Alcpt 23R (Script)

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Form 23R


Directions for questions 1-25. You will hear questions on the test tape.
Select the one correct answer a, b, c, or d and mark your answer sheet.

1) If you add 2 and 6, what’s the answer?

a. 3
b. 4
c. 8
d. 12

2) What is the size of a particle?

a. small
b. long
c. narrow
d. great

3) Who can best answer a legal question?

a. a lawyer
b. a student
c. a doctor
d. a farmer

4) The best story came at the end.

When did it come?

a. first
b. second
c. third
d. last

5) He bought nothing.
How much money did he spend?

a. none
b. some
c. a little
d. much
6) The men were walking north and then turned left.
Which way were they going then?

a. south
b. right
c. east
d. west

7) Mrs. Smith told her husband, “I’m inviting Mr. and Mrs. Jones to the
house for dinner along with their children Jack and Peter.”
How many guests are coming to dinner?

a. three
b. four
c. five
d. six

8) The soldiers had a five-minute break.

What did they do?

a. They marched.
b. They rested.
c. They saluted.
d. They ate.

9) Who broke the window?

a. No, I didn’t know.

b. Fred did.
c. It needs to be fixed.
d. Yes, I heard it.

10) The mechanic will inspect your car tomorrow.

What will he do?

a. He’ll sell the car.

b. He’ll repair the car.
c. He’ll examine the car.
d. He’ll buy the car.

11) The teacher asked, “What are the properties of water?”

What does he want to know?

a. how it is used
b. who uses it
c. what its characteristics are
d. where it is found
12) How old are their children?

a. No, I have only two.

b. They are very healthy.
c. One is at home, the other at school.
d. One is six, the other ten.

13) Do you always drive so quickly?

a. No, I have never driven slowly.

b. No, only when I am in a hurry.
c. Yes, I would like to drive very much.
d. Yes, or we will be late.

14) Frank notified his employer.

What did Frank do?

a. He played a joke.
b. He went out for a long lunch.
c. He told his employer something.
d. He asked his employer for more money.

15) His engine cut out when he was 8000 feet.

What happened to his engine?

a. It stopped.
b. It dropped on the ground.
c. It made a loud sound.
d. It started after being off a while.

16) Mr. West was talking to the hotel clerk about a room for the weekend.
He asked the clerk, “When is check out time?” What did the clerk answer?

a. “You pay when you check out.”

b. “Three o’clock.”
c. “Here’s your key.”
d. “Write your name and address.”

17) The mechanic turned off the ignition switch because the battery was death.
What did the mechanic do?

a. examine the ignition

b. cut off the ignition
c. put the ignition switch on
d. examine the switch connection
18) The woman asked the man to make up his mind.
What did she want him to do?

a. decide what he wanted

b. think about it
c. solve the problem
d. get up

19) Joe has supper at four o’clock, he eats in the cafeteria, he always has
a good appetite. When does Joe have supper?

a. in the cafeteria
b. he has a good appetite
c. at four in the afternoon
d. bread and meat

20) We moved into a new house when our family began to multiply.
Why did we move into a new house?

a. The old house was too big.

b. The old house needed more work.
c. Our family began to work.
d. Our family was growing larger.

21) The weather is so bad that I’m surprised you could come by plane.
How did you do it?

a. Weather doesn’t affect a train ride very much.

b. Bad weather doesn’t keep me from walking.
c. We flew above the clouds.
d. We drove very slowly.

22) Lt. Jones needs a flashlight because he can’t see.

Why can’t he see?

a. It is too dark.
b. It is too bright.
c. He is too short.
d. He is blind.

23) I don’t know what time it is because my watch is on the blink.

What is wrong with my watch?

a. It is running fast.
b. It is running slow.
c. It is not working.
d. It is being repaired.
24) Those people never saw so much smoke in their lives.
What are they looking at?

a. an animal
b. a fire
c. a movie
d. a truck

25) Joe cut himself very badly.

What did the doctor tell him?

a. You might go to the hospital at once.

b. You must go to the hospital at once.
c. You ought to go to the hospital at once.
d. You shouldn’t go to the hospital at once.

Directions for questions 26-50. You will now hear statements on the test tape.
Select the one correct answer a, b, c, or d and mark your answer sheet.

