SPE-24978-MS Offshore Amorphous Silica

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SPE 24978

Preventing Shallow Gas Migration in Offs Societyof Petroleum Engineers

The Performance of Lead Cements

O.D. Coker, Phillips Petroleum Co. Norway; K.L. Harris, Halliburton Mfg. & Services Ltd.;
and T.A. Williams, Halliburton Oilfield Services
SPE Members

Copyright 1992, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

This paper was prepared for presentation at the European Petroleum Conference held in Cannes, France, 16-18 November 1992.

This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of Information contained in an abstract submitted by the author@). Contents of the paper,
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of Petroleum Engineers. Permissionto copy is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words. Illustrations may not be copied. The abstract should contain conspicuous acknowledgment
of where and by whom the paper is presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O. Box 833836. Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U S A . Telex, 163245 SPEUT.

ABSTRACT the zones covered by the primary cement. It also

may help prevent more severe consequences such as
Offshore drilling operations that encounter shallow loss of well control, collapsed casing, and well
gas formations must consider the potential annular abandonment.
gas flow that may occur following primary
cementing. Many specialized cements and Although the issue of annular gas flow has been
procedures have been developed to combat gas extensively researched by operators and service
migration, but the complexities of gas migration companies for the past three decades, many
control still challenge operators worldwide. In unanswered questions still remain. This is true not
offshore shallow environments, additional only because of the complexity of gas migration
complications can arise with the presence of weak theory, but also in part because of the several routes
formations and cold temperatures. In such gas may travel. Industry theories note potential flow
conditions, lightweight lead cements are employed to paths may occur-
avoid fracturing the wellbore. Although lead cements
are often viewed simply as "filler" materials, shallow 1) along the formationlcement interface
gas control slurries must far exceed that role as they 2) along the casinglcement interface
become the mechanism to help isolate the movement 3) through unset cement by percolation of gas
of gas up the annulus. bubbles
4) through the microstructure of unset cement
Presented in this paper is a review of the properties 5) through channels in unset cement
of gas control cementing systems specifically related 6) through unset cement in underbalanced "blowout"
to lightweight lead slurries. The importance of fluid conditions
loss control, rapid gelation, and compressive strength 7) through cracks, channels, or permeability in set
at the time of drillout is stressed. Silica fume cement cement
and newer cementing additives such as colloidal silica 8) through any combination of the above.
and small particle cement are highlighted as means of
helping prevent shallow gas migration. Several Determining the mechanism of gas migration specific
offshore cementing operations are documented which to offshore shallow formations is no less complex. In
confirm the success of applying the prescribed fact, since lightweight lead cements are most always
designs and methods. used, and low temperature conditions that inhibit
cement performance are usually present, preventing
INTRODUCTION shallow gas migration can become a very challenging
Preventing gas migration by means of successful
primary cementing has great value in the construction In response to the specific problem of shallow gas in
of a well. It may eliminate the time and cost for the North Sea, a gastight cement1 (silica fume
remedial cementing and provide a safe working cement) was developed and applied in the late 1980's.
environment absent of percolating or vented gas from More recently, colloidal silicas and high fineness

cements have been similarly applied in low density such variations could cause certain portions of the
slumes. An integration of widely accepted gas cement column above the gas zone to gel more
control properties, these lightweight cements (referred quickly than cement across the gas zone. A gelled
to herein as Gastight Lead Cement [GLC]) attempt to cement "plug" restricts hydrostatic transmission to the
arrest gas movement along each potential path of formation, thus promoting the influx of gas.
flow. Successfully applied in many offshore waters,
GLC not only provides a way to minimize shallow To help achieve a properly mixed cement slurry and
gas migration, but also offers insight into obtaining help avoid such occurrences, automatic density
better zonal isolation in all wells. control mixing units were introduced in the late
1980's. Automatic density control, together with
DRILLING FLUID DISPLACEMENT adequate mixing energy applied to the slurry, has
increased slurry consistency over conventional
To isolate formations and help prevent gas movement on-the-fly mixers and will help maintain the high
along the wellbore-cement sheath interface, the first quality performance properties of GLC.6
step prerequisite to GLC is the proper removal of
drilling fluid from the wellbore. The importance of GASTIGHT LEAD CEMENT (GLC)
drilling fluid removal in the cementing process is
clearly understood but in shallow casing scenarios
's3 As previously mentioned, it is the intent of GLC to
the condition of the wellbore may sometimes be help stop gas migration at each potential flow route.
overlooked. It is obvious, however, that drilling To achieve this goal, GLC slurry designs incorporate
fluid left in the hole could serve as a conduit for gas various cementing additives, listed in Table 1, each
flow, nullifying the performance of any gas control with basic function(s) to enhance desirable gastight
cement slurry. The efficiency of drilling fluid performance properties. Those key properties, which
displacement can be increased in many ways include low fluid loss, rapid gel strength, zero free
including proper mud conditioning, using adequate water, low permeability, high early compressive
spacer fluids, centralizing the casing, pumping at high strength, and adequate waiting-on-cement (WOC)
rates, and moving the casing during circulation and time, are more fully described in the following
cement placement. 43s sections.


