Fluid Flow Projects

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ugall Sch
hool of Peetroleum Engineeering

Fluiid Flow
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Eightieeth Seemi-A
Annuall Adviisory
Boardd Meeeting BBrochuure annd
Preesentaation S
Slide C

A 17, 2013
Tulsa University Fluid Flow Projects
Eightieth Semi-Annual Advisory Board Meeting
April 16 - 17, 2013
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
12:00 p.m. TUFFP Workshop Luncheon
H. A. Chapman Stadium – OneOK Club
3112 East 8th Street
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74104

1:00 TUFFP Workshop

H. A. Chapman Stadium – OneOK Club
3112 East 8th Street
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74104

3:30 TUFFP Facility Tour

University of Tulsa North Campus
2450 East Marshall
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74110

6:00 TUFFP Reception

H. A. Chapman Stadium – OneOK Club
3112 East 8th Street
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74104

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

TUFFP Advisory Board Meeting
Venue: H. A. Chapman Stadium – OneOK Club
3112 East 8th Street
Tulsa, Oklahoma

8:00 a.m. Breakfast

8:30 Introduction Cem Sarica

8:45 Progress Report

Low Liquid Loading Three-Phase Flow Kiran Gawas

Effects of MEG on Multiphase Flow Behavior Hamid Karami

Update of 6” High Pressure Facility Duc Vuong

10:15 Coffee Break

10:30 Progress Reports

Modeling of Hydrodynamics of Gas-Liquid Pipe Flow using Energy Eduardo Pereyra
Minimization Concept

Liquid Loading of Gas Wells with Deviations from 0 to 45° Mujgan Guner

Liquid Loading of Gas Wells with Deviations from 45 to 90° Yasser Alsaadi

12:00 p.m. Lunch

1:15 Progress Report

TUFFP Unified Model Software Improvement & Database Carlos Torres

TUFFP Experimental Database Jinho Choi

Experimental Determination of Drift Velocity in Medium Oil Jose Moreiras

Viscosities for Horizontal and Upward Inclined Pipes

Revisit of Pipe Inclination on Flow Characteristics of High Viscosity Jaejun Kim

Oil-Gas Two-Phase Flow

2:45 Coffee Break

3:00 Progress Reports

Effect of High Oil Viscosity on Oil-Gas Flow Behavior in Vertical Feras Alruhamani
and Highly Deviated Pipes

Onset of Liquid Accumulation in Oil and Gas Pipelines Eduardo Pereyra and

TUHOP Facility Incorporation Cem Sarica

4:15 Business Report Cem Sarica

4:30 General Discussion

5:00 Adjourn

5:30 TUFFP/TUPDP Reception

Venue: H. A. Chapman Stadium – OneOK Club
3112 East 8th Street
Tulsa, Oklahoma

Table of Contents

Executive Summary................................................................................................................................................. 1

Introductory Presentation ...................................................................................................................................... 5

TUFFP Progress Reports

Low Liquid Loading Gas-Oil-Water Flow in Horizontal and Near-Horizontal Pipes –

Kiran Gawas

Presentation ............................................................................................................................................... 13

Executive Summary .................................................................................................................................. 37

Low Liquid Loading Three-Phase Flow and Effects of MEG on Flow Behavior –

Hamidreza Karami

Presentation ............................................................................................................................................... 41

Executive Summary .................................................................................................................................. 61

Update on 6 in. ID High Pressure Facility Activities – Duc Vuong

Presentation ............................................................................................................................................... 65

Executive Summary .................................................................................................................................. 75

Modeling of Hydrodynamics of Gas-Liquid Pipe Flow using Energy Minimization


Presentation ............................................................................................................................................... 79

Executive Summary .................................................................................................................................. 89

Liquid Loading of Gas Wells with Deviations from 0° to 45° - Mujgan Guner

Presentation ............................................................................................................................................... 93

Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................ 117

Liquid Loading in Deviated Pipes From 45° to 90° - Yasser Alsaadi

Presentation ............................................................................................................................................. 121

Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................ 135

Unified Model Computer Code Update – Carlos Torres

Presentation ............................................................................................................................................. 137

Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................ 145

TUFFP Experimental Database – Jinho Choi

Presentation ............................................................................................................................................. 147

Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................ 157

Unified Drift Velocity Closure Relationship for Large Bubbles Rising in Viscous Fluids
– Jose Moreiras

Presentation ............................................................................................................................................. 161

Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................ 173

Characteristics of Downward Flow of High Viscosity Oil and Gas Two-Phase – Jaejun


Presentation ............................................................................................................................................. 177

Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................ 187

Effect of High Oil Viscosity on Oil-Gas Flow Behavior in Vertical and High Deviated

Pipes – Feras Alruhaimani

Presentation ............................................................................................................................................. 191

Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................ 201

Onset of Liquid Accumulation in Oil and Gas Pipelines – Eduardo Pereyra, Cem Sarica

Presentation ............................................................................................................................................. 203

Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................ 211

TUHOP Incorporation – Cem Sarica, Eduardo Pereyra

Presentation ............................................................................................................................................. 213

TUFFP Business Report

Presentation ............................................................................................................................................. 219

Business Section...................................................................................................................................... 227

Appendix A – Personnel Contact Information ........................................................................................ 245

Appendix B – 2013 Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Representatives............................................. 247

Appendix C – History of Fluid Flow Projects Membership .................................................................... 255

Appendix D – Fluid Flow Projects Deliverables ..................................................................................... 261

Executive Summary
Progress updates on each research project are given (20cP<µO<200cP) have been published in the
later in this Advisory Board Brochure. A brief literature. Furthermore, current two-phase flow
summary of the activities is given below. models are based on experimental data with low
 “Investigation of Gas-Oil-Water Flow.” Three- and high viscosity liquids. Thus, there is a need
phase gas-oil-water flow is a common of experimental and modeling investigation for
occurrence in the petroleum industry. One of medium viscosities in order to characterize the
objectives of TUFFP for gas-oil-water research two-phase flow behavior for the entire range of
is to improve the closure relationships required possible viscosities.
for multiphase flow models such as the TUFFP Brito (2012) recently completed an experimental
unified model. This objective is addressed in study for horizontal pipe flow. The results were
various projects. presented at Fall 2012 ABM. After the
completion of high viscosity inclined flow tests,
 “Oil Viscosity Effects on Two-phase Flow the medium viscosity tests will resume for
Behavior.” Earlier TUFFP studies showed that inclination angles of 2° and +2°.
the performances of existing models are not
Since the last ABM, drift velocity experiments
sufficiently accurate for high viscosity oils with
were completed for horizontal and upward
a viscosity range of 200 – 1000 cp.
inclined pipes. Moreover, a unified drift velocity
Our recent efforts resulted in the development of closure relationship has been developed for the
new translational velocity, slug liquid holdup range of inclination angles and viscosities ranging
and slug length closure relationships. Moreover, from 1 cp to 600 cp. A detailed presentation is
the TUFFP unified model was modified for high given in this brochure by Jose Moreiras, an
viscosity oil two-phase flow based on the undergraduate student in petroleum engineering.
experimental findings. This project continues on
multiple fronts:  “Application of Minimum Energy Dissipation (MED)
1. Inclination Angle Effects: The objective is to Concept in Multiphase Flow in Pipes.” The approach
conduct a study for inclination angles of -2° is based on the minimum energy dissipation concept,
and +2°. A complete study was conducted by postulating that a system stabilizes to its minimum
Jeyachandra (2011). Further performance total energy loss. Application of this concept has
analysis of the used capacitance sensors been found in thermodynamics and simulation of the
indicated that some of the holdup data of flow in river systems (open channel flow).
Jeyachandra needs to be retaken. In addition Moreover, the concept has recently been applied in
to inclined flow data, 3 in. horizontal flow the prediction of two-phase flow splitting in parallel
data will be acquired through the return line pipes. The application of the concept to stratified
of the facility. SNU scholars Mr. Kim and gas-liquid flow has been successfully demonstrated
Mr. Chu are the research assistants for this by Mr. Hoyoung Lee during this reporting period.
project. The facility was reconfigured from The concept is planned to be expanded to other
horizontal to inclined position. Capacitance multiphase flow configurations and applications.
sensors have been calibrated and testing has
recently started.
 “Up-scaling Studies.” One of the most important
issues that we face in multiphase flow technology
2. Oil-Gas Flow Behavior in Vertical and development is scaling up of small diameter and low
Highly Deviated Pipes: The objective of this pressure results to large diameter and high pressure
study is to investigate high viscosity oil-gas conditions. Studies with a large diameter facility
flow in vertical and deviated wells for a operated at high pressures would significantly
viscosity range of 180 – 587 cp. Mr. Feras improve our understanding of flow characteristics in
Al-Ruhaimani, a Ph.D. student, is assigned to actual field conditions. Our main objective in this
this project. TUFFP’s 2 in. ID three-phase study is to investigate the effect of pipe diameter and
flow facility is currently being modified for pressures on flow behavior using a larger diameter
this project. The capacitance sensors have flow loop.
been calibrated statically. A signal
This project is one of the main activities of TUFFP,
processing macro is being developed using
and a significant portion of the TUFFP budget is
MATLAB. Facility will be ready and testing
allocated to the construction of a 6 in. ID high
will begin in May 2013.
pressure flow loop. The first TUFFP study to be
3. Medium Viscosity Oil Study: Only a few conducted utilizing the new facility is “Effect of
experimental studies for medium oil viscosity Pressure on Liquid Loading”.

Since the last advisory Board meeting the facility of different parameters on the entrainment behavior
has been successfully commissioned. Single of oil and water droplets.
phase gas tests have been completed to After completion of the tests without glycol, the next
determine the loop characteristics. Testing of phase of experiments will be conducted for different
wire mesh for high pressure was successfully concentrations of glycol will be added to the aqueous
completed by HZDR. We ordered two wire phase, and the same test matrix will be completed
meshes to be used in 6 in. ID high pressure loop with glycol under steady state flowing conditions.
as one of the measurement instruments. It will
be delivered early Fall 2013. The Canty High  “Liquid Loading of Gas Wells.” Liquid loading in
Pressure Visualization Device has been tested the wellbore has been recognized as one of the most
under static conditions. Mr. Duc Vuong, a Ph.D. severe problems in gas production. At early times in
student, has been assigned to the first study. The the production, natural gas carries liquid in the form
testing will start in fall 2013. of mist since the reservoir pressure is sufficiently
high. As the gas well matures, the reservoir pressure
 “Low Liquid Loading Gas-Oil-Water Flow in decreases reducing gas velocity. The gas velocity
Horizontal and Near Horizontal Pipes.” Low may go below a critical value resulting in liquid
liquid loading exists widely in wet gas pipelines. accumulation in the well. The liquid accumulation
These pipelines often contain water and increases the bottom-hole pressure and significantly
hydrocarbon condensates. Small amounts of reduces the gas production rate.
liquids can lead to a significant increase in
Although considerable effort has been made to
pressure loss along a pipeline. Moreover,
predict the liquid loading of gas wells, experimental
existence of water can significantly contribute to
data are very limited. The objective of this project is
the problem of corrosion and hydrate formation
to better understand the mechanisms causing the
The main objectives of this study are to acquire
Ms. Mujgan Guner has recently completed an
detailed experimental data of low liquid loading
experimental study for the deviation angle range
gas-oil-water flow in horizontal and near
between 0° and 45°. The important conclusions of
horizontal pipes using representative fluids, to
the study can be briefly summarized as follows:
check the suitability of available models for low
liquid loading three phase flow and to suggest • Well deviation is an important variable that
improvements if needed. affects onset of liquid loading.
• The critical gas velocity increases as the well
The bulk of the experimental campaign was
deviates from vertical.
completed as reported last time. Additional data
• Well deviation promotes intermittent flow.
were taken during this period and the data
• Available models are not in good agreement with
analyses have been completed to characterize the
the experimental results, especially for deviated
wave and droplet fields for stratified flow. A
simple correlation approach is suggested for
entrainment of oil and water into the gas phase Mr. Yasser Al-Saadi has started his experimental
for stratified-atomization flow pattern which is study to investigate the liquid loading for the
the predominant flow pattern for low liquid deviation angle range between 45° and 90°. Since
loading flow conditions. Mr. Kiran Gawas, a the last Advisory Board meeting, the literature review
Ph.D. candidate, successfully defended his has been completed. Moreover, the facility has been
dissertation in March. prepared for the testing campaign, and testing
program has started.
 “Effect of MEG on Multiphase Flow Behavior.”
A 6 in. ID low pressure facility is now being  “Onset of Liquid Accumulation in Oil and Gas
utilized for this project. Currently, Mr. Hamid Pipelines.” Accumulation of liquid, oil and/or water,
Karami, a Ph.D. student, is conducting baseline at the bottom of an inclined pipe is known to be the
tests with no MEG. source of many industrial problems, such as
The entrainment rate measurements were corrosion and terrain slugging. Accurate
conducted using isokinetic probes for water cuts quantification of the required gas velocities to
of 60%, 80%, and 100%, and superficial gas efficiently sweep the water out and prevent
velocities of 17, 19, 21, 23 m/s. The data will be accumulation and accurate prediction of oil and water
used, along with data from Gawas (2013) for holdup are of great importance. Currently, minimum
water cuts of 40% and less, to analyze the effects gas velocity or critical angle requirements, which are
often found to be very conservative, are being

implemented with various success rates to Schlumberger already developed a steady-state
prevent corrosion in multiphase pipelines. multiphase database software using Microsoft
An experimental and theoretical modeling Access, which has been donated to TUFFP. This
project has already been initiated to better software will be further developed to accommodate
quantify the accumulated liquid volumes and the the diverse nature of TUFFP data.
critical gas velocity/inclination angle. During The current TUFFP membership stands at 17. Due to the
this period, a research plan has been prepared to sale of SPT Group to Schlumberger, SPT Group
be discussed at this Advisory Board meeting, and terminated their membership for 2013. Moreover,
the literature review has started. JOGMEC terminated their membership due to changes in
During the next period, the literature review will their research and technology development portfolio. On
continue and facility design will be finalized the other hand, NTP Truboprovod Piping Systems
with the required instrumentation to achieve the Research & Engineering joined as the newest member of
objectives of the project. TUFFP’s 3 in. ID TUFFP. Efforts continue to further increase the TUFFP
three-phase flow facility will be used for the membership level. We anticipate having one or two
experimental portion of this study after the additional new members for 2013. A detailed report on
completion of the liquid loading project. membership and financial matters is provided in this
 “Unified Mechanistic Model.” TUFFP has been
maintaining and continuously improving the Several related projects are underway. The related
TUFFP unified model. TUFFP has decided to projects involve sharing of facilities and personnel with
rewrite the unified model software with an TUFFP. The Paraffin Deposition consortium, TUPDP, is
emphasis on modularity and computation completing its fourth three-year phase. A new phase has
efficiency. Significant progress is made in already been started with a new three-year plan.
making the software modular. A detailed Tulsa University High Viscosity Oil Projects (TUHOP)
presentation outlining the progress is given in Joint Industry Projects has been completed. An
this brochure. insufficient number of members displayed interest in the
 “TUFFP Experimental Database Development.” continuation of TUHOP at this time. Therefore, it is
TUFFP has 46 gas-liquid data sets including proposed to merge TUHOP into TUFFP to pursue the
steady-state and transient experiments. More high viscosity oil multiphase flow research more
than 10,000 steady-state data records exist for vigorously. The TUHOP deliverables generated during
gas-liquid flow. For oil-water experiments, 11 its existence will not be available to TUFFP members.
data sets with about 2,800 data records have been The newly formed consortium called “Tulsa University
acquired. Finally, 5 data sets with about 500 Horizontal Well Artificial Lift Projects” (TUHWALP) is
data records have been obtained from gas-oil­ addressing the artificial lift needs of horizontal wells
water experiments. drilled into gas and oil shales. TUHWALP started its
The main objective of this project is to construct activities in July 2012. The membership has grown from
a comprehensive multiphase flow database of 11 to 16 members during this reporting period. We
TUFFP experimental data sets. anticipate reaching 20 members by the end of 2013. The
membership fee is $50,000.

Fluid Flow Projects

80th Fluid Flow Projects

Advisory Board Meeting


Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Safety Moment

 Emergency Exits
 Assembly Point
 Tornado Shelter
 Emergency
 Call 911
 Restrooms

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Introductory Remarks

 80th Semi-Annual Advisory Board

 Handout
 Combined Brochure and Slide Copy
 Sign-Up List
 Please Leave Business Card at
Registration Table

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


 Research Associates
 Cem Sarica (Director)
 Eduardo Pereyra (Associate Director)
 Carlos Torres (Research Associate)
 Jinho Choi (Research Associate)
 Abdel Al-Sarkhi (KFPMU – Visiting
Research Professor)
 Eissa Al-Safran (KU – Collaborator)

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Team …

 Project Coordinator
 Linda Jones
 Project Engineer
 Scott Graham
 Research Technicians
 Craig Waldron
 Norman Stegall
 Don Harris
 Franklin Birt
 Web Master
 Lori Watts

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Team …

 TUFFP Research Assistants

 Feras Alruhaimani (Ph.D.) – Kuwait
 Yasser Alsaadi (MS) – Saudi Arabia
 Selcuk Fidan (Ph.D.) – Turkey
 Kiran Gawas (Ph.D.) – India
 Mujgan Guner (MS) – Turkey
 Hamid Karami (Ph.D.) – Iran
 Duc Vuong (Ph.D.) – Vietnam

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Team …

 Visiting Research Scholars

 Maher Shariff, Saudi Aramco
 SNU Visiting Research Assistants
 Mignon Chu
 Jaejun Kim
 Hoyoung Lee

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


 Nicolas Jauseau, Kongsberg Oil & Gas

 Travis Gray, Range Resources
 Ken Walsh, Range Resources
 Steve Coleman
 DSME Representative
 Tod Canty, JM Canty

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


 8:30 Introductory Remarks

 8:45 Progress Reports
 Low Liquid Loading in Gas/Oil/Water Pipe
 Effects of MEG on Multiphase Flow


 Update on 6 in. High Pressure Facility

 10:15 Coffee Break
Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Agenda …

 10:30 Progress Reports

 Modeling of Hydrodynamics of Gas-Liquid
Pipe Flow using Energy Minimization
 Liquid Loading of Gas Wells with

Deviations from 0 to 45 Degrees

 Liquid Loading of Gas Wells with

Deviations from 45 to 90 Degrees

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Agenda …

 12:00 Lunch
 1:15 Progress Reports
 TUFFP Unified Model Software Improvement &
Database Development
 TUFFP Experimental Database
 Experimental Determination of Drift Velocity in
Medium Oil Viscosities for Horizontal and Upward
Inclined Pipes
 Revisit of Pipe Inclination on Flow Characteristics
of High Viscosity Oil-Gas Two-Phase Flow
 2:45 Coffee Break

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Agenda …

 3:00 Progress Reports

 Effect of High Oil Viscosity on Oil-Gas
Flow Behavior in Vertical and Highly
Deviated Pipes
 Onset of Liquid Accumulation in Oil
and Gas Pipelines
 TUHOP Incorporation

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Agenda …

 4:15 TUFFP Business Report

 4:30 Open Discussion
 5:00 Adjourn
 5:30 TUFFP/TUPDP Reception

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Other Activities

 April 16, 2013

 TUFFP Workshop
Excellent Presentations
 Facility Tour I
 TUFFP Reception
 April 18, 2013
 TUPDP Meeting
 Facility Tour II
 TUHWALP Reception
 April 19, 2013
 TUHWALP Meeting

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


Fluid Flow Projects

Low Liquid Loading Gas-Oil-Water

Flow In Horizontal and Near-

Horizontal Pipes

Kiran Gawas

Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


6 Objectives
6 Introd
I t duction
6 Experimental Study
6 Results and Discussion
6 Correlation Comparison
6 Conclusions
6 Recommendations

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


6 Acquire Experimental Data of Low Liquid

L di
Loading Gas-Oil-Water
G Oil W t Flow Fl in

Horizontal and Near Horizontal Pipes

Using Representative Fluids

6 Check Suitability of Available Models for

Low Liquid Loading Three Phase Flow
and Suggest Improvements If Needed

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


6 Low Liquid Loading Flows Correspond to

Liquid to Gas Ratio ≤ 1100 m3/MMsm3
6 Small Amounts of Liquid Influences
Pressure Distribution – Hydrate
Formation, Pigging
Frequency, Downstream Equipment
Design etc.
6 Transportt off Additives
6 Very Few Experiments for Large Diameter
6 Up-scaling of Available Models
Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Experimental Facility

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Test Section

4.6m 8 2m
8.2m 9 1m
9.1m 9 1m
9.1m 7 1m



7.1m 9.1m 9.1m 8.2m


Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Test Fluids

6 Test Fluid
¾ Gas
G – Air Ai
¾ Water – Tap Water

ρ = 1000 kg/m3

μ = 1 cP

γair = 72 dynes/cm @ 60° F

¾ Oil – Isopar L
ρ = 760 kg/m3

μ = 1.35 cP

γair = 24 dynes/cm @ 60° F

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Measurement Techniques


High Speed DAQ
Visualization Source

High Speed Camera Acrylic Box




Pressure Gauze


Capacitance Probe
Isokinetic Sampling
Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Results and Discussion

6 Flow Pattern
6 Wave Characteristics
¾ Presented by Mr. Mirazizi
6 Droplet Size
6 Droplet Flux
6 Entrainment
E t i t Fraction
F ti

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Flow Pattern Studies

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Flow Pattern Studies …

Dong (2007)

Current Study
Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Flow Pattern Studies …

6 Gas-liquid flow pattern : Stratified-atomization


6 Oil-water flow pattern – Separated flow, Semi-

dispersed flow and complete dispersion of

water in oil

6 Oil-water interface convex but no breakthrough

of the water channel at the gas-liq

quid interface

6 Negligible effect of water cut on initiation of


Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Droplet Size Studies

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Droplet Size Studies …

25 100

20 80
Middle Bottom
fv (dP) (%)

Top Middle
Fv (dP) (%)

15 60

10 40

5 20

0 0
0 200 400 600 800 0 200 400 600 800
dp (microns) dp (microns)

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Droplet Size Studies …

25 100
20 80 Bottom
Bottom 70 Middle

Fv (dP) (%)
fv (dP) (%)

Middle Top
Top 50
0 0 200 400 600 800
0 200 400 600 800 dp (microns)
dp (microns)

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Droplet Size Studies …

20 100
Experimental data
18 Experimental data
Log normal
16 Log normal 80
Upper limit log normal
14 Upper limit log normal

12 60
Fv (%)
fv (%)


8 40

4 20

0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500
dp (microns)
dp (microns)

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Droplet Size Studies …


d32 (microns)



Bottom Middle
Top Entire pipe cross-section
Kocamustafaogullari et al. (1994) Al Sarkhi et al. (2002)
Azzopardi et al. (1985)

10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

vSG (m/s)

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Droplet Size Studies …



d32 (microns)


Bottom Middle
Top Entire pipe cross-section
Azzopardi et al. (1985) Azzopardi et al. (1985) adjusted

10 15 20 25 30

vSG (m/s)
⎡ ⎛ ρ v 2λ ⎞
⎛W ⎞⎤ ⎛ σ ⎞
⎛ σ ⎞

d 32 = λ A ⎢15.4⎜⎜ L G A ⎟⎟ + 3.5⎜⎜ LE ⎟⎟⎥ λ A = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ λA = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟

⎢ ⎝ σ ⎠ ⎝ ρ L vG ⎠⎥⎦ ⎝ ρL g ⎠ ⎝ ρL g ⎠

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Droplet Size Studies …

dmax= 2.9155 d32

R² = 0.7358
dmax (microns)



100 150 200 250

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Droplet Size Studies …




fv (dP) (%)

0 100 200 300 400 500 600
dp (microns)

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Droplet Size Studies …

6 Upper Limit Log Normal Distribution Used to Fit

Droplet Size Distribution
6 Volume PDF and CDFs Shift to Lower Drop Size
with Increasing Distance from Bottom of the Pipe
- Influences Concentration Distribution of
Entrained Drops
6 Characteristic Drop Size Decreases with Distance
from Bottom
6 Available Correlation Need to Be Modified to
Accurately Predict the Effect of Surface Tension
6 Volume PDF for Three Phase Flow Shows Bi­
modal Distribution
Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Droplet Flux Studies …


Turbulence Gravity

ε + uT C = a ( y ) Source/Sink
Diffusion Gravity Settling
(Paras, S.V. and Karabelas, A., J., Int. J. Multiphase Flow, 17, 455-
468, 1991)

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Droplet Flux Studies …

vSL = 0.01 m/s, θ = -2°, air-oil flow

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Droplet Flux Studies …

vSg= = 23 m/s

0.8 Pan and Hanratty (2002)

Skartlien et al. (2011)


Eq. (4.49)



0.01 0.1 Ex (kg/m2s) 1 10

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Droplet Flux Studies …

1 0.1
VSL 0.02m/sm/s vSG==2323m/s,
VSG m/s,-2 -2°
VSG 0.015m/sm/s
0.8 0.08 vSG==1919m/s,
VSG m/s,-2 -2°
VSL 0.01m/sm/s vSG==16.7
VSG 16.7m/s,
m/s,-2 -2°
VSL 0.005m/sm/s

WLE (kg/s)
0.6 0.06
0.4 0.04

0.2 0.02

0 0
0.01 0.1 1 10 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025
vSL (m/s)
Ex (kg/m2s)

vSG = 19 m/s, θ = -2°, air-oil flow θ = -2°, air-oil flow

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Droplet Flux Studies …

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Droplet Flux Studies …

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Droplet Flux Studies …

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Droplet Flux Studies …

vSG = 19 m/s, vSL = 0.02 m/s, 2°

WC = 0.1, Water

WC = 0.1, Oil
WC = 0.2, Water

WC = 0.2, Oil
WC = 0.4, Water
y/D WC = 0.4, Oil


0.01 0.1 1 10
Ex (kg/m2s)

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Droplet Flux Studies …

1 1
WC = 1
0.8 0.8 WC = 0.1, Water
WC = 0.2, Water
0.6 0.6 WC = 0.4, Water

y/D y/D
0.4 0.4
WC = 0

WC = 0.1

0.2 WC = 0.2

WC = 0.4

0 0
0.01 0.1 1 0.01 0.1 1
(Ex) /(Ex0 )oil(kg/m2s) (Ex) /(Ex0 )water(kg/m2s)

Oil droplet flux profile Water droplet flux profile

for vSG = 23 m/s, vSL = 0.01 m/s for vSG = 23 m/s, vSL = 0.01 m/s

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Droplet Flux Studies …

WC = 0.1
0.8 WC = 0.2

WC = 0.4




0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Droplet Flux Studies …

6 Droplet Flux Profile Along Vertical Axis

Measured d
6 Accurate Prediction of Concentration
Profile Needs Accounting for Exact
Distribution of Drop Sizes
6 Entrainment of Liquid Most Sensitive to
G Flow
Gas Fl Rat
R tes
6 Effect of Inclination Diminishes with
Increase in Gas Flow Rate

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Droplet Flux Studies …

6 Entrainment Controlled by the

Contitinuous Oil Phase
6 Enhancement in Entrainment of Water in
Three Phase Flow
6 No Interaction Between Entrained Oil and
Water Drops
6 Fraction of Water in the Entrained Phase
Decreases with Distance from the Bottom
of the Pipe

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Entrainment Fraction Correlation


vSG ==23
VSG 23m/s,
m/s,-2 -2° vSG = 19 m/s,
VSG m/s,-2-2° vSG==16.5
VSG 16.5 m/s,
m/s, -2 -2°

vSG ==23
VSG 23m/s,
m/s,2 2° vSG =
VSG = 19 m/s,2 2°
19 m/s, vSG==16.5
VSG 16.5 m/s,
m/s, 2 2°




0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025
vSL (m/s)
Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Entrainment Fraction Correlation …

Ra = R D
k A' vG2 ( ρ L ρ G ) 0.5 ⎛ WLF −WLFC ⎞
k A' vG2 ( ρ L ρ G ) 0.5 ⎛ WLF ⎞ Ra = ⎜ ⎟
Ra = ⎜ − ΓC* ⎟ σ ⎝ P ⎠
σ ⎝ P ⎠

P = πD P = SI

⎛ h ⎞
S I = D 1 − ⎜1 − 2 0 ⎟
⎝ D⎠


Two-fluid model

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Entrainment Fraction Correlation …

CW (θ )
RD = k D (θ )CW (θ ) RD = k D (θ ) CB




0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Entrainment Fraction Correlation …

1 Experiments
Experiments Pan and Hanratty (2002)
Pan and Hanratty (2002) 0.8 Mantilla (2008)
0.8 Mantilla (2008) Current




0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 vSL (m/s)
vSL (m/s)

vSG = 23 m/s air-oil flow vSG = 19 m/s air-oil flow

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Entrainment Fraction Correlation …

(R a )water = WC b (R a ) (R a )Oil = (1 − WC b ) (R a )

k A' v G2 ( ρ m ρ G ) 0 .5 ⎛ W LF − W LFC ⎞
Ra = ⎜ ⎟
σ ⎝ P ⎠
WC = 0.1
0.8 WC = 0.2

WC = 0.4
WC = 1
y/D 0.4

vSG = 19 m/s, vSL = 0.02 m/s, 0°
0.01 0.1 1 10
(Ex) /WCm (kg/m2s)
Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Entrainment Fraction Correlation …

RD water
= kD C B waer RD oil
= kD C B oil
CB water
CB oil

WC b (Ra ) = uTw
WL E water WC m W L (1 − WC m ) E oil
( ) (1 − WC b )(Ra ) = u To
S π / 4 D 2 vG (
S π / 4 D 2 vG )
WC b =
WC m ⎡ (1 − E o ) ⎤
(1 − E O ) W LF = W L WC m ⎢ ( E o − E w ) + ⎥
WC m + (1 − WC m ) ⎣ WC m ⎦
(1 − EW )

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Entrainment Fraction Correlation …

Vsg = 23 m/s, Vsl = 0.02 m/s - Correlation
V = 19 m/s,
Vsg / Vsl
V l = 0.02
0 02 m/s
/ - Correlation
C l ti
Vsg = 16.7 m/s, Vsl = 0.01 m/s - Correaltion
Vsg = 23 m/s, Vsl = 0.02 m/s
(WLE )Water [kg/s]

Vsg = 19 m/s, Vsl = 0.02 m/s
Vsg = 16.7 m/s, Vsl = 0.01 m/s



0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45
WC [-]

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Entrainment Fraction Correlation …


WC = 0.1

WC = 0.2

WC = 0.4



0.01 0.1 1
(Ex) /WCm (kg/m2s)

vSG = 16.5 m/s, vSL = 0.02 m/s, 0°

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Entrainment Fraction Correlation …

vsg = 16.7 m/s, Experiment

Vsg = 19 m/s, Experiments

Vsg = 23 m/s, Experiments

vsg = 16.7 m/s, Correlation

0.4 Vsg = 19 m/s, Correlation

Vsg = 23 m/s, Correlation





0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6


Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


6 Correlation Approach Accounting for Asymmetry

of Liquid Film
6 Better Prediction of Functional Relationship of
Entrainment Fraction on Liquid Velocity
6 Correlation for Entrainment Fraction in Three
Phase Flow Assuming Uniform Distribution of
Water in the Liquid Film
6 Close Match With Data for Amount of Water
Entrained Except for Lowest Gas Velocity

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


6 Measurement of Axial Gas Velocity Profile

6 Measurement
M t off Droplet
D l t Fl
Flux att Diff
Differentt R
di l
6 Measurement of Distribution of Water in the
Liquid Phase
6 Visualization System to Distinguish Between Oil
and Water Drops
6 Experiments in Three Phase Flow at Higher

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Recommendations …

6 Incorporating Wave Characteristics Studied to

Improve Model for Atomization
6 Model for Distribution of Water in the Liquid
6 Accounting for Effect of Variation of Turbulent
Diffusivity Across the Pipe Cross-section –
Secondary Flow
6 Model That Accounts for Curvature Effect for
Better Prediction of Interfacial Perimeter
6 Transition to Annular Flow Based on Droplet

