Review of Maglev Train Technologies: IEEE Transactions On Magnetics August 2006

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Review of Maglev train technologies

Article  in  IEEE Transactions on Magnetics · August 2006

DOI: 10.1109/TMAG.2006.875842 · Source: IEEE Xplore

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3 authors, including:

ki-chan - Kim ju Lee

Hanbat National University Hanyang University


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Review of Maglev Train Technologies

Hyung-Woo Lee1, Ki-Chan Kim2, and Ju Lee2

Korea Railroad Research Institute, Uiwang 437-757, Korea

Department of Electrical Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul 133-791, Korea

This paper reviews and summarizes Maglev train technologies from an electrical engineering point of view and assimilates the results
of works over the past three decades carried out all over the world. Many researches and developments concerning the Maglev train have
been accomplished; however, they are not always easy to understand. The purpose of this paper is to make the Maglev train technologies
clear at a glance. Included are general understandings, technologies, and worldwide practical projects. Further research needs are also
Index Terms—EDS, EMS, Maglev train, magnetic guidance, magnetic levitation, magnetic propulsion.

LONG with the increase of population and expansion
A in living zones, automobiles and air services cannot
afford mass transit anymore. Accordingly, demands for in-
novative means of public transportation have increased. In
order to appropriately serve the public, such a new-generation
transportation system must meet certain requirements such
as rapidity, reliability, and safety. In addition, it should be
convenient, environment-friendly, low maintenance, compact,
light-weight, unattained, and suited to mass-transportation. The
magnetic levitation (Maglev) train is one of the best candidates
to satisfy those requirements. While a conventional train drives
forward by using friction between wheels and rails, the Maglev
train replaces wheels by electromagnets and levitates on the
guideway, producing propulsion force electromechanically
without any contact.
The Maglev train can be reasonably dated from 1934 when
Hermann Kemper of Germany patented it. Over the past few weather conditions. However, because there is no contact be-
decades since then, development of the Maglev train went tween rails and wheels in the Maglev train, the traction mo-
through the quickening period of the 1960s, the maturity of tors must provide not only propulsion but also braking forces
the 1970s–1980s, and the test period of the 1990s, finally by direct electromagnetic interaction with the rails. Secondly,
accomplishing practical public service in 2003 in Shanghai, the more weight, the more electric power is required to support
China [1]–[4]. the levitation force, and it is not suitable for freight. Thirdly,
Since the Maglev train looks to be a very promising solu- owing to the structure of the guideway, switching or branching
tion for the near future, many researchers have developed tech- off is currently difficult. Fourthly, it cannot be overlooked that
nologies such as the modeling and analysis of linear electric the magnetic field generated from the strong electromagnets for
machinery, superconductivity, permanent magnets, and so on levitation and propulsion has effects on the passenger compart-
[5]–[25]. ment. Without proper magnetic shielding, the magnetic field in
The Maglev train offers numerous advantages over the con- the passenger compartment will reach 0.09 T at floor level and
ventional wheel-on-rail system: 1) elimination of wheel and 0.04 T at seat level. Such fields are probably not harmful to
track wear providing a consequent reduction in maintenance human beings, but they may cause a certain amount of inconve-
costs [26]; 2) distributed weight-load reduces the construction nience. Shielding for passenger protection can be accomplished
costs of the guideway; 3) owing to its guideway, a Maglev train in several ways such as by putting iron between them, using the
will never be derailed [96]; 4) the absence of wheels removes Halbach magnet array that has a self-shielding characteristic,
much noise and vibration; 5) noncontact system prevents it from and so on. [27], [79].
slipping and sliding in operation; 6) achieves higher grades and Table I shows the comparison of Maglev and wheel-on-rail
curves in a smaller radius; 7) accomplishes acceleration and de- systems. In all aspects, Maglev is superior to a conventional
celeration quickly; 8) makes it possible to eliminate gear, cou- train. Table II represents the comparison of characteristics of the
pling, axles, bearings, and so on; 9) it is less susceptible to mass transportation systems provided by the Ministry of Trans-
portation in Japan. It is appreciable from the tables that the ten-
dency of global transportation is toward the Maglev train. Ac-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMAG.2006.875842 cordingly, it is necessary to be concerned and understand all
0018-9464/$20.00 © 2006 IEEE


Fig. 2. Electromagnetic suspension. (a) Levitation and guidance integrated. (b)

Levitation and guidance separated.

