The Use of Animations in Teaching Technical Drawing: PHD Robert

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7th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics· May 24-26, 2012 Timi�oara, Romania

The use of animations in teaching technical drawing

Rita Osz PhD Kovats Robert

Alba Regia University Centre Alba Regia University Centre
Obuda University Obuda University
Budai ut 45, H-Szekesfehervar Budai ut 45, H-Szekesfehervar
Hungary Hungary
[email protected] [email protected]

Abstract-The technical animation has only been used for design. Dealing with educational researchers try to increase the
We have discovered that we can use it in the education. We have quantity of information flows and communication tools to
made a new multi-media visual tool that helps teachers and keep pace with the rapid development of new teaching and
students in work.
learning methods are formulated. They were all in the high­
tech tools and opportunities to maximize the most efficient
Keywords: animation; multimedia; technical drawing
forms of development of curriculum mastery motivation.
All the teachers and participants in the educational process
with their digital skills has to be able to meet to expectation of
It is inevitable using the new methods and modem virtual environment. This requires the existence of digital
communication tools and their wide range of applications in the knowledge on the students side, and on the teachers side the
process of engineering education. All of these are generated by most important to induce the students' motivation and develop
using new technical tools and students' needs together. It's no the new educational tools and tutorials.
denied of the fact that today's digital generation is not so When we make a new educational tool first we should
satisfied with traditional classroom teaching, they get more accurately define our aims. If we defined the aims then already
channels from information and they need to experience things. we could easily be designed our tasks.
So, it is the same in connection with the technical presentation. Aims:
The technical drawing is a practice oriented training are fit to The clarification of the definitions of manufactured
industrial demands driven by knowledge base for the students. geometric
That is why it is important to focus on the subject within the The pair production and representation of concepts
possibilities offered by new tools. (the initial product - starting geometry)
The technical information, also including geometric
Knowledge of the geometry of the parts description
information of the products mostly electronically generated
of representation options
and so we use them. We usually plan the product geometry in
CAD software. This is the basis for production planning and Presentation of representation methods of preparing
quality control (measurement). The CAD software are Improvement of stereoscopic vision
significant spread in the industry. Therefore In the technical The technical drawing (2D) and the geometry of a
area learners need to learn CAD basics. This knowledge is not real body connection between the development
a substitute for real geometry and geometric characteristics of
Improvement of ability reconstruction
the product understanding.
Modem CAD software not only making the model can be The aims are known, we can define the tasks.
used. We can create animations also with them. An obvious We must define that when we use the animations and
solution would be to improve the teaching technical drawing which in subject.
of animation. This device is spectacular, modem and efficient We have to choose what parts and product are
in the solution, and it is also known to the students. presented. The parts can be existing, manufactured
components, or even imagined ones by us. Condition,
II. AIMS AND TASKS however, that they are equipped with the geometric
The technical animations use in education is not yet features, which we want the animation to illustrate.
universal. This technical solution to replace the traditional We must define the initial product and in the starting
methods of illustration, but it is not exclusive. geometry to parts. This is necessary in order to we
can animate the surfaces.

978-1-4673-1014-7/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE - 311-

R. Osz and R. Kovats· The Use of Animations in Teaching Technical Drawing

The choice of subject is defined the type of Many part of the surfaces are often used in production: holes,
representation, and the method. It is important to countersunk holes (counter bore), slot, etc...
ensure the issues logically consistent structure. The next task was to determine the initial product. We could
Before we make the animation we must prepared part interpret the task of the education or the production side.
models and technical drawings. We had to consider what and how is it made the parts in
The preparation of animation takes a long time on the production. The pedagogical point of view was less important.
computer. Depending on the computing devices that It was essential to introduce the geometric features, and to
can last for several days. characterize them.
The last job is the testing the device. What will be the We followed the pedagogical principles, as shown in the
results of the testing process? Figure2.


