Field Practice (PKL) : Accounting and Financial Expertise Program State 1 Purwodadi Vocational School IN 2019

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JL. Honggo Kusumo No. 33 Kuwu Kradenan
Period 2 September 2019 to 23 November 2019

Arranged by :

1. Widi Agustina (XI AKL3, NO: 35)


IN 2019

Ratification Sheet for Field Work Practices Activity Reports

JL. Honggo Kusumo No. 33 Kuwu Kradenan
Period 2 September 2019 to 23 November 2019

Authorized on:

Day : Wednesday
Date : November 20, 2019
In : SMK Negeri 1 Purwodadi

Head of Expertise Program Mentor

Accounting and Financial Institutions Field Work Practice,

Endah Tri Wahyuni, S.Pd Suwadi, S.Pd

NIP 19770627 200801 2 002 NIP

Head of SMK Negeri 1 Purwodadi PKL Coordinator

Sukamto, S.Pd, MM
NIP 19720302 199512 1 001 NIP

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For the completion of this Field Work Practice report, I offer praise
and gratitude for the presence of Allah SWT.
I dedicate this small work to:
 The Honorable Head of SMK 1 Purwodadi, Mr. Sukamto, S.Pd, MM
 The Honorable Chief of Endah Expertise Program Tri Wahyuni, S.Pd
 The Honorable Our Street Vendor,
 Beloved, and most importantly both parents
 Dear all Educators and Educators of SMK Negeri 1 Purwodadi
 And all my friends and everyone involved in carrying out my Field Work
Practices and in making this report.

Thus the offerings that the author can convey on this occasion, thank you once
again to all those who have helped me in carrying out Field Work Practices
and in preparing reports.

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 Wisdom and virtue are the best shields for life.
 Being late is better than being absent altogether, but many times it is a faux pas.
 Do not dissolve in one sadness because there is still tomorrow that welcomes with
a million happiness.
 History is not just a series of stories, there are many lessons, pride and wealth in
 If you do good to others, then you have done good to yourself.
 Look up to get better, look down to learn to give thanks.
 Try not to catch your breath even for a second, because of our negligence will not
be returned as before.
 Goodness is of no value as long as it is said but valuable after it is done.
 Humans are not always right and not always wrong, except he who always
corrects himself and justifies the truth of others for their own mistakes.
 Who loses with a smile, he is the winner.

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By giving thanks to the presence of Allah SWT who has given His
grace and gifts so that we can complete the Field Work Practices (PKL) and
can compile this report properly to meet the completeness of the evidence of
learning (evidence).
The Field Work Practices Report (PKL) can be prepared properly
thanks to the help of those who have provided guidance and support as input
for us. For this occasion we would like to thank:
1. Sukamto, S.Pd, MM as the Head of SMK Negeri 1 Purwodadi who has given
us the opportunity to carry out Field Work Practices (PKL).
2. Task Force PKL, K3 and all parties who have prepared the administration,
place of PKL, and provide supplies to PKL participants.
3. Head / Chairman of KSP TRIO MAKMUR who has given us permission to
carry out street vendors.
4. Mrs. Endah Tri Wahyuni, S.Pd as the tutor of PKL participants and supervisor
of report writing activities at SMK Negeri 1 Purwodadi.
5. All parties who have helped either directly or indirectly so that the preparation
of the Field Work Practice Report (PKL) can be completed.
We realize that there are still many shortcomings and errors in the
writing of this report. For that we expect constructive criticism and
suggestions from readers. Finally the authors would like to thank for all the
support and assistance so that this report can be structured properly.

Purwodadi, 7 December 2019



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TITLE PAGE.........................................................................................................
ENDORSEMENT PAGE......................................................................................
FOREWORD ........................................................................................................
TABLE OF CONTENTS......................................................................................
A. Background on Field Work Practices......................................................
B. Purpose of Field Work Practices.............................................................
C. Benefits of Field Work Practices............................................................
D. Timing of Field Work Practices..............................................................
A. History.....................................................................................................
B. Vision and mission..................................................................................
C. Organization structure.............................................................................
D. Activities carried out...............................................................................
E. Implementation of Activities ..................................................................
F. Activity Results.......................................................................................
G. Attendee List of Participants...................................................................
H. Rules of Conduct of Participants.............................................................
A. Conclusion...............................................................................................
B. Suggestion...............................................................................................
1. Photos of Activities.................................................................................................


