Rights and Obligations

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In this task, list down the salient points on all the rights and obligations of both the

vendor and the vendee in a contract of sale using your own words. This will help you
remember the essence of this unit.


Rights Obligations
To transfer of ownership. To transfer the ownership of the
determinate thing sold.
Liability in case of loss. To deliver the thing, with its accessions
and accessories, if any, in the condition in
which they were upon the perfection of
the contract.
Right of vendor to claim payment. To warrant against eviction and against
hidden defects.
Consummation of contract. To take care of the thing, pending
delivery, with proper diligence.
Enjoyment of the thing sold. To pay for the expenses of the deed of
sale, unless there is a stipulation to the
Right to resell. It is not essential to the validity of a resale
that notice of an intention to sell the
goods be given by the seller to the
original buyer.
Right to rescind the sale. He must notify the buyer of the rescission
or by some over act of the intention to
Right to stoppage in transit. By taking actual possession of the goods
and by giving notice on his claim to the
carrier or bailee.
Right of lien on the goods or right to Where goods have been sold without any
retain them for the price while he is in stipulation as to credit. Where goods
possession of them. have been sold on credit, but the term of
credit has expired, and where the buyer
becomes insolvent.

Rights Obligations
The vendee has the right to examine the The vendee is bound to accept delivery
goods delivered. and to pay the price of the thing sold at
the time and place stipulated in the
To afford the buyer a reasonable To pay the price for the thing sold.
opportunity of examining the goods for
the purpose of ascertaining whether they
are in conformity with the contract.
The vendee may choose between To accept delivery of the thing.
withdrawing from the contract and
demanding the remaining part, paying its
price in proportion to the total sum agreed
The vendee has the right if he accepted At the time and place stipulated in the
the goods or just reject it. contract.
He has the right to choose if he accept as If no stipulation in the contract, at the time
per contract and reject the rest. and place of the delivery of the thing.
He has the right to choose if he accepted If there is no stipulation of the place of
the whole and pay the price for the delivery, it is at the place the thing was at
excess. the moment of the perfection of the sale.
He has the right to reject the whole if the When he intimates to the seller that he
subject matter is indivisible. has accepted them.
He has the right of reduction in the When the goods have been delivered,
purchase price or rescission. and he does an act in relation to them
which is inconsistent with the ownership
of the seller.
The vendee has right in sale of real When after the lapse of a reasonable
property. time, he retains the goods without
intimating to the seller that he has
rejected them.

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