Introduction To Human Resource Management

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Reliance telecommunications LTD is an Indian telecommunication company founded by

Anil Ambani in 2004.The headquarters of the company is in Navi Mumbai India. Reliance
telecommunication is the 15th largest telecommunication provider in the world with 150
million subscribers and the second largest telecommunication provider in India. The
company has segments like wireless and broadband in telecommunication industry.

The company achieved a high growth in telecommunication industry from the

beginning stage itself. Customer satisfaction and good company policies made them to
competitive with other companies.

Reliance communications follows good human resource policies and procedures even
though it has some draw backs.

Vision of the company- Providing information, communication, entertainment services

and being the benchmark in customer experience, employee centricity and innovation is
the main vision of the company.

Mission of the company- meeting beyond customer needs and wants with a

segmented approach, relentless offering of services and products that are value for cash
and stimulate customers, offer a network experience that is best in the communication
industry, make reliance in to an international brand which is a iconic brand by others
and lead industry in target to purchase and faithfulness.


Human resource management refers to an assortment of policies used to systematize
work in the employment relationship and centres on the management of work and the
management of people who undertakes this work.

Therefore HRM is concerned with recruitment, selection, learning and development,

reward, communication, teamwork and routine management. While it is relatively easy
to list activities that make up HRM, It is a subject that stimulates much debate and

The hr process is considered as important for the management of the consumer

pleasure with human recourses. The clients find comfortable and will be satisfied when
they understand the hr processes and how they are connected and the hr processes
interact. Modern hr processes are measured and frequently analysed and identifies the
irregularities in the activities and it brings the improvements for the benefits of the
The success of Human Resources Management is in the connection of all HR processes
as they provide the adequate supports to workers and the managers. So the main aim of
Human Resource Management is to keep the human capital ready for action on the
market and the rational grouping of HR Processes helps to interact and manage the
individual processes.

Every organisation has their own HR processes, but the main HR Processes are always
same in all companies as it is the market HR Best Practices.

Human Resource Management is considered as a comparatively new approach to

Personnel Management. HRM emphasizes primarily on its strategic contributions and its
closer alignment to business, HRM is a vital component of any organization, its
involvement among other components of line management is notable (Paauwe. J, Jan
2009). Paauwe further suggests that HRM aims on its ultimate goals such as High job
performance, low absence and high cost effectiveness through the efficient utilization of
the man power of the company. Human resource is really the major component of any
organization, the success or failure of an organization heavily relies on its Man power
management. Maslow’s need Hierarchy theory is considered as guiding principle for HR
Management across the globe. Maslow identified the very basics of human motivation
factors. Following this principle it can be assumed that to motivate an employee HR
manager should understand his level of expectations, potential of the employee, and
should evaluate the performance before and after certain motivational measures


 Main HR process areas
 Manpower planning
 Recruitment and staffing
 Human resource development
 Compensation and benefits
 Leadership development

Human Resource Planning is the integral part of Human Resource Management Human
Resource Planning estimates the optimal level of Man power requirement on the basis
of quality and quantity. Thus HRP can be considered as the foundation of Human
Resource management. Although HR planning is very important it cannot be executed
faultlessly in all cases, as HR is dependent on various factors such as employment
situation of the country, influence of technological advancement, changes in the
organization structures, Demographic factors such as age, population, composition of
workforce, lack of skill, multicultural workforce etc. Certain pressure groups will also
affect the precision of the HRP. Understanding of competencies of the Human resource
is vital in forming a successful HR frame work. Lengnic-Hall, 1988, Milliman et al., 1991,
describes the terms Internal and External fit, “Internal fit” refers to the extent to which
the manpower constituents are linked in a logical way and how effectively they support
themselves, on the other hand external fit primarily focus on the strategy of the
organization, external fit reveals to what extent human resources systems are integrated.

Manpower Planning or Human Resource Planning includes putting exact number of

people, exact kind of people at the exact place, exact time at a low cost. Personnel
Planning hold an important place in the world of industrialization. Personnel Planning
has to be a systematic approach and is managed in a set of model operations. The
procedure is as follows:

 Assessing the present manpower in the company

 Forecasting the future needs
 budding employment programmes
 Organising training programmes


Manpower planning is very important part of human resource management. A few
importance of man power planning are:

Concentrated labour cost: with the help of manpower planning there is most

favourable operation of labour force in the organisation workers are given those jobs to
implement for which they are skilled (right person for the right job).it leads to overall
progress of the man power in the organisation.

Optimum utilisation of manpower: it helps to utilise the labour force in the company
which helps in the growth of manpower in the organisation.

Develops business plan- Man power planning is an important part of overall business

planning. No business can survive without having the right type and number of people
doing the right work at the right time.
Helps in career succession planning-with the help of better manpower planning it helps
to produce a good career succession of employees which provides much lead time for
internal succession of workers through higher position through encouragement.

Development of the organisation- The man power planning helps in the expansion of

an organisation.

Growth in overall business planning- Manpower planning is a main part of overall

business planning. Efficient manpower planning will help to improve the business.


Recruitment and staffing is the process of selecting the right labours in to the
organisation. The main aim of recruitment is to look for and be a magnet for persons
with skilled to fill the vacancies. This process includes job analysis preparing personnel
requirement sources of skilled employees.

Job analysis

Job analysis is a process of analysing the job in detail and providing the details of job
needs to the HR planning department they present details as job specification and job
analysis. Job analysis is important in the whole organisation. And they will provide the
details of manpower requirements.

The main sources of recruitment are

Reliance communications have two main sources of recruitment internal and external

internal external sources of recruitment(figure.2)

Internal sources of recruitment are.

Promotion-This is a normal source of recruitment, which means providing higher

position, salary and responsibilities to the employee. So the position of the job vacancy
is filled by promoting the suitable employee within the organisation.

Transfers-It means transferring one employee to the other organisation without change
in salary and position, so the vacancy can be filled by transfer.
Advertising internally-Here the job vacancy is advertised within the organisation so the
existing employees in the organisation can apply for the post. So the recruitment is take
place inside the organisation.

External sources of recruitment are.

Selective recruitment through job boards-This is a major source of recruitment .To

ensure most appropriate qualified candidates are being applied for the major position.
The agency considers the following details for every positions junior, intermediate,
senior, Level of education degree, diploma etc. Using these details the company
determines which job boards, communication channels, and advertisement strategies
are suitable for attract the right skilled candidates to apply for the job positions.

Management consultants-For the vacancies in the higher positions in the company,

management consultants are used to find the qualified and skilled employees. They act
as a recruiter on the behalf of the company.

Advertisement for public-The Company advertises the vacancy in internet, newspapers,

Television etc. And this will provide the details of the company, job and the qualification
required for the position.


