Band Pass Filter Kit
Band Pass Filter Kit
Band Pass Filter Kit
1. Introduction
A band pass filter (LPF) is used at the front end of a receiver, to attenuate strong out-of-band signals.
Strong signals that reach the receiver’s first mixer and/or RF pre-amplifier cross-modulate and produce
unwanted spurious responses at the receiver output. The QRP Labs BPF PCB has a 4-pin plug at its input
and output. The PCB size and pinout are the same size as the Low Pass Filter kit, so this BPF kit can also
be used in the QRP Labs relay-switched filter kit.
The kit is supplied with high-quality low-loss class-1 dielectric (CC4) RF ceramic capacitors of the C0G
type (NP0, meaning near-zero temperature drift). These have very good performance at high frequencies.
The QRP Labs BPF kit uses the well-known double-tuned circuit filter. There are two resonators, each one
is made from an inductor and capacitor in parallel. These are coupled together by a small capacitor. In this
kit, the resonator is made up of a toroidal inductor, in parallel with a fixed capacitor and a trimmer
capacitor. The trimmer capacitor is used to make minor adjustments to the resonance frequency of each
resonant circuit.
The coupling capacitor is made up of two parallel capacitors C3 and C4 on the PCB. In most of the filters,
only one capacitor is used. However in some cases two are used in parallel to achieve the required
coupling capacitance.
Additional small windings are used on each toroid, turning them into a transformer. These short windings
form the input and output of the filter. The turns ratio is chosen to achieve approximately 50 ohm input and
output impedance, to suit most amateur radio receiver antennas and circuits.
Please read and follow this assembly manual carefully, step by step. The band pass filters require careful
construction and adjustment. Generally the adjustment is more difficult for the lower frequency bands.
2. Parts List
Please refer to the parts list below, for your band.
Important notes
1) All bands have the same pair (C1 and C6) of 30p trimmer capacitors (green colour case). In the kit,
the screw of the trimmer capacitor is grounded. This means that you can use an ordinary metal
screwdriver for tuning, and it will not affect the capacitance.
2) Capacitors C2 and C5 are the same. In the above table the numbers in parenthesis indicate the
actual marking on the capacitor. E.g. 10pF is marked “100”. This is NOT 100pF! It is 10pF (because
the first two digits are the value, 10; and the 3rd digit is the number of zeros). Be sure to check the
printed capacitor value carefully before soldering – as it is difficult to remove the capacitor later. You
may need a magnifying glass or jeweller's loupe to view the marked value clearly.
3) Capacitors C3 and C4 together in parallel make up the coupling capacitor between the two resonant
circuits. The value of the total capacitance is largely responsible for the filter bandwidth (please see
the discussion on bandwidth below).
4) Transformers T1 and T2 are the same (but wound in an opposite sense, to match the PCB holes –
see assembly section below). In the above table, the meaning of the T1, T2 column is as follows.
For example, consider the 30m value: “T37-6, 2.11uH, 5:25t”. This means a T37-6 toroidal core is
used, and the inductance of the main winding is 2.11uH. 25 turns of wire are used for the main
winding, and 5 turns for the second winding (filter in/out).
5) The toroidal core T50-2 has diameter 0.5-inches (12.7mm) and is painted red. The T37-2 core has
diameter 0.37-inches (9.4mm) and is painted red. The T37-6 core has diameter 0.37-inches
(9.4mm) and is painted yellow.
6) All kits also include two 4-pin headers, and the PCB (size 1.5 x 0.5-inches, 38.1 x 12.7mm).
7) Two strips of wire are provided in the kit. The thinner of the wires is for the main (long) winding of
T1 and T2. The thicker wire is for the second (few turns) winding.
8) For reasons connected with the component availability and kit packing, some kits have some
surplus capacitors supplied. These are listed in the “Extra” column. In some cases you might wish
to use these capacitors instead of the indicated C3 (or C4) capacitor, in order to change the BPF
9) When winding the 40m, 60m, 80m and 160m filters’ main windings, I recommend winding 4
extra turns than specified in the above table. This is because you will certainly need to
change the number of windings to adjust the filter centre frequency. It is MUCH easier to
remove a turn, than to add one (needs joining on another piece of wire etc). Please carefully
read the section below regarding 40-160m band filter construction.
