Group Project Paper and Ink: Riasat Amir

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Group project

Paper and Ink

Date: 16.04.2020
Submitted to:
Riasat Amir,
Department of Marketing & International Business
North South University

Submitted by:

Name Id

Anik Sarkar 133085830

Tahmid Ali Mim 1611035030
Md Naimur Islam Durjoy 1530402630
Mahabube Sobahan Moshi 1521017030
Md Somser Ali 1911427630
Masudur Rahamn 1531420030

December 21,2019

Riasat Amir,
Department of Marketing & International Business
North South University
Dhaka, Bangladesh

Subject: Submission of group project.


This is to contentedly inform you that we are from your course MKT 202, section: 13 have
completed the marketing plan for a chosen brand (Paper and Ink) as part of our course
requirement of MKT 202.

Through following your instructions and with the use of our course material, we have created
this marketing plan thoroughly. We have also used some references and statistics to provide
some further detail in report.

We would like convey our gratitude towards you for your constant support and guidance. We
hope this report may able to meet your expectation.

Yours sincerely

Anik Sarkar
Tahmid Ali Mim
Md Naimur Islam Durjoy
Mahabube Sobahan Moshi
Md Somser Ali
Masudur Rahman

Executive summary ........................................................................................................... 4
Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 5
Company Summary ............................................................................................................ 6
Vision ............................................................................................................................... 6
Mission ............................................................................................................................ 6
Goals and Objectives.................................................................................................... 6
Marketing Environment Analysis ...................................................................................6
Micro Environment ........................................................................................................ 6
MacroEnvironment .........................................................................................................7
Market Analysis. .................................................................................................................8
Market trends .................................................................................................................... 8
Competitors ..................................................................................................................... 9
SWOT Analysis............................................................................................................. 9
Segmentation ................................................................................................................ 10
Marketing strategies ........................................................................................................ 10
Positioning ..................................................................................................................... 11
Targeting .......................................................................................................................... 11
Marketing mix ............................................................................................................... 12
Marketing Channels ..................................................................................................... 16
Conclusion………. ........................................................................................................... 16
References .......................................................................................................................... 16

Executive summary

This report is based on a marketing plan for our company to review on our business and
spread our products to our target customers. It includes detailed strategies about pricing,
promotion, products and place. We focused on top priority at mission and vision and that
point of view will help us for fine-tuned on our planning strategy. Before making this report
a small research has been done where our target customers, strengths, weaknesses and
opportunities were strictly followed. We think that if this marketing plan is applied then we
will sure make profit in the long run. Any kind of suggestions will be highly appreciated.


Paper and Ink is a printing service and design company that was based in Bashundhara
Residential Area, Dhaka. We started our journey back in 2015 as an online service
company and then gradually ventured towards offline, physical market. Even though, under
certain circumstances the online services had to be shut down, we would like start anew
with better products and greater motivation. We would like to provide products that are not
only of the highest quality but also part of a large array of products. Starting from
notebooks, dairies, calendars through posters and banners, our product assortment is huge.
In order to get back in the business, we would like to start with a smaller assortment and
focus on niche marketing. We hope we can gradually grow using well developed marketing
strategy and promotion, slowly, but surely.

Through paying greater attention to our consumer’s needs and wants along with today’s
trends and interests, we hope to create greater customer value.

Company Summary

Paper and Ink wants its customers to stand out in the crowd with the help of their
products. We would like to provide outstanding printing materials that will set our
customers apart from other people.

Our mission is to provide the highest quality of good to satisfy the customers and
deliver the products on time. This mission statement represents our strong will of serving
customer with the best quality of services at each step.

Goals and Objectives

Financial goal is to earn 5% market share in a year.
Non-money related objective is to bring greatest attention to the organization and client

Marketing Environment Analysis

Micro Environment :


Being a printing service company, Paper and Ink has to be dependent on their suppliers to a
great extent. Our principle assets, for example, printing ink, toner, different types of paper
should be provided in required amount and perfect time for us to have the option to serve our
client appropriately. Our suppliers play an important role in creating customer value.