Fig. 3. Electrodynamic suspension. (a) Using permanent magnets. (b) Using

superconducting magnets.

Fig. 1. Comparison of support, guidance, and propulsion. (a) Wheel-on-rail not interfere with each other but the number of controllers in-
system. (b) Maglev system.
creases. The former is favorable for low-cost and low-speed op-
eration because the number of electromagnets and controllers
technologies including magnetic levitation, guidance, propul- is reduced and the guiding force is generated automatically by
sion, power supply, and so on. the difference of reluctance. The rating of electric power supply
of the integrated type is smaller than that of the separated type,
but as speed increases, the interference between levitation and
guidance increases and it is difficult to control levitation and
State-of-the-art Maglev train technologies are investigated. guidance simultaneously in the integrated type [29].
Fig. 1 illustrates the difference between the conventional train In general, EMS technology employs the use of electromag-
and the Maglev train. While the conventional train uses a rotary nets but nowadays, there are several reports concerning EMS
motor for propulsion and depends on the rail for guidance and technology using superconductivity, which is usually used for
support, the Maglev train gets propulsion force from a linear EDS technology [30]–[33]. Development of the high-tempera-
motor and utilizes electromagnets for guidance and support. ture superconductor creates an economical and strong magnetic
field as compared with the conventional electromagnets even
A. Levitation though it has some problems such as with the cooling system.
Typically, there are three types of levitation technologies: 2) Electrodynamic Suspension (EDS): While EMS uses
1) electromagnetic suspension; 2) electrodynamic suspension; attraction force, EDS uses repulsive force for the levitation
and 3) hybrid electromagnetic suspension. [34]–[46]. When the magnets attached on board move for-
1) Electromagnetic Suspension (EMS): The levitation is ac- ward on the inducing coils or conducting sheets located on
complished based on the magnetic attraction force between a the guideway, the induced currents flow through the coils or
guideway and electromagnets as shown in Fig. 2. This method- sheets and generate the magnetic field as shown in Fig. 3. The
ology is inherently unstable due to the characteristic of the mag- repulsive force between this magnetic field and the magnets
netic circuit [28]. Therefore, precise air-gap control is indis- levitates the vehicle. EDS is so stable magnetically that it is
pensable in order to maintain the uniform air gap. Because EMS unnecessary to control the air gap, which is around 100 mm,
is usually used in small air gaps like 10 mm, as the speed be- and so is very reliable for the variation of the load. Therefore,
comes higher, maintaining control becomes difficult. However, EDS is highly suitable for high-speed operation and freight.
EMS is easier than EDS technically (which will be mentioned However, this system needs sufficient speed to acquire enough
in Section II) and it is able to levitate by itself in zero or low induced currents for levitation and so, a wheel like a rubber tire
speeds (it is impossible with EDS type). is used below a certain speed (around 100 km/h).
In EMS, there are two types of levitation technologies: 1) the By the magnets, this EDS may be divided into two types
levitation and guidance integrated type such as Korean UTM such as the permanent magnet (PM) type and the supercon-
and Japanese HSST and 2) the levitation and guidance sepa- ducting magnet (SCM) type. For the PM type, the structure is
rated type such as German Transrapid. The latter is favorable very simple because there is no need for electric power supply.
for high-speed operation because levitation and guidance do The PM type is, however, used for small systems only because of

Fig. 6. Linear induction motor (LP type).

Fig. 4. Hybrid electromagnetic suspension.

Fig. 7. Linear synchronous motor (LP type).

