Davina Thomas - 200 Quilt Blocks To Mix and Match

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200 Quilt
Blocks to
Mix and Match
Davina Thomas

LTuo boohs

First published in North lmerica

in 2005 by
Krause Publications
700 East State Street
Iola, WI 54990-0001

Copyright @ 2oo5 Quarro Inc.

Introduction 10 CIIAPTDR 2
All rights reserved. No part of this
publication may he reproduced, stored How to UseThis Book 12 Block Directory 36
in a redeval system, or transmitted in
any ibrm or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording,
Mix and Match t4
or other$,ise, without the pnor
permission of the copyright holder.
Economy ,10
Cataloging-in-Publication data is
available from the Library ofCondress. Colors and Fabrics
Calculating Fab c
E @
Conceived,designed,and producedby Four-patch Chain 3B Diagonal Stripes 4l
Quarto Publishingplc
Quantities 18
The Old Brewery
6 Blundell Street
London N7 9BH
Mixing and Matching Blocks 20
Blue and Green 22
Hourglass Xquisite 41
QU R, MMQ Box of Treats 23
Variation 38
Editor Michelle Pickering Briar Tanliles 21
Art editor Ttm Patrinson
Designer Lizzie Ballant)'ne
PhotographersPaul Fonester
In the Woodland
Raspberry tupple
Old Maid's Puzzle 39 Mohawk Trail 47
Phil Wilkins Sunrise 27
Illusdmor Kuo Ikng Chen
Assistaniart director PennyCobb Ceese in the Bam 28
Aft director Moira Clinch
Publisher Paul Carslake
\{indy Day
Spring Pillow
L ! l E
Diarnond Four-patch
Summer Pillow 30
Colour sepa.ationb,yPieaDigital, Four-patch 39
Singapore Christmas Pillow
Printed by SNP L€efung Priniers
Limited. China
Crack Those Curues
Star Boxes
Grandmother's Roman Square
Passion for Purple
Choice 39
Sashed Surprise 34
Star Sampler
E T:;-
Birds in the Air 40 Squares and
Pinwheels 42

E @
40 SpinninE Tops
Variation 43
E frtl Lrq!l E
Ribbon Star ,13 Half-square Double Quartet 19 Barbara Frietschie 52
Triangles ,16

@ E @ tll I
Pinwheels Broken Dishes 16 Delawareh Eight-pointed Star 53
Flagstole 49

E tt E @
Northwind Shoofh' Bright Hopes Road to Oklahoma 53

@ @ @ E
X Quartet 11 Right and Lelt 17 Free Trade Grandmother'.s

ttt E r-::-l
Lil l
Nelson'sVictory 11 TilePuzzle
dS**t-* 50 Nine-patch

l;;) f;I E fL Y: n

Pinrvheel Crockett Lucky Clover 51 Counterpane

Cabin Quilt

Eight Triangles ,{5

\Vhirling Blade

Llq l
\Vorm Fence

tir I

A*t-.,r'** .15
Miller's Daughter '18 Jacks on Six )l Sunrise Sunset 55

L!! l E f-;i-
L!! l
Aroundthe Twist ,18
f't:#1*"""' Spool Eccentric Star

E @ E E
Yankee Puzzle Indian Ilatchet 49 Antique Tile Caroline's Choice 55
f=:-l l-r=1
Llr l Lll l E E
Cups and Saucers 56 Dccentdc Star Calico Puzzle Hourglasslll

E @ @
lndi^t Pnzzle 56 Double X Flyin€, Squares
E @ E @
Carie Nation Kaleidoscope Mr Roosevelt's Greek Cross
Quilt 63

Hourglass I 57

Diagonal St pe

ravorlte o/

Four X Quilt New Album Steps to the Altar 64
ffi E
Steeplechase 67

@ M fqtl

Spider Arrowhead Diagonal

64 Four-patch Chain 68

@ L!!l E E
Four X Monastery Bonnie Scotsman 65 Sickle 68
Windows 61

@ E @ E
IlourltassIl Windmill 6t Double Hourglass 65 Roman Stripe

@ f;;-l
L!!i @ E
Home Queen Dutchman's Uneven Stripes 65 Ohio Star
Puzzle 62

@ f-;;-l
L!91 @ E
DoubleMonkey Blockade 62 Diamond in Classic Cun'es 69
Wrench the Square
@ E @
69 Chainand Kittv Corner \\'ide Stripe 79
Ilourglass 72

@ @ @ @
Building Blocks 69 Card Trick ,\round the Bend 76 The IIouse
That Jack Built 80

E @ @ @
Stripes 70 Propeller 73 Nlitered Corner 77 Twelve Triangles 80

mi}'@ @ @

Hf,,,,J",", Birdin theAir

71 Summer Sky King's Crown

@ E E
I Long Checks 70 Old \Vindmill 71 Tam's Patch 77 Sister's Choice 81

@ @ @ @
\Vhite llouse Sam's Favorite 74 Drunkard's Path 7B Four- and
Steps 71 Nine-patch 81

@ @ @ @
Three-patch Four Squares Cotton Reel Diamond Border 81
Quilt 7T

@ E @ @
Box in a Box Triangles 78 Fast Geese 82

E E @
72 Texas Star Memory 79 Zigzae 82

@ @ @

{ffi'"0''.^"' Grandmother's
Choice Variation 76
Buzzard s Roost 79 SashedNine-patch 82
@ @ @ @
Small ltianllles Mosaic 86 EndlessStair 89 Thrifty
and Stripes

@ @ @ @
Large Ttiantlles Picket 86 Duck's Foot 89 Safiooth Star
and Stripes

@ @ @ @
YankeePuzzleI 84 Small Center Log Cabin 90 Aunt Dinah
Nine-patch 86

@ @ @ @
Ttiangle Tiles a4 Wild Goose Chase 87 CrossedSquares 90 CornerSashed
Geese 93

@ @ @
Colorado Ouilt 84 Flying C.eese 90 FourXvariation 94

@ @ @ @
Whirlpool 84 Air Castle 87 Five-patch Star 9l Red Cross

@ @ @ @
Pieced Star 85 Nine-patah Railroad 9l Coxey'sArmy
Variation .88

@ @ @ @
iankee PuzzleII 85 Goose Stripe 88 Cotton Reel Johnny Around
Variatlon 9l the Comer

@ urq @ @
Hopscotch 65 Album Quilt 88 Star X 92 SashedGeese

@ @ @ @
Fly foot 85 Garden of Eden 89 Half-sashed Comfort Ouilt
Diamond 92
@ @
ff**,.""u" 96 Rosie\ Favorite Grandmother's
Corner 102

@ @ @
Forest Paths Floating Diamond 99 Corner in
the Cabin 103


Name Chain

100 tr @
Sixteon Squares


Ot'}'-Center Aircratt 100 Geese^round

Log Cabin the Corner 103

@ @
Philadelphia Checked Corner 100 CHAPTER3
Pavement Techniques
and Templates 104
@ @
Plain Block 97 Strength in
Union \rariation 101 Equipment 1()6
Cutting Fabrics 108
@ @ Piecing Techniques 110
StarryNight 98 Even Stripes 101 lmproving Accuracy tt2
Completing the Quilt 114
Templates 116
@ @
Counterpane Christmas Tree 101 l'abric Resource Directory 122
Index 726
@ @ Credits 128
Pie Slices Courthouse Steps 102

@ @
Swamp lngel SashedTriangles 102
hurtJreLl.ui tca rs. neonler mflinl\' \\'nm(l ) h:rrc bcEnsesinq
I srDallpiecesoi tbhrie roqerherrn crr'atc lar{cr ones in(l rec\'cling
scraps of clothing to make quilts. Developing on ftom this. quilters
intentionalh' cut up larger fabrics and servcd the smaller pieces
together in deliberate patterns that thcl found pleasing. This
eventuallv elolvecl into block patch\\()rh as we kno\! it, usualh.
designed on a geonetric grid. SewinApieced blocks and ioining
them together to make a largcr item has long been a lavorite
lechniquc ibr creatiDg the warm, decorativc, aDd useful quilts.
hangings. and throrvs found in so manv homes.
Dlock 16. Stinnnrg Tops\:rri.tion This book rvill inspire rou to take on the challenge of creating
vour own quilts, transforming humble lhbdc pieces into unique
quilts. \\'all hangings, and accessoriesin a kaleidoscope of colorful
contemporarv and traditiol1al designs. From simple squares ancl
checkerboards to elaborate star blocks, discover ne\\' $a)'s to
combine color and pattern. The 200 quilr blocks in this book
including manv original designs as well as traditional block patterns-
are all 6in (1.5cm)square,making it easv to mix and mdtch them
in anv conbination to produce a tabulous quilt, blanket, or throw.
All of the techniques required are clearly cxplailed wirh step-b]'-
step photographs, tiom cutting the pieces to simple quilting. r\t-a-
glance svmbols denote the shapes and techniqucs used, plus thc
Block 59, Cafje NatioD Olik skill level required, so hoth nerv and expe cnoed quilters can
easilv crcate beautiful finished rvorks.

Colors and fabrics

The 200 blocks in this book rvere made using a palette of 1(X)Iabrics.
Details of the specitic fabrics used are provided on pages 122-125,
but vor can of course setv the blocks using anJ' tabric and color
combinations that -voulike. Traditional cotton fabrics have been used
here, but 1'ou could substitute vehets and silhs for a richcr look.

Block 1.16.lll |oor

t \ 1 R ( ) l ) (Lt l l ( ) \ 1 1

\ i , , , ! r n u \ . t h c s r n r r i x l ) r r \ ! . . 1 r r i , , , ! , 1 ) l ! ) ! i \i \ , ! t i e , , r ! J i i r \ , t r , 1 h ' I ' r r , , ^ r s . \ i r t r r , l ! ' , ) il , l , r ! l \ r l , i r r i , l
( t u i l ( . , , f r , , u r , { ! l d l l r \ . r \ i r q r l i t l i l , r i l s i r r ! r . h l ) 1 , ' c l i! , n r . l t r l,! fr \!,1 .rkl rrrrrli.rl i)r!rl,!r.ln,r \(n, !rI
\ , t r , r , 1 r , 1 r 1 , i ) l t . r l ) i . \ i s { L . l1l \1 , , , r t n ! \L i ( 1 , !e \ r r i ' r r l . l i ! L ' ^ \ .r l ) r \ c l c ! r r ! ! ! , ! n l , j n i L r i , ,,n, i l ) 1 , , ! l \t l , i r \ t i , l i \ ! r ( n
.,il,iA qnlhi,llr.hirrs( I r , ! n I r r ( 1 , ) , , , i , r N , , ' l \l n n ! r l i n r , q ! ! ' I i L ! , , u . | , L j I I 1 ] t | , a \ j l ) r l i r! \ r , , \ ! , ' , , : L l l \! , ! ( l l r \ \

Ilixine and rnatching bloclis

-\s sell .s jnstrLrutions ior nrrLirq loll blrchs. rr sclection oi bbcli
u()nrbin.ti()ns is inchrdecl ro insl)irc \()u \\hcrt rrrrnriiDg hl()clis t()
n r . l i e r c l U i l t . p l t r s s o n r c c r l r n r p l e s r t l i n i s l t e c l q u i l t L l ) r ) L r I s .l h e s | r r r i n l
t() cncr)rrrlgc |oLr to looli Nt l)l()cli conrl)inxtions r ith rr lr cslr cr c. l'or
sirnt)licitr. the quilt lrrlorrts rrre sh()\\'n u\inq rll thc s:rnrc lllrrics caclt
til]ic rr blrcli is rcpcated. but iof r risrrll\ nrore conrplc\ (tlrilt rou
ldl crrn r;rlv tlrc tlbr-ics rrserlin eech hlocli ecross thc rluilt. .\lthouqh
t r h i s L r o k s n r o l c c o r n p l i c r t c d . t h c p i c r i r q i s s t i l l r r ss i n r p l u r r r l o r r r
uhoicc of bloclis riictrtcs.
L se thi\ l)oi,li rs r srrftinq l)oirrt ro hclp r ou (lesiqr rnrl cri-xte
' f -
L i r t L r cq u i l t s I h r I \ \ i l l ( l r l i q h r \ o L u l \ i c n r l s r i n r i t : r n r i l \ ' : r d t 1 1 u r \ i o n I


How to Use This Book
t the beginning of rhe book you Size
A Quilt layouts
fl,will find an illustrated contenls All th€ blocks in this book are rhe Each quilt layout is accompant€d by details of the finished size of ihe
samesiz€, 6in (lscm) square,so any item, ih€ materials required, and how to construct the quilt, includinE
list showing you phototlaphs of all
block can be mixed and matched itps for speed and sugAesrionsfor suitable bindings.
200 blocks. All you have to do is look with the others at will.
through the list and ftnd one you like.

Mix and match

The mix-and-match section takes.you
In the Woodlflrd
thro4lh the process of creating your
own quilt, gving advice on choosing
colors, calculatinElfabric quantities,
and combining blocks. There are also
designs for making 17 quilts and
pillow cover€ using a selection of
blocks from the directory. They
include large designs, as well as
small, quick-to-make ones.

and templates
lil lil.lil.IE; Iil.f,:;. lE;.
This section contains detailed
information on the equipment Thrning the blocks
required and how to cut and sew Some of the blocks us€d in the qutlt layouts need to be tuE€d @
clockvise or counterclockwise by 90 or 180 degees io make up .he
the blocks, including helpful hints
for improving accuracy. Different
design. When assembling the blocks, check the illustmrion caretully
and mak€ sure the orientation of each block march€s rhe larour- HII
methods ofjoining blocks are also
demonstrated, as well as ideas for
quilting the finished plece. At the Quantity and colors

Each block us€d for the quilt is shom
end of the section, you will find
below th€ main illustr.iion, accompanted
full-size templates for those blocks by its reference number, fsbric selection,
and how many of that block you need
that require unusual or difficult
shapes, plus a list of the actual
fabrics used in the book.


Block directory Understanding the s1'rnbols

The block directory contains 200 block pattems. Each one Each block design is rccompanied b' a svmbol indicating the skill level required to make it,
flus s)'mbols indicating the most diiTicult shapes to crt for that block and an,v sp€cial
is accompanied by a photograph, fabric selection, cutting
instructions, construction method, quick tips, at-a-glance
skill level Shapes Tbchniques
svmbols, and ideas lbr matching the block with others in

East' Inloh€s sewinginset
the directory. All of the measurements specified in the seans (seepage 11r)
cutting instructions include a %in (6mm) seam allowance.
Follow either. the imperial or the metdc measurements
when cutting the pieces; never interchange between m Curved piecing
( s e ep a g et r 1 )

the trvo systems.

Construction $uidelines
Key blocks demonstrate basic constructional techniques thnt are
m (providedfull-size
on pagesr16-12t)
Fasrpiecing rechniques
can be used (seepages
ll0 and113)

rcfefted to throughout the director.y. Step-b.y-step illustrations

make it clear how to sew the pieces together.
Shared cuttinA

and constmctirn
S€vemlblocks require the samesire
piecesand constructiontechniques,
but use different fabrics and
E! spinninrrop! vrrir.iotr @rubbonstu [4 Pin,her' arrangenents. If a block does
HC EIEE not featurespecificcutting and
construction guidelines, you will
find this infomation in the nearest
previousblock that does-lor
exampl€,refer to block 22 fot

Aro J'J Ifrt Af* cutring and consrructionguidelines
for making blocks 23-26.

I 'ft-E # .'ff
I 5;-"
@ North'ind Exalftt Eli,"*:' E Errb,

aoa aJr a1
Nlixing blocks together
lbu can use )'our o\n imaAination to
mix blocks or experiment with the 9f
recommendations here. 8* i!$.h&-E (j!e6

d#-- rdd*E


ffi&etsftpISffire Ete
Mix and Match
This chapter wilt help you decide which blocks to mlx and match, and features plenty
of examples shorving different styles to get you started. There is also guidance on the
choice of colors, plus ideas on getting the most from different textile designs and how
to calculate the fabric reouirements for the ouilt vou want to make.

Colors and Fabrics

/a\ ne of the most exciting features of quilts is the impact of color. Color can cause the lireatest
t l
\-./anxiery among quilters, with so many fabrics to choose from that it is easy to become overwhelmed.
A restricted palette of 100 fabrics was used to make all 200 blocks in this book, with the fabrics being
chosen to achieve a balance of plains and Dattems as well as the whole spectrum of colors.

Color theory
It is useful to learn a few basic principles oI color theory by
studying a standard color wheel. There are three primary colors on
the wheel-red, yellow, and blue and these are divided by three
secondary colo6-orange, green, and purple. The secondary colors AnalagoN color scheme Conplementa4 color scheme

are made by mixing the two adjacent primary colors together The
term "value" is used to describe the l{lhtness
yeltow or darkness of a color
Colors that are close on the color
wheel are called analogous,or
q harmoniousl for example. vellow
\E through to ."d. color" thrt are
opposite on the color wheel
are called complementary,
or contrastine,; for example,
orange and blue. lf you choose

/S an analogous color scheme and Strongly contr.sting color scheme Monochromatic color scheme
6t your fabrics are similar in value,
it will look lovely but the pattem idea to follow the 80:20 rule-that is, 80 p€rcent of one color and
will not be as definite as it would be 20 percent of the complementary color. If you use 50 percent of
if vou addedsome contrast ro rhe color each color, they can fight and the result will Irot be restful to look at.
scheme by introducinS some complementary or different value Single-color,monochromatic schemes can work very well if you use
colors. When choosing a complementary color scheme, it is a €iood labrics with different values andlor Dattems.
c o L ( ) l t s , \ \ D f _ \ ul i t c s t 7

es of fabric
Thc nr()st c()mnrrlrrtlbric lirr
quilt making is 100 perccrt

cotton. but cxpcricncedquiltcrs
cxn incorporxte llannels, silk,
ileece, or xDl' other materixls
the:'find. Cotton fabricsare
eas)' to \\'ork \\'ith xnd can be
prcsscd to giYe a crisp scan.
I'ol]'cottons are more sprinA)'.rnd herder to \\'ork Nith and prcss.
-\hvavs dip a small piece ot' the lirbric into hot Nater to check thit
the color rvill not run. li it does. \'ash it lt IeN times belbre use.
Nerv.unrvashedfabric has a crisp dressingthat makesit east'to
cut xnd piece,but if r-ou hale *ashed vour iirbric, \'ou can starch
ir before cutting il ]'ou \Yish.

Textile designs
l)lain or solid colors arc good lbr breaking up busl- patterns and lbr
accentuating individual patches in a block. Striped ilbrics can ha\'e
mxn)' colors or just tlo; the desi{ns usualll run parallel to the
selvageand are useill fbr border blochs. l,arge prints are harder to
use than small print designs, but are useful ibr large center patches.
\bu can also crrt manl'snrall patches tiorn them in an arrnngement
rhar yields a \,\'idevarietl'of colors and patterns. l'ictorial, or Ch!!k!J

conversxtional,irbrics are thosewith pictures on. Thel'can be

cut so that a particular sectioD is in the center of a block, but
be carelul becausc thcv oltcn havc e right end rvrong wa)'up. Bulrng fabric
Trl' to var-vthc typc of thbrics I'ou usc. Nlix llorals with gconlctrics The best piece oi advice is: if )'ou like a thbric, use it- Don't agonize
and plains with pictorials. If ]'ou normallv use small prints and are or worry that others may not like itl it is not thcir quilt. \\'hen
not confident about trying something new, vou could serv some test choosing tabrics from a store, a Aood tip is to iind onc tirbric You Lrve
blocks using a Nider |arietv of patterns <ombinilrg large prints and then chooscother fahricst{) g() \\'ith it. Thesc can he similar in
\\'ith small chechs aDd stripes. tbr example. lbu rvill find that vour color or di11!rent, depending ()n thc cilect You \\'1tntto achiere. The
confidcnce graduall]' increases. \bu can also use fabrics to make stali can advise vou and otten group thbrics that thel think rvorh rvell
\rur quilt look a lot more complicatedtl,an it realll' is. l'or cxan,plc, together. Il possible, check the lirbrics in davlight bY carrying thcm
if vou replace a plain squere Nith a stripcd tirlrric, irom a distencc to the \rindo\\i some electdc lights have en oraDgecest that n:lv
it \!ill lo()k rs if the stripesxrc picccd. clistort the appearance of the colors.

Calculating F'abric Quantitie s

TI Tnless )'ou are makin$ a scrap quilt from lots of difi'erent fabrics, it is important to calculate horv
LJ much of each fabric -vou rvill need so that .you have enough to complete the quilt. Calculating fabric
quantities does require a bit of lvork, but it is not ditTicult. \bu just need to sit dorvn rvith a clcar head
rvhen ,vou are not tired, l'ith a piece of paper and a pencil (a calculator and t'at cluarter or u'idth of fabric
are usetul, too, especiallv lvhen usin!, templates).

Write it down Prograns such as Electric Quilt make

it eas.vto tlesign blocks and quilts, as
Decide on the finishecl length and u'idth of your quilt, making sure rvell as try,-out different color schemcs Indii'idual block design
each is divisible bv 6in (1Scm)-remcmbeq all the blocks in this
book are 6in (1.5cm) square. Calculate hou'manv blocks there rvill
be across and dorvn the quilt, and x,rite this information dorvn. Next
count how man,v of each block there zrre and rvrite that dorvn. tr,Iake
a sample of each block and decide on vour t'abrics. Photocopy the

pages of the book rvith blocks on and stick 1'our fabrics in place
If -vou do not have access to a copier, trace the blocks onto lreezer
or greaseproof paper and stick the f'abrics onto that.
I{ake a list of all the pieces necdecl tbr each block and their -\lternative color schemc
colors. Then, working color b1'color, calculate horv many of each
piece vou need; tbllow the example on the opposite page if it helps
make it clearer. If you have access to a quilt design pro$ram, such
as Electric Quilt or Quiltpro, these can calculate the vardage for Fat quarters
1'ou, but be al'are that they often have a I'at quarter of fhbric as a Fabric can be purchased in ready-cut pieces called fat
minimum even if you only need one small piece in the entire quilt. quarters. These are half a 1'ardof tabric cut in half ro give
a quarter of a 1'ard,but in a fat rectanfle not a long thin
one-that is, 20 x 18in. The metric equivalent of a fat
quarter is slightl"vlarger, at 50cm square. Fat eighths are
also available;these are a fat quarter cut in half aAain.
( : . \ I . ( . I - T . . \ T I \ r ' ,f . \ l l R T ( - r . 2 r - .\ \T I 1 -I L : I 9

Worked example: Nine-patch Blues

q u i l t i s 3 ( r i r - r( 9 0 c r n ) s q u a r e a n d c o m p r i s e s 1 8 o t b l o c k 5 1 a r r c l
1 8 o i b l o c k 1 3 6 ( c o l L r m n , \ ) . B l o c k . 5 1 u s c s t r v o t ' a t r r i c s :p l a i n b l u c
rund pattelnedr block 136 Llscs t\vo thbrics: rvhite ancl r'arielated
b l u c ( c o l u m n B ) . F i n d t h e c u t t i n ! s i z e s t o l t h e p i e c e s i r - re a c h b l o c l i .
\\'orking color ll' color, list the measurements ol all the pieces
ol each color t'ol ezrch block in column C. Nlultiph' the figr-rles in
column (l hv the nunber of pieces required in each block ancl
lx' the nr.rmbcr oi blocks (D) to give total inches or centinletel"s
requirecl (ll). It a piece is not scluare, Llse the big{est number for vour
culculationsr t'or cxample. tbr a 3% x 2in (8.7 x 5cm) strip. nlultiply
.llin (8.7cm) bv D. Put the *'iclth oivourt'abric at the top of column
I"r allox'-l(.)in t'or'1'ardage ancl 2Oin lbr fat qr-rarters (or 10Ocm t'or'
meterage ancl 50cm for tat quarters). l)ivide E bv this tigure to give
thc total number ot strips requirecl (l-). \Iultiplv the number ot stlips
rl') bv thc rviclth of the piece (C) to t'incl the total t'abric recluirecl.
^\lrr'avs round up to allou' tbr r-nistakcs.



(8.7 x 5cm)



5 strips

7 strips
Plain blue: 6 x2%in (6.2cm) = 15in (38crn).The total plain blue
r.hite l%1n 4x18 10Bin 3 strips
(J. /Cm.) (266.4cm) tabric requiredis theretbre15in (3lJcm).
Pattenred:5 x2%in (6.2cm) = 1.2%|'t(31cm). The total patterned
garie€ated 2in 4x18 14.lin .l strips
falrric required is thereforc 12%in(31cm).
blue (5cm) (360cm)
\Vlrite: 7 x 2in (.5cm)= 1.lin (35cm), plus 3 x 1%in(3.7cm) = |'lin
variegated thln .)x ld l.tf,tn 4 strips (12cm). The total l'hite t'abricrequired is theret'ore1tt%in(.17cm).
blue (J. /cmJ (333cm) \rariegatedblue: .l x 2in (5cm) = {Jin(20cm), plus -l x 1%in(3.7cm)
= 6in (15cm). The total varicgatcd blue fzrbricrccluired is theret'ore
1.lin (35cn'r).

Mixing and Matching Blocks

ll 2tlu blocks in the block directorl'are the same size, 6in (15cm) square! so thcre are thousands ot'
l, Lpossihle comhinations vou could put together x,hen designing )'our o\\,n quilt, throrv, or pillorv. Here
are a terr' helptul hints, but it is realll' a matter of personal pret'erence

Choosing blocks
Look through the mix-and-match examples on pages 22-35, plrrs the
rvorked cxample on page 19. Do vor-r preter one st1'le to another? For
example, some have blocks u.ith a diagonal bias that can be used to
make 1og cabin-stvle arrangements or to create the et'ibct ot' a blocir
on point in the midcile of 1'our quilt. Others are more regular, rvith
trvo blochs alternatecl. Some blochs are particularlv suitable ibr
crcating the sides ancl corners of fake picccd borders.
\bur level of sel'ing skills is another factor to keep in mind. ,\ll of
the blocks are marked with an icon indicating the skill level required
to make that block, fiom easl' to intcrn-rediatc to advanced. If 1'ou are
a be!,inner, I'ou ma)' find it best to choose blocks marked u'ith an
"casv" icon.

