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CFA level1-Mock-113

Questions 1~18 Relate to Ethics .................................................................................. 2

Questions 19~32 Relate to Quantitative analysis ...................................................... 7

Questions 33~44 Relate to Economics ...................................................................... 13

Questions 45~68 Relate to Financial Statement Analysis ....................................... 17

Questions 69~76 Relate to Corporate finance ......................................................... 28

Questions 77 ~88 Relate to Equity investment ........................................................ 31

Questions 89~94 Relate to Derivatives ..................................................................... 35

Questions 95~106 Relate to Fixed-income Analysis ................................................ 37

Questions 107~110 Relate to Alternative Investments ............................................ 41

Questions 111 ~120 Relate to Portfolio Management ............................................. 43

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CFA level1-Mock-113

Questions 1~18 Relate to Ethics

1. Correct answer: C.

Under Standard III(B)-Fair Dealing, members and candidates should disclose to clients and

prospective clients how they select accounts to participate in and how they determine the amount

of securities each account will buy or sell. Trade allocation procedures must be fair and equitable,

and disclosure of inequitable allocation methods does not relieve the member or candidate of this

obligation. All discretionary accounts should be treated in the same manner. Treating newer

accounts differently would be considered inequitable regardless of whether this policy is


CFA Level I

"Guidance for Standards I-VII," CFA Institute

Standard III(B)

2. Correct answer: B.

Members should disclose all matters that reasonably could be expected to impair the member's

objectivity as outlined in Standard I(B), and Standard VI(A).

CFA Level I

"Guidance for Standards I-VII," CFA Institute

Standard I(B), Standard VI(A)

3. Correct answer: C.

Although departing employees may not take employer property when departing, as the guidance

for Standard IV(A) – Loyalty outlines, the model Piedmont presented to his new employer was not

Branch's property. It was created by Piedmont prior to his employment with Branch. The model

was not created for Branch in the course of his employment, even though it was adopted by


CFA Level I

"Guidance for Standards I-VII," CFA Institute

Standard IV(A)

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CFA level1-Mock-113

4. Correct answer: C.

Prior to undertaking analysis with regard to expected returns, an adviser must determine the

suitability of an investment class, including whether it fits within the client's risk tolerance and

whether it is an allowable asset class as per the client's investment policy statement. Only after

these factors have been determined should she proceed, if appropriate, to analyze expected returns

to determine a particular investment recommendation.

CFA Level I

"Guidance for Standards I-VII," CFA Institute

Standard III(C)

5. Correct answer: A.

Standard VI (A) requires disclosure of conflicts but does not prohibit members from making

recommendations as long at the potential conflicts are appropriately disclosed.

CFA Level I

"Guidance for Standards I-VII," CFA Institute

Standard IV(A)

6. Correct answer: A.

Photocopying copyrighted material, regardless of the year of publication, is a violation of

Standard I(A) because copyrighted materials are protected by law. Candidates and members must

comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations and must not knowingly participate or

assist in a violation of laws.

CFA Level I

"Guidance for Standards I-VII," CFA Institute

Standard I(A)

7. Correct answer: C.

Composites (Standard IV – Composites) must be defined according to similar investment

objectives and/or strategies. Terminated portfolios must be included in the historical returns of

appropriate composites, and only fee-paying portfolios are to be included in composites.

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CFA level1-Mock-113

Non-discrectionary portfolios must not be included in a firm's composites.

CFA Level I

"Introduction to the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS)," CFA Institute

8. Correct answer: B.

Firms must provide investors with a comprehensive view of their performance in terms of risk and

returns, not just returns.

CFA Level I

―The GIPS Standards,‖ CFA Institute

Section: Overview

9. Correct answer: C.

Under Standard I(B), members and candidates must protect their independence and objectivity.

Agreeing to provide objective research coverage of a company does not constitute a violation of

this standard, provided the analyst writing the report is free to come up with his own independent

conclusion. Smith can agree to provide research coverage but cannot commit Granite's research

department to providing a favorable recommendation.

CFA Level I

"Guidance for Standards I-VII," CFA Institute

Standard I(B)

10. Correct answer: C.

A composite must include all actual fee-paying, discretionary portfolios managed in accordance

with the same investment mandate, objective, or strategy (Standard IV–Composites). By including

both the value and growth portfolios, the composite is made up of portfolios with different

investment mandates or strategies.

CFA Level I

"Introduction to the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS)"


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CFA level1-Mock-113

11. Correct answer: C.

Historically, the GIPS standards focused primarily on returns. In the spirit of fair representation

and full disclosure, and in order to provide investors with a more comprehensive view of a firm's

performance, the current GIPS standards includes new provisions related to risk.

CFA Level I

"The GIPS Standards," CFA Institute

Section: Overview

12. Correct answer: A.

Making full and fair disclosure of all matters that could reasonably be expected to impair one's

independence and objectivity or interfere with respective duties to one's clients is required by

Standard VI(A)–Disclosure of Conflicts.

CFA Level I

"Guidance for Standards I–VII"

Standard VI(A)–Disclosure of Conflicts

13. Correct answer: B.

Prior-clearance processes guard against potential and actual conflicts of interest; members are

required to abide by their employer's compliance procedures (Standard VI (B)).

CFA Level I

"Guidance for Standards I-VII," CFA Institute

Standard V(A), Standard VI(B)

14. Correct answer: B.

Jones has used the mosaic theory to combine nonmaterial, nonpublic information with material

public information.

CFA Level I

"Guidance for Standards I-VII," CFA Institute

Standard II(A) Material Nonpublic Information

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CFA level1-Mock-113

15. Correct answer: C.

Punishing abuse in the financial markets is not one of the six components of the Code of Ethics.

CFA Level I

―Code of Ethics,‖ CFA Institute

Section: The Code of Ethics

16. Correct answer: C.

After a firm presents a minimum of five years of GIPS-compliant performance, the firm must

present an additional year of performance each year, building up to a minimum of 10 years of

GIPS-compliant performance.

CFA Level I

"The GIPS Standards," CFA Institute

Section: Historical Performance Record

17. Correct answer: B.

Lan's actions do not violate Standard IV (A) – Duties to Employers. Lan does not use company

time to make arrangements for his new venture, nor does he misappropriate any information

(financial models or client contacts) from his former employer. All of Lan's actions are permissible

under Standard IV (A).

CFA Level I

"Guidance for Standards I-VII," CFA Institute

Standard IV(A)

18. Correct answer: A.

Members and candidates are required to disclose any compensation arrangement to their

employers that involves performing tasks or services that their employers can charge for.

Disclosure is required even if the activities occur during non-work hours.

