sick, except fome fortune be there witii
them, to moderate their evil 1 fluence i nor at thy fell
entring the Houfe of the Sick, nor at thy fell beholding
the fick Patient, except Neceffity urge.
And Guida faith, If a fortunate Planet be in the firft
Houfe, It fignifieth that the Phyfitian (hail be profitable to
the Sick i yea if it be or ? ,though they be Retrograde,
Oriental, and in <$1, yet ::hc fick Perfon (hall rejoyce much
at the prefence of the Phyfitian, and find great eafe, as be-
fore thou maift fee in every of thefe Homes, viz. the Af-
cmdant i oth, yth and 4th.
If "h be Lord of the Afeendant, and in iheyth in cf*
Co % in ^he Afeendant, and the 3 in & apply to (he
Lord of the 7th (being the 0 by A or Thou maift
go, for thou (halt be welcome, and well contented i but
the Sick may chance to have fome extream Fit in thy prc-
fence, yet thou (halt be profitable to the Sick.
If the O be Lord of the Afcendant, and in the 7th jq
the Sign of the 7th, and Tj Lord of the Afcendant in <51,
and the ) fepar^te from It, and apply to "h by A or ,
Thou maift go, becaufe the ) doth apply to "h being
Lord of the 7th, and thou (halt be welcome, and friendly
uftd of the Mailer or Miftrefs of the H ufe, and the Sick
(hall have fome Fit in thy prefence, becaufe the Lord of
the 7th is Lord of the dth and in the Afcendant, and thou
fhalt be profitable to the Sick.
If the Lord of the dth be in the Afcendant, and the >
apply unto him at thy going to the Sick, Then the iick
Perfbn (hall have a Fit in thy prefence, or whild thou ait
Thou mailt go alfo to fee or vifit the Sick in the Hour
of c?, and c? in ^n, when the ) doth apply to c?, c?
being Lord of the 7 th and in the 6th, and the Party will
be very glad to fee thee, and will ufe thee very kindly.
You may alfb go in the Hour of It, though he be in v?
Retrograde in the 6th, though S be in the 7th in a»,not
remote, and the ) in the 6th in jks, going to the 6 of
cT, feparating from the ® being Lord of the Afcendant \
And the Patient (hall mend at thy prefence, and receive
great comfort if it be a Woman, and (he will fawn 011
thee. If U be oppofite to b being Lord of the 7th and
6th, arid b be in the 12th in <P to the Houfe of Infirmi-
ties, and U in whole Hour thou wenteft be in the 6th,
which is the SickheCs, This fignifics that thy prefence (hall
give remedy.
I have found it general in all goings and vifitations of
the Sick, That if the Lord of the Afcendant be in the 7th
or 6th,and the D fcparate from the Lord of the Afcendant,
and apply to the Lord of the 7th by d or A,not com-
bnft, "I hou (halt find favour in the prefence of the Sick,
and do him good. But if the Lord of the 7th dp apply
to the Lord of the Afcendant, by * or A in reception,
and the S go from one of them to the other. Then the
fick Perfon lhall fall in love with the Phyfitian, whofoever
be Lord of the Afcendant or 7 th Houfc.
It is alfb good going to the Sick, if the Lord of the 6th
Houfebeweak, and in the 12th or nth Houfcs, and It
or ? in the 7th or dth, or the Lord of the Afcendant
there, For thou (halt be profitable to the Sick, and find
If 'U beLord of the 7th in the nth, and the 3) in the
4th apply by A to the ©, the 25 in «5l, and the O in
JT in the Sign ofjthe 7th, and 9 combuft going to a <S.
of the Lord of the Afcendant, Thou maid go to the Sick,
and thou /halt be welcome, and a Sifter of the Sick (hall
ufe thee very kindly, $ Lord of the Afcendant and Hour,
U in the nth in >€, c? in the 12th in 55, the i» in the
4th in (SI, T? in the 5th in the © in the 7th in
9 and 5 in the 7th in v?, the 2) feparate from c?, and
apply to the © by A : Mark this Figure well.
Go not to the Sick when Ti is in the 2d Houfe, Retro-
grade or diredf, For then thou Ihalt have nothing for thy
Phylick nor pains.
I have oft-times noted it, and hold it for a general Rule,
That if any Perfon whatlbever comes to me with an Urine,
or for any other thing to do for him, if b be in the ad
Houfc, dired or Retrograde, I never had any thing for
my pains, whether I helped them or no; the like ifT be
in the 2d ■> if c? be in the 2d It fignifieth the fick Pati-
ent not to be Cured, but with great cofts and charges.
When K is in the Afcendant, and U in the 1 ith,ioth,
pth, 7th, (5th, 5th or 2d, or in the Afcendant, It is good
going to the Sick, or adminiftring to him firft i if U be
not in "1, n nor V39, as I have (hewed before» if the J>
apply to the Lord of the 7th, or the Lord of the 7th
be in the Afcendant , or the Lord of the Afcendant
Ee 4 m

in the 7th, or the Lord of the 6th in the 2d, It is of good
fignification, and much more the better.
If 2 be Lord of the Afcendant in VJ5 in the pth, not
beholding the Atcendant n«r the 2d, and the be Lady
of the 2 a and in K in the 1 ith, fepirating from cT, be-
ing Lord of the 7th in vy, and then be void of Courfe,
and next come to Tj in the 6th in <51 Retrograde, Thou
(halt find little favour in the prcfence of the Sick, for he
will not give any thing for to be made whole.
It is not good to go to any fick Perlbn to bargain with
bim to Ciifc him, when a greater Planet is Lord of the
7th than is Lord of the Alccndapt i for it (eems the Party
that thou goeft to will be proud, fcomful and lofty, and
let little by thee, except the Lord of tlft Afcendant and
the Lord of the 7th do apply friendly together, or that
there be a reception between them, or that ' the 2) doch
go from one to the other, as is aforefaid.
And Guido Bonam gives fpecial warning, That you po-
lite U in the 2d Houfe, or the pars Fortune or fome other
fortunate Planet, if it be poffiblc, that is not impedited jin
the 2d, and this lhall fignilie C fiiith he ) Lucrum Medici,
tne Phyfitians benefit j or elfc let U or pars FnrtuM be
joyned by 6, ^ or A to the Lord of the 8th Houfe or
1 ith, & hoc fimiliter Lucrum Medici fyniftcat i and if the
Lord of the Afcendant or 2d do not receive U oxparsFrr-
iunit, then take heed that they be "not at a □ or cP, but
by df, ^ or A let them behold each the other.
Alfo take heed that there be no evil Planet in the pth
that is impedited, Retrograde, Combuft, or in his fall,
and none in thefe Qualincations do behold the pth or
Lord thereof > for if they do, then thePhylitian (hall have
tio credit by going or adminiflring to the Sick. Medcjl
not therefore with fiich a one, in whofe Qucfiion the pth
Ilcufe and his Lord is fb infortunate without Help.
But if there be a fortunate Planet in the pth, as If-, or
$, or £2, or a Planet that is fortunate in his dignities,
♦sccpt Tj, <? or T, It promifcth good i or if Ib^je other
fortunate Planet a(pe£t the gth or his Lot(i by * or
Alkiiidit! iaith, If the Lord of the 9th be corrupted, It
ihcWeth that the Ehyfitian cannot Heal the Sick.
The Hours of U and S are much jpraifed to be good,
fbr to go to the Sick in at the hrft Vim.
The Hours of the 3 are to be confidered of, according
to the Plapet (be applieth unto, and whether (be be fortu-
nate pr infortunate, good or evil.
The Hours of the 0 and 5, if they are fortunate and
well placed, arc indifferent good.
Rijfus (aith, Let the Phyfitian take heed in thefirft vi-
iiting of the Sick in the Hours of h or c?., or in the Hour
of a P.etrograde, combuft, or unfortunate Planet j that is
to fay. Let him not go firft forth of his door, when he
goeth to vifit the Sick, or to fee him, in the Hours of 1?
nor c?, npr of aCombuft, Retrograde, or infortunate
Planet, nor enter into the fick Mans Houfe in the Hours
of fuch a Planet, nor come into the pretence of the Sick,
if he can chopfe, nor at any time after when he vifits the
lick Perfon. For if he come to bim in the Hcur of h,
the Si k (hall die, or elfo the Phyfitian will have great la-
bour and many doubts in Curing him, neither lhall he
help him, except it be to deiperadon, and out of all hopes
And if the Phyfitian go to his Patient in the Hour of c?
full, there will be chiding and brawling between them,
and fo he (hall come off wim fmall gain.
Go not to fee the Sick when h is Lord of the pth, and
fletrograde in the 5th, in a □ Co the Afcendant, and
Lord of the Afcendant alfo Retrograde or Cotnbufl in
the pth or 8th, though he be in 6 with ?, and the 3
at a □, A, *, o or (P of d full or applying, and
though (he leave d and apply to For thou (bait have
chiding, (lander and difgrace.
^^ 'jfjlrologicd Judgment of Phypeh.
The,Lord of the Afcendant Retrograde, Combuft, or
Jn his Fall, or in a Cadent Houfe, or in the 8th Houfir,
Go not out at fuch a time.
If the } be Lady of the ad in and apply by A to
the O in the 7th in the Sign of the 7th, It feemeth thou
lhalt give the Sick fome Money, or beltaw fome Courtclic
on him.
If the Lord of the Afcendant and Lad of the 7th do
apply by c5, or A, rhe one to the other. Then rhere
thall fall out great kindnefs between the Phyfitian and the
lick Perfon.
If the Lord of the Afcendant and S do apply the one
to the other by * or A, 9 being in the 7th, It Iheweth
great kindnefs (hall grow between the Phyfitian and the
lick Perfon, or fome other that is near or about the
If c? be in the pth in the laft of & , or in
, anjJ be Lord of the 7th , and in A to
the Afcendant, and in % to the Lord of the Afcendant,
the Lord of the Afcendant in the tfth, and U and in
the 7th, Then go to the Sick, for thou (halt have credit,
love and friendinip, and great profit by the Sick, for he
fhall caufc many to repair unto thee, and fhall fpeak well
If the do apply to the Lord of the 7th Houfe by
A or cJ, Then thai (halt be welcome to the Sick, efpe-
cially if it be a Woman.
If the do apply to the Planet that is Lord of the
Houfe wherein the Lord of the 7th is. Thou (halt be wel-
come to the Goodman of the Houfe.
If the ) do apply to both the Lord of the 7th, and the
Planet that is Lord of the Houfe wherein the Lord of the
7th is, Then thou (hale be welcome both to the Wife
and the Husband alfo.
If the } do feparate from c?, and apply to Tj Retro-
grade in the Afcendant in TO by and 9 Lord of the
Afcendant in the 6th, and 9 in the 7th, They (hall like
well cf thee, and of thy rcalbns, yet (hall be in doubt to
foLow thy counfel fot a time, yet at laft they fliall cleave
to thee again, and in the end much admire, thee, $ going
fo combuftion.
If h be Lord of the 7th, and in the 2d Retrograde in
ttf, and the ) in "t fcparating from the Lord of the AC*
cendant, and applying to a * of b and 5, and Tz and
5 at a with reception, Then thou (halt be welcome
to the Sick, if it be a Woman or Man, to the Husband
and the Wife^nd thou (halt be paid for thy pains.
It is not good to go when the Lord of the A (cendant is
in the 6th combuft, or going to combuftion, the ) apply-
ing to b by in (he Alcendant, though 9 be in the
If the Lord of the 2d apply to the Lord of the Afcend-
ant, what Planet foever be Lord of the 2d, and goeth Co
the d of the © in the 6th, It (heweth he (hall have
profit and gain by reafon of the Sick, and (hall be well
If the Lord of the Alcendant be allb Lord of the ad, and
IP the 6th at a * to the Lord of the 7th, and the Lord of
the 7th in A to the Alcendant, Then the lick Party (hall
be glad pf the Phyfitian, and he (hall find great eafe, and
content him well.
If the O be Lord of the Afcendant, and in the 7th in
K, the (ick Man (hall like well of the Phyfitian i but if 5
Lord of the 2d be combuft in the 7th, being Lord of the
Alcendant, the lick Man will give him but a (mall reward
for his pains.
But in fuch a cafe, if b be in the Alcendant in VX. Re-
trograde, and the ) apply to the * or A of b, the laft
degrees of sa on the 7th, Then the Wife (hall bemore li-
beral than the Husband.
If the ) be Lady of the Alcendant in <51, and feparatc
fiom the 0 being Lord of the Hour, in V in his degree
of Exaltaftbn, aad ap^ly to d" in n in the 12 th, Thou
maift go, bat thou lhalt have no {amiliarity with any
Man Lord of the 7 th in the pth not remote, and 2 in
the dth in K, The Grief (hall be difcovered, and the Par-
ty (hall (ind great eafc, and the lick Patient (hall (peak
much good of the Phyfitian,
It Lord of the 6th in the 7 th, and 9 Lady of the A(^
cendant in the 6th, The Phyfitian (hall be very profitable
to the Sick, and do him great good,' and the Sick (hall
think well of him, and fpeak good of him.
When T is in the 2d Honte, The Phyfitian (hall have
little for his pains, or flay very long for it.
Go not nor ride not forth to any fick Body, or to fee
foe Sick,, when the ) doth feparate from the Lord of the
7th, and apply to h by cP or □, though he be in the
1 ith, e(pecially if the Lord of the 9th be in the fame Sign
■with hifn For then thou (halt be but badly entertained,
not believed, and evil thought of.
If the Lord of the 9th be with the Planet that the Moon
doth apply unto, in the (ame Sign, and in the (ameHoufe
with the Lord of the 7th, though not in the fame Sign,
Then thou lhalt meet with (bme other Phyfitian there.

Here I conclude this Suhjeci concerning the going to, and vi-
sitation of the Sicks

Judgments of Vtfeafes without the Urine, ri*

1N the Day of T? the Difeafe Is co5d and dry, and daily

grieveth the Members, but not the Stomach.
In the Hour of "h it is of Wind and Cold in the Eelly
and Liver, and the Party is troubled with the Spleen and
pain in the Side, and the Sicknefs is ingendred of Melan-
choly which is cold and dry, which ingendets Huilings
of Wind in the Belly, like to die Collick '■> the Party is
pain'd with often Stitches, and much weaknefs afledls the
Head through Melancholy, and if it grow to beiharpanct
tedious the Sick will hardly tfcape.
In the Day of U the Sickdefs is caufed of Elocd flow-
ing by reafbn of the heat of the Liver, and hath great paid
in the right Side, with a Fever.
In the Hour of U the Liver is difLafcd, and the Body iij
troubled, and the more becaufe of Cold, but the Difeaieis
not of long continuance i it is a Sicknefs that is unftahle,
like an Evratick Fever, feme times the pains in the Belly,
fometimes in the Reins, (bmccimes in the Shoulders and
under the (hort Ribs, and is like to ingender fcmeln-.poll-
umation in the Liver, or in the Side, and in a Woman
her Menilrues are ifopt, and (he hath the Fever Synocbuf,
which comes of rotten Blood.
In the Day of <S the Difeafe is hot and dry, and the
Patient hath aches, and heavy thoughts, and is afflidted in
the Reins.
In the Hour of d" he hath a Fever and trembling in the
Body, and the Kings Evil doth draw nigh unto this, and
it is caufed of too much blood, which caufeth Itches, Fe-
vers and Scrophulaes i and without doubt fuch Perfbns are
not without fome running Sores,or unkind Iflues of Blood,
or Humours, as the Piles, Hemroids, or Fluxes of the
- Terms, or vomiting of Elocd, Fillulacs, Felons, or Can-
78 sffhologicd Jadgmtnt of Phyjiclc.
kets, or fome fueh like miC-healing Wounds, for S ctuf-
eth hot Fevers of red Choler, hot Sicknefles, and Swel-
lings and burning Tumors.
He that ficknem in the Day of the O, his Diieafocom-
cth of yellow Choler, and is hot, and his Heart is afflicted
with grief, palpitations andfaintings, andall theMonbof
In the Hour of the O the Body is troubled with Heatj
and the Mind with Anger, the Members bum with Heat,
the Heart oppreffed and afflidfed, and the Reins likewife,
oft-times a ftrong Fever, and is faint and wearyilh with
anxiety of Mind.
In the Day of 9 the Difeafc /is conttadidHous, refiding
about the Liver, the Reins/, the Navel, and the But-
In the Hour of 9 the Difeale is in the Reins, cauftd of
Cold, and the Party is often varioufly troubled, and is
In the Day of V the Lungs be difeafed, and the Patient
is much pained in the Body, his Spirits are afflided, and
the Underltanding is duzzed and difordered, and the
Mind troubled witn heavy thoughts and fear.
In the Hour of 5 he hath fome hrength in his Body,
and is pained in the Liver, with oft Stitches and Pricking^
which come of Cold and Wind.
In the Day of the } the Diieafe is caufed of Flegm, is
pained in the Head, and is in danger of Apoplcdical
In the Hour of the 7 the Difoafe is caufed of cold Hu-
toours, and is mUch pained in the right fide.

Whether thou jhalt Cure him or no upon the firfi

Figure a* follo'toeth.

IF the ") do apply to the Lord of the pth, whoever be

Lord thereof, if he be in the Afccndant or Sign Amend-
ing, and the Lord of the Afccndant in the Afccndant, and
the Lord of the 6 th and 7th, weak, in their detriment or
fall, or in a cadent Houfe i Take him in hand, for thou
(halt Cure him.
But if the Lord of the pth do afpoff the ) by A or cP,
as Lord of the pth at a A to the ), Thou malt hardly
Heal him.
If the ) be Lady of the 6th in Via cmihujla in the Sth
in fuch a cafe, and do apply by □ to cJ Lord of the pth.
Yet thou (halt Cure him with much ado at length.
When the Lord of the Afccndant is in the Afccndant
with the Lord of the 1 oth, both in one Sign, It is a good
iign that there comes help from Heaven to Cure the lick
If the } be Lady of the Afccndant, and apply to the
Lord of thc^th, as to b, and the Lord of the pth be in
an Angle direft, as b in K in the 10th, He (hall Heal him
of his Uilcale.
Take heed that thou put not the Lord of the 6th in the
jith, whether he have any dignity or no, For then the Di-'
feale will trouble the Phylitian, that he (hall be at bis wits
end, and (hall not know what to fay or do to it» for if cf
he Lord of the 6th and in the pth. It will caufe law and
(hife, and fufpition and hinderance to the Phyfirian, efpe-
ciallyifthe 1) apply to c? j if $ be Lady of the 6 th and
in the 9th, in her fall or detriment, though (he have a
term,' face or triplicity. Yet the Phyfitian (hall have difcrc-
dit and ill words, efpccially if the £ apply to cf, though
4? be in Y in the 10th Houfe.
If the O be Lord of the 6th and in the pth, Thoti
thalt have ill words in the end, and nothing for thy
And it is a general Rule, That if the Lord of the 6th
be in the 9 th, whofoever be Lord of the 6 th, That the
Phyfitian (ball leave his Cure untinilbed, and (ball have
nothing for his pains but (Irife and anger.

Whether the Vtfeafe he in the Body, or cMind,

or both.

TAke Notice, That the Sign Amending, the and

the Lord of the Houfe of the 0, thele three do ligmJ
fie the Spirit or the Mind of Man.
The Lord of the Afcendant, the Lord of the Houfe of
the }, and the 0, thefe thr e do fignifie the Body of
Man and his Members.
If the Alt endant, the ") , and the Lord of the Houle of
the O be impedited or afflidted, all three, or two of
them, Then the Diflafe is in the Spirit and Mind.
When the Afcendant and the D be both impedited,
and their Lords life from affli&ion. Then the Sicknels is
in the Mind and not in the Body.
If the Lord of the Houfe of the B, and the Lord of the
Afcendant, be with the Sun, fortunate, or behold him.
Then the Difcafe or Grief is in the Body, and not in the
Mind of the Patient.
If U be Lord of the Afcendant, and be Lord of the
Houle of the (5), and of the B alfo, and of the 8th in <51,
The Diftafe is-in the Body, and not in the Mind.
If cf be Lord of the Houfe of the B , and aKb of the
G, and in *1 Retrograde, and 5 Lord of the Afcendant
in W, in cP to cf, The Difeale is in the Body, and not
ir\ the Mind*
If the Lord of the Houfe of the 2), and Lord of the At-
tendant, and Lord of the Houfe of the G, be vitiated and
Corrupted, Then is the Diieafe both in the Body and iri
the Mind allb.
If one Planet be Lord of the Afcendant, dnd alfo Lord
of the Houfe of the 2), and in the 12th, oppreftbyanf
Afped of in S, Then the Difeafe is both in the Body
and in the Mind.
If 9 be Lady of the Afcendant, and Lord of the-Houfe
of the 2) in the 20th degree of Vt, and ? at a to cf,
in S, both in their fall, The Difeafe is both in Body and
If the Lord of the Houfe of the Lord of the Afcendant,
and Lord of the Houfe of the 2) be infbrtunate, or in their
fall, or corrupt, The Difeafe is more in the Mind than iri
the Body.
If V be in the Afcendant, and c? in the 6th Retrty-
grade in VZ, and the 2) alfo in the 6th in "W, and ?
Lord thereof in K in his fall in the 12 th Houfe, Then the
Difeafe is more in the Mind than in the Body.
If the O be Lord of the Afcendant in his exaltation in
the 8th, and the 2) in T combuft, going to the © id
the 8th alfo, and c? Lord of T in as in the 6th, and b
at a A to the ©, Then the Difeafe is mod in thd Mind,
and the Party is much vexed in Mind concerning their
Children, and like to defpair, and the Body is alfo out of
tjuiet, and troubled with much Choler.
If the Afcendant and the 2) be fafe, and their lords
impedited, Then the Difeafe and Sicknefs is in the Body,
and not in the Mind.
If the Afcendant, the 2), the Lord of the Afcendant,
and Lord of rh^ Houfe of the 2), be all impedited or in-
fortunate, Then there is Ikknefs of the Body, and grief of
the Mind and Spirits.
Likewife if an unfortunate Planet behold the 2) and not
Hie Afcehdant, The Difeafe is in the Body, and not in
^he Mind; F f If
If an unfortunate Planet behold both the Mom and the
Afcendant, Then the Diftafe is both in the Body and in
the Mind.
If the Alcendant be afpedted by die □ of U, and Lord
of the Afcendant Cadent, oppreft by the of cT, and
the ) in Via comhufta, oppreft by the cP of Tj, Then the
Difcafe is more in the Mind than in the Body.
ft or t?, or a Retrograde, or a combuft Planet in the
Alcendant, and the Lord of the Afcendant, as S be in a
feminine Sign, as in VZ Retrograde in the 6th, and the
) in tjf and S in X, Then the Grief is both in the
Body and in the Mind, but moft troubled in the
If the degree Afcending and the T be more afflkfted
than their Lords, or impedited, Then the greateft Grief
is in the Mind.
If £? be Lord of the Afcendant, and in the 25 th of
Retrograde in the 6th, and the Q in Y in the 12th, and
the T in 'tE in the 6th, and 2 in n, and ft in the Af-
cendant in iS, Then it is both in the Body and Mind, but
the Mind is moft afflifted.
If the Lord of the Houfe of the T, and the Lord of the
Alcendant, be more afflided and impedited than the de-
gree Alcending or the T, Then the Grief is more in tire
Body than in me Mind.
If c? be Lord of the Alcendant, in the 12th in "i, and
the ) in a malculine Sign, and in a Cadent Houle, void
of Courle and peregrine^ and the 0 in a lonininc Sign in
a Cadent Houle, or in the 8 th, Then the Party harh grief
both of Body and Mind, and is troubled much, and lore
vexed with anger and fear.
$ Lady of the Afcendant in X in the 5th, and the )
in YP in the 3d, applying to a □ of the © in V in the
7th, c? in iS in the 8th, and U in / in the 3d, The
Difeafe is both in the Body and in the Mind.
If the } and the Lord of the Houfe of the 0 be in their
fall, and the degree Afccnding be at a □ to the ), and
free from Tz and d, Then the Grief is in the Mind.
The Lord of the Alcendant and .the O in their Signs of
exaltation, and the Lord of the Houfe of the > in his
fall, The Difeafe is in the Body, and-not in the Mind.
Saturn Lord of the Afcendant in <51 Retrograde, in thd
fith in cP to the Afcendant, and the ) in 55, applying
to a □ of!?, and S Lady of the Houfe of the > in X
in the Afcendant, not remote, direct and free from Tj and
c?, and the O in "VT hi the 12th, The Grief is much in
the Mihd, and fbmetimes in the Body.
If the Afcendant O and be all vitiated or affliftedf
the Difeife is then through the whole Body, or no place
free i but if thole Planets who difpole of the O and 2 ,
or he that is Lord of the Alcendant, or two of them at the
leall be affli&ed. The Dileafe is in the Spirits, together
With fome indifpofition of Mind i the reafoh hereof is,
becaufe the Lord of the Alcendant, and difpofitor of the
i, are properly the fignifieators of the Animal Spirits, as
afbrefaid, and of the Animal Faculties and Infirmities in
Man, or which may chance to him, as deprivation of
Scnle, Frenzy, Madnefs, Melancholy, «£v. This general
Rule many Afirologers hold and obfervc, wz. That Tz
flatmally fordhews or canlcth Melancholy, all manner of
Diftcmpcrs from Melartcholy, and by confequence the di-
fturbed Mind •, wherefore wherdbever you find Tj Lord
of the Alcendant, or of the Hour,or 12 th or 6ch Houfe, or
if the 2 feparate from him, or if Tz be in the <5th mufc,
or in the Alcendant, or in d, □ or tP of the Lord of
the Afcehdant, The fick Party labours with fome aftftdion'
pf Mind, or With fome vexatious Care, Wherewith his
Mnd is much troubled. Now the contrary hereof U ef-
feds, for he never opptelTefh the Midd but the Body •, if tbs
Lord of the Houfe of the 2 and of the Afcehdant ate un-
fortunate by the Q, or combuft, or undef his beams, the
Inhrmity is bodily^ Ff2 Wb
When the Lords of the places of the D and of the O
be in their detriments, falls, or peregrine. Retrograde or
combull, and the degree Afcending in □ of the J>, and
free from all ill Afpefts of Tz and d1, Then is the Patient
ve ed with a tormented Soul. Ufually when the 0,
LiOrd of the Afcendmt-or Hour, or of the 12 th Houfe, are
figntficators of the Party enquiring, Thefe (hew a Mind
vexed with haughtinefs, vain-glory, pride, and filf-con-
c itednels.
yeniis argues Luxury, a lalcivious dellrc to Women,
whereby both Body and Mind are difturbed v 5 (hews
doating fancies and fearful imaginations, whcrefoere you
find him a fignificr and a/Aided i as likewife that he is
fiirred to miltruft upon vain fears, his own jealous fancies,
or upon fbme flying reports.
Over and above the many Diredions formerly prefcri-
bod, it behoveth well to confider, whether the degrees
wherein the Lord of the Afcendant, the © or 2 at time
of the birth, C if you have the Patients Nativity ) do fall
to be the degrees of a Sign, wherein a prefent Edipfe is at
time of the Sicknefs, or near it, or of fbme eminent great
conjundion i for I mull tell you thefe are all unfortu-
The Sign of the Edipfe, or of a great conjundion
threatning Evil, or the Sign of the 8th Houfe of the yearly
revolution of theWotld, falling in any of the Angles of
the Nativity, efpecially in the Afcendant, proves very dan-
When a Sign afc nds upon the firft falling fick, or de-
mand of the Patient, wherein an infortune was in the Na-
tivity, It very fadly aillids and torments the fick Party,
viz. It fhews he (hall have a hard Fit of Sicknefs j the dT
of the S with the © is a v ry ill Sign, when there's not
above 6 degrees diftant betwixt them, and the 2 not yet
^pafied by the Q, that is, not having been yet in conjun-
dion with him > however upon the © and fl their be-
Jng in d, in Y or this misfortune is leflened» when
th a is 12 dcgrcs ftom the © e lie fliews littte
Having referred all Our Difcourfe to the i 2 Houfes of
the Heavens , take thefe Conliderations along with
Note, That every Sign of the Zodiack hath 30 degrees,
and every 3 Houfc make a QOarter of the Zodiack, which
is fo divided into 4 parts $ and you mull alfo note, That
25 degrees of the tfrft Honfe is under the Eanh, an8 5 are
above the Earth, and the firil 18 degrees dcCcnding are
temperate in heat and drowth, and the lad 12 degrees
f whereof 5 of them are above the Earth^nd 7 under are
hot and dry in the beginning of the iirft degree j for we
reckon the Houles cot trary to the Signs, for we account
the Signs alcending, and the Houles defoending, going
from the Ead to the South, and thole 5 degrees that ate
above the Earth, are the lad degrees of the nrd Houfej and
the firft Houfe, the rath Houlb, and the nthHoufe are
■hot and dry, Cholerick, of the nature of Fire i the roth,
<jth and 8th are hot and mold, of the nature of the Air;
the 7th, 5th and 5th are cold and moid, and the 4th, 3d
and 2d ate cold and dry, Melancholi k.

fn the next place I jhall Treat of the

proper Natural Medicines arnf

Cures that belong to every Difeafe,

caufedby tbeVlanetspaffing through

all the Signs of the Zodiac^

furfi of \ in ^ the earthly Trfplicity, and

the Cure.