Das.v Intermediate ou'u"""d

m llll
Fake border design, In the \\roodland, pale 25

are just sonre
of thc blochs in the
directorJ' that are ideal
ior creating bordcr
designs tor J'our quilt.

8..\rrurr I0I. Long Chcchs 118. Arouncl the Bend 119. trlitered Corner 13t1.Larqe Trialgles
and Stripes

Think also about rvhether vou want the seam lines to meet. If ,vou
clo and the first bloch 1-ou select is a four-patch design, tr1'to select
other four-patch blocks to combine with it. ,\lternatell', if 1'ou
combine a four-patch block l.ith a nine-patch design, there rvill be
lcss bulk at the seams and it rvill be less obvious if 1'our blocks are
llot perfect because there are no seams to match. Another $ood st-vle
ior this is sashed blocks, but choose trvo with different u.idth sashings
so that inaccurate seams rvill not be so obvious.

Ilake a sample
^\hva1's make a sample every time.vou sew a nelv block. This will
enable }'ou to check the size. The cutting measurements are rounded
ro the nearest %in (3mm) to make them eas]' to see ori rulers. This
can mean that a block rvill be slightl"v larger or smaller than the 6in
(15cm) specified. It is best to find this out at the beginning, not after
r-ou have made 20 blocks onl1' to discover that the)' do not t'it
topether. Adjust 1'our seam allorvance b1' the rvidth of a thread either
sav to bring the blocks to the required size. See also the improvin$,
llccurac--vsection on pages 112-113.
If 1'ou make all 1'our sample blocks in one color, such as blue,
s'i1l soon ha'l'e a lovel)' collection of blocks that 1'ou can use to make
In the top example, the seams need to meet perfectll' I'hcre the ilvo
a sampler quilt and all for next to no effort. Another good option for blocks ioin. There are also seam allou'anccs liom forrr fabrics at this
meeting point on the back oi the blocks. producing more bulh. In the
rcst blocks is to use Christmas tabrics, so that each 1.ear you rvill have
above example, the seam allou'ances are spread across the -seernjoining
a nelv Christmas throw to displal'. These test blocks can, of course, thc tl'o blocks. and less-than-perfect piccin$ u,ill not be as noticcablc.
bc included in the backinA as a label if rvished. Belorv, tn o blocks that ircorporate sashings as part of their design have
bccn joincd, but the sashings arc oi dii'tbrent widths. helping to disguisc
an]'piecing inaccuraoies and spread the bulh oi the seam allorvances.

Testing your design

If 1'ou are not sure about some blocks, photocop-v them in
black and rvhite. This u,ill remove an1' color bias that 1'ou
might have and shorv ).ou just the tones; .vou can then see if
the tones balance across the quilt. You can photocopl'1'our
lhbrics in blach and rvhite, too. rvhich helps u'ith balancing
the color values of 1'our blocks-even if the copl'shop
thinks 1'ou are a bit peculiar.
22 \il-\,\\t) M.\1'CII

Blue and Green

30in (76cm) square. cxclucling thc bincling

. 10096 cotton tabric (sec pages 1 fi-19

tor intormation on hon to calcul.rte

fabric cluar-rtities)
. 3 . 1 i n ( 8 6 c n - r )s q u a r c o f b a t t i n g
. 3.lin (fJ6cm) scluare of backing fabric
. [ J i n ( 2 0 c m ) o t ' f a b r i c t o c ] - r ti n t o l Z i n ( 3 . 7 c m )

rvide bincling strips

Serv cach of the blocks as dcscrihccl ir-rthc
directorl'. Iialie the nurnber of each shos'n
belo*'. lior speed n'hen making the for-rr-patch
u n i t s , c u t l o n g s t r i p s o f f z r b r i c ,i o i n i n t o p a i r s o t
zrlternatc colors, and thcn cut into t\\'o-pzrtcl-l
component units (see page 11()).

Check that all the blocks are sqlr.rc ancl press
them. La1'out the blochs on a llat. clean surtace
in the arrerngcmcnt shorvn. Picce into ron's ancl
then join the rorvs to form the qlrilt top. l-aver
\\'ith batting ar-rdbacking t'abric ancl cluilt as
clesirecl. Llse blue or green fol the bincling.

FIlx 13 l5f)l\11


Box of Tfeats
.l8in (122cm) square, excluding the binding

o 100%cotton fabric (see pages 18-19
for intbrmation on horv to calculate
fabric quantities)
. 52in (132cm) square of batting
. 52in (132cm) square of backing labric
. 10in (25cm) of fabric to cut into 1%in (3.7cm)
wide bindinf, strips

Sew each of the blocks as described in the
directory. Make the number of each shown
below. For speed when making, the tbur-patch
units, cut long strips of fabric, join into pairs of
alternate colors, and then cut into tlvo-patch
component units. Chain piece the half-square
triangles (see page 110).

Check that all the blocks are square and press
them. Lay out the blocks on a flat, clean surl'ace
in the arrangement shown (you lvill have to
rotate some blocks). Piece into rows and then
join the rows to form the quilt top. Layer with
batting and backing fabric and quilt as desired.
l 1 6l x / FTlxe Use red for the binding.

E e ] xo L
-... I llllx32 F z l x6 l 6 5l x r

-=I lrew
24 \IIX,\ND }I.\TC]II

Briar Thngles
;t,*.s-^^z^ .lSin (122cm) sqlrare. exclr.rcling the binding


. 10096 cotton I'abric (sce pages 1ii-l9

9."nY,r ! for intbrmation on hon'to calculate

fabric quantities)
. 52in (132cm) square of batting
. 52in (132cm) squarc of backing fabric
. 10in (25cm) of t'abric ro cut inro l%in (3.7cm)

u'ide binding strips


I Serv each of the blocks as describecl in the

ciirectorl'. \lake the number of each sho*,n
belorv. For speed *.hcn making the tbur-patch
units, cut long strips of fabric, join into pairs of
alternate colors. and then cut into t*'o-patch
component units. Chain piece the hah'-squarc
triangles (see page 110).

Check that all the blochs are sqlrare and press
them. La1'ollt the blocks on a tlzrt, clear-rsurthce
in the arrangement shou'n (r'ou rvill have to
rotzlte somc blocks). Piece into rol's ancl then
join thc ro\\'s to tbrm the quilt top. Laver rrith

battirlg and backing fabric and quilt as clesired.

L ' s cg r e e n t b r r l t e I ' i r r c l i n q .

ffi Fs-l x 12 Fs-lx 2s l r a rxl s



In the Woodland
36in (92cm) square, excluding the binding
, ::ria:tu:t:
.::l:: i:r:.,rtr;::l
:rirri:::i:il :i:t:t:ri:i: N'Iaterials
. 100% cotton fabric (see pa{,es 18-19

for intbrmation on hol. to calculate

,r: fabric quantities)
. ,lOin (102cm) square of batting
. 40in (102cm) square of backing fabric
. 8in (20cm) of fabric to crlt into l%in (3.7cm)

n'icle binding strips

Seq.each of the blocks as described in the
directorl'. N{ake the number of each sholvn
belorv. For speed rvhen making the lbur-patch
units, cut long strips of fabric, join into pairs of
alternate colors, and then cut into trvo-patch
i component units. Chain piece the half-square
triangles and ilving geese units (see pa€e 110).

Check that all the blocks are square and press
them. La1'out the blocks on a llat, ciean surface
in the arran$ement shorvn (1'ouwill have to
rotate some blocks). Piece into rorvs and then
join the rows to form the quilt top. La1'er rvith
batting and backing I'abric and quilt as desired.
Use light bror.n for the binding.

26 N ' I I XA N D \ I A T C I ]

Raspberry Ripple
36in (92cm) square,excluding the binding

. 100%cotton fabric (see pages 1Fi-19
lbr intbrmation on horv to calculatc
tabric quantities)
o 40in (102cm) squareoi batting
o 40in (102cm) square of backing fabric
. 8in (20cm) of t'abricto cut into \%in (3.7cm)
rvide binding strips
:1.:::: .r; r'*

. & .
3 . . .
Seu' each of the blocks as described in the
a: . t:i' directory. \{ake the number of each shorvn
\rt belorv.For speed rvhen making,the four-patch
units, cut long strips of tzrbric,join into pairs ol'
alternate colors, and chen cut into trvo-patch
component units. Chain piece the half-square
triangles(seepage 110).

Check that all the blocks are square and press
them. Lay out the blocks on a i1at,clean surface
in the arran$ement shorvn (.vourvill have to
rotate some blocks). Piece into rorvs and then
join the rows to tbrm thc quilt top. Layer rvith
batting and backing fabric and quilt as desired.
Lisepale pink for the binding.

F r l xI 2 Eiblx s [ro-lx 'r

- . : : f i .
' Jt a : f . t ! -
! :

r, , ' -0 J t , , - ' '

K. i, (;>'
M"sl , ]]l:l:rr,,:rrr . a
I I I X I N G A N D } I , \ T C H I N GB L O C K S 2 7

49in (l22cm) square, excludin$ the binding

r 100%cotton fabric (see pages18-19
for information on how to calculate
fabric quantities)
. 52in (132cm) square of batting
o 52in (132cm) square of backing fabric
. 10in (25cm) of fabric to cut into 1%in (3.7cm)
wide binding strips

Serveach of the blocks as described in the
directory. Make the number of each shown
belorv.For speed when making the four-patch
units, cut long strips of fabric, join into pairs of
alternate colors, and then cut into trvo-patch
component units. Chain piece the half-square
triangles (see page 110).

Check that all the blocks are square and press
them. La,vout the blocks on a fl,at,clean surface
in the arrangement shorvn (1'ouwill have to
rotate some blocks). Piece into rot's and then
join the rows to form the quilt top. Laver with
batting and backing fabric and quilt as desired.
Use red or orange for the binding.

l-taI x 12 E7lx2a fozl x + f t{lx z+


wrw IreW

Geesein the Barn

36in (92cm) sqlrare, excluding the bincling

. 100%cotton fabric (see pa!,es18-19
tor information on hol.to calculate
fabric quantities)
o 40in (102cm) square of battin!,
rl..; l-:l
!il.:i.;9. . rl0in (102cm) square of backin{ tabric
'rli: . 8in (20cm) of fabric to cut into l%in (3.7cm)

u'ide binding strips

Serv each of the blocks as described in the
directorv. Ilake the number of each shown

:i$ belorv. For speed, chain piece the halt'-square

trlangles (see page 110). For a scrap-quilt look,
sort )'our I'abrics into dark and light values and
make the blocks usin$ a random selection.

Check that all the blocks are square and press
them. Lav out the blocks on a i1at, clean surface
in the arrangement shol.n (vou rvill have to
rotate some blocks). Piece into rotr,s ancl thcn
ioin the ro\ys to form the quilt top. La1.er rvith
batting and backing labric and quilt as desired.
Use a darh tone ibr the binding or, ii'1.ou have
made a scrap quilt, vou could piece strips for
the binding, too.

E u l x+


Windy Day
'l8in (122cm) square, excluding the binding

. 1,O0o/o
cotton fabric (see pages 18-19
for intbrmation on horv to calculate
fabric quantities)
. 52in (132cm) square of batting
. 52in (132cm) square of backing fabric
. 10in (25cm) of fabric to cut into 1%in (3.7cm)
rvide binding strips

Serveach of the blocks as described in the
directory. \,Iake the number of each shorvn
belorv.For speed,chain piece the half-square
triangles (see pa$e 110).

Check that all the blocks are square and press
them. Lay out the blocks on a flat, clean suriace
in the arrangement shown (you will have to
rotate some blocks). Piece into rorvs and then
join the rows to form the quilt top. Layer with
batting and backing fabric and quilt as desired.
Usegreen for the binding.


%T'WE; I

Spring Pillow
. 1[]in (.l5cnr) square an ideal small project t'or
18in (.15cm)square pillon'tbrm brushinS Llp vollr techniques.

Nlaterials Piecing Finishing

. 1(X)?,i
cotton t'abric (see pages Sel'each oI the blocks as Check that a1l the blocks are

1u-19 tbr intbrmation on horv described in the directorv. Xlake square and press them. La1'

to calculate fabric quantities) the number of each shou'n out the blocks on a t'lat. clean

r 20in (50cm) squareof batting belol'. The pillol' cover surface in the arrangement

. 20in (50cm) squareot includes nine-patch. striped, shol.n ()'ou n'ill have to rotate

backinS tabric and tlfinf geese units, so it is some blocks). Piece into rou's
and then join the ro*,s together
La1'er rvith batting and backing
fabric and quilt as desired.
F+lxr @ X:l
]Iake a pillou'back and ses'

Wtr*iI re right sides together \\.ith the

quilted t'ront. Turn through
and insert a pillol'iorm.

Summer Pillow
x* Size . 18in (.45cm)square
pillorv form
. . 1Sin (:lScm) square Chech that a1l the blocks are
square and press them. Lav
Nlaterials Piecing out the blocks on a tlat. clcan
. 100q4 cotton tabric (sec pages Sel.each of the blocks as surizrce in the arranSement
18-19 t'or information on hos' described in the directorv. shorvn. Piece into ro'ws and
to calculate thbric quantities) flake the number ot each ther-rjoin the rol's together.
. 20in (50cm) square ot batting shoii'n belorv. Laver q'ith tratting ancl baching
. 20in (50cm) square ot fabric and quilt as desired.
backing tabric \Iake a pillo*'back and ses'
right sides togcther with the
quilted tront. Turn through

Fqlx+ [GZ]" t and insert a pillo*' tbrm.

loa I
\lt\t\G .\\D lI.\TCIIt\(i ltr-ocris 31

Christmas Pillow
Size . 18in (.lScm) square shol'n (1'ou t'ill have to rotatc

1llln ('l5cm) square pillorv torrn some bkrcks). Piece into rorvs
and then join the ro\\'s together

Nlaterials Piecing La1'er $'ith batting and bacliing

. 100%cotton fabric (see pages Seu'each ot the blocks as tabric and quilt as desirecl.

18-19 tbr intbrmation on horv described in the directorr'. Nlake a pillorv back and ses'

to calculate fabric quantities) \lake the numbcr of cach right sicles together n'ith the
. 20in (50cm) squareof batting shorvn belorv. For speed, quilted iront. l'urn through
. 20in (50cm) squareof chain piece the quzlrter-scluare and insert a pillou, form.

backing tabric t r i a n g l e s a n e l t l v i n ! i l e e s eu n i t s
(see paSe 11(.)).

[Bxs ED+lx +
Check that all the blocks are

tr TffiI scluareand press them. Lav
out the blocks on a tlat, clean
suriace in the arrangement

Crack Those Curves

Size . 12in (30cm) square Finishing
12in (3Ocn) square piliorv tbrm Chech that all the blochs are
square and press thcm. La1'
Nlaterials Piecing out the blocks on a tlat, clean
o 100% cotton t'abric (see pages Sel'each of the bloclis as surferce in the arrang,ement
1Ei-19 fbr information on hol describecl in the directory'. shorvn (1'ou rvill have to rotate
to calculatc thbric quantitics) I \ l a k c r h e r r r r m h c ro l c a c h s o r r r el r l o c k s ) . P i e e e i n t u p a i r s
. 1,{in (35cm) squarc of batting shorvn bclon'. Cut the template and then join the pairs together.
. l.lir-r (35cm) squarc ol piecesorr horh hlocks larqcr Add a border if 1'ou rvant a
backing tirbric around the sides of thc pillorv larger pillo*,. La1'er rvith batting
because this n'ill help increase ar-rdbackin.{ iabric and quilt as
the accuracl' of 1'our blocks and desired. It rvould look good
also give 1'ou sutlicient seam
i Ffx lqal x 2
quilted in concentric circles.

f*"S" allor.ancc to mahe the blochs \lake zrpillow bach and serv
'} into a pillorv. This is an ideal right sides together l'ith the
l" *.' ffi Wl ii,b# small projcct tbr vou to practice quilted front.
sewing curves, and insert a pillorv forn-r.

Star Boxes
4ftin (122cm) sqlrare,excluding the binding
F . *
' I i . 1

&"',* . 100%ocotton fabric (see pages 18-19

for information on horv to calculate

fabric quantities)
. 52in (132cm) square of batting
. 52in (132cm) square of backing I'abric
. 10in (25cm) ol'fabric to cut into l%in (3.7cm)

lr,ide bindin€, strips

Sew each of the blocks as described in
the directorl'. Nlake the number of each
shol'n belolr..

Check that all the blocks are square and press
them. La"vout the blocks on a t1at,clean surface
in the arran!,ement shorvn (you lvill have to
.{ rotate some blocks). Piece into rorvs and then
join the rows to form the quilt top. La,verrvith
batting and backing fabric and quilt as desired.
i .: Use pink for the binding.

*::' l.,;

Eotlx 32 Ezrlx 32

' ',.:,,$!;i w
\II.\I.\G .\ND }I,\T(]HINCi BI-']L]KS 33

Passion for Purple

,lftin (122cm) square, excluding the binding

o 100% cotton fabric (see pa.{es 18-19

for inforn-ration on hon'to calculate

tabric quantities)
. 52in (132cm) square of batting
. 52in (132cm) square of backing tabric
. 10in (25cm) of fabric to cut into 1%in (3.7cn)

rvide binding strips

Scu'each of the blocks as described in the
directorl'. Xlake the number ot' each shourr
belorv. lior speed when making the tbur-patch
units, cut lon$ strips of f'etbric.ioin into pziirs of
alternate colors, and then cut into tu.o-patch
componcnt units. Chain piece the half-squzlre
triangles (see page 110).

Check that all the bloclis are square ancl press
them. Lav out the blocks on a tlat, clean surt'ace
in the arrangement shon.n. Piece into rorvs and
then join the ron's to ibrm the quilt top. La1'er
\\'ith batting ancl backing fahric and quiit as
desired. Use purple tbr the bincling.

fsol x 32 Esslx 32

ffiw KWI
34 XIIX,\Nt) M,\TCll

Sashed Surprise
36in (92cm) square. excluding the bir.rding

. 1007ricotton t'abric (see pages 18-19
for information on horv to calculate
tabric quantities)
o tl0in (102cm) scluareof battir.rg
o 40in (102cm) squareot'backingiabric
. Bin (20cm) of thbric to cut into lZin (3.7cm)
q'ide binding strips

Seir'eachof the blocks as describedin the
directory'.\lake the number of each shorvn
belox..For speed rvhen making the nine-patch
units. cut long strips of iabric, join ir-rtosets of
three, and then cut into three-patchcomponent
units. Chain piece the half-scluaretriangles
( s e ep a g e1 1 0 ) .

Check tl-ratall the blocks are square and press
them. La1' or-rtthe blocks on a tlat, clean surface
in the arran$ement shou'n (1'oul'ill have to
rotate some blocks). Piece into rorvs and then
join the rows to fbrm the quilt top. La1'eru'ith
batting and backing fabric and quilt as desired.
Use green or pink for the binding.

@ X lIJ
@ X 1fJ

% re
U l X l \ * C i , \ N l ) ^ \ 1 , \ T ( l l l l \ GB L O C K S 3 5

Star Sampler
,18x 36in (122 x92cm), excluding the binding

. 100%cotton lzrbric (see pagcs 1B-19
for information on horv to czrlculate
fabric quantities)
. 52 x 40in (132 x 102cm) of batting
o 52 x 40in (132 x 102cm) ot' backing f'abric
o 10in (25cm) of t'abricto cut into 1%irr(3.7cm)
rvide binding strips

Choose your favorite star blocks from
throughout the directory; in this example
there are not more than iour blocks of an1'
one design.You need 48 blocks in total. Either
make thcm as shorvnhere in a rvild explosion
ot'color or choose 1'our colors more carefullv
to tone together.

Check that all the blocks are square and press
them. Lay'out the blocks on a l1at,clean surt'ace
in the arrangcmcnt shorvn.Piece into rorvs and
then join the rorvs to form the quilt top. La1'er
\\'ith batting and backing t'abric and quilt as
desired. LIsea toning color for the binding.

@@E[ozl x3
F r t l E x l x+
Block Directorv
The directory contains photographs and instructions for makinf, 200 quilt blocks. Each
block is graded by degree of difliculty, so you can choose the ones that suit your own
skill level. For each block, there are also su&iestions of three other blocks with which
you could mix and match it to make a tinished quilt.


l-i-l Snowball l-z--lFour-patch E nourglass

Chain Variation
tr tr tr
@ tr K

Cut the follorving

f a.,@ffi 'fw
Cut the following

@ I.'our 2in (5cm) squares. @ One 4%in (10.4cm) squarecut

@ Four 2in (5cm) squares. into quarters diagonall,v to give
@ ttvo 3%in (B.7cm) squares. tbur triangles.
@ One 4%in (10.4cm) square cut
Construction into quarters diagonall.'-to give
Cut the followinA Four-patch,.""Eil four triangles.

@ One 6'lin (I6.2cm) square.
Quick tip
Cut 2in (5cm) rvide strips
@ Two 3%in (8.7cm) squares.

@ Four 2'/:in (6.2cm) squares. of ihbrics ,\ and B and serv FourX,."" FJ]
them together betbre cutting Four-patch,."" l]l I
crossrviseto make pairs of 2in
Construction (5cm) squares(seepage110).
Serva small square to
a corner of the large
square using the fast
corners method (see page 113)
Repeat this processat the
remaining three corners.

Mix and match Mix and match MLx and match

I ] I - O C ] I TD I R E T ] T O R Y 39

[+l Old Maid's Puzzle @ oiamond fol Grandmother's

Four-patch Choice

Cut the follorving Cut the follorving


@ T*'o 3%in(fl.7cm) squares.

lJ l\Vo j'.lll (l,.:\cnl , SqUerCS. ?'iil:ii:,f"ffi:ru:
eight triangles.
@ Four 2%in (5.Scm) squares
cut in half cliagonallv to giYe @ Four 2'l x L/,in
eight triangles. (7.2 x 4.2cm) strips.

Cut the follorving Construction
Hali-squere Triangles. ,.. E7l
Bird in the Air, ."" [i101
Diamond in the Square, ."" FO-l
@ Trr.o3Zin (Scm) squares
cut in half diagonallv to give
four triangles.
l'. l"our 2in (Scm) squares. Four-patch.."" El I l'our-patch, ."" flTl @FiVe lZin (.l.2cm) squares.
i'_'Five 2%in (5.8cm) squares

. rrr in h:rlfdiaforrellv to gir e Quick tip Construction

tOn triangles. Chain piece the half-squarc Bird in the r\ir. ."" F10]
,, Tr,o 2Xin (.5.8cm) squares triangles tirst (see page 110). Nine-patch,r"" Ftl
eut in half diagonaill' to give
iour triangles.
One 2%in (5.8cm) scluare
cut in halt diagonalll. to give
trvo triangles.

D One 3%in (9.5cm) square

cut in halt diagonalll'to give
t\\'o triangles.

and match NILx and match )Iix and

4 O B I , O I ] KD I R E C T O R I

I Birds in the Air l-s-]Arrow F-l Pconomy

tr tr E

Cut the following Cut the following

-A)tts) (c) -,J 4,9 qA9
@ O n e 3 l i n ( c ) . . 5 c m )s q u a r e @ Trvo 3lh (9.5cm) squares
cut in half diagonalll' to Sivc cut in half diagonalll' to gir.e
trvo triangles. four triangles.

@ One 3%in (9.Scm) square @ Onc'l%in (10..1cm)square

cut in half diagonalll' to give cut into quartcrs dia$onal11'to
Cut the following Construction t\\,o triangles. give four triangles.
offi Bircl in the '\ir, @ Trvo 3Zin (9.5cm) squares @ One 3%in (8.7cm) square.
ffi ."" Elol cut in half diagonalll' to give

@ Three 2'/"h (7.2cm) squares lbur triangles. Construction

cut in halt diagonalll'to give Diamond in the Square,."" F6l
six triangles. Serv the five Construction
@ Tn'o 2'lin (7.2cm) squares remainin$ small Triangles,
Ilalt'-square r"" E7l Quick tip
c u t i n h a l i d i a g o n n l l vt o g i v e triangles together Four-patch..""FJI If 1'ou have trouble getting this
fol1r trizrngles;vou need three to lbrm the block accurate, tr1'addinp an
of them. central diagonal strip. extra %in (6mrn) to all the squares

@ One 6%in(17cm) squarecut Triangles,."" E7l

Half-square that rvill be cut into triangles and
in hali diagonall)' to giye t\\'o then trimndng the block to size at
triangles; 1'ou need one of them each stage. Remember to leave
the regular %in (6mm) seam
allorvance nhen 1'ou trim the
linished block, though.

NIix NIir and match N{Lx and match

1 3 L O C KD I R E C T O R Y 4 1

@ Diagonal Stripes E Xq,tisite E tuohawk

K E m
tr n
@ !

t,- d

Cut the following Cut the following

^ f f i wffiMf
@ One 6%in (L6.2cm) square @ One piece using template 12a
@ Trvo 3in (7.6cm) squares. @ One piece using template 13e
@ One piece using template 12a
Constrrrction @ One piece using template 12b
."" l-t I
Cut the followinA Sen the remaining

swOne 9'/'x2./nin(24.1 x 6.5cm)
triangle and strip
Half-squareTrianSles.t"" [2i-l
Join the three l'edges
together, matching

strip; trim both ends at a the edges caretulll'.