CFA Level I

"Guidance for Standards I-VII," CFA Institute

Standard IV(A) Loyalty to Employer

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CFA level1-Mock-113

Questions 19~32 Relate to Quantitative analysis

19. Correct answer: A.

The EBIT-to-interest ratio is equal to 2.0 when the EBIT is $40 million. Given that the values

between $36 million and $48 million are equally likely, the probability of the ratio being equal to

or less than 2.0 is 33.3% (= [$40 million – $36 million]/[$48 million – $36 million]).

Consequently, the probability of the ratio being greater than 2.0 is 66.7% (i.e., 1 – Probability of

the ratio being equal to or less than 2.0).

CFA Level I

"Common Probability Distributions," Richard A. DeFusco, Dennis W. McLeavey, Jerald E. Pinto,

and David E. Runkle

Section 3.1

20. Correct answer: B.

First the outcome of interest, –0.40, is standardized for the given normal distribution:

Z = (X – µ)/σ = (–0.40 – 5.00)/2 = –2.70.

Then use the table to find the probability of a Z value being 2.70 standard deviations below the

mean (i.e., when z ≤ 0). The value is 1 – P(Z ≤ +2.70). In this problem, the solution is: 1 – 0.9965

= 0.0035 = 0.35%.

CFA Level I

"Common Probability Distributions," Richard A. DeFusco, Dennis W. McLeavey, Jerald E. Pinto,

and David E. Runkle

Section 3.2

21. Correct answer: B.

Because the screens are independent, the probability of passing all four simultaneously is the

product of their respective probabilities:

P(ABCD) = P(A) P(B) P(C) P(D),


P(A) = 0.65 and is the probability of passing Valuation Screen 1,

P(B) = 0.45 andis the probability of passing Valuation Screen 2,

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CFA level1-Mock-113

P(C) = 0.40 andis the probability of passing Valuation Screen 3,

P(D) = 0.30 and is the probability of passing Valuation Screen 4.

P(ABCD) = 0.65 × 0.45 × 0.40 × 0.30 = 0.0351.

Given 1,200 potential investments, approximately 1,200 × 0.0351 = 42.12 ~ 42 will pass the


CFA Level I

"Probability Concepts," Richard A. DeFusco, Dennis W. McLeavey, Jerald E. Pinto, and David E.


Section 2

"Financial Statement Analysis: Applications," Thomas R. Robinson, Jan Hendrik van Greuning,

Elaine Henry, and Michael A. Broihahn

Section 5

22. Correct answer: B.

Odds are calculated as P(Z)/[1 – P(Z)]. In this problem, 0.14/0.86 = 0.16279 ~ 0.163.

CFA Level I

"Probability Concepts," Richard A. DeFusco, Dennis W. McLeavey, Jerald E. Pinto, and David E.


Section 2

23. Correct answer: B.

Across two periods, there are four possibilities: an up move followed by an up move ($121.00 end

value), an up move followed by a down move ($101.20 end value), a down move followed by an

up move ($101.20 end value), and a down move followed by a down move ($84.64 end value).

The probability of an up move followed by a down move is 0.40 × 0.60 = 0.24. The probability of

a down move followed by an up move is 0.60 ×0.40, which also = 0.24. Both of these sequences

result in an end value of $101.20. Therefore, the probability of an end value of $101.20 is 48%.

Alternatively, the following formula could be used:

n 
pX   pX  x    p x 1  p  p x 1  p  Equation 1
n x n! n x

x  (n  x)! x!
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CFA level1-Mock-113


n = 2 (number of periods)

x = 1 (number of up moves: ud and du)

p = 0.40 (probability of an up move)

 2
p1   0.401 1  0.40 
2 1 2!
 0.401  0.61  2  0.40  0.60  0.48
1 2  1!1!
CFA Level I

―Common Probability Distributions,‖ Richard A. DeFusco, Dennis W. McLeavey, Jerald E. Pinto,

and David E. Runkle

Section 2.2

24. Correct answer: C.

The Sharp ration for a portfolio p ,based on historical returns, is defined as

Rp  Rf
Sn 

Where R p is the mean return to the portfolio, R f is the mean return to a risk-free asset, and

S p is the standard deviation of return on the portfolio. In this instance, 2 = (20% - 4%)/Sp ,

Solving for Sp : Sp  20%  4% / 2  8% . 
CFA Level I

"Statistical Concepts and Market Returns," Richard A. DeFusco, Dennis W. McLeavey, Jerald E.

Pinto, and David E. Runkle

Section 7.8

25. Correct answer: C.

A Type I error is the mistake of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is, in fact, true.

CFA Level I

"Hypothesis Testing," Richard A. DeFusco, Dennis W. McLeavey, Jerald E. Pinto, and David E.


Section 2

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CFA level1-Mock-113

26. Correct answer: A.

Using a financial calculator: N = 60; the discount rate, I/Y = (6.5%/12) = 0.54166667; PMT =

€1,200; Future value = €0; Mode = Begin; Calculate present value (PV): PV = €61,662.62.

Alternatively: Treat the stream as an ordinary annuity of 59 periods and add the current value of

€1,200 to the derived answer. Using a financial calculator: N = 59; the discount rate, I/Y =

(6.5%/12) = 0.54166667; PMT = €1,200; Future value = €0; Mode = End; Calculate PV: PV =

€60,462.62; Total PV = €1,200 + €60,462.62 = €61,662.62.

CFA Level I

"The Time Value of Money," Richard A. DeFusco, Dennis W. McLeavey, Jerald E. Pinto, and

David E. Runkle

Section 6.1

27. Correct answer: B.

A positive "hoped for" condition means that the null will be rejected (and the alternative accepted)

only if the evidence indicates that the population parameter is greater than θ0. Thus, H0: θ ≤ θ0

versus Ha: θ > θ0 is the correct statement of the null and alternative hypotheses, respectively.

CFA Level I

"Hypothesis Testing," Richard A. DeFusco, Dennis W. McLeavey, Jerald E. Pinto, and David E.


Section 2

28. Correct answer: B.

The covariance between Fund A and B, given the standard deviation of returns and the correlation

between the two funds, is calculated as :

CovR A ,R B    R A ,R B  R A  R B   0.80  7%  13%  0.00728 ,


 R A  and  R B  are the standard deviations of returns of Funds A and B, respectively,

 R A ,R B  is the correlation between the returns of Fund A and B.