IN fiich Di(cafts canfed of Ti in b, Minifter not firft

in the Hour of "h nor 5, but in the Hour of U,
being in Jr, ^ or as, or when n. or =0= are in the
Afendant or in the Hour of the O being in n, ^
or and ir or ^ in the Aicendarit, or the ) being in
Vj it, pr «», applying to U or the O : and you
muft intend your Cure with things hot and moift, belong-
ing tg It and the ® •> and always in the lirli Adminiftm-
tion of Phyfick, be fure to make the Lord of the 6th
Honfe weak.

Simples that DigeH SMeUncholy generally.

Ttmitmy, Epithimtm, HoppSy Mrraholants I/idu, CaJJia-

Fijhda, Ellebontm Nigrum^Sena^ Polypody}Stecados, Scolaptn-
dria, Camepytk, Cttjattgy Sqainancy, Barrage, Bftglnfs, LapU
L*zmUs, Lapis At minus.
Simples that Purge JMelancholy.

Tnlypody, Senna, Fumitory, Mirab. Ind. Caffia-Fijiula, Vo~

luhilif Bindweed, Hopps, Elleborur, Rad. labathi acxii. Lapis
lazulii. Lapis armentts, Stecadoi, Scolopendria, Squinanthum,
Shrupuf fitmari , Sir. cap. vener'u. Sir. de htpulis. Sir. Rhu-
barb, Sir.BuglojJi & Bmrag. Sir. Epithi. Stecador,
Sir. Squinantia , Oxi, fachar. Oxim. fciSitic. Oximel com'
Compounds that Purge JMelancholy.

Diafenna, Diacatholkon, Diaprunes Unit. Dianthoi, Diaca-

mron , Confedio hamech, ConfeH. Senna , Jeralogod, Mem-
phitum, Hiera Ruffi, triftfa perfica. Fill, de fumitor. Fill, de
agregatin. Fill, de Arabics, Fill, fine quibus. Fill, de quinqut
generibus mirabolar. Filule lueis mag. Fill. Maftichini, FiO.
Jndi, Fill, de lapid. Lazuli, Pill, de lapid. Atmnii, Fuivit

Preparatives againTt Melancholy, caufed of

Ti m » cold and dry in the id Degree.

R pro trihus diebm Oximel dittreticum, out fquiliticum am

aqua, and then Purge him.
R Sir. Borag. fi, Epitbimi , decoUiom Scolopendria,
fumitorii, Enarvii ana %nifiat pot us,
ft Folypod. %fi, coquatur in aqua Borag, altfr ana %iv En-
divia, Cichorii, Cap. ven. ana ad tertias colatHr & addatur
de Sir. Violar. Fumhorh ana |i, Cap. ven, Dofe

ffie Cure of ^ ^ m tie ) Difeafes caufed by

"h invx.

In Curing of thefe Difeafes, take heed you minifter not

firft in the Hour of Tz nor 5, but in the Hour of U, the
O, or S when (he is in T, Jlor /, and put n or ^
in the Afcendant, as aforefaid.

pigeRers of ftrong Melancholy, caufed of h in

vz or v.

Scolapendria, Borage, Bngloji, Tohfody, Senna, Cap. ven.

affantm, Parthemium, Lupuli, Lapis lazuli. Lapis armenufy
Bugle, Columbines, Holihoc^s, MaUorvs, Manna, Avens, Sati-
rion, Kampions, Kofe-leaves, "tamanns, Tmneps, Scabious, Hy-
fop. Camomile. And Sirrups of the fame at your difcretion,
and Sirrup Acetofiu.

(Pursers of b in vz and v?.

Senna, Polypody, Lapis atmenXK, Lapis lazuli, Jeralogodion

ajfarum, Diafena, Confeft. hamed^. Pill, fine quibus. You
Jhall not minifter in the Hour of h nor 5, as before (aid
in v but if the Difeafe fall out in the laft 18 degrees of
"yr, it is incurable mpft commonly.

¥he Cure ofDifeafes caufed by h in x, produ-

ced by melancholick (Blood having dominion.

Minifter not in the Hour of ij, 5, nor the if

flie be in n, ^ or sz, but in the Hour of $, the y
being in Wor'V, T, <51 or or in the Hours of
the ©and i?, being in ffi, m or K, putting ffi, "t or
K in the Aibendant, and then purge and cleanfc the
Blood, open a Vein, and bleed him well, then purge him
of Melancholy.

The Cure of Difeafes of "h in

Minifter not in the Hours of Tj, 5, $ or U, but of

the O, c? and ), the O being in 23, nt or K, and
put Y or E in the Afcendant, and purge the melanchclick
Humours, then let blood.

The Cure of b in

Minifter not in the Hour of Tt, 5 nor V, if they be

in £S, tip or Yf, but in the Hour of 9 or the "), (he be-
ing in VX. or YP, and let 23, m or K be in the At*
pendant, purge Melancholy, and then let blood.
Digefiers of ^Melancholy mixed with 'Blood,

Hoppt, Fumitory, Succory, Endive, Manna, Tamarinds,



Manna, Cajjia, jTamarindr, Viaprunes, Confe&io Hamechi

Senna, Folipody.

The Cure of h in

Adminiftcr not Phylick in the Hours of "b, ? , 9 or ),

but in the Hours of O, or cf, when it, ^ or V,
41, /I, veki the A^enkr^ and the 3 hi V,41 or
apptyt t to %, 9 or the O, for tte > doth bri a
heat to thcPaty Eck of a ocdd DiftaTc;
but kt not die Fiance that the 3 doth nply unto, be
Lord of die tfdi Houfe, nor 8di, nor ^chnotne h and in
this cafe jurpj Flcgm and Melancholy ftron^y, cfpedaSy
Flran and Water, becaufe dicfe have dominion in thb Di-
feafe, for the Party is-cold both inward and ou ward.
A little or none at all of Preparation is to be ufed in
thefe DifeaTcs, becaufe the] amours are thin, but purge
them three days flzoc^ly, if great occafiesi be, thai let
hJood, otherwife not, for it £idpeih httte.

Purgers againji thefe Difeafts.

FoJypodyj StmiA, Efytbhram^ DiacarthmtK^ Vintttrhitb^

onftiho DJ/mcb, tfiafuuu.

the Cure of "b ja m.

Adrtiinifter not heft in the Hour of b , 5 nor die 3,

and k;: not "1 he in the Afcendant, nor in the dth i but
minifter in the Hour of U or the ®, or in the Hour of 9
or if they faeln V, 41 or ^ i and this
flegma muft be firft prepared well, for withou preparxrion
it will hardly be^pelled, becaufe it is ilimy, thick and
tough > then purge it, and keep a good diet, and refrain
all odd, ilimy and ftegmatick meats, for this Humour of
Ig in *i is vmomous, acd caufedi the black Plague, ts it
doth in thelaft n degrees of S, but it is Bore ihong,
more cold and more venamous: Tbaduxc in all your
Potions and Preparations fn Ah cafe, prepare with Waters
and Synupsjthat reprds and kill Vcnoroc, as follows.
4ffirologU*l Judgment of Phjfick.


Be Sirruj). Liquhhuc , Htffcpi, Emit , ana Sir. de

Stecadot §|{, Aqttar. Umonioram §ii, Aqhot. Kofemarine
MelrJJe, Lupulorum, Fumitorit, ana%m (5, f at potUt
pro V dof, digerat FUgma , & Melancholy in 3d degree.
K: Cttfcut, Fttmitor. Hypericon , Stecadot, Flor. Borag,
Bteglof, ana p. 1. Mirabol. & Cubeb, ana 3i, fat dtcoSio ad
ftdatwr ^xil, addantttr de Shrttp, Enult, Betonica, Stecadot}
ana §11, fat fMur pro 4. dof

tediSa Lax. Pill, fatide, PHI. de

Diacartanats , Confer. Hamechy
Elefi. de citro folutiv. Pill. Arthritida, Pill, de 5 generibut
nirab. Elec. fucci rof. Sarcocolla, TiU.fumitor.

The Curp of Vtfeafes of Te in K.

Admbifter not in the Hours of h, 5, 5 nor the 2),

but in the Hours of the 0, <? or U, putting T, <51 or
in the Afcendant, and the > in V, / or ^
or ssf i and firft prepare Flcgm and Melancholy, then
purge it Idfijtely and flrongly, and keep the Patient very
warm, and make him fweatwell, and exercile his Body,
and in all your Medicines give things that corred and re-
preG Venome, for the Humours are venomous by reafon
of the great Cold of Tj in K, and your Preparatives muft
be very ftrong, and fb mull your Purgers, or elfc they will
not effedhially work, and the Patient mull keep himlelf
very warm, and eat nothing cold of nature, but fuch as
be hot and dry.

halm, Scabiour, Time, Harts-Tongue, Anifeed, ParJley-Jeed,

, Polypody , Fennel-Peed, Ginger , Fumitory, Hopps, Epithy-
Peprejfers of Venom.

Carduus, Angelica, Marigolds, Gilly Flomrs, Ivy Berries,

Dragons, Oyl-Olive, SafjaparilJa, .Prick^maddam, Monophyllon,
Wild Time, Matjcrom, Rue, Diftamus, D'aucUs Roots, Saxi-
frage, Betony, Ajfrarabacca, Mithridate, Theriaca, Eezoar Stone,
Vmcorns Horn, Harts liorn, Sone bred. Gentian R oots, Sedxpel
Roots,Ellelw.nigrum El!ehor.alb. Trifolie, Mallows, Parjly-Seed,
Turnips, Indian Pepper, Garlicky Daffodil, Bay Berries, Limons
and their Seeds, Oranges and tlxir Seeds, Citrnn-Seeds, Wal-
nnts , Acorns , Devils Bit, Euphorbium , Bole Amoniack^,
tPurgersfqr the fame.

Canfettio Hamech, Diacotomus, Diatnrbith, Diafrna, Pulvis

Or thus,

R: Diapbenicon, Diacatholicon, EleUttar, Indi majorU, ana

Pulvis Jeralogodii 01, & cum dec oft. communi fiat potus
pro ma dofe i It purgeth Flcgm and Melancholy in the 4th

Of the Cure of Difeafes caufed U m .

To fuch as be diieafed through the accefs of natural

Blood too much abounding, Adminifter not in the Hour of
in it, ^ ox but in tlie Hours of - Ti or ?, when
the D is in iS, or "VO", and put i?, VZ or V? in the
Afcendant, applying to Tj or S, and let U be weak,
and Cure it with dry things.
But in fuch a cafe, the hrft beginning of the Cure is to
let Blood, and after give things to abate the Blood and the
heat thereof > and in Curing of Synoehrtf ioflatHs, the Cure
is common \ for firft,if the Party be of reafonable ftrength,
then opeu a Vein, and give him a (lender diet, and give
him to drink Water, wherein is refolved the Pulp of Cafiia
'tamarinds and Manna, oft-times,as dius,
R Pulp* Caff}*, tamarindar. ana ^i, Manna ^iii, dpxat.
Barag. Lingu* BovU, Violar. Snlatri ana Sachar. quan-
tumjujficit, fiat potw pro 4 dofi "

Thefe do Trepare Adujifoe Blood.

Simcpus Acetofus fimplex. Sir. ILndivi*, Sir. Granat. Sir.

di Litpultf, Sir. de Fumaria.

Thefe do diminifh the Quantity of Blood.

Manna, Caffta, Tamarinds, Diaprnnor.

To Burge and Cleanfe the Blobd.

R Pnlv. dia Margarit. frigid, ijiv. Confer. fiorum-Cicori*

Jvi, Confer. Kad. Engldff* 31, Confer, Rofar, |i, PmvH Bf-
zoard ^i, Pnlverif PLUS, de koto 9ii, Tulv. Fted. de gertmit
9i, Sirrnp. de Acetofo citri quantum fefficit, fiat'Opidta, and
take as much as a Bean, drinking after it two Ipoonfuls of
Bttglofi and Scabious Water ■, this doth comfort the Heart,
ana ckanfe and fweeten the Blood in the 3d degree.

Theft alfo do Turjre and Cleanfe the 'Blood.

Funutaty, Mirabolantt CancL Snccut fmatorie, Barrage

Exgloft, Damafl^ Prmes , Steccm Bo far. Capilhu vmr**
Aqwx lactif Capne, Ah Skcoct AfodtDi, Hoppt, Aqtts
FjidivUs Aqua Granator, Aqua dt LupuUi, Aqua Ftimartj
Aqua Rofar. Aqua Abpntbii, Aqua Bugbjft, Aqua Boragi
Caffia ftfhda , Diacathohcon, Tamarindt, Hirrapicra fm-

To Twge the Blood of hot and motji fuperfti"

om Matter,

ft Pohfpodit Aqua Baragim*., Buglafe, Endtvia, Ciebo-

rii and ?1U, Aqua ScaSriouf. fat decoCtio, colitur, &■ ad-
daiurae Sirtup. Fumitor, Bugl, Caflia fijlul, 5(5, Sprmtd
ceti 5i, comoufeentur, Dofc is 5'^ at a time, fallin£,

The Cure of Difeafes cattfed of U in

Minifier not in the Hour of It, but in die Hour of T?

or $ i neither fhall you put ic, ^ or ss in the Aiccnd-
anf, but tf, tjj or V, and Cute the Party with cold and
dry things, firfl letting him blood in the Liver-Vein, and
then let him observe a good diet, as is faid in the Chap.
Of U in ax -, and give him things to cool the Blood, and
to diminKh the Quantity thereof, as iii the Chap, before of
^ in xr.
jfJhroiogictlJitJgmeHtof Phyjick.

Thefe an good again/i Spitting of Blood.

Mitbridat. Galenic Antidot, Arfini Citnm, Eleff* Lid.

major, Pillule fine quibut tjji nolo^ Fill. Ann*, Pill, fetid.
major, Iheriace Galeni.

Qood aga'mjl hot feculent Blood, flopping the

Tipes, ohflruEiing the Breath, caujing dif-
ficulty in Breathing.

ft Pulp. Caffie, Pulp. 'Tamarindttr. ana Sir. Vtolar.

Confer, Cap, vencrh ana 1^, Aqtte Violar. Solatri rana Jii,
Lifig. Bovit. Fumitor. Cap. i tnerii ana ?(?, commix them i
thcDofe is 4 fpoonfuls (lifting, and let him faft after as
long as he can.

Thefe following do nourifltgood Blood, and in-

creafe the Bjtdkal Humidity in Man.

Jut Gatlinar. Hedar, Perdicunt, Phafianor. Kef. odmi-

ftre. Somnilogum & Quiei.

Thefe do open the mouths of the Veins.

Aloes, Mallotpet, Cuctmmt, Cent arm a, Colloquintida,

Expborbium, Pruna, Scamony, Senna, and the like.

The Cure of Difeafes of^tn1**,

Firft, Tn fuch a cafe, if the Lungs or Lights be full and

zcplcte with Blood, or do rile ioto the Throat, open the
Heait-Vdn in die left Ami) and afterwards in die righl
Aim* and Choi give things to delay and aflwagp the fer-
vour and heat a die Blood) atrd to diminifh die i^antity
thereof as before is laid of U in n and ^ and miniftor
not in die Hour of U, neither put n, A nor mh in the
ACeedant, &c. as it is there (aid.
There are many Diieafes alfb do chancy through too
much Blood, as Fluxes and (pitting of Blood, of the
which we wQl fay fbmething after, and of the hopping of
the Terms. Thefe Difeafts being in a hi^h degree are
(hong and venomous, and Caufe the Parties to ftrell)
themorc give the Dofe to reprds Venome.

Agunji congealed 'Blood in the Body.

R Rbuharb TorrefaSj, Tart Sigil. Bali Artntn. Mun*

mu. Semen Naftitrtii Torrefa&i ana Ji, Make than intd
Powder, and give thereof Ji every momihg ciob p«a
Tlamagims vel Bttrfe Paftorit.


R Rhubarb ttttt Jii, Mtantitia. 5/5, Aqua Rubeiy Ma:

5", Shrrup. de Rofis ficcis 5/5, Make thereof a Po ion, and
give thereof fpeedily » th re may be added thereto Rxbea
Or tftus,

R 'terra figil. Ruhia tinSor, Mummia, Symp&ti 4na ^i,

Hbubarb trki Bi, Mix them) and de tho fame am Aqua
Fajioris & Flantagm.
If U be Lord of the ^(h in s?, and the 0 go from T?
in <51 to 9 in "i, "Then in this cafe your Purge will not
work before the Body be three days picporcd befam*
jf/bological Judgment of Phyfich, gfy
JV Sirrup. Abfmthii, Mentor. Oxhnel Poniid^ana Aqua
hrtag. Buglaffe ana 5iT> fi** ?<*<* pro & dqf. The drink'
ing of this Digeftive by a Woman may provoke theCoux-
fts, then it's neceflary to give this Purge following.
R ConftQ, Hameck^zP P'i- fine'quibus 3(5, decoaioria
Senna, PoVypodii "^'lifafiat polw,

Tbefe JMundife and deemfe the 'Bloodfrom all


Confeif. Anaeardina, dccoSio Capil. veneiis. Aqua fraSuxrrL,

decoQ. Fftntitorii, Pill, ad febres cholericx. Aqua fiuntum^
Alpicojium, Trocbifchi Camphor*, &c.

For Spitting of Blood.

7'roebifchi de terra figillaia, Atbanaios mag. See.

For bleeding at the Noje^or bloody Fltirt.

Trochijihi de Ramiche, I'rochifift de terra pgillata, Tro*

thifq, de car aba, oleum Camphor urn, Diflblve Blood gathered
to one place,

Thefe follotaing open all ObjlruBions through*

out the fhhole Body of man.

Diacinndmomum, Sir. acetofitf. Sir, de ficcis Hcrbir, Sir.

de Fumitor, Trocbifip, de Anifa, Pill. Agregat.min. Oleunt
Amigdalar, amen. Oleum de Benfi Oleum CqjUnum , Olhtm
Pnfaorum, Oleum de Piperibun
'jfJtrolo$cd JmigmtU tf.Pfyffk

e Cart of tftdes t&fid cf Tft in V, cam-

ing of Fi o an' ytSoTf CBolert Choler tyrtdo-

Minilter not in tbe Hour of U nor c?, not die 0, but

&» the Hour of m^, i5t or'S, neither la U he ftiong,
and put T?, "5 or S in ffi, "t or K, it may or
la the ) be in S, tn or 3?, allying to ^ or S* they
being ftrong in angles, and la , the O or U be Lord
cfthc and weak, and pm ffi n?, iC or Woriflfl
in die A&dlanC, thai digd Chok , kt blood., anid

Digafliyes c jeBow choler tmxtd Urith the

blood, choler hav't ig domimo i.

Vwlet SHceoty, E/rs&w, Sorrel) Happf) Ftemtory) KBfy*r

t inm, PwttM, Lettice, Salama, Miraba Citwmm, JtmaCa'
fit) BkfTfr, ffhey) Tamarirulf, Pttrfkan-, Cncttmbrrs,
mbta frigid
R' Bnqf. VioI t. Sir. Fumari* wu 31, iiquar. Vioiar,
nmtir, Tbfglejfi ma ii, fatpstxtfroduoimsdtfUm.

burgers for the fame Qriefi.

Kuharh. Mi ah. dtrin. Caffta, ktaaa, Sakt. gent. EkS.

fjacc, rofa , Diaprmtt) CorftQ. Hamtc^ Pill, del httbarb.
R 91onm Dvrag. SugUfs. Vtolar. Ewnttor. 'hfistid ana
f-l. Tamarindar* |j5, Po ifaJii fiat dmrd o ad eolatrtr*
|vHi, addantu Mmt*) Grmat. gi, leSjUfucco Maf. ^ 1^,
ConfeU, Stane- . 5ii, ft# fetHS po trihus dqfa It pugeth
ydlow Choler mixed with the Blood in die ad degree.
jfjirologlcal Judgment of Piijjick.

The Cure of Difeajes caufed of ^ in <&.

In the Difeafts caufed df U in <51, you (hall firft Purge

yellow Cholcr before you let blood, and if it be In the 3d
degree, th^n it will not be amifs to give a Preparative fmi
two days before, becaufc the Humour is feculent, thick!
and ilrong.
Again, You (hall not rtiinifter in the Honrs of Tt, cf
nor O, neither (hall you put T, c5l or in the A(ccnd-
ant, but minilicr in the Hours Of S , h or 5 , and rhc
") exilting in 1f, v*, S, m or and Jet the Lord
of the 6th Houli.' be weak, then purge and let blood.


Acetofi., Violctt, Lk^kJ/, Succory^ 'Endive, Eumitory, Sola-

rum, lamarinds, Pi.tntjin, Cinqncfoil, Aient, Lettuce, Sirrup.
Acetoft citri. Sir, Violar , Sir. Endivia, Sir. Succor it, Sir.
Lupulor. Oxi fachara fimp. Sir. Pap aver is, [ttcci, pomr. gnr*
(Purgers of this yellow Choler.

Rhubarb, Confett. Hamech, Viapruncfi "Diacatholkon, Pill.

Majticbf, Pill. Amea, Pill, dc 5 gcncribrts mirabolar, Pili.
Arab. Pi'J. Euplutrbue, EltSuar. dt fitcco Rojl Sirrup. Rhu-
barb. SirJJquiritidt.
Or thus,

R: Flonim Vwljr.ficcar. Endivia, Fttmiiorii, Lupulor. ana

p.l, Rad. Lapath'i aattip.t. Tamarinds Flontm balan-
z,ii, Eorrage, RuglofJ', ana p. I. Pclypodii ^i. Senna Jiii, Lig-
ni JanSi Jii, Miraho!.CitrKrfi L/tclttcd, Ciecorii, En-
divia ana Sifij Liquiritia; Jii, Pajfular. Prunor.'
iamxr de SpWfp LLaaritid 3(3, Smf. RhmtarU |ip, EUB.
dtfittxo Rofila . IL,M f&Ki fto 4 d&btf.
In this cafe, me beft means is to lee btood in die Had,
or in dselivfir-Vdn, that the Blond may Is dtaAnftnL
sad have more ftopf j then give things to pngr the t-4
Chokr, you nny not ftand upon prepaia ion in this ale,
but give a Purge out of hand, that iheBody tmy be oop-
tied, and Cboler abated j then (hall you give him Di^e-
fllvcs of Choler two or three days, and then purge him
rafter, and take heed you ownifter not in the Hour of
c? nor O, feut in the Hoar of the ) or 5, whoa
t e > goethficom $ to and put S, m or K in the
Alcendanr, and let the Lad of the ^th he weak» your
Preparatives in this cale muft be lirong, and lb muft your
Purges, or elle they will nctt work to any cftofh.


R VieUtf, LaSncd, Siceariiy EnJivid, JjQdlar. Fmtitor.

0a*Mddp± Vdyjvdk ^(3, Rofar. Sol. Vioiar. aaMftyp. St-
vuau LaOncd, Ctchorid ana Jii, fiat dead, ad coUtm |xiii,
addon* SinefiRofar. Skeorii ana |i, Vioiar. fiatfatus
fro tptatuar <uf3mt.
Purgers m this cafe.

R Fine, Bolasfii, far. Vhlar. Ntrrfbarij, Errage, Ettglofi,

SiccorUiFaJiu^eaefd ana Af. i. Ligni fandi f/3, Jaourbtdar,
§i(5, Mejereon, Ma, Mrrab, Citric. Indi. ana 3v, Rlmiarb Jii,
gid.ana %ai>fntnor.'Datnafan 12. Paffitlar.mundat.
Lkpdx'nt* Jiii, Semen Anifi ZfiyS** dteoQm ad colahtr
5vuL, addanttr fitcd Acetofi Citri i, till, ipi.iiie, Till,
fin gtt&a*-, Ararica ana Ji, fiat fatal fn 4 dafihai. This
(A^gcth ted Choler in the fourth degree.

The Cure of U in v.

In this cafe minifter not in the.Hour of "U-, li, ? 'nor

S, hut in the Hours of ©,<?,"), they being in 3r, ^
or as, and put n, ^ or as in the Afcendant, hut put
not U nor 55, ^ nor in the AicCndant, neither let
them be potent but weak, and let the Lord of the <5th
Houfe be weak, and then digeft and purge this Choler,
which is JEruginofa j if this Choler or Melancholy reft yn
the Stomach, then purge by Vomit.

Preparative aga'mjl Choler cauftdof ^ in ^,

cold and dry,

EnJive, Succory, Maiden hair. Tamarinds, Prune:, Boragi,

BugloJ's, Senna, Epiiljumttn, Oxi fachara, Sirup. Violar. Cajjia,
R de Sirup. Endiv. Succori, Cap.vena, aria |i, Aqtunr. Lu-
pnlor. Violar. Kojar. ana Jiii, fatpotHi pro 3 dof.


R Sirup. Epithimi, Oxi fachanem jmp. Sirup. Acetof. ana

5i Aquar. Mercurii, Endivia ana |iii,/Kcci Limeniorum |iii,
fat potu: pro tribus doftbur.

Pursers for the fame. •

R Siccoria, Endhiiie, Lupulor, ana MA. Polypodii lif?,1

Senna Flor. Borag. Buglof. ana pi. Semen A/dft, Fenicitli
Petrof. ana 5i(5, Pajf«lar.^iv,fiat aeco&atd colatnram ^v, <id-
dantur fucco Rqf% [J, Dzj/rwior.^hi, Confctt. Hamecb
potu: pro duabus dof.

Rr Anuardi i • ?ii , Diaprxwrrum, Conficf, Hamteh ana

^iii, JecoSio Polypodu fiat pctus pro wia Jof,
R Pill. Agark^i, Diaprtaor. 5iij slqHa Lntlrvit fiat
fans pro una doj)

H; Pill. Fumitor. fine qttibus ana 5', Confiii. Hamech Jii,

Aquam Violar. Abfinthii ana, fiat pouir pro duabtts dofihitt,

71)e Cure of %.m w.

In this cafe, prqparc the Humours, and let the Party

hath himlelf and the Members opprcfled, with hot and
inoift things, and aftetwaidspurgf and'^cmit, if nccalion
Icrve j but miniftcr not in the Hour of U, h, ?, S nor
the O, but in the Hours of. 9 and Hie 2), the 3 being
in IT, ^ or =5, or .in the Hour of the O being in It
and put 3r, ^ or as in the Afiiendant, and let Hie Lord
of the dth be weak.

Preparatives agatrtfi Difeafes caifeil of U in

H, proceeding of Melancholy mixed with
R LipnifantUiStecjdBf.ana ltm, Pnlypodii $1,fiat dtcoSaid
coUatHr. |xii, addantxr do Simpo Ahfi/iihii ^i, de Sir. C a pill,
vtntris, Kpithimi ana Qfi, fiat potitf pro 5 dof.
R Simp. Buglofj. Lnpulor. ana jii, & am dtcoiiknc Pc/y-
fodii & Stunt ^xiiffiat potuf pro 5 dofthiu.
yfftrv loghitju ^gment ofPhyjick, i o^

burgers agamjl thefe Difettfer.

R Confett. Hameeh Jn, Cafli* fiJlxU receiu. extraSum

JecoS. Polypodii, Efrhhim, Tamurimbr. ^iii, fiat point pro nna
dof. It purgeth in the 3d degree.
R Diafenrue, Diaprunor. ana Jii, PM- Arabic* 5'^) Rhenijh
Wine pom pro duabyt dofihus,
R Sen)\* 5iv5 Polypodti ^iii, Stecadot, Eprthimi, Cap. venc-
rU M.l. Prunes 9. Semn AfiiJh Feaim, Petrof. ana 3Ui,
marini. ^iJS, fiat decoftio ad colatttram addantur pulp.
Cafii* Q THapntnor. Vamafcen. 3lii, fiat pottn pro 3 dof.
It purgeth Choler Prajfina in 3 degr.
In this cafe few Preparatives will ferve, bccaufe the Hu-
mour is thin of it felf therefore you may purge thequicki
er and vomit-, but minitter n6t in the Hour of U, ^ S
nor c?, but in the Hours of fbi ©,' 2> or 9, the S in
n, ^or as, and make the Lord of the fith weak, as
Preparatives in this cafe.

