CHM01 - Chemistry For Engineers - Laboratory Experiment No. 8 PH - Acids and Bases

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Name _________________________________ Date performed _____________

Course/Class Schedule ____________________ Date submitted _____________

CHM01 – Chemistry for Engineers – Laboratory




An aqueous solution will be acidic, basic, or neutral depending on the nature of

the dissolved solute. When a substance dissolved in water produces hydrogen ion, H +,
or its hydrate called hydronium ion, H3O+, it is classified as an acid according to
Arrhenius theory. Acids have the following properties: a characteristic sour taste,
soluble in water, their aqueous solutions are electrolytes, it liberates hydrogen gas when
reacted with active metals, and react with bases to produce salts.

Bases are substances that yield hydroxide ion, OH -, in aqueous solution

according to Arrhenius theory. They are otherwise known as alkali. Bases are
characterized by a bitter taste, soapy or slippery feeling in their aqueous form. Their
aqueous solutions are also electrolytes, and react with acids forming salts and water.
The reaction between an acid and a base forming salt and water is known as

pH stands for the power of the hydrogen. It provides information on the degree of
acidity ,degree of basicity, or neutrality. Mathematically it is the negative logarithm of
the hydrogen ion concentration,

pH = -log [H+]

From this equation we can determine the H + from the antilogarithm of the
negative pH.


1. Simulation 1: To observe how the pH vary as the substance use in the simulation
2. Simulation 2: To observe how the pH vary as the concentration of the [H 3O+] and
[OH-] vary.

3. Simulation 3: To observe how the pH vary as the molecules count of the H 3O+
and OH- vary.


1. Your instructor will send you the link to the Class Group Chat on the
scheduled date for the activity. You may chose the gadget that you would
want for this purpose.

2. Though you are free to communicate with your instructor through Facebook-
Messenger for further elaboration or clarification on the date and time to be
scheduled by your mentor, you may also refer to any General Chemistry
books for enhancement.

3. Answer the Questions that are related to the simulations that you have just
manipulated and the Application Problems that follow.
Name _________________________________ Date performed _____________
Course/Class Schedule ____________________ Date submitted _____________


1. What have you learned from the first simulation ?

2. Do you think the indicated pH is consistently conforms with the indicated

[H3O+] and [OH-] concentrations ? Cite a proof using pH 5.

3. What happen to the molecules count of H3O+ and OH- as the pH increases ?


1. Complete the following table by calculating the missing entries and indicating
whether the solution is acidic or basic.

pH pOH [H+] [OH-] acidic or basic

1. 4.25

2. 8.35

3. 1.6 x 10-6 M

4. 9.1 x 10-2 M

2. Calculate the [OH-] and pH of each of the following strong base solutions:

a. 0.0050 M KOH

b. 2.055 g of KOH in 500.0 mL of solution

c. 1.00 mL of 0.175 M NaOH diluted to 2.00 L.

3. At normal body temperature , 37oC, Kw = 2.4 x 10-14 . Calculate the [H+] and
[OH-] for a neutral solution at this temperature.

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