Our Service Promise Card PDF
Our Service Promise Card PDF
Our Service Promise Card PDF
1. I act with integrity: doing the 7. I understand my role in achieving Every team member is encouraged to For more complex situations use
right thing and delivering on success, and continuously learn make decisions in real time to create the Check, Confirm, Create method
my commitments. and grow to develop my full magic for our customers. to partner with a colleague to
2. I am committed to protecting potential as a professional. support you in making a decision
the privacy and security of our 8. I am part of a respectful and for the customer.
Simple situations:
customers, colleagues, and the trusting team that values
The Three C’s:
Group’s confidential information. inclusion and actively seeks 1. Listen and be curious to identify
3. I am proud of and committed diversity of thought. opportunities Check and ensure your
to the highest standard of 9. I am encouraged to use my actions are consistent
Foundations professionalism and safety imagination and empowered to 2. Act with integrity to make the call with Our Service Promise
including my role in managing create magic for our customers.
Working Together risk for our customers and 3. Create magic for your customers
10. I always listen, anticipate, and
Magic the organisation. respond to the expressed (up to $50 available if required) Confirm that at least
4. I passionately uphold the values of and unexpressed needs of one colleague agrees it
the organisation and respect the our customers. 4. Share on Yammer #magic is the right thing to do
communities in which we operate. so others can learn from
11. I take pride in always seeking new your experience
5. I take ownership and inspire ways to innovate and improve in
others to always deliver a superior ways that make things simpler Create magic for
service experience. and easier for our customers. your customers
6. I actively collaborate and 12. I always work to build strong,
recognise the success of personal relationships with our
others, especially when I see customers and throughout Share on Yammer #magic so others
courageous actions. my community. can learn from your experience
Our Vision Credo Motto Steps of Service People Promise Our Brand