Animal Path Healing: Written by Lisa P. Center

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Animal Path Healing

Written by
Lisa P. Center

***** Please pass this manual only in the way presented here. I prefer it not be published on other web servers or
websites. This is a system given in love to those who feel a connection with animals. Reproduction of material is only
permitted for personal use and to share with students. The copyright remains with Lisa Center.
Animals have held a place of honor throughout my life. I was barely five
years old when I saw my first injured animal as he came across the highway beside
my backyard. I ran to help and was promptly rewarded with being bitten. I have
always managed to surround myself with pets – wild or domesticated. I was
instinctively drawn to their different energies. Once I became a Reiki Master and
teacher I began to think about the effects of energy much differently. Reiki is a form
of healing based on the use of universal energy and ancient symbols. The symbols
and this healing system were rediscovered by Mikao Usui in Japan in the early part
of the 20th century. There are excellent books and information about Reiki available.
You do not have to be a Reiki Master to understand energy or connect to the energy
of Animal Path or animal empowerments. I mention Reiki because without that
training I may not have recognized the first symbol that came to me for what it was. I
had been thinking about my connection with animals and how vital it was to me and
knew that there were many others like me. I was given the first symbol one morning
during meditation. I saw the symbol before me, knew that there would be others to
follow, and that I was to write about them. After receiving the third symbol a few
months later, it was time to see what they all meant. The symbols and my
understanding of them are presented here. This is written for those of us who want a
closer walk with animals wherever we may encounter them in our daily lives.
My journaling of animal sightings began in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains
and continued to the open plains of Texas. I can’t speak for those who live in the
bigger cities since I have lived in the country for so long. I was raised in a metropolis
area and can say, I always had animal contact there too. Pay attention to which
animals you see often or in an unusual way. If you don’t know anything about the
animal, an excellent resource for further understanding is Ted Andrew’s book Animal
As a people we have always had an attraction or fascination with animals.
We often begin to understand ourselves better through astrology which is based on
animals. There has always been legend and myth revealing their magic and
strength. Healers and Shaman recognize and establish a strong relationship with
their animal brothers. Tribes of indigenous peoples call upon animal power for
protection, blessings, and empowerment. We can take on the strength and nobility
of the lion when we need to. We can endure and be sure footed through rocky
ground with the Mountain Goat. Call upon fox to learn more about your surroundings
and cleverly blend in without notice. Birds in flight bring lofty ideas and hope.
Animals can be our connection between this world and the mystical Realm of light.

October 2004 in the mountains was beautiful. The fall was spectacular that
year and I was faced with many decisions. I had so many questions about where I
would work and live and many different paths presented themselves and I did not
know which way to go. I am not saying you should make major decisions based on
this but it does give you an interesting perspective. I think this method of asking for
guidance came to me because it was a way to remain calm, live in the now and not
worry so much. I have no doubt one of my animal guides gave this “little trick” to me.
I pass it on to you to try if you like. It also helps pass the time on long drives!
You ask a yes or no question, for example, “should I go to that new meditation
group that has just started”? Ask your question aloud or within your mind and follow
it with a statement of destination. “If the answer is yes, I will see an animal before I
reach …” and complete the sentence with a designated place along your way. It
works and is very easy to test.
On the first page of Animal Speak, Ted Andrews said “animals will always talk
to you if you listen”. I have found this to be true.

Three symbols were given for Animal Path Healing. They can be used for self
healing, guidance, building a stronger connection to Spirit and distance healing.
Distance healing begins with the sender stating “I send Animal Path
Healing energy to – person’s name – for their highest good and spiritual growth at
this time (state time), on this day (state the date), in this year (state the year).” Trust
your animal guides to know what is needed. Begin with an open heart and mind and
state your intent. The intention can be as simple as healing and spiritual growth.
We are often filled with regret, guilt, sadness, frustration over things that have
happened to us in the past. Carrying those feelings around can create energy blocks
in our bodies. The symbols can be used in meditation to help release negative
energies. Visualize “animal track” when you seek animal guidance. The animal you
need will come to your aid. You could also use the Hearing Spirit symbol to
strengthen your ability to hear the messages. Use the Clear Path symbol and see
yourself walking along the path. Allow whatever feelings you may have to surface
and run through you. Allow yourself to feel the emotion that comes to you and then
release it in peace and gratitude for the understanding you have gained. Animals do
not carry grief, regrets or guilt. They live in the present. End your journey on a clear
path walking forward with a renewed sense of self and your destination. Begin with
the here and now.
The Symbols Animal Track

This symbol is used as a path for animals to find their

way to you. Once you are able to see it clearly in your
minds eye, pay attention to what other images may
appear. You may see one animal or many. Is there an
animal you feel a strong connection to? Is this an animal
whose attributes you admire or wish you had? Is this
animal trying to give you a message? Pay attention to
the setting you see them in and what they are doing. Is
the animal an indication that you have fallen out of
balance? An example of this would be if a mouse
appeared to you. Mice are known for attention to detail.
Is there some detail you are overlooking? Are you so
caught up in details you are not seeing the “big picture”? Look within for the
questions that arise.
The symbol can also be used to help you establish a stronger connection to your
animal totem.

