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Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech (41st Quick BCS Preparation)

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41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech

GKB kã ev‡K¨ e¨envi Abyhvqx †h †Kvb Parts of speech n‡Z cv‡i

He lost his all in speculation. †m Zvi fvebvi mewKQz nviv‡jv| Noun , Pronoun
All spoke in his favor. mevB Zvi AbyK~‡j ejj| Adjective
All men are mortal. me gvby‡lB giYkxj| Adverb
He was all alone when I saw him. hLb Avwg Zv‡K †`Ljvg ZLb †m m¤ú~Y©
GKvKx wQj|
1. He lost his all in speculation. ivRkvnx wek¦:05-06
A. pronoun B. noun
C.adjective D. verb Ans. B
2. All spoke in his favour. ivRkvnx wek¦:05-06
A. noun B. pronoun
C. adverb D. conjunction Ans. B
3. All men are mortal. ivRkvnx wek¦:05-06
A. adjective B. adverb
C. pronoun D. noun Ans. A
4. Choose the correct parts of speech of the underlined word. ivRkvnx wek¦:05-06
He was all alone when I saw him.
A. noun B. adjective
C. preposition D. adverb Ans. D
Children like sweets. ‡Q‡j †g‡qiv wgwó cQ›` K‡i| Verb
They are men of like build and stature. Zviv GKB iKg Mo‡bi †jvK| Adjective
Do not talk like that. IiKg K_v e‡jv bv| Preoposition
I shall not see her like again. Avwg Zvi g‡Zv Avi KvD‡K †`Le bv| Noun
5. Which of the following sentence is having the`like‖as adjective ? ‡gwW‡Kj-07-08
A. We shall not see like again.
B. Children like sweets.
C. They are men of like build and stature.
D. Do not talk like that Ans. C
6. They are men of like build and stature.
Here the word ‗like‘ is a or an- ivRkvnx wek¦: (E ) 11-12
A. Preposition B. Adverb
C. Noun D. Adjective Ans. D
We drink water. Avgiv cvwb cvb Kwi| Noun
They water the plants. Zviv Pviv Mv‡Q cvwb †`q| Verb
It is a water pot. GwU GKwU cvwbi cvÎ| Adjective
Some animals live in water. gvQ cvwb‡Z evm K‡i| Adverb

7. I water the plants. The word ‗water‘ is used as- Lv`¨ cwi`k©K wb‡qvM-2000
A. Noun B. Pronoun
C. Verb D. Adverb Ans. C

He has done no wrong. ‡m †Kvb fyj K‡i bvB| Noun
You have followed the wrong path. Zzwg fyj c_ AbymiY K‡iQ| Adjective
You have wronged me. Zzwg Avgv‡K fyj ey‡SQ| Verb
He has done wrong. ‡m fyj K‡i‡Q| Adverb
8. He has done no wrong. ¯^v¯’¨ mnKvix-09-10
A. Adverb B. Adjective
C. Noun D. Verb Ans.C
9. Do not go in the wrong Path. ivRkvnx wek¦:09-10
41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
A. Verb B. Noun
C. Adjective D. Adverb Ans. C
10. He has done wrong. ¯^v¯’¨ mn, wb‡qvM cix¶v-10
A. Noun B.Verb ivRkvnx wek¦-09-10
C. Adjective D. Adverb Ans. D
The boy played well in the first round. ‡Q‡jwU cÖ_g ivD‡Û fv‡jvB †Ljj| Noun
They rounded the temple silently. Zviv bxi‡e gw›`i cÖ`w¶Y Kij| Verb
It is a round field. GwU GKwU †MvjvKvi gvV| Adjective
At last he came round to their belief. Ae‡k‡l wej¤^ n‡jI †m Zv‡`i wek¦v‡mB Adverb
DcbxZ n‡jv|
The earth moves round the sun. c„w_ex m~‡h©i Pviw`‡K Ny‡i| Preposition
11. Which of the following sentence uses the word `round‖as adverb?
A. A square peg in a round hole. †W›Uvj:09-10
B.The boy played well in the first round.
C.They rounded the temple silently.
D. At last he came round to their belief. Ans. D
12. Which of the following sentence uses the word `round‖as adjective?
A. A square peg in round hole. †gwW‡Kj-08-09
B. The boy played well in the first round.
C. They rounded the temple silently.
D. At last he came round to their belief. Ans. A
I came before the appointed time. Avwg wbav©wiZ mg‡qi c~‡e© Gjvg| Preposition
She went a way before I came. Avgvi Avmvi c~‡e© †m P‡j †Mj| Conjunction
I have seen you before. Avwg †Zvgv‡K c~‡e© †`‡LwQ| Adverb
13. Give the parts of speech of the underlined word: evsjv‡`k †Uwjwfk‡bi cÖ‡hvRK-06
I saw you once before.
A. noun B.pronoun
C. verb D. adverb Ans. D
Kona is a student. KYv GKRb QvÎx| Noun
Everybody should evaluate student life. cÖ‡Z¨‡KiB QvÎ Rxeb‡K g~j¨vqb Kiv DwPZ| Adjective
Look up the word in the dictionary. kãwU wWKkbvwi‡Z †LvuR| Preoposition
Up your hand. ‡Zvgvi nvZ Dc‡i DVvI| Verb
Go up to see the plane. D‡ovRvnvRwU †`L‡Z Dc‡i hvI| Adverb
You should be up student. ‡Zvgvi fv‡jv QvÎ nIqv DwPZ| Adjective
I have a better plan. Avgvi GKwU fv‡jv cwiKíbv Av‡Q| Adjective
He knows me better. ‡m Avgv‡K AviI fv‡jv Rv‡b| Adverb
Give place to your betters. ‡Zvgvi †P‡q hviv fv‡jv Zv‡`i Rb¨ RvqMv †Q‡o Noun
Try to better your hand writing. ‡Zvgvi nv‡Zi †jLv fv‡jv Ki‡Z †Póv Ki| Verb
None but the brave deserves the fair. mvnmx Qvov Ab¨ †KD my›`i‡K `vwe Ki‡Z cv‡i bv| Preposition
He tried hard but did not succeed. ‡m KwVb cwikªg Kij wKš‘ mdj nj bv| Conjunction
There is no one but likes her. Ggb †KD †bB †h Zv‡K cQ›` K‡i bv| Relative pronoun
But me no buts Avgv‡K Ávb w`I bv| Verb, Noun
She helps the poor. †m Mixe‡`i‡K mvnvh¨ K‡i| Verb
I want your help. Avwg †Zvgvi mvnvh¨ PvB| Noun
41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
The man is honest. ‡jvKwU mr| Adjective
The sooner, the better. hZ kxNÖ nq, ZZB fvj| Adverb
Sit down and rest a while. em Ges wKQz¶Y wekªvg Ki| Noun
They while away their time in Zviv Avj‡m¨ mgq KvwU‡q †`q| Verb
wZwb Kwe wnmv‡e eo, wKš‘ bvU¨Kvi wnmv‡e
While he is a great poet, he is greater AviI eo| Conjunction
14. Give place to your betters. ivRkvnx wek¦:(gv‡K©wUs)04-05
A. Noun B. Adjective
C. Adverb D. Pronoun Ans. A
15. Muslims fast during Ramadan. Here ‗fast‘ is- mnKvix ivR¯^ Kg©KZv©-2015
A. Adverb B. Verb
C. Adjective D. Conjunction Ans. B
16. He runs fast. The underlined word is - Lyjbv wek¦:15-16
A. Adverb B. Verb
C. Adjective D. Conjunction Ans. B
17. He sat beside me. Here ‗beside‘ is- fvmvbx wecÖwe-M 15-16
A. an adverb B. a preposition
C. a noun D. a conjunction Ans. A
18. Choose the correct of parts of speech of the underlined word:
Please take what I have only let me go. ivRkvnx wek¦:06-07
A. Adjective B. Adverb
C. Conjunction D. preposition Ans. C
 (Rule-1)

Subject (sl) + Verb (sl)

Subject hw` Singular nq, Z‡e Verb wUI Singular n‡e|

 He goes to school.

Subject (sl) Verb (sl)

 The big room is air-conditioned.

Subject (sl) Verb (sl)

 The Arabian Nights is still a great favourite.

 I is the 9th letter of English alphabet.
 This book was first published in 1985.
 Singular (Verb) †Pbvi mnR Dcvq:
Verb wUi mv‡_ ÔS’ hy³ n‡e| †hgb:
goes, eats, is, was, has, does.

GB (Rule-1)) wU w`‡q (1- 4) wU cÖ‡kœi mgvavb

1. The big room --- air-conditioned. R.we.ÔKÕ 12-13.
41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
A. is B. are
C. should D. do Ans. A
 Shortcut ‡KŠkj: Subject hw` Singular nq, Z‡e Verb wUI Singular n‡e|
 e¨vL¨v: Subject (The big room) n‡jv Singular, ZvB Singular Verb (is) n‡e| ZvB DËi n‡e (A).
2. The Arabian Nights ---- still a great favourite. 26th Bcs
A. has B. are
C. is D. were Ans. C
 Shortcut ‡KŠkj: Subject hw` Singular nq, Z‡e Verb wUI Singular n‡e|
 e¨vL¨v: Subject (The Arabian Nights) n‡jv Singular, ZvB Singular Verb (is) n‡e|
ZvB DËi n‡e (C).
3. I --- the 9th letter of English alphabet. iv.we. 09-10.
A. is B. are
C. am D. will be Ans. A
 Shortcut ‡KŠkj: Subject hw` Singular nq, Z‡e Verb wUI Singular n‡e|
 e¨vL¨v: ev‡K¨ (I) letter wnmv‡e e‡m‡Q| ZvB (I) first person bv n‡q,
3rd person (Singular nember) n‡e|
myZivs Subject (I) n‡jv Singular, ZvB Singular Verb (is) n‡e| ZvB DËi n‡e (A).
4. This book ---- first published in 1985. Xv.we. ÔNÕ 04-05.
A. has been B. was
C. is D. was being Ans. B
 Shortcut ‡KŠkj: Subject hw` Singular nq, Z‡e Verb wUI Singular n‡e|
 e¨vL¨v: myZivs Subject (This book) n‡jv Singular, ZvB Singular Verb (was) n‡e|
cÖ‡kœ is Ges was `ywUB Singular Verb wKš‘ DËi is bv n‡q was n‡jv,
KviY cÖ‡kœ mvj (1985) D‡j­L _vKvq Sentence wU past Tense -G n‡jv|

 AvZ¥wek¦vm ivLyb: m„wóKZ©vi K…cvq GB Type mKj cÖ‡kœi DËi GLb Avcwb cvi‡eb|

 (Rule-2):

Subject (pl) + Verb (pl)

Subject hw` Plural nq, Z‡e Verb wUI Plural n‡e|

 They go to school.

Subject (pl) Verb (pl)

 Tomatoes grow all year long in China.

Subject (pl) Verb (pl)

41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
 Plural (Verb)) †Pbvi mnR Dcvq:
Verb wUi mv‡_ ÔS’ hy³ n‡e bv| †hgb:
go, eat, are, were, have, do.

5. wb‡Pi ev‡K¨ fyj AskwU wPwýZ Ki“b- gnv wnmve i¶K I wbix¶K- 1998.
Tomatoes grows all year long in China .
A. Tomatoes B. all
C. grows D. in Ans. C

 Shortcut ‡KŠkj: Subject hw` Plural nq, Z‡e Verb wUI Plural n‡e|
 e¨vL¨v: Subject (Tomatoes) n‡jv Plural, ZvB Plural Verb (grow) n‡e|
wKš‘ cÖ‡kœ (grows) Singular Verb wnmv‡e Av‡Q| ZvB BnvB fyj|
6. Rabindranath‘s stories often ---- surprise ending. Xv.we. ÔNÕ 00-01.
A. had B. have
C. has D. have had Ans. B
 Shortcut ‡KŠkj: Subject hw` Plural nq, Z‡e Verb wUI Plural n‡e|
 e¨vL¨v: Subject (Rabindranath’s stories) n‡jv Plural, ZvB Plural Verb (have) n‡e|
cÖ‡kœi g‡a¨ (often) kãwU _vKvq, ev‡K¨wU Present Indefinite G n‡jv|

..Parts of speech..
 cÖ‡Z¨KwU Parts of speech Gi Code a‡i,
ly hy³ kã †Kvb Parts of speech Zv mn‡R †ei Ki‡Z cvwi|
Noun Gi code –1
Pronoun Gi code –2
Adjective Gi code –3 ..Code Gi e¨envi..
Verb Gi code –4
Adverb Gi code –5
Preposition Gi code –6
Conjunction Gi code –7
Interjunction Gi code –8
 GKwU fyj avibv: A‡b‡K g‡b K‡ib, ly hy³ kã ïayB Adverb.
wKš‘ ly hy³ kã Adjective I Adverb `ywUB n‡Z cv‡i| †hgb:
Rule-01: Noun + ly = Adjective.
Noun + ly = Adjective Dc‡ii Code Abymv‡i,
Father (1) + ly (2) = Fatherly (3) Noun =1
Mother (1) + ly (2) = Motherly (3) ly = 2 (ly evbv‡b 2 wU eY©)
Home (1) + ly (2) = Homely (3) Adjective = 3
Friend (1) + ly (2) = Friendly (3) ZvB Fatherly, Motherly = Adjective.

Rule-02: Adjective + ly = Adverb.

41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
Adjective + ly = Adverb Dc‡ii Code Abymv‡i,
Nice (3) + ly (2) = Nicely (5) Adjective = 3
Bad (3) + ly (2) = Badly (5) ly = 2 (ly evbv‡b 2 wU eY©)
Kind (3) + ly (2) = Kindly (5) Adverb = 5
Wise (3) + ly (2) = Wisely (5) ZvB Nicely, Badly, Kindly = Adverb.

1. He actually wanted to have motherly affection from her. ewikvj.we.K, L 12-13

A. noun B. adjective
C. adverb D. none of these Ans. B
2. The adjective of the word ‗friend‘ is ___ iv.we. 2012-13, RvZxq we.10-11
A. Friendship B. befriend
C. friendly D. friendliness Ans. C
3. The word ‗homely‘ is- Medical admission:2013-14
A. noun B. pronoun Xv.we.BDwbU-N, 03-04
C. adjective D. verb Ans. C
4. Which one is an adverb – iv.we.BDwbU-E (we‡Rvo) 14-15
A. dirty B. ugly
C. wisely D. holy Ans. C
5. The word ‗slowly‘ is a/an – B.we.BDwbU-E (we‡Rvo) 07-08
A. noun B. verb
C. adverb D. adjective Ans. C
Noun cÖavbZ `yB cÖKvi|

Countable Uncountable
 Countable noun:
 GB mKj noun Gi Singular iƒc I Plural iƒc `ywUB Av‡Q| †hgb:
Book - Books, Pen - Pens, class – classes.
 Uncountable noun:
 GB mKj noun Gi Singular iƒc Av‡Q, wKš‘ Plural iƒc ‡bB| †hgb:

Milk No Plural.
Work G‡`i c~‡e© Article e‡m bv|

41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
1. Which one of the following is not Uncountable noun? Ly.we. weweG 11-12
A. scenery B. work
C. luggage D. student Ans. D
 e¨vL¨v: Student - Students Gi Singular iƒc I Plural iƒc `ywUB Av‡Q|
ZvB GwU Countable noun.
scenery, work, luggage G‡`i Singular iƒc Av‡Q, wKš‘ Plural iƒc †bB|
ZvB Giv Uncountable noun.
 Shortcut ‡KŠkj: Uncountable noun Gi Singular iƒc Av‡Q, wKš‘ Plural iƒc ‡bB|
2. Which of the following words does fall under Uncountable noun?
Sust 08-09.
A. Star B. Rice
C. Field D. Foe Ans. B
 e¨vL¨v: Rice Gi Singular iƒc Av‡Q, wKš‘ Plural iƒc †bB| ZvB GwU Uncountable noun.
 Shortcut ‡KŠkj: Uncountable noun Gi Singular iƒc Av‡Q, wKš‘ Plural iƒc ‡bB|
3. Which of the following is an Uncountable noun?
Kviv Awa`߇ii Kviv ZˡveavqK -13
A. pen B. shirt
C. book D. food Ans. D
 e¨vL¨v: food Gi Singular iƒc Av‡Q, wKš‘ Plural iƒc †bB| ZvB GwU Uncountable noun.
 Shortcut ‡KŠkj: Uncountable noun Gi Singular iƒc Av‡Q, wKš‘ Plural iƒc ‡bB|
4. Which kind of noun is `fun‘? cwi‡ek Awa`߇ii mn. cwiPvjK-11.
A. Uncountable B. Countable
C. Common D. Material Ans. A
 e¨vL¨v: `fun’ Gi Singular iƒc Av‡Q, wKš‘ Plural iƒc †bB| ZvB GwU Uncountable noun.
 Shortcut ‡KŠkj: Uncountable noun Gi Singular iƒc Av‡Q, wKš‘ Plural iƒc ‡bB|

 (Rule-3):

Uncountable noun †h‡nZz Singular, ZvB Gi mv‡_ Verb wUI Singular n‡e|

5. Mars---a planet in our solar system. R.we. ÔNÕ 09-10

A. are B. is
C. will be D. was Ans. B
 e¨vL¨v: Mars n‡jv Uncountable noun. hvi Plural iƒc †bB|
GZGe, Subject(Mars) n‡jv Singular, ZvB Singular Verb (is) n‡e|
cÖ‡kœ is Ges was `ywUB Singular Verb wKš‘ DËi was bv n‡q is n‡jv,
KviY Mars-( g½jMÖn) GwU †m․iRM‡Zi GKwU MÖ‡ni bvg -hv wPiš—b mZ¨ NUbv|
ZvB Sentence wU Present Indefinite Tense - n‡jv|
 Shortcut ‡KŠkj: ÔS’ hy³ Verb B n‡jv Singular Verb|

41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech

6. No news---good news. R.we. ÔNÕ 09-10

A. is B. are
C. was D. were Ans. A
 e¨vL¨v: News n‡jv Uncountable noun. hvi Plural iƒc †bB|
GZGe, Subject (News) n‡jv Singular, ZvB Singular Verb (is) n‡e|
cÖ‡kœ is Ges was `ywUB Singular Verb wKš‘ DËi was bv n‡q is n‡jv,
KviY News paper- cov, hv Af¨vmMZ KvR|
ZvB Sentence wU Present Indefinite Tense - n‡jv|
 Shortcut ‡KŠkj: ÔS’ hy³ Verb B n‡jv Singular Verb|
7. The news---always bad now- a- days. Xv.we. 00-01
A. is B. are
C. was D. were Ans. A
 e¨vL¨v: News n‡jv Uncountable noun. hvi Plural iƒc †bB|
GZGe, Subject (News) n‡jv Singular, ZvB Singular Verb (is) n‡e|
cÖ‡kœ is Ges was `ywUB Singular Verb wKš‘ DËi was bv n‡q is n‡jv,
KviY cÖ‡kœi g‡a¨ (always) kãwU _vKvq, ev‡K¨wU Present Indefinite G n‡jv|
8. ---is not the only thing that tourists want to see. 24th Bcs
A. A scenery B. Sceneries
C. The sceneries D. Scenery Ans. D
 e¨vL¨v: Scenery n‡jv Uncountable noun.
i) hvi Plural iƒc †bB| ZvB Option (B) sceneries (fyj)
ii) G‡`i c~‡e© Article e‡m bv| ZvB Option (A) a scenery, Option (C) the sceneries (fyj) ZvB DËi n‡e (D)
9. Batter transportation ----commerce and enabled larger flows of supplies.
Bangladesh Rural devlopment-04
A. has increased B. has decreased
C. will increase D. will decrease Ans. A
 e¨vL¨v: Transportation n‡jv Uncountable noun. hvi Plural iƒc †bB|
GZGe, Subject (Transportation) n‡jv Singular, ZvB Singular Verb (has increased) n‡e|
10. During the storm last night there was lots of--- Xv.we. weweG 00-01
A. thunders and lightning’s B. thunders and light
C. thunder’s and lightning D. thunder and lightning Ans. D
 e¨vL¨v: thunder and lightning n‡jv Uncountable noun.
hvi Plural I Possessive iƒc †bB| ZvB DËi n‡e (D)
 (Rule-4):
Much + Uncountable noun.

