The Most Significant MOSFET Parameters Impact in CMOS Inverter Switching Characteristics
The Most Significant MOSFET Parameters Impact in CMOS Inverter Switching Characteristics
The Most Significant MOSFET Parameters Impact in CMOS Inverter Switching Characteristics
II. THE ROLE OF THE COMPLEMENTARY MOSFET (NMOS AND n - number of identical stages (the CMOS inverters) connected
For transient response of the CMOS inverter have to In load capacitance expression are not included some of
determine the nature and the amount of parasitic capacitances parasitic capacitances shown in Fig. 3, because have no effect
associated with the complementary MOSFET transistors, on the dynamic behavior of the CMOS inverter. The factor 2
where their values are determined by layout geometries and the arises before parasitic capacitances Cgd,n and Cgd,p as result of
manufacturing processes. The most of these parasitic the Miller effect, which will have impact in CMOS inverter
capacitances are distributed, and for simplification the dynamic performance, or in time delays. This effect can
problem, we first combine into an equivalent lumped linear minimized if during design phase of the CMOS inverter, the
capacitance. parasitic capacitances Cdb of the complementary MOSFETs
The speed of the CMOS inverter operation is determined are minimized.
by propagation delay time of the CMOS inverter. To analyse
the switching operation of the CMOS inverter to determine its
delay time (or propagation delay time), there will be used
CMOS inverter with an equivalent lumped linear capacitance,
connected between the output node and ground, as in Fig. 2
[8], [9].
The propagation delay times can be found by using the state 1.6 Cl (6)
t PLH =
equation of the output node in the time domain with acceptable k pVDD
accuracy, as:
The inverter propagation delay time (tP) is defined as the
C o = iC = iD , p − iD ,n (2) average of propagation delay times:
For calculating the propagation delay time tPHL tP = (t PHL + t PLH ) (7)
(propagation delay time of the output voltage during high-to- 2
low transition), when the input voltage switches from low-to-
high, the NMOS transistor is turned on and it starts to The dynamic power dissipation has two components, the
discharge the equivalent load capacitance, whereas the PMOS first component is due of current which flows through the
transistor is cut off. After calculation depending on mode series of connection of NMOS and PMOS transistors, and
operation of the NMOS transistor (the NMOS transistor will current peaks is at the switching threshold voltage of CMOS
operates in the saturation region when the Vo>VOH - Vt0,n, inverter (for a symmetric case the threshold voltage of the
whereas for Vo ≤ VOH - Vt0,n the NMOS operates in the linear CMOS inverter is Vth = VDD/2). However, the second
region) of the CMOS inverter, and by combining these two component of dynamic power dissipation is more significant
separated intervals can be achieved the expression of the component, results from the current that flows in NMOS and
propagation delay [4]: PMOS transistors when the CMOS inverter is loaded by load
capacitance. Now if the CMOS inverter is switching by
periodic input voltage pluses with negligible rise and fall
Cl 2Vt 0, n 4(VDD − Vt 0, n ) (3)
t PHL = + ln − 1 times, the average dynamic power dissipation in CMOS
kn (VDD − Vt 0, n ) VDD − Vt 0, n VDD + VOL inverter will be:
kn V
I DD = (Vin − Vt 0, n ) 2 , ( Vt 0, n ≤ Vin ≤ DD ) (13)
2 2
kp VDD
I DD = (VDD − Vin − | Vt 0, p |) 2 , ( ≤ Vin ≤ VDD − | Vt 0, p | ) (14)
2 2
the value of the short- circuit current peak during the output Milaim Zabeli received the Dipl.Ing. (1994), (2006) and Ph.D (2012)
voltage transition of the CMOS inverter. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Prishtina, Faculty of
Electrical and Computer Engineering. He currently holds the position of
Associate Professor at the Faculty of Mechanical and Computer Engineering,
University of Mitrovica. His research interests are in the Digital Electronics,
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