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Thank You

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


Low Liquid Loading in Gas-Oil-Water Pipe Flow
Kiran Gawas

Project Completion Dates

Final Report ............................................................................................................................................. April 2013

Objectives Characteristics of waves at gas-liquid interface for

The main objectives of this study are: the case of air-oil two phase flow was studied for
 Acquire experimental data of low liquid superficial gas velocity in the range of 12 m/s to 22
loading gas-oil-water flow in horizontal and m/s, superficial liquid velocity in the range of 0.005
near horizontal pipes using representative to 0.02 m/s and inclinations of +2, -2 and 0° from the
fluids horizontal. A new capacitance probe system was
 Check suitability of available models for developed for this purpose which provides insights
low liquid loading three-phase flow and into the interfacial behavior. To our knowledge, no
suggest improvements if needed wave characteristics data for air-oil flow exists in
literature. Most of the work on interfacial waves is
Introduction for air-water two phase flows.
Low liquid loading gas-oil-water flow is widely Since the transport of entrained liquid drops is
encountered in wet gas pipelines. Even though, the influenced by their size, a high speed visualization
pipeline is fed with single phase gas, the system was developed to measure droplet size
condensation of the gas along with traces of water distribution. Droplet sizes were measured for three
results in three-phase flow. The presence of these different gas flow rates for air-oil flow and
liquids can result in significant changes in pressure air/oil/water flow at 40% water cut. Measurements
distribution. Hydrate formation, pigging frequency, were done at three different locations from bottom of
and downstream facility design, which are strongly the pipe.
dependent on pressure and holdup distribution in the Finally a simple correlation approach is
pipeline, will also be thus affected. Several authors suggested for entrainment of oil and water into the
have published papers on flow pattern identification gas phase for stratified-atomization flow pattern
and modeling of three-phase flow. However, most of which is the predominant flow pattern for low liquid
them do not cover the range of low liquid loading loading flow conditions.
flow, which is the main focus of this study. The
experimental program is conducted in a 6 in. ID flow Experimental Results
loop. The main focus of this study is measurement of Flow pattern studies
droplet flux, droplet size distribution and wave The predominant gas-liquid flow pattern in low-
characteristics for horizontal and near-horizontal liquid loading flows is stratified-atomization flow.
pipes. Additionally, oil-water flow pattern in the Although the inception of atomization starts at
liquid phase are studied for different liquid loading superficial gas velocity of 10 m/s, the entrained drops
levels and waters cuts. do not reach top of the pipe until superficial gas
velocity reaches 15 m/s for air-oil flow and 20 m/s
Activities Summary for air-water flow, respectively. No appreciable
Experimental Study change was observed in the gas velocity for inception
Experimental Program with increasing water cut in the case of air/oil/water
Preliminary experiments were conducted with three-phase flow.
representative fluids in order to investigate the flow The oil-water interface showed a distinct
patterns existing in case of gas/oil/water pipe flows. convex curvature in case of air/oil/water three phase
Droplet flux studies were conducted for superficial flow. However, breakthrough of the water channel to
gas velocity in the range of 16.5 m/s to 23 m/s, the gas-liquid interface as reported by Dong (2007)
superficial liquid velocity in the range of 0.005 m/s could not be ascertained for the test fluids used in this
and 0.02 m/s, inclinations +2, -2 and 0° from study.
horizontal and water cut of 0, 10, 20, 40 and 100%. The water drops appear to be completely
Isokinetic sampling system was used to measure flux dispersed in the continuous oil phase for vSG > 19 m/s
of oil and water drops at different locations along the up to 40% water cut. However, for vSG < 19 m/s a
vertical axis of the pipe cross-section. small continuous water film is observed at the bottom

of the pipe which indicates a non-uniform dispersion diminishes as gas flow rate increases. The
of water drops in the liquid film. entrainment fraction tends to decrease with
increasing liquid flow rate and this effect is more
Wave characteristic studies prominent for the higher gas flow rate and at lower
The different characteristics of interfacial waves such liquid flow rates.
as wave celerity, wave amplitude and wave Measurement of droplet flux of oil and water for
frequency were correlated to X*, which represents the case of air/oil/water three-phase flow indicates
ratio of Froude numbers of the liquid and gas phase that entrainment of water which is the dispersed
respectively. The correlation was tested for a phase is enhanced by the presence of oil which is the
comprehensive data set based on wave data available continuous phase. This leads to higher flux of water
in literature over a range of liquid film thickness. than in the case of air-water two-phase flow.
The correlation was also compared with model The slope of the droplet flux profiles indicates
predictions for wave celerity using mechanistic that the water and oil drops are distributed across the
model proposed by Watson (1989). Similarity of pipe cross-section independent of each other. Thus,
results obtained using both the model predictions and changing water cut changes only the rate at which oil
the correlation implies that X* combines all the and water is atomized with no interaction between
important parameters that determine wave behavior. the two thereafter. The fraction of water, in the
entrained liquid, decreases with increasing distance
Droplet size studies from bottom of the pipe due to higher settling
Upper-limit lognormal (ULLN) and lognormal velocity of water compared to that of oil.
distributions were used to represent the measured
droplet size distribution data. ULLN showed better Correlation for entrainment of water and oil in
overall fit than lognormal distribution especially for gas/oil/water three-phase flow
larger drop sizes. The difference between the two is The correlations used for estimation of entrainment
however small. fraction in horizontal flow are based on annular flow
The characteristic drop size decreases from data. Annular flow conditions would rarely be
bottom of the pipe to the top. The spatial variation of attained for low-liquid loading flows. The
size however decreases with increase in gas velocity. asymmetry of liquid film should therefore be
The available correlations for characteristic droplet accounted for in determination of entrainment
sizes do not match with the current data set since fraction. The approach suggested in current study
these correlations rely on experiments conducted for fairs better than the available correlations in
air-water flow which is high surface tension system. describing the functional dependence of entrainment
The method used in this study cannot fraction on superficial liquid velocity.
distinguish between oil and water drops. However, This approach is extended to three-phase flow
droplet size distribution for three-phase flow case by assuming that the deposition of the entrained
shows a bimodal distribution function. Since careful water and oil drops takes place independent of each
examination of the recorded images does not indicate other. Uniform distribution of water in oil is
presence of complex drops, the two modes observed assumed to predict rate of atomization of water and
in the distribution function can be attributed to oil at the gas-liquid interface. These assumptions
individual oil and water drops. match experimental observations except at lower gas
velocity. For low gas flow rate investigated in this
Droplet flux studies study the proposed correlation over predicts amount
Measurements at different locations along the vertical of water entrained in the gas phase.
axis of the pipe cross-section show that the droplet
flux decreases almost exponentially with increasing Recommendations
distance from bottom of the pipe. Modeling of  Experimental determination of concentration
concentration profile of droplets based on a balance distribution of water drops in the liquid film.
between turbulent diffusion forces and gravity (Paras  Visualization system to distinguish between
and Karabelas 1990, Pan and Hanratty 2002) predict entrained water and oil drops.
behavior close to the gas-liquid interface but deviates  Measurement of axial gas velocity along the
from the observed behavior towards top of the pipe. vertical axis of the pipe to accurately predict
The entrainment fraction is highly sensitive to gas the concentration of entrained drops and for
flow rate and varies as (vSG)5. The effect of liquid better estimation of drop diffusivity.
flow rate and inclination is less significant. Although  Incorporating the wave characteristics
entrainment fraction tends to increase as the studied to improve modeling of rate of
inclination changes from -2 to +2°, the effect atomization.

 Incorporating the effect of entrained liquid experimental data on entrainment is for low
drops on turbulent diffusivity in the gas pressure.
phase. Variation of diffusivity across the  Model that accounts for curvature of the
pipe cross-section also needs to be gas-liquid film is required for prediction of
considered. interfacial perimeter and film thickness.
 Effect of secondary flow on droplet  Better prediction for transition from
distribution needs to be considered to stratified-atomization flow to annular flow
improve the prediction of droplet transport based on droplet deposition is required.
towards the top and sides of the pipe.  Experiments at higher pressure are needed to
 Comparison of the predictions of current investigate the effect of pressure on
approach with experimental data at high entrainment of oil and water.
pressure is needed. Most of the available

Dong, H.-K.: “Low Liquid Loading Gas-Oil-Water Flow in Horizontal Pipes.”, U. of Tulsa, OK, 2007.
Pan, L., Hanratty, T.J.: “Correlation of entrainment for annular flow in horizontal pipes.”, Int. J. Multiphase Flow,
28, 385-408, 2002.
Paras, S.V., Karabelas, A.J.: “Droplet entrainment and deposition in horizontal annular flow.” Int. J. Multiphase
Flow, 17, 455-468, 1991.
Watson M.: “Wavy stratified flow and the transition to slug flow.”, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference
in Multi-phase Flows, Nice, France. 1989.


Fluid Flow Projects

Low Liquid Loading Three-

Phase Flow and Effects of

MEG on Flow Behavior

Hamidreza Karami

Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


6 Introduction
6 Objectives
6 Experimental Work
6 Preliminary Experimental Results
¾ Wave Characteristics
¾ Entrainment
E t i t Rat
R te
6 Future Activities

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


6 Low Liquid Loading Flow Influences Different

Flow Characteristics
6 Very Few Experiments For Large Diameter
6 MEG is Injected Continuously as Hydrate
Inhibitor in Offshore Systems
6 Its Impact on Flow Pattern,
Pattern Holdup,
Holdup Pressure
Drop Predictions is not Well Understood
6 Need to Generate Experimental Data and
Improve Model Predictions

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


6 Collect Flow Pattern, Holdup, Wave

Characteristics and Entrainment Data
Using TUFFP’s 6 in. ID Low Pressure Test
Facility With and Without MEG under
Different Flow Conditions
6 Benchmark Existing Models, Document
6 Propose Improvements If Needed

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Experimental Facility

6-in ID Low Liquid Loading Facility

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Experimental Program …

6 Low Liquid Loading Facility Used (6 in. ID)

6 Testing Fluids: IsoPar-L Oil, Tap Water,
Air, Mono Ethylene Glycol (MEG)
6 Initial Tests Under Steady State
6 Aqueous Phase ρ, μ, σ, … to Be
Investigated for Different Temperatures
and MEG %

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Measurement Techniques …

6 Pressure and Temperature: PTs, DPs, and

6 Holdup: Quick Closing Valves and Pigging
6 Entrainment Rate: Iso-kinetic Sampling
6 Droplet Size Distribution
6 Capacitance Sensor
6 Portable Densitometer

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Density Calibration …

6 Densito 30PX

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Density Calibration …

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Preliminary Test Matrix …

6 Proposed Tests:
Parameter Different Cases Number

MEG (wt%) 0 10 25 50 4

Inclination (deg.) 0 2 -2 3

Water Cut (%) 10 20 40 60 80 100 6

Mixing Condition Steady State 1

Vsl (cm/s) 1 2 2

Vsg (m/s) 15 17 19 21 23 5

Total 720

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Preliminary Test Matrix …

6 Horizontal Cases First

6 Cases without Glycol First
6 50% Glycol Concentration
6 Properties to Be Investigated
¾ Entrainment Rate
¾ Liquid Holdup
¾ Wave Characteristics
¾ Droplet Size Distribution
¾ Dispersion of Liquid Phases

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Testing Range


Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Entrainment Rate …

6 Isokinetic Probes
Direction 1.5"


Pressure Gauge


Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Entrainment Rate …

Probe Position
h1 = 1′′,

h2 = 1.25′′,
h3 = 1.5′′,

h4 = 1.75′′,
h5 = 2′′,
h6 = 2.25′′,

h7 = 3′′,
h8 = 4.5′′,

h9 = 6′′,

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 16, 2013

Holdups: QCVs & Pigging

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 16, 2013

Wave Characteristics …

6 Insulated Probes Used for Water/Air

6 Effects of Glycol on Wave Characteristics
6 Tests Will Be Tried for High Water Cut 3­
Phase Flow
6 Characteristics:
¾ Length
¾ Celerity
¾ Frequency
¾ Amplitude 60°

2D 30°

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Preliminary Experimental Results

6 Wave Characteristics
¾ Gas/Oil 2-Phase Low Liquid Loading Flow
¾ Combine Effort between Previous Project
(Kiran Gawas) and Current Study
(Hamidreza Karami)
6 Entrainment Rate
¾ Water
W Continuous
C i Three
Th Phase
Ph Flow
¾ Results Obtained for 2 Gas Rates (17 and
19 m/s)

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Wave Characteristics

35 h0 = 17.802(V) - 16.739

Film Thickness (m

25 Static Calibration
15 h0 = 17.636(V) - 34.508

Dynamic Calibration
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Voltage (V)

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Wave Characteristics …

Vsg = 14.5 m/s, Vsl = 0.01 m/s, WC = 0
Vsg = 14.5 m/s, Vsl = 0.01 m/s, WC = 0

V /V mVa/Vxm[ -a]max

x [ -]





0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
t [s]
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
t (s)
t [s]

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Wave Characteristics …

6 Wave Celerity
Cross-corrrelation coefficient

C = Δ x/Δt

Time Lag (ms)

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Wave Characteristics …

ρ G m& L ρ L VSL FrSL

X* = = =
ρ L m& G ρ G VSG FFrSG
Liquid Superficial
Liquid Superficial
Author Pipe Surface Liquid
Test Fluids Viscosity Gas Velocity
(Year) Diameter Tension Velocity
(Pa.s) Range
(N/m) Range
Andritsos 0.0508 , 0.01 - 0.06
Air -Water 0.001 - 0.08 0.072 6 - 19 m/s
(1986) 0.0953 m/s
Paras (1991,
Air -Water 0.0508 0.001 0.072 10 - 66 m/s 0.02 - 0.2 m/s
Mantilla 0.001 - 0.0035 - 0.1
Ai -Water
Air Wt 0 0508 0.152
0.0508, 0 152 0 072 - 0.035
0.072 0 035 5 - 80 m/s
(2008) 0.0071 m/s
Magrini 0.0035 - 0.04
Air -Water 0.076 0.001 0.072 40 - 80 m/s
(2009) m/s
Mantilla 0.001 - 0.01
Air -Water 0.0508 0.001 0.072 5 - 20 m/s
(2012) m/s
SF6 - Water 0.1 0.001 0.072 0.5 - 4.5 m/s 0.1 - 1 m/s
0.005 - 0.02
Current Study Air-Oil 0.152 0.00135 0.024 10 - 20 m/s

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Wave Characteristics …
10000 Andritsos et al. (1992)
Paras et al. (1991)
Mantilla ((2008)) - D = 0.0508 m
Current Study
1000 Johnson (2005)
Mantilla (2008) - Surface Tension = 0.035 N/m
Mantilla (2008) - Viscosity = 7.1 cP
Mantilla et al. (2012)
Al Sarkhi et al. (2011)
C/vSL 100
Proposed Correlation


0.0001 0.001 0.01 X* 0.1 1

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Wave Characteristics …

6 Non-linear Roll-wave Solution (Dressler

1949 W
1949, Watson
t 1989)

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Wave Characteristics …

6 Non-linear Roll-wave Solution (Dressler

1949 W
1949, Watson
t 1989)

Disturbance Disturbance Waves


Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Wave Characteristics …





Thick film – Transition to slug flow

0.0001 0.001 0.01 X* 0.1 1

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Wave Characteristics …

6 Wave Frequency
¾ Power Spectrum
¾ Physical Counting of Waves – Mean ± σ

Fluid Flow Projects f (Hz) Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Wave Characteristics …

6 Wave Frequency (St=fD/vsl)




10 Paras et al. (1991, 1994)

Johnson et al. (2005)
Magrini (2008)
1 Mantilla (2008) - 0.152 m
Mantilla (2008) - 0.0508 m
Mantilla (2008) - ST = 0.35 N/m
Mantilla (2008) - Viscosity = 7.1 cP
Mantilla et al. (2012)


Al Sarkhi et al. (2011)

0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1
Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Wave Characteristics …

6 Wave Amplitude … Δhw = 2 2σ

Andritsos (1992) Paras et al. (1991)

Paras et al. (1994) Magrini (2008)

Mantilla (2008) - D = 0.152 m Mantilla (2008) - D = 0.0508 m

Mantilla (2008) - ST = 0.035 N/m Mantilla (2008) - Viscosity = 7.1 cP

0.1 Johnson (2005)



0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Wave Characteristics …

Paras et al. (1991)
Paras et al.
al (1994)
0.25 Magrini (2008)
Mantilla (2008) - D = 0.152 m
Mantilla (2008) - D = 0.0508 m
0.2 Mantilla (2008) - ST = 0.035 N/m

Mantilla (2008) - Viscosity = 7.1 cP


67(h0 / D)
ΔhW / D = 0

0 0.05 0.1 h0/D 0.15 0.2 0.25

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Wave Characteristics …



ΔhW / D = 0.58( X * )

Paras et al. (1992, 1994)
Mantilla (2008)
Mantilla (2008) - 0.0508
0 0508 m
Manitlla (2008) - ST = 0.035 N/m
Mantilla (2008) - Viscosity = 7.1 cP
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Wave Characteristics …

6 Capacitance Probe for Measurement of

Wave Characteri
t istics
ti in Air-oil
Ai il Two-phase
T h


6 Wave Celerity, Wave Amplitude, Wave

Frequency Correlated with X*
6 Correlation Compared for Air-water Data
S t Available
Set A il bl in i Literature
Lit t
6 Comparison with Mechanistic Model for
Roll-waves Proposed by Watson (1989)

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Entrainment Rate Results …

6 Oil Entrainment Rate, Vsg=16.8 m/s

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Entrainment Rate Results …

6 Oil Entrainment Rate, Vsl= 1 cm/s

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Entrainment Rate Results …

6 Water Entrainment Rate, Vsg=18.8 m/s

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Entrainment Rate Results …

6 Water Entrainment Rate, Vsl = 2 cm/s

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Entrainment Rate Results …

6 Water Ratio in Entrained Droplets, Vsl =1 cm/s

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Entrainment Rate Results …

6 Water Ratio in Entrained Droplets, Vsl =2 cm/s

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Near Future Activities

6 Literature Review (Ongoing)

6 Modeling Efforts (Starting at Summer 2013)
6 Holdup Measurements (Spring 2013)
6 Wave Characteristics Measurements
(Summer 2013)
6 Expperiments with Gly
ycol (Fall 2013))

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Research Schedule

2011 2012 2013 2014


Literature Review

Facility Training

Facility Preparation

Test Matrix

Main Tests

Additional Tests

Data Analysis

Modeling Study

PhD Proposal

Dissertation Preparing


Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Questions and Comments

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Three-Phase Low Liquid Loading Flow and Effects of MEG on Flow
Hamidreza Karami Mirazizi

Project Completion Dates

Literature Review ........................................................................................................................................ Ongoing

PhD Proposal Defense ....................................................................................................................... October 2013

Data Acquisition .................................................................................................................................. January 2014

Data Analysis .................................................................................................................................... February 2014

Model Comparison and Development ............................................................................................... October 2014

Objectives Experimental Facility

The objectives of this study are:
The flow loop consists of two parallel sections, with
 Acquire flow pattern, holdup, wave
6 in. (0.15 m) ID pipes. Each section is 56.4 m long.
characteristics, and entrainment data using a 6– Acrylic visualization sections about 8 m long are
in. ID pipe with and without mono-ethylene provided at the end of each section. The inclination
glycol MEG under different flow conditions; angle can change from 0°, horizontal case, to ±2° in
 Benchmark existing models, document inclined case.
discrepancies; IsoPar-L which poses similar properties as wet
 Propose improvements if needed. gas pipelines (low viscosity and specific gravity), is
selected as the oil phase. The oil density, viscosity
Introduction and surface tension at standard conditions are 760
One of the most common phenomena in wet gas kg/m3, 0.0013 Pa·s, and 0.024 N/m, respectively. In
pipelines is the low liquid loading three-phase flow addition, tap water and mono ethylene glycol are
of gas-oil and water. Presence of these liquids in the forming the aqueous phase, and air is flowing into the
pipeline, although in very small amounts, can test section as the gas phase through two different
influence different flow characteristics, such as compressors.
pressure distribution. Aqueous phase properties are function of MEG
Mono-ethylene glycol (MEG) is used concentration. The phase density increases slightly
continuously in deep water gas production systems as with the increase in MEG concentration. However,
a hydrate inhibitor. It is injected at the subsea tree the change in viscosity is more drastic, and makes the
upstream of the choke. Some work has been done at viscosity of the denser phase (aqueous) larger than
The University of Tulsa Hydrates Flow Performance the oil phase. This may result in different flow
and Southwest Research Institute on settling and characteristics such as the droplet entrainment rate.
effectiveness of MEG injection under quiescent A portable densitometer, Densito 30PX will be used
conditions. However, MEG mixing in multiphase to confirm glycol concentration in the aqueous phase
flow and its effect on flow parameters such as liquid during the tests. The instrument can measure the
holdup, flow pattern, pressure gradient and density of the aqueous mixture and temperature in an
entrainment rate are not well understood. easy and fast manner. For this purpose, the mixture
Considering the significance of liquid inventory density for different temperature values and different
and hydrate management on these large gas tie-backs, glycol concentrations was measured, and recorded in
there is a need to generate datasets for open literature a calibration plot. This plot will be used every day to
that can be used by model developers. back estimate the glycol concentration in the tank.
In this study, experiments are conducted in a 6 Gas flow rate is measured using the micro
in. ID flow loop. The targeted flow characteristics motion flow meter CMF300, while CMF100 and
are the entrainment rate, liquid holdup, wave CMF050 are used to measure oil and water flow
characteristics, and droplet size distribution. rates. An isokinetic sampling system is used to
Adopting Gawas (2013) test matrix, tests are determine droplet flux entrained in the gas phase.
conducted, firstly, without Glycol, and then repeated, The system consists of an isokinetic probe, a
by adding MEG to the aqueous phase. New separator and air flow meter. It can be traversed
experimental data considering MEG effect in vertically across the pipe cross section, and
multiphase flow behavior will increase the efficacy of entrainment rate at different positions can be
production management systems. recorded. Two isokinetic systems, one foot apart, are
used to increase measurement speed. Vertical

sampling positions include 9 different spots, ranging developed by Al-Sarkhi et al. (2011) was compared
from 1 in. away from the bottom, to the top of the with a set of experimental results for wave celerity,
section. including works of several different authors.
Five quick-closing valves (QCV) are used to Although the correlation gives good agreement over a
bypass the flow and at the same time trap the liquid wide range of flow conditions, it over-predicts for
in the test sections. The reaction time of the QCV is low X* values and under-predicts for higher values of
less than 1 second. The liquid trapped in the QCV is X*. X* is ratio of only inertial forces between liquid
pigged out with a specially designed pigging system and gas phase. For thinner liquid films wall effect
and is drained into graduated cylinders to measure would also be a contributing factor which is not
the oil and water volumes. The system is installed in accounted for in X*. Two distinct trends of C/vSL
the testing section with a launching position and a with X* were observed and a new correlation was
receiving position at each end of the QCV section. proposed, based on X*.
An air line with a maximum pressure of 25 psig and A mathematical model for roll wave in two-
adjustable air flow rate is used to push the pig phase flow pipelines has been proposed by Watson
through. The pigging efficiency tests will be carried (1989). He assumes that any disturbance wave
out to determine the uncertainties. travels at the same constant velocity (C) which is
New capacitance system, including multiple determined as part of the solution. He suggested a
insulated capacitance probes around the pipe solution procedure through non-linear analysis of
periphery, will be used to measure wave governing transient momentum equations and used
characteristics. Film thickness, wave length, celerity, the conclusion from Dressler, who had shown that a
frequency, and amplitude will be reported for all continuous solution for this system is not possible.
experimental conditions. These probes are in the Thus we can assume that a continuous solution is
design phase. obtained by fitting together piecewise continuous
solutions. The model shows a fair performance with
Preliminary Experimental Results the experimental data. An under-prediction is
Preliminary results in entrainment rate and wave observed for downward inclined pipes while it tends
characteristics are presented in this section. to over-predict in upward inclined flow. Discrepancy
can be attributed to two sources: the constant friction
Wave Characteristics Analysis factor assumption and the liquid entrainment which
This work was conducted as a common effort has been neglected in the Watson (1989) formulation.
between previous project (Gawas, 2013) and this Wave celerity data using the model were compared
study. Pairs of capacitance probes, set about 4 inches with correlation. It can be seen that wave celerity
apart, were used to analyze wave characteristics in predicted by the model also tends to follow similar
oil/air two-phase flow. Static and dynamic trend as by the correlation with respect to X*.
calibration of the probes was conducted prior to main Frequency of interfacial waves can be
experiments. Wave characteristics for horizontal, determined by window crossing method (actual
downward (-2°) and upward (+2°) flow were counting of waves) or using power spectrum of the
determined from the capacitance sensor’s time series. time series signal. In the case of power spectrum, the
The voltage signal from the capacitance probe is frequency of the wave is equal to the value of the
measured at 200 Hz for 10 – 20 seconds. The signal most dominant frequency. For counting of wave
was filtered by using a low-pass filter with cutoff frequency, standard deviation of the time trace is
frequency of 25 Hz. considered as the threshold. Signal above the
Wave celerity is calculated using cross- threshold is considered as crest of the wave while
correlation between signals recorded simultaneously signal below this threshold is counted as trough of the
by the two capacitance probes placed a known wave. In the subsequent analysis, the frequency
distance apart. Based on the experimental results, obtained by window crossing technique is used.
wave celerity seems to increase almost linearly with Azzopardi et al. (2008) suggested using the
gas velocity and it also increases slightly with liquid Strouhal number to correlate wave frequency with
velocity. Al-Sarkhi et al. (2011) found that X*, where Strouhal Number is defined as St=fD/vSL.
entrainment fraction and wave celerity were strong The variation of Strouhal number with X* for
functions of the modified Lockhart-Martinelli different experimental conditions was analyzed and
parameter, X*, or the Froude number ratio based on compared to the correlation developed by Al-Sarkhi
the superficial liquid and gas velocities and pipe et al. (2011). There is considerable uncertainty
inclination angle. Therefore, X* can be used to associated with measurement of wave frequency.
correlate wave celerity for separated flow patterns Different methods have been used by different
(stratified and annular flows). The correlation

authors for determination of wave frequency from value of vsl was observed at water cut of 80%, where,
wave signal data. apparently, there is still a continuous oil phase at the
Different methods have been used for the surface, dragging water droplets, and increasing the
determination of wave amplitude. For the entrainment rate. The ratio of water entrainment rate
experimental conditions used in the current study, the to the total value is very low, even for the case of
wave amplitude was found to be almost independent 80% water cut, and has a peak value of about 0.42,
of the superficial liquid velocity, and was found to for vsg=19 m/s, vsl=2 cm/s, and WC=80%.
increase with an increase in gas velocity. Moreover,
the effect of inclination on wave amplitude was Future Work
found to be negligible. First phase of the experiments are conducted without
Wave amplitude is a strong function of the film glycol, and over similar test matrix as in Gawas
thickness. When normalized wave amplitude is (2013). This includes low liquid loading three-phase
plotted against normalized measured film thickness, experiments. Four independent variables are
two distinct behaviors can be observed. For the considered for the test matrix, namely, liquid and gas
higher gas velocities in stratified-atomization and superficial velocities, inclination angle, and water
annular flow region, where the gas-liquid interface is cut. Primarily, all the experiments will be conducted
dominated by large disturbance waves, a linear trend in horizontal conditions. Two different superficial
is observed. However, considerable deviation is liquid velocities (1 and 2 cm/s), five superficial gas
observed for the experiments, restricted to lower gas velocities (15, 17, 19, 21, and 23 m/s), and six
and higher liquid flow rates with long 2D waves at different water cuts (10, 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100%)
the gas-liquid interface. Neglecting these data points, are going to be considered.
a correlation was developed to predict the normalized After completion of entrainment rate
wave amplitude by means of the normalized film measurements, from May to July 2013, liquid holdup
thickness. For cases in which disturbance waves measurements will be taken by QCVs and pigging
exist (stratified-atomization and annular flow), a system. The measurements will be obtained, for the
correlation was also developed, predicting the wave whole test matrix, with water cuts ranging from 0%
amplitude, normalized by pipe diameter with respect to 100%.
to X*. A fairly good match was observed with the Finally, the newly acquired insulated
experimental data. capacitance probes will be utilized to measure the
wave characteristics. These measurements are
Entrainment Rate initially targeted for water/air experiments, and they
The entrainment rate measurements were conducted, will be used later with glycol in the aqueous phase.
with isokinetic probes, from January to April 2013. This will help estimate the effects of change in
The measurements are obtained for water cuts of viscosity of the liquid phase via glycol in wave
60%, 80%, and 100% (not included in Gawas, 2013 characteristics. In addition, capacitance probe
study), and superficial gas velocities of 17, 19, 21, 23 measurements will be tried for 3-phase oil/water/air
m/s. These data can be used, along with data from flow experiments.
Gawas (2013) for water cuts of 40% and less, to After completion of all the tests without glycol,
analyze the effects of different parameters on the the next phase of experiments is going to be
entrainment behavior of oil and water droplets. conducted from September 2013 to January 2014. At
After initial analysis of the tests conducted with this stage, different concentrations of glycol will be
vsg of 17 and 19 m/s, it can be observed that both vsl added to the aqueous phase, and the same test matrix
and vsg have direct influence on the entrainment rate. will be completed, only in the presence of glycol. All
The highest entrainment rate of water, at a fixed the tests are conducted under steady state conditions

Al Sarkhi, A., Sarica, C., and Magrini, K.: “Inclination Effects on Wave Characteristics in Annular Gas-liquid
Flows,” AIChE J., 58, 1018-1029, 2011.
Azzopardi, B. J., “Gas-Liquid Flows,” New York: Begell House, Inc., 2006.
Dong, H.-K.: “Low Liquid Loading Gas-Oil-Water Flow in Horizontal Pipes,” M.S. Thesis, U. Tulsa. Tulsa, OK.
Gawas, K.: “Low Liquid Loading in Gas-Oil-Water Pipe Flow,” PhD Dissertation, The University of Tulsa, 2013.
Watson, M.: “Wavy Stratified Flow and the Transition to Slug Flow,” Multi-Phase Flow Proceedings of the 4th
International Conference. BHRA, 1989, Bedford, UK, pp. 495–512.


Fluid Flow Projects

Update on 6 in. ID High

Pressure Facility Activities

Duc Vuong

Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


 Objectives
 Facility
 Instrumentation
 Basic
 Special
 Single Phase Tests
 Two Phase Tests
 Future Work
Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


 Scale-up of Small Diameter and

Low Pressure Results to the Large
Diameter and High Pressure

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


Test section need special instruments for

flow characteristic measurements.