 Shortcut ‡KŠkj: Much I Uncountable `ywU evbv‡b U Av‡Q,
ZvB Much Gi ci Uncountable noun e‡m|
41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
 There is much water in the pound.
11. How ---money do you have in your pocket? evsjv‡`k nvDm wewìs K‡c©v‡ikb -11
A. many B. few
C. much D. a few Ans. C
 e¨vL¨v: money n‡jv Uncountable noun.
 Shortcut Rule = Much + Uncountable noun.
= Much + money. ZvB DËi n‡e (C)
12. Do you have ---to do this afternoon? if not, I`d like to take you to a movie.
Xv.we.ÔMÕ 06-07
A. many work B. much work
C. many works D. much works Ans. B
 e¨vL¨v: work n‡jv Uncountable noun.
 Shortcut Rule = Much + Uncountable noun.
= Much + work. ZvB DËi n‡e (B)
13. I don‘t have ---spare time these day. Xv.we.ÔLÕ 01-02
A. many B. much
C. some D. more Ans. B
 e¨vL¨v: time n‡jv Uncountable noun.
 Shortcut Rule = Much + Uncountable noun.
= Much + time. ZvB DËi n‡e (B)
14. Fill in the blank with right option.
I don‘t take ---tea. Ly.we. 11-12
A. much B. many
C. too many D. more Ans. A
 e¨vL¨v: tea n‡jv Uncountable noun.
 Shortcut Rule = Much + Uncountable noun.
= Much + tea. ZvB DËi n‡e (A)
15. They spent --- time considering the new contract. P.we.ÔNÕ 07-08
A. too much B. Many
C. too D. many Ans. A
 e¨vL¨v: time n‡jv Uncountable noun.
 Shortcut Rule = Much + Uncountable noun.
= Much + time. ZvB DËi n‡e (A).
16. Is there any milk in that Jug? not----. Xv.we.ÔNÕ 01-02
A. None B. too many
C. Much D. Some Ans. C
 e¨vL¨v: milk n‡jv Uncountable noun.
 Shortcut Rule = Much + Uncountable noun.
= Much + milk. ZvB DËi n‡e (C)
17. There is --- on the roads today. Xv.we.ÔLÕ 05-06
A. too many traffic B. very much traffic
41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
C. too much traffic D. few traffic Ans. C
 e¨vL¨v: traffic n‡jv Uncountable noun.
 Shortcut Rule = Much + Uncountable noun.
= Much + traffic. ZvB DËi n‡e (C)
18. I‘ m trying to calculate -----. Xv.we.ÔNÕ 04-05
A. how many money you owe me
B. you owe me how much money
C. you owe me how many money
D. how much money you owe me Ans. D
 e¨vL¨v: money n‡jv Uncountable noun.
 Shortcut Rule = Much + Uncountable noun.
= Much + money. ZvB DËi n‡e (D)
19. I did not have --- luggage, just two small bags. P.we.ÔLÕ 09-10
A. little B. much
C. many D. few Ans. B
 e¨vL¨v: luggage n‡jv Uncountable noun.
 Shortcut Rule = Much + Uncountable noun.
= Much + luggage. ZvB DËi n‡e (B)

 (Rule-5):
Little + Uncountable noun.

L= 12 b¤^i eY© U=21 b¤^i eY© (12 †K Dëv‡j 21 nq).

 Shortcut ‡KŠkj:
L I U msL¨vi w`K †_‡K wecixZ| L= 12 b¤^i eY©, U=21 b¤^i eY© (12 †K Dëv‡j 21 nq)
ZvB Little Gi ci Uncountable noun e‡m|
 There is little water in the pot.
20. She sold ---milk. iv.we. 09-10
A. little B. small
C. least D. heavy Ans. A
 e¨vL¨v: milk n‡jv Uncountable noun.
 Shortcut Rule = Little + Uncountable noun.
= Little + milk. ZvB DËi n‡e (A).
21. The glass on the table contains ---water. RvZxq we. 06-07
A. a little B. a few
C. many D. several Ans. A
 e¨vL¨v: water n‡jv Uncountable noun.
 Shortcut Rule = Little + Uncountable noun.
= Little + water. ZvB DËi n‡e (A).

41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
22. There is ---milk in the bottle. Xv.we ÔKÕ 12-13
A. very few B. any
C. very little D. many Ans. C
 e¨vL¨v: milk n‡jv Uncountable noun.
 Shortcut Rule = Little + Uncountable noun.
= Little + milk. ZvB DËi n‡e (C).

23. There is ---hope of his recovery. Xv.we ÔLÕ 10-11

A. many B. little
C. very D. few Ans. B
 e¨vL¨v: hope n‡jv Uncountable noun.
 Shortcut Rule = Little + Uncountable noun.
= Little + hope. ZvB DËi n‡e (B).
24. I would like ---salt in my vegetables. P.we.ÔNÕ 11-12
A. few B. a few
C. a little D. many Ans. C
 e¨vL¨v: salt n‡jv Uncountable noun.
 Shortcut Rule = Little + Uncountable noun.
= Little + salt. ZvB DËi n‡e (C).
25. I still have ---money in my pocket. kv.we.cÖ.we. 08-09
A. a little B. many
C. few D. a few Ans. A
 e¨vL¨v: money n‡jv Uncountable noun.
 Shortcut Rule = Little + Uncountable noun.
= Little + money. ZvB DËi n‡e (A).
26. ---- is currently available to researchers and physicians who study the indigenous life of
Bangladesh. Xv.we. 03-04
A. a little information B. few information
C. little information D. a few information Ans. C
 e¨vL¨v: information n‡jv Uncountable noun.
 Shortcut Rule = Little + Uncountable noun.
= Little + information. ZvB DËi n‡e (C)

 (Rule-6):
Many + countable noun.

Many Gi ci countable noun Gi plural form e‡m|

 He has many books .
noun Gi plural form.
 How many engineering universities are there in Bangladesh?
noun Gi plural form.
41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
27. How many engineering --- -----there in Bangladesh? Xv.we.ÔKÕ 10-11
A. university, is B. universities, are
C. universities, is D. university, are Ans. B
 e¨vL¨v: universities n‡jv countable noun.
 Shortcut Rule = Many + countable noun Gi plural form.
= Many + universities.
 GZGe Subject (universities) n‡jv plural, ZvB plural verb (are) n‡e| ZvB DËi n‡e (B).
28. ----people trying to get into the football stadium? Xv.we.ÔKÕ 10-11
A. There were too much B. There was too many
C. There were too many D. There was too much Ans. C
 e¨vL¨v: people n‡jv countable noun.
 Shortcut Rule = Many + countable noun Gi plural form.
= Many + people.
 GZGe Subject (people) n‡jv plural, ZvB plural verb (were) n‡e| ZvB DËi n‡e (C).

 (Rule-7):
Few + countable noun.

Few Gi ci countable noun Gi plural form e‡m|

 I have got a few friends, so I am not lonely.
noun Gi plural form.
 How many engineering universities are there in Bangladesh?
noun Gi plural form.
29. I have got ---- friends, so I am not lonely. P.we.ÔNÕ 10-11
A. a little B. little
C. a few D. fewer Ans. C
 e¨vL¨v: friends n‡jv countable noun.
 Shortcut Rule = Few + countable noun Gi plural form.
= Few + friends. ZvB DËi n‡e (C).

 (Rule-8):
a lot of,
Some, some of
most, most of

GB k㸇jv countable I uncountable Dfq noun Gi c~‡e© em‡Z cv‡i|

 I would like some information, please.
 There are a lot of dust on these books.
41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
30. The determiner ‗some‘ is used before --- nouns. R.we. 10- 11.
A. both count and non-count B. non-count
C. plural-count D. singular-count Ans. A
 Shortcut Rule = some + Countable noun/ Uncountable noun.
31. I would like --- information, please. Xv.we.ÔKÕ 12- 13,
A. an B. some Lv`¨ cwi`k©K-11
C. few D. piece Ans. B
 e¨vL¨v: information n‡jv Uncountable noun.
 Shortcut Rule = some + Countable noun/ Uncountable noun.
= some + information. ZvB DËi n‡e (B)
32. The police have collected --- about the crime. Xv.we. ÔNÕ 97- 98
A. many information B. many informations
C. a lot of information D. a lot of informations Ans. C
 e¨vL¨v: information n‡jv Uncountable noun.
 Shortcut Rule = a lot of + Countable noun/ Uncountable noun.
= a lot of + information. ZvB DËi n‡e (C).

33. There are --- dangerous drivers. 24 Zg wewmGm/

A. a very lot of B. a lot of
C. very much of D. very many of Ans. B
 e¨vL¨v: drivers n‡jv Countable noun.
 Shortcut Rule = a lot of + Countable noun/ Uncountable noun.
= a lot of + drivers. ZvB DËi n‡e (B).
34. There‘s --- dust on these books. Fatch me a duster. mve †iwR÷ªvi- 03
A. a lot of B. plenty of
C. lots of D. a good deal of Ans. A
 e¨vL¨v: books n‡jv Countable noun.
 Shortcut Rule = a lot of + Countable noun/ Uncountable noun.
= a lot of + books. ZvB DËi n‡e (A).
35. Choose the correct sentence. Xv.we.ÔLÕ 04- 05/
A. I need a few furniture B. I do not need many furnitures B.we. ÔPÕ 05- 06
C. I do not need many furnitures D. I need some furniture. Ans. D
 e¨vL¨v: furniture n‡jv Uncountable noun.
 Shortcut Rule = some + Countable noun/ Uncountable noun.
= some + furniture. ZvB DËi n‡e (D).
36. Choose the correct sentence. Rv.we. 05- 06
A. There are some milks in the fridge.
B. There is some milk in the fridge.
C. There are little milks in fridge.
D. There are many milks in the fridge. Ans. B
 e¨vL¨v: milk n‡jv Uncountable noun.
 Shortcut Rule = some + Countable noun/ Uncountable noun.
41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
= some + milk. ZvB DËi n‡e (B).
37. Choose the correct sentence. Xv.we.ÔMÕ 11-12
A. We have many works to do in summer
B. We have much works to do in summer
C. We have a lot of work to do in summer
D. We have a lot of works to do in summer Ans. C
 e¨vL¨v: work n‡jv Uncountable noun. hvi plural nq bv|
 Shortcut Rule = a lot of + Countable noun/ Uncountable noun.
= a lot of + work. ZvB DËi n‡e (C)

 (Rule-9):

Few = (-) = negative

bMb¨ / bvB ewj‡jB P‡j = almost no

 (Rule-10):

a Few = (-) (-) = positive

wKQz A‡_© = some

38. ‗He has few friends‘ means he has--- P.we.ÔMÕ 05-06
A. no friend at all B. almost no friend C.
some friends D. a few friends Ans. B
 Shortcut Rule = few = (-) = negative = almost no. ZvB DËi n‡e (B).
= a lot of + work. ZvB DËi n‡e (C)
39. Which one of the following is the correct meaning of ‗a few‘? P.we. ÔMÕ 03-04
A. Not many, hardly any B. Not many, but all there are
C. Some D. Not much Ans. C
 Shortcut Rule = a Few = (-) (-) = positive = some. ZvB DËi n‡e (C).
40. Avgvi eÜz bvB ewj‡jB P‡j- Which on is the correct English Translation?
6ô †emiKvix cÖfvlK wbeÜb-10
A. I have a few friends B. I have no friend
C. I have few friends D. I have little friends Ans. C
 Shortcut Rule = few = (-) = negative = bvB ewj‡jB P‡j| ZvB DËi n‡e (C).
41. Choose the correct sentence. evsjv‡`‡k Avgvi eÜz bvB ewj‡jB P‡j|
A. I have a little friends in Bangladesh cÖavbgš¿x I gš¿x cwil` Kg©KZ©v -04
B. I have little friends in Bangladesh
C. I have few friends in Bangladesh
D. I have a few friends in Bangladesh Ans. C

41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
 Shortcut Rule = few = (-) = negative = bvB ewj‡jB P‡j| ZvB DËi n‡e (C).

 (Rule-11):

Little = (-) = negative

bMb¨ / bvB ewj‡jB P‡j = almost no

 (Rule-12):

a little = (-) (-) = positive

Aí/ wKQz A‡_© = some

42. ‗They have little money‘ means-- P.we. ÔMÕ 03-04
A. They have no money at all. B. They have almost no money.
C. They have yet some money. D. They have quite some money. Ans. B
 Shortcut Rule Little = (-) = negative = almost no. ZvB DËi n‡e (B).
43. Choose the correct translation of: ‗‗There is a little milk in the cup.‖
K‡jR/ mgch©vq wbeÜb I cÖZ¨qb cix¶v-11.
A. †cqvjvq Aí `ya Av‡Q| B. †cqvjvq `ya ‡bB ej‡jB P‡j|
C. †cqvjvq GKUzLvwb `ya †bB| D. †cqvjvq GKUzLvwb `ya Av‡Q| Ans. A
 Shortcut Rule a little = (-) (-) = positive = Aí/ wKQz A‡_© = some. ZvB DËi n‡e (A).

Noun (we‡kl¨)

Noun - Gi A_© bvg| ZvB †h †Kvb bvgevPK c`‡K Noun e‡j|

 Ram, cow, class, gold, honesty.
 Keep in mind: Parts of speech Gi cÖ‡Z¨wU cÖKvi‡f` (Noun, Pronoun, Adjective, Verb, Adverb,
Preposition, Conjunction, Interjection) bvg wb‡`©k K‡i| ZvB Giv cÖ‡Z¨‡K Noun.