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CFA level1-Mock-113

Then the portfolio standard deviation of returns is calculated as follows:

 R portfolio  W A2 2 R A   W B2 2 R B   2W AW B CovR A ,R B   0.5

Where W A and W B are the weights of Funds A and B in the portfolio

σ R portfolio  0.702 0.072  0.302 0.132  2  0.70  0.30  0.00728 
 8.35%

Alternatively , correlation is used directly in the formula for portfolio standard deviation:

 R portfolio  W A2 2 R A   W B2 2 R B   2W AW B  R A ,R B  R A  R B  

σ R portfolio  0.702 0.072  0.302 0.132  2  0.70  0.30  0.80  0.07  0.13  0.5

 8.35%

CFA Level I

"Probability Concepts," Richard A. DeFusco, Dennis W. McLeavey, Jerald E. Pinto, and David E.


Section 3

29. Correct answer: A.

Given that X and Y are independent, their joint probability is equal to the product of their

individual probabilities. In this case: P(XY) = P(X)P(Y) = 0.2 × 0.5 = 0.1.

CFA Level I

"Probability Concepts," Richard A. DeFusco, Dennis W. McLeavey, Jerald E. Pinto, and David E.


Section 2

30. Correct answer: B.

With a sample size of 10, there are 9 degrees of freedom. The confidence interval concept is based

on a two-tailed approach. For a 95% confidence interval, 2.5% of the distribution will be in each

tail. Thus, the correct t-statistic to use is 2.262. The confidence interval is calculated as:

X  t0.025S / n

Where X is the sample mean, s is the sample standard deviation, and n is the sample size. In this
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CFA level1-Mock-113

case: 6.25 ± 2.262 × 12/√10 = 6.25±8.58369 or –2.33 to 14.83.

CFA Level I

―Sampling and Estimation,‖ Richard A. DeFusco, Dennis W. McLeavey, Jerald E. Pinto, and

David E. Runkle

Section 4.2

31. Correct answer: B.

This scenario provides an example of a discrete random variable. The paired outcomes for the dice

are indicated in the following table. The outcome of the dice summing to six is the most likely to

occur of the three choices because it can occur in five different ways, whereas the summation to

five and nine can occur in only four different ways.

Summed Outcome Paired Outcomes (Die 1, Die 2) Possible Combinations

5 (1, 4), (2, 3), (3, 2), and (4, 1) 4

6 (1, 5), (2, 4), (3, 3), (4, 2), and (5, 1) 5

9 (3, 6), (4, 5), (5, 4), and (6, 3) 4

CFA Level I

"Common Probability Distributions," Richard A. DeFusco, Dennis W. McLeavey, Jerald E. Pinto,

and David E. Runkle

Section 2

32. Correct answer: A.

The two defining properties of a probability are as follows:

1. The probability of any Event E is a number between zero and one.

2. The sum of the probabilities of any set of mutually exclusive and exhaustive events equals one.

CFA Level I

"Probability Concepts," Richard A. DeFusco, Dennis W. McLeavey, Jerald E. Pinto, and David E.


Section 2

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CFA level1-Mock-113

Questions 33~44 Relate to Economics

33. Correct answer: B.

The loss in consumer surplus because of higher prices is represented by area E+F+G+H. This

exceeds the gains from producer surplus (E) and government revenues on imports (G). Hence the

net welfare effect to the country is a deadweight loss of [E+F+G+H] – [E] – [G] = F+H.

CFA Level 1

―Demand and Supply Analysis: Introduction,‖ Richard V. Eastin and Gary L. Arbogast, CFA

Sections 3.9, 3.10, 3.13

―International Trade and Capital Flows,‖ Usha Nair-Reichert, PhD, and Daniel Robert

Witschi, PhD, CFA

Section 3.1

34. Correct answer: C.

An increase in capacity utilization will cause an increase in aggregate demand through higher

investment and will increase GDP (economic expansion).

CFA Level I

"Aggregate Output, Prices, and Economic Growth," Paul R. Kutasovic and Richard G. Fritz

Section 3.3.1

35. Correct answer: C.

The Fisher effect states that the nominal interest rate is the sum of the real rate of interest and the

expected rate of inflation over a given time horizon. An increase in expected inflation will result in

a higher nominal rate.

CFA Level I

―Monetary and Fiscal Policy,‖ Andrew Clare and Stephen Thomas

Section 2.1.7

36. Correct answer: C.

The sum-of-value-added method involves summing the value added (or income created) at each

step in the production and distribution process.

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CFA level1-Mock-113

CFA Level I

"Aggregate Output, Prices, and Economic Growth," Paul R. Kutasovic and Richard G. Fritz

Section 2.1

37. Correct answer: C.

If both aggregate demand (AD) and aggregate

supply (AS) increase, real GDP will increase

but the impact on inflation is not clear unless

we know the magnitude of the changes because

an increase in AD will increase the price level,

whereas an increase in AS will decrease the

price level. If AD increases more than AS, the

price level will increase. If AS increases more

than AD, as depicted in the graph to the right,

the price level will decline.

CFA Level I

"Aggregate Output, Prices, and Economic Growth," Paul R. Kutasovic and Richard G. Fritz

Section 3.4.5

38. Correct answer: B.

Veblen goods violate the fundamental axioms of demand theory, whereas Giffen goods do not.

CFA Level I

"Demand and Supply Analysis: Consumer Demand," Richard V. Eastin and Gary L. Arbogast

Sections 6.4, 6.5

39. Correct answer: A.

A boom in the stock market increases the value of financial assets and household wealth. An

increase in household wealth increases consumer spending and shifts the aggregate demand curve
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CFA level1-Mock-113

to the right.

CFA Level I

"Aggregate Output, Prices, and Economic Growth," Paul R. Kutasovic and Richard G. Fritz

Section 3.3.1

40. Correct answer: B.

Initial Price Quantity Relationship

QDPizza = 11 0.70 PPizza + 0.009 $500 0.20 1.25 = 15.25 – 0.70 PPizza

Resulting Demand Curve: PPizza = 21.79 – 1.43 QDPizza

Price Quantity Relationship at New Income Level

QDPizza = 11 0.70 PPizza + 0.009 $700 - 0.20 1.25 = 17.05 – 0.70 PPizza ,

Resulting Demand Curve: PPizza = 24.36 – 1.43 QDPizza

The slope of her demand curve for pizza will still be -1.43 even with the higher income of $700

as the increase in income has shifted the demand curve outward and upward but has not affected

its slope.

CFA Level I

"Demand and Supply Analysis: Introduction," Richard V. Eastin and Gary L. Arbogast

Section 3.2

41. Correct answer: C.

If demand is elastic, a 1% reduction in price increases the quantity sold by more than 1%.

CFA Level I

"Demand and Supply Analysis: Introduction," Richard V. Eastin and Gary L. Arbogast

Section 4.1

42. Correct answer: C.

A recessionary gap arises when equilibrium GDP is below potential GDP. Decreased confidence

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CFA level1-Mock-113

lowers aggregate demand, which, in turn, leads to economic contractions. As demand declines,

companies reduce their workforce and the unemployment rate rises.