4S-degreeangle. Quick tip Serv the curved piece in place

! One 3%in (9.5cm) square cut Take care not to stretch the
in half diagonally to gir.e tl.o long seam rvhen pressin$. Quick tip
'lb See pa6ie111 if 1'ou are
trian$les;1'ou need one of them. make the block more
unfamiliar rvith servingcun'es
@ O n e 9 % x 2 % i n( 2 4 . 1 x 6 . 5 c m ) accurate, increase the size
strip; trim both ends at a of the triangles bv %in (6mm)
-1S-de$,ree angle. and trim the block to size

@ One 3%in (9.5cm) square cut u hen complere. remembering

in half diagonall,vto give two to leave the regular %in (6mm)
triangles; -vouneed one of them. seam allorvance.

wgFffi pqffiffiw
Construction match NIix and match NIi-r and match
Sew one triangle i:,,

to an alternate
colored strip.

r Four-patch

F+ | Roman I ts I Squaresand
Square Pinwheels
tr U ! :tr
@ tr

Cut the following Cut the follorving

@ -/n r'F\ -A\
,,,,,'@ fI
@ Sixteen 2% xlY"in @ Four 2in (Scm) sqlrares.
(6.2 x 2.9cm) strips. @ Four 2in (5cm) squares.
@) Eight 2%x 7%in @ F'our2Xin (5.Bcm)squares
(6.2 x 2.9cm) strips. cut in half diagonallv to give
@ Clne2%in(6.2cm) square. eight triangles.
Cut the following Construction @ I'-our2%in (5.8cm) squares

@ Trvo3%in(8.7cm) squares.
Join the squares into pairs
r"" F9 I
."" Ftl
eight triangles.
to give
cut in half diagonall-_v

@ ttr,o 3%in (B.7cm) squares. of alternatc colors. Constrrrction

Quick tip Ilalf-squarc Trianglcs,."" E7]

I :".::';::"""'"'
the center points
Cut trvo long lXin (2.9cm)
wide strips of t'abricA and one
long strip ot'i'abric B. Se$,the
Four-pzrtch,."" lTll

caretullv, three strips together before

and then serv together cutting cross\.ise into 2%in
(6.2cm) segments.

NIix and match match NILx and match

B L O C K D I R E C T O R Y4 3

@ Spinning Tops Variation E nifbon Star @ einwheels

K tr tr

Cut the following Cut the following

,.d \)iRlrad('l

WIil"gl- II
@ Irour 2in (5cm) squares. @ Four 2in (5cm) squares.
@ Four 2%in (5.Bcm) squares @ Tn'o 2%in (5.Scm) squares
cut in halt diagonalll'to give cut in half diagonally'to give
eight triangles. four triangles.
@ Six 2%in (S.Bcm) squares @ Four 2%in (5.8cm) squares

@ 'wf
Cut the followinA

Seu,llve squarestogether to
cut in half diagonally to give
tl'elve triangles.
@ 1\'o 2%in (5.8cm) squares
c u t i n h a l i c l i e g o n a l ltvo g i v e
eight triangles.
@ S* 2%in (5.8cm) squares
! fJne lY'in (1.2cm) square. tbrm the horizontal center strip. cut in halt diagonallvro give cut in half dia{,onall1'to give
Four 7%in (1.2cm) squares. ibur triangles. tlr.elve triangles.
I Four 2%in (S..lcm) squares
cut in hali'diagonally to giYe
W Servthe remainin$
squarestogether Constructinn Construction
eight triangles. in pairs. Ilalf-square Trianf,les, ."" E7l Half-squareTriangles,r"" E7 I
! Four 1%in (,1.2cm)squares. Four-patch, r"" I fl Four-patch,."" E3 |
! Four L%in(1.2cm) squares.
! Trvo 3%in (Scm) squares
cut in half diagonally to give
iour triangles. Join the units to iorm thc
top and bottom rol's.
Join the rows to complete
Construction the block.
Bird in the Air,

."" FO NIix and match NILx and match Mi-x and match

Fl Northwind pgj X Quartet E xetson's

K tr U

Cut the follorving Cut the following

l r l / R l J r ' l
f I *,*ii
@ Four 2in (5cm) squares. @ Four 2in (5cm) squares.
@ Four 2in (5cm) squares. @ Four 2in (5cm) squares.
@ Four 2%in (5.Scm) squares @ Tx,o 2%in (5.Bcm) squares
cut in half diagonallv to give c u t i n h a l t e l i a g o n a l lrvo g i v e
eight triangles. four triangles.
Cut the following Construction @ Four 2%in (5.Bcm)squares @ Four 2in (5cm) squares.
@w, p.
Join the
s m a l lr r i a n g l e :
cut in half diagonalll.to give
eight triangles.
@ Trvo 2%in (5.8cm) squares
cut in half diagonallv to live
@ Three 2'lin (7.2cm) squares -7'
:v' {
--Y ro tornr r*'o ibur triangles.
cut in halt diagonally to give six I I diagonal rorvs. Construction
triangles; .vouneed five of tl-rem. Half-square
r"" E7] Constrrrction
@ One 1'Ain (12cm) square cut Serv these Four-patch,.""
El I Half-square
."" E7l
in hali'diagonall1'to give tr,o ' together to Four-patch,
."" Ei-l
triangles;.vouneed one of them. create the
A m r
(q, lnree t^|fl | t.lcmtsqunres middle section.
cut in half diagonall"v to give six ,\dd a large triangle to either
triangles; -vou need five of them. side to complete the block.
@ One 4'lin (72cm) square cut
in half diagonall)' to give two
triangles; 1'ou need one oi them.

MLx and match MLr and NILx and

ffiffiKFG reffi
B L O C K D I I { E C T O R Y4 5

@ Pinwheel @ nignt @ Cotorado

Triangles Quilt \:ariation
K tr

Cut the following Cut the follorving

l*/ ..v ot)

NILr and match


Cut the follou'ing

I z+I Hopscotch Eo I VankeePrzzle
off) Variation Variation
l; Trlo3lin (e.5cm).o"l:".
cut in half diagonalll' to give
tbur trian!,les.
m U
! lwo 3%in (9.5cm) squares
c r r t i r r h u l i d i e g o r r a l ltvo g i v c
K tr
lour triangles.

Halt'-squareTriangles.t"" E7l
Four-patch. ."" EJ-l
Cut the follorving Cut the following

f @ of)
][ix and match NILx and match NIix and match
r* !LG-
i PH\f, 33ffi


@ Half-square Tfiangles EC Broken @ Stroofly

tr tr u
@ K K

Cut the follol'ing Cut the follorving

,i$lP @t)
1 ! \ , | \ \ ' Ot t t n I L j c n l I s q u J r c s

Q One 3lin (9.5cm) sqr.rarc

cut in half diagonalll' to give crrt in helt diaqonallv tu qivc
$r'o triangles. tbur triangles.

@ One 3lir.r (9.5cm) square @ I,'our 2'lin (6.2cm) squares.

c t r t i n h a l i d i a g o n r r l l vt o g i v e (1, l\\O j'l.rn l /.Jcrn I Sqlreres
Cut the follorving Quich tip two triangles. c u t i r r l r r r l lc l i a r . l o n a l ltvo g i v e
prevent distortion ot' the
flR @ @ tu'o 3lin (9.Scm) squarcs tbur triangles.
bias edges. cut the squares c u t i n l r a l t ' c l i a r l o n a l l rvo g i v e @ Onc 2%in (6.2cm) square.
@ One 6%in (17cm) sqlrare cut Xin (3mm) bigj,er than specified tour triangles.
in half diagonallY to give t\Yo and leave them whole. Place Construction
trian.gles; 1'ou need onc ot them. the squares right sides togcther, Constrrrction Half-square r"" E7l
(lne 6%in (17cm) square cut , f--:-
@ drarv a pencil line alon.{ the Ilalf-scluareTriangles,."" E7l l\rnc-Parcn, see I iI I
in half diagonalll'to give trvo diagonal, and scrv %in (6mm) Four-patch. ."" F3 I
trianglcsr 1.ou need one of them. cither side ot the draun line
(see page 113). Cut alon$ thc
drarvn line to makc tl.o blocks.
\. Ses rhc rriangles
tosether alonr th.ir
llGL long sides.

NIix and match

NIix and match

ts;-+4*F=€ IILx and match

T ] I , O C KD I R E C T O R Y 4 7

@ night and Left @ rne Puzzle FzI Crockett

Cabin Quilt
K m E

Cut the following Cut the following

-A) |t)-c) i.\) *-lB)
-| F--'7
I r@-:
O Eighr 1%in(3.7cm) squares. @ Four 2in (5cm) squares.
@ Four 7'lin (4.7cm) squares @ trvo 2%in (5.Bcm) squares
cut in half diagonally to give cut in half diaf,onalll' to give
eight triangles. four triangles.
@ Trvelve1%in (3.7cm) squares. @ Eight 2in (5cm) squares.

Cut the following Construction
Join the trian$les
into Pairs'
@ Four l'Ain (4.7cm) squares
cut in half diagonally to give
eight triangles.
@ Trvo 2%in (S.Bcm) squares
cut in half diagonallv to give
ibur triangles.

! One 1%in (l0.4cm) square cut

matching the O Eight 1%in(3.7cm) squares.
into quarters diagonalll' to $ive f- short edges. Constmction
tour trian$les. Diamond in the Square, ."" Fe I Constmction Half-squareTriangles.r.. Ei-l
! One 4%in (10.4cm) square Triangles,
Half-square ."" E7l Four-patch, ."" flTl
cut into quarters dia$onalll' to Nine-patch,.""
Ft I
give lbur triangles; 1'ou need Four-patch,
r"" I 13l
t*'o of them.
Q One,l%in (10.4cm) square
cut into quarters diagonalll'to
give t'our triangles; --vouneed
two of them.
! One 4%in (1l.Bcm) square.

NILx and match NIix and match MLx and match


Fr I Cockscomb @ tuitler's Fil Around

Daughter the TWist
K H m
tr tr

Cut the follorving Cut the following

@ Tu,o3%in (8.7cm) squares.
@ tu'o 3%in (8.7cm) squares.
@ Sixteen1%in(3.1cm) squares @ tu.o 2in (5cm) squares.
Cut the following Construction CDighr2xl,tin @ Four 2%x 7%in


.,s;Kr Join trvo small
triangles to each
(5 x 3.1cm) strips.
@ Tu,o 2in (5cm) squares.
(6.8 x 3.1cm) strips.
@ Four 1%in(3.1cm) squares
@ f*o 4%in (L0.4cm) squares square in the @ Four 2'%x L%in
cut into quarters diagonalll'to correct color combinations Constrrrction (6.8 x 3.1cm) strips.
give eight triangles; ,vouneed Snou,ball,
."" fl-l @ Pour l%in (3.1cm) squares
six of them. Nine-patch, ."" F1 I
@ One 2%in (6.Bcm)square Idd three large Four-patch, r"" f13-l Construction
cut into quarters dia$onall1' to
give four triangles.
q.3tF-" triangles on
one side of the
r"" [-11
BrightHopes,r"" F9l
(.y lWo l7:ltl lJ. /Cm, Squarcs. pieced units to Four-patch,."" [tJ-]
@ One 4%in (L0.1cm) square create each quarter of the block.
cut into quarters diagonall,v to FourX, ."" E3 I
give four triangles.
@ One 2%in (6.Bcm) square cut
into quarters diagonall,v to give
four triangles.
@ One 4%in (10.4cm) square
cut into quarters diagonalll' to
$ive lbur trian$les; ,vouneed
trvo of them. Mi-r and match Mix and match I'Iir and match

@$Fffi %8Fffiff
, A ^
(, lwo | ./iln {J. /cm, squares.

EoI tndian Hatchet Fl Double @ oetaware's

u E

K tr

Cut the follorving Cut the follor.ing


@ Four 2in (Scm) squares.

af .:.o.i,.P
@ trvo 3%in (8.7cm) squares.
@ Four 2in (5cm) squares. @ E i g h rl Z i n t J . 7 c m )s q u i l r e s
@ Four 2%in (5.8cm) squares O ltighr 1%in(3.7cm) squares
c u t i n h r l i d i a { o n e l l vt o q i v e @ Ten 1%in(3.7cm) squares.
eight trianglcs.
Cut the following

KK @ Four 2%in (5.8cm) squares Construction

off) cut in half diagonalll' to $i\'e
eight triangles.
."" f1l
r"" Fl I
| |otlr J7: x lfln Four-patch,.""ffl
i1-l t 3.7"-1 .t.ip.. Constrrrction
1 1 f O u r . r , / : l ht / . / C m ) S q U a r e s Half-sqrrere
Triengles.r.* E7-l
e u t i n h a l t c l i r g o n a l l vr o q i v e Repearthis frueess to meke Four-patch. r"" EJI
eight triangles. three more units.
Four-patch,."" EJI

N{arhthe midpoint
of one strip and the
long sides of tl'o
trian$,les rvith a small crease
Seu, a trian€,le to each side
of the strip, matching up the
NILr and match NIix and match NILr and match

crease marks, and then trim
the strip level l.ith the sides
of the triangles.


E e.ight Hopes [To-lEree Tlade El Cracker

-E E

Cut the following Cut the following

ft ef
@ Six zin (5cm) squares @ One 3%in (9.5cm) square
@ Five 2Xin (5.8cm) squares cut in halt' diagonall-vto give
cut in half diagonall;- to !,ive t\vo triangles.
ten triangles. @ Trvo 1% x 7'lin
@ I,'ive2%in (5.Scm) squares ( 1 1 . 8x 4 . 7 c m )s t r i p s .
Cut the followin$ B,|
Placethe next strip cut in half diagonall-vto give @ One 3%in (9.5cm) square

PnWPP*.il,\."ffi:'i:::i;' ten triangles. cut in half diafonalll'to {,ive

trvo triangles.

@ One 2%in (6.2cm) square. strip. Sel' in place. Construction @ One 1% x I'/"in
@ One 1'l x 2'lin Half-squareTriangles,r"" E7l (11.8 x .l.7cm) strip.
( 1 1 . 2x 6 . 2 c m )s t r i p Repeat this Four-patch,."" EJI

@ One 4V x2'/zin process to add Constmction

(11.2 x 6.2cm) strip the third strip. ."" F9l
@ O n e4 % x 2 % i n Diamond in the Square,see E
( 1 1 . 2x 6 . 2 c m )s t r i p Add the final strip

@ One 4'l x 2%in in the same \\,al',

(11.2 x 6.2cm) strip then serv the
remaining edgesof the first
and iinal strips to!,ether.
Iligning one end
of a strip with the

@ffircw ffihp.'.
edge of the square, MLx and match NILx and match NIix and match
se\\'together and press llat

B L O C K D I R E C T O R Y5 1

El Lucky Clover @ whirling E+l Jacks on Six

tr K K
:i .lii

Cut the following Cut the following

g.,- to @ff)
,l%in (10.;lcm) squares
@ Trvo @ Three 2%in (6.2cm) squares.
cut into quarters dia$onallv to @ Three 2;lin (7.2cn) squares
give eight triangles. c u t i n h a l t d i a g o n a l l vt o q i v c
@ Tl'o 4%in (10.'1cm) squares six trian$les.
cut into quarters diagonallv to @ Three 2tAin (7 .2am) squares
Cut the follou'ing Do not servinto the seant {,ive eight trianglcs. cut in half diagonallv to give
o @ffffi' allol.ances at the inner angles.
six trianSles.

l; Six 1%in (3.7cm) squares. Inset the small FourX, r"" E3 I Constrrrction
^ , r . T--r
r y D r x | , / _ r n( . 1 ./ c m ) s q u a r e s . squaresto complete lour-patch, see I rJ I Ilall'-square Triangles, .""
-l E7l
. F o u r 2 t / .x l t l i n ( 7 . 2 x . 1 . 7 c m ) each quarter of Nine-patch. ."" F1

strips; trim one end at a the block.
15-degree angle. Four-patch,."" flTl
Q l ' o u r 2 1 / sx 1 % i n ( 7 . 2 x 3 . 7 c m )
strips; trim one end at a
.15-degree angle.
Quicli tip
D Eighr 2'l x 7'lin (7.2 x 3.7cm) La1'out the pieces before
strips; trim one end at a ses'ingin order to ensure
-1S-degree angle. correct pizrcement.Steam can
help it this block does not la1'
ilat at first.
il - Ses'pairs
of NlLr and rnatch Mix and match NIix and match

rcffiKffilffi &


@ entique fd Barbara
l---l-l--l ^ r
| 4sI spoor
file Frietschie
tr tr E
tr K

the following Cut the following

@ One 2%in (6.2cm) square.

I E r y
,..,/F\ ...6\wff

@ Four 2%in (S.Bcm) squares


@ Four 1%in(3.7cm) squares. cut in half diagonall,vto give

@ l'our 2'l x l%in eight triangles.
(6.2 x 3.7cm) strips. @ Six 2%in (5.8cm) squarescur
@ Four 2%x L'lin in half diagonalll' to give tr.velve
Cut the following Construction (6.2 x 3.7cm) strips. triangles.
I A t . : : , . . . t h )
Serv trvcr @ Four 1%in (3.7cm) squares. @ Tr.vo2%in (S.Bcm) squares
I matching @ Four 2%x l%in cut in half diagonallv to give
@ One 2%in (6.2cm) square colored angled (6.2 x 3.7cm) strips. four triangles.
@ tno 7'/t x 2%in pieces to @ Trvo 2%in (S.Bcm) squares
(17.9 x 6.2cm) strips; opposite sides Constmction cut in half diagonall,v to give
trim each end at a of the square. Do not selv into Stripes,
."" F9l four triangles.
,l5-degreeangle. the seam allon'ances. Four-patch,
r"" F3'l @ TVo 2%in (5.8cm) squarescut
@ T"'o 7%x2%in Add the alternate colored Nine-patch,
r"" F1 I in half diagonally to give ibur
(17.9 x 6.2cm) strips; sections to the remaining sides triangles.
trim each end at a of the square. Do not serv
45-degreeangle. throu$h the seam allorvances Construction
and pivot at the corner points Half-square
Triangles,r"" E7]
(see page 111). Four-patch,.""Ei-l

Mix and rnatch match MLx and match

kw F

@ffi ffi ffi

B L o C K D I R E C T O I { Y5 3

@ Pight-pointed Star EqI noad to lsoI Grandmother's

Oklahoma Cross
m m
n H
tr K K

Cut the following Cut the follorving

XK I W'9:
( L yf o u r l r n ( l \ c mI s q u : r r c s , t y l e n l ' _ l n r . r . / c m )s q r r : r r e s .
, ^ / T

@ Four 2in (Scm) squares. @ T e n I l i n { J . 7 c m} r q u a r c s .

@ Trvo 2%in (5.Scm) squares @ Trvo2%in (5.8cm) squarcs
to Sive
cut in half diaS,onall1' cut in half diagonallv to givc
lbur triangles. ibur triangles.
Cut the follorving -l: lnsert the souares at @ Four 2in (5cm) squares. @ O n e , l % i n( 1 0 . 4 c m )s q u a r c
I :
- @ Trr.o2Xin (5.8cm) squarcs cut into qlrarters diagonalll'to
17 ''.\? " . . .' -
f.',, thc diamonds mcet, c u t i n h a l t ' c l i r g o n : r ltlov g i v e Sive ibur triangles.
$ Four Z'/nin(5.6cm) squares. serving from the inner angle of tbur triangles.
! One 3%in (9.3cm) square cut the diamonds out toward the Constrrrction
into quarters diaSonallyto give edges of the squares each time. Construction Four-patch,
."" EJ]
tbur triangles. Repeat to add the triangles, first Hali-squarcTrianfles.t.* | 27l Nloszric,
."" F+Zl
O Eight pieces using sewing the diamonds together Four-patch,."" l]J-l
template .18a. and thcn inserting the triangles.

1", Join the diamond
s h e p e si n t o p n i r s ,
making sure vott
do not seu. through the sean-r
zrllorvances at ezrch end.
IIix and match NILx and match N'Iix and match



E Xine-patch Fl Counterpane @ Virginia

Worm Fence
tr U tr
@ tr tr
@ @

Cut the following Cut the following

d \ t / l l l i \ ) w ( R )
s&e{ .
ffii..;:' Iltt-
@ Four 1%in(3.7cm) squares, @ Nine 2'l x L%in
@ One L'lin (II.2cm) square. (6.2 x 3.7cm) strips.

@ Four 1'/: x |1/zin @ Nine 2%x l%in

( 1 1 . 2x 3 . 7 c m ) s t r i p s . (6.2 x 3.7cm) strips.

Cut the following

K Add another
square [o
r"" Fll
r"" F9 I

@ nive 2%in (6.2cm) squares. ffiw each pair in

the same
."" Ft'l

@ Four 2%in (6.2cm) squares.

K rva.vso that
vou have
three rol,s of three squares
Quick tip
Sew long 1%in(3.7cm) wide
strips of alternate colored
Construction Join the rolvs. fabrics together betbre

rc La1' out the

nlne squares
cutting crossrviseinto
2%in (6.2cm) segments.

in the correct
order. Starting
ar rnc r,D rerr
Iffi ano \\'ortlng
dorvnrvard, chain piece
pairs of squares together
without cutting the thread
(see page 110). match N{ix and match MLx and match

3F# trtu
B L O C K D I R E C T O R Y5 5

I s+I SunriseSunset Esl trccentric lsoI Caroline's

Star Choice
n E tr
7 K K

Cut the following Cut the following

M*f ]:I::OWW
@ One 2%in (6.2cm) square. @ One 4%in (10.4cm) squarecut
@ Four 2'Ain (7 .2cm) squares into quarters diagonalll' to give
cut in half diagonall-vto give lbur triangles.
eight triangles. @ One 4%in (1,O.4cm)square cut
@ Four 27,Ain (7.2cm) squares into quarters diagonally to give
Cut the following Repeat to add cut in half diagonall-vto give four trianf,les.

W;*Mf the next ring.

There is no
eight triangles

@ Four 2%in (S.Bcm) squares
cut in half diagonally to give
Q One piece usinS template 54a. need to snip eight triangles.
@ One piece using template 54b. the curved seam allorvances. Half-squareTriangles,."" E7] @ Four 2%in (5.8cm) squares
@ One piece using template 54c. Add the final curved piece in Nine-patch,."" [-tfl cut in half diagonalll- to give
@ One piece using template 54d. the same rvay. eight triangles.

Quick tip Construction

Construction Add an extra%in (6mm) seam Ilalf-square
r"" E7l
i Start sith the quarter allowance to the outer straight _trour]|, see I bJ I
circle section and atld edgesof piece 54d and trim to Four-patch,.""E3 I
the first ring. Xlark ijt rvhen sewn in place.
the center of the adioining
edges lvith a small crease and
pin together at this pcint. Pin
the rest of the curved edges

together and then sel. the seam, NIix and match MLr and match MLx and match
easing the curve into place.

E Cnps and Saucers I ssI Indiana F-l Carrie

m st{,e*
a Puzzle Nation Quilt

h,l* *
, *
m H
n tr
n @

Cut the follon'ing Cut the follorving

w tot offfip
@ tlvo pieces using template 58a O Eight 1%in(3.1cm) squares.
@ tlr'o pieces using template 5flb @ oignt 1%in(3.1cm) squares.
@ Trvo pieces usin!, template 58a @ Four 2in (5cm) squares.
@ Tt'o pieces using template 58b @ Four 2in (5cm) squares.
, A , i
(9) r our lrn ( i\cm I squeres.
Cut the following Construction
@fi,'Mf G) Drunkard's Path, see [12]l Construction
M Four-patch,."" ff-l Four-patch,."" FJ-l
@ Four 2'l x |'/:in triangles; ;-ou need one of them
( 6 . 2 x 3 . 7 c m )s t r i p s . t f o u r I 7 _ r n{ . 1 ./ c m I s q u a r e s .

@ Tr.o 2'lin (7.2cm) squares @ One 2'/"in

(7.2cm) square cut

cut in half diagonalll' to give in half diagonally to give tl'o

four triangles. need one of them
@ Four 2%x |'lin @ One 2%in (6.2cm) square.
(6.2 x 3.7cm) strips.

@ Four l'lin (3.7cm) squares. Construction

@ One 2t/"in(7.2cm) square cut Ilalf-squareTriangles,."" E7l
in half diagonall,v to give trvo F a s tG e e s e , . " "E 3 + l
triangles; 1'ou need one of them. Nine-patch,.""Ft I
( 9 ) l ' o u r I / : l t l( J . / c m ) S q t l a r e s .
, A F

@ One 2'Ain (7.2cm) square cut

in half diagonalll'to give tu.o
triangles; ;-ou need one oi them. Mi-r and match lli-r and match NIix and match
@ Four l%in (3.7cm) squares.
@ One 2lAin (7 .2cm) square cut
in half diagonally' to give tr.o ffiffi&ffiffiffiffi

EoI HourglassI El Four X El spider

K tr tr
, '**.,:..:.*!ti',
** i**'' *
id* .d> .d*
;,;at" sr' i*l {
L ** a* *d* Cut the following Cut the following
il** rt
fri.*&,.'i*S.,,.!t4i rTt ..r'il .'*"1r-)
.** ..{{.: nqisp:4$ e* .
{ ' r { E r * + + 4
-*-* .r dl I ;..t:. IHqir*
t : : * s # F + . { F *
l}-:P t -i +D @ One 2'/.in (6.2cm) square. [, l'rve .'/,tn I I .Zcm ] squares
a) sl
Af t: {-
++ .F ax rl
@ tr.o 3%in (8cm) squarescut cut in half diagonalll' to give
$* + s +t';a
a,.--. -
a* {' dl {3 *
into quarters diagonall-vto give t e n t r i a n g l e s :r ' o u n e e d n i n e
.^ - _ ._*
eight triangles. of them.
, ^ ^r\\'oz,/'tnI t .zcm, squares
(J) A ^ r
(!, r nree z /.tn I t.tcm, squares
Cut the following One 4%in (12cm) square cut cut in halt diagonall;-to give cut in half diagonallv to give

in half diagonalll' to give tx,o four triangles. six triangles.
ft,o triangles; 1'ou need one of them. @ 1\o 3%in (Scm) squarescut @ Tr,vo2'/"in (7.2cm) squares
! One 2'/,in (6.2crn) square. into quarters diagonally to give cut in half diagonalll' to give

! One 2%in (7.2cm) square eight triangles. lbur trian!,les; 1'ou need three
cut in half diagonalh: to give Construction @ Trvo 2'Ain (7 .2cm) squares of them.
trr,o trianla]es. Join the square cut in half diagonall.v to give
@ One 2%in (7.2cm) square and small for"rrtriangles.
cut in half diagonalll' to give tnangles lnto Construction
trvo trian$les. \ units of three, Construction Half-sqr-rare
."" E7l
Q One 2%in (7.2cm) square then serv together to create Half-squareTriangles,."" E7] Nine-patch, r"" Ft l
cut in half dia$onalll'to f,ive the center diagonalsection. FourX, ."" F3 I
t\\'o triangles. Add the trvo large triangles Nine-patch,.""Fl I
! One 2%in (7.2cm) square to either side.
cut in half diagonalll' to give
trvo triangles.
@ One 1'lin (I2cm') square cut
in half diagonall,v to give trvo NILx and match MLr and match MLx and match
triangles; 1'ou need one of them.



| 63ll'our )( @ UourglassII Eil Home

n Queen

K tr tr

Cut the following Cut the following

-'n......./'D'\ /6\
dA) rdB)d(l ) t:;
lSrH El::'::::Y

@ One 2%in (6.2cm) square. @ 1\vo 2%in (6.2cm) squares.

