Decomposing Variance: Kerby Shedden

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Decomposing Variance

Kerby Shedden

Department of Statistics, University of Michigan

October 9, 2019

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Law of total variation

For any regression model involving a response Y ∈ R and a covariate

vector X ∈ Rp , we can decompose the marginal variance of Y as follows:

var(Y ) = varX E (Y |X ) + EX var(Y |X ).

I If the population is homoscedastic, var(Y |X ) does not depend on

X , so we can simply write var(Y |X ) = σ 2 , and we get
var(Y ) = varX E (Y |X ) + σ 2 .
I If the population is heteroscedastic, var(Y |X ) is a function σ 2 (X )
with expected value σ 2 = EX σ 2 (X ), and again we get
var(Y ) = varX E (Y |X ) + σ 2 .

If we write Y = f (X ) +  with E (|X ) = 0, then E (Y |X ) = f (X ), and

varX E (Y |X ) summarizes the variation of f (X ) over the marginal
distribution of X .

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Law of total variation


10 1 2 3 4
Orange curves: conditional distributions of Y given X
Purple curve: marginal distribution of Y
Black dots: conditional means of Y given X

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Pearson correlation

The population Pearson correlation coefficient of two jointly distributed

scalar-valued random variables X and Y is

cov(X , Y )
ρXY ≡ .
σX σY

Given data y = (y1 , . . . , yn )0 and x = (x1 , . . . , xn )0 , the Pearson

correlation coefficient is estimated by

(x − x̄)0 (y − ȳ )
ov(x, y ) (xi − x̄)(yi − ȳ )
ρ̂xy = = pP i = .
σ̂x σ̂y kx − x̄k · ky − ȳ k
P 2
i (xi − x̄) · i (yi − ȳ )

When we write y − ȳ here, this means y − ȳ · 1, where 1 is a vector of

1’s, and ȳ is a scalar.

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Pearson correlation

By the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality,

−1 ≤ ρxy ≤ 1
−1 ≤ ρ̂xy ≤ 1.

The sample correlation coefficient is slightly biased, but the bias is so

small that it is usually ignored.

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Pearson correlation and simple linear regression slopes

For the simple linear regression model

Y = α + βX + ,
if we view X as a random variable that is uncorrelated with , then

cov(X , Y ) = βσX2
and the correlation is
ρXY ≡ cor(X , Y ) = p .
β2 + σ 2 /σX2
The sample correlation coefficient for data x = (x1 , . . . , xn ) and
y = (y1 , . . . , yn ) is related to the least squares slope estimate:
ov(x, y ) σ̂y
β̂ = 2
= ρ̂xy .
σ̂x σ̂x

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Orthogonality between fitted values and residuals
Recall that the fitted values are

ŷ = x β̂ = Py

where y ∈ Rn is the vector of observed responses, and P ∈ Rn×n is the

projection matrix onto col(X).
The residuals are

r = y − ŷ = (I − P)y ∈ Rn .

Since P(I − P) = 0n×n it follows that ŷ 0 r = 0.

since r̄ = 0, it is equivalent to state that the sample correlation between
r and ŷ is zero, i.e.

c , ŷ ) = 0.

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Coefficient of determination
A descriptive summary of the explanatory power of x for y is given by the
coefficient of determination, also known as the proportion of explained
variance, or multiple R 2 . This is the quantity

ky − ŷ k2 kŷ − ȳ k2 var(ŷ
c )
R2 ≡ 1 − 2
= = .
ky − ȳ k ky − ȳ k2 var(y
c )

The equivalence between the two expressions follows from the identity

ky − ȳ k2 = ky − ŷ + ŷ − ȳ k2
= ky − ŷ k2 + kŷ − ȳ k2 + 2(y − ŷ )0 (ŷ − ȳ )
= ky − ŷ k2 + kŷ − ȳ k2 ,

It should be clear that R 2 = 0 iff ŷ = ȳ and R 2 = 1 iff ŷ = y .

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Coefficient of determination
The coefficient of determination is equal to

c , y )2 .

