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Concept, Objectives and Challenges of Disaster Management: Amit Sinha, Dr. Rajlaxmi Srivastava

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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN (Online): 2319-7064

Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391

Concept, Objectives and Challenges of Disaster

Amit Sinha1, Dr. Rajlaxmi Srivastava2
Research Scholar, Institute of Management, Commerce and Economics, Shri Ramswaroop Memorial University,
Lucknow- Deva Road, UP.
Associate Professor, Institute of Management Commerce and Economics, Shri Ramswaroop Memorial University,
Lucknow- Deva Road, UP.

Abstract: Frequent calamities are causing huge losses and uncertainty to development. A well thought action plan for disaster
management is the need of the hour and there should be sincere efforts to manage the problems of natural and man-made disaster.
Against this background this paper is an attempt to discuss the meaning of disasters, their impact on human life and development,
Sustainable Development and the idea of Disaster Risk Reduction and the objectives and challenges of disaster management. Nature has
been an uncertain phenomenon causing huge human, environmental and economic losses by the events like earthquakes, floods,
cyclone or even man-made calamities called disasters. Each disaster is capable of taking away the advancement made by mankind in a
time frame of decades. So it important to understand issues related to disasters such as what is meant by the term disaster, factors
responsible for them, the concept of disaster management, its objectives and challenges in national and international perspective, the
development efforts integrating the concept of disaster risk reduction into development projects to have sustainable development. But
India, with its geographical diversities, is a disaster prone nation. Its vast eastern coastline has been a regularly affected area from
cyclone and tsunami. Himalayan belt is prone to landslide and cloud bursts, Uttarkashi and Kedarnath Valley tragedies cannot be
ignored easily and so is the annual phenomenon of floods by the Ganga, Brahmpurta and allied rivers. Bhopal gas tragedy is still fresh
in our minds. All these frequent calamities cause huge losses and uncertainty to development. A well thought action plan for disaster
management is the need of the hour and there should be sincere efforts to manage the problems of natural and man-made disaster.
Against this background this paper is an attempt to discuss the meaning of disasters, their impact on human life and development,
Sustainable Development and the idea of Disaster Risk Reduction and the objectives and challenges of disaster management.

Keywords –Disaster Management concept, Objectives & Principles, National & International Approach.

1. Introduction increased and many parts of the world have been affected by
tectonic disorder. For example, according to the Plate
Disasters know no boundaries. Man-made or natural, Tectonic Theory, the Indian peninsula which is a part of the
technological or chemical it can strike at any moment Gondwana Landmass, keeps moving towards Tibetan region
anywhere, paving destruction in the present as well as in the and because of this drift, the whole Himalayan region is
future. There is no doubt that hazards are integral aspects of prone to disasters like earthquakes and landslides and the
our environment. For centuries man considered disasters as plains below have witnessed frequent floods and drought.
the work of the evil spirits and tried to please them with Location of residence is another important factor. The
magic and other rituals but later he started manipulating coastal areas are more vulnerable to cyclone than the interior
nature. Paradoxically this attempt to control nature has region. Similarly a steep slope can be more prone to
exposed the humanity to new threats. Disasters may be result landslides. Density of population cannot be ignored as key
of natural or human induced processes of events with the factor inviting disasters. Densely populated areas are more
potential to create loss but exposure to a hazard need not prone to disaster. Since too many infrastructures like electric
necessarily mean disaster. It is the level of vulnerability of poles, telephone poles, cable lines, old buildings or poorly
those exposed to the hazard that increases risk and the build structures are most of the time disaster prone. Poverty
likelyhood of the disastrous occurrence [1]. As disasters are is another factor responsible for causing and enhancing the
said to be boundary less the meaning attached to them also damage in disasters. Poor people are more vulnerable to
varies according to geo-sectors, geological and social disaster. It is because their disaster response is impeded by
settings in which they are located, and every new disaster lack of resources [3]. Global Warming and related climatic
adds dimension to human sufferings [2]. changes due to both natural and anthropogenic factors can
also be considered as another factor responsible for disaster.