A ^
((y IWOZ,/\tnI LZCfl) Squares
, ^ ? T

! y u n e t ^ l n I t . z c r n ,s q u a r e
cut in halt diagonalll'ro give cut in half diafonalll'to give
two triangles. four triangles.
@ lko 2%in (6.2cm) squares. !y )rx l 7:rn(J. /cfi ) squares.
Cut the following Repeat to make @ One 2%in (7.2cm) square @ Tno 2'lin (7.Zcm) squares
a second pair cut in half diagonally to give cut in half diagonallvro give
tl::ilillrlll: of triangles. two triangles. four triangles.
Qyune /) rn II/.vcm) square Join the t\vo sections togetheq @ Four 2%ir (6.2cm) squares. @ Six t'Zin (3.7cm) squares.
cut into quarters dia$onall,v to making sure the center points
Sive four triangles; you need are sharp. Construction Construction
tr,r,oof them. Half-square r"" I 27l
Triangles, Four-patch,."" F5-l
@ One 7%in(l7.9cm) square Quick tip Nine-patch,r"" Fll Hal1'-square
Triangles,."" E7l
cut into quarters diagonally to For more accurate piecin$ lvhen Nine-patch,."" F1 I
give four triangles; you need sewing triangles, see page 113.
two of them.

!" Ses'apair of

.cw# +ffir& ffiffi

/ trianp,les
along their short sides. MLx and match MLx and match Mix and match
B L O C K D I R E C T O R Y5 9

lZoI Double Monkey Wrench E7l Eccentric rcsI OoubleX

Star Variation
K tr E

Cut the following Cut the following

ffw @ c.,@fM
@ One 2%in(6.2cm) square. @ Three 21Ain(7.2cm) squares
@ 1\o 2-lin 17.2cm)squares cut in half diagonally to give
cut in half diagonalll' to give six triangles.
tbur triangles. @ Three 2'lin (7.2cm) squares
@ Trvo 21/oit(7.2cm) squares c u t i n h a l f d i a g o n a l l vt o g i v e
Cut the follorving Constrrrction cut in half diagonally to give six trian6iles.
ed D Half-square Triangles, see t;-l
L-:J-J four trianples. @ Two 2',4in(7.2cm) squares
Stripes,."" F9 I @ Four 21Ain(7.2cm) squares cut in half diagonally to give

! Tu,o 2'/,in (7.2cm) squares Nine-patch,."" Ft I cut in half dia$,onall-vto give tbur trianSles;you need three
cut in half diagonall1.to give eight triangles. of them.
tour triangles. @ Three 2'/"in (7.2cm) squares
! One 2%in (6.2crn')square. Construction cut in half diagonall-vto give

! F o u r2 V x | ' l i n Half-squareTriangles.."" I 27] four triangles; you need three

(6.2 x 3.7cm) strips. Nine-patch,."" Ft I of them.
@ Trvo 2'lin (7 .2cm')squares
uut in hali clia!,onallvto give Construction
t'our triangles. Half-square Triangles, ."" E7]
@ Four 2'l x 7%in Nine-patch,."" Ft I
(6.2 x 3.7cm) strips.

NILx and match Mix and match Mix and match


@ Kaleidoscope I zoI Impro\red Ff New

Four-patch Album
n E E

Cut the following Cut the follorving
d o @

Q Four 1%in(3.7crn)squarcs. @ One 3ir.r(7.6cm) scluarc.

@ Four 1%in(3.7cm) sqlrarcs. @ l'-our x l Zin
A m

!L_) l\\'o
j .lr'l l{}..1!.ml sqttilfes. ( 1 0 . 2x . l . 2 c m )s t r i p s .
@ 1n'o 3lin (c).Scm)squares @ Four lZin (-l.2cm)squares.
v q,ire
c t r t i n l r r r l tc l i a g u r r e ltl o @'lo'n 2Xin (6.5cm) squares
Cut the follorving Constrrrction tour triangles. cut in half diagonalll' to give
qra'F(' l\TidLr
t'our triangles.
I ."" FEJI Construction
@ Fourpiecesusingtemplate6t)zr. Fold the center Four-patch.."" [tJl Construction
@ liour piecesusingtemplate69a. unit in hzrli along Diamonciin the Square,r"" F6l Diamoncl in the Square. r"" F6 I
@ Tr,o 2%1n(6.5cm)squares both diagonals ancl marh the Nir.re-patcl.r,
."" I sil
cut in hali diagonalll' to give edges ri'ith a small crezrse. Fo1c1
four triangles. each triangle in half and r-r-rark
the uenter ol thc lun{, etlqes
rvith a small crcase. Seq' .
trianglc to cach corner ot the
block, aligning the creases.

match lli-r and match

B L O C K D I R E C T O R Y6 1

3l Arrowhead E tUonastery @ wndmill


Cut the following Cut the following

-,\l - Hl wr('l d.\)-B)
!&hJ E
@ f*'o 2%in (6.5cm) squares. O Eighr 2in (5cm) squares.
Cut the following Construction @ Four l'%in (4.2cm) squares. @ Four 2%in (S.Bcm) squares
lt Join rhe srrips @ Four 2%in (S.Bcm) squares cut in half diagonalll' to give
TTI in pairs to create cut in half diagonall"vto give eight triangles.
! Four 4 x l%in (10 x 3.7cm) a notllt at tne eiSht triangles. @ Four 2%in (S.Bcm) squares
strips; trim one end at a K andledends. @ Trvo 3%in (B.7cm) squares. cut in half diagonally to give
-1S-degree angle, matching the eight rriangles.
direction of the anglesto the Serv the four-patch Constmction
tinished block. unit (seeblock 13). Diamondin the Square,."" F6l Construction
) l\\'o I /:ll-l (J. /ClTl ) Squares. Snowball,."" l-1 I Ilalf-square
."" E7l
! One 4%in (10.4cm) square Join a pair of Four-patch,.""F3l Four-patch,."" F3l
cut into quarters diagonalll'; strips to opposite

1'ou need tlvo of them. sides of the

@ Four I x L%in(10 x 3.7cm) four-patch unit.

strips; trim one end at a
.15-degreeangle, matching lQf Join a trianAle to
the direction of the angles . I uPPUs'r!
1 . 5
ro rhe finished block. l, ! the remaininF
@ 1\"o 1%in (3.7cm) squares. pairs ofstrips

@ One 4%in (10.4cm) square Serv the three sections together.

cut into quarters diagonall-v;
vou need trvo of them.
XIi-r and match N{Lx and match and match

GffiffiTW&ffi sffi


@ lutchman's Puzzle @ ntockade F7l Calico


Cut the following Cut the following

n :- jtg
-: .:.!e#
an .fil;"(-
ffi ,' .:3i€

O Six 2%in (5.Scm)squares @ One 2%in (6.2cm) square.

Cut the following

lonA sicles
cut in half diagonalll-to give
@ nive 2%in (5.Scm) squares
@ tho 2',1'in(7.2cm) squares
cut in half diagonall,vto give
four triang,les.

@ Oiglt 2Xin (S.Bcm) squares ^&" of t*r, cut in half diagonall"vto Sive @ Trvo 2'/"in (7.2cm) squares
cut in half diaponally to give small triangles to the two short ten triangles. cut in half diaSonallyto Sive
sixteen triangles. sides of each larpe triangle. @ One 2%in (S.Bcm)square lbur triangles.
,l%in (10.4cm) square cut in half diagonalll-to give @ Four 2%in (6.2cm) squares.
@ One
cut into quarters diagonall-vto two triangles.
give four triangles; you need ^-.& @ One
'l%in (10.4cm) square
trvo of them. "G" roqether. cut into quarters diagonalll' Construction
@ One 4%in (10.4cm) square checkinf the color placement to give lbur trian$les. Half'-square Triangles, ."" E7l
, f-;:-
cut into quarters diaponally to 1\rne-patcn, see L!!l
give four triangles; ,vou need Join the
trvo of them. pieced Construction
@ One 4%in (10.'1cm)square squares Dutchman's Pttzzle,t"" Fil
cut into quarters diagonallv to into pairs, rotating them to Half-squareTriangles.r.. [27-l
$ive four triangles; .vou need form the pattern. Four-patch.."" E3'l
trvo of them. Join the two ro\\'s to complete

@ One 4%in (l0.4cm) square the block.

cut into quarters diaSonallyto
give tbur triangles;you need
trvo of thern. MLx and match MLx and match match

ffi ffiEEbffi
B I , O C K I ) I R I ' C T C - } R Y6 3

@ Flying Squares Variation @ tur Roosevelt'sNecktie

m B
tr K

Cut the followin$ Cut the follorving Constrrrction

,rgff @@wwffif 'HJ E6pS9
-:ii";m s',i:
IIalf-square Triangles, see | . t I
Four-patch,."" E5l
! One 1%in(4.2cm)square. Constmction O Eight 2in (5cm) squares.
@ Tlvo 17iin (.l.2cm) squares. Serv a square to the end @ One 2%in (5.8cm) square
@ Tu.o 1%in (.l.2cm) squares. of each short strip in the c u r i n h a l i e l i a g o n a l ht o' g i v c

@ One 2'l x 1%in correct color combinations two triangles.

(7.2 x 4.2cm) strip.
@ One 2t/sx I%in
(7.2 x i\.2cm) strip.
@ O n e 2 %x 7 % i n
.|ryKK @ 1wo 2in (5cm) squares.
@ Trvo 2%in (5.flcm) squares
c u t i n h a l t d i u g o n a l l vr o g i v e
four triangles; 1'ou need three
(7.2 x ,l.2cm) strip. Join pairs of pieced units ancl of them.

@ One 2'/ox I%in long strips to$ether. @ Trvo 2in (5cm) squares.
(7.2 x .1.2cm)strip. Bright Hopes, ,"" F9 I @ Trr.o2Xin (5.8cm) squares
@ Tno l%xl%in cut in half diagonalll'to give
(10.2 x ,l.2cm) strips. tbur trian[les; 1'ou need three

@ Trvo 1'A x 1%in of them.

(10.2 x 4.2cm) strips. Nlix match NILx and match

6 4 t s L O C KD I R E C T O R Y

@ Diagonal Stripe Fr I Stepsto @ sqnares

the Ntar and stripe
n E tr
K tr

Cut the following Cut the followinA

rI c @ o @ f @
@ Six 1%in(3.7cm) squares. @ One 2in (Scm) square
@ One 2%in (7.2cm) square @ Four 2in (5cm) squares.
cut in half diagonalll' to give @ One 2in (5cm) square.
trvo tri:rngles. @ One2in (5cm)square.
@ Six 1%in(3.7cm) squares. @ One 2in {.Scm ) squilre.
Cut the following @ Tlrree 2'/"in (7 .2cm) sqlrares @ One 61/ x 3'lin

# , @ cut in half diagonalll'to Sive

six triangles.
(16.2 x 8.7cm) strip.

@ One 3%in (B.3cm) squarecut in @ 1\o 2t/,in (7.2cm) squares
half diagonally to give two trian$es cut in half diagonallv to give Four-patch,."" E3 I
@ One piece using template 80a. tbur trianSles.
x I%in (17 x 3.7cm)
@ Trvo67/s
strips; trim both ends at a Construction
45-degreeangle. Half-squareTriangles,."" F7l
Four-patch,r"" FJ-l
' T-::-
-Nrne-patcn, see Ljll

Join each strip to a
triangle, matchin$
the center points.
Join the triangle
sections to opposite sides of the
MLx and match and match NIix and match

wsffi $F ffi
template piece, matching the
center points.
B L O C K D I R E C T O R Y5 5

lTr I Bonnie Scotsman lT+I Double lTFlUneven

Hourglass Stripes
tr tr E
K tr

Cut the following Cut the following



@ Four 2'lin (6.2cm) squares.

@ One 6V x 2tAin
@ One 2'lin (6.2cm) square. (16.2 x 7.2cm) strip.
,A /T
(bl lwo z/,tn I Lzcm) squares @ One 6% x I%in
cut in half diagonallv to give (16.2 x ,1.2cm)strip.
ibur trianf,les. @ Two 6'l x l%in
Cut the following Join the 2%in (7 .2cm) squares
@ Trv<-r (L6.2 x 4.2cm) strips.

remaining short cut in half diagonalll' to give
E::ititii:::::I strip (rvithout a four triangles. Construction
@ Trvo 2in (5cm) squares. squarc) to the lar$e square Stripes,
."" F9l
$ One 3%in (B.7cm)square Construction
@ Ttvo 3'/zx 2in I{alf-square Triangles, ."" E7l
(8.7 x 5cm) strips. Add the matching Nine-patch,."" Fl I
,A(,^ r\\'o f, x zln short strip \\.ith
(12..1x Scm) strips. lts square.
Add the
remaining pieces in the same
Construction rval' to complete the block.

.Ioin a small square to one of

the short strips.

NIi-r and match Mix and match MLr and match

Repeat this process \vith one

of the longer strips. ffiFFWr
66 B I , O C KD I R E C T O R Y


@ Oiamond in the Square E HourglassIII @ Snoofly



Cut the following Cut the following

Sfff @f
@ One 2%in (6.2cm) square. @ One 1%in (.l.2cm) square.
((y f wo Z'/.rnI l.Zcm ) squares @ Tr.vo3%in (Bcm) squares
cut in half diagonalll'ro give cut in half diagonallv to give
lbur triangles. four triangles.
@ One 3%in (Scm) square cut @ Four 27Ax l%in
Cut the following Repeat this into quarters diagonally to give (7.2 x 4.2cm) strips.

f#P process to add

another triangle
four triangles.
@Two 4%xllin
@ ttvo 3%in (Bcm) squares
cut in half diagonallv to give
@ One 4%in (11.Scm)square on the opposite ( 1 1 . 2x 3 . 7 c m ) s t r i p s . four triangles.
@ trvo 3%in (9.5cm) squares side of the square. @ ftvo 6'l x l%rn
cut in half diagonally to give Add the last tlvo triangles to (76.2 x 3.7cm) strips. Construction
four triangles. complete the block. Hali'-squareTriangles,."" lT7l
Constrrrction Nine-patch, r"" Fl l
Construction Diamond in the Square,."" F6l
the middle Courthouse Steps,see E95l
-t?: .rr...lror. r.ith

a small crease.
Do the same on the long side
of each triang,le. Lav a triangle
onto one side of the square
rvith creases matchin6i and

right sides together. Seu' Mi-x and match MLx and rnatch Mix and match
and then press open.
"ilbH re@l@ffi#w

EqI Greek Cross FoI Grandma's I qt I Steeplechase

u Favorite

K m
n n
n n
Cut the follorving Cut the following
'gf "f
@ Trvo 5'A x l"lln @ Four piecesusing template 91a.
(13.1 x .1.2cm)strips. @ Trvopiecesusing template 91b.
@ One piece using template 90a. @ Four piecesusing template 91a.
@ One l%in (1.2cm) square. @ Tu,opiecesusing template 91b.
@ One piecc using template 90b
Cut the following Constrrrction @ One piece using ternplate 90c. Construction
-*rat (g) Serv a small strip to the Drunkard's Path, see F22l
.t: v
end of each long strrp. Constrrrction Four-patch. ."" EI
]) Tu'o S%in (ticm) squares F r* Drunkard's Path, see [221
cut in hali diagonall-vto give Four-patch,."" EJI
iour triangles. ..:],:i::.i:d IIalt-square Triangles.
! Four I% x I'lin # "'Eil
( - 1 . 2x 3 . 1 c m ) s t r i p s . -'r't\JJ-.
! Two 3%in (Scm) squares Nine-patch, r"" Fl
c u t i n h a l t d i u g o n a l ht'o g i i ' e
t'our triangles.
! Four 2% x 7%in
(.5.4x 4.2cm) strips.

! One l%in (1.2cm) squarc.

NIix and rnatch NILx and match NIix and match

ffi3FffiffiE +l'
6 8 B L O C KD I R E C T O R Y

@ Diagonal Four-patch Chain F+I Roman E ohio Star

K m E
@ tr K

Cut the following Cut the following

iA) .{B)

r{r!ffi I :t:::3:,::

@ Five 2'l x l'Ain @ Four 2in (5cm) squares.

(6.2 x 2.9cm) strips. @ One 4%in (IO.4cm) square
@ Five 2% x l%in cut into quarters diagonally'to
(6.2 x 2.9cm) strips. give fbur trianSles.

@ Five 2% x |'/tin @ Ttvo 2%in (5.8cm) squares

Cut the follorving
*7 &!$7r;/
El sickle (6.2 x 2.9cm) strips.
@ Four 21/tx |'/sin
cut in half diagonall.v to give
four triangles.
n:sxlt I (6.2 x 2.9cm) strips. @ Four 2%in (5.Scm)squarcs
@ One 3%in (9.5cm) square @ F o u r2 % x ! % i n cut in half diagonall-vto give
cut in hali'diagonallv to Sive
trvo trian{,les.
E (6.2 x 2.9cm) strips.
@ Four 2'/: x |'/sin
eight triangles.
@ One 2%in (6.5cm) square.
@ One 3%in (9.5cm) square
cut in half diagonalll' to give K (6.2 x 2.9cm) strips.
trvo trianSles. Constrrrction Diamonclin the Square,."" F6l
@ I"our 2in (5cm) squares.
@ Stripes,r"" F9-l Dutchman'sPtzz\e,."" FFI
@ Four 2in (5cm) squares. Nine-patch,."" F1 I Nine-patch,."" F1l

Triangles,."" E7l Cut the following
and Mtx and match NIi-r and match NILx and match

mw&ffiffi wffiGffiffitu
B I - O C KD I R E C T O R \ -6 9

To-lClassic Curves @ Anvil @ nulding

I m m
7 tr tr

Cut the following Cut the follorving

@M)cf -
\ J - d R )

@ One 3%in (9.5cm) square @ Sixteen 7'lin (2.9cm) squares
cut in half diagonally to give O Eight 2'lx7%in
tu.o trian$les. (6.2 x 2.9cm) strips.
@ One 3%in (9.5cm) square @ One 2%in (6.2cm) square.
cut in half diagonalll-to give @ Tt'entv TtAin(2.9cm) squares
Cut the following two triangles. @ Four 2%x l%in

+ *l
* 1 /A *...G -^ O @ 1\o 2in (5cm) squares.

[ , r \ \ ' oz r n ( r c m ) s q u a r e s .
(6.2 x 2.9cm) strips.

! One piece using template 96a. @ Trvo 2%in (5.Bcm) sqlrares Construction
! One piece using template 96b. cut in half diaSonally to give Stripes,
r"" F9l
Q One piece using template 96b. four triangles. Nine-patch. r"" F1 I
ii) One piece usin!, template 96b. @ Tl.o 2%in (5.Scm) squares
t,)One piece using template 96c. cut in half diagonalll' to give
four triangles.

Constrrrction Construction
Join the template IIalf-square Triangles,."" E7]
9(;b sections Four-patch.."" [].Jl

L)runkard'sPath, sec [221

llix and match NILx and match NILx and
,:F jj_


FqI Stripes [ioo]Sashed EollLong

F our-patch Checks

tr tr
Hre tr

Cut the following Cut the following

@*'} oM)
f ffi

@ Four 1% x 1,%in @ One 6%x 2%in

(11.2 x 3.7cm) strips. ( 1 6 . 2x 6 . 2 c m ) s t r i p .
@ ttvo 2%in (6.2cm) squarcs @ FiYe 21/:x 7%in
A ^
t r - r t, \ \ ' o l / _ l n( J . / c m ) s q u t l r e s (6.2 x il.2cm) strips.
@ trlo 2%in (6.2cm) squares @ Five 2'l x 1.%in
Cut the following Quick tip @'lho 1%in(3.7cm) squares (6.2 x 4.2cm) strips.

@ T*'o 6'l x 2in
If 1'ou are making several
blocks, cut longer strips, serv
them to5iether along their entire
."" E3l
Stripes,."" F9l
(76.2 x 5cm) strips. length, and then cut into 6%in Nine-patch,."" fSt-l
@ Trvo 6'l x 2in (16.2cm) sections.
(16.2 x 5cm) strips.

ng La1' the first tl.o strips
m right sides together and
XIX serv along one long edge
Open out and press.

Place the third strip

on top of the second,
right sides together
and q.ith outer edgeseven. N{Lr and match N{Lx and match l'Iix and match
Servand then press open.
Repeat to add the linal strip.
ffircTF Gl@iPFffi
B L O C K I ) I R E C T O R Y7 1

@ White House Steps @ fnree-patch Fo+lBox in

Quilt a Box
f tr ffi
K tr
Cut the follorving Cut the following
O , .' @ , ' O @
@ Four 2in (Scm) squares. (A) f\\'o 5Z X Ill:ll1 StrlpS

@ Four 2in (5cm) squares. (13.1x 3.7cm);trim both ends

@ Four 2%in (5.8cm) squares at a ,lS-degreeanf,le.

c u r i n h a l f d i a g o n a l l vt o { i v c @ Trvo 7%x l'lin (17.9 x 3.7cm)
eight triangles. strips; trim both ends at a
Cut the following @ One 6% x 1,Y"in @ Otl" 4%in (10.4cm) square ,l5-degreeangle.
(76.2 x 2.9cm) strip. cut into quarters diagonally to @ Trvo5'Ax 7%ln(13.1 x 3.7cm)
tr"t give lbur triangles. strips; trim both ends at a
()ne z'lin (6.2cm) square. Constrrrction ,l5-depree angle.
One 3%x 1%in LogCabin,r"" E59l Construction @ trvo 7%x 7'lin (17.9 x 3.7cm)
i 9 . 5 x 2 . 9 c m )s t r i p . Dutchman'sPrzzle,."" FFI strips; trim both ends at a
,. Tr,o'1%x 1%in Four-patch,r"" E5-l 45-degreeanfle.
r 1 1 . 2x 2 . 9 c m )s t r i p s . Nine-patch,."" Fl I @ One 2%in (6.2cm) square.
, One 5%x 1%in
r 1 2 . 9x 2 . 9 c m )s t r i p . Construction
' Stripes,."" F9 I
One 2% x ll'in
L ( r . 2x 2 . 9 c m )s t r i p . Spool,see | 4il
l\\'O.J/lX lTrlll

, 7.7 2.9"-; .t.lpr.