CFA Level I

"Aggregate Output, Prices, and Economic Growth," Paul R. Kutasovic and Richard G. Fritz

Section 3.4.2

43. Correct answer: A.

Consumer surplus arises when a consumer pays less for a good than the maximum price that she

or he was willing to pay for it. Consumer surplus is the value (or marginal benefit) of a good

minus the price paid for it, summed over the quantity bought. Because no consumer will (willingly)

pay a price greater than the marginal value or benefit, consumer surplus is always positive.

CFA Level I

"Demand and Supply Analysis: Introduction," Richard V. Eastin and Gary L. Arbogast

Section 3.9

44. Correct answer: A.

A Giffen good is an inferior good. All inferior goods have a negative income effect (less is

purchased as income rises). Although the substitution effect is always positive for all goods, for a

Giffen good, the income effect is so strong and so negative that it overpowers the substitution

effect. The result is that as its price declines, less of it is purchased; this relationship results in a

positively sloped individual demand curve. Therefore, it is least likely that the substitution effect

is negative.

CFA Level I

"Demand and Supply Analysis: Consumer Demand," Richard V. Eastin and Gary L. Arbogast

Sections 6.3, 6.4

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CFA level1-Mock-113

Questions 45~68 Relate to Financial Statement Analysis

45. Correct answer: A.

Common size statements offer a convenient way to compare companies of different magnitudes.

Company X reports better (higher) gross margin performance. Company Y reports better (higher)

operating margin performance.

Metric (common size) Company X Company Y Comparison

Sales 100% 100%

Cost of goods sold 51 53

Gross margin (GM) 49 47 X’s GM is higher

Administrative costs 17 15

Research & development expenses 13 12

Operating margin (OM) 19 20 Y’s OM is higher

CFA Level I

"Understanding Income Statements," Elaine Henry and Thomas R. Robinson

Section 7.1

46. Correct answer: A.

U.S. GAAP requires that long term contracts whose outcomes can be reliably measured should be

accounted for using the percentage-of-completion method, based on the stage of completion.

Under the original assumptions, the company would have recognized $15 million of revenue.

Calculations Under the Percentage-of-Completion Method

Costs incurred to date $12 million

Estimated total costs $32 million

% total costs incurred to date 37.5%

Total contract revenue $40 million

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CFA level1-Mock-113

% revenue to be recognized 37.5%

Current year revenue $15 million

Now that the company is unclear on the appropriate design and thus the cost, the outcome cannot

be reliably measured. The completed contract method is used. Under this approach, no revenue

($ 0) is recognized until the contract is substantially complete. The difference in reported revenue

under the two methods is: $15 million - $0 = $15 million.

CFA Level I

"Understanding Income Statements," Elaine Henry and Thomas R. Robinson

Section 3.2.1

47. Correct answer: B.

Whether the company sells or leases the asset, inventory will be reduced. For sales, the company

would report an accounts receivable classified as a current asset (assuming sales terms are not in

question). If the leases qualify as finance leases, then the company will report a lease receivable,

which is primarily long term. Therefore, compared with selling units outright, the company's

current assets are lower under leasing and its liquidity position will decrease.

CFA Level I

"Long-Lived Assets," Elaine Henry and Elizabeth A. Gordon

Section 9.2.2

"Non-Current (Long-Term) Liabilities," Elizabeth A. Gordon and Elaine Henry

Section 3.2.2

48. Correct answer: B.

The general journal records transactions in the order in which they occur (chronological order) and

is thus sorted by date.

CFA Level I

"Financial Reporting Mechanics," Thomas R. Robinson, Jan Hendrik van Greuning, Karen

O'Connor Rubsam, Elaine Henry, and Michael A. Broihahn

Section 6.1
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CFA level1-Mock-113

49. Correct answer: A.

The costs to include in inventories are all costs of purchase, costs of conversion, and other costs

incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location and condition. It does not include

abnormal waste costs or storage of finished product.

Cost ¥Millions

Purchase price 100,000

Minus trade discounts –5,000

Import duties 20,000

Shipping of raw materials to manufacturing facility 10,000

Manufacturing conversion costs 50,000

Total inventory costs 175,000

CFA Level I

―Inventories,‖ Michael A. Broihahn

Section 2

50. Correct answer: C.

If the leases were capitalized, both total assets and liabilities would increase by the present value

of the lease payments, as shown in the following table.

Present Value of Operating Lease Payments (€ Millions)

The lease commitments after 2019 are assumed to be the same as in 2019, so there are estimated

to be 240/80 = 3 additional payments.

The present value of the operating lease payments can be calculated as the sum of the present

values of two annuities-in-advance (PVAADV): a four-year annuity starting immediately

(beginning of 2015) and another four-year annuity starting in four years (2019)

Years Cash Flow ×Annuity-in-Advance Factor Discount Present Value

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CFA level1-Mock-113

by at Start of


2015 to 2018 130 × PVAADV (4 years, 6%) = 477.5 Not 477.5


2019 and 80 × PVAADV (4 years, 6%) = 293.8 at 2019 1 232.7

beyond 1.06 4

Total 710.2

PVAADV (4 years, 6%) by financial calculator: N = 4; I = 6; PMT = 1; Mode = BGN; Compute


Adjusted Long-Term Debt/Asset Ratio Calculation

Adjusted long-term debt 1,347 + 710 = 2,057

Adjusted total assets 20,097 + 710 = 20,807

Adjusted long-term debt/asset ratio 2,057/20,807 = 9.9%

Alternatively, the individual cash flows can be separately discounted.

Present Value of Operating Lease Payments (€ millions)

Year Cash Flow Cash Flow x PV Factor PV

0 130 130 × PV(0y, 6.0%) 130.0

1 130 130 × PV(1y, 6.0%) 122.6

2 130 130 × PV(2y, 6.0%) 115.7

3 130 130 × PV(3y, 6.0%) 109.1

4 80 80 × PV(4y, 6.0%) 63.3

Beyond 4 240/80 per year = 3 80 × PVA(3y, 6.0%) × PV(4y, 6.0%) 169.4


Total 710.1

PVA (3 years, 6%) by financial calculator: N = 3; I = 6; PMT = 1; Mode = END; Compute PV

CFA Level I

"Long-Lived Assets," Elaine Henry and Elizabeth A. Gordon

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CFA level1-Mock-113

Section 9.2.1

"Non-Current (Long-Term) Liabilities," Elizabeth A. Gordon and Elaine Henry

Section 3.2.1

51. Correct answer: C.

The IFRS Conceptual Framework specifies a number of general features underlying the

preparation of financial statements, including materiality and accrual basis. Matching is not one of

those general features; it is a general principle of expense recognition.

