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VLT PTC Thermistor Card MCB 112

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Operating Instructions
VLT® PTC Thermistor Card MCB 112
VLT® HVAC Drive FC 102 • VLT® AQUA Drive FC 202
VLT® AutomationDrive FC 302

Contents Operating Instructions


1 Introduction 3
1.1 Purpose of the Manual 3
1.2 Additional Resources 3
1.3 Document and Software Version 3
1.4 Products Covered 3
1.5 Functional Overview 3
1.5.1 Intended Use 3
1.5.2 Foreseeable Misuse 4
1.5.3 Thermal Motor Protection 4
1.5.4 ATEX ETR Thermal Monitoring 4
1.5.5 Tripping Function 4
1.5.6 Safe Separation 4
1.5.7 Safe Disconnection Principle 4
1.6 Motor Requirements 5
1.6.1 Motor Limits and Rules 5
1.6.2 Additional Motor Requirements 5
1.7 Approvals and Certifications 5
1.8 Symbols, Abbreviations, and Conventions 6

2 Safety 7
2.1 Safety Symbols 7
2.2 Qualified Personnel 7
2.3 Safety Precautions 7

3 Installation 9
3.1 Safety Instructions 9
3.2 Installation of Sensor Circuit Wires 9
3.3 Installation of the VLT® PTC Thermistor Card MCB 112 10

4 Commissioning 12
4.1 Operation and Maintenance 12
4.1.1 Monitoring Sensor Resistance 12
4.2 Parameter Set-up 13
4.2.1 Alarm Handling 13
4.3 Parameter Set-up for Ex-e and Ex-n Motors 14
4.3.1 Maximum Current 14
4.3.2 Maximum Current Limit 14
4.3.3 Minimum Motor Frequency 14
4.3.4 Maximum Motor Frequency 15
4.3.5 Minimum Switching Frequency 15

MG33V302 Danfoss A/S © 01/2015 All rights reserved. 1

Contents VLT® PTC Thermistor Card MCB 112

4.3.6 Disable Protection Mode 15

4.3.7 Safe Torque Off Functionality 15

5 Application Examples 17

6 Maintenance and Troubleshooting 19

6.1 Maintenance 19
6.2 Troubleshooting 19
6.2.1 Alarm/Warning Code List 19
6.2.2 Description of Alarm Word, Warning Word, and Extended Status Word 19

7 Technical Specifications 21
7.1 Mains Supply 21
7.2 Control Inputs and Outputs 21
7.3 Ambient Conditions 21
7.4 Other Specifications 22
7.5 Safety Characteristics of the Built-in MCB 112 22

Index 23

2 Danfoss A/S © 01/2015 All rights reserved. MG33V302

Introduction Operating Instructions

1 Introduction 1 1

1.1 Purpose of the Manual 1.4 Products Covered

This manual provides information for safe installation and The VLT® PTC Thermistor Card MCB 112 is available for the
commissioning of VLT® PTC Thermistor Card MCB 112 used following types of frequency converters:
with a Danfoss VLT® frequency converter with Safe Torque
Off (STO). The manual is intended for use by qualified • VLT® HVAC Drive FC 102.
personnel only.
• VLT® AQUA Drive FC 202.

VLT® PTC Thermistor Card MCB 112 is also referred to as • VLT® AutomationDrive FC 302.
MS 220 DA.
1.5 Functional Overview
The operating instructions are intended for use by 1.5.1 Intended Use
qualified personnel. Read and follow the operating
instructions to use the frequency converter safely and The VLT® PTC Thermistor Card MCB 112 is intended to:
professionally, and pay particular attention to the safety
instructions and general warnings. Keep these operating
instructions available with the frequency converter at all
• Protect electrical motors against inadmissible
heating due to overload.
• Protect explosion-protected motors in explosive
atmospheres caused by gases, vapours, or mists,
VLT® is a registered trademark.
Zone 1 and Zone 2, and/or in explosive
1.2 Additional Resources atmospheres caused by dust, Zone 21 and Zone
22. Refer to marking G for Zone 1 and Zone 2.
This manual is targeted at users already familiar with the Refer to marking D for Zone 21 and Zone 22.
VLT® frequency converters. It is intended as a supplement
All functions in the MCB 112 serve to protect both non-
to the manuals and instructions available for download at
explosive-protected motors and explosive-protected
motors in regular operation and in case of failure.
Read the instructions shipped with the frequency
converter and/or frequency converter option before
installing the unit, and observe the instructions for safe The VLT® PTC Thermistor Card MCB 112 is designed in
installation. accordance with EN 60947-8 (VDE 0660 part 0302). Only
connect PTC thermistor sensors according to DIN 44081
1.3 Document and Software Version and 44082 (EN 60947-8).

This manual is regularly reviewed and updated. All

suggestions for improvement are welcome. Please send NOTICE
suggestions via email to The VLT® PTC Thermistor Card MCB 112 is only functional
[email protected], including a if it is built into the frequency converter. The option
reference to the document version. Table 1.1 shows the cannot be used as a stand-alone.
document version and the changes applied.

Edition Remarks
MG33V3xx Replaces MG33V2xx.
Editorial changes.
Now covering the complete system.

Table 1.1 Document Version

MG33V302 Danfoss A/S © 01/2015 All rights reserved. 3

Introduction VLT® PTC Thermistor Card MCB 112

1 1 Markings of the Frequency according to DIN 44081 or 44082, the MCB 112 offers
Converter ATEX-approved monitoring of the motor temperature.
Alternatively, an external ATEX-approved PTC protection
A sticker is delivered with the option as spare part or with device can be used.
the frequency converter to signify ATEX certification. Apply
this sticker to the front of the frequency converter in 1.5.4 ATEX ETR Thermal Monitoring
which the ATEX module is integrated. The sticker indicates
that the ATEX module is installed in the frequency NOTICE
The ATEX ETR thermal monitoring function only applies

to Ex-e and Ex-n motors and is only available for VLT®
MS 220 DA / MCB112 Code no.: 130B1137
AutomationDrive FC 302 frequency converters.
Motor protection inside
The FC 302 with firmware version V6.3x or higher is
CAUTION: See manual equipped with an ATEX ETR thermal monitoring function
for additional instruction for operation of Ex-e motors according to EN 60079-7 and
Ex-n motors according to EN 60079-15. Combined with an

ε II (2) G [Ex e] [Ex d] [Ex n]

