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Abdellah Farah Mohammed Iraqui

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El Mestafa El Hadrami
Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University


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Der Pharma Chemica, 2015, 7(10):459-472


ISSN 0975-413X

Provenance effect on the yield, chemical composition and antibacterial

activity of Moroccan rosemary essential oils
Afaf Megzari1,2*, Abdellah Farah2, Mohammed Iraqui Houssaini3 and
El Mestafa EL Hadrami1
Laboratory of Applied Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah
University, Fez, Morocco
NationalAgency of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdallah University, Taounate principal,
Laboratory of Microbial Biotechnology, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah
University, Fez, Morocco


To contribute to the valorization of Moroccan Rosemary, we focused on one hand on the study and comparison of
the yields and chemical compositions of the essential oils of rosemary in four provenances (Wad Laou,
AyounCharkiya, Sefrou and Agadir’s Gardens Jacky).On the other hand, we evaluated their antimicrobial activities.
Essential oils obtained by hydro-distillation of rosemary were analyzed by gas chromatography coupled to mass
spectrometry. The average yields obtained and chemical composition vary according to the four provenances. The
descriptive and comparative statistical study of chemical composition of Rosemary from different regions by the
principal component analysis method showed a good classification of Rosemary essential oils from different regions
according to the chemical composition. The study of antibacterial activity of essential oils of Rosemary in four
regions showed an inhibitory power over all the strains studied. This activity differs statistically from one region to
another. Indeed, the highest antibacterial activity was observed for the Rosemary from Sefrou region and the lowest
activity was observed for Rosemary from Agadir region and this for three strains used.

Keywords: RosmarinusOfficinalis- Prostratus- Essential oil - Chemical composition Antibacterial Activity -

Provenance - ACP


Historically, Man has used his environment and in particular plants for healing. Indeed, the plants contain a wide
variety of chemical molecules of physico-chemical properties which aremuch diversified and have various
biological activities (antitumor, antiviral, antimicrobial, antioxidant, healing ...) [1].

Situated in the Mediterranean basin with large climatic variations from north to south, Morocco has a favorable
ground for the development of a rich and varied flora including significant potential often endemic MAP. Morocco
occupies the first place among the countries of the Southern Mediterranean for its wealth of endemic plants [2]. In
addition to this promising natural context, Morocco is one of the Mediterranean countries that have a long medical
tradition and traditional expertise in herbal medicine[3, 4]. This ancestral medicinal knowledge would guide and
develop several research works, especially in herbal medicine [5-8]. Moreover, faced with the growing emergence
of the global phenomenon of bacterial resistance to antibiotics, the development of new antibacterial molecules is
essential to fight infections caused by resistant bacterial strains.

Afaf Megzari et al Der Pharma Chemica, 2015, 7 (10):459-472
To contribute to the promotion of medicinal and aromatic plants in Morocco and the Moroccan Rosemary precisely,
we are interested firstly in studying the chemical composition of essential oils of Rosemaryfromfour sources; It is
about RosmarinusOfficinalisvar. Prostratus from the northern region ofMorocco (wadiLaou),RosmarinusOfficinalis
from the East (AyouneCharkiya), RosmarinusOfficinalis from Sefrou and RosmarinusOfficinalis from Agadir(Jacky
gardens). On the other hand, for the recovery of these essential oils, we have evaluated their antimicrobial activities.
Generally, Rosmarinus (Rosemary) is one of the natural plants of Morocco, which is known for its medicinal and
aromatic properties since ancient times. The essential oils of this plant in fact have been the subject of recent
research in the pharmaceutical and food processing areas and possess excellent antimicrobial properties [9-11], anti-
inflammatory [12-13], antispasmodic [14], and antioxidant [9,15, 16]. However few studies exist on essential oils
chosen for this study except that no study has been done on the RosmarinusOfficinalis var. Prostratus is a rare
variety that grows in Morocco in the north, in the region of wadiLaou.

Indeed, Morocco operates a potential of 1 million hectares of Rosemary producing an annual yield of 60 tons of
essential oil for export. Improving the quality of essential oils exported allows Morocco to win the confidence of
applicants and increasesthe standard of living of the local people and the national economy [17].