3. Filter characteristics
A very useful discussion on the double-tuned-circuit band pass filter can be found on the web page of Rob
The double-tuned-circuit band pass filter topology was chosen for this QRP Labs bandpass filter kit
because it is a popular, tried and tested design. Over the years I have found it to work reliably. It can
generally be built and adjusted without access to expensive equipment such as spectrum analysers or
network analysers. Of course having access to such nice equipment is always a great way to experiment
and adjust these filters.
In any band pass filter design there are always trade-offs. If you want narrower bandwidth, you must
accept higher insertion loss. The unloaded Q of the toroids is a factor too. There are different methods of
coupling the incoming and outgoing energy into/out of the tuned resonator circuit. In this kit I chose to use
a second winding on the tuned circuit inductor. This is an easy way to approximate the desired 50-ohm
input/output impedance without adding extra capacitor networks which would increase the physical PCB
size, and the cost.
In this assembly guide, “bandwidth” means the -3dB point of the filter response shape. “Insertion loss”
refers to the loss of the filter at its peak (centre frequency).
For many practical reasons there is considerable variation between the prediction of a theoretical model,
and the experimental reality of a practically constructed filter. The PCB layout inevitably has stray
capacitance and inductance. The toroidal core material has variation. The use of coupling windings has
some effect too on the tuned circuit. For this reason the design of the filter values drew on various sources
as well as theoretical prediction; but the final values were determined experimentally in some cases.
The coupling capacitor between the two resonators is the main determinant of the bandwidth, and insertion
loss. I have chosen to target a bandwidth of approximately 1/10 th the centre frequency, and insertion loss
of under 2dB.
These filters are fascinating to experiment with! You may wish to experiment with different number of turns
on the input/output coupling windings, with different size of coupling capacitor etc.
Section 4.6 contains a few notes distilled from the lab notebook during the final prototype build. These may
be of interest to experimenters; they give an idea of the variation in insertion loss and bandwidth with
different coupling capacitors, for example.
Section 5 contains the actual measured response curves, and bandwidth/insertion loss of the filters
constructed using prototypes of this kit.
4. Construction
4.1 Parts placement
Parts placement is defined by the printed legend on the PCB. Please refer to the parts placement diagram
The PCB is quite small and the parts are close together. You are recommended to use a low wattage iron
with a fine tip, and fine solder e.g. 1mm diameter or less. Take care not to overheat the PCB and risk
damaging it. A well-lit area and magnifying glass may assist. Be careful not to bridge solder across closely-
packed connections. I recommend checking with a DVM to make sure no solder bridges have been
inadvertently created. Take care to ensure correct alignment of the 4-pin plugs.
The diagram below shows the PCB tracks connecting the various components. There is also a ground-
plane of copper all around these tracks and holes, on both sides of the PCB. The small green circles are
“vias” which connect the ground planes on the top and bottom of the PCB. All the grounded component
wires are also connected to the groundplane, which is not indicated on this diagram.
IMPORTANT! The lower bands (40, 60, 80 and 160m) filters need to be wound with more turns that
the number specified in the parts list table. This is because for these low bands, you will certainly
need to adjust the number of turns to get the filter centre frequency correct. It is easy to remove
one turn. But very difficult to add one! To add one you have to solder on an additional piece of wire
and things get messy. So start by winding 4 turns too many – and you can then easily remove them
one by one until you hit the exact right centre frequency. E.g. for 80m, the table says 30 turns.
Please wind 34 turns! See the section below regarding lower frequency band filter construction!
Winding the toroids is quite straightforward but does need to be done carefully. The supplied wire length is
more than enough to wind both toroidal transformers. Divide each wire length into two pieces. The thin
wire is intended for the main toroidal winding of each tuned circuit: the winding with the most number of
turns. The thick wire is to be used for the second winding which couples energy into and out of the tuned
circuits to the in/out connection pads.