Keep space with new development-New developments are happening every day. A
business will have to keep phase with new changes. This will be possible only if
competent persons are employed who can adjust as per the new situation.

Manpower Development-man power planning will have to be done in advance. The

future requirements of personnel will be estimated quite in advance. The new staff will
be recruited, people will be prepared for talking up higher responsibility jobs, and all
this will be possible with a well planned staffing function.


This function helps the employees to develop their skills and knowledge for increasing
their output. This process is not only done for the fresher’s but also to the existing
employees in the firm to develop their skills and responsibilities. Human resource
development helps to increase the total knowledge, abilities, skills, talents, and aptitudes
of an organisation’s work force. Human resource development includes function such as
training, career development.
Training-Training is providing to improve the knowledge and skills of the employees
there are mainly two types of training they are on the job training and off the job

On the job training is a process of giving training in normal working situations using
actual materials or documents, equipment, actual tools trainees will make use when
completely moulded.

Off the job training is usually provided away from the usual working environment, it may
include more general skills and knowledge which is useful for the job. This type of
training is given by the specialised trainers or from an outside company who outsource
the trainers.


A.Programmed learning- It is a step by step process of self learning method,providing

questions, facts, and problems to the learner then allowing the person to respond and
providing feed back on the accuracy of the answer.

B. Apprentiship training- It is a method of process that the employees will become

efficient workers through grouping of classroom coaching and also through on job

C. Audio visual based training- This method of training includes tools like power point
presentation, online video conferencing, audiotapes and video tapes.

D. Computer based trining- This training method is widely used to provide good
training to employees, it is time consuming and easy way to provide training. It is cost
effective while comparing to other training methods.

E. Simulated training- In this method trainess will learn from the actual or simulated
equipement they will use on the job, but actually trained off the job.

F. Lectures- When their is a large number of trainees, this method is used it is the
immideate way to give instruction of job related activities within a specified period of

H. Internet and distance Training – Internet training includes video conferencing and
web based training, distance training means traditional training paper and pencil
correspondence course.
1. Tele training – where a trainer in a central location teaches groups of employees at
remote locations via television hookups.

2. Videoconferencing – allows people in one location to communicate live via a

combination of audio and visual equipment with people in different locations-another
city or country or with groups in several cities.

3. Training via the Internet – the Internet based learning programs are very popular.
Several companies simply let their employees to take online courses provided by online
course providers while others use their intranets to facilitate computer-based training.

Diagram demonstrating your personal development

Career developement of employees is a crucial part of the organisation, It helps to

identifies the overall acheivement of the employees .Career developement is becoming
an essential part of HR departement due to today’s everchanging organisaton
enviornment and work place.

Reliance communications helps the employees to attain a good carrer graph based on
the company HR policies and procedures. First of all the company gather the strength
and weakness of every individual, then they provide different opportunities to develop
their carrer based on the strength and weakness. The basic formula for the career
developement is self awareness every individual asses their own problems and issues
and then the company will help to over come this issues .Now days people are changing
their jobs to attain a good carrer success .Reliance communication identifies this
problem and they had a good career sucession plan for every individual employee in the


Compensation and benefits is a basic motivational factor to the employees. Every
employee will search for high paid jobs,benefits is also another important factor if the
company provides good benifits the employees will get good attachment to the
company. Benefits include bonus, medical insurance,retierment policies, life insurace,
vacation etc.Reliance communicatons provide basic pay which is satisfiable for every
employee to motivate the employees and to attract to qualified employees to the


Leadership developement helps the organisation to achieve the goals, through the
developement of good leadership in each employee reliance aims at the overall
developement of the organisation as well as the growth in employees functioning.Every
employee in the organisation is gaining a better leadership quality through the
leadership developement function.Each emloyees in the company are closely monitored
by the management and if they are weak in the work the company will encourage
them.And the workers are councelled by the management to increase work
efficiency.And their will be a structured plan to create a positive working
enviornment.The main aim of leadership developement is to leading self,leading others
and leading the organisation.




Cash and compensation issues is a major problem faced by HR managers in reliance

communications. There is more pressure on HR function to pay more incentives and
basic pay for the employees.However reliance paying basic salary to each individual
employees the company faces more pressure to meet the employee beniefits .


Most of the companies face the same problem of employee lay-offs. So the organisation
have to prevent the issue by retaining the employee by providing good working
condition and benefits whichever the employees need. In reliance industries there are so
many employees leave the company due to lack of co-ordination between workers. The
organisation tries to check the issue but fails sometimes.

The plocies and practices adopted by the HR managers regarding their networking
sector is an important example. They brought some new plans in mobile networking
sector like low call rate for mobile users, low internet browsing charge.etc., but the
competitors like AIRTEL communications, BSNL network, VODAFONE facilitated some
more exciting offers than the reliance. In that situation the Reliance communication
hesitated to change their HR policies and techniques.

From the graphical representation of reliances communications profit from 2007 to

2012, we can easily determine that the profit is coming down in last two years
comparing to the past this is due to the poor HR issues as mentioned above.The
company is earning a high growth in 2008 and 2009 which is around 55000 million and
it is dramatically falling down in the upcoming years.That means the company is facing
some major HR issues and also high competition from other companies, so the
organisation must change their HR policies eventually.


Nowdays telecommunication industry is facing high competition from other
telecommunication companies,

If the company has no good HR stratergies the company cannot exist in the high
competative world.Reliance communication is facing some HR issues as mentioned
above, to overcome this problems company must do some good HR restructuring
process in the company .The first main issue is ;

Cash and compensation issues- As it is a major problem the company must find a
good solution to overcome this issue, the suggestion to solve this problem is to pay
cash and compensation based on the experience of the employees.As mentioned above
the company is paying a basic salary to each individual, first of all the company must
change this basic payment method,and the compensation and benifits must be paid
according to the experience and skills of each individual. So the company can reduce
the cost of labour so the company can meet the compensation and benifits of each
individual according to the profit earned by the company.

Employee retention issues– Retention of employees is another HR issue faced by the

company, nowadays a lot of employees are leaving the company due to high pressure
of work and lack of co-ordination between employees are the main employee retention
issues faced by reliance communication, to reduce this problems reliance must provide
good working enviornment to reduce the pressure of work, communication is another
way to over come this problem good communication between the management and
staff will make a good understanding between the employees and management, this
will increase employees confidents and reduce the work pressure.A high rate of
employees resigning their job and going to another companies who offer better
working enviornment. Better co-ordination is the another way to improve employee
retention,co-ordination will improve better relationship between employees and
management.And this will result increase employees confidence and work efficiency.

Poor HR policies- Due to high competition in communication industry lots of

companies introducing new HR techniques to improve their company goodwill .Reliance
communication is following the traditional HR policies and plans so the company is
facing high market competition from other companies, to exists in the competative
market company must improve their HR stratergies and policies.Nowadays companies
are providing good offers to the employees so the company must realise the problems
and try to overcome such issues.

