Types of Lighting Fixtures

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The ellipsoidal reflector spotlight combines an ellipsoidal reflector

ELLIPSOIDAL usually with either one step lens or two plano-convex lenses "belly-
REFLECTOR to-belly". In America, these fixtures are often referred to as "Lekos",
but that is actually the trade name of those ERSes manufactured
SPOTLIGHT originally by Century and subsequently by Strand. In the UK, they
are referred to as "profile spots".

Because the focal point of the lens system is just in front of the
aperture (or gate), an image of anything placed in the gate will be
projected by the lenses. Because the optics invert the projected
image, it will appear to be upside down and backwards.

ERSes typically have four framing shutters, which are used to shape
the beam of light. Because the projected image is inverted, pushing
in the left shutter will cut off the right side of the beam, pushing in
the top shutter will cut off the bottom of the beam, etc. A pattern
inserted in the gate is called a "template" or "gobo". Since the image
is inverted, gobos must be inserted into the fixture upside down and
ERSes are useful when you want:

 A sharp edge,
 A fixture which can be shuttered off scenery,
 A fixture which can project a pattern, and/or
 High intensity.

ERSes are typically available in fixed focal lengths, although zooms

are available. "Fixed focal length" means that you can not
significantly change the size of the beam other than by moving the
fixture nearer or farther, shuttering it, or using a gobo. ERSes are
usually described in one of two ways:

 By the lens(es) used in the fixture ("6x9", "6x12", etc.), or

 By their approximate field angle (40º, 19º, etc.)
Early ERSes had the lamp
housing mounted at a 45° angle
to the axis of the reflector and
lens train. Since this puts the
lamp on a radius of the primary
focal point, these fixtures are
referred to as radial ERSes.

More modern ERSes have the

lamp on the axis of the optical
system. These fixtures are
referred to as axial fixtures.

If the lamp of an ERS is out of

alignment — not precisely at the
primary focal point of the
reflector -- the fixture's
efficiency and the evenness of
the field are seriously impaired.

Fresnel-lensed spotlights are usually lighter and smaller than ERSes.

FRESNEL Fresnels have variable beam widths. Moving the lamp closer to the
LENS lens makes the field wider; moving the lamp away from the lens
makes the field smaller. Their widest beams are wider than the
SPOTLIGHT beams from all but the widest of ERSes. The light from a Fresnel is
very soft. The beam can be shaped by external "barndoors", but
cannot be cut as sharply as can the beams of ERSes. There are no
internal shutters; gobos are not useable with Fresnels. Some Fresnels
have oval beams.

Some Fresnels control the spot/flood setting with a sliding screw on

the bottom of the fixture; others use a crank.
Traditional Fresnels use spherical reflectors. Electronic Theatre
Controls' Source 4® PARnel, while designed as a replacement for the
Fresnel-lensed spotlight, has a different type of lens and reflector.

Fresnels are useful when you want:

 A soft edge, or
 The ability to vary the field width

The traditional PAR fixture is self-contained; the lamp,

PARABOLIC parabolic reflector, and lens are combined in one unit
ALUMINIZED and the instrument itself is little more than a can
holding the lamp. To change field size, you change the
REFLECTOR lamp. Typical field sizes are:

 Very Narrow Spot (VNSP)

 Narrow Spot (NSP)
 Medium Flood (MFL)
 Wide Flood (WFL)

PAR lamps are identified by their diameters, in eighths of an inch; a

PAR64, therefore, is 8" wide (because 64 eighths of an inch is 8").
Most of the larger PAR (PAR56 and PAR64) medium flood and
wide flood lamps have oval beams.

Recent products by Electronic Theatre Controls and Altman have

separate lamps and reflectors with interchangeable lenses; in addition
to the above field sizes, these newer fixtures have Extra Wide Flood
(XWFL) lenses, which produce round fields.

The MR16 and MR20 are 2" and 2-½" units (respectively) using
dichroic parabolic reflectors but (usually) no lens and
are often used for display work and for mounting in or
on scenic units. In the US & UK, they're referred to as
"birdies"...because they're "under PAR".

Dimmable color-mixing fixtures using Light-Emitting Diodes

LED represent a fairly new theatre technology. While in theory, they allow
FIXTURES the designer to mix any conceiveable color, in practice this is limited
by several factors, including the purity of the color produced by the
LEDS as well as their relative lack of intensity.
Various manufacturers have chosen different approaches to the
design of these fixtures; some use only the three primary colors,
while others have as many as 7 different colors of LEDs in each

LEDs are extremely efficient; one could conceiveably run an entire

show from 2 or 3 wall outlets. They produce relatively little heat, as
compared to conventional fixtures.