- "
One 3% x 1%in
t9.5 x 2.9cm) strip.
(lh€ J% X lnlfl

Mix and rnatch NILx and match Mix and match

, tZ.q 2.9cm) strip.
' "
Trlo 5%x 1%in
t 1:1.5x 2.9cm) strips.
7 2 B L O C I (D I R E C T O R Y

@ Flying x EGISimple @ Ctrain and

Flower Hourglass
K U m

Cut the following Cut the following Cut the following

@@W*ffW o*) - \ ) b e J R )
-I f fw
@ One 2%in(6.2cm square. @ One 3%in
(Scm) square @ One 3%in (8.7cm) square. @ Three 3%in (Scm) squaresclrt
@ One 3%in (Bcm) square cut cut into quarters diagonallv to @ One 3%in (9.5cm) square into quarters diagonalll'to give
into quarters diagonalll'to give give four triangles;1'ou need cut in half diagonall-vto give trvelvetriangles; )/ou need ten
t'our triangles. trvo oi them. t\\.o triangles. of them.
@ One 2%in (6.2cm) square. @ One 3%in (8cm) square @ One 3Zin (9.5cm) squarecut @ six 2%x 1%in
@ One 3%in (8cm) square cut into quarters diagonall--vto to give two
in half diagonall--v (6.2 x 2.9cm) strips.
cut into quarters diagonally to give four triangles; you neecl triangles; 1'ou need one of them @ Three 3%in (8cm) squarescut
$ive four triangles; 1'ou need tu'o of them. @ One 6'lx3'lin (17 x 8.7cn) into quarters diagonalll' to gil'e
two of them. @ One 3%in (Scm) square strip; trim one end at a twelve triangles; you need ten
@ One 2%in(6.2cm) square. cut into quarters diagonalll'to of them.
@ Clne 3%in (Scm) square gir.e ibur triangles; 1'ou need @ Stx 2%x 1%in
cut into quarters diagonally to trvo oi them. Construction (6.2 x 2.9cm) strips.
giYe four triangles; 1'ou need @ One 3%in (8cm) square Halt'-squareTriangles,r"" E7]
trvo of them. cut into quarters dia$onalll' to Iour-patcn, see I rJ I Constmction
@ One 2%in(6.2cm) square. $ive four triangles; 1'ou need FourX, ."" F3 I
@ One 3%in (8cm) square trvo oi them. ."" F9l
cut into quarters diagonalll-to Nine-patch,."" Fll
give four triangles; 1'ou need Construction
trvo of them. FourX,."" lZ3I
@ One 3%in (Bcm) square Nine-patch,r"" Fll
cut into quarters dia!,onall1'to
$ive four triangles; 1'ou need
tlvo of them. NILx and match NILx and match NILx and match

wffiffiffi e !

lrl ffi
B L O C K D I R E C T O R Y7 3

FGICard Trick lroqlPropeller

m n

@ Tu.o 3%in (Scm) squares Cut the follorving Construction

cut into quarters dia$onallv to lj/ ffi/ TBv./ -."/ Join lbur pairs oi
five eight triangles; 1'ou need Iffiffi' E squares together.
! trvo 2%in (7 .2cm) squares six of them. @ Trvo 3%in (Scm) squares
cut in half diagonalll' to give cut in half diagonally to give
tbur triangles. Construction four triangles. Half-squareTriangles,
! Trvo 2'lin (7 .2cm) squares Halt'-squareTriangles,
."" E7] @ T\vo 3%in (8cm) squares . " "E z l
cut in half diagonalll' to give !'ourX, ."" FJ l cut in hall diagonalll'to givc
fbur triangles. Nine-patch,."" Ftl four triangles. Nine-patch,."" Ft I
@ Trvo 2'/"in (7.2cm) squares @ Five 1%in (4.2cm) squares.
cut in half diagonallv to give @ Four 1,%in(4.2cm) squares.
four triangles.
@ One SZin (ficm) square cut
into quarters diagonally to give
tour triangles.
@ One 3%in (Scm) square cut
into quarters diafonallv to 5iive
four trian$les;1'ou need \'Iix and match NIir and match

trvo of them. ZX\X X
\X^' X X
7 4 B L O C I KD I I T E C T O R Y


@ nira in the Air E ota ErzlSam's

Windmill Favorite
K tr E

Cut the following Cut the follorving

r..\, E5.)
Q 1wo 3%in (9.5cnt)squarcs @ One 3%in (8.3cm) square
cut in half diagonalll' to givc cut in half diagonalll' to give
four trizrn$les. trvo trian!,les.
-l%in(10..1cm)squarecut @ Trvo 5'/: x l%in
@ Onc
into quarters clia$onalll'to gir.e ( 1 3 . 7x 3 . 7 c m ) s t r i p s .
Cut the following . ,. ' l: . ,\dd thc remaining lbur trianf,les. @ One 3in (7.6crn)squarc.
@ : :t ,.. "-:: small trizrnglcs to @ One .l%in(10.4cm)squarccut @ Clne1%in(3.7cm) square.
, thc sides. into quarters dia!,onall1'to give @ One 5%in (1.1.5cm)squarecut
tbur triangles. in haif dia!,onall)'to give two
@ Tr,o 3%in (9.5cm) squares
cut in half diagonalll' to $ive \Vith the pieced unit on top, triangles; r.ou neeclonc of them.
four trian$lcs;1'ou need thrce se\v the piececl and larSe Construction
of them. trianglcs together, adjusting the FourX. r"" F3 I Constrrrction
@ One 3%in (9.5cm) squarecut searn allou.ance it'necessarv to Ilalf-srluare Trianlles, ."" F7l Bird in the Air. ."" EtOl
in half diagonall)' to give t\Yo create a good point at the center Four-patch, r"" EJ-l Itour-patch. r"" EJ-l
triangles;1'ou need one of them. of the block.

@ One 6%in (17cm) squarecut

in l'ralf diagonalll' to give two
triangles;-vouneed one oi them.

:,;:.;i1:1. JOitr a pair alternate
,,.'....,.. colored small
trianf,les together to NILr and match NILx and match MLx and match
mal<e a half-square triangle unit
(see bloch 2T).
il€ kffiruffiN@l&ff

FrrlFour Squares @ ntock of E Tl.*as Star

m Geese

tr m tr
@ K K

Cut the following Cut the following

€ff, @1l ::*J *
@ One 3%in (9.5cm) sqr @ Two 3%in (Scm) squares
cut in halfai.g"""ily ,otllu"" cut into quarters diagonallv
t\vo triangles. to give eight triangles.
@ One 3',(in (9.5cm) square @ One 2%in (6.2cm) square.
cut in half diagonally to Sive @ Trvo 3%in (Bcm) squarcs
Cut the followinA trvo triangles. cut into quarters diagonally
@ Four 2Xin (5.Bcm) squares to give eight triangles.
cut in half diafonally to give @ Four 2'lin (6.2cm) squares
! Eight l%in (3.1cm) squares. eight trian$les.

! Trvelve1%in (3.lcm) squares. @ F'our 2%in (5.Scm) squares Construction

Q Four l%in (3.1cm) squares. cut in half diaSonall,v to give FourX, r"" EJ I
. Tso 2in 15cm)squarcs. eight triangles. Nine-patch,r"" Fl I
i | F o u r2 x t % i n
1 . 5x 3 . l c m ) s t r i p s . Constrrrction
) T r r o 2 i n ( 5 c n r) s q r r a r e s . Ilalf-square Triangles, ."" E7]
i) Trvo 2in (5cm) squares. Four-patch, r"" ffl
I lOUr I X I'/+ll1

(5 x 3.lcm) strips.

E3 I
\ine-patch, r"" Fll

NIix and match N{Lr and match Mix and match
7 6 B I , O C ] KI ) I R E C ] T O R l

Fd Grandmother's Choice Variation @ nitty Corner Frsl Around

u the Bend


Cut the follorving Cut the follorving

v G
j !-
v o# o;9
Q One 2'lin (6.2am) squarc. Tl'o 3%x lZin
Q Four 2'l x l'lin ( 1 1 . x7 3 . 7 c m ) s t r i p s .
((r.2.r 3.7cm) stril-rs. @ Trvo 31/:x 1'lin
@ Trro llin (-l.7cnt)squares ( 8 . 7 x 3 . 7 c m )s t r i p s .
e u r i n l r : r l fr l i r r g o r t r r lt lur q i r t . @ trvo 3'/. x TZirt
Cut the follorving fbur trianglcs. (8.7 x 3.7cm) stri1rs.
oil) oI, @
2'l x l'ht't
(6.2 x 3.7cm) stri1"rs.
@ tr'o SZin (8.7cm) sqlrares

,I ^ -f o u r Construction
@ Trvo 1/. x 2'lin t ' : i l 1t l . / c n l t s(lu;trcs,
( 1 1 . 2x 6 . 2 c m )s t r i p s . @ nvc, 2t/:x l|/:in Stripes,
."" Fl
@ trvo 2'lin (7.2cm) sqlrarcs ( 6 . 2 x 3 . 7 c m )s t r i p s . t oLlr-l)lttcll. sec LllJ
c u r i r r h a l t c l i r { o r r r l l vr o q i v e O Si-\ llin (-1.7cm)squales
four triangles. c r r ri r r l r r r l lc l i ; r g u r r ; rrl lovq i r u
l\'o 2/in (i.2cm) squares t\\'elvc triangles.
c u t i u h e l i c l i : r { o n : r l lrvo q i v e
tour trian$lcs. Constrt"ction
@ Onc 2Yin ((t.2cm)square. Diamonclir-rthe Sqr-rare.
r"" |T6.'l
."" F9 I
Constmction -\rne-plltull, scc L!:! l
Ilalf-square Triangles,r"" I 27]
l'ol-1l'-plttcl-I. see L l! J

NIix and match \ILx and match NIix and match

B L O C K D I R E C T O R Y7 7

@ Mitered Corner lrzolSummer @ nn*'s Patch

K tr E
tr K tr

Cut the following Cut the following

- -::::'':-
@ One 7'/'in (l7.9cm) square
O T^'" 3'l x 2in
cut into quarters diagonall,v to (8.7 x 5cm) strips.
give tbur triangles; you need @ Trvo 2in (5cm) squares.
one of them. @ tu,o 2in (5cm) squares.
@ One 7%in (.77.9cm)square @ Tivo 3%in (B.7cm) squares.
Cut the following right sides together, so that cut into quarters diagonalll' to

ffOne 3%in (B.7cm)square.

the anSled edges of the strips
meet. Starting at the exact
position l.here you stopped
give four triangles; you need
one of them.
r"" f13l
! @ One 6%in (17cm) square
@ Trvo 6'Ax 3%in (17 x 8.7cm) serving previousll', join the cut in half diagonally to give two
strips; trim one end at a remaining seam (see page 113). triangles; you need one of them.

Quicli tip Construction

If your fabric is directional, FourX, ."" Ft.l
Construction check heforeyou trim the Half-squareTriangles,
."" E7l
Serv one angled anglesto ensure that the fabric
strip to the pattern rvill meet in the desired
square, stopping way at the mitered corner.
%in (6mm)
trom the edge of the square
at the inner an$le.
Servthe remaining strip to
the adjacent side of the square Mix and match and match MLx and match
in the same rvay, a$ain stopping
%in (6mm) from the edge.Fold
the square in half diagonallv, bFm


lrn lDrunkard'sPath @ Cotton Reel @ t iungles

tr H

Cut the following Cut the following

sd A) rd lt)
h/ r|rk
A ^
!:y l\YO .r/_ln (6. /CmJ Squares. @ Six 2%in (5.Scm)squares
@ One 3%in (9.5cm) square cut in half diagonally to give
cut in hali diagonalll' to Sive tu.elve trianfles.
trvo triang,les. @ One 6%in x2in
@ One 3%in (9.5cm) square (16.2 x 5cm) strip.
Cut the follorving Open out the pieces and, rvith cut in half diagonallv to give @ S* z%in (5.8cm) squares

t:,pre c u r v e c l e t j r . l e sa l i q n e d a n d p i e c e
122a on top, match and pin the
trvo trianSles.

cut in half diagonall,vto give
t\\.eh'e triangles.
@ One piece using midpoint creases. Pin the trvo
template I22a. side edges to stop them iiom Half'-squareTriangles,."" E7l Constrrrction
@ One piece using distorting. Slorvlv serv the Four-patch, ."" [n-.] Half-square Triangles, I 27l
tcmplate 122b. seam, removing the pins as S t r i p e s , . " "F 9 l
_youcome to thcm. Do not
Construction clip the seam allorvance.

Fold each piece in half and

mark the ccntcr points oi
the curr.ed edges \\'ith a
small crease. Mix and match MLx and match Mix and match

ffiffiw #ffircffi
BLOCIi I)II{],-.

[zJ Memorv Ed Buzzard's @ wae

m Stripe

r *\
;' ur r- *l ..

Cut the follorving Cut the follo*,ing

::iP",9W* .i$?f
Q 1\,o 2Xin (5.Scm)squares @ One 6lin x l1lin
@i.,:::e.:. {6r. * cr-rtin half cliagonallvto give (16.2x 11.2cm)strip.
.ilF , .:* ..i,q,
si. ' € l lbur triangles. @ Clne6'l x 2'lin
@ Trvo 3'l x 2it't ( 1 6 . 2x 6 . 2 c m )s t r i p .
(f3.7x .5cm)strips.
Cut the follorving Construction @ For.rr2in (5cm) scluarcs. Constrr ction
tJ)''€ , T-::-
I lutcnm:]n S ftlzzlc. \ce I r:! I

TrianSles.r"" | 27l
@ O n e J % i n ( 8 . 7 c m )s q u a r e . Stripes,
."" F9l
@ 1r'o 3'l x 2in
@ One 2%in (6.2am) square. l'our-patch,r"" ftTl (8.7 x 5cm) strips.
( . 1 ,l \ \ 0 j / . r n l J . : u n l l s q u : l r c s
, ^ | T

@ Four llin (4.7cm) squares i\ine-l)atch, sec l tLLl

e t r t i r r l r e l i t l i : r { o n : r l l vt o q i r c c u r i r r h e l f t l i e g o n e l l v t o q , i re
eight triangles. tour trian$les.
4 , .
@ Four 1%in (3.7cm) squ.rres. f u _ lf o l r r l l n ( ) c n r ) s q u s r e s .
(.1.7cm) sclllares
@ Itight llin
ctrt in half cliagonalh' to give Constr.t.ction
sixtccrl triangles. Fast (]eese,r"" F31l
@ Onc 3%in (Bcrn) square cut Halt'-scluare
Trianples,r"" E7l
into qllarters diagonalll'to give Nine-patch.."" F1 I
tour trianSles.
(. t u u r I / - l n { . 1 ./ c n l } s q i l 1 l r e s .

@ Four llin (4.7cm) squares

cut ir-rhalf diagonalh' to glve
eight triangles. )ILr and mzrtch IIix and rnatch IIix and rnatch
@ O n c 3 % i n ( 8 c m ) s c p r a r ec u t
into cluarters diagonalll- to givc
tbur triangles. ffiffi&reffiF#ffi

@ The House That Jack Built IrzqlT\velve InolKing's

Triangles Crown
K E tr
@ K tr

Cut the followin$ Cut the following

'ff t;/t7

@'ftvo 2%in(5.Scm).u"1:". @ Four 2in (5cm) squares.

cut in half diagonallv to give @ Four3/:x2in
four triangles. (8.7 x 5cm) strips.

@ One,l%in (10.4cm) square @ oigtrt 2in (5cm) squares.

clit into quarters dia$onall1'to @ One 3%in (B.7cm)square
Cut the following give fbur triangles.

wf *
@ Four 2'l x 7%in
@ One 2%in (6.5cm) square.
@ Tl,o 3%in (9.Scm) squares
cut in half diagonalll' to give
FastGeese,."" Fl+l
Nine-patch,r"" Fll
(6.5 x 3.lcm) strips. lbur triangles.

@ Four 2'l x I'/'in

(6.5 x 3.lcm) strips. Construction
@ Four 2* x l'Ain Diamond in the Square, ."" F6l
(6.5 x 3.1cm) strips.

@ One 4%in(10.4cm)square
cut into quarters dialonall-v to
give ibur triangl,les.

@ Tlvo 2%in (S.Bcm)squares

cut in half diagonallv to give
tbur triangles.
@ One 2%in (6.5cm) square.

Construction Mir and match NIir and match N{ix and

."" F9 I
ULOCKDiltEcT()t{\' 81

fitrl Sister'sChoice FrzlFour- and @ oiamond

Nine-patch Border
tr tr H
tr u

Cut the following Cut the following

-/n ,G\
,/F\ '.(il r'u) ()
A ^
t y l e n l ) / i r n{ J . / c m ) s q u a r c s . : i 2%in (S.ilcm) squares
@" *Trvo
Cut the foltpwig4i Four-patch, @ Eight 1%in(3.7cm) squares. cut in half diaf,onallvto give

* ryol ."" EJI @ Trvo 3%in (B.7cm) squares. tbur triangles.

@ Trvo 2%in (5.Scm) squares
Q Four 1%in(4.2cm) squares. Construction cut in half diagonallv to give
@ Two 2in (5cm) squares Nine-patch,
r"" F1 I tbur triangles.
cut in half diagonall1.to give Four-patch, ."" El ] @ Four 2Xin (S.Bcm)squares
four triangles. Serv til'e squares together to cut in half diagonallv to give
@ Four 3% x 7%in(B x 4.2cm) forn-r the horizontal center strip. eight triangles.
s t r i p s :t r i m o n e e n d a t a @ One 6%x 3%in
'15-degreeangle. Seu'the remaining ( 1 6 . 2x B . 7 c m )s t r i p .
@ Four 1%in('l.2cm) squares. squares together in pairs.

@ l'our 2in (5cm) squares Construction

cut in half diagonally to giYe Half-squareTriangles,."" I 27]
eight triangles. Four-patch,."" fl3l
@ Five l%\n (1.2cm) squares.

Join the units to tbrm the top

and bottom rorvs.
Construction Join the rows to complete
Half-squareTriangles, the bloch.
."" E7l

N'ILxand match and match MLr and match
a triangle to each
angled strip.
8 2 B L O C KD I R D C T O R Y


@ F ast Geese @ ztg zag llro-lSashed

tr tr tr
tr t!

Cut the following Cut the following

-.-.-\ -a\
E i ] I D ]
v- o*
@ Tn'o 3%x 2%in @ Fcrur3% x 2in
( 8 . 7 x 6 . 2 c m )s t r i p s . (8.7 x 5cm) strips.
, ^ -f o u r l j / : i l rt . r ./ c m l s q u a r e s
O Eight 2%in(6.2cm) squ.rres. !y
@ Four 3%x 2%i,n @ F o r r r2 i r r ( 5 c m) s q u : r r e s .
(8.7 x 6.2cm) str\rs. @Five 1%in(3.7cm) squarcs.
Cut the following Nlahe a second unit in the szrme @ Four 2%in(6.2cm) squares.
H:J-T) aB) r.a)' and join the t\vo togcther. Constrrrction
.ffi 'l
Construction Nine-patch, ."" F1
@ Tno 6%x 3%in Quick tip FastGeese,."" [.1.11
(16.2 x 8.7cm) strips. \Yhen seu'in$ the squares to S t r i p e s , . " "F g l
@ Four 3%in (8.7cm) squarcs. thc strips, scrl'a second line of
stitching %in (1.2cm) arvav lrom Quick tip
the iirst betbre cutting au.a1' the Don't r,orr1': the geese points
Construction excess thbric betn'een the trvo are meant to be al'a1'trom the

,.d La1'a square face dour.r lines of stitching. This rvill eclgcs of the units.

ffi on one ertd oi r srrip create {t readvmade hzllf-square

triangle unit. Be\\'are: these rvill
Serv dia$onall,v a.cross the sit in )'our ser,ing drawer t'or
square trorn point to point. Years to come, na&qing at you
To make it easier, dral the to make use of them.
serving line lith pencii t'irst.
Press open and cut arval'the
excess fabric from the back NILx and match NILx and match
of the square. Repcat to add
a square at the other end
of the strip. l@w&ff
B L O C I i t ) t R E ( i 1( ) t t \ ' 8 3

hzl Small Triangles and Stripes Etsl Large Tfiangles and Stripes

U tr
@ @

Cut the follorving Cut the follorving

, - ^l\\'o j
'.il1{ l.icrn } Squ:rres
n, J\

)) @ O r r c6 %x 2 % i n
cut in hzrlfdiagor-rallvto give ( 1 6 . 2x 6 . 2 c m )s t r i p .
I'our triangles. @ O r r e6 %x 2 % i n
@ Onc 6%x 2in ( 1 6 . 2x 6 . 2 c m )s t r i p .
( 1 6 . 2x 5 c m ) s t r i p . 'l*o
@ 2'lin (7 .2cm) squares
@ Trvo 2%in (5.8cm) squares cut in half diagonallv to give
e r r t i n h a l t ' c l i e s o r r n rl lovq i v e four triangles;vou neeclthree
four trizrnlles. ot them.
@ two 6%x 2in
A m
(, l\\'o l':ilt l /.le m, squercs
(16.2 x 5cm) stri1.rs. cut in hrrlidirgonullv to qivc
lbur triangles; 1'ou need three
Constrrrction of them.
I Ialf-squareTriurngles.r"" [2 i-l
stripes. ."" F9-l Construction

)Iix and rnatch Half-squareTrianSles,."" [27] NIix and match
stripcs. ."" F9l
" ^ * . * 1 1 2|7

Fd Yankee Puz zle I @ Cotorado Quilt

tr K

Cut the followinA

Cut the followin$
@ f.iungle @ whirlpool
,af files
t @
(,! nigtrt2%in(S.Bcm)'ul:.".
cut in half diagonalll' to give
sixteen triangles.
tr n
@ Eighr 2%in (5.8cm) squares
c u t i n l r r r l id i e g o n a l l v r o g i v e
sixteen triangles.

Ilalf-square ."" E7l
I tl I
Cut the following Cut the following

I @ ',"f

NIix and match NIix and match NILx and match NIix and match

GGffi#ffiffiffi\vt4 Y
B L O ( ] K D I R ] ] C T O R Y8 5

@ Pieced Star I Hopsco

lr+s tch

E n
K K ffi

Cut the follorving Cut the follorving

@ Yankee @ trlv foot
,ww Ptzzle ll oM)
n E

Cut the following Cut the following

lli-r and match IIix and match MLx and match Mi-x and match

Gffi rcffiGWffiftrtuCG$c


E+zlMosaic Picket ll]D-lSmall Center

K tr tr
tr tr
@ @

Cut the follorving Cut the following Cut the follorving

tatr -L O HcO
r1i) ,t?)
@ One 27in (6.5cm) square. Add a small triangle @ Trvo 3%x 2in @Four 3in (7.6cm) squares
@ One 27in (6.5cm) square. to anothcr side of the ({1.7x 5cm) strips. @One 1%in(3.7cm) square
@ One 2%in (6.5cm) squarc. square to create a @ Trvo 3% x 2in @Four 3 x l%in
@ One 2%in (6..5cm)square. triangular pieced unit (8.7 x 5cm) strips. ( 7 . 6 x 3 . 7 c m )s t r i p s .
@ One 27in (6..5cm)square. @ flne 6%x 3%in
@ One 2%in (5.8cm) square Repeat this process ( 1 6 . 2x 8 . 7 c m ) s t r i p . Construction
cut in half cliagonalll' to give to nlake a second Nine-patch,."" @
tu'o triangles. triangular unit. Construction
@ C,lne4%in (10.r1cm)square Stripes,."" Fgl
cut into quarters diagonallv to Sen'the remaining

.{ive fbur triangles; vou neecl squares to.{ether

tu.o of them. in a rol', then

@ One 2%ir.r (5.Scm)square acld a small

c u r i r r h e l t c l i e { o n r l l vr o g i v e triangle at each end to ibrm
r\\.o triangles. thc ccnrrel diasonel strip.

@ Clne.l%in(10..1cm)square Join the three sections together

cut into quarters dia$onallv
to give four trian$les; vou need
trvo of them.

Se\\.two large
triangles to opposite
sidcsof a square.
NILx and match

N'Iir and match )Iix and match
\ F
B L O C ] I TD I R I i ( ] T o R I ' 87

@ Wild Goose Chase E EtyingGeese @ Air Castle

K tr H
t] tr

Cut the follorving Cut the follorving

Mf o C, r1l -r
Q Trro 3lin (9.Scrn)ru"1:"t \ lout' j':tn {/._cnl)s(lu:tres

cut in halt cliagonallvto live cr-rt in half diagonalh' to give

t'our trianglcs. cigl-rt triar-rglcs.

@'fn'o 1'l x 2lin @ {lne 3Zin (ticm) square clrt

( 11 . f Jx ( r . 5 c m )s t r i p s , i11to qllarters cliagonalll' to givc
Cut the follorving @ O n e 3 % i n ( S c n . r )s q u a r ' @ l'our 2lin ((r.5cm)sqlrares. tour triangles.

r(! -J, (i .,.1J cut in half cliagonallv to give Q O n c l T i n ( - 1 . 7 c m )s q u a r e .

n r / ; i tu'o triangles. Constrrrction A - .
t \ \ 1| j i i l l t / . j c l l l ) s ( l u ; t r c s
Q T*'o 2in (5cm) sqlrares Fzrst(iccsc. r"" F3{l . ' t r t i r r l u r l l t l i ; r g o r r r r l l tv, , q i v c
e t r t i n I t r r l it l i a q o r t n l l vt o : . l i v e Constmction Diamond in thc Square,r"" FOI tour trianglcs.
tour triangles. llircl in thc .\ir, scc F10l @ O n e 3 Z i n ( , S c r n )s q u u r e c r l t
@ One 2in
(5crn) square Ninc-patch.r"" [l i t t t u t l t t r r t ' t e rJsi r r l ,' r t : r l l rt , ' - i r .
c r r t i n h e l t d i : r q o r r l r l ltro q i r e four triangles.
t\\ () I ilt I+. /cnt I s(Iil;lrcs
A n
tuo triangles. !rl
(Scn.r) sqtrarc c , u t i r t l t r r l tr l i l r q u r t l r l l rt o q i r e
@ One 3Zin
cut in hali'cliagcinal11'to give four triangles.
ts'o triangles, Construction
@ Four 2in (5cm) sqlllres For-rr
X, ."" FJI
c r r r i r r l r a l f t l i : r [ o r t : r l l vr o q i v c ilalf-sqr-rarcTriangles.."" Ef
cight triangles. I)iarnonclin thc SclLrare, ."" ITO'I
@ l'-otrr 21/'x l%\t:' Nine-patch.."" lTfl
(7.2 x .l.2cm) strips.

@ One lZin (4.2cm) sqlrare. )Iix and rnzrtch ILr and match NIix and match

lF*}s;'+" mffiffiffi
(5cm) square cut
@ One 2in
in halt cliagonalll' to give
trr,o trianAles.

@ Xine-patch Variation Goose

115-ll EsslNbum
Stripe Quilt
K tr U
tr tr

Cut the following Cut the follorving

@ One 6'l x 3'lin e Eight 2in (5cm) squares

( 1 6 . 2x 8 . 7 c m )s t r i p . @ Tn'o 3'l x L'lin
@ Oigtrt2in (5cm) sqlrares. ( 8 . 7 x 3 . 7 c m )s t r i p s .
@ One 3% x 2in @ Four 2in (5cm) squares.
(8.7 x 5cm) strip. @ Four 31/:x 2in
Cut the follorving @ One 3'l x 2in (8.7 x 5cm) strips.