Strategic Framework and Outcome

Driving growth, value, innovation and transformation in society
Reliance is pursuing its strategy to grow, by leveraging its existing know-how and asset base and
investing in opportunities strategic to its existing businesses and those of the future. Reliance initially
focuses on activities and investment in India to take advantage of the large domestic market, as it
currently holds a leadership position in it. It builds competencies that can be rolled out on a global scale.
Reliance’s business creates value for its shareholders, employees, customers and society, and each new
opportunity it pursues must meet these criteria or it does not invest in it.

Leadership position in existing business

 Revenue - US$44.7 billion

 Net profit - US$4.2 billion
 Profit Growth - 17.2%
 R&M: World’s largest refinery
 Petchem: Amongst world’s leading petrochemical producers
 Retail: Largest retailer in India based on Revenue and Footprint
Taking RIL to a global scale

 Provides 1.5% approximately of world’s transportation fuel

 2nd largest producer of polyester fibre and yarn in the world
Investing in new businesses

 Investment in excess of US$35 billion in existing and new businesses


 22 start-ups successfully graduated from GenNext Hub


 State-of-the-art pan India digital services business being rolled out by Jio, aimed at
significantly lifting India’s global ranking on mobile broadband subscriptions

 Value Created 
Shareholder Value
Reliance drives shareholder value through active portfolio management to continuously enhance the
quality of its business portfolio, consistently deliver shareholder returns and maintain a focus
on longterm growth potential.

 Dividend declared - 105%

 Total payout - `3,095 crore
 Monetised investments in Eagle Ford Midstream JV
 RONW (adj.) for FY 2015-16 - 16.3%,  300 bps y-o-y
 Market Capitalisation -   by `71,856 crore
Employee Value
Reliance creates value for its employees, by ensuring their prosperity as the organisation grows.
Specifically, it creates employee value through continuous learning, structured career progression
opportunities and an industry-leading employee value proposition.

 Launched the final wave of Reliance-Human Resource (R-HR) Transformation

Nurturing and managing talent

 Launch of R-University
 Imparted >15 lakh man hours of training

Read more in the People section

Customer Value
Reliance drives customer value through its product innovation, application and service levels, ability to
deliver a consistently high consumer experience and its overall reputation and brand promise in the
markets it operates in.

 R&M - Provides high value, clean transportation fuels

 Petchem - Launched “Chemistry for Smiles” and “Transforming Life into Quality Life”
 E&P - Field uptime of KG D6 is at par with or better than the global benchmark
 Retail - More than 30 million members registered to Customer Loyalty Programme
 Jio - Network rollout for over 15 lakh users
 Media - 20 million unique visitors per month on digital platforms
Societal Value
Society provides Reliance with a license to operate, and with this privilege comes a responsibility to
create value. Reliance drives societal value through job creation, both directly and indirectly, social
innovationthrough products and services and its respect for ecology and environment.

 3 core CSR commitments - Scale, Impact and Sustainability

 Petchem - Launched “Chemistry for Smiles” and “Transforming Life into Quality Life”
 In conformity with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
 Impact areas - rural transformation, environment, health, education, sports for development,
disaster response, arts, culture and heritage

Read more in the CSR report

Read more in the BRR

 Five Enablers 
Safe operations, digital technology, capital productivity, operational efficiency and ethics
Reliance’s Group Strategy is founded on five enablers. These enablers are an integral part of all of its

 Aim to achieve zero injuries and incidents in steady-state operations

Use of technology

 R&M - Use of robots and drones to enhance safety

 Petchem - Digitised logistic using radio-frequency identification
 Retail - Harnessed online sites
Capital productivity
 ROCE (adj.) for FY 2015-16 - 20%,   700 bps y-o-y
 Superior credit profile - RIL ratings two notches above sovereign bonds rating
 Optimised financing cost
Efficiency in operations

