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Thyroid Hormone Receptors…….

• These receptors are located inside the nucleus bound to DNA even in
the absence of the ligand .
• The HRE has two half sites, but here TR binds to only one of the half
sites and the other binds retinoid X receptors (RXR).
• So, when both binds to the two DNA half-sites of the response
element, forming a heterodimer.
• HRE is inhibited due to a corepressor bind to TR that inhibit gene
transcription. When a ligand binds to it corepressor is removed and
coactivator are recruited
Cell Surface Receptors
Hydrophilic molecules and some lipophilic molecules (eicosanoids).
Topics for today
 Nuclear Receptors.
 GPCR and G-Protein
 Classes of trimeric G-Protein
 Cyclic AMP and Protein Kinase A
 Gq and Phospholipase-Cβ
 Cholera Toxin
 Pertussis Toxin
G-Protein Ion-Channel
Coupled Receptors
Receptors (GPCR)

Enzyme linked
GPCR and G-Protein
• They are cell surface receptors that transmit signal to intracellular
target via guanine nucleotide binding protein called G-Protein.
• Ligands- neurotransmitters, neuropeptides and peptide hormones.
• GPCR has single polypeptide of multipass nature crossing 7 times the
lipid bilayer. It is called serpentine receptors also.
• Receptor for epinephrine is known as β-adrenergic receptors.
• G-Protein-GTPase switch protein. Trimeric G-Protein Monomeric G-Protein
• RAS-Regulates cell growth
• RHO-reorganize cytoskeleton
• RAB-Vesicle Targeting and Fusion
• RAN-transport in and out of Nucleus
• SAR-Vesicle formation
• ARF-Vesicle formation
• G-protein is bind to the cytoplasmic face of plasma membrane.
• Here, it is trimeric with subunits α, β, γ. The α and γ are anchored to
lipid membrane and Gβ is complexed with γ (heterodimeric).
• GTP binds to Gα as Gα is GTPase switch protein.
• So dissociation of Gα-GTP from Gβγ complex interacts with effector
protein leading to changes.
• Intrinsic Gα hydrolyse again GTP GDP and associate again with
Classes of trimeric G-protein
Members Action Function
Gαs (stimulatory) Alpha Activate adenylyl cyclase
Gαolf (olfactory) Αlpha Activate adenylyl cyclase
Gαi Alpha Inhibits adenyl cyclase
Gαgust Αlpha Activate
Gq Alpha Activate phospholipase C-β
Gαt (transducing) Αlpha Activates c GMP
Cyclic AMP and Protein Kinase A
• cAMP activates cAMP dependent protein kinase termed protein kinase A (PKA)
• PKA catalyses the transfer of terminal phosphate group from ATP to Serine and
• PKA Regulatory subunits

Catalytic subunit

• When both are binded- INACTIVATE

• When dissociate left only with catalytic subunit- ACTIVATE
• This can activate CREB (cAMP response element binding protein) by
phosphorylation now can stimulate gene expression.
Property Adrenaline Estrogen
SOLUBILITY Water-Soluble Lipid Soluble
RECEPTOR Membrane bound Cytosolic
PRIMARY EFFECT Enzyme Activation Gene Expression
Gq and Phospholipase C-β
• Gq activates the plasma membrane bound enzyme phospholipase C-β.
• Requires presence of Ca+². Four classes of PLCs-PLCβ,-γ,-ε.


4,5-bisphophate (PIP₂) triphosphate (IP₃)

• IP3 is a small polar molecule released into cytosol and signal signal the release of
Ca²+ ions by binding ligand gated ca+2 ions channel on endoplasmic reticulum.
• DAG with Ca²+ ions activates Protein Kinase C (PKC)
• Increased Ca²+also bind calmodulin (cytosolic acidic protein) in a cooperative
• Calmodulin acts both directly through interaction with key target enzymes , and
indirectly, via specific kinases (CAM Kinase). CAM Kinase also phosphorylate gene
regulatory protein eg CAM kinase II found in nervous tissue.

Cell motility exocytosis

Cytoskeletal Modulation of
assembly calcium conc.
protein binds
A subunit that ADP-ribosylates to the
GM1 on the
surface of
A subunit ribosilate the Arg residue of
α-subunit of Gs protein. ADP Ribose is
provided by NAD+.

A subunit will be altered and cannot hydrolise its

bound GTP.

Activation of PKA which phosphorylate CFTR and Na-H

exchanger .
Pertussis Toxin
• Cholera toxin-Enterotoxin
• Pertussis toxin- EXOTOXIN
Causes whooping cough secreted by Bordetella pertussis
• ADP ribosylation of Cys residue of a α-subunit of Gi.
• Adenyl Cyclase is activated.
• The second messenger that opens calcium ions pores in the
endoplasmic reticulum and plasma Membrane is
1. Diacylglycerol
2. Phosphatidyl Inositol biphosphate
3. cAMP
4. Inositol triphosphate
• Pertussis toxin acts on-
2. α-subunit of G-protein
3. Βγ-subunit of G-protein
4. Cyclic AMP

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