R Sirup. Borjig. Scolopqiirit ana Aqua Fumitor,

Fndh'.ana fiS, fiat potus pro trihts dofihus.
R Oximeiliifi com p. Oxifqchar* ana Aqua Lupulor,
fAbfinthii ana ?Si, Aqua Borag/nif, Fwnitoria ana Hjiii, fiat
Jiotus pro 5 dofihtt.

Pursers againji this Difeafe,

• Scolopendria, Borage, Bnglqfs, Capill.vcnmf, Fumitor. Lttpv-

lot, Epithimum, Senna, Poiypodium, Mar.Indor. Semen Anifi,
Cicaria, Endtvia, Famculi, Cimini, PaJJhlar. Prumr. SantalL,
Mofthat, CinantomijlecoQio ad colaturam, addantur Diaftnna,
Vixsrdamj, Coifed,Hameeh, EleBfucci Rqf,
^rologkul Jutfament of Phyjkk.

A Twge agatnjl this Vifeafe.

R Caiiftc. Hamcchj Viajcnn^ EknKor.fucci

ylipttzruot Bagloffie, Fumitori* anx Jirt poturpro Una aoji^
Vvhich worketh with great eafc.

lie Cure of Difeafes caufed of X in s.

In this cafe fwcat well, and purge Hcgm and Water,

but minifter not in the Hour of It nor the }, nor let
them be potent, but minifter in the Hour of d* or G,
when they be in T, cSl, /, or in the Hour pf h being
in Jl, ^ or ay, T, <51 or / being in the Alcendant,
and the 2) in V, (51 or /, and the Cure mud; be cffe&-
cd by things dry and temperate in heat.

Digejlers of Cholcr caufed of it in $,

R Sirup. Je Stecxcf. Je Scibiouf, ana ^ii, dfpuc Seahiofa

Ccntm-ji jvi, flat potiif pro 4 dof.
R Oxicrjfo ^iii, Aqtur. catiid. commutu |ix, fiatpottu pn
jfi-,9 dofilm.
R Mrllii Rofar. Sirup, aeetofi fmpL ana Ju, Aqua SahnSy
Tumitcrii, Hyffofi Ml ^iii, fiat potuspro 4. Jofibur.

Turners for this Thfeafe*

R MiabeJIanor. Citri, Caffix fijltdx ana ^ii, Tarftarindor.?i,

Frnnor.DMuafictr.or. XX, Florttm Violar.'Qi'i, fiat JeeoSio, colc-
tnr & addatnr Rbahabar. Jiii, pnlverizrtur & infinndatirr
aotfe una in dido dof. eji 5i or iii ^ ad majjtrt fic fa-
<(M donee btne pnrgetitr, & hoe fiat torn ia febre tptam fine
fithre. JtiteT)
R Aloe, Jgarie*-, 'tuAhh ana JU, Ttdp. Coloqmt, 9Q»
JtafHeif, Annifc ZtHzibau, Cwnamami, Sal Ahfmbu, Fti*
Mtntba ana 9u, conficiamMf Pitt, am Oximtl,
Dofc is Jiii, & detHrpafr 080 dkf fv* amftSionii.


R Pitt, Majheb. Pill, Eltpbanffn* ana 3ii, Tmf-

P'? Wjfopi ana |i|S, fiat fatuspro tribtu 'dcfihu.

The Cure of V i« m.

Rfft Digeft die matter 3 or 4 days* tfcen purge ami

{iveat, but minifler not in the Hours df U, $ nor 31
but in the Hours of 6, <?, Tt oi S, bang hi V, <51,
ii, ^ or s», pitting Y, rfl or / in (he
ana make the Lord of the 6th weak*

T/eparattves againfl thefe Vifedfis which are

cold in the fetand, and miSt in the third

Be Oximl, JHmttiea f Ui, Atpur, Ahfintbd, Hffipa ma

Jv, fiat patHJ pro 4 dofit.

R Qjdmtttkdiaretk, Oximtl. jaSttia. ana ^ S 'trttpAt Ste~

eadat 5^5 Aquar, Acetofa , Majorana, Fenafia jiii, fiat
potm pro if deft.

■ Bt Sintf. Haonkt, Oximetiu dmrtikU Sir. Rafar^trta ^i,

jftjuar. Melijfe, 1him} Petrofelini ana^i, fit patxr fro tri-
hu dcfihts.

Pursers againjl thefe T)ifeafes caufed of U

in ^1.

'R^ tSffof. Sitliati Rojemari*, Menu, Feenic. Ahfmth/i ana

M. i. Polypodei Senn£ ||3, Pajfular. Mxndat. Smen
An'tfi, Crmmini, PetrofilinL Zi/izib. Bereb. Cinnamomi ana Jii,
fat decoSio ad colaixbam Jvi, addantkr Qiiphenkon |i, Bent-
diU. Laxat. Hierafig. galleni ana 3ii, Diacarthami fat
^MKrirs thsce do&s,' It porgeth Cholera tit&ina m the 3d
digfflKi J ri ■
c' rfo t 'pie Cure of 'pifeafai df % in*.

In fuch a cafe ufe £6dcJ Diet, labour and fvveat and di-
geft the.HumoLtf, apa then purge well, but niinifter not
tri thd-H&Cf of V, j1 fer the ■!>, but io1 the Hours of d1,
being \\ or ■?, as is aforc-

Qigeftwes againp: Cholera viteHina, eajifed

of U m H, that is cold and r/ioifi in the 4th
It Meittaf, Tumhari}, Ahfintbii, Jtyffofi ana
Wu. Senn£%n, Ciqkirit. Jii, Semen Anif, Zinzibois ana Jii,
fiat decoftio ad colatur.^vui, addantur OximeHk dtHtettci ^ii,
Sir At Stecados ^fafiat fotm fro 3 dof

R Dianthof. ^[5, Diattaneris Jii, Sir.HiJfcp, Liquiritit ana

^i, Aqttar. Cmnatar. Hijjop. Mtllefpt ana ^iv , fiat potuj fro
tribus dofibtu.

Turners agahtji Difeafes caufed of X in

that are cold and moiji in the 4th degree.

R C/ffmt*, HyfiopK Hiperkam, MelUjfa, Tlrimi, Lufulor.

ana M.i. Ligni Aloes 5iij Gaiang-^ii, Flar. Ctarmmilla, Bor-
tag, Buglof, Hiptricon. ana p. !> Gariophili, Cxhehar. ana Ji,
Croci 9i, Ehttli, Mercnrii ana p.i, Flar. Sambaci M, i. Zinzi-
beris 3i, Prurtor. Damafcen.xx. Senna Jiii, Tolypodii Jii, Kha'
barSift, Semen Feniculi, Fctrofelini, Carui-, Amontu ana Jii,
Mirab, Kebnlor. 5n, Spikenard ^IfS, EVtbor. albi ^(3, Agarici
5ii, Tufhith 3i, Scamonti 9ij fiat dtcoUto ad co/<JfKr.?ix, ad-
tLrniur Je "Diaoartbamo, Diapkenicon, Diaturhith ana^p, fiat
poms pro tribus dofibtts^ Jt poigcth Cholera met/ina in 4
degr. ftronglf.

DigeliiVes of Cboler of«? hi v.

Violet i. Leaf and Flotvers^ Fsidrve, Succory, ^Toppy, Rqfes,

Lettuce, Maiden hair. Mallows, Mercury, Pxrftane, Barbaries,
Vinegar, Sanders, Barley-water, Prunes, LamarirtdsJLivertt'on,
Sorrel, IVbey clarified. Seed of Gourds, Seed of Mellons, Seed
of Citrons, the four lejTer cool Seeds, Endive-feed, Succory-fad,
Lettice-fhd, furflanefeed, the juyce of four Pmegraxates, the
juyce of LirMons.
R Sirup, Endhiia, Lupulor, Acetofa jmp. ana |ii, Aquar.
Gramimi, Lupulor, Buglafa ana ^iv, Santsli, Mojehat. Ji/Jj
Mix thera for four dofcs, this digefteth red and yellow
Choler caufed of <f in V, the ftonuch being opprcfl by-
■"h in oil. • -

To make thick and profs Choler thirty and eajie

to he digeRed.

Srnfpus aettojit, Skde RaJidbus friguLdt

rsdint, Rnfli, Dtto&io Mirah. Pill* Eupharhii, Ttarbhh,
Fitt. Stmnbieti PiBdt SarexeMay Pill, de £m£rao, FillJCoh-

Thefe AUay the Heat of Choler.

Steeeatri/ntm, Vtolantm, Smtpacttofut Lax. SirKp^cttef. 'de

jm*)frtOmL, white trine Vinegar atepiitte}rrith fair tmneet tf
Smgar-tadfy, qftavhtib and cHayah the heat and dmrib rfmt
Theft foljomng purge Choler MtU.

CtmfeUie it Pftllio, Coffee, de Manna, EltBJloJar. Piil, it

Tjerhrtb, PHI. de Colaqmntida, Sh, aeeti Lax. Aqua fntfbntm.
Aqua Cqfei, Lrfttfta de ficas Herbk, CoiftUio Fxmitrd. Cote
ficAe Croco rrith Merahclami.

Thefe purge hurnt and AduH Choler.

Triftrai Saraftnha, EleSJr/gtd.Manna, Calabria, Oxipbt-

mam, cum deeoff. Mhahlan. Tamamdi, Violas,
Happs, Aqua Ftm torii, Aqua Vtolar. Aqua Limomtm, Aqua
Pomegranat, Ep tbhmtm, Stteados, Mhah. Nig. & Indi, Cola,
mint. Senna, EumtoTMlxbilv, CmftUu Hamteb, Poiypodhan,
PdlJU Lapid. Lazuli, PiU.Ruffi, Pit!. Jeralogodii, Lapit Amt-
tau. Lapis Lazxl. Sirup.Fut?dtar. SirJt o ac mn fquil-
Uticum, decoSw Capil,vener , Pill.Stomach.
jffirologkal Judgment of Phjjkk, 105)

To purge all red and fuperfluom Choler*

R Mirah. Citrini, Cajfi* ana Tamarinds PruiurrJLf

tnajc.xx. Flcr.Vtolar.^iV]^ Flor, Citbor.'in, Lttprtlor^i, Santali
mofcati QiJJgni jancii^fiat decocM coiatur.^iXyjdfMaatt/r
Kbeubarb 3iii, Infuf, per notiem Mam, fiat fatur pro trihm
The Cure of Difcafes caufed of d in <51, Adminifbr
not Phyfickin theHourof the O nor cf, but in the Hours
of $ 5thc 5 or 5.

Sirup if Poppy, Sir. of Violets, Solamini, Succory, FjuLvt,

IThite mine Vinegar, the juyce of Limons or Pomegranates, Let-
tuce, Polypody, Ireos, voluhilif Fumitorie, Mirab. Qtrvu Seba~
ft ens. Prunes, Tamarinds, Sttcados, Sintpascetofus.

R Sir. Vtolar. Papaverif ana Aqua Solasd, Violar. ma

|iv, fiat potut pro tribus dofibfu.


R Aceti albi ^viii, Aqxar. Solans ^iv, Sachar aJbi cassdi-

dati |iii, fiat potus for 4 doles i tliis doth quench both the
thixll, heat and drought of ted and yellow Choler.


R Sirup.Solani, Violar. Cieeorii ana ^i, Aqsur. Ctecorii, S»*

font, Violar aw# ^m^fiat potus for 4 doles.
11 o jfftrologied Judgment of PhyfUk.

Turners of grofs tUcfc yelhrto Choler, and thin

red Choler, caufed of <? in 61.

"Rhubarb. Mirabol&trin. Diaturiith, Till. Khubarb. PiUJe

Elaclerio, Pill.fine qtubuf. Pill. Attrea, Pill. ArMca^ Pill, Co
cbia. Pill, de 0O0 269. Cajfta, Confce. Hamcd^ Sirup. Rofar,
lax. Diacatbolicon^ SirPeifaiir. Pill. Agregotivt, PilLAffairet.

DigeftiVes ofyefloib Choler.

Sirup, Vhlar. Sir. Rofar. Sir. Satani, Oximel pontique. Sir.

acttofits-) Sir. Nenupbarif, and the waters of tlxfc, and the do
eoSions of them., at of Violets, Ntnuphtri, Lettuce, Pur/lane,
Graft, Spinage, Gotfott, Beets , Million-feeds, Goordfttds,
Cucumberfteas, White wint-Vlnigar, Confbliia minor. Sirup,
water or decoOion of Sorrel,

Tljefe following purge red Choler.

Elec. de fucco Rof. ElcCf. Pfilitiam, Pillule Elsttrim, Pills

efTurhiih and of Coloqnintida, EleSJulcis, Confec,
Diaturbith, Trifera major. Sirup, Aatofuf, Sirup of Msidtn-
Wurgets of red Choler and Flegm.

Vomiius ncftcr. Diaturlhh, "Trifera major, Saraftnica.

Thefe purge red chohr anddMtlancholy.

Mileta, Pill, de ejuinqite geamhm, Merabalanor. RequicS

magna, Confa.Hamtcki
jfjlrologicai yidgment of Phyfick, m

Thefe following purge and cleanfe tlx Blood

mixed Tbith choler, of <S or the O in e,
or ».

Tamarinds, Caffta, Manna, Borage , 'BitgfaS, OxtfongMt,

Hoppr, Soiamrti, "Diepntmj, Sandal a, Oxifacfyar. Simp. dr.
cdtio Commun'ts. Simp. Epaticr, S'n.Beoloptndria, Sir, At*,
dtda, SirJOap.vena-is, Sir, Enditia, Sh.Ciecoria, SirJL»pMiar.
Sir.P apaveris, Sir.Nenttpharia.

The cure of Difeafes can fed of c? in when

Melancholy hath the dominion.

R Sir. Borrag. Rojar. Capil. vtneris ana %i, Aipiar. fyrrag.

Roj'ar. Actti alhi, Endivia, Fumitar. ana |iu, Ihimi fiat
pet its pro 6 dof.

"Digesters of Melancholy are thefe, of Sirups,

and Waters.

Barrage, Buglofi, Hnlihock^, Mat lores, Rqfrs, volttbilis Fit'

miter, Slecados, Epithimum, Hnpp, CatJSa, Polypody, Pertbe-
nlma. Had. lap. acttti, Hyfop, Sqninantittm, Camefytit, Scolo~
pendria, and fnch Itkt.

DigeUers of red choler.

Nenuphar. Violets , Poppy > Solaraan , Lettice, Orage,

Cosfoot, White wine-Vinegar, Oximel pontid^. Simp, acetojus.

In diis cafe you rauft mix of each of chcfc Sirups and

Waters together, of thofc that digeft Melancholy princi-
pally, andof thofc that digeft red Choler i if the Melan-
choly be mod in the commixtion, then put mod of thofc
Sirups and Waters that digeft Melancholy, & e contrario )
for thofc that digeft red Choler, look in the Chap, of c?
in <?, and for thofc that digeft Melancholy, look in the
Chap, of ft in iJ, T!t or 'W.

fPurgers againjl Vifeafes caufed of <5 in

Br Borragty BugloJI, Fumitory^ Lupulor. StecaJoi ana M. i.

Polypodi |i, Senna jii, Pntnar. damaft.xvi. Semen Anifi, Fe~
nicul. Petrof. ana 5i, fiat decoQio ad colatur. ^vii, addantur
eonftc* Hamec^Wi, Flee, fucc, Rof. lax. , Diaprunor.
fiat potus pro tribus dofihuf, It purgeth Melancholy and red
Choler ofo in &.
Rt Elec.RoJlfkcci |(3, Confec. Hamec^iii deedft Polypodii
|iii, fiat potiK pro ma dofei It purgeth Melancholy and rod
Choler of J in &.

R; Diacema, Confec. Hanted^, Diaprunor. ana 5iii, Aqud

Tumitorla "^u^^fiatpotiw pfo ana dofe, idm agit.

Preparatives of red Choler and grofs Melan-

choly caufed of d in to, sphere Melancholy

Polypody, Senna, tamarinds, Steeados, Fumitory. Fpithi-

rmm, Mirabol, IndiCitrin. Camepytisi Sco!opendria3Hepatica,
, P'iolett^ Barrage, BugloJL, Sirup.Epithim, Sir.Bor. Buglojl, Srr.
Epiihimi, Sir.Buglofi, Buxage, Sir, Scolapendria, Sir. Fumitor,
Sir-Lnpulor, Sir.Hepatic. Sir,Violar, Sir.Rhibarb.
R Epithim. Stecadoi, Fumiterl<e ana p. i. Infufc them in
white wine Vinegar all night, ilfain it ro 12 ounces, and
add de SirKp.^iolar,^ i, Simp.Bugbf. & Fjmitoraina |i{?,^f
potm pro 4 dofibiti.
R 'DicociionU Polypodii |viiij Sir. de S tec ados, Epithitni,
ana$at pot us pro 3 dof.

'Pursers of red Choler and Melancholy caufed

of d in where JMelancholy hath the pre-

Confett.Hamecio. Viaprunes, Solut. iDiaturbith, Coloquintida,

Kh/fbarbt Polypod. Senna, EhU. pfilitictim. Pill, de Turbith. Coloquintida, Pill, fine quibus, Pill. Arabic*, Pill. Fu-
R Stecados, Epitbimi, CamepytU, Flor. Violar. Barrage, Bu-
glof.ana M.\. 4 Semen frigidanajor contuf. ana 5i, Coloquintida
9ii, Turbith Ji, Rhabarb 5|5, Polypodii Senn* Pru-
nor.9. Semen Anifi, Liqueritix ana 3i(5, fiat decoUio ad cola-
tur. ^viii, addantur EieS.pfiliticum , ConfeS. Hamech
3iii, PillAe Turbith Thfitu potus pro 3 dofi

D 'tgeUives of ted Choler and totigh Melancholyj

caufed of 6 in ye,Melancholy predominating.

Therefore the Digeftivcs muft be very ftrong.

Abfinthium, Fumitorie, Violets, Squinant. Epithimiimi

tiopps, Stecados, Burrage, Buglojl, Holyhockg, Rojes, look in
the Chap.of d in / for red Choler, aud-of Tj in C, ^
Of ye, for Melancholy Digeftives.
R Decott* Polypodii, Senn* de Sirnp. Abftnthii, Epi-
thimi, Squinant. ana fiat pot IK pro 3 dojl
R Rod. Feniculi Petrof, Steeadot^ Epuhimi, Lupulor, ana
Ma. fiat decoBio ad coUatttr, jxii, addantur dt Sir. Epithimi-y
Eorragey Stecad. ana ^ fiat pot lu pro 4- difibsx.

Thefe following purge and cleanfe the Blood>

infeSied or mixed with red Choler of d inn)
*£= or sZjOr of yelloTb Choler of the Sun in nj
^ or —.

Preparatives in the Difeafes of <? in it, in which you

need ufc but few, becaufe the Humour is thin.

R Ue Sirup. Fumitoria, Oxifacbari ana Aqttamm Vio-

lar. L*ptilor.ana fiat potus pro tribm dofihns.

Purges againjl Difeafes caufed of <5 in n of

red Choler mixed with (Blood.

R Flat. Violar. Borrag. Bugloffi Nenuphar, ana p.i. Fund'

tor. Lupulor. Cicorii, Endive ana m.\. Polypodii ?i(?, Senna
5u, Liquiriti* Jii, 'tamarindnr.'%\\, fiat decofiio ad colatur. |i,
adJantwr Mannit, Cranator. Cajfu nmiter extraU. cum dt-
ccB.pradiUd\ i|?jClarifie it for 3 doles.
R Viaprun.ConfeU.HamechyEleB.fucc.RofarMia Jiii, Aqua
Fumitor. Lupuloratna |i, fiat potiu pro ma dqf.
fftro og * a Judgment of Phyfttk.

Treparatiyes againji Difeafes caufta of ^ in

^yof red Choler mixed Ttoth Bloo , whichie
more feculent, hotter and dfyer than in }

•viz. in 3 degrees,

R Flor, Barrag. CiccvfH, EncUvt ana p. L Fotypodd

51, in vino aihefiat decoBio, ad ratoatr.ijarii, addamttr Ptdpa
7amarindor,%Ry Caffia novhtr extraBS'iu, Mama Sji, fiat po-
tto pro 4 dafibuf. It digefteth ted Choler, anddcan&thths
Blood in the jd degree.

Turgers againji red Choler of S in

Turhitby Confefl. Hantteh, EUO./iue, Rofar* Scammania,

Diaprun.fdMt. US. Pfilitkwn, Pi]}, de Elateria, EJeft. Dudf,
TberiacJSaleni, Trochifift it Rhabarb, Trochifq, E)tpatmi,Pill.
Tterbith. Cad. Cqfirv. is wonderfully good againft all
Diftafo caufed of c? in D applying to U, and |i
thereof giveth 8 ftoois, and pureeth red Choler, and is
good againft Sciatica, Podagra} and the hot Gout.

iPurgers againji ihefe Difeafes of <? in — of

red choler mixed Taith 'Bloody Blood predop

K Tttrhitb Jii, Acetof. Txmtor. Violets, LKptdar. ana m, i.

Polypodii Jii, Rhubarb JiL, 'tamarind%\,fiat decoSji cdOatur.
Jv adianxut FleQuar .PfiUtid Manna Cdffia 5v,Cla-
n/5 it, CT- fiaf patus pro duabm aofibus,
*" fija ^L, Pulp. Tamsrindor. 5f5, ConfeS. Hamerb Jii,
i. Sir. Acttof, Ji, decoS, Polypodii |v, fiat potus pro
bus dofiOui,
ii6 yfjlrologtcal Judgment of Phyjick.
R Acetofix^ Capil.venerU) Cetrach. Abfinth'ti, Saxifrage,
Flor. Genefr. ana m. 5, Semen Anifi, Millii Solii, MeUonum,
ana Agarice Prun.Damafcen.y. Furbith,Rhubarb tritx
ana 5i, Polypodii ^i, Senna %'ni,fiat coiatur. ^viii,
a^dantur Pulp. Cajjis, noviter extrali. "^ft.Confeci.Hameeh Jli,
fiat potus pro 3

To cleanfe the Blood thkkned by red Choler, look for c?

in as, and that there fct down is good.

(Preparatives againji the Vifeafes of & in as?

hot and dry in the 4th degree, caufed of red
choler mixed "toith thick, grofs and feculent
(Blood, Blood being moll predominant.

R Dc Sirupo Papavem ^i. Pulp, "Tamarindor. 5(5^ Sir. VtO'

lor. |i, Sir.Ciccorii ^i(3, Aqua Solani, Vtolar. Fumitorii ana
^iii, fiat potui pro tribits dqfibus.

To cleanfe the Blood being thickned Tbith red

choler of d in —, J Brink.

R Pulp. Tamarindor. Sir. Endivia, Vtolar. Papavem,

Granator. dt Fumana ana f i, Abfintbii , Aqua Rofar.
Viol or. Papon. Fwnarix, End'wix, Abfinwii ana ^iii, Aceti
albi vini %iv,fucc.Limonior.^ifafiatpotuspro quatuor dqfibus.

A Purge agahiH this Bijiemper.

R Tamarindor. Pulp. Cajfro |i, Flor.Violar. Papal), ana

^ii, Ciccorii, Endivix ana Borrag. BuglojJ'. femink ana 5ii,
Khobar.%\\, Turbith "^ajLigni fanfti,Sebafren. ana ^i\i,fiat de-
coO. ad coiatur. |viii, addantur Mann*, Cranato, %ufi, EleS,
fuccJiofili, Clarihe it for three doles. Ph-

(Preparatives againH Difeafes caufed of c? in

®, of flegnij water and red choler.

Scabious, Endive, Succory, fumitory. Folium Mont an. Ra-

dices fenicnli, Rad. Pctrofel. Sonel, Sir.Acetof. Pill. Tmbith,
Ihimum, Ebulus, Abfmhium, Meliffa, Saxifrage, Vinegar,
Juyce of Limonr, Semen Endivia, Semen Ciccorii, Semen Am-
neos, Coloquintida, Twbith, Agarick^, Sarcaeol, Caffia ftfrtela.
R EndivU, Ciccorii, Fumitor. ana fiat decoQio ad cola-
addantur de Sirup.acetof. %ni,frat potus pro 5 dojl

Pursers againft the/e D 'tfeafes.

R Rad. Ftniculi, Petrofelini, Ciccorii, En dm a, Fumharii,

ana m. i. Paffular. ^(5, Fntnor. 9. Liqurritie 3'-> Sennt, Anift,
ana fiat decoHio ad colatur. addantur de Diaturbitb,
EleR.fucci Rofar.^i |5, fat patus pro tribus dofibus.


R Pulp. Coloquintida Jii, Turbith Polypodii ^li, fiat colatur.^, addantur de Pill.C0l0quin.3ii, Glariiic it
for 2 doles.

JgainH fait Flegm proceeding of Choler and


Diaturbith, Coloquintida, Turbith, Confeft. Hamech,

Hiera pigra [implex, Anaotrdinum, Catartic* intperiale.
IJS jfjlrotoglcdJudgment of Phyfck.

The Cure of <? m .

Digeftivcs of <? in «l, wherein the ftinking and tougfi

Flegm being lalt, hath dominion, and cured by th fame,
as in the Chapter before of c? in $.

The Cure of cold Humours and red Choler,

caufed of <S in X, cold and ?mitt in the ]d

R Sttcai. Fumitor. Etithimi ana *». i. "Tamarindor,

Polypodii 3v, fiat decoft. ad eolaittr. ^xii, addantur Sir.Fumi-
toria, EPithimi, Scabiofie ana |i, fiat potns pro 5 dafi This
digeftetn Humours that are cold and moift almoft in the
+th degree, c&ufed of <5 in K.

Turges againH this Vifeafe.

R Fol. Sambuci, Lupulor. Elmli, ScabioUf, End hie, Cic-

cor. Fumitorii ana m. i. Polii montani, Fenicul. Petrofet. ana
f.i. Turhith. 5if5, Colloquint. Pttrofelini, Zinziber. ana 3ii, Cin-
namon.^'i, Tamarindor.^ip, fiat colaturty'm, addan-
tur PulpjCafiie ^,Diaphtniconii PiU. Agarice 5ii, fiat por
tuf, and clarihc it for 3 dofes.
R PiU. CeUoquint. PjOAe Tttrbith ana ^ afiant 9 Pills pro I
or 2 dof.

The Cure of Vljeafes caufed of the © m T,

DigeHives of yellow Choler caufed of the O in V.

Santalum, Tamarinds, Violets, Scamb. Nentfphar. Night-

fhade. Poppy, Sorrel, Mezcrwn. Fumitohi, Ciccorii, Endrvie,
Trramen. Frxntf, Mercxm, Hdppr, Abfintinmt, Umons, Pur'
Jlant, Lettuce, Barberies, Maiden-b , Sanders, Kofes, Barley
water. Scabious, Oxifaccharaof Sirups, Acetofiu, Violets, En-
dive, de Papaverit, Rofi . Lupubr. Nymphe, Solani, Ciccarii,
Limons, FumHor. SirAe Ireos, Abfmba.

burgers agamjl the fame Difeafes.

R Tamariadar. Jvi, Fntnor. Jejubor. ana v, Pajjitlar.^fi,

Hordti p. i. SemmMeionum ana 3ll2, Flar. Violar. Barag. Bu-
glojf. ana p. u fiat deeoOio dtamta adul. in qmhus diffolvt
Caffue ||S, Diacatholkon %(i. Rhubarb infujid 9i v Cinnamon
?rains v, SirafRefes laxat. %fi,fiat potus pro duabus dqfibus,
t puigeth ydlow Choler in 3 degrees.

General Turgers againjl thefe Dijlempers.

Rhabarb, Manna,Ca(!za, Fumitory, Senna, Polypody, Sc-

befiens, mrabjCitrin. ConftQ.Hamech, PiV.Rhaharb. TiBjuirah.
Pill. A wee, Pill.Afi<dret. Pill. Aggregat. PilLPumhor. Pill fine
quibus. Pill, lueis majares. Fill. Arahiea, Pill. Cocbia, Pill, de
080 rebus, Sh.Rofar.lax. Diacatholicon, ShJerficar. Diaferiof.
Confine of Violets, Confine of Sorrel.

Dtgejiives againft thick Melancholy and thin

yellow Choler,caufedof the 0 in &} Melan-
choly predominating.

Stecados, Epithimum, Polypody, Capil. venmt. Fumitory,

Senna, Lupulos, Borage, Bug off. Harts-tongue, Endive, M&ab.
minth. Sirup. Buglofi, Barrage, Ciccar. Lupulor. Fumitor. volx-
bilis, Epithimi, Capil.venew, de Stec ado, Scolapendri,
R Sir. Rofar. |i|5. Sir. de Lupulh Pulp, Tamarindar.
Hh 4 Jii,
3ii, Aquar. Abfinthii, de Lupulis, Fumitor. ana^v, fiat potm
pro 4 dofibus.

Turners againfi the fame Difeafes.