= Not available

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Facility …

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Facility …

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Facility …

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Basic Instrumentation

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Special Instrumentation

 Canty Tubular System

 Holdup Measurement QCVs
 Wire Mesh Sensor
 Iso-kinetic Sampling

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Canty Tubular System

High Speed

Still Picture
Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Canty Tubular System …

High Speed


Still Picture
Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Canty Tubular System …

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Holdup Measurement QCVs

 Calibration Methodology is Currently

Under Development
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Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Capacitance Sensors

 Wire Mesh Sensor

 Ordered from HDZR
 Pressure Rated up to over 1000 psi
 Plans to Evaluate the System on Fall 2013
 Wave Characterization

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Iso-kinetic Sampling
Multiple Probe Design
Will be Constructed and Tested in Fall 2013
Swivel Joint


Gas Control Valve Supporting block 

Gas Flow  2
Meter   3

Liquid Flow 
Meter   Collecting Flask   
Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Single Phase Tests

 Estimate Pipe Roughness

 Instrument Validation

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Two Phase Tests

Test matrices Fan (2005) Future Study

vsg (m/s) 7.5 - 21 7.5 - 21
vso (m/s) 0.005-0.05 0.005-0.05
Angle -2o ; 0o ; 2o Horizontal
Pressure (psi) Atmospheric pressure 2 Pressure

NOTE: upper and lower limit will depend on facility limitations

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Future Work

 Completion Dates
 HAZOP Modifications Completed
 Basic Instrumentation Completed
 Gas single phase test May 2013
 Holdup Measurement System June 2013
 Wire Mesh Sensor Sept. 2013
 Preliminary Testing Oct. 2013
 Iso-kinetic Sampling Nov. 2013
 Two-phase flow tests Nov. 2013

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Update on 6” High Pressure Facility Activities
Duc Vuong

Project Completion Dates

HAZOP modification .............................................................................................................................. Completed

Basic Instrumentations ........................................................................................................................... Completed

Special Instrumentations ................................................................................................................ May - Nov 2013

Preliminary Test............................................................................................................................. September 2013

Objective pumps and a turbine compressor boost the pressure of

The main objective of TUFFP in utilization of the 6 the single phases, which flows through the metering
in. ID high pressure facility is to conduct up-scaling system before they mix at the inlet of the flow loop.
studies of multiphase flow in pipes. The first study to After flowing through the test section, the fluid
be conducted in this facility is the investigation of mixture is separated through the separation system
pressure up-scaling of two-phase gas-liquid flow and the phases are returned to corresponding vessels.
under low liquid loading conditions. The stainless steel Schedule 40 test section has a
length of 523 ft and internal diameter of 6-in. The
Introduction last section can be inclined 3° downward. For
Gas-liquid pipe flow characteristics, such as flow upward flow studies, the direction of the flow will be
patterns, pressure drop and liquid holdup, have been reversed. Thus, the fluid can circulate clockwise and
mostly investigated with small diameter pipes (2 or 3 counter-clockwise.
in.) and low pressure conditions (lower than 100 The inclinable section length is 279 ft (558xD).
psig). Two-phase flow behavior at high pressure and In the counter-clockwise direction, the developing
large pipe diameters may differ from that of at low region is 410xD, the test section is 52xD long
pressure and small pipe diameters. Thus, validation followed by a 65xD long section before the first
and improvement for high pressure conditions is sharp bend. In the clockwise direction, the
required. developing region is 351xD, the test section 52xD
TUFFP has been constructing a new high followed by a 74xD long section before the first
pressure and large pipe diameter facility. bend. These distances are expected to facilitate fully
Experimental results from this facility will be used to developed flow at the test section.
evaluate and improve the available models and The maximum operating pressure is 500 psi.
correlation. The loop operates at ambient temperature. The
This report presents the progress made in compressor nominal flow rate, discharge and suction
construction of the facility since the last Advisory pressures are 18 MMSCFD, 500 psig and 400 psig,
Board meeting, as well as the plans for the first respectively. The pumps are able to deliver 200
experimental study in this facility GPM with the same discharge and suction pressures
(500 psig and 400 psig). Temperature and pressure
Facility Description transducers are installed to operate under the given
The facility is designed for gas-oil-water three-phase conditions. Coriollis flow meters are used for gas
flow. Mineral oil (Isopar L) and distilled water are and liquid flow rate measurements.
the liquid phases. The facility is designed to operate Currently, the facility is completed for the oil
with either natural gas (provided by Oklahoma and gas systems as well as the separation systems.
Natural Gas) or nitrogen. Initially, nitrogen is The test section needs instrumentations for
planned to be used due to its relatively low safety characteristic studies of the flow in order to conduct
risk. Later, the gas phase will be switched to natural liquid-gas two-phase experiments. A water system
gas. This requires the modification of the existing will be added later for three-phase flow studies.
north campus flare system to accommodate the larger
gas volumes of the new facility. This will be Specialty Instrumentation
addressed when natural gas is considered as the gas This facility was initially designed for low-liquid
phase. Several quick closing valves will be used to loading studies. Special instrumentation required to
isolate the sections of the facility in case of an analyze the multiphase flow behavior under these
emergency or leakage in some part of the flow loop. conditions is presented in this section.
The facility is composed of gas, oil and water
systems, separation systems and the test section. In  
gas, water and oil systems, two progressive cavity

Quick Closing Valves Wire mesh sensors have been successfully
Two quick closing valves are used to trap the gas and employed in pipe flows, especially fast flows
liquid flows to measure the average holdup. For low between 1 and 10 m/s mixture velocity. They are
liquid loading flows, in comparison to the size of the well suited to discriminate liquids from gases and
section, the liquid inventory is small. Thus, liquids with different electrical permittivity.
calculation of the gas-liquid ratio by draining the Operating two consecutively placed sensors can be
liquid may result in great uncertainty. Therefore, the useful to measure phase velocities.
measurement technique used by Kora (2010) is
suggested for this application. This approach is Isokinetic Sampling
based on equalizing pressure with a known reservoir. The droplet entrainment can be measured using the
When the sample is trapped, the pressure and isokinetic probe. The isokinetic condition can be
temperature of the section is recorded. A valve reached by controlling the gas flow rate, using a
connected to a nitrogen recipient (with known control valve mounted at the gas outlet. Isokinetic
volume, pressure and temperature) is opened. The sampling nozzles from Jones Inc. have a pressure
gas-liquid ratio is obtained by measuring the final rating up to 5000 psig and temperature up to 1200 °F.
pressure and temperature and comparing it with a No traverse mechanism to change the position of the
calibration curve. For three-phase flow, a two-wire sampling point is considered. For safety and time
capacitance will be utilized to measure the oil-water concerns, four sampling nozzles will be welded at
interface and the oil-water fractions will be calculated different heights in the pipe. The sampling station
from geometrical relationships. This system requires will be mounted between two stainless high pressure
prior calibration and verification to ensure low swivel joints. By rotating the sampling section most
uncertainty in the gas-liquid ratio measurements. of the cross-sectional area can be covered ensureing
more accurate entrainment data.
Visual Observation A high efficiency separator is needed; a
A custom-made visualization system with no stainless steel high pressure filter (Walker Filtration)
disturbance to the flow was designed and constructed is proposed. A gas flow meter is required to assure
by JMCanty Company. An acrylic section is fused the isokinetic conditions. The liquid can be collected
with two steel pipe pieces. A chamber surrounds the in a bottle. The liquid flow rate at a given position is
acrylic section and is welded to the steel pipe pieces. determined by measuring the collecting time.
The chamber is pressurized keeping the stress over
the acrylic section below a critical value. Lights and Experimental Program
cameras are located around the circumference of the Single Phase Tests
pipe. The two light sources (HYL 250 Watt) are Gas single-phase tests are necessary to estimate the
located at a 90° angle from each other. A JMCanty pipe roughness. It is crucial to perform the gas
still picture process camera is located at 90° from the single-phase tests before the pipe is wetted by
lights. The system is equipped with a side window experimental oil.
located at 90° from the camera, where the high-speed Oil single-phase tests will be conducted after all
video system (Ultima 120kc) can be connected. instrumentations are ready for the preliminary tests.
The results are used to reconfirm the DP
Capacitance Sensor measurement and oil viscosity and density.
Wire mesh sensor is proposed to measure wave
characteristics and phase distribution in the cross- Two Phase Tests
sectional area. Fan (2005) conducted an experimental study on low
The wire mesh sensor consists of a grid of wire liquid loading gas-liquid two-phase flow in the 6-in
electrodes stretched across a flow cross section. For flow loop at low pressure conditions. The superficial
a wire mesh sensor operated in a pipe, the wire grid is gas velocity ranged from 7.5 to 21 m/s, the
mounted on a pressure-tight circular frame which is superficial liquid velocity ranged from 0.005 to 0.05
inserted between two flanges. Typical wire m/s.
separation is 2.3 mm in-plane, and 1.5 mm between In order to study the effect of high pressure and
planes. Fast electronics interrogate the electrical large scale pipe diameter on low liquid loading gas-
properties of the medium in the cross section at all liquid two-phase horizontal flow, the same sets of gas
wire crossings. Electrical conductivity or relative and liquid superficial velocities as Fan (2005) are
electrical permittivity can be measured. Both of proposed. The tests will be conducted at three
these are phase indicators for multiphase flow. The different system pressure conditions: specifically
sensor securely discriminates gas from oil, gas from 300, 400 and 500 psi.
water and oil from water.

Future Work out through May to September 2013 and preliminary
Basic instrumentations and HOZOP modification tests are expected by October 2013. Two-phase tests
were completed in spring 2013. Installation and are anticipated to start by November 2013 after the
calibration of special instrumentations will be carried installation of the isokinetic sampling system.

Kora, C.: "Effects of High Oil Viscosity on Slug Liquid Holdup in Horizontal Pipes," Master Thesis, The University
of Tulsa, 2010.
Fan, Y.: "An Investigation of Low Liquid Loading Gas- Liquid Stratified Flow in Near-Horizontal Pipes". PhD.
Dissertation, The University of Tulsa, 2005.


Fluid Flow Projects
Modeling of Hydrodynamics of

Gas-Liquid Pipe Flow using

Energy Minimization Concept

Lee, H., Al-Sarkhi, A.,

Pereyra, E., Sarica, C.

Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


 Objectives
 Introduction
 Modeling
 Model Validation
 Future Tasks

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


 Develop a Stratified Gas-liquid

Flow Model Using Energy
Minimization Concept

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


 Theorem of Minimum Entropy Production

(Prigogine, 1961):
 Stationary Non-Equilibrium State
 System not in Thermodynamic Equilibrium
(Entropy Production Different than Zero)
 System Settles Down to the State of “Least

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Introduction …

 Quemada (1977):
 Rheological Model for a Dispersed System
Using the Minimum Energy Dissipation
 All Entropy Production Comes from

Viscous Dissipation

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Introduction …

 Xu and Li (1998) and Liu et al. (2001):

 Multi Scale Minimum Energy Consumption
Model in Two Phase Gas-solid Two Phase Flow

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Introduction …

 Taitel et al. (2003):

 Infinite Steady State Solutions Splitting Ratios
 One Seen in Practice Corresponds to Minimum
Pressure Drop
 Dabirian (2012):
 Applied Minimum Energy Dissipation to
Predict Splitting Ratio in Parallel Pipelines
 Fair Agreement with Experimental Results

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Introduction …

 Rinaldo et al. (1998) :

 Explained the Organization of River Networks
as “Least Energy Structures”

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Introduction …

 Yang and Song (1998) :

 Alluvial Channels Adjust Its Velocity, Slope
Depth and Roughness in Such Manner That
Minimum Energy is Used to Transport the
Water and Sediments

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


 Energy Dissipated Two-Fluid Model

 dP   
E D  v L AL     vG AG   dP 
  dx 
 dx L  G
 Assuming Same Pressure Drop for Both
 dP 
E D  AP v SG  v SL   
 dx 
 Minimum Energy Correspond to The
Minimum Pressure Drop

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Modeling …

 Gas and Liquid Momentum Equation

 AG   WG S G   i S i  0
 AL   WL S L   i S i  0
 Adding the Two Equations


 WL S L   WG S G 
dx AP
Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Modeling …

 Liquid Level of the System Satisfies the

Minimum Dissipated Rate as Follows
 dp 
d 

 dx   d AP  WL S L   WG S G   0

d hL d hL

 Wall Shear Stress and Geometrical

Relationships are Calculated Similarly to
Taitel and Dukler (1976)

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Model Validation

Energy Minimum Point
D  0.0254m
 L  1000kg / m 3
 G  1.18kg / m 3
dP/dL (Pa/m)

 L  0.0001Pa  s
1000 G  0.0000184Pa  s
vSL  0.017m / s
100 vSG  2.45m / s


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
hL/D (-)
Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Model Validation …

 Andritsos (1986) Pressure Gradient

Experimental Data for Stratified-smooth Flow
dP/dL Prediction (Pa/m)




0 20 40 60 80
dP/dL Experimental (Pa/m)
Energy Minimization Model TUFFP Unified Model STR
TUFFP Unified Model INT
Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Model Validation…

 Andritsos (1986) Pressure Gradient

Experimental Data for Stratified-wavy Flow
dP/dL Prediction (Pa/m)




40 Energy Minimization Model

TUFFP Unified Model STR
TUFFP Unified Model INT
0 40 80 120 160 200
dP/dL Experimental (Pa/m)
Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Model Validation …

 Andritsos (1986) Holdup Experimental Data

for Stratified-smooth Flow

HL Prediction (-)




Energy Minimization Model
0.1 TUFFP Unified Model STR
TUFFP Unified Model INT
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
HL Experimental (-)
Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Model Validation …

 Anditsos (1986) Holdup Experimental Data for

Stratified-wavy Flow

HL Prediction (-)


0.2 Energy Minimization Model

TUFFP Unified Model STR
TUFFP Unified Model INT
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
HL Experimental (-)
Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


 New Stratified Model Using the Minimum

Entropy Production Approach is Proposed
in This Study
 New Model does not Need Interfacial
Friction Factor Closure Relationship
 Friction is Assumed to Be the Only Source
of Entropy Production
 The Model is Validated Against
Experimental Data of Andritsos (1986)

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Future Work

 Apply Dissipated Energy Minimization

Approach to Different Flow Patterns
 Identify Energy Equation
 Identify Constrains
 Combine All Flow Pattern Model to
Propose a New Unified Model Based on
Energy Minimization

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Modeling of Hydrodynamics of Gas-Liquid Pipe Flow using Energy
Minimization Concept
Lee, H. Al-Sarkhi, A., Pereyra, E., Sarica, C

Project Completion Dates

Literature Review .................................................................................................................................... Completed

Model Development ................................................................................................................................ Completed

Model Validation ..................................................................................................................................... Completed

Report ..................................................................................................................................................... Completed

Objective stratified wavy (SW) flow patterns. The model

The main objective of this study is to develop a novel prediction was validated with their own kerosene-
stratified gas-liquid flow model using energy water experimental results and Lovick & Angeli
minimization concept. (2004) data. Sharma et al. (2011) developed a
comprehensive model for the oil-water two-phase
Introduction flow using energy minimization concept. Trallero et
Two-phase gas-liquid flow in pipes is encountered in al. (1997) described a model that predicts all flow
many industries, particularly in petroleum patterns very well as well as liquid holdup and
production. Accurate predictions of gas-liquid flow pressure gradient. The model calculates total energy
characteristics, such as flow patterns, liquid holdup, for all flow patterns selecting the flow pattern
gas void fraction and pressure gradient are important corresponding to the minimum energy. However,
in engineering applications. A large number of energy minimization models listed above satisfied
experimental and theoretical gas-liquid flow not only the energy minimization concept but also the
investigations have been conducted. However, the combined momentum equation.
physics of the phenomena have not been completely Quemada (1977) proposed a rheological model
understood and existing models are usually quite for a dispersed system using the minimum energy
complex. Gas-liquid pipe flow has been studied dissipation principle. The author considered that all
since the 1970s. Predictive models have evolved entropy production came from viscous dissipation.
over several decades from empirical correlations, to Xu and Li (1998) and Liu et al. (2001) applied a
comprehensive mechanistic models and finally to multi-scale minimum energy consumption model to
unified mechanistic models. Taitel and Dukler predict the heterogeneous structures in gas-solid two-
(1976) constructed a traditional model for stratified phase flow. Rinaldo et al. (1998) employed
flow in horizontal and slightly inclined pipes based thermodynamics to explain the organization of river
on equilibrium stratified flow. Barnea (1987) networks as least energy structures. Yang and Song
developed a unified model for all inclination angles. (1985) postulated that alluvial channels accommodate
Xiao (1990) developed a comprehensive mechanistic its velocity, slope, depth and roughness in such a way
model for near-horizontal pipes. Gomez (2000) that a minimum energy dissipation rate is spent to
proposed a unified mechanistic model for all transport water and sediments. The authors
inclination angles. Zhang et al. (2003) developed a successfully applied this theory to laboratory and
unified mechanistic model based on slug dynamics. actual river data reporting a correlation coefficient
Unified models are applicable for all inclination between measured and calculated values of 0.997.
angles and flow patterns. In general, these widely The gas-liquid stratified flow in a pipe can be
used models consider mass and momentum equations considered as a dissipative process in an open non-
which require auxiliary relationships to fully close equilibrium thermodynamic system. Based on the
the models. minimum entropy production theorem (Prigogine and
Only a few attempts have been made to include Nicolis, 1977) the structure of gas-liquid stratified
energy equations in the available mechanistic models. flow must be the one that minimizes the dissipated
Brauner et al. (1996) predicted interface curvature in energy within a given control volume of a pipe. The
stratified two-phase system considering potential and entropy production can be estimated by frictional
surface energy. Chakrabarti et al. (2005) developed a pressure losses in the given control volume. This
liquid-liquid horizontal flow model for segregate study presents a novel modeling approach for gas-
flow patterns using the minimum energy concept and liquid stratified flow based on minimum entropy
combined momentum equation. This model predicts production. The proposed model has been validated
pressure gradients for stratified smooth (SS) and against the available models and experimental data.

Based on the validation results, it is concluded that Model Validation
the minimum entropy production concept can easily The main objective of this model is to predict
be applied in modeling of other multiphase flows in pressure gradient and liquid holdup in stratified flow.
pipes. Model predictions are compared with the
Taitel et al. (2003) presented a study of gas- experimental data from Andritsos (1986), which
liquid flow in parallel pipes. Their theoretical include 56 data points for stratified-smooth and 92
calculations showed that there are infinite steady state data points of stratified-wavy. The average absolute
solutions to the splitting ratios, but the observed one error between Andritsos (1986) and the proposed
is the one that gives a minimum pressure drop. model is 19.94% for stratified smooth and 28.43 for
Recently, Dabirian (2012) successfully applied the stratified wavy. Energy minimization model
minimum energy dissipation to predict the splitting overestimates the measured liquid holdup, but
ration in parallel pipelines. The proposed model was follows the experimental data trend. The reason for
compared with experimental data from a new facility the larger discrepancy in holdup predictions can be
equipped with compact separators to measure the related with a proper definition of the wall shear
splitting fraction. stresses (τWL, τWG) or the efficiency of the energy
transfer between the phases. An extension of the
Modeling methodology sugested by Vlachos (2003), to
For single phase flow, the energy dissipated in a pipe determine the shear stresses in stratified flow, is
is given by the product between pipe cross-sectional recommended to improve the accuracy of the
area, fluid velocity and pressure gradient. proposed model.
Considering the two-fluid model, the dissipated
energy of two-phase pipe flow is given by addition of Conclusions
the single phase gas and liquid dissipated energy. A new stratified model using the minimum entropy
This approach neglects energy dissipated by the production approach is proposed in this study.
momentum transfer between the gas and the liquid. Friction is assumed to be the only source of entropy
Further inspection of the dissipated equation production. Owing to the addition of a new equation
demonstrated that the minimum dissipated energy (minimum energy), the interfacial friction factor
corresponds to the minimum pressure gradient in a closure relationship is not required in the new model.
pipe section. The model is validated against the experimental data
The addition of this new equation (minimum of Andritsos (1986) showing fair agreement.
energy dissipation) allows the computation of the
liquid level in stratified flow without the use of a Future Work
closure relationship for the interfacial friction factor. Minimum energy dissipation approach can be further
Gas and liquid momentum equations are combined applied to gas-liquid flow problems. This approach
canceling the interfacial shear stress providing the can be applied to different flow patterns by
pressure gradient equation. The liquid level which identifying the energy equation and constrains.
makes the pressure gradient minimum is the solution Finally, all flow pattern models can be combined to
of the system. Wall shear stress and geometrical propose a new unified model base.
relationships are calculated similarly to Taitel and
Dukler (1976).

Andritsos, N., 1986, “Effect of Pipe Diameter and Liquid Velocity on Horizontal Stratified Flow,” Ph.D Dissertation,
Dept of Chem Engng, U. of Illinois, Urbana.
Barnea, D., 1987, “A Unified Model for Predicting Flow-Pattern Transitions for the Whole Range of Pipe
Inclinations,” International J. Multiphase Flow, 13, pp.1-12.
Brauner, N., Rovinsky, J., and Moalem Maron, D., 1996, “Determination of the interface Curvature in Stratified
Two-Phase Systems by Energy Considerations,” International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 22(6), pp. 1167-
Chakrabarti, D.P., Das, G. and Ray, S., 2005, “Pressure Drop in Liquid-Liquid Two Phase Horizontal Flow:
Experiment and Prediction,” Chem. Eng & Tech., 28, pp 1003-1009.
Dabirian, R., 2012, “Prediction of Two-Phase Flow Splitting in Looped Lines Based on Energy Minimization,” M.S.
Thesis, U. of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK.

Gomez, L.E., Shoham O., and Schmidt, Z., 2000, “Unified Mechanistic Model for Steady-State Two Phase Flow:
Horizontal to Vertical upward Flow,” SPE Journal, 5(3), pp. 339-350
Liu, M., Li, J., Kwauk, M., 2001, “Application of the Energy-Minimization Multi-Scale Method to Gas–Liquid–
Solid Fluidized Beds,” Chemical Engineering Science, 56(24), pp. 6807-6812.
Lovick, P., and Angeli, P., 2004, “Experimental Studies on the Dual continuous Flow Pattern in Oil-Water Flows,”
International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 30, pp. 139-157.
Prigogine, I., and Nicolis, G., 1977, Self-Organization in Non-Equilibrium Systems, Wiley. ISBN 0-471-02401-5.
Quemada, D., 1977, “Rheology of Concentrated Disperse Systems and Minimum Energy Dissipation Principle,”
Rheologica Acta, 16(1), pp. 82-94.
Rinaldo, A., Rodriguez-Iturbe, I., and Rigon, R., 1998, “Channel Networks,” Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci., 26, pp.
Sharma, A., Al-Sarkhi, A., Sarica, C., and Zhang, H. Q., 2011, “Modeling of Oil-Water Flow using Energy
Minimization Concept,” International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 37, pp. 326-335.
Taitel, Y., and Dukler, A. E., 1976, “A Model for Predicting Flow Regime Transitions in Horizontal and near
Horizontal Gas-Liquid Flow,” AIChE J., 22, pp. 47-55.
Trallero, J.L. Sarica, C., and Brill, J., 1997, “A Study of Oil/Water Flow Patterns in Horizontal Pipes,” SPE
Production & Facilities, 12(3), pp. 165-172.
Xiao, J. J., 1990, “A Comprehensive Mechanistic Model for Two-Phase Flow in Pipelines,” M.S. Thesis, U. of
Tulsa, Tulsa, OK.
Xu, G., and Li, J., 1998, “Analytical Solution of the Energy-Minimization Multi-Scale Model for Gas–Solid Two-
Phase Flow,” Chemical Engineering Science, 53(7), pp. 1349–1366.
Zhang, H.-Q., Wang, Q., Sarica, C., and Brill, J. P., 2003, “Unified Model for Gas-Liquid Pipe Flow via Slug
Dynamics – Part I: Model Development,” ASME J. Energy Res. Tech., 125(12), pp. 266-273.
Fan, Y.: "An Investigation of Low Liquid Loading Gas- Liquid Stratified Flow in Near-Horizontal Pipes". PhD.
Dissertation, U. of Tulsa , 2005.
Vlachos, N., 2003. Studies of Wavy Stratified and Stratified/Atomization Gas-Liquid Flow,” ASME J. Energy Res.
Tech., 125(2), pp. 131-137.
Yang, C. and Song, C., 1985. "Theory of Minimum Energy and Energy Dissipation Rate," Encyclopedia of Fluid
Mechanics. v 1. Chapter 11. Edited by Cheremisinoff, Gulf Publishing Company.
Taitel, Y., Pustylnik, L., Tshuva, M and Barnea, D. 2003 “Flow Distribution of Gas and Liquid in Parallel Pipes,”
International Journal of Multiphase Flow. 29. 1193–1202


Fluid Flow Projects

Liquid Loading of Gas Wells

with Deviations from 0° to 45°

Mujgan Guner

Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


 Introduction
 Experimental Program
 Experimental Results
 Model Comparison
 Model Analysis
 CFD Simulations
 Conclusions

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013



Decreasing Gas
Flow Rate
Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Introduction ...

 Liquid Loading Symptoms (Lea et al. 2003)

 Presence of Orifice Pressure Spikes
 Erratic Production
 Tubing Pressure Decreases as Casing
Pressure Increases
 Distinct Change in Pressure Gradient
 Annular Heading
 Liquid Production Ceases

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Experimental Program

 Test Section

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Experimental Program …

 Testing Fluids
 Air and Tap Water
 Test Configuration
 0°, 15°, 30° and 45° Deviation Angles
 Experimental Parameters
 Pressure, Temperature, Pressure Gradient,
Average Liquid Holdup, Visual Observation
with High Speed Camera and Surveillance

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Experimental Program …

 Testing Range (Vertical)


vSL (m/s)

Taitel Model
0.1 Barnea Model
Unified Model
Intermittent Annular Test Points

1 10 100
vSG (m/s)

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Experimental Results

 Pressure Gradient and Flow Patterns, Vertical

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Experimental Results …

 High Speed Videos, vSL=0.01 m/s, Vertical

vSL =0.01 m/s (No Film Reversal)
vSL =0.01 m/s (Film Reversal)

Pressure Gradient (Pa/m)





0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
vSG (m/s)

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Experimental Results …

 Pressure Gradient Fluctuations, vSL=0.1m/s, Vertical

vSG =36.7 m/s
Slug Flow vSG =16.01 m/s
vSG =4.06 m/s
Pressure Gradient (Pa/m)




1300 Annular Flow


Annular Flow with
Film Reversal
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5
Time (min)

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Experimental Results …

 Liquid Holdup, Vertical

vSL =0.1 m/s
vSL =0.05 m/s
vSL =0.01 m/s
Onset of Film Reversal
Complete Film Reversal
Slug Flow Transition
Liquid Holdup (-)




0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
vSG (m/s)

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Experimental Results …

 Pressure Gradient and Flow Patterns, 45° Deviated

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Experimental Results …

 Pressure Gradient, All Deviation Angles, vSL=0.1 m/s

15° Deviated
3000 30° Deviated
45° Deviated
Onset of Film Reversal
2500 Complete Film Reversal
Pressure Gradient (Pa/m)





0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
vSG (m/s)

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Experimental Results …

 High Speed Videos, vSL=0.1 m/s, vSG=18-17.5 m/s

0° Pipe 15° Pipe

30° Pipe 45° Pipe

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Experimental Results …

 Critical Gas Velocity

 Complete Film Reversal

Critical Superficial Gas Velocity (m/s)





vSL =0.1 m/s

vSL =0.05 m/s
vSL =0.01 m/s
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Deviation Angles (°)

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Model Comparison

 Experimental Results are Compared with

Model Predictions
 TUFFP Unified Model (2011 v1)
 Beggs and Brill
 OLGA (v7.2)
 Critical Gas Velocities are Compared with
TUFFP Unified Model and Modified Turner

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Model Comparison …

 Vertical, vSL=0.1 m/s

Experimental Data
TUFFP Unified Model
2500 OLGA v7.2
Pressure Gradient (Pa/m)





0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
vSG (m/s)

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Model Comparison …

 Vertical, vSL=0.1 m/s

Experimental Data
TUFFP Unified Model
0.25 OLGA v7.2

Liquid Holdup (-)




0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
vSG (m/s)

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Model Comparison …

 Vertical, vSL=0.01 m/s

Experimental Data
TUFFP Unified Model
2500 OLGA v7.2
Pressure Gradient (Pa/m)





0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

vSG (m/s)

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Model Comparison …

 Vertical, vSL=0.01 m/s

Experimental Data
TUFFP Unified Model
0.25 OLGA v7.2

Liquid Holdup (-)




0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
vSG (m/s)

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Model Comparison …

 45° Deviated, vSL=0.1 m/s

Experimental Data
TUFFP Unified Model
2500 OLGA v7.2
Pressure Gradient (Pa/m)





0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
vSG (m/s)

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Model Comparison …

 45° Deviated, vSL=0.1 m/s

Experimental Data
TUFFP Unified Model
0.40 Beggs&Brill
OLGA v7.2

Liquid Holdup (-)






0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
vSG (m/s)

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Model Comparison …

 45° Deviated, vSL=0.01 m/s

Experimental Data
TUFFP Unified Model
1600 Beggs&Brill
OLGA v7.2
Pressure Gradient (Pa/m)







0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

vSG (m/s)

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Model Comparison …

 45° Deviated, vSL=0.01 m/s

Experimental Data
TUFFP Unified Model
OLGA v7.2

Liquid Holdup (-)





0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
vSG (m/s)

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Model Comparison …

 Critical Gas Velocity


Critical Superficial Gas Velocity (m/s)





Modified Turner Crit.