It is a little tricky using the thick wire wound on top of the thin wire. The thick wire is harder to wind neatly
too. On the other hand, the thick wire does hold everything more rigidly in place. The main motivation for
supply of two kinds of wire was to make sure you do not mix up the wire endings. If you wish, you could
use the thin wire for both windings of the transformers (there IS enough wire for this). In this assembly
manual I am assuming that you will use the thin and thick wire.
It makes no difference electrically, which direction the toroids are wound in. However, T1 and T2 pad
layouts on the PCB are a mirror image of each other. Therefore I recommend winding T1 and T2 in
opposite directions, just so that the wires fit the PCB
pads better.
It is a good idea to try to wind the turns reasonably tightly and evenly spaced. It can take some practice!
Don’t worry if they aren’t very neat.
Next, we add the second (short) winding, using the thicker wire. In the case of the 15m BPF photographed
for the purposes of this section, this short winding has three turns. These three turns should be wound
over the “cold” end of the main winding – this means, the end that will be grounded. So now you need to
check the PCB and identify which of the two wires of your toroid, will go in which PCB holes. Then you will
know which wire end is the “cold” end
of the winding.
But for the rest of us mere mortals, we have to accept we aren’t capable of such a work of art. The good
news for us, is that the electrons don’t care much! Our filter is still going to work just fine!
Below left: the completed pair of 15m band toroidal transformers T1 and T2. Note how they are a mirror
image of each other, so that they neatly fit the board. As I said, this is not strictly necessary – it just makes
things easier and neater!
Below right: two toroids for the 80m filter. The left toroid only has the main winding. The right one has both
windings. Notice how it isn’t possible to leave the recommended 30-degree gap in the winding. You can fit
up to 35 turns of this wire thickness on a T37-6 core, with no gap. Also notice how the right second (thick
wire) winding isn’t so neat anymore. Don’t worry about it! Just to emphasis the point – this photograph is
taken on my workbench, with all the solder burns and scratches etc. Not the nice white board where the
15m BPF transformers are photographed (left)! Real life.
The enamelled wire needs to be stripped off in order to solder properly to the copper inside. You can
remove the enamel by scraping the enamel off then tinning the wire with solder. As an alternative to
scraping the enamel off, my preferred method is to trim the wire ends back to 2mm below the board, then
solder them with a small blob of solder. I hold the iron on the joint for 10 seconds. After about 7-8 seconds
you can see the enamel bubble away and the solder sticks to the copper, making a good joint with the
For the wires that will be soldered to the top of the header pins, you should NOT do the 10 seconds
method on the joint itself! In 10 seconds you may melt the plastic of the header pins! It is better to tin the
wire ends by holding the wire end alone in a molten blob of solder on the iron tip, for a few seconds. Then
you can make a fast soldering job on the actual joint on the header pin itself, without risk of melting the
4.3 Trimmer capacitors details
The trimmer capacitors supplied in the kit have a minimum-maximum value of approximately 3-30pF. One
set of capacitor plates is fixed; the other is attached to the adjustment screw and movable. The amount of
overlap of the plates determines the capacitance.
In the PCB layout I made sure that the trimmer capacitor plates that are fixed to the central adjustment
screw are the grounded side of the trimmer capacitor. This means that you can easily adjust the capacitor
using an ordinary metal screwdriver without significantly affecting the capacitance or the filter response
The nice thing about these trimmer capacitors is that you can easily visually see approximately what the
capacitance is set to. In the following sections on adjustment of the filters, I will refer to the trimmer
capacitors being “open” or minimum (3pF, minimum capacitance), “closed” or maximum (30pF, maximum
capacitance), or half-way.
Minimum capacitance
(“open”). You can see that
the plates of the trimmer
capacitors have no
Maximum capacitance
(“closed”). You can see
that the plates of the
trimmer capacitors overlap
each other completely.
4.4 First steps of assembly (all bands)
When soldering the pins, try to be FAST. You don’t want to risk melting the plastic of the capacitor
insulation and body.
The trimmer capacitor pins are quite long. If you intend to use these band pass filter modules plugged into
something like the QRP Labs relay-switched filter kit, then it may be a good idea to cut off the excess pin
length after soldering, to avoid the conflict with the top of the relays.