Our work identifies several components, namely:

- A qualitative study including evaluation of antibacterial essential oil of Rosemary of the four regions, a
quantitative study thatpermits the MIC determination of these oils.
- An analysis and identification of constituents of essential oils from each region by the technique of gas
chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry.
- A descriptive and comparative statistical study of the chemical composition of the Rosemary of different regions
by the multidimensional data analysis method: Principal Component Analysis (PCA).


1. Plant material
Samples of the aerial part (stems, leaves and flowers) of RosmarinusOfficinalis var. prostratus were collected in
March 2012, when the plants were in full bloom.

These samples come from Sefrou, the southern region (Agadir’s jacky gardens), Oriental (Ayoun Charkiya) and
North (Wadi Laou) of Morocco. The latter species was identified by Prof. Abdelah Farah, of Nationel Agency of
Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. It is characterized by a low size, creeping form, linear leavesmeasuring up to 5 cm
in length, the top is dark green color and, and the lower is white color, and fluffy. Small tubular flowers 1 cm in
length, spread on the branches, color clear blue with white.

2. Bacterial Strains
The essential oils antibacterial activity of different individuals was evaluated at all three strains:
- Mycobacterium Smegmatis(MC2 155): Nonpathogenic atypical mycobacterium, it presents a susceptibility to
antituberculous agents similar to that of M. tuberculosis. [18]
- Escherichia coli (ATCC25922): Pathogen Gram-negative bacteria known for its strong antibiotic resistance and its
toxic and invasive power in human beings. It causes intestinal diseases which vary in severity from benign to serious
or even life threatening forms.
- Bacillus Subtilis (ATCC 23857): Non-pathogenic Gram-positive bacterium for human beings, but may
contaminate food and may exceptionally cause food poisoning. It is regarded as an excellent model for the
pathogenic bacteria study, such as Staphylococcus Aureus, Streptococcus Pneumoniae, andBacillus anthracis.
These strains belong to the bacteria culture collection of the Microbial Biotechnology Laboratory at the Faculty of
Sciences and Techniques (FST) in Fez, Morocco.

2.3.1.Extraction of essential oils
Essential oils extraction was done by hydro-distillation by means of Clevenger type hydro distillation system. Two
distillations have been made by boiling each individual for 2 h 30 of 150g of fresh plant material with one liter of
water into a flask of tow liter of a column with 60 cm in length connected to a condenser. The essential oil yield was
identified in relation with the dry matter, and was evaluated from three samples of 25 g dried in an oven at 100°C
within 24 hours. The essential oil was stored in the dark at 4°C. Every oil extraction was divided into two parts: The
first was used for chemical analysis while the second was used for antibacterial in vitro tests. Oils, after extraction,
are recovered and kept in small opaque flasks and stored at 4 ° C before their use.

Afaf Megzari et al Der Pharma Chemica, 2015, 7 (10):459-472
2.3.2.Chromatographic analysis
GC: GC analyses were performed on a Hewlett-Packard (HP 6890) gas chromatograph (FID), equipped with a 5%
phenyl methyl silicone HP-5 capillary column (30 m x 0.25 mm x film thickness 0.25 µm). The temperature was
programmed from 50°C after 5 min initial hold to 200°C at 4°C/min. Gas chromatography conditions were as
follows: N2 as carrier gas (1.8 ml/min); split mode was used (Flow: 72.1 ml/min, ratio: 1/50); temperature of injector
and detector was 250°C. The machine was led by a computer system type ″HP ChemStation″, managing the
functioning of the machine and allowing to follow the evolution of chromatographic analyses. Diluted samples (1/20
in Hexane) of 1 µl were injected manually.

GC/MS: The chemical composition of essential oils was analyzed using a gas chromatograph (TRACE GC Ultra)
fitted to a mass spectrometer (Polaris Q-Ion Trap MS). Operating in electron-impact E. I (70 eV) mode. VB-5
(Methylpolysiloxane 5% phenyl) and a column (30 m × 0.25 mm × 0.25 µm thickness) were used (CNRST, Rabat,
Morocco). The chromatographic conditions were as follows: Injector and detector temperatures at 220 and 300° C
respectively; carrier gas, helium at flow rate of 1.4 ml/min; temperature program ramp from 40 to 300°C with
gradient of 4°C/min (holding the initial and final temperature for 4 min). The relative amount of individual
components of the total oil was expressed as a percentage peak area relative to total peak area. Library search was
carried out using the combination of NIST MS Search and literature.