 GRM at 7-yr high - US$10.8/barrel (bbl) outperformed the Singapore benchmarks by

US$3.3/bbl for FY 2015-16

 Zero Tolerance - Vigil mechanism and robust governance and processes

 Integrity is one of Reliance’s core values
 Balance Sheet

Parameter MAR'18  MAR'17 YoY
(₹ Cr.) (₹ Cr.) %Change


Share Capital 6,335.00 3,251.00 94.86%

Share Warrants & Outstandings

Total Reserves 3,08,297.00 2,85,058.00 8.15%

Shareholder's Funds 3,14,647.00 2,88,313.00 9.13%

Long-Term Borrowings 0.00 0.00 0.00%

Secured Loans 500.00 1,003.00 -50.15%

Unsecured Loans 81,096.00 77,720.00 4.34%

Deferred Tax Assets / Liabilities 27,926.00 24,766.00 12.76%

Other Long Term Liabilities 504.00 0.00 100.00%

Long Term Trade Payables 0.00 0.00 0.00%

Long Term Provisions 2,205.00 2,118.00 4.11%

Total Non-Current Liabilities 1,12,231.00 1,05,607.00 6.27%

Current Liabilities

Trade Payables 88,675.00 68,161.00 30.10%

Other Current Liabilities 85,815.00 60,817.00 41.10%

Short Term Borrowings 15,239.00 22,580.00 -32.51%

Short Term Provisions 918.00 1,268.00 -27.60%

Total Current Liabilities 1,90,647.00 1,52,826.00 24.75%

Total Liabilities 6,17,525.00 5,46,746.00 12.95%


Non-Current Assets 0.00 0.00 0.00%

Gross Block 3,53,009.00 2,97,352.00 18.72%

Less: Accumulated Depreciation 1,52,045.00 1,42,774.00 6.49%

Less: Impairment of Assets 0.00 0.00 0.00%

Net Block 2,00,964.00 1,54,578.00 30.01%

Lease Adjustment A/c 0.00 0.00 0.00%

Capital Work in Progress 92,581.00 1,28,283.00 -27.83%

Intangible assets under development 6,902.00 4,458.00 54.82%

Pre-operative Expenses pending 0.00 0.00 0.00%

Assets in transit 0.00 0.00 0.00%

Non Current Investments 1,71,945.00 1,40,544.00 22.34%

Long Term Loans & Advances 19,659.00 12,286.00 60.01%

Other Non Current Assets 1,562.00 316.00 394.30%

Total Non-Current Assets 4,93,613.00 4,40,465.00 12.07%

Current Assets Loans & Advances

Currents Investments 53,277.00 51,906.00 2.64%

Inventories 39,568.00 34,018.00 16.31%

Sundry Debtors 10,460.00 5,472.00 91.15%

Cash and Bank 2,731.00 1,754.00 55.70%

Other Current Assets 8,999.00 3,601.00 149.90%

Short Term Loans and Advances 8,877.00 9,530.00 -6.85%

Total Current Assets 1,23,912.00 1,06,281.00 16.59%

Net Current Assets (Including Current Investments) -66,735.00 -46,545.00 43.38%

Total Current Assets Excluding Current Investments 70,635.00 54,375.00 29.90%

Miscellaneous Expenses not written off 0.00 0.00 0.00%

Total Assets 6,17,525.00 5,46,746.00 12.95%

Contingent Liabilities 57,973.00 59,378.00 -2.37%

Total Debt 1,16,881.00 1,07,446.00 8.78%

Book Value (in ₹) 496.66 886.83 -44.00%

Adjusted Book Value (in ₹) 496.66 443.42 12.01%


Change Change %

-14.95 -1.23%

Updated:30 Jan, 2019, 15:31 PM IST


Change Change %

-18.90 -1.56%

Updated:30 Jan, 2019, 15:34 PM IST

Reliance Industries's Financial Summary

View last 5 years Financial Summary
 Balance Sheet
 Profit & Loss
 Cash Flow
 Ratios
 Quarterly
 Half-Yearly
 Yearly
Parameter MAR'18 MAR'17 Change %
(₹ Cr.) (₹ Cr.)

Gross Sales 3,15,357.00 2,65,041.00 18.98%

Less :Inter divisional transfers 0.00 0.00 0.00%

Less: Sales Returns 0.00 0.00 0.00%

Less: Excise 25,315.00 23,016.00 9.99%

Net Sales 2,90,042.00 2,42,025.00 19.84%


Increase/Decrease in Stock -3,327.00 -4,605.00 27.75%

Raw Materials Consumed 2,05,297.00 1,69,411.00 21.18%

Power & Fuel Cost 13,565.00 10,150.00 33.65%

Employee Cost 4,740.00 4,434.00 6.90%

Other Manufacturing Expenses 8,113.00 7,821.00 3.73%

General and Administration Expenses 4,035.00 4,320.00 -6.60%

Selling and Distribution Expenses 7,111.00 8,436.00 -15.71%

Miscellaneous Expenses 896.00 763.00 17.43%

Expenses Capitalised 2,092.00 1,961.00 6.68%

Total Expenditure 2,38,338.00 1,98,769.00 19.91%

PBIDT (Excl OI) 51,704.00 43,256.00 19.53%

Other Income 8,257.00 8,709.00 -5.19%

Operating Profit 59,961.00 51,965.00 15.39%

Interest 4,656.00 2,723.00 70.99%

PBDT 55,305.00 49,242.00 12.31%

Depreciation 9,580.00 8,465.00 13.17%

Profit Before Taxation & Exceptional Items 45,725.00 40,777.00 12.13%

Exceptional Income / Expenses 0.00 0.00 0.00%

Profit Before Tax 45,725.00 40,777.00 12.13%

Provision for Tax 12,113.00 9,352.00 29.52%

PAT 33,612.00 31,425.00 6.96%

Extraordinary Items 0.00 0.00 0.00%

Adj to Profit After Tax 4.00 0.00 100.00%

Profit Balance B/F 29,485.00 22,850.00 29.04%

Appropriations 63,101.00 54,275.00 16.26%

Equity Dividend (%) 60.00 110.00 -45.45%

Earnings Per Share (in ₹) 53.06 96.66 -45.11%

Book Value (in ₹) 496.66 886.83 -44.00%

Reliance Industries's Financial Summary
View last 5 years Financial Summary
 Balance Sheet
 Profit & Loss
 Cash Flow
 Ratios
 Quarterly
 Half-Yearly
 Yearly
Parameter MAR'18 MAR'17 Change
(₹ Cr.) (₹ Cr.)

Net Profit Before Taxes 45,725.00 40,777.00 12.13%

Adjustments for Expenses & Provisions 4,358.00 700.00 522.57%

Adjustments for Liabilities & Assets 20,532.00 19,533.00 5.11%

Cash Flow from operating activities 62,000.00 51,450.00 20.51%

- -
Cash Flow from investing activities -7.57%
59,109.00 54,949.00

Cash Flow from financing activities -1,914.00 -1,639.00 -16.78%

Effect of exchange fluctuation on translation reserve 0.00 0.00 0.00%

Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 977.00 -5,138.00 119.02%

Opening Cash & Cash Equivalents 1,754.00 6,892.00 -74.55%

Cash & Cash Equivalent on Amalgamation / Take over /

0.00 0.00 0.00%

Cash & Cash Equivalent of Subsidiaries under liquidations 0.00 0.00 0.00%

Translation adjustment on reserves / op cash balalces frgn 0.00 0.00 0.00%


Effect of Foreign Exchange Fluctuations 0.00 0.00 0.00%

Closing Cash & Cash Equivalent 2,731.00 1,754.00 55.70%

Reliance Industries's Financial Summary
View last 5 years Financial Summary
 Balance Sheet
 Profit & Loss
 Cash Flow
 Ratios
 Quarterly
 Half-Yearly
 Yearly
Parameter MAR'18 MAR'17

Operational & Financial Ratios:

   Earnings Per Share (Rs) 53.06 96.66

   DPS(Rs) 6.00 11.00

   Book NAV/Share(Rs) 496.66 886.83

Margin Ratios:

   Yield on Advances 0.00 0.00

   Yield on Investments 0.00 0.00

   Cost of Liabilities 0.00 0.00

   NIM 0.00 0.00

   Interest Spread 0.00 0.00

Performance Ratios:

   ROA(%) 5.77 6.11

   ROE(%) 11.15 11.59

   ROCE(%) 12.18 11.49

Efficiency Ratios:

   Cost Income Ratio 0.00 0.00

   Core Cost Income Ratio 0.00 0.00

   Operating Costs to Assets 0.00 0.00

Capitalisation Ratios:

   Tier 1 ratio 0.00 0.00

   Tier 2 ratio 0.00 0.00

   CAR 0.00 0.00

Valuation Parameters:

   PER(x) 16.64 6.82

   PCE(x) 12.95 10.75

   Price / Book(x) 1.78 1.49

   Yield(%) 0.68 0.83

   EV / Net Sales(x) 2.32 2.21

   EV / Core EBITDA(x) 11.23 10.29

   EV / EBIT(x) 13.37 12.29

   EV / CE(x) 1.09 0.98

   M Cap / Sales 1.93 1.77

Growth Ratio:

   Core Operating Income Growth 70.99 6.28

   Operating Profit Growth 15.39 10.17

   Net Profit Growth 6.96 14.76

   BVPS Growth -44.00 13.14

   Advances Growth 0.00 0.00

   EPS Growth(%) -45.11 14.37

Liquidity Ratios:

   Loans / Deposits(x) 0.00 0.00

   Total Debt / Equity(x) 0.00 0.00

   Current Ratio(x) 0.00 0.00

   Quick Ratio(x) 0.00 0.00

   Total Debt / Mcap(x) 0.00 0.00

   Net NPA in Rs. Million 0.00 0.00

 History
 Directors Report
 Chairman's Speech
 Auditors Report
The Reliance Group, founded by Dhirubhai H. Ambani , is India's largest private sector enterprise,
with businesses in the energy and materials value chain. The flagship company, Reliance Industries
Limited, is a Fortune Global 500 company and is the largest private sector company in India.
Dhirubhai Ambani founded Reliance as a textile company and led its evolution as a global leader in
the materials and energy value chain businesses. It was in 1957 when he returned to India after a
stint with A.Besse& Co., Aden he started yarn trading business from a small 500 sq.ft. office in
Masjid Bunder, Mumbai.he set up his brand new mill in Naroda, Gujarat. In 1996 Reliance went on
to become the biggest textile brand ‘Only Vimal’. In 1977 the Reliance Textile Industries came with
an IPO which was oversubscribed seven times.
Reliance enjoys global leadership in its businesses, being the largest polyester yarn and fibre
producer in the world and among the top five to ten producers in the world in major petrochemical
Starting as a small textile company, Reliance has in its journey crossed several milestones to
become a Fortune 500 company in less than 3 decades.
Reliance Industries Limited operates world–class manufacturing facilities across the country at
Allahabad, Barabanki, Dahej, Dhenkanal, Hazira, Hoshiarpur, Jamnagar, Kurkumbh, Nagothane,
Nagpur, Naroda, Patalganga, Silvassa and Vadodara.
Allahabad Manufacturing Division located in Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, is spread over 105 acres.
It is equipped with polymerization and continuous polymerization facilities.
Barabanki Manufacturing Division located near Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, is spread over 106
acres. It manufactures Black Fibre.
Dahej Manufacturing Division located near Bharuch, Gujarat, is spread over 1,778 acres. It
comprises of an ethane / propane recovery unit, a gas cracker, a caustic chlorine plant and 4
downstream plants, which manufacture polymers and fibre intermediates.
Dhenkanal Manufacturing Division located in Baulpur, Orissa, is spread over 227 acres. It
manufactures polyester staple fibre.
Hoshiarpur Manufacturing Division located in Hoshiarpur, Punjab, is spread over 69 acres. It
manufactures a wide range of PSF, PFF, POY and polyester chips.
Hazira Manufacturing Division located near Surat, Gujarat, is spread over 700 acres. It comprises
of a Naptha cracker feeding downstream fibre intermediates, plastics and polyester plants.
Jamnagar Manufacturing Division located in Jamnagar, Gujarat, is spread over 7,400 acres. It
comprises of a petroleum refinery and associated petrochemical plants. The refinery is equipped to
refine various types of crude oil (sour crude, sweet crude or a mixture of both) and manufactures
various grades of fuel from motor gasoline to Aviation Turbine Fuel (ATF). The petrochemicals
plants produces plastics and fibre intermediates.
Kurkumbh Manufacturing Division located near Pune, Maharashtra, is spread over 34 acres. It
manufactures fibre intermediates.
Nagothane Manufacturing Division located in Raigad, Maharashtra, is spread over 1,860 acres. It
comprises of an ethane and propane gas cracker and five downstream plants for the manufacture of
polymers, fibre intermediates and chemicals.
Nagpur Manufacturing Division located in Nagpur, Maharashtra, is spread over 368 acres. It
manufactures polyester filament yarn, dope–dyed specialty products of different ranges, fully drawn
yarn and polyester chips.
Naroda Manufacturing Division located near Ahmedabad, Gujarat, is RIL’s first manufacturing
facility and is spread over 150 acres. This synthetic textiles and fabrics manufacturing facility
manufactures and markets woven and knitted fabrics for home textiles, synthetic and worsted suiting
and shirting, ready to wear garments and automotive fabrics.
Patalganga Manufacturing Division located near Mumbai, Maharashtra, is spread over 200 acres.
It comprises of polyester, fibre intermediates and linear alklyl benzene manufacturing plants.
Silvassa Manufacturing Division located in the Union Territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli, is
spread over 127 acres. It manufactures a wide range of specialty products such as Recron Stretch,
Linen Like, Melange, Thick–n–thin and Bi–shrinkage yarns.
Vadodara Manufacturing Division located in Vadodara, Gujarat, is spread over 1,263 acres. It
comprises of a Naptha cracker and 15 downstream plants for the manufacture of polymers, fibres,
fibre intermediates and chemicals.
The company works under different business segments:
 Exploration and Production
 Petroleum Refining and Marketing
 Petrochemicals
 Textiles
 Retail
Products and brands offered by the company:
 Crude oil and natural gas
 Propylene
 Naphtha
 Gasoline
 Jet/Aviation Turbine Fuel
 Superior Kerosene Oil
 High Speed Diesel
 Sulphur
 Petroleum Coke
 Polypropylene
 High Density Polyethylene
 Low Density Polyethylene
 Linear Low Density Polyethylene
 Polyvinyl Chloride
 Poly –Olefin
 Suitings ,Shirtings,Readymade Garments
 Furnishing fabrics
 Day curtains
 Automotive upholstery
 Suitings
 Ready–to–stitch
 Take away fabric
 Fleet management services
 Highway hospitality services
 Vehicle care services
 Linear Alkyl Benzene
 Paraxylene
 Purified Terephthalic Acid
 Mono Ethylene Glycol
 Staple Fibre
 Filament Yarn
 Texturised yarn
 Twisted yarn
 Moisture management yarn
 Quality certified sleep products
 Polyethylene terephthalate
 Reliance Petroleum Limited
 Reliance Netherlands B.V.
 Reliance Retail Limited
 Reliance Jamnagar Infrastructure Limited
 Reliance Haryana SEZ Limited
  Reliance Industrial Investment and Holdings Limited
 Reliance Ventures Limited 
  Reliance Strategic Investments Limited 
 Reliance Exploration and Production DMCC 
 Reliance Industries (Middle East) DMCC
 Reliance Global Management Services Limited
 Reliance Commercial Associates Limited
  RIL (Australia) Pty Ltd
 Recron (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
 Gulf African Petroleum Corporation (Mauritius)
 GAPCO Tanzania Limited
 GAPOil Tanzania Limited 
  GAPCO Kenya Limited
  Transenergy Kenya Limited
 GAPCO Uganda Limited
 GAPCO Rwanda Sarl
 GAPOil (Zanzibar) Limited
 Reliance Fresh Limited
 Retail Concepts and Services (India) Limited
 Reliance Retail Insurance Broking Limited
 Reliance Dairy Foods Limited
 Reliance Retail Finance Limited
 RESQ Limited 
 Reliancedigital Retail Limited 
 Reliance Financial Distribution and Advisory Services Limited
 Reliance Hypermart Limited 
 Reliance Retail Travel & Forex Services Limited
 Reliance Brands Limited
 Reliance Wellness Limited
 Reliance Footprint Limited 
 Reliance Integrated Agri Solutions Limited 
 Reliance Trends Limited
 Reliance Lifestyle Holdings Limited
 Reliance Universal Ventures Limited
 Reliance Autozone Limited
 Strategic Manpower Solutions Limited
 Reliance Gems and Jewels Limited
 Delight Proteins Limited
 Reliance F&B Services Limited
 Reliance Agri Products Distribution Limited
 Reliance Leisures Limited
 Reliance Retail Securities and Broking Company Limited
 Reliance Home Store Limited
 Reliance Trade Services Centre Limited
 Reliance Food Processing Solutions Limited
 Reliance Supply Chain Solutions Limited
 Reliance Loyalty and Analylitics Limited
 Reliance Digital Media Limited
 Reliance–GrandOptical Private Limited
 Reliance Vantage Retail Limited
 Reliance People Serve Limited
 Reliance Infrastructure Management Services Limited
 Reliance International Exploration and Production, Inc
 Reliance Petroinvestments Limited
 Reliance Universal Commercial Limited
 Reliance Global Commercial Limited 
 Wave Land Developers Limited
 Reliance Cyprus Limited 
 Reliance Global Business B.V.
 Reliance Global Energy Services Limited
 Reliance Gas Corporation Limited
 Reliance Global Energy Services (Singapore) Pte. Ltd
 Reliance Polymers (India) Limited
 Reliance Polyolefins Private Limited
 Reliance Aromatics & Petrochemicals Private Limited
 Reliance Energy and Project Development Private Limited
 Reliance Chemicals Private Limited
 Reliance Universal Enterprises Private Limited
 Reliance One Enterprises Limited
 Reliance Personal Electronics Limited
 International Oil Trading Limited
 Reliance Review Cinema Private Limited
 Reliance Replay Gaming Private Limited
 Reliance Nutritional Food Processors Private Limited
 Reliance Commercial Land & Infrastructure Private Limited
 Reliance Eminent Trading & Commercial Private Limited
 Reliance Progressive Traders Private Limited
 Reliance Prolific Traders Private Limited
 Reliance Universal Traders Private Limited
 Reliance Prolific Commercial Private Limited
 Reliance Comtrade Private Limited
  Reliance Ambit Trade Private Limited
  Reliance Corporate IT Park Limited
  Reliance Petro Marketing Private Limited
  LPG Infrastructure (India) Private Limited
  Reliance Infosolution Private Limited
  RIL USA Inc.
Financial Milestones
 RIL’s Revenues for FY 2012–13 were Rs. 371,119 crore ($ 68.4 billion), Net Profit was Rs.
21,003 crore ($ 3.9 billion), Networth was Rs. 176,766 crore and Total Assets were Rs. 318,511
crore, unparalleled in the Indian Private Sector.