Hearing Spirit

There are times when we have trouble hearing the

message that is given. We forget that guidance can
come in the form of random thoughts. Sometimes
hearing comes in the way of an idea or a different
plan for the day. There are other times when
distractions from our daily lives cloud our
perceptions. We become blind to the opportunities
that may be present. We no longer hear the
direction of our Spirit guides. Use this symbol to
magnify your clairaudience with animal and spirit
guides and assist in keeping your mind quiet so you
may hear what needs to be heard.
Clear Path Symbol

We often face difficult decisions. There may be times

when it is hard to trust or know which way to go. Our
animal guides can help us find a clear path. In
Meditation, use this symbol to help you connect and see
your own clear path.

Spirit animal connections and meditations can be ritualistic.* There are

Animals we attract when we perform ritual. Light a candle, play soft music, or
drum and make sure you will not be disturbed for a little while. Ask that the
Divine be present to assist and protect you. Breathe slowly and deeply and
relax. Go to that still small space within and Listen.

*Animals love ritual and ceremony. If you have animals in your home, test
this for yourself. Prepare a room for meditation and see if any of the animals
wander in. If there is one in particular that comes running every time you do
any kind of spiritual practice…you have found your familiar. A familiar is an
animal that will assist with your magic…whatever that magic may be…..all of
us have gifts that make us the Magical creatures we are. You could discover
you have a few familiars surrounding you.
Symbol initiation – visualization

This is an initiation to introduce you to the symbols and help establish a

connection with them. It will also let you see if Animal Path Healing resonates with
you. It is a simple process. You might want to make sure you will be undisturbed for
a half hour or more depending on time you usually spend in meditation. Create a
sacred space. Call in your personal animal guides and ask for their assistance and
protection. If you do not know who your animal guides are the initiation might help
you discover them. State your intention to receive the initiation.
Begin with seeing the Animal Track symbol in your third eye. See it as an
invitation to animals to come forward. Then visualize the Hearing Spirit symbol. See
this symbol covering your ears and in your heart chakra. You may say aloud or to
yourself “I am willing to listen and receive the understanding and knowledge that I
need at this time in my life”. When you are ready to work with the Clear path symbol,
visualize it in front of you. Ask to be shown the path which is for your highest good.
You may see an animal or two coming down the path toward you. If you do see
animals during this initiation, take time to consider what the animal represents to
you. If you don’t know very much about that animal, research it. There are many
wonderful books available on animals and their meaning. A wonderful internet
resource is Trust that the animals who come
to you though this initiation will continue to work with you and for you as long as you
need them.
Passing this Attunement to Students

Begin with creation of your sacred space.

Imagine you and the student/attunee are within
a Circle of Light. Within the circle create a
space where you are relaxed and feel protected.
You may call for the assistance of the four
winds, Grandfather Sky and Grandmother Moon.
You may call for your guides as well as the
student’s guides to be present in your sacred
circle. You may ask Ascended Masters or your
animal guides to assist. Follow any practice you have developed for spiritual work
that gives you comfort. Once you are settled and ready to pass the energy on to
your student, state aloud that you intend to attune - student name – to Animal Path
Healing on this day at this time in this year. The student can also state that they are
willing to receive this attunement.
Keep in mind that as you attune other people, those of you who see, feel,
and are aware of guides may see different animals come forward into your circle.
Your own animals may be present as well. The teacher stands or sits before the
student and draws the Animal Track symbol over the student’s third eye. The
symbols can be drawn with your fingers or your hand. It may be seen on this chakra
as a flash of color or it could be seen radiating light. How the symbol presents itself
can be different with each individual. Once it can be clearly “seen” over the third eye
the teacher sees the symbol growing until it reaches all chakras, and expands
throughout all bodies.
Then call forth the Hearing Spirit symbol and visualize it settling into the Heart
chakra. This symbol will also expand throughout all chakras and all bodies.
Clear Path symbol is drawn the length of the students body and on the soles
of each foot. Having the symbols on the soles of the feet helps us remain on our true
path once we have found it. Again the symbols may appear in different colors for
different people.
Give thanks to all animal spirits, guides, Ascended Masters and workers of the
Divine that may have assisted. Release the four directions to return home. You may
now close the circle of light you have worked within.
Animal Healing Meditation

Once you have done meditation for awhile you know what works best for you.
Involve all of your senses to make the meditation more powerful. Lighting a candle
(or many) to make sure the lighting is subdued, portrays your removal from the
outside world. Use the magic of aromatherapy. Burning essential oil, spraying the
room with a special scent are ways to use that magic. Music is a journey for many. It
can often bring one deeper into the meditation. Raising vibrations of the room with
crystals and gems can strengthen your connection, help you remain grounded and
amplify the energy. Use whatever ritual or setting that works best for you.