TUFFP Unified Model
vSL =0.1 m/s (Complete Film Reversal)
5 vSL =0.05 m/s (Complete Film Reversal)
vSL =0.01 m/s (Complete Film Reversal)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Deviation Angles (°)

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Model Analysis

 Assumptions
 Gas Phase Flows in the Center of the Pipe with
Liquid Entrainment
 Pipe Periphery is Only Wetted by Liquid Film
 Pressure Gradients of the Gas Core and Liquid
Film are the Same at a Given Cross Section of
the Pipe
 Film Thickness is Symmetric Around


Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Model Analysis …

 Back Calculations
 Governing Equations
dp  (1)
 AF    WF S F   I S I   F AF g sin(  )  0
dL  F

dp  (2)
 AC    I S I   C AC g sin(  )  0

dL  C

 Adding Equations (1) and (2)

dp  WF S F
    C 1 H L    L H L  g sin θ   0 (3)
dL A

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Model Analysis …

 Solving Equation (3) for Wall Shear Stress

  L H L   G 1  H L  g sin
 WF  dL d

 Friction Factor Calculated with Wall Shear

2  WF
fL 
 L vF 2

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Model Analysis …

 Solving Equation (2) for Interfacial Shear

AC  dp 
I     C g sin 

S I  dL 

 Friction Factor Calculated with Interfacial

Shear Stress
2 I
fI 
 C vC  v F 2

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Model Analysis …

 Forward Model
 Subtracting Equations (1) and (2)

 1 1 
    F  C  g sin( )  0
 WF  I S I 
AF  AF AC 

 Wall and Interfacial Shear Stresses

 L vF 2  C vC  v F 2
 WF  f L  I  fI
2 2

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Model Analysis …

 Wall Friction Factor Correlation (fL)

 Blasius Equation

݂௅ ൌ ‫ି ܨܴ݁ ܥ‬௡

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Model Analysis …

 Most Common Interfacial Friction Factor

Author Correlation
 L 
Wallis (1969) fi  fc 1  300 
 d 
 fi  L 
Henstock and Hanratty (1976) fi  fc 1  212
 fc d 
 0.2  fi  L 
Asali et al. (1985) fi  fc 1  045ReC  ReC  4  
 fc d 
  
  17,500   L 
Fore (2000) fi  fc 1  3001    0.0015
  ReC  d 

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Model Analysis …

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Model Analysis …

 Pressure Gradient and Interfacial Shear Stress

Predictions and Comparison with Back
Calculations, Vertical Pipe
80 8000
Data (Back Calculation, vSL =0.01 m/s) Forward Model ( vSL =0.1 m/s)
Data (Back Calculation, vSL =0.1 m/s) Data ( vSL =0.1 m/s)
70 Forward Model ( vSL =0.01 m/s) 7000 Forward Model ( vSL =0.01 m/s)
Forward Model ( vSL =0.1 m/s) Data ( vSL =0.01 m/s)
60 6000
dp/dl (Pa/ m)

50 5000
τI (Pa)

40 4000

30 3000

20 2000

10 1000

0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

vSG (m/s) vSG (m/s)

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Model Analysis …

 Liquid Holdup Comparison, Vertical Pipe

Data ( vSL =0.1 m/s)
Forward Model ( vSL =0.1 m/s)
Data ( vSL =0.01 m/s)
Forward Model ( vSL =0.01 m/s)

HL (-)





0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

vSG (m/s)

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Model Analysis …

 Wall Shear Stress Comparison, Vertical Pipe

Annular Flow
30 Complete






τ WF (Pa)



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

vSG (m/s)
Data (Back Calculation, vSL =0.1 m/s) Forward Model ( vSL =0.1 m/s)
Data (Back Calculation, vSL =0.01 m/s) Forward Model ( vSL =0.01 m/s)

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

CFD Simulations

 Geometry Construction
 2D Axisymmetric Geometry
 Created in Gambit

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

CFD Simulations …

 Mesh Generation
 Performed in Gambit
 96000 Control Volumes

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

CFD Simulations …

 Fluent Setup
 Axial Velocity and Volumetric Phase
 Vertical Pipe, Gravity Direction is Defined
Opposite of Flow Direction
 vSL=0.1 m/s
vSG=20 m/s
vSG=18 m/s
vSG=9 m/s

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

CFD Simulations …

 Fluent Setup
 Transient Flow
 VOF Model with First Order Implicit Time Scheme
 HRIC to Capture Gas Liquid Interface
 k-ε Turbulent Model with Enhanced Wall


 Convection Terms were Discretized by Second

Order Upwind and Diffusion Terms by Second
Order Scheme
 PISO for Pressure Momentum Coupling and
PRESTO for Pressure Equation Discretization

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

CFD Simulations …

 Axial Velocity Distribution (vSL=0.1 m/s,

vSG=20 m/s)

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

CFD Simulations …

 Volumetric Distribution (vSL=0.1 m/s,

vSG=20 m/s)

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

CFD Simulations …

 Volumetric Distribution (vSL=0.1 m/s, vSG=9


Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


 Critical Gas Velocity Increases as Well

Deviation Increases
 Pressure Gradient Fluctuations Increase
From Annular to Slug Flow
 Liquid Holdup Rate of Change Increases
on the Left of Complete Film Reversal

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Conclusions …

 Slug and Churn Flow are Promoted in

Deviated Wells Due to Thicker Film
Thickness at the Bottom of the Pipe
 Model Predictions can be Improved by
Correct Flow Pattern Predictions
 CFD Simulations are Able to Capture
Characteristics of Annular Flow

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Questions & Comments

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


Liquid Loading of Gas Wells with Deviations from 0° to 45°
Mujgan Guner

Project Completion Dates

Literature Review .................................................................................................................................... Completed

Instrumentation ....................................................................................................................................... Completed

Experimentation ...................................................................................................................................... Completed

CFD Modeling ......................................................................................................................................... Completed

Data Analysis and Model Comparison.................................................................................................... Completed

Final Report ............................................................................................................................................ Completed

Objectives Test Results for Vertical Pipe

The main objective of this study is to investigate Liquid loading has been studied by considering three
mechanisms controlling onset of liquid loading in different superficial liquid velocities; 0.01, 0.05 and
vertical and deviated pipe wells. 0.1 m/s. For each superficial liquid velocity, 13
superficial gas velocities starting from 40 m/s to 1.8
Introduction m/s were tested.
Liquid loading of a gas well is the inability of the gas Analysis of the experimental data showed that
to remove the liquids from the well. Liquid loading pressure gradient decreases as the gas flow rate
in gas wells have been recognized one of the most decreases to a minimum at a certain superficial gas
important problems in gas production. Natural gas, velocity, vSG(MIN). Further decrease of gas flow rate
condensate and water are often produced increases the pressure gradient. Pressure gradient
simultaneously in gas wells. In the early stages of a fluctuations are considered as liquid loading
gas well, the gas flow rate is high enough to carry the symptoms. As gas flow rate decreases, pressure
liquid phase to the surface. As the gas well matures, gradient fluctuations increase.
the gas flow rate reduces and the liquid carrying Flow pattern and the local film behavior were
capability of gas decreases. As a result, liquid begins observed with high speed and low speed videos. In
accumulating in the well and eventually, the annular flow region, decrease in gas flow rate
accumulated liquid blocks further production. initiates liquid film reversal. Further decrease of the
Prediction of liquid loading is very important gas flow rate promotes waviness and oscillations in
from operational stand point. Since available models the flow. When the waves get larger, the liquid phase
cannot predict liquid loading initiation accurately in block the pipe cross section, and it is called churn
deviated wells, further investigation of mechanisms flow. At the lowest gas velocity of the test matrix
which control liquid loading is very crucial in order slug flow is observed. In the churn flow region,
to improve current models or develop new ones. liquid discharge at the outlet of the pipe is oscillatory
In this study, liquid loading mechanisms were and very low compared to annular flow. Therefore,
investigated experimentally and experimental results churn flow can be strongly related to the onset of
were compared with the available models in the liquid loading.
literature. Liquid holdup investigations showed that as the
gas flow rate is decreased, liquid holdup increases.
Activities Summary Test Results for 15° Deviated Pipe
The activities carried out during this period are The same gas and liquid flow rates were tested for
experimental testing in deviated pipes, data analysis, 15° deviated pipe. Similar shape in pressure gradient
model comparison and CFD simulations. The final was observed. For 15° deviation angle, the minimum
report of the study was submitted. The summary of pressure gradient occurs at higher superficial gas
each particular activity are presented below. velocities than for vertical pipes. Pressure gradient
fluctuations increase as the gas flow rate decreases.
Experiments The liquid film at the bottom of the pipe gets
The experimental study was conducted to investigate thicker because of the deviation from the vertical.
effects of deviation angles on the onset of liquid Comparison with the vertical case shows that for 15°
loading in 3-in ID pipes. For each data point, deviated pipes, churn and slug flow patterns occur in
pressure gradient, liquid holdup and high speed a broader range of superficial gas velocities while
videos were acquired. A total of 156 test points were annular flow covers a narrower range.
collected at the well deviations of 0°, 15°, 30° and Liquid holdup shows similar trend as the vertical
45° from vertical. pipe.

Test Results for 30° Deviated Pipe Unified Model and OLGA v7.2 models were
Increase in the deviation in the pipe, increases the evaluated. Critical gas velocities were compared
liquid film thickness at the bottom of the pipe further. with the modified Turner criterion and the TUFFP
The minimum pressure gradient occurs at higher unified model flow pattern transition.
superficial gas velocities than for the vertical and 15° Analyses showed that the models and the
deviated cases. experimental data are not in good agreement. Still,
Observation of flow patterns in 30° deviated model comparisons are closer with the experimental
pipes shows that churn and slug flow patterns cover a data for lower liquid rates. As the liquid rate
larger range than vertical and 15° deviated cases. In increases, the discrepancies in model predictions
annular flow region, 30° deviated pipe has a wavier increase.
gas-liquid interface as compared to vertical and 15° The critical gas velocities are over predicted by
deviated cases. The waviness at the interface and the the TUFFP unified model transition criterion and
oscillatory behavior of the flow causes more pressure under predicted by the modified Turner model. For
gradient fluctuations as compared to vertical and 15° the vertical and 15° deviated case, the modified
deviated cases. Turner criterion predicts the critical velocity better.
Test Results for 45° Deviated Pipe The discrepancies in the model and the
Experiments and analysis have been conducted to experimental data led to further investigations. The
investigate liquid loading for 45° pipe. As the wall and interfacial shear stresses were back
deviation increases, the gravitational pressure drop is calculated from the experimental results. The
less dominant as compared to the vertical, 15° and calculations showed that for deviated cases,
30° deviated cases. Therefore, the pressure gradient symmetry assumption should be removed and the
does not increase sharply as the gas velocity closure relationships should be modified accordingly.
In the range of test matrix, the flow is CFD Modeling
dominated by intermittent flow patterns, namely CFD modeling can be utilized to estimate the
churn and slug flow. velocity profile and phase distributions in unloading
conditions. The Volume of Fluid (VOF) model
Well Deviation Effect on Liquid Loading implemented in Fluent is utilized to simulate two
In this study, flow patterns and the liquid film phase air-water flow in vertical pipes. The geometry
behavior were investigated based on videos and was constructed based on the test section. The mesh
observations. The transitions in the flow size gets finer close to the pipe wall (liquid region),
characteristics are named as onset of film reversal, while coarser in through the center of the pipe. This
complete film reversal, wavy annular flow and slug particular geometry has 96000 control volumes after
flow transitions. meshing. .
The onset of film reversal is where the first Exploratory CFD simulations were tested for
bubble entrained in the liquid film starts changing its vertical case where the superficial gas velocities were
direction of flow. It is a local reversal indication in 20, 18 and 9 m/s for superficial liquid velocity 0.1
the liquid film; the liquid film still flows upwards. In m/s.
the complete film reversal region, the visual The simulations were able to capture,
observation indicates that liquid film completely qualitatively, the major mechanisms associated with
flows downwards. At the outlet of the pipe, liquid annular flow including generation of instabilities at
flows intermittently. In this region, gas-liquid the gas-liquid interface.
interface is very wavy and when the liquid inventory
is enough, the waves completely block the pipe cross Conclusions
section, at some instances. Further decrease in the The important conclusions of the study can be briefly
gas flow rate, results in slug flow. summarized as follows:
In this study, analysis showed that the onset of  Well deviation is an important variable that
liquid loading is likely to match with the complete affects onset of liquid loading.
film reversal transition boundary. Experiments  The critical gas velocity increases as the well
showed that as the well deviation increases, the deviates from vertical.
critical gas velocity to initiate liquid loading  Well deviation promotes intermittent flow.
increases.  Available models are not in good agreement with
the experimental results, especially for deviated
Model Comparisons and Analyses wells.
Experimental results were compared with the model
predictions. The Beggs and Brill correlation, TUFFP

Guner, M..: “Liquid Loading of Gas Wells with Deviations from 0° to 45°,” MS Thesis, The University of Tulsa,


Fluid Flow Projects

Liquid Loading In Deviated Pipes

From 45° to 90°

Yasser Alsaadi

Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


 Objectives
 Introduction
 Literature Review
 Experimental Program
 Model Comparison and Development
 Project Schedule

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


 Study the Onset of Liquid Loading in

Deviated Pipes from 45° to 90°
 Investigate the Effect of Highly Deviated
Angles on Liquid Loading
 Compare Experiment Results with
Existing Models
 Improve or Develop a Model to Include the
Effect of Deviation Angle

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


 Liquid Loading – Accumulation of

Liquid in Wells Owing to Insufficient
Gas Rate to Carry the Liquid
 Mechanism of Liquid Loading
 Flow Reversal of Droplets
 Flow Reversal of Liquid Film

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Introduction …

 In Deviated Wells, Other Mechanisms

are Important
 Thicker Liquid Film at the Bottom of the
Pipe Wall
 Secondary Gas Flow in the Cross-


Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Literature Review

 Belfroid et al. (2008)

 Turner (1969) Model is only for Vertical
 Fiedler (2004) Model Accounts for

Deviation Angle

 Proposed TNO-Shell Model – Modified

Turner (1965) Model Using Fiedler (2004)
Angle Correction Term

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Literature Review …

 Westende (2008)
 Critical Gas Velocity as a Function of
Deviation Angle

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Literature Review …

 Yuan (2011)
 Well Deviations: 0º, 15º, 30º
 Pressure Gradient, Holdup and High
Speed Video Recordings
 Liquid Loading is Due to Film Reversal
 Minimum Pressure Gradient at Onset of
Liquid Loading
 Critical Gas Velocity Increases with
Deviation for the Same vSL
 TNO-Shell Model has Good Agreement
with Experimental Data
Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Literature Review …

 Guner (2012)
 Well Deviations: from 0° to 45°
 Pressure Gradient, Holdup and High
Speed Video Recording Observations
 Onset of Liquid Loading is Due to

Reversal Flow of Liquid Film

 Critical Gas Velocity Increases as Well

Deviation Increases

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Experimental Program

 Experimental Matrix
 Test Facility
 Test Fluids
 Instrumentation
 Data Processing

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Experimental Matrix

 Well Deviation Angle

 45°, 70°, 80°, 85° and 88°
 Superficial Gas Velocity
 2 to 40 m/s
 Superficial Liquid Velocity
 0.01, 0.02, 0.05 and 0.1 m/s
 Total of 240 Test Points

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Experimental Matrix …

 45° Deviation

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Experimental Matrix …

 70° Deviation

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Experimental Matrix …

 80° Deviation

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Experimental Matrix …

 85° Deviation

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Experimental Matrix …

 88° Deviation

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Test Facility

 Test Section Design

 3 in x 17.5 m

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Test Fluids

 Gas – Compressed Air

 Density – Pressure & Temperature
 Viscosity – 1.8E-5 Pa·s
 Liquid – Tulsa Tap Water
 Density – 998 Kg/m3
 Viscosity – 0.001 Pa·s
 Surface Tension – 0.073 N/m

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


 Instruments
 Flow Meters with PID Controllers
 Pressure and Temperature Transducers
Pressure and Temperature
 Two Trap Sections with Quick Closing
 Conductivity Sensors
Wave Characteristics

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Instrumentation …

 Visual Observation
 High Speed Camera
Liquid Film Flow Direction
 Surveillance Cameras
Flow Pattern
 Boroscope
Flow Pattern
Transition to Slug Flow

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Holdup Measurement

 Holdup Calculation

Ta Pa Te Pe

Air Cylinder (Va) Air Cylinder (Va)

Tt Pt Te Pe

Pipe Trap Section (Vt) Pipe Trap Section (Vt)

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Holdup Calibration

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


 Identification of “Liquid Bridging” at

the Onset of Liquid Loading
 Will be Used With Selected Test Points
 Useable at Near Horizontal

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Data Processing

 Input: Three Different Raw Data Files

 Pressure, Temperature and Flow Rates
 Holdup
 Wave Characteristics
 Output: Average Results and
Uncertainties for All Variables
 Provide Quick Tools for Calculating
and Checking Test Results

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Data Processing …

Results Summary

Results for Each

Test Point

Pressure and Wave

Temperature Characteristics

Data Processing Data Processing Data Processing

Using Excel Using Excel Using Matlab

Test Point

P&T Trap Section Conductivity

Raw Data Raw Data Sensor Raw Data

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Model Comparison and Development

 Compare Data with Predictions from

Existing Models
 Pressure Gradient
 Flow Pattern Prediction
 Critical Gas Velocity
 Improve or Develop a Model to Include
Deviation Angle Effect

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Project Schedule

 Literature Review Completed

 Experimental Testing May 2013

 Data Analysis June 2013

 Model Comparison and July 2013


 Final Report August 2013

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013




Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Liquid Loading in Deviated Pipes

From 45° to 90°

Yasser Alsaadi

Project Completion Dates

Literature Review .................................................................................................................................... Completed

Experimental Testing ................................................................................................................................ May 2013

Data Analysis ........................................................................................................................................... June 2013

Model Comparison .................................................................................................................................... July 2013

Final Report ......................................................................................................................................... August 2013

Objective the gravity force on the liquid droplet is more than

The main objective of this study is to investigate the the drag force by the gas. The Turner expression is
mechanism of liquid loading in highly deviated wells widely used in the industry and found to give good
and pipes from 45° to 90°. prediction for vertical wells. However, there is no
angle dependent term in this model. The TNO-Shell
Introduction correlation developed by Belfroid et al. (2008)
Liquid loading is a common production problem that modified Turner et al. (1969) model to include angle
occurs in matured gas wells. It starts when the gas effect. They studied the deviation effect on the liquid
flow rate becomes insufficient to lift the liquid to the loading onset for deviated wells. Field data were
surface and results in accumulation of liquid at the used to test several proposed models for critical gas
bottom of the wellbore. The buildup of liquid velocity. A modified Turner model that accounts for
column in the well creates a back pressure which angle effect was proposed and found to give better
further reduces the well production and eventually prediction than existing models.
kills the well. Yuan (2011) explored the mechanism of the
The onset of liquid loading can be identified factor controlling the onset of liquid loading and the
when the gas reaches a critical velocity at which the effect of deviation angle from 0° to 30°. The
liquid falls back. When the gas velocity drops below pressure gradient and holdup were measured and the
this critical value, liquid loading is initiated. Two critical gas velocity of the onset of liquid film was
mechanisms have been proposed to explain the liquid observed by high speed videos. His observations
falls back. The first mechanism was proposed by supported the film reversal mechanism controls the
Turner (1969) and states that liquid loading is due to liquid loading initiation. For a constant liquid flow
the fallen of liquid droplet. This happens when the rate, the minimum pressure gradient was found to
gravity force on the droplet is greater than the drag occur at the critical gas velocity. Higher critical
force exerted on the droplet by the gas. The second velocities were observed as the pipe deviation
mechanism was proposed later, and it is based on the increases.
reversal flow of the liquid film. Turner (1969) model In highly deviated pipes, rolling waves and
is still widely used in the industry and proven to give multiple solution region are observed. Rolling waves
good prediction for vertical wells. are coherent structures which can affect erosion rates,
The liquid loading mechanism can be different solid transport and pipe fatigue. The multiple
in deviated and vertical wells. The gravity effect on solution region corresponds to an area where the
the droplet decreases with deviation and a thicker models provide three possible solutions. The
liquid film exists at the bottom of the pipe. In selection of the correct solution is still debated. In
addition, secondary gas flow in the cross section of this study, rolling waves and multiple solution region
the pipe affects the film distribution and droplets will be considered.
Experimental Facility
Activities Summary The 76.2-mm (3-in.) diameter multiphase flow
A summary of the most relevant activities during this facility of the Tulsa University Fluid Flow Projects
period is presented in this section: (TUFFP) will be utilized for this project. The facility
is capable of being inclined from horizontal to
Literature Review vertical. Pressure and temperature transducers are
Turner et al. (1969) developed a model to predict the placed near the test section to obtain fluid properties
critical gas velocity in vertical wells. The model is and other flowing characteristics. Compressed air
derived on the basis that liquid loading occur when

and Tulsa city tap water will be used as working The process of the data analysis will be
fluids. optimized by using computer processing programs.
The programs are able to process the raw data from
Instrumentation the instruments providing average results with
The facility is equipped with state of the art uncertainties. This will accelerate the speed of the
instrumentations. data analysis and provide a quick tool to identify
Trapping sections with quick closing valves are errors in the experimental campaign.
used to measure the average liquid holdup. Each trap
section is connected to pressurized air tank equipped Project Schedule
with pressure and temperature transducers. The Future activities with culmination dates are presented
amount of water volume in the trap section is in this section.
calculated by equating the total air mass in the trap
and air cylinders. In addition, two pressure and Experimental Testing – May 2013
temperature transducers and one pressure differential Experiment testing range will be conducted. Data
device are used to record the pressure and will be recorded and documented for each test run.
temperature of the flowing fluid. Moreover,
capacitance sensors are installed to capture the wave Data Analysis – June 2013
characteristics and average film thickness. The raw data from instruments will be process using
A high speed video camera is used to observe the the computer programs. Test results with odd trends
flow direction at the test section of the pipe. will be repeated in the experiment to ensure the
Additionally, six observation cameras will record the reproducibility of the results. The recorded
flow behavior at the entrance, and test sections. A observation videos will be used to identify the flow
Boroscope will also be used to capture the flow direction of the liquid film and the flow regime of the
behavior from inside the pipe. test conditions. Selected test conditions near the
onset of liquid loading will be chosen for Boroscope
Experimental Program video recording.
The experiments will be conducted at different flow
rate conditions and deviation angles. The superficial Model Comparison – July 2013
air velocities will range from 5 to 40 m/s. The Test results will be compared against different
superficial water velocity will be 0.005, 0.01, 0.05, models, such as Turner’s model, TUFFP Unified
and 0.1 m/s. The pipe deviation angles of interest are Model, Barnea’s model and OLGA simulation.
45°, 70°, 80°, 85°, and 88° from vertical. The test
range should cover the onset of liquid loading area. Final Report – July 2013
For each test run, liquid flow rate will be kept Final report will be submitted, and thesis will be
constant, and gas flow rates will be decreased by defended.

Belfroid, S.P.C., Schiferli, W., Alberts, G.J.N., Veeken, C.A.M. and Biezen, E.: “Prediction Onset and Dynamic
Behavior of Liquid Loading Gas Wells,” SPE paper 115567 presented at 2008 SPE ATCE, Denver, CO,
21-24 September 2008.
Belt, R.J.: “On the Liquid Film in Inclined Annular Flow,” PhD Dissertation TU Delft, 2008.
Guner, M.: “Liquid Loading Of Gas Wells With Deviations From 0° To 45°,” MSc Thesis, University of Tulsa,
Coleman, S.B., Clay, H.B., McCurdy, D.G., and Lee Norris, H. III.: “A New Look at Predicting Gas-Well Load
Up,” J. Pet. Tech., pp. 329-333, March 1991.
Turner, R.G., Hubbard, M.G., and Dukler, A.E.: “Analysis and Prediction of Minimum Flow Rate for the
Continuous Removal of Liquids from Gas Wells,” J. Pet. Tech., pp. 1475-1482., Nov. 1969.
Westenende, J. Van‘t .: “Droplets in Annular-Dispersed Gas-Liquid Pipe Flows,” PhD Dissertation, TU Delft, 2008.
Yuan G.: "Liquid Loading of Gas Wells," MSc Thesis, University of Tulsa, 2011.

Fluid Flow Projects

Unified Model Computer Code


Carlos F. Torres

Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


 Status
 Unified Model – Solution Technique
 Slug to Stratified/Annular Flow Transition
– Actual Approach
 Slug to Stratified/Annular Flow Transition
– New Approach
 Example Slug to Stratified/Annular Flow
 Future Tasks
 Recommendations

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


 Information Gathering Completed

 New Code Layout Completed
 Layout Test Completed
 Unified Flow Pattern On going
 Unified Flow Pressure Gradient On going
 Testing August 2013

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Unified Model
Solution Technique
Sequential Process
 Calculate Transition
Superficial Liquid Velocity
for In-situ Superficial Gas
Velocity by Solving the
Proper Model
 Compare the Transition
Liquid Superficial Velocity
With the In-situ Liquid
Superficial Velocity

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Slug to Stratified/Annular Flow

Transition – Actual Approach

Solves a Set of Three Non-linear Equations

 Momentum Equation for the Gas and the Liquid,

Kinematic Condition for the Slug Stability
dp  S   C SC
  I I   C g sin  vsg
dz (1  H LF ) A Unknowns
Hlf , dp dz , vsl
dp  I S I   F S F
    L g sin 
dz H LF A Closures Relationships
Fe, Hls, f i , f c , f f , 
(H LS (vT  vS )  vSL )(vSG  vSL FE )  vT v SL FE
H LF 
vT vSG
Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Slug to Stratified/Annular Flow

Transition – Original Approach

 Transition is Solved by:

 Fixing the Gas Superficial Velocity
 Implementing a Fix-point Iterative Technique
 Sequential Substitution for CME, Closure
Relations and the Kinematic Condition
 Guessing for Transition Liquid Superficial
Velocity and Slug Liquid Holdup
 Iterating Until Convergence is Achieved
 Comparing Transition Liquid Superficial
Velocity With In-situ Liquid Superficial Velocity
 Details in Zhang (2009) TUFFP Report
Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Slug to Stratified/Annular Flow

Transition – New Approach

 Transition is Predicted by
 Implementing Robust Technique for Solving
CME with Its Closure Relationships
 Calculate Hydrodynamics Variables
 Calculate Slug Liquid Holdup and the
Transition Liquid Holdup Using the Kinematic
 Compare Transition Liquid Holdup and the
Liquid Holdup Obtained from CME
 Analogous Process to Taitel and Dukler
(1976) Stability Model for Stratified Flow

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


Slug to Stratified Flow

Air and Water

Inclination Angle 0 °
Liquid Density 998 kg/m3
Gas Density 1.225 kg/m3
Liquid Viscosity 1 cp
Gas Viscosity 0.000018 Pa s
Surface Tension 72 dynes/cm
Diameter 2 in
Roughness 0.002 mm

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Slug to Stratified Flow …

vSL (m/s)



0.01 0.1 1 10 100
vSG (m/s)
Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


Slug to Stratified Flow …

 Solve Combined Momentum Equation

 F SF  C SC  1 1 
    I S I     (  L   C )g sin   0
H LF A (1  H LF )A  H LF A (1  H LF )A 

 Closure Relationships Used

 Oliemans et al. (1986) for Entrainment Fraction
 Andritsos & Hanraty (1987) for Interfacial
Friction Factor
 Churchill (1977) for Friction Factor
 Grolman (1994) for Wettability

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


Slug to Stratified Flow …

 Transition Liquid Film Holdup

(H LS (vT  vS )  vSL )(vSG  vSL FE )  vT v SL FE
H LF 
vT vSG

 Additional Models
 Zhang et al. (2003) for Slug Liquid Holdup

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Slug to Stratified Flow …

Vsg=0.2m/s Vsl = 0.1m/s
Hlf= 0.8738 Hlft= 0.8657
vSL (m/s)

0.1 Vsg=0.2m/s Vsl = 0.0915m/s

Hlf=0.8651 Hlft=0.08651

Vsg=0.2m/s Vsl = 0.07m/s

Hlf=0.8512 Hlft=0.8641

0.01 0.1 1 10 100
vSG (m/s)
Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Future Tasks

 Finish Basic Coding

 Select and Test the Available Closure
 Testing With Database

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


 Research is Required to the

Annular/Stratified Model
 Seamless Transition from Stratified to
 Unified Interfacial Friction Factor and
Liquid Film Distribution
Circumferential Variations
 Droplet Entrainment

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Comments and Suggestions


Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Unified Model Co
omputer Code - Up
r F. Torres

Project Completion Dates

Information Gathe ering .............................................................................................................................. Completed

Neew Code Layout ................................................................................................................................... Completed

ayout Test .............................................................................................................................................. Completed

Unified Model - Flo ow Pattern ....................................................................................................................... Ongoing

Unified Model - Flo ow Pressure Gra adient ...................................................................................................... Ongoing

Final Testing ......................................................................................................................................... August 2013

e The main characterristics of this seequential proceess are
The objecctive of this project is to develop and d as follows:
implementt a new codinng structure fo
or the Unified
d 1. T he transitionnal superficiall liquid veloccity is
Model. c alculated for the in-situ supperficial gas veelocity
f or the actual flow pattern teested (see Fig.. 1) by
Introducttion s olving the prroper model set of equationns per
Several improvements in unified d mechanisticc t ransition bounndary.
modeling and closure relationshipss have been n 2. C ompares thhe predicted transition liquid
incorporateed in the Unifiied Model Commputer Code too s uperficial vellocity in step 1 with the in-situ
extend and d increase its prediction cap
pabilities. Thee l iquid superficcial velocity. If the criterrion is
code structture has been upgraded, allowwing advancedd s atisfied all thee final hydrodyynamics’ param meters
users to modify, write orr include new correlations orr a re calculated for the predictted flow patterrn. On
closure rellationships. Additionally, a new approach h t he other handd, if the criterioon is not satisfied, a
to solve the Unified Model is prop posed and thee n ew flow patteern is tested (sttep 1).
results aree compared with the previo ous technique. 3. T his criterion is applied for all the flow paatterns
This new approach could increase th he computationn e xcept bubble flow. Instead of superficial liquid
speed and simplify the understanding of the Unified d v elocity, superrficial gas veloocity is used for the
Model for Gas-Liquid. c omparison.
4. T he last transiition tested in Fig. 1 is the slug to
Unified Model – Soluttion Techniq que s tratified/annullar flow transition. This trannsition
Zhang et al. (2003) proposed a techniq
que to solve thee r equires the soolution of a set of three non-linear
Unified Model as a seq quential processs presented in
n e quations: onee momentum equation for thhe gas,
Fig. 1. o ne momentum m equation forr the liquid, annd one
k inematic conddition for the stability of thee slug.
A ll of the equations and their closure
r elationships depend on pressure graadient,
h oldup, and thee superficial veelocities.
5. T he non-linearr system of eqquations is solvved by
f ixing the supperficial veloccity of the gaas and
i mplementing a fix-point iterrative techniquue over
a sequential substitution of the non-linear
e quations. Thiis solution techhnique is reliabble but
s low and requiires a guessed starting point for the
l iquid superficcial velocity annd slug holdupp. The
m echanistic model used for the slug liquid
h oldup is solveed in the same iterative loop.

Slug g to Stratified d/Annular Flo ow Transitio on –

New w Solution Te echnique
The superficial veelocity comparrison criterion given
by Zhhang et al. (20003) can be avvoided for the slug to
Figure 1. So
olution algorith
hm stratiified/annular fl
flow transition. The new soolution
technnique for the Unified Model is carried out as
follow ws:

1. Solve the set of two non-lin near equationss Figurre 2 shows an example of thiis technique with the
(momeentum equation for the gas and a the liquid)) labells that presennt the values of gas and liquid
by thee traditional combined momeentum equation n superrficial velociities and coorresponding liquid
to predict the liquid holdup by a robust
r and fastt holduups and the trransition liquid holdups forr those
numerrical techniquee such as the Brent
B or Müllerr condditions. All thee points have the same supeerficial
metho ods. gas v elocity. The black dot in thee flow pattern map is
2. Using the liquid holdup from step p 1, determinee the transition point betwween slug and
the fiilm velocity, core velocity y slug liquid d stratiified/annular fl
flow. The greeen dot has a higher
holdup p (iteration required if th he mechanisticc liquidd superficial thhan the transitiion, and the grrey dot
modell is used) and finally, calculate thee has a smaller liquuid superficial than the trannsition.
transittion holdup by the kinematic condition. As c an be observeed, the holdup is higher and lower
3. Compare the transittion holdup wiith the holdup. than the transitionn holdup for the green andd gray
If the transition hold
dup is higher th han the holdup,, pointts, respectivelyy.
ow is stratified
the flo d, if it is smaller the flow iss
slug fllow. If they arre equal, the trransition line iss

Figurre 2. Example of the new soluution techniquee

Zhang, H.Q
Q, Wang, Q. C., Sarica, C. and Brill J.P.: “Unified Moddel for Gas-Liqquid Pipe Flow
w via Slug Dynnamics
Paart I,”ASME J. of Energy Res. Tech. Vol. 125, 4. pp. 2666-273, 2003.
Zhang, H.Q
Q, Wang, Q. C., Sarica, C. and Brill J.P.: “Unified Moddel for Gas-Liqquid Pipe Flow
w via Slug Dynnamics
Paart II,”ASME J. of Energy Res. Tech. Voll. 125, 4. pp. 2774-283, 2003.