Fig. 5. Concept of the linear motor from the rotary motor. the mechanical contact of components such as the screw, chain,
and gearbox.
1) Linear Induction Motor (LIM): The operating principle of
the absence of high-powered PMs. Nowadays, a novel PM such the LIM is identical to the induction motor. Space-time variant
as the Halbach Array, is introduced and considered for use in the magnetic fields are generated by the primary part across the air
Maglev train (Inductrack, USA). For the SCM type, the struc- gap and induce the electromotive force (EMF) in the secondary
ture is complex, in addition, quenching and evaporation of liquid part, a conducting sheet. This EMF generates the eddy currents,
helium, which are caused from the generated heat of the in- which interact with the air-gap flux and so produce the thrust
duced currents, may cause problems during operation [49]–[60]. force known as Lorenz’s force. There are two types as follows.
Hence, helium refrigerator is indispensable for making the SCM 1) Short primary type (SP): stator coils are on board and con-
operate. Nevertheless, the SCM type holds the world record of ducting sheets are on the guideway. 2) Long primary type (LP):
581 km/h in 2003 in Japan. stator coils are on the guideway and conducting sheets are on
3) Hybrid Electromagnetic Suspension (HEMS): In order to board as shown in Fig. 6.
reduce the electric power consumption in EMS, permanent mag- For the LP type, construction cost is much higher than SP type
nets are partly used with electromagnets as illustrated in Fig. 4 but it does not need any current collector for operation. In high
[61]–[67]. In a certain steady-state air gap, the magnetic field speeds, the LP type is usually used because transfer of energy
from the PM is able to support the vehicle by itself and the elec- using a current collector is difficult.
tric power for the electromagnets that control the air gap can In the case of the SP type, it is very easy to lay aluminum
be almost zero. However, HEMS requires a much bigger vari- sheets on the guideway and thereby reduce construction costs.
ation of the current’s amplitude as compared with EMS from However, the SP type has low energy efficiency because of the
the electromagnets’ point of view because the PM has the same drag force and leakage inductance caused from the end effect.
permeability as the air [68]. Secondly, the SP type cannot exceed around 300 km/h on ac-
count of the current collector. Therefore, the SP type LIM is
B. Propulsion generally applied for the low–medium speed Maglev trains such
The Maglev train receives its propulsion force from a linear as the Japanese HSST or Korean UTM.
motor, which is different from a conventional rotary motor; it 2) Linear Synchronous Motor (LSM): Unlike the LIM, the
does not use the mechanical coupling for the rectilinear move- LSM has a magnetic source within itself as shown in Fig. 7. In-
ment. Therefore, its structure is simple and robust as compared teraction between the magnetic field and armature currents pro-
with the rotary motor [69]–[71]. Fig. 5 shows the concept of duces the thrust force. The speed is controlled by the controller’s
the linear motor derived from the rotary motor. It is a conven- frequency. According to the field location, there are two types
tional rotary motor whose stator, rotor and windings have been equivalent to the LIM (LP and SP type).
cut open, flattened, and placed on the guideway. Even though Furthermore, there are another two types according to the
the operating principle is exactly the same as the rotary motor, magnetic field. One of them utilizes the electromagnets with
the linear motor has a finite length of a primary or secondary part iron-core (German Transrapid) and the other uses the super-
and it causes “end effect.” Moreover, the large air gap lowers the conducting magnets with air-core (Japanese MLX). High-speed
efficiency. Maglev trains prefer the LSM because it has a higher efficiency
However, the linear motor is superior to the rotary motor in and power factor than the LIM. The economical efficiency of
the case of rectilinear motion, because of the less significant the electric power consumption is very important for high-speed
amount of vibration and noise that are generated directly from operation.

Fig. 8. Propulsion-guidance coils used in Japanese MLU-002.

Fig. 10. LSM design of Transrapid. (Linear generator is inserted in the levita-
tion electromagnets).