The meditation…..

See yourself walking into a green meadow. There are brightly colored
flowers blooming everywhere you look. Feel the cushion of the earth beneath you.
The grass is green and soft under your feet. You are safe. You hear a bird overhead
and look up to see the clear blue sky. The clouds are white puffs that seem to float
lazily along as you watch. Look on every side of you taking your time to acknowledge
and appreciate the beauty that surrounds you on this sunny day. There is a forest at
the edge of the meadow in front of you. The trees are bursting with spring growth,
and you can see the sun shining in rays throughout the woods. A gentle breeze
seems to whisper “come inside”. You walk toward the tree line and recognize a well
worn path. This is a place you know where you feel safe, happy, and filled with child
like wonder. You step onto the path and travel into the woods. You notice the colors
are softer here. There are familiar smells in the air. The trees are your protectors
and you are enjoying the majesty of being a part of something much larger than one
forest…one person….part of the forest…part of the Universe. You notice a few rocks
and tree stumps where the path widens into places that seem like circles. It feels like
many have sat upon these rocks and stumps before you. You decide to rest and sit
peacefully in one of these spots. Your thoughts turn to the animals that are present
for you in this life. You hear something approaching through the trees. You are not
worried as you know you have asked your animals to meet with you in this spot
where you have met countless times before in long forgotten memories. Continue to
breathe deeply and relax. Can you see what animal has come to be with you? Is it
more than one? Do you stare at one another and then go your separate ways? Do
you decide to move even closer to one another? Does he turn and wait for you to
follow? Does he have something to tell you? Are you allowed to touch him/her? Each
person will see what is right for them. Without expectation…spend time with the
Approach all animals with respect, honor and a grateful heart for being a teacher
to you. When you are ready, step out of the forest and back to the meadow. Rest
there as long as you like. Open your eyes and come back to the room. Bring your
senses back to the NOW as you smell the incense or candles burning, slowly
become aware of the sounds of your home and return from your Animal journey.
Brief Description of
Animal Totems

Presented her is a very simple and basic definition

of different roles animals may play in our lives. There
are many different beliefs concerning power animals
and guides. Belief in animal magic is not connected to
any particular religion or faith. It is a mystical
connection that can enhance our spiritual growth. We
will always believe, see and hear what resonates with
our vibration.

We all have a birth totem. This totem is comparable to

your astrological sign. This animal is often one of
your main teachers for this incarnation.

Clan totem: The birth totems belong to an elemental clan and they bring to you the
attributes of that particular clan. The elements are earth, air, fire and water.

Power Totems: Walking with us from one lifetime to another and always at our
sides, these animals are the external expression of who we are. They are our
brother/sister, protector and teacher, guide and connection to the Great Mystery.

Life theme Totems: These animals help with the themes of this lifetime. They
Will be with us for the duration of this earth walk.

Life mission Totem(s): These animals help us fulfill our current mission of
this life on earth. They are vessels containing the wisdom and medicine needed to
accomplish that mission.

Lesson totem: Based on the contract chosen for this life, specific lessons would
Be needed. Lesson totems assist and change as each lesson is learned.

Shadow Totems: We all acquire residue no matter how impeccable we try to live.
We develop blocks and self barriers though unresolved issues. Resolution of these
issues is essential to healing and shadow totems aid with this work.
The symbols of Animal Path Healing can be used to help you connect with any of
these totems. Try the meditation and state your intention to meet and know who your
different totems are. You might enjoy journaling these experiences for future
perspective. Journaling has been known to be an excellent manner to assess self
growth. We can look back and see where different animals have presented
themselves and determine what that presentation at that time meant. We may not
feel like we are progressing or changing until we can see where we have been in the
pas. Journaling can be empowering in this way and though it is not for everyone, for
some it is an essential and valued tool.

May you always find your clear path.

Love, light and many animal blessings,
Lisa “Ladywolf” Center
Animal Empowerments and other energies from “Ladywolf “:

Bear Medicine Empowerment

Cougar Medicine Empowerment
Coyote Medicine Empowerment
Deer Medicine Empowerment
Fox Medicine Empowerment
Great Blue heron Medicine Empowerment
Hawk Empowerment
Raccoon Medicine Empowerment
Turkey Medicine Empowerment
Turtle Medicine Empowerment
Wolf Empowerment
Vulture Medicine Empowerment

Ouroboros Healing is based on the mythological concepts surrounding Ouroboros

and how it can apply in day to day life.

Activations are energies that ignite a knowledge that lies within you, as most healing
energies do. There are currently three Activations from the Earth based spirituality

Activation of the Medicine Wheel

Activation of the Shaman
Activation of the Labyrinth

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