 Exports for FY 2012–13 were Rs. 239,226 crore ($ 44.1 billion), 14% of India’s total exports.

 RIL declared Dividend of 90%. Payout of Rs. 3,092 crore, one of the highest in the Indian
Private Sector.

 During the year, RIL signed $ 4.5 billion equivalent facilities, backed by Export Credit
Agencies, which included:
•RIL’s Revenues for FY 2011–12 were Rs. 339,792 crore ($ 66.8 billion), Net Profit was Rs. 20,040
crore ($ 3.9 billion), Networth was Rs. 166,096 crore and Total Assets were Rs. 295,140 crore,
unparalleled in the Indian Private Sector.

•Exports for FY 2011–12 were Rs. 208,042 crore ($ 40.9 billion), 14% of India’s total exports.

•RIL declared Dividend of 85%. Payout of Rs. 2,941 crore, one of the highest in the Indian Private

•Reliance Holding USA Inc., a wholly–owned subsidiary of RIL raised $ 1.0 billion through the
issuance of 5.4%, 10–year Guaranteed Senior Notes in February 2012.
2011 – Revenue crossed Rs. 2,50,000 crore mark (Rs. 2,58,651 crore, US$ 58.0 billion), Net Profit
crossed Rs. 20,000 crore mark (Rs. 20,286 crore, US$ 4.5 billion) and Total Assets crossed Rs.
2,80,000 crore mark (Rs. 2,84,719 crore, US$ 63.8 billion), unparalleled in the Indian Private sector.
Exports crossed Rs. 1,40,000 crore mark (Rs. 1,46,667 crore, US$ 32.9 billion), 13.4% of India's
total exports.
RIL declares Dividend of 80%. Payout of Rs 2,385 Crore, one of the highest in the Indian Private
2010 – Revenue crossed Rs. 2,00,000 crore mark (Rs. 2,00,400 crore, US$ 44.6 billion), Net Profit
crossed Rs. 16,000 crore mark (Rs. 16,236 crore, US$ 3.6 billion) and Total Assets crossed Rs.
2,50,000 crore mark (Rs. 2,51,006 crore, US$ 55.9 billion), unparalleled in the Indian Private sector.
Exports crossed Rs. 1,00,000 crore mark (Rs. 1,10,176 crore, US$ 24.5 billion), 14.5% of India's
total exports.
RIL declares Dividend of 70%. Payout of Rs 2,084 Crore, one of the highest in the Indian Private
2009 –  Total Assets crossed Rs. 2,00,000 crore mark (Rs. 2,45,706 crore, US$ 48.44 billion),
Networth crossed Rs. 1,00,000 crore mark (Rs. 1,26,373 crore, US$ 24.92 billion), unparalleled in
the Indian Private sector.
RIL declares Dividend of 130%. Payout of Rs 1,897 Crore, one of the highest in the Indian Private
2008 – Revenue crossed Rs. 130,000 crore mark (Rs. 139,269 crore, US$ 34.7 billion), Net Profit
crossed Rs. 15,000 crore mark (Rs. 19,458 crore, US$ 4.9 billion) and Total Assets crossed Rs.
140,000 crore mark (Rs. 149,839crore, US$ 37.3 billion), unparalleled in the Indian Private sector.
Exports crossed Rs. 80,000 crore mark (Rs. 83,492 crore, US$ 20.8 billion), 13.4% of India's total
RIL declares Dividend of 130%. Payout of Rs 1,631 Crore, highest in the Indian Private Sector.  
2007 – Revenue crossed Rs. 100,000 crore mark (Rs. 118,354 crore, US$ 27 billion), Net Profit
crossed Rs. 10,000 crore mark (Rs. 11,943 crore, US$ 2.75 billion) and Total Assets crossed Rs.
100,000 crore mark (Rs. 117,353 crore, US$ 27 billion), unparalleled in the Indian Private sector.
Exports crossed Rs. 60,000 crore mark (Rs. 66,627 crore, US$ 15 billion), 12% of India's total
RIL declares Dividend of 110%. Payout of Rs 1,440 Crore, highest in the Indian Private Sector.
2006 – RIL places $300 million in US Private Placement Market. First ever Indian company to raise
money through this route.
RIL declares Dividend of 100%. Payout of Rs 1,393 Crore, Highest In Private Sector.
RPL a subsidary of RIL completes its US$ 1.2 billion Initial Public Offering of equity shares with an
overwhelming response across different classes of investors. Chevron to Purchase 5% Stake in RPL
for $300 Million. Option to Increase Stake to 29%.   
2005 – Launches US $348 Million Syndicated Term Loan Facility. Aims To Replace Existing High
Cost Loans.
Reliance Successfully Closes US$ 350 Million Multi Currency Term Loan.  
2004 – Reliance signs EUR 116.2 million Export Credit Agency (ECA) backed Buyer's Credit Facility
provided by Deutsche Bank. RIL avails an ECA cover for the first time in 22 years.
Reliance emerges as India's Greenest private sector company amongst the private sector with an
overall rank of number two in a BT – ACNielsen ORG–MARG survey of shareholder perception
published in Business Today's October issue.
Reliance Industries concludes re–pricing of $687.50 million Syndicated Term Loan facilities.
Reliance Group emerges as India's Largest Wealth Creator in the private sector for the Year 2003–
2003 – RIL – First Indian private sector company to record net profit of over Rs 4,000 crore in one
financial year.  
2002 – RIL – First Indian private sector company to record Net Profit of over Rs. 1,000 crores in one
Reliance among ten most creditworthy companies in Asia.
Reliance Completes Acquisition of IPCL.  
2001 – RPL raises $750 million syndicated loan – deal named capital market deal of the year by IFR
Group revenues cross Rs. 60,000 crore (Rs. 60,160 crores), Reliance becomes largest business
group in India.
RIL and RPL become India's two largest companies in terms of all major financial parameters.  
2000 – Group profits cross Rs. 2,500 crore mark, Revenues cross Rs. 20,000 crore mark (Rs.
21,541 crores) and Total assets cross Rs. 50,000 crore (Rs. 52,094 crores).
1998 – Total Assets cross Rs. 35,000 crore (Rs. 35,445 crore) and Revenues cross Rs. 14,000
crore (Rs. 14,115 crore).  
1997 – First corporate in Asia to issue 50 and 100 years bond in US debt market.  
1996 – Reliance became the first private sector company to be rated by international credit rating
agencies. S&P rated BB+, stable outlook, constrained by the Sovereign Ceiling. Moody's rated
Baa3, Investment grade, constrained by the Sovereign Ceilings.
Net profit crossed the Rs.1,000 crore mark (Rs 1,065 crores or US$ 338 million), unparalleled in the
Indian Private sector.  
1994 – Offered the second Euro issue of GDR.  
1993 – India's largest public offering – Reliance Petroleum Issue.
Offered the first Euro Convertible bond issue  
1992 – Set a record with Reliance Twin issues that received over 1 million investor applications.
Offered the first ever Euro Issue of Global Depository Receipts by an Indian company  
1991 – Reliance commissioned phase–I of Hazira Petrochemicals Complex – consolidated its
position in polyesters and entered into attractive polymers business – started VCM and PVC plants.  
1988 – Sales cross Rs. 1,000 crores mark (Sales for the year Rs. 1,778 crores).  
1987 – Reliance commenced the Linear Alkyl Benzene (LAB) plant at Patalganga.  
1986 – Reliance started PTA plant at Patalganga.
Reliance commissioned Polyester Staple Fibre (PSF) plant at Patalganga.  
1985 – Total Assets cross Rs. 1,000 crores.  
1977 – First IPO to the Indian Public. 
Achievements/ recognition:
Corporate Ranking and Ratings:
 RIL continues to be featured, for the sixth consecutive year, in the Fortune Global 500 list of
the World's Largest Corporations, ranking for 2010 is as follows:Ranked 175 based on
RevenuesRanked 100 based on Profits
 RIL is ranked 68th in 2010, in the Financial Times' FT Global 500 list of the world's largest
companies (up from previous year's 75th rank).
 RIL has been ranked at 20th position, on the basis of sales, in the ICIS Top 100 Chemicals