44. The word ‗noun‘ is a— I.U. 05-06

A. pronoun B. noun
C. adjective D. verb Ans. B
45. The word ‗adjective‘ is a/an— ‡e.†iv.we. ÔLÕ 12-13
A. pronoun B. noun
C. adjective D. verb Ans. B
 Noun †gvU cuvP cÖKvi:

i) Proper Noun (we‡kl bvg):

Proper Noun n‡jv wbw`©ó †Kvb e¨w³, e¯‘, ¯’v‡bi bvg|

41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
 g‡b ivLvi mnR Dcvq: Proper noun Gi Bs‡iwR k‡ãi A_© I evsjv k‡ãi A_© mvaviYZ GKB nq|
Bs‡iwR A_© evsjv A_©
Rahim iwng (wbw`©ó GKwU e¨w³i bvg)
Rabindranath iex›`ªbv_ (wbw`©ó GKwU e¨w³i bvg)
Dhaka XvKv (wbw`©ó GKwU ¯’v‡bi bvg)
Chittagong wPUvMvs (wbw`©ó GKwU ¯’v‡bi bvg)
Bangladesh evsjv‡`k (wbw`©ó GKwU †`‡ki bvg)
Padma cÙv (wbw`©ó GKwU b`xi bvg)
The Ittefaq B‡ËdvK (wbw`©ó GKwU cwÎKvi bvg)
 Keep in mind: mgMÖ gnvwe‡k¦ †h noun Gi msL¨v GKwU, †mwU Proper noun n‡e| †hgb:
sun, moon, earth.
46. Which of the following is proper noun? iv.we. 05-06
A. Car B. Fast
C. Rain D. Rabindranath Ans. D
 e¨vL¨v:
Bs‡iwR A_© evsjv A_©
Rabindranath iex›`ªbv_
 Rabindranath Gi Bs‡iwR k‡ãi A_© I evsjv k‡ãi A_© GKB| ZvB Rabindranath n‡jv Proper noun. Ab¨ Option ¸‡jvi
Bs‡iwR A_© I evsjv A_© wfbœ| ZvB Zviv Proper noun bq|
†hgb: Car-Mvwo, Fast- cÖ_g, Rain- e„wó|
47. Dhaka is a big city. GLv‡b Dhaka kãwU †Kvb cÖKvi noun? Kg© ms¯’vb e¨vsK - 11
A. proper B. common
C. collective D. material Ans. A
 e¨vL¨v:
Bs‡iwR A_© evsjv A_©
Dhaka XvKv
 Dhaka Gi Bs‡iwR k‡ãi A_© I evsjv k‡ãi A_© GKB| ZvB Dhaka n‡jv Proper noun.
48. Which of the following is not a common noun? †m¨vmvj Bmjvwg e¨vsK-04.
A. Man B.Village
C. Chittagang D. River Ans. C
 e¨vL¨v:
Bs‡iwR A_© evsjv A_©
Chittagong wPUvMvs
 Chittagong Gi Bs‡iwR k‡ãi A_© I evsjv k‡ãi A_© GKB| ZvB Chittagong n‡jv Proper noun.
49. The padma is a river. iv.we. 06-07
A. Collective noun B. Pronoun
C. Abstract noun D. Proper noun Ans. D
 e¨vL¨v:

41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
Bs‡iwR A_© evsjv A_©
Padma cÙv
 Padma Gi Bs‡iwR k‡ãi A_© I evsjv k‡ãi A_© GKB| ZvB Padma n‡jv Proper noun.
50. Which groups or words are proper noun ? cwimsL¨vb ey¨‡vi Kw¤úDUvi Kg©KZ©v - 95
A. man, boy, book B. Rahim, Bangladesh, The Ittefaq
C. milk, water, iron D. cattle, class, army Ans. B
 e¨vL¨v:
Rahim iwng
Bangladesh evsjv‡`k
The Ittefaq B‡ËdvK
 G‡`i Bs‡iwR k‡ãi A_© I evsjv k‡ãi A_© GKB| ZvB Giv Proper noun.
51. Which is not proper noun ? iv.we. 07-08
A. sun B. Karim
C. River D. Padma Ans. C
 e¨vL¨v:
Karim Kwig
Padma cÙv
 G‡`i Bs‡iwR k‡ãi A_© I evsjv k‡ãi A_© GKB| ZvB Giv Proper noun. wKš‘ m~h©, hvi Bs‡iwR A_© I evsjv
A_© GKB bv n‡jI GwU proper noun. KviY- mgMÖ gnvwe‡k¦ †h noun Gi msL¨v GKwU,
†mwU Proper noun n‡e| †hgb: sun, moon, earth.
River–b`x Gi Bs‡iwR A_© I evsjv A_© wfbœ| ZvB GwU Proper noun bq|

ii) Common Noun (RvwZevPK bvg):

†h noun wbw`©ó †Kv‡bv wKQz‡K bv eywS‡q, GK RvZxq e¨w³, ¯’vb ev e¯‘i cÖ‡Z¨‡Ki mvaviY bvg †evSvq
Zv‡`i‡K Common Noun e‡j| or
A noun that names a general class of person, place or things.
 g‡b ivLvi mnR Dcvq: Proper noun †_‡K Common Noun cvIqv hvq|
Proper noun Common Noun
Rahim, Rabindranath, Sachin, Child, Infant, Boy, Student, Pupils, man,
Lara GB bvg¸‡jvi common bvg n‡jv- Teacher, Doctor, King, Judge, Poet, Player.
Masuda, Putul, Rina, GB bvg¸‡jvi Baby, Girl, Mother, Woman.
common bvg n‡jv-
Quran, Gita, Bible GB bvg¸‡jvi Book.
common bvg n‡jv-
Dhaka, Rajshahi, Chittagong GB City.
kni ¸‡jvi common bvg n‡jv-
Sonali Bank, Rupali Bank, Bank.
Bangladesh Bank GB e¨vsK ¸‡jvi

41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
common bvg n‡jv-
Padma, Meghna, Jumuna GB mKj River.
b`xi common bvg n‡jv-
Deshi song, Hindi song, English Song.
song GB mKj Mv‡bi common bvg

 Keep in mind: Common Noun Gi Av‡M Article e‡m|

 I am a student.
 This is a book.
 He sings a song.

52. A noun that names a general class of person, place or things is a-

A. proper noun B. general noun evsjv‡`k e¨vsK - 01
C. perfect noun D. common noun Ans. D
53. What kind of noun ‗boy‘? ‡m¨vmvj e¨vsK- 10,
A. Proper B. Common Z_¨ gš¿Yvj‡qi mnKvix cwiPvjK - 04.
C. Abstract D. Material Ans. B
 e¨vL¨v: ‗Boy’ n‡jv Common noun. KviY- boy Øviv mKj ÔevjK‡KÕ †evSv‡bv nq|
†hgb- (Ram, Rahim, Sumon BZ¨vw`)|
54. What kind of noun ‗girl‘? 10Zg wewmGm, iv.we. 11-12/09-10/08-09,
A. Proper noun B. Common noun kv.we.cÖ.we.08-09
C. Material noun D. Collective noun Ans. B
 e¨vL¨v: ‘Girl’ n‡jv Common noun. KviY- girl Øviv mKj Ô‡g‡q‡`iÕ †evSv‡bv nq|
†hgb- (Rina, Runa, Sumona BZ¨vw`)|
55. Which one is a Common noun? cwievi Kj¨vY cwi`wk©Kv cÖwk¶vYv_©x - 10
A. Salt B. Army
C. Studentship D. Infant Ans. D
 e¨vL¨v: ‘Infant’ n‡jv Common noun. KviY- Infant Øviv mKj Ôwkï‡KÕ †evSv‡bv nq|
†hgb- (Ram, Rahim, Sumon, Rina, Runa BZ¨vw`)|
56. ‡KvbwU Common noun? cÖv_wgK mnKvix wk¶K - 12
A. Pupils B. Shamim
C. Class D. Team Ans. A
 e¨vL¨v: ‘Pupils’ n‡jv Common noun. KviY- Pupils Øviv mKj ÔQv·`iÕ †evSv‡bv nq|
†hgb- (Rina, Runa, Sumona BZ¨vw`)|
57. What kind of noun ‗man‘? ‡ijI‡qi Dc-mnKvix
A. Proper B. Common cÖ‡K․kjx (†gKvwbK¨vj) - 06
C. Collective D. Material Ans. B
 e¨vL¨v: ‘man’ n‡jv Common noun. KviY- ‘man’ Øviv mKj Ôgvbyl‡`iÕ †evSv‡bv nq|
†hgb- (Ram, Rahim, Sumon, Rina, Runa BZ¨vw`)|
58. ‡KvbwU common noun? mn.cÖv_wgK mnKvix wk¶K - 12
A. Truth B. Bank
C. Victory D. Length Ans. B
 e¨vL¨v: ‘man’ n‡jv Common noun. KviY- man Øviv mKj Ôgvbyl‡`iÕ †evSv‡bv nq|
41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
†hgb- (Ram, Rahim, Sumon, Rina, Runa BZ¨vw`)|
59. Find out the common noun? iv.we. 12-13
A. Flock B. Bunch
C. City D. Dhaka Ans. C
 e¨vL¨v: ‘City’ n‡jv Common noun. KviY- City Øviv mKj Ôkni‡KÕ †evSv‡bv nq|
†hgb- (Dhaka, Rajshahi, Chittagong BZ¨vw`)|
60. The elephant has great strength. GLv‡b elephant kãwU?
A. Proper noun B. Common noun cÖv_wgK cÖavb wk¶K - 09
C. Collective noun D. Material noun Ans. B

iii) Collective Noun (mgwóevPK bvg):

Common noun Gi mgwó‡KB Collective Noun e‡j|

 g‡b ivLvi mnR Dcvq: Common noun `jMZ/ GK‡Î †evSv‡j Collective noun cvIqv hvq|
Common Noun Collective Noun
Students iv `jMZ n‡q- Class n‡Z cv‡i|
Players iv `jMZ n‡q- Team n‡Z cv‡i|
Judges iv GK‡Î e‡m- Jury †evW© MwVZ nq|
Members, Secretaries, Chairman Giv Meetting Ki‡Z cv‡i| A_ev,
GK‡Î n‡q- Committee MwVZ n‡Z cv‡i|
People GK‡Î n‡q- Crowd, Audience n‡Z cv‡i|
Book GK‡Î K‡i Library mvRv‡bv hvq|
Cow, Goat, Ewe (†fox) GB mKj cÖvYx n‡jv- Cattle (M„ncvwjZ cï)|
Cow, bird, Elephant Giv n‡jv- Animal (cÖvYx ev cï)|
 Most Important Collective noun: DrcwË †_‡KB Giv mgwóevPK ev `jMZ †evSvq| †hgb:
Navy (†b․-evwnbx) Army (•mb¨`j)
Cavalry (Ak¦‡ivnx •mb¨`j) Infantry (c`vwZK •mb¨`j)
Elite (`‡ji m‡e©vrK…ó †jvKmg~n) Gentry (f`ªm¤cÖ`vq)
Flock (SuvK/ cvj) Herd (cïcvj)
Mass (`j / cyÄ) Swarm (‡g․gvwQi SuvK)
Pack (cyUwj / c¨v‡KU) Gang (WvKvZ)
61. ‡KvbwU collective noun? cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wk¶K - 11
A. Bashar B. Class
C. Youth D. Island Ans. B
 e¨vL¨v: Collective noun mvaviYZ Common noun Gi mgš^‡q MwVZ nq| †hgb-
Class (†kªwY) = a collection of students.
62. Out team better than yours. ev‡K¨ team kãwU †Kvb cÖKv‡ii noun?
A. Common B. Collective cÖvBgvix - 10 (†ngš—) - 12
C. Material D. Abstract noun Ans. B
 e¨vL¨v: Collective noun mvaviYZ Common noun Gi mgš^‡q MwVZ nq| †hgb-
Team (†L‡jvqvi‡`i `j) = a collection of players.

41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
63. Which one is a collective noun? K‡jR / mgch©vq wbeÜb - 11
A. friendship B. gang
C. doctor D. honesty Ans. B
 e¨vL¨v: Collective noun mvaviYZ Common noun Gi mgš^‡q MwVZ nq| †hgb-
Gang (`j) = a collection of some persons.
64. ‡KvbwU collective noun? mn.cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wk¶K - 12
A. Truth B. Harbour
C. Bank D. Committee Ans. D
 e¨vL¨v: Collective noun mvaviYZ Common noun Gi mgš^‡q MwVZ nq| †hgb-
Committee (mwgwZ) = Members + Secretaries + Chairperson etc.
65. The Jury were divided in their opinion. Here Jury is a-
A. Proper noun B. Collective noun iv.we. 09-10.
C. Common noun D. Abstract noun Ans. B
 e¨vL¨v: Collective noun mvaviYZ Common noun Gi mgš^‡q MwVZ nq| †hgb-
Jury (wePviK gÊjx) = a collection of judges.
66. The Police dispersed the crowd. ev‡K¨ crowd kãwU †Kvb cÖKvi noun ?
A. Common B. Collective cÖv_wgK cÖavb wk¶K - 09
C. Material noun D. Abstract noun Ans. B
 e¨vL¨v: Collective noun mvaviYZ Common noun Gi mgš^‡q MwVZ nq| †hgb-
Crowd (wek„sLj RbZv) = a collection of disordered.
67. The crowd was very big. which from of noun underlined word is---
A. Common B. Proper iv.we.- 06-07
C. Collective D. Abstract noun Ans. C
 e¨vL¨v: Collective noun mvaviYZ Common noun Gi mgš^‡q MwVZ nq| †hgb-
Crowd (wek„sLj RbZv) = a collection of disordered.
68. The audience remains seated during the intermission---
A. Proper noun B. Common noun P.we. ÔKÕ 08 -09
C. Collective noun D. Material noun Ans. C
 e¨vL¨v: Collective noun mvaviYZ Common noun Gi mgš^‡q MwVZ nq| †hgb-
Audience (†kªvZvgÊjx) = a collection of spectors.
69. Which one is collective noun ? cÖv_wgK mnKvix wk¶K 13, 06.
A. Books B. Girl
C. Library D. Soldier Ans. C
 e¨vL¨v: Collective noun mvaviYZ Common noun Gi mgš^‡q MwVZ nq| †hgb-
Library (MÖš’vMvi) = a collection of books.
70. What kind of noun the word ‗Cattle‘ is ?
10 Zg wewmGm/ iv.we. 10 - 11, 09-10/ B.we. 10-11/gva¨wgK mn.wk¶K-11
A. Proper B. Common
C. Collective D. Material Ans. C
 e¨vL¨v: Collective noun mvaviYZ Common noun Gi mgš^‡q MwVZ nq| †hgb-
Cattle (M„ncvwjZ cï) = domestic animals such as cow, goat, ewe etc.

41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
71. Shahed did not join the army. Here the word ‗army‘ is---- wk¶K wbeÜb cix¶v - 12
A. an abstract noun B. a common noun
C. a collective noun D. a material noun Ans. C
 e¨vL¨v: Collective noun mvaviYZ Common noun Gi mgš^‡q MwVZ nq| †hgb-
Army (‣mb¨`j) = Soldiers + Captains + Generals + Colonel.
72. The collective noun used to describe a number of soldiers is: kv.we.cÖ.we. 04-05
A. Infantary B. Army
C. Fighter D. Sailors Ans. B
73. Which group of words are collective noun ? wWwcBI-93
A. Unity, Poverty B. Cattle, Army
C. Team, Steel D. Milk, Water Ans. B
74. ‗Flock‘ is a noun? wk¶K wbeÜb cix¶v - 12

A. Proper B. Common
C. Collective D. Abstract Ans. C
 e¨vL¨v: Collective noun mvaviYZ Common noun Gi mgš^‡q MwVZ nq| †hgb-
Flock (SuvK) = a collection of birds.
75. A herd of cattle is passing. RvZxq mÂq cwi`߇ii mn.cwiPvjK - 09

A. Adjective B. Common
C. Collective D. Abstract Ans. C
 e¨vL¨v: Collective noun mvaviYZ Common noun Gi mgš^‡q MwVZ nq| †hgb-
Herd (cïi cvj) = a collection of domestic animals.
76. I saw ----of cows in the field. wewmAvB wmi mn.e¨e¯’vcK - 11

A. group B. herd
C. swarm D. flock Ans. B

iv) Material Noun (e¯‘evPK):

†h mKj noun Øviv †Kvb Ôe¯‘‡KÕ wPwýZ Kiv ‡evSv‡j, ZvB Material Noun.
 g‡b ivLvi mnR Dcvq:
 G‡`i ïay Singular iƒc Av‡Q, wKš‘ Plural iƒc †bB|

Milk No Plural.

41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech

G‡`i c~‡e© Article e‡m bv|

 Keep in mind: G‡`i IRb/cwigvb K‡i †ePv- †Kbv Kiv nq Ges GB mKj e¯‘‡K LwÊZ- weLwÊZ K‡iI e¯‘wUi Aw¯—Z¡‡K
wejxb Kiv m¤¢e bq|

77. This necklace is made of gold. Identify the underlined noun.

A. Proper noun B. Common noun B.we. 10-11/ cÖv.mn.wk¶K-05
C. Collective noun D. Material noun Ans. D
 e¨vL¨v: Gold n‡jv Material noun. KviY-
i) Gi ïay Singular iƒc Av‡Q, wKš‘ Plural iƒc †bB|
ii) G‡K IRb/cwigvb K‡i †ePv- †Kbv Kiv nq Ges G‡K LwÊZ- weLwÊZ Ki‡jI
e¯‘wUi Aw¯—Z¡‡K wejxb Kiv m¤¢e bq|
78. Dimond is a precious metal. Which class of noun ‗Dimond‘ belongs to‘ ?
A. Personal B. Material B.we. 06-07
C. Common D. Collective Ans. B
 e¨vL¨v: Dimond n‡jv Material noun. KviY-
i) Gi ïay Singular iƒc Av‡Q, wKš‘ Plural iƒc †bB|
ii) G‡K IRb/cwigvb K‡i †ePv- †Kbv Kiv nq Ges G‡K LwÊZ- weLwÊZ Ki‡jI
e¯‘wUi Aw¯—Z¡‡K wejxb Kiv m¤¢e bq|
79. What kind of noun ‗Milk‘--- B.we. 04-05
A. Proper noun B. Common noun
C. Material noun D. Collective noun Ans. C
 e¨vL¨v: Milk n‡jv Material noun. KviY-
i) Gi ïay Singular iƒc Av‡Q, wKš‘ Plural iƒc †bB|
ii) G‡K IRb/cwigvb K‡i †ePv- †Kbv Kiv nq Ges G‡K LwÊZ- weLwÊZ Ki‡jI
e¯‘wUi Aw¯—Z¡‡K wejxb Kiv m¤¢e bq|
80. ‗Salt‘ ‡Kvb noun? cÖv. we`¨vjq cÖavb wk¶K - 14
A. Proper noun B. Common noun
C. Material noun D. Collective noun Ans. C
 e¨vL¨v: Salt n‡jv Material noun. KviY-
i) Gi ïay Singular iƒc Av‡Q, wKš‘ Plural iƒc †bB|
ii) G‡K IRb/cwigvb K‡i †ePv- †Kbv Kiv nq Ges G‡K LwÊZ- weLwÊZ Ki‡jI
e¯‘wUi Aw¯—Z¡‡K wejxb Kiv m¤¢e bq|
81. ‡KvbwU Material noun? mn. cÖv_wgK wk¶K - 12

