Application of Particle Image Velocimetry To Study Pile Soil Interaction
Application of Particle Image Velocimetry To Study Pile Soil Interaction
Application of Particle Image Velocimetry To Study Pile Soil Interaction
Sreelakshmi G1
Asha M N2
Suraj S3
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, CMR Institute of Technology, Bangalore – 560037
Email:[email protected]
Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, CMR Institute of Technology, Bangalore – 560037
Email:[email protected]
B.E Student, Department of Civil Engineering, CMR Institute of Technology, Bangalore – 560037
Email: [email protected]
ABSTRACT: The behaviour of pile foundations under different loading conditions has been a challenge for engineers as
the design philosophy of these systems are based on the principles of elastic theory and do not consider soil deformations
at soil-pile interface. In this paper attempts are made to investigate soil-pile interaction through PIV (Particle image
velocimetry) technique. The experimental studies are carried out in a steel tank of dimensions 450 mm × 200 mm in plan
and 450 mm deep. The front side of the steel tank is made of perspex to facilitate image capture. Two half section
aluminum piles of hollow and solid sections with same flexural rigidity are used in experiments. Wood’s scaling law is
employed to model pile dimensions. The infill material has an average size of 3.8 mm and experimental studies are carried
out at a uniform density. Under axi-symmetric conditions, the piles are driven at a uniform rate and the deformations of
the infill, surrounding the pile are seized using a high resolution digital camera. The images are used as inputs in Geo-PIV
software, and analysis is performed using MAT LAB code to capture soil-pile interaction.
Keywords: Axi-symmetric, Particle Image Velocimetry, Geo-PIV, Soil-Pile interactions.
Indian Geotechnical Conference IGC2016
15-17 December 2016, IIT Madras, Chennai, India
investigated the 1g study of suction caissons in layered facilitate image capture. The infill material is filled within
sand-silt soil, where caissons were installed by slow and the test tank by pluviation, and a constant density of 1450
rapid pumping. The mechanism of heave formation in kg/m3 is maintained in all the experiments. A clearance of
dense sand and deformation of the silt layer was studied 50 mm is also maintained on top of the fill. Photograph of
using a half-caisson model and particle image velocimetry the test set up is shown in Fig. 1. Experiments are carried
(PIV) technique. out for two different pile length to diameter (L/D) ratios of
10 and 15. Model piles are driven through the infill at a
The present study aims at investigating soil-pile uniform rate of loading (4kN/min) using Universal
interaction through image analysis. Half section solid and Testing machine. Deformations around the pile are seized
hollow piles are driven into the infill material and the zone with the help of high resolution digital camera. When the
of influence of each pile is estimated using Geo-PIV pile is driven into the infill, a video is recorded and using
software. an image grabber tool, still images at different micro
3 MATERIALS USED seconds are captured.
Indian Geotechnical Conference IGC2016
15-17 December 2016, IIT Madras, Chennai, India
the pile, displacements are more in hollow pile when pile. Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 compare shear strain contours for
compared to solid pile. These observations are visible in pile with L/D ratio of 15 for solid and hollow pile
the experimental studies as well. When the pile L/D is 15, respectively. From the figures it is observed that for same
the observations are quite similar. The displacement L/D ratio, hollow piles are having a larger zone of
vectors in solid pile are comparatively less as compared to influence, in comparison to solid pile. The results are
the hollow pile for both length/diameter ratios. similar for L /D ratio of 10.
Indian Geotechnical Conference IGC2016
15-17 December 2016, IIT Madras, Chennai, India