II (2) D [Ex tb][Ex tc]
ATEX-approved PTC monitoring device like MCB 112, the
installation does not need an individual approval from an
approbated organisation, that there is no need for
PTB 14 ATEX 3012U matched pairs.
Illustration 1.1 Label to Apply to Frequency Converter
The feature makes it easier to apply Ex-e and Ex-n motors
instead of the more expensive, larger, and heavier Ex-d
1.5.2 Foreseeable Misuse motors. The use of Ex-e and Ex-n motors is possible by
ensuring that the frequency converter limits the motor
Any use not expressly approved by Danfoss constitutes current to prevent the motor from heating up.
misuse. This also applies to failure to comply with the
specified operating conditions and applications. 1.5.5 Tripping Function

Danfoss assumes no liability of any sort for damage attrib- The MCB 112 includes a tripping stage for PTC thermistor
utable to improper use. sensors with safe potential separation of supply voltage
from ground. The tripping function switches off the +24 V
Only operate with explosion-protected 3-phase motors DC directly at terminal 37 on the frequency converter.
which are built, tested and labelled separately for
frequency converter use. The PNP logic output terminal X44/10 signals the status in
case of failure. The MCB 112 works according to the
closed-circuit principle. The device trips in case of short
WARNING circuit or line interruption.
Zone 0 and Zone 20 are not applicable to electric 1.5.6 Safe Separation
To avoid explosion, only use motors in: The PTC thermistor circuit (T1, T2) has a safe separation of
• Zone 1/21. low-voltage electric circuits PELV, see chapter 3.2 Instal-
lation of Sensor Circuit Wires.
• Zone 2/22.

1.5.7 Safe Disconnection Principle

1.5.3 Thermal Motor Protection
The Safe Torque Off function disables the control voltage
According to ATEX Directive 94/9/EC and Standard EN of the power semiconductors or the frequency converter
60079-14, motor overload protection is a requirement. output stage. Disabling the control voltage prevents the
The MCB 112 monitors the temperature in the motor inverter from generating the voltage required to rotate the
windings with an ATEX-approved motor overload motor.
protection device. If there is a critical temperature level or
a malfunction, switch off the motor. If the frequency
converter is equipped with 3–6 PTC thermistors in series

4 Danfoss A/S © 01/2015 All rights reserved. MG33V302

Introduction Operating Instructions

Non-explosive hazard zone 1.6.2 Additional Motor Requirements 1 1

Frequency Converter

PTC Thermistor Card The Ex-e motor must be approved for operation in
MCB 112 hazardous zones (ATEX Zone 1/21, ATEX Zone 2/22) in
T1 combination with frequency converters. The motor must
+24 V
be certified for the particular hazardous zone.
Logic Safe Stop T2
Out T37
The Ex-n motor must be approved for operation in
hazardous zones (ATEX Zone 2/22) in combination with
Safe Channel T37

frequency conveters. The motor must be certified for the
Control Card particular harzardous zone.

The motor can be placed in Zone 1/21 or 2/22 according
91 96 to motor approval. The frequency converter must always
92 97 PTC-Sensors
be installed outside of the hazardous zone.
93 98
3~ Ex-Motor

Potentially explosive
• Only operate explosion-protected 3-phase motors
Converter module
with frequency converters, if the motors are built,
tested, approved, and labelled separately for this
Illustration 1.2 Block Diagram of the System mode.

• When the usage of the motor and its thermal

protective device are approved for frequency
1.6 Motor Requirements converter operation, use the MCB 112 for each
ignition protection system for all motor types. For
1.6.1 Motor Limits and Rules motors of Ex-e and Ex-n-type ignition protection,
which are OEM-approved for frequency converter
For every certified motor with increased safety, the operation in Ex-harzardous areas, consider and
manufacturer supplies a data list including limits and rules. use the requested limitations in the frequency
During planning, installation, commissioning, operation, converter’s ATEX ETR thermal monitoring settings.
and service, respect the limits for:
• The necessary parameters and conditions can be
found on the nameplate or the documentation of
• Minimum switching frequency.
the motor. To prevent prohibited temperatures,
• Maximum current. the motors are equipped as standard with
• Minimum motor frequency. thermal winding protection, which has to be
evaluated by a suitable device like MCB 112. The
• Maximum motor frequency.
motors must not be operated as a group drive.
Furthermore, respect the following:
1.7 Approvals and Certifications
• Do not exceed the maximum allowable ratio
between frequency converter size and motor size.
The typical value is IVLT, n≤2xIm,n.

• Consider all voltage drops from the frequency

converter to the motor. If the motor is running
with lower voltage than listed in the U/f charac- Certification number:
teristics, current might increase and cause an PTB 14 ATEX 3012U

• Multi-motor applications are not allowed. Only Certificates and declarations of conformity are available.
connect 1 motor to the frequency converter. Contact a local Danfoss partner.

MG33V302 Danfoss A/S © 01/2015 All rights reserved. 5

Introduction VLT® PTC Thermistor Card MCB 112

1 1 1.8 Symbols, Abbreviations, and

Abbreviation Description
ETR Electronic thermal relay.
LCP Local control panel.
NC Not connected.
PNP Positive negative positive (transistor).
TNF Nominal response temperature.

Table 1.2 Abbreviations

Abbreviati Reference Description

ATEX ATEX Directive ATmosphere EXplosibles
HFT EN IEC 61508 Hardware fault tolerance: HFT=n
means that n+1 faults could cause a
loss of the safety function.
PDS/SR EN IEC Power drive system (safety-related).
PFD EN IEC 61508 Average probability of failure on
demand, value used for low-
demand operation.
SFF EN IEC 61508 Safe failure fraction [%]; percentage
of safe failures and dangerous
detected failures of a safety function
or a subsystem related to all failures.
SIL EN IEC 61508 Safety integrity level.
EN IEC 62061
STO EN IEC Safe Torque Off.
SRECS EN IEC 62061 Safety-related electrical control

Table 1.3 Abbreviations Related to Functional Safety

Numbered lists indicate procedures.
Bullet lists indicate other information and description of
Italicised text indicates:

• Cross-reference.

• Link.

• Parameter name.

6 Danfoss A/S © 01/2015 All rights reserved. MG33V302

Safety Operating Instructions

2 Safety
2 2
2.1 Safety Symbols • Identifying safety functions required, and
allocating SIL to each of the functions.
The following symbols are used in this manual:
• Other subsystems and the validity of signals and
commands from those subsystems.
WARNING • Designing appropriate safety-related control
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that could systems (hardware, software, parameterisation,
result in death or serious injury. and so on).
Protective measures
CAUTION • Safety engineering systems must only be installed
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that could and commissioned by qualified and skilled
result in minor or moderate injury. It can also be used to personnel.
alert against unsafe practices.
• Install the frequency converter in an IP54 cabinet
as per IEC 60529, or in an equivalent
NOTICE environment. In special applications, a higher IP
Indicates important information, including situations that degree may be necessary.
can result in damage to equipment or property. • Ensure short-circuit protection of the cable
between terminal 37 and the external safety
2.2 Qualified Personnel device according to ISO 13849-2 table D.4.