26) Mary brought her dog.

a. Mary got the dog in a store.

b. Mary had the dog with her.
c. Mary’s dog is strong.
d. Mary’s dog was barking.

27) Ray wants to be elected.

a. Ray wants to be chosen.

b. Ray wants to leave.
c. Ray wants money.
d. Ray wants to be the owner.

28) Susan has just finished a letter from her father.

a. She has just been eating.

b. She has just been reading.
c. She has just been speaking.
d. She has just been bathing.

29) Bob should stay home today.

a. He wants to stay home today.

b. He will stay home today.
c. He ought to stay home today.
d. He had to stay home today.
30) Ralph was ready to depart.

a. Ralph was prepared to leave.

b. Ralph was willing to stay.
c. Ralph wanted to delay eating.
d. Ralph had prepared to work.

31) Erick’s home is somewhere between St. Louis and Kansas city.

a. He lives in St. Louis.

b. He lives in Kansas City.
c. He lives in both places.
d. He does not live in either place.

32) The weather is so cold that she doesn’t want to go out.

a. She doesn’t know what she wants to do.

b. She doesn’t like the warm weather.
c. She wants to stay inside.
d. The weather isn’t very cold.

33) Bill will go to the doctor if he feels worse tomorrow.

a. Bill might go to the doctor.

b. Bill went to the doctor.
c. Bill won’t go to the doctor.
d. Bill will feel worse tomorrow.

34) The farmer has two cows and a dog, but he does not have any chicken.

a. The farmer has no animals.

b. The farmer has three animals.
c. The farmer does not like animals.
d. The farmer has only a few birds.

35) The men listened to the teacher.

a. They read what he was writing.

b. They heard what he was saying.
c. They liked what he was making.
d. They answered what he was asking.
36) He had a chance of winning.

a. It was possible for him to win.

b. It was likely that he would win.
c. It was unlikely that he would win.
d. He couldn’t win.

37) The soldier went to the chaplain for advise.

a. He had hurt his foot.

b. He wanted to learn how to use a gun.
c. He wanted to get married.
d. He wanted to learn how to be a pilot.

38) Mr. Smith can only do it Monday.

a. He doesn’t have enough money to do it.

b. That’s the only time he can do it.
c. He’s the only one who can do it.
d. That’s the only place he can do it.

39) The wind did not damage the wheat.

a. The wind blew down the wheat.

b. The wind did not bring rain for the wheat.
c. The wind did not hut the wheat.
d. The wind turned the wheat yellow.

40) Five dollars is the maximum price we expect to pay.

a. We expect to pay exactly five dollars.

b. We expect to pay approximately five dollars.
c. We expect to pay at least five dollars.
d. We expect to pay no more than five dollars.

41) Sgt. Brown took off his goggles before he spoke to us.

a. He removed them after he spoke to us.

b. He didn’t remove them as he spoke to us.
c. He removed them and spoke to us.
d. He put them on about the time he spoke to us.
42) They had already finished eating when we came in.

a. They didn’t have time to eat.

b. They finished eating before we arrived.
c. We came early and saw them eating.
d. We ate together with them.

43) Mr. Jones obtained the information yesterday.

a. He gave it.
b. He forgot it.
c. He wanted it.
d. He got it.

44) Keep in mind the directions I gave you.

a. Clear them.
b. Forget them.
c. Remember them.
d. Lay them aside.

45) Take your time.

a. Don’t hurry.
b. Take ten cents.
c. Take your tin cup.
d. Hurry up.

46) Peter is hungry.

a. He wants to sleep.
b. He wants to drink.
c. He wants to leave.
d. He wants to eat.

47) I like digests which presents stories or articles in shortened form.

a. I like books.
b. I like magazines.
c. I like newspapers.
d. I like manuals of instructions.
48) The sun radiates light.

a. It aims light only at the earth.

b. It keeps the light.
c. It concentrates the light.
d. It gives off light in all directions.

49) New supplies were unavailable.

a. We couldn’t get them.

b. They were too expensive.
c. They couldn’t be installed.
d. They were on the way.

50) He was not allowed in the room.

a. He didn’t want to go into the room.

b. He couldn’t get out of the room.
c. He was not permitted in the room.
d. He didn’t know where the room was.

Directions for questions 51-60. You will now hear dialogs on the test tape.
Select the one correct answer a, b, c, or d and mark your answer sheet.

51) A: What did you tell them?