D. Transfer of Energy to Vehicle

Even though all Maglev trains have batteries on their vehi-

Fig. 9. Levitation-guidance coils used in Japanese MLX.
cles, electric power supply from the ground side is necessary
for levitation, propulsion, on-board electrical equipment, bat-
tery recharging, etc. The transfer of energy all along the track
Neither the LSM nor the LIM requires sensor techniques for involves the use of a linear generator or a mechanical contact
their operation, and they are much alike in reliability and con- based on the operation speed.
trollability but, as mentioned above, either one can be chosen 1) Low–Medium Speed Operation: At low speeds up to 100
based on speed, construction costs, and so on. km/h, the Maglev train, generally, uses a mechanical contact
such as a pantograph. As has been pointed out, this is the reason
C. Guidance
why the SP type-LIM Maglev train is used for low–medium
The Maglev train is a noncontact system that requires a speed.
guiding force for the prevention of lateral displacement. As in 2) High-Speed Operation: At high speeds, the Maglev train
the case of levitation, the guidance is accomplished electrome- can no longer obtain power from the ground side by using a me-
chanically by magnetic repulsive force or magnetic attraction chanical contact. Therefore, high-speed Maglev trains use their
force [72]–[75]. own way to deliver the power to the vehicle from the ground
1) Using Magnetic Repulsive Force: As shown in Fig. 8, by [76], [77]. The German Transrapid train employs the use of
setting the propulsion coils on the left and right sides of the a linear generator that is integrated into the levitation electro-
guideway and connecting the coils, the induced electromotive magnets as demonstrated in Fig. 10. The linear generator de-
force (EMF) cancels out each other when the train runs in the rives power from the traveling electromagnetic field when the
center of the guideway. However, once a train runs nearer to one vehicle is in motion. The frequency of the generator windings
sidewall, currents flow through the coils by the EMF induced by is six times greater than the motor synchronous frequency. The
the distance difference. This produces the guiding force. linear generator is mechanically contact-free, as aspect that is
In the MLX, by connecting the corresponding levitation coils very positive for high-speed operation. However, fluctuation of
of both sidewalls as shown in Fig. 9, these coils work as a guide the induced voltage due to the unevenness of the airgap, and
system. When a train displaces laterally, circulating currents be- small magnitude of the induced voltage because of the minia-
tween these two coils are induced and this produces the guiding turized inducing coils can be a problem.
force. In the case of the Transrapid, lateral guidance electromag- For MLX, beside a gas turbine generator, two linear gener-
nets are attached in the side of the vehicle and reaction rails are ators are considered. The first one utilizes exclusive supercon-
on both sides of the guideway. Interaction between them keeps ducting coils (500 kA) and generator coils at the upper and lower
the vehicle centered laterally as shown in Fig. 12. sides as shown in Fig. 11(a). The second one utilizes generator
2) Using Magnetic Attraction Force: As indicated in Fig. 14, coils between superconducting coils and levitation-propulsion
magnetic attraction force is generated in the way to reduce the coils as shown in Fig. 11(b). Because the first one concentrates
reluctance and increase the inductance when the vehicle dis- in the nose and tail of the vehicle, it is called the concentra-
places laterally. Because energy tends to flow toward small re- tion-type. The second one is known as the distribution-type be-
luctance, this guides the vehicle centered laterally. Since guid- cause it is distributed along the vehicle[101].
ance is integrated with levitation, the interference between them With speed, these coils generate a variable flux in the upper
makes it difficult to run at high speeds. Therefore, guidance part of the levitation and guidance fixed coils. Consequently, the
using attraction force is used for low–medium speed operation lower part (generator coils) sees a variable flux, which crosses
such as the HSST or UTM. the air gap. The variable flux is coupled with on board generator



Fig. 11. Two types of the linear generators used in MLX. (a) Concentration-
type. (b) Distribution-type.

coils. In other words, a dc flux created by the on-board super-

conducting coils is transformed in an ac flux, on-board, via a
linear transformer [101].


Since the Maglev train has been studied and developed from
the 1960s, both German and Japanese Maglev trains have
reached industrial levels and test tracks are experienced. In the
1990s, the USA Inductrack, the Swiss Swissmetro, and Korea’s
UTM have been intensively studied and some component pro-
totypes have been built. The Transrapid in Shanghai, China and
the HSST (High Speed Surface Transport) in Nagoya, Japan,
have been in public service since December 2003 and March
2005, respectively. Some projects (Pittsburgh or Baltimore
in USA, Seoul in Korea, London in England, and so on) are
awaiting approval, and the Munich project in Germany was
approved in September 2003 with public service possible from
2009 [78]–[114].
Tables III and IV represent the types and characteristics of the
Maglev trains “in operation” and “in ready to use” states, respec-
tively. The EDS levitation-type Maglev trains such as the MLU,
MLX, and Inductrack, especially, need lateral and vertical wheel
bogies to guide the vehicle at low speeds (below 100 km/h).
There is one further thing that we cannot ignore. The MLX has
higher maximum speed than the Transrapid. For the Transrapid, Fig. 12. Transrapid [107].
the maximum synchronous frequency is 300 Hz, which corre-
sponds to limit of the power inverter. Such a limited frequency However, for the MLX, superconducting technology permits a
corresponds to a synchronous speed of around 500–550 km/h. higher pole pitch (1350 mm) than the Transrapid (258 mm) and

Fig. 13. Guideway of MLX [104].

Fig. 15. Development diagram of the global Maglev train.

