Please Complete This Application Form and Return It Along To
Please Complete This Application Form and Return It Along To
Section A
Please complete this application form and return it along to
Salary expectation:
Personal Details
Surname/Family name:
First name(s):
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Application Form
Section B
How many years’ experience do you have of providing strategic leadership for programmes in insecure or
sensitive country contexts?
How many years’ experience do you have of developing programmes and successfully engaging donors?
How many years’ experience do you have of financial management of programmes and of overseeing
financial operations?
How many years’ experience do you have of overseeing operations (HR, facilities, policy, legal,
Job title:
Salary details:
Notice period:
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Previous Employment
Please list your employment history, including any relevant voluntary work in the last ten years (starting with
the most recent). Please include the country you were based in if different form the organisation’s address.
Please use the space below to give a summary of other relevant roles/notable achievements in
the rest of your career:
First Language:
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Date from Date from Place of training Examination
Subjects/Course Taken
(mm/yyyy) (mm/yyyy) school/college/university Results/Grades
Other Experience Relevant to the Post e.g. Work Experience, Voluntary positions
Please give the name and address of two people whom we may contact for a reference. One of
these should be from your current or most recent place of employment, although Cord reserves
the right to contact any of your former employers.
Telephone number
E-mail address
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Application Form
Section C
1. In no more than 500 words, tell us why you are interested in working for Cord and why
are applying for the Laos Country Representative role.
In no more than 1,000 words, tell us how your experience will enable you to fulfil the
key responsibilities of the role that are outlined in the Laos Country Representative
Recruitment Pack.
2. Please refer to the Knowledge, Skills, and Experience sections, and personal qualities
(from the You’ll need section) in the Laos Country Representative Recruitment Pack
and clearly demonstrate how you meet these requirements of the role.
Please provide as much evidence as you can to illustrate how you meet the criteria.
In no more than 500 words please provide details of your experience of providing
3. leadership, modelling values and building inspirational organisational culture.
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In no more than 500 words please provide details of your experience of influencing
stakeholders to take sensitive and informed action and of engaging donors to commit
4. Please provide details of outcomes arising from your actions including details of donors
you have successfully engaged (with detail about what you were responsible for, which
donors, budget size sector focus)
In no more than 500 words please provide details of your experience of financial
5. management (including budget responsibility) and operational management (HR,
facilities, safety/security)
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Application Form
Section D
The information you provide on this form will only be used in accordance with the principles of Cord’s
confidentiality policy. If you are appointed, it will form the basis of your personal record.
Consent Agreement
I certify that all information provided on this application and attachments are true and correct, and that
any misstatements or omission of material facts in the application or the recruitment process may result in
disqualification, or termination of employment. Positive Reference Checks, including Police checks (if
applicable) are an integral part of our recruitment process. Offers are conditional to satisfactory references
and police checks.
I hereby authorise the individuals, companies, agencies or institution that I have provided as references
and/or mentioned as previous employers in my curriculum vitae or resume to furnish Cord or its agents
with any information it may have concerning me which is on record or otherwise, and do hereby release
the addressed individual, company, or institution and all individuals connected therewith, including Cord to
which I am applying, from any and all liability for any damage whatsoever that may be potentially incurred
in furnishing and disclosing any information relating to and/or relevant to my employment with the
addressed individual, company, or institution. This simply means that I will not sue the addressed
individual, company or institution for disclosing any requested information concerning my previous
Signed: Date:
If returning this application electronically you are confirming that the information is true and
accurate to the best of your knowledge.
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