Marketing Intermediaries

So as to convey our items to their assigned places on time with least value, we work
intimately with certain carrying administrations of our nation. These service companies
make sure that the products reach the customers in great shape and with no need.


The printing administration industry is getting greater and greater regularly with the
cutting edge innovation and move in purchaser's needs. Thus, development of many
printing administration organization is found right now. Many of these companies are well
established and have a great pool of loyal customers. In order to get an upper hand in this
industry we need to pay close attention to these companies in order to create greater value
to gain competitive advantage.


The most important part of our company environment is our customers. We need to
give our consideration to their necessities and needs before whatever else. We hope to build
strong relationship with them through paying great attention to their demands and through
constant interaction. Their feedback is our motivation to do better.

Macro Environment


As our products are completely dependent on the consumers’ wants, we need to pay
great attention to their demands. Individuals' favor and requests change a great deal
conditional upon their age, sexual orientation, area. Thus, our organization would like to
state-of-the-art about late patterns and master fashions among various age gatherings,
sexual orientation, way of life and so forth.


As said before, our products are dependent on the consumers’ wants. Since these
products are not really a necessity, a move in economy will have extraordinary effect on
shoppers' ways of governing money and this, thus, would enough affect this organization?


Great technology always comes with great marketing opportunity. With better and
further developed printing fabric, our organization will have the option to upgrade the
presentation and items. It similarly makes it simple for us to come at our objective clients
for all plan and intention and good through web based life and sites.

Market Analysis

The printing industry in Bangladesh has become bigger and more impactful over the
years. There are said to be around 7000 printing houses right now a great piece of it utilize
the cutting edge innovation (Pritesh Bangladesh, 2019). Proprietor of Orchid Printer,
Hasina Nawaz said that “it can be the next big thing for Bangladesh” (Rahman, 2011).

From a more extensive perspective on printing industry, our printing administration is

simple a bit piece of the market. However due to extraordinary interest and opportunity,
printing administrations of our segment are becoming more consideration. This also results
in an enormous are increase within the printing service that provide products like posters,
diaries etc. Paper and Ink would like to use the changes in lifestyle and technology in their
favor and hope to prosper.

Market trends

The printing industry in Bangladesh has increased and increasingly effective

throughout the years. There are said to be around 7000 printing houses right now a
terrible bit of it use the struck development (Pritesh Bangladesh, 2019). Owner of
Orchid Printer, Hasina Nawaz said that "it tends to be the following enormous thing for
Bangladesh" (Rahman, 2011).

From a more wide perspective on printing industry, our printing administration is

simply a touch piece of the market. However due to incredible interest and opportunity,
printing administrations of our area have gotten more consideration. This moreover
warm an oversized increase within the printing organization that give things, for
example, banner, and diaries, etc. Paper and Ink should use the exchange in lifestyle
and progress on the side of them and might want to succeed.

Main interest of this specific segment of printing industry has pulled within the corporate
world to a degree where there are various printing administration organizations like our own.

Specifically, Paper Worm, First rate Gallery, Posters. Paper and Ink has to make position
over associations prefer to improve a reputation within the business.

SWOT Analysis


• Low cost production.

• Master Directors.

• In-house designer.

• Reasonable price.


• Lack of financial support.

• Lack of promotional strategy.

• Hard to follow dynamic move of patterns.

• Difficult to satisfy all the requests of every single individual client.


• Advanced technology.

• Various patterns prompting more noteworthy item groupings.

• Increasing demand of customized goods.


• Extreme range.

• Low switching cost.

For an organization like Paper and Ink, it's immensely vital to segment its target market.
As our products are supported consumer’s demands fully, we'd like to tell apart the
consumers supported their needs and needs. Needs and needs vary greatly because of age,
gender, lifestyle etc.

Teenagers and young adults of today have wide selection of interests. Hence our
segmentation are mainly focused on the age and lifestyle of consumers. Occasion
segmentation may help in building usage of products. During occasions like FIFA or such
competition, people tend to get much associated with these. Hence keeping a watch towards
the festival and occasions is significant. Paper and Ink hopes to form use of those
segmentation to make better customer value.