2. Causes of Disaster Numbers and severity of tropical cyclones have increased in
the tropics. New human settlement regions, ever increasing
There are many factors that can instigate the onset of a human population and consequential increase in human
disaster. If we try to group them with a benchmark of settlements in more and more vulnerable and hazard prone
frequency the responsible factors for disaster can be – a) area has led to increase in hazard risks and vulnerability
Areas prone to Disaster, b) Location of residence, c) Density mainly in poor and developing countries and India is one of
of population, d) Poverty, e) Global Warming, f) New them. Advanced Modern Technologies are causing never
Human Settlement Regions, g) technologies causing before technological disasters of various sorts and hence
Disasters, h) Industrialization, i) Corruption etc. Areas prone technological disasters are growing in numbers very fast [4].
to Disasters, due to tectonic plate movements and resultant Due to advent of new technologies pushing economic
seismic activities, volcanic eruptions, tsunami have developments have invited new avenues of technological
Volume 6 Issue 7, July 2017
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20175259 418
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
disasters. Industrialization has brought out developments on human activity, and whether developing suddenly or as the
the one side and catastrophes on the other side as evident result of complex long term processes. The ASEAN
from the tragedies happened in at Union Carbide Plant in Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency
Bhopal and Chernobyl Plant in Russia. These two incidents Response [12] determined that „disaster‟ means a serious
causing death and serious injuries to thousands of innocent disruption of the functioning of a community or a society
and helpless people had generated wide spread public causing widespread human, material, economic, or
concern and need for a comprehensive disaster management environmental losses. When the cumulative effects of
plan. Corruption is another dimension that can cause environmental hazards, environmental disasters and other
disaster. Often the authorities, who are assigned the task of forms of environmental degradation and pollution becomes
proper management of the situation, show a tendency to so immense that the tolerance limit of the natural
meddle with the money and as a result the needy do not get environment to assimilate them is surpassed and the
the benefit to the fullest extent. The bureaucrats and high environmental balance is disturbed, the resultant state of the
level politicians eat out the funds and the general public is highly disturbed natural environment is called
devoid of the opportunity to tackle the situation [5]. environmental stress. It is evident that the environmental
stress represents extreme limit of environmental degradation
3. Hazard and Disaster: Meaning and Concept where the homeostatic mechanism of the natural system
become unable to assimilate the adverse effects of hazards,
disasters, environmental degradation and pollution [13].
The term “Disaster” has been defined in many ways by
scholars of various disciplines and the development and 4. Conceptual Perspective of Disaster
humanitarian communities. To understand full and complete Management
meaning to the term „disaster‟ certain allied words have to
be considered, such as extreme events, hazards, The approach towards disaster has been post disaster
vulnerability, disasters and environmental stress. Hazard is management, i.e. after the initial trauma on occurrence of
a dangerous phenomenon, substance, human activity or disaster is over, within days, phase of reconstruction and
condition that may cause loss of life, injury or other health rehabilitation will be over. … But the increasing awareness
impacts, property damage, loss of livelihoods and services, about consequences of disasters brought the question of
social and economic disruption, or environmental damage disaster management into forefront. Traditionally the
[6]. The Term ‘Vulnerability’ means the extent to which a response to disaster has been reactive with disbursement of
community, structure, service or geographic area is likely to fund for relief. There was no awareness of pre-disaster
be damaged or disrupted by the impact of particular hazard preparedness and mitigation activities earlier; soon there was
on account of its nature, constitution and proximity to a realization that there is a greater need for disaster
hazardous terrain or a disaster prone area [7]. Vulnerability mitigation activities, which can reduce the devastating effect
is the characteristics and circumstances of a community, of disaster. It is a fact that rehabilitation and reconstruction
system or asset that make it susceptible to the damaging after disaster are costly. Thus there is a paradigm shift in
effects of a hazard [8]. The word 'disaster' is derived from thinking about disaster management from reduction to pre-
the 16th century word 'desastre‟. The word is the action. Disaster Management includes the range of activities
combination of two Latin words - 'Dis' and 'Astro' means designed to maintain control over disaster and emergency
bad star. Therefore, disaster can be simply referred to as the situation and to provide a framework for helping persons at
unforeseen calamities caused by planetary. Disasters, risk to avoid or recover from the impact of disaster [14].