41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
A. Wood B. Mouth
C. Team D. Knife Ans. A
82. Which one is Material noun? cÖv_wgK mn. wk¶K- 06,12
A. Ring B. River
C. Book D. Paper Ans. D
83. Paper, water, iron, gold and milk are---- iv.we.- 05-06
A. Abstract nouns B. Common nouns
C. Collective nouns D. Material nouns Ans. D
 e¨vL¨v: Paper, water, iron, gold and milk n‡jv Abstract nouns. KviY-
i) G‡`i ïay Singular iƒc Av‡Q, wKš‘ Plural iƒc †bB|
ii) G‡`i IRb/cwigvb K‡i †ePv- †Kbv Kiv nq Ges G‡`i‡K LwÊZ- weLwÊZ Ki‡jI
e¯‘wUi Aw¯—Z¡‡K wejxb Kiv m¤¢e bq|

v) Abstract Noun (¸Y ev fveevPK bvg):

G‡`i‡K ¯úk© Kiv I †`Lv hvq bv, ïay gb w`‡q Kíbv Ki‡Z nq|
 g‡b ivLvi mnR Dcvq:
 G‡`i ïay Singular iƒc Av‡Q wKš‘ Plural iƒc †bB|
Courage No Plural.
Humility G‡`i c~‡e© Article e‡m bv|
84. Honesty is the best policy. Here the word ‗Honesty‘ is a-----
iv.we.- 07-08/ cÖv_wgK cÖavb wk¶K-09/6ô cÖfvlK wbeÜb-10
A. Proper noun B. Common noun
C. Collective noun D. Abstract noun Ans. D
 e¨vL¨v: Honesty n‡jv Abstract noun. KviY-
i) Gi ïay Singular iƒc Av‡Q wKš‘ Plural iƒc †bB|
ii) G‡K ¯úk© Kiv I †`Lv hvq bv, ïay gb w`‡q Kíbv Ki‡Z nq|
85. ‗Truth must prevail in the long run‘. ev‡K¨ ‗Truth‘ kãwU †Kvb cÖKv‡ii noun?
Xv.we. 07-08/ cÖv_wgK mn.wk¶K-10
A. Common noun B. Proper noun
41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
C. Collective noun D. Abstract noun Ans. D
 e¨vL¨v: Truth n‡jv Abstract noun. KviY-
i) Gi ïay Singular iƒc Av‡Q, wKš‘ Plural iƒc †bB|
ii) G‡K ¯úk© Kiv I †`Lv hvq bv, ïay gb w`‡q Kíbv Ki‡Z nq|
86. What kind of noun is ‗Courage‘ ? B.we. ÔLÕ 09-10
A. Abstract noun B. Collective noun
C. Concrete noun D. None of these Ans. A
 e¨vL¨v: Courage n‡jv Abstract noun. KviY-
i) Gi ïay Singular iƒc Av‡Q, wKš‘ Plural iƒc †bB|
ii) G‡K ¯úk© Kiv I †`Lv hvq bv, ïay gb w`‡q Kíbv Ki‡Z nq|
87. The Soldiers were rewarded for their bravery. Which class of noun ‗bravery‘
belongs to ? Ly.we.- 10/ mn.Dc-cwi`k©K - 04/
A. Collective noun B. Common noun `yb©xwZ `gb ey¨‡ivi cwi`k©K-03
C. Material noun D. Abstract noun Ans. D
 e¨vL¨v: Bravery n‡jv Abstract noun. KviY-
i) Gi ïay Singular iƒc Av‡Q, wKš‘ Plural iƒc †bB|
ii) G‡K ¯úk© Kiv I †`Lv hvq bv, ïay gb w`‡q Kíbv Ki‡Z nq|
88. What type of noun is ‗Kindness‘? _vbv mn.wk¶v Awdmvi - 04 / Kviv ZZ¡veavqK -06
A. Proper B. Common
C. Abstract D. Material Ans. C
 e¨vL¨v: Kindness n‡jv Abstract noun. KviY-
i) Gi ïay Singular iƒc Av‡Q, wKš‘ Plural iƒc †bB|
ii) G‡K ¯úk© Kiv I †`Lv hvq bv, ïay gb w`‡q Kíbv Ki‡Z nq|
89. Without health there is no happiness. GLv‡b ‗happiness‘ kãwU †Kvb cÖKv‡ii noun?
cÖv_wgK mn.wk¶K-10
A. Proper B. Common
C. Collective D. Abstract Ans. D
 e¨vL¨v: Happiness n‡jv Abstract noun. KviY-
i) Gi ïay Singular iƒc Av‡Q, wKš‘ Plural iƒc †bB|
ii) G‡K ¯úk© Kiv I †`Lv hvq bv, ïay gb w`‡q Kíbv Ki‡Z nq|
90. ‗Beauty is truth.‘ Here ‗Beauty‘ is------
_vbv mn.wk¶v Awdmvi - 04 / Kviv ZZ¡veavqK -06
A. a pronoun B. an abstract noun
C. a common noun D. a collective noun Ans. B
 e¨vL¨v: Beauty n‡jv Abstract noun. KviY-
i) Gi ïay Singular iƒc Av‡Q, wKš‘ Plural iƒc †bB|
ii) G‡K ¯úk© Kiv I †`Lv hvq bv, ïay gb w`‡q Kíbv Ki‡Z nq|
91. Wisdom is better than strength? Here ‗strength‘ used as----
Rv.we. 13-14/ cÖv_wgK cÖavb wk¶K- 09
A. Proper noun B. Common noun
C. Collective noun D. Abstract noun Ans. D
 e¨vL¨v: Strength n‡jv Abstract noun. KviY-
i) Gi ïay Singular iƒc Av‡Q, wKš‘ Plural iƒc †bB|
ii) G‡K ¯úk© Kiv I †`Lv hvq bv, ïay gb w`‡q Kíbv Ki‡Z nq|
92. Forgiveness is a great virtue. evK¨ ‗forgiveness‘ kãwU †Kvb cÖKv‡ii noun?
cÖv_wgK mn. wk¶K- 05
A. Proper B. Common
C. Collective D. Abstract Ans. D

41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
 e¨vL¨v: Forgiveness n‡jv Abstract noun. KviY-
i) Gi ïay Singular iƒc Av‡Q, wKš‘ Plural iƒc †bB|
ii) G‡K ¯úk© Kiv I †`Lv hvq bv, ïay gb w`‡q Kíbv Ki‡Z nq|
93. †KvbwU Abstract noun? cÖv_wgK mn. wk¶K- 12
A. City B. Boy
C. Obey D. Humility Ans. D
 e¨vL¨v: Humility n‡jv Abstract noun. KviY-
i) Gi ïay Singular iƒc Av‡Q, wKš‘ Plural iƒc †bB|
ii) G‡K ¯úk© Kiv I †`Lv hvq bv, ïay gb w`‡q Kíbv Ki‡Z nq|
94. Which of the following is abstract noun? iv.we. 06 - 07
A. Childhood B. Child
C. Boy D. Family Ans. A
 e¨vL¨v: Childhood n‡jv Abstract noun. KviY-
i) Gi ïay Singular iƒc Av‡Q, wKš‘ Plural iƒc †bB|
ii) G‡K ¯úk© Kiv I †`Lv hvq bv, ïay gb w`‡q Kíbv Ki‡Z nq|
95. †KvbwU Abstract noun? cÖv_wgK mn. wk¶K- 11
A. Manhood B. Friend
C. Fleet D. Anwar Ans.A
96. †KvbwU The word ‗Agency‘ is a----- B.we. 10 - 11
A. Common noun B. Collective noun
C. Proper noun D. Abstract noun Ans. D
97. Which kind of noun is ‗Journey‘? iv.we. 09- 10
A. Common B. Collective
C. Proper D. Abstract Ans. D
98. What kind of noun is ‗Discipline‘? B.we. 06 - 07
A. Proper B. Collective
C. Abstract noun D. Common noun Ans. C
99. What kind of noun of following words belongs to- love, affection?
B.we. 06 - 07/
A. Abstract B. Common cÖv_wgK mn.cÖavb wk¶K- 12
C. Material D. Collective Ans. A
 e¨vL¨v: Love, Affection n‡jv Abstract noun. KviY-
i) G‡`i ïay Singular iƒc Av‡Q, wKš‘ Plural iƒc †bB|
ii) G‡`i ¯úk© Kiv I †`Lv hvq bv, ïay gb w`‡q Kíbv Ki‡Z nq|

The Determiners:

wb‡Pi 5 wU Ask‡K Determiner e‡j|

i) Articles: A, An, The
ii) Possessives (ÔiÕ wefw³ _v‡K) : my, ours, your, his, her, their, its.
iii) Quantifiers (cwigvY †evSvq): much, many, few, little, some, a lot
of, less, enough, each, no, any, more, most.
iv) Demonstratives (wb‡`©k †evSvq): this, these, that, those.
v) Numerals (msL¨v †evSvq): one, two, three, first, second, fourth.

41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
1. Which word is the determiner in the sentence ‗‗Will it take much time?‘‘
cÖv_wgK mn.cÖavb wk¶K- 12
A. will B. take 35Zg wewmGm
C. much D. time Ans. C
 e¨vL¨v: Determiner Gi ci GKwU word _vK‡j, †mwU Aek¨B Noun n‡e|
 Shortcut Rule = Determiner + Noun.
= much + time. ZvB DËi n‡e (C).
[much n‡jv GKwU Quantifier. hv Determiner Gi GKwU Ask]
 (Rule-1):

Determiner + Noun

A_©vr Determiner Gi ci GKwU word _vK‡j, †mwU Aek¨B Noun n‡e|

 This is a book. Determiner ‡K `D’ Øviv cÖKvk Kiv n‡jv|
D Noun

 I walked for a while.

D Noun

 She opted for the humanities.

D Noun

 Give place to your betters.

D Noun

 This is my village.
D Noun

 He has done no wrong.

D Noun

2. I walked for a while. iv.we. 12-13

A. verb B. adverb
C. Conjunction D. noun Ans. D
 e¨vL¨v: Determiner Gi ci GKwU word _vK‡j, †mwU Aek¨B Noun n‡e|
 Shortcut Rule = Determiner + Noun.
= a + while. ZvB DËi n‡e (D).
[a n‡jv GKwU Article. hv Determiner Gi GKwU Ask]
3. She opted for the humanities. Here ‗humanities‘ is--- iv.we. 08-09
A. Noun B. Adjective
C. Adverb D. Pronoun Ans. A
 e¨vL¨v: Determiner Gi ci GKwU word _vK‡j, †mwU Aek¨B Noun n‡e|
 Shortcut Rule = Determiner + Noun.
= the + humanities. ZvB DËi n‡e (A).
[the n‡jv GKwU Article. hv Determiner Gi GKwU Ask]
4. In people on the continent either tell the truth or lie. The word ‗lie‘ is----
A. They never lie B. A noun iv.we. 05-06
C. A verb D. A synonym of ‗false’ Ans. B
 e¨vL¨v: Determiner Gi ci GKwU word _vK‡j, †mwU Aek¨B Noun n‡e|
41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
 Shortcut Rule = Determiner + Noun.
= the + lie. ZvB DËi n‡e (B).
[the n‡jv GKwU Article. hv Determiner Gi GKwU Ask]
5. Where there is a will, there is way. Here ‗will‘ is------ miKvix cwiPvjK (gv`K wbqš¿b)- 13
A. a noun B. a verb
C. an adjective D. an adverb Ans. A
 e¨vL¨v: Determiner Gi ci GKwU word _vK‡j, †mwU Aek¨B Noun n‡e|
 Shortcut Rule = Determiner + Noun.
= a + will. ZvB DËi n‡e (A).
[a n‡jv GKwU Article. hv Determiner Gi GKwU Ask]
6. Give place to your betters. iv.we 04-05
A. Noun B. Adjective
C. Adverb D. Pronoun Ans. A
 e¨vL¨v: Determiner Gi ci GKwU word _vK‡j, †mwU Aek¨B Noun n‡e|
 Shortcut Rule = Determiner + Noun.
= your + betters. ZvB DËi n‡e (A).
your n‡jv GKwU Possessive. hv Determiner Gi GKwU Ask]
7. This is my village. B.we 10-11
A. Adverb B. Noun
C. Conjunction D. Adjective Ans. B
 e¨vL¨v: Determiner Gi ci GKwU word _vK‡j, †mwU Aek¨B Noun n‡e|
 Shortcut Rule = Determiner + Noun.
= my + village. ZvB DËi n‡e (B).
[your n‡jv GKwU Possessive. hv Determiner Gi GKwU Ask]
8. Norms are society‘s do‘s and don‘ts. The `do‘s‘ in this sentence is a/an----
A. Verb B. Noun wcÖwgqvi e¨vsK -03
C. Adjective D. Adverb Ans. B
 e¨vL¨v: Determiner Gi ci GKwU word _vK‡j, †mwU Aek¨B Noun n‡e|
 Shortcut Rule = Determiner + Noun.
= society’s + do’s. ZvB DËi n‡e (B).
[society’s n‡jv GKwU Possessive. hv Determiner Gi GKwU Ask]
9. Select the specific parts of speech of the underlined word. kv.we.cÖ.we- 09-10
Try your best.
A. Verb B. Adverb
C. Adjective D. Noun Ans. D
 e¨vL¨v: Determiner Gi ci GKwU word _vK‡j, †mwU Aek¨B Noun n‡e|
 Shortcut Rule = Determiner + Noun.
= your + best. ZvB DËi n‡e (D).
[your n‡jv GKwU Possessive. hv Determiner Gi GKwU Ask]
10. He has done no wrong. ¯^v¯’¨ mnKvix- 10
A. Adverb B. Adjective
C. Noun D. Verb Ans. C

41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
 e¨vL¨v: Determiner Gi ci GKwU word _vK‡j, †mwU Aek¨B Noun n‡e|
 Shortcut Rule = Determiner + Noun.
= no + wrong. ZvB DËi n‡e (C).
[no n‡jv GKwU Quantifiers. hv Determiner Gi GKwU Ask]
 (Rule-2):

Determiner + Noun + Preposition

A_©vr Determiner I Preposition Gi gv‡S GKwU word _vK‡j, †mwU Aek¨B Noun n‡e|
 Rani is a beauty of the class.
D Noun Pre
Determiner †K `D’ Øviv cÖKvk Kiv n‡jv| Ges
Preposition †K `Pre’ Øviv cÖKvk Kiv n‡jv|
 This is the fishion of the day.
D Noun Pre

11. Rani is a beauty of the class. Here ‗beauty‘ is-- Rv.we- 09-10
A. an adjective B. Preposition
C. a noun D. None Ans. C
 e¨vL¨v: Determiner I Preposition Gi gv‡S GKwU word _vK‡j, †mwU Aek¨B Noun n‡e|
 Shortcut Rule = Determiner + Noun + Preposition.
= a + beauty + of. ZvB DËi n‡e (C).
12. This is the fashion of the day. Here ‗fashion‘ is a ---- ‡eMg †iv‡Kqv wek¦-12-13
A. Pronoun B. Noun
C. Verb D. Adverb Ans. B
 e¨vL¨v: Determiner I Preposition Gi gv‡S GKwU word _vK‡j, †mwU Aek¨B Noun n‡e|
 Shortcut Rule = Determiner + Noun + Preposition.
= the + fashion + of. ZvB DËi n‡e (B).
13. The reason of his unruly behavior was not known. iv.we- 06-07
A. Verb B. Noun
C. Preposition D. Conjunction Ans. B
 e¨vL¨v: Determiner I Preposition Gi gv‡S GKwU word _vK‡j, †mwU Aek¨B Noun n‡e|
 Shortcut Rule = Determiner + Noun + Preposition.
= The + reason + of. ZvB DËi n‡e (B).
14. He is an eyesore to me. To which parts of speech ‗eyesore‘ belongs‘ here?
Ly.we. 09-10
A. Preposition B. Adjective
C. Adverb D. Noun Ans. D
 e¨vL¨v: Determiner I Preposition Gi gv‡S GKwU word _vK‡j, †mwU Aek¨B Noun n‡e|
 Shortcut Rule = Determiner + Noun + Preposition.
= an + eyesore + to. ZvB DËi n‡e (D).
15. Education girls contributes to an increase of wealth through its impact on economic development.
The underlined word is----- Ly.we. 10-11
A. a verb B. an adjective

41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
C. a noun D. an adverb Ans. C
 e¨vL¨v: Determiner I Preposition Gi gv‡S GKwU word _vK‡j, †mwU Aek¨B Noun n‡e|
 Shortcut Rule = Determiner + Noun + Preposition.
= an + increase + of. ZvB DËi n‡e (C).
16. It is the talk of the campus. Which parts of speech is ‗talk‘ in this sentence?
A. verb B. preposition
C. adverb D. noun Ans. D
 e¨vL¨v: Determiner I Preposition Gi gv‡S GKwU word _vK‡j, †mwU Aek¨B Noun n‡e|
 Shortcut Rule = Determiner + Noun + Preposition.
= the + talk + of. ZvB DËi n‡e (D).
17. This is the go of the world. `Go‘ is a-----
A. verb B. noun cwi‡ek I eb gš¿Yvjq - 06
C. adverb D. adjective Ans. B
 e¨vL¨v: Determiner I Preposition Gi gv‡S GKwU word _vK‡j, †mwU Aek¨B Noun n‡e|
 Shortcut Rule = Determiner + Noun + Preposition.
= the + go + of. ZvB DËi n‡e (B).
18. This is the `go‘ of day. Here `go‘ is a----- myß ms‡KZ Awdmvi- 05
A. verb B. pronoun
C. noun D. adverb Ans. C
 e¨vL¨v: Determiner I Preposition Gi gv‡S GKwU word _vK‡j, †mwU Aek¨B Noun n‡e|
 Shortcut Rule = Determiner + Noun + Preposition.
= the + go + of. ZvB DËi n‡e (C).
19. What is the (deep) of the canal? iv.we. 09-10
A. Deepest B. Deeper
C. Deepts D. Depth Ans. D
 e¨vL¨v: Determiner I Preposition Gi gv‡S GKwU word _vK‡j, †mwU Aek¨B Noun n‡e|
 Shortcut Rule = Determiner + Noun + Preposition.
= the + depth + of. ZvB DËi n‡e (D).
 deep Gi Noun n‡jv depth.
20. ‗I don‘t require a second to talk up my case.‘ Here ‗second‘ is used as----
B.we. 09-10
A. pronoun B. adjective
C. noun D. adverb Ans. C
 e¨vL¨v: Determiner I Preposition Gi gv‡S GKwU word _vK‡j, †mwU Aek¨B Noun n‡e|
 Shortcut Rule = Determiner + Noun + Preposition.
= a + second + to. ZvB DËi n‡e (C).
21. He kept the fast for a week GLv‡b fast kãwU---- cÖv_wgK mnKvix wk¶K- 14, 09