Oils constituents were identified by their retention indices relatives to n-alkanes (C8-C24) and by comparison of
their mass spectral fragmentation patterns with those reported in literature [18].

2.3.3.Antibacterial Activity Disc diffusion method
To highlight the essential oils antibacterial and antimycobacterial activity, the disk diffusion method [19,20] was
used because of its simplicity and efficiency to test bacteria sensitivity [11].

For this purpose, sterile Whatman paper discs of 6 mm diameter were placed in the center plate of 90 mm in
diameter containing 30 ml of L. B. medium previously inoculated with 100µl liquid cultures of bacterial test strains.
The discs are then impregnated with 10µl of essential oil. The control corresponds to a disc impregnated with 10µl
of sterile distilled water. After incubation, the inhibition zones formed around the disks were measured.

Three replicates were performed for each strain. Test Statistics:

The demonstration of significant differences between the means of inhibition diameter of the individuals tested is
obtained by analyzing variance using the software ‘Stat-graphics’. The MIC Determination

The essential oils minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) were determined according to the method reported by
Zaouali et al., [9] with a slight modification at the dilution. In fact, DMSO was substituted by 0.2% agar.

A dilution range was prepared in the agar solution, to obtain the following concentrations: 1/ 2, 1/ 4, 1/ 5, 1/ 8 and 1/
10 (v/v) and 10 ml of each dilution was placed on sterile paper discs Watthman (6mm diameter) placed on the
surface of Petri plates of 90mm in diameter containing 30ml of L. B. medium previously inoculated with 100 µl
liquid cultures of tested strains. The control corresponds to a disc impregnated with sterile agar solution at 0.2%.
After incubation, the inhibition zones formed around the disks were measured. Three repetitions were performed for
each strain.


3.1. The Yield Essential Oil

Average yields in essential oil of four provenances of R. Officinalis were calculated based on the dry plant material
of the aerial part of the plant. The results obtained are summarized in the table1.
Table 1: Yields essential oils obtained by hydro-distillation of four provenances of R. officinalis Var. prostratus

Samples Yields (%)

RosmarinusOfficinalis (Garden Jacky) 1.45±0.02
RosmarinusOfficinalis (AyouneCharkiya) 1.8±0.03
RosmarinusOfficinalis (WadiLaou) 1.9±0.02
RosmarinusOfficinalis (Sefrou) 2.4±0.1

Afaf Megzari et al Der Pharma Chemica, 2015, 7 (10):459-472
The obtained average yields vary based on four sources (Table 1). Indeed, samples of rosemary from Sefrou gave a
better yield in essential oil (2.4% ) compared to those of AyounCharquia, of WadiLaou and Agadir’s Jacky Garden
with respectively 1.8% concentrations of 1.9 % and 1.45%.

These results are similar to those found by Khiaet al. [21] and found that the yields of essential oil of Rosemary of
three Moroccan origins (RachidiaBerkine and Aknoul) are 2.21 %, respectively, 1.87% and 1.29%. Fechtal et al.
[22] indicated that the essential oil yields of two sources of the eastern (El Ayat and Debdou) range from 0.5% to
2.9%. However, other studies have yields that do not exceed 1%. Indeed Derwich et al.[23], found that the
performance of Rosemary Taferdoust the region is 0.5% and Tahiri et al. [24], found that Rosemary El Had and
BeniBoudass have yields of 0.65 % and 0.82 respectively.

Nevertheless, yields on four sources of Morocco are slightly higher than those of three localities of Tunisia. Indeed,
Ayadi et al. [25] received variable yields according to yield region, or 1.35% in the region of SidiBouzid, Bizerte
1.25% and 1.27% for the region Zaghouan.

In Algeria, studies have recorded very lower yields compared to those obtained in this study with a return of 0.8 %
for the Rosemary Honaine station and 0.6 % for the Rosemary Tlemcen station [26], However, our yields are
slightly lower than those obtained by Jamshidi[27], which are 2.1 and 2.6% respectively in the regions of Kerman
and Lalehzar Iran. In Turkey Ozcan and Chalchat, [28] found a yield of 1.9%.