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A. Background on Field Work Practices

Learning is a process of developing the potential and character building
of each student as a result of the synergy between education that takes place in
schools, families and communities. The process provides the opportunity for
students to develop their potential to become abilities that are increasingly
increasing in attitudes (spiritual and social), knowledge, and skills needed for
their lives and community life in general, as a nation, and contribute to the
welfare of life mankind.
To useRealizing an effective and efficient learning process, each
education unit conducts the preparation of a learning program. Learning programs
can take place at school, in the family environment, and in the community.
Learning programs specifically programmed to be held in the community include
Field Work Practices (PKL). PKL programs are arranged jointly between schools
and the community (Pairs / Industry Institutions) in order to meet the needs of
students, as well as a vehicle to contribute to the world of work (DU) / DI /
Agency) towards efforts to develop education in vocational high schools.
Conceptabove based on Permendikbud's legal basis No 60 of 2014
annex 1 a. III. B (points i through l).
 Field Work Practices can be implemented using a block system for half a
semester (around 3 months); can also enter 3 days a week, every day 8 hours
for 1 semester.
 The implementation of group A and B learning subjects can be carried out in
education and / or industry units (integrated with Field Work Practices) with
the Portfolio as the main instrument of assessment.
 SMK / MAK organizes a Dual Systems Education (PSG) program together
with partner institutions, which integrate systematically and systemically the
education program in schools with the acquisition of expertise gained through
working directly at partner institutions, directed to achieve a certain level of
professional expertise.
 Specifically for Madrasah Aliyah Vocational curriculum structure can be
developed in accordance with the needs set by the Ministry of Religion.
Job training activities are Vocational High School education curricula
that support teaching and learning activities for students through work practices

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directly in the world of work in accordance with certain study programs to
achieve work skills as a provision for working professionally.
To realize this goal, an education system is applied, known as the
"Institutional Work Practices (PRAKERIN)", or also known as "Dual System
Education (PSG)". This system is a form of organizing professional expertise
education that systematically combines educational programs in schools with
skills mastery programs through direct and directed work activities to achieve a
certain level of professional expertise.
Professional expertise can only be mastered through how to do work
directly in the professional fields that exist in the world of work. In connection
with that, the students of SMK Negeri 1 Purwodadi are required at certain levels
to take part in practical field work activities directly.
B. Purpose of Field Work Practices
The Purpose of Field Work Practices (PKL) in SMK Negeri 1 Purwodadi are as
1. Actualizing the model of conducting a Dual System Education (PSG) between
Vocational Schools and Partner Institutions (DU / DI / Institutions) that
systematically and systemically integrates education programs in schools
(SMK) and training programs for mastery of expertise in the world of work
(DU / DI / Institution).
2. Divides learning topics from the Basic Program that can be implemented in
schools (SMK) and which can be implemented in Partner Institutions (DU /
DI / Institutions) in accordance with the resources available at each party.
2. Provide direct work experience (real) to students in order to instill
(internalize) a positive work climate oriented to caring about the quality of the
process and work results.
3. Instilling a high work ethic for students to enter the workforce in facing the
demands of the global labor market.
C. Benefits of Field Work Practices
Each activity carried out must have benefits, as well as fieldwork
practices that have been completed. The benefits of practical work activities that
have been carried out by the author are as follows:
1. Benefits for students
a. Gaining knowledge about the real world of work, so it is not awkward
anymore when entering the world of work later.

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State Vocational School 1 Purwodadi in 2019
b. Can practice the theory that has been taught in school.
c. Getting new experiences, which have never been obtained at school.
d. Learn to adapt, and communicate, with a group of people who already
have work experience.
2. Benefits for school
a. Strengthen silaturohim with companies / institutions where PKL
b. Improve the quality and quality of schools by collaborating with other
companies / agencies.
c. Introduce students to the world of work, so students can apply the
theories given at school.
3. Benefits for Institutions / DUDI
a. Strengthen silaturohim with various schools.
b. Facilitate office work, with students who are street vendors in certain
companies / agencies, certainly can make work easier.
c. It is easy to find workers seeds.

D. Timing of Field Work Practices

The time for street vendors is 90 days, starting from the date of the Period 2
September 2019 to 23 November 2019 . 90 days is enough time for us to learn
and get to know the world of work.
We were placed in KSP TRIO MAKMUR KUWU CAB located on Jl.
Honggo Kusumo No. 33 Kuwu Kradenan.