The products must only be assembled, installed,

• When external forces influence the motor axis (for
example suspended loads), additional measures
programmed, commissioned, maintained, and decommis- (for example a safety holding brake) are required
sioned by persons with proven skills. Persons with proven to eliminate hazards.
2.3 Safety Precautions
• Are qualified electrical engineers, or persons who
have received training from qualified electrical WARNING
engineers and are suitably experienced to EXPLOSION HAZARD
operate devices, systems, plant, and machinery in Using the VLT® PTC Thermistor Card MCB 112 in areas
accordance with the general standards and with explosive gas and/or dust atmosphere may lead to
guidelines for safety technology. death, personal injury, or property damage. To avoid the
• Are familiar with the basic regulations concerning risk, adhere to the following:
health and safety/accident prevention.
• Always provide the MCB 112 with a pressurised
• Have read and understood the safety guidelines enclosure according to EN 60079-1 (Explosive
given in this manual and also the instructions atmospheres - Part 1: Equipment protection by
given in the operating instructions of the flameproof enclosures “d”).
frequency converter.
• Observe national safety rules and regulations
• Have a good knowledge of the generic and for prevention of accidents, as well as the
specialist standards applicable to the specific European Standard EN 60079-14 (Explosive
application. atmospheres - Part 14: Electrical installations
design, selection, and erection).
Users of PDS(SR) are responsible for:
• Only qualified personnel (see
chapter 2.2 Qualified Personnel) is allowed to
• Hazard and risk analysis of the application. In EN
ISO 12100, risk assessment is defined as an install, connect, and commission the MCB 112.
overall process comprising a risk analysis and a • Ensure that the motor thermal protection
risk evaluation. switches off the motor directly, via the STO
function, or by using the ATEX ETR thermal
• Ensuring that the qualified personnel has
experience with working in ATEX areas according monitoring function.
to Directive 99/92/EC (also known as the ATEX
Workplace Directive).

MG33V302 Danfoss A/S © 01/2015 All rights reserved. 7

Safety VLT® PTC Thermistor Card MCB 112

2 2 Using the VLT® PTC Thermistor Card MCB 112 in areas
with combustible dust may lead to death, personal
injury, or property damage. To avoid the risk, adhere to
the following:

• Always provide the MCB 112 with a dust-proof

enclosure according to IEC 60529.

• Observe national safety rules and regulations

for prevention of accidents, as well as the
European Standard EN 60079-14 (Explosive
atmospheres - Part 14: Electrical installations,
design, selection, and erection).

• Only qualified personnel (see

chapter 2.2 Qualified Personnel) is allowed to
install, connect, and commission the MCB 112.

When the frequency converter is connected to AC mains,
the motor may start at any time, causing risk of death,
serious injury, equipment, or property damage. The
motor can start by means of an external switch, a serial
bus command, an input reference signal from the LCP,
after a cleared fault condition, or after the motor and
motor thermistors have cooled down.

• Disconnect the frequency converter from mains

whenever personal safety considerations make
it necessary to avoid unintended motor start.

• Press [Off] on the LCP, before programming


• The frequency converter, motor, and any driven

equipment must be in operational readiness
when the frequency converter is connected to
AC mains.

Read and observe these operating instructions and
safety warnings before installing the VLT® PTC
Thermistor Card MCB 112. Not adhering to the
instructions and warnings in this manual may lead to
personal injury, and property and equipment damage.

8 Danfoss A/S © 01/2015 All rights reserved. MG33V302

Installation Operating Instructions

3 Installation

3.1 Safety Instructions

The operator or electrical installer is responsible for
proper grounding and compliance with all applicable
national and local safety regulations.

See chapter 2 Safety and the relevant frequency converter

operating instructions. Also, always observe the
instructions provided by the motor manufacturer.

3.2 Installation of Sensor Circuit Wires

The connections are not pre-wired from the factory.

Using sensor wires with a resistance >20 Ω causes the 2
safe function not to work.
To ensure a properly working safe function, only use
sensor circuit wires with a resistance <20 Ω.

Sensor circuit wire connection

1 Screening clamps
Wire cross-section [mm2] Wire length [m] 2 Removed screening
1.5 2 x 800
1 2 x 500 Illustration 3.1 Connecting Screened Wire
0.75 2 x 300
0.5 2 x 250
4. Measure the sensor resistance.
Table 3.1 Maximum Permissible Length of Sensor Circuit Wires
5. Connect the sensor circuit wires to X44/T1 and
T2. See Illustration 3.2.
Route the sensor circuit wires as separate control wires.
It is not allowed to use wires from the supply cable or Only check PTCs with measuring voltages of <2.5 V.
any other mains cables. Use screened control wires. See
Illustration 3.2 for correct wiring. At commissioning and after modification of the plant,
check the sensor resistance with a suitable measuring
1. Select appropriate sensor wires. instrument. If the resistance between terminals 1 and 2 is
<50 Ω, examine the sensor circuit for a short circuit.
2. Route the sensor wires.
3. Remove the screening in the area of the
screening clamps and press the wires into the

MG33V302 Danfoss A/S © 01/2015 All rights reserved. 9

Installation VLT® PTC Thermistor Card MCB 112

Maximum current on MCB 112 CAUTION

• Terminal 10: 10 mA. Place the frequency converter with MCB 112 (including
• Terminal 12: 60 mA. the connection between output safe stop T37 output
(X44/12) on MCB 112 and terminal 37 input on the

control card) in an IP54 enclosure as per IEC 60529.
MS 220 DA
3 3

Motor protection 0102 12030-1201-03

MCB 112 PTC Thermistor Option B Code No. 130B1137 Installing the MCB 112


ε II (2) G [Ex e] [Ex d] [Ex n]
II (2) D [Ex tb][Ex tc] 10 20-28 VDC 10 mA
PTB 14 ATEX 3012U 12 20-28 VDC 60 mA
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

12 13 18 19 27 29 32 33 20 37

M 3~

Illustration 3.2 Wiring Diagram

3.3 Installation of the VLT® PTC Thermistor Illustration 3.3 LCP Frame and Terminal Cover Removal
Card MCB 112
For motor connection, AC mains connection, and control
1. Disconnect power to the frequency converter.
wiring, follow the instructions for safe installation in the
operating instructions of the frequency converter and the 2. Remove the LCP, the terminal cover, and the LCP
VLT® Frequency Converter - Safe Torque Off Operating frame from the frequency converter.
Instructions. 3. Fit the MCB 112 in slot B, see Illustration 3.3.
Terminal Description.
Terminal 12 24 V DC supply voltage. 1. Remove the jumper wire between control
terminals 37 and 12 or 13.
Terminal 13 24 V DC supply voltage.
T37 (X44/12) Output terminal on the MCB 112 option. • Cutting or breaking the jumper is not
Terminal 37 Input terminal on the control card. sufficient to avoid short circuiting.