whether natural or anthropogenic, are sudden adverse
unfortunate extreme events or hazards which cause great Disaster management is a complex multidisciplinary
damage to human beings as well as plants and animals. approach to tackle the pre and after effects of a disaster
Disasters occur rapidly, instantaneously and which occurs in a particular area or a region. Disaster
indiscriminately. … All the extreme events are hazards but Management is a process of comprehensive planning of an
not all the hazards are disasters. A hazard may become organization or a country or a province to protect the life and
disaster only when it strikes the inhabited area. property of humans from expected or anticipated hazards
Etymologically three meanings are attributed to the term and disasters and to provide immediate rescue and relief
disaster, viz. (i) a state of extreme and usually irremediable facilities to affected people by a disaster and also to facilitate
ruin. The term is used in this sense when there is a great and recovery and rehabilitation programs [15]. Disaster
sudden calamity; (ii) an event that brings terrible loss management includes the development of disaster recovery
resulting in lasting distress, severe afflictions and injury to plans (for minimizing the risk of disasters and for handling
life; and (iii) an act that has disastrous consequences. The them when they do occur) and the implementation of such
term is used in that sense when there is a total destruction plans. Disaster/emergency management is the discipline of
and devastation [9]. From an economic perspective, dealing with and avoiding risks. It involves preparing for a
however, a natural disaster can be defined as a natural event disaster before it happens, disaster response (e.g. emergency
that causes a perturbation to the functioning of the economic evacuation, quarantine, mass decontamination, etc.), as well
system, with a significant negative impact on assets, as supporting and rebuilding society after natural or human-
production factors, output, employment, or consumption made disasters have occurred. There are some other terms
[10]. The Tampere Convention [11] defines „disaster‟ as “a used for disaster management. Such as - Emergency
serious disruption of the functioning society, posing a Management, which has replaced Civil defense, can be seen
significant, widespread threat to human life, health, property as a more general intent to protect the civilian population in
or the environment, whether caused by accident, nature or times of peace as well as in times of war. Civil Protection is
Volume 6 Issue 7, July 2017
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20175259 419
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
widely used within the European Union and refers to in large numbers to help their fellow citizens but it would be
government approved systems and resources whose task is much better if they were professionally trained to manage
to protect the civilian population, primarily in the event of such situations. Apart from police, home guards, NCC,
natural and human-made disasters. Crisis Management is the scouts and guides volunteers from each locality must be
term widely used in EU countries and it emphasizes the trained and educated about the rescue and relief operations.
political and security dimension rather than measures to Delayed Response in the event of disaster increases the
satisfy the immediate needs of the civilian population. vulnerability. Delays occur if the agencies responsible for
Disaster risk reduction is an academic term which is handling the disaster situations have no clear plans. Search
growing, particularly for emergency management in a and rescue plans need to be clear and all role players need to
development management context. This focuses on the know their role and function. Basic needs such as shelter,
mitigation and preparedness aspects of the emergency cycle water food and medical care also have to be provided and a
[16]. Disaster Management has evolved into a methodical plan needs to be in place. Many times our response is adhoc
technique. Basic aspect in disaster management is setting and casual. Response including rescue and evacuation in a
priorities and addressing some problems decisively in non-formal situation is specialized matter and nothing
reference to other problems [17]. The fundamental aspects should be left to chance. Relief and Rehabilitation
of disaster management program [18] include – i) interventions are also required after a disaster occurs. In
disaster prevention [19], ii) disaster preparedness [20], iii) many ways this is the most difficult period for the victims.
disaster response [21], iv) disaster mitigation [22], v) Immediate rescue and relief should be in a systematic way
rehabilitation [23] and vi) reconstruction [24]. leading to job producing activities; construction works
programs may be needed. The victims cannot be forgotten
5. Objectives of Disaster Management once the immediate disaster has passed. The economy must
be brought back on the track. Every disaster tells us that
The world over disaster management is seen as evolving there is no shortage of relief material but the distribution is
process. There cannot be a single model or approach towards mismanaged. Thus Professional Approach is required.