The coupling capacitor between the two tuned circuits is made up of two positions on the board, C3 and
C4. This is because for some bands, the capacitance is made up of two smaller capacitors in parallel. In
the photograph, the coupling capacitor is the blue one in this case (this is the 15m filter).
I suggest reading the discussion on filter bandwidth before fitting the coupling capacitor C3/C4.
You may wish to substitute a larger value capacitor for wider bandwidth, or a smaller value
capacitor for narrower bandwidth.
For the 40m, 60m, 80m and 160m, you are going to need to experiment with the number of toroid turns.
This is easier if you do NOT install the top (“hot”) end of the main toroid winding in the PCB hole to start
with. It is easier if you do not cut off the excess wire lengths from the C2 and C5 capacitors. You can then
temporarily solder the toroid winding wire end to the capacitor lead. Please read the special notes below
on assembling the 40-160m filters first!
4.4 Assembly of 30m, 20m, 17m, 15m, 12m and 10m filters
The grounded ends (“GND”) are soldered directly onto the top
of the header pins. This method was dictated by the PCB size
requirements (to be compatible with the QRP Labs relay-
switched filter kit). It’s actually very easy to solder to these
pins, easier than soldering the wire in a PCB hole.
Tin the wire end first, before soldering it to the PCB header
pin. Don’t be tempted to use the 10-second burn method to
remove the enamel, while soldering to the header pin – this
could melt the black header plastic on the other side of the
PCB. Instead, hold the wire end in a blob of molten solder for
some seconds until you can see that the enamel is burnt away
and the wire is tinned, ready for soldering.
3) Adjustment
Adjustment of the trimmer capacitors is necessary to move the centre frequency of the filter to the middle
of the amateur band (or other desired centre frequency).
If you have a spectrum analyser with tracking generator, or a network analyser, then of course you (lucky
constructor!) can connect your filter to this and make a very convenient adjustment, watching the shape of
the filter response and the centre frequency on the screen.
If not, then adjustment of the filter is best done by tuning the trimmer capacitors for maximum response of
the filter at the required centre frequency. You can do this for example, by inserting the filter in the front
end of a radio receiver, and tuning to a strong frequency somewhere near the centre of the band. Then
adjust the trimmer capacitors for maximum signal strength. You will need to re-adjust each trimmer
capacitor in turn, a few times, making slight adjustments. This method works well. You can do it by ear
listening to the receiver’s audio output, or the radio’s S-meter, or if you use a PC with audio software or
SDR software then you may be able to read the signal strength on screen.
IMPORTANT: when you have tuned for maximum signal strength, if either of the trimmer capacitors are at
their minimum or maximum position (refer to section 4.3 above), then it means that you have run out of
adjustment ability. The inductance of the toroid winding is incorrect! You need to alter it. With these higher
frequency filters, you can normally fix things by squeezing or stretching the turns of the toroid.
If a trimmer capacitor is at the minimum (open) position, it means that the inductance of the toroid next to it
is too large. You could remove one turn but you probably do not need to do this. You can space the turns
out to cover 100% of the core, this will reduce the inductance slightly. Then try the trimmer capacitor
adjustment again.
If a trimmer capacitor is at the maximum (closed) position, it means that the inductance of the toroid next
to it is too small. You could add one turn but you probably do not need to do this. You can squeeze turns
together to cover less of the core, this will increase the inductance slightly. Then try the trimmer capacitor
adjustment again.
For example, with an inductance meter and 25 turns on a T37-6 toroid covering 90% of the toroidal core
(330-degrees), I measured 2.11uH. If I spaced out the turns to cover 100% of the core, the inductance
decreased to 2.02uH. On the other hand if I squeezed together the turns to cover only 75% of the core, the
inductance measurement increased to 2.26uH. So you can see that squeezing/stretching the turns can
result in inductance change of several % (typically 5 or 10%) and this is probably enough to fix your
adjustment problem.
4.5 Assembly of 40m, 60m, 80m and 160m filters
Again please refer to the diagram (right). Make sure the right wires are in the right holes! The thin wire
ends are in the holes nearest to the board edge!