Aloes, Scamony, Ahfinth. Conjen'e of Cicccrry, and of Sor?

rel. Fill, de Fumitcr. Pill, Agregat, Pill, fine quibus, Xbubarb,
ConfeCzion of Hamech, Diapriowr, Diacatholknn, Polypody,Se/t-
n i, Jeralogod, Pill, de olio rebus, EleQ, de Pfillio, Mirab. Ci-
trini, Diafbma.
R: Flor. Borag. Bugloff. Violar. Abfintbii, Tfyme, Epitbimi,
Fumiterrji, Stecados ana pL Prunor. xii, fiat decolljo ad col at.
jvii, addantur Oxifachar, Sir. Abfintbii, Fitmiter, ana
Pill.fine quibtts, Pulvcr. Jeralogodii ana 3$) fiat pot us pro tri-
bus dqfibus,

Digefhes of yellow Choler mixed "toith (Blood,

caufed of the O in ^, Blood haying domi-

Violets, Hopps, Fumitor. Night-fhade, Ireos, Mercury, Me-

r.ere<m. MannaSirups, Violar, Lupulor, Fumi terra, Sol ant.
Nenuphar. Cucumer, Aftninus, Tamarinds, Lignum fanfium,
Rf Fumiter, Mezereon, Lupulor. ana p. i. Tamarindor,
fiat cnlatnr.^xvi, addantur de Sirupit Violar.Funuter.
Lupulor, ana fiat potas pro 5 doj] It digcfteth yelloW
Choler, and ckanfeth the Blood,

Burgers for the fame Vifeajes.

Cafiia, Manna, Tamarinds, Rhubarb, Fumitory, Hopps vo-

lubilis. Sirup of Rojes, Conferves of Suxory, Endive, Violar.
and Buglofi.
ft Aqua Violar, Fttmiterrx ana |iiij dififqlve therein of Man-
na Px/p. Caffr*) 'tamarind, ana ^3 ^ potuspro ditabut

Dtgejlcves of thin Water and thin yellow ho-

ler ^caufed of the 0 m s, F/pgm haying do-

Baulm, tyme^ Hyjjcp, Mints, Horthound, Trees, Camomile^

Scabious, Fttmitoty, Hupps, Maiden-hair, Spikenard, Centory,
Marrubium, Afparagus, Senna, Radix Feniculi, Rod. Petrof.
Sambucus, Polypody, Semen Amom, Sem. Ciccor. Sem. Pa-
nic. Sem.Petro/el, Sem.Endiv. Oximel compofitum, Oximel fciUi-
ticMtn, mel Rqfar. Oximel diureticum, oxicratwn •, of Sirups,
Sir^Abfmthii, Betorry, de SteeaeL Aeetoffmp. dtHyjfope.
ft Manubii, Scabious, Lupular. ana ^1, aquar, Fumiierra,
Abfinthii ana 5ivj fat potus pro tribus dofibus.

Purges for the fame Difeafes.

ft Fled, Jitcci Rofar. Jii, Viaturbith, Confed. Hamech ana

5ii/5, decodio Polypodii potus pro tribus dofibus.


ft Polypodii, Senna ana Ephbimi, Stecados, Fumitory,

Cdmepytis, Sambuci, fol. anap. i. Rhabarb 9ii, Semen Anifi,
Fanic. Petrof. ana 5^ fiat decodio ad colatur, ^viij addantur
ConfiS. Hamech, EleS, fucci Rof. Viacarthami ana fiat
potus pro 3 dojl

ft Pil'. Coloqmnt. Pill, de turhitb ana aqttarum Sca-

bious & Fumaria ana "^n, fiat potus pro trums dofibus.
' Iterxm,

1% Diiphaucott) Co»feR.Hamech, EleSjucd Rofar. ana 5ii,

dteo&.Falypodu ^iii, fiat potKS pro ma daft.

fiigefti'Ves of yellorto Choler caufed of the 0 in

<51, are thefe follonping.

Violets^ Sorrel^ Nightshade, Fumitory, Abfinthiwn, Mirab.

Citrin. Scabious, Ciccery, Endive, Limons, Hopps, Rqfes, Irv,
'tamarinds. Vinegar, Oximel, Lignum fanSum, Barley-water,
Fwrflane, Oxifitchara, Sirup if Fumitory, Sir. Solani, Sir. Vio-
lor, Mezereon, Scebram,

R Sir.Acetofi, Vtolar. ana ^ii, aqua Fumhor. Abfwthii ana

"^vt-jfiat potus pro 5 daf.

R Sirup. Rofar. Fumarie, Ahfjnthii ana aquar, Grami-

uif. Scabious, Violar. ana ^Ui, fiat potus pro 4 dof

Turners for the fame Difiemfers.

Rbabarb. Fi]]. Rhabarh. Pill. Ftmitor. Piil.Arah. Pill.Agre-

gat. Diacatholicon, Pill, fine quibur, Diaprunes, Eleci. de fucc.
Rofar. Serapinum, Mezereon.
R Fttmarbe, Ciccorii, Endive, Violar, Oxalidii, Mercurii,
Abfmthii ana p. L Mirab. Citrin. 5it, Prunes ix, Sebtjiens ^(5,
Tamarinds ^i, 4>tuf, ana Ji, Rhabarh 3i(5,
Polypodii Senna jii, Agaric* 9iJ fiat decoUio ad colatur.
§viLi, addantur Manna, Cranate ^ii, EleS. fucci Rofar. ^{5,
fiat potus pro 3 df. It purgeth yellow Choler in the 3d
degree. Vi-
Jfftrologtcd Judgment of Pljyftck.

DigeHhes of ^Melancholy and thin yellow Cho-

lerycaufed of the G in ^Melancholy being

EpHhimum, Capil.venmi, Stecados, Polypody, Sana, Fu-

mit ry. Barrage and Bugloft.
R S/rnpi Oxalidid, Cap,venervs- Fumari* ana %i, aquar.
•miane., Abfinihii, Lupulcr. ana fiat potfif pro 4 dofihuj,
Strtcp.^pithmi, Vtolar, ana §ii: decoftionii Polypodii ^xii,
fiat paUts pro 4 dofibus.

Turgers for the fame Difeafes.

Diacatholicon, Diacenna, Diaprunor. ConfeB. Hamech, P>

lypndy. Senna,
R Flor. Bnrag. BugloJJ. T'yme, Fttmitor. Scabioxr ana p. i.
AbOnthii p. (?, Mirab. Citrin, Indi nigri ana Ji, LignifanBi Ji,
Sandal r, Rubeum^ii, Semen Anifi, Faniculi, Petrofelini, Cic-
corie. End/via vna Ji, Polypodii 5i, Senna ?iii, Prunor, da-
mafcenxx, PaffhlaranundatAi, Tttrhith. 3jJ, Coloqmntida 9u,
Liquiritia Jii, fiat decoQio ad colatttr. |viii, addantur ConfeB.
flamech f fS, EUS.ftecci Rofar, 3iii, Diaprunor. ^fitfiat potus
pro 3 dofihus,

R ConfeB, Hamech Sii, Pdl. Fumitorii, fine quibus,ana 5ij

Polypodii de Simpo Lupulfrum fi, fiat potus pro iribus
124 yfflrolog teal Judgment of Phyftck.

DigefttVes of yellow Choler^and fuch as thin and

cool the 'Blood of © in

Happs, Vinegar, Rofet, Violets, Night-Jhade, jttyx of Pome-

granates, juyce of Limons, Succory, Endive, "tamarinds,Manna,
R Pulp. Tamarind. Cajfue ana ^j5, Sir. Violar. ^i, Mannrt,
Granat. ^ii, Aquar. Solani, Violar. Endiv. Lupulor. Fumaria,
ana ^iii, fiat pot us pro 5 dofibus. This clariiieth and thin-
neth the Blood, and digefteth yellow Choler.

Burges agatnfi the fame Bijeafes,

Manna, Cajfta, Khabarb, EleS.Rof. lax, Rhabarh.

R Flor.Violar. Borrag. Bugloff. Nenuphar, ana p.i. Fumitor.
Mezereon. ana p.i. Polypodii 511, Semen Anift Bi, Rhabar.
Ahftnthii 5iii, fiat decoO. lev'u ad colatur. addantur Pulp.
Cajfit Jvi, Manua |i, Diacatholicon Jiii, fiat pottis pro tribits

R LignifanSi 5J5, Polypodii ^i, Senna 3ii, florum Violar.

Borag. Fumariie ana p.i. Tamarind.^i, Mirab,Citrifigi\i,Pritnes
XX, Rhabarb $i,fiat colattir.^KU, addantur Manna,
Granat.^ cf the juyce of Floaters of Pomegranates ^iij Eletl.
Jttcc.RoJar.^p, CUririe it for 4 dofo.

Bigejiives of fedt Flegm and yellofb Choler,

caufed of O in "i, look in the Chap.of the O
in s and X.

R Sir. Fumaria, Oxicrati ana |ii, decoft. Polypodii |iv,

fiat pom pro 4 dofibtu. R Sir.
'jfflrological Judgment of Phyfick. 125
R Sirup. Scabiouf. Futnarie, Oxicrati ana ^i, dtcoB. Sca-
hiouf. Polypodii, Tyrwe, Fumitory |xii, fiat patws pro 4 dofibuf.

burgers againji the fame DiSiempers of the

O in m,

PiV.fetid. Pill. Affairet. PilljCocbie, Mel-Kofarum, Diatur-

hithy Diacarthamim, Pill. Fwnarfe Fled, fitcc.Kofar. Confed.
R Pill, fine quibtUy Pill.Arabka ana Jii, decoS.Polypodii
fiat potus pro tribus dofibiu.

ft Diaphenicon Jv, ConfiS. Hamech Jiii, fiat potiu pro una


Digejl'rves of red Choler caufed of the © in t,

are thefe following.

Fumitory, Night-jhade, Lettuce, Lbnons, face. Granat. Vio-

let j, Hoppt, Vinegar, Endive, Succory, Pur/lane, Mercury,
ft Fumitory, Ciccory, Endive ana p. i. fiat decod. ad colatur.
^xii, addantur de Sirupo, acetof.Violar. ana ^i(5, fiat potus pro
4 dofibiu. It digefteth red and yellow Choler in the 4th
ft Sirup. Violar. ^ii, Sir. Acetof. Fumarii ana , aqua
Solani, Lettuce, Fumitory ana |iv, fiat potus pro 5 dofi It
digefteth yellow and red Choler in the 4th degree.

'Purgers againjl the fame Vifeafes.

Trifera, Sarafenica, Elect, frigid. PiU. de quinqite rebus. Mi-

rab. Khabatb. Confeii.Hamech, Viacatholicon, Viapntnes, Pill.
126 yifirologicAl Judgment of Phyjick.
ie Elateria , Eleft. Scillitiatm^ Pill, Coloquintida , PiJlf of
R Ireof, Fumitory, Violets, Mercurii ana pi. quatuor femins
jfigida mat. contuf. ana ^ii, Ligni fanSi & corticif eptfdem
ana ^i, Khabar. 5ii, Pajfular. mundat. ^i, Prunor. damafc. xx,
Sebejlens, 'tamarinduma ^(5, Goloquint.^'t, Euphorbii 5(5, Poly
fodii Senna Jiii, Semen Anifi 5(5, Liquiritia Jii, fiat de- '
ooGio ad colatur. ^xii, addantur Manna, Granat, 3(5, Pulp.
CaJJia Confe&.Hamech, Diaprun.ana 3(5, EleS.Jucci Kqfar.
^i) Aceti albi 5ift,Jitcci Limonior, Qfiat potuspro 4. dof. It
purgeth ted Choler in the 4th degree.

Digefiives of thin Melancholy and yellow Choler,

Melancholy predominating,caufed of the Q
in 'v ; look in the Chapters of the O in &
and np.

Lupuli, Epithimum, Scolopcndria, Ltvermrt, Cap, veneni.

Barrage, Buglofl, Succory, Endive, Stecados, Senna, Polypody,
R Luptdor. Epitbimi, Ftrmitwie, Polypodii ana %]i,ftat in-
fufio per 8 hor.u, colatur. & addantur de Sirup. Scot ptndri/r,
Vtolar,ana ^i, Sirup. Abfintlm, Fumitor.ana 3', fiat potm pro 7
Turgers for the fame Difeafes.

Polypody, Senna, Epitbimi, ConFefi.Hamecb, Viafenn^Dia-

prunes Pill, fine qttibw. Pill. Arabics, Pill. Aurea, cum Pill, de
R EleQ.fucd Rof.^ii, ConfeS. Hamech 5iii, Viaprunor.^ii,
decoU.Polypodii 3iii. fiat potm pro una dof.
R Polypodii 3ih Senne 3(5» Epitbimi, Stecados, CamepytU,
Fumitor. ana p. i. Rhabarb'Sii, Semen Anifi, Freniculi, Petrof.
jfftrologicdl Judgment of Phyftck. 127
*na 5'i,fiat decoBio ad colatttr. ^viii, addantur canftSiom* Hf
mech |i, Ekd.fucci fiat fatus pro tribus defibus.

'Digeftives of yellow Choler caufed of the O in

», are Juch as folloTO in the Chapter of the
Q in a andsa:.

Tumitary, Scabiom, Hnpps^ Violets^ Night-jhade, Nemtpba-

rk. Succory, Oximel dura, Oxhnd compof. Oximel fcilit. Oxi-
mel fimpl. SirupJLqf. Sir, Violets, Sir.'af Hopps, Srr,qf Endive,
Barrage, Bugloji, Lettuce, tamarinds, Sebejiions, Pomegranates,
Limont, Vinegar, Rqfes.
R Sir.Viol or, NenupharU ana pulplTamarind. 5(5, Man.
Cranat. %i,pMlp. Caffi* 5iii, aquar. Solani, Violets, Fumitory,
ana $vi,fiat pot us pro 5 dofibtts.
R Sebejiens 5(5, Tamarinds Ligni fanBi 5vi, fiat der
coCiio ad colatur ^xiv, addantur de Sirup. Violetr ^ii, Fumv-
tory li, fiat pottes pro 4. dofibus.

burgers for the fame Difeafes.

Diaprun. Manna, Tamarinds, Cajjia, Rhabarb, EleB.fitcc.

Kof. Diacatholicon,
R Flor.Bu Lof. Borag. Violets, Nenuphar. Fumitor. ScabionJ.
ana p. i. Tamarinds Ligni fanai & corticis ejuJUem ana
fiat colatur.Zviu, addantur de fucco Kof. lax. 5J3,
pHlp.Caffta Ji, Viaprun.sP, fiat polus pro tribus dofibus.
12 S jfjlrologicd Judgment of Phyfck.

DigefttVes of Flegm and thin yellolo Choler,

caufedof the O in Flegm predominating,
look in the Chapters of the O in s and "i.

R Sir. Hyjopi, Sir.Stecad.ana Sir.Ma'

ruh'n Aquar.Sambuci, Tjme, Ftunitor. Scabior. ana^w^at
fotuspro 5 dojibuf.
R Aqtear.Kofemarine, Sambuci, Thimu ana |v, SirAe Ca-
pil. veneris, Fumari*, Lttpulor. Marub/i ana fiat potUr pro
7 dopbus.

burgers for the fame fiifeafes of the O in

Pill.Agregat. Till.consra flegma, Pill.Arabica.Pill.Efcphnrb.

Fill. Coloquint. Till.finequibus, Pill.fatid. Agarico^Pill.
Tumitor. Till. Eliphan. Pill .Ajjdiret. Till, de Hiera, Pill, de
Cochia, ConftS. Hamech, Diacbartamus, Diaturbith, Diatrion
Piperion, Coloquint. Euphorh. Agaric!^, Furbith, Diagridion.
R Hyfibp, Mint, Melijfie, Marubii, Camepyt'vs, Epitbimi,
Stecad. ana p. i. Semen Funk. Peirnf. Antfi ana Ji, Ligni
fatlfti. Agaric* ana 5i, Coloquint. ^it, Polypodii |if, Senn*
3(5, fiat deeoft, ad colatHr.^v'iu, addantur Diacarthami, Via'
turbith. ana^vi. Elect, fucc, Rofar. |jS, fiat potm pro tribui
dofibus. It purgeth Flcgm and yellow Choler in the 4th

^Preparatives againH 'Difeafes cattfed of 9 in

v, of thin yellotv Choler and thin Water,
Choler halting dominion.

Lignum fanSum, Abfinthium, Mir ah. Ciirin. Tamarinds,

Steeados, Epifhimum, Fumitory, Buglofs, Succory, Endive,
jfflrolog judgment of Phjfck, ti§
Waffs, Vtohts, Kofet, Meratry, Soml» Sympr, EnJivt, Ko*
fir, Abfatbii, Vtolar. Fxmttmi, S*ceorii, Lupulor. Epitbardf
Sir. de Stteado, Acetofe, Sugloffl KhabarL Norxphar, Siri
Turners for the fame Difeafes,

Mama, Cajjia, Tamarinds, Khtbarb, EleS. face. Erf, Via-

ftta. Diaturbitb, Abfuahhm, Happs, Polypody, Senna, Kofet,

Rhabarhi , Anna, Arab. Jim qtdbus Furmiary, Fttlvk

R FJor.Borage, Bttglojf, Vtolar. Nenuphar. Ftmaria ana p.u
Abfintbii, Lxpulor. Ciccoria, Endrvia ana p. i. Senna Jiii, Poly-
podh ft, Semen Anifi 3fJ, Liquiriute 3u, Pajfttlar. fi, Tamo*
rinds %ji,fiat cUcodio ad colatur. ^vi'u, addantur Manna,Gra-
natsffi, EieGJitceJlof, Diacartham Zw, fat pom pro tn-
bus dojihus.

DigeftiVes of grofs thick JMeUncholy and thin

Water caufed of 9 in Tbhere Melancholy
hath the dominion*

FmtHary, Steeadoi, FpHbimum, Scolopendria, Lxptdi, Vio-

lets, Mirab. Ltd* Sadnant. CamepyM, Endive, Ciccory, Semen
Petrof. Semen Anifi, Semen Faniatli, Tyne» Syrups, Copt I.
venerit, Epithimi, de Steeadoi, Scolapendri, Barrage, Buglof,
Endive, Ciccory, Oodfiebara, Osdmel JaUiticum, Oximti ecmpoj*
Lapis Lazuli, Lapis Armams.
R Sirde Steeadoi, Sir.Epithim, Sir,Stabiouf*aaa liii, fiaf
pptHi pro 3 dofibus*
ijO ytflrologtcAl Judgment of Phyjick.

Turners for the fame Difeafes.

PolyboJy, Senna , Fiitvif Jefalngodir, Diacenna, Confetf.

Hamec\ Diaprun. Diacatholicon, P/l'. Fumitoc. Pillde Lap, la-
zatli, Armen. Pill, Mafiic*, Pill, Indi, Pill. Aggregativ. Pill, fine
quihitr^ Pill,Arab. Pill, htcit ma],
R Polypudii ^ii, Senm 5[?, Flnr.Borag. Buglojf. Viol jr. Fu*
marit, Lnpiilor.ana p,\. Prunes xii, Pajfu/ar.%i, Zinzib.^i, Se-
men Fanicul, Petrof. Ciccory, Endive ana Ji, fiat dccoQ, ad co-
latur, addantur pulveris Jeralagodii Ji, ConfeS, Hamechy
5iii, Diacarthamiy EleQ.fucci Rqfar, ana 5ii(5> fit* potus pro
3 ,(?,p dofibus.
R Pill, fine quibui, Mafiichini ana decoliionis Epitbimiy
Polypodii ana ^iv, fiat pntuspro trihits dnftbus.
R Confea. Hamechy T>iacennt ana 5iu, decoa. PiU.Epithimi
oiil, fiat potus pro 3 dof,

DigefiiVes of thin Flegm or Water mixed "frith

the 'Blood, Blood having dominion, caufed
of 9 in

Fumitory, Hopps, Scabious, Succory, Endive, Kofies, Borage,

Buglojf. Abfinthium, Cap.vener. mirah. Condit. Lyme, Limons,
lamarinds, fuoci Fumaria, Conferve of Succory, of Endive, of
Rofes, of Borage, of Buglofi, Syrup of Hops, Oxifachara, Aqua
laUis, Caper, Sir,acetof.Citri.

Burgers for the fame Difeafes as aforefaid of

? in <3, and let blood,

ViacarthamUi, T>iaturbith,Agarickj CajfiafFumitery, Hopps,

^firological Judgment of Pbyfick, 151
, R Pulp. Caflie, Viatnrbith ana Jiii, dqu* Fumarit, Lttpii-
lur.ana (5, fiat pot us pro ttna dof.
R Fior.Borajr. EugloJf.Violar. Nenuphar, Scabiottf,
Aifwthii ana p.i. Polypodii Senna Ji, Semen Anifi 5i,
decMio in col at nr. |x, dinolve Manna, Granat, Distnr-
bitb-, CaJJia ana potus pro 4 dofibitf.

DivettiUes of Vlegm and cold Humours caufed

of 9 m s, "i, or K generally ; look in the
Chapter of the } m s.

Roots, Radix Cipri, Treos, Enula, Petrof. Fanicttli, Afye*

rajp. Rapkani, AJirnl. utriufq, Ehuli^Sambuci.
Irem, Entda, Eetonica, Salvia, Hyffop, Melejfa, Origantm,
Menta, SoHthcrnrpood, Absinthium, Capil. vener'ts. Lignum fan-
Gum, Camepytif, Agrimony, Zinzibcr, me I Rofar. Oximcl fcilti-
iicttm, Oximel compnf. Oximel fintplex, Oxicraum \ Syrups,
viz. Sir. Abfinthii, Betunica, Hyffop, Marti!?'/, Acetofus fimp. d:
Stecados, Liquiritire, Entdte > Heaters, Aqua Kofcmarii, Hyf
fop, RofaSolis, Marjoram, Melifie, Bctonica, and Conferve dt
Turgers for the Jam Vifeafesi.

Ag.rricl^, Turbith, Polypody, Senna, Sarcocol. EVebore, Sat

Gemmi, Caffia, Aloes Cicatrinum, AJftrum, Laureola, Mir ah,
Kebul. Coloquiht. Euphorbium, HermodaSili, Viatnrbith, tiiit-
cartamUf, Hiera pier a. Simp. Viaphenicon, frochifq, Agarick^,
TrochifqS Khabarb, Benedic. lax. Viacatholicon, Pill. Euphorbii,
Pill.Cochi*, Pill. Imperialium, Pill. Agregatum, Pil. de Agaric. Hierd, Pill. Arabic, PiH.AJfairiet. Pil'ftne quiblis, Puhis
HoHandia, Puhv Jeralogodii. Pill. Fatidx do purge Hegm
grofs and feculent in the Joyntsv and are good againll the
Sciatica and pain in the Joynts.
Fill.Auret do purge Flegm in the Head, and do fhirpen
and cleanfe the whites of the Eyes, and are good againft
the Diftcmpers of the Eyes.
Fill. Lhch major, are good againft dimntfs of the Eyes,
and purge the Inftruments of the Senfes.
Pill. Etephorbium do purge Flegm falling from the Brain
to the Sinews, and are good againft the Pallie.
Fill. Cochi* do purge Humours from the Brain, and are
good againft the Epileptica and Apoplexy.

DigeftiVes of yellow Choler and thin Water,

caufed of 9 in =51, where yellow Choler hath

Aifinthium, Fumitory, Lupuli, Violets,'Mirab.Citrin.Pnoiei

and Mercery.
Kc Sincp.Violcts, Stecados, de Ftemitor. ana Bifi, aqua Ab-
fi/ithii, Salani, Tyme, Fumitory ana put us pro 6 do-
jihus. It digefteth thick yellow Ch»lcr and Water caufed
of ? in <51.

Pursers againft the fame Difeafes.

Cajfu, Diapritnes. Rhubarb, Elect, fitcci Rofar. Viacatho'

R Foil. Rofar. Fumitoria, Violets, Scabiof. Endive,Succory,
Barrage, Lugloft, Abfwthii anap.i. Flor. Nenuphar, p. i. the 4.
Semen frigid, minor contuf. ana 5i, Semen Anift 5i, famarinds
^i, Senna Jiii, Pol]poJy ^(5, ColoquintS'li, Zinz.tb.3ji, fiat de-
coll io ad colatur. ^viii, add ant m pulp. Cajfue, Eleli.fucci Rof,
ana Jvi, Diacarthamus, Diaturbith ana Jifi, claritle it for 3
dofes i It purgeth yellow Choler and Flegm in the 30
R Diapntn. Ele8,fucci Rojar. Diaturbith ana Jiii, deeodiiy
nit Folypodii) cum Rad. panic. & Petrof^ii'^ fiat pot us pro una
R Diaphenicon, Diaturbith ana Jt, Agarice, Ftm.rria ana
5i|3, aqua Bug/off. Violar. ana fiat pot us pro tribus do-

DtgeSliPes of Jfittelancholy and thin Water,

cau/ed of ? hi ^5 Cohere JMelancholy is fire-

Epithimum, Lupuli, Capil. venerif, Scolapendri, Borage^ Etc

glofa Bugle, Flimittr. Frndive, Succory, Polypody, Senna, Ani-
J'eeds j Sirups, viz. ofBtiglafi, Fumitory, Scolopendri, Barrage,
Endive, Epitbimi, CapiLvenerk j look in the Chapter of ?
in iJ.
R Sirup.Hugloifi. Borage, Fumitoria, Epithimi ana aqua
Furn aria, Scabiofa, Lupttlor. decolL Polypodii ana ^iv, fiat po-
tus pro 5 dof. ,
R Polypodii ^ii, Epithimi Ji, Semen Anifi contuf, 515, infu-
fed in Wney 12 hours, and drink thereof > three ounces
for a dole.
Turners againjl the fame Difeafes.

Senna, Polypody, ConfeU. Hamech, pulvis Jeralogodii, Dia-

prun. Diafenna,
R Diacartbami 5i5> Diafenna, Diaprm, ana 5115, decofi.Po-
lypodii cum Senna |iil, fiat pot us pro una dof.
R Pulvcris Jeralogodii 3^ O" cum Melle fiat Pill, 15 pro
duabtts dofibus,
R Flor. Borag. Buglojf. Fnmaria, Violar. ana p. 5. Polypodii
^iii, Epithimi Sennt 4 Semen callid. ana 5', pat dc-
colho adedatur^vm, add.intur Confefi.Iiamecb Diaphc-
nienn 3iii, Diaturbith Eleil.fucci Rof. 3v fiat potus pro
tribus dofibus. I i 3 Pi-
1^4 yfftrologicd Judgment of Phyjick.

DigeJi'tVes of thin Water mixed Tbith Blood,

catifed of 2 in ^ j look in the Chapter of 2
in .

Fnwitory, Hofips, Succmy, Endive, Borage, Enghif, Rnjes,

■ALCmthium, Scubioiu.
R Conjame Kof. Eorrag.ana ^(3, SirJCiccnri£,Bifg!o!j'ia)ia'%i,
pulp, Tamarindar. |J3, aqu£ Fumari*, CiccnrU, EneLvie am
jyi, poms pro 7 dqfibus. It clcanfcth the Blood.

Burgers for the fame, and let Blood.

Diapi-unnr. Caffis, Manna, "Tamarinds, Diaturhith, Piar in.

thamm. Polypody, Senna, Agariclt^, Pnlvu jancltts, Peiliit Uul-
R, pulp.Tamarind. Viaturbitb ana Manne,
Cranat. decoftionis Polypodti ^vii, pat pot us pro tribus do-
fjctus, Purgers for the lame ■, look in the Cliapter of $
in IT.

Digef ives of Flegm and Water caufed of 9 hi

, and to dijcufs grojs and finny Flegm j
ohferVe in the Chapters of 2 and ) jn s,"1,
and K.
HyffoP, Meliffa, Fennel, Parjley, Mints, Rofemary, Sage,
Betony, Pimpernel, Galingal, Calamint, Rad.Fanic. rad.Petraf,
rad.Acori, rad, EnnU, rad. Eb/elL Mel Rofar. Oximel rompof.
Ox/cart, Sir. de duobits Rad, Sir. Hyjfopi, Agrimonix, Sir, ma,
de Fumaria, Dialacca, Gal'eni, purgcth all flimy matter, Ace-
iajum[quilliticum. Pill. Agregat. map Pill, fxtid. minor. ■> if
tlie Humours be hi the Sinews, ufe Pills i Euphorbii, Em-
fhjintm b Am, Confttiio de VaUilis purgctb raw Hu-
tPurgers of egm and Water caufed of 5 in "»•
look in the Chapters of the D w s, and of ?

CrocUf, Utt, Zdntihtr, ibdj, Galirgal, Cnbebif, Dian-

iboT, Pill. Mkraftg*, Mgarick^ ColoquintiJd, W*-
turbith, Ih'azanJum/*, uktis oUsndit-, Ligmon likes. Pill*
de Aloe lota.
R Viatttrbitb, Diacarthami EleQ.fuec. RaT. laxat.
3ii, aqu£ Thitni, ffiffofi atu |ip, Jt# fotus fto mm dof,

Againji Qiddinefs of the Head and Apop exia.

