Augusto Navarro2013Contexturas
Augusto Navarro2013Contexturas
Augusto Navarro2013Contexturas
1 67
1 author:
Eliane Augusto-Navarro
Universidade Federal de São Carlos
All content following this page was uploaded by Eliane Augusto-Navarro on 17 March 2016.
Apresentamos neste artigo uma discussão sobre como a integração entre a análise
de gêneros, com foco no nível micro estrutural (escolhas linguísticas), e a atenção
focada (sensibilização), podem ser integradas, com resultados favoráveis, em
atividades pedagógicas de produção escrita em língua inglesa para professores em
This paper presents a discussion of how a micro structural genre analysis combined
with focused attention to language choices can be productively combined in
pedagogical activities aiming at teaching EFL writing to prospective EFL teachers.
Besides favorable results, it points out important variables to be considered in
future research.
1. Introduction
1 Swales (1990, p.24) Discouse Community is a key element in Swales’s definition of genre and refers to a group of people with
common interests, expertise and specific means of communication. Swales proposes six characteristcs to characterize a
discoursive community: 1) has a broadly agreed set of common public goals; 2) has mechanisms of intercommunication among its
members; 3) uses its participatory mechanisms primarily to provide information and feedback; 4) utilizes and hence possesses one
or more genres in the communicative furtherance of its aims; 5) in addition to owning genres, it has acquired some specific lexis,
and 6) has a threshold level of members with a suitable degree of relevant content and discoursal expertise.
2. Genre analysis
2 Swales’ genre analysis pedagogy has originated from ESP (English for Specific Purposes). For further understanding on genre
analysis historical development see: Hyon, S. (1996). Genre in three traditions: Implications for ESL. TESOL Quarterly, 30, 693–
3. Focused Attention
Blog address:
The questions were: 1) What do you think you have learnt in this course? 2) Do
you think you have learnt grammar? Please justify your answer. 3) Can you
establish any relations between textual genres and linguistic choices? If affirmative,
which ones? Why? 4) What have you learnt about academic texts? And
specifically about abstracts? 5) Please add any comments or suggestions that you
5.1. Advertisements
Of course, considering different genres, for example, comic strips and tales,
linguistic choices are specific acording to text. I could realize it better by the
activity in transforming a fable to a comic strip.5 (Georgia)
5.4. Summary
The participants’ texts will be maintained in their original form, without editing of
language mistakes (or errors). Also nicknames will be used instead of the real name
of the participants.
I've also noticed that the text was narrated as if the reader had a previous
knowledge of the narration, thus missing the goal of presenting the reader
with a complete and intelligible summary of the work in question.
I understand also that a summary depends of the purpose, for example, the
using of the verbs tenses. It is common that fairy tales are narrated in the
past tense, but as we saw in class, fairy tales can be narrated in the present
tense also, it depends on who tells, what is the purpose etc. However, I think
I can change my summary on some points, for example, do not put
unnecessary information or implied, to attention to the use of appropriate
terms (ex: ladies, instead of "girls" in this case). (Andy)
Two stepsisters go, but the stepmother doesn’t allow Cinderella to join.
However, some friends help her and then she goes in secret. In the party (...).
(David’s summary)
The next day the prince went to reach the owner of the shoe, for he had said:
“I will marry the owner”. When he got at Cinderella’s house, the stepsisters
went down to try on the slipper, but their feet did not fit the shoe even after
cutting heels and toes(...). (Nadia’s summary)
5.5. Reading and discussing a theoretical text about genre analysis and its
pedagogical implications
I learned a lot about this textual genre. Even in portuguese, I have never had
contact with this genre, so it was important the writing of this texts. Now I
can even transport what I have learned in English, to the portuguese
language, when I will write an article. For those who want to make their
career on this area (english studies) I think it’s even better, because now we
already know about this genre and its elements. Elements such as: research
topic, number of sentences, number of words, main verb tense, voice and
person, reference to previous studies and metadiscoursal expressions were
shown for us and its importance in the construction of program book
abstracts and article abstracts. (Emily, question 4)
Oh, it's a fact! Certainly I will write more accordingly. Since we are aware
of our mistakes and errors in a text, our mind recaps a great number of
situations in which we have needed to produce a text and we try don't
As Nadia and David said, noticing our own mistakes and errors make us
better, it’s a kind of progress specially when we rewrite the text after
analyzing it. So, the more we practice the best we will be! (Amy, blog)
The growth of Internet influence has been increasing and its use has become
part of the process of teaching and learning a foreign language. This article
presents an explanation about how the use of Internet technology nowadays
can help the development of materials and syllabus design, through the
appointment of many studies about the pedagogical characteristics of this
use and its importance on the construction of the knowledge (Piaget, 1932).
(Emily, journal abstract)
The developments that have been achieved are highlighted then according to
the skill it is related. (Bill, journal abstract)
Believing that most of our students would have a pet, we thought that talking
about “how to take care of your puppy”, as the project is named, would be
an opportunity to involve the children in the discussions about it in order to
improve the four skils – speaking, listening, reading and writing-, to promote
familiarity to English language and to stimulate sense of responsibility,
which is important for that age level. (Georgia – conference abstract)
6 It is an important annual conference in the area of teaching English a L2 or FL. TESOL stands for
Classes are build up with the objective of incentive students to work with
several aspects of the language in order to produce and share their own fan-
(Gary – conference abstract)
6. Conclusions