You can also see how this looks in the workbench photo
(see right).
Take care which of the wires to leave un-cut and use for the
temporary connection of the main transformer winding ends!
The capacitor connections are NOT symmetrical (not a mirror
image). If you hold the PCB as shown in the photograph, you
want the left wire of both C2 and C5. It is NOT necessarily the
wire closest to the toroid!
Soldering the grounded ends of the wires first. This holds the
toroid in place conveniently, making it easier to solder the “hot”
ends and deal with the experimental determination
of the main winding. Later you can pull the wires
using pliers to make everything tight.
Do not solder the “hot” (non-ground) end of the main toroid windings yet! This will be done
temporarily first before installation in the PCB hole – see “Adjustment” step, below.
2) Check continuity!
A common cause of problems is no connection to the copper wire, due to the enamel insulation not being
properly scraped/burnt off! It is important (and very easy) to check this now, using your Digital Voltmeter.
Just set it to measure resistance, and check for continuity (zero ohms). At this stage, check the resistance
between IN-GND, and OUT-GND pins. The resistance should be 0 ohms (continuity). Also check the
resistance between Gnd and each of the un-connected “hot” (non-ground) main wire endings.
3) Adjustment
Adjustment of the toroid inductances is necessary to move the centre frequency of the filter to the middle
of the amateur band (or other desired centre frequency). Unfortunately because the 30pF trimmer
capacitor is only a small proportion of the fixed capacitor, the range of adjustment is quite small. It is
therefore necessary to experiment with the number of turns on the toroid, to get the inductance correct for
the target centre frequency.
If you have a spectrum analyser with tracking generator, or a network analyser, then of course you (lucky
constructor!) can connect your filter to this and make a the adjustment conveniently, watching the shape of
the filter response and the centre frequency on the screen.
If not, then adjustment of the filter is best done by tuning for maximum response of the filter at the required
centre frequency. You can do this for example, by inserting the filter in the front end of a radio receiver,
and tuning to a strong frequency somewhere near the centre of the band. Then we must adjust the number
of toroid wire turns for maximum signal strength. You can do it by ear, listening to the receiver’s audio
output, or the radio’s S-meter, or if you use a PC with audio software or SDR software then you may be
able to read the signal strength on screen.
As I mentioned previously, you should wind 4 turns more than the number specified in the parts list table
for your band. This is because it is much easier to remove one turn at a time, than it is to add one turn at a
time! For example, if the parts list says 30 turns, then wind 34 turns!
When you first test the filter, with 4 turns more on the toroids’ main winding than the number specified in
the parts list, you will find that the filter’s centre frequency is too low. Probably the two tuned circuits aren’t
properly tuned to match each other, either.
In order to adjust the filter, I found the following to be the
best method. The method is similar if you are using a
spectrum analyser or network analyser for the
adjustment, or a receiver observing the signal strength.
Choose a test frequency in the centre of the band, or tune your receiver with the band pass filter in the
front end, to a strong signal in the middle of the band. Now adjust the trimmer C1 to the maximum
capacitance (“closed”). Observe the signal strength. Next change it gradually to the minimum capacitance
(“open”). Initially, the signal strength will increase steadily as you decrease the trimmer capacitance to the
full open (minimum capacitance) position. This means you need to REMOVE one turn from the main
winding T1. So un-solder the temporary connection to C2’s un-cut wire end, remove one turn from the
toroid, and solder the winding wire end to C2 again. There is no need to cut the few excess cm of wire off
the winding yet.
Now, repeat the same thing with C6 and T2. Again you will almost certainly find it necessary to remove a
turn from T2 as well.
Repeat this over and over again, removing one turn from T1 then one turn from T2, as you monitor the
filter shape and centre frequency (if you have a spectrum analyser or network analyser), or monitor the
signal strength of a strong signal in the middle of the band. After removing a turn from T1 and T2, you
should try adjusting both C1 and C6. If peak signal strength at the desired centre frequency occurs with C1
“open” (minimum capacitance) and C6 “closed” (maximum capacitance) – or the other way around – then
it is necessary to remove a turn from T1, and not T2 (or the other way around). It is often necessary to
remove more turns from one transformer or the other, because you could not make the windings exactly
the same inductance. The toroidal core material has some variation too from one component to the next.