R Pill. Coebit, Pifljfine quihtu. Fill. FnmarU tata flat

9 Pills fro mm dof. This dearcth die Eyes, and deameth
the Head and Brain of cold Flegm.
Pill. Agrtgathe 5i is gotx againft tough Flcem, and
Aches in the Bones and Jovnts, and againft the PalGe, and
all cold Cauies.
Pill.Mafiichini 5i is geod againft Aches in the Joyntsand
Fill. Arabic* purge all Humours j Pulvis Hollandi* and
Pttlvis fanSttt purge Fl^m, and wafrifli Humours.
Pill. Viacafari* arc good againft the Palfic, they clear
the Eyes, and faften loofe Teeth, and are good agaZnft the
Strangury •, the dole is 9i.
If the Terms of Women be ftopt, to bring diem-down,
pofite $ in the 12 th or dchHoufe, and let her eat Milk
fodden and crummed, with a little Ale put in it, and it
yrill vyith eafc bring them down very. much.
Qige/lives again/l Vifeafes caujed of 9 in t of
thick red Choler, and thin Water mixed,
Choler predominating.

Night-jhade, Lettuce, Furflane, Violets, Sorrel, Fumitory,

Hopps, Poppy, lyme, juyce of Pomegranates, wbiu-Wine Vine-
gar, with white Sugar-candy, Limons, Succory, Endive.
R; Sir. Abfinthii, Sir. Endive, Sir. Rofar. ana Oximel
pqnticj^^i,aqua Endivix, Violar.ana "^vj^pat potitf pro j. dnf.

Another approved Receipt.

R Sir. Rof. Sir. Endiv. ana Abfinthii aqua lot.bent

Endivia, Violets ana fiat potus pro ^ dof.

Another, when the ") applies to 5.

R Sir. Fumitory, Endive ana Kqfar. |i, aquar. Solani,

yiolarama |iii, Endh'ia ^U, Hyjjopi %i,fiat potus pro ^ dof.

Another, "tohen the ") in »feparates from %,

and applies to a u of Pi.

R Oximel pontick^. Sir. Rofar. Fumarix ana |i, aquar. En?

Jivix, Abfinthii, Violar. ana |iv, fiat potus pro 5 dof. Pro?
A Diet.

Let them that Languifh under the aforefaid Diftempers,

tat no (alt Meats, broiled, roafted, or fryed, nor Fruit, nor
drink any Wine, nor eat any Spices, nor Gk or dry Filh,
yfflrologtul Judgment of Phyjich. 137
for aifl fuch things are naught j nor Cabbages, nor Turnips,
nor burnt Wine wherein Spices are, nor Apples, Pears,
Milk nor Cheefei but ye may eat frefti Beef, Mutton or
Veal, or Birds, and fometimes frefti Butter, but no Pie-
meat or Pie-cruft.
R Sirup. Acetof. Sir. Papuver. Violar. Ciccori ana |vi, fiat
pot us pro 7 dofihus.

'Purgers agamfi theVifeafes caufed of 9 in •?. Coloqtdnt. Pill. Je Turbith, EleG. ducit. Sir. Acetof,

Coloquintida, Kbabarb, Diagredion, Scammony.
R Pill, de Turbith, Pill. Coloquintidu ana Jii, aquar.Acetof.
Ftmitoria ana Jii, fiat potus pro tribus dofibus. It purgcth
jred Choler and Flegm ftrongly in 4 degrees.
R EleQ.dulcis. EleCf. fcillitic. Diacarthami ana Jiii, atntar.
Acetof. Fumaric, Abfinthii ana Qfiifiat potus pro unadof. It
purgeth red Choler and Flegm.
R Flor.Violets, Foll.Solani, Fumkori*, foil.Papaveris albi,
fiat decoB. aqua Violar. Solani, Papaveris albi ana ^vi, co-
latur.& pojlea, infule, Turbith 3ii, Viagrid.
Jii, Rhabarb fii, Semen Anifi, Panic. Zinzibrris & quatuor, maj. contuf. ana Ji, tune colantur. ana give
|iv for a dole, and purge 3 days.

Againfl Tain and Ache in the Tody caufed of

? »i /, } in fefiarate a <S in —, ts* a 9
in * of V, being in ^ combnjl, <isr pott App,
ad* Q m the nth. AT urge againjl the fame,

R "Diacarthami, ConfeB.Hamech ana 3ii, PilMrab.fme qui-

bus ana 9i, decoUionis Senna, Polypodii, Stecados, Violar. "Bar-
rage, Semen Anifi, qttaUtor fem. fiig. maj. contuf.^a, fiat potus
pro una dof. This hath procured much eafe.
Ajtrdog n Judgment of Thyjkk.

A Preparative for the fame.

R Srrup'Abftnthii Kofur.ftmp. FumarU am aQuar.

Vtolar. ^ii, Montan. Solani ana Panic, Boraginis ^vii,
Rofarfyv Oximel Pontick^ § i, fiat potui pro 7 Jaf.

1>igeftives againjl Melancholy and thin Flegm,

caufed of 9- in ^Melancholy predominating^
as in the Chapter of ? in & and w.

Polypody, Fumitory, Senna, Epith'tmum, Luputi, Cap-vennv,

Camipyttos, Borage, Eftglofi.
R Simp. Epitbimi, Sir. Stoloptndri, Borage, Bnglojf. anafii,
atptarum Lupulor. Thimi, fttcci Limonhtm ana fiVj fiat potHt
fro 7 def.
R Flax. Borrag. Buglajf. Vtolar. Funtari/, Epithhm ana j.
Polypodii c l nturtyvi, addantwr Oxifaebari,
OximeVU compojhi, Sirup. Fumaria ana ^hfiat potus pro 6 daf,

Rutgers of the fame 'Difeafes as aforefaidy ifi

the Chapter of 9 in & and ttP.

Pulvif Jeralogodii, Diafenna, QinfeS. Hamech, Diacatholic.

Diaprunes, Polypod. Senna, Pill, de lapid. Lazuli, Pill, de lap.
Artneni, Pill.fiiie qtdbus. Pill. Arabic*.
R Diajenna, ConfeO. Hamech, Diapmnts ana dfcum
decoQione Polypodii %ni,fiat pom pro uua daf.
R Fumaria, Scabiouf. Salinx, Epbbimi, Borrag. Buglojf.
Scolopendri, Cap. verier, ana p. i. cfem CaUid. ana Zinziber.
5ii, Cinnamon.^, Prunes 20. Paffular.Polypodii ana Senna
Jiij pulvii Jerahgodii %n,fat potus pro tribtts dofibur.
jfjlrologicul "judgment of Phyftck. 139

Ttigejlives and things to cleanfe andfweeten the

'Bloody are thefe that follow, and fuel? as are
in the Chapters of S in n and =^, and ^ in
and ss.

Hopps, Fumiiory, Abftnthium, Endive, Strccor}', Rofes, Cap.

vener'u, Scabious, Scurvy-graft, Bar rage, Bagloft, Bugle, Milfoil,
Sorrel, Cinquefoil. Tamarinds, Prunes, SarfaperiOa, Lignum
faniium, /tnifeeds, Confprve of Succory, of Endive, of Rofes, of
Hopps, of Oxifachari, of Limont, of Oximel comp. Sir. Ace-
ft Ahfnthii, Frtmaria, Lupulor. ana p.uftat decolf. ad cola-
iur. |xviii) addantitr Sir. Fumaria, Aofinthii, Oxifachari ana
Sir.Gorag.'^[fi,fiat pot us pro 6 do ft bus. This makes thin,
fweetens and deanfeth the Blood.
ft Tamarinds ^i, Senna 5i> Polypodi, Lupulor. ana %i,
fat decnctio ad colatur.^xx, addantur Oximel comp. Sirup. Fti-
miria, Lupulor. ana fat pot its pro 8 dof, Tnis thins tlic
Blood, and deanfeth it of Water.

Burgers of thin Flegm mixed Tbith the Bloody

caufed of S in

Your Purges in thefe Caufes muft be gentle, and fiich

as will fubtilliate, thin and darifie the Blood ■> and fuch
lhall you find in the Chapter of $ in n, and of U in n,
^ and sss. And farther you may ufe theft following :
ft Flor. Borag. B/tgloff Endive, Succory, Fumitory, Hopps,
ana ^i, Polypod. Tamarindor. ^ii, Semen Anift^l fat de-
cod, ad colatttr.^xii, addantur de Sir. Fumitory Lupulor. Ab-
fntbii ana ^i, pulp.Caff a %$,fat pot us pro 4 dof
140 jfflrologicd Judgment of Phyftek.
R Tttlp. Tamarindar. pulp. Cajfue ana Diaturhith Jiii,
Diaprttn. folxtiv,}>\\, Mann*-, Granate decoG. flor. Cordta-
liwn |X, fiat pottlf pro 3 dofibuf.

Digejlives of Flegnt and Water caufed of $ in

X dre, 06 in the Chapters of ? W 5 m s,
"t W Xjdnd thefe that folloio here.

Mtlijfa, Tyme, Mint, Kofrmary, Abfinthium, Hyffop, Mil-

foil, Crocus, Zinzib. Moot, Dianthoj, Cubebr, Galanga, Lig-
num Aloes, Camepyteos, mirab, Condit. Cyprus, Betony, Ireos,
Parfley, Fennel, Sage, Anifeed, Agrimony, Oximel, Mel Rofar.
Simp.Marrubu, SirJCap.veneris.
R Sirup, Melijfe, Oximel compof, ana |ii, aquar, Sambuci,
Kofemar, Abfinthii ana %iv,fiat pot us pro 5 dqf.

Turners of the Difeafes aforefaid in the Chap-

ters aforefaidof ? and the y.

Tfxodot, Hiperifiican, Anaeardinum, Sir. compof. de Fu-

maria, Diaturhith, Diacortamo, Cnloquintida, Agarick# Pill.
Euphorbii, Pulv'vs fanfius, pulvu Jeralogadii, Hiera picra, Ga-
leni, fttrbhh, Polypodia, Sarcocol. Mitbridatum, Lheriaca.
R Tbimi, Mel if*, Rofemari*, Sambuci, Salvix peritari*,
Ireos anap.i. Salts gemmx 9ii, Tnrbith, Sarcocolli ana 3i, E«-
pfxrrbii 3|), Agaric^i, Coloquintidx 9ii, Zinzib. Jii, quatuor
Sem. calid. ma. contufana Ji, El'ebor. albi 311, HermodaQili,
DiSami, Cretici ana 5ii, Polypodii $ifi, Sennx 3iii* Spatulx
fxtid*, Scrophularix ana pa. fiat decoSjsd colatur. %ix, addan-
twr Sintpi compofit. Fumarix |ii, Theodot. Hiperijiicon ana
Ji i, PillAe Hiera, de Euplsorbin ana 3i,fiat pot us pro 4. dofibus.
It pargeth Flegm exceedingly in the extream parts in the
4th degree, even all tough rlegm.
sfftrological Judgment of Phyjick. j

Digeft 'rtes of Difeafes caufed of ? in

Tbhich proceed of thin yellow Choler and Me-
lancholy mixed, Choler having dominion.

Endive, Succory, Vielets, Nenuphar. Scabious, Lettuce, Mer-

mry. Pur/lane, Rofes, Vinegar, Tamarinds, Sorrel, Sanders,Bar-
berries, JVhey clarified, Prttnes, Liverwort, quatuor Jem. frigid,
jiwce of Pomegranates, Limons, Mallows, Poppy, Night-Jhade,
Cap. veneris. Fumitory, Epithimum, Polypody, Senna, Hopps,
Harts-tongue, S tec ados, mirab. Citrin. nig. mirab. IncUvolubilis,
Oxifachara, Simpus Acetofus, Sir. Endivia, Sir. Ciccor. Sir.of
Violets, Sir.Nenupharis.
R Sir. Endivia, Ciccor. de Stecadot ana aquar. Ace-
tof. Endivia, Lupulor. ana ^iii, fiat potus pro 4. dof. It di-.
gefteth yellow Choler and Melancholy in the ad degree.
R Sir. Violar. Kofar. Epithimi ana ^ii, aquar. Rofar. Cie-
cer. Lupulor. Fumaria ana ^v, fiat potus pro y dof, Itdi-
gcfteth yellow Choler and Melancholy.

burgers againH the fame Vifeafes of 5 m Y,

Tbhere Choler hath dominion, hot and dry.

Aloes, Scamony, Sir.Kofis lax, Viaprunes, Rhabarb,Ana-

cardinum, Hiera picrafimp. Manna, Eleft, frigid. Pill, ie lap.
Lazuli, Pill, Kuffini, Pill, de odo rebus. Pill. Agaric*, Pill,
R EleS.frigidi, ConftU. Hatnech, Mamu, Calabria, ana
Jiii, Tamarindnr JifS, Khabarb, Pillhtcisnu. ana
ViapruHor.jolutrv. $fi, dteoU. mirab. Citrin. niger, Stecados,
Epithimi, fiat potus pro tribus dofibm.
I42 jjflrological Judgment of Phyftck.

DigeJii'Ves of 5 m «5l} lohere Chder pre dot


ft Oxifachari, Sir, of Violetf, Stecad. ana |1, aqaar.Roftr.

Fkmarix, Ltepulor.ana %iii,fijtpotuf pro 3 dJf.
ft Sir.Papaver'u, Violar. Epitbimi ana ai]«ar.Fumiriai
Scabious ana |iiij/#eei Limann} aqua Kofar,an a fiatpotnj
pro 3 dof.

' Turgers again ft the fame Difeafes.

ft Fumaria, Scabious, Vi hr, Stecad. Camepyt'n, DiGamt,

Cretici ana p, i. Flur, Soraginif, Budoffa, Violar. Camomil.
Nenupharis ana p.i. Pnlypodii ^ii, Senna JiH, JLhabarb
tnirab. Citrin. nigr. Ltd, Sandalur. Rub. Ligxi JanGi ana Ji,
quatnar Jem frigid, ma, contufi ana 31, Agaric* ^li-. ALies CL
catrin. 9", fat decnG, ad cAatur. addantur EleS, fncci
Ro/dr.^ i, ConftG .hiimech fiat pntHS pro tribus dof bus.
ft Dtapntnor.^Vi, ConfeG.Hamech 5ii,, In.
fufwnis Rbabarb} Stecadot > Epithimi |tv, fiat potits pro
2 dof,

T)igeftiyes of Vifeafes caufed of ? w /.

Fumitory, Barrage, Buglofs, Violet fLupuli, Mirab, irid.

Mirab.nigr. Tamarinds, Poppy, Night-Jhade, Juniper-berries,
TormentiI, Devils-bit, Gillifloa>eri, Bay-berries, Seeds of Li-
mons, Huts of all forts. Acorns, Parftrp feed. Garlic^ Par-
fby-fced, Oximel ponticfa Sirups, of Violets, of Fumitory, of
Endive, aflVormtvood, of Peppy, Mitbridate, Theriaea, Li-
tnons, the Water of Carduus benediGus, the Water of Dragons
vport. Water or Roots cfSedwel, Angelica-Water, the Water
of Rue and Saxifrage.
Aftrokg cd Judgment vf FhjJU \ 5
R Stteadoty Ltfpulcr.yiokti, Berrag. MUf.\. fat
tkco9 d colatur, |xvi, adiantttt it Siritf, V lar, fdfcvcnti
Mia$iCi Mjnnt^Granat. |i} Sir, Fjumuic ^il, fat f$nu fra
7 dopbr.
R Mirsb. Citrin ludi ttrgri *na 31, lamsrind. |jj, ffor,
Borage, Violeti, Fumitery, Lafat'or. ana |i, fat dt-
eeB. ad cohtnr. ]aJdaMtmr it Sirupo Fumhory, Ttfaverit
ana ^ ii, fat fetus fro 6 dtf.

Turners agamfl the fame Difiafes afortfaicL

R Till. Rhjjftii, Pill* Rbabarbi ana Ji, ConfeQ, Hanucb

5uij PilUudi maJ^ifiy Aqttar, Fumaria, Vhlar.ana %i\t fiat
fotus pro 3 dof.
R Flor. Bugkjf. Borage, Steeados, Vi left, Balantii, Lupn-
hr.Fumitory anaya. Tamarinds 5(5, Rbabarbi jii, Coloquhtt,
5ii, Aloet Cicatrini 3(5', Pofypodii JP, gpriea
3(5, Sarcocollg Ji, Piagredii t ii, quatuor fem.frigid, coninf.
ana%i,fat eolatur. v\i\,addaHtMr fact Linsonianm
5|?, Sirupi Fnmaria, Rtfar. ana^i, fatfattu fro tribtu
fans* Ir purgeth red Choice and Melancholy In the 4-th

DigeHrtes of Melancholy ape thefe that foOoTbl

and fuch as are in the Chapter of Ti in

Lufuli, Steeados, Rfitb'mnm, Scelofendria, Camejntit,

fdtrab. tftgri, Iafa Lazuli, lafii Armentu, Borage, Bufli ,
MatdeH-hair, Polypody, Senna, Sirups of Stoloyena. Epithim*,
tuglcQl Borage, Lupulor, Cap-venerii*
144 jfftrologieAl Judgment of Phyjiek.

Turgers for the fame j look in the Chapter of

^ in

R QntfeH. Hameeh Jv, Diajrunor, /oluiiv.^m, Aqtfsr.Fu*

mitoryi Borage^ Buglofs aua |i, fiat fotm fin urn dof,

IPigefliVes againfi Difeafes caufed of ? in1??,

asfolh'to, and in the Chapters of 5 in and
li in & and ^.

R Sirupi deStecad. Epithimt, Borage ana ji, jfqu£ latlis

^ix, fiat fiotus pro tribut dofibus.
Take Polypody ^ii fliced, and lay it in Whey all night,
and diink |iv (hereof every morning.

Turners again ft JMelancholy cold and dry, da

follow, caufed of ? in to, and as in the Chap-
ter of Tz in vz and &.

R Epithimt) Lafpulor. Cap, venerit, Stecados ana |i. Poly,

fodii) Senna ana 5J5, Semen Anii, Fnttic. Petrof. ana 5|5>
fiat ce/jixr.^viii, addaittur ConfeQ.Hamecb |i, Dw-
fenm Jiii, fiat fiotm pro 3 dof,

■sf/htldgicKl Judgment of Phyfick.

Thefe foOowngdo cleanfe, fweeten the Bloody

and cool it,

Sincp.Granat. Sir.Endive^ of Fttmhofy if Hoppi, StrJctiifi

ftmp, Srr.acetof tahChfin*.
Thefe do prqiare Melancholy, Fumitory, Hopps, Borage,
Bttglofi, Harts-tongue, Capjienerif, mirabJndi, Polyfodi, Cujat-
ta, CamspyHi, Horthotmd, tvhittJforts, Tyme and HyQip,
Theft purge the Blood, Borage, Buglofl, Fumitory, Happt,
Endive, Succory, Wommood, Rofts, Venut-hair, Tamarinds)
Pomegranates, Conftne of Maiden-hair, of Buglofl, of Rofts,
of damad{, Prunesi

A fligeSiiw*

R Pulp, Tamarind, pulp. Cajfu ana jiii, Manna Zi, Sirup,

Buglaf, de Stecadof, ana aqttar. Fxmaria, Borage, ViolarMia
ffat potus pro 4. dofbm,

Purges againjl the fame ttijeafes.

Cajfia, Tamarinds, damask^ Prunes, nurabJnd, Manna, fiia-

prun. Sir* Rof. lax. Sir, Abfmkii, Hiera picra ftmp, Viacatbo*
R F/or. Boragims, Buglojf. Vular. and pA. Luptilor. fi. Ta-
marinds %i(i, Polypodi 5]3, Senna JL, fiat decMi ad colatun
, add aur Manaa,CranaU Diaprun.^fS, confeQ.
Harttech %u,fiat potus pro tribus doftbus. Thclc purgc,fweeteri
and cleanfe the Bloody Polypody and Senna.
14^ jffirologtcd 'judgment of Phyftek.

'DigefttVes of Difeafes of 5 in », at in the

Chapter of 5 and ^ in and

R Sirup. Violar. Fapsveru, pulp. Tarmrvd. ana |(S, Cajfi*

3ii, Manna |i, aquar. Borage, Buglojf. Luptdor. ana ^iii, fiat
pot us pro trihlfs doftbus.
I ,
Turners againjl the fame Difeafes caufed of ?
in of Melancholy and 'Blood hot add moiji
in the 4th degree, let blood and ttcrge "toith
fnch as you find in the Chapter of n in ~}and
of 5 in n.

Fit. ludf ma. Pil. arahict, PH. fine quihtts, Caffia, Viaprun.
eonfeCl.Hamtch, Manna, Tamarinds.
R Diaprun.fnlut. pulp. Caffia, Ek&.fucei Kofar. ana 3iU
Mann* Granat* |i, decod.Boragt, Bugloft, Violets fiat po-
tus pro una dqf.

BigeRiVes of thin Flegm, Water and Melancholy

Camepytif, Cap.venerif, Hellebor. nigr* Fumitor, Stecad, Fe-

vtrfite, Parthemii, Borage, Buglnfi, fitccus Buglojfi Epfthimi,
Tyme, Hyffofi, Volitbilis, Sage, Polypody, Senna, and the Symps
of Steeados, Capit. venetis, Epithimi, Borage, Buglofi, Marubii,
Voluhilis, See.
R Sirup.HyPfopi, Marubii, de Site ado ana %i, aquar. Fuma-
rix, Hyffop, Tyme ana\m,fiatpotus pro 4 doftbus.
R Parthenii, Hyffop, Tyme, Epithimi, Lupulor. Steeados,
Camtpytis ana p.i. femen/lnift Ji, Liquiriti* 5i|5, fiat decoS,
'Jfirdog tdiJiJgmea/ of Phtfck. 147
id cohtxT.^ifi, addamr it Srntp.Bxghff'. Scationf. Fxmarit,
fiat pMtTfro 6 dof,

burgers againji the fariie Difedfes.

Pafffoiy, Sema, THanthcs, THatamma^ "Diajesn, cottfeS.

tiamtch, Fil, it FimAff. tii.Jke qtubaj, Fil. Arabic. Viaea-
ibolieoru FA.Agrtgativ. Fil, ^eraloeodiL PilJe 5 ztneribas, mf-
rab. Hkra fkr+Aibmii, £2Sh.
R Hyffipi Marmba, Tynfb Steeada/, Mpkhim, Borage, Ek-
glafflScahioMf. PartbaH ana p. L CmwaAt, Sdam ana p.v. Po-
Ijpodii |i. Senna Jii, Ellebari nigri JjS, Ciccoiy, EneUvtj Amp,
Yynte ana LafAri/USB, Femora p.i. fiat ieeoQu a'd cola-
add 'm*r JXacatholkon.^p, afnftQ.Hamedt iii, Via-
fenna 3iii, fidt potus pro 3 daf.

Digefityes thick /linking Plegm ind of th'ni

dMelancholjycaufedof 5 in

fir Serjit SieiAloj, Tsfahprd, Ftmwia oka aqaaidjQM-

lor, SaabiHf. ana 5 " fiat teams f* ^dafibns.
R Flar. Bcrag. Bngloff, ScMnfi. ThymiyHyfef , ManMbd,
ana pi, Polypodii An'fi 51(5, iSepthitia 5U) fiat decoQ.
ad eolator. 3 XVj, addantmr de Sinipo Hyffipi, Mantbii, Epitbi-
mi ana Aceti alhi fiat patUr pro 6 dofibxs;

AgainH tiifeajes of ? in , 5 in =£=, tipplying
to d in preparative.

R Aq*m Ftfar. Ami, Aqua Serpentarit atia 2 fioonfidf*

1haia*vtl MHhriiati 3ii, Sachari eptant. f. fiat pot hs pro tan
148 Jjlrologicil. 'judgment of Phyfick*

JgainftDifeafes of ? m ♦«, "> in^orj*, ap*

plying to 5.

R Sirup.MeliJfti SirJScolapmdri* ana 5i> aqnarfthymi^Fti'

mari*, Boraginis ana potuj pro 2 dof.

Againjl D 'tfeafes of ? in "i, ) w s, ^ or K,

applying to 9.

R SirJtfeliJfe, Sirde duabut Rad,ana %ijtqMard>erpentai ,

Card benediOi,Thymi ana potus pro duabxr dofibur.

A Preparative againft Difeafes of 5 i« "i, )

in — Separating from the Q, applying to 9 in
7,0 in "i.

R Simpi Abfinthii, Borage, End/via ana |i, aquar. Fuma-

rie, Boraginis ana |iv, Hyjfapi, Cardm benediili) Mtlijfe ana
^iii, pat potus pro 6 dof. Probatum.

(Purges againft the fatne D'tfeafes of ? in m,

R Epitbimi, Stecados-* Camefytis, Scahiottf. Fumarue, Lw

pttloranX. Folypodii^ii, Senna Jiii, ^fetn. cdllidjnajxontuf, ana
5i|3, Croci ftnziberis 5119 Cinamon 9ii, s/garicaSar-
cncolii 9ii, Salts gem. 9i, Pa(fular. Prunes xx, fiat decoQ,
ad colaturgvu,addantw deSirup,Marubii%\ conftfl.Hamtch,
fiat potus pro tribus dofibus.
R Pil' Agregativ. Pi/. Arabic*, Pil.fine quibtts ana 9i|S4
Aquar. ScahionJ, Fumari*, Sir. dt Scabioitf. ana fiat potus
for one dole.
sfjlrologieal Judgment of Phyjick. 149

Digefiives agatnfl Vifeafes can fed of $ in

as hefore-faid of 5 in the Chapter of s.

R Sir. Maruhii, Steeadot, Parthenii ana ^i, aqnar. Hyjfopi^

Thymi, Seabkus ana potuspro^ dof,

(purges aga'mji the fame Difeafes, cold and

mifi in the 4th degree.

R Radidt Bugloffi, Barag. FtnicuU^ Fetrofelini ana m. 1.

quatHor ftm^^ontuf. ana$if$)/brjCamomill*, Fumaria,
Cametytit ana fa. Agarics Jii, Senna |f?, Folyfodii ^ii, ra-
didt Brionia f(3, Rhttbarb jfJ, Coloquintida 9ii, Euphorbii
Bfiifiat colatur. ^vii, addantw TLleftDiacartbami
conftQ.Hamtcb fotus pro 3 dof.
R Pulvis Jtralogodii Ji, fil. Arabic, fine qteibus ana 9iii>
aqttar. Fumaria, Scahiouf, Baraginis, Thymi ana ^i, fiat point
fro tribus dofibtu.

Of the Terms being Jiopt.

When the caufc of this Difeafc is of 5 in K, firft let

her ttood under both the Ankles, on both Feet, and the
next day let her take this Podon,three days together.
R Trochif. dt mirrhar de Alcacbeng. ana 3(3, powder it,
and take it for one dole in white-Win^, and it bringeth
them down.
l JO Jfrohgicd f fkrfdt.

V'tgeRhes of Flegm andyeBow Chokr autpj ef

the') in Y, fait Flegm,

Oximel, Qxcrat. Oximti fmtp lex. Simp* Fapwi/, firJCtpri-

«/, fir.Violar. fticci Aottaf -mdm: haai^Pofjh
poda-t CuJcHtCy Ftmhorits Ahfmtbii, aqtur.VtoUr. fummty
Fcmt4in-w ter rpsrm, ¥ennd-fttdj Aytfeed, EEder^ Cmfoiida
Purges for the Jarm Vifeafes.

HUta picra implex, Theodorkon, Anaeardum* Hfflrriflktsn \

SirHpj, Comf oxnd ef Ftmitory tad Fofffudy. Ai
R Felypa Hi ii, Fttmrrif, lodic. Fjphim., HUar. ou
p,i. ft, ft At dtoBio is octto via. «1U oi t/d/tuia it
Jiicco Limtm. Sir. Violar. Nuotpbcstit ana ILtrapier. Jim-
j x 3(5, HI. de Fxmaria,ptl. Axrt* ana Jlji, nacarii 3^»
fiat fotta pro trihtu dopbus. This pprgctfa 0|lt FIcgm in Ac
3d degree.

Dive Hives of Difeafes caufed of the ) in si,

Tbhich proceed of fait Flegm, as in the Chap*
ter of the ) in v.

R Srrxpi Fitnuria, Siruicetafi ana ?ii, aauarfonuru^b-

fintbii, Acttaf.ana ^iii^fiat fotui pro tribtti dofihu.

T urges againH the fame Difeafes.

