1QTR Eng7 Mod6-Revised PDF

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Learning Module 6


What is this module about?

In learning English, it is very important to fully understand the structure of a sentence. A sentence
may consist of phrases. There are eight types of phrases, namely the Noun, Prepositional, Verb, Adjective,
Adverb, Gerund, Participial and Infinitive Phrase. In addition, a sentence may also consist of a clause, which
serves as the building block of the sentence. This module will prepare you to learn about the following:

Lesson 1: Types of Phrases

Lesson 2: Independent and Dependent Clause
Lesson 3: Types of Sentences
Lesson 4: Literary and Academic Writing

What do you need to learn?

MELCs: Use phrases, clauses and sentences appropriately and meaningfully.
1. Differentiate literary writing from academic writing.

Directions: Complete the following sentences using appropriate phrases. Choose your answers from the word bank
at the joker raising their hands
on the roof in a very high speed
is writing listening to music
to help the poor a beautiful huge home

1. They rented ____________________.

2. The kids were laughing ____________________
3. A kid ____________________ is looking at the sky.
4. He drives a car ____________________.
5. She ____________________ a letter.
6. I enjoy ____________________.
7. Government made a plan ____________________.
8. The students, ____________________, need extra page.
It is time to check your scores! Refer to the Answer Key on the last page of this module to check your

Lesson 1: Types of Phrases

A phrase is a small group of words that adds meaning to a sentence. It is not a sentence because it does not
have a complete thought. There are eight common types of phrases, namely the Noun Phrase, Prepositional
Phrase, Verb Phrase, Adjective Phrase, Adverb Phrase, Gerund Phrase, Participial Phrase, and Infinitive

What will you do?

Copy the Learning activity sheet on a separate paper. (No need to copy the examples.)
LAS #6.1
Activity Title: Types of Phrases
Learning Target: The learner will use phrases, clauses, and sentences appropriately and meaningfully.
Values/Graduate Attribute: The learner will become a critical thinker who is reflective and appreciative of
the role of old stories and tales in the formation of the values of the Filipino youth today.
References: Integrated English for effective Communication; Philippine Literature 7
Concept Notes:
I. Study the following sentences:
1. They rented a beautiful huge home.
2. She bought a decent black shirt.
Note: The underlined words in each sentence are called noun phrase. A noun phrase consists of a noun as a
head word and other related words may come before or after the noun.
II. Study the following sentences:
1. He is sleeping on the carpet.
2. The teacher looked at the bulletin board.
Note: The underlined words in each sentence are called prepositional phrase. A prepositional phrase consists
of a preposition, its object, and any modifiers of the object. The common examples of prepositions are in, on,
at, by, after, before, over, and under.
III. Study the following sentences:
1. She is waiting for someone.
2. He has taken his quarterly exam.
Note: The underlined words in each sentence are called verb phrase. A verb phrase consists of the action of
what the subject is doing.
Direction: Complete the table below by forming examples of sentences according to the given phrases.
Type of Phrase Sentence
 a very old house
 under treatment
 was walking

What will you do?

Copy the Learning activity sheet on a separate paper. (No need to copy the examples.)
LAS #6.2
Activity Title: Types of Phrases
Learning Target: The learner will be able to use phrases, clauses and sentences appropriately and
Values/Graduate Attribute: The learner will become a critical thinker who is reflective and appreciative of
the role of old stories and tales in the formation of the values of the Filipino youth today.
References: Integrated English for effective Communication; Philippine Literature 7
Concept Notes:
I. Study the following sentences:
1. A lady with long hair is walking in the hallway.
2. She gave me a cup full of ice cream.
Note: The underlined words in each sentence signifies adjective phrase. An adjective phrase tells more
information about a noun or pronoun.
II. Study the following sentences:
1. The racer was running very fast.
2. She always speaks in a respectful way.
Note: The underlined words in each sentence are called adverb phrase. An adverb phrase modifies other
words by explaining why, how, where, or when an action occurred.
Directions: Complete the table below by forming examples of sentences according to the given phrase.
Type of Phrase Sentence
 in a red shirt
 in a respectful manner

What will you do?