Table 2 : Chemical composition of essential oïlfrom four provenances of R. Officinalis Var. prostratus

Compounds RI Agadir OuedLaou AyouneCharquia Sefrou

Tricyclene 926 - - - 0.29
α-Thujene 931 0.21 0.49 0.53 0.12
α-Pinene 939 36.15 15.79 16.61 12.19
Camphene 953 6.10 13.06 13.67 6.81
Sabinene 976 3.40 7.11 6.04 0.4
β−Pinene 980 - - - 4.05
β−Myrcene 986 - - - 5.1
α-Phellandrene 1005 0.12 - - 1.3
δ-3-Carene 1011 - 4.54 1.43 -
limonene 1031 - - - 4
Isobornyl formate 1233 0.13 - 0.2 -
Τotal 46.11% 40.99% 38.48% 34.26%
Oxygenated Monoterpenes
1.8-Cineole 1033 33.93 1.24 35.91 18.35
Trans - Sabinene -hydrate 1068 0.44 0.15 - 1.6
Chrysanthenone 1123 0.71 0.42 - -
Camphor 1143 5.08 3.31 6.40 22.1
Trans-verbenol 1144 0.46 0.58 - -
Borneol 1165 4.18 3.59 4.84 -
Terpinen-4-ol 1177 - 0.41 0.56 0.8
Myrtenol 1194 - 1.14 1.39 -
Verbenone 1204 4.30 0.25 - -
Trans-2-Caren-4-ol 1227 - - 0.2 -
BornylAcetate 1285 - 31.21 - 0.8
α-TerpinenylAcetate 1354 1.51 2.88 - -
Total 50.61% 45.18% 49.3% 43.65%
Hydrocarbon Sesquiterpene
α–copaene 1376 - 0.10 0.15 -
β-Caryophyllene 1418 0.83 4.09 2.60 -
γ−Gurjenene 1473 0. 44 0.2 -
Germacrene-D 1480 0.22 1.4 -
α-Cadinene 1512 - - 0.42 -
γ-Cadinene 1513 0.13 0.8 0.46 0.78
Total 0.96% 5.41% 5.03% 0.78%
Oxygenated Sesquiterpenes
Caryophyllene Oxide 1581 - 4.71 3.80 6.3
γ-eudesmol 1630 - 0.21 0.14 -
α-eudesmol 1652 - 0.1 0.13 -
τ-Cadinol 1653 - - 0.72 -
Total 4.92% 4.79% 6.3%
TOTAL 97.7 96.5 97.6 85.07
RI: Retention index

Afaf Megzari et al Der Pharma Chemica, 2015, 7 (10):459-472
The variability of returns of Rosemary from different regions may come from the origin of the plant [27], from the
climate [29], environmental and agronomic conditions [30], the time of harvest [31], the plant development stage
[32], or the extraction method[33].

Chemical composition of essential oil

The results for the chemical composition of essential oils of R. Officinalis four provenances (Agadir’s Jacky Garden,
Wadi Lou, AyounCharquia and Sefrou) are summarized in thetable 2.

The results for the chemical composition of essential oils of R. Officinalis four sources have identified seventeen
compounds representing a total of 97.7 % for the Rosemary Garden Jacky, twenty four compounds representing a
total of 96.5 % for Rosemary WadiLaou, twenty-one compounds representing 97.6 % of the essential total oil of
rosemary from theAyounCharquiaand sixteen compounds with a total of 85.07 % of Rosemary from Sefrou.

It is apparent from the analysis of these results that the majority compounds are:
-The α-Pinene (36.15 %), the 1.8-Cineole (33.93 %), the Camphene (6.1 %), the Camphor (5.08%) and the Sabinene
(3.4 %) for the Rosemary ofAgadir’s Garden Jacky.

-the Bornyl Acetate (31.21 %), the α-Pinene (15.79 %), the Camphene (13.06 %), the Sabinene (7.11%), the , 3-
Carene (4.54%), the Caryophyllene Oxide (4.71%), theβ-Caryophyllene (4.09 %), and Borneol (3.59 %) for the
Rosemary from WadiLaou.

-The 1.8 Cineole (35.91 %), the α-pinene (16.61 %), the Camphene (13.67 %), the Camphor (6.4 %), the sabinene
(6.04 %), the Borneol (4.81 %) and the CaryophylleneOxide (3.8 %) for the Rosemary AyounCharquia.
- the Camphor (22.1 %), 1,8- Cineole (18.35 %), the α-Pinene (12.19 %), the Camphene (6.81 %), the
CaryophylleneOxide (6.3 %) for Rosemary Sefrou.