Fluid Flow Projects

TUFFP Experimental Database

Jinho Choi

Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


 Objective
 Purpose
 Introduction
 TUFFP Experimental Data
 Gas-Liquid
 Oil-Water
 Gas-Oil-Water
 MS Access Database
 Description
 Issues
 Future Work
Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


 Development of Multiphase Flow Database

 2-Phase : Gas-Liquid, Liquid-Liquid
3-Phase : Gas-Liquid-Liquid
 Steady-State Flow Data
 Transient Flow Data

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


 Validate Developed Models for Multiphase Pipe Flow

 Export Data into a Required Format for Testing

 Import New and Undefined Data Sets

 Usability, Applicability, Extensibility

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


 Experimental Database
 Time-averaged Measurements of Pressure, Pressure
Gradients, Volume Fractions, Shear Stresses,
Entrainment Fractions, and System Parameters
Associated With Each Run
 For Some Cases, Additional Data Such As Individual
Flow Pattern Characteristics

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

TUFFP Experimental Data

 Gas-Liquid Experimental Data

 46 Experimental Data Sets by Various Authors
Transient, Hilly Terrain
 About 10,500 Steady-State Data
Ready to Read Data File – txt, xls, etc.
Reports Including Data as Appendix – pdf

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

TUFFP Experimental Data …

 Oil-Water Experimental Data

 11 Experimental Data Sets
 About 2,800 Steady-State Data
Ready to Read Data File – txt, xls, etc.
Report including Data as Appendix – pdf
 Gas-Oil-Water Experimental Data
 5 Experimental Data Sets
 About 400 Data
Ready to Read Data File – txt, xls, etc.
Report including Data as Appendix – pdf

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

MS Access Database

 Steady-State Multiphase Database by Schlumberger

 Limitations of Excel Database
Too Fragile to Keep the Data
 Easy to Delete Data
 Easy to Inject Unit Errors
Hard to Maintain a Consistent Format
 New, as yet Undefined, Data Fields
 Presence of “Data Holes”
Problematic When Exporting Data into a Required Format
for Testing

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

MS Access Database …

 Steady-State Multiphase Database by Schlumberger

 Data Import
Formatted Excel File
 Raw Table
 Raw Archive Table (Unit Conversion)
 Database Master Table
 Data Export
 Excel in PipeSim OpenLink
 Excel in General Format

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

MS Access Database …

 Current Data Sets included in Database

No. Author No. of Record Year Phase
1 Khor 412 1998 Gas-Oil-Water
2 Mukherjee 1400 1979 Gas-Liquid
3 Minami 111 1987 Gas-Liquid
4 Abdul 88 1994 Gas-Liquid
5 Eaton 238 1966 Gas-Liquid
6 Beggs 58 1973 Gas-Liquid
Data Sets Included in
7 Atmaca 296 1973 Oil-Water SLB DB Version 1.0
8 Dong 156 2007 Gas-Oil-Water
9 Gokcal 173 2008 Gas-Liquid March, 2013
10 Magrini 140 2009 Gas-Liquid
11 Johnson 984 2005 Gas-Liquid • 19 Data Sets
12 Yuan 153 2011 Gas-Liquid • 5819 Data Records
13 Andritsos 535 1986 Gas-Liquid
14 Beggs 188 1972 Gas-Liquid
15 Cheremisinoff 174 1977 Gas-Liquid Added TUFFP Data Sets
16 Kokal 140 1987 Gas-Liquid Until March, 2013
17 Roth 39 1986 Gas-Liquid
18 Fan 351 2005 Gas-Liquid
19 Gokcal 183 2005 Gas-Liquid

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

MS Access Database …

 Current Status and Update Schedule

Activities of This Period

• List-up of TUFFP
• List-up of Available
Data Sets
• Update of Database

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

MS Access Database …

 Difficulties to Import Experimental Data

 Diversity of Data Formats
Units, Names of Variables, Data File Formats
 Data given as PDF Tables
Specially Old Data; Hard to Read
 Variables that can be Found ONLY in text
i.e., Pipe Diameter, Length, etc.
 Same Variable Names, but Different Values
i.e., Pressure: Inlet Pressure, Separator Pressure, Pressure at
Test Sections, etc.

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

MS Access Database …

 Difficulties
 Diversity of Data Formats
Units, Names of Variables, Data File Formats
Fan (2005) Data

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

MS Access Database …

 Difficulties
 Diversity of Data Formats
Units, Names of Variables, Data File Formats
Formatted Excel File for Raw Table of Database

56 Columns

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

MS Access Database …

 Difficulties
 Data given as PDF Tables
Specially Old Data; Hard to Read
 Roumazeilles (1994)

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

MS Access Database …
 Difficulties
 Variables that can be Found ONLY in text
i.e., Pipe Diameter, Length, etc.
 Magrini (2009)

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

MS Access Database …

 Difficulties
 Same Variable Names, but Different Values
i.e., Pressure: Inlet Pressure, Separator Pressure, Pressure at
Test Sections, etc.

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Future Work

 Collecting and Re-Formatting of Experimental Data

 Extracting Data from PDF Tables

 Re-Formatting Collected Data to Import File Format

 Updating of MS Access DB User Interface

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Thank you for listening!

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

TUFFP Experimental Database
Jinho Choi

Project Completion Dates

TUFFP Experimental Data List Up ........................................................................................................... Complete

Collecting and Reformatting Data Sets for DB .................................................................................. October 2013

Final Report ................................................................................................................................... December 2013

Objectives Some of the data sets are given in MS Excel

The main objective of this project is to construct a files (*.xls) or text files (*.txt, *.dat, etc.), which can
multiphase flow database of TUFFP experimental be directly copied and imported into database.
data sets. However, others are provided by tables in pdf
documents. For those, digitization or manual typing
Introduction is necessary.
TUFFP experimental database will contain the
measurements of pressure, pressure gradients, Microsoft Access Database
volume fractions, shear stresses, entrainment Schlumberger had developed the steady-state
fractions, and the system parameters associated with multiphase database using Microsoft Access, which
each run. In some instances, additional data like has been donated to TUFFP. MS Access is selected
individual flow pattern characteristics are also to replace MS Excel database. MS Excel is easy to
included. use and easy to access, but it has limitations for
Usually, experimental data sets have their own database. It is too fragile to keep the data; too easy to
specific formats. Moreover, they are sometimes delete data, too easy to inject unit errors, and hard to
provided as tables in pdf format, which need to be maintain a consistent format. New or undefined data
digitized. Having all of the experimental data sets in fields may destroy the existing format and lead to
a unified format makes the experimental data more ‘data holes’. Furthermore, it can be problematic
usable and applicable. In other words, the database when exporting data into required formats for testing.
can be easily used to validate newly developed Schlumberger multiphase steady-state database
models for multiphase flow, by exporting data into can import experimental data records with a specific
required formats for testing. format. Data records are initially imported into ‘Raw
Table’ from the formatted excel file. The data
TUFFP Experimental Data records of ‘Raw Table’ move to final ‘Database
Multiphase flow experimental data sets are divided Table’ after unit conversions through ‘Raw Archive
into three categories: Gas-liquid; Oil-water (liquid- Table’. The database can export data records to excel
liquid): and Gas-oil-water. The lists of experimental files in PipeSim OpenLink format or in general
data sets are given by Tables 1-3. format.
TUFFP has 46 gas-liquid data sets including
steady-state and transient experiments. More than Future Work
10,000 steady-state data records have been provided All the available data records will be imported into
for gas-liquid flow. For oil-water experiments, 11 MS Access Database. And, the user interface of
data sets with about 2,800 data records have been database will be improved to be more useable and
acquired. Finally, 5 data sets with about 500 data convenient.
records have been obtained from gas-oil-water

Table 1. List of TUFFP Gas-Liquid Experimental Data Sets
No. Project# Author Year
1 2 Charles Martin Palmer 1975
2 3 George Andrew Payne 1975
3 4 Zelimer Schmidt 1976
4 5 Sirisak Juprasert 1976
5 12 Myles Wilson Scoggins, Jr. 1977
6 13 Zelimir Schmidt 1977
7 14 N. D. Sylvester, R. Dowling, H. Paz-y-Mino and J. P. Brill 1977
8 16 Hemanta Mukherjee 1979
9 21 Imoh Boniface Akpan 1980
10 29 Orlando E. Fernandez 1982
11 33 Santanu Barua 1982
12 36 Kazuioshi Minami 1983
13 44 Kunal Dutta-Roy 1984
14 45 Elisio Caetano Filho 1984
15 52 Elisio Filho Caetano 1985
16 63 Stuart L. Scott 1989
17 64 Guohua Zheng 1989
18 67 Carlos Alfredo Daza 1990
19 72 Masaru Ihara 1991
20 73 Guohua Zheng 1991
21 74 Ibere Nascentes Alves 1991
22 75 Kazuioshi Minami 1991
23 77 Hector Felizola 1992
24 80 Rafael Jose Paz Gonzalez 1993
25 81 Philippe Roumazeilles 1994
26 82 Fabrice Vigneron 1995
27 86 James P. Brill, X. Tom Chen, Jose Flores and Robert Marcano 1995
28 89 Jiede Yang 1996
29 90 Robert Marcano 1996
30 95 Weihong Meng 1999
31 96 Eissa Mohammed Al-Safran 1999
32 N/A Jarl Tengesdal 2002
33 101 Qian Wang 2003
34 102 Eissa Mohammed Al-Safran 2003
35 103 Yongqian Fan 2005
36 104 Pipeline Databank
37 104 Wellbore Databank
38 106 Bahadir Gokcal 2005
39 110 Bahadir Gokcal 2008
40 111 TingTing Yu 2009
41 113 Kyle Magrini 2009
42 115 Ceyda Kora 2010
43 116 Benin Chelinsky Jeyachandra 2011
44 117 Ge Yuan 2011
45 119 Rosmer Brito 2012
46 120 Mujgan Guner 2012

Table 2. List of TUFFP Oil-Water Experimental Data Sets
No. Project# Author Year
1 1 Mark Steven Malinowski 1975
2 9 George Clarence Laflin and Kenneth Doyle Oglesby 1976
3 11 Hemanta Mukhopadhyay 1977
4 17 Kenneth D. Oglesby 1979
5 37 Srihasak Arirachakaran 1983
6 51 Alberto E. Martinez 1985
7 88 Jose Luis Trallero 1995
8 91 Jose Gonzalo Flores 1997
9 97 Banu Alkaya 2000
10 107 Maria Andreina Vielma Paredes 2007
11 108 Serdar Atmaca 2007

Table 3. List of TUFFP Gas-Oil-Water Experimental Data Sets

No. Project# Author Year
1 1 Mark Steven Malinowski 1975
2 9 George Clarence Laflin and Kenneth Doyle Oglesby 1976
3 104 Carlos Beltran 2005
4 109 Hongkun Dong 2007
5 114 Gizem Ersoy Gokcal 2010


Fluid Flow Projects

Unified Drift Velocity Closure

Relationship for Large Bubbles

Rising in Viscous Fluids

Jose Moreiras

Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


 Objective
 Introduction
 Experimental Study
 Modeling Approach
 Conclusions

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


 Analyze Drift Velocity for Medium

Viscosity Oils (39 cP < µO < 166 cP)
 Inclination Angle: from 0º to 90º
 Pipe Diameter: 2-in
 Develop a Unified Drift Velocity
Correlation which Considers:
 Viscosity Effects
 Inclination Angle Effects
 Pipe Diameter Effects

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


 TUFFP Oil Viscosity Effect Effort

 High Viscosity (180 cP < µO < 576 cP)
 Gokcal (2005)
 Gokcal (2008)
 Kora (2010)
 Jeyachandra (2011)
 Medium Viscosity (39 cP < µO < 166 cP)
 Brito (2012)

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Introduction …

 Expression for Translational Velocity

and Drift Velocity
 Nicklin et al. (1962)

vt = Co vM +vd

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Introduction …

 Potential Flow Analysis for Drift

 Vertical Flow – Dumitrescu (1943),
Davies and Taylor (1950)
vd  0.351 gD

 Horizontal Flow – Benjamin (1968)

vd  0.542 gD
Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Introduction …

 Dimensionless Numbers
Froude Number

Fr  vd  L 0.5 g D (  L   G ) 0.5

Eotvos Number

N Eo  g D 2 (  L   G )  1
Viscosity Number

N    g D 3 (  L  G )  L  0.5

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Experimental Study

 Test Liquid: DN-20 Mineral Oil

 Gravity: 30.5 °API
 Density: 873 kg/m3 @ 60 °F
 Surface Tension: 27.5 dynes/cm
 Test Gas: Air
 High Speed Video Recording

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Experimental Study …

 Experimental Facility Layout

High Speed


Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Experimental Study …

 Pipe Diameter
 2-in.
 Viscosities: 39, 66, 108, 166 cP
 Inclinations: 0o,10o, 20o, 30o,…,90°
 Uncertainty Analysis
 ASME Uncertainty Model
 Five Repetitions per Condition

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Experimental Result

0°, 2-in ID µO=39 cP 0°, 2-in ID µO=166 cP

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Experimental Result …

 Inclined (2-in Pipe) 0.351 gD sin(  )  0.542 gD cos(  )


Vd [m/s]



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

θ [º]
Bendiksen (1984) 166 cp 66 cp
39 cp Gokcal (2008)-1cp Gokcal (2008)-185cp
Gokcal (2008)-1287cp

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Modeling Approach

 Extended Database
Author Fluid Properties Pipe Geometry
ρL=1000 kg/m3
θ= 0 to 90º
Zukoski (1966) µL=0.001 Pa s
D=0.055 and 0.178-m
σ=0.072 N/m
ρL=1280 to 1410 kg/m3
θ= 0 to 90º
Webber et al. (1986) µL=0.0511 to 6.12 Pa s
σ=0.078 to 0.087 N/m
ρL=889 kg/m3
θ= 0 to 90º
Gokcal (2008) µL=0.104 to 0.692 Pa s
σ=0.029 N/m
ρL=889 kg/m3
θ= 0 to 90º
Jeyachandra et al. (2012) µL=0.154 to 0.574 Pa s
σ=0.029 N/m
ρL=870 kg/m3
θ= 0 to 90º
This Study µL=0.039 to 0.166 Pa s
σ=0.0275 N/m

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Modeling Approach …

 Minimum Eotvos Number (NEo) = 220

 Wallis (1969), Surface Tension Effects are
Negligible for NEo >100
 Universal Correlation is Subdivided
 Horizontal Flow
 Vertical Flow
 Inclined Flow

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Modeling Approach …

 Horizontal Flow
Fr  0.54 
a  b N
r  0.896

a  1.886  0.25
b  0.01443  0.0035

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Modeling Approach …

 Vertical Flow
 Potential flow solution for cap shaped
bubbles extended to long bubbles (Taylor
Bubbles) by Davis and Taylor (1950)
 Viscous potential flow solution for cap
shaped bubbles by Joseph (2003) is
extended to long bubbles in this study

Davis and Taylor (1950)

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Modeling Approach …

 Vertical Flow
0.8 0.8
vd Calculated [m/s]

vd Calculated [m/s]
0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
vd Experimental [m/s] vd Experimental [m/s]

Original Cap Shaped Bubble Long Taylor Bubble

8 L 2 64  L
8 L 2 64  L
 2 
vd    g D vd    gD   0.35  g D
3 L D 9 9  L D 2 3 L D 9 9  L D 2  3 

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Modeling Approach …

 Inclined Flow
Fr  FrH cos( ) a  FrV sin( ) b  Q

 0 FrV  FrH   0

Q  

 V 
 c Fr  Fr d
sin( ) (1 sin( ))
H  FrV  FrH   0

Parameter Value 95% Confidence Interval

a 1.2391 0.0872
b 1.2315 0.1150
c 2.1589 1.4764
d 0.70412 0.2926

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Modeling Approach …

 1st Step-Horizontal Flow FrH  0.54 

a  b N
 2nd Step-Vertical Flow
8 L 2 64  L
 2 
vd    gD    0.35  g D
3 L D 9 9  L D   3

FrV  vd  L
g D (  L  G ) 0.5

 3rd Step-Inclined Flow Fr  FrH cos( ) a  FrV sin( ) b  Q

 4th Step-Drift Velocity vd 

 L 0.5  g D (  L   G ) 0.5

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Modeling Approach …

2-in, Air-Oil System

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


 Increase in Liquid Viscosity Reduces the

Drift Velocity
 A New Correlation is Proposed
 Valid for D>0.03-m and from 0° to 90°

Inclination Angles

 Additional Experimental Data is Required

for 10-4<N<10-3

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


Unified Drift Velocity Closure Relationship for Large Bubbles Rising
in Viscous Fluids
Jose Moreiras

Project Completion Dates

Data Acquisition...................................................................................................................................... Completed

Data Analysis .......................................................................................................................................... Completed

Unified Correlation .................................................................................................................................. Completed

Final Report .............................................................................................................................................. May 2013

Objective In general, all the previous studies in high

The main objective of the study is: viscosity oils (180 cP < µO < 587 cP) demonstrated
 To Analyze Drift Velocity for Medium big difference in two-phase flow behavior as
Viscosity Oils (39 cP < µO < 166 cP) compared to low viscosity oils. Brito (2012) carried
o Inclination Angle: from 0º to 90º out an experimental study to analyze the medium
o Pipe Diameter: 2-in viscosity oil (39 cP < µO < 166 cP) effect on two-
 Develop a Universal Drift Velocity phase flow behavior. She analyzed the change in
Correlation which Considers: pressure drop, flow pattern, liquid holdup and flow
o Viscosity Effects characteristics in a 2-in ID horizontal pipe. Drift
o Inclination Angle Effects velocity corresponds to an important parameter for
o Pipe Diameter Effects slug characterization, which has not been measured
before in the viscosity range considered by Brito
Introduction (2012). The current study is part of the TUFFP effort
Nearly 70% of the available oil reserves correspond to understand the medium oil viscosity effect in two-
to heavy oils, which possess high density and phase flow, investigating the drift velocity under this
viscosity. Depletion of lighter hydrocarbon resources viscosity range for horizontal and inclined flow.
has increased the importance of high viscosity oils.
A thorough knowledge on the flow behavior of high Experimental Study
viscosity oils is required to design and optimize The experimental study is composed of the
production facilities. The existing multiphase flow experimental facility, our test fluid, and an
models were developed using data collected for low experimental matrix.
viscosity oils. Hence, these models inherently
neglect the effect of viscosity on flow characteristics Facility
of multiphase flow. The experimental facility consists of an oil storage
TUFFP initiated a research campaign to further tank, a 20 HP screw pump, a 3.05-m (10 ft) long
understand the gas-liquid behavior in 2003. Gokcal acrylic pipe with 152.4-mm (6 in.) ID, heating and
(2005) experimentally studied the effects of high cooling loops, transfer hoses, and instrumentation.
viscosity on two phase oil-gas flow. He observed a Additional experiments will be conducted by
marked difference between the experimental results replacing the 6 in with 2 in ID pipe. The acrylic pipe
and the model predictions. Intermittent slug and is located close to the storage tank. The inclination of
elongated bubble flow were observed to be the the pipe can be varied using a pulley arrangement.
dominant flow pattern. Later, Gokcal (2008) The pipe inclination can be changed from 0° to 90°.
conducted experiments and developed correlations The heating and cooling loops are used to maintain
for two phase slug flow characteristics, taking into the desired temperature and thereby control the
account the effects of viscosity. The parameters viscosity of the oil.
studied were pressure gradient, drift velocity, The oil pump supplies the pipe with oil. Then,
transitional velocity, and slug length and frequency. the main inlet valve and the auxiliary inlet valve are
All tests were conducted for horizontal flow and oil closed. The drainage valve is opened to drain the
viscosities range from 121 cp to 1,000 cP. Kora residual oil captured and thus create a gas pocket.
(2010) conducted experiments and developed Next, the drainage valve is closed and the main inlet
correlations for slug liquid holdup in horizontal high valve is opened to release the gas bubble into the
viscosity oil-gas flow. Jeyachandra (2011) studied the stagnant oil column. The drift velocity is measured
effect of the inclination angle for horizontal and near by high speed video recordings.. A modification was
horizontal flow. carried out for the horizontal case. The pipe end was
removed and it was replaced with plug. The removal

of the plug after the pipe is filled drains the oil out A correlation for the Froude number as function
and a gas bubble penetrates into the pipe, enabling of Viscosity number has been developed. As the
the measurement of drift velocity in a horizontal pipe. Viscosity number tends to zero, the Froude number
tend to the potential flow solution. On the other
Test Fluids hand, as the Viscosity number increases the drift
Compressed air has been considered for the gas phase velocity tends asymptotically to zero. Thus, this
and typical properties of the DN-20 mineral oil used correlation can be utilized for low and high liquid
in these tests are given as follows: viscosities.
・ Gravity: 30.5 °API
Vertical Flow
・ Viscosity: 0.166 Pa·s @ 21.1°C Joseph (2003) extended Davis and Taylor (1950)
・ Density: 873 kg/m3 @ 15.6°C analysis in cap bubbles using viscous potential flow
analysis. The proposed model is function of
・ Surface tension: 0.0275 N/m @ 40°C viscosity, density and pipe diameter. For long bubble
(Taylor bubble type) Joseph (2003) shows a
Experimental Matrix systematic bias with respect to experimental data in
Drift velocity will be acquired for the following vertical flow. As the viscosity tends to zero, Joseph
conditions: (2003) solution tends to Davis and Taylor (1950)
 Pipe diameter: 2-in solution (constant Froude number), who also
 Inclination angle: 0°, 10°, 20°, 30°, 40°, 50°, proposed an extension of cap model to long bubbles.
60°, 70°, 80° and 90° The extension results in a modification of the final
 Oil Viscosity: 39 cP, 66 cP, 108 cP and 166 Froude number. This difference in the potential flow
cP. solution from cap to long bubble can explain the bias
For a given pipe diameter, inclination angle and presented by Joseph (2003) where the discrepancy
oil viscosity, the average drift velocity is collected can be corrected in similar way than Davis and
after five repetitions. Uncertainty is estimated by the Taylor (1950) by subtracting the difference of
ASME model where the bias term is neglected and potential solution.
the random component is estimated based on five
repetitions. Inclined Flow
The Froude number in any inclination can be
Modeling Approach predicted by a combined effect of horizontal and
Drift velocity in inclined pipes described a convex vertical Froude. A correlation for Froude number as
curve as function of inclination angle. The shape of function of inclination angle, horizontal and vertical
this curve is defined by the values of the drift Froude numbers are estimated using the two previous
velocity in horizontal and vertical flow. Drift correlations.
velocity correlations for horizontal and vertical flow
are proposed and extended to inclined flow. The Conclusion
experimental data collected in this study is combined This study presents new drift velocity experimental
with literature data. Only pipe diameters larger than data for medium oil viscosities (39 < µL<166 cP) and
0.03-m has been considered form the following all inclination angles. The new set of data has been
Authors: combined with other data available in the literature to
1. Zukoski (1966) develop a universal correlation for drift velocity. The
2. Webber et al. (1986) correlation is subdivided into three parts as function
3. Gokcal (2008) of inclination angle, namely, horizontal, vertical and
4. Jeycandra (2011) inclined. In general, the minimum Eotvos number is
220, thus all data points are laid in a region where
Horizontal Flow surface tension effect can be neglected (Wallis,
In the extended experimental data base presented, the 1969). The proposed horizontal correlation for
Eotvos number varies from 220 to 800. The Froude number is a unique function of viscosity
minimum Eo is at least two times larger than the number and as the viscosity tends to zero the solution
critical value proposed by Wallis (1969) to define the tends to potential flow. For the verical case, Joseph
region where surface tension effects can be neglected (2003) solution for caps bubbles has been modified to
(Eo>100). Based on Zukoski (1966) observations, long bubbles following a similar procedure as Davis
this critical value is even smaller (Eo>40), thus in and Taylor (1950). Finally, a general correlation for
this study the surface tension effect is neglected. Froude number in inclined pipes is proposed which

depends on the estimated Froude number for
horizontal and vertical flow.

Brito, R. "Effect of Medium Oil Viscosity on Two-Phase Oil-Gas Flow Behavior in Horizontal Pipes" M.S. Thesis,
The University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK. (2012).
Davies, R. M., and Taylor, G. I.: “The Mechanics of Large Bubbles Rising Through Liquids in Tubes,” Proc. Royal
Soc. London, A 200, pp. 375-390 (1950).
Gokcal, B.: “An Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Slug Flow for High Oil Viscosity in Horizontal
Pipes,” Ph.D. Dissertation, The University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK (2008).
Gokcal, B.: “Effects of High Oil Viscosity on Two-Phase Oil-Gas Flow Behavior in Horizontal Pipes,” M.S. Thesis,
The University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK (2005).
Jeyachandra, B. “Effect of Pipe Inclination on Flow Characteristics of High Viscosity Oil-Gas Two-Phase Flow"
M.S. Thesis, The University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK. (2011).
Joseph, D. D: “Rise velocity of a Spherical Cap Bubble,” J. Fluid Mech., Vol. 488, pp. 213-223 (2003).
Kora, "Effects of high oil viscosity on slug liquid holdup in horizontal pipes", M.S. Thesis, The University of Tulsa,
Weber, M.E., Alarie, A., and Ryan, M. E.: “Velocities of Extended Bubbles in Inclined Tubes,” Chem. Eng. Sci.,
Vol. 41, pp. 2235-2240 (1986).
Zukoski, E. E.: “Influence of Viscosity, Surface Tension, and Inclination Angle on Motion of Long Bubbles in
Closed Tubes,” J. Fluid Mech., Vol. 25, pp. 821-837 (1966).
Gokcal, B, Al-Sarkhi, A., and Sarica, C: "Effects of High Oil Viscosity on Drift Velocity for Horizontal Pipes".
Presented at BHR Conference of Multiphase Production Technology, Banff, June 4-6, (2008).
Kora, Y. "Effects of high oil viscosity on slug liquid holdup in horizontal pipes," M.S. Thesis, The University of
Tulsa, Tulsa, OK. (2010).
Benjamin, T.B.: “Gravity Currents and Related Phenomena,” J. Fluid Mech. (1968), 31 (2), 209-248.


Fluid Flow Projects
Characteristics of Downward

Flow of High Viscosity Oil and

Gas Two-Phase

Jaejun Kim

Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


 Objective
 Introduction
 Experimental Program
 Static Calibration
 Dynamic Calibration
 Future Work

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


 Acquire Experimental Data on Flow

Characteristics for High Viscosity Oil-
Gas Two-Phase Flow in Downward
Inclined Pipes
 Viscosity Effects
 Validate Models/Correlation with
Experimental Results

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


 Increase in High Viscosity Oil Offshore

 Current Multiphase Flow Models
Developed for Low Viscosity Oils
 Multiphase Flows May Exhibit
Significantly Different Behavior for
Higher Viscosity Oils
 Horizontal Flow Experiments – Gokcal
(2005, 2008) and Kora (2010)

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Introduction …

 Jeyachandra (2011) Carried Out

Experiments for ±2°
 Repeatability has not been Verified by
Jeyachandra (2011)

 Repeat Tests are Necessary to Improve the

Confidence on the Collected Data
 Facility Instrumentation and Uncertainty
Analysis has been Upgraded by Brito

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Experimental Facility

A ir

Ma x

Z ero C onf ig E nt er
Mi n

Valves Laser Capacitance
Probe Probe

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Experimental Matrix

 Superficial Liquid Velocity

 0.1 – 0.8 m/s
 Superficial Gas Velocity
 0.1 – 3.5 m/s
 Temperatures
 70 – 100 °F (21.1 – 37.8 °C )
 585 – 181 cP
 Inclination
 -2° from Horizontal

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Downward Inclined Flow vs. TUFFP

Model Prediction

10 10
Bubble Dispersed Bubble Elongated
Dispersed Bubble
Slug Flow Slug Flow
1 1
vSL (m/s)

vSL (m/s)

0.1 0.1

Intermittent Intermittent
0.01 0.01
0.001 0.001
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 0.01 0.1 1 10 100

vSG (m/s) vSG (m/s)

585 cP 181 cP

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Downward Inclined Flow vs. Barnea
Model Prediction

10 10

Dispersed Bubble
1 1

Slug Slug
Elongated Elongated 
vSL (m/s)

vSL (m/s)
Bubble Bubble
0.1 0.1

Stratified Stratified
0.01 0.01 Slug Flow
Slug Annular

Elongated Bubble Elongated

0.001 0.001
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 0.01 0.1 1 10 100

vSG (m/s) vSG (m/s)

585 cP 181 cP

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Two Phase Flow Characteristics

 Flow Pattern
 Pressure Gradient
 Average Liquid Holdup
 Slug Characteristics
 Slug Length
 Slug Frequency
 Slug Liquid Holdup
 Translational Velocity
 Drift Velocity

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Capacitance Sensor



Capacitance Sensors
Two-wire Location
Capacitance Sensor

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Capacitance Sensor
Static Calibration …
Static Calibration

0.5 Cap 2
0.4 Cap 3
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Static Calibration at 70 °F and 90 °F
Cap 2 Cap 3 Cap 4
1 1 1
0.8 0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6


0.4 0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2 0.2
0 0 0
0 0.5 1 0 1 0 1
V' V' V'
90F 70F 90F 70F 90F 70F
Cap 5 Cap 6 Cap 7
1 1 1
0.8 0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6


0.4 0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2 0.2
0 0 0
0 0.5 1 0 1 0 1
V' V'
90F 70F 90F 70F 90F 70F

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Dynamic Calibration

Quick Closing valve

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Future Work

 Data Collection May 2013

 Data Analysis May 2013
 Model Comparison June 2013
 Report June 2013

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Thanks …

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


Characteristics of Downward Flow of High Viscosity Oil and Gas
Jaejun Kim

Project Completion Dates

Static Calibration .............................................................................................................................. February 2013

Dynamic Calibration ...............................................................................................................................March 2013

Data Collection ........................................................................................................................................ April 2013

Data Analysis ............................................................................................................................................ May 2013

Modeling Comparison ............................................................................................................................... May 2013

Report ..................................................................................................................................................... June 2013

Objectives inclination effects. The capacity of the oil storage

The objective of this study is to investigate the flow tank is 3.03m3. A 20 HP screw pump is used to push
characteristics of downward flow of high-viscosity the liquid through the loop. Air is delivered through
oil and gas. A complete study was conducted by a dry rotary screw type compressor. The oil and the
Jeyachandra (2011). The repeat tests are needed to air mix in a tee junction before proceeding to the test
verify Jeyachandra results. section.
The facility is comprised of a metering section,
Introduction a test section, a heating system and a cooling system.
One of the most important phenomena in the The test section is 18.9 m (62 ft) long, 50.8 mm (2
petroleum industry is gas-liquid two phase flow in in.) ID pipe. Nearly half of the pipe is made of a
pipes which commonly occurs during production and clear PVC pipe section, and the rest is transparent
transportation. Various arrangements of two phases acrylic pipe section.
flowing in the pipe are called ‘flow patterns’. The A 9.15-m (30 ft) long transparent acrylic pipe
type of the flow pattern depends on the flow rate of section is used to observe the flow behavior visually.
gas and liquid, diameter of the pipe, inclination angle A flexible hose connects the test section with the 76.2
of the pipe, and properties of fluid such as viscosities, mm (3 in.) ID return pipe. An oil transfer tank (1.32
densities of gas and liquid and surface tension. m3) is located at the end of return pipe. Return pipe
Typical flow patterns for downward flow are is connected to this tank with a flexible hose. 3-hp
stratified, stratified wavy, slug, elongated bubble, progressing cavity pump is used to pump the oil from
annular and dispersed bubble flow. Since flow the new tank back to the main tank through the riser.
patterns have an influence on design parameters and The oil flow rates are measured at the inlet of the
operations, it is vital to understand their behavior. facility using Micro Motion mass flow meters
The slug flow is the most common flow pattern (CMF025, CMF100, and CMF300). The air is
in high viscosity oil gas-liquid two phase flow measured at the inlet of the facility using Micro
(Gokcal et al., 2005). The slug flow is divided into Motion mass flow meters (CMF025 and CMF050).
slug (liquid), liquid film (bubble) regions. There is a Separation is accomplished by gravity
great difference between liquid holdup of film and segregation of air and oil. The separated air is
slug regions. Thus, the liquid holdup of the slug flow removed through the ventilation system. The test
is classified as HLslug (liquid holdup of slug region) section is supported on stands and the inclination of
and HLfilm (liquid holdup of film region). For the the test section can be set from -2° to 2° from
measurement of the liquid holdup of slug flow, horizontal by adjusting the heights of the stands.
capacitance sensors, which are based on the The viscosity of the oil is controlled by
difference in the dielectric constants of the two controlling the temperature of oil at the tank. A 20
phases, can be used. By using this difference, KW Chromalox heater capable of heating the heavy
capacitance sensors can detect the liquid fraction in a oil from 70°F to 140°F is used. The heating and the
gas-liquid two phase flow in pipes. cooling section thus play a major part in the
The experiments will be performed for the experiment to control the viscosities. Resistance
inclination angle of -2° and oil viscosities from 0.585 Temperature Detector (RTD) transducers measure the
Pa·s to 0.181 Pa·s. temperatures during experiments. Pressure
transducers and differential pressure transducers are
Experimental Study located at different places to measure pressure and
Facility pressure drop in the loop.
The indoor high viscosity oil-gas facility is being
modified to perform experiments to study the

Test Fluids voltage reading was then converted to a
The high viscosity oil of this study is CITGO Sentry dimensionless voltage.
220. The gas phase used is compressed air. The corresponding liquid holdup was calculated
Following are the typical properties of the oil: as the ratio of the volume of the liquid injected and
Gravity: 27.6 °API the total volume of the tester. A graph of
Viscosity: 0.220 Pa·s @ 40 °C dimensionless voltage vs. liquid holdup was plotted
Density: 889 kg/m3 @ 15.6 °C and the resulting curve is the static calibration curve.
Surface tension: 0.03 N/m @ 40 °C The shape of the curve is S-shaped and is expected
because of the shape effect of the pipe. During the
Instrumentation and Measurement initial phase and final phase of injection, oil wets the
Flow Patterns perimeter of the pipe quickly compared to the middle
TUFFP high speed video system is used to identify phase where the wetting is almost linear.
the flow patterns.
Effect of the Oil Temperature on the Output
Differential Pressure (DP) Signal
There are 4 differential pressure transducers on the In addition to the conventional static calibration
flow loop. DP1 and DP2 are located at the PVC procedure, the effect on the oil temperature on the
section of the loop and are used for monitoring the capacitance sensor output signal has to be evaluated.
development of flow. DP3 and DP4 located at the For this, several oil volumes at different temperatures
acrylic section are used for measuring the differential are placed in an acrylic pipe connected to the
pressure. capacitance sensor. As a result, it was observed that
output voltage has no relation with oil temperature.
Slug Length, Slug Frequency, and This justifies that there is no necessity to read the
Translational Velocity each fluid temperature in order to predict and
The acrylic section has provision for 2 laser sensors accurate liquid holdup.
which when coupled with data acquisition system
provide the data for slug length, slug frequency and Dynamic Calibration
translational velocity. Dynamic calibration of CS will be conducted using
existing quick-closing valve system (QCV). CS,
Liquid Holdup QCV and high speed video camera should be
The most challenging part of this study is to measure synchronized. CS will be placed 1.5 ft before the
gas void fraction in liquid slugs. For the quick-closing valve system. Shortly before capturing
measurement of slug liquid holdup, capacitance the slug body with QCV, data collection process with
sensor has been used. A summary of the capacitance CS will be started. High speed video camera is used
sensor and the static calibration that was conducted is to verify the trapped part of the slug body for the
given below. analysis of the CS reading. The dynamic calibration
plot should be generated by plotting the actual liquid
Capacitance Sensor holdup data (QCV measurement) versus the
The two-wire capacitance sensor is used in this study. calculated liquid holdup data (capacitance sensor
This sensor consists of two parallel copper wires output) at different test conditions. Finally, in order
positioned perpendicular to the flow at a distance of to calculate the liquid holdup in the slug body,
0.25 in. This sensor requires an electronic circuit to numerical integration is used to estimate the area
filter, amplify and convert the measured capacitance under the curve, and it is divided by the area as if the
to a voltage. The MS3110 Universal Capacitive liquid slug is pure oil.
Readout IC has been utilized to convert the
capacitance of the mixture to a 0 to 5 volt signal. It is Data Processing
equipped with a low pass filter providing an ultra-low An excel macro was develop by Brito (2012) to
noise and high resolution capacitive readout. process the raw data and verify its quality through an
uncertainty analysis. This excel macro calculates the
Static Calibration average, standard deviation and uncertainty of the all
Static calibration of CS was accomplished by placing measured and estimated parameters. The considered
different amounts of liquid volumes in an acrylic pipe parameters are pressure gradient, absolute pressure,
tester with the CS in the middle, and measuring the liquid temperature, mass flow rate, fluid properties
height of the fluid in the pipe, then recording the (density and viscosity), superficial velocities, mixture
corresponding sensor output voltage. The actual velocity, mixture Reynolds number and average
liquid holdup. In addition, if the slug flow is

observed, additional parameters are calculated, Future Work
namely, average liquid holdup in the film region, The static and dynamic calibration has already been
average liquid holdup in the slug region, number of completed. Data collection will be carried out during
slugs, slug frequency, translational velocity, slug April. Data analysis and modeling comparison will
length and slug length distribution. be finalized in May.