Marketing strategies
The main purpose of our marketing strategies is to realize competitive advantages
over our competitors. And as an element of our strategic planning, we'll develop and
maintain a strategic fit between our organizational goals, capabilities and our changing
marketing opportunities.
With these, we'll also follow the merchandise development strategy to grow our business
so we will always offer new or modified products within the existing market. Which suggests,
we'll always try and provide the updated designed products to our customers.


Our primary center is make a selected spot within the psyches of clients in order that
they can without much of a stretch separate our image. As we are a print creation and style
organization, we are concentrating for the foremost part on the standard and fewer on cost.
we are going to charge them a base value contrast with the contenders however won't
announce it explicitly because the estimating term can make an awful effect within the
psyches of purchasers.

Our situating proclamation is "Quality in designs" which is able to effortlessly affect
the psyche of the shoppers that our items are acceptable both in quality and plans. What's
more, the bottom estimating procedure would be an extra blend to amuse our clients. It’ll
situate itself as a more for the equivalent for its general situating system.


On this step we've assessed each showcasing portions engaging quality and chose the
foremost alluring one to serve. We trust that our organization targets will meet over the long-
term at the identical time our assets will likewise bolster it.As far as choosing a specializing
in technique, we picked the concentrated/specialty advertising system where we accept that
our image would be overlooked by the larger contenders. This procedure will likewise assist
us with achieving a solid market position within the market in light of our more prominent
information on client needs and desires. We are able to likewise showcase all the more viably
by tweaking our items, costs through this system. We trust we'll increase working economies
through specialization from our restricted assets inside a quick period.

In any case, we additionally picked the micromarketing system here in light of the
fact that we will make tweaked items or tailor the items as indicated by the client needs,
tastes and requests. Instead of seeing a client in each person, we believe it's smarter to see the
people in each client. Singular advertising would assume an imperative job on this strategy.

Marketing mix


We will sell a large scope of things under this specific brand named “Paper and Ink'.
Our real items are going to be fundamentally altered banners, T-shirt, mugs, journals and
later we'll likely build the classifications. However, as per our research we found that
customers are buying these types of products because those are what they're fascinated by.
It’s actually a process to precise their interest. Our swift delivery system throughout the
country, customer service represents the augmented product side.


We were the main organization right now making industry who had their physical
nearness in 2015 at Bashundhara R/A, Dhaka. Be that as it may, later in specific situations
the showroom was closed down for quite a while. However, presently we are arranging
again to dispatch our showroom at center of Dhaka city, Bashundhara R/A once more. As
this specific region have 3 Universities one next to the other which gives our objective
clients close by. So to get these objective clients (university understudies for the most part)
we are arranging that this spot would be an ideal choice for us. Curiously, our quality will
be on the social Medias too in light of the fact that we realize that a large portion of the
clients keeps occupied in social Medias. We won't let this open door go futile.


As far as setting value, we'll charge on the bottom value go contrast with our rivals. We
are skipping the numerous expense tag from each a part of our promoting on the grounds
that we accept that this thing can make a negative impression within the minds of buyers.
We’ll concentrate more on quality rather the value.

In any case, as far as choosing an estimating procedure we are picking the client esteem
based evaluating methodology where we'll set the worth as indicated by purchaser's impression
of serious worth as against concentrating on our expense. We’ll consider the value before the
selling program is about. Furthermore, strangely, there'll be esteem included estimating as we
are concentrating more on quality. So we'll consistently improve this quality issue to affirm
consumer loyalty's and match the estimating sum with client's recognition.

Once more, with these we'll likewise apply the item pack estimating technique where
clients are profited on the off chance that they purchase items in group from us. As like,
within the event that they purchased multiple banners, at that time the value are lower
joined than the real costs.

Limits are going to be there additionally yet it'll be sporadically and not all the more
frequently as we expect that it can likewise make a negative impression within the brains of
consumers as our items aren't doing admirably within the market etcetera. for brief run
deals we are going to utilize the limited time evaluating systems where will value the things
beneath the smallest amount cost and even a number of the time underneath the expense.
This thing won't be utilized every now and again also.