CFA Level I

"Financial Reporting Standards," Elaine Henry, Jan Hendrik van Greuning, and Thomas R.


Sections 5.5, 5.5.2

"Understanding Income Statements," Elaine Henry and Thomas R. Robinson

Section 4.1

52. Correct answer: A.

For a publicly traded firm in the United States, the auditor must express an opinion as to whether

the company's internal control system is in accordance with the Public Accounting Oversight

Board, under the Sarbanes–Oxley Act. The opinion is given either in a final paragraph in the

auditor's report or as a separate opinion.

CFA Level I

"Financial Statement Analysis: An Introduction," Elaine Henry and Thomas R. Robinson

Section 3.1.7

53. Correct answer: B.

The two fundamental qualitative characteristics that make financial information useful are

relevance and faithful representation. Materiality relates to the level of detail of the information

needed to achieve relevance.

CFA Level I

"Financial Reporting Standards," Elaine Henry, Jan Hendrik van Greuning, and Thomas R.
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CFA level1-Mock-113


Section 5.2

54. Correct answer: C.

Metric (£’000)

Ending retained earnings 821,000

Less: opening retained earnings (580,000)

Add back: dividends paid 60,000

Net income 301,000

Comprehensive income 246,000

OCI = Comprehensive income – net income 55,000 LOSS

CFA Level I

"Understanding Income Statements," Elaine Henry and Thomas R. Robinson

Section 8

55. Correct answer: B.

Because both the preferred shares and the bonds are dilutive, they should both be converted to

calculate the diluted EPS. Diluted EPS is the lowest possible value.

Basic EPS Diluted EPS: Diluted EPS: Diluted EPS:

Bond Converted Preferred Both

Converted Converted

Net income $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000

Preferred dividends –$20,000 –$20,000 0 0

After-tax cost of interest

8% × $80,000 × (1 – 0.40) $3,840 $3,840

Numerator $980,000 $983,840 $1,000,000 $1,003,840

Average common shares 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000


Preferred converted 10,000 10,000

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CFA level1-Mock-113

Bond converted 20,000 20,000

Denominator 100,000 120,000 110,000 130,000

EPS $9.80 $8.20 $9.09 $7.72

CFA Level I

―Understanding Income Statements,‖ Elaine Henry and Thomas R. Robinson

Sections 6.2, 6.3

56. Correct answer: A.

An effective framework should enhance the transparency of the underlying economics through the

financial statements; transparency arises through full disclosure and fair presentation.

CFA Level I

"Financial Reporting Standards," Elaine Henry, Jan Hendrik van Greuning and Thomas R.


Section 6.1

57. Correct answer: B.

The periodic and perpetual systems result in the same inventory and cost of goods sold values (and

thus gross profit margin) using both FIFO and specific identification valuation methods but not

always under LIFO.

CFA Level I

―Inventories,‖ Michael A. Broihahn

Section 3.6

58. Correct answer: C.

A liquidity-based presentation can be used when it provides information that is reliable and more

relevant. Entities that typically choose this format include banks.

CFA Level I

"Understanding Balance Sheets," Elaine Henry and Thomas R. Robinson

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CFA level1-Mock-113

Section 2.2, 2.3

59. Correct answer: B.

Relevance and faithful representation are the two fundamental qualitative characteristics that make

financial information useful, according to the IASB Conceptual Framework.

CFA Level I

"Financial Reporting Standards," Elaine Henry, Jan Hendrik van Greuning, and Thomas R.


Section 5.2

60. Correct answer: A.

Intangible assets with indefinite lives need to be tested for impairment at least annually. Property,

plant, and equipment (including land) and intangibles with finite lives are only tested if there has

been a significant change or other indication of impairment.

CFA Level I

―Understanding Balance Sheets,‖ Elaine Henry and Thomas R. Robinson

Sections 4.1, 4.3

―Long-Lived Assets,‖ Elaine Henry and Elizabeth A. Gordon

Sections 5.1, 5.2, 5.3

61. Correct answer: C.

In periods of rising prices, FIFO results in a higher inventory value and a lower cost of goods sold

and thus a higher net income. The higher net income increases return on sales. The higher reported

net income also increases retained earnings and thus results in a lower debt-to-equity ratio, not a

higher one. The combination of higher inventory and lower cost of goods sold (CGS) decreases

inventory turnover (CGS/Inventory).

CFA Level I

―Inventories,‖ Michael A. Broihahn

Sections 3.2, 3.3, 3.5, 3.7

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CFA level1-Mock-113

62. Correct answer: C.

There would be no effect on the accounting equation because the company has exchanged one

asset for another. Cash has decreased and office equipment, a capital asset, has increased.

CFA Level I

"Financial Reporting Mechanics," Thomas R. Robinson, Jan Hendrik van Greuning, Karen

O'Connor Rubsam, Elaine Henry, and Michael A. Broihahn

Section 4.2

63. Correct answer: B.

Under IFRS, the recovery of a previous write-down is limited to the amount of the original

write-down (€20,000) and is reported as a decrease in the cost of sales.

CFA Level I

―Inventories,‖ Michael A. Broihahn

Section 6

64. Correct answer: B.

The notes disclose information about the accounting policies, methods, and estimates used to

prepare the financial statements.

CFA Level I

"Financial Statement Analysis: An Introduction," Elaine Henry and Thomas R. Robinson

Section 3.1.5

65. Correct answer: C.

The used aircraft that the manufacturer buys and leases back are classified as operating leases. For

the lessor, these assets under operating leases would be classified in property, plant, and

equipment in capital assets and thus would lead to an increase in capital assets. With payments in

advance, there would be no lease receivable arising from the operating lease; long-term lease

receivables arise from financing leases, not operating leases. Although revenues will increase by

the lease payments, the leased assets are depreciated, and therefore EBIT will increase by the lease

payment received minus depreciation expense.

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CFA level1-Mock-113

CFA Level I

"Long-Lived Assets," Elaine Henry and Elizabeth A. Gordon

Section 9.2.2

"Non-Current (Long-Term) Liabilities," Elizabeth A. Gordon and Elaine Henry

Section 3.2

66. Correct answer: C.

The role of financial reporting is to provide information about the performance of a company, its

financial position, and changes in financial position that is useful to a wide range of users in

making economic decisions.

CFA Level I

"Financial Statement Analysis: An Introduction," Elaine Henry and Thomas R. Robinson

Sections 2, 3.1.7

67. Correct answer: A.

The statement about accrued expenses is correct. A valuation adjustment for an asset converts its

historical cost to current market value; accrued revenue arises when revenue has been earned but

not yet received.