Companies list. RIL is the only Indian company in the world's Top 20 chemical companies in the
global ranking. RIL has also been named as the 8th biggest gainer in the list in terms of operating
 RIL is the only Indian company to get a perfect score from CLSA Asia–Pacific Markets
(CLSA) in a list of Asia's best companies in terms of CSR and termed the Company as the
region's 'Corporate Good Guy'. In its 'Ethical Asia' 2010 report, CLSA has named RIL among its
top picks for providing very good data and going well beyond required disclosure.
 RIL is rated as the 33rd 'Most Innovative Company in the World' in a survey conducted by
the US financial publication– Business Week in collaboration with the Boston Consulting Group
(BCG). Further, in 2010, BCG has ranked RIL second amongst the world's 10 biggest,
'Sustainable Value Creators', companies for creating the most shareholder value for the period
2000 to 2009.
Project Management:
 E&P Division received the Petrotech–2010 Special Technical Award in the 'Project
Management' category for completion of their Krishna Godavari Gas project aheadof schedule.
Health, Safety and Environment
 Allahabad Manufacturing Division received a rating of 90% for its environmental initiatives
from British Safety Council in 2010.
 Barabanki Manufacturing Division received '5 Star Rating on BSC Environment' from British
Safety Council in 2010.
 Dahej Manufacturing Division received 'Greentech Environment Excellence Award 2010 –
Gold' for its excellence in environment practices from Greentech Foundation in 2010.
 Dahej Manufacturing Division received the 'National Award for the Prevention of Pollution in
Petrochemicals Sector' for its excellence in environment practices from the Ministry of
Environment & Forests, Government of India, in 2010.
 Dahej Manufacturing Division received 'Our Cup of Joy India's Best Practices on Water
Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) October 2010' Award for the Best practice of water
conservation of 'Utilizing Cooling Tower Blow Down water for Irrigation Purpose'.
 Hazira Manufacturing Division received the DuPont Safety Award for outstanding initiatives
towards workplace safety enhancements and accident prevention in 2010, thus making RIL the
first Indian / Asian company to win this award.
 Hazira Manufacturing Division received the British Safety Council's (BSC), Five Star
Environment Award for its 'beyond compliance' initiatives, best environmental practices,
innovations and resource conservation efforts in 2010.
 Hazira Manufacturing Division won the UK Energy Institute's Safety Award for 'Road Safety
TRUST Programme' in 2010, making RIL the first Indian / Asian company to win this award.
 Hazira Manufacturing Division won the FGI Award for Excellence in Environmental Pollution
Abatement and Preservation in 2010.
 Hazira Manufacturing Division won CII's Best Environmental Practice Award under 'Most
Innovative Project' and 'Innovative Project' category in January 2011.
 Hoshiarpur Manufacturing Division, for four consecutive years in a row won the 'State Safety
Award' from Punjab Industrial Safety Council & Chief Inspector of Factories, Punjab in 2011.
 Jamnagar Manufacturing Division Domestic Tariff Area (DTA) Refinery received the 'Golden
Peacock Award for Occupational Health & Safety' for pace setting performance in OH and Safety
in 2010.
 Jamnagar Manufacturing Division DTA Refinery received 'Safety Innovation Award' from
Safety & Quality Forum of Institute of Engineers (India).
 Jamnagar Manufacturing Division DTA Refinery won the 'Greentech Platinum Award (2010)'
Safety Category, in Petroleum Refinery Sector for its outstanding Achievement in Safety
 Jamnagar Manufacturing Division has been granted by The National Accreditation Board for
Laboratories (NABL), Ministry of Science & Technology; Government of India, 'NABL
accreditation' based on ISO 15189: 2007 for the DAOH & FWC Medical Laboratory.
 Jamnagar Manufacturing Division Special Economic Zone (SEZ) Refinery received '5 Star
Award for Health & Safety' from British Safety Council for sustained performance in Health &
Safety in 2010.
 Jamnagar Manufacturing Division SEZ Refinery has won the prestigious 'Greentech
Environment Excellence Award 2010' in Gold Category in Petroleum Refinery Sector for its best
practices in Environment Management.
 Jamnagar Manufacturing Division SEZ Refinery has been selected as the winner of the '10th
Annual Greentech Safety Award 2011', in Platinum Category in the Petroleum Refinery Sector.
 Nagothane Manufacturing Division received the 'Vana Shree Award' from the State
Government of Maharashtra in 2010.
 Nagpur Manufacturing Division received the 'Sword of Honour' from the British Safety
Council in 2010.
 Vadodara Manufacturing Division received the CII Environmental Best Practice Award in
Energy and Water Conservation / Efficiency:
 Hazira Manufacturing Division won the 'Excellent Energy Efficient Unit Award for FY 2009–
10' from CII in 2010.
 Dahej Manufacturing Division bagged the 'Excellent Energy Efficient Unit Award 2010' for its
energy conservation efforts from CII in 2010.
 Dahej Manufacturing Division received the 'National Energy Conservation Award 2010' for its
energy conservation initiatives from the Ministry of Power, Government of India.
 Jamnagar Manufacturing Division received the 'National Award for Excellence in Energy
Management' for its energy conservation techniques from CII in 2010.
 Jamnagar Manufacturing Division received the 'I.C.C. Award for Excellence in Energy
Management' for its energy performance from the Indian Chemical Council in 2010.
Technology, Patents, R&D and Innovation:
 Nagpur Manufacturing Division received the 'Innovation Quest 2010 Trophy' instituted by the
Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering.
 E&P's KG–D6 won the 'Innovation for India Awards 2010' instituted by the Marico Innovation
Foundation for their combined synthesis of advanced technologies, extreme engineering,
innovative execution, yielding unprecedented results and impact on India's energy security.
 Hazira Manufacturing Division won the 'Innovative Project' from the CII in 2010.
 Hazira Manufacturing Division won the FGI Federation of Gujarat Industries Award for
technology development in 2010.
 Hazira Manufacturing Division won the Indian Chemical Council Award for chemical plant
design and engineering in 2010.
 Reliance Technology Group (RTG) received 'Certificate of Merit' from the Federation of
Gujarat Industries and 'ICC award for excellence in chemical plant design and engineering' in
 Reliance Footprint received the Retailer of the Year Award in the Non Apparel and Footwear
category at Asia Retail Congress 2010.
 Reliance TimeOut received the Retailer of the Year Award in the Leisure Category at Asia
Retail Congress 2010.
 Vision Express was bestowed the 'Award 2010' for its contribution by the Netherlands India
Chamber of Commerce and Trade in 2010.
 Reliance Trends received the 'Retail Marketing Campaign of the Year Award' at the Asia
Retail Congress 2010.
 Reliance Trends received the 'Impactful Retail Design and Visual Merchandising of the Year
Award' at the Asia Retail Congress 2010
 Jamnagar Manufacturing Division won the 'Golden Peacock Global Award for Sustainability
for the year 2010'.