Dieck. R.: "Measurement Uncertainty Method and Applications," Fourth Edition. (2007).
Hernandez. V.: "Gas-liquid Two-phase Flow in Inclined Pipes," The University of Nottingham, School of Chemical,
Environmental and Mining Engineering. (2007).
Al-safran, E.: "An Experimental Study of Two-Phase Flow in a Hilly-Terrain Pipeline," MS Thesis, The University
of Tulsa, (1999).
Gokcal, B., Al-Sarkhi, A. S., Sarica, C., and Al-Safran, M. E.:, "Prediction of Slug Frequency for High-Viscosity
Oils in Horizontal Pipes," SPE Projects, Facilities & Construction, Vol. 5, (2010).


Fluid Flow Projects

Effect of High Oil Viscosity on Oil-

Gas Flow Behavior in Vertical and

Highly Deviated Pipes

Feras Alruhaimani

Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


 Objectives
 Facility
 Test Fluid
 Test Matrix
 Data Gathering & Processing
 Future Activities

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


 Conduct Experimental and Modeling

Study on High Oil Viscosity (>180 cP)
Two-phase Flow in Vertical and Highly
Deviated Pipes
 Improve Existing Closure Relationships
Used in Available Mechanistic Models

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Three-phase Flow Facility

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Three-phase Flow Facility …

 Test Section
 Two (2 in. ID) 21.2-m (69.3-ft) Long Pipes
Connected with U-shaped Bend

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Three-phase Flow Facility …

 Test Section

QCV lizatio
System n Box

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Three-phase Flow Facility …

 Return Pipe

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Test Fluids

 Lubsoil ND 50 (ISO 220)

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Test Matrix

 Viscosity
 181 – 587 cP
 Inclination
 Vertical
 Highly Deviated (90° to 75°)
 Superficial Liquid Velocity
 0.05 – 2 m/s
 Superficial Gas Velocity
 0.5 – 5 m/s

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Flow Pattern

 = 378 cp ,  = 90o

vSL (m/s)

Inlet Condition


0.01 0.1 1 10 100
vSG (m/s)

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Flow Pattern

 = 378 cp ,  = 75o

vSL (m/s)

Inlet Condition


0.01 0.1 1 10 100
vSG (m/s)

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Data Gathering & Processing

Low Speed High Speed Data

Data (1000 Hz) Videos
(1 to 10 Hz) “Capacitance Sensors”
Pressure Translation Velocity
Pressure Gradient Average Slug Length Digital
Temperature Slug Length Distribution
Mass Flow-rates Slug Frequency
Densities Slug Liquid Holdup
Viscosities Film Liquid Holdup High Speed

Superficial Velocities Average Liquid Holdup

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Low Speed Data

 A Matlab Macro has been Created to

Calculate Average and Uncertainty for
All The Low Speed Raw Data
 Uncertainty is Calculated Using ISO
Uncertainty Model

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

High Speed Data

 High Speed Data is Required for Slug

 Capacitance Sensor Must be Properly
 Static Calibration
 Dynamic Calibration
 A Matlab Macro is being Created to
Process Capacitance Sensor Signals

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

High Speed Signal Processing

 2 Capacitance



Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

High Speed Signal Processing …

 Slug Region
 Threshold
 Derivative

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Static Calibration

 Performed Static
Calibration on 10
 To Find Best
Sensors to Be
Used in Test

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Static Calibration…

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Future Activities

Completion Dates:
 Literature Review Ongoing

 Sensor Calibration Ongoing

 Signal Processing Macros Ongoing

 Facility Modifications April 2013

 Experimental Program May 2014

 Final Report December 2014

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013




Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Effect of High Oil Viscosity on Oil-Gas Flow Behavior in Vertical and Highly
Deviated Pipes
Feras Alruhaimani

Project Completion Dates

Literature Review ...................................................................................................................................... Ongoing

Sensor Calibration ...................................................................................................................................... Ongoing

Signal Processing Macros .......................................................................................................................... Ongoing

Facility Modification ................................................................................................................................. April 2013

Experimental Program .............................................................................................................................. May 2014

Final Report .................................................................................................................................... December 2014

Objective Experimental Work

The objective of this study is to conduct experimental Experimental work is subdivided into experimental
and modeling study on oil-gas two-phase flow using facility, test fluids and experimental program as
high oil viscosity (180 cP< µO< 587 cP) in vertical follows.
and highly deviated pipes. Acquired data will be
used to verify and improve the closure relationships Experimental Facility
used for the existing mechanistic models. The experimental work will be carried out in the
TUFFP 2 in. ID three-phase flow facility. The
Introduction facility consists of a closed circuit loop with storage
With the continuous need of hydrocarbon resources tanks, separator, progressive cavity pumps, heat
and decline in light oil reserves, heavy oils became a exchangers, metering and test sections. The metering
very important source of hydrocarbons. Most two- sections are equipped with Micro Motion™ Corriolis
phase flow models in literature were based on flow meters to measure mass flow rates and densities
experimental data using low viscosity oils (µO < 20 of the fluids, and with temperature transducers for
cP). Therefore, studies on the effect of high oil monitoring temperatures. The test section is attached
viscosity on two-phase flow parameters are necessary to an inclinable boom that can be raised to upward
to verify the performance of available mechanistic vertical position.
models for high viscosity oils. The new test section is designed as a 50.8-mm
TUFFP conducted experimental studies on two- (2-in) ID 21.1-m (69.3-ft) long pipe consisting of a
phase gas-liquid flow using high oil viscosity (µO > transparent polycarbonate pipe section to visually
180 cP) for horizontal and slightly inclined pipes observe flow behavior. It is connected to a 21.1-m
(±2o). These studies investigated the effect of oil (69.3-ft) long, 50.8-mm (2-in.) ID return pipe which
viscosity on two-phase flow parameters such as flow is set parallel to the test section at the same height.
pattern, pressure drop, liquid holdup, and slug The instrumentations are mounted on the pipe section
characteristics. The results from these studies were for detailed measurements of the flow characteristics.
used to improve existing mechanistic models for high
oil viscosity multiphase flow. Test Fluids
Other studies on high oil viscosity were The fluids used in the experiments are mineral oil and
conducted by TUHOP for two-phase gas-oil flow in compressed air. Lubsoil ND-50 is selected due to its
vertical pipes (Akhiyarov, 2010) and three-phase gas­ high viscosity and Newtonian behavior in the testing
oil-water flow in horizontal and upward vertical pipes range. The physical properties of the oil are given
(Wang, 2012). In the experimental work of these below:
studies, pressure drop and average liquid holdup were  API gravity: 28.5°.
measured but no slug characteristics were acquired.  Pour and flash point temperatures: -15 °C (5
This study is part of the high oil viscosity °F) and 265 °C (510 °F), respectively.
efforts initiated by TUFFP, and is focused on the  Surface tension: 35.75 dynes/cm at 19.8 °C
effect of high liquid viscosity on vertical and highly (68 °F) and atmospheric pressure.
deviated gas-liquid two-phase flow. In addition to  Density: 884.4 kg/m3 @ standard condition.
pressure drop, flow pattern, and liquid holdup, slug
characteristics are studied. Experimental Program
The experiments will be conducted using air and oil
in vertical and highly deviated pipe (90o to 75o). The

oil viscosity will vary from 181 to 587 cP. The Data Gathering and Processing
ranges of superficial liquid and gas velocities are 0.05 The generated data can be divided as follows; low
to 2 m/s and 0.5 to 3 m/s, respectively. speed, high speed, and video recording.
Experiments will be conducted to acquire flow Low speed data include pressure, pressure
pattern, measure pressure drop, liquid holdup, and gradient, temperature, mass flow rates, densities,
slug characteristics. The experimental results will be viscosities, and superficial velocities. High speed
used to validate the performance of existing models. data are voltage readings from the capacitance
New closure relationships will be developed as sensors. To ensure the accuracy of the high speed
needed. data capacitance sensors must be properly calibrated.
Static calibration has been conducted on ten
Instrumentation capacitance sensors to determine best sensors to be
The test section is equipped with two differential used in the test section. The best sensors are the ones
pressure transducers for pressure gradient in which the signals are stable and repeatable.
measurements. Additionally, four quick closing Dynamic calibration will also be conducted on the
valves are installed for holdup measurement and capacitance sensors to obtain a relation between the
bypassing. Two of these quick closing valves are voltage signal and liquid holdup for each sensor.
utilized to capture either the slug body or bubble Data management is a major challenge for this
region. Two optical sensors are used to distinguish study due to the large amount of data acquired.
between the two regions. Slug characteristics are Therefore, the data processing has to be automated.
obtained from the two wire type capacitance sensors. Two MATLAB macros have been developed: the
Moreover, high speed video camera and surveillance first one is to calculate the average and uncertainty of
cameras will be used to observe the slug flow all the low speed data, and the second one is for the
development and monitor the oil and air mixing determination of slug characteristic.
status. In case of slug flow, the high speed MATLAB
The return pipe has one differential pressure macro will be used to calculate the slug
transducer, two quick closing valves, and two wire characteristics; translation velocity, average slug
type capacitance sensors. length, slug length distribution, slug frequency, slug
liquid holdup, film liquid holdup, and average liquid
Capacitance Sensor holdup.
Seven capacitance sensors will be installed in the test
section, two at the entrance, two in the middle, two Near Future Work
toward the end, and one at the end of the test section. • Finish Signal processing macro in
They are used to analyze the evolution of the slug MATLAB.
characteristics as well as the average liquid holdup. • Dynamic Calibration of capacitance sensors.
Two additional capacitance sensors will be • Quick-closing valve system calibration.
placed in the return pipe to study also the downward • Write facility operating procedure.

Gokcal, B.: "Effect of High Oil Viscosity on Two-Phase Oil-Gas Flow Behavior in Horizontal Pipes," MS Thesis,
The University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK, 2005.
Gokcal, B.: "An Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Slug Flow for High Oil Viscosity in Horizontal
Pipes," Ph.D. Dissertation, The University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK, 2008.
Kora, C.: "Effect of High Oil Viscosity on Slug Liquid Holdup in Horizontal Pipes," MS Thesis, The University
of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK, 2010.
Jeyachandra, B.: "Effect of Pipe Inclination on Flow Characteristics of High Viscosity Oil-Gas Two-Phase Flow,"
MS Thesis, The University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK, 2011.
Brito, R.: "Effect of Medium Oil Viscosity on Two-Phase Oil-Gas Flow Behavior in Horizontal Pipes," MS
Thesis, The University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK, 2012.
Akhiyarov, D.: "High-Viscosity Oil/Gas Flow in Vertical Pipe," MS Thesis, The University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK,
Wang, S.: "High-Viscosity Oil/Water/Gas Flow in Horizontal and Upward Vertical Pipes: Slug Liquid Holdup
Modeling," Ph.D. Dissertation, The University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK. (2012).

Fluid Flow Projects

Onset of Liquid Accumulation

in Oil and Gas Pipelines

Eduardo Pereyra

Cem Sarica

Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


 Motivation
 Objectives
 Literature Review
 Project Scope
 Near Future Tasks

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


 Liquid Accumulation in Inclined Pipes is

Source of Corrosion and Terrain Slugging
 Accumulation Occurs Below Critical Gas
 Critical Gas Rate
Depends on:
 Inclination Angle
 Oil and Water Flow Rates
 Liquid Properties

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Motivation …

 Role Waves Near Liquid Accumulation

 Flow Simulators Do Not Consider This
Type of Flow
 Solid Transport
 Pipeline Fatigue

Regular Slug

Rolling Wave
Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


 Literature Study of Available Data for

Onset of Liquid Accumulation and
Velocity Profiles
 2 and3-phase Experimental Study in
Available Flow Loop to Quantify Onset of
Liquid Accumulation
 Comparison With the Available Models
That can Predict the Onset of Liquid
Accumulation and Develop New Models If
Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Literature Review

 Internal Corrosion Transmission Pipelines

 Susceptible Areas:
 No Flow Regions
 Water and/or Solid Accumulation
 Corrosion Management Methodologies
 Flow Simulators to Predict Water


 Uses Langsholt and Holm (2007) Results

for Water Accumulation Regions
Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Literature Review …

 Langsholt and Holm (2007) Study for

Slightly Upward Inclined Pipes
 Experimentally Determined the Region
Where Liquid Holdup Increases Like a
Discontinuity with Decreasing Gas Flow

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Literature Review …

 Langsholt and Holm (2007) Results

(ρG=22.6 kg/m3)
Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Literature Review …

 Holdup Discontinuity is Related With

Multiple Solution Region
Taitel & Dukler (1976)
ρG=22.6 kg/m3
0.6 vSL=0.001 m/s
hL/d [‐]



0 2 4 6 8
vSG [m/s]

Low Holdup Solution High Holdup Solution

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Project Scope

 Experimentally Study
 Phase 1, Straight Pipe
Pipe Diameter 3-in and 6-in (Only for 2°)
Water Cuts from 0 to 100%
Inclinations of 1°, 2.5°, 5°, 10°, 15° and 20°
Liquid Superficial Velocities of 0.01, 0.05
and 0.1 m/s
Shear Stress and Velocity Profile

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Project Scope …

 Phase 2, Interaction of Multiple Sections

with Different Inclinations
Study the Interaction and Its Effect on Critical
Gas Rate



θ1 θ2

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Project Scope …

 Phase 3, Pressure Effect

Effect of Pressure on Critical Gas Velocity
New 6-in High Pressure Facility Will Be Used

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Near Future Tasks

 Literature Review on Liquid Accumulation

 Review of Velocity Profile Measurement
 Facility Design

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


Onset of Liquid Accumulation in Oil and Gas Pipelines
Eduardo Pereyra and Cem Sarica

Project Completion Dates

Literature Review ........................................................................................................................................ Ongoing
Review of Velocity Profile Measurement Techniques............................................................................... Nov 2013
Facility Design .......................................................................................................................................... Nov 2013

Objective accumulation regions (Mogohissi et al., 2002,

The main objectives of the study are: Carimalo et al., 2008, Lagad et al., 2004, Moghissi et
 Literature study of available data for onset al., 2007 and Hauguel et al., 2008).
of liquid accumulation and velocity profiles. For wet gas systems, liquid holdup strongly
 Two- and three-phase experimental study in depends on inclination angle and gas velocity. For
the available flow loop to quantify onset of low flow rates, the liquid holdup can increase by two
liquid accumulation. orders of magnitude, either with a small change in
 Comparison with the available models that inclination angle or gas velocity. This region can
can predict the onset of liquid accumulation only be predicted by mechanistic models, thus flow
and develop new models if necessary. simulators equipped with mechanistic models are
required for internal corrosion evaluation.
Motivation Langsholt and Holm (2007) presented an
Accumulation of liquid, oil and/or water at the experimental study to determine the critical gas
bottom of an inclined pipe is known to be the source velocity where the holdup change occurs. Their
of many industrial problems, such as corrosion and experimental results have been used to evaluate and
terrain slugging. The accumulation of liquid takes tune the critical gas velocity prediction by flow
place when the momentum transfer from the gas is simulators. The tests were carried out in 0.1-m ID
too low to overcome the typical opposing forces of pipe diameter and four pipe inclinations between 0.5
the gravity of the liquid and to some extent friction, and 5°. The experimental matrix consists of several
and is thus a function of several parameters. water cuts (WC) covering the entire range from 0­
Accurate quantification of the required gas velocities 100% WC, keeping the liquid superficial velocity at
to efficiently sweep the water out and prevent 0.001 m/s. Two different gas densities were
accumulation is of great importance, as is also considered, namely, 22.6 and 46.9 kg/m3.
accurate prediction of oil and water holdup. Some of the study cases related with internal
Parameters believed to impact the required gas corrosion reported in the literature consider
velocity are in particular inclination angle, oil and inclination angles up to 20° (see Mogohissi et al.,
water flow rates, gas densities (pressure) and liquid 2002). Langsholt and Holm’s (2007) experimental
properties (density, viscosity, surface tension). data are limited to inclination angles less than 5°,
Currently, minimum gas velocity or critical thus further experimental analysis is required for
angle requirements are being implemented with larger inclination angles.
various success rates to prevent corrosion in The critical gas flow rate where the holdup
multiphase pipelines. Those criteria are often found suddenly changes is related to the existence of
to be very conservative. multiple roots in the two fluid model stratified flow
An experimental and theoretical modeling solution. Three different solutions can be found in
project is proposed to better quantify the accumulated this region, the lowest and highest both being stable.
liquid volumes and the critical gas Which of these two stable solutions should be
velocity/inclination angle especially in large diameter selected is still being debated and further
pipelines. experimental results are required to determine the
correct one.
Literature Review
The most susceptible areas for internal corrosion in Project Scope
pipelines correspond to no-flow and water and/or The project is divided into three phases as follows:
solid accumulation regions. All the methods
proposed for internal corrosion management require
the use of flow simulators to predict the water

Phase 1 (Straight Pipe) Phase 3 (Pressure Effect)
In this phase the straight pipe experiments as reported The new 6-in high pressure facility will be used for
by Langsholt and Holm (2007) will be signifcantly this effort. Three inclination angles will be
expanded. The 3" Gas/Oil/Water Flow Loop will be considered (1°, 2° and 5°) in combination with three
used for this effort. Three different superficial liquid pressure levels. Start date of this phase will depend
velocities (0.01, 0.05 and 0.1 m/s) will be consiered. on facility availability.
In adition, six inclination angles (1°, 2.5°, 5°, 10°,
15° and 20°) in combination with five different water Modeling Approach
cuts will be included in the experimental matrix. Experimental data from 3-in straight pipe
Pressure drop, average liquid holdup and wave experiments will be used to calibrate the interfacial
characteristics will be acquired. Velocity profile and wall shear stresses in the two fluid model. Final
and/or wall shear stress measurement devices are still model will be validated with 6-in straight pipe and
under consideration. Flow charcateristics will be Langsholt and Holm (2007) experimental data
recorded using high speed and high definition
cameras. Near Future Tasks
During the next period the literature review will
Phase 2 (Slopes Interaction) continue as well as a review of all posible techniques
The objective of this phase is to analyze the for velocity profile and wall shear stress
interaction between two or more consecutive section measurements. A preliminary facility design will be
with different pipe inclinations. Geometries and carried out with the required instrumentation to
experimental matrix for this phase still need to be achieve the objectives of the project.

Carimalo, F., Fouché, I., Hauguel, R., Campaignolle, X., Chrétien, T., and Meyer, M.: "Flow Modeling to Optimize
Wet Gas Pipeline Water Management," Paper No. 08137, Corrosion 2008, March 16 - 20, 2008, New
Orleans LA.
Hauguel, R., Lajoie, A., Carimalo, F., Campaignolle, X., Chrétien, T., and Meyer, M.: "Water Accumulation
Assessment In Wet Gas Pipelines," Paper No. 08138, Corrosion 2008, March 16 - 20, 2008, New Orleans
Lagad, V., Srinivasan, S., and Kane, R.: "Software System for Automating Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment of
Pipelines," Paper No. 04197, Corrosion 2004, March 28 - April 1, 2004 , New Orleans, LA.
Langsholt, M., and Holm, H.: "Liquid Accumulation in Gas-Condensate Pipelines – An Experimental Study,"
International Conference on Multiphase Production Technology, 13, Edinburgh, 2007.
Moghissi, O., Norris, L., Dusek, P., and Cookingham, B.: "Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment of Gas
Transmission Pipelines," Paper No. 02087, Corrosion/02, Denver, Colorado, April 2002.
Moghissi, O., Sun, W., Mendez, C., and Vera, J.: "Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment Methodology for Liquid
Petroleum Pipelines," Paper No. 07169, Corrosion 2007, March 11 - 15, 2007 , Nashville, Tennessee

Fluid Flow Projects

TUHOP Incorporation

Cem Sarica

Eduardo Pereyra

Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

TUHOP Review

 TUHOP was Established in 2007 as 5­

year JIP to Investigate High Viscosity
Oil Multiphase Flow Behavior in Pipes
 JIP was Completed in 2012
 Needed 5 Members to Fully Fund as a
Stand Alone JIP
 Only 2 Members of TUHOP Indicated to

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

TUHOP Review …

 Significant Investment Made Towards

Construction of a New 3 in. ID. High
Pressure High Viscosity Oil Facility
 $1,000,000 in Construction & Equipment
 Man Time not Included
 Completion of the Facility Requires
 There is $300,000 Available as Balance
from TUHOP
 Need to Invest Additional $200,000 to
Complete the Facility
Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Proposal to TUFFP Membership

 Incorporation of TUHOP into TUFFP

 Complete the Construction of the 3 in.
ID High Pressure-High Viscosity Oil
 Investigate Oil/water Flow as the First
 Significant Value to TUFFP
 Will Enhance TUFFP Efforts in High
Viscosity Oil Multiphase Flow

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Terms of the Incorporation

 Existing TUHOP Deliverables will not

Be Made Available to TUFFP Members
 TUFFP members will have the Rights to
the Deliverables Generated with the
New Facility

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


 TU Administration has Given

Permission to Propose This

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Way Forward

 Membership Voting on Proposal by a

Ballot through e-mail
 Over 50% Majority of the Votes Will be
Used as the Group Decision

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Way Forward …

 If Advisory Board Approves the

 Facility Construction will Be Completed
by the End of 2013
 Testing will Start in Spring 2014

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Proposed Project: Oil-Water Flow

 Highly Viscous Oil-Water Flow

 Objective :
 Experimental Study of Highly Viscous
Oil-Water 3-in pipe (µO= 180, 260 and
 Effect of Inclination Angle (0,+2° and ­
 Mechanistic Model Development for

Highly Viscous Oil-Water Flow

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Oil-Water Flow

 Few Experimental Points in Previous

Studies 10
vSW (m/s)


0.01 0.1 1 10
vSO (m/s)

Shridhar (2011) Experimental Flow Pattern Maps

for Horizontal Pipe. μο = 0.21 Pa·s.

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Oil-Water Flow

 Poor Visualization for High Pressure


Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Oil-Water Flow

 Parameters to Be Measured
 Flow Pattern (Better Visualization)
 Film Thickness and Profile
 Pressure Drop
 Water Fraction

Film Thickness Meter

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Fluid Flow Projects

Business Report

Cem Sarica

Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Membership and Collaboration


 Current Membership Status

 2013 Membership Declines by One
 Schlumberger/SPT Merger
 JOGMEC Termination
 NTP Truboprovod Piping Systems Research & Engineering Company
of Russia Joins
 16 Industrial Members and BSEE
 Efforts Continue to Increase TUFFP Membership
 Interest from Several Companies
 DragOil/UNAM Group
 DSME of South Korea
 Kongsberg
 Repsol
 SNU Collaboration Continues

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Publications and Papers

 Choi, J., Pereyra, P., Sarica, C., Park, C., and Kang, J.
M.: "An Efficient Drift-Flux Closure Relationship to
Estimate Liquid Holdups of Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flow
in Pipes," Scheduled for a future issue of the Journal
 Choi, J., Pereyra, P., Sarica, C., Lee, H., Jang, I. S., and
Kang, J. M.: "Development of a Fast Transient Simulator
for Gas-Liquid Two-phase Flow in Pipes," Scheduled
for a future issue of Journal of Petroleum Science and
 Yuan, G., Pereyra, E., Sarica, C., and Sutton, R. P.: "An
Experimental Study on Liquid Loading of Vertical and
Deviated Gas Wells," SPE 164516-MS Presented at the
SPE Production and Operations Symposium held in
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA, 23-26 March 2013.