X44/10 Logic output signals the status in case of


Table 3.2 Terminal Definitions 12/13 37

Long cables (voltage peaks) or increased mains voltage
may lead to overvoltage at the motor terminals and
damage the equipment. 2. Connect X44/12 on the option card to terminal
• Install a sine-wave filter. 37 on the frequency converter.

10 Danfoss A/S © 01/2015 All rights reserved. MG33V302

Installation Operating Instructions

3. Connect terminal X44/10 to a digital input of the

frequency converter. For reference when
programming, note the number of selected
digital input.
1. Remove the knock-out in the extended LCP
frame, so that the option fits under the extended
3 3
LCP frame.
2. Fit the extended LCP frame and terminal cover.
3. Fit the LCP or blind cover in the extended LCP
4. To indicate that the ATEX module is integrated,
apply the delivered sticker to the front of the
frequency converter, see Illustration 1.1.
5. Connect power to the frequency converter.
6. Perform risk assessment and a commissioning
test according to EN ISO 12100.

MG33V302 Danfoss A/S © 01/2015 All rights reserved. 11

Commissioning VLT® PTC Thermistor Card MCB 112

4 Commissioning

Refer to the chapter Commissioning in the VLT® Frequency • Short-circuit test: Resistance 20 Ω in parallel to
Converters Safe Torque Off Operating Instructions. sensor terminals T1, T2.

4.1 Operation and Maintenance • Line interruption test: Disconnect sensor line at
terminal T1 or T2.
The safety function must be tested within regular intervals.
4 4 Test once per year, or within the maintenance cycle of the
• Temperature test: Increase resistance 50–1500 Ω
to 4000 Ω.
plant. For recurring examinations of electrical systems in
hazardous areas, the inspection period must be kept within The tripping function is stated in the LCP and can be reset
3 years. manually when the failure is removed. Pay attention to the
ambient conditions in chapter 7 Technical Specifications.
The safety test recognises 1 fault (1oo1 - 1 out of 1). One
fault between safety tests can cause loss of protection.

Commissioning test
Test the correct function of the MCB 112 by simulation of
the sensor resistance at terminals T1 and T2. This test must
also be done at maintenance services.
4.1.1 Monitoring Sensor Resistance

1) Short circuit
2) Tripping is not saved, and is not protected against 0 voltage

Illustration 4.1 Monitoring of Sensor Resistance

A current continuously monitors the resistance of the Depending on the number of sensors, the following
sensors. In cold state, the resistance is <250 Ω per sensor tripping and release temperatures are achieved with
(sensor circuit <1.5 kΩ). The output to terminal X44/12 is respect to TNF (nominal response temperature of the
high=1. The resistance of the sensor rises rapidly at sensors):
nominal response temperature TNF. At a resistance of 3–4
kΩ, output to terminal X44/12 changes to low=0. The Trip temperature Release temperature
devices also switch off if the sensor or wire short-circuits 3 sensors in series TNF+5 K TNF-5 K
(<20 Ω), or if the sensor or wire is interrupted. It switches 6 sensors in series TNF TNF-20 K
back on automatically when the temperature has
decreased by approximately 5 °C. Table 4.1 Tripping and Release Temperatures

12 Danfoss A/S © 01/2015 All rights reserved. MG33V302

Commissioning Operating Instructions

4.1.2 Thermal Limitation Curve

WARNING СЄ 1180 Зx Ex-e ll T3

Always use the thermal limitation curve in combination 3 ~ Motor
with Ex-e and Ex-n motors. See Illustration 4.2.
l = 1.5XIM,N tOL = 10s tCOOL = 10min
The output current/motor speed is permanently monitored 2

and limited depending on the characteristic given by the 3

4 4
motor manufacturer on the motor nameplate and data
f [Hz] 5 15 25 50 85
1. Programme the characteristic values as
Ix/IM,N 0.4 0.8 1.0 1.0 0.95
frequency/current pairs in parameters 1-98 ATEX PTC °C DIN 44081/-82
ETR interpol. points freq. and 1-99 ATEX ETR interpol EN 60079-0
Manufacture xx
points current. EN 60079-7

1 Minimum switching frequency
80 % 2 Maximum current
3 Minimum motor frequency
4 Maximum motor frequency
40 %

Illustration 4.3 Motor Nameplate Showing Frequency

Converter Requirements

5 Hz 15 Hz 25 Hz 50 Hz 2. Use the 4 current points [A] from the motor

Illustration 4.2 Example of ATEX ETR Thermal Limitation Curve nameplate.
3. Calculate the values as a percentage of nominal
motor current and enter it into the array.
1-98 ATEX ETR interpol. points freq. 1-99 ATEX ETR interpol
I x × 100
points current %
Im, n
[0]=5 Hz [0]=40%
[1]=15 Hz [1]=80%
4. Programme all frequency/current limit points
[2]=25 Hz [2]=100%
from the motor nameplate or motor data sheet.
[3]=50 Hz [3]=100%
5. Enter frequency settings for 1-98 ATEX ETR
Table 4.2 Ratio between Motor Speed and Motor Current interpol. points freq. in Hz, not RPM.

4.2 Parameter Set-up

4.2.1 Alarm Handling

The digital input is configured in parameter group 5-1*

Digital Inputs.

Digital input function Select Terminal

No operation [0] All *terminals 32, 33
Reset [1] All
PTC Card 1 [80] All

Table 4.3 5-1* Digital Inputs

MG33V302 Danfoss A/S © 01/2015 All rights reserved. 13

Commissioning VLT® PTC Thermistor Card MCB 112

All digital inputs can be set to [80] PTC Card 1. However, 4.3.2 Maximum Current Limit
only 1 digital input can have this selection.
The operation above the thermal characteristic curve is
NOTICE permitted for a limited period of 60 s.
Ensure that the digital input set to [80] PTC Card 1 is not
also connected as a thermistor resource (motor overload The actual thermal overload is calculated based on the ETR
protection) in 1-93 Thermistor Resource. function selected in 1-90 Motor Thermal Protection and is
displayed in 16-18 Motor Thermal.