CFA Level I

"Financial Reporting Mechanics," Thomas R. Robinson, Jan Hendrik van Greuning, Karen

O'Connor Rubsam, Elaine Henry, and Michael A. Broihahn

Section 5.1

68. Correct answer: A.

The expensing of the previously capitalized interest is a non-cash amount and does not affect cash

flow from operations. Under US GAAP, cash flow from operations is higher as a result of the

initial capitalizing of interest but not its subsequent expensing. If the interest had not been

capitalized, interest expense would have been greater and net income and cash from operations


CFA Level I
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CFA level1-Mock-113

"Long-Lived Assets," Elaine Henry and Elizabeth A. Gordon

Section 2.1

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CFA level1-Mock-113

Questions 69~76 Relate to Corporate finance

69. Correct answer: C.

The annual after-tax cost of debt is the after tax annual yield to maturity (YTM). Find the YTM by

using a financial calculator as follows:

Present value (PV) = –1,030.34; Future value (FV) = 1,000; N = 40 (20 × 2); Payment (PMT) = 31

(0.062 × 1,000 × ½); compute i.

i = 2.97 semiannually.

Annually, YTM = 2.97 × 2 = 5.94.

Therefore, the associated after-tax value = 0.0428 = 0.0594 × (1 – 0.28).

CFA Level I

―Cost of Capital,‖ Yves Courtois, Gene C. Lai, and Pamela Peterson Drake

Section 3.1.1

70. Correct answer: B.

The optimal capital budget occurs when the marginal cost of capital (MCC) intersects with (is

equal to) the investment opportunity schedule (IOS).

CFA Level I

"Cost of Capital," Yves Courtois, Gene C. Lai, and Pamela Peterson Drake

Section 2.3

71. Correct answer: C.

Note: 60% debt financing is equivalent to a debt-to-equity ratio of 1.50 = 0.60/(1 – 0.60).

βAsset = βEQ × {1/[1 + (1 – t)D/E)]} = 1.4/[1 + (1 – 0.35) × 1.5] = 0.7089.

CFA Level I

―Cost of Capital,‖ Yves Courtois, Gene C. Lai, and Pamela Peterson Drake

Section 4.1

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CFA level1-Mock-113

72. Correct answer: C.

Company A Company B Comparison

Net profit ROA 6.75 ÷1.50 11.25 ÷2.50 Same

margin Asset rurnover = 4.50% = 4.50%

Financial ROE 10.13 ÷6.75 16.88 ÷11.25 Same

leverage ROA = 1.50 = 1.50

In this instance, times interest earned can be found as the correct answer by process of eliminating

the other choices as potential correct answers. Keep in mind, however, that even when companies

have equal times interest earned ratios, it does not mean that the amount of interest expense is the

same for both because the companies may not be of equal size.

CFA Level I

―Financial Analysis Techniques,‖ by Elaine Henry, Thomas R. Robinson, and Jan Hendrik van


Sections 4.2–4.3

―Measures of Leverage,‖ by Pamela Peterson Drake, Raj Aggarwal, Cynthia Harrington, and

Adam Kobor

Section 3.4

73. Correct answer: A.

Renegotiating debt contracts is a secondary source of liquidity because it may affect the

company’s operating and/or financial positions.

CFA Level I

―Working Capital Management,‖ Edgar A. Norton, Jr., Kenneth L. Parkinson, and Pamela

Peterson Drake

Sections 2.1.1, 2.1.2

74. Correct answer: C.


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CFA level1-Mock-113

Financing costs are not included in a cash flow calculation but are considered in the calculation of

the discount rate.

CFA Level I

―Capital Budgeting,‖ John D. Stowe and Jacques R. Gagné

Section 3

75. Correct answer: A.

Use the following formula:

 D1 
re     g
 P0 1  f  
 $0.32 
0.1229     0.10
 $14.691  0.05 

D1 = Expected dividend

P0 = Current price

f = Flotation costs

g = Growth rate

CFA Level I,

―Cost of Capital,‖ Yves Courtois, Gene C. Lai, and Pamela Peterson Drake

Sections 3.3.2, 4.4

76. Correct answer: C.

The PI is: 1   1.026

CFA Level I,

―Capital Budgeting,‖ John D. Stowe and Jacques R. Gagné

Section 4.1, 4.6

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CFA level1-Mock-113

Questions 77 ~88 Relate to Equity investment

77. Correct answer: C.

Information-motivated traders expect to earn returns in excess of market returns because they

trade on securities they believe the market has over- or undervalued. Unlike pure investors, they

expect to earn a return on their information in addition to the normal return expected for bearing

risk. Excess returns are generated when the market recognizes and corrects the valuation error on

such a security.

CFA Level I

"Market Organization and Structure," Larry Harris

Section 2.1.6

78. Correct answer: A.

Fundamentally weighted indices generally will have a contrarian ―effect‖ in that the portfolio

weights will shift away from securities that have increased in relative value and toward securities

that have fallen in relative value whenever the portfolio is rebalanced.

CFA Level I

―Security Market Indices,‖ Paul D. Kaplan and Dorothy C. Kelly

Section 3.2.4

79. Correct answer: C.

Instruments that are infrequently traded and expensive to carry as inventory (e.g., very large

blocks of stock, real estate properties, fine art masterpieces, and liquor licenses) are executed in

brokered markets. Organizing order-driven markets for such instruments is not sensible because

too few traders would submit orders to them.

CFA Level I

―Market Organization and Structure,‖ Larry Harris

Section 8.2

80. Correct answer: B.

Behavioral biases in which investors tend to avoid realizing losses but, rather, seek to realize gains
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CFA level1-Mock-113

is the disposition effect.

CFA Level I

―Market Efficiency,‖ by W. Sean Cleary, Howard J. Atkinson, and Pamela Peterson Drake

Section 5.3

81. Correct answer: C.

Real estate securities qualify as alternative investments.

CFA Level I

"Market Organization and Structure," Larry Harris

Section 3.1

82. Correct answer: C.

Information availability (e.g., active financial news media or information regarding trading

activity and traded companies) and financial disclosure should promote or increase market


CFA Level I

"Market Efficiency," W. Sean Cleary, Howard J. Atkinson, and Pamela Peterson Drake

Section 2.3

83. Correct answer: A.

Compared with equity indices, the large number of fixed-income securities—combined with the

lack of liquidity of some securities—has made it more costly and difficult for investors to replicate

fixed-income indices and duplicate their performance.