For the purposes of this paper, a lightweight lead Low fluid loss properties help attack gas flow at all
cement is defined as a cement slurry exhibiting a potential routes through the unset cement column.
specific gravity less than 1.7 that is placed in the After cement slurry is placed in the wellbore, low
wellbore to reduce hydrostatic pressures or costs in fluid loss helps lower overall volume losses in the
the construction of the wellbore. annulus. In turn, minimizing volume losses helps
maintain overbalance hydrostatic pressure across the
A consistent control on lightweight slurry density is formation that helps keep gas from entering the
important for several reasons. A slurry that is too wellbore. When overbalance pressure is eventually
heavy may result in formation breakdown and lost as a result of cement gelation,' low fluid loss
potential loss of the cement column. Conversely, a cements allow only small volumes of formation gas
slurry that is mixed below desired density may not be to enter the annulus. Less gas present in the annulus
capable of maintaining hydrostatic control and result lowers the chance for migration to occur.
in immediate gas flow. Also, if the slurry density is
not accurate, there may be major effects on key gas To help achieve "gastight" properties, it is
control parameters including slurry viscosity, free recommended that fluid loss values,= determined by
water, transition time, and compressive strength. For API Spec 10, be kept below 100 ccI30 min, and
a lightweight slurry, a variation in slurry density of more preferably below 50 cc130 min tested at a
only 0.3 lb/gal may affect both compressive strength pressure differential of 1000 psi. This can be
development and slurry viscosity values by more than achieved through a variety of fluid loss control
30%.6 With respect to changes in slurry viscosity, additives. Certain additives perform more efficiently

in low density slurries and testing should be shallow applications, a settling slurry causes changes
conducted to determine the best design. in slurry density and a potential problem with
Consideration should also be given to the effect of hydrostatic control. Also, a column with free water
fluid loss additives on other gas control properties may encourage gas migration by forming "stringers"
that are key to the success of the GLC. of water in the cement column which may serve as
conduits for gas flow.
Although fluid loss additives will minimize annular
volume losses, they will not eliminate volume losses Theoretically, another potential path of gas flow is
completely (hydration volume reduction, e.g.1. That through the interstitial water between the grains of
truth, combined with the fact that cement gelation unset cement.12*" Although large amounts of gas
will reduce hydrostatic pressure across the gas flow are unlikely to occur through the gelled cement
formation, means that it is practically impossible to "matrix," GLCt4incorporates properties to minimize
prevent some amount of gas from entering the cement the chance of intrusion of gas. Again, it is
column. When this occurs, one potential route of gas amorphous silica's ultrafine particles that fill the
migration will be the percolation of gas bubbles channels between cement grains and provide the agent
through the unset cement. A well documented means needed to help block this potential path of migration.
of helping prevent this type of gas flow is to obtain Latex materials have also been touted for this
rapid gelation of the cement slurry; this arrests property, however, for shallow gas control
buoyant gas bubbles from their upward m o ~ e m e n t . ~ , ~ applications, any adverse effect on compressive
After cement is placed in the annulus, if it can strength development must be considered.
quickly gel from 100 lbf 100 ft2 static gel strength to
500 lbI100 ft2 (often referred to as the cement slurry Another method of effecting interstitial gas flow at
transition), then it is viewed as favorable for particular points in the cement column is the use of
restricting gas percolation through the unset cement. an openhole external casing packer (ECP). By
In GLC, a transition time less than 30 minutes is inflating a packer element across the annular
recommended. clearance and against the formation, a rubber
membrane provides a barrier that can block gas
To achieve adequate transition times, GLC movement through the unset cement. A proper seal
incorporates an amorphous silica material of high against the formation may also help stop flow of gas
fineness. Amorphous silica is a very important along the formation-cement sheath interface.
ingredient in the anti-gas cement design, since it not Although obtaining an adequate seal using ECPs has
only catalyzes rapid gelation, but also enhances fluid been difficult in several applications, success rates are
loss control, lowers slurry "permeability," and reportedly increasing in some areas. A recently
increases early compressive strength development. It developed, mechanically set packer that does not rely
also serves as GLC's "lightweight" additive since it on the inflation process was used in seven shallow
binds excess water to promote slurry stability and gas situations in the Gulf of Mexico and successfully
minimal free water while maintaining beneficial eliminated surface gas in each operation."
slurry rheologies. Amorphous silica's "gastight"
characteristics have been duly recognized over the COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH - SHEAR BOND
past few years,'~'~J'and its multi-faceted role in STRENGTH
shallow gas applications continues to prove
beneficial. The competency of a cement design is often measured
by compressive strength. A compressive strength of
ZERO FREE WATER 250 to 500 psi is generally considered acceptable for
the purposes of drilling ahead.I6 Higher compressive
The extensive surface area of amorphous silica serves strength usually correlates to higher shear bond
as a means to help control free water and settling strength" which is important in restricting gas flow
tendencies. This property is considered an important at the cement-casing and cement-formation interfaces.
parameter in helping prevent gas flow, and especially It is therefore important for GLC to provide a cement
critical in deviated well condition^.'^ In straight-hole