In Morocco, Fechtal[34] and Khia[21] confirm the wealth of essential oils of oriental 1.8-Cineole, α and β-Pinene,
Camphor andCamphene. Derwichet al., (2011) showed that Rosemary from the Tafersoust consists mainly of α-
Pinene (18.25%) followed by Camphor (6.02 %), 1.8-Cineole (5.25%), Camphene (5.02%) and β-pinene (4.58%).
Elamrani[35] showed that Moroccan Rosemary have a high content of one of three compounds: α-Pinene (37.0 to
40.0%, Rabat), Cineole (58.7 to 63.7% El Ateuf), Camphor (41.7 to 53.8 %, Taforhalt).

The detected variation in the chemical composition of the essential oil from R. Officinalis outcome of different
regions is linked to several parameters such as: the environmental factor [36, 37], the climatic and geographical
conditions that vary from country to country and time of harvest [38]. The extraction method significantly affects
the essential oil composition [39] and processes, which use water, can induce ester hydrolysis ... etc.

Table 3: Compounds of the essential oil used in the statistical analysis

Var 1 Tricyclene Var 17 Borneol

Var 2 α-Thujene Var 18 Terpinene-4-ol
Var 3 α-Pinene Var 19 Myrtenol
Var 4 Camphene Var 20 Verbenone
Var 5 Sabinene Var 21 Trans-2-Caren-4-ol
Var 6 β−Pinene Var 22 Bornyle Acétate
Var 7 β−Myrcene Var 23 α-TerpinenylAcetate
Var 8 α-Phellandrene Var 24 α–Copaene
Var 9 δ-3-Carene Var 25 β-Caryophyllene
Var 10 Limonene Var 26 γ−Gurjenene
Var 11 Isobornyl Formate Var 27 Germacrene-D
Var 12 1,8-Cineole Var 28 α-Cadinene
Var 13 Trans-Sabinene-hydrate Var 29 γ−Cadinene
Var 14 Chrysanthenone Var 30 Caryophyllene Oxide
Var 15 Camphor Var 31 γ-Eudesmol
Var 16 Trans-Verbenol Var 32 α-Eudesmol
Var 33 τ-Cadinol

3.2. Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

The study of province effect about chemical quality of essential oils of RosmarinusOfficinalis from four Moroccan
regions shows differences in total concentrations of essential oils. To highlight a potential variability of the chemical
composition of these essential oils and study statistically the existing similarities between the different oils and
correlations among variables, we conducted a Principal Component Analysis (PCA).

Afaf Megzari et al Der Pharma Chemica, 2015, 7 (10):459-472
We considered each compound as a quantitative dependent variable (Table 3).

3.2.2.Variability explained
In the graph of the variance explained according to the number of selected principal components (figure 1); we note
that the first component explains 69.77 % of the variability of the data; while the second component explained only
21.81%. So we can be satisfied to retain these two components explaining 91.59 % of the total variability.
Figure 1: Explained Calibration Variance

3.2.3.Study of variables Meanand Standard deviation
The essential oil composition of Rosemary of the four provinces presents a significant difference. The identified
components show great variability (Figure 2). 1.8-Cineole (Var 12) is the component that has the most variation
within samples, followed by α-Pinene (Var 3), Camphene (Var 4), Camphor (Var 15), BornylAcetate (Var 22) and
CaryophylleneOxide. The other components have little variability
Figure 2: Mean and Standard deviation for different variables Circle of Correlation

The representation of the correlation circle of essential oils variables (Figure 3), shows that the axes PC1and PC2
respectively carry 67 % and 24% of the total information and that all components of this oil contributes to form the
firstaxis and reveals the existence of correlation between some variables studied, such as the correlation between
Borneol (Var 17) Chrysanthenone (Var 14) γ−Gurjenène (Var 26).

Afaf Megzari et al Der Pharma Chemica, 2015, 7 (10):459-472
Figure 3:Correlation Loadings

3.2.4.Study of samples
Figure 4: Scores plot

Figure 5: Loading plot

Afaf Megzari et al Der Pharma Chemica, 2015, 7 (10):459-472

Figure 6: Scores and Loading plot

Rosemary wadiLaou and AyounCharquia are explained by the component 1 or Rosemary Agadir and Sefrou are
explained by the component n° 2(Figure 4).