Copy the Learning activity sheet on a separate paper. (No need to copy the examples.)
LAS #6.3
Activity Title: Types of Phrases
Learning Target: The learner will be able to use phrases, clauses, and sentences appropriately and
Values/Graduate Attribute: The learner will become a critical thinker who is reflective and appreciative of
the role of old stories and tales in the formation of the values of the Filipino youth today.
References: Integrated English for effective Communication; Philippine Literature 7
Concept Notes:
I. Study the following sentences:
1. He started writing the letter. (Gerund phrase used as a direct object)
2. Walking in the sun affects the complexion of a person. (Gerund phrase used as subject of the
Note: The underlined words in each sentence are called a gerund phrase. A gerund phrase consists of verb +
ing. It can be a subject, subject complement (predicate nominative), direct object, indirect object, appositive,
or object of preposition.
Remember: A phrase that contains verb + ing is called a Gerund Phrase. A gerund phrase modifies related
words linked to the gerund. It also functions as a noun in the sentence.

II. Study the following sentences:

1. The dog running up to the boy hopes that he will have a treat.
2. Students planning to study nursing must first meet with the dean.
Note: The underlined words in each sentence are called participial phrase. A participial phrase always acts as
an adjective (modifying a noun) in a sentence. A phrase that contains a group of words with present-participle
(verb + ing) or a past participle verb is called Participial Phrase.
III. Study the following sentences:
1. To achieve personal goals in life is an ambition of every student.
2. Government plans to help the poor.
Note: The underlined words in each sentence are called an infinitive phrase. An infinitive phrase consists of
the word to plus a verb (base form).
Directions: Complete the table below by forming a sentence according to the given phrase.
Type of Phrase Sentence
 watching movies
 eating vegetables
 to get a degree

Lesson 2: Independent and Independent Clause
A clause is a group of words that contains both subject and predicate (verb). There are two types of
clause, namely the Independent Clause and the Dependent Clause (subordinate clause).

What will you do?

Copy the Learning activity sheet on a separate paper.
LAS #6.4
Activity Title: Independent and Dependent Clause.
Learning Target: The learner will be able to use phrases, clauses and sentences appropriately and
Values/Graduate Attribute: The learner becomes a critical thinker who is reflective and appreciative of the
role of old stories and tales in the formation of the values of the Filipino youth today.
References: Integrated English for effective Communication; Philippine Literature 7 pp. 129-130
Concept Notes:
I. Study the following sentences:
Subject Predicate
My brother Kiko once had a very peculiar chicken. = INDEPENDENT CLAUSE
Note: The sentence above consists of subject (noun) and predicate (verb). It is also a sentence.
II. Study the following example:
Because she could not go out to meet her friends = DEPENDENT CLAUSE
Note: The clause above consists of subject (noun) and predicate (verb); however, it cannot be called as
sentence as it cannot stand alone.
Now, let us study the next example:
Dependent clause Independent clause
Because she could not go out to meet her friends, Jessica just called them via zoom.
Marker words (subordinating conjunctions): because, after, before, since, in order to, although, though,
whenever, wherever, whether, while, even though and even if.
Let us review: To further understand the lesson, let us try to differentiate the Independent from the
Dependent Clause. Refer to the table below.
1. It is a group of words that contain a subject and 1. It is a group of words that contain a subject and predicate but
predicate and expresses a complete idea. does not express a complete idea.
2. It conveys a complete thought. 2. It does not convey a complete thought.
3. It can be combined together with coordinating 3. It can be combined together with subordinating conjunctions.
conjunctions. (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) (after, although, because, before, even though, if, since, though,
unless, until, when, whenever, wherever, while)
4. It can be found in every sentence. 4. It cannot be found in every sentence.
A. Directions: Read each sentence. Identify the underlined clause in each sentence. Write IC if it is
Independent clause or DC if it is a Dependent clause.
_____1. We look forward to work with you because we heard a lot about you.
_____2. Since you are a newbie, do not hesitate to ask questions.
_____3. You should develop your time management skills to improve your performance.
_____4. This company is a world-class company which needs hardworking employees.
_____5. The HR department proposes a welcome party for new employees like you.

B. Directions: Answer Activity 12 and 13 on pages 130 – 131 of your book. Write your answers on a clean

Lesson 3: Sentence Structures
Sentence structures refer to the manner in which a sentence is constructed and arranged
grammatically. There are four types of sentences according to structure, namely the Simple Sentence,
Compound Sentence, Complex Sentence and Compound-Complex sentence.