A. History of Institution / DUDI
KSP TRIO MAKMUR was established based on a deed of incorporation issued
by a notary and ratification from the Minister of Law and Human Rights. KSP
TRIO MAKMUR began officially under the permission of Bank Indonesia. KSP
TRIO MAKMUR has several branches, one of which is located in Kuwu. KSP
TRIO MAKMUR CAB KUWU began operating since 2019, to be exact in

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January and has been operating until now. KSP TRIO MAKMUR actually existed
a long time ago, but experienced various problems that were not activated. Active
again in recent years.
B. Vision and Mission of Institutions / DUDI
1. Vision Agency / DUDI
Building a healthy, strong, and large BPR through products and services that
are characterized for the welfare of the community.
2. Mission of Institution / DUDI
 Serve Customers with products and services that suit their needs.
 Provide a dynamic work environment in order to support the
development of qualified, dedicated and high integrity professionals.
 Having a high social responsibility to the surrounding environment as a
form of active participation in developing regions and countries.
 Increase the company's competitiveness amid rapid industry growth to
provide reasonable returns for shareholders and various interested
C. Organizational Structure of Institutions / DUDI

No. Position Name

1 Owner Mr. Triyono
2 Branch head Amelia Nurul H
3 Admin Dian Puspita S
4 Pdl Bella Sani H
Dwi Cahyono

D. Activities carried out by the Agency / DUDI

1. Fill out the loan application book
2. Striking customer data (in the form of photos)
3. Fill in the target book and global installments
4. Making Promissory Notes
5. Filling header
6. Filling in Promissory Notes
7. Fill out the loan disbursement book
8. Fill out the target book and pure installments
9. Record payment of installments to the header
10. Record the budget realization
11. Take notes in installments
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12. Noting members who are handled
13. Record members' principal deposits
14. Record Kuwu branch targets
15. Record installment realization
16. Noting the SWK submission
17. Enter installments into the computer
18. Record principal savings to the header
19. Take notes
20. Record employee transportation
21. Record other receivables
22. Record the submission of other other receivables
23. Temporarily file loan disbursement requirements
24. Record installment realization
25. Transferring progress reports to the computer
26. Add up Kuwu branch targets
27. Amount of cash storting to make monthly reports

E. Implementation of Activities

1 Monday, 2 Monday - fill out a loan application Activities
September Saturday book carried out
2019 - 23 Hours - tapping customer data (in the smoothly,
November 08.00 - form of photos) without
2019 15.00 WIB - fill in the target book and any
global installments obstacles.
- Making promissory notes
- Fill the header
- fill Promissory Notes

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- fill out a loan disbursement
- fill in the target book and
pure installments
- record repayment
installments to the header
- record the budget realization
- record installments
- record the members who are
- record the principal savings
of members
- record Kuwu branch targets
- add the installments
- record the submission of
- enter installments on the
- record principal savings to
the header
- record welfare
- record transport
- record other other
- record the filing of other
other receivables
- temporarily file loan
disbursement requirements
- record the installment
- move the circulation
progress report to the
- add up the Kuwu branch

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- add cash storting to make
monthly reports

F. Activity Results
1. Inhibiting factors and supporting factors
A. Inhibiting factors
a) Students cannot immediately adjust to the workplace.
b) The curriculum obtained at the school is different from the
c) The material delivered is verbal so high reasoning is needed.
B. Supporting factors
a) Easier to do the task because it was given direction from the staff.
b) Always involved in every job example: make a report, record the loan
application, and so forth
c) Adequate facilities and infrastructure to do office work, for example:
laptops and printers
d) Friendly employees make students more adaptable in the Dudi

2. Development in the Community

It is easy to socialize banking new products and familiarity between
customers, street vendors and office employees

G. Attendee List of Participants

No. Name Permission Sick Without explanation
1 Widi Agustina - - -

H. Rules of Participants
1. Use uniforms according to school policy.
2. Enter according to the time determined by KSP TRIO MAKMUR CAB
3. Do work carefully and if you do not understand the work given is allowed to
ask one of the employees or mentors at the place of study
4. Always maintain manners
5. Do not violate the rules that are in place and the rules that have been
determined by the school.
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A. Conclusion
In carrying out this Field Work Practice students gain a lot of real knowledge in
applying the knowledge gained from the school, so it can be practiced optimally and
optimally when carrying out Field Work Practices, in addition Field Work Practice is
a direct means for students to get to know the world of work as a whole as well as
being familiar with the environment and working conditions that will later be faced
by students when he works.
B. Suggestion
It is better to place the students of the Job Training in accordance with their
majors, so that they can carry out the theory from the school well, according to their
expertise. And communication should guide Dudi and the supervisor from the school
to be improved so that the supervisor from the school knows how the developments
achieved by students from the school and how the attitude of the students at the place
of study.

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A. Photos Photos Activities:

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State Vocational School 1 Purwodadi in 2019

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