The principal component analysis showed a good classification of the essential oils of rosemary from the different
regions according to the chemical composition. The principal component analysis showed a good classification of
Rosemary essential oils of the different regions according to the chemical composition.

Therefore, these oils can be classified according to their chemotype:

- In AyounChaquia region, we find R. Officinalis to 1.8-Cineole (Cineoliferum).
- In Sefrou region, we find R. Officinalis to camphor (Camphoriferum).
- In the region of Agadir, we findR. Officinalisto -Pinene.
- In the region of WadiLaou, we find R. Officinalis var. Prostratus to Bornyl Acetate.

Elamrani et al., [40] studied the chemotaxonomy of Rosemaryessential oil from different Moroccanregions. They
defined three chemotype: α- pinene(37-40 %), Camphor (41-53 %), and 1.8-Cineole (58-63 %).

Pintore et al.,[41], compared the RosmarinusSardinia and Corsica and were able to identify respectively chemotypes
α-Pinene, Verbenone, and BornylAcetate. This demonstrates the chemotype resemblance with that of provenance of

Tucker and Maciarello[42],examined essential oils of R. Officinalis, from 23 cultivars.These authors showed that
these cultivars were derived from five botanical varieties showing large variations in their main component: α-
pinene (0.06 - 57.45 %), 1.8-Cineole (3.55 - 42.69 %), Camphor (0.20 - 56.45 %),Bornyl acetate (0.66- 21.03 %)
and Borneol (0.40 to 14.69 %).

The essential oils were grouped so into six chemical groups (chemotypes):

Afaf Megzari et al Der Pharma Chemica, 2015, 7 (10):459-472
1- α-Pinene> 1.8-Cineole ,
2- 1,8-Cineole > α–pinene
3- α-Pinene>Camphre + Camphene > 1,8-Cineole,
4- Camphre + Camphene > α-Pinene> 1,8-Cineole,
5- Camphre + Camphene > 1,8-Cineole > α-Pinene,
6- Borneol + bornyl acetate > Camphor

This procedure is useful when using essential oils in aromatherapy. The chemotype differentiates the
therapeutic properties of several varieties or cultivars as in the case of rosemary and which are
characterized by the same form of leaves, stems, flowers, color and odor.

3.3. Study of antibacterial activity by the disk method

In this study, the antibacterial activity of essential oils of R. officinalis from different Moroccan regions are assessed
vis-à-vis the three bacterial strains (E. Coli, B. Suptilis and M. smegmatis).

The study of this activity was, first, evaluated qualitatively by the disk diffusion method in the objective to select
among the essential oils tested those that are most active. The results obtained are expressed in terms of inhibition
zone diameters measured. They are shown in Table 4.

Samples ofessential oils Diameter of inhibition (mm)*

E. Coli B. Subtilis M. smegmatis
R. Sefrou 15.66 ± 0.57 30.33 ± 2.08 37 ±1
R. Ayoune 18 ± 1 22 ± 2 26.3 ±1.52
R. OuedLaou 16.33 ± 1 .15 27.0 ± 1.1 18.66 ±2.08
R. Agadir 12 ±1 13.33 ± 1.15 16 .66 ±1.52
*The average results available after three repetitions

Table4:Antibacterial effect of four essential oils of R. Officinallis by the disk method

Strains Variance analysis

Source Sum of Squares Ddl AverageSquare F Probabilities
M. smegmatis Inter-groups 764.667 3 254.889 101.96 0.0000
Intra-groups 20.0 8 2.5
B. Subtilis Inter-groups 503 3 167 60.97 0.0000
Intra-groups 22 8 2.75
E. Coli Inter-groups 367 3 122 146 0.0000
Intra-groups 6.66 8 0.83
In order to check if there are significant differences between the averages of inhibition diameter for four different
regions of Rosmarinus Officinalistested on the three strains (E. Coli, B. Subtilis et M. Smegmatis),we used analysis
of variance (ANOVA) with a factor. The results of this test are shown in Table 5.

Tableau 5:Variance Analysis of ANOVAwith a Factorial combination of treatment

The ANOVA table decomposes the variance to two components: the inter-groups component and the intra-groups
component. Since the probability value for the F test was less than 0.05, there is a statistically significant difference
between the means of inhibition diameters from one region to another at confidence level of 95.0% for the three
tested strains.