4 4 For further description, refer to the relevant frequency

converter programming guide. Running above the characteristic curve for more than 50 s
triggers Warning 163 ATEX ETR cur.lim. warning. Configure
the reaction for operating in Ex-e and Ex-n current limits in
4.2.2 Parameter Settings 1-94 ATEX ETR cur.lim. speed reduction.

Ex-e and Ex-n-specific parameters

Function Setting
• 0%: The frequency converter does not change
anything besides issuing Warning 163 ATEX ETR
1-90 Motor Thermal Protection [20] ATEX ETR
1-94 ATEX ETR cur.lim. speed 20%
reduction • >0%: The frequency converter issues Warning 163
1-98 ATEX ETR interpol. points freq. ATEX ETR cur.lim.warning and reduces motor
1-99 ATEX ETR interpol points Motor nameplate
speed following ramp 2 (parameter group 3–5*
Ramp 2).
1-23 Motor Frequency Enter the same value as for Example:
4-19 Max Output Frequency. Actual reference = 200 RPM
4-19 Max Output Frequency Motor nameplate, possibly
reduced for long motor
1-94 ATEX ETR cur.lim. speed reduction = 20%
cables, sine-wave filter, or Resulting reference = 160 RPM
reduced supply voltage.
4-18 Current Limit Forced to 150% by 1-90 [20] Operating above the characteristic curve for more than
5-15 Terminal 33 Digital Input [80] PTC Card 1 60 s within a period of 600 s triggers Alarm 164 ATEX ETR
Parameter 5-19 Terminal 37 Safe [4] PTC 1 Alarm cur.lim., and the frequency converter trips.
14-01 Switching Frequency Check that the default value Operation above 150% nominal motor current trips the
fulfils the requirement from frequency converter after 1 s with Alarm 164 ATEX ETR
the motor nameplate. If not, cur.lim.
use a sine-wave filter.
14-26 Trip Delay at Inverter Fault 0 Operation above 180% nominal motor current immediately
trips the frequency converter with Alarm 164 ATEX ETR
Table 4.4 Parameter Settings

4.3 Parameter Set-up for Ex-e and Ex-n

After first start-up (power-up), the overload counter starts
Motors at a value that prevents resetting the thermal load value
by power cycling. After start-up, the overload warning is
4.3.1 Maximum Current
suppressed until the motor current exceeds the rated
current limit for the first time.
To activate the ATEX ETR monitor function, set 1-90 Motor
Thermal Protection to [20] ATEX ETR. This enables 1-94 ATEX
ETR cur.lim. speed reduction, 1-98 ATEX ETR interpol. points 4.3.3 Minimum Motor Frequency
freq., and 1-99 ATEX ETR interpol points current, and limits
4-18 Current Limit to 150%. The operation below the minimum frequency in 1-98 ATEX
ETR interpol. points freq. is allowed for a limited time only.

Running below the minimum frequency for more than 50 s

triggers Warning 165 ATEX ETR freq.lim.warning.

14 Danfoss A/S © 01/2015 All rights reserved. MG33V302

Commissioning Operating Instructions

Operation below the minimum frequency for more than 4.3.7 Safe Torque Off Functionality
60 s within a period of 600 s triggers Alarm 166 ATEX ETR
freq.lim.alarm. The frequency converter trips. The desired Safe Torque Off functionality is specified in
parameter 5-19 Terminal 37 Safe Stop. When a VLT® PTC
4.3.4 Maximum Motor Frequency Thermistor Card MCB 112 is mounted, select 1 of the PTC
options to get the full benefit from the alarm handling.
Do not exceed the maximum allowable output frequency. Options [4] PTC 1 Alarm and [5] PTC 1 Warning are relevant
The motor data sheet or nameplate shows the maximum when the MCB 112 is the only interrupt device using STO.

4 4
permissible value. Options [6] PTC 1 & Relay A to [9] PTC 1 & Relay W/A are
relevant when other safety sensors are also connected to
This value can be reduced for long motor cables, sine-
wave filter, or reduced supply voltage.
• Alarm: The frequency converter coasts. Reset the
alarm manually (via bus, digital I/O, or by pressing
[Reset]). Auto reset does not apply here. For more
U n − U loss
f max = Un x  f n details, see [4] PTC 1 Alarm in
parameter 5-19 Terminal 37 Safe Stop.
Example: • Warning: The frequency converter coasts, but
resumes operation when STO and the DI from
Nominal voltage = 480 V
X44/10 are disabled. For more details, see [5] PTC
Nominal frequency = 50 Hz 1 Warning in parameter 5-19 Terminal 37 Safe Stop.
Voltage loss due to supply voltage of 450 V =
30 V Configuring a digital input in parameter group 5-1* Digital
Resulting maximum frequency = 47 Hz Inputs makes it possible to give a warning/alarm that
specifies what triggered the Safe Torque Off.
Use the result from the equation as the value set in
4-19 Max Output Frequency. NOTICE
When selecting warning instead of alarm, automatic
4.3.5 Minimum Switching Frequency restart is enabled. See Installation in Combination with
VLT® PTC Thermistor Card MCB 112 in the VLT® Frequency
Thermal motor losses increase with lower switching Converters - Safe Torque Off Operating Instructions.
frequencies. Ensure that the frequency converter switching
frequency does not drop below the value stated by the Safe Torque Off-related Parameter
motor manufacturer.
5-19 Terminal 37 Safe Stop
To configure the Safe Torque Off functionality, set this parameter.
NOTICE A warning message makes the frequency converter coast the
It is mandatory to compare the minimum switching motor and enables the automatic restart. An alarm message
frequency requirement of the motor to the minimum makes the frequency converter coast the motor and requires a
switching frequency of the frequency converter, which is manual restart (via a fieldbus, digital I/O, or by pressing [Reset]
the default value in 14-01 Switching Frequency. If the on the LCP). When the MCB 112 is mounted, configure the PTC
frequency converter does not meet this requirement, use options to get the full benefit from the alarm handling.
a sine-wave filter. Option: Function:
[1] Safe Stop Alarm Coasts the frequency converter
4.3.6 Disable Protection Mode when Safe Torque Off is activated.
Manual reset from LCP, digital input,
In protection mode, the frequency converter derates the or fieldbus.
switching frequency below the default in 14-01 Switching [3] Safe Stop Coasts the frequency converter
Frequency. For example, if the default value is 3 kHz, it can Warning when Safe Torque Off is activated
derate down to 2.5 kHz, depending on EEPROM. Therefore, (terminal 37 off). When Safe Torque
disable protection mode in 14-26 Trip Delay at Inverter Fault. Off circuit is re-established, the
frequency converter continues
More information about derating can be found in the without manual reset.
section Derating in the frequency converter design guide.