slurry that develops the highest early compressive displays the difference in compressive strengths
strength that can be safely placed in the well. between such temperature extremes for a few lead
cement compositions. It can be noted that while tests
Shear bond strengths can also be enhanced by show adequate compressive strength at 90°F in 24 hr,
additional means. Expanding cement additives may cement that is placed and cured close to surface
provide significant increases in shear bond strength temperatures (40°F)may have no strength to handle
and can be con~idered.'~ Another means of the stresses of drillout until 48 to 96 hr.
enhancing shear bond strength is by increasing the
bonding characteristics of the casing surface. This Although this factor is sometimes overlooked, its
may be achieved through various methods. Roughing importance cannot be overstated. If gas enters the
the surface via sandblasting will increase shear bond wellbore, begins to migrate, but is arrested by means
strength. Also the use of surfactants to achieve better of cement gelation, then gas control is deemed
casing wettability may serve to increase bonding. successful. However, if the cement is not adequately
set when drillout occurs, then a new pathway along
Compressive strength retrogression (and the cement-casing interface can be formed that
corresponding shear bond strength retrogression) is connects with the original path created through the-
another factor that must be investigated if the cement. The end result of the combination of these
complete wellbore is going to eventually encounter two paths would be gas flow to surface.
high temperatures. Drilling fluid circulating
temperatures or well flowing temperatures greater The reality of this potential situation can be seen in a
than 230°F can be detrimental to shallow casing brief survey of 11 liner cementing operations
cement. Unless the shallow casings were cemented performed in a deep gas field. As shown in Table 3,
with lightweight slurries containing crystalline silica gas flow after cementing was apparent in four wells.
(amorphous silica alone may not be acceptable), the In the same field, seven wells were successfully
cement sheath's compressive strength may retrogress cemented without gas flow, The one common thread
and result in cracks or fissures through which gas can that connects all four failures is the lack of
flow. compressive strength at the time of drillout.
Conversely, all seven successes exhibited adequate
WAITING-ON-CEMENT (WOC) TIME compressive strengths at the top of liner. To further
illustrate, Wells 10 and 11 were cemented with
If a compressive strength of 250 to 500 psi is "identical" slurry compositions that exhibited similar
accepted as adequate for the purpose of drilling out compressive strength development. After
and maintaining cement-casing bond, a remaining cementation and driIlout, Well 10 experienced gas
question must be considered: At what point in the flow and Well 11 did not. The major difference
annulus should the compressive strength value be between the two operations that had an obvious and
determined? If adequate compressive strength is pronounced effect was WOC time. Well 10 was
obtained by the tail slurry, does this reflect the drilled out in 18 hr when the cement had very low
capability of the lead cement to withstand the compressive strength. Well 11 was drilled out in 41
mechanical disturbances of drillout? Obviously, it hr after the cement was allowed an extended curing
does not. Since the lightweight slurry surely develops time to properly set along the entire length of the
strength more slowly than the densified slurry, it liner.
would also need to be tested for competency.
Likewise, if the lead cement slurry exhibits NORTH SEA FIELD OPERATIONS
compressive strength of 250 to 500 psi at bottom hole
static temperature (BHST), the integrity of the cement In certain areas of the North Sea, potential gas flow
may still be inadequate at points higher in the annulus may often be present behind several strings of casing
where temperatures are colder. in the well. Shallow gas migration becomes just one
of the many challenges that operators face.
In North Sea shallow cementing operations, curing
temperatures may range from 100°F' at TD to In the past, the intent of many shallow gas operations
approximately 40°F at the sea floor. Table 2 was to keep slurry designs simple and avoid the use