A. noun B. pronoun
C. adjective D. adverb Ans. A
 e¨vL¨v: Determiner I Preposition Gi gv‡S GKwU word _vK‡j, †mwU Aek¨B Noun n‡e|
 Shortcut Rule = Determiner + Noun + Preposition.
41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
= the + fast + for. ZvB DËi n‡e (A).
22. He lost his all in speculation. iv.we.- 05-06
A. pronoun B. noun
C. adjective D. verb Ans. B
 e¨vL¨v: Determiner I Preposition Gi gv‡S GKwU word _vK‡j, †mwU Aek¨B Noun n‡e|
 Shortcut Rule = Determiner + Noun + Preposition.
= his + all + in. ZvB DËi n‡e (B).
23. You have no right to do it. ewikvj wek¦. 12-13
A. adjective B. noun
C. adverb D. verb Ans. B
 e¨vL¨v: Determiner I Preposition Gi gv‡S GKwU word _vK‡j, †mwU Aek¨B Noun n‡e|
 Shortcut Rule = Determiner + Noun + Preposition.
= no + right + to. ZvB DËi n‡e (B).
24. Did you meet an one interesting at the party. Here ‗interesting‘ is- P. wek¦. 03-04
A. Noun B. Verb
C. Adjective D. Adverb Ans. A
 e¨vL¨v: Determiner I Preposition Gi gv‡S GKwU word _vK‡j, †mwU Aek¨B Noun n‡e|
 Shortcut Rule = Determiner + Noun + Preposition.
= one + interesting + at. ZvB DËi n‡e (A).
25. This mutton has too much fat on it. The underlined word in the above sentence is a –
iv.we. 13-14
A. Noun B. Verb
C. Adjective D. Adverb Ans. A
 e¨vL¨v: Determiner I Preposition Gi gv‡S GKwU word _vK‡j, †mwU Aek¨B Noun n‡e|
 Shortcut Rule = Determiner + Noun + Preposition.
= much + fat + on. ZvB DËi n‡e (A).
 (Rule-3):

Preposition + Noun.

A_©vr Preposition Gi ci GKwU word _vK‡j, †mwU Aek¨B Noun n‡e|

 English is used for communication.
Pre Noun Preposition †K `Pre’ Øviv cÖKvk Kiv n‡jv|
 The matter was left in abevance.
Pre Noun

26. The matter was left in abevance. Rv.we- 13-14

A. Noun B. Pronoun
C. Adverb D. Adjective Ans. A
 e¨vL¨v: Preposition Gi ci GKwU word _vK‡j, †mwU Aek¨B Noun n‡e|
 Shortcut Rule = Preposition + Noun.
= in + abevance. ZvB DËi n‡e (A).
27. It needs to be done with care. P.we.- 03-04
A. noun B. adjective

41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
C. pronoun D. verb Ans. A
 e¨vL¨v: Preposition Gi ci GKwU word _vK‡j, †mwU Aek¨B Noun n‡e|
 Shortcut Rule = Preposition + Noun.
= with + care. ZvB DËi n‡e (A).
28. There is some cause for concern but no need for alarm. In this sentence ‗concern‘ is-
Dc‡Rjv gwnjv welqK Kg©KZ©v-06

A. adjective B. noun
C. pronoun D. verb Ans. B
 e¨vL¨v: Preposition Gi ci GKwU word _vK‡j, †mwU Aek¨B Noun n‡e|
 Shortcut Rule = Preposition + Noun.
= for + concern. ZvB DËi n‡e (B).



Noun Gi cwie‡Z© Pronoun e‡m| G Kvi‡Y Pronoun ‡K substituting word (e`wj kã) e‡j|

1. A pronoun takes place of a/an- we Avi wm wmwbqi Awdmvi - 98

A. antecedent B. verb
C. noun D. subject Ans. C
2. A substituting word is called a- iv.we. 09-10

A. noun B. pronoun
C. verb D. adjective Ans. B

Kinds of Pronoun

 Pronoun AvU cÖKvi:

1 Personal Pronouns I, you, he, she, it, we, they, etc.

2 Demonstrative Pronouns This, that, those etc.
3 Interrogative Pronouns Who, which, what, whom, where etc.
4 Relative Pronouns Who, which, what, whom, that etc.
5 Reflexive Pronouns Myself, yourself, himself, herself, ourself, themself etc.
6 Indefinite Pronouns One, any, some, many, none, both etc.
7 Distributive Pronouns Each, either, nither, every etc.
8 Reciprocal Pronouns Each other, one other, one another etc.

41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech

 Demonstrative Pronouns
3. This is my pen. That is yours. iv.we. 06-07
Here ‗This‘ and ‗That‘ are-
A. Personal pronoun B. Demonstrative pronoun
C. Possessive pronoun D. Noun Ans. B
4. Which of the following is demonstrative pronoun? Xv.we. 90-91
A. he B. yourself

C. those D. who Ans. C

Interrogative Pronouns
5. Whom did you meet yesterday? Here the word ‗whom‘ is --- pronoun.

A. Relative B. Interrogative B.we.‘F’4-5

C. Demonstrative D. None of the above Ans. B
6. Which book do you want? Here ‗Which‘ is- Awdm mn, Kw¤úDUvi Acv‡iUi

A. an adjective B. a verb cwievi cwiKíbv Awa`ßi)-11

C. a pronoun D. an adverb Ans. C
 Relative Pronouns
7. Who, Which, What are- 13Zg wewmGm, mn cwiPvjK (ewnivMgb I cvm‡cvU©)- 14
ivRkvnx we. 07-08, 09-10, RMbœv_ we. 09-10, mn cwiPvjK (cvm‡cvU© GÛ Bwg‡MÖkb)- 07
A. Demonstrative pronoun B. Relative pronoun
C. Indefinite pronoun D. Reflexive pronoun Ans. B
8. I know the girl who turned up this meeting. kvnvRvjvj weÁvb I cÖhyw³ we. 05-06
What typs of pronoun is ‗who‘ in this sentence?

A. relative B. reciprocal
C. reflexive D. doemonstrative Ans. A
9. This is the man who is my brother. Here ‗who‘ is – B.we.ÔF’ 10-11

A. Distributive pronoun B. Personal pronoun

C. Relative pronoun D. Reciprocal pronoun Ans. C
10. In the sentence, ―I know the man who has done this‖. B.we. 07-08
The word ‗who‘ is which pronoun?

A. Demonstrative B. Relative
C. Reflexive D. Reciprocal Ans. B
11. Who is the man that come to you? Here ―that‖ is a/an- we‡kl wbeÜb Ge‡Z`vqx cÖavb: 10

A. Indefinite pronoun B. Demonstrative pronoun

41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
C. Interrogative pronoun D. Relative pronoun Ans. D
12. Identify the pronoun- ‗This is the movie whom I was talking about.‘

A. this is B. the movie Rv.we.13-14

C. whom D. talking about Ans. C
 Reflexive Pronouns
13. ‡KvbwU Reflexive pronoun? cwievi Kj¨vY cwi`wk©Kv-2015

A. each B. who
C. myself D. he Ans. C
14. Which one is a reflexive pronoun? kvnRvjvj weÁvb I cÖhyw³ we. BDwbU-K- 09-10
A. yourself B. that
C. you D. both Ans. A
15. Do it yourself. What kind of pronoun ‗yourself‘ is- iv.we. 08-09, 09-10

A. demonstrative B. relative
C. distributive D. reflexive Ans. D
16. What kind of parts of speech is ‗itself‘? B.we.ÔMÕ.10-11

A. indefinite pronoun B. reflexive pronoun

C. interrogative pronoun D. relative pronoun Ans. B
17. Which one of the following is a reflexive pronoun? Kz.we. 06-07, mgevq `߇ii

A. they B. himself wØZxq †kÖYxi †M‡R‡UW Awdmvi- 97

C. who D. me Ans. B
18. ‗He killed himself‘. Here ‗himself‘ is- B.we. 04-05
A. Personal Pronoun B. Relative pronoun
C. Reflexive pronoun D. Indefinite pronoun Ans. C
19. The heroine looked at herself in the pond. B.we. 06-07
The underlined word is-
A. A reflexive pronoun B. An emphatic pronoun
C. A distributive pronoun D. A relative pronoun Ans. A
 Indefinite Pronouns
20. Any, Anyone, Some, Someone, are – iv.we. 05-06

A. Demonstrative pronoun B. Indefinite pronoun

C. Relative pronoun D. Interrogative pronoun Ans. B
 Distributive Pronouns
21. Each of them was present. B.we. 02-03
Here, what type of pronoun ‗each‘ is – pronoun.

41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
A. Reflexive pronoun B. Relative pronoun
C. Emphatic Pronoun D. Distributive pronoun Ans. D

Personal Pronoun
Personal Pronoun e¨w³i cwie‡Z© e¨eüZ nq|
G‡`i wewfbœ Form Zz‡j aiv n‡jv:
Subjective Objective Possessive Possessive
form form adjective pronoun
I (Avwg) Me (Avgv‡K) My (Avgvi) Mine (AvgviwU)
You (Zzwg) You (†Zvgv‡K) Your (†Zvgvi) Yours (†ZvgviwU)

He (†m) Him (Zv‡K) His (Zvi) His (ZviwU)

She (†m) Her (Zv‡K) Her (Zvi) Hers (ZviwU)
It (GwU) It (GwU‡K) Its (GwUi) Its (GwUiwU)
We (Avgiv) Us (Avgv‡`i‡K) Our (Avgv‡`i) Ours (Avgv‡`iwU)

You (†Zvgiv) You (†Zvgv‡`i‡K) Your(†Zvgv‡`i) Yours (†Zvgv‡`iwU)

They (Zviv) Them (Zv‡`i‡K) Their (Zv‡`i) Theirs (Zv‡`iwU)

 (Rule-1):

Subject + verb.

Verb Gi c~‡e© Subjective form e‡m|

 I play football.
 Shamim and I are going to the cinema.
 Habib and I stayed home.
22. Shamim and – are going to the cinema. RvZxq we.09-10

A. me B. myself
C. my D. I Ans. D
23. It is correct to say – Xv.we.ÔNÕ08-09
A. Habib and myself stayed home B. Habib and me stayed home
C. Myself and Habib stayed home D. Habib and I stayed home Ans. D
24. The Captain, ---had a score of 30. Xv.weÔ08-09
A. Joy and me B. Joy and us
C. Joy and I D. Joy and myself Ans. C
25. All of us Abir, Wafi, Nabir, Aritro and – were present. B.we.ÔNÕ.11-12

A. me B. mine
C. I D. none Ans. C

41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech

 (Rule-2):

Subject + Main verb + Objective form.

Subject + Main verb + Gi c‡i Objective form e‡m|

 They called us on the telephone.
 My uncle decided to take me and my sister to the market.
 The teacher told him and me to leave.
 Rahim kindly helped you, him and me.
26. They called – on the telephone. PÆMÖvg we. BDwbU-N-11-12
A. we B. they
C. hers D. us e. she Ans. D
27. My uncle decided to take – and my sister to the market. wewmAvB wmÕi mn: e¨e¯’vcK(cÖkvmK)-11

A. I B. me
C. mine D. myself Ans. B
28. The teacher told – to leave. Xv.we. BDbU-L, 09-10
A. he and me B. him and me
C. him and I D. he and I Ans. B
29. Lima showed --- the photographs. RvZxq we.(gvbweK)-14-15
A. i B. her
C. my D. me Ans. D
30. Choose the sentence with the correct agreement of pronouns-

A. Rahim kindly helped you, me and him wcGmwm wbav©wiZ 12wU c‡`i cix¶v-01
B. Rahim kindly helped you, him and me
C. Rahim kindly helped me, him and you
D. Rahim kindly helped him, you and me Ans. B
 (Rule-3):

Let GKwU Main verb ZvB Gi c‡iI Objective form e¨eüZ n‡e|

 Let him and me go.
 Let you and him be witness.
 Let you and me go together.
31. Which is the correct sentence? iv.we.05-06, wbevP©b Kwgkb mwPevj‡q cÖkvmwbK
A. Let he and I go B. Let I and he go Kg©KZv© I cvi‡mvbvj Awdmvi-04
C. Let me and he go D. Let him and me go Ans. D

41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
32. Choose the correct sentence. 12 Zg wewmGm, iv.we 06-07, B.we.10-11
A. Let he and you be witness B. Let you and him be witness
C. Let you and he be witness D. Let him and you be witness Ans. B
33. Choose the correct sentence. cÖv_wgK I MYwk¶v Awa`߇ii mnKvix cwiPvjK-01
A. Let you and I go together B. Let I and you go together
C. Let me and you go together D. Let you and me go together Ans. D
34. Write the correct sentence nvRx `v‡bk weÁvb I cÖhyw³ we.11-12
A. Let him and you be witness B. Let you and him, be witness
C. Let you and he be witness D. Let you and he witness Ans. A
35. Which one is correct? iv.we.05-06
A. Let Munir and I go B. Let I and Munir go
C. Let Munir and I to go D. Let Munir and me go Ans. D

 (Rule-4):

Preposition + Objective form.

Preposition Gi c‡i Objective form e‡m|

 There is really no difference between you and me.
 Between you and me, this is the greatest book I’ve ever read.
 The presents are for you and me.
 For whom did the board of director’s vote?
36. There is really no difference between you and-- Xv.we.10-11
A. I B. we
C. them D. me Ans. D
37. Between --, this is the greatest book I‘ve ever read. P.we. 08-09

A. you and I B. I and you cÖv_wgK mn.wk¶K: 15

C. you and me D. me and you E. you’re and I’m Ans. C
38. Choose the correct sentence. cwiPvjK evsjv‡`k e¨vsK-06, mnKvix cj­x Dbœqb Kg©KZv©-06
A. The presents are for you and me B. The presents are for you and I
C. The presents are for me and you D. The presents are for I and we Ans. A
39. Every student in the classroom understands the lecture ---. B.we. BDwbU-M, 10-11

A. except me B. except I
C. excepting I D. excepting me Ans. A
40. Choose the correct form of the word to fill in the gap; Ly.we. 06-07
For – did the board of director‘s vote?

A. who B. whom
C. whoever D. whichever E. whose Ans. B
41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech

 (Rule-5):

Subject + Be verb + Subjective form.

Subject + Be verb (am, is, are, was, were) + Gi c‡i Subjective form e‡m|
 I wish I were he.
 It was he who came running into the class room.
 It was I who first raised the issue in the meeting.
 It was we who had left before he arrived.
41. I wish I were - Kviv ZË¡veavqK, ¯^ivóª gš¿Yvjq-10
A. him B. his
C. he D. himself Ans. C
42. It was – who came running into the class room. P.we. BDwbU-M, 05-06
A. him B. he
C. her D. his E. them Ans. B
43. It was – who first raised the issue in the meeting. P.we. BDwbU-N, 02-03,
A. I B. me Xv.we. BDwbU-M, 99-00
C. myself D. himself Ans. A
44. It was us who had left before he arrived. Xv.we. BDwbU- M, 07-08, 05-06,
A. us who had left before he arrived ivRkvnx K…wl Dbœqb e¨vs‡Ki wmwbqi Awdmvi-10,

B. we who had left before he arrived K¨vk Awdmvi evsjv‡`k e¨vsK-11

C. us who had went before he arrived
D. we who had left before the time he had arrived Ans. B

 (Rule-6):

Pronoun + verb.