For items like journals, T-shirts we will utilize the mental evaluating approach in some
cases which will make the items look more affordable than the truth.

It will constantly trigger our considerations that purchasers use cost to pass judgment on
quality when they absence of data so we will concentrate firmly on this thing.


There are plenty of approaches to advance our items and that we accept nobody but
advancement can take us to the foremost elevated pinnacle. What's more, we additionally
accept that there is nothing called awful showcasing, everything identified with
advancement are often beneficial for us. In spite of the actual fact that it won't influence our
prompt deals yet we accept that over the long run it'll assist us with boosting our deals.
In any case, at absolutely the first we'd want to create coalition with a little of the
famous eateries in Dhaka and can give them some banners to beautify their cafés. This stunt
will really assist us with spreading our image name to the clients we are trying to find. The
individuals who will visit the eateries will see the photos holding tight their dividers and
strikingly they're going to likewise observe our image name and a QR code connected with
those photos.
With the goal that we can be only a "Search away" from them. Energized clients will
check the QR code to discover us.
Presently as we said that we are going to have our physical showroom directly at the
middle of the town, yet this point we are going to likewise showcase our items through our
online stages. There’ll be Facebook page, Instagram page, Twitter and sooner instead of
later we are assuming to dispatch our own special site moreover. Through these stages,
customers can without much of a stretch discover us and request their items from home.
Here the slogan would resemble "we are only a Click away".

According to the foremost recent pattern, we are going to likewise try to follow the
numerous occasions where we are able to depict our items, not available to be purchased
however for limited time exercises because it were. as an example, we are going to make
the selective structures for the tickets of these occasions. Such like, Rock Nation, K-Pop
occasions, Road to Paradise etcetera. we are going to accept every single open door to
exhibit our items. we are going to be collaborating in fairs like Uddokta Mela, University
fairs etcetera. Now and again we are going to try to support occasions sorted out by
University understudies such like ACE, NFL, NCL, Winter Smash etcetera. These will
really assist us with communicating with our genuine objective clients.
Once more, nowadays we are able to see that influencers have plenty of intensity than
another supported models. So we would want to send blessings to the influencers, a number
of the time we are going to make their Sketch or plan their photos to enchant them and can
request that they share their perspectives about us on their pages.

As a chunk of the micromarketing methodology, clients can make their own plan so
from that time we are going to arbitrarily choose those structures and advance them from
our pages which is able to within the long term make a promotion within the market.
• We will likewise offer bloggers to expound on our items and on the off chance
that he/she can sell this then they will get commission as a piece of our associate
promoting system. Extra strategy (sales and promotion, PR)

• We also collect 10tk from each sale of a product to help the underprivileged
students in the end of each month. This strategy will give us more sales more brand
engagement with our customers. And eventually it will help us to make CSR activities.
Sales discount, buy one get one for certain time.

• Email marketing

As a part of Digital marketing, at first we will utilize content promoting then we will use
paid publicizing through Facebook and Instagram advertisements. We have additionally an
arrangement that we will drive traffic in our site and then retarget the audience to get high sales.
SEO, SMO will also help us to spread our brand names towards our customer groups.

Marketing Channels:

Our strong backward linkage would help us to provide the best pictures to our end
clients at an insignificant expense. This will guarantee our benefit over the long run. We
accept our providers are really our accomplices. What's more, we will treat them likewise as
our accomplices.

On our site and even on our online life pages we will post their photos and name of their
organization with the goal that they never feel alone. We likewise send those endowments once
in a while so they feel stimulated and work with more soul and commitment.

There will be no middle man between our clients and us. We will sell straightforwardly
to them through our conveyance groups and gather crude materials from our providers by
our own.


We have made a thorough marketing plan discussing the market environment,

marketing strategies, promotional strategies. We have also taken our strength and weakness
into accounts while making the plan. We trust this report will help take Paper and Ink
Company back to business


Opportunity Bangladesh. (2019). Print Tech Bangladesh. Retrieved from

Rahman, M. F. (2011). Printing: The next big thing for Bangladesh. The Daily

Stars. Retrieved from


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