of exotic additives and procedures. A lightweight Well Data:

lead slurry design might only consist of cement, Casing Size 20 in.
water, an extender such as bentonite, and an Hole Size 26 in.
accelerator. As these basic slumes have become Casing Depth (subsea) 2469 R. MD
more suspect to failure, various changes such as 2409 R. TVD
application of better drilling fluid displacement Water Depth 236 R.
practices or alterations in slurry performance BHST 94°F
properties have been implemented. BHCT 86°F
Drilling Fluid Seawater
GLC slurries, initially applied in offshore operations Gas Zone Depth 1860 ft.
in the late 1980's,' have experienced a high rate of Previous Casing Depth 592 ! I .
success in minimizing gas migration problems. To Top-of-Cement Seabed
Openhole Excess 75% Lead, 35% Tail
further illustrate its use in helping control shallow gas Preflush 100 bbl Seawater
in offshore environments, Table 4 shows well
conditions in eight cementing operations recently A standard density tail cement was placed from the
performed in the North Sea. With the exception of casing shoe to below the potential gas entry zone. A
Cases 7 and 8, in which the tail cement was placed lightweight cement was placed from that point up to
across the gas zone, it was the sole responsibility of the sea floor (see Fig. 2). One function of the lead
GLC system to stop gas migration in each well. cement, therefore, was to stop any gas migration to
Postjob analyses indicated that all eight operations surface. The following GLC slurry was designed and
were successful with no traces of gas migration to tested.
GLC Slurry Design:
CASE HISTORY Class G cement + 3.15 gallsk amorphous silica +
0.70% low fluid loss additive (bwoc) + 0.15 gallsk
This case history refers to a well drilled in 236 ft of retarder + 9.30 gallsk fresh water
water in the North Sea. For typical wells in this field, Slurry Density 13 lblgal
the stratigraphy of the interval from the seabed to Slurry Yield 2.16 cu fttsk
2109 ft (subsea), shown in Fig. 1, can be divided into Thickening Time
two units. The section from seabed to approximteiy @ 86OF 8:25 (hrmin)
1659 ft consists of unconsolidated sands and gravels Free Water 0%
interbedded with claystones. These are interpreted to Fluid Loss 28 ccf30 min
be of Quaternary age, originating from the rapid Rheology @ 86°F
deposition of fluvial-deltaic and peri-glacial
sediments. The lower unit is markedly different,
consisting of well compacted claystones with Compressive Strength 500 psi in 31 hrs @ 94°F
infrequent thin sands. These sediments are
interpreted to be of Pliocene age, i.e. pre-Quaternary. Cementing operations proceeded according to plan.
During the cement curing time, no gas flow was
The resistivity log displayed in Fig. 1 indicates that experienced. Drillout operations were initiated 71 hr
the sands of the upper unit are water bearing. In after the cement plug was landed, ample time for the
contrast, high resistivity values occurring in the thin lead cement to develop competent strength. Following
sands of the lower unit indicate that they are gas drillout, there was no evidence of gas, and the
bearing. While these sands have been safely operation was graded a success.
penetrated using unweighted drilling fluids
(demonstrating that they are hydrostatically SUMMARY
pressured), they can present a real potential for gas
flow following the cementing operation. Lightweight lead cements can play an important role
in the challenging task of helping prevent shallow gas
As expected, the gas bearing formation in this migration in offshore wells. fn response to shallow
specific well was d e t e h e d near 1860 ft. Other gas problems, gastight lead cements which combat
pertinent well data are listed: gas migration at each potential flowpath continue to

be successfully implemented. A key ingredient in the Halliburton Services Technical Publication C-