To see this, note that

(ŷ − ȳ )0 (y − ȳ )
c , y) =
kŷ − ȳ k · ky − ȳ k
(ŷ − ȳ )0 (y − ŷ + ŷ − ȳ )
kŷ − ȳ k · ky − ȳ k
(ŷ − ȳ )0 (y − ŷ ) + (ŷ − ȳ )0 (ŷ − ȳ )
kŷ − ȳ k · ky − ȳ k
kŷ − ȳ k
= .
ky − ȳ k

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Coefficient of determination in simple linear regression
In general,

ov(y , ŷ )2
R 2 = cor(y
c , ŷ )2 = .
c ) · var(ŷ
var(y c )

In the case of simple linear regression,

ov(y , ŷ ) = ov(y , α̂ + β̂x)
= β̂ cd
ov(y , x),


c ) = var(α̂
c + β̂x)
= β̂ 2 var(x)

Thus for simple linear regression, R 2 = cor(y

c , x)2 = cor(y
c , ŷ )2 .
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Relationship to the F statistic

The F-statistic for the null hypothesis

β1 = . . . = βp = 0


kŷ − ȳ k2 n − p − 1 R2 n−p−1
· = 2
· ,
ky − ŷ k p 1−R p

which is an increasing function of R 2 .

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Adjusted R 2

The sample R 2 is an estimate of the population R 2 :

EX var(Y |X )
1− .
var(Y )

Since it is a ratio, the plug-in estimate R 2 is biased, although the bias is

not large unless the sample size is small or the number of covariates is
large. The adjusted R 2 is an approximately unbiased estimate of the
population R 2 :

1 − (1 − R 2 ) .

The adjusted R 2 is always less than the unadjusted R 2 . The adjusted R 2

is always less than or equal to one, but can be negative.

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The unique variation in one covariate

How much “information” about y is present in a covariate xk ? This

question is not straightforward when the covariates are non-orthogonal,
since several covariates may contain overlapping information about y .
Let xk⊥ ∈ Rn be the residual of the k th covariates, xk ∈ Rn , after
regressing it against all other covariates (including the intercept). If P−k
is the projection onto span({xj , j 6= k}), then

xk⊥ = (I − P−k )xk .

c k⊥ )/var(x
We could use var(x c k ) to assess how much of the variation in xk
is “unique” in that it is not also captured by other predictors.
But this measure doesn’t involve y , so it can’t tell us whether the unique
variation in xk is useful in the regression analysis.

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The unique regression information in one covariate

To learn how xk contributes “uniquely” to the regression, we can consider

how introducing xk to a working regression model affects the R 2 .
Let ŷ−k = P−k y be the fitted values in the model omitting covariate k.
Let R 2 denote the multiple R 2 for the full model, and let R−k
be the
multiple R for the regression omitting covariate xk . The value of

R 2 − R−k

is a way to quantify how much unique information about y in xk is not

captured by the other covariates. This is called the semi-partial R 2 .

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Identity involving norms of fitted values and residuals

Before we continue, we will need a simple identity that is often useful.

In general, if a and b are orthogonal, then ka + bk2 = kak2 + kbk2 .
If a and b − a are orthogonal, then

kbk2 = kb − a + ak2 = kb − ak2 + kak2 .

Thus in this setting we have kbk2 − kak2 = kb − ak2 .

Applying this fact to regression, we know that the fitted values and
residuals are orthogonal. Thus for the regression omitting variable k, ŷ−k
and y − ŷ−k are orthogonal, so ky − ŷ−k k2 = ky k2 − kŷ−k k2 .
By the same argument, ky − ŷ k2 = ky k2 − kŷ k2 .

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Improvement in R 2 due to one covariate

Now we can obtain a simple, direct expression for the semi-partial R 2 .

Since xk⊥ is orthogonal to the other covariates,

hy , xk⊥ i ⊥
ŷ = ŷ−k + x ,
hxk⊥ , xk⊥ i k

kŷ k2 = kŷ−k k2 + hy , xk⊥ i2 /kxk⊥ k2 .

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Improvement in R 2 due to one covariate

Thus we have

ky − ŷ k2
R2 = 1−
ky − ȳ k2
ky k2 − kŷ k2
= 1−
ky − ȳ k2
ky k2 − kŷ−k k2 − hy , xk⊥ i2 /kxk⊥ k2
= 1−
ky − ȳ k2
ky − ŷ−k k2 hy , xk⊥ i2 /kxk⊥ k2
= 1− 2
ky − ȳ k ky − ȳ k2
2 hy , xk⊥ i2 /kxk⊥ k2
= R−k + .
ky − ȳ k2

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Semi-partial R 2

Thus the semi-partial R 2 is

hy , xk⊥ i2 /kxk⊥ k2 hy , xk⊥ /kxk⊥ ki2

R 2 − R−k
= = .
ky − ȳ k2 ky − ȳ k2

Since xk⊥ /kxk⊥ k is centered and has length 1, it follows that

R 2 − R−k
c , xk⊥ )2 .
= cor(y

Thus the semi-partial R 2 for covariate k has two interpretations:

I It is the improvement in R 2 resulting from including covariate k in a

working regression model that already contains the other covariates.
I It is the R 2 for a simple linear regression of y on xk⊥ = (I − P−k )xk .