MG33V302 Danfoss A/S © 01/2015 All rights reserved. 15

Commissioning VLT® PTC Thermistor Card MCB 112

5-19 Terminal 37 Safe Stop

Function Num- PTC Relay
To configure the Safe Torque Off functionality, set this parameter.
A warning message makes the frequency converter coast the
No Function [0] – –
motor and enables the automatic restart. An alarm message
Safe Stop Alarm [1]* – Safe Stop [A68]
makes the frequency converter coast the motor and requires a
Safe Stop [3] – Safe Stop [W68]
manual restart (via a fieldbus, digital I/O, or by pressing [Reset]
on the LCP). When the MCB 112 is mounted, configure the PTC
PTC 1 Alarm [4] PTC 1 Safe Stop –
options to get the full benefit from the alarm handling.
4 4 Option:
[4] PTC 1 Alarm
Coasts the frequency converter
PTC 1 Warning [5] PTC 1 Safe Stop –
when Safe Torque Off is activated.
PTC 1 & Relay A [6] PTC 1 Safe Stop Safe Stop [A68]
Manual reset from LCP, digital input,
or fieldbus.
PTC 1 & Relay W [7] PTC 1 Safe Stop Safe Stop [W68]
[5] PTC 1 Warning Coasts the frequency converter [W71]
when Safe Torque Off is activated PTC 1 & Relay [8] PTC 1 Safe Stop Safe Stop [W68]
(terminal 37 off). When Safe Torque A/W [A71]
Off circuit is re-established, the PTC 1 & Relay [9] PTC 1 Safe Stop Safe Stop [A68]
frequency converter continues W/A [W71]
without manual reset, unless a
digital input set to [80] PTC Card 1 is Table 4.5 Overview of Functions, Alarms, and Warnings
still enabled. W means warning and A means alarm. For further information, see
[6] PTC 1 & Relay A This option is used when the PTC Alarms and Warnings in the Troubleshooting section in the design
option gates with a stop button guide or the operating instructions.
through a safety relay to terminal
A dangerous failure related to Safe Torque Off issues Alarm
37. Coasts the frequency converter
72 Dangerous Failure.
when Safe Torque Off is activated.
Manual reset from LCP, digital input, Refer to Table 6.1.
or fieldbus.

[7] PTC 1 & Relay W This option is used when the PTC
option gates with a stop button
through a safety relay to terminal
37. Coasts the frequency converter
when Safe Torque Off is activated
(terminal 37 off). When Safe Torque
Off circuit is re-established, the
frequency converter continues
without manual reset, unless a
digital input set to [80] PTC Card 1 is
still enabled.

[8] PTC 1 & Relay This option makes it possible to use

A/W a combination of alarm and warning.

[9] PTC 1 & Relay This option makes it possible to use

W/A a combination of alarm and warning.

Selecting Auto Reset/Warning enables automatic restart
of the frequency converter.

16 Danfoss A/S © 01/2015 All rights reserved. MG33V302

Application Examples Operating Instructions

5 Application Examples

The following 2 examples show the possibilities when Example 2: Combination with other components using
using the VLT® PTC Thermistor Card MCB 112. STO

Hazardous Non-Hazardous Area
Example 1: Standard use Area

Hazardous Non-Hazardous Area
Area PTC Thermistor Card
MCB 112

PTC Thermistor Card

MCB 112
X44/ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 5 5
X44/ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PTC Digital Input
Sensor e.g. Par 5-15

PTC Digital Input Par. 5-19

Sensor e.g. Par 5-15 Terminal 37 Safe Stop

12 13 18 19 27 29 32 33 20 37
Safe Stop
12 13 18 19 27 29 32 33 20 37 Par. 5-19
DI DI Terminal 37 Safe Stop
Safe Stop Safety Device
Illustration 5.1 Standard Use of MCB 112 Safe AND Input

Safe Output

Safe Input
Parameter 5-19 Terminal 37 Safe Stop
[4] PTC 1 If the motor temperature is too high, or if a PTC Manual Restart
Alarm failure occurs, the MCB 112 activates the STO.
Terminal 37 goes LOW (active), and digital input
Illustration 5.2 More Safety Devices in Combination with STO
33 goes HIGH (active). This parameter decides the
and MCB 112
consequence of the Safe Torque Off (STO). With
this selection, the frequency converter coasts and
the LCP displays Alarm 71 PTC 1 Safe Stop. Reset
the frequency converter manually from the LCP,
digital input, or fieldbus when the conditions of
the PTC are acceptable again (temperature of
motor has dropped).
5-15 Terminal 33 Digital Input

[80] PTC Connects the digital input of terminal 33 in the

Card 1 FC 302 to the MCB 112, which enables MCB 112
to indicate when STO has been activated from

Table 5.1 Programming Example 1

Alternatively, parameter 5-19 Terminal 37 Safe Stop could be

set to [5] PTC 1 Warning, which means an automatic restart
when the conditions of the PTC circuit have returned to
acceptable. The selection depends on customer demands.

MG33V302 Danfoss A/S © 01/2015 All rights reserved. 17

Application Examples VLT® PTC Thermistor Card MCB 112

Parameter 5-19 Terminal 37 Safe Stop

[6] PTC 1 & If the motor temperature is too high, or if a
Relay Alarm PTC failure occurs, the MCB 112 activates the
STO of the frequency converter. Terminal 37
goes LOW (active), and digital input 33 goes
HIGH (active). This parameter decides the
consequence of the Safe Torque Off (STO).
With this selection, the frequency converter
coasts and the LCP displays Alarm 71 PTC 1
Safe Stop. Reset the frequency converter
manually from LCP, digital input, or fieldbus
when the conditions of the PTC are
5 5 acceptable again (the motor temperature has
dropped). An emergency stop can also
activate STO. Terminal 37 goes LOW (active),
but MCB 112 X44/10 does not trigger digital
input 33 as the MCB 112 did not need to
activate the STO. Therefore, digital input 33
remains HIGH (inactive).
5-15 Terminal 33 Digital Input
[80] PTC Card 1 Connects the digital input of terminal 33 to
the MCB 112, which enables the MCB 112 to
indicate when STO has been activated from

Table 5.2 Programming Example 2

Alternatively, parameter 5-19 Terminal 37 Safe Stop could be

set to [7] PTC 1 & Relay Warning. Selecting this option
causes an automatic restart when the conditions of the
PTC circuit and/or emergency stop circuit have returned to
normal. The selection depends on customer demands. Also,
the setting of parameter 5-19 Terminal 37 Safe Stop could
be [8] PTC 1 & Relay A/W or [9] PTC 1 & Relay W/A, which is
a combination of alarms and warnings. The selection
depends on customer demands.