CFA Level I

―Security Market Indices,‖ Paul D. Kaplan and Dorothy C. Kelly

Section 6.1

84. Correct answer: C.

Most forward contracts do not require an upfront cash outlay. Other hedging vehicles, such as

futures (which require margin accounts) and options (which must be purchased for a fee), do
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CFA level1-Mock-113

require upfront payments.

CFA Level I

"Market Organization and Structure," Larry Harris

Section 3.4.1

85. Correct answer: A.

An index provider will adjust the value of the divisor as necessary to avoid changes in the index

value that are unrelated to changes in the prices of constituent securities.

CFA Level I

"Security Market Indices," Paul D. Kaplan and Dorothy C. Kelly

Section 2

86. Correct answer: C.

Closed-end funds may trade at a premium (discount) to net asset value when investors believe that

the portfolio securities are undervalued (overvalued).

CFA Level I

"Market Organization and Structure," Larry Harris

Section 3.2.3

87. Correct answer: C.

Equal weighting assigns an equal weight to each constituent security at inception. Therefore, it is

the sum of the total return from each security divided by the number of securities in the portfolios.

Stock (P1 – P0 + D)/P0 Total Return (%)

A (37 – 40 + 2.00)/40 = –2.5

B (52 – 50 + 1.50)/50 = 7.00

C (34 – 30 + 0)/30 = 13.33

Portfolio return with equal weighting: 5.94

(–2.50 + 7.00 + 13.33)/3 =

CFA Level I

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CFA level1-Mock-113

―Security Market Indices,‖ Paul D. Kaplan and Dorothy C. Kelly

Section 3.2.2

88. Correct answer: B.

An embryonic industry is one that is just beginning to develop and is characterized by slow

growth, high prices, volumes not yet sufficient to achieve meaningful economies of scale,

developing distribution channels, and low brand loyalty because there is low customer awareness

of the industry’s product.

CFA Level I

―Introduction to Industry and Company Analysis,‖ Patrick W. Dorsey, Anthony M. Fiore, and Ian

Rossa O’Reilly


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CFA level1-Mock-113

Questions 89~94 Relate to Derivatives

89. Correct answer: B.

Given the formula for the value of a forward contract:

Vt T  St  F0 T 1  r 
 T t 

it follows that the value of the contract goes up as the price of the underlying goes up.

2015 CFA Level 1

―Basics of Derivative Pricing and Valuation,‖ Don M. Chance, CFA

Section 3.1.3

90. Correct answer: C.

One benefit of derivatives markets is information discovery. Implied volatility reveals information

about the risk of the underlying. Increases in implied volatility are an implication of increased

market uncertainty.

CFA Level I

―Derivative Markets and Instruments,‖ Don M. Chance

Section 5.2

91. Correct answer: A.

If the convenience yield is high, holding the underlying confers large benefits, thus the spot price

can exceed the forward price for a forward contract with a value of zero. Based on the formula

Vt 0 of zero, large

  T t 
Vt T   St   y   1  r   F0 T 1  r 
and an initial value

benefits explain why the spot price can exceed the forward price.

2015 CFA Level 1

―Basics of Derivative Pricing and Valuation,‖ Don M. Chance, CFA

Section 2.2.5

92. Correct answer: C.

A fiduciary call, defined as a long position in a call and in a risk-free bond, generates a payoff that

is equal to the market value of the asset if it expires in the money.

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CFA level1-Mock-113

CFA Level I

"Basics of Derivative Pricing and Valuation," Don M. Chance

Section 4.1.9

93. Correct answer: A.

Convenience yield is primarily associated with commodities and generally exists as a result of

difficulty in shorting the commodity or unusually tight supplies.

CFA Level I

"Basics of Derivative Pricing and Valuation," Don M. Chance

Section 2.2.5

94. Correct answer: A.

The forward price is the spot price compounded at the risk-free rate over the life of the contract.

Since Contract 2 has the longer life, compounding will lead to a larger value.

CFA Level I

"Basics of Derivative Pricing and Valuation," Don M. Chance

Section 3.1.2

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CFA level1-Mock-113

Questions 95~106 Relate to Fixed-income Analysis

95. Correct answer: A.

Because the security's coupon rate moves in the opposite direction (or inversely) from the risk-free

rate, it is an inverse floater. (Specifically, Coupon rate = 12.00% – 2 × Risk-free rate.)

CFA Level 1

"Fixed-Income Securities: Defining Elements," Moorad Choudhry and Stephen E. Wilcox

Section 4.2

96. Correct answer: B.

The size of the spread between the bid price and the ask price is the primary measure of market

liquidity of the issue. Market liquidity risk is the risk that the investor will have to sell a bond

below its indicated value. The wider the bid–ask spread, the greater the market liquidity risk.

CFA Level I

"Fundamentals of Credit Analysis," Christopher L. Gootkind

Section 2

97. Correct answer: B.

The forward and spot curves are interconnected to each other. The spot curve can be calculated

from the forward curve, and the forward curve can be calculated from the spot curve. Either curve

can be used to value fixed-rate bonds.

CFA Level I

"Introduction to Fixed-Income Valuation", James F. Adams and Donald J. Smith

Section 4

98. Correct answer: C.

The bond's PVBP is computed using PVBP 

PV   PV 
 

108.59  108.40
so,  0.095

CFA Level 1
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CFA level1-Mock-113

"Understanding Fixed-Income Risk and Return," James F. Adams and Donald J. Smith

Section 3.5

99. Correct answer: A.

When interest rates are low, the callable bond's price will not increase as much because the

presence of the call option will limit the price increase. Because the bond is likely to be called

when interest rates are falling, the embedded call option will reduce the effective duration of the


CFA Level 1

"Understanding Fixed-Income Risk and Return," James F. Adams and Donald J. Smith

Section 3.3

100. Correct answer: A.

An original issue discount tax provision allows the investor to increase the cost basis of the bond,

so when the bond matures, the investor faces no capital gain or loss.

CFA Level 1

"Fixed-Income Securities: Defining Elements," Moorad Choudhry and Stephen E. Wilcox

Section 3.3

101. Correct answer: B.

A spot rate is defined as the yield to maturity on a zero-coupon bond maturing at the date of that

cash flow.

CFA Level I

"Introduction to Fixed-Income Valuation," James F. Adams and Donald J. Smith

Section 2.4

102. Correct answer: A.

The duration gap is the bond's Macaulay duration minus the investment horizon, which is positive

in this case. A positive duration gap implies that the investor is currently exposed to the risk of

higher interest rates.

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CFA level1-Mock-113

CFA Level I

"Understanding Fixed-Income Risk and Return", James F. Adams and Donald J. Smith

Section 4.2

103. Correct answer: B.

Securitization allows banks to originate (or create) loans and the process results in a reduction in

the layers between borrowers and ultimate investors. The loans are repackaged into more complex,

not simpler, structures.