management of disasters. Thus the objective of disaster Disaster Management requires genuine effort and
management comprises six elements: the pre-disaster phase commitment by all the stakeholders. The capacity must be
includes prevention, mitigation and preparedness, while the built to handle such events and training programs are
post disaster phase includes response, rehabilitation, essential. Duplication of efforts should be minimized and
reconstruction and recovery [25]. There is a saying that the financial resources must be appropriately controlled.
more you sweat in peace the less you bleed in war is also Government cannot rely on normal procedures to implement
applicable to the management of the disaster as well. appropriate responses – they need to learn special skills,
Prevention is better than cure is more applicable here. techniques and attitudes in dealing with disasters. Disaster
Prevention is an area wherein government has a vital role to Management as a professional team based effort must be
play. Having a techno legal regime that is enforced strictly is coordinated up to the village level in rural areas and ward
a precondition and falls exclusively in the domain of either level in urban areas where a team of volunteers must be in
the government or local bodies. The prevention planning, an readiness to tackle the immediate impact of the disasters and
integral part of everything we do, is aim for which all the at the same time there should be standing instructions to all
agencies like government, industry, elected bodies, NGOs the administrators in adjoining Districts and States to rush to
and community based organizations must strive. Attempts the disaster site with all resources without any formal orders
are being made by way of people‟s committees to manage [26].
natural resources in more and more eco-friendly manner.
More thrust is needed on prevention mechanism. Mitigation 6. Principles of Disaster Management
in reference of disaster management is a key factor that can
be deployed to minimize the destructive effects of hazards Disaster management is a complex multidisciplinary
and thus lessen the scale of a possible disaster. This again is approach to tackle to pre and post disaster effects in a
a matter that has to be linked to entire planning and particular area or region. The Federal Emergency
implementation disaster management process. Capacity Management Agency (FEMA) [27] has formulated the
building of all the institution is also a pre-requisite and not following principles for disaster management plans – a) It
only this they must be trained to handle post disaster should be comprehensive, b) It should be progressive, c) It
scenarios. Preparedness in the disaster management can be should be Risk Driven, d) It should be integrated, e) It
seen as the maintenance of inventories of resources and the should be Collaborative, f) It should be Coordinated, g) It
training of personnel to manage disasters are vital should be flexible, h) It should be Professional. Emergency
components of managing a disaster. Furthermore, this managers must consider all the aspects of hazards, i.e.
should be an ongoing, regular function of all departments, at hazard vulnerability and hazard risks, all phases of disaster
all levels in active collaboration of people. These measures management, i.e. pre and post disaster stages, all
can be described as logistical readiness to deal with the stakeholders and all aspects of disaster impact. They should
disasters and can be enhanced by having response identify hazard vulnerable areas and should anticipate
mechanisms and procedures, rehearsals, developing long impending disasters and to take necessary steps in advance
term and short term strategies, public education and building for preventive and preparatory measures so that the
early warning systems. Preparedness is the core area after communities may become able to develop disaster
the plans have been taken care of. There has to be standard resilience. They should apply sound principles of risk
operating procedure (SOPs) for every likely scenario. management which include hazard identification, risk
Generally response to disasters is emotive, people came out analysis and impact analysis. All efforts being made at all
Volume 6 Issue 7, July 2017
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20175259 420
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
management levels and all levels of government and all classification, some parameters of Hazard Risk Magnitude
components of society and community should be integrated. have been found out to determine magnitude and severity of
There should be well integrated efforts to ensure natural hazards, such as Richter and Marcali scales to
coordination and relationships among individuals and measure earthquakes; Fuijita scale to measure the severity
organisations so that there becomes team spirit and and magnitude of tornados; Saffir-Simpson hurricane
consensus among all units. They should also facilitate damage scale (5-point scale, minimum damage, moderate
communication at all levels. All activities related to disaster damage, extensive damage, extreme damage and
management should be coordinated and synchronized at all catastrophic damage) etc. Hazard Risk Communication is
levels with all stakeholders, so that common purpose of another important factor of Disaster Reduction and
management is well achieved. Disaster management Management. It is also called risk information having two
programs should adopt such management approaches which components – a) risk communication system or transmission
are based on scientific knowledge, disaster education, of hazard and disaster risk information to different segments
training and experience. It should also be based on ethical of society, government and non-governmental organisations
value. There should be wide scope for further improvement (NGO), and b) takers (receivers) of disasters risk
in management mechanism. Disaster management plans information i.e. vulnerable and threatened sections of society
should involve all resources which are available for daily [29].