Selections [4] PTC 1 Alarm to [9] PTC 1 & Relay W/A in
parameter 5-19 Terminal 37 Safe Stop are only visible if
the MCB 112 is plugged into the B-option slot.

Take care that the digital input set to [80] PTC Card 1 is
not also configured as thermistor resource (motor
overload protection) in 1-93 Thermistor Resource.

18 Danfoss A/S © 01/2015 All rights reserved. MG33V302

Maintenance and Troubleshoo... Operating Instructions

6 Maintenance and Troubleshooting

6.1 Maintenance Alarm 68, Safe Stop

STO has been activated. To resume normal operation,
The devices are maintenance-free. Only the manufacturer apply 24 V DC to terminal 37, then send a reset signal (via
(www.ZIEHL.de) is allowed to perform repair work. Observe bus, digital I/O, or by pressing [Reset]).
EN 60079-17 Explosive atmospheres - Part 17: Electrical
Warning 68, Safe Stop
installations, inspection, and maintenance.
STO has been activated. Normal operation is resumed
6.2 Troubleshooting when STO is disabled.
Warning: Automatic Restart.
• The resistance in the sensor circuit must have a
Alarm 71, PTC 1 Safe Stop
value 50 Ω <R <1500 Ω. The terminal voltage
STO has been activated from the MCB 112 (motor too
must be <2.5 V with the resistors attached.
6 6
warm). Normal operation can be resumed when:
• If terminal T1-T2 is open, the relay must shut off.
• The MCB 112 applies 24 V DC to terminal 37
The terminal voltage must be approximately 9 V.
again (when the motor temperature reaches an
acceptable level), and
6.2.1 Alarm/Warning Code List
• The digital input from the MCB 112 is
Num- Descrip- Alarm/ Alarm/ meter When that happens, send a reset signal (via bus, digital I/O,
ber tion Trip Trip lock refe- or by pressing [Reset]).
Warning 71, PTC 1 Safe Stop
Parameter STO has been activated from the MCB 112 (motor too
Safe Stop 5-19 Termi warm). Normal operation can be resumed when:
68 X X1)
Activated nal 37 Safe
Stop • The MCB 112 applies 24 V DC to terminal 37
again (when the motor temperature reaches an
acceptable level), and
PTC 1 Safe 5-19 Termi
71 X X1)
Stop nal 37 Safe • The digital input from the MCB 112 is
Stop deactivated.
Parameter Warning: Automatic Restart.
Dangerous 5-19 Termi
72 X1) Alarm 72, Dangerous Failure
Failure nal 37 Safe
STO with trip lock. If the combination of STO commands is
unexpected, the dangerous failure-alarm is issued. This
Table 6.1 Alarms and Warnings Directly Related to STO situation occurs if the MCB 112 enables X44/10 without
1) Cannot be auto reset via 14-20 Reset Mode. STO being enabled. Furthermore, if the MCB 112 is the
only device using STO (specified by [4] PTC 1 Alarm or [5]
NOTICE PTC 1 Warning in parameter 5-19 Terminal 37 Safe Stop), an
unexpected combination activates the STO without
Alarm 11, Motor Thermistor overtemp. relates to
activating the X44/10. Table 6.2 summarises the
1-93 Thermistor Resource and not to the MCB 112.
unexpected combinations that trigger this alarm.

6.2.2 Description of Alarm Word, Warning

Word, and Extended Status Word

Alarm Alarm Warning Warning

Bit Hex Dec
word word2 word word2
Safe PTC 1 PTC 1
4000 10737 Safe Stop
30 Stop Safe Stop Safe Stop
0000 41824 [W68]
[A68] [A71] [W71]
8000 21474
31 Failure
0000 83648

MG33V302 Danfoss A/S © 01/2015 All rights reserved. 19

Maintenance and Troubleshoo... VLT® PTC Thermistor Card MCB 112

If X44/10 is activated in selection [2] Safe Stop Alarm or
[3] Safe Stop Warning, this signal is ignored. However, the
MCB 112 is still able to activate STO.

[5] PTC 1 Warning is selected in parameter 5-19 Terminal 37
Safe Stop, and X44/10 is not activated, but STO is. This is
an unexpected selection. [5] PTC 1 Warning in
parameter 5-19 Terminal 37 Safe Stop specifies that STO is
only triggered from MCB 112.

+: Activated
-: Not activated
6 6 Function Number X44/10 (DI) STO terminal
PTC 1 Alarm [4] + -
- +
PTC 1 Warning [5] + -
- +
PTC 1 & Relay A [6] + -
PTC 1 & Relay W [7] + -
PTC 1 & Relay A/W [8] + -
PTC 1 & Relay W/A [9] + -

Table 6.2 Unexpected Combinations Triggering Alarm 72

Dangerous Failure

For correct and safe use of the STO function, follow the
related information and instructions in the VLT®
Frequency Converters - Safe Torque Off Operating

20 Danfoss A/S © 01/2015 All rights reserved. MG33V302

Technical Specifications Operating Instructions

7 Technical Specifications

7.1 Mains Supply

Mains supply
Rated supply voltage US 24 V DC
Tolerance voltage US 21–28 V DC
Power consumption <1 W

7.2 Control Inputs and Outputs

PTC thermistor connection X44/1+X44/2
Standard DIN 44081/DIN 44082
Numbers Set with 3–6 PTCs in series
Cut-out point 3.3 kΩ...3.65 kΩ...3.85 kΩ
Reclosing point 1.7 kΩ...1.8 kΩ...1.95 kΩ
Collective resistance cold sensors
Terminal voltage (sensors)
≤1.65 kΩ
≤2.5 V at R ≤3.65 kΩ, ≤9 V at R=∞
7 7
Terminal current (sensors) ≤1 mA
Short circuit 20 Ω ≤R ≤40 Ω
Power consumption ≤2 mW

Safe stop terminal 37, X44/12

Output PNP transistor
Logical voltage level 0–24 V DC
Low=0, PNP <4 V DC
Voltage High=1, PNP >20 V DC
Current 60 mA

Logic out, X44/10

Output PNP transistor
Logical voltage level 0–24 V DC
Low=0, PNP <5 V DC
Voltage High=1, PNP >10 V DC
Current 10 mA

7.3 Ambient Conditions

Rated ambient temperature range, Ta -20 °C to +55 °C
Relative humidity 5–95%, without condensation
EMC - Immunity industry standard EN 61000-6-2
EMC - Emission industry standard EN 61000-6-4
Vibration resistance 10–1000 Hz 1.14 g
Shock resistance 50 g

Testing conditions
Standards EN 60947-8, EN 50178
Rated impulse voltage 6000 V
Overvoltage category III
Contamination level 2
Rated insulation voltage UI 690 V
Safe separation up to UI 500 V

MG33V302 Danfoss A/S © 01/2015 All rights reserved. 21

Technical Specifications VLT® PTC Thermistor Card MCB 112

7.4 Other Specifications

Form 130B4065 PA 6
Dimensions (H x W x T) [mm] 82.5 x 69.5 x 29.5
Wire connection, solid wire 1 x 0.5–1.5 mm2 (AWG 20–16 solid wire)
Insulation strip length 8.5–9.5 mm
Protection rating IEC 60529 IP20
Weight ≈50 g

7.5 Safety Characteristics of the Built-in MCB 112

The safety characteristics include the connection between
output safe stop T37 (output X44/12 on MCB 112) and
terminal 37 input on the control card.