The need for a new and better transportation system has en-
couraged many countries to be interested in and attempt to de-
velop the Maglev train. However, even though the Maglev train
has been studied and developed for approximately half a cen-
tury, only a few countries have the knowledge and expertise to
do so. This review paper tried to describe the present complete
system in detail and summarize foundational core technologies
of the Maglev train from an electrical engineering point of view.
It is certain that this review paper will be helpful for persons who
are interested in this matter to assimilate the Maglev train tech-
nologies including magnetic levitation, propulsion, guidance,
and power supply system.
It only remains to be said that besides core technologies, there
is still the need to obtain a better understanding of how various
Fig. 14. HSST. factors may influence the system. For example, the dynamic be-
havior of the vehicle with the influence of the guideway may
cause the mechanical dynamic resonance phenomena; air vibra-
a corresponding lower synchronous frequency, 72 Hz can make tion rattles the windows of buildings near tunnel portals when a
700 km/h, which is the speed goal of the Japanese train [101]. Maglev train enters or leaves a tunnel at high speed; the pas-
It is also notable that the low–medium speed Maglev train em- senger safety issue is not considered fully; vehicle vibration
ploys SP-LIM as its propulsion type. generated from the rough guideway construction also remains.
Figs. 12–14 illustrate the Transrapid, infrastructure of the And furthermore, cost-effectiveness is still undecided.
MLX, and the HSST system, respectively. Fig. 15 represents
the diagram of the development of the global Maglev trains in ACKNOWLEDGMENT
chronological order. The authors would like to thank Dr. Y. Lee and Dr. S. Lee,
Korea Railroad Research Institute (KRRI), for their support.
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[106] P. Holmer, “Faster than a speeding bullet train,” IEEE Spectrum, vol. Since 2005, he has been pursuing the Ph.D. degree in the Department of Elec-
40, no. 8, pp. 30–34, Aug. 2003. trical Engineering, Hanyang University.
[107] L. Yan, “Suggestion for selection of Maglev option for Bei- From 1998 to 2004, he was a Research Engineer at the Electro-Mechanical
jing-Shanghai high-speed line,” IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., Research Institute of Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. His research interests
vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 936–939, Jun. 2004. include design, analysis, testing and control of motor/generator for hybrid elec-
[108] tric vehicle, Maglev trains, and wind turbine.
[112] Ju Lee (M’96–SM’04) received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engi-
[113] neering from Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea, in 1986 and 1988 re-
[114] spectively, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Kyusyu Univer-
sity, Japan in 1997. His doctoral dissertation was on three-dimensional FEM
Manuscript received May 2, 2005; revised December 15, 2005. Corre- analysis of controlled-PM linear synchronous motors.
sponding author: H.-W. Lee (e-mail: [email protected]). Before joining Kyusyu University, he served as an Assistant Researcher at the
Agency for Defense Development (ADD) from 1989 to 1993. After receiving his
Ph.D. degree, he joined the Korea Railroad Research Institute (KRRI) in 1997
as a chief of a division, division on light subway systems. He joined Hanyang
University in September, 1997 and is currently an Assistant Professor of the
Division of Electrical Engineering. His main research interests include elec-
Hyung-Woo Lee (S’98–M’04) received the B.S. and M.S. degrees from tric machinery and its drives, electromagnetic field analysis, new transformation
Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea, in 1998 and 2000, respectively, and the systems such as hybrid electric vehicles (HEV), and high-speed electric trains
Ph.D. degree from Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, in 2003, all and standardization. He is also a consultant member of the technical society of
in electrical engineering. the Korean Government for the Korean MAGLEV (Magnetic Leviation) system.
In 2004, he was a Post-doctoral Research Assistant in the Department of The- He is also working with the university of Politechnica of Timisoara, Romania,
oretical and Applied Mechanics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. In 2005, he was in an international joint research project about electric machines and its drives.
a contract Professor at the BK division of Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea. Dr. Lee was awarded by the Japan Electric Society as the writer of the best
Since 2006, he has been a Senior Researcher at the Korea Railroad Research In- paper in 1995. He has been a member of the IEEE Industry Applications So-
stitute, Uiwang, Korea. His research interests include design, analysis and con- ciety, Magnetics Society, and Power Electronics Society. He has been a member
trol of motor/generator, power conversion systems, applications of motor drives of the editorial staff of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers since 1998
such as Maglev trains, robots, and modern renewable energy systems. and has also been a member of the editorial board of the International Journal of
Electrical Engineering since 2000. Also, he has been the Korea National Com-
mittee Secretary of the IEC/TC2 since 1999. He is a consultant member of EM,
KT, NT, standardization of rotary machines and research committee for new
Ki-Chan Kim (S’96) received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engi- technology movements. He is also a general manager of Human Resource De-
neering from Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea, in 1996 and 1998, respectively. velopment Center for Electric Machine and Devices (HCEM), Seoul, Korea.

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