cement design is high fineness amorphous silica that 1337, "Recommended Cementing Practices
produces several important "gastight" properties. (Displacement Mechanics). "
Compressive strength development at the time of
drillout is one key performance property that should Haut, R.C. and Crook, R.J.: "Laboratory
be considered along the entire length of the wellbore. Investigation of Lightweight, Low-Viscosity
Cementing Spacer Fluids, " paper SPE 10305
presented at 56th Annual Fall Technical
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Conference of the Society of Petroleum
Engineers of AIME, San Antonio, TX, Oct. 5-7,
The authors would like to thank the magements of 1981.
Phillips Petroleum Company Norway, Fina
Exploration Norway Inc, Norsk Agip AIS, Norsk Stegemoeller, C., Allen, T., and Pitts, A.J.:
Hydro a.s., Elf Aquitaine Norge AIS, Total Norge "Automatic Density Control and High Specific
AS, Den norske stab oljeselskap a.s., Elf Rep Mixing Energy Deliver Consistent High-Quality
Norge AIS, Elf Rex Norge AIS, Nonninol, and Cement Slurries," paper OTC 7068 presented at
Halliburton Services for the opportunity to publish the 24th Annual OTC, Houston, TX, May 4-7,
this paper. Appreciation is also extended to Mary 1992.
Shahan and LaVonna Funkhouser for their help in
preparing the muscript. Sabins, F.L., Tinsley, J.M., and Sutton, D.L.:
"Transition Time of Cement Slurries Between the
METRIC CONVERSIONS Fluid and Set State," paper SPE 9285 presented
at the 55th Annual Fall Technical Conference of
(English to SI) the Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME,
inches x 25.4 = mm Dallas, TX, Sept. 21-24, 1980.
feet x 0.3048 = m
lblgal x 0.119 - glcm3 (sp. gr.) Sykes, R.L. and Logan, J.L.: "New Technology
bbl x 0.159 = m3 in Gas Migration Control," paper SPE 16653
cp x 0.0001 = P a s presented at the 62nd Annual Technical
psi x 0.00689 = MPa Conference and Exhibition of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers, Dallas, TX, Sept. 27-30,

Grinrod, M., Vassoy, B., and Dingsoyr, E.O.: Bour, D.L. and Wilkinson, J.G.: "Combating
"Development and Use of a Gas-Tight Cement," Gas Migration in the Michigan Basin," paper
paper IADCISPE 17258, presented at the 1988 SPE 19324 presented at the SPE Regional
IADCISPE Drilling Conference, Dallas, TX, meeting, Morgantown, WV, Oct. 24-27, 1989.
February 28-March 2.
10. Bol, G., Grant, H., Keller, S., Marcassa, F.,
Haut, Richard C. and Crook, Ronald J: and de Rozieres, J.: "Putting a Stop to Gas
"Primary Cementing: The Mud Displacement Channeling, " OitfieM Review, April 1991, pg 35-
Process," paper SPE 8253 presented at 54th 43.
Annual Fall Technical Conference of the Society
of Petroleum Engineers of AIME, Las Vegas, 11. Worldwide Cementing Practices, American
NV, Sept. 23-26, 1979. Petroleum Institute, First Edition, 1991, pg 124.

Smith, Dwight K.: Cementir&g Monograph 12. Cheung, P.R., and Myrick, B.D.: "Field
Volume 4, Revised Edition, 1991. Evaluation of an Impermeable Cement System
for Controlling Gas Migration," paper SPE
11983, presented at the 58th Annual Technical

Conference and Exhibition, San Francisco, CA,

Oct. 5-8, 1983.

13. Cheung, P.R. and Beirute, R.M. "Gas Flow in

Cements," paper SPE 11207 presented at the
57th Annual Fall Technical Conference and
Exhibition of the Society of Petroleum Engineers
of AIME, New Orleans, LA, Sept. 26-29, 1982.

14. Sutton, D.L., Sabins, F.L., and Faul, R.R.:

"Annular Gas Flow Theory and Prevention
Methods Described; New Evaluation For
Annular Gas-Flow Potential" Halliburton
Services Cementing Technical Paper C-13 11.

15. Vrooman, D., Garrett, J., Badalamenti, A., and

Duell, A.: "Packer Collar Stops Gas Migration
M e c h a n i c a l l y , " Petroleum Engineer
International, April 1992, pg 18-22.

16. Maier, L.F. : "Understanding Surface Casing

Waiting-On-Cement Time, " presented at the 16th
Annual Meeting of the Petroleum Society of
C.I.M., Calgary, May, 1965.

17. Carpenter, R.B., Brady, J.L., and Blount, C.G.:

"The Effects of Temperature and Cement
Admixes on Bond Strength," paper SPE 22063
presented at the SPE International Arctic
Technology Conference, Anchorage, AK, May
29-31, 1991.