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Partial R 2
The partial R 2 is

R 2 − R−k
hy , xk⊥ i2 /kxk⊥ k2
2 = .
1 − R−k ky − ŷ−k k2

The partial R 2 for covariate k is the fraction of the maximum possible

improvement in R 2 that is contributed by covariate k.
Let ŷ−k be the fitted values for regressing y on all covariates except xk .
Since ŷ−k xk⊥ = 0,

hy , xk⊥ i2 hy − ŷ−k , xk⊥ i2

ky − ŷ−k k2 · kxk⊥ k2 ky − ŷ−k k2 · kxk⊥ k2

The expression on the left is the usual R 2 that would be obtained when
regressing y − ŷ−k on xk⊥ . Thus the partial R 2 is the same as the usual
R 2 for (I − P−k )y regressed on (I − P−k )xk .

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Decomposition of projection matrices
Suppose P ∈ Rn×n is a rank-d projection matrix, and U is a n × d
orthogonal matrix whose columns span col(P). If we partition U by

 
| | ··· |
U =  U1 U2 ··· Ud  ,
| | ··· |

then P = UU 0 , so we can write

P= Uj Uj0 .

Note that this representation is not unique, since there are different
orthogonal bases for col(P).
Each summand Uj Uj0 ∈ Rn×n is a rank-1 projection matrix onto hUj i.

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Decomposition of R 2

Question: In a multiple regression model, how much of the variance in y

is explained by a particular covariate?
Orthogonal case: If the design matrix X is orthogonal (X0 X = I ), the
projection P onto col(X) can be decomposed as

p p
X 110 X 0
P= Pj = + xj xj ,
j=0 j=1

where xj is the j th column of the design matrix (assuming here that the
first column of X is an intercept).

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Decomposition of R 2 (orthogonal case)
The n × n rank-1 matrix

Pj = xj xj0
is the projection onto span(xj ) (and P0 is the projection onto the span of
the vector of 1’s). Furthermore, by orthogonality, Pj Pk = 0 unless j = k.
ŷ − ȳ = Pj y ,

by orthogonality
kŷ − ȳ k2 = kPj y k2 .

Here we are using the fact that if U1 , . . . , Um are orthogonal, then

kU1 + · · · + Um k2 = kU1 k2 + · · · + kUm k2 .

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Decomposition of R 2 (orthogonal case)

The R 2 for simple linear regression of y on xj is

Rj2 ≡ kŷ − ȳ k2 /ky − ȳ k2 = kPj y k2 /ky − ȳ k2 ,

so we see that for orthogonal design matrices,

R = Rj2 .

That is, the overall coefficient of determination is the sum of univariate

coefficients of determination for all the explanatory variables.

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Decomposition of R 2

Non-orthogonal case: If X is not orthogonal, the overall R 2 will not be

the sum of single covariate R 2 ’s.
If we let Rj2 be as above (the R 2 values for regressing Y on each Xj ),
P 2 2
P 2 2
then there are two different situations: j Rj > R , and j Rj < R .

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Decomposition of R 2

Rj2 > R 2
Case 1:

It’s not surprising that j Rj2 can be bigger than R 2 . For example,
suppose that the population model is

Y = X1 + 
is the data generating model, and X2 is highly correlated with X1 (but is
not part of the data generating model).
For the regression of Y on both X1 and X2 , the multiple R 2 will be
1 − σ 2 /var(Y ) (since E (Y |X1 , X2 ) = E (Y |X1 ) = X1 ).
The R 2 values for Y regressed on either X1 or X2 separately will also be
approximately 1 − σ 2 /var(Y ).
Thus R12 + R22 ≈ 2R 2 .

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Decomposition of R 2
Rj2 < R 2
Case 2: j

This is more surprising, and is sometimes called enhancement.

As an example, suppose the data generating model is

Y = Z + ,

but we don’t observe Z (for simplicity assume EZ = 0). Instead, we

observe a value X1 that satisfies

X1 = Z + X2 ,

where X2 has mean 0 and is independent of Z and .

Since X2 is independent of Z and , it is also independent of Y , thus
R22 ≈ 0 for large n.