R H pcrifiicon, Anacardin. ana 3ii} Hter* pier* Jimp. 3(5,

AqHor.FHmaru, ViolarMa |ii, fiat potifs pro tuia dof.
yffirologkd Judgment of Phyfiek. 151
R EieU.fttcci Rof. lax. Diatrnn. ana EleH.Diacartha-
ici, confdlJiamech ana Sir.Fumaria |i, decociionis Po-
Ijpcdti fotus pro una daf.
R Hiwe picrx, Galeni confeS. Hamech Jii, decod. Fu-
maria, P6lypodii3 Violaruina %m, fiat pot us pro una dvf.
R Fumari*, Lupulor. Violar.ana w.i. Jm.Ftnic.Petrofiana
Ji, Polypodii ^ii, Rhubarb 5i, fiat colatur.^'n, addan-
turViaturhitix, Diacerthami ana Jii, Ekd.fitcci Rojdr. Dia-
prun.ana fiat potur pro tribus dofibus,
R Fumaria, Lupulor, Violar. fior, Borag. Bug!of. anap.i.
PolypodiiRhabarb Ji, trhum fem.Fanic. Petrof, ana fiat
dtcod. ad colatur. §vii, addantur confed. Hamech, EUii. fitted
Rof, lax. ana Diaturbith 5ii, Clarice it for three dofes,
and fweeten it with Sugar.

Digeftives of fait Flegm of the ^ or $ in T,

<51 or /.

HercSn Cholcr predominates,therefbre cold things are heft.

fytne. Fumitory^ Polypody^ Vio/eti, Succory, EndivefiEbulus,

ufbjinthium, Epithimum, Confolidataninor, Rod. Rapbani, Ace-
tum, Centory, Saxifrage, Sir. comp, Fumitorii, Oximtl fimplex,
Oximel diuret. Oximel pontich^ Oxifachara, Sirup. Acetofiu,
Oxicrat. Sir At Fumitord/tolarlSolani^Endrvia, and of Succory.
R Confed. Acetof. Oximellkiipmp. S'rrupi Fumarite ana %i,
Seri ladii ^ii, Aquar. Fumarite, Violar. ana ^iv, fiat pouts pro

R OximelitU, Oxicrati, Sir.Fumarite, Violaratna %u^4qujr,

Solani, Violar. Fumarit, Aqua callida ana |v, fiat pom pro 7
15? yfftrologK&l Judgment ofPhyjick.

Turners of fait Flegm caufed of Tin of

Flegm and red Choler, Choler haVing domtr

Hitra picra ftmpltx, Anacardinttm, "Turbith, 'ibttioricont

Hyperijiicon, Diamfii Diagredium, Catarficum iptptrial. EJula,
Hkra Kuff/ii,
R Foliar. Vtolar. Fndhi/c, Succori^ FumarU ana m\. KaJ*
& Fol. Lapathi acuti anap.i, Acetof. m. i(3, Scahionf. m.i,fhr.
Borag. Buglojf. Solaid, Ctt/aet* ana p. i. Folypodii^iii, Senne
B'i, Semen Aniji, Fcnic. Ptttof, ana 5^> Rad. Raphani |iv,
fiat deeaSio ad eolatur. |xii, addantkr de Sirupo Fumaria,
Oximel comp. ana AnacarJini ?i(S, Theodarieomi, eonftQ-
Hamfeh, amf 5J5, Eldi.Jitcci F.oJ%i,fia$ potuf pro 4 dof.

Treparatfaes againji Vtfeafes caufed of the ">

in ^ or "tohich are of Flegm and cold

R AftVit Ro/ati colatf. Sir. Acetofi fmp. ana Jiii, Aqnar,

meVu Majorana, Bug/offie ana Cinamon, Maeff ana 911,
mifce, fiat Sirup, Clarifie it pro dof.
R Sir. Hyjfopi^ Stccados, Oximel Scillitici, ana^ii, Aqttar.
SalvU, Ectonica, Fanicali> Majorana ana Cinamon. Aro-
ptata, Rofata ana fi,fiat Siruput pro 5 dof.
Sir. de duabuf Radicibm, meltif Rofati ana ^vi, Aqttar.
Faniculi^ Capil. venerif, Scabiouf. ana ?i, mifctf fiat Sirup, pro
una dof. It digdkth Flegm, cold Humouts and Wind,
R Oximel comp. Sirupi de Stecadoi, melht Rofar. ana 3(3,
Atjusr. Scabiouf. Fumaria ana jS, Mix them for one dde \
\t digcfteth thick Flegm and cold Humours.
'jf/rolvgietd Judgment of Phyfck. jyj
R Sirup, dt Stecadoty Sir. Hyffopi ana mdlis Rofar.
Aquar. Bet ante t. Major ant, Kofemaria ana mifce, ut ante,
pro ma dof. It is good agdnft the Paltie and cold Hu-
R CaSamntiy Traflii, Ettpatoriiy Suntmitatum Vrtic*, Vn-
ptle Caballine, Liquiritie, Arillnloe. fat Sir. addito Aceto
Jquillitico. It digpfteth cold Caufes in the Stomach.
R Had. Lapathi Acuity Apii, Fenictdiy Petrafelini, ZfnguUy
Cahallinty Cap. renew. Lingua Cervine, Hyfjopi, Scabiouf. Ca-
lamenthe ana m. i. Sent. Panic. Petrajel. Anuieof. Endivit ana
Jl, Liquiritie fat Sirup. It digefteth Humairs mixed
of Flegm and Melancholy.

Turgers for the fame Vifeafes of Flegm and

cold Humours t caufed of 5 in , and thefe
purge cold Jlimy Flegm in the Belly,

Ammoniaeum, FraxinUf, Agarick# Britmy, Brom-ficd, El Ic-

hor, Sal am. Mtchoacan, Lohoeh de Squilla, Loboch de Sana,
¥il. Arthritid. Pulvir fanOtu, Pidvis Hollandie, bencdicia
Laxativ. PilAe Caforio, Stomatichum c<iHidnm Oximtl.
R Turbith }if5, Coloquint. 91, Bdellii 5iv, fiant Pillule,
mirabilei ad extrahendum Flegma a Vents & JunUurir.

Vomits to exempt the Stomach of cold Hk-


R Elkbori albi 3i, beat it and lay it all night in ^iv of

Wine, drain it, and let him drink it in the morning
R Ellebori albi Ji, Zinziberis Ji, mix them well, and let
the Party drink it in Water, wherein is (bdden Fennel-Jied
and Parfey-feed, drain it and fwecten it with Sugar
154 jffirologieAl Judgment rf Phyjtei.
orHoney, which is bed, and if it work too forcibly, flop
it with cold Milk.
R Tobacco Ji, lay it all night in Ale, drain it and
drink it in the morning i it worketh quickly,but troubleth
the Stomach much for the time, it voideth Choler and
R Vttrioli albi 0ii, AQtue commtatis Jii, mellis Ro/ar.ffi,
Commix them for one dofe i it worketh cafily.

4 Qltfier agcunji Flegm.

Rr Menurialif, Ehuli, Foliar, Sambuci ap/aliter & pantm

hHlhanty & cokiitur, and ule it for a Glider.

"DlgejiiVes againjl fait Fkgm and Jlinking

tough Flegm, caufed of the 3 in ^ J are fuch
as are fiewd in the Chapter o/ "> m s.

Afraragus, Agrimony, Tyme, Hyffap, Fumitory, Ahfwthutm

Betony, Balm, Camcpytis, Ani-feed, Fennel, Dill, PatJln^Go'
lirrgal, Calamint, Southernvcood, Liquorijh, Horehound, Nettles,
Kofemary, Scabious, Rteta, Angelica, Hyperiam. HrrmodaBili,
Filipendtda, Pimpernel, Rod. Petrof, Rod. Ftnic. Mints, Sage,
Lignum fanBttm, Maiden-hair, Caraway-feeds, Mafiick^white'

Purges againjl the fame Difeafes caufed of the

} in "i.

R Pil. imperial. Pil, fetid, ana 5(3, Aqtue Abfintbii & Ftt-
marie ana |i, fat potm pro una dof. It purgeth Flegm and
Juigmnt cf fbyp . 155
fd Jformhtlitt* Sji, Dispbenkan Aquar, Ft/dc. Ftaw
fit «** -aearthami Jattif pre Jtubus defihus. It
puxgeth Flegm ftrengly in & 3d degree.

Humours withal.

R Kad. Aflrolog, KseLKaphani, RaJ. SpatuU FathUana

Si, Frnfawl, PHrefdaL, Ruts ana Sii, Scafbalaria, FUi-
poubda ana Aslfi Sii, ZinuherU Sii, Tjathb, Same ana
Siii, Sachari f iv, Abke thereof a Powix, whereof let the
Party tAe every morning one ipoprfiQ in white-Wine
Jgainft the Talfie, this foOoTbing.

R Affa fxtids^ Aloej) Caflorii ana, Mix them weD

with Sirup of Stecadoi, make thereof Pills, and give
three of than every morning eight days together, with
a drought of Rolonary-watcr , and three grains of
Pepper j it is good againft the Paliie, and cold negtnatick
R Pit. Cochia, pttuSUpbanpne, Hiera eompMia 9!, Agarici
Trochifebi 9i, mfceamuri& ami Sir. it Steeadot pint 9 Pitk
fro ma daf. They are good againft the Paliie and Flegm.

"P'tgefiives againft Difeafes cauftd of 5 in x,

cold and moiH in the 4th degree, offtinking,
tough, glajfy Flegm, as in the Chapter of the
} in $ and .

R Rod. Vetrof. Feme. AJparage, Bttrft anapA. 'ThymL, Rofe-

swry, Hyflepi, Vrticar. ana nuu Seminif Anip Vrtice, Tywir,
t$6 jfjlrolegicdJudgment of Phrftck.
Afyaragi Ma Ji, Polypodii SesbiouJ. m. i. fiat decoSio it
vim bom, ad colatu; jxx, addantur de Sirup- Liqidriti*i Mar-
rubii, Hyffopidna ^il, fiat potut pro 8 dofibui.

Twg es againjl the fame Difeafes caufed of the

3 in of tough finking Flegm in the 4th

R Uiaphenic. ElttUndi ma. ana 3i|3, DiacatbolkMi, Via-

eartbami Jii, & am decoQione liymi, Hyjfatd, Mar, tubti, Hy
pcriconUy Polypodii %ui, fiatpotut pro una doj.
R Pit. de Agaric. PiJ.Aeregativ. ana dram Simpo Be-
tenre, fiat potus pro una doj.
R Pit. de Turbtth, fit. Agaric, ana 9ii, Srrupi Betonia |it
dtcoS. Polypodii & ftm. Anifi, Yenic. Petrafilini lii, fiat patu
fro una daf. This purgech Flegm in the 4th degree.

D'tgejiipes of ^Melancholy and Flegm caufed

of in ^ fx. and "VyOre thefefoUoToing.

Volubilif, CamepytU, Lupnli, Stteaior, Ymtitoty, Borage,

Buglqfi, Hyffop, Tyme, Horelmund, Epithimum,Senna, Polipody,
Parthenmm, RadJapMttti, Rad.Panic. RatLPetroJl SirupSu-
mitor. Sir.Seabiouf. Sirjrf Hyjjbp, Sir. ofBuglofi, Sir. of Steca-
dos. Sir.Epithimi, Prufiia, Sir.volubilis,
R Sir. de Prajjia, de Hyjjop. de Stecador ana |u, Aquar.
Tbynti, Uyjfhpi, Raftmarie, Mamtbii ana f v, fiat pom pro 8
R Sir. Eugloffi, H^dfopi ana ^i, Aqua Fnma e, tbymi am
pom pro dttabus dpfibm.
jfftrologicil 'judgment of Phyfek. 157

burgers aratnjl the fame Vtfeafes of Melan-

choly and four e Flegm,caufed of the > in b".

ConftU. Hamtch, Dianthos, Diatammn, Diaftnna, Diaea-

tholicon, Jtra facralogofa, Hiera fricra, Abhatif, Jtrologadion^
Memphim, Jera fortijfma Galeni, PiLfine quibw, Pitlvii Jera-
logoaii, PilJU Fttmaria, Pil.Arabic*, PU^dgregairv*.
Rc ConfeS.Hamech, Diaftnna, Diacarthami ana Aqtut
'fhyni & Fttmaria %n,fiat fat us fro una dof.
R Pil.ftnt quibus, PiLFumaria ana Ji, PiLArabic. JjS, Dia-
carthami Aqua Faniculi, "Thymi ana |iiij fiat fotus fro
trihtu dofibuf.

Vigefiiltes againjl the Difeafes of Flegma

Acecofum in the 3 d degree, caufed of } in
vx, a* in the Chapter of ^ m ».

Of Simps proper in this Caie.

Sirup of Fumitory, Abfiuthii, Lupuli, Ptafjii, Endive, Cic-
cory, Hyjfaf, Parthenii, Bugl. Borage, de S tec ados. Senna, Poiy-
foay, Lapath.Acuti, Taffix,

Of Waters.

Judivt, Violets, Tyme, Hrffop, Praffii, Borage, Bugbff. Fx-

tliculi, Fttmaria, Abfmtbii, Lafathi acuti, Parthenii, Oxi'
ml cotnf. Make your Compofition of hot and moift Si-
rups and Waters, according to (he Planets the doth
apply unto.
ft Huflop*, Marubii, "Ihym, Efitbimi, Borag, Bttghff, ana
£.1. fiat dtcoQ, ad colatur, |xvi, addantur de Sirufo Hyfiofi,
MaTubii,Efiihim ana %ii,fiat fotus fro 5 dof.
jjS yfftrolcgtCAl JtdgmeM df Phyfck.

(purges againti Flegma Aefetofiim cdufed of

> in *&, cold and dryy df aforefaid.

• R Mirab. Ktb. Inii ana Jii, Lifftt fanSi Ji, ¥kr. Borag,
Buglo(f,7hymi, Mantbii, Stecadaf, Epithimi ana m.i. Agfa
ri* 3^, Polypodii Senna Jiii, Semen Fanic. Pttfofilrni,
Ckcoru, Endivia ana JiJ?,, Zinaiberit 5ii, Pipern albi
P^Jklar. |i, Liquirhie^Jdm. Anifi ana Jij fiat anetf. ad eota-
fKr.^viii, addantur de T) carth^mo Jiir, ConfeS. Hamech
Diajenna Manna fiat potus pro tribut dopbm,
R ConjeH. Hamech, Diafenna anafim, piaegrthtmi 5i»,
aquar.Jhymi, Lnpnlor. ana |r|?, fiat potus pro una def.

Or, Theje agatnji Melancholy and Flegm of the

y nite, where Melancholy hath dominion.

Dianthts, Diatameron, Jeralogodii, Metrtpbritum, Hiera

pkra, Abbadiy PiLde Elaterit.

Digeftfres of Vifeafes of > in v of fait Flegm

and Melancholy, melancholy predominating.
Cure it as in the Chapter of > in w.

Aqua Cajfit, Fumitorii, Epithimi, Polypodii, VolubiSs mi~

rob. htdi. Senna, Marjarom, Ireos, Strcadoj, HyJJif, Uqnfa
rife, femina Anifi, Faniculi, Petrojl Brnfi, PraJpH. Thy mi,
Parietaria, Jucci Enpharbir, fkeci Ptemaria, Sir. Pumaria^
Sir.Cap,veneris, Expaterii. Sir.rmrab.htdi, Volitbilu,Epttbimi, Stecadas.
R VeeoH.Polypodii ^iii. Sir,Epithimi, dt Stecados ana |i,
fiat potus pro in thus dofibut.
jffhotogieil Judgment of Phyfick. t
R Ttymi, Epithimi, Volttbilifflyflcpi, Marrtthtiaita m.i,
fern. Jnifi i, tfairiti* 5ii» BoragiMh, Buglctf Fdttk.
ana Tolypodii 511, cebtur.^xn, addantur dc
Sir.FnmaTi*) it EpiiSimo ana ^ifS, fiatpotuspro 5 iqfibus-

^Puypers agdinji Flegm and melancholy caufed

, 0/ ) in tr, called Flegma Acetofum, cold
and dry in the 4th degree, melancholy predo-

DiaearthamuS) CoufeO.Hanteeby Diaturbith, Fmlvit Jeralo*

godii, DiaJtMHa, Pil.fine quibuf-, FiL Arabice, Fit, it lap.La*
Kitli^FofypoJiHm)SenMai'Diatamroni Hifrapicra, Fil, dt £la-
trfio. Trifoly.
ft Thy mi, Marrubii, Lupttlor, Epitbimi, Cap. venetv, Ca-
mepytis ana p.iflor. Borag.huglojf, Violar. ana pi. Agaric 515.
Senna ^(5, Polypodii |ii, fimen Antfi, Ciccoria, Endive, Li*
(Mritia ana ^lyZitmiberit 515. Frunor.xxgafinlar^i, Cinna-
bar. Mirabol. Keb. nigri & indi ana Ji, fiat colatnr.
5viii, addantnr ConfeQio Hamech, Diafinna, Diacarthami,
ana jiii, Viapnta.^fi, clarificitproj dofbus, and Aroma-
tize it cum Ptth.Viamarii frigid. Diatragacamh.ana jjj, fiat
potKSy It paigeth Pblegma Acetafum in the 4th degree*
ft Pit fine qnibuiy fib dt lap. Laznli, pil, Arabic, ana Ji,
Coufeft.Hamecb Jill, decoS.fclypodii ^vi, fiatpottts pro tribns
dofihuit It purgeth this Phlegma Acetofum in the 4th dc-
ft Thymi, Epitbimi, vohthikt Hyfiopi, Marrnbii ana p.i.
fimtu Anifi 5i, Liquiritia Jii, fem. For rag. Mnglofii, F ante,
ana Ji, Polypody fii, Senna Jiii, fiat dteoQ. ad eolatxr. ^viii,
addantnr ConfeO.Hamecb Jii, EleOJJiacarthami ^foPnlveris
Jeralogodii petnt pro 2 dof.
ifa 4firologi*l JuJgTneHttfPhyftk.

fiigejttves of fmet FUvm caufei of the ^ hi ^

afe theje folloTbing,

BetcPty, Captvenerif, Ckeor/, Endive, TtmrnH^ E^dfitumi

StecMdet, liyf9dftU,fol.?tntafhyl. Oxalir, Potyfadrwa^fimm
Lntit, fmkti Sol , Tama inds, TurmeHtile, Jim. C—fur,
Jem. Exdivie, Sir. Limmit, fir. Cap. uHeritJir. Betomca,^
Eiidaue,pTt Oxalidii,
R Sir. Cap. venerit, fir. Betonkd, Endrvetau fii, Mawtdj
Crcmata 5'j Aqmar.MiOefolii) PentafhyU. Bctonka atta %v,fiat
fofta fro 6 dof.

burgers againft the fame i)ifeafes tif the T


Jeralogodittm, Mempbith, WerapierdfaHis.

R Pil.Jatid. pil. it Ssgaftw, ana 9iiJJ j Agtrie, Trochi q\
9, & cum Sir.Bftokita ftant pili. p pro etna dtf» This
purged] Flegtn mixed with Blood.

IheWtVes agalnji difeafes caufed of the ^ in

^ fweet Flegm, are thefe^ and fuch as are in
the Chapter of the "> m ^.

R EiidivU, Eqttifitl, Betonica, Stteador, fjjpoeiftidif,

Ciccorii, Tamar. ana p. i. fiat dtctfl, colatar ad eolatur, ^
addantnr de Sirup.Betnica, Je Steead. am |i|S] ammifupro
4 dff-
a Polii, PentaphyCi, Mfflfalii, Oxd'tdit, ImnrUtttil ana
p.i. Semen Cummini, Exdivi/e, Lentil, MiVii ana JiifJ, Pofy.
podii |u3 fiat decoii, ad tohtur. f xii, addantnr deSintp, Co*
yffhrologuAl Jadgment df Phyfick. 161
fih ven.- Betonice am |ii, fitcci Lmumior.^i, fiatpotw pro 5

*Pur£ers of the fame Vifeafes cattfed of the

> irt of fioeet Flegm.

R Folypodii Betoni, Cgpil. ven. "Tamarifci, Ciccarii, En-

dive, ana f.i. Grant iinfior. Sem. leni'u, millii Sotts,ana jii, fiat
decoB. ad eolatMr.^vi, addt Cafli* fiftkla Hiera picra fmiit
Jii, deftrup.RofafJax.^ii, fiat potUi pro tribus dofibiu. .
R Jeralogodii, Mentphitu, Hiera pier* fortit ana pulp*
Cafltty Diacarthamiy ana 5P, dtcoiiionit Folypodii ^vr, fiat pfc
tut pro tribus dofibuti

Digejiives againtl ftoeet Plegm in the ^ih de-

gree yCaufed of the "> in ««, and of Flegm and
'Stood mixed, as in the Chapters of the > itt
A and and asfottoweth

R Sir. Betonica fyypulp, Tamarind*, pulp. Caffi*, ana JjJ,

dlquar. Thymi, Violar. Fumari* ana pat potut pro tf fa
R F/or. Boraginity Buglojf. 1 cpKlor; Ciccorii, Endhfi*, p. i."
fiat dtcoU. ad colatur.^TOti, addantur Sir. Rofar. Bctonic*, Lh-'
pttlor. ana ^ii, fiat potut pro 5 dofibuti

burgers againji fweet Flegm caufed of 7 in ^

Diaeatbolkon, CaJJta, Diaittrbith, confeO. Hamech, Diacdt*

thamiy Manna.
R Flor.Vtolan Endiv. Gicmi, PentaphyVi-,TurvtentHIi, ana
fi, Lttptdor. Fwtiari*, ana'^ip, Folypodii |ii, Sebtjlent, Tamo-
i St J4(n4%kdJJ*^*Wf* •f nrfeK
ringbr. asg Saibler. Rahar. fist JeaB. Mjotfatar,
§vlii, addantuT de pulp Caffi* .Diaeatbolic. caftlk Hf
mech ana Bui, fiat potus pro 3 dof.

Digeftives of Flegm generally aufed of the }

in ®, "i or 5^, and of ? in thef

Aftaragus., Aphtm, Agimny Aeetofnt,

Bctony, EaJm, Camcdrioj, CamtypU^ Ctmatiitrfetd, Carawsf
feed, CdOamint, Cufcuta, Cipem, C/nnantott, Cartamm, Cat"
taurea, Citcuaierk, Dill, JlhmL^ VM-fied, femel-fied, Calin-
gal, Gramtn, Hffom, Herb FaraltfU-, htos, Ltgnm finAtm,
Miitt, Maidenhair, Poiimine, Sage, Kufcus, Ka/LAoari, Gangs,
Apii, Petraftlini, R ad. Panic. Petnfelini, Brxjd, Rapbatd, cum
Rod. Lenijiici, Rod, AJiroteg. Sambud, ItnatDTii, Rttta, Sm*
thcrmvood. Ginger, Liquorice, WWjerrow, Uriganxm, Mamtbi-
tau, Riftmary, Iflihennnt, terrtLjpaxm emchttWu-
marix, MiraManes, Hyperkon, SmU, Ponugranatet, Hermoda-
flyli, Kad.Spjiifcstide, Phtlapendula, Scahiow, Pmperntl.

Digejters of Flegmgenerafly.

Md Kqfar. Oximel Jalfiiremti, Oxintd dhatticfm, ox/cra-

itm, Oximel compofitum, Sir. de Hyfitpo, with Sir. Abfintbii,
Mamh'n, Rofar.acttqfi. Sir. de St aoor, de Betoniea, cum Sir,
de duahur Ritd.
, Semen Cart ami, Fumaria, San&ud, Tyrm, Firetntm, Tap-
fia, Hetlebur, Cartamus, Efitla, Polypody, Mrrab. Embliea, Art'
Jiologia, uttrcf, Centaxrie, StpnSa, Afantm, rod Ssbargri.

burgers of flegm generally m this cafe.

f-olypodmm, Afinatt, fkrbhh. Senna, Agarick^, SarcecoS.

Coloqtt u dt, : rmoda&yl. Ertpbid wn, lapfia, Sal. gem.
jffhologkaljHdgruntof Phyfick. iffj
Hellehor, Aloes,, Oppoponax, Serapiunu, Anacardinum, Diacar-
tanks, conftrot of Enula, amftft. Hantecb, Diazinziber, Dia-
trion Fiperion, mil. Kofar. Hiera picrafimp. Diaphtnkon, Dia-
Catholicon,henedifittm Laxathnm,Trochifa, Agark^TrochiJqi
de Rhubarb, Eleft.Viaturbith, Sir.Acetopts corppofn. Sir.Fit'
maru compofit. Sir.acetofitaiu Citri, Semen Car.hami, Fill, de
Hiera, de AJfairet, de Agarico, de Cohia,de Arabice^igregstiv.
Arthritici, Imperialum , Feetidar. deSagapeno, Euphorbia
de Sarcacolla, Fxtw fanfttts, FulvU Fnibith, Rhafis.

Thefe purge putrid and rotten Flegm, being

daily taken.

CmJcuIj, AwKm, Ferel, Hyperlcon, fertim Caprinxm, fucats

crttdws FwnarU) mirah.Condit.

Tbefe purge rotten and corrupted Flegm, that

Tbill 7iot yield to any JMedicine, and reftifie
the Complexion, aud make the Fatient look
clear, fair, luFly and lively. Aloe lata,pill.Mafike, Hierap ra.

Viaciton condimeth Flegm, and redHfieth the DiRem-

pers of the Brain, corroborateth the Senies, and coufumeth
Melancholy In the Brain.

Hiatammn comfbtreth Digeftioa^nd confumeth flegma-

tick Humidities Superfluities and Crudities, in any part of
the Members of the Body.
ztf4 yfltrologkul Judgment of Phyfick,

dnd thefe following confums Flegnt in a humid

Conftitution and Complexion,

Garyopliylli, lignum Aloei, Mice, Caiung. Nux mujcbata,

Cuhebefy Aurum, ZinzJber, Crocus.

Thefe following confume Flegm in a hot Com-


GaryophySif Mar gar it z, Aurum, Cubeies, Liquorice, Croats,

Spicardus, Mttfcus, Ozimus, Pttrofelinxm, Parietaria, Cummin-
feed. Fennel-feed, Vinum Cranat,

Thefc digeft Flegm in the Veins, viz. Saxifrage, millium

SolU'-, and thefc in the Joynts, Macropiper, Afraragm, Co
ratpjy and Fennel-feeds.

Thefe digefi cold Humours in the iSreaft and


Hyffhput, Volubilis, Ireos, Qtlamente, Prafrtum^Enpatorium,

Liquiritia, Capsvenerit, ScolopenJria, Scabious, Radices Arijio-
lochite, Lapatb. acute, Funiculi, Petrofelini, Semen Ameos, En-
divu,F*niculi,Petrofilini,fummitatum urticor. ttngulaCabtSi-
na, Arijiohchia rotund. Sir At Acetof. Oximel fquiUiticum.

Thefe purge Flegm and cold Humours in the

Breaft,Stomach and Lungs,

Diaturbhh, Agaridts, Hyjfop, Volubilis, Cqffia frjbtla, Sar-

catoVa, Ireos, Cohqnintida Tapfia} Iwbitb, Catarticum imp*-
yfjlrohgkal Judgment of Phyjkk. 16S
riale. Dates^ Cypreji, blad^Cherries, AzarabaCit, EVebor. albi,
fiH.ftttida, ] (l.cU Sarcacolla, FiilJuc'u may Pill,Stomatica^ Fill,
de Agaric.

Medicines emptying the Stomach and Intefiines.

Stomatkum laxativum, Diapapaver. Catartic. imperial. Ab-

fmtbium. Aloes, Mirabolanes.

Sirup of Kofes lax. purgeth Choler in the Head and Sto-

mach, Oximel fmtplex purgeth Flegm in the Stomach, Srru-
pus acetofm fimplex purgeth Choler in the Stomach) Fill, dt
quinque gtnerihus Mirabolan. avoideth Humours principally
from the Stomach, Hiera pier a Galenifiximel fimplex, Oximel
fciliticrm, Emplafirum ceroneum, Tberiaca galeni. Sir. HyJJip.
Sir. of Horehaxnd, SirJCap. verier. Sir.AcctoJm compofitus. Sir.
de Limonibttf.

Medicine Evacuative that purge the Head and

(Brain, are principally nineteen.