The following figures describe the average of the diameter for the inhibition zone (mm) as a provenance function
and this for each strain.

Afaf Megzari et al Der Pharma Chemica, 2015, 7 (10):459-472

Figure 7: Antibacterial effect of R. Officinalis’sessential oils from differentMoroccan regions against E. Coli by the disk method

Activité antibactérienne contre M. Smegmatis

Figure 8: Antibacterial effect of R. Officinalis’s essential oils from different Moroccan regions against M. Smegmatis by the disk method

Activité antibactérienne contre B. Subtilis

Figure 9: Antibacterial effect of R.Officinalis’s essential oils from different Moroccan regions against B. Subtilis by the disk method

Antibacterial activity results of essential oil of R. Officinalis from four regions showed an inhibitory power over all
studied strains. This activity differs from one region to another statistically. Indeed, the highest antibacterial activity
was observed for the Sefrou's Rosemary and the lowest activity was observed for the Agadir's Rosemary (Table 4
and Figures 7, 8 and 9) and this for the three strains used .

The Rosemary essential B. Subtilisoil of the region Sefrou shows the most important activity with halos 15.66 ± 0.57
and 30.33 ± 2.08 for E. ColiandB.Subtilis respectively and37 ± 1 mm for M.Smegmatis.

Afaf Megzari et al Der Pharma Chemica, 2015, 7 (10):459-472
For essential oil of Rosemary AyounCharkiya , the greatest activity was observed against M. Smegmatis with
diameters of inhibition of 26.3 ± 1.52 while the lowest activity was observed against E. Coli with diameters of
inhibition of 18 ± 1 mm.

The same results were reported for the essential oil of Agadir’ Rosemary. In fact, the diameters of zones of
inhibition obtained for M. Smegmatis are higher than those obtained forB. Subtilisand E. Coli. These diameters are
respectively 12 mm ± 1.13, 33 mm ± 1.15 and 16.66mm ± 1.52 for E. Coli, andM. Smegmatis.

It is clear from the results presented in Figures (7, 8 and 9) that the essential oil of R. OfficinaliswadiLaou has had a
significant inhibitory activity against all tested strains.Furthermore, the Gram + bacterium has proved most
susceptible to the action of this oil in comparison with the other bacteria, with significant inhibition of diameter of
the order of 27.66 mm ± 1.1. While E. Coli (gram -) is the most resistant with an inhibition diameter of 16.33 ±

These essential oils were tested against Gram + bacteria (B. Subtilis) and gram – bacteria (E. Coli). The latter
showed some resistance against the inhibitory power of this essential oil. The same observation was reported by
Delamare et al., [43]. Similar results have been reported against the same strain respectively in Sardinia and in Iran
[44, 45].

Most studies of the action of essential oils against the agencies responsible for food spoilage and pathogens agree
that, generally, the essential oils are more active against Gram + bacteria than against Gram – [46- 49]. The low
sensitivity of gram-negative microorganisms vis-à-vis the antibacterial agents could be explained by the presence of
the double membrane in Gram-negative bacteria in contrast to Gram- positive bacteria which contain only one [50]
.This makes easier the action of the essential oil.

Indeed among the reasons given for the action of essential oils on bacterial strains, reaching the membrane
permeability through disruption of membrane structures and the loss of chemiosmotic control is the most important
[51]. Moreover, by their lipophilic nature, essential oils can easily pass through cell walls and cell membranes,
leading to disorders of polysaccharide structure, fatty acids and phospholipids as well as their permeability [52].

3.4. MIC determination

The MIC is the lowest concentration of compound at which there is no visible growth with the naked eye after the
incubation time. Its determination was made by observing the disturbance induced by the growth of bacteria in each
tube. The results are shown in Table 6.

Essential oils have shown an inhibitory effect against the studied microorganisms. Indeed, all microbial strains were
inhibited at a concentration of 1/250 v / v. The most sensitive organism with all essential oils is M. Smegmatis
whose growth was stopped at the low concentration of 1/500 v / v. The most resistant strain is E. Coli with an MIC
value corresponding to 1/250.

This shows that these essential oils have valuable antibacterial properties on the tested microorganisms. These
results are in agreement with those of the disk method.