One, No one (No one = None), Everyone, Everybody, Some, Somebody, Few, Little, Much, Many,
All BZ¨vw` n‡jv Indefinite Pronoun. Giv verb Gi Subject wnmv‡e e¨eüZ nq|
 Everybody hates a liar.
 Some are born genius.
 Few know where he is.
 One should do one’s duty.
45. Everybody hates a liar. iv.we.10-11
Identify the correct parts of speech of the underlined word.
A. Pronoun B. Noun
C. Adjective D. Adverb Ans. A
41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
 e¨vL¨v: Everybody n‡jv Indefinite Pronoun.
GwU verb Gi Subject wnmv‡e e¨eüZ nq| ZvB DËi n‡e (A)
46. Some are born genius. Here ‗some‘ is- iv.we.13-14

A. Noun B. Pronoun
C. Adjective D. Adverb Ans. B
 e¨vL¨v: Some n‡jv Indefinite Pronoun.
GwU verb Gi Subject wnmv‡e e¨eüZ nq| ZvB DËi n‡e (B)
47. Few know where he is. Here ‗few‘ is used as- B.we.09-10
A. Pronoun B. Adjective
C. Noun D. Adverb Ans.A
 e¨vL¨v: Few n‡jv Indefinite Pronoun.
GwU verb Gi Subject wnmv‡e e¨eüZ nq| ZvB DËi n‡e (A)
1. Nothing can ruin him. Here ‗nothing‘ is- iv.we. (F1) 09-10 A.
Noun B. Pronoun
C. Adjective D. Adverb Ans. B
48 One should do one‘s duty. Here ‗one‘ is used as- B.we.07-08
A. Noun B. Pronoun
C. Adjective D. Adverb Ans. B
 e¨vL¨v: One n‡jv Indefinite Pronoun.
GwU verb Gi Subject wnmv‡e e¨eüZ nq| ZvB DËi n‡e (B)
 (Rule-7):


ev‡K¨ †`vl ev Aciva ¯^xKvi †evSv‡j (1st person + 2nd person + 3rd person) GB serial Abymv‡i e‡m|
 I, you and Mita shall be punished. .
 I, You and he are guilty.
 I, you and he are to blame.
49. Which one of the following sentences is correct? ‡e.‡iv.we.ÔMÕ.10-11

A. Mita, you and I shall be punished

B. I, you and Mita shall be punished
C. You, me and Mita shall be punished
D. You, Mita and I shall be punished Ans. B
50. Which one of the following sentences is correct? Xv.we.08-09

A. Selim, you and I shall be punished iv.we.08-09

B. I, you and Selim shall be punished
C. You, me and Selim shall be punished
D. You, Selim and I shall be punished Ans. B
51. Choose the correct sentence. 6ô cÖfvlK wbeÜb I cÖZ¨qb cix¶v-10

41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
A. You, he and I am guilty B. You, he and I are guilty
C. I, You and he are guilty D. He, I and you are guilty Ans. C
52. Choose the correct sentence. B.we.06-07
A. I, you and he are to blame
B. He, you and I are to blame
C. I, you and he should obey our teacher
D. You and I are guilty Ans. A
53. Choose the correct sentence: iv.we.07-08
A. I, you and he committed the crime
B. You, he and I committed the crime
C. He, I and you committed the crime
D. I, he and you committed the crime Ans. A
54. Which sentence is the correct one? iv.we.‘E’.10-11
A. You, I and he are absent B. You, he and I are absent
C. I, you and he are absent D. He, I and you are absent Ans. C
 (Rule-8):


ev‡K¨ †`vl ev Aciva bv †evSv‡j (2nd person + 3rd person + 1st person) GB serial Abymv‡i e‡m|
 You, he and I was present in the class.
 You, he and I went there.
 You, Rahim and I have passed.
55. Choose the correct sentence. iv.we.03-04, B.we.10-11

A. I, you and he were present in the class

B. You, he and I were present in the class
C. You, he and I was present in the class
D. He, you and I were present in the class Ans. B
56. Choose the correct one. iv.we.09-10

A. You, he and I went there B. He, you and me went there

C. You, I and he went there D. You, he and me went there Ans. A
57. Identify the correct sentence. iv.we.08-09

A. I, you and Rahim have passed B. I, Rahim and you have passed
C. Rahim, I and you have passed D. You, Rahim and I have passed Ans. D
58. Which is right? Z_¨ gš¿Yvj‡qi Aax‡b mnKvix cwiPvjK-04

A. He and myself went out B. Myself and he went our

C. I and he went out D. He and I went out Ans. D

41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
59. Choose the correct sentence: Kg©ms¯’vb I cÖwk¶Y ey¨‡iv DccwiPvjK cix¶v-07
A. I, you and he are present B. You, he and I are present Z_¨ gš¿Yv Z_¨ Awdmvi-05
C. You, he and I am Present D. He, you and I are present Ans. B
60. Choose the correct sentence. B.we.11-12
A. I and he is present B. I and him is present
C. He and he are present D. He and I are present Ans. D
 e¨vL¨v: GLv‡b 2 person Abycw¯’Z|

 (Rule-9):

Subject + possessive + Noun.

Subject Abymv‡i Noun Gi c~‡e© possessive adjective e‡m|

 We should respect our parents.
 A students should be careful about his duty.
 Everyone should respect his parents.
 One should be careful about one‘s duty.
61. A students should be careful about – duty. iv.we.- 05-06

A. his B. one’s
C. all D. the Ans. A
62. Everyone should respect – parents. RbmsL¨v I cwievi Kj¨vY Kg©KZ©v- 04

A. one’s B. his
C. their D. our Ans. B
63. One should be careful about __duty. 23Zg wewmGm, Awdmvi (K¨vk); †mvbvjx e¨vsK-2014
A. her B. his
C. the D. one’s Ans. D
64. One must follow – conscience. Xv. we. 05-06

A. individual’s B. one’s
C. right D. personal Ans. B
65. Write the correct sentence. nvRx `v‡bk weÁvb I cÖhyw³ wek¦. 11-12
A. One should do his duty B. One should do their duty
C. One should do one’s duty D. One should do their duties Ans. C
66. One should obey – parents. Kzwgj-v we.09-10
A. the B. his
C. one’s D. their Ans. C
67. Choose the correct sentence. gvI. fvmvbx we.cÖ.we. ‘D’ 14-15

A. One should not deliver his opinion unasked

B. One should not give one’s opinion unasked
C. One should not give opinion unasked
41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
D. One should not give his opinion unasked Ans. B
68. The more hemoglobin one his, the more oxygen is carried to – cells. Xv.we- 02-03

A. its B. our
C. their D. one’s Ans. D

 (Rule-10):

Preposition + possessive + Present participle

Preposition + possessive + (Verb+ing)

 My father never approved of her marrying a foreigner.
 We insist on your leaving the room
 I insist on your going there.
69. My father never approved of – a foreigner. mgvR‡mev Awdmvi (mgvRKj¨vY gš¿Yvjq)- 10

A. her to marry B. her marrying

C. she marrying D. she not marry Ans. B
70. We insist on --- leaving the room. P.we. 08-09
A. you B. to you
C. yours D. your E. you’re Ans. D
71. Find out the correct sentence. P.we. 09-10
A. I insist you to go there B. I insist on your going there
C. I insist upon you to go there D. I insist yourself to go there Ans. B
72. When friends insist on – expensive gifts, it makes P.we.BDwbU- N, 12-13
Most people uncomfortable. P.we. BDwbU- M, 02-03
A. them to accept B. their accepting
C. they accepting D. they accept Ans. B

 (Rule-11): Who Gi e¨envi

----- + Verb

k~b¨¯’v‡bi c‡i hw` mivmwi GKwU Verb _v‡K, Z‡e †mB k~b¨¯’v‡b Who e¨eüZ nq|
 I know the boy --- is there.
 I know the boy who is there.
 I know the man ---- has a wooden leg.

41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
 I know the man who has a wooden leg.
73. I know the boy ---- is there. iv.we. 05-06
A. whom B. who
C. which D. that one Ans. B
74. I know the man ---- has a wooden leg. ivRkvnx we. 06-07

A. who B. which
C. that D. what Ans. A
75. This is the person ---- came last week. Dhaka Bank Ltd. 2004

A. who B. whom
C. that D. which Ans. A
76. The old man ---- lives next door has bought a car. Kzwgj-v.we. 06 - 07

A. who B. whom
C. whose D. which Ans. A
77. Nazrul ---- is our national poet, was also a soldier. Xv.we. ÔNÕ 2015-16

A. whom B. who
C. he D. what Ans. B
78. Tell me ----that. 24 Bcs

A. whom told you B. that told you

C. who told you D. told you Ans. C
79. Choose the correct sentence. iv.we. 04-05, 07-08
A. It is I who is to blame B. It is I who am to blame
C. It is I who are to blame D. It is me who are to blame Ans. B

 (Rule-12): Whom Gi e¨envi

----- Subject + finite verb

k~b¨¯’v‡bi c‡i hw` mivmwi GKwU Subject Ges GKwU finite verb _v‡K, Z‡e †mB k~b¨¯’v‡b Whom e¨eüZ nq|
 You are the man --- I wanted.
 You are the man whom I wanted.
 It was I ---he wanted to sing.
 It was I whom he wanted to sing.
80. It was I ---he wanted to sing to.
A. that B. whose Xv.we. 08-09
C. what D. which E. whom Ans. E
41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
81. Manzur with --- I work, helped me.
A. that B. which Xv.we. weweG 07-08
C. who D. he E. whom Ans. E

 (Rule-13): Which Gi e¨envi

e¯‘i c‡i, wkïi c‡i, wbgœ cÖvYxi c‡i Which e¨eüZ nq|

 Keep in mind: gvbyl Qvov mKj cÖvYxB wbgœ †kªwYi cÖvYx|

 Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood.
 Mother loves the baby which does not cry.
 I have a dog which bites a man.
wbgœ cÖvYx
82. Life is a succession of lessons --- must be lived to be understood.

A. then B. those Xv.we.ÔLÕ 07-08

C. which D. these Ans. C
 e¨vL¨v: Succession of lessons n‡”Q e¯‘ ZvB Gi ci which e¨eüZ n‡e| ZvB DËi n‡e (C)
83. We got into a bus -----was full of people.
A. who B. which Xv.we.ÔLÕ 07-08
C. and D. what Ans. B
 e¨vL¨v: a bus n‡”Q e¯‘ ZvB Gi ci which e¨eüZ n‡e| ZvB DËi n‡e (B)

An Adjective is a word used to qualify a noun or a pronoun. A_©vr hLb †Kvb kã,
noun ev pronoun Gi †`vl, ¸Y, Ae¯’v, msL¨v, cwigvb wb‡`©k K‡i ZLb Zv‡K Adjective e‡j|
1. An Adjective modifies --- R.we.ÔKÕ 12-13.
A. noun B. adverb
C. verb D. preposition Ans. A
2. An Adjective qualifies a --- weAviwm wmwbqi Awdmvi-00

A. verb B. adverb
C. pronoun D. none of these Ans. C
3. An adjective is a – Lv`¨ cwi`k©K-2000
A. naming word B. modifying word
C. qualifying word D. substituting word Ans. C

 Adjective are mainly of two types:

41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
i) Attributive Adjective:
Noun Gi c~‡e© †h mKj Adjective e‡m; Zv‡`i‡K Attributive Adjective e‡j|
 He is a good boy.
Attributive Adjective

 She is a brave woman.

Attributive Adjective

ii) Predicative Adjective:

†h mKj Adjective Gi ci noun _v‡K bv; Zv‡`i‡K Predicative Adjective e‡j|
 He is good.
Predicative Adjective.

 I am fine.
Predicative Adjective

4. The two types of adjectives are-- . B. we. 11-12

A. attributive and relative B. predicative and collective
C. attributive and predicative D. redicative and alternative Ans. C
5. The boy is Meritorious. The underline word is- cwievi cwiKíbv Awa`ßi Awdm
A. noun B. verb mn.Kvg Kw¤úDUvi Acv‡iUi-11

C. adjective D. adverb Ans. C

 e¨vL¨v: Meritorious n‡jv Predicative Adjective.
6. The boy is very meritorious. The underline word is- Awdm mn./Kw¤úDUvi Acv‡iUi

A. A noun B. A verb (cwievi cwiKíbv Awa`ßi)-11

C. An adjective D. An adverb Ans. C

 e¨vL¨v: Meritorious n‡jv Predicative Adjective.
7. The plank is thick. The underline word is- wcGmwm 10-11, 06-07

A. adverb B. preposition
C. conjunction D. adjective Ans. D
 e¨vL¨v: thick n‡jv Predicative Adjective.

 (Rule-1):
Adjective + Noun

Noun Gi c~‡e© Adjective e¨eüZ nq|

 He is a good boy.
Adjective Noun

 Still waters run deep.’

Adjective Noun

 All the four pens are missing.

41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
Adjective Noun

8. ‗Still waters run deep.‘

Name the part of speech of the underlined word: iv.we.BDwbU A (‡Rvo) 14-15
A. noun B. adjective
C. verb D. adverb Ans. B
 e¨vL¨v: Noun Gi c~‡e© Adjective e¨eüZ nq|
 Shortcut Rule = Adjective + Noun.
= Still waters. ZvB DËi n‡e (B).

9. Still water runs deep. GLv‡b still kãwU- cÖv_wgK mn,wk¶K.14,09

A. Noun B. Pronoun
C. Adjective D. Adverb Ans. C
10. All the four pens are missing. Here ‗all the four‘ is- iv.we.07-08
A. Noun, Adjective B. Adjective
C. Determiners D. Participle phrase Ans. B
 e¨vL¨v: Noun Gi c~‡e© Adjective e¨eüZ nq|
 Shortcut Rule = Adjective + Noun.
= All the four pens. ZvB DËi n‡e (B).
11. They are man of like build and stature.
Here the word ‗like‘ is a/an - iv.we.11-12
A. adjective B. noun
C. adverb D. preposition Ans. A
 e¨vL¨v: Noun Gi c~‡e© Adjective e¨eüZ nq|
 Shortcut Rule = Adjective + Noun.
= like build and stature. ZvB DËi n‡e (A).
 Keep in mind: And Øviv GKB ai‡Yi parts of speech mshy³ nq|
GLv‡b (build and stature) `ywUB Noun.
12. Which of the following sentence is having the word like as adjective?
A. We shall not see his like again. †gwW‡Kj fwZ© cix¶v 07-08
B. Children likes sweets.
C. They are man of like build and stature
D. Do not talk like that. Ans. C
 e¨vL¨v: Noun Gi c~‡e© Adjective e¨eüZ nq|
 Shortcut Rule = Adjective + Noun.
= like build and stature. ZvB DËi n‡e (C).
 Keep in mind: And Øviv GKB ai‡Yi parts of speech mshy³ nq|
GLv‡b (build and stature) `ywUB Noun.

 wb‡Pi 5 wU Ask‡K Determiner e‡j|

i) Articles: A, An, The
ii) Possessives (ÔiÕ wefw³ _v‡K) : my, ours, your, his, her, their, its

41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
iii) Quantifiers (cwigvY †evSvq): much, many, few, little, some, a lot
of, less, enough, each, no, any, more, most.
iv) Demonstratives (wb‡`©k †evSvq): this, these, that, those
v) Numerals (msL¨v †evSvq): one, two, three, first, second, fourth
 Keep in mind: Noun Gi c~‡e© Determiner ¸‡jv Adjective wnmv‡e e¨eüZ nq|

 (Rule-2):

Determiner + Noun

A_©vr Noun Gi c~‡e© Determiner _vK‡j, †m¸‡jv Adjective wnmv‡e e¨eüZ nq |

 There is little water in the pot.
Adjective Noun
 He is a man of few words.
Adjective Noun
 He give me some book.
Adjective Noun
 This is his car.
Adjective Noun

13. There is little water in the pot. iv.we.09-10

A. Adjective B. Adverb
C. Noun D. Conjunction Ans. A
 e¨vL¨v: little GKwU Determiner, hv Noun Gi c~‡e© Adjective wnmv‡e e¨eüZ nq | ZvB DËi n‡e (A).
15. He give me some book. Here ‗some‘ is- Kz.we.09-10
A. Noun B. Adjective
C. Adverb D. Pronoun Ans. B
 e¨vL¨v: some GKwU Determiner, hv Noun Gi c~‡e© Adjective wnmv‡e e¨eüZ nq | ZvB DËi n‡e (B).
14. He is a man of few words. iv.we (Low), 06-07
A. Descriptive B. Indefinite Numeral
C. Distributive D. Demonstrative Ans. B
 e¨vL¨v: few GKwU Determiner, hv Noun Gi c~‡e© Adjective wnmv‡e e¨eüZ nq | ZvB DËi n‡e (B).

 (Rule-3):
Determiner + Adjective + Noun

A_©vr Determiner I Noun Gi gv‡S Adjective e‡m|

Determiner †K `D’ Øviv cÖKvk Kiv n‡jv|
 Tareq was a bright student.
D Adjective Noun
 She is a village girl.
D Adjective Noun

 The calling bell is out of order.

Adjective Noun

41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
 A rolling stone gathers no moss.
Adjective Noun

16. Tareq was a bright student. evK¨wU‡Z bright kãwU †Kvb c`? cwievi Kj¨vY cwi`wk©Kv- 2015,
A. Noun B. Adjective Awdm mn. (cwievi cwiKíbv Awa)- 11,
C. Adverb D. Verb ¯^v¯’¨ mnKvix- 10 Ans. B
 e¨vL¨v: Determiner I Noun Gi gv‡S Adjective e‡m|
 Shortcut Rule = Determiner + Adjective + Noun.
= a + bright + student. ZvB DËi n‡e (B).
17. he is a village girl. B.we.10-11
A. adverb B. noun
C. conjunction D. adjective Ans. D
 e¨vL¨v: Determiner I Noun Gi gv‡S Adjective e‡m|
 Shortcut Rule = Determiner + Adjective + Noun.
= a village girl. ZvB DËi n‡e (D).
18. Do not go in the wrong path. iv.we. 09-10
A. Noun B. pronoun
C. adjective D. adverb Ans. C
 e¨vL¨v: Determiner I Noun Gi gv‡S Adjective e‡m|
 Shortcut Rule = Determiner + Adjective + Noun.
= the + wrong + path ZvB DËi n‡e (C).
19. He sleeps a sound sleep. GLv‡b sound kãwU- cÖv_wgK mnKvix wk¶K- 09
A. Noun B. pronoun
C. adjective D. adverb Ans. C

20. That student wrote a ten-page report. ‗ten-page‘ is- iv.we. 08-09
A. Adverb B. Verb
C. Noun D. Adjective Ans. D
21. Identiy the adjective in the sentence.
―The last chapter is carelessly written‖. XvKv e¨vsK GgwUI -03
A. last B. chapter
C. carelessly D. written Ans. A
22. My mother made my tea hot.
The underlined word acts as- B.we. 10-11
A. Noun B. Adjective
C. Adverb D. Present Participle Ans. B
 e¨vL¨v: Determiner I Noun Gi gv‡S Adjective e‡m|
 Shortcut Rule = Determiner + Adjective + Noun.
= my + tea + hot. ZvB DËi n‡e (B).
23. The underlined words in the line,
‗The lone and level sands stretch far away‘ are- Xv.we.09-10
A. nouns B. adjectives
C. adverbs D. verbs Ans. B
41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
 e¨vL¨v: Determiner I Noun Gi gv‡S Adjective e‡m|
 Shortcut Rule = Determiner + Adjective + Noun.
= The + lone and level + sands. ZvB DËi n‡e (B).
 Keep in mind: And Øviv GKB ai‡Yi parts of speech mshy³ nq|
GLv‡b (lone and level) `ywUB Adjective.
24. Which of the following sentence use the word ‗round‘ as adjective?
†gwW‡Kj fwZ© cix¶v 08-09
A. The boy played well in the first round.
B. The rounded the tempte silently.
C. A square peg in a round table.
D. At last he came round to their belief. Ans. C
 e¨vL¨v: Determiner I Noun Gi gv‡S Adjective e‡m|
 Shortcut Rule = Determiner + Adjective + Noun.
= a + round + table. ZvB DËi n‡e (C).