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Decomposition of R 2 (enhancement example)

The multiple R 2 of Y on X1 and X2 is approximately σZ2 /(σZ2 + σ 2 ) for

large n, since the fitted values will converge to Ŷ = X1 − X2 = Z .
To calculate R12 , first note that for the regression of y on x1 , where
y , x1 ∈ Rn are data vectors

ov(y , x1 ) σ2
β̂ = → 2 Z 2
c 1) σZ + σX2


α̂ → 0.

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Decomposition of R 2 (enhancement example)
Therefore for large n,

n−1 ky − ŷ k2 ≈ n−1 kz +  − σZ2 X1 /(σZ2 + σx22 )k2

= n−1 kσX2 2 z/(σZ2 + σx22 ) +  − σZ2 x2 /(σZ2 + σX2 2 )k2
= σX4 2 σZ2 /(σZ2 + σX2 2 )2 + σ 2 + σZ4 σX2 2 /(σZ2 + σX2 2 )2
= σX2 2 σZ2 /(σZ2 + σX2 2 ) + σ 2 .


n−1 ky − ŷ k2
R12 = 1−
n−1 ky − ȳ k2
σ 2 σ 2 /(σ 2 + σX2 2 ) + σ 2
≈ 1 − X2 Z 2Z
σZ + σ 2
(σZ2 + 2
σ )(1 + σX2 2 /σZ2 )
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Decomposition of R 2 (enhancement example)


R12 /R 2 ≈ 1/(1 + σX2 2 /σZ2 ),

which is strictly less than one if σX2 2 > 0.

Since R22 = 0, it follows that R 2 > R12 + R22 .
The reason for this is that while X2 contains no directly useful
information about Y (hence R22 = 0), it can remove the “measurement
error” in X1 , making X1 a better predictor of Z .

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Decomposition of R 2 (enhancement example)

We can now calculate the limiting partial R 2 for adding X2 to a model

that already contains X1 :

σX2 2
σX2 2 + σ 2 (1 + σX2 2 /σZ2 )

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Partial R 2 example 2

Suppose the design matrix satisfies

 
1 0 0
X0 X/n =  0 1 r 
0 r 1

and the data generating model is

Y = X1 + X2 + 

with var  = σ 2 .

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Partial R 2 example 2
We will calculate the partial R 2 for X1 , using the fact that the partial R 2
is the regular R 2 for regressing

(I − P−1 )y


(I − P−1 )x1

where y , x1 , x2 ∈ Rn are data vectors distributed like Y , X1 , and X2 , and

P−1 is the projection onto span ({1, x2 }).
Since this is a simple linear regression, the partial R 2 can be expressed

c − P−1 )y , (I − P−1 )x1 )2 .

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Partial R 2 example 2

We will calculate the partial R 2 in a setting where all conditional means

are linear. This would hold if the data are jointly Gaussian (but this is
not a necessary condition for conditional means to be linear).
The numerator of the partial R 2 is the square of

ov((I − P−1 )y , (I − P−1 )x1 )

cd = y 0 (I − P−1 )x1 /n
= (x1 + x2 + )0 (x1 − rx2 )/n
→ 1 − r 2.

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Partial R 2 example 2

The denominator contains two factors. The first is

k(I − P−1 )x1 k2 /n = x10 (I − P−1 )x1 /n

= x10 (x1 − rx2 )/n
→ 1 − r 2.

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Partial R 2 example 2
The other factor in the denominator is y 0 (I − P−1 )y /n:

y 0 (I − P−1 )y /n = (x1 + x2 )0 (I − P−1 )(x1 + x2 )/n + 0 (I − P−1 )/n +

20 (I − P−1 )(x1 + x2 )/n
≈ (x1 + x2 )0 (x1 − rx2 )/n + σ 2
→ 1 − r 2 + σ2 .

Thus we get that the partial R 2 is approximately equal to

1 − r2
1 − r 2 + σ2

If r = 1 then the result is zero (X1 has no unique explanatory power),

and if r = 0, the result is 1/(1 + σ 2 ), indicating that after controlling for
X2 , around 1/(1 + σ 2 ) fraction of the remaining variance is explained by
X1 (the rest is due to ).

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Each of the three R 2 values can be expressed either in terms of variance

ratios, or as a squared correlation coefficient:

Multiple R 2 Semi-partial R 2 Partial R 2

VR kŶ − Ȳ k2 /kY − Ȳ k2 R 2 − R−k
2 2
(R − R−k2 2
)/(1 − R−k )
Correlation c Ŷ , Y )2
cor( c , Xk⊥ )2
cor(Y cor((I
c ⊥ 2
− P−k )Y , Xk )

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