Hiera picra. Pill. Diuretica, Pill. Cochin, Theodoricon, Ana-

cardiaum, Jeralogodhn, PilLAiMee, Sir.Piof.lax. PilUttcit ma-
jor. Briony, Agarica, Oppoponax, Ellebort albi, Jera facralogqfa,
Hermodallyli, Sagapenum, Sarcacolla, Calbanum,

Thefe purge ej^e daily the Head,

Coloqtiintida, Agaricl^, Lapii or menus. Lapis lazulus. Mi-

rabolani nigri, Mirab. Kebufi, Squilla, Epithimw% S tec ados.
Aloes, PilLAurca, PillJucU maj. Pill. Eupborbii, Pill, Cochin,
Pill Arabic. PilLDiacajior, Pill fine quibtts.

etbeines "tohkh furge Humours from dp


Diajinns, Jtraruffi, Agarkk^ Sama, Ifbhimm, EOdere

iiigr. Abfintbmm, Sttcados, Expatarom, Sal niter, Callamen-
jPnnt, Foljfody, Hitra facralogoja, Tmrpaitm efVtmct^ Jtral*

iPfsncipal Medicines purging ill Humours from

the Livery and parts adjoining,

TKacartsmu, PHI. it Rhebari, dpeckUf? and Acfc, MS.

Agaric, aqua Cqfii, VhtubSis, Majtrmu, JiMlmA,
fuecys Kef. AifiMtbium, Uhabolaneiy Eamarit^'umharyjrto/,
MifhrtotL, Soma, Serapimm* as Sarcocolla^ Vtidtt twr-
ptntvut Fragula, VaQyli^ Sir.F»mari£i fuccus Etfpatorii.

Medicines which more fharply cleanfe the Hu-

mours, and mundifie the Skin, are

Aqua Cafei, Fumitor, Colqguintula, Efitbimum, Agariccr^

Tolypodium-, Vohtbilit, Mi ah, hid.

Medicines which purge Flegm from the Jun-

Elures, and draw id Humours from the re-
mote parts, are thefe,

FitOAefkceo Refar. bateUSa Laxativa, UermoiaUy] PiV.

'drtihitica. To which may beaUo added, PilLfgtidafill.
it quinquc gtnaibm FSraholait, Jera Jacraiogafa.
jfJlrologicAlJudgment of Phjjick, \6^

To theft alfo may be added,

SdftocolU, Coloquintida, Turbith, Eupatorium, Opopanax^

Sal gem. Sal ind, Serapinum, Etepborheum, Centaur. Elltbnr
nigr. Polypodinm^ Pill.Fumaria, PilLAgrtgath'. Pill.MajUch.
Viatameron, Palma Cbrifti-feed^ Pill, Enphorbii^ Pill, Arthri-
tic*^ Pill.fatid.

Theft are good againft ache of the Bones, Sinews, MuC-

des and Joynts, and draw Humours afar off.

Agdinfl rotten Humoursy and flopping of the

Hdreafly and Flegm in the Stomach^Head and
MitfcleSy and againfl bleared Eyesy and ltd-
tertng Eyes.

Ufe Eafemary, Corral, Diartheoi, Viapraffiutr.

Medicines that purge the 'Bladder from Gravel

and Humour s^and are good againfl the Stran-
gury yand to provoke Urine.

Venice turpentine, Diacaflia cum Manna, Antidotum Anfm-

eritwn, Anna Alexandria, Diafatirion, Oximtl Diureticum,
Z/nguentum Agrippin*.

AgainU Exulceration of the Bladder.

Liquid Rofin, Savin, Pill. Viacajiori*, Pill.fine qttibusfiaf-

fia fifiula, Briony, Oximel Scilliticum, Trochififi de Alkakengi.
Thefe are good againft the Exulceration of the Bladder.
^ ^8 JJtrologkd Juigmtnt of Phyficfc,

1 r
Medicines " ' ' rrofs Hu-

DiaprMfium, 'Theriaca Galenic Loboeb it Squill, Lobotb it

Sana, Simp of Liquorice, Sir, A cel. ampafit.

Medicines Tbhich cleanfe the tyins, are

Venice T'tcrftiaint, liquid. Kqfi/i, Pillfeetiia. Pill. Arthritk*,

Figs, Cafi^pftt^a.

Butamjriniw. is hot and dry in the 3d decree.

Bngltx is good againft the Aches of the Reins.

Btntii&a Laxativa avoideth Flegtn in the Reins.

Broom opencth the Stopping in the Reins and Kidneys.

^ijric^purgcth cold Flegm that ftoppeth the Reins.

Theje following are good againft Tain of the

Q{eins that cometh of cold Caufes,

Anna Alexondrirta, Mttbridatum, Viacmtron, E/cfif. Ind.

ma. EmplaJiAt granJawri.
yffirologKAl Judgment of Phyftck. ig9

Thefe Jo purge the ^e'ms of Gravel,

Aitttdotwn AnfwcritUm, Oximtl Diurttiacnt, Sir. Actttf.

fmf. Sir.Capilj)at. Sirup ef Ceierac^,

Nunc nofiro Lahore f*eliciter ad finem per-

JuSio, Qratios ago Deo Opt. Max. per Jefum
Chrilium migtnitwn ejus Ftlium, & Serva-
torem nojlrum unicum , qui eji 'vertts iUt
Dew fupra omnes laudandfu in Secula, Amen.
sfjirelogical Judgment of Phyfick. 171

As a neccflary Appendix to this

Subjeft, I have hereunto An-

nexed feveral Experiments ^ of

great ufc to the Induftrious Stu-
dent 3- which I hope will be as

gratefully receiv d as freely offered?

Some Experiments of Sicknefs and Death,

demonjirated as a Conclujion to this Work.

To know whether the Sick Perfon fhall

die of his Infirmity or no.

TH E firft Thing that thePhyfitian ought to do,

before he undertake the Cure of his Patient, is
to know whether the Dileafo be medicinailc,
or mrtal i for otherwife he may firive againrt
the ftream, and purchafe to himfelf rather dif-
crcdit than otherwife, promifing Health when there is no
hops at all. Many hy the Rules of Vulgar Aftrology, have
tyj jfflrological Judgment of Phyftck.
taken upon them to relblve this doubtful and obfcureQu^
/lion, but (blamdy, and with fuch and fo many curios
Ambiguities, that one can conclude nothing certainly then
by. Yea, of a truth, this Art is (b contaminated and del
filed in general, and the true grounds fo confpurcated, ad
intermingled with many frivolous Fables, that except thd
pure Quintcflcnce be cxtraftcd from thole feculent Drea
this Science whkh paffeth all other Humane Arts, as oE
Light of the Sun the Stars, is like to perilh, and in time
to be as little reputed of amongft the Learned Philofophers,
as it is now amongfl many of the Vulgar fort, which think
or eftecm no better of any Prcdiftions in this Art, than
meer Fables.
Therefore to quit this Art from all criminal Acculation
of Falfhood, we will here deliver a plain and intelligible
Method, whereby the meancft Artift, if he be not Dur*
Ctrvieir, may know how to give a true and abfolute Judg-
ment of this prepofed Demand.
Therefore letting pofs all curious and fupcrftitious Ob-
fcrvations, together with all other evil Tokens of froall
importance, you lhall note thefe Signs following, whidi
are of great energy, and very eftc&ual in operation, the
which we all Si^na Fat alia \ that is to wit, If the Lord
of the Afccndant be combuft, or fub rsdiit ( for the Lord
of the Afccndant we principally heed } or if the Lord o
the Afccndant be in <j, □ or <P of b, <?, or the O »
or if the Lord of the Afccndant be near the Gulp of the
eighth, or joyned to the Lord of the 8th Houfc by d, □
or «P * likewife if the ) be combuft, or Jitb rodiis^ if (Be
be in d, □ or d5 of b, c?, or the 0 » if Ihc be in
the 8th Houfe, and if (he be joyned to the Lord of the 8th
Houfc^ither by d ,□ or tP. So having aCeleftialScheme
ercffted, and parallel5d to the Hour and Minute, as near as
you can, wherein any r lated unto you, the ftatc of the in-
firmed Party, as is aforefaid i then look how many fatal
Signs may be found therein and if the number of them
j9firolt}gicd judgment of Phyfck 175
■amount unto thtec or four, and neither the Lord of the
[ACen^ant, nor the Moon, do rtfped, or are refpcded of
or 5, by ti , * or A, applying the one to the other
jw applicationm Imm, or at leaft-wile by a □ or cP with
or ?, with a ftrong reception mutual, for without
mutual reception, the □ or & is not available j then af-
furcdly the lick Perfon will die» if otherwife, nor. And
for the better lllucidation of this general Rule, you (hall
note theft Cautions following, that is, If the Lord of the
Afccndant and 8th be all one, and that the d of the )
with the Lord, or Significator of Life, is as good, as the
conjunftion with the Lord or Significator of Death, isc h
alfo if the Lord of the Afccndant be joyned with the } ,
(he being Lady of the 8th Houfe, and U or $ Specially
ruling the Afccndant j and alfo a ^ of U or $ plafick
efpodally ( but being combull or retrograde is not fuffici-
ent ) may be good. But to conclude, Becaufe this Art is
better taught by pradlice than fpeculation, we intend to
firmatc and illullrate thefe our Poiitions with (iich Exam-
ples, as (hall greatly illuliratc our proceeding herein, if di-
ligent obferwation be had and uftd, and not withOutland-
i(h Examples ( as others Tiavc done ) but with vcrilitd
proceedings and practice araongft our own Englifh Natives,
whom every one I could name, and their dwellings * but
(or fome Rcafons 1 forbear that Infinite of forraign Exam-
ples might be produced, and rather value theft of our own
Counticy find Knowledge.
174 sfftrologtcd JuigmtHt of Phypck*
A certain Man brought his Water Undc^
this Pofition of Heaven following.

Zfrina faVida iton JuhfideniijJubftantu temd.

i io Houft i 23 a 4 Houfe 1 23 n?
?X2 dv

f i HoufT i & 5 Houle 4 «i


12 Houle 12 .11 ; 6 Houfe 12 /

U* x8 27
^ R

Afcduiane 2( S 7 Houfe 2T Xf

2 Houle- 11 8 Houfe 11 rt: 1

' i 14 as

3 Houfe 0 n* p Houfe 0 X
r 15 U 15

"The Judgment.
The Planets principally morbifkantjare 0,1? and d*.
As touching lib t^eaC, the 9fi 25 cu^u^
the EaA Argie , ruling, the jPn^qdiadfs,
Lungs, &c. the allo Lady of tM (ame, afflict-
ed By a pesnicioup Q of O in if, doth betoken
a hot Rheum diQUhpg by drteri# a&era into the
Lungs, caufing a tickling fyug^ paa Exulceration
of the Lungs. Alfo fotamiuch'as the Q governs
the Heart, it betokeneth a certain Calor nm mtura-
lii in corde, caufing a manner of HedHck Fever, or
confumption of the Lights, together with the Pneu-
tnatical Pipes and Organs, infarfed with corrupted
ruperfluities of choierick and flegmatick Dcfluxions,
the anheliting pafiages being firaight and narrow,
caufeth the Lights by their intended motion to in-
flame the Heart and Pracordiacks, as Ariftotte, Ca-
lor fit per motjm. Alfo forafmuch as c? is in Ariete,
accompanied with 5 and 5, it farther imported,
that the primitive original hereof was derived from
the Brain, being diikmpered through too muchvi
gilancy, and folicitude in his Affairs. As concern-
ing the fatal Signs, Firff, The ) being lady of
the Afcendant, is in the 8th Houfe. Secondly, She
is opprefled by a malevolent fquare of the Sun.
Thirdly, By a fquare Platick of b i fo the fatal
Signs being three at Jeaft, it demonllrated (mall
hopes of Life, except fome opitulation and aid
from one of the Fortunes, do reprefs the rigour of
this Conftellation. But here is none fitch to be
cxpofted, except it be from the * platick of the
5 and X retrograde, which is condemned by the
Canon afbrefaid , as infufficient to refcue in this
cafe, although it might for a time prorogue the
Parties Life. Therefore the next critical Conflidf
of the Moon with any of the interfering Planets,
fhall be lethiferous and mortal, according to the
former Rule; And lb it fell out j for about the
17$ ^Jkokgu^ljudgmnt ofPhjJick.
end oT four months well near oomple^ be do*
parted this life, prefigured by thO her diftance
mm a peifcft O of the Suni which was 4 do-
nees ahnoft, feme 35 minutes excepted. As to
latisfie the truth herein, I exa&iy Calculated die
faine, and the O was then in the 18 gr> 5 mJn< of
and ) in 14 degt. 1$ of
'Jjlrologicd Judgment of Phyfck. 177
A Gcntlcmans Urine was brought under fuch a PoHcion,
of Raven.
Ur'ma aHreafobftanti* rnedixris,at mis plena-pan. Hypojiaji
Jubflava, non coraima, & intquali.
10 Houle 0 a L4 Houle 0
c? in H a

ii Houle 10 ai 1 5 Hunl'e IO S3
? in 22 Si

12 Houle ne 5 Houle 8 K
S ii i 5 ►nc
O in 10

Akencfant 0 7 Houle □ V

2 Houfc 23 : ^ Houul 33 r

3 Houfe 122 m <? Houfc 2 2 . w 1

^ in 19 7 Tz in 10 b

y" in 0 n

The Morbilicanc Planets arc O, ) and ?, but the ©

Mm is
178 sfjlrolcguilJudgmer,t of Phypck,
b the principal intcrfetfting Planet, corrapting 9 the Lady
of the Horolcope by combuftion, and alfo by a platick
As concerning this Diftafe, fbrafmuch as 9 is Lady of
the ACcendant, and oppreflid by the G and the ), It be-
tokeneth much Imbecility of fbme members of the Body,
attributed to the regiment of 9, proceeding of a Heat and
a C»ld together, with fome cholerick and watry thin De-
fluxions, lofs of Appetite. AUb forafmuch as 9 is felted
in TO, governing the Bowels, Guts, and Belly, It beto-
keneth pain and griping in the Belly, and the Flix called
Lymeria, proceeding of Imbecility of the Stomach, alfo a
certain innaturalis Calor, or Fever-heat therewithal annex-
ed. And as touching the Inquilition of fatal Signs, the )
is afflidted by the □ of the G. Secondly, The Lady of <
the Afcendant is comhufh Thirdly, The } is within
the Limits of a Conjundtion platick with Saturn. So that
the interfering Signs being three, and neither the Lcfd
of the Afcendant, nor the ") affifted by the benign Rays
of the Fortunes, It imports no hope of Recovery •, and fo
it fell out i for upon the next Critical enngrefs of 9 and
the G, he departed this Life i for 9 being 7 degrees di-
iiant from the Sun, allowing for every degree one day,
(■ becauft the Difeale^was acute j amountcth unto 7 days,
which being compleat and ended, he yielded up his Spirit
into the Hands of his Creator, &c.
yfflrological judgment of Pbyfick. lyp
The Urine of a certain Man was broiight.(according to this
Cdifcbcne following.

Vriita ejns fubruta^ tttrbata^ cum arenttlU in Hypcftafiifoh-

fianti* mediocri., 8cc,

S 27 V
10 Houfc <5 1 4 Houfe m 0
Tj 17 «

11 Houfo 1? ir_ ■5 Houfe 1 / ip

10 J

0 Ot
21 S
12 Houfe 1 $ 26 6 Houfe V 26

A (ceudant. •51 21 7 Houfe 1 » 21

2 ~

2 Houfe n? 10 h Houfe K 10
c? 6 W

3 Houfe - 3 p Houfe r 3

The Morbificant Planers arc c?, 5, S, b and %4

Mm 2 Fot
For the better Explication of thisConftcJIa-
tion, you fliall un'derftandj That this Party was
afflidled with t.vo feveral kinds of Diieaies, the
one Chronical, and of long continuance, the
other Acute, and but new begun - therefore as
they were difcrepant the one from the other in
their feveral originals and beginnings , fo they
were allb inefledfeand termination dilfenting, al-
though the more general transformed the lets in-
to part of his own peculiar exiftency. Firft,
As concerning his new-bred Infirmity, which
was a repletion of his Stomach with muchCho-
lerick Juycc, loJs of Appetite, In/bmniation,
Diftemperature of his Head percoafenfum Stoma-
chic as Mars in the Horofcope affl.idling the Lord
thereof, the Dodecatcmorie of <51 al'cendine,
dothapertlySymbolize: therefore in theCrius
of the O and S , thefe Symptoms were like-
ly to decreafe ; and fo it felI out; for about (bme
4 or 5 days after he amended of the fame, by a
certain Decodlion prefcribed him to take. But
as touching his old inveterate Infirmity, which
was a long concealed grief of Mind, with much
perturbation of Spirit, fwimming in his Head,
flatting in his Sleep, evil Imaginations, Fear
and Defperation, Mercury was the principal Sig-
nificator, corrupted by a fquareof d, and joyn-
ed to the Lord of the Alcendant, being alfo by
him much infirmed by Combuftion. All which
confidered, it was very likelvthat thefe Paflions
were to be limited by the Crilis of O and
'yfjtrologiadJudgment of Phyftik. a 81
which did confift in the Number of 5. fofi dhe
Lord of the Afcendant had ibmany degrees to
go, before he were to take his leave of ? per Se-
farationem communem. And concerning theln-
veftigation of fttalSigns, the 0 being Lord of
the Afcendant, is oppreffed by a malicious □ of
j and the ^ joj ned to h by phtick Conjun<Sii-
on 5 alfo the ^ damnified by a □ of U, he be-
ing Lord of the 8th Houfe, and neither the Lord
of the Afcendant, nor the 5, applying to any
benign Afpedl of any ialutiferous Planet, it ira-
poneth no hope or recovery. And as for the
time and manner of his Death,it fell out accord-
ingly- for near the end of 5 months, from the
time of this Scheam of Heaven, on the 6th of
ORobet) upon the □ of the 0 and U, and the ^
being in conjunftion with h and «p to at that
very time, he in raoft woful manner LAqueo fe
fufpendebat, and fo in defperate fort ended his
Lite, prefigured by the place of h in**, govern-
ing the Neck and Throat, and h here one of the
interfe&ing Planets. And left I here feem to
imply a contradiction To my former opinion, be-*
caufe I grant the Crifis to be made by 5, which
before 1 denied in my general Thefts, youfhall
note, That this Crifis was not N&turdis, but
contra Naturam. If any think that S was not
able to produce fuch a Tragical Crifis, and that
it is moft likely that the fame was made by d1,
becaufe he differeth from a partile reparation with
0, about 4 degrees and a half, the which com-
Mm 3 eth
1S 2 jdfirolcgical judgment of Phyfick.
cth near to our reckoning, if you add for every
degree a moneth •, yet in my judgement the for-
mer is beft, and moft confonant to truth, be-
caufelcan hardly believe that one Planet may
make two feveral Crifis in one individual Per-
lon. Here we could allb have related the prin-
cipal caufe, that firft induced this wretched
Man to fall into fuch a defperate Humour, and
alfo by what mediation the wicked Serpent did
per mtlle Afeundros, circumvent him. as by.the
report of lome of his own Family, it came af-
terward to light. But foralmuch as it maketh
little to our purpofe in this matter, for brevity
fake I let it pafs, intending here rather to (hew
the end of the Difeafe, than over-curioufly to
fearchout the caufe.
yffirologicd Jhdgjnent of Phj/Jtck. 185
A Gentleman fends for a Phyfitian a McfTenger, which
came to him about 10 of the Clock in the forenoon^ the
Celipofttiones being in manner following.
Vfina ejur fuhruhkunda non fubfidem.

[10 Houfe 18 4. Houfe t m 18

\ 18 »
n l6
11 Houfe $ 0 5 Houfe xr 0
26 £
U 1 R
12 Houfe j cSV 5 6 Houfe | t?. |
J) 4 <51,

Alcendant 1 tSl 29 7 Houfe si 25

d 10 np
2 Houfe nc 20 8 Houfe 50 !

3 Houfe — 14 9 Houfe -rlV.

The Morbificant Planets ex parte Domini afcendenus-prc d"

and 2 jex parte Ime Tj and 9 .
• Mm 4 Tho
1S4 'sffirOiogicdlJuelgmetit of Jfhyjick,
The ipth degree of Horofcopating in the Eaft An-
gle, governing the Heart, Stomach, Prscordiacks, and
the ©("Lord of the fameJcorrupted by a fquare of c?, be-
tokencthSickntfs, and much pain in thofe parts, byfuper-
abundance ofCholerick Humours ■, the } alfo in the fame
Sign of <51, opprefled by a platick fquare of b, and the
T joyned to 5 by a platick conjundfion, It alfo noteth
much predominancy of flegmatick Humours. And as
touching thole parts of the Body where thofe parts of the
Humours arc congclled, 2 in ® betokeneth the Breaft,
Lungs, Liver and Sides, cauiing Anyiftiam petioris & fti-
randi diffcuhatcm, and intention of the Praccordiack^j b
in mportcth a Cough, and ratling in the Pipes and
Throit '■> U allb oppofing himfelf againli the ), betoken-
eth feme Impofhimaiion, or at the leaft a difpofition
thereunto, proceeding of mixt Humours, on the Panicle,
Pleura, cauiing pain in his Side, after the manner of Plxri-
tis mi zvrj. Laftly, ? being contaminated by a O of c?,
and afflidted by the Lord of the Afceudant, It betokeneth
a certain kind of deliration, and difturbance of his Senlcs,
by Cholcrick Exhalations fuming into the Head^c. And
now concerning Mortal Signs, Firft, I find the Lord of
the Afccndont damaged by a □ of <?. Secondly, I fee
the ) infirmed by a □ of b. And thirdly, The ) af-
flidled by an <P of U Lord of the 8th Hoafe, and with-
al, neither the Lord of the Afcendant, nor the Mmt, ap-
plying'to the friendly Beams of the Fortunes. Therefore
fmall hope is to be expedfed, but that upon the next Cri-
Cs, he would depart this Life i and fo it fell out i for the
third day fallowing he ended his days. Mars then caufing
a Crilis, according to the former Rule.


A certain Man came to enquire of the Health of his Chile!,

being a Son,but brought not his Urine with hint. The
Pofition of the Heaven as fblloweth.

to Houle i 9 4- floufc ^ 9 !

n Houle nt I
4 5 Houfe K 14.

12 Houfc 9 6 Houfe Y y
O 16
$ iS
5 19
Afcendanr O ^ Houfe ^ 0
b 8 b R

2 Houfe "1 23 8 Houfe & 25

U 2
3 /
3 Houfc 2? 9 Houfe IT 27


The Moibificant Planets are "h j ? and ?.

Ii 8 yfjltologicdl Judgment of Phyfick.
Mirs Lord of the Afcendant in <51, governing the Heart,
Stomach, Praccordiack, &c. afflifted by a □ of h, beto-
keneth Sicknefs aiid Pain in thofe parts aforefaid, proceed-
ing of tough congealed Flegm, intenlion of the Pricordi-
acks lofs of Appetite. &c. And forafmuch as Man go-
vemeth the Gaul, it alfo importeth therein Caufes of glera-
my llimy Humours. The ) beginning the Sun-beams,
fituate under the Sign of doth farther import Difeafes
proceeding of Tartarous Humours, the Stone in the Kid-
neys, and pain in the bottom of the Belly, proceeding of
windy Inflations, &c. As touching mortal Signs, Firft,
The Lord of the Aicendant is opprefled by a pernicious □
of b. Secondly, The ) beginning to be fub radiu.
Thirdly, The ) is applying to a ConjundHon platick of
S, the Lady of the 8th Houfe. So the fatal daces being
three, it threatneth death, except fome aid or Mellifluous
■ 5 or % but as for 9, (he beingLady of the 8th Houte,
and alfo combuft, her con'|un6tion with the 3) can yield
no comfort. As for Jupiter^ he is elongated from, a Trine
with the Lord of the Afcendant the fpace of 18 gr. and
therefore out of the reach of any Afpedf. Therefore this
Figure is very faltl •, and" fo it came to pa(s i for within
two days (pace he departed, with an Ulcer or Apoduma-
tion under his Ear, prefigured by b in &c.
idftrdogtul Judgmeot of Phyfuk.

A Queftion being asked concerning the ftate of a fick Man

without Urine, The face of Heaven in manner follow-
ing, &c.

10 Houle \yf ip" 4 tfoule; S ip

11 Houle 5 Houfe a 6

r 2 Houfe H n 6 Houfe il

3— to Y
8 m
Afcendant » 13 7 Houfe "i
r8 »
4 tn
0— /
3 Houfe jr 19 T Houfe /

3 Houfe $ 5 p _Houfe "vy 5


The Moibihcant Planets are h, <S and

Venus Lady of tlic Horofcop?, afflicted by an <P of Tj,
doth import a Diicafc proceeding of Melancholy, as a
Quartan Ague i alfo forafmuch as h is in Tairro, it beco-
icncth the Cough, and huffing of the Pipes with Flegm
and crude Humours i the ) allo in a □ of cf, importcth
a certain aflation of the laid Humours, caufing a Fever or
Ague i U Lord of the 8th, fquaring with the Lady of the
Aicendant, bctokeneth fome internal abfijftu of putrificd
Humours i the 1 in V opprefled, dctcdieth fome pain
in the Head, and parts attributed to the Dodecatcmory of
Y, together with a Marafmm, or exhaufting of the Ra-
dical Quin&flence, &c. As for Mortiferous Signs, 9 La-
dy of theEaft Angle is oppofed by h, and al(b by a (quarc
of the Lord of the 8th Houfe,thereby much damnified •, the
) alib is afflidlcd by a fquare of cf i fo the fatal Signs
being three, and neither the Lord of the A(cendant, nor
the 3 , applying to the amicable Beams of the Fortunes,
It prcfagcth >ao hope of life, but at the next Crihs of the
Lady of the Afccndant witli any of the Morbihcants, he
fhould end his days j and fo it fell out j for 9 was vyith-
in 7 degrees of parting from a fquare with U, the Lord
of the 8th floufe. Then this Direafc being partly Chro-
nical, adding for every degree a week, it amounteth to
near 8 weeks, about which time he died, &c. Certain-
ly verified.
yfjlTologicd Jftdgwent of Phyfich. i %g
Tlie Urine of a fick Man prefentcd to Examination, under
following this Poiltion.

Vr'uu crajfajiirhida.jn fnperficie non rarej'cens^colore i/ttcnfa,

longo temjiore ita pcrmaims.

i o Houfe 1 "V?" 17 4 Hcufe 3 17

U 2 zz

11 Houfe 5s 3 5 Houle A, 3

i-j. Hnufc 6 1 0 Houfe IE d

Hnrnlirrpe 0 10 7 Houffe m 10
h iK » x 14 ru

I t
2 Houfe 11
?_ 1 "8 Houle ■t 16
r— --
23 U- O 20 /

3 Houfe $ 3 p Houfe vr 3
13 'V?

The Morbificant Planets are Tj, O and If.

ipo jfPrologicd Judgment of Phyfiek,
This Man had a Quartan for a long fpacc, and now it
did alter his courfc, and Nature turning it into a Quotidi-
an, he alfo had a great Diftemper and weaknefsat his Sto-
mach, with intenlion of the Prscordiacks, lofs of Appe-
tite, and a fwelling in his Legs i but falling into a Looie-
nefe, (hortly after the fwelling abated, yet his Stomach
waxed Hill worfc and worfe, and fo that Loofenefs and
Flix of the Womb continued until he died. Here is one
thing worthy tb be noted, That although all thick Urines,
for the moll part, are laudable igns, efpecially about the
Cri/ij, bccaufe all Digeftions do begin per incrjjfationem,
yet if it do not extemure in fnperficie, it betokeneth equal
combate between Nature and the Difcaie and if it lb long
continue, the Calnr N.rtwalk both in Stomacho and in "Hc-
pate, will be fii/Tocated in the Stomach propter Molinsyn in
Hepate for the VU fanguificj, doth not Jiperare pttntm ah
intpxro i this defedt for the moft part of fome Oppilation
in the orifice of thofc Veins, which are in parenchymate
Hepatis, whereby the Homogenial Nutriment is not imbi-
bed, and fo no perfed: reparation is made, by which means
the crude Humours being long elaborated by the lirll di-
gclHon in the Stomach, doth at lall become pingiledinous
and un<ffious, the which is contrary to the acetofity of the
Stomach, caufing foperabundance of Heat againft Nature?
and fuffbeation .of Natural Heat i and if thePV attradiva
in Hepate doth not return in due time, then the Mcferaical
VcinrnOt performing their office, to exhauft or attraff the
Chylous Juyce from the Stomach, then in fuccels of time
the Tunides of the Stomach ihall be fo much relaxed, and
the retentive (acuity thereof fo much debilitated and weak-
ned, by reafon of many grofs, fatty, and pinguedinous
Humours therein contained, that the Party will tall into a
Diarrhxa, very hard to be Cured. Neither did I ever (ec
any yet holpcn in this kind of Uifcafe i for the Unftuofity
of the pinguedinous Humours doth make fuch a llibrinels
and Lubricity in the Stomach, that the Nutriment paifeth
jfflrological Judgment of Phyjick. igi
to the Bowels, before compleat digcftion, and fopedetenthn
the Natural Forces decaying, and crude Humours prevail-
ing, at laft Death enfueth, the end of all Difcrafie.
Now-as concerning the Inveftigation of thefe things by
our Aftrological Axiomes, 9 Lady of the Afcendant, and
Significatrix of the fecond digeftion, called Pepantica, is
afhidled ex diametro Saturni, and with a Iquate of U Lord
of the 8 th Houfe, the ") alfo predominating on the firit
digeftion, called Epcpjis, is by the cP of © much damni-
fied i Tj betokeneth a Quartan, 'the Minera being th»
Spleen '■> U betokeneth Imbecility of the Liver, the Mine-
ra of the Veins, the © a Cahrc non Naturalt, the Minera
in corde, &c. As for Recovery, no hope is afforded from
this Scheam , for the fatal places being three, and neither
the Lord of the Afcendant, nor the } applying to any fa-
vourable Afpctff of any Fortune, it gave fufficient teftimo-
ny of Death, which, according to our aforefaid Cannon^
was likely to happen at the end of 4 weeks, for 9 Lady
of the Orient, did abfcede fo many degrees from an tP
with b. But this Rule here did fail me, which hitherto
in all Obfervations that ever I made, did never vary or
fwerve from the truth, which made me much to admire,
being nor able at prefent to yield any reafbn thereof until
I*perceivcd that h in the Houfe of Life, could not out of
that place, infufe the venome of Death i therefore for de-
fedt of fome other, the mortal ftroak was referred to the
reparation of 9 , Lady of the Afcendant from c? his Jp,
the which, conlidering the Orbs, was 6 degrees fpace, an-
fwerable to 6 weeks of time i at the end of which he de-
parted. And here is to be noted, That when there is no
□ nor <P of b, c? or 0 , fit to make a Cri/fr,
that in fuch defefr, a Sextile of b» c? or the Q may be
taken, of a ^ of the 5, (he being corrupted by cJ, □
or <P of fome fatal Planet 7 for (he receivcth the Influence
of that Star, to whom (he is configurate. The like Exam-
ple is to be feen in the 4th Scheam going before, where
i gi yfflrologtcid Judgment of Phyftck.
the ") in Qttadrato Satmni, by a ^ with Q, being Lord
of the Hotolcope, made a Crifu the third day following i
for & in the Horofcope, by the Reaibn aforefaid, could
not out of that place ftrike the ftroak at the end of two
days, but the 0 being in longitude, fcparated 12 degrees
from the 3 her '■> and then now having made a Cw/ir,
was to produce the mortal cfledfc, when the Q departed
fiom her the fenaidiameter of his Beams, that is, 15 gr.
ycr feparationem cammunem* of the which the Q wanted
5 gr. anfwerahle to three days, &c.