25. She went on a painstaking exploration. e.we.(K,L) 13-14

A. verb B. adverb
C. noun D. adjective Ans. D
 e¨vL¨v: Determiner I Noun Gi gv‡S Adjective e‡m|
 Shortcut Rule = Determiner + Adjective + Noun.
= a + painstaking + exploration. ZvB DËi n‡e (D).
 Painstaking k‡ãi A_©- cwikªgx|
26. A rolling stone gathers no moss. What ‗rolling‘ is RvZxq we. 12-13
A. gerund B. verb noun
C. participle D. adjective Ans. D
 e¨vL¨v: Determiner I Noun Gi gv‡S Adjective e‡m|
 Shortcut Rule = Determiner + Adjective + Noun.
= A + rolling + stone. ZvB DËi n‡e (D).
 ‘Rolling’ k‡ãi A_©- N~Y©gvb|
 (Rule-4):
Noun + Noun.

`ywU Noun cvkvcvwk em‡j c~‡e©i Noun wU Adjective -G cwiYZ nq|

 I am a university student.
Adjective Noun

 The university library is very rich.

Adjective Noun

 This is a book of English language.

Adjective Noun
27. I am a university student. Here, ‗University‘ is- e¨w³MZ Kg©KZ©v
A. noun B. pronoun (AvBb, msm` I ¯^ivóª)- 12
C. adjective D. adverb Ans. C

41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
28. The word university in the sentence. ‗The university library is
very rich‘ acts as iv.we.09-10
A. A noun B. A pronoun
C. An adjective D. An adverb Ans. C
29. This is a book of English language.
What part of speech is the underlined word? Z_¨ gš¿bvj‡qi Aax‡b †Uwjwfkb
A. Adjective B. Noun cÖ‡K․kjx (‡MÖW-02) 04
C. Verb D. Adverb Ans. A
 (Rule-5):

(Too + Adjective) + (to + verb)

(Too + Adjective) Gi c‡i (to + verb) e‡m|

 He is too weak to move.
(Too + Adjective) + (to + verb)

30. He is – weak to move. RM.we.09-10

A. very B. quiet
C. quite D. too Ans. D
 e¨vL¨v: (Too + Adjective) Gi c‡i (to + verb) e‡m|
 Shortcut Rule = (Too + Adjective) + (to + verb)
= He is too weak + to move. ZvB DËi n‡e (D).
31. It was – good to be true. RM.we.07-08
A. very B. to
C. too D. enough Ans. C
 e¨vL¨v: (Too + Adjective) Gi c‡i (to + verb) e‡m|
 Shortcut Rule = (Too + Adjective) + (to + verb)
= It was too good to be true. ZvB DËi n‡e (C).
32. He is – weak to hear what we say. RvZxq we.02-03
A. too B. enough
C. so D. not Ans. A
33. Her fever is – to ignore. Ly.we07-08, P.we.(B-1),12-13
A. Too much high B. so high
C. Too high D. high too much Ans. C
34. The tea was – to sip. P.we.B-2,12-13
A. too hot much B. hot much
C. too hot D. very much hot too much hot Ans. C
35. Which of the following sentence has negative meaning? iv.we.F1, 12-13
A. My friend is very clever
B. Our new messenger is too clever to be trusted
C. He is a good person
D. He is interested in bad music Ans. B

41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
 Verb
The essential part of a sentence is verb.

1. The essential part of a sentence is ---. kvwecÖwe-05-06

A. Noun B. Verb
C. Hard words D. Felling Ans. B
 Verb cªavbZ `yB cÖKvi:

Principal verb Auxiliary verb

He plays football. He is playing football.

 Auxiliary verb Avevi `yB cÖKvi:

Auxiliary verb

Principal Auxiliary verb Modal Auxiliary verb

i) to be: am, is, are, was, were, be, been, being. Can, could, may, might, shall, 
should, will, would, need, must, Princi
ii) to have: have, has, had, having. dare, let, ought to, used to, pal
suppose to, had better, had rather, Auxiliary
iii) to do: do, does, did, done. verb:
would better, would rather.
wb‡RB evK¨ MVb Ki‡Z cv‡i|
 I am student.
 We are Bangladeshi.
 Modal Auxiliary verb:
G‡`i wb‡Ri Aw¯—Z¡ †bB wKš‘ A‡b¨i mv‡_ e‡m Aw¯—Z¡ cÖKvk K‡i|
 I shall eat rice.
 Keep in mind: Modal Auxiliary verb Gi c‡i g~j verb Gi Base form nq|

 Simi Modal Auxiliary verb:

Simi Modal Auxiliary verb:
Modal Auxiliary verb Gi g‡a¨ wKQz Simi Modal Auxiliary
Need, Dare, used to, must, get
verb Av‡Q, hviv wb‡RivB evK¨ MVb Ki‡Z cv‡i| Giv Modal I Main verb
Example: Dfq iƒ‡c ev‡K¨ e‡m|
 I need 20 taka.
 I must read.

2. Which one of the following is correct ? ivRkvnx K…wl Dbœqb e¨vsK-11

A. Every English sentence must have a verb
B. Every English sentence should have a verb
C. Every English sentence has a verb

41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
D. Every sentence has a verb Ans. A
3. No sentence can be formed without the- ivRkvnx wek¦:08-09
A. Transitive verb B. Principal verb
C. Factitive verb D. Intransitive verb Ans.B
4. ―I did the work.‖ Here ‗did is a/an- RbmsL¨v I cwievi Kj¨vY Kg©KZ©v
A. Auxiliary verb B. Weak verb cix¶v-2009
C. Strong verb D. Principal verb Ans.D
5. We should obey the laws. Here the verb ‗obey‘ is- ivRkvnx wek¦: 07-08
A. principal B. finite
C. non finite D. auxiliary Ans.A
6. I am in class twelve. Here ‗am‘ is- Bmjvgx wek¦:10-11
A. cognate verb B. principal verb
C. auxiliary verb D. factitive verb Ans.B
7. Nothing lasts forever. What type of verb is ‗ last‘ in this sentence ?
A. Auxiliary verb B. Participle kvwecÖwe:06-07
C. Main verb D. Modal auxiliary Ans. C


FiniteVerb Non- finiteVerb

Transitive Intransitive Gerund (V+ing) Participle Infinitive(to+verb)

Present Past Perfect

Participle Participle Participle

V+ing V.P.P Having +V.P.P

 Finite Verb: ‡h Verb ¸‡jv Tense I Person Abyhvqx cwieZ©bkxj †m¸‡jvB FiniteVerb.
 Non- finiteVerb:
wb‡P Non- finite Verb ¸‡jv Av‡jvPbv Kiv n‡jv|

 Gerund : (Verb+ing) hy³ form hLb †Kvb ev‡K¨ Noun- Gi KvR K‡i, ZLb Zv‡K Gerund e‡j|
 Swimming is good exercise.

 Present Participle: (Verb+ing) hy³ form hLb †Kvb ev‡K¨ Adjective - Gi KvR K‡i, ZLb Zv‡K Present
Participle e‡j
 I am playing football.
Participle Noun
Verb-Gi m‡½ Past Participle(V.P.P) hy³ form hLb †Kvb ev‡K¨ Adjective - Gi KvR
 Past Participle:
K‡i, ZLb Zv‡K Past Participle e‡j|
Adjective 51
41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
 I have played football.
Participle Noun

 Perfect Participle: Having Gi c‡i hw` Verb-Gi Past Participle e‡m, Z‡e Zv Perfect Participle n‡e|

 Having done the work, I went home.
Perfect Participle

 Infinitive: (To+ Verb) hy³ form hLb †Kvb ev‡K¨ Noun - Gi KvR K‡i, ZLb Zv‡K Infinitive e‡j|

 To tell a lie is a sin.

 Non- finiteVerb:
Non- finiteVerb ¸‡jv fvjfv‡e g‡b ivL‡j FiniteVerb ¸‡jv g‡b ivLvi cÖ‡qvRb †bB|
KviY Non- finiteVerb Qvov mKj Verb B n‡jv FiniteVerb.
 I want to play football.
f.v n.f.v
 I saw a bird sitting in the tree.
f.v n.f.v
 Having done the work, I went home.
n.f.v f.v

 Infinitive: (To+ Verb) hy³ form hLb †Kvb ev‡K¨ Noun - Gi KvR K‡i, ZLb Zv‡K Infinitive e‡j|

 To tell a lie is a sin.
 I want to go.
 Keep in mind:
Infinitive ‡h‡nZz Noun- Gi KvR K‡i| ZvB GwU Subject I Object wnmv‡e e¨eüZ nq|

8. ―To err is human.‖ Here the subject is used as- ivRkvnx wek¦:02-03
A. An infinitive B. A noun
C. A clause D. An adjective Ans. A
 Keep in mind:
Infinitive ‡h‡nZz Noun- Gi KvR K‡i| ZvB GwU Subject I Object wnmv‡e e¨eüZ nq|
9. To err is human. What is the underlined part called ? Bmjvgx wek¦:03-04
A. gerund B. verbal noun
C. infinitive D. participle Ans. C
10. She does not want to --- her peace of mind. ivRkvnx wek¦: A (we‡Rvo) 15-16
A. loss B. lost
C. lose D. loose Ans. C

41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
 Shortcut Rule = to + Verb.
= to + lose. ZvB DËi n‡e (C).
11. The man is trying hard to --- weight. Awdmvi (K¨vk): †mvbvjx e¨vsK-14
A. loss B. lost
C. lose D. loose Ans. C
12. The base form of a verb is called- Bmjvgx wek¦:05-06
A. an infinitive B. weak verrb
C. strong verb D. transitive verb Ans. A
13. To discover is --- about something that already exists, XvKv wek¦:-L-14-15
but to invent is--- something new.
A. to know, to find B. to create to, learn
C. to learn, to create D. to find, to know Ans. C

 Transitive Verb (mKg©©K wµqv):

†h Verb Gi Object (Kg©) _v‡K, Zv‡K Transitive Verb (mKg©K wµqv) e‡j |
 Shortcut ‡KŠkj: Verb ‡K Kx/ Kv‡K cÖkœ K‡i DËi cvIqv †M‡j Transitive Verb.
cÖkœ: ‡m Kx Lvq?
 He eats rice.
DËi: fvZ|
Verb Object

cÖkœ: evjKwU Kx c‡o?

 The boy reads a book.
DËi: GKwU eB|
Verb Object

 Di-transitive Verb: ‡h me Transitive Verb Gi `ywU Object _v‡K Zv‡K Di-transitive Verb e‡j|
cÖkœ: ‡m Avgv‡K Kx ‡`q? DËi: GKwU Kjg|
 He gave me a pen. cÖkœ: ‡m Kv‡K Kjg †`q? DËi: Avgv‡K|
Verb Object Object

14. He took shelter under a tree. Here the verb ‗took‘ is- Dc‡Rjv cj­x Dbœqb Kg©KZv©-12
A. Transitive B. Intransitive
C. Both ‘a’ and ‘b’ D. Neither ‘a’ nor ‘b’ Ans. A
15. Mother loves me. Here ―loves‖ is an example of the- cÖv_wgK mnKvix wk¶K (wm‡jU)07
A. Transitive verb B. Intransitive verb
C. Simple verb D. Auxiliary verb Ans. A
16. The boy reads a book, What kind of verb ‗reads‘ in the sentence is ?
A. Principal verb B. Auxiliary verb mn,cwiPvjK
C. Transitive verb D. Intransitive verb (cvm‡cvU© GÛ Bwg‡MÖkb)-03 Ans. C

 Intransitive Verb (AKg©K wµqv ):

†h Verb Gi Object (Kg©) _v‡K bv , Zv‡K Intransitive Verb (mKgK© wµqv) e‡j |
 Shortcut ‡KŠkj: Verb ‡K Kx/ Kv‡K cÖkœ K‡i DËi cvIqv bv †M‡j Intransitive Verb.
cÖkœ: ‡m Kx Lvq?
 He eats.
DËi: ‡bB|
41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
17. Fire burns. What kind of verb- ‗burns‘ is- ivRkvnxwek¦: E -15-16, nvRx `v‡bk weÁvb I
cÖhyw³ wek¦:13-14, mn mycvwib‡Ub‡W›U (Rwic Awa`ßi)-05, PÆMÖvg wek¦: 07, _vbv-wk¶v Awdmvi-06
A. Intransitive verb B. Transitive verb
C. Causative verb D. Copulative verb Ans. A
18. The door opened automatically. The verb in this sentence is- cÖvK-cÖvBgvwi (†Wëv)-14
A. Transitive verb B. Linking verb
C. Intransitive verb D. None of these Ans. C
19. She sleeps. Here the verb ‗sleep‘ is a- Bmjvgx wek¦; 02-03
A. Intransitive verb B. Transitive verb
C. Be verb D. Linking verb Ans. A
20. Mother laughs. ev‡K¨ Laughs wK‡mi D`vniY ? cÖv_wgK mn.wk¶K (Wvwjqv)-12
A. Intransitive verb B. Auxiliary verb
C. Transitive verb D. Causative verb Ans. A
21. River flows. What kind of verb ‗flows‘ is ? ivRkvnx wek¦:-05-06
A. Intransitive B. Transitive
C. Causative D. Copulative Ans. A

. Gerund and Participle...

 Gerund :(Verb+ing) hy³ form hLb †Kvb ev‡K¨ Noun- Gi KvR K‡i, ZLb Zv‡K Gerund e‡j| Gerund
ev‡K¨ GKmv‡_ verb I noun -Gi KvR K‡i| ZvB Bnv‡K
Noun Verbal nounI ejv nq|
 Swimming is good exercise.
 It has stopped raining.
 Keep in mind:
Gerund ‡h‡nZz Noun- Gi KvR K‡i| ZvB GwU Subject I Object wnmv‡e e¨eüZ nq|

22. How gerund is formed? cwievi Kj¨vY cwi`wk©Kv-2015

A. Verb + ing B. Preposition + ing
C. Noun + ing D. Adjective + ing Ans. A
23. A ‗Gerund‘ does the work of- iv.we. 07-08, Xv.we. 00-01
A. verb and a noun B. a verb and an adjective
C. verb and an adverb D. a verb and conjunction Ans. A
24. ‗Gerund‘ is similar to- evsjv‡`k Kgv©m e¨vsK- 00
A. noun B. adjective Ly.we. 06-07
C. verb D. adverb Ans. A
25. Gerund is related to - iv.we. 09-10
A. pronoun B. verb
C. adjective D. adverb Ans. B
26. Swimming is a good exercise. Here the word ― Swimming‖ is- RvZxq we.
A. Participle B. nominal (e¨emvq) 14-15

41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
C. gerund D. infinitive Ans. C
27. Walking in the morning is a good habit. This is -- cwievi cwiKíbv Awa`ßi-14
―Walking is a good habit.‖ Here, the word ‗walking‘ is -- e¨w³MZ Kg©KZv©
A. noun B. gerund (AvBb,msm` I ¯^ivóª)-12
C. verb D. adverb Ans. B
28. Walking in the morning is good for health. This is : Xv.we.01-02
A. an example of gerund B. an example of infinitve
C. an example of participle D. an example of verbal noun Ans. A
29. I walk because walking is a good exercise. The underlined words are- gvI.fvmvbx
A. verb ....verb B. verb ... adjective we.cÖ.we.BDwbU ÔD’. 14-15
C. verb ... gerund D. verb ... adverb Ans. C
30. Giving is better than receiving. Here the word ‗receiving‘ is a/an- iv.we. 11-12
A. adjective B. common noun
C. gerund D. present participle Ans. C
31. Do you enjoy teaching? The underlined word is – iv.we. 09-10, 10-11
A. a noun B. a participle ciivóª gš¿Yv. e¨w³MZ Kg©KZ©v-06
C. a gerund D. an adjective Ans. C
32. Which of the following sentence does not have a gerund? Ly.we. 08-09
A. I see a sleeping child.
B. Walking in the morning is good for health
C. He fancies visiting the Eiffel tower.
D. Please stop writing. Ans. A
33. He found parking is difficult. Here ‗parking‘ used as- gva¨wgK mnKvix wk¶K-01
A. Past continuous B. Gerund
C. Participle D. Progressive tense Ans. B
34. The customer grew tired of waiting. The underlined word is a- cwi‡ek Awa`߇ii
A. verb B. gerund mn cwiPvjK-07
C. noun D. present participle Ans. B
35. In ‗without stopping ‗stopping‘ is- iv.we. 05-06
A. a verb B. a gerund
C. an adjective D. an infinitive Ans. B
36. By working hard, you can prosper. Here ―working‖ is a- Xv. we. 11-12ÔNÕ
A. Participle B. Verbal noun
C. Gerund D. Infinitive Ans. C
 Participle: (Verb+ing) hy³ form hLb †Kvb ev‡K¨ Adjective - Gi KvR K‡i, ZLb Zv‡K Participle e‡j|
Participle ev‡K¨ GKmv‡_ Verb I Adjective -Gi KvR K‡i| ZvB Bnv‡K Verbal AdjectiveI
Adjective ejv nq|