What will you do?

Copy and answer the Learning activity sheet on a separate paper. (No need to copy the examples.)
LAS #6.5
Activity Title: Sentence Structures
Learning Target: The learner will be able to use phrases, clauses, and sentences appropriately and
Values/Graduate Attribute: The learner will become a critical thinker who is reflective and appreciative of
the role of old stories and tales in the formation of the values of the Filipino youth today.
References: Integrated English for effective Communication; Afro-Asian Literature 8 pp. 130-131
Concept Notes:
I. Study the following sentences:
1. Jose Rizal wrote Noli Me Tangere.
Note: The sentence above is an example of Simple Sentence. It can be seen as independent clause, but
because it ends with a period, it now becomes a complete simple sentence.
Remember me: A sentence that can stand alone with subject and predicate (verb) is called Simple Sentence.
Without a punctuation mark in the end and when added with another group of words, it becomes an
independent clause.
II. Study the following sentences:
1. Jose Rizal wrote Noli Me Tangere; it talks about the abuse of colonizers

Independent Clause Independent Clause

2. I like coffee and Mary likes tea.
Note: The sentence above is an example of a Compound Sentence.
Remember: A sentence that is composed of two independent clauses (or
two simple sentences combined) is called a Compound sentence. We can
Independent Independent also use the coordinating conjunctions (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so) to
Clause Clause connect the two independent clauses to form a compound sentence. You
may also use a semi-colon (;) to join two independent clauses without
Coordinating using a conjunction. A stand-alone independent clause, when ended with a
punctuation mark becomes a simple sentence. Remember: a sentence
always ends with a punctuation mark.
III. Study the following sentences:
1. When spring comes, I get to see my backyard in full bloom.

Dependent Clause Independent Clause

2. Do not open your umbrella unless it rains heavily.

Independent Clause Dependent Clause

Note: The sentence above is an example of a Complex Sentence. 1 IC + 1 DC
 Dependent clause commonly begins with subordinating conjunction. The commonly used
subordinating conjunctions are after, although, because, before, even though, if, since, though,
unless, until, when, whenever, wherever and while.
 If the sentence begins with dependent clause, place a comma between it and the simple sentence. If
the dependent clause comes after the simple sentence, no comma is needed between them.
IV. Study the following sentences:

Simple sentence Simple sentence Dependent Clause

1. The house was ruined, and the trees turned bare when the storm struck the area.
Simple sentence Dependent clause Simple sentence

2. John didn’t come because he was ill so Mary was not happy.
Note: The sentences above are examples of Compound-Complex Sentence. 2 ICs + 1 DC
 It has the characteristics of both compound and complex sentence. It means that coordinating and
subordinating conjunctions can both be found in this type of sentence.
A. Directions: Identify the sentence structures given. Write your answers on the space provided.
_____1. Since Sarah baked cookies, John washed the dishes and their youngest brother cleaned the table.
_____2. The boy failed the entrance examination of the university.
_____3. I love eating chocolates and drinking milk.
_____4. Wherever you decide to work, you can always count on us.
B. Directions: Follow the given instructions in each number to construct the different types of sentences
according to structure.
1. Compose a Simple sentence, then turn it into a Compound sentence.
2. From the ideas in the Compound sentence, compose a Complex sentence.
3. Next, turn the Complex sentence into a Compound-complex sentence.
4. From the Compound-Complex sentence, identify the two independent clauses and one independent clause.

Lesson 4: Academic and Literary Writing

Writing is the process of using symbols to communicate thoughts and ideas in a readable form. There
are two types of writing, namely the Academic writing and Literary writing.

What will you do?

Copy the Learning activity sheet on a separate paper. (No need to copy the examples.)
LAS #6.6
Activity Title: Academic and Literary Writing
Learning Target: The learner will be able to differentiate academic writing from literary writing.
Values/Graduate Attribute: The learner becomes a critical thinker who is reflective and appreciative of the
role of old stories and tales in the formation of the values of the Filipino youth today.
References: Integrated English for effective Communication; Philippine Literature 7 pp. 14
Concept Notes:
I. Study the figure below.
Considering the apple, the writer may discuss the importance of an apple and the
benefits of eating it through a study.
On the other hand, the writer may discuss how the apple affects Snow White upon
eating it.
Study further the differences between the two kinds of writing in the table below.
Academic Writing Literary Writing
Purpose Explains the given topic. Expresses one’s feeling.