Operating Hardware Fault Safety Subsystem

7 7
mode architecture tolerance integrity
HFT level
Low 1oo1 0 SIL 2 Type A
demand device

Table 7.1 Safety Integrity Level SIL (EN 61508)


Ta=40 °C 44 96,5% 2103 x 41.8 x 1.23 x 81.4 x
years 10-9/h 10-9/h 10-9/h 10-9/h

Table 7.2 Safety-related Parameters, Part 1

MCB 112 Proof test 1 year 3 years 5 years 10 years

Ta=40 °C PFDavg 3.37E-04 1.01E-03 1.68E-03 3.37E-03

Table 7.3 Safety-related Parameters, Part 2

Observe the proof test interval according to EN 60079-17

for electrical equipment ≤3 years.

The data of the functional safety stated in Table 7.1 to

Table 7.3 are valid for an ambient temperature of 40 °C.
Data for more ambient temperatures can be obtained by

22 Danfoss A/S © 01/2015 All rights reserved. MG33V302

Index Operating Instructions

A Intended use............................................................................................. 3
Abbreviations........................................................................................... 6
Alarm word............................................................................................. 19
Ambient conditions...................................................................... 12, 21 Maintenance.......................................................................................... 19

Ambient temperature......................................................................... 22 Manual reset........................................................................................... 15

Approvals................................................................................................... 5 Marking D.................................................................................................. 3

ATEX Marking G.................................................................................................. 3

ETR monitor function..................................................................... 14 Maximum current................................................................................... 5
Certification.......................................................................................... 4
Minimum frequency............................................................................ 14
Module............................................................................................ 4, 11
Thermal monitoring function.................................................... 4, 7 Minimum switching frequency.......................................................... 5
Zone 1................................................................................................ 3, 5 Misuse of the product........................................................................... 4
Zone 2................................................................................................ 3, 5
Zone 21.............................................................................................. 3, 5 Motor
Zone 22.............................................................................................. 3, 5 Ex-d.......................................................................................................... 4
Ex-e........................................................................................ 4, 5, 13, 14
Auto reset................................................................................................ 15 Ex-n....................................................................................... 4, 5, 13, 14
Maximum frequency......................................................................... 5
B Minimum frequency.......................................................................... 5
Monitoring............................................................................................ 4
Block diagram........................................................................................... 5 Nominal motor current.................................................................. 14
Protection.............................................................................................. 4
C Requirement........................................................................................ 5

Cables/Wires Multi-motor application....................................................................... 5

Control cable, mounting............................................................... 10
Mounting control cable................................................................. 10 N
Permissible length.............................................................................. 9
Screened control wire....................................................................... 9 Nameplate.......................................................................................... 5, 13
Sensor circuit wire.............................................................................. 9
Separate control wire........................................................................ 9 O
Certifications............................................................................................. 5 Overvoltage............................................................................................ 10
Combustible dust.................................................................................... 8
Commissioning test............................................................................. 12 P
Conventions.............................................................................................. 6 Protection mode................................................................................... 15

Dangerous failure................................................................... 16, 19, 20 Qualified personnel....................................................................... 3, 7, 8
Derating................................................................................................... 15
E Release temperature........................................................................... 12
Environment........................................................................................... 21 Repair work............................................................................................. 19
Ex-e current limit.................................................................................. 14 Resistance................................................................................................ 12
Ex-n current limit.................................................................................. 14
Explosive dust atmosphere............................................................. 3, 7 S
Explosive gas atmosphere............................................................... 3, 7 Safe separation........................................................................................ 4
Extended status word......................................................................... 19 Safe Torque Off.................................................................................. 4, 16
Safe Torque Off functionality........................................................... 15
F Safety function...................................................................................... 12
Frequency converter Safety integrity level, SIL.................................................................... 22
Requirement...................................................................................... 13
Sensor resistance.................................................................................. 12

MG33V302 Danfoss A/S © 01/2015 All rights reserved. 23

Index VLT® PTC Thermistor Card MCB 112

ATEX Directive 94/9/EC..................................................................... 4
DIN 44081.................................................................................. 3, 4, 21
DIN 44082.................................................................................. 3, 4, 21
EN 50178............................................................................................. 21
EN 60079-1............................................................................................ 7
EN 60079-14................................................................................ 4, 7, 8
EN 60079-17....................................................................................... 22
EN 60079-17 Explosive atmospheres........................................ 19
EN 60079-7............................................................................................ 4
EN 60947-8..................................................................................... 3, 21
EN 61000-6-2..................................................................................... 21
EN 61000-6-4..................................................................................... 21
EN 61508............................................................................................. 22
EN ISO 12100................................................................................. 7, 11
IEC 60529................................................................................... 7, 8, 10
ISO 13849-2.......................................................................................... 7
Sticker.......................................................................................................... 4
Symbols...................................................................................................... 6

Safe stop T37..................................................................................... 10
T1........................................................................................................... 12
T2........................................................................................................... 12
X44/1.................................................................................................... 21
X44/10................................................................. 4, 11, 15, 19, 20, 21
X44/12............................................................................... 4, 10, 12, 21
X44/2.................................................................................................... 21
Test............................................................................................................. 12
Testing conditions................................................................................ 21
Thermal limitation curve.................................................................... 13
Thermal overload................................................................................. 14
Thermal winding protection............................................................... 5
Tripping function............................................................................. 4, 12
Tripping temperature.......................................................................... 12

Unexpected combination................................................................. 20

Voltage drop............................................................................................. 5

Warning word........................................................................................ 19

24 Danfoss A/S © 01/2015 All rights reserved. MG33V302

Index Operating Instructions

MG33V302 Danfoss A/S © 01/2015 All rights reserved. 25

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