Urdaneta City University College of Health Sciences Study Guide 1 Date

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Study Guide 1

Name: Marquez, Michelle D. Date:______

Block: block 4

ACTIVITY 1: Make a personal Reflection of the following questions below: Make your
portfolio on all your activities.

1. What roles do individual senior citizens play in your life?

- Mostly senior citizen assisting their children, taking on care responsibilities, doing there
daily work or activities. Their contributions in providing wisdom and advice to younger
generations and the society as a whole should be acknowledged.

2. How do you relate to and interact with older people?

- Respect is a must when interaction with older people. Using po and opo or ma’am and sir
when speaking also when they are speaking be patience and show that you are interested
what they are saying.

3. What role do they play in neighbourhoods?

ACTIVITY 2: Give the definition of terms;

1. Geriatrics- —from the Greek geras, meaning “old age,” geriatrics is the branch of
medicine that deals with the diseases and problems of old age
2. Gerontology- —from the Greek geron, meaning “old man,” gerontology is the
scientific study of the process of aging and the problems of aged persons; it includes
biologic, sociologic, psychological, and economic aspects.
3. Gerontologic Nursing- —this specialty of nursing involves assessing the health and
functional status of older adults, planning and implementing health care and services to
meet the identified needs, and evaluating the effectiveness of such care.
4. Gerontic Nursing- —this term was developed by Gunter and Estes in 1979 and is
meant to be more inclusive than geriatric or gerontologic nursing because it is not limited to
diseases or scientific principles.
5. Demography- is the science dealing with the distribution, density, and vital statistics
of human populations.
6. Ageism- is a term that was coined by Butler in 1969 to describe the deep and
profound prejudice in American society against older adults
7. Hospice- caring for dying persons and their families. Although many patients in
hospice are not elderly, the majority of the dying are older
8. Baby Boomers- the generations born between 1946 and 1964 – defined America in
the years after the Second World War.
9. Centenaria- person who has reached the age of 100 years
10. Demographic tidal wave- is one big reason for the nation's expected aging and the
eventual drop in natural population increase from births outpacing deaths. That wave is the
Baby Boomers, born between the end of World War Two and around the time of the
American invasion of The Beatles.
11. Foreign born- people are those born outside of their country of residence
12. Social Gerontology- is concerned mainly with the social aspects of aging versus the
biological or psychological.
13. Native–born-A U.S. citizen at birth
14. Older adult- describes a person who is 60 to 75 years of age, as defined by the
World Health Organization

15. Oldest old- refers to persons at the upper segment of the age pyramid.
16. Seniors- a person who is a specified number of years older than someone else.
17. Chronic Disease- a person who is a specified number of years older than someone
18. Geropharmacology- is the study of pharmacology as it relates to older adults. The
credential for a pharmacist certified in geropharmacology is CGP (certified geriatric
19. Geropsychology- is a branch of psychology concerned with helping older persons and
their families maintain wellbeing, overcome problems, and achieve maximum potential
during later life.
20. Gerontologist- -a person who studies old age.

ACTIVITY 3: Landmarks in the Development of Gerontological Nursing. Give the event of

each year.

1. 1902- American Journal of Nursing (AJN) publishes first geriatric article by an MD

2. 1904- AJN publishes first geriatric article by an RN
3. 1925- AJN considers geriatric nursing as a potential specialty Anonymous column
entitled “Care of the Aged” appears in AJN
4. 1950- First geriatric nursing textbook, Geriatric Nursing (Newton), published First
master’s thesis in geriatric nursing completed by Eleanor Pingrey Geriatrics becomes
a specialization in nursing
5. 1952- First geriatric nursing study published in Nursing Research
6. 1961- ANA recommends specialty group for geriatric nurses
7. 1962- ANA holds first National Nursing Meeting on Geriatric Nursing Practice 1966
ANA forms a geriatric nursing division First Gerontological Clinical Nurse Specialist
master’s program begins at Duke University
8. 1966- ANA forms a geriatric nursing division First Gerontological Clinical Nurse
Specialist master’s program begins at Duke University
9. 1968-First RN (Gunter) presents at the International Congress of Gerontology
10. 1970- ANA creates the Standards of Practice for Geriatric Nursing
11. 1973- ANA offers the first generalist certification in gerontological nursing (74 nurses
12. 1975-First nursing journal for the care of older adults published: Journal of
Gerontological Nursing by Slack, Inc. First nursing conference held at the
International Congress of Gerontology
13. 1976- ANA Geriatric Nursing Division changes name to Gerontological Nursing
Division ANA publishes Standards of Gerontological Nursing
14. 1977- Kellogg Foundation funds Geriatric Nurse Practitioner certificate education First
gerontological nursing track funded by the Division of Nursing at the University of
15. 1979- First national conference on gerontological nursing sponsored by the Journal of
Gerontological Nursing
16. 1980-First Robert Wood Johnson (RWJ) Foundation grants for health-impaired elders
given (eight in the United States)
17. 1981- First International Conference on Gerontological Nursing sponsored by the
International Council of Nursing (Los Angeles, California)
18. 1982- Development of RWJF Teaching-Nursing Home Program (five programs in the
United States)
19. 1983- First endowed university chair in gerontological nursing (Florence Cellar
Endowed Gerontological Nursing Chair) established at Case Western Reserve
20. 1984-National Gerontological Nursing Association (NGNA) established ANA Division
on Gerontological Nursing Practice becomes Council on Gerontological Nursing
21. 1986- National Association for Directors of Nursing Administration in Long Term Care
established ANA publishes Survey of Gerontological Nurses in Clinical Practice
22. 1987- ANA revises Standards and Scope of Gerontological Nursing Practice
23. 1988- First PhD program in gerontological nursing established (Case Western
Reserve University)
24. 1989- ANA certification established for Clinical Specialist in Gerontological Nursing
25. 1990- ANA establishes Division of Long Term Care within the Council of
Gerontological Nursing
26. 1992- Nurses Improving Care for Healthsystem Elders (NICHE) established at New
York University (NYU) Division of Nursing based on the HOPE programs
27. 1996- John A. Hartford Foundation Institute for Geriatric Nursing established at NYU
Division of Nursing NICHE administered through the John A. Hartford Foundation
Institute for Geriatric Nursing
28. 1998- ANA certification available for geriatric advanced practice nurses as geriatric
nurse practitioners or gerontological clinical nurse specialists
29. 2000- American Academy of Nursing, the John A. Hartford Foundation, and the NYU
Division of Nursing develop the Building Academic Geriatric Nursing Capacity
(BAGNC) program
30. 2002- American Nurses Foundation (ANF) and ANA fund the Nurse Competence in
Aging (NCA) joint venture with the John A. Hartford Foundation Institute for Geriatric
31. 2003-The John A. Hartford Foundation Institute for Geriatric Nursing, the American
Academy of Nursing, and the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN)
combine efforts to develop the Hartford Geriatric Nursing Initiative (HGNI)
32. 2004- American Nurses Credentialing Center’s first computerized generalist
certification exam is for the gerontological nurse
33. 2005- Journal of Gerontological Nursing celebrates 30 years
34. 2007- NICHE program at John A. Hartford Foundation Institute for Geriatric Nursing
at NYU receives additional funding from the Atlantic Philanthropies and U.S. Aging
35. 2008- Geriatric Nursing journal celebrates 30 years Journal of Gerontological Nursing
Research emerges

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