purposes. Organisations involved in disaster management
should function as an extension of their core business. 8. Approaches to Managing Disaster
Individual must be responsible for their safety. They should
follow building code while constructing one‟s own house. Though the extent of vulnerability of a population
Disaster management planning should focus on large-scale determines the scale of a natural hazard induced disaster,
events such as earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes etc. which there are three major viewpoints to look at vulnerability.
affect larger area and communities. Besides government Firstly see vulnerability as natural event and subsequently
Disaster Management should also involve NGOs. Disaster put a technology bias while dealing with modes and means
management planning must include the considerations of of their mitigation. The second view remains anchored on
past history of extreme events in the area/ region considered the premise that mankind itself has emerged as triggering
and recurrence intervals of such events. Disasters agent of many such events by aggressively appropriating
Management Planning must be inter organizational and there nature through the use of technology. The third view which
should be enough communications exchange among various appears as an extension of the second, emphasizes the
organisations. Make disaster mitigation and preparedness variations in social formation of nations and the manner in
plans which may be adapted to wide range of circumstances. which their human geography get organized on their socio-
[28] economic space influences the scale of disasters and their
impact. Various other approaches to mitigate and manage
7. Key Components of Disaster Management disasters seem to emerge from these three approaches of
viewing disasters. In this respect, it is noteworthy that UN
In order to have a successful disaster management program declaration of 1990-2000 as International Decade for
in place, we need to look at the main elements or key Disaster Reduction was not only instrumental in bringing
components of a Disaster Management plan. The processes into sharp focus on devastations caused by natural disasters,
and mechanism of disaster reduction and management but also introduced a paradigm shift from post disaster relief
include the following aspects – a) Hazard Analysis, b) and reconstruction to adopting a pre-disaster pro-active
Hazard vulnerability analysis and c) Hazard risk analysis. approach. In May 1994, a mid-term review of UN
Hazards are those events which have potential to cause the declaration held at Yokohama concluded that i) such
loss of human life and property, social and economic disasters always affected the poor and the socially
disruption and environmental degradation. Hazard analysis disadvantaged in the developing countries most, owing to
process can be bifurcated in steps like – Framing of higher degree of their vulnerability to such situations; ii)
objectives of hazard analysis, hazard identification, hazard prevention and mitigation of disasters are better than disaster
classification, factors of hazard information, causes of response which are often executed at a very high cost and
hazard occurrence and hazard profiles. Hazard Vulnerability yield only some temporary relief; and iii) prevention
Analysis is very important factor of disaster management as contributes to lasting improvements in safety. These pointers
it helps in studying the cause and effect of various are valid across the globe and for India they are very
vulnerabilities. Hazard Risk Analysis for disaster important [30]. Within the context of disaster vulnerability
management includes the consideration of the definition, in India and in response to the 1994 Yokohama declaration,
components, assessment & parameters of magnitude of Government of India constituted an Expert Group (Building
hazard risks and hazard risk communication. Since hazard or Material and Technology Promotion Council - BMTPC)
disaster risk is a probability of likely adverse impacts of a [31] for studying certain specific issues relating to impact of
particular hazard on society, it is full of uncertainties in natural hazards especially with respect to housing and
terms of magnitude and severity of a hazard, speed, quantum infrastructure. Strong emphasis was put on :– i) the need to
of likely damage, duration of persistence of disaster etc. identify earthquakes, cyclones and flood related vulnerable
Similarly consequences of an event may be expressed in the areas prone to hazard of damaging houses and infrastructure,
terms of – a) human causalities or death, injuries to human ii) formulating policies and legal institutional structures for
beings, cost of damage calculated/ estimated in monetary enforcing disaster resistant construction in the hazard-prone
terms, loss of animals mainly cattle, loss of vegetation, and settlements; and iii) preparing detailed natural vulnerability