:,,s, ry |..V l?' :,.,r:.H;


ll @ ( 8 . 7x 5 c m ) s t r i p . @ One 3'l x 7'lin

- .. x::!!t I
I I I @ One 3%x 2in ( t 1 . 7x 3 . 7 c m ) s t r i p .
A ^
J U n e Z / . r n| / . : c m ) s q u a r ec u t @ One 2'lin (6.2cm) square. (8.7 x 5cm) strip.
in half diagonallv to give tn'o @ One 2'/'in (7 .2cm) square cut @ One 3% x 2in Constrrrction
triangles;1'ou need one ot them. in halt diagonallv to give tn'o ( 8 . 7x 5 c m ) s t r i p . r"" l-99I
@ One 2'/:in (6.2cm) square. trianplcs; 1'ou ncccl one of them t i a s t L r e e s e .S e e I f , 1 +i

@ One 2%1n(7.2cm) squarecut @ One 2'lin(6.2cm) square. Constrrrction Nine-patch,

r"" F1 I
in half diagonalll' to Siivetrvo @ One 2'l1n (6.2cm) sqrlare. FastGeese.."" E3-11
triangles:1'ou need one of them. Stripes.
r"" F9l
@ One 2'/:in(6.2cm) square. Construction
Ilali-squrrre .** I :l
, ^ Z \
i (Jne l'(ln {/.JCmlsqual'e CUt

in half diagonalll' to pive trvo Nine-patch,."" Fl'l

triangles;1'ou need one oi them.
@ On" 2%in (.6.2am)square.
@ One 2'/"in (7.2cm) square cut
in half diagonalll' to givc tn'o
triangles;1'ou need one of them. IILx and match NIir and match match
@ One 2'lin (7.2cm) squarecut
in half diagonalll' to give nr,o
triangles;1'ouneed one ot'them. WKPTffi
B L O C K D I R E C T O R Y8 9

llFolGarden of trden @ trnaless llsslluck's

Stair Foot
Cut the follorving Cut the following
off) q { Y r-fR)
* . -
: rin

@ Four 3Z x 2in @ l'ir,e l%in (1.2cm) squares.

( 8 . 7x 5 c m ) s t r i p s . @ l"our 2%in (S.'lcm) squares
@ Four 3%x 2in cut in halt' diagonalll' to give
(8.7 x 5crn) strips eight triangies.
@ Trvo3Zin (Scm) squares
Cut the follorving Construction Construction cut in half diagonall)'to give
@ff) Stripes,
."" Fg I four triangles.
MW.@W x l:::::ffot'sma, Four-patch,
."" f13l @ Four 2'l x l%in
j ) O n e I . i r r{ - { . l e n r } s q u i r r e . rH;' (7.2 x :l.2cm) strips.

@ Four lXin (-t.2cm)sqllares

, A ^
(t I l\\'o lilr ( Jcnr I squdres Constrrrction
c r r r i r r h a l l r l i : r S o r r u l l tvo g i v e Birdin the,\ir, seeE10l

' T-:]
four triangles. -\lnc-patcn. see I JI l

@ Four 1%in (4.2cm) squares

@ Six 2in (Scm) squares cut Nir-rc-patch,see | .51|
in half diagonallv to give
tn'elvc triangles.

@ Four 2%in (5.6crn) squares

llix and match X{ir and match lILx and match


(]O,\STRT'(]TIO\ ( i t ' t D l l L I \ E S

@ m sCabin lioolCrossed EorlInverted V


E:i' t,

Ctr.t the follorving Cut the follorving

Cut the follol'in$

f f i @ n @ non ow'}€t' ,:of

@ One 2in (5cm) squarc Constrrrction O Eight i Zin (-l.2cm) sqrlares. Q'ln'cr 6%x 3%in
@Onc2x1%irr Selt'tlieshortest @ Eight l%in ('l.2cm) squares. ( 1 6 . 2x 8 . 7 c m ) s t r i p s .
( 5 x 3 . 1 c m )s t r i p . ilii;* strip to onc sicle @ One lZin (3.7cn) square. @ Tu'o 3%in (8.7cm) squares
@ One 2'l x7'lil't of thc center square. @ I.-orrr.l x 1%in
( 6 . 8 x 3 . 1 c m )s t r i p . ( 7 . 6 x 3 . 7 c m )s t r i p s . Constrrrction
.\crda matcrrin!, (ieese,
l'zrst ."" E3{l
@ Clne 2% x I'/'i:r iiiiii::
(6.E x 3.1cr.n)strip. :i:|i!tij colorcclstripto Constrrrction stripcs.r"" F9 I
the scltrarc and thc lour'-plrtell. scc I rJ I
@ One 3% xlliitt
( 8 . 7 x 3 . 1 c m )s t r i p . er-rdot the tirst strip. Nine-patch.,"" f"fl

@ One 3'l x L'Ait't

( 8 . 7 - r 3 . 1 c m )s t r i p . Rcpeat this process
to adcl the ncxt t\\'c)
@ One I'A x L'litt
( 1 0 . , 1x 3 . 1 c m ) s t r i p . colorecl strips.
(lontinue adciing strips in this
@ One 1'l x l'l|n
( 1 0 . - lx 3 . 1 c m ) s t r i p . rval', makir-r$ sure that Yotl
maintain thc light/clark balance
( 1 2 . . 1x 3 . l c m ) s t r i p .
( 1 2 . , 1x 3 . 1 c n ) s t r i p .
@ One 5Z x lZin
( 1 . 1 . 3x J . 1 c m ) s t r i p .
@ tlne 5%x 1%in

ru gF#*ffiffim-4
( 1 ' 1 . 3x 3 . 1 c m ) s t r i p . lILr and match NIix and match Nlix and match
@ One 6l xL'lin
( 1 6 . 2x 3 . 1 c m ) s t r i t r . r . #il
I l r . o c KD t R r i c r T o I { 9\ '1

EozlFive-patchStar llo:l Railroad Ito+lCotton Reel

K m E
@ @

Cut the following Scl. the rernaining Cut the fbllowing Cut the follorving
squarcs together
in pairs.
,.',Of - .
, ; : ,
= -
; , L '

O Eight 1%in(:1.2cm)squares
, ^ T

1!\ tcn |_il1 (.1./enlI\(luitfes.

@ One 3)1in(it.7cm) square.
Q Four 2in (5cm) sqlrares !\ l\\'o j'.il1 ( /._cnl ) sqllilles
@ One 3lin (9.5cm) square
e r r ti r r l r a l tr l i e g o n e l l tvt r g i v c cut in I'ralf cliagonallv to gir-e e r r ti n l r e l lc l i e q o r r : r ltlor g i r u
eight triangles. tbur trian.qlcs. t\\'o triangles.
@ Four 2in (5cm) squares
A n
lJ lell |'lll [.r./!'m]Sqtlnr(s. @ t)ne 3%in (9.5cm) squarc
cut in halt' diagonallv to givc Join the units to iolnr the @ 2%in (7 .2cm) squares et r t i n h e l t r l i a q o r r e l ltru g i re
eight trianglcs. top ancl bottom rou,s. cut in hah diagonallr.to give t\\.o tri{rngles.
@ Fivc lZin (.l.2cm) sq1.tres. Join the r()\\st0 uonrplcte four triangles. @ 1\'o 2in (Scm) squzrres.
@ l'our lZin (4.2cm) squerrcs. the block. @'tlr,o 2in (Scm) squ.rres.
Constrrrction Four-patch,.""FJI Construction
5 l l a l l - s q u : r rT
er i : r n g l c : . IIalf-square Triangles,."" [2il IIalf-square Triangles,."" E7l
n .." l-fl Nine-patch.."" Fll Four-patch,."" Ei-l

liour-patch,."" I 13-l

Scrv five squares together

to torm the horizontal
center slrip. NIix and match IIix and match match


FGIStar X @ Hatf-sashed @ rnriftl'

K E tr
tr tr

Cut the following Cut the follorving

- " J
@ One .lin (10cm) square. ((y ltrgnr l./_rn(J. /cm I squares.
ri. .r

(J) Une l j l r l n l J . i C m l S q U arc. @ One 2tlin (6.2cm) square.

@ Trvo 3%in (B.3cm) squares @ Eight 1%in(3.7cm) squares.
cut in half diagonallv to give @ Four 2%itt (6.2cm) squares.
lbur triangles.
Cut the followine Construction Construction

wwf @
@ Tno 5%x L%i.n
IIalt'-square Trianfles, see @ ( 1 3 . 7x 3 . 7 c m ) s t r i p s . Four-patch,."" Fi-l
FourX, r"" E3] Nine-patch,."" Ft l

r \ \ ' o z / . 1 1l t . l c m t s q u a r e s Nine-patch.."" FL Construction
cut in half diagonalll' to give Diamoncl in the Square, ."" lTOl
four triangles. Four-patch, ."" flTl
@ One 3Zin (Scm) square
cut into quarters diagonalll'to
givc lbur trian$les; vou nced
nyo of them.
A m

9 r\\'ol/.ln I t .tam Jsquarcs

cut in half cliagonallv to give
ibur triangies.

@ Three 3%in (Scm) squares cut

into quarters diagonalll' to give
tl'el'r'e triangles; )rou need ten
ol them.

@ Tl.o 3%in (Scm) squares cut N{Lr and match NILx and match NILx and match
i n t o q u a r t e r s e l i a g o n a l l vt o g i v e
eight trianSles.
I J L C l U KD I R E ( l l I r , r 93

EoslSawtooth Star Eql Aunt Dinah ll?olCorner

K m

Cut the follorving Cut the follorving

fi .:.:.vli c- -(n)*c
tr't I
,, ^\ -r o u r I i l l r . \ ./ c m I \ q u ; tr c s . Q Four 2%1n(6.2cm) squares
- \ t \ \ ' o J : l l l I / . _ i u l nI s q u i l f e s
, ^ a r

@ T r v oI ' l x 2 % i n
c r r t i n h r r l l ' t l i e g u n : r l l rt o g i v c ( 1 1 . 2x 6 . 2 c m ) s t l i p s .
four triangles. Q O n e 2 % i n( 6 . 2 c n r )s ( l L r i r r u .
@ Four llin (,l.7cm) squares @ Tilo 1%x 2lin
Cut the follorving @ Four 2Xin (S.Bcm)squares u u t i r r l r : r l td i e r l o r r n l l vt o e i v c ( 1 1 . 2x 6 . 2 c m )s t r i p s ,

+ = L cut in halt dia$onallv to give

eight trianglcs.

@ Two 3%in (ticnr) squares cut Construction

@ l.'our 2in (5cm) sclr.rares. into quarters cliagonalh- to give l'ast Geesc.."" [3+l
@ One 2in (5cm) square. Constr.r.ction cight triar-rgles. Four-patch,."" [rJ-l
@ One 2Xin (5.Scm)square I I a l l - s ( l u r r cT r i e n { l u sr. " " E 7 l @ tlne 2%\n (6.2am) squarc.
cut in half clia[onalll' to give Four-pzrtch.r"" Eil @ One 3Zin (Scn'r)square cut
t\\'o triangles. lnto quarters diagonallv to give

@ One 2in (5cm) sqllarc. i'oul triangles.

@ One 2Xin (5.Scm)scluare @ One 3%in (Scm) scprare

c u t i n h e l t d i a r ; o n n l ltvo g i v c cut into qu.lrters diagonallY to
two triangles. give four triangles.

@ One 2in (Scm) squ{rre. Construction

@ One 2Xin (5.8cm) square Birclin thc,\ir.."" lTt0l
e t r ti n h r t l it l i a { o n ; r l l lr o q i v u FourX. r"" F3 I
t\\,o triangles. \inc-patch. ."" Ffl
@ One 2in (5cm) square.
@ One 2%in (5.Scnr)sqr-rarc )Iix and match NILx and match Nlix and match
c u t i n h n l l 'd i a g o r r u l ltvo g i ru
t\\'o triangles.

EzrlFour X Variation @ nea Cross lTzrlCoxey's

K tr tr
tr tr
@ @

Cut the follorving Consti'uction Cut the follorving Cut the following

:ow&PpPn *ry
llerk rhc cerrter
p o i r r to l e a c hs r r i p
w v
,,il KYI.D

@ T r v o 7 t / tx | ' / : i t t
(17.9 x 3.7cm) rvith a srnall crease. @ Six l)ain (.l.2cm) squares. @Six t%ln (,l.2cm) squares.
strips; trim both ends at a La1'pairs in the correct color @ i)ne I'l x l'lin @ Fcrur 1'l x l'lin
.15-degree angle. combinations right sides (10.4 x .l.2crn)strip. (10.2 x 2.9cm) str\rs.
@ 7'l x 7'/,in (17.9 x 3.7cm) together and se$'.Opcn out @ Four 1%in('l.2cm) squarcs. @Trvo lXin (:l.2cm) sqlrares.
strips; trinl both ends at a and press. @ l.'our 1'/' x 1%\n @ l.'our ltl x l'lin
.15-degree anglc. (10.-lx .l.2cm) strips. ( 1 0 . 2x 2 . 9 c m ) s t r i p s .

@ T n ' o 5 ' / rx l ' l i n ( 1 3 . 1 x 3 . 7 c m ) @Tl'o 2%in (6.5cm) squares

strips; trim both ends at a '\cttlthe trianules Constrrrction c u t i n h e l l r l i : r g o n e l ltvo g i re
,15-degree angle.
Vf -
f,, to contplete each Nine-patch, ,"" l-51-l four triangles.
(13.1 x 3.7cm)
@ Trvo 5r/ xl'/:in
quarter ot'the hloch

strips; trim both ends at a Constrrrction

.l5-dcgrce angle. Four-patch,
r"" EJ-l
@ One 3%in (Scm) square Sel'the short Diamoncl in the Square,."" F6'l
cut into quartcrs cliagonalll'to sides of pairs oI Stripes,r"" F9l
, f-;;-l
give tbur triangles; 1'ou need Luritstogcthcr. r\lnc-parcn, scc Llll
ilvo of thcn-r. Join the t\\'o sections. making

@ One 3%ir.r(Scm) square sure the center points are shzrrp

clrt into quarters cliagonalll'to
give four triangles; vou need
tr,o of them.

match lILr and match )ILr and match


@ Johnny Around the Corner EzslSashed EZI Comfort

Geese Quilt
K tr E
@ tr tr
@ @

Cut the follnrving Cut the following

- \ls,lRl-{lr r,llrtrl
fr * wg*)trc
- r --.
- -
( l ) l \ v o l ' l r n { . 1 /. c n l I s q u a r c s . O Eight l lin (.l.7cm) squares.
@ Four 2'lin (6.2cm) squares @ One l'lin (2.9am) square.
A r r
(b, rwo l , / : i l I ( . 1 ./ c m I s q u i r e s . @ Four 3'l x l'lin
@ 1wo 1'l x 2%in ( 9 . 5 x 4 . 7 c m )s t r i p s .
( 1 1 . 2x 6 . 2 c m )s t r i p s . @ Four 7'l x 7%in
Cut the following @ Four4%xl%in (4.7 x 2.9cm) strips.
- , \ I ! { R l
riltv ( 1 1 . 2x 3 . 7 c m )s t r i p s .
r ill!; Constrrrction
@ Trvo 2in (5cm) sqlrarcs Constrrrction Nine-patch,."" F1l
c u t i n h a l i d i a q o n a l l vt o q i v c FastGeese,
r"" E34l
ibur triangles. Nine-patch,
."" Ftl
@ Nine 1%in('1.2cm)squztres.
@ 1u'o 2in (Scm) squares
c r r t i n h a l i d i a g o n a l l vt o g i v c
ibur triangles.
@ Tn'elve lY'in (1.2crr,) scluares.

."" E7l
Stripes,."" F9l

NILx and match Mi-x and match NIix and match

9 6 B I , O C KD I I T E ( ] T O R \

Fil Goose Tlacks lrzslForest @ ntrglish Ir7 | l. . n.

Paths weoolng Kmg
m H
@ @

Cut the followinA Cut the follorving

a , -
\ f O u f I i z : l t l] . l . / C n l l s q u a r e s .
O Eight 2in (5cm) squares
Cut the following r&.. Sc\' a pair ot'these .\ f \\'0 l/,tn I I .zcm) squares cut in half diagonalll' to give
pieced units to cut in hali diagonallv to give sixteen triangles.
- P @ c'1::'
,&' each corner square four triangles. @ Five 1%in(,1.2cm)squares.
@ One lXin ('l.2cm) sqlrare. U t\\'o I /'ln { /.lcm l Sqitares @ liighr 2in (5cm) squares
@ Tlvo 2Xin (5.Bcm) squ.rres cut in half dia{onalll' to give cut in hali diaSonalll' to give
cut into quarters diaSonalll' l-olcl each large tbur trianlles. sixteen triangles.
to give eight triangles. trian!,lc in hali and @ l.'our 1%x ll:in @ Irour 1%in(.l.2cm) squares.
ty l \ \ O . 1l l n { d c n l l s q u l l r c s mark thc center ot' ( 1 1 . 2x 3 . 7 c m ) s t r i p s .
cut in half diagonalll' to give the long edgcs l'ith a small Construction
tour trian!,les. crcase. Ses'a pieced trianglrlar Construction Ilalt'-square r"" El
@ I"our 1%in ('1.2cm) squares. unit to each large triarlgle, Half-squareTriangles,."" F-,--l stripes.r"" F9'l
@ 1\o 2Xin (5.8cm) squarcs r r l i q r t i n gt h c c e t t t e r p o i n t s l.'our-patch,
."" FJJ
cut into quarters diagonallv N i n e - p a t c h . . "F
" ll Nine-patch,."" Fl
to give eight triangles.

@ Four 2'l x L'.lin

(7.2 x'1.2cm) strips.

!,. Scrvpairs ot' small
,tt' triangles together along
NIir and match NILx and match NIix and match

their short edges. s'ith their
right-angled edSes ali{ned.
B L O C K D I R E C T O R Y9 7

@ Off-Center Log Cabin @ enladelphia @ euin Block

m Pavement

tr n tr$
K E'

Cut the following Cut the following

-A)-B) aB)
I I 5
@ oight \%in (4.2cm) squares. @ Four 2in (5cm) squares.
@ T*o 2in (Scm) squares @ One 3%in (B.7cm)square
cut in half diagonally to give @Four 3%x2in
lbur triangles. (8.7 x 5cm) strips.
@ One 1%in (4.2cm) square.
Cut the following @ 1\ro 2in (5cm) squares Construction

ffiffff @,,,@M
e cut in half diagonally to give Nine-patch,r"" Ill l
four trian6iles.
@ One 7%in (3.7cm) square. @ Four4%xl%in
@@@@1%in(3.1cm) (10.2 x 4.2cm) strips.
wide strips.
@@@Olin(2.scm) Construction
wide strips. Half-square
Triangles,.". E7l
."" Fl I
LogCabin,r"" F59l

Mix and match Mi-r and match

ffiffi rc$w@ffiryr
Mix and match


@ Starry Night Ful Counterpane @ eie Slices

tT tr m
tr U
@ n
Cut the following Cut the following
o*) o
Mff arf'

@ One 4%in (ll.2cm) square. @ One piece using template 185a.

@ Four 1'l x 7%in @ One piece using template 185b.
( 1 1 . 2x 3 . 7 c m ) s t r i p s . @ One piece using template 185b.
@ Four l%in (3.7cm) squares
Cut the following Join the Construction Serv the template

pairs to tbrm Nine-patch,
."" F1 I 185b pieces
t:at:.i:ii::: each half of together.

@ Four pieces usinS the block. Drunkarcl'sPath, see E22I

template 183a. Serv the trvo halves to$ether.

@ Four pieces usinP

template 183b. Quick tip
If 1'ou are unsure about I'our
Construction accuracv, leave a little extra

t,;:.. Join into pairs of seam allowance on the sides

,t alternatc colors, that rvill form the edges of the
matching the block and trim square nhen
edgesthat rvill form the sides the block is complete.
and corners of the block, not
the center points.

NIix and match MLx and match Mix and match


@ S*amp Angel EsTlRosie's @ ntoating

Favorite Diamond
tr K

Cut the following Cut the follow ing

A -
!y l\\-o: /'tn \t .zcnt) squares
Q S i x2 i n { . i c m ) s q u a r e s .
cut in halt' diagonall,v to give @ T e n 2 i n ( 5 c m) s q u a r e s .
tour triangles. @Four 3%x2in
@ One 21/:in(6.2cm) squarc. (8.7 x 5cm) strips.

Cut the following Construction cut in hali diagonalll,'to give Construction

@ Trvo 3%in (8cm) squarescut
rour -it, sec L!:1_J
Ninc-patch, ."" Ft I
L:l l tbur triangles.
@ Tr,o 4% x 2%in
( 1 1 . 2x 6 . 2 c m )s t r i p s .
FastGeese,."" F3.ll
Four-patch,r"" l]J-l
Nine-patch,."" Fll
into quarters diagonalll' to $ive
eight triangles. Construction
@ Trvo 3%in (Bcm) squarescut Half-squareTrian{les, r"" EN
into quarters dia!,onall1' to give l,'our-patch,."" E5-l
eig,ht triangles.
@ trvo 2'/oin(7.2cm) squarcs
c u t i n h a l l ' d i a g o n a l ht o' g i v e
tbur triangles.
@ Trvo 2'Ain (7.2cm) squares
cut in half diagonalll' to give
four triangles.
@ One 2'/:in (6.2cm) square.

MLx and match NILx and match MLx and match


@ Friendship Name Chain @ ei.eraft @ Ctrecked

u E
K tr

Cut the following Cut the following

fw f @ge
@ nive 2%in (S.Bcm) squares @ Six zin (5cm) squares
cut in half diagonall.v to give @ Six zin (5cm) squares
ten trianglesiyou need nine @ One 3f5in (B.7cm) square.
of them.
@ One 3%in (9.5cm) square cut Construction
Cut the following Construction in half diagonally to give two Four-patch,.""Ei-l
trian$les;you need one of them

@ One 3%in (7.7cm) square cut
in half diagonally to give two
Fold the template piece in half
@ 1\"o 2%in (S.Bcm) squares
cut in half diagonalll' to give
four trian$les; you need three
of them.
and mark the center with a @ 1\ro 3%in (9.5cm) squares
trian$les;you need one of them. crease.Sew a pieced unit to cut in half diaf,onalll' to give
@ One 3%in (7 .7cm) square cut each side of the templatepiece. tbur triangles.
in half diagonally to give two aligning the center points with
triangles; you need one of them. the crease. Construction
( D ?l)w o J x r n ( / . / c m l s q u a r e s Half-square
r"" E?I
cut in half diagonally to give Birdin theAir,r"" E10]
lbur triangles; you need three Four-patch,
."" Fi-l
of them.

LU IWOJ:^ln I /. /Cm) SqUareS

cut in half diagonally to give
four triangles; you need three Mix and match Mix and match Mi-x and match
of them.


@l Strength in Union Variation Eq3lEven Stripes @ Ctrristmas

K tr tr
tr K

Cut the following Cut the following

f,' fwf @f
@ Three 6'l x L%in @ O n e4 % x 2 % i n
(16.2 x ,1.2cm)strips. (11.2 x 6.2cm) strip.

@ Trvo 6% x l%in @ One 4%x 2%in

(16.2 x 4.2cm) strips. ( 1 1 . 2x 6 . 2 c m ) s t r i p .
@ One 4%x 2%in

Cut the followinA Constrrrction
( 1 1 . 2x 6 . 2 c m )s t r i p .
@ Six z%in (6.2cm) squares
@ Two 6%x l%in
O Eight 2in (Scm) squares. ( 1 6 . 2x 3 . 7 c m ) s t r i p s .
@ Four 2Xin (5.8cm) squ.rres
cut in half dia{,onall1'to give Construction
eight triangles. FastGeese,r"" F34l
@ Four 2%in (5.Scm)squares Stripes,
."" F9l
cut in halt' diagonalll. to live
eight triangles.

Triangles,."" E7l
."" Ei-l

roffiffiwt@ffi &w
N{ix and match NILx and match Mix and match
1 0 2 R t . a ) ( . tDi T I ( t c T ( ) R ]


lrxl CourthouseSteps Exl Sashed [q7-]Grandmother's

Tfiangles Corner
tr E tr

Cut the following Cut the following

A .
\, I?
!j/ f our l /itn {.1./L'nl I S(luilfes. @ One 2%in (6.2cm) square.
Cut the following @ Four 1% x I'lin @ O n e , l % i n( l 2 c m ) s q u a r ec u t
iilo @ ( 1 1 . 2x 3 . 7 c m ) s t r i p s . in halt diagonalll'to give tu'o
;rjjri r@*oP @ 1r,o 2'/"in (7.2cm) squares triangles; 1'ou neeclone of them.
@ One 2in (5cm) square t Continue adding cut in half cliagonalll'to givc @ TrvoLY.x2%in
matching strips foLu triangles. ( 1 1 . 2x 6 . 2 c m ) s t r i p s .
@1wo2xI'lin r r l

( 5 x 3 . 1 c m )s t r i p s . T to opposite sides @ Trvo 2t/"in(7.2cm) squares @ One L'A|n (1,2cm)square cut

@ Tu.o 3)/:x l,/+in
( 8 . 7x 3 . l c m ) s t r i p s . ff:::1"":::i"," cut in halt cliagonalll'to {,ive
tbur triangles.
in half diagonalll' to give two
triangles: 1'ou need one ot' them.

@ Trvo 3'/ x |'/+in

(8.7 x 3.1cm) strips. Construction Constrrrction
@Two5xl%in IIalt'-square
."" E7l Half'-squareTriangles,r"" | 27]
(12.'l x 3.1cm) strips. Quick tip Four-patch,r"" E3 I liour-patch, ."" flTl

@Two5x1%in Instead of cutting the strips to Nine-patch,."" F1.]

(12.,1x 3.1cm) strips. length beibre piecing. add them

@ Tno 6'l x l'lin to the block and trim them level

( 1 6 . 2x 3 . l c m ) s t r i p s . l.ith the edges each time. [Iake
surc -you keep the edges squzrre.
Scrv the shortest
i.i strips to opposite
sides oi the center square

f w{#mlc

EqslCorner in the Cabin llqelSixteen EoolGeeseAround

Squares the Corner
tr U E
tr tr

Cut the follorving Cut the follorving

i$ of
@ Eight 2in (5cm) squzrres


@ Trvo3%in (8.7crn) sqlrares

Cut the following @ Eighr 2in (5cm) squares @ Four 3% x 2in
S,t nt
w ttE
(8.7 x Scn.r)strips.

@ tltght 2in (5cm) sqlrares.