An old Gentleman fick lent for his Phyfician, under this

Pofition of Heaven as followcth.
■ 1

ic Houfe c* 4 Houfe

D 20 $

i j Houfe- A%W TI mw/ 5 Houie <51 17

12 Houfe X 28 ( 6 Houfe ns 28

18 w
iHonfcope » 28 7 Houfe ♦n 28
$ 17 m

2 Houle n 27 j 8 Houfe ^ 27
? 3 i

3 Houfe S 12 1 p Houfe Yf 12
15 Xf

The Morbificant RanctsBre Tj, c? and

194 yfftrologtcd Judgment ofPhyfck.
Venus Lady of the Orient, oppugned by an of Tj in
"Taurn, betokeneth an inforcing of the Pipes with FJegm,
difficulty of refpiration &c. J in Cancro, afflidled ex din-
mem Mart is, betokeneth opprcfllon of the Rreft, Stomach,
Prsecordiacks, Lights, Liver, and Ribs, with Choler and
(harp Humours, cauhng a Fever alfo, or unnatural Heat i
11 in like manner Quadrating with $ Lady of the Afcen-
dant, doth (hew (bme Apodumation, and Co much the
more, bccaufe It did alfo oppofe himfelf againft the ").
And forafmuch as the govemeth the Breft, Lungs, Me-
dial! ine, Liver and Ribs, becaufe (he is under the Dodeca-
temory of 55, it is mod likely that in fome of thofeparts,
the Apoftumation was in j but to be more clearly certifi-
ed, Dolor ojiendit locum i for having a great pain in his
Side, with a Fever and Cough annexed, we conjedlure
that he had an Abfceflus in the Panicle plura. And con-
cerning fatal Signs, Firft, 1 obfervc an cP partile between
the Lady of the Afcendant and "b. Secondarily, 1 per-
ceive the ) not feparatcd from an cP partile of d*.
Thirdly, The and 9 are corrupted by an cf and □
of It, Lord of the 8th Houfo. So the mortal places be-
ing 4, and neither the Lady of the Horofcope, nor the >
applying to theaufpiciousBcams of the Fortunes, it pre-
fageth Death i which hapned accordingly at the next Cri-
frs : for the fame day before midnight he ended his Life,
according to Calculation, Venus differing about half a de-
gree from the Oppoiition of Saturnt

A Queftion was moved concerning the Rate of a certain lick

Man, under this Configuration following.

10 Houfe T 14 4 Houie -= 14
) 22 ^

Ih 18 «
11 Houie V 21 5 Houfe m 21

12 Houle $ 0 Houfe vr ^

9 — 4 «
Homlcnpr ^ 6
.. 7 Houfe £55 6
Vr 16 S3 ~
2 doufe ^1. 25 -8 Houfe \ss 25
. 26 stt
5 .1^
5 Houfe ne x^_ P Houfe X IS

The Morbificant Planets ate It, ^ and 5

I$6 jfjlrological Judgment of Phyftck.
The ^ being theSignificatrix of thefirftDi-
geftion in Stomacho, being free from any male-
volous Afpcft of any corrupting P anet, doth
relate unto us,that no defedf was in the Stomach,
fimpliciterper Je, although per fympathiam /bme
Diitemperance might peradventure be found
therein, per Hep at is Confenfum^ becaufe ^ pol-
felfed the Oriental Angle governing the Heart,
Stomach and Pra:cordiacks5LiverjBack, &c. and
O the Lord thereof in a Quartile Afpedl: with h,
doth import fome melancholick Dinemperinthe
(aid parts, and objlruciionem Me at us, together
with fome grief or conceit; ^WalfoLord of the
Horofcopejadjoyned with & and 2, betokeneth
eftervency, and much agitation of crude Humors,
per calorem innatnralem^ cauling windy Inflations,
and repleating the Head with Vapours and Exha-
lations ; ^ alfo joyned with the O, (heweth
lome Impoftumation • alfo forafmuch as Sol
governeth the Heart, and is afflicted of ^•, and
U alfo corrupted by a □ of h, it farther noteth,
that the Party had fome quatted or congealed
Blood lying at his Heart. As for mortal Signs,
the Lord of the Afcendant is in the 8rh Houfe •
alfo he is adjoynedto Mars by platick Conjun-
dfiom and in a platick Square of h. Sothefa-
tal Signs being three, and neither the Moon^
nor the Lord of the Afcendant, in application
with the favourable Beams of the Fortunes, it
threatneth Death to the Party at the next CW-
fs . and fo it came to pafs • for the next day
he departed , the Lord of the Afcendant
wanting one degree from feparating from a
Partile Afpeft with Saturn.

A certain Man brought his Sons Water,under this GorvftcJ-

lation following.

Urina aurett- incrajjata, in fitptrficie mm extenManr.

10 Houfe t' vy 24 _4 Houfe f ffi 24

11 Houfe ss 14 5 Houfe | ^
-yr—*— 25 ss
5 ~— HK
D —— 18 5
12 Houfi: K 22 6 Houfe tC 22
S 22 K

Hordcope « 23_ _7 Houfe ni 23 _

h 20 5 •—

2 Houfe m 24. 8 Houfe / 24

^ Houfe ® 10 0 Houfe -vy 10

( | 1

The Morbificant Planets arc <5,0, H, 5 and ?.

The Lady of the AfcenJant in K, fcpara-
ting from a Conjundbion of ^ , doth demon-
Jlrate unto us , That this Boy took his Sick-
nefs of going cold and wet in his Feet , or
ftanding long in watry places • at the firft
complaining it began like an Ague, and held
him continually atterwards , with a kind of
Heat above Naturehe was very fick in his
Stomach , with lofs of Appetite, and abhor-
ring of Meat , and had a pain in his Side,
and was light-headed and diftrafted in lenfe,
proceeding of much yellow and red Choler,
gathered together about the Meninings, figni-
ficd by d and the © , which corrupted the
Lady of the Alcendant, together with the D ;
he had alfo many dejections downwards of
cholerick Excrements, and fome watry Super-
fluities ; the third day following he had a fore
Fit, and was exceeding ill ; the fourth day
he was a little eafed, and had alfo the Symp-
toms more remifs ; upon the fifth day his
Urine was feen again , and fome fmall token
of Digeftion perceived in it , for it did cxte-
mare in fuperficie , but lb im perfectly , that it
was hardly to be difcern'd, and he took his
reft fomething better , and fome hope of his
Recovery was had, although it might much
be doubted at the firft, becaufe the interfici-
ent places were (b many; upon the thirteenth
day he was much lightned, and began to feed
fomething hungerly , and yet for all that he
Nn 4 died
died the Hi me day the > app ied to ? . for
ihe being fo much oppreffed by O ana rf,
and in an abjcifl place of Heaven, and with-
al Lady of the Alcendant , and in that re-
fpedt wanting aid for to defend her own de-
fignmenis, was not able to yield fuccour. to
any other.

Now wc having ten feveral Exnmpl s of

fuch as departed this Life, with he ImeRi-
gation of the Cuifes Aftrologic 1 v\ hich pro-
duced the laid cfff.cls , our intent is next to
exprefs feme other Examples of fuch as v ere
in great peril and danger of Death, and yet
efcaped die manner of their Dileale, and the
times they were adjudged • iolbmuch that
he which with diligent obfervation flu 11
mark well every fe eral point therein con-
tained, may gather great experience, and the
jnorc eafily come to the true underfbnding
of thit mo ft Noble Art. For 1 dare boldly
aver, That fcarce one amongft twenty, that
ihall read my former Theory, is able in all
points to penetrate into the depth of thofe
things I have formerly delivered ; although
to ocular fuperficiality I fcem exceeding plain,
and need no farther explication. Y t he
that fcorneth not to follow my ccanfel
h rein , I d fire him to take fome pains
hereabouts , and then I doibt not but in
fliorc Ijpawu of time , lie flvall reap more
xfjirologicdl Judgment of Thyfick. 201
fruit by this little Volume , than ever he
^lath done by all the Books , that ever bp
read heretofore concerning this Subjeft.
A Man brought his Wives Water under fuch Ccliconfigu-
ration as followeth.

Vrina craQa-furbuLtPalore extemabilit cum Hypofiaft fub-

mfa, non continua & tnequali, &c.

10 Houfe $ 29 | 4 Houfe V 29

11 Houfe nc 5 5 Houfe i * 5

12 Houfe ^ 1 1 6 Houfe V i
G rS 3
? 21^
2 22
s „
Hnrnfrnpe | -^ 22 7 Houfe Y 22
) 23 ^

8 »
2 Houfe l "i 15 8 Houfe' » 15

3 Houfe 7 18 9 Houfe n 18
^ 23 i

The Morbificant Planets are the G, 2 and }, ex parts

Doming afecndentisjed ex parts Lihik G, 2, ?, cf and h .
She was exceeding tick at her Stomach,and pained in her
Head Side, and bottom of her Belly > her Stomach was op-
prelTed with Cnoler and Flegmiher griping pains proceed-
ed of windy Inflamations (he was alfo much vexed with
Jnromniatiop,Ventry-conllipationdo(s of Appetite, great In-
flamation and Heat above Natureithe 4th day following (be
had a, very lick night sand the 5 th day her Husband brought
her Urine again, according to dire&ion, and it appeared
thick and curdled, fomething like Honeys yet being chafed
againft the hre,it did extenuatesyet it remained in lubftance
fomewhat thicker than a mean, with an Hypnftafi* fubrufay
continual and a little uneven, and (he felt her (elf a little
amended, then $ Lady of the Afcendant took her leave of
Regal Sol, and upon the 7th dav (he was perfectly judged,
her Urine being exceeding thick, and not rarerefadtable.
As concerning fatal Signs, 9 Lady of the Horolcope iscom-
buft,the "> is in like manner fub r^/ii/,and alfo applying to
an cP of h s (he did likewife apply to a Square platick of
cf sbut fbrafinuch as (he was not fully feparated from a *•
platick, therefore d his □ is not here to be valued for a
mortal Sign. So the fatal places being three,it was able to
bring Death to the fick Party,if fome falvifying help be not
affiordedsbut inafmuch 33 5 Lady of the Orient,and the i),
do both apply to a Sextile of Benevolent If., It affureth an
indubitated hope of Recovery^nd fo it came topafs.

The Urine of a fick Woman prefented to be confidercd

under diis Olympial Edification.

Vrina erajfa, rubea, nan extenuabilU, cum Spuma Livida


to Houle ( aTL 29 4 Houfe zz 29

11 Houle =2= 1 5 Houfe 1 V 1


12 Houfe =0. 33 6 Houfe Y 23

0 23
y h
Horofcopc" "1 13 7 Houfe if 13

2 Houfe l / 85 8 Houfe H B

U 125 /

3 Houfe Vf 16 9 Houfe S id

3 28 y?
c? 1 IO e5l

Shs had yellow Jaundies, proceeding of ol>

ftrudlion of the nether Orifice of the Gaul, toge-
ther with Inflamation of the Liver; (he was tx.
ceeding ill, w ith a kind of Fever-heat, and felt
pain in dextro Hypocondr 'to ; and on her Breft (he
bad a breaking out with little Piinples> like fine
Bladders; the aforefaid obftrudlion proceeded of
the □ of h ip /exta domo, the Inflamation and
breaking out in Pimples, was proper to the ^ her
oppofition to the Lord of the Alcendant <?, pla-
ced under the Dodecatemory of governing
the Stomach,Liver,Gaul,left Pap.drc.As concern-
ing fatal Signs, Lord of the Orient is afflicted
by a Malevolous Square of h on the one (ide,and
alfo by a O of 5 Lord of the 8th Houfe on the
other fide ; alfo the ") is indamaged exDiametro
Mertis, and alfo per Quadratum Solis & Saturni.
So the fatal Signs being many, it (hewcth great
peril, and might amufe a good Artift; yet the
Trigon between the Lord of the Afcendant and
^ jpromifeth a hopeful end of the Difeaie; and (b
it fell out; for (lie amended in rtiort (pace by a Po-
tion rightly prepared, and judicioufly adraini-
fired unto her.
206 yfftrologicAl Judgment of Phyfck.

AGentlewortian lent her Urine/w^ tali Schmaic fiquente.

•$ 'Vrina pdllida ami Hyfnfiafi niwis all>a,crajfa & gravii

"V io Houle vz 5 4 Houli ^ 5

% „
11 Houie ^=6 5 HouR T 6
12 Hou fe ^ 28 6 Houle r 28
S5 0
V Vi
9 loS"!
f-O ^ 1 «
Horoicope m 17 7 Houfe » 17

21 55

2 Houic 2 12 S Houft jr 12

X. 25 2

3 Houfe vr 22 p Houfe $ .2 2
d1 ' 15 «5l

Man I.ord of the AfcencLmt in the Lja^oppreflfcd by the

Squares of T2,),9, ? and 9 .betoken great Diftempen-
ment of the Stomach,efpecially by cold,flegmatick and wa-
try Humours » fhehad a llimy Water, that in great abun-
dance flowed out of her Mouth every way, lignitied by the
□ of the ^ and Tj in 7d«ro,afflidHng the Lord of the Ho-
rofcopei 5 combuft in Scorpw^ffliding the Lord of the AC-
cendant, betokeneth the aforefaid Diftemperature to pro-
ceed of rifing of the Matrix, commonly called Suffbcatio ,
Mitr/cif,with much windy Superfluities produced of reten-
tion of her monethly Ccurles j Venus afflidingthe D and
Lord of the Afcendant, importeth the Stone, orelfe lome
flegmatick Humour, concreted and fetled in partibtttfub ii-
time Scorpii j (he felt alfo a great Cold in the hinder part of
her Neck, or Pole, prefigured by the □ of b, and the }!
with the Lord of the Horofcope. As concerning fatal Ob-
fervations, Firft, The Lord of fhe Afcendant is in □ with
b. Secondly,In a □ with Sot. Thirdly,The "> is in Con-
jundion platick with b • Fourthly,In a platick Oppofition
of the ©. And fifthly,In a □ of c?,whereby it appeareth
that the Difeafe is very difficult,and hard to be Cured j but
yet the friendly Trine, wherein the Lord of the Afcendant
applieth to the falutiferous Rays,of the benignant X, there
relleth hope of Amends, after a long and Chronical Con-
ao8 jffirologitAl Judgment of Phyfiek.
xi V.

A Gentleman fent concerning his Son, The face of Heavcrl

in manner following.

10 Houle i$ 9 | 4 HUUIL vy p

3— O 5?
n Houfe ij 5 H- -oTc 17

20 tSl 1/ . U rs
1 ^ i
12 Houfe <5 Houlc ^ 15

Horofcope ^ 7 7 Houfe Y 7

5 lof
'a^Roulc- S= 2$ 8 Houftj T 29

h- '
5 — ' 91 ?
3 Houfe t O 9 Houfe Ji o ;

The manner of this Difeafe was thus, He was

very flak at hisStotnach, and didcaft up often-
times that fuftenance he todt i he had alib a Fever-heat,and
a lightncfs in his Head,and felt pain between his Shoulder^
at length the (mall Pox did break out about his Neck and
Face^r. he was coftive,and made Water very (eldom alfo.
As concerning fatal Signs, 3 Lady of the Alcendant is de-
primed by a pernicious Square of c? on the one lide, and
alfo by an inimical Congrefs with b on the other fide.
AKb the S is affliiftcd by a □ of b ifo the fatal places be-
ing impojrtcth danger of Death : Yet fbrafmuch as
Vemtf Lady of the Horizontal Parialax is making her per-
(bnal appeal to die Suffrages of the reminificant Planet
fiterjt giveth an aflured hope ofRecovcry ■, and (b it came
to pafcfbr he did begin to amend prefently after the Met
(enger was ftnt^nd the Fever left himiand the day follow-
ing the Pox did appear, he was ill afterwards almoft the
(pace of a week, but the gicatcft danger was the dated da/
of this prcftnt ConfieUatiou.
, • ■
jiG 'jf^rologtca.l'juigmetit ofPhyjtcle.
— XV.
^3 ,
u The UriiTC of a Gentlewoman being fick, confultcd under
< this following Conftalation.
'Z fyrina die propdma colore intenfa apparuit fubfiantia Crajfa,
cj cum Hypojiaft rub.

io Houfe T ^ 4 Houfe ^ 3
$ 15 V 1
? 'A*
k n Houle » Ij 5 Houfe "i 15

12 Houfe S I 6 Houfe W 1

Horofcope* S 29 7 Houfe-V? 29

5 1
U 1 r?
2 Houfe iX 18 8 Houfe » 18
tJ 1 T>
24 <51 20
a. 1
3 Houfe nc 7 9 Houfe |K 7

'tj This Gentlewoman had a Fever, and was exceeding ill

^ at her Stomach, with a trembling at her Heart, proceedin
Afirologicd Judgm ent of Phyficki, 211
of Melandioly Aduft s (he had many cholerick Eje<3ives,
both uoward and downward,upon the next day (bllowing,
(he haa a great Fit, and all the Symptoms were intended >
the next day after (he did begin to amend, and her Loofe-
nels and Vomiting (laid,and me took her reft more quietly,
and her Stomach a little amended.
As concerning fatal Signs, the 1 Lady of the Oriental
Seftion,(cited in the Houfe of Death, and there dfo greatly
damnitied by a malicious Square of h and the O^and al(o
Oppofed ex Viameiro, by the contagious Irradiation of furi-
ous Mar/, imported no (mail fear,or danger, or death i yet
the Lady of the Afcendant returning her face to the friend-
ly Trygon of 9 her benevolent Rays,(he obtained a merci-
ful indulgence,and for that time a free delivery from her af-
fronting Ad verlaries, God, the Author of all Goodncfs, fb
difpofing, who ruleth all things at his Divine Will and
Fleafure, to whom be all Glory and Praife for evermore.

Mr. Mayn ofBaflingfyaiv-Rteet fcnt on the id of April, inter

7 A.M. id 4-0. about his Sicknefs, he being weak.
Die Jav'n Hora Martir.

ho Houfe » p 4. Houfe fsil 9

h 28 S3
? K
11 Houfe X 3 5 Houfe nt 3

? 12 X

12 Houfe y 22 _6 Houfe 22
G— 23 X
5 0 b
a 1 f
Hnrnfmpf JI I
_11 4 7 Houfe 7 14.

7 v?
J 2 Houfe ® 8 8 Houfe jv 8
1 )
d 12} y/,
i 205
5 Houfe $ 24 P Houfe VT" 24

Afcendant ir Dom. 2 and ), who were the

Significators of the Party that was fick; the 6th
Houfe being the latter part of ^ with «i, $ and
& Rulers thereof, were the Significators of the
Sicknefs; and becaufe $ was ieated in a cold and
moift Sign,andairopart of the 6th Houfe was7,1
a Sign of the fame nature,being both flegmatick;
and d1 ruling in Seorpio^ a Planet of hot and dry
Quality,plaaed in an earthy Sign; forthefeCau-
fes, I laid, the lick Man's Difeafe did proceed of
Choler and Flegm, but Flegm did predominate;
and therefore I fignifiad that hisDilibafe was like-
ly to be an intermitting Fever, which was ac-
knowledged; and by reafon that 5 ,the Significa-
tor of the Sick, and 5 and alfo were all
placed in Signs of a cold and dry nature; for this
Caufe I farther told the Party, that the Patient
was fubjedi to be much inclined to Melancholy -
and like wife for that the ) was lately leparated
from an Oriental Planet, my opinion was, that
this Dileife was newly taken, and had not conti-
nued long. Now foralmuch as 5 Lord of the At-
cendant,was evilly placed in a Cadent Houle,and
alfo in combuftion, going on towards a □ afpeft
with h ,he being Lord of the Houfe of Death,and
in application to a 6 with d,and alfo O was but
lately leparated from a □ afpedt with d1, and for
that h Lord of the 8th Houle, was elevated in
the Meridian Anglc.for thefe Reafons I acquaint-
ed the lick Man's Friend, that his Sicknefs would
be lingnng,and at lad mortal,and no hopes to be
had of his Recovery: All which fo proved; for he
continued about twomoneths, and then died of
hac DifeaTe, which might be gathered from th«
diftanccof y from via. 8gr.

Many more Experiments of this kind I could

add, but thefdmay fuffice to demon ft rate to any
Ingenious Perfon, the great Verity of the Celelh-
aI Science, and its raoft excellent the, which (hall
conclude the whole Matter.

^nutur itdq; wtnc bit quicunqi tji veritttit

dmtJtSj Deoqy Opt. Mtx.mecumgratiat agtt, depro-
tr*#* yqmifthicem veritate, e^u* tot Seculit faulti.
jjcuit. Quodut i» Motmnis Druini Gloriam mal-
torttm Udificotiofxm cedot, etism dtefa etidm voveo
& opto.

Soli Dee Gloria.

TH'k hclcar'd out of the frovtifrj, before fpo-
ken of: for fincc God hath engaged hi; (forJ
and Promifa his faithfullncfTc obliges both his
'juftice ara Power to make it good, and indeed
what can hinder the powerful! execution of
his nghtcoufneflc. The Apoftle tells us in triumph,
Rom. 8. verf. 31. If God be /or » veho can be a-
gtinji vs.
3. Nothing can hinder Keceipx of Ghrj bur that
which workes nun into disfavour with God, and
(his is fin, but (as often 1 told youJ ihcic is mfn
in fufftring for righwufnejft fakf but a hapinefie ra-
ther as the Apoftle tells us < Per. 3, 4. and in the
4.14. the fpirit of Glory refieth ta pints fvfftrers all
ourftormes here cannot Shipwrack 7 no cloud
can obfctire Heaven from a pious eye, or ecclips the
glory of his obe-lienccand hmire/r/icitieinay / not
to conccale 2 nobler myfterie from yooj cala-
psitits are fo farte from bindrittg chat they th-vaie
us more, to incrcafe our Glory i working out for us
asthc Apoftle aflures us 2 Cor. 4.17. a ftrre more
eterttall and exceeding vtight of Glory,
hies Which 1 hough it may feem not on ly impro-
e,i e
f bablc, but ridiculous in the cys of carrull men,
that apprehend an 1 cftcem nothing mote contemp-
tibft then a f'ffering perfecnted Ckrijtian yet the
group ds ofil arc
those precepts whole tbedience it the *sy there-
2, Though it cannot be dcnycd > that fbcrtc
have ken objiiHate to death in rhc dtfence, even of
errors: yet concerning them i it may be demanded >
wherbcr ihcywcrc not folly pemvaded that the
manuincd by them MicrC true ? And whe-
ther if they had certainly known them fatfe j they
would have adventur d fo fir for them : now
then , Chrift Jefus here proonfeth a rneard , and
declares that he will per croie it ; if there were any
thing falfe, herdn he could not but fee , and know
it falfe: now for a man to ftal that with his blood
for truth , which he himfclf bsoiro and cannot but
know is falfe J is as impofljblcj and inconliftcnc, as
to be mad with reafon.
6. Chrift hath made faith of his refunefiio**
and eiven full proof to the World thereof, the
words of faint Luke are ccrtainc , Atts i. wrf
That he (hewed himfelf alive ufter kit pajjioit > hj
many infallible proofs, hein* feen of the hi foi n? day x»
and fpea^Kg of tbe)hings pertaining to the Kin iowe
of God.
This matter was not hudlcd np "n the clouds of
mccr probabilities ; nor was there any ihmii wan-
ting , that might make the wimetTc ccrrrin ■ of
hu refumfiioK : they w rc ( Us true) chofen
tfl iffHP tRt) r much
—hm q^c'i 4. b^mRfnay ftttikti ffiiidtr
in h* fU< , fgftf ffcp/r jfimn-mt iht tryntjot tbc J*
5 «rf,'/?« drii^ wth biw\ had aft
tbfft dovhts ttdlj atiffied; and ai) this, for cl c fpacc
' of fnvrty d/tjeti afref which in their prefenec and
\ vicrwr^hcvihbly afcen^edopinto Heaven. Now what
influence the refurreftion of Cliriit , haili to con-
•t y firme the promife 5 of our future glory', hath been
fpokgH of before.
7. And laftly Chrill by hi? truth and fahhful-
ncflc m othor thin^confinneb jt allo hi thui his ju-
ftice. ?nd hiiminicv even amon^ men forbits us to
disbeldve him, whom we know, and have fovind,
txafi in hit word. The giving of etemal life was
- not the oneiy t>romife and Prophecy made by Ckriif,
he frcniifed tlie fending of the Holy Ghofi upon his
DMciplesJ, theendewing of them, with power from
above ; that ihey (hould wari^e wonders, convert Ha*
tiow 'fovnd the Church, and preach the Gofpel, to
the ends of the World : he Propheticd, foretold,
theirchaincs,andimprifoiimcms: iheir cppolmon,&
perfcention by men , the cncompalling of Jerufa-
lem wi harmlcR, and it's deftruftion with the ruin
-of that tiately edince [he Temp/e; the calamides of
after ages • the calling of the Gentiles, and the not
pcrva ling oi the gates of Hell againft his Church ?
in all theie and many other particulars 5 the event
th herd', Jhcy n^wcHbc^fo vifH/ri
and pcefuoied t6 havcaGglorious hoij,'t bii
/•if/, a pcr&ftly t'Ufied e{\ite, and11 m.
nipred coutcntmeiiCj'that enjoy the Lor
fclfei the Ocean, an frf inaU of all Gl
thor of all liappinelfe.
Behold the rcu/ard then of God' ServMts>liO&
infinite and tranfeendent it is? Sec the •pddfUi.^g
their pious labours; the in l.iable reward of R ^
U^on and the love of God i 'fr om none (hall •fervi
for nought and what ye (h ;U receive, he telU ygO.
before hand, to encourage your pcrformanccaj chla
made the Ancient fathers foregoc their'nheri canon, I
and undervalue the world, counting themftlve?
but Filgrivn and Grangers for a more durable JMtl
happy abode; Saint ul fcorned die world»'lM 1
its T reafurcs, as d un§ r thofe riches that caffW
be taken away 5 and h ;ov welcomed his dlflSf
lution for this adm he light be with
Chrijii nor need we tat f many SaiHlt
even courted their dc ' we coniider the (5A*|
that wot fet before rtew, . ch a glory as none Ihall
faile of, that faithfally believes and adores the
Giver. .<-n
There rcmaines the third particular to be now
treated of 5 which is the way and manner whereby
the Servant^ ofGod are made partakers of this
m< . , "-A <

£ *

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