loss of infrastructural facilities. In addition to these maps. The Expert Group (BMTPC) had emphasized on
Volume 6 Issue 7, July 2017
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20175259 421
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
modifying and evolving a national policy on natural disaster forces. NDRF [Section 44 (1) of DMA, 2005 reads: “There
and they highlighted following points in their report [32] – shall be constituted a National Disaster Response Force for
a) Need for restructuring the existing policy so as to the purpose of specialist response to a threatening disaster
carefully include prevention, mitigation and preparedness in situation or disaster.”] and the army or specialized team can
pre-disaster phase. b) Awareness creation for disaster work towards organizing the much needed emergency water
reduction among cross section of professionals and supply and demolishing damaged structures that threaten to
institutions including policy makers, administrators, fall. In situation of large scale devastation spread across
decision-makes, architects, engineers, NGOs, banks and large geography there is always need of more human power
other financial institutions, c) Increasing preparedness and equipment. But the supply of such equipment should be
among communities living in vulnerable areas through use mobilized fast through their large-scale production on an
of media, school education and other appropriate method. d) emergency basis. Unless all the agencies involved in rescue
Introduction of relevant amendments in the legislative and operations are in coordination, the work put in will generate
regulatory instruments (State laws, master plans, building lesser efforts. Here, it becomes the responsibility of the state
regulations and bye laws of local bodies). e) Work towards administration to regulate such flush of supplies through a
capacity building at various levels for undertaking robust delivery mechanism system [38]. In addition to
assessment surveys and investigations on the nature and regulating and organising distribution system governments
extent of damage in post disaster situations. f) Ensuring need to evacuate people from the most vulnerable areas hit
disaster resistant construction in houses and building by law by disasters. In order to reduce such possibilities, households
as well as incentives and disincentives. g) Working towards should be involved in the process of reconstruction from
framing of policy instruments and generating funding very beginning. Such, steps are possible especially in those
support for disaster preparedness and prevention actions in rural pockets where large proportion of dwelling units were
high risk areas [33]. On similar ground a comprehensive constructed out of locally available materials.
Disaster Management Act 2005 [34] and India‟s 1st National
Disaster Management Plan, 2016 [35] is a significant c) Health and Medical Services
development in India‟s Approach to Disaster Management. In the aftermath of a disaster, maintenance of hygiene
through quickly reorganized sanitation system and restoring
a) Pro-Active Disaster Management and Mitigation supply of potable water becomes absolutely essential.
We seem to lack in having any sound database on people‟s Another challenge is to reduce potential out-break of disease
experiences dealing with disasters and the manner in which and in case of occurrence of disease, how to check the
they tend to cope with them. Any systematic approach of spread of that disease to avoid spread of epidemic. Disasters
mitigation and preparedness essentially stem from such sets never cause epidemics but the lack of timely actions and
of knowledge, much of which need to be appropriately mis-management that led to such situations. Unplanned
collate and subsequently integrated into any disaster garbage disposable system can trigger the process of
mitigation approach or a related management exercise. The contamination of food and fodder. In disasters like
second important factor of disaster management and earthquakes, timely disposal of dead bodies is one of the
mitigation remains the need of increasing the awareness, foremost tasks to be performed; provision of timely
sensitivity and preparedness to respond to such situations treatment to the injured comes under the top priority areas
among the decision makers, administrators and especially needing immediate attention. It is worth mentioning here
those professionals who are dealing with the shaping of that similar to initial flush of relief materials there is often an
„built environment‟. This undoubtedly needs a review of the excess of common pills, medicines and number of medical
current practices of land-use and town planning; and a personnel representing various public and private agencies.
political will to implement necessary controls and Their proper deployment is also an important function under
regulations. The third important element of managing and disaster management and mitigation [39].