! O r r el i n { S c m) s q r r a r c . ,\clclthe shortest l'our-patch, r"" f13l
@ One 3% x 2in
;Xil' - ' * r - clarh-coloredstrip. Construction
(8.7 x Scm) strip. Fast (]eese.r"" F3-11
, f-:-;-t
@Clne5x2in _rorrr-parcll. sec Ll1_l

(12.,1x 5cm) strip. Serv the next

@ Clne 6'l x 2in light- and

(1(:.2x 5cm) strip. dark-colored

@ O n e 2 i n ( 5 c n r) s ( l u e r c . {frin{ i11

@ One 3% x 2in placc in thc sarmel.a1'. mahirrg

(8.7 x 5cm) strip. sure that 1'ou maintain the
A - \
tll(rneJxllll lighVdark balance.
(72.1 x 5cm) strip. Add the linal light-colored strip

r - Se[i the t\\'o

"*il squares together.

Acld the shortest

rc ffi $@p,e
light-colored strip. \Iix and match IIix and match Mix and match

::. __

and Templates
In this chapter you will find a summary of the techniques needed to piece and
join the blocks in the directory. There are also su$6iestions
on what equipment
and threads to use, as well as ideas for binding and quilting your finished piece.
Templates are provided for any curved pieces and difficult shapes required to
make the blocks.
r O 5 T E ( ] H N I Q T I E S. \ N D T E I I P I , , \ T I ] S

,{ 11vou need to start makin$ the blocks in this booh zrrea i'ex' sen'ingtools. Thc basic essentialsare
il?scissors, needle, t'abric,zrndthreacl.Ilorvever,there erreother tools that have been clesi$necito make
ouilters' lives easier.

Scissors Pins s
Sharp tabric scissorsfor cutting Dressmakin! pins are fine to use for quilting
I a h r i c s( i t v o u a r c n o t u s i n ga Flat-headed(or f'los.cr-hcadcd)pins are
rotarv clltter) and a small pair of usetul for machine servin.{bccausethe
scissorsfor cuttin$ threads are t'lat heacldoes not catch uncler the tbot
best. Keep a separatepair for if 1'ou sel. over the pin b1' mistake. Thin
cutting paper and cardboard appliqu6 pins are good lbr seu.ingcurves,
or plastic for templates. *'here vou neecl to match the seams accuratelv

Needles for hand sewing Safetl'pins
Brrl a mixed packet to find the most \\-. These can be used to hold the la-vers ot' a quilt
-', \
. comlbrtabie size tbr 1'ou. Longer needles -Y together readl' tbr quilting, and arc most useful if 1'ou
are uselul n'l-ren bastin.q thc ierl'crs of are machine quilting because basting threads can get
* .?)
a quilt together, and "bcts'ccns" (spccizrl caught on the tbot of tl-re machine as vou sew.
quilting needles) czrnbe used for har-rdquilting

d. ..t
Needles for For piecing, use cotton servin$thread il'1'ou are
-l *
machine sewing fr s i n pc o r r o nt a h r i c s S
. o n r t . c r r i l r e rnss ea t a n n c .3

Quilting needleshavc thc or sand color rvhateverthe color of the fabric, ,# G
sharpest point, brlt a uniYersal but if 1'our quilt is all blues, for example.1'ou
n e e c U ei r r s i z e l U o r 1 2 f l ' S t - could use blue thread. The thread should not be Em
\ "fii*&-
70 or B0 (European)-can also visihle on thc finishcd quilt top. Quilting thread is
be usecl.Ahval's start a new project used lbr hand or machine quilting and is heavier than
\\.ith a ne\\'needle; it is a small expense stzrndardsel'in! thread. It is availablein variegatedas V'!'r/
as plain colors. f)ecorative threads are also available.
I t Q L T I P U E T - T1 0 7

Iron and board

-Ft- Ruler
Use a llat iron \\.ithout .!,: r-i:=l-i
As thc blocks in this book are small, 1'ou onll'
steam rvhile piecing the need smzlllrulers. A .l x 1.lin rulcr is ideal for *t, ::,,i|

hlocks, hecause steirm crn cutting strips because it is lon$ enoush

- , - , - ; :- -. , r - ,:- ::: 'i 1: ;: 1

make it easier to distort bias seams. to cut through a tat quartcr u.hen *, +: -i . ' . . . . + . -t . . . . . . . - . 1 . . . . : :. . . . . j . 9 . . : .

\bu mal' also tind it usei'ul to kecp a folded ar-rd l'ide enou€h lbr most of thc .; ,i ; : * : ; ll : i , . i
,. , i i ;- t, :
small cut'n'press board b1' the serving machine to pieces used in the blocks. Other sizes,
sa\re vou lrom too much getting up and dorvn r.r.hen such as small squares-2%in,3%in, and so on-are useful lbr

-you are sewing. \Vhen the blocks are finished, steam press thcm trimming units to sizc, plus a 6%in square for checking rhe iinished
betbre joining them togcther. blocks. If 1'ou have a choice ot' rulers. choose one rvith .15- and
60-degree marldn!,s lbr cutting anglcd pieces. Look also zrt the lines
on the ruler; manv are marked on both sides, one clarh ancl one light,
rvhich is uscful ibr rcading the nteasurements on clitlcrcnt colore.l
Rotary cutter thbrics. There arc also turnaround rulers that give inchcs in bold
Rotarv cutters come in all shapes and sizes. Trv <rn one side and %in measuremcnts in bold on the reverse. Nletric
to find one in the store that is not in a pachet so versions of manv sizes are also available.
that )'ou can hold it and see u'hat it I'eels like in

1'our hand; somc ma,y be morc comfortable than

c,s* :lT:,:T:H:,11i:I
"0 Sewing rnachine
A simple machine that does straight stitch is all that is necessarl',
but a needle-dorvnfunction is usetirl lbr some of the inset seamsand
Self-healing cutting rnat curved pieces becauseit enables1'ou to rvork more slorvly and stop
Bu.v the lar$est mat 1.ou have room for. to adjust the fabric. If 1'ou l.ill be quiltir.rg b1
If 1'ou have to move your f'abric to finish machine, look t'or plentv of space betr.een
a cut, there is a chance that von rvill not the needle and the bodl' of the machine,
cut straight. Only use a rotarl'cutter on becausethis is l.l-rerevou l.ill have the
a sclt-hcaling mat, not on another surface, quilt gathered up as ).ou stitch-the
becausethe cutter rvill damagethe surface and the blade more room there is, the better.

Turntable Battin$
r\ turntable is useful if 1'ou are cutting Also knorvn as rvadding. this is the padded lal'er betrveen the quilt
large pieces and trimmin!, them to size, top and backing fabric. It can be purchascd b1' the 1'ardor
because vou can just spin the turntable meter. or in Dre-cut sizes such as trvin bed or crib
t:,' arouncl to cut each side without havin€ size. Be$inners ma1. find it easier to u.ork
to picli i-rp and rnove the pieces. This rvith thinner batting. Thick polvcster batting
hclps to irnprovc accuracY. can be used for makinS tiecl quilts, giving
them zl put'tier appearancc.

Cutting F'abrics
can cut the pieces of fabric for 1'our blocks using scissors,but rotary cutting is a lot quicker and
L easier.Rotar-vcutters can be used to cut through two or more ia1'ersot' fabric at one time. Left-handed
people ma1'find it easier to hold this book to a mirror to see the hand positions. See page 11(r for cutting
pieces using templates.

1 Fold thc t:rhric il needed so
I that it all iits on the cutting
mat. Position one of the
horizontal lines on the ruler
along the fold, then position
the vertical line markin! the
Cut along one dia$onal of a square to Cut along both diagonals to produce
required rviclth oI the strips on produce tlo hall-square trianglcs. tbur quarter-square triangles.
the left-hand side of the tabric.
Position the fabric and ruler on the Ilold the ruler in place firml,v
cutting mat.
and, il'possible, have one iinger
off the ruler on the fabric or Triangles
board. This helps to stabilize
the ruler and 1'ou are less likel1' 1 To cut a hall'-squaretriangle, cut squaresof the required size and
to push it out oi position. I cut along one tliagonalto protlucetso triangles.

1\\'ith the hlacle right against For quarter-squaretrianf,les,cut the squares alon!, both diagonals
', I
&the ruler and otTthe edge of &to give four small triangles.
the tabric, start cutting awa--v
from l'ou; never cut tou'ard
Guide the rotar:'cutter alonSithe rulcr
to cut the fabric into strips. 1'ou ibr safetl' reasons.

A l , t l

Dquares anc rectangres

To cut strips into squares or rectangles, leave them lblded. Position the t'abric and align the ruler in the
same wav as before to cut across the fabric in the opposite direction. If "vou are using a turntable, you can
simpl-v spin the board around rather than reposition the fabric.

Using a turntable to cut strips into

squares and rectangles saves time.

To cut strips of fabric at an angle (only 45-degreeanglesare
I required lbr the blocks in this book), align the 4S-degreeline
on the ruler with the bottom edAe of the fabric and cut as usual.

/) Some quilters find it helpful to make a paper templare and attach

L it with transparent tape to the ruler to remind them of rvhat the
tinished piece should look like. This avoids the common problem of
trimming the rvrong end, or the wron€ angle. You can also buy small
brightly colored strips that temporaril,v attach to the ruler to do Align the ruler at rhe required angle Attaching a paper template to the ruler
the same job. and cut diagonall.v. mav help you avoid making mistakes.

Fabric grain
Fabrics are made bv r.r'eavinglengthwise and crosswise threads $'ith seamson the bias $rain, becauseit has a tendency to
together. Fabric therefbre has trvo straight grains, rvhere these stretch and clistort the blocks. Horvever,man,vblocks and pieced
threads run parallel to or at right angles to the selvage (the units require bias seams (half-squaretriangles,for example)
finished edge).$rhen cutring patches, orient them so rhat the and these should be sewn slou'ly to avoid distorting the pieces.
straight grains rvill run verticallv and horizontallv through the Blocks that include diamonds will have at least two sides on
blocks. The bias grain of the fabric-that is, the diagonal grain the bias grain. Avoid having bias edges on the outside edges
that runs at a 4S-degree angle to the selr'age-is more stretchv of blocks becauseit makes the quilt harder to assemblervell.
than the straight grains. \Vhen possible,avoid curting pieces

Crosswise Arain Straight grain

-Y '/
,dS /

oo rc.

Piecing Techniques
pllocks can be seun bv hand or machine, but machine servin$is much faster. Use small. evenil'spaced
I)running stitches u'hen servingbv hand; use a straight running stitch for machine serving,setting the
9 and 12 stitches per inch (2.5cm).
stitch lenAth to betr,r.een

Regular shapes
1 Lav our the piecesin the correcr /.)Join the ror'vs together, matching and pinnin$ the seams
I positionsand join rhem into ross. &if necessarl', then press the finished block.

Start b.v placing the first trvo units ri$ht
sides together and serl. r'ith a %in (6mm)
seam allowance. Keep adding pieces until

1'ou have completed each rolr'. Press the

La!' out thc pieces in thc seams (see box).
correct order.

Quick tip
To make lots of trvo- or
three-patch square or
rectan$ular units more
e a s i l va n d q u i c k l r ' .s e s l o n $
strips of fabric together and
t h e n c u t i n r o s e g m e n t so f
For speed,join strips togetherand the required size
t h e n( u r t h c mt o t l t er e q u i r c ds i z e .
.loin the pieces into rows, then join the rorvs together

Chain piecing
Chain piecing is a rval'of ser,vingidentical pieces quickll'. Place the first pair under the machine foot and
start se\dng. \Vhen you reach the end of the seam, instead of liftlng the presser foot, simplf ieed the next
pair of pieces into the space and continue se$ing. You 1,i11sew across a small gap and then the i'eed dogs
rvill pick up the fabric of the nerv pieces. Cut the thread to separate the pieces rvhen .vou have finishec.
Once 1'ou become proficient, 1'ou need hardl.v siorv dou'n at all. This method also saves a lot of thread. Feed pieces through the machinc
closel)'together and then cut the
thread to scparate them.

Inset seams Curved seams

-l Insct seams have one piece that has to be stitched into an angle 1 Although some quilters clip the setrmallorvancesrvhen serving
I tormed bv other pieces; thel' cannot be seu,n in a straigl-rt linc. -Lcun'es, this cen rveaken the block and is unnecessarl'tbr the
Ilark the seam allorvances at the corner points w'ith a clot. Serv the gentle cllrves rcquired in this booh. Xlarh the center of both cun'es
first tu'o pieces togiether, stopping at the dots (if 1'ou continue to bv folding ancl pinching a small crease at the edSe ot' the fabric.
the edges of the t'abric, 1'ou x'ill not be able to add the inset piece).
together the ollter eclges, midpoint, and regular intervals in
AClip the corner of the inset piece almost as t'ar as the seam 4;betrveen. rvith the concave section on top. Insert the pins at a
&allorvance; this rvill help 1'ou to pivot the pieces rvhen sex.ing,, ri[ht anfle to the seam so that ]'ou can pull them out at the last
and the t'abric is more lihel1'to pucker if the allolance is not clipped. moment n.hen ser,ing; it is much harder to pin alon$ the seam line
Place the pieces right sides together with the inset section on top. on a cun'e. Starting at one ed6ie, slon,l1' serv the seam, pulling the top
Start at one edge and selr'to the next dot. Leave the needle in the fabric into place as )'ou go; use a smaller stitch than usual. \\''here
fabric, raise the presser foot, and pivot the fabric so that the next there is more than one cun'e. start \\'ith the smallest and continue
trvo dots line up, then pin and complete the se*'inS. adding the remaining curved pieces until the block is complete.

trlark the seam allorvances at each Sel from dot to dot, pivoting the Fold and crease thc tabric to mark the l'in the cun'ecl cdges togethcr.
conler oi the piecesrrit h r cjot. labric around the needle rvhen 1'ou center points of the cun ed ed$es. inscrting the pins at right angles.
are readv to serv t]re next sealr. \ \ } e n 1u u s c \ \ ' t h c s ( a n l . t l t c p i r t s c r n
be removed easill' at the last moment

Pressin$ seams
\Vhen all the pieces are joined into rorvs, press the seam allon.ances on the tjrst rorv to the right, on the
second rou. to the left, and so on dorvn the lrlock. It 1'ou press them all to the same side, 1'ou rvill get a
bump of seam allou,ances on one sicle oi the seam rvhen -vou sew the rorvs together. \Vhere blocks start
\\.ith a central point. such as lo$ cabin designs, it is best to press the seams ax'av from the center each
time. For curved pieces, the fabric l'ill lie ilatter if you press the seams to\\'ard the outside of the block.
If 1'our fabric is verl' pale, )'ou ma)' want to press torvard the darkest fabric.
If using a pale iabric, press the
seams toward the darker iabric
lvhere possible.

Improving Accurlcy
n accurate seam allorvanceis important because,if it is uneven, the units of the block rvill not meet
up neatl-vand -yourblocks may be of uner.ensizes.Here are a ferv ideas lbr improving vour accurac-y

Seam allowances
Quick tip
1 The iirsr srep to improving If -vou do not have a %in (6mm) foot, mark the measurement
I accuracyis to rest vour on the bed of the serving machine. Place the edge of a ruler
serm allosance.Cut four precisell. under the needle and stick some tape exactly
o ' / -x 2 i n ( 1 o . 2 r S c m ) s t r i p s %in (6mm) to the right. If -vou pile up three of four layers
of fabric from trvo or more ot tape, it rvill give a nice edge to rvork to.
different colors. Selv the strips
together along the long edges,
alternating the colors. Press
Sew strips of equal rvidth together, all the seam allorvancesin one
alternating the colors. and press the
seam allorvances in one directiorr. direction and lay the block on
a cutting board.

fl \\'ith a square ruler,

4.,r measure the rvidth of all the
strips. The outer two that have
only lost one seam allou.ance
should measure 7%in (4.2cm),
and the inner strips that have
lost both seam allorvances
should measureL%in(3.7cm).
trlcasure the top, niddle, and bottom Next, check that the ends of the
of the strips to check thel'are equal.
strips are as accurate as the
middles. It is common to slope
off at the be{,inninf, and end of a seam. One rval' of preventing this is Use a ruler and tape to mark the bed of 1'our ses'ing machine %in (6mm)
to the ripht of the needle to indicate an accurate seam allorvancc.
to start and stop stitching on a small scrap of fabric and feed your
material through, aligning it with the %in (6mm) foot of the machine.

Fast corners
-l Fast corners can he used fbr snorvballblocks and fl-v-ing geese
I units. For these, cut a square and place it right sides toSether
on the required corner. Servjust one thread's rvidth arvay from the
diaf,onal in the direction of the corner.

Cut larger squares than required, sew Do the same to make accurate quarter- ,r}Fold back and press the square tolvard the corner. The thread's
together on either side of the dia$onal square triangles, sewing on either side
&rvidth allowance means that it should exactl.vmatch the edgesof
then cut alon{, the dia$onal, open out, oi both diagonals, and then cutting and
and trim to the correct size. trimming to size. the corner. Cut awav the excessfabric from the back.

Half- and quarter-square triangles

The most accurate method is to add %in (3mm) to the cut size of
I sq.raresspecified.Place the squaresright sides together,drarv a
diagonal line on the reverse of one of the thbrics, and serv%in (6mm)
either side of the line. Cut apart on the line and press open. Place
the pieced squareson your cutting board and, using a small square
ruler, trim to the required size. Place the 4S-degreeline on the ruler Serv a square to the required corner, Fold back th" .qru." urd pl* ,or""..1
alonf, the dia$onal seam to ensure that you are trimmin$ accurately a thread's rvidth closer to the corner the corner,then trim the excesslabric
than the diagonal. irom the back.
to a square.

f)You can use the same method rvith quarter-squaretriangles,

L crtting the initial squares %in (3mm) larger as before and then Templates
trimming the finished pieced squares. \\'hen lvorking lvith templates, \'ou may find it reassuring to allow a
%in (72mm) seam allorvance on the edge of the block and then trim
to fit atter the block is complete. Do not use this satety margin to
allow sloppy piecing; are still aiming for accuracy. After a rvhile,
vou will not I'eel the need for this extra allorvance; 1'ou rvill be able
to piece perfectly all the time.

Quick tip
Unless it is unavoidable,do not unpick blocks. If you have made
It is rvorth comparing the markings on your rulers. There
a mistake, cut new pieces and put the mistake onto .vour spare
are several makes and some have lvider markin$s than
pieces pile. If you unpick the seam, .vouweaken and distort the
others. You might tind that cutting to one side or other
fabrics. If 1'ou have sewn a whole block together rvrongl-'-,it might
of the line makes -vourrvork more accurate.
be a nerv r.ariation-that could rvell be horv manv oriAinal blocks
rvere develooed.

Completing the Quilt

iecinS the finished blocks together is no more complicated than piecing a basic nine-patch block
The only dift'erence is that the pieces are slightl"v larger and -l'ou ma)'have a i'erv more of them.
The quilt top then needs to be sandrviched r.ith battin€ and backing i'abric, and the lavers quilted together.

the blocks
If ,vou have a complicated
arrangement, pin the blocks in
position onto a backing sheet.
Check the arrangement
carelullvl it is berter to discover
Pin the blochs together norv that a block needs rotating
than aiter the quilt top is pieced
together. A Polaroid or digital photo ma-v also help -vou to anaiyze
the arrangement. \\rhen )'ou are satisiied, unpin the blocks t'rom the
backin! sheet. Pin and then serv them into rows, pressin$ the seam
allou,ances in alternate directions on each ron., and then join the
rorvs together until vou have one piece. Serv the blocks together in rol s, then join the rorvs to complete the quilt top

Preparing the lavers

Join together suff'icientfabric to make a piece of backing, allon'ing 2in (5cm) larger all around
for a larSe quilt top or 1in (2.5cm) for a small quilt top or pillorv. Pressthe quilt top and remove
stray threads. Lav the backing right side dorvn onto a i'lat, clean surface. Spread the batting on
top, smoothing it bv hand to remove creasesif necessary.Float the quilt top right side up onto
the batting. Starting from the center, pin the three la-verstogether. Use dressmakingpins if ,vou
will be basting and hand quilting the quilt, but use safet.vpins if .vou will be machine quilting it.
Place the pins or basting stitches close enough together so that r-ou cannot place your hand on
Basted lavers. Pinned lavcrs the quilt without touchinS a pin or stitch.
c o - \ l t , t _ F _ T t - \T(I;I E Q t ' t L T I 1 5

rr | .1 , .
Hand quilting Machine quilting
This is commonl.v a runnin$ stitch but can be backstitch or a
decoratir.e stitch, such as French knots or chain stitch. Be$in { I There are t\\o str'lesot
l machine quilting. The I'irst
quiltin$ in the center and lvork outr'vard; that r.va1'you can smooth
is rvith the feed dogs up and a
creases toward the edges of the qullt top it' necessary'. Start b1'
foot on the machine that can
stitching through all three lavers, pulling the knot at the end of the
be used to quilt in straight
thread into the batting la-ver. Continue se\\'ing the design of 1'our
or slightll'curved lines. For
choice, usin$ a rockin$ motion to collect two or more stitches onto
beginners, quilting a line
the needle at once. LTsea thimble to push the needle through the
parallel to but not in the seam
la1'ers. \Vorkin! in a hoop suits some people; tr-v it and see. Remove
L-se seam lines as a guide for se\ying line is easiest because vou can
the quilt t'rom the hoop to avoid leavin! permanent creases l-henever straiSht lines oI machine quilting.
put )'our machine lbot agzrinst
l'ou stop lbr a break (even if 1'ou only think 1'ou rvill be five minutes).
the seam and tbllorv this as a
guide. r\s l.ith hand quilting,
alr.a)'s start in the center and
rvork outlvard.

nlThc second method is iree-

d,.r motion quilting, lvith the
feed dogs dorvn and letting I'our
Lou'er the teed dogs anci use 1-our hands guide the quilt to produce
hands to guide the quilt beneath the
the pattern.
needle in the required desi$n.

Quick tip
For a real utilitl' quilt,
just tie the three la1'ers
together r.ith thread
at inter\rals; the knots
can be a decorative
feature on the iiont
Tie the la1'ers together l'ith decorative or the back.
knots instead of sewing them.

Use a rockino motion to collect two or mtire stitches orlto the needle at once
1 1 6 T E C H N I O U E SA N D T E t r I P L I T E S

lleveral blocks in rhis book require pieces that are difficult to cut using standard measurements,
L)so full-size drawings are provided here so that )'ou can make templates. Note that these drarvings
do not include a %in (6mm) seam allowance.

Making templates A . /
uutung taDrrc
r l

You can make templates rvith or without a seam allou'anceadded.

Place the templates onto the rvrong side of the fabric and draw
To make templates rvithout a seam allorvance, trace the required
around them with short, stroking lines. Tryinf not to drag the fabric,
shapesonto 6ireaseproofpaper and glue them onto cardboard. If you
continue off the end of an1'points to $ive sharp, accurate points.
have template plastic, you can drau'directly onto this, tracin$ from
Remember to add a seam allorvance if -vou have not already added it
on the line with scissorsor a sharp craft
the page.Cut out exactl--v
to the templates. Cut out with a rotary cutter or scissors.
knife. Use the same process to make templates that include a seam
allorvance, but add the seam allorvance to the drarvings in this book
before tracing them. Photocopy the drawin$s if you do not wish
to mark the book.

All drarvings are

1009/oand without
seam allowances.

All drawings are

1OO96and without
seam allowances.

1 1 8 T E C I I N I Q U E Sr \ N D T E \ ' l P L A T E S

All drawings are

100%and without
seam alloi\ ances.




T E I , { P L A T E S1 I 9

Al1 drarvings are

1007oand without
seam allowances.

r20 T D C H N I Q U E SA N D T E I , { P L A T E S


All drawings are

100%and without
seam allowances.
T E N ' I P L A T E ST2 1

All drawings are

100% and without
seam allorvances. 96c

F'abric Resource Directory

a 1 flren L-rcrrting thc blocks in this booh, colors ancl patterns u'ere chosen tiorn zr p:rlette of 100 tabrics.
t 8,,
B X II.r. is rr list of the actual fabrics used, specil'r.ing the manufzlcturer's name, details of the fabric
ran!,e ancl m:rnufacturer's codes, plus the leierence number of the blochs that feature thc tabric. ,\11thc
iabrics are 100 pcrcent cotton. Refer to page 128 lbr a selection of tirbric sup;rliers.