When you have removed one turn and you decide to remove another, you can trim a few cm off the wire
length of the main winding, because at this stage you have determined that you definitely don’t need those
few cm.
At some point you should find that the signal strength peak is not at one end of the trimmer capacitance
range or the other – but somewhere in the middle. Then you will know that you have the right number of
inductor turns. You should not need to remove more than 4 or 5 turns, to peak the filter response on your
desired centre frequency.
This is a tricky adjustment and you might find that you miss that trimmer capacitance peak. You might find
that removing the turn you just took away actually reduces the signal strength, not increases it. In that
case, you can put back that turn and then leave it alone.
Of course all this is easier with a spectrum analyser with tracking generator, or a network analyser. But it is
still possible with a receiver and the observed signal strength method.
Although a tricky adjustment, the good news is that even if you find it hard to make a perfect adjustment,
the filter response on these low bands will still probably be quite reasonable and usable.
When you have decided the number of turns, you can disconnect the temporary C2 and C5 connections,
and cut their wires flush to the board as usual. Then insert the main winding wire end (“hot” end) into the
PCB hole and make the permanent connection.
4.6 Some specific notes for each bands
The following notes and observations may be of use, for specific bands.
The parts list specifies a 2pF coupling capacitor. I found that the bandwidth is 3.01MHz and insertion loss
2.52dB. If using a 3pF capacitor, the bandwidth increased to 3.72MHz and the insertion loss dropped to
My measurements of coupling capacitor vs insertion loss and bandwidth are shown in this table.
With a 5pF coupling capacitor there was a classic double-hump over-coupled response curve. The
bandwidth was too large, 2.92MHz; the insertion loss was under 1dB, at one of the two peaks.
With a 4pF capacitor the bandwidth was 2.57MHz and insertion loss still about 1dB.
With a 3pF capacitor the bandwidth was 1.54MHz and insertion loss about 1.3dB. This 3pF capacitor was
chosen for the final recommended parts list value.
No particular observations.
No particular observations.
No particular observations.
My measurements of coupling capacitor vs insertion loss and bandwidth are shown in this table.
Note: one transformer required 29 turns on the main winding, one required 30 turns.
60m band filter
10pF coupling capacitor resulted in 400kHz bandwidth and 3.15dB of insertion loss. 15pF (10pF and 5pF
in parallel) resulted in 486kHz bandwidth and 1.52dB insertion loss. 15pF is the chosen value for the kit.
These two response photographs illustrate the close-in response when (left) both trimmer capacitors are
set to minimum and (right) when one capacitor is minimum and the other maximum, to offset the
resonances of the two tuned circuits. The offset case results in a wider, flat bandpass response, and
slightly higher insertion loss. It is a good example of theory in practice.
My measurements of coupling capacitor vs insertion loss and bandwidth are shown in this table.
Initial centre frequency with 34 turns on the main windings was 3.2MHz.
Removal of two turns from each side resulted in 3.386MHz centre frequency.
Removal of one more turn from each side resulted in 3.547MHz centre frequency.
Final removal of one more turn from each side resulted in 3.649MHz centre frequency.
You can see that each turn removed shifts the centre frequency by something like 100kHz (very
approximately). In this case the number of turns was therefore reduced equally from both transformers,
from 34 turns to 30 turns. It would not necessarily always be the case that the reduction is equal on both
It was noted that the difference in centre frequency obtained by turning both trimmer capacitors from
“open” (minimum) to “closed” (maximum) was only 31kHz.
Initially 44 turns were wound on the T50-2 toroidal cores. It was necessary to remove 2 turns from each
transformer to reach a centre frequency of 1.906MHz.
My measurements of coupling capacitor vs insertion loss and bandwidth are shown in this table.
The following photographs of the spectrum analyser screen show the filter responses.
6. Resources
Please see the kit page for information and latest updates.
7. Document history
2 26-Sep-2016