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Next Advisory Board Meetings

 Tentative Schedule
 September 24, 2013
TUPDP Meeting
TUFFP Workshop
Facility Tour I
TUPDP/TUFFP Reception
 September 25, 2013
TUFFP Meeting
 September 26, 2013
TUHWALP Reception
Facility Tour II
 Venue to be Determined

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Fall Meeting Date Tally
September 24 ‐ 27 October 8 ‐ 11

Aspen Tech
Baker Hughes ‐ Shawn Wang 1
BP ‐ Yongqian Fan 1
Chevron ‐ Hari Subramani 1
ConocoPhillips 1
     Steve Appleyard 0 (At this point ‐ either date might work)
     Bahadir Gokcal 0
     Tom Danielson 0
ExxonMobil ‐ Nader Berchane 1
GE ‐ Rogier Blom 1
KOC ‐ Eissa Alsafran 1
Marathon ‐ Rob Sutton 1
     Tomas Eduardo Perez 1
     Eduardo War 1
Piping Systems Research 
Saudi Aramco
Schumberger ‐ William Bailey 1
Shell ‐ Rusty Lacy 1

Sum 7 5

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Financial Report

 Year 2012 Closing

 TUFFP Industrial Account
 TUFFP BSEE Account
 Year 2013 Update
 TUFFP Industrial Account
 TUFFP BSEE Account

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

2012 Industrial Account Summary
(Prepared March 22, 2013)
Reserve Fund Balance on January 1, 2012 $211,154
Income for 2012
2012 Membership Fees (17 @ $55,000 - exludes MMS) 935,000
Facility Utilization Fee (SNU) 55,000
Total Budget $ 1,201,154
Budget/Expenditures for 2012
Projected Revised Revised
Budget Budget Budget 2012
10/01/11 April 2012 October 2012 Expenditures
90101 - 90103 Faculty Salaries 30,712.47 16,621.14 16,628.18
90600 - 90609 Professional Salaries 117,198.22 53,501.00 46,260.32 58,826.64
90700 - 90703 Staff Salaries 34,597.60 12,914.00 39,770.03 42,664.91
90800 Part-time/Temporary 24,000.00 20,000.00 21,168.80
91000 Student Salaries - Monthly 54,050.00 35,350.00 41,000.00 40,275.00
91100 Student Salaries - Hourly 15,000.00 15,000.00 6,417.60 8,740.60
91800 Fringe Benefits 63,877.90 23,245.00 35,408.17 40,822.05
92102 Fringe Benefits (Students) 2,828.00 3,280.00 3,222.00
81801 Tuition & Student Fees 18,686.10 7,350.00 10,487.00 9,853.00
93100 General Supplies 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,300.00 3,666.54
93101 Research Supplies 120,000.00 150,000.00 270,000.00 263,400.99
93102 Copier/Printer Supplies 750.00 750.00 150.00 110.88
93103 Component Parts 2,200.00
93104 Computer Software 4,000.00 4,000.00 350.50 502.22
93106 Office Supplies 2,000.00 2,000.00 3,000.00 3,508.01
93150 Computers ($1000 - $4999) 6,808.45 9,039.86
93200 Postage and Shipping 500.00 500.00 300.00 1,354.63
93300 Printing and Duplicating 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 2,326.29
93400 Telecommunications 2,500.00 2,500.00 1,000.00 1,274.56
93500 Membership 1,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 806.00
93601 Travel - Domestic 10,000.00 10,000.00 15,000.00 10,600.94
93602 Travel - Foreign 10,000.00 10,000.00 5,599.29 9,298.26
93700 Entertainment 16,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 24,734.68
94803 Consultant 10,000.00 1,150.00 1,150.00
94813 Outside Services 20,000.00 20,000.00 40,000.00 46,753.21
95103 Equipment Rental 20,000.00 1,589.00 1,589.00
95200 F&A (55.6%) 144,392.55 73,761.00 91,903.00 101,458.16
98901 Employee Recruiting 3,000.00 3,000.00 2,727.65 2,727.65
99001 Equipment 300,000.00 300,000.00 8,133.73 8,133.73
99002 Computers 8,000.00 8,000.00 -
99300 Bank Charges 40.00 40.00 30.00 30.00
Total Expenditures 982,304.84 815,739.00 693,785.88 736,866.80
Reserve as of 12/31/12 $ 464,287.32

2012 BSEE Account Summary

(Prepared March 22, 2013)

Reserve Balance as of 12/31/11 2,376.35
2012 Budget 48,000.00

Total Budget 50,376.35

Projected Budget/Expenditures for 2012

Budget Expenditures
91000 Students - Monthly 28,125.00 29,400.00
91202 Student Fringe Benefits 2,250.00 2,352.00
95200 F&A 15,637.50 16,346.40

Total Anticipated Expenditures as of 12/31/11 46,012.50 48,098.40

Total Anticipated Reserve Fund Balance as of 12/31/12 2,277.95

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

2013 Industrial Account Budget
(Prepared April 6, 2013)
Reserve Fund Balance on January 1, 2012 464,287.32
Income for 2013
2013 Membership Fees (16 @ $55,000 - excludes BSEE) 880,000.00
2013 Anticipated Memership (1 @ $55,000) 55,000.00
Facility Utilization Fee (SNU) 55,000.00
Total Income 1,454,287.32
Projected 2013
2013 Anticipated Expenditures Budget Expenditures
Budget 3/13/13
10/15/2012 3/31/13
90101-90103 Faculty Salaries 21,829.31 8,738.92 4,235.00
90600-90609 Professional Salaries 46,116.87 84,840.81 28,090.12
90700-90703 Staff Salaries 56,673.08 90,316.00 11,060.84
90800 Part-time/Temporary Staff 25,000.00 25,000.00 -
91000 Graduate Students 39,600.00 31,475.00 8,750.00
91100 Undergraduate Students 15,000.00 15,000.00 300.00
91800 Fringe Benefits (36%) 43,616.74 66,202.47 15,185.03
92102 Fringe Benefits Students (8%) 3,168.00 2,518.00 560.00
81801 Tuition/Student Fees 40,095.00 29,916.00 10,155.00
93100 General Supplies 3,000.00 3,000.00 -
93101 Research Supplies 250,000.00 250,000.00 16,977.09
93102 Copier/Printer Supplies 500.00 500.00 -
93104 Computer Software 2,000.00 2,000.00 495.00
93106 Office Supplies 3,000.00 3,000.00 1,559.94
93150 Computers Under $5000 10,000.00 10,000.00 4,637.02
93200 Postage/Shipping 500.00 500.00 92.81
93300 Printing/Duplicating 3,000.00 3,000.00 13.89
93400 Telecommunications 1,000.00 1,000.00 -
93500 Memberships/Subscriptions 500.00 500.00 -
93601 Travel - Domestic 10,000.00 10,000.00 202.82
93602 Travel - Foreign 10,000.00 10,000.00 -
93700 Entertainment (Advisory Board Meetings) 20,000.00 20,000.00 1,008.36
94803 Consultants 2,000.00 2,000.00 -
94813 Outside Services 40,000.00 40,000.00 17,767.61
95103 Equipment Rental 20,000.00 20,000.00 3,284.05
95200 Indirect Costs (52.4%) 107,010.89 133,814.27 22,877.46
98901 Employee Recruiting 3,000.00 3,000.00 -
99001 Equipment 300,000.00 300,000.00 -
99300 Bank Charges 40.00 40.00 -
Total Expenditures 1,076,649.89 1,166,361.47 147,252.04
Anticipated Reserve Fund Balance on December 31, 2013 287,925.85

2013 BSEE Account Budget

(Prepared March 22, 2013)

Account Balance - January 1, 2013 $2,277.95

Income for 2013
2013 Membership Fee $55,000.00

Total Income for 2013 $57,277.95

2009 Anticipated Expenditures Projected Budget

90101-90103 Faculty Salaries -
90600-90609 Professional Salaries -
90700-90703 Staff Salaries -
91000 Graduate Students 28,875.00
92102 Student Fringe Benefits (8%) 2,310.00
95200 Indirect Costs (55.6%) 16,054.50

Total Expenditures $47,239.50

Anticipated Reserve Fund Balance on December 31, 2013 $10,038.45

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

History – Membership

50 160


40 Members Oil Price

Number of Members

Oil Price $


OIl Price, $
25 80




0 0
1973 1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015


Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

History – Membership Fees

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

History - Expenditures

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013

Membership Fees

 2012 Membership Dues

 All Paid
 Thanks
 2013 Membership Dues
 13 Paid
 4 Unpaid

Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Meeting, April 17, 2013


This semi-annual report is submitted to Tulsa Stadium and will adjourn at approximately 5:30 p.m.
University Fluid Flow Projects (TUFFP) members to Following the meeting, there will be a joint
summarize activities since the October 16, 2012 TUFFP/TUPDP reception between 6:00 and 9:00 p.m. in
Advisory Board meeting and to assist in planning for OneOK Club.
the next six months. It also serves as a basis for
reporting progress and generating discussion at the The Tulsa University Paraffin Deposition Projects
80th semi-annual Advisory Board meeting to be held (TUPDP) Advisory Board meeting will be held on April
in OneOK Club of H. A. Chapman Stadium of the 18 in OneOK Club, between 8:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.
University of Tulsa Main Campus, 3112 East 8th Following the meeting between 3:00 and 5:00 p.m. there
Street, Tulsa, Oklahoma on Wednesday, April 17, will be a facility tour. Activities on April 18 will end
2013. with the reception of Tulsa University Horizontal Well
Artificial Lift Projects (TUHWALP) between 6:00 and
The activities will start with TUFFP workshop on 9:00 pm in OneOK Club.
April 16, 2013 between 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. in
OneOK Club. Several presentations will be made by TUHWALP meeting will convene at 8:30 a.m. on April
TUFFP member companies. Between 3:30 and 5:30, 19 in OneOK Club and will adjourn at approximately
there will be a facility tour. Several facilities will be 3:00 p.m.
operating during the tour. Following the tour, there
will be a TUFFP reception between 6:00 p.m. and The following dates have tentatively been established for
9:30 p.m. in OneOK Club. Fall 2013 Advisory Board meetings. The venue for Fall
2013 Advisory Board meetings has not yet been
TUFFP Advisory Board meeting will convene at 8:00 determined.
a.m. on April 17 in OneOK Club of H. A. Chapman

2013 Fall Meetings

September 24, 2013 TUPDP Advisory Board Meeting
Facility Tour – I
TUFFP Workshop
September 25, 2013 TUFFP Advisory Board Meeting
September 26, 2013 TUHWALP Advisory Board Meeting
Facility Tour - II

Dr. Cem Sarica, Professor of Petroleum Engineering, Ms. Sherri Alexander has resigned from her position of
continues as the Director of TUFFP, TUPDP, and Assistant to Project Coordinator effective February 7th
TUHWALP. 2013 due to health reasons.

Dr. Eduardo Pereyra continues to serve as the Ms. Lori Watts of Petroleum Engineering is the web
Associate Director of TUFFP. Dr. Pereyra will start master for consortia websites.
serving as Assistant Professor of McDougall School
of Petroleum Engineering effective fall 2013. Table 1 updates the current status of all graduate students
conducting research on TUFFP projects for the last six
Dr. Brill continues to be involved as the director months.
emeritus on a voluntary basis.
Mr. Kiran Gawas, from India, has successfully completed
Dr. Carlos F. Torres continues as Post-Doctoral his Ph.D. degree requirements in Petroleum Engineering.
Research Associate of TUFFP and TUHWALP He studied Low Liquid Loading Three-phase Flow. He
consortia. has already started to work for Halliburton – MultiChem.

Dr. Jinho Choi has joined the staff as post-doctoral Ms. Mujgan Guner has successfully completed her MS
research associate effective Jan. 2, 2013. He is degree requirements in Petroleum Engineering. Mujgan
assigned to work on model development and software studied Liquid Loading in Gas Wells. She has started to
improvement for both TUFFP and TUPDP. work for Schlumberger - SPT after the completion of her
Dr. Abdel Al-Sarkhi of King Fahd University of
Petroleum and Minerals serves as Research Associate Mr. Feras Al-Ruhaimani, from Kuwait, is pursuing a
Professor. Ph.D. Degree in Petroleum Engineering. Mr. Al-
Ruhaimani has BS and MS degrees in Petroleum
Mr. Scott Graham continues to serve as Project Engineering from Kuwait University. He has also worked
Engineer. Scott oversees all of the facility operations as petroleum engineer for Kuwait Oil Company for six
and continues to be the senior electronics technician. years. He is studying High Viscosity Oil Multiphase
Mr. Craig Waldron continues as Research
Technician, addressing our needs in mechanical Mr. Hamid Karami, from Iran, is pursuing his Ph.D.
areas. He also serves as a flow loop operator for degree in Petroleum Engineering. Hamid has an MS
TUPDP and Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) degree in Petroleum Engineering from The University of
officer. Tulsa. He is investigating the Effects of MEG on
Multiphase Flow as part of his Ph.D. study.
Mr. Norman Stegall continues as the electro-
mechanical technician. Mr. Yasser Al-Saadi, from Saudi Arabia, continues as a
research assistant pursuing an MS degree in Petroleum
Mr. Don Harris continues as the electronic research Engineering. He has worked for Saudi Aramco as a
technician. Don has been with TU for 23 years petroleum engineer prior to starting his MS degree
working for the College of Engineering and Natural program at the University of Tulsa. He is studying Liquid
Sciences as instrumentation technician. Loading in Highly Deviated Gas Wells.
Mr. Franklin Birt continues as the electronic research Mr. Hoyoung Lee has completed his studies in TUFFP by
technician. Franklin worked for Hydrates group for investigating minimum energy dissipation concept in
three years before joining our group. modeling of two-phase stratified flow. This was a part of
the research collaboration between Seoul National
Ms. Linda Jones continues as Project Coordinator. University (SNU) and TUFFP. Mr. Lee has successfully
She keeps the project accounts in addition to other completed Ph.D. degree requirements of the department
responsibilities such as external communications, of Energy Resources Engineering at SNU.
providing computer support for graduate students,
publishing and distributing all research reports and Two new SNU researchers, Mr. Jaejun Kim, an MS
deliverables. student of SNU, and Mr. Mingon Chu, a Ph.D. student
joined the team in August 2012 and December 2012,

respectively. They are assigned to High Viscosity Tulsa. His MS thesis work was completed under auspices
Oil and Gas Flow in Inclined Pipes. of TUHOP studying high viscosity oil and water. Duc is
assigned to the project titled “Pressure Effects on Low
Mr. Selcuk Fidan of Turkey, a Ph.D. student, is Liquid Loading Two-phase Oil-Gas Flow”. This project
assigned to the High Viscosity Oil Research. requires the utilization of the new 6 in. ID high pressure
Currently, he is focusing on his course work. facility.
Mr. Duc Vuong rejoined the team as a Ph.D. student A list of all telephone numbers and e-mail addresses for
at the beginning of Spring 2013 semester. Duc has TUFFP personnel are given in Appendix A.
already BS and MS degrees from the University of

Table 1

2013 Spring Research Assistant Status

Name Origin Stipend Tuition Degree TUFFP Project Completion

Pursued Date
Alruhaimani, Feras Kuwait Kuwait Kuwait Ph.D. PE High Viscosity Oil Spring 2014
University University Multiphase Flow
Alsaadi, Yasser Saudi Saudi Saudi MS – PE Liquid Loading in Highly Fall 2013
Arabia Aramco Aramco Deviated Gas Wells
Chu, Mingon South SNU SNU Ph.D. – PE High Viscosity Oil Fall 2014
Korea Multiphase Flow
Fidan, Selcuk Turkey TU TU Ph.D. – PE High Viscosity Oil Spring 2016
Multiphase Flow
Gawas, Kiran India Yes – Waived Ph.D. – PE Three-phase Gas-Oil- Completed
TUFFP (TU) Water Low Liquid
Guner, Mujgan Turkey Yes – Waived – Ph.D. – PE Liquid Loading of Gas Completed
Karami, Hamid Iran Yes Yes Ph.D. PE Effects of MEG on Fall 2014
TUFFP TUFFP Multiphase Flow
Kim, Jaejun South SNU N/A MS (SNU) High Viscosity Oil Fall 2013
Korea Multiphase Flow
Lee, Hoyoung South SNU N/A Ph.D. (SNU) Two-phase Gas-Liquid Completed
Korea Flow Modeling Using
Minimization Energy
Dissipation Concept
Vuong, Duc Vietnam TUFFP TUFFP Ph.D. – PE Pressure Effects on Low Fall 2016
Liquid Loading Two-
phase Oil-Gas Flow

The current membership of TUFFP is down from 18 Table 2 lists all the current 2013 TUFFP members. A list
to 17 for 2013: 16 industrial members and Bureau of of all Advisory Board representatives for these members
Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE). We with pertinent contact information appears in Appendix B.
have lost two members: SPT due to the sale of SPT A detailed history of TUFFP membership is given in
Group to Schlumberger, and JOGMEC due to Appendix C.
changes in their research and technology
development portfolio. Our efforts to increase the The collaboration with Seoul National University is
TUFFP membership level will continue. NTP underway. We are in year three of a three-year period.
Truboprovod Piping Systems Research & We will work towards extending the collaboration for two
Engineering Co of Russia has recently joined more years. Through the collaboration TUFFP receives
TUFFP. DragOil/UNAM Group, DSME of South about $55,000/year and visiting research scholars.
Korea, Kongsberg, and Repsol have shown interest in
becoming a member.

Table 2
2013 Fluid Flow Projects Membership

Aspen Tech Marathon Oil Company

Baker Atlas PEMEX

BSEE Petrobras

BP Piping Systems Research & Engineering Co. (NTP

Saudi Aramco
Exxon Mobil
Shell Global Solutions
General Electric

Equipment and Facilities The 2 in. ID oil-gas facility has been changed from
horizontal to inclined three-phase flow facility to
Status continue to be used in high viscosity oil-gas research.
A new clamp on capacitance sensor development is
Test Facilities successfully completed and started to be used in our
The 6 in. ID High Pressure Facility has already been facilities.
commissioned. The Canty Visualization Device has Detailed descriptions of these modification efforts
been tested. A high pressure wire mesh device has appear in progress presentations given in this
been ordered to be custom built. brochure. A site plan showing the location of the
Three-phase 2 in. ID facility test section is being various TUFFP and TUPDP test facilities on the
modified for to study high viscosity oil multiphase North Campus is given in Fig. 1.
flow in vertical and deviated pipe studies.


Special Projects Building




P.E. Lab
TUFFP-PE Process

Control Room





Hydrate Loop











Figure 1 ‐ Site Plan for the North Campus Research Facilties 
Financial Status
TUFFP maintains separate accounts for industrial and of tuition for each graduate student that is paid a
U.S. government members. Thus, separate accounts stipend from the United States government, BSEE
are maintained for BSEE funds. funds.

Table 3 presents a financial analysis of income and Tables 5 and 6 present the budgets and income for
expenditures for the 2012 Industrial member account the Industrial, and BSEE accounts for 2013. The
as of March 22, 2013. Also shown are previous 2012 2013 TUFFP industrial budged is based on 17
budgets that have been reported to the members. The members. This provides $935,000.00 of industrial
total industry expenditures for 2012 are $736,867. membership income for 2013. In addition TUFFP
This results in a carryover of $464,287 to 2013 fiscal will receive facility utilization fee from SNU totaling
year. $55,000.00. The total of the 2013 income and the
reserve account is projected to be $1,454,287. The
Table 4 presents a financial analysis of expenditures expenses for the industrial member account are
and income for the BSEE Account for 2012. This proposed to be $1,166,361 leaving a carryover
account is used primarily for graduate student balance of $287,926 to 2014. The BSEE account is
stipends. A balance of $2,278 is carried over to expected to have a carryover of $10,038 to 2014.
2013. The University of Tulsa waives up to 19 hours

Table 3: 2012 Industrial Budget Summary

(Prepared March 22, 2013)

Reserve Fund Balance on January 1, 2012 $211,154
Income for 2012
2012 Membership Fees (17 @ $55,000 - exludes MMS) 935,000
Facility Utilization Fee (SNU) 55,000
Total Budget $ 1,201,154
Budget/Expenditures for 2012
Projected Revised Revised
Budget Budget Budget 2012
10/01/11 April 2012 October 2012 Expenditures
90101 - 90103 Faculty Salaries 30,712.47 16,621.14 16,628.18
90600 - 90609 Professional Salaries 117,198.22 53,501.00 46,260.32 58,826.64
90700 - 90703 Staff Salaries 34,597.60 12,914.00 39,770.03 42,664.91
90800 Part-time/Temporary 24,000.00 20,000.00 21,168.80
91000 Student Salaries - Monthly 54,050.00 35,350.00 41,000.00 40,275.00
91100 Student Salaries - Hourly 15,000.00 15,000.00 6,417.60 8,740.60
91800 Fringe Benefits 63,877.90 23,245.00 35,408.17 40,822.05
92102 Fringe Benefits (Students) 2,828.00 3,280.00 3,222.00
81801 Tuition & Student Fees 18,686.10 7,350.00 10,487.00 9,853.00
93100 General Supplies 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,300.00 3,666.54
93101 Research Supplies 120,000.00 150,000.00 270,000.00 263,400.99
93102 Copier/Printer Supplies 750.00 750.00 150.00 110.88
93103 Component Parts 2,200.00
93104 Computer Software 4,000.00 4,000.00 350.50 502.22
93106 Office Supplies 2,000.00 2,000.00 3,000.00 3,508.01
93150 Computers ($1000 - $4999) 6,808.45 9,039.86
93200 Postage and Shipping 500.00 500.00 300.00 1,354.63
93300 Printing and Duplicating 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 2,326.29
93400 Telecommunications 2,500.00 2,500.00 1,000.00 1,274.56
93500 Membership 1,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 806.00
93601 Travel - Domestic 10,000.00 10,000.00 15,000.00 10,600.94
93602 Travel - Foreign 10,000.00 10,000.00 5,599.29 9,298.26
93700 Entertainment 16,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 24,734.68
94803 Consultant 10,000.00 1,150.00 1,150.00
94813 Outside Services 20,000.00 20,000.00 40,000.00 46,753.21
95103 Equipment Rental 20,000.00 1,589.00 1,589.00
95200 F&A (55.6%) 144,392.55 73,761.00 91,903.00 101,458.16
98901 Employee Recruiting 3,000.00 3,000.00 2,727.65 2,727.65
99001 Equipment 300,000.00 300,000.00 8,133.73 8,133.73
99002 Computers 8,000.00 8,000.00 -
99300 Bank Charges 40.00 40.00 30.00 30.00
Total Expenditures 982,304.84 815,739.00 693,785.88 736,866.80
Reserve as of 12/31/12 $ 464,287.32

Table 4: 2012 BSEE Budget Summary

(Prepared March 22, 2013)

Reserve Balance as of 12/31/11 2,376.35
2012 Budget 48,000.00

Total Budget 50,376.35

Projected Budget/Expenditures for 2012

Budget Expenditures
91000 Students - Monthly 28,125.00 29,400.00
91202 Student Fringe Benefits 2,250.00 2,352.00
95200 F&A 15,637.50 16,346.40

Total Anticipated Expenditures as of 12/31/11 46,012.50 48,098.40

Total Anticipated Reserve Fund Balance as of 12/31/12 2,277.95

Table 5: 2013 Industrial Budget
(Prepared April 6, 2013)
Reserve Fund Balance on January 1, 2012 464,287.32
Income for 2013
2013 Membership Fees (16 @ $55,000 - excludes BSEE) 880,000.00
2013 Anticipated Memership (1 @ $55,000) 55,000.00
Facility Utilization Fee (SNU) 55,000.00
Total Income 1,454,287.32
Projected 2013
2013 Anticipated Expenditures Budget Expenditures
Budget 3/13/13
10/15/2012 3/31/13
90101-90103 Faculty Salaries 21,829.31 8,738.92 4,235.00
90600-90609 Professional Salaries 46,116.87 84,840.81 28,090.12
90700-90703 Staff Salaries 56,673.08 90,316.00 11,060.84
90800 Part-time/Temporary Staff 25,000.00 25,000.00 -
91000 Graduate Students 39,600.00 31,475.00 8,750.00
91100 Undergraduate Students 15,000.00 15,000.00 300.00
91800 Fringe Benefits (36%) 43,616.74 66,202.47 15,185.03
92102 Fringe Benefits Students (8%) 3,168.00 2,518.00 560.00
81801 Tuition/Student Fees 40,095.00 29,916.00 10,155.00
93100 General Supplies 3,000.00 3,000.00 -
93101 Research Supplies 250,000.00 250,000.00 16,977.09
93102 Copier/Printer Supplies 500.00 500.00 -
93104 Computer Software 2,000.00 2,000.00 495.00
93106 Office Supplies 3,000.00 3,000.00 1,559.94
93150 Computers Under $5000 10,000.00 10,000.00 4,637.02
93200 Postage/Shipping 500.00 500.00 92.81
93300 Printing/Duplicating 3,000.00 3,000.00 13.89
93400 Telecommunications 1,000.00 1,000.00 -
93500 Memberships/Subscriptions 500.00 500.00 -
93601 Travel - Domestic 10,000.00 10,000.00 202.82
93602 Travel - Foreign 10,000.00 10,000.00 -
93700 Entertainment (Advisory Board Meetings) 20,000.00 20,000.00 1,008.36
94803 Consultants 2,000.00 2,000.00 -
94813 Outside Services 40,000.00 40,000.00 17,767.61
95103 Equipment Rental 20,000.00 20,000.00 3,284.05
95200 Indirect Costs (52.4%) 107,010.89 133,814.27 22,877.46
98901 Employee Recruiting 3,000.00 3,000.00 -
99001 Equipment 300,000.00 300,000.00 -
99300 Bank Charges 40.00 40.00 -

Total Expenditures 1,076,649.89 1,166,361.47 147,252.04

Anticipated Reserve Fund Balance on December 31, 2013 287,925.85

Table 6: 2013 BSEE Budget
(Prepared March 22, 2013)

Account Balance - January 1, 2013 $2,277.95

Income for 2013
2013 Membership Fee $55,000.00

Total Income for 2013 $57,277.95

2009 Anticipated Expenditures Projected Budget

90101-90103 Faculty Salaries -
90600-90609 Professional Salaries -
90700-90703 Staff Salaries -
91000 Graduate Students 28,875.00
92102 Student Fringe Benefits (8%) 2,310.00
95200 Indirect Costs (55.6%) 16,054.50

Total Expenditures $47,239.50

Anticipated Reserve Fund Balance on December 31, 2013 $10,038.45


Miscellaneous Information
Fluid Flow Projects Short Course engineers, consultants and researchers from
operating, contracting, consultancy and technology
The 38th TUFFP “Two-Phase Flow in Pipes” short companies. The conference brings together experts
course will be taught April 29 – May 3, 2013. There from across the American Continents and
are currently 15 enrollees. Worldwide. The detailed information about the
conference can be found in BHRg’s
Dr. Abdel Al-Sarkhi Returns to TUFFP (www.brhgroup.com).
Once again Dr. Abdel Al-Sarkhi will be spending his
summer with TUFFP research associates and Two papers from the past TUFFP research are
research assistants helping them in their research accepted to be presented at the conference.
Publications & Presentations
Jim Brill Receives OTC 2013 Heritage

Since the last Advisory Board meeting, the following

publications and presentations are made.
Along with Dendy Sloan, Professor Emeritus of
Colorado School of Mines, Jim Brill has been 1) Choi, J., Pereyra, P., Sarica, C., Park, C., and Kang,
J. M.: "An Efficient Drift-Flux Closure Relationship
selected as a recipient of the 2013 Heritage Award of
to Estimate Liquid Holdups of Gas-Liquid Two-
Offshore Technology Conference (OTC). Phase Flow in Pipes," Scheduled for publication in a
future issue of the Journal Energies.
The Heritage Award recognizes long-term,
2) Choi, J., Pereyra, P., Sarica, C., Lee, H., Jang, I. S.,
continuous, distinguished service by an individual in and Kang, J. M.: "Development of a Fast Transient
one or more of the following areas of offshore Simulator for Gas-Liquid Two-phase Flow in Pipes,"
technology: (1) exploration; (2) development and Scheduled for publication in a future issue of Journal
production; (3) management and leadership; and (4) of Petroleum Science and Engineering.
research and development. 3) Yuan, G., Pereyra, E., Sarica, C., and Sutton, R. P.:
"An Experimental Study on Liquid Loading of
We congratulate Jim on this well-deserved Vertical and Deviated Gas Wells," SPE 164516-MS
recognition. We are proud to be part of his legacy. Presented at the SPE Production and Operations
Symposium held in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma,
BHR Group Conference on Multiphase
USA, 23-26 March 2013.

Tulsa University Paraffin Deposition

Since 1991, TUFFP has participated as a co-
supporter of BHR Group Conferences on Multiphase
Projects (TUPDP)
Production. TUFFP personnel participate in The forth three year phase of TUPDP has recently
reviewing papers, serving as session chairs, and been completed and the fifth three-year phase has
advertising the conference to our members. This been started effective April 1, 2013. The new phase
conference is one of the premier international event studies concentrate on the paraffin deposition
providing delegates with opportunities to discuss new characterization of single-phase turbulent flow with
research and developments, to consider innovative new oils, gas-oil-water paraffin deposition, and field
solutions in multiphase production area. verification.

16th International Conference on Multiphase Tulsa University Heavy Oil Projects

Technology, supported by IFP, IFE, NEOTEC and
TUFFP, will be held 12-14 of June 2013 in Cannes, (TUHOP)
France. The conference will benefit anyone engaged Tulsa University High Viscosity Oil Projects
in the application, development and research of (TUHOP) Joint Industry Projects has been
multiphase technology for the oil and gas industry. completed. Not enough members have shown
Applications in the oil and gas industry will also be interest in continuation of TUHOP at this time.
of interest to engineers from other industries for Therefore, it is proposed to merge TUHOP into
which multiphase technology offers a novel solution TUFFP to pursue the high viscosity oil multiphase
to their problems. The conference will also be of flow research more vigorously. The TUHOP
particular value to designers, facility and operations

deliverables generated during its existence will not be members are ALDRC, Anadarko (pending), BP,
available to TUFFP members. Chesapeake, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, Devon,
EnCana, GE, Marathon, Norris Production Solutions,
Tulsa University Foam Flow Conditions Range Resources, Shell, SWN, Weatherford, and
(TUFFCP) Joint Industry Project (JIP) XTO.

This JIP investigates unloading of vertical gas wells TUHWALP’s mission is to:
using surfactants for a period of three years. The JIP  Advance the knowledge and effectiveness of
is funded by Research Partnership to Secure Energy people who design and operate horizontal wells,
for America (RPSEA), which is an organization  Develop recommended practices for artificial lift
managing DOE funds, and various oil and gas of horizontal wells,
operating and service companies. Current industrial  Make recommendations to improve the design
members of the JIP are Chevron, ConocoPhillips, and operability of artificial lift for horizontal
Marathon, Shell, Nalco and Multichem. wells,
 Make recommendations to improve the selection,
Tulsa University Horizontal Well
deployment, operation, monitoring, control, and
Artificial Lift Projects (TUHWALP)
maintenance of artificial lift equipment, and
 Recommend artificial lift practices to optimize
TUHWALP consortium has been founded on July 1, recovery of natural gas and associated liquids
2012. TUHWALP primarily addresses the artificial from horizontal wells.
lift needs of horizontal wells drilled into gas and oil
shales. The membership fee is $50,000. Current

Appendix A
Personnel Contact Information
Cem Sarica (918) 631-5154
[email protected]
Associate Director
Eduardo Pereyra (918) 631-5114
[email protected]
Research Associate
Jinho Choi (918) 631-5119
[email protected]

Carlos Torres (918) 631-2152

[email protected]
Visiting Research Associate
Abdel Al-Sarkhi [email protected]

Director Emeritus
James P. Brill (918) 631-5114
[email protected]
Project Coordinator
Linda M. Jones (918) 631-5110
[email protected]
Project Engineer
Scott Graham (918) 631-5147
[email protected]
Research Technicians
Franklin Birt (918) 631-5140
[email protected]

Donald Harris (918) 631-2350

[email protected]

Norman Stegall (918) 631-5133

[email protected]

Craig Waldron (918) 631-5131

[email protected]
Research Assistants
Feras Alruhaimani (918) 631-5119
[email protected]

Yasser Alsaaid (918) 631-5115

[email protected]

Selcuk Fidan (918) 631-5157

[email protected]

Kiran Gawas (918) 631-5138

[email protected]

Mujgan Guner (918) 631-5117

[email protected]

Hamidreza Karami (918) 631-5107

[email protected]

Wei Zheng (918) 631-5124

[email protected]

Visiting Research Assistants

Mingon Chu (918) 631-5115

[email protected]

Jaejun Kim (918) 631-5124

[email protected]

Maher Shariff (918) 631-2152

[email protected]

Huyoung Lee (918) 631-5115

[email protected]

Web Administrator
Lori Watts (918) 631-2979

[email protected]

Fax Number: (918) 631-5112

Web Sites: www.tuffp.utulsa.edu

Appendix B
2013 Fluid Flow Projects Advisory Board Representatives

Aspen Tech
Glenn Dissinger Benjamin Fischer
Aspen Technology, Inc. Sr. Principal Engineer
200 Wheeler Road Aspen Technology, Inc.
Burlington, MA 01803 200 Wheeler Road
Phone: (781) 221-5294 Burlington, MA 01803
Fax: (781) 221-5242 Phone: (781) 221-4311
Email [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Baker Hughes
Michael R. Wells Jeff Li
Director of Research Senior Project Engineer
Baker Hughes Coiled Tubing Research & Engineering
Phone: (281) 363-6769 Baker Hughes
Fax: (281) 363-6099 6620 36th Street, SE
Email [email protected] Calgary, Canada T2C 2G4
Phone: 1 (403) 531-5481
Fax: 1 (403) 531-6751
Email: [email protected]

Shawn Wang Datong Sun

Senior Applications Engineer/Advisor Baker Hughes
Baker Hughes 2001 Rankin Road
14990 Yorktown Plaza Drive Houston, Texas 77073
Houston, Texas 77040-4046 Phone: (713) 879-2515
Phone: (713) 934-4143 Email: [email protected]
Fax: (281) 231-1059
Email: [email protected]

Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE)

Julian Pham Sharon Buffington
COR Petroleum Engineer BSEE
US Department of Interior 381 Elden Street
Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement Mail Stop 2500
15109 Heathrow Forest Parkway, Suite 200 Herndon, VA 20170-4817
Houston, Texas 77032-3887 Phone: (703) 787-1147
Phone: (281) 987-6815 Fax: (703) 787-1555
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Official Representative & UK Contact Alternate UK Contact
Tim Lockett Andrew Hall
Flow Assurance Engineer BP
EPT Subsea and Floating Systems Pipeline Transportation Team, EPT
BP Exploration Operating Co. Ltd. 1H-54 Dyce
Chertsey Road, Sunbury-on-Thames Aberdeen, AB21 7PB
Middlesex, TW16 7LN United Kingdom
United Kingdom Phone: (44 1224) 8335807
Phone: 44 1932 771885 Fax:
Fax: 44 1932 760466 Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]

Alternate UK Contact US Contact

Trevor Hill Taras Makogon
E&P Engineering Technical Authority – Flow 501 Westlake Park Blvd.
Assurance Houston, Texas 77079
Chertsey Road Phone: (281) 366-8638
Sunbury on Thames, Middlesex TW16 7BP Fax:
United Kingdom Email: [email protected]
Phone: (44) 7879 486974
Email: [email protected]

US Contact US Contact
Yongqian Fan Oris Hernandez
BP America, Inc. Flow Assurance Engineer
Flow Assurance Engineer BP
Upstream Engineering Center 501 Westlake Park Blvd.
501 Westlake Park Blvd. Houston, Texas 77079
Houston, Texas 77079 Phone: (281) 366-5649
Phone: (281) 504-9585 Fax:
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Hariprasad Subramani Lee Rhyne
Chevron Chevron
Flow Assurance Flow Assurance Team
1400 Smith Street, Room 23192 1400 Smith Street, Room 23188
Houston, Texas 77002 Houston, Texas 77002
Phone: (713) 372-2657 Phone: (713) 372-2674
Fax: (713) 372-5991 Fax: (713) 372-5991
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Tom Danielson
Hyun Lee

ConocoPhillips, Inc.
ConocoPhillips, Inc.