mitigating disasters is to have detailed sets of data and
information on phenomenon that lead to disasters. d) Role of Administrative Coordinators
Scientifically collated and analyzed time series data on Rescue and relief are the two most essential and immediate
climatological, geological, hydrological and environmental steps that need to be taken almost as a spontaneous response
aspects can enhance our understanding of natural events, to any post disaster situation. In order to regulate various
their likely impact on life and property and development of tasks related to rescue and relief in any disaster affected
effective warning systems [36]. region within the country, the job of its total coordination
should rest with the state administration. It should be aware
b) Rescue and Relief about what is happening where and how on a continuous
In response to large scale catastrophic events involving basis. The State administration managing the impact of a
massive loss of life and property, it was observed that a disaster should also be able to coordinate and regulate the
section of such voluntary and quasi-voluntary aid has the works of various NGOs. Many such agencies coming with
will as well as the capacity to work, but many of them do not relief from farther areas hardly ever have a good knowledge
have needed skill to participate in the rescue operations. At of the geography as well as socio-economic environment of
such times it becomes the primary responsibility of the state affected regions. Under such circumstances, channelizing
machinery to – a) organize the rescue operations, b) such relief from specific centralized points to different zones
channelize available human power into areas where they can as per feedback received from a continuously monitored
be used more appropriately; c) effectively use the expertise need assessment system can yield better results.
of domestic as well as international agencies specializing in
the rescue of life; and d) engage army and para-military
Volume 6 Issue 7, July 2017
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20175259 422
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
e) Reconstruction and Rehabilitation United Nations Treaty Series, Vol. 2296, at 5.
The work associated with rescue and relief in any disaster Available at -
ends soon through some components of relief may overspill http://www.ifrc.org/Docs/idrl/I271EN.pdf (Accessed
in the process of reconstruction and rehabilitation. on 24.07.16).
Reconstruction generally involves two sets of processes, [12] Article 1 (3) of ASEAN Agreement on Disaster
which are a) physical and b) economic - both of which need Management and Emergency Response July 26, 2005
to be initiated simultaneously. Physical reconstruction Available at -
essentially involves restoration or creation of social http://agreement.asean.org/media/download/
infrastructure including school, community halls, water 20140119170000.pdf (Accessed on 24.07.16).
supply, roads, communication links, shelters etc. Economic Referred in Vedhavathi, Id.
reconstruction which is largely a part of rehabilitation [13] Savindra, Supra n.4 at 4.
process largely aims at: a) restoring the earlier economic [14] Meera, Supra n. 2 at 139-140.
arrangements and networks of the affected population; b) [15] Savindra, Supra n. 4 at 16.
linking people with the newer economic opportunities and [16] Disaster Management Notes and Questions. Available
markets thorough creation of appropriate institutional at- http://www.cyen.org/innovaeditor
structures as provisions of grants, subsidies and credit; and /assets/Disaster_Management_Notes_and_Questions.p
c) increasing the negotiating capabilities of poor and df (Accessed on 21.01.17).
marginalized sections across different communities through [17] D.K. Mishra, “Activity and Responses to Natural
capacity building at the grassroots level [40]. Disaster Management” (2010) 46 No.2 Civil and
Military Law Journal 145-148, at 145-146.
9. Conclusion [18] Meera, Supra n. 2 at 140-141.
[19] Disaster Prevention involves outright avoidance of
For having a robust disaster management and reducing adverse impact of hazards and related environmental
disaster impact, it is important to ex-ante risk reduction and technological disasters. The culture of prevention
investment in development planning. Projects planned in should be inculcated in all communities which
disaster prone areas should mandatorily take disaster risk somehow reduce the impact of disasters. Early warning
audit of the project. There has to be a more people-centric and conscious developmental program are key
preventive approach to disaster management. Government elements of preventive planning.
should facilitate, engage with relevant stakeholders in design [20] Disaster Preparedness encompasses the measures taken
and implementation of policies, plans and standards aimed at before a disaster occurs. This aims at minimizing loss
disaster management. of life, disruption of critical services etc. The aim of
disaster preparedness is to minimize adverse effect of
References hazard through effective precautionary actions. The
United Nations Disaster Relief Office (UNDRO)
[1] Rakesh Kanwar, “Disaster Management” (2001) XLIV defines disaster preparedness as a series of measures
The Administrator 96-110, at 98. designed to organized and facilitate timely and
[2] Meera S., “Legal Regulation of Disaster Management effective rescue, relief and rehabilitation operations in
in India: A Critical Analysis” (2010) 34 No. 1&2 The case of disasters. The measures of preparedness
Academy Law Review 135- 171, at 135. include setting up of disaster relief machinery,
[3] S.A.K. Azad, “Natural Hazards – Disaster formulation of emergency relief plan, training of
Management & Mitigation Strategies in India” (2013) specific groups (Vulnerable communities) to
Vol. XL (3) Indian Bar Review 45-51, at 46. understand rescue and relief etc.