In 2013–14
•Reliance Jio and Bharti signed agreement under which Reliance Jio will utilize dedicated fiber pair
on Bharti's i2i submarine cable that connects India and Singapore. The i2i cable system will provide
Reliance Jio direct access and ultra–fast connectivity to major hubs across Asia Pacific. 
•RIL and its partners announced a significant gas and condensate discovery (MJ–1 discovery) in the
KG–D6 block off eastern coast of India. 

•S&P upgraded the long–term corporate credit rating on Reliance to 'BBB+' from 'BBB', one of the
highest ratings by S&P for an Indian corporate and the highest rating by S&P for an Indian Oil & Gas
company. The new rating is two notches above the rating for the Indian sovereign. 

•Reliance Jio and Reliance Communications signed agreement for sharing of RCom's nationwide
telecom towers infrastructure. 

•RIL–BP announced a new gas condensate discovery off the east coast of India in the deepwater
block CY–DWN–2001/2 (CY–D5) in the Cauvery basin. 

•Reliance Jio received Unified License for all 22 Service Areas across India and becomes the first
telecom operator in the country to get pan India Unified License. 

•Reliance Jio acquired spectrum in 14 key circles across India in the 1800 MHz band in the spectrum
auction conducted by DoT, Government of India. 
In 2012–13
•RIL signed a US$ 2 billion equivalent loan with nine banks covered by Euler Hermes Deutschland
AG. The loan will be primarily used to finance goods and services procured from German suppliers
as part of RIL's petrochemicals expansion projects at Jamnagar, Hazira, Silvassa and Dahej in

•The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) awarded A+ level to RIL's Sustainability Report 2011–12. This
is the seventh year in a row RIL has received highest application level on sustainability reporting.
RIL is also the first company to adhere to the GRI 3.1 Oil & Gas Sector Supplement, released in
February 2012. 

•RIL and the Venezuelan state oil company, Petroleos de Venezuela, SA (PDVSA) signed a 15 year
heavy crude oil supply contract and a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with PDVSA to further
development of Venezuelan heavy oil fields. PDVSA will supply between 300,000 and 400,000
barrels per day of Venezuelan heavy crude oil to RIL's two refineries in Jamnagar under a 15–year
crude oil supply contract. 

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