Table 6: MIC of Rosemary essential oils from different regions

MIC v/v
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
10 100 125 250 500 1000 2000
M. Smegmatis - - - - - + +
R. Officinalis Agadir E. coli - - - + + + +
B. Subtilis - - - - + + +
M. Smegmatis - - - - - + +
R. Officinalis Oued Laou E. coli - - - + + + +
B. Subtilis - - - - - + +
M. Smegmatis - - - - + + +
R. Officinalis
E. Coli - - - - + + +
B. Subtilis - - - - - + +
M. Smegmatis - - - - - + +
R. Officinalis Sefrou E. Coli - - - - - + +
B. Subtilis - - - - - + +
+ Growth; - No Growth

Afaf Megzari et al Der Pharma Chemica, 2015, 7 (10):459-472
Several authors have shown the relationship between the antibacterial activity of essential oils and their chemical
composition. Indeed the changing nature of the constituents and their contents induce a variation of the
microbiological activity. The presence of a number of components in the chemical composition promotes this

It has been shown that the antimicrobial activity of the essential oils is often due to its terpene compounds [53]. In
general the activity of the essential oils is primarily due to the presence of phenolic compounds, aldehyde and
alcohol [54, 55]. Furthermore the terpenol are known to be very good antimicrobial agents [56, 57].

Numerous studies have shown the antibacterial properties of some compounds such as: α-Pinene [58, 59], 1.8-
cineole [60], the camphor and its derivatives [61, 62],Caryophyllene Oxide [63], Borneol [61]. In addition, Magiatis
et al.[64] found that CaryophylleneOxide is the most effective , followed by camphor and 1,8- Cineole. This can
therefore explain the activity of essential oils extracted recorded in all regions.


During our work, we first determined and compared yields, chemical compositions and antibacterial properties of
essential oils of Rosemary from four different regions in Morocco (Agadir’s Jacky Garden, The AyounCharquia,
WadiLaou and Sefrou ) . These essential oils were obtained by steam distillation and analyzed by gas
chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry.

We found that the average yields obtained vary according to four sources. In fact, samples of rosemary from Sefrou
gave a better yield in essential oil (2.4 %) compared to those of the AyounCharquia, wadiLaou and
Agadir’sGardenJacky, with values respectively 1.8% , 1.9% and 1.45 %.

Chromatographic analysis of these essential oils showed that the chemical compositions are different from one
region to another. The majority compounds are:
• The α-Pinene (36.15%), the 1.8-Cineole (33.93%), the Camphene (6.1%),the Camphor (5.08%) and the Sabinene
(3.4 %) for the Rosemary of Agadir’s Garden Jacky.
• The Bornyl Acetate (31.21 %), the α-Pinene (15.79 %), the Camphene (13.06 %), the Sabinene (7.11%), the , 3-
Carene (4.54%), the Caryophyllene Oxide (4.71%), the β-Caryophyllene (4.09 %), and Borneol (3.59 %) for the
Rosemary from WadiLaou.
• The 1.8 Cineole (35.91%), the α-Pinene (16.61%), the Camphene (13.67 %), the Camphor (6.4%), the Sabinene
(6.04%), the Borneol (4.81%) and the Caryophyllene Oxide (3.8 %) for the Rosemary AyounCharquia.
• The Camphor (22.1 %), 1.8-Cineole (18.35 %), the α-Pinene (12.19 %), the Camphene (6.81%), the
Caryophyllene oxide (6.3%) for Rosemary Sefrou.
The descriptive and comparative statistical study of the chemical composition of Rosemary of the different regions
through the main component analysis method showed a good classification of rosemary essential oils from different
regions depending on the chemical composition. Thus, these oils may be classified according to their chemotype:

- In AyounChaquia region, we find R. Officinalis to 1.8-Cineole.

- In Sefrou region, we find R. Officinalis to camphor.
- In the region of Agadir, we find R. Officinalis to α-pinene.
- In the region of WadiLaou, we find R. Officinalis var. Prostratus to Bornyl Acetate.

The study of antibacterial activity of essential oils of Rosemary from four regions showed an inhibitory power over
all the studied strains.

This activity differs from one region to another statistically.

Indeed, the highest antibacterial activity was observed for the Sefrou’s Rosemary and the lowest activity was
observed for Agadir's Rosemary and this for three strains used.


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