LED fixtures are manufactured as wide-dispersal, "wall-wash" type

architectural fixtures or as a more controllable, PAR-like instrument.
The Altman SpectraPAR TM (as well as certain products by other
manufacturers) is available in the same field sizes as conventional
PAR64s. Recently, we have seen LED fixtures capable of projecting
a hard-edged beam. These mimic the performance of ellipsoidal
reflector spotlights, complete with shutter cuts and the ability to
project gobos.

Increasingly, LED fixtures are being manufactured so as to generate

"white" (with either a "daylight" or a "tungsten" color balance) light.
While these still require color filters, the gels, due to the much lower
operating temperatures, do not burn out, and the fixtures require
much less electricity to operate, as well as dramatically lowering the
cost of air conditioning.

Plano-Convex spotlights use a spherical reflector and a plano-convex

PLANO- lens. As with a Fresnel, changing the distance between the lamp and
CONVEX the lens changes the width of the field, but a PC spot produces a
sharp-edged field.
In America, PC spots have long been considered to be obsolete, but
their use is very common in Europe and there is some evidence that
they may be regaining popularity once more in the United States.

A common variant of the PC spot exists called "pebble convex" or

"prism convex" in which the lens is stippled to give a less defined
beam, somewhat less diffused than that of a Fresnel, but still
significantly softer than that of an ERS.

The Svoboda is named for legendary designer Josef Svoboda, who

SVOBODA was searching for a way to create dramatic scenic effects using only
light. The Svoboda batten consists of 9 or 10 lamps and produces a
very bright, almost-parallel field. They are rarely seen in the US, but
are much more common in Europe.

A Linnebach projector is a lensless projection system with a

LINNEBACH transparent slide place at the end of a long body, with a lamp at the
PROJECTOR other end. Provides soft, impressionistic images. Rarely used today,
the Linnebach can be quite effective in the proper situation.

Floodlights produce a very soft, very wide field, typically without

SCOOPS AND lenses. Specialized floodlights combining two or more compartments
OTHER in one fixture are known as cyc lights, as they are usually used to
light cycloramas and other backdrops.
Striplights (also known as borderlights) are
STRIPLIGHTS compartmented fixtures designed for use as a
general wash of light, usually on cycloramas or
backdrops. They are usually available wired for
either three or four circuit operation with multiple
lamps per circuit. Striplights can use both gel and
glass roundels.

Followspots are fixtures designed to be manually

FOLLOWSPOTS operated, allowing the electrician to light a
performer, with an intense, controllable beam,
around the stage. A professional-quality
followspot will have a iris for controlling the size
of the beam, a dowser (a mechanical dimmer
which allows the operator to control the intensity
and to fade in and fade out the light), and a color
boomerang, which allows the operator to change
the color of the beam.

Followspots should be bright enough to "cut

through" the existing stage lighting. Often, theatres
have purchased followspots which are too weak
for the required throw; in these cases, the designer
is better off using an ellipsoidal reflector spotlight
with an iris installed.
While a detailed description of moving lights and
AUTOMATED FIXTURES other automatic fixtures would be too technical for
beginning lighting design students, below is an
overview of the most commonly-seen features:

 Moving Head (or Moving Yoke): These

units work by moving the entire fixture
body. Moving yoke fixtures may be "spot"
fixtures, which are more tightly controlled,
or "wash" fixtures, which are designed to
cover (usually using several fixtures) a
large area.
 Moving Mirror (or Scanner): The fixture
body is stationary and the light is reflected
by a mirror, which redirects the light by
panning and tilting.

Most automated fixtures have several features

which can be manipulated to create various effects.
The most common of these are:

 Pan: The movement of the field from side

to side. Many fixtures have two Pan
channels: one for coarse movement and
one for finer, more precise, settings.
 Tilt: The movement of the field up and
down. Again, many fixtures have two Tilt
 Color: Automated fixtures can change
colors in either of two ways:
o With dichroic filters mounted on a
color wheel. The user can select
only one of these colors at a time.
These colors may (or may not) be
o With dichroic filters in the
secondary colors -- Cyan, Yellow,
and Magenta. These can be
subtractively mixed incrementally
to create an infinite palette.
 Iris and/or Zoom: used to vary the
diameter of the beam
 Gobo: Mounted on a wheel. Some fixtures
have more than one gobo wheel, allowing
the user to overlap two gobos. Some of
these gobos may be continuously
 Intensity: May be controlled
electronically, in the case of fixtures using
incandescent lamps, or mechanically, in
the case of fixtures using gas-discharge
 Shutter: Used to "strobe" the beam.

Other features which are found on many moving

lights include prisms, distorted glass, and motor

Several companies make accessories which are

designed to add moving-light functionality to
conventional, static, fixtures.

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