41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
 I am playing football.
Participle Noun
 A rolling stone gathers no moss.
Participle Noun
 Keep in mind:
Participle ‡h‡nZz Adjective - Gi KvR K‡i| ZvB GwU Noun Gi c~‡e© e¨eüZ nq|

37. Choose the correct sentence. M„nvqb I MYc~Z© gš¿Yvj‡qi Aax‡b bMi Dbœqb Awa`߇ii mn. cÖ‡K․kjx- 05
A. A participle is a word which is partly a noun and partly an adverb.
B. A Participle is a word which is partly a pronoun and partly a noun.
C. A Participle is a word which is partly a verb and partly and adjective.
D. A Participle is a word which is partly a verb and partly an adverb. Ans. C
38. A rolling stone gathers on moss. Here ‗rolling‘ is- iv.we. 15-16
A. Gerund B. Verbal Adjecive 11 Zg wewmGm
C. Past Participle D. Verbal Noun Ans. B
 e¨vL¨v: Participle ev‡K¨ GKmv‡_ Verb I Adjective -Gi KvR K‡i|
ZvB Bnv‡K Verbal AdjectiveI ejv nq|
39. A rolling stone gathers on moss. What is ‗rolling‘? RM.we. 13-14 ÔLÕ
A. Gerund B. Participle 11 Zg wewmGm
C. Verbal Noun D. Adjecive Ans. B
40. I helped a drowing man. Here ‗drowing‘ is a- iv.we. 13-14
A. verbal adjective B. gerund
C. past participle D. verbal noun Ans. A
 e¨vL¨v: Participle ev‡K¨ GKmv‡_ Verb I Adjective -Gi KvR K‡i|
ZvB Bnv‡K Verbal AdjectiveI ejv nq|
41. ―The nightingale is a singing bird.‖ GB ev‡K¨ singing kãwU wb‡Pi †KvbwU?
A. verbal noun B. gerund _vbv wkÿv Awdmvi-96
C. adverb D. participle Ans. D
42. Do not get down from a running train. Here running is a- Ly.we. (Rxe weÁvb ¯‥zj)-12
A. gerund B. participle
C. verbal noun D. infinitive Ans. B
43. I joined the riding school. Here ‗riding‘ is- Ly.we. 90 (mvgvwRK weÁvb ¯‥zj)- 10-11
A. participle B. verbal noun
C. infinitive D. gerund Ans. A


Present Past Perfect

Participle Participle Participle

V+ing V.P.P Having +V.P.P

 Present Participle: (Verb+ing) hy³ form hLb †Kvb ev‡K¨ Adjective - Gi KvR K‡i, ZLb Zv‡K Present
Participle e‡j| Present Participle ev‡K¨ GKmv‡_ Verb I Adjective -Gi KvR K‡i|
Adjective ZvB Bnv‡K Verbal AdjectiveI ejv nq|
 I am playing football.
Participle Noun
 A rolling stone gathers no moss.
Participle Noun

41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
 Keep in mind:
Present Participle ‡h‡nZz Adjective - Gi KvR K‡i| ZvB GwU Noun Gi c~‡e© e¨eüZ nq|

44. Present participle performs the works of- cwievi Kj¨vY cwi`wk©Kv cÖwk¶Yv_x©- 10
A. noun & adjective B. verb & adjective
C. verb & adverb D. verb & noun Ans. B
45. ―She went away dancing.‖ Here ‗dancing‘ is- Ly.we (Rxe weÁvb ¯‥zj) 14-15
A. an adjective B. a gerund
C. an infinitive D. a present participle Ans. D
46. The rain came pouring down in torrents. iv.we. 06-07
A. Present participle B. Perfect participle
C. Past participle D. None Ans. A
47. Identify the correct parts of speech of the word underlined in the sentence:
Suddenly finding himself alone, he became frightened. cÖv_wgK mn. wk¶K-5 (wm.wefvM)
A. gerund B. past participle
C. present participle D. adverb Ans. C
48. Riding a horse he went to a distant place. Here ―riding‖ is- Kviv ZË¡veavqK-13
A. a gerund B. verbal noun
C. gerundial infinitive D. present participle Ans. D

 Past Participle: Verb-Gi m‡½ Past Participle(V.P.P) hy³ form hLb †Kvb ev‡K¨ Adjective - Gi KvR
K‡i, ZLb Zv‡K Past Participle e‡j|
Adjective Past Participle ev‡K¨ GKmv‡_ verb I Adjective -Gi KvR K‡i|
ZvB Bnv‡K Verbal AdjectiveI ejv nq|
 I have played football.
Participle Noun
 He is quite satisfied with my progress.
Participle Noun
 Keep in mind:
Present Participle ‡h‡nZz Adjective - Gi KvR K‡i| ZvB GwU Noun Gi c~‡e© e¨eüZ nq|
49. He is quite --- with my progress. P.we. ÔNÕ 13-14
A. satisfy B. satisfied
C. satisfaction D. satisfactory Ans. B
50. She seemed --- and ill at ease, and bent her head. RM.we. 13-14ÔLÕ
A. embarrass B.embarrassing
C. embarrassed D. had been embarrassed Ans. C

 Perfect Participle: Having Gi c‡i hw` Verb-Gi Past Participle e‡m, Z‡e Zv Perfect Participle n‡e|


41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
 Having done the work, I went home.
Perfect Participle
 Having gained truth, keep truth.
Perfect Participle
 Keep in mind:
wZb cÖKvi Participle B Adjective - Gi KvR K‡i| Ges Noun Gi c~‡e© e¨eüZ nq|
51. Having gained truth, keep truth. iv.we. (Law) 06-07
A. Present participle B. Perfect participle
C. Past Participle D. None Ans. B
52. The correct form of verb in the sentence.
―He ran away having (take) the money.‖ Ruet: 09-10
A. He ran away having taking the money.
B. He ran away having taken the money.
C. He ran away having bening taking the money.
D. He ran away having taken the money. Ans. B

Main Verb †K How, Where, When Øviv cÖkœ K‡i †h DËi cvIqv hvq ZvB Adverb.
Main Verb †K How Øviv cÖkœ K‡i Manner of Adverb cvIqv hvq|

He runs quickly. Ans. quickly (Adverb)

He runs fast. Ans. fast (Adverb)

Main Verb †K Where Øviv cÖkœ K‡i Place of Adverb cvIqv hvq|

I want there. Ans. there (Adverb)

Come in. Ans. in (Adverb)

‘The day of my sister’s marriage is Ans. near (Adverb)

drawing near’.

Main Verb †K When Øviv cÖkœ K‡i Time of Adverb cvIqv hvq|

He want yesterday. Ans. yesterday (Adverb)

We rise early. Ans. early (Adverb)

1. He runs fast. The word ‗fast‘ here is- Awdmvi (K¨vk); †mvbvjx e¨vsK-2014
A. a verb B. an adjective ‡e.‡iv.we.L,12-13
C. an adverb D. a conjunction Ans. C
2. My father works hard. The word ‗Hard‘ is a/an RvZxq we.(e¨emvq)-14-15
A. adjective B. verb
41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
C. adverb D. noun Ans. C
3. How fast the boy runs! The underlined word is a/an- RM.we. BDwbUÔNÕ12-13
A. Noun B. Verb
C. Adjective D. Adverb Ans. D
4. In the sentence ‗I know better‘. The word ‗better‘ is- iv.we.11-12
A. adjective B. noun
C. adverb D. preposition Ans. C
5. Please look above. Here ‗above‘ is – 11Zg wk¶K wbeÜb-2014
A. adjective B. adverb
C. noun D. coujunction Ans. B
6. Man connot live alone. The word ‗alone‘ is used here as - cÖvK-cÖvBgvwi (‡Wëv)-2014
A. Pronoun B. Preposition
C. Adjective D. Adverb Ans. D
7. The book was neither well written nor interesting.
Correct parts of speech of the underlined word. gvI.fvmvbx we.cÖ.we.(weÁvb)14-15
A. verb B. adjective
C. conjunction D. adverb Ans. D
8. ‗The day of my sister‘s marriage is drawing near‘.
The underined word is a/an- 25Zg wewmGm
A. adjective B. verb
C. Preposition D. adverb Ans. D
9. An adverb usually answers which of the following questions? we Avi wm wmwbqi
A. when B. where Awdmvi-98
C. how D. all of these Ans. D

 wb‡Pi k㸇jv ev‡K¨i †h ¯’v‡b emyK bv †Kb, Giv memgq Adverb n‡e|
Usually Barely Never After
Generally Always Not No sooner
Normally Already Until Please
Hardly Almost Once
Rarely Again Only
Scarcely Seldom Not Only
Nearly Just Quite

10. I usually get up early. Ly.we.BDwbU-A-14-15

A. noun B. adjective
C. verb D. adverb Ans. D
11. Hardly do I go to new market. The underlined word is – RvZxq we.(weÁvb)-14-15
A. a noun B. an adverb
C. a preposition D. an adjective Ans. B
12. He has already finished his homework.
41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
In the sentence ‗already‘ is- iv.we-11-12
A. noun B. pronoun
C. adverb D. adjective Ans. C
13. Shihab always runs quite fast. Here ‗always‘ is a/an ‡mvbvjx e¨vsK
A. preposition B. adjective Rywbqi Awdmvi-10
C. adverb D. verb Ans. C
14. Barking dogs seldom bite. Here ‗seldom‘ is- RM.we.10-11
A. noun B. an adverb
C. a verb D. a preposition Ans. B
`yB ev Z‡ZvwaK adverb GKwU sentence -G em‡j (MPT) sequence †g‡b e¨eüZ nq|
Example: M = Manner
 I have quickly finished the work in Dhaka city recent time. P = Place
M P T T = Time
Adverb Ggb GKwU Word, hv ev‡K¨ Noun ev Pronoun e¨wZZ †h †Kvb Parts of speech ‡K
GgbwK Adverb wb‡RB wb‡R‡K modify Ki‡Z cv‡i|
GRb¨ Adverb ‡K modifier ejv nq|
 The boy walks slowly. [ verb ‡K modify K‡i‡Q ]
 He is very good. [adjective ‡K modify K‡i‡Q ]
 He runs very quickly. [adverb ‡K modify K‡i‡Q ]
15. An adverb does not modify.... (¯‥zj/mgch©vq) wbeÜb I cÖZ¨qb cix¶v-11
A. nouns B. adjectives
C. verbs D. adverbs Ans. A
16. A modifier can be a/an- B.we.05-06
A. adjective B. adverb
C. noun D. pronoun Ans. B

 wb‡Pi Adverb ¸‡jv memgq bv- †evaK A_© cÖKvk K‡i| ZvB G‡`i ci Not e¨eüZ nq bv |
Barely, Hardly, Scarcely - G‡`i A_© almost never A_ev Seldom (K`vwPr)|

Z_¨: Barely, Hardly, Scarcely Giv Principal verb Gi c~‡e© e‡m| ‡hgb: He hardly goes there.
wKš‘ Be verb Gi ci e‡m| ‡hgb: He is hardly happy.
17. The word ‗hardly‘ means- mgvR‡mev Awdmvi (mgvRKj¨vY gš¿Yvjq)-10
A. always B. almost never
C. seriously D. regularly Ans. B
 e¨vL¨v: Hardly G‡`i A_© almost never A_ev Seldom (K`vwPr)| ZvB DËi n‡e (B).
18. He is hardly happy. The word ‗hardly‘ is used- iv. we. 07-08
A. negatively B. positively
C. subjectively D. predicatively Ans. A

41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
19. My friend hardly works in the afternoon. iv.we.11-12
A. almost never B. always
C. seriously D. carefully Ans. A
20. ‗I hardly go out after dusk‘
The correct Bangla translation is: K‡jR/mgch©vq wbeÜb-11
A. Avwg mܨvi c‡i K`vwPr evB‡i hvB| B. Avwg mܨvi ci c‡iB evB‡i hvB|
C. Avwg mܨvi c‡i cÖvqB evB‡i hvB| D. Avwg mܨvi ci †gv‡UI evB‡i hvB bv| Ans. A
 e¨vL¨v: Hardly G‡`i A_© almost never A_ev Seldom (K`vwPr)| ZvB DËi n‡e (A).
21. The correct translation is:
GLv‡b K`vwPr e„wó nq| RvZxq we. -12-13.
A. Hardly it rains here B. It rains hardly here
C. It hardly rains here D. Here it rains hardly Ans. C
 e¨vL¨v: Barely, Hardly, Scarcely Giv Principal verb Gi c~‡e© e‡m| ZvB DËi n‡e (C).
22. Find the correct sentence. b¨vkbvj e¨vsK-10
A. He hardly does not go there mvD_B÷ e¨vsK-12
B. He hardly goes there
C. He does not go there hardly
D. Hardly he goes there Ans. B
 e¨vL¨v: Barely, Hardly, Scarcely Giv Principal verb Gi c~‡e© e‡m| ZvB DËi n‡e (B).

Adjective/Adverb + enough.

Adjective/Adverb Gi ci enough e‡m|

 He has strong enough to do this.
 Seventeen years old is not old enough to vote in an election.
 Computers that once took place up entire rooms are now small enough to put on
desktops and into wristwatches. Adjective
23. Seventeen years old is not – to vote in an election. P.we.(AvBb)-12-13
A. old enough B. as old enough iv.we.09-10, 07-08
C. enough old D. enough old as
E. old enough yet Ans. A
24. Computers that once took place up entire rooms are now
--- to put on desktops and into wristwatches. Xv.we. BDwbU-N, 09-10
A. small enough B. smaller than
C. as small as D. so small Ans. A

41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech
Adjective/Adverb + enough.

Enough Gi ci Noun e‡m|

 He has enough strength to do this.
 When your body does not get enough food, it does not make the glucose it needs.
25. When your body does not get--, it does not make
the glucose it needs. Xv.we.BDwbU-M, 04-05
A. food as enough B. food enoughly
C. enough the food D. enough food Ans. D

# Am/is/are/was/were Gi Av‡M GKKfv‡e ing hy³ †h verb B AvmyK bv ‡Kb Zv memgq Gerund n‡e|
‡hgb: Walking is good for health.

# cvkvcvwk `ywU Verb em‡j hw` wØZxq verb wUi †k‡l ing hy³ _v‡K, Zvn‡j †`Lv gvÎB wØZxq verb wU‡K †PvL eÜ K‡i
Gerund wn‡m‡e DËi Ki‡eb| †hgb- We can not stop raining. They enjoyed playing in the field.

# Preposition Gic‡i ing hy³ †h verb-B AvmyK bv †Kb, †`Lv gvÎB †PvL eÜ K‡i Gerund wn‡m‡e DËi Ki‡eb| †hgb- He
is fond of reading novels.

# Gerund memgq Noun wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i wKš‘ Participle memgq Noun Gi Av‡M e‡m Adjective wn‡m‡e KvR K‡i| ‡hgb:

Walking is good for health (Gerund) A barking dog seldom bites (Participle)

# Determiner Øviv Noun Gi wbw`©óZv ev Awbw`©óZv †evSvq wKš‘ Quantifier Øviv Noun Gi msL¨v ev cwigvY‡K †evSvq|
†hgb- This house is mine (Determiner)
They have a few friends (Quantifier)

# Enough hw` †Kv‡bv Noun Gi Av‡M Zvn‡j †mwU Quantifier (ev Adjective) n‡e, wKš‘ Verb Gi c‡i em‡j †mwU
Adverb n‡e| †Kbbv, Noun ‡K modify K‡i Adjective wKšÍ Verb ‡K modify K‡i Adverb em‡j †mwU Adverb
n‡e| †Kbbv, Noun ‡K modify K‡i Adjective wKš‘ Verb ‡K modify K‡i Adverb.
He has not enough sugar to make a cup of tea (Quantifier).
He tried enough to make a cup of tea (Adverb)

we.`ª. Avgv‡`i g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e, Determiner ¸‡jv g~jZ Adjective A_©vr †Kv‡bv kã Determiner n‡Z n‡j Zv‡K Aek¨B
Adjective Gi g‡Zv KvR Ki‡Z n‡e| Avgiv Rvwb, A, an, the GB wZbwU Adjective ‡K Article e‡j| A_©vr Article ¸‡jv
wQj g~jZ Adjective. AZGe, Article ¸‡jvI AvaywbK English Grammar-G Determiner wn‡m‡e we‡ewPZ n‡e| cixÿvq
hw` Ack‡bi g‡a¨ Article Ges Determiner `yBUvq _v‡K Zvn‡j Determiner wn‡m‡e DËi Ki‡Z n‡e|

# Avgv‡`i g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e, †hme Adjective ‘Determiner’ wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ n‡Z cv‡i, cixÿv‡Z Ack‡b hw` `ywUB _v‡K A_©vr
Adjective I _v‡K Determiner I _v‡K, Zvn‡j DËi emv‡Z n‡e Determiner wn‡m‡e| Avi hw` Ack‡b Determiner bv
_v‡K Zvn‡j DËi Kiv‡Z n‡e Adjective wn‡m‡e| GKB K_v Quantifier Gi †ÿ‡ÎI cÖ‡hvR¨|

41st QUICK BSC Preparation: Lecture Sheet-Parts of Speech


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