CFA Level I

"Introduction to Asset-Backed Securities", Frank J. Fabozzi

Section 2

104. Correct answer: B.

A callable bond exhibits negative convexity at low yield levels and positive convexity at high

yield levels.

CFA Level 1

"Understanding Fixed-Income Risk and Return," James F. Adams and Donald J. Smith

Section 3.6

105. Correct answer: A.

The value of a zero-coupon bond is,

Face value

1  r N
where r is the market discount rate per period and N is the number of evenly spaced periods to

maturity. The value of the zero-coupon bond is,

  $122.74
1  0.12 / 2 18 2

CFA Level I

"Introduction to Fixed-Income Valuation," James F. Adams and Donald J. Smith

Section 2.1
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CFA level1-Mock-113

106. Correct answer: A.

The bank does not have a claim against the borrower for the shortfall of $150,000 on the mortgage

balance outstanding relative to the proceeds received from the property's sale indicating that the

home mortgage is a non-recourse loan.

CFA Level I

"Introduction to Asset-Backed Securities", Frank J. Fabozzi

Section 4.5

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CFA level1-Mock-113

Questions 107~110 Relate to Alternative Investments

107. Correct answer: B.

The soft hurdle rate is surpassed, because the return of the fund is 10%. For that reason, the full

fee, based on the full performance, is due.

Management fee: 2% of $110 million = $2.2 million.

Incentive fee: 20% of $10 million = $2 million.

Total fees: $4.2 million.

Therefore, the fund assets at the end of the period after fees are $105.8 million. The return for the

investor is 5.8%.

2014 CFA Level I

"Introduction to Alternative Investments," by Terri Duhon, George Spentzos, and Scott D. Stewart

Section 3.3

108. Correct answer: C.

A limited partnership that takes long and short positions in publicly traded equity is one type of

hedge fund, a category of alternative assets.

CFA Level I

"Introduction to Alternative Investments," Terri Duhon, George Spentzos, and Scott D. Stewart

Section 2.1

109. Correct answer: C.

Real estate investment trusts (REITs) provide investors with indirect equity real estate exposure.

Real estate investment partnerships are a form of direct real estate equity investment. Commercial

mortgage-backed securities (CMBSs) provide investors with indirect debt investment

opportunities in real estate.

CFA Level I

"Introduction to Alternative Investments," Terri Duhon, George Spentzos, and Scott D. Stewart

Sections 5.1, 5.2

110. Correct answer: C.

【梦轩考资www.mxkaozi.com】 QQ106454842 专业提供CFA FRM全程高清视频+讲义

CFA level1-Mock-113

A master limited partnership (MLP) is publicly traded, whereas a private equity fund is not.

Therefore the MLP will have market pricing information to help with valuation. A brownfield

investment is an existing asset that likely has operational and financial history to aid in valuation;

whereas a greenfield investment is in new construction.

CFA Level I

"Introduction to Alternative Investments," Terri Duhon, George Spentzos, and Scott D. Stewart

Section 7

【梦轩考资www.mxkaozi.com】 QQ106454842 专业提供CFA FRM全程高清视频+讲义

CFA level1-Mock-113

Questions 111 ~120 Relate to Portfolio Management

111. Correct answer: C.

The statement is an absolute risk objective because it expresses a maximum loss in value with an

associated probability of loss.

CFA Level I

"Basics of Portfolio Planning and Construction," Alistair Byrne and Frank E. Smuddle

Section 2.2

112. Correct answer: C.

Because the estimated return on the stock is lower than the expected return using the CAPM, the

stock does not compensate the investor for the level of risk and so it is most likely overvalued.

CFA Level I

"Portfolio Risk and Return: Part II," Vijay Singal

Section 4.3

113. Correct answer: A.

For an investor who holds a fully diversified portfolio, the Treynor ratio and Jensen's alpha are the

appropriate portfolio performance measures. They are appropriate because in a fully diversified

portfolio, only systematic risk matters; both these metrics measure performance relative to beta or

systematic risk.

CFA Level I

"Portfolio Risk and Return: Part II," Vijay Singal

Section 4.3

114. Correct answer: A.

The Treynor ratio measures the return premium of a portfolio versus the risk-free asset relative to

the portfolio's beta, which is a measure of systematic risk.

CFA Level I

"Portfolio Risk and Return: Part II," Vijay Singal

Section 4.3.2
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CFA level1-Mock-113

115. Correct answer: A.

An organization with a strong competitive position can recover from losses more easily than one

with a weaker competitive positive. Therefore an organization's risk tolerance should reflect its

competitive position. An organization's size does not define the risks sources it faces or the

relative losses it can absorb; therefore it should not be reflected in its risk tolerance. Neither the

risk sources affecting an organization nor the size of the losses an organization can absorb are a

function of its perception of market stability.

CFA Level I

"Risk Management: An Introduction," Don M. Chance and Michael Edelson

Section 3.2

116. Correct answer: B.

i ,m  i
We first compute the firm’s beta using: i  The beta is:

i   1.6 The expected return is computed using:

E R i   R f  E R m   R f i So, E R i   0.06  0.081.6  18.8%

CFA Level I

―Portfolio Risk and Return: Part II,‖ Vijay Singal

Sections 3.2 and 4.2

117. Correct answer: C.

Investor B has a higher risk aversion coefficient, which means a lower risk tolerance and a lower

expected return on the capital allocation line.

CFA Level I

―Portfolio Risk and Return: Part I,‖ Vijay Singal

Section 3.3

【梦轩考资www.mxkaozi.com】 QQ106454842 专业提供CFA FRM全程高清视频+讲义

CFA level1-Mock-113

118. Correct answer: A.

A return-generating model based on such factors as earnings growth and cash flow generation is a

fundamental factor model.

CFA Level I

"Portfolio Risk and Return: Part II," Vijay Singal

Section 3.2.1

119. Correct answer: A.

Insurance companies need to be relatively conservative and liquid, given the necessity of paying

claims when due.

CFA Level I

"Portfolio Management: An Overview," Robert M. Conroy and Alistair Byrne

Section 3

120. Correct answer: B.

The standard deviation of a two-asset portfolio is given by the square root of the portfolio's


 p  w 12 12  w 22 22  2w 1w 2 1,2 1 2

Using this formula, the existing standard deviation is calculated as follows:

0.252  0.1792  0.752  0.0622  2  0.75  0.25  0.5  0.179  0.062  7.90%

CFA Level I

"Portfolio Risk and Return: Part I," Vijay Singal

Section 2.3.3


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