Format It follows a specific format according to genre. It allows freedom from format.
Language It is more formal and strictly uses scholarly It is more creative and uses figurative language.
Examples Reports, Research Papers Short stories, Poems
Directions: Copy and answer Activity 10 on page 15 of your book.

General Directions: Write your answers on a blank Learning Activity Sheet.
I. Directions: Complete each of the following sentences by filling in the blank with the correct phrase.
Choose the answers from the word bank below.
a very old house in the school’s running race
is eating in the red shirt
from the brass lamp Eating shellfish quickly
to walk to the game Brimming with confidence
1. _________________________, Jack blurted the answer.
2. John won first prize _________________________.
3. _________________________ is a bad idea.
4. The genie _________________________ granted three wishes.
5. I have _________________________.
II. Directions: Identify the following clauses as Independent Clause (IC) or Dependent Clause (DC). Write
only your answers.
__________1. Would you agree that this is a rooster?
__________2. I like going to the mall and to the amusement park.
__________3. When he got near them, he dived and caught one of them by the leg.
__________4. I have learned cooking since I was in my early age.
__________5. We are answering the quarterly exam.
III. Directions: Complete the table below by forming sentence/s for each given sentence structure.
Simple Sentence
Compound Sentence
Complex Sentence
Compound- Complex Sentence

V. Differentiate Academic writing from Literary writing in your own words in at least five (5) sentences. Use
the “Dalagang Filipina” as the main topic of your essay. Express your answer in 150 words. Use the rubric
below in writing your answer.

1 point 2 points 3 points 4 points 5 points

Fails to give the correct Gives explanation but Gives some correct answer/ Gives the correct answer/ Gives the correct answer/
answer/ content/ explanation somehow not relevant to content/ explanation. content/ explanation. content/ explanation and
but show effort. the question. shows creativity, effort and
neatness of work.
Fails to explain and organize Most of the information Some information and points are The information and points The information and points
the information and points. and points are explained organized and explained. are logically organized and are concisely and logically
but not organized explained. organized and well explained.
The paragraph has five or The paragraph has three The paragraph has one to two The paragraph does not have The paragraph is free of errors
more errors in grammar, to four errors in errors in grammar, spelling, any errors in grammar and in grammar, spelling,

spelling, capitalization, and grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. spelling. capitalization, and
punctuation. capitalization, and punctuation.

Transfer Task:
You are a blogger who loves to write about things that catch your interest. For your next blog post, you
decided to write about an inspiring proverb that you would like to share with others as inspiration. Your blog
post must be composed of three paragraphs with 150 words. Your blog will be read by many netizens, so it
must adhere to the given rubric. Write your work on a bond paper.

Advanced Proficient Developing
CRITERIA (5) (4)
The topic sentence is easily The topic sentence is The topic sentence is The topic sentence is not
recognizable and expresses discernible and expresses the recognizable after few discernible.
Topic Sentence the main idea clearly. main idea clearly. readings. The main idea is
expressed vaguely.
The paragraph contains four There are three supporting The paragraph contains two The paragraph contains only
or more supporting details details that are incorporated details that support the topic one detail that supports the
Supporting that are seamlessly into the paragraph. sentence. paragraph.
Details incorporated into the
The concluding sentence is The concluding sentence is The concluding sentence is The concluding sentence is
Concluding easily recognizable and is discernible and is clearly recognizable after few not discernible.
clearly stated. stated. readings and is vaguely
Sentence stated.
The paragraph is free of The paragraph has one to two The paragraph has three to The paragraph has five or
Grammar and errors in grammar, spelling, errors in grammar, spelling, four errors in grammar, more errors in grammar,
capitalization, and capitalization, and spelling, capitalization, and spelling, capitalization, and
Mechanics punctuation. punctuation. punctuation. punctuation.


Answer Key:
Here are the answers in the Pre-Test. Please check your answer and determine how much
knowledge have learned about the topics in this module.
8. raising their hands
7. to help the poor
6. listening to music
5. is writing
4. in a very high speed
3. on the roof
2. at the joker
1. a huge beautiful
Pre – test

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