\Yhite: BrvzrnTaphouse,Nature's Green gingharn: Nlichael\liller Thrquoise triangles: Classic

Xloods,\\'hite 1 (blocks31.82, lizlbrics,Crib Chech, Green, CB86 Cottons.S3,116,P7082.C5
131,159) (blocks 7, 6ti, 115. 120. 163. 1i)3) ( b l o c k s5 7 , 6 0 , 7 6 , 9 6 , 1 1 7 , 1 2 5 ,
, 53)
White srvirls: trlakol'er. \\'hite on Tropical lirne: Brvan
\\rhite Pattern (blocks33,37. 13(r, Nature'sXloods,Tropical Lime .19 Turquoise vines: NlichaelXliller
159,165.177) ( b l o c k s1 , 5 5 , 6 ' 1 ,7 5 , 8 0 , 8 2 . Fabrics, \:ine IIearts, Tulquoise.
87. 12'{) C 1 1 9 0 ( b l o c k s. 1 ,- 1 2 ,5 , 1 ,5 9 , 1 0 9 .
\\'llite rvith grav mist: Classic 1 1 1 .1 8 7 ,1 9 2 )
C o t t o n s ,5 3 1 7 1 ,P . 5 7 5 1C. 8 1 T Green spriSs: Classic Cottons,
( b l o c k s7 5 , 9 7 . 1 0 5 , 1 5 9 . 1 6 6 . 53171. P559.1,C6.lT (blocks3.5, Blue florver patch: Xlakol'er,
791,196) 4 7 , 7 { J ,1 1 3 , 1 2 6 , 1 u 9 , 1 9 . 1 ) Siam,.113BT (blocks 10, 21, 30,
1 1 6 .1 5 6 , 1 8 6 )
(lreen shells: (llassic Cottons,
53296, P5461,C'I70T (blochs:17,
1:.,,11,.'1:: ffi Green blossorns:Ebor Fabrics,
I{1'clrangeal3lossom,Green. : i.A^:" l'loral hluc: Nlak,,rrerS
. ienr.l"lurrrl
1 1 0 ,i 3 3 , 1 9 9 ) ffil;s LH3011-3 (blocks34, 7c),113, :q;{6
Jrq BT (hlocks.r2..iJ. r{().
l5u.189) 9 - * t € . , i I l H , l + . r .l H r , .1 u 1 . 1
Light green: Br1'anTaphouse.
Naturc's \Ioods. Nlelon 37 (blocks llarbled Sreen: Nlichael N{iiler .1.11r*.,..: Skv blue rvith lightning strealis:
1 9 . 2 2 , 6 8 , 7 8 , 1 0 2 . 1 2 1 ,1 5 7 ) Fabrics, Krystal. Dark Green ' Pert'ectOccasions,Summer Sk1-.
(blocks3,1,153, 163, 1S0, 194) r::.'"::-'."i 1003269(blocks 4S, 69, 139)

3:i{'.trg Floral green: Rorvan, ()azania

L e : r i r ' .G t t J L F ( h l o e l t s r r . l q . 7 o . Geometric blues: Xlakou'er. Hazl' blue: \Voodro*' Studios,
gR. h
7h. lol. lll, 128, l8rl) \riennurTrian{,les(blochs 111. 117. Colorplal., Turquoise (blocks 23.
137,1s7) 5 0 ,5 . 15
, 9 , 1 1 8 .1 2 5 .1 5 6 )
Hazl' lime: \Voodrox' Studios,
Colorplal', Lime (]reen (blochs .12, Textured turquoise: Classic Light blue spral-: Xlakoler,
5 c ) ,7 8 , 1 . 1 1 1
, 5 8 , 1 6 2 ,1 f t 2 ) Cottons,532c)6,P5892,C52 Spral'time, 2{100T32 (blocks 8,
( b l o c k s2 8 . 3 7 . - 1 8 .6 0 , 9 7 , 1 1 6 , 1 2 . 6 0 . l I 1 . 1 1 6 , 1 3 : 1 1, : 1 5 1, . 5 0 .
1 5 9 . 1 6 5 ,1 8 0 ) 180,191.195)

;. Textured light hlue: Clessic Dark blue: Bryan Taphouse, Gnld florvers: trIoda Fabrics,
Nature'slloods, Blue 67 (blocks Florver on Gold, 17033 12 (blocks
( b l o c k s5 2 . 5 7 , I 1 7 , 1 2 9 ,1 e 2 ) 4 2 , 5 1 , 5 9 , 7 5 , [ J 2 , 8 7 ,1 5 0 ) 7 3 , 8 1 ,9 2 , 1 2 3 ,1 5 4 ,1 7 0 )

Blue checks: \Vinborne Fabrics, Psychedelic blue: \Voodros, Checkered {,old: Benartex,
Babv Check, Nlint, F3089 067 Studios, trlillefiori Paperrveif,hts Happv Holiclar'.SleighCrossings.
(blocks50, 57, 81, 88, 148, 180) (blocks23, 83, 112, 150, Gold, 5380, C30 (blocks 19,72,
1 5 6 ,1 6 2 ) 79, 169)
Blue forget-rne-nots:Classic
Cottons,53171, P5.120,C22T Indigo spray: Ilakorver, Starn' gold: N'IodaFabrics,
(blocks 1I, 97, 105, 1.10. Spraytime, 2800 B0[J(blocks 21, Bitterslveet and Boo, Stars on
151,180) 5 0 , 6 9 , 1 0 7 ,1 1 6 ,1 3 9 .1 5 1 ,1 8 6 ) G o l d , 1 7 0 3 21 2 ( b l o c k s2 0 , 6 7 , 9 3 ,
9 9 , 1 5 4 , 1 t i 9 ,1 9 0 , 1 9 7 )
Powder blue: Bryan Taphouse, Textured darli hlue: Clessic

ffi Nature'sNloods,Turquoise 34
(blocks30, 38, 57, 60, 77, B9,
1 0 3 , 1 0 4 , 1 1 . 1 1, 6 , 1 )
Cottons,52071, P29.18,C23D
( b l o c k s5 7 , 6 0 , 9 6 , 1 0 ; 1 1
1 8 7 ,1 9 1 ,1 9 5 )
, 1 4 ,1 2 9 ,
Golden curls: Classic Cottons,
53296, P5963,C44 (blocks9, 58,
1 1 9 , 1 3 0 , 1 8 3 ,2 0 0 )

Blue pansies: Classic Cottons, Blue and gold pansies: Ilakorver, Berries on gold: trIodaFabrics,
53296, P5387,C29T (blocks28, Pansl' (blocks 2, 30, 52. 74, L)6, Thimbleberries, Berry Patch, 4866
5 7 , 9 6 , 1 5 0 ,1 5 3 ,1 6 5 ,1 8 0 ) 99, 14s) C 7 ( b l o c k s7 , 5 1 , 6 8 , 1 0 8 ,1 7 3 ,
Blue vines: Fabri-Quilt. Inc., Gold swirls on broln: I{akolver,
Earth \\rind and Fire (blocks 97, Deco Oval Srvirl (blocks 6, 67, Gold rvith holll': Benartex,
1 0 7 ,1 3 7 , 1 5 1 ) 100,180,197) l l a p p t I l o l i d a y .J o l l v H o l l y .S o l t
Gold, 5381, C33 (blocks 49,79,
llistr trlue: Erlanger, Better Textured brown: Classic Cottons, 175,189)
Than Basics(blocks 109, 111, 53296, P5892,C42 (blocks6,20,
1 4 8 , 1 6 5 ,1 8 7 ) fr4, 173, 184) Yellorv rose swag: N{oda Fabrics,
Ginfham Rose,3 Sisters,Yellorv
Starrv night blue: Iloda Fabrics, Brorvn vines: Classic Cottons, Stripe, F3703-14 (blocks 3, 35,
Rainbow Stars, Blue (blocks 21, 53294, P5550,C96T (blocks 68, 8 6 , 1 2 6 ,1 3 0 )
4 2 , 5 0 , 5 4 , 1 0 9 ,7 7 1 , I 9 2 ) 86, 108, 723, L27, 112, 151)
Golden roses: Anbo Textiles,
Darh blue spral': Ilakorver, Gold speckle:Iloda l"abrics. Tudor Garden, Rose Gold,
Spral'time, 2800 B05 (blocks 2, Thimbleberries, Quilt Club F173-190(blocks 2, 67, 93,
5 7 , 1 1 1 ,1 3 6 , 1 5 9 ) Collection, Gold Speckle,F5003-1 1 0 8 , 1 4 2 ,1 5 2 )
(blocks 66, 70, 100, 152, 200)
1 2 4 F A B R I C R E S O U R C ED I R E C T O R \

Cream zi{za{s: NIoda Fabrics, Gold leaves: Classic Cottons, Red florver patch: Classic
Colombia River, 7966 11 (blocks 53281, P6383,C45T (blocks 12, Cottons,53171, P5466,C76T
5 3 , 7 3 , 8 5 ,1 2 6 , 1 2 7 ) 77, 39, 98, 747, 169, 777) (blocks 16, 22, 65, 78, 91, 95,
Cream florver patch: I{akower, Orange sprigs: Classic Cottons,
Trvo-TonePetal, Cream, 030,1 53281, P'1388,C72T (blocks65, Bright red: Brvan Taphouse,
(blocks34, 100, 170, 183, 197) 9 1 , 1 0 5 ,7 6 9 , r 7 2 ) Nature'strIoods,Christmas Red 44
(blocks31, ,10,82,90. 112,767)
Patterned cream: Timeless Oran$e leaves: Classic Cottons,
Treasures,Ir.or"vNoel, F5426, 53281, P6384,C74T (blocks 12, Red spral-: Nlakower, Spral'time,
C 2 4 2 6 ( b l o c k s2 6 , 3 0 , 4 4 , 6 7 , 8 4 , t 7 , 6 2 , 75 , 1 0 5 , 7 2 7 , 7 72 ) 2 8 0 0 R 0 4 ( b l o c k s1 7 , 2 9 , 3 3 , 6 2 ,
1 7 0 , 1 9 5 ,2 0 0 ) 83, 161, 193, 19.1)
Bright orange: Br1'an Taphouse,
Vanilla spatter: N{ichael lliller Nature'sl{oods, Orange 41 (blocks llarbled red: tr{oda Fabrics,
Fabrics, Countertop Texture, 5 , 8 7 , 1 4 7 , 1 6 0 ,1 6 8 , 1 7 8 ) Nlarbles,Turke,vRed, F6854
Vanilla,C239 (blocks 6,27,66, ( b l o c k s3 , 4 9 , 7 8 , 9 4 , 1 0 5 , 1 2 0 ,
96, 138,155,195) Red gingham: trIichael N{iller l.26, 169)
Fabrics, Crib Check, Red, C886
Lemon: Bryan Taphouse,Nature's ( b l o c k s3 3 , 9 4 , 9 5 , 1 1 5 , 1 5 9 , 1 7 9 ) Abstract orange: I'Iakorver,
trIoods,Lemon 38 (blocks 3, 20, VeronaAbstract (blocks27,93,
sfl, 70, 90, 123, L54, 167) Pink spri$s: Classic Cottons, 1 3 5 ,1 7 5 , 1 9 0 )
53171, P559,1,C14T (blocks 11,
Lemon stripes: ,\nbo Textiles, 7 6 , 9 , 1 ,1 0 1 , 1 0 5 ) llarbled ginger: Nloda Fabrics,
Fine Lemon Stripes, 53000, C503 Ginger Nlarble, F7521-16 (blocks
( b l o c k s1 3 , 4 5 , 1 7 3 ) Apricot: Bryan Taphouse, Nature's 6 , 5 3 , 6 1 , 7 4 , 1 0 8 , 1 1 9 ,1 3 0 ,1 5 4 )
N,loods,Apricot 23 (blocks 43, 81,
Banana -vellorv:Br.van Taphouse, 9 4 , 1 3 2 , 1 3 3 , 1 4 6 ,1 6 4 ) Ginger checks: Moda Fabrics,
Nature's Moods, Banana Yellow 40 Bittersweet and Boo, Ginger
(blocks 77, 80, 82, 144, 168) Psychedelic oran$e: Rowan, Check, 17031 16 (blocks 13,73,
FGO1RD0304450 (blocks 12, 18, 92, 138, 180)
Yellow spray: Nlakower, 3 9 , 6 4 , 8 7 , r 2 B , 1 3 1 , 1 7 6 ,1 7 8 )
Spraytime, 2800 YOB(blocks 29, Blue and cream diamonds:
75, 78, 83, 747, 760, 768) Dotted red: Michael Miller Makower, Nile Nlosaic,3804
Fabrics, Pindot, Red, C1065 (blocks 44, 67,85, 138, 155, 195)
Gold spray: Makower, Spraytime, (blocks 37, 45, 55, 115, 160)
2800 N06 (blocks 76,62,92, lOB, Gray mosaic with stars: NIoda
1 6 0 ,1 6 2 , 1 6 8 ) Red leaves:Classic Cottons, Fabrics, Thimbleberries, Star
S3296,P5589,C13T (blocks4, Grid, F5018-3(blocks 10,90,L67,
. 1 7 , 9 4 ,1 0 5 , 1 0 6 , 1 5 8 , 1 6 2 ) 184, 198)
R E S O U R C DD I R E C T O R Y I 2 5

Gray leaves: Classic Cottons, \riolet splash: Timeless Treasures, Baby pink: Brvan Taphouse,
53281, P6384,C84T (blocks 140, Atlas X,{ulti,F3148, C3148 (blocks Nature's N,Ioods,Ice Pink 27
1 5 9 ,1 6 6 , 1 9 8 ) 2 8 , 4 6 , 5 6 , 1 1 3 , 1 5 6 ,1 8 6 ) i:li:::::l:::.:rrrrrr:rr:
(blocks 11, 21, 47 ,63, 81,
94, 185)
Blue-gra-v checkers: X'IodaFabrics, Purple circles: trIichael Nliller
Thimbleberries, Berry Patch, Blue l'abrics, Disco Dot, Violet, C91t) Haz-vpink: \Voodrorv Studios,
Diamonds, F4865 (blocks ,1,'11, (blocks 38, 149) Colorplal', Pink (blocks 15, 46, 56,
B B ,1 2 5 , 1 5 3 , 1 6 6 , 1 9 5 , 1 9 8 ) 7 1 , 1 1 8 ,7 2 8 , t 4 3 , 1 7 1 , 1 8 5 ,1 8 8 )
ffis*{ Hazl' lilac: \\bodrorv Studios,
Green flouer patch: Classic Colorplay, Lilac (blocks 71, 118, Tlopical pink rvith butterflies:
Cottons,53171, P5,166,C67T 122,t19,177,796) Michael l,Iiller Fabrics, Tropical
(blocks26, 35, 70, 72, 175, Fizz,Pink, C2208 (blocks 1, 10,
r94,r99) Lilac: Bryan Taphouse,Nature's
1itllt:l11:l;.rl,lrl.,:ii 63,61,1,24,782)
\'Ioods, Lilac 29 (blocks 1 8 , 5 6 ,
Black: Bryan Taphouse, Nature's 60, 132, 153, 156) N{arbled pink: tr{ichael I'Iiller
Xloods,Black 81 (blocks 18,31, Fabrics, Krystal, Pink (blocks
9 8 , 1 3 5 ,1 6 4 ) - Floral pastels: Ehor Fabrics. 2 5 , 3 2 , 3 9 , 1 3 1 , 1 4 1 ,L 1 7 , r 7 r ,
Hvdrangeaand Raspherrr', 181,196)
Nlulticolored scissors on black:
.l . H: J.O.o^/ I ^l { r ;( b.l o.c,k s,J,+ , I l J ,
NlichaelI\[iller Fabrics,Scizzors. 722, I9B)
:i::l\\'ide pastel stripes: I{ichael
Black, C2274 (blocks 5, 36, 39, Jii::1 N{iller Fabrics, Colorband, Pastel,
14.1,164, 168) Pink leaves on cream: Classic
,l.1C 1 2 5 7( b l o c k s1 . 1 , 3 6 ,8 1 , 1 0 1 ,
Cottons,53281, P6387,C10T 1 0 3 ,1 3 2 ,1 6 4 , 1 7 7 )
Grape: Bryan Taphouse, Nature's ( b l o c k s1 5 , 1 6 , 2 5 , 6 5 ,1 0 3 ,1 0 5 ,
trIoods,Grape 62 (blocks 38, 78, 106,113) Thin pastel stripes: Nlichael X{iller
1 3 1 ,1 4 7 , 1 5 3 , 1 7 8 )

Violet vines: Classic Cottons,

Rosebuds on cream: Iloda
Fabrics, Peach Roseson Cream
Fabrics.Pencil Stripe.Turquoise,
C1003 (blocks38, 104, 174, 195)

53296, P5550,C31T (blocks 15, (blocks ,17,103, 1.16,1flts,19{i) Nlulticolored mosaic: trIichael
46, 109, 129, 717, 186, 196) Xliller Fabrics, Quilt, X{ulti, C2215
Florver sprinlile on cream: r\nbo ( b l o c k s5 , 5 5 , 7 7 , 8 2 , 1 6 8 )
Nlulticolored spots on purple: Textiles, Pink Florver Sprinkle,
Iloda Fabrics, tr{ulti Dot, Purple, F6100-10(blocks43, 76, 133,
F9913-13(blocks L2, 21, 39, 717, 1 5 3 ,1 9 8 )
, 7 7 , 1 8 1 ,1 8 8 )
a Roseson pink: J\lodaFahrics,
- i
Hazl' puryrle: \Voodrolv Studios, Paris Flea trIarket, Pink Ribbon
Colorpla-v,Purple (blocks 8, 78, & . , . . ' . 1 r , ! . 1Roses,F3726-16(blocks 11, 110,

1 0 2 , 1 1 3 , 1 4 7 , 7 5 6 , 1 7 1 ,1 7 6 , 1 8 8 ) 158,161,198)

,1 I Caroline's Choice 55 Double Nlonhev\\'rench 59 Four X Yariation 9.1
accuracv, improving 112-13 Carrie Nation Quilt 56 Double Quartet 49 Four-patch 42
, \ r r ( i a s i l ed / Chain and Hourllass 72 Double X 59 l.'our-patchChain 38
Aircraft 100 chain piecing 110 Drunkard's Path 78 Free Trade 50
Album Quilt flS Checked Corner 100 Duck's Foot 89 Friendship Name Chain 100
Antique Tile 52 Christnas Pillol'31 Dutchman's Puzzle 62
Anvil 69 ChristmzrsTree 101
u\ G
Around the Bend 76 Classic Cun'es 69 L) Garden of llden 89
Around the Trvist'18 Cockscomb .18 Eccentric Star 5.5 GeeseAround the Corner 103
Arrorv ,10 c o l o r1 0 . 1 6 - 1 7 , Eccentric Star \rariation 59 Geesein the Barn 28
,\rrol.head 61 Colorado Quilt 8.1 Economl'41) Goose Stripe 88
Aunt Dinah 93 Colorado Quilt \rariation .15 Eight Triangles'15 Goose Tracks 96
Comibrt Quilt 95 Eight-pointed Star 53 Grandma's Favorite 67
-fD computer programs,lbr design Endless Stair [J9 Grandmother's Choice 39
batting 107 1B Iinglish \Vedding Ring 96 Grandmother's Choice Yariation
Barbara Frietschie 52 Corner in the Cahin 103 equipment 106-7 76
Bird in the Air 7,1 Corner Sashed(ieese 93 Even Stripes 101 Grandmother's Corner 102
Birds in the Air 40 Cotton Reel 78 Grandmother's Cross 53
Blockade 62 Cotton Reel Variation 91 I.
I Greek Cross 67
blocks Counterpane 5'1 tabric 1(.),16-17
for borders 20 Counterpane \rariation 9fl bufing 17, 18 IJ

combining 11, 12, 13, 20-1 Courthouse Steps 102 cutting 108-9, 116 Half-sashedDiamond 92
q u i l t l a v o u t s1 9 . 2 2 - . i Coxel"s Armv 9'1 designs 17 Half-squareTriangles,16
construction 13 Crack Those Curves 31 grain 109 Home Queen 58
ioinin$ 11il Cracker 50 quantities 1B_19 Hopscotch 85
making sample 21 Crockett Cabin Quilt'17 resource clirectory'122-5 Hopscotch Variation .15
size 12 CrosseclSquares90 t1'pcs17 HourglassI 57
turning 12 Cups and Saucers56 rvashinSbelbre use 17 HourglassII 58
unpicking 113 curved seams111 Fast Geese82 Ilourglass III 66
Blue and Green 22 cutting fat quarters 18 Ilourglass Variation 38
Bonnie Scotsman65 fabrics 108-9 Fivc-patch Star 91
Box in a Box 71 mat, self-healing107 Floating Diamond 99 r|.
Box of Treats 23 llock oI (iecse /J Improved Four-patch 60
Briar Tanlles 24 D Flv Foot 85 In the \Voodland 25
Bright IIopes 5t) Delax'zlre'sFlagstone'19 F'lfing GeeseVariation [J7 Indian Hatchet 49
Broken Dishes .16 Dia!,onalFour-patch Chain 68 Flfing Squares\rariation 63 Indiana Puzz\e 56
Building Blochs (r9 Diagonal Stripc 6.1 Flving X 72 inset seams111
Brr.r.ard'sRoost 79 Diag,onalStripes '11 Forest Paths 96 Inverted \r 90
Diamond Border B1 Four- and Nine-patch B1 iron 107
C Dian-rondFour-patch 39 I,'our Squares75
Cah.aoPuzzle 62 Diamond in the Square 66 Four X 5.9
Card Trick 73 Double Ilourg,lass65 Four X Quilt 57
I N D E X 12 7

J Pinl'hecls '13 Sixteen Squares 103 V

Jacks on Six ,51 Plain Block 97 shill level 13, 20 Virginia \Vorm Fence 5.1
pressin$seams111 Small Center Nine-patch 86
Johnnl'Around the Corner 95
Propeller 73 Small Trian.qlesand Stripes 83 w
K Snorvball 38 rvadding 107
Kaleidoscope60 C)
< Spider 57 \\rhirling Blade 51
King's Crolvn B0 quilt Spinning Tops Yariation ,13 \Vhirlpool 84
Itittl' Corner 76 la1'outs12, 19. 20, 22-35 Spool 52 \Vhite House Steps 71
preparing la1'ers1 14 Spring Pillorv 30 \\'ide Stripe 7cl
L sample blochs 21 Squaresand Pinwheels 42 \Vild Goose Chase 87
Large Triang,lesand Stripcs 83 testin$ design 21 Squaresand Stripe 6,1 \Vindmill 61
Log Cabin 90 quilting techniques 115 Star Boxcs 32 \Vind)'Da)' 29
Long Checks 70 Star SzrmpierJ5
Luckl'Clover 51 R Star X 92 X
Railroad 91 Starq. Night 98 X Quartet 44
M Raspberrl. Ripple 26 Steeplechzrse 67 Xquisite '11
\Iemor-v 79 Red Cross 94 Steps to the Altar 6rl
\lille r's Daughter '{B Ribbon Star 43 Strength in Llr-rionVariation 101 Y
trIitered Corner 77 Right and Lelt 4i Stripes70 \hnkee Puzzle I Bl
NloharvkTrail .11 Road to Oklahoma 53 Summer Pillos'30 \hnkee Puzzle II 85
Nlonaster.v\Vindorvs (r1 Roman Square,l2 brlnlmer bK\' / / YankeePuzzle\rariation 45
I'Iosaic 86 Roman Stripe 68 Sunrise27
IIr Roosevelt'sNecktie (r3 Rosie'sFavorite 99 SunriscSunset55 Z
rotar)'cutter 107 Sl.amp '\n.{el 99 Zig Zap,82
N rulers 107 svmbols1J, 20
needles 106 zn
Nelson's \rictorl' .1-l S I

Nerv Album 60 Sam's Favorite 74 Tam's Patch 77

Nine-patch 54 Sashed liour-patch 70 techniques
Nine-patch \rariation 88 Sashcd Geese 95 ibr completingquilt 114-15
Northrvind 44 Sashed Nine-patch 82 tbr improving accLrrac-y
Sashed Surprise 34 1 12-13
Off-Center LoS Cabin 97
Sashed Triangles 102
Sarvtooth Star 93
piecing 110-11
templates113, 116-21
Ohio Star 68 scissors 106 Texas Star 75
Old Nfaid's Przzle 39 SEAMS The llouse That Jack Built [J0
Old \Vindmill 74 allorvances1l 2 thread 106
cun'ed 111 Three-patch Quilt 71
P inset111 Thrift"v 92
Passionfor Purple 33 matching 21 Tile Przzle 17
e a v e m e n9r 7
P h i l a d e l p h iP pressing111 Triangle Tiles 8'l
Picket 86 servingmachine 107 Triangles 78
piecing techniques 1 10-11 Shooily 46 turntable 107
Pie Slices 98 Shoofl1,\''ariation 66 Trvelve Triangles B0
PiecedStar 85 Sickle 68
pins 106 Simple Florver 72

Pinrvheel,15 Sister'sChoice 81 Uneven Stripes 65


Stockists and Man ufacturers

l .
r:.lDncs Perlect Occasions Nancl"s Notions Janome America, Inc.
& Brvan Tapho ww\\'.nancysnotions.com \\1 .ry.Janome.com
. r . : : i . , ,T e x t i l e s urrv. bombalrstoresonline.com
,, .rl rrrtbo.co.uk \\.ww.cottonpatch.co.uk Olfa Products Group Pt'affof America
rvrvl,.oll'a.com rr'"u,n'.pl'atT.
:.llill'te-\ Rorvan
.i ,r rr trcttzlrtex.com $-$nv.coatscraft.co.uk Prym-Dritz Corporation
lr-rnr,. knitrolvan. com rlr'rv. dritz.com Thread
' . r r r r i eC o t t o n s
.i rrs el:rssiccottons.com \Vinbourne Fabrics Limited The \Varm Comoanr Coats & Clark
lrqrv. rvinbof abrics. co. uk \\\\N. Warmcompan-v. com *rvrv.coatsandclark.com
i - : . ,, r F l t h r i c s
,\\\ \\ cqllCt.CO.Uk a\ Connecting Threads
Quilting Dewrng \\\\nv.connectingthreads. com
l .
iirs ekrthpeddlar.com suppres
l . macmnes Giitermann of America
\\s\\ (lrliltknit.com w\m\'.gutermann-uS.com
Clotilde, Inc. Bab"vLock, USA
I rrl.ri-Quilt, Inc. wrvr..c1oti1de.com lrvr'.babvlock.com Kreinik I{1g Co., Inc.
r s ri fabri-quilt.com rwr'rv.kreinik.com
Colonial Needle Co. Bernina of America, Inc.
\ I ; tk o s ' e r ru.n'.colonialneedle.com u'lr.n'.berninausa.com Sulky of America
* ri l.andovertabrics.com rrlrv.sulky.com
u s u.nlztkoweruk.com EZ Quilting b1' \\trights Brother International
nu'w.ezquilt.com u'wrv.brother. com YLI Corporation
\[ichael ]liller Fabrics urvrv.ylicorp.com
s'r's'.nichaelmillerfabrics.com Fiskars. Inc. Elna USA
lr"wlv. i'iskars. com It rt.v.elnausa.com
\loda Fabrics/L'nitedNotions
rr'u's'.modat'abrics.com Hancock's of Paducah Husqvarna \riking
unlrr,.hancocks-paducah.com r,tu,rv.husqvarnavikin$.com

'\ll photographsand illustrations are the copyright of Quarto Publishing plc.

\\'hile everv effort has been made to credit contributors, Quarto would like to apoloSize should there have
been any omissions or errors, and rvould be pleasedto make the appropriate correction for luture editions
of the book.

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