18. Sutton, D.L. and Prather, D.A.: "New

Expansion additive Gives Good Results With
Low C,A Cements, " Halliburton Services
Cementing Technical Paper C-1348.
Table 1


S l u r r y Density = 13.0 Iblgal

Additive I Concentration
(% bwoc)
Maior Functionk) Performance Pro~ertv

Drv Base Material I Long Term Annular Seal

Amorphous Silica or Lightweight Extender High Early Compressive Strength
Colloidal Silica or Free Water Control Quick Transition T i e
Small Particle Cement
Low Fluid Loss Reduce Annular Volume Losses
Acrvlamide Maintain Hydrostatic Overbalance

Sulfonated Polymer 0-1.0 Dispersant Ease in Slurry Mixing

Enhance Wellbore Cleanup

1 Ligmsulfonate I 0-0.2 I Retarder

I Achieve Adequate Slurry
Placement Time

Liquid Base Material

Lightweight Additive I MixabilityIPumpability

Table 2


40°F versus 90°F

Compressive Strength (psi)

Slurry Design No. Slurry Density Curing Temp

(Iblgal) (OF)

Slurry Design No. 1 Class G cement +0.5% low fluid loss additive + 3.15 gallsk amorphous silica + 0.10 gaVsk
retarder 0.28 gallsk dispersant + 9.07 gallsk fresh water
Thickening Time Q 86°F = 8 hr, 25 min

Slurry Design No. 2 Class G cement +8.0% bentonite +

10.8 gaVsk fresh water
Thickening Time Q 86'F = 8 hr, 18 min

Slurry Design No. 3 +

Class G cement 4% bentonite +
3 gallsk latex + 7.4 gallsk fresh water
Thickening Time Q 86°F = 7 hr, 50 min
Table 3

GAS n o w SURVEY - woc TIME


4 245 360 3340 - 13 Success

5 240 0 2500 -15 Failure
6 242 2640 4200 - 13 Success
7 250 2640 4800 - 12 Success
8 235 0 2660 - 13 Failure
9 245 0 2300 - 12 Failure
10 240 0 1820 - 16 Failure
11 235 0 0 -41 Success

*TOL = Top of Liner

**WOC Time = Waiting-On-Cement Time before setting casing slips and drilling out

Table 4


Well Conditions

Casing Casing Temperature Gas Zone

Case Drilling Fluid Sue Depth @ Casing Depth (OF') Depth
Number Type (in) (ft) BHCT BIIST (ft)

1 SeawaterIGel 20 -2470 86 94 - 1860

2 SeawaterIGel 20 - 3450 94 115 - 1860
3 SeawaterIGel 20 - 2030 83 86 - 1600
4 SeawaterlGel 13% -3500 90 100 - 900
5 SeawaterIGel 13% -3420 90 100 - 900
6 SeawaterIGel 13% -3300 90 100 - 900
7 Gel 20 -3910 93 99 -3900
8 Water Based Gel 7-4 - 1320 83 100 - 1300
Table 4 (Cont'd)


Slurry Design

1 Case
Fluid Loss
(cc130 min)

GLC' 13.0 825 28 0 500 in 31 hrs 71:lO

I GLC 1 13.0 1 820 1 35 1 0 1 500 in 19 hrs 1 49:40

I CLC 1 13.0 1 4:30 1 34 1 0 1 340 in 24 hrs 1 30:OO

1 GLC 1 12.5 1 7:45 1 45 1 0 I 500 in 30 hrs 1 35:30

I GLC 1 12.5 1 9:05' 1 36 1 0 I 250 in 24 hrs 1 34:30

I GLC 1 12.5 1 6:38' 1 56 1 0 1 150 in 14 hrs 1 98:00

73 I GLC 1 13.0 1 10:12 1 24 1 0 I 500 in 33 hrs 1 37:30

GLC 1'2.5 9:lO 36 0 NS in 14 hrs4 14:OO

100 in 24 h n 4

'GLC = Gastight Lead Cement

'Measured at 60°F
'Gas Zone Covered by Tail Cement
?ested at 77°F
(API) n MD

3 0 CASING @ 592 FT



26" HOLE

20" CASING @ 2469 FT


Fig. 1 - Case Well No. 1 Typical Wellbore -
Fig. 2 Case Well No. 1 .- Well Configuration
Stratigraphy after Cementing.

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