600 N. Dairy Ashford

Production Assurance Technology

1036 Offshore Building

Bartlesville Technology Center

Houston, Texas 77079

Bartlesville, OK 74004

Phone: (281) 293-6120

Phone: (918) 661-5203

Fax: (281) 293-6504

Email: [email protected]

Email: [email protected]

Bahadir Gokcal
Steve Appleyard

ConocoPhillips, Inc.
ConocoPhillips, Inc.

Senior Flow Assurance Engineer

238 GB Bartlesville Technology Center

Global Production Engineering

Highway 60 & 123

600 N. Dairy Ashford, DU-1070

Bartlesville, OK 74004

Houston, Texas 77079

Phone: 918-661-7282

Phone: (281) 293-3471

Fax: 918-661-1320

Fax: (281) 293-2318

Email: [email protected]

Email: [email protected]

Don Shatto Jiyong Cai
ExxonMobil ExxonMobil
P. O. Box 2189
P. O. Box 2189

Houston, Texas 77252-2189

Houston, Texas 77252-2189

Phone: (713) 431-6911

Phone: (713) 431-7608

Fax: (713) 431-6387

Fax: (713) 431-6387

Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]

Nader Berchane
ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company
Gas & Facilities Division
P. O. Box 2189

Houston, Texas 77252-2189

Phone: (713) 431-6059

Fax: (713) 431-6322

Email: [email protected]

General Electric
Nick Ellson Rogier Blom
GE Oil & Gas GE Global Research
2 High Street, Nailsea Phone:
Bristol, BS48 1BS Fax:
United Kingdom Email: [email protected]
Phone: (44) 1275 811 645
Email: [email protected]

John "Dan" Friedemann

Chief Engineer Subsea Processing and Flow Assurance
GE Oil and Gas
Eyvind Lyches vei 10
1338 Sandvika
Phone: 4766985375
Email: [email protected]

Kuwait Oil Company

Eissa Alsafran Ahmad K. Al-Jasmi
Kuwait University Team Leader R & T (Surface)
College of Engineering and Petroleum Research and Technology Group
Petroleum Engineering Department Industrial Area
P. O. Box 5969 Kuwait Oil Company
Safat – 13060 – Kuwait P. O. Box 9758
Phone: (965) 4987699 Ahmadi – Kuwait 61008
Fax: (965) 4849558 Phone: (965) 3984126
Email: [email protected] (965) 3866771
[email protected] Fax: (965) 3989414
Email: [email protected]

Bader S. Al-Matar Mariam Zerai

Snr. Reservoir Engineer Kuwait Oil Company
R & T Subsurface Team Petroleum Engineer
Kuwait Oil Company Research and Technology
P. O. Box 9758 P. O. Box 9758
Ahmadi – Kuwait 61008 Ahmadi, Kuwait 61008
Phone: (965) 398-9111 ext. 67708 Phone: (965) 238 72095
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Marathon Oil Company
Rob Sutton
Marathon Oil Company
P. O. Box 3128
Room 3343
Houston, Texas 77253
Phone: (713) 296-3360
Fax: (713) 296-4259
Email: [email protected]


Tomas Eduardo Perez Official Representatives Pending

Marina Nacional #329, Torre Ejecutiva Piso 41
Colonia Petróleos Mexicanos
México D.F.
CP. 11311

Renan Martins Baptista Marcelo Goncalves
Petrobras Petrobras
Cidade Universitaria – Quadra 7 – Ilha do Fundao Cidade Universitaria – Quadra 7 – Ilha do Fundao
Rio de Janeiro 21949-900 Rio de Janeiro 21949-900
Brazil Brazil
Phone: (5521) 2162 6711 Phone: (5521) 38656712
Fax: Fax: (5521) 38656796
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Piping Systems Research & Engineering Co (NTP Truboprovod)
Leonid Korelstein Elena Yudovina
Piping Systems Research & Engineering Company Piping Systems Research & Engineering Company
Plehanova str., 7, Bld. 1 Plehanova str., 7, Bld. 1
111141, Moscow, Russia 111141, Moscow, Russia
Phone: +7-495-2259431 Phone: +7-495-2259431
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Tatyana V. Kuznecova Sergey Lisin

Piping Systems Research & Engineering Company Piping Systems Research & Engineering Company
Plehanova str., 7, Bld. 1 Plehanova str., 7, Bld. 1
111141, Moscow, Russia 111141, Moscow, Russia
Phone: +7-495-3063461 Phone: +7-495-3063461
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Alexey Babenko
Piping Systems Research & Engineering Company
Plehanova str., 7, Bld. 1
111141, Moscow, Russia
Phone: +7-495-3063461
Email: [email protected]

Saudi Aramco
Mikal Espedal Satya Putra
Saudi Arabian Oil Company Saudi Arabian Oil Company
Petroleum Eng. Specialist, Flow Assurance Email: [email protected]
Petroleum Engineering Support Division
Production & Facilities Development Dept.
P. O. Box 6535
Dhahran 31311, Saudi Arabia
Phone: (966 3) 873-9497
Fax: (966 3) 873-3357
Email: [email protected]

Mack Shippen
Maria Vielma

Production Engineer

5599 San Felipe

Schlumberger Information Solutions

Suite 1700
1625 Broadway, Suite 1300

Houston, Texas 77056

Denver, Colorado 80202

Phone: (713) 513-2532

Phone: (303) 389-4438

Fax: (713) 513-2042

Fax: (303) 595-00667

Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]

Pablo Adames
William Bailey

Principal Consultant

#750, 635, 8th Avenue SW

Schlumberger – Doll Research

Calgary, CA
1 Hampshire Street, MD-B213

Phone: (403) 277-6688

Cambridge, MA 02139

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (617) 768-2075


Email: [email protected]

Richard Shea
Lee Norris


11490 Westheimer, Suite 720

11490 Westheimer, Suite 720

Houston, Texas 77077

Houston, Texas 77077

Phone: (281) 496-9898 ext. 11

Phone: (281) 496-9898 ext. 14

Fax: (281) 496-9950

Fax: (281) 496-9950

Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]

Shell Global Solutions

Rusty Lacy
Ulf Andresen

Fluid Flow (OGUF)

Fluid Flow Engineer

Shell Global Solutions (US) Inc.

Shell Global Solutions (US) Inc.

Westhollow Technology Center

Westhollow Technology Center

3333 Hwy 6 South

3333 Hwy 6 South

Houston, Texas 77082-3101

Houston, Texas 77082

Phone: (281) 544-7309

Phone: (281) 544-6424

Fax: (281) 544-8427


Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]

Leonid Dykhno

Sr. Staff Research Engineer

Team Leader – Flow Assurance

Shell Global Solutions

3333 Highway 6 South

Houston, Texas 77082-3101

Phone: (281) 544-8909

Email: [email protected]


Pravin Subramanian Fabien Papot

Flow Assurance Research Engineer TOTAL Exploration & Production
Engineering and Technology DGEP/SCR/ED/ECP
TOTAL E & P USA 2, place Jean Millier – La Defense 6
1201 Louisiana Street, Suite 1800 92078 Paris la Defense Cedex - France
Houston, Texas 77002 Phone: (33) 1 47 44 82 78
Phone: (713) 647-3411 Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]

Thierry Palermo Florent Fournier

TOTAL Flow Assurance Engineer
Email: [email protected] Total E&P Research & Technology USA
1201 Louisiana, Suite 1800,
Houston, Texas 77002
Phone: (713) 647 3603

Appendix C
History of Fluid Flow Projects Membership


1. TRW Reda Pump 12 Jun. '72 T: 21 Oct. '77

2. Pemex 15 Jun. '72 T: 30 Sept. ’96

R: Dec ’97
T: 2010
R: 2012

3. Getty Oil Co. 19 Jun. '72 T: 11 Oct. '84 with sale to Texaco

4. Union Oil Co. of California 7 Jul. '72 T: for 2001

5. Intevep 3 Aug. '72 TR: from CVP in '77;

T: 21 Jan ’05 for 2006

6. Marathon Oil Co. 3 Aug. '72 T: 17 May ‘85

R: 25 June '90
T: 14 Sept. ‘94
R: 3 June ‘97

7. Arco Oil and Gas Co. 7 Aug. '72 T: 08 Dec. ‘97

8. AGIP 6 Sep. '72 T: 18 Dec. '74

9. Otis Engineering Corp. 4 Oct. '72 T: 15 Oct. '82

10. ConocoPhillips, Inc. 5 Oct. '72 T: Aug. '85

R: 5 Dec. '86

11. Mobil Research and Development Corp. 13 Oct. '72 T: 27 Sep. 2000

12. Camco, Inc. 23 Oct. '72 T: 15 Jan. '76

R: 14 Mar. '79
T: 5 Jan. '84

13. Crest Engineering, Inc. 27 Oct. '72 T: 14 Nov. '78

R: 19 Nov. '79
T: 1 Jun. '84

14. Chevron 3 Nov. '72 Current

15. Aminoil 9 Nov. '72 T: 1 Feb. '77

16. Compagnie Francaise des Petroles 6 Dec. '72 T: 22 Mar. '85
(TOTAL) R: 23 Oct. '90
T: 18 Sep. ’01 for 2002
R: 18 Nov. ‘02

17. Oil Service Co. of Iran 19 Dec. '72 T: 20 Dec. '79

18. Sun Exploration and Production Co. 4 Jan. '73 T: 25 Oct. '79
R: 13 Apr. '82
T: 6 Sep. '85

19. Amoco Production Co. 18 May '73

(now as BP Amoco)

20. Williams Brothers Engrg. Co. 25 May '73 T: 24 Jan. '83


21. Gulf Research and Development Co. 20 Nov. '73 T: Nov. '84
with sale to Chevron

22. El Paso Natural Gas Co. 17 Dec. '73 T: 28 Oct. '77

23. Arabian Gulf Exploration Co. 27 Mar. '74 T: 24 Oct. '82

24. ExxonMobil Upstream Research 27 Mar. '74 T: 16 Sep. '86

R: 1 Jan. '88
T: 27 Sep. 2000
R: 2007

25. Bechtel, Inc. 29 May '74 T: 14 Dec. '76

R: 7 Dec. '78
T: 17 Dec. '84

26. Saudi Arabian Oil Co. 11 Jun. '74 T: for 1999

R: for 2003
T: for 2007
R: for 2012

27. Petrobras 6 Aug. '74 T: for 2000

R: for 2005


28. ELF Exploration Production 24 Jul. '74 T: 24 Feb. '76

(now as TotalFina Elf) Tr. from Aquitaine
Co. of Canada
19 Mar. '81
T: 29 Jan. '87
R: 17 Dec. ‘91

29. Cities Service Oil and Gas Corp. 21 Oct. '74 T: 25 Oct. '82
R: 27 Jun. '84

T: 22 Sep. '86

30. Texas Eastern Transmission Corp. 19 Nov. '74 T: 23 Aug. '82

31. Aquitaine Co. of Canada, Ltd. 12 Dec. '74 T: 6 Nov. '80

32. Texas Gas Transmission Corp. 4 Mar. '75 T: 7 Dec. '89


33. Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line Co. 15 Oct. '75 T: 7 Aug. '85

34. Phillips Petroleum Co. 10 May '76 T: Aug. 94

R: Mar 98
T: 2002


35. N. V. Nederlandse Gasunie 11 Aug. '76 T: 26 Aug. '85

36. Columbia Gas System Service Corp. 6 Oct. '76 T: 15 Oct. '85

37. Consumers Power Co. 11 Apr. '77 T: 14 Dec. '83

38. ANR Pipeline Co. 13 Apr. '77 TR: from Michigan- Wisconsin
Co. in 1984
T: 26 Sep. '84

39. Scientific Software-Intercomp 28 Apr. '77 TR: to Kaneb from Intercomp

16 Nov. '77
TR: to SSI in June '83
T: 23 Sep. '86

40. Flopetrol/Johnston-Schlumberger 5 May '77 T: 8 Aug. '86


41. Norsk Hydro a.s 13 Dec. '77 T: 5 Nov. '82

R: 1 Aug. '84
T: 8 May ‘96

42. Dresser Industries Inc. 7 Jun. '78 T: 5 Nov. '82


43. Sohio Petroleum Co. 17 Nov. '78 T: 1 Oct. '86

44. Esso Standard Libya 27 Nov. '78 T: 2 Jun. '82

45. Shell Internationale Petroleum MIJ B.V. 30 Jan. '79 T: Sept. 98 for 1999


46. Fluor Ocean Services, Inc. 23 Oct. '79 T: 16 Sep. '82

47. Texaco 30 Apr. '80 T: 20 Sep. ’01 for 2002

48. BG Technology (Advantica) 15 Sep. '80 T: 2003

49. Det Norske Veritas 15 Aug. '80 T: 16 Nov. '82

50. Arabian Oil Co. Ltd. 11 May '82 T: Oct.’01 for 2002

51. Petro Canada 25 May '82 T:28 Oct. '86

52. Chiyoda 3 Jun. '82 T: 4 Apr ‘94

53. BP 7 Oct. '81 Current

54. Pertamina 10 Jan. '83 T: for 2000
R: March 2006

55. Nippon Kokan K. K. 28 Jun. '83 T: 5 Sept. ‘94

56. Britoil 20 Sep. '83 T: 1 Oct. '88

57. TransCanada Pipelines 17 Nov. '83 T:30 Sep. '85

58. Natural Gas Pipeline Co. of America 13 Feb. '84 T:16 Sep. '87
(Midcon Corp.)

59. JGC Corp. 12 Mar. '84 T: 22 Aug. ‘94

60. STATOIL 23 Oct. '85 T:16 Mar. '89

61. JOGMEC (formerly Japan National Oil 3 Oct. '86 T: 2003
Corp.) R: 2007
T: 5 Sept ‘12

62. China National Oil and Gas Exploration 29 Aug. '87 T:17 Jul. '89
and Development Corporation

63. Kerr McGee Corp. 8 Jul. '88 T:17 Sept. '92

64. Simulation Sciences, Inc. 19 Dec. '88 T: for 2001

65. Advanced Multiphase Technology 7 Nov. '90 T:28 Dec. ‘92

66. Petronas 1 Apr. ‘91 T: 02 Mar. 98
R: 1 Jan 2001
T: Nov. 2008 for 2009


67. Instituto Colombiano Del Petroleo 19 July ‘91 T: 3 Sep. ’01 for 2002

68. Institut Francais Du Petrole 16 July. '91 T: 8 June 2000

69. Oil & Natural Gas Commission of India 27 Feb. '92 T: Sept. 97 for 1998


70. Baker Jardine & Associates Dec. ‘93 T: 22 Sept. ‘95 for 1996


71. Baker Hughes Dec. 97 Current

72. Bureau of Safety and Environmental May. 98 Current

Enforcement (BSEE)


73. Schlumberger Overseas S.A. Aug. 02 Current

74. Saudi Aramco Mar. 03 T: for 2007


75. YUKOS Dec. ‘03 T: 2005

76. Landmark Graphics Oct. ‘04 T: 2008


77. Rosneft July ‘05 T: 2010


78. Tenaris T: Sept 2008 – for 2009

79. Shell Global Current

80. Kuwait Oil Company Current


81. SPT T: 2013 (Merger)


82. General Electric Current

83. Aspen Technology, Inc. Current


84. Piping Systems Research & Engineering Current

Co. (NTP Truboprovod)

Note: T = Terminated; R = Rejoined; and TR = Transferred

Appendix D

Fluid Flow Projects Deliverables1

1. "An Experimental Study of Oil-Water Flowing Mixtures in Horizontal Pipes," by M. S. Malinowsky


2. "Evaluation of Inclined Pipe Two-Phase Liquid Holdup Correlations Using Experimental Data," by C. M.
Palmer (1975).

3. "Experimental Evaluation of Two-Phase Pressure Loss Correlations for Inclined Pipe," by G. A. Payne

4. "Experimental Study of Gas-Liquid Flow in a Pipeline-Riser Pipe System," by Z. Schmidt (1976).

5. "Two-Phase Flow in an Inclined Pipeline-Riser Pipe System," by S. Juprasert (1976).

6. "Orifice Coefficients for Two-Phase Flow Through Velocity Controlled Subsurface Safety Valves," by J. P.
Brill, H. D. Beggs, and N. D. Sylvester (Final Report to American Petroleum Institute Offshore Safety and
Anti-Pollution Research Committee, OASPR Project No. 1; September, 1976).

7. "Correlations for Fluid Physical Property Prediction," by M. E. Vasquez A. (1976).

8. "An Empirical Method of Predicting Temperatures in Flowing Wells," by K. J. Shiu (1976).

9. "An Experimental Study on the Effects of Flow Rate, Water Fraction and Gas-Liquid Ratio on Air-Oil-
Water Flow in Horizontal Pipes," by G. C. Laflin and K. D. Oglesby (1976).

10. "Study of Pressure Drop and Closure Forces in Velocity- Type Subsurface Safety Valves," by H. D. Beggs
and J. P. Brill (Final Report to American Petroleum Institute Offshore Safety and Anti-Pollution Research
Committee, OSAPR Project No. 5; July, 1977).

11. "An Experimental Study of Two-Phase Oil-Water Flow in Inclined Pipes," by H. Mukhopadhyay
(September 1, 1977).

12. "A Numerical Simulation Model for Transient Two-Phase Flow in a Pipeline," by M. W. Scoggins, Jr.
(October 3, 1977).

13. "Experimental Study of Two-Phase Slug Flow in a Pipeline-Riser Pipe System," by Z. Schmidt (1977).

14. "Drag Reduction in Two-Phase Gas-Liquid Flow," (Final Report to American Gas Association Pipeline
Research Committee; 1977).

15. "Comparison and Evaluation of Instrumentation for Measuring Multiphase Flow Variables in Pipelines,"
Final Report to Atlantic Richfield Co. by J. P. Brill and Z. Schmidt (January, 1978).

16. "An Experimental Study of Inclined Two-Phase Flow," by H. Mukherjee (December 30, 1979).

Completed TUFFP Projects – each project consists of three deliverables – report, data and software. Please see the
TUFFP website

17. "An Experimental Study on the Effects of Oil Viscosity, Mixture Velocity and Water Fraction on
Horizontal Oil-Water Flow," by K. D. Oglesby (1979).

18. "Experimental Study of Gas-Liquid Flow in a Pipe Tee," by S. E. Johansen (1979).

19. "Two Phase Flow in Piping Components," by P. Sookprasong (1980).

20. "Evaluation of Orifice Meter Recorder Measurement Errors in Lower and Upper Capacity Ranges," by J.
Fujita (1980).

21. "Two-Phase Metering," by I. B. Akpan (1980).

22. "Development of Methods to Predict Pressure Drop and Closure Conditions for Velocity-Type Subsurface
Safety Valves," by H. D. Beggs and J. P. Brill (Final Report to American Petroleum Institute Offshore
Safety and Anti-Pollution Research Committee, OSAPR Project No. 10; February, 1980).

23. "Experimental Study of Subcritical Two-Phase Flow Through Wellhead Chokes," by A. A. Pilehvari (April
20, 1981).

24. "Investigation of the Performance of Pressure Loss Correlations for High Capacity Wells," by L. Rossland

25. "Design Manual: Mukherjee and Brill Inclined Two-Phase Flow Correlations," (April, 1981).

26. "Experimental Study of Critical Two-Phase Flow through Wellhead Chokes," by A. A. Pilehvari (June,

27. "Experimental Study of Pressure Wave Propagation in Two-Phase Mixtures," by S. Vongvuthipornchai

(March 16, 1982).

28. "Determination of Optimum Combination of Pressure Loss and PVT Property Correlations for Predicting
Pressure Gradients in Upward Two-Phase Flow," by L. G. Thompson (April 16, 1982).

29. "Hydrodynamic Model for Intermittent Gas Lifting of Viscous Oils," by O. E. Fernandez (April 16, 1982).

30. "A Study of Compositional Two-Phase Flow in Pipelines," by H. Furukawa (May 26, 1982).

31. "Supplementary Data, Calculated Results, and Calculation Programs for TUFFP Well Data Bank," by L. G.
Thompson (May 25, 1982).

32. "Measurement of Local Void Fraction and Velocity Profiles for Horizontal Slug Flow," by P. B. Lukong
(May 26, 1982).

33. "An Experimental Verification and Modification of the McDonald-Baker Pigging Model for Horizontal
Flow," by S. Barua (June 2, 1982).

34. "An Investigation of Transient Phenomena in Two-Phase Flow," by K. Dutta-Roy (October 29, 1982).

35. "A Study of the Heading Phenomenon in Flowing Oil Wells," by A. J. Torre (March 18, 1983).

36. "Liquid Holdup in Wet-Gas Pipelines," by K. Minami (March 15, 1983).

37. "An Experimental Study of Two-Phase Oil-Water Flow in Horizontal Pipes," by S. Arirachakaran (March
31, 1983).

38. "Simulation of Gas-Oil Separator Behavior Under Slug Flow Conditions," by W. F. Giozza (March 31,

39. "Modeling Transient Two-Phase Flow in Stratified Flow Pattern," by Y. Sharma (July, 1983).

40. "Performance and Calibration of a Constant Temperature Anemometer," by F. Sadeghzadeh (August 25,

41. "A Study of Plunger Lift Dynamics," by L. Rosina (October 7, 1983).

42. "Evaluation of Two-Phase Flow Pressure Gradient Correlations Using the A.G.A. Gas-Liquid Pipeline
Data Bank," by E. Caetano F. (February 1, 1984).

43. "Two-Phase Flow Splitting in a Horizontal Pipe Tee," by O. Shoham (May 2, 1984).

44. "Transient Phenomena in Two-Phase Horizontal Flowlines for the Homogeneous, Stratified and Annular
Flow Patterns," by K. Dutta-Roy (May 31, 1984).

45. "Two-Phase Flow in a Vertical Annulus," by E. Caetano F. (July 31, 1984).

46. "Two-Phase Flow in Chokes," by R. Sachdeva (March 15, 1985).

47. "Analysis of Computational Procedures for Multi-Component Flow in Pipelines," by J. Goyon (June 18,

48. "An Investigation of Two-Phase Flow Through Willis MOV Wellhead Chokes," by D. W. Surbey (August
6, 1985).

49. "Dynamic Simulation of Slug Catcher Behavior," by H. Genceli (November 6, 1985).

50. "Modeling Transient Two-Phase Slug Flow," by Y. Sharma (December 10, 1985).

51. "The Flow of Oil-Water Mixtures in Horizontal Pipes," by A. E. Martinez (April 11, 1986).

52. "Upward Vertical Two-Phase Flow Through An Annulus," by E. Caetano F. (April 28, 1986).

53. "Two-Phase Flow Splitting in a Horizontal Reduced Pipe Tee," by O. Shoham (July 17, 1986).

54. "Horizontal Slug Flow Modeling and Metering," by G. E. Kouba (September 11, 1986).

55. "Modeling Slug Growth in Pipelines," by S. L. Scott (October 30, 1987).

56. "RECENT PUBLICATIONS" - A collection of articles based on previous TUFFP research reports that
have been published or are under review for various technical journals (October 31, 1986).

57. "TUFFP CORE Software Users Manual, Version 2.0," by Lorri Jefferson, Florence Kung and Arthur L.
Corcoran III (March 1989)

58. "Simplified Modeling and Simulation of Transient Two Phase Flow in Pipelines," by Y. Taitel (April 29,

59. "RECENT PUBLICATIONS" - A collection of articles based on previous TUFFP research reports that
have been published or are under review for various technical journals (April 19, 1988).

60. "Severe Slugging in a Pipeline-Riser System, Experiments and Modeling," by S. J. Vierkandt (November

61. "A Comprehensive Mechanistic Model for Upward Two-Phase Flow," by A. Ansari (December 1988).

62. "Modeling Slug Growth in Pipelines" Software Users Manual, by S. L. Scott (June 1989).

63. "Prudhoe Bay Large Diameter Slug Flow Experiments and Data Base System" Users Manual, by S. L.
Scott (July 1989).

64. "Two-Phase Slug Flow in Upward Inclined Pipes", by G. Zheng (Dec. 1989).

65. "Elimination of Severe Slugging in a Pipeline-Riser System," by F. E. Jansen (May 1990).

66. "A Mechanistic Model for Predicting Annulus Bottomhole Pressures for Zero Net Liquid Flow in Pumping
Wells," by D. Papadimitriou (May 1990).

67. "Evaluation of Slug Flow Models in Horizontal Pipes," by C. A. Daza (May 1990).

68. "A Comprehensive Mechanistic Model for Two-Phase Flow in Pipelines," by J. J. Xiao (Aug. 1990).

69. "Two-Phase Flow in Low Velocity Hilly Terrain Pipelines," by C. Sarica (Aug. 1990).

70. “Two-Phase Slug Flow Splitting Phenomenon at a Regular Horizontal Side-Arm Tee,” by S. Arirachakaran
(Dec. 1990)

71. "RECENT PUBLICATIONS" - A collection of articles based on previous TUFFP research reports that
have been published or are under review for various technical journals (May 1991).

72. "Two-Phase Flow in Horizontal Wells," by M. Ihara (October 1991).

73. "Two-Phase Slug Flow in Hilly Terrain Pipelines," by G. Zheng (October 1991).

74. "Slug Flow Phenomena in Inclined Pipes," by I. Alves (October 1991).

75. "Transient Flow and Pigging Dynamics in Two-Phase Pipelines," by K. Minami (October 1991).

76. "Transient Drift Flux Model for Wellbores," by O. Metin Gokdemir (November 1992).

77. "Slug Flow in Extended Reach Directional Wells," by Héctor Felizola (November 1992).

78. "Two-Phase Flow Splitting at a Tee Junction with an Upward Inclined Side Arm," by Peter Ashton
(November 1992).

79. "Two-Phase Flow Splitting at a Tee Junction with a Downward Inclined Branch Arm," by Viswanatha Raju
Penmatcha (November 1992).

80. "Annular Flow in Extended Reach Directional Wells," by Rafael Jose Paz Gonzalez (May 1994).

81. "An Experimental Study of Downward Slug Flow in Inclined Pipes," by Philippe Roumazeilles (November

82. "An Analysis of Imposed Two-Phase Flow Transients in Horizontal Pipelines Part-1 Experimental
Results," by Fabrice Vigneron (March 1995).

83. "Investigation of Single Phase Liquid Flow Behavior in a Single Perforation Horizontal Well," by Hong
Yuan (March 1995).

84. “1995 Data Documentation User’s Manual”, (October 1995).

85. “Recent Publications” A collection of articles based on previous TUFFP research reports that have been
published or are under review for various technical journals (February 1996).

86. “1995 Final Report - Transportation of Liquids in Multiphase Pipelines Under Low Liquid Loading
Conditions”, Final report submitted to Penn State University for subcontract on GRI Project.

87. “A Unified Model for Stratified-Wavy Two-Phase Flow Splitting at a Reduced Tee Junction with an
Inclined Branch Arm”, by Srinagesh K. Marti (February 1996).

88. “Oil-Water Flow Patterns in Horizontal Pipes”, by José Luis Trallero (February 1996).

89. “A Study of Intermittent Flow in Downward Inclined Pipes” by Jiede Yang (June 1996).

90. “Slug Characteristics for Two-Phase Horizontal Flow”, by Robert Marcano (November 1996).

91. “Oil-Water Flow in Vertical and Deviated Wells”, by José Gonzalo Flores (October 1997).

92. “1997 Data Documentation and Software User’s Manual”, by Avni S. Kaya, Gerad Gibson and Cem Sarica
(November 1997).

93. “Investigation of Single Phase Liquid Flow Behavior in Horizontal Wells”, by Hong Yuan (March 1998).

94. “Comprehensive Mechanistic Modeling of Two-Phase Flow in Deviated Wells” by Avni Serdar Kaya
(December 1998).

95. “Low Liquid Loading Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flow in Near-Horizontal Pipes” by Weihong Meng (August

96. “An Experimental Study of Two-Phase Flow in a Hilly-Terrain Pipeline” by Eissa Mohammed Al-Safran
(August 1999).

97. “Oil-Water Flow Patterns and Pressure Gradients in Slightly Inclined Pipes” by Banu Alkaya (May 2000).

98. “Slug Dissipation in Downward Flow – Final Report” by Hong-Quan Zhang, Jasmine Yuan and James P.
Brill (October 2000).

99. “Unified Model for Gas-Liquid Pipe Flow – Model Development and Validation” by Hong-Quan Zhang
(January 2002).

100. “A Comprehensive Mechanistic Heat Transfer Model for Two-Phase Flow with High-Pressure Flow
Pattern Validation” Ph.D. Dissertation by Ryo Manabe (December 2001).

101. “Revised Heat Transfer Model for Two-Phase Flow” Final Report by Qian Wang (March 2003).

102. “An Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Slug Flow Characteristics in the Valley of a Hilly-
Terrain Pipeline” Ph.D. Dissertation by Eissa Mohammed Al-safran (May 2003).

103. “An Investigation of Low Liquid Loading Gas-Liquid Stratified Flow in Near-Horizontal Pipes” Ph.D.
Dissertation by Yongqian Fan.

104. “Severe Slugging Prediction for Gas-Oil-Water Flow in Pipeline-Riser Systems,” M.S. Thesis by Carlos
Andrés Beltrán Romero (2005)

105. “Droplet-Homophase Interaction Study (Development of an Entrainment Fraction Model) – Final Report,”
Xianghui Chen (2005)

106. “Effects of High Oil Viscosity on Two-Phase Oil-Gas Flow Behavior in Horizontal Pipes” M.S. Thesis by
Bahadir Gokcal (2005)

107. “Characterization of Oil-Water Flows in Horizontal Pipes” M.S. Thesis by Maria Andreina Vielma Paredes

108. “Characterization of Oil-Water Flows in Inclined Pipes” M.S. Thesis by Serdar Atmaca (2007).

109. “An Experimental Study of Low Liquid Loading Gas-Oil-Water Flow in Horizontal Pipes” M.S. Thesis by
Hongkun Dong (2007).

110. “An Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Slug Flow for High Oil Viscosity in Horizontal Pipes”
Ph.D. Dissertation by Bahadir Gokcal (2008).

111. “Modeling of Gas-Liquid Flow in Upward Vertical Annuli” M.S. Thesis by Tingting Yu (2009).

112. “Modeling of Hydrodynamics of Oil-Water Pipe Flow using Energy Minimization Concept” M.S. Thesis
by Anoop Kumar Sharma (2009).

113. “Liquid Entrainment in Annular Gas-Liquid Flow in Inclined Pipes” M.S. Thesis by Kyle L. Magrini

114. “Slug Flow Evolution in Three-Phase Gas-Oil-Water Flow in Hilly-Terrain Pipelines” Ph.D. Dissertation
by Gizem Ersoy Gokcal

115. "Effects of High Oil Viscosity on Slug Liquid Holdup in Horizontal Pipes" M.S. Thesis by Ceyda Kora

116. "Effect of Pipe Inclination on Flow Characteristics of High Viscosity Oil-Gas Two-Phase Flow" M.S.
Thesis by Benin Chelinsky Jeyachandra (2011).

117. “Liquid Loading of Gas Wells” M.S. Thesis by Ge Yuan (2011)

118. “Development of a Transient Gas-Liquid Pipe Flow Model Using Drift-Flux Approach” Ph.D. Dissertation
by Jinho Choi (July, 2012).

119. “Effect of Medium Oil Viscosity on Two-Phase Oil-Gas Flow Behavior in Horizontal Pipes” M.S. Thesis
by Rosmer Brito (September, 2012).

120. “Unified Heat Transfer Model of Gas-Oil-Water Pipe Flow” M.S. Thesis by Wei Zheng (December, 2012).

121. “Liquid Loading of Gas Wells with Deviations from 0° to 45°” M.S. Thesis by Mujgan Guner (December,

122. "Low-Liquid Loading Studies in Horizontal and Near-Horizontal Gas/Oil/Water Three-Phase

Pipe Flow" Ph.D. Dissertation by Kiran Gawas (March, 2013)


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