[4] Savindra Singh, Jeetendra Singh, Disaster [21] Disaster Response is the sum total of action taken by
Management (Allahabad : Pravalika Publications, people and institutions in the face of disasters. These
2013) at 12. actions commence with the warning of an oncoming
[5] Jaya V.S., “Disasters : A Challenge to Human threatening event or with the event itself if it occurs
Security” 16-39, at 34 in: Vishnu Konoorayar, Jaya without warnings.
V.S. (eds.) Disaster Management and Law (New Delhi [22] Mitigation means lessening the impact of hazards.
: Indian Law Institute, 2005). Mitigation refers to the efforts for reducing the actual
[6] UNISDR Terminology on Disaster Risk Reduction or probable effects of a disaster on people, structures,
(Geneva, Switzerland : UNISDR, 2009) at 17. economic and social system and the environment.
[7] Meera, Supra n. 2 at 139. [23] Rehabilitation is the action taken in the aftermath of a
[8] UNISDR, Supra n.6 at 30. disaster to enable basic services to resume functioning,
[9] Meera, Supra n. 2 at 136. assist, victims, self-help efforts to repair dwellings and
[10] Stephane Hallegatte, Valentine Przyusky, The community facilities and facilitate the revival of
Economics of Natural Disaster : Concepts and economic activities. Rehabilitation means setting the
Methods (The World Bank, Sustainable Development people back to their normal lives as far as possible
Network Office of the Chief Economist, 2010) Policy through well laid out plans.
Research Working Paper 5507, at 2. Available at - [24] Reconstruction means the action taken to reestablish a
http://econ.worldbank.org. (Accessed on 21.01.17). community after a period subsequent to disaster this
[11] Article 1 (6) of Tampere Convention on the Provision would include construction of permanent houses, full
of Telecommunication Resources for Disaster restoration of all services and complete resumption of
Mitigation and Relief Operations, June 18, 1998. pre-disaster state.
Volume 6 Issue 7, July 2017
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20175259 423
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
[25] Government of India, National Policy on Disaster
Management, 2009 (New Delhi : NDMA, 2009 ) at 7.
[26] Rakesh, Supra n. 1, at 105-109.
[27] The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
is an agency of the United States Department of
Homeland Security. The agency's primary purpose is
to coordinate the response to a disaster that has
occurred in the United States. Available at:
https://www.fema.gov/about-agency. (Accessed on
[28] Savindra, Supra n. 4 at 17,19.
[29] Ibidem.
[30] Biswaroop Das, “Some Aspects of Disaster Mitigation
and Management in India” (2002) Vol. XLVIII No.2,
Indian Journal of Public Administration 183 – 196, at
[31] Building Material and Technology Promotion Council
(BMTPC), “Disaster Mitigation and Vulnerability
Atlas of India – A Paradigm Shift from Post- Disaster
Reconstruction and Relief to Pre-Disaster Pro-Active
Approach” (New Delhi: Ministry of Urban
Development and Poverty Alleviation, 2001).
[32] Ibidem
[33] Das, Supra n. 30 at 187.
[34] Disaster Management Act 2005 was passed
[35] The 1st National Plan on Disaster Management was
released by PM Narendra Modi on May 2016 in New
Delhi. Available at
%20Disaster%20Management% 20Plan%
20May%202016.pdf. Assessed on 28.12.16
[36] Das, Supra n. 30 at 189.
[37] Ibidem.
[38] Id.
[39] Das, Supra n. 30 at 194.

Volume 6 Issue 7, July 2017

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20175259 424

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