We present the development of animation based on a
concrete example.
We have used some software to the tasks which is widespread
and well known.
• Autodesk Inventor 2012 (model and animation)
• AutoCAD 2012 (model and technical drawing)
• Windows Movie Maker (film editing)
Our task was to create a body of complex geometry's step­
section. The selected part of the animation is shown inFJgLre 1.
The upper figure is a contour drawing (axonometric), below is
a photorealistic image. We prepared the part model with
Inventor 2012 software. We processed a part-model on
drawing software after file conversion. So we can utilize the
resources well, we can work division of labour.
We prepared the images this way on Figure 1.

Fig. 2. The starting geometry

We are well able to use the properties of parametric
modelling software when you create an animation. The
different geometrical features appear in sequence in the part.
If a feature appears in the animation we may add to
explanation. If necessary, we can stop the animation and we
can give more detailed description of the subject. The
animation is a detail of the Figure 3. The counter bores have
already appeared in the part. The graded slot seems but has not
yet been completed. We index lines were fitted to the image.
These are the names of the shape characteristics (technical

I!:raded slot

counter bore

Fig. 3. The development of geometry

Fig. 1. The part's pictures

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7th IEEE International Symposium on Applied (omputationallntelligence and Informatics· May 24-26, 2012 Timi�oara, Romania

The different shape characteristics after the appearance the We will hatch these areas on technical drawing. We should be
parts should be turned around. So that the geometry we can be ensured the visible image animation and technical drawings
studied many sides. This is necessary because we are so we comparison. We cannot do it with the animation. We have
can explain why we chose a method representation. We should solved the problem using the Windows Movie Maker
make a step-section of technical drawing. We cut the part software. We have edited the finished animation, and we
along the symmetry axis of our imagination. The cutting plane pasted the current technical drawings (2D) into it. The
is complex, because it passes through the holes and slots on sectional image (Figure 5) appeared the after Figure 4B in the
the axis of symmetry. Half of the cut parts we removed, of animation. We can discover the solution if we compare two
course, only in imagination. Although the internal surfaces pictures. Then we see the representation of rules, and do not
were not visible, then they become visible. The technical need to do the task in mind.
people must to solve in mind this problem. This is a very
difficult task for the unskilled person. The animation helps in
solving the problem. The Figure 4 shows how we were cut
from the part. If we rotate to face the remaining surface is then
essence of the representation appears. o

Fig. 5. The sections

The sectional image was a result of our work so far. This is the
front view place. But we need more of one projection. So it
will complete the representation.
The top view is complete because we just removed the
imaginary part of the half. In animation the object completed
and then turns towards the top view. If we showed a new
projection in the animation a new technical drawing would
appear. So each part of depiction becomes complete. The final
details are in the Figure 6.

I o

Fig. 4. Sections making

The Figure 4A is the intersection of the plane. The red areas
marked the intersection of the material parts. The grey details Fig. 6. The top wiev
have shown that where are the holes and the slots.
Final result of the previous operation is on the Figure 4B. This
is the most important part of the animation. The section of a
part is made from this figure. The red areas are also important.

R. Osz and R. Kovats· The Use of Animations in Teaching Technical Drawing

IV. THE DEVELOPMENT OF TRENDS details virtually, and use the new educational devices in the
The animation test and improvement are very important most of fields of technical sciences. We have to know how
but in this development has several possibilities. caracterise the curriculum on the screen of new
One direction of developments is that they also use other communication devices, because it is right that mobile devices
disciplines of science. The project is made by an accessible, are so slow to fill the same function as a couple of years ago
popular and widely used software. Therefore, students also can the PC's. It is a today's challenges of the teachers.
create similar animations._The biggest problem is that the
animation preparing up to several days to complete. REFERENCES
The development of hidden reserves is that the modeling
software is parametric acting. The presented animation is
[I] Don Tapscott: Digitalis gyennekkor, Kossuth Kiad6, 2001, ISBN
static nature. Therefore, it only can process a concrete task. 9630943042 p.23-24,
We thought that we change the geometry of parts. So we could [2] Imre J. Rudas - Peter T6th: Quality Assurance in Learning Management
show several variations of a basic task as well. Other by Web Mining Usage. 6buda University e-Bulletin, Vol. 1. No. 1.,
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ISBN9780735712430 p. 588.
The students are not so much interested in technics, but rather
for the service. Our task is to serve their needs, to show the

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