Intro To Political Science
Intro To Political Science
Intro To Political Science
Introduction and meanings of political science
Definitions of political science
Scope of political science
Utility of political science
Political science is an academic discipline that deals with the study of government and political
processes, institutions, and behaviours. Political science comes into the academic known as the
social sciences. Political science is inter-related with many other social sciences including
psychology, the study of the human mind and human behaviour; sociology, the study of society
and the relationships within it; communications, the study of the flow of discourse through
media; economics, the study of the allocation of resources; and history, chronology, analysis, and
interpretation of past events.
Political science studies the governments in all their forms and aspects, both theoretical and
practical. The discipline was once a branch of Philosophy. Nowadays it is typically considered a
well-organized discipline. The history of the discipline is virtually as long as that of humanity.
Its roots in the western tradition ae typically individuated in the works of Greeks like Plato and
"Political scientists may serve as advisers to specific politicians, or even run for office as
politicians themselves. Political scientists can be found working in governments, in political
parties or as civil servants. They may be involved with non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
or political movements. In a variety of capacities, people educated and trained in political science
can add value and expertise to corporations. Private enterprises such as think tanks, research
institutes, polling and public relations firms often employ political scientists." - According to
David Held has viewed political science as “practical activity about the discourse and struggle
over organization of human possibilities and in this sense Political science can be treated as a
study of power. The concept of power relates to the capacity of social agents and institutions.”
Political Science primarily studies the problems of the State and government. The state is defined
as a group of people organised for law within the definite territory. The State possesses four
characteristics, viz. Population, territory, government and sovereignty. Government is an agent
of the Stale. Political Science studies the activities of the State and explains the aims and
objectives of the State and government.
Political theory is a major branch of Political Science. Based on the political ideas or thoughts of
political thinkers, political theory formulates definitions or concepts like democracy, liberty,
equality, grounds of political obligation, etc. A student of Political Science must start his lessons
with political theory. The political theory explains the rudimentary concepts of Political Science.
It also includes the study of political philosophy.
The field of Political Science is rather vast. It includes the study of political institutions. This
covers a study of constitutions and comparative government, explains their merits and demerits,
their structure and working and arrives at different conclusions on a comparative basis. Besides,
the study of public administration and local government may be included in this area. These
institutions are useful to the nation and hence they are studied along with the State.
The study of political dynamics has become significant in the 20th century. It means the current
forces at work in government and politics. It covers a wide range and includes the study of
political parties, public opinion, pressure groups, lobbies, etc. A scientific study of the working
of these political dynamics helps to explain the political behaviour of individuals and different
groups. The study in this field is often done in collaboration with other social sciences like
sociology, anthropology and psychology.
5. A Study of Adjustment of the Individual with the State:
The scope of political science also includes a study of the nature of the relationship between the
individual and the State. It examines how a man should adjust himself with society. Man is the
root of politics. The process of adjustment of men with society is an important aspect of Political
Lastly, the scope of Political Science includes a study of international relations which has
become significant since the first quarter of the 20th century. It covers a wide range and includes
diplomacy, international politics, international law, international organisations like the United
Nations, etc. The States are the subjects of international law. International law has assumed
greater importance in recent times.
The above contents show the wide range of subjects that come under the fold of Political
Science. Political science in its Broad meaning deals with both empirical facts and philosophical
values. Questions of facts are concerned with "what is" and those dealing with values are
concerned with "what should be". The contents of political science fall in either of these two
broad categories.
Knowledge of Our Rights and Duties: A democratic government implies popular participation
in political processes such as elections. We should know our rights, especially the right to vote.
Our knowledge of political theory tells us that Right to Vote is not only a Right but a Duty as
well. The voters should choose the best men.
Political Theory Liberalizes the Outlook: By studying political theory, an individual may think
more logically about concepts such as equality, liberty and justice. Political theory teaches us to
be tolerant of other people's attitudes or beliefs. Liberty and Equality are not just abstract
concepts; these concepts reflect ideals that we should try to follow. An intelligent citizen is
committed to liberal ideals and civil liberties.
Politics essentially is the Art of the Possible: Limitations on any government exist and we all
can see them. A political system has to function under different kinds of compulsions and
constraints. Anything is possible in politics. An understanding of politics can be helpful in
appreciating factors which bring necessary changes in society.
A Growth in the Reasoning Powers of the Mind: A political concept is not merely a matter of
faith or belief; it develops through a lot of reasoning. Different ideologies (liberalism, Marxism
and socialism) have been subjected to verification and the political thinkers relied on 'facts' and
'practical experience'. Political theory generates a spirit of reasoning, which would help students
to make arguments or statements when they participate in debates.