B: That the situation is critical.
C: What did the man mean?

a. The woman has said something funny.

b. The problem is very severe.
c. Something strange is happening.
d. There is nothing worth talking about.

52) A: Have you seen your cousin?

B: No, I don’t know what has become of him.
C: What doesn’t the woman know about her cousin?

a. where he ate dinner

b. when he last visited her
c. how many children he has
d. what has happened to him
53) A: Which one is Mathew?
B: The one standing among the schoolchildren.
C. Where is Mathew standing?

a. far from the students

b. not too far from the children
c. near the schoolchildren
d. over there, surrounded by children

54) A: Did you add those numbers to get a total Sam?

B: Yes, Mary, but there is a discrepancy between my total and yours.
C: What do we know about Sam’s total?

a. It is better than Mary’s.

b. It is smaller than Mary’s.
c. It is not the same as Mary’s.
d. It is not as easy as Mary’s to get.

55) A: When can you paint my house?

B: It’s May now, I won’t be able to paint it until July.
C: What does the man say about the house?

a. He won’t be able to paint it until next winter.

b. It will be four months before he paints it.
c. He’ll paint it before summer is over.
d. It will be painted gray again.

56) A: That looks hard. How did you do it?

B: Watch carefully, anyone can do it.
C: What did the woman mean?

a. It is hard.
b. It is fun.
c. It is easy.
d. It is important.

57) A: Your brother has really grown.

B: Yes, he is over six feet now.
C: What did the woman say about her brother?

a. He is very smart.
b. He is very heavy.
c. He is very loud.
d. He is very tall.
58) A: What do you need?
B: I need more of this chemical.
C: What is the man probably doing?

a. eating breakfast
b. conducting an experiment
c. running a race
d. building a box

59) A: Why did you run inside so fast?

B: I thought it was going to rain.
C: Why did the man go inside?

a. He wanted to stay dry.

b. He wanted to take a rest.
c. He wanted something to eat.
d. He wanted to hide.

60) A: Mary is running down the street.

B: Why would she do that?
C: What does the man want to know?

a. the person
b. the name
c. the reason
d. the time



Directions for questions 61-100. Choose the one correct answer a, b, c, or d and
mark your answer sheet. DO NOT WRITE ON THE TESTS BOOKLET.

61) He is willing _______ tomorrow.

a. to go
b. for going
c. go
d. goes

62) The new seat is _______ the car.

a. back of
b. in the back of
c. in back
d. back up
63) Shall we stop for lunch before _______ the next assignment?

a. do
b. done
c. to do
d. doing

64) John is going _______ a letter today.

a. write
b. writes
c. to write
d. writing

65) Steam rises _______ the ground.

a. by
b. with
c. from
d. out

66) _______ you mind closing the window?

a. May
b. Would
c. Could
d. If

67) This camera take a _______ picture than mine.

a. good
b. best
c. better
d. nice

68) We are usually in good physical condition _______ we get enough exercise
and the right kind of food.

a. when
b. until
c. why
d. where
69) Does the food taste _______?

a. bad
b. worst
c. badly
d. in bad

70) Did John _______ study his lessons last night?

a. has to
b. had to
c. having to
d. have to

71) That blonde is _______ the brunette.

a. prettier than
b. prettiest
c. more pretty
d. pretty as

72) The higher we climb, the _______ the air becomes.

a. lightest
b. lighter
c. denser
d. heavier

73) Tom had the chair _______ from the office.

a. removes
b. to remove
c. removing
d. removed

74) Don’t get any of the _______ water on your hands.

a. boils
b. to boil
c. boiling
d. is boiling
75) Blood is _______ by the heart.

a. pump
b. pumped
c. pumping
d. pumps

76) Shall I ask Mary to call you when she _______?

a. should return
b. will return
c. returned
d. returns

77) Oil _______ for lubrication.

a. is using
b. is used
c. to use
d. uses

78) After finishing lunch, John _______ to work.

a. returned
b. returning
c. to return
d. has been returned

79) John and I _______ to Dallas this coming weekend.

a. have driven
b. drove
c. were drive
d. will drive

80) It _______ five dollars.

a. cost me
b. cost to me
c. is costed
d. will costing
81) While he was putting in the gas, I _______ the oil.

a. checked
b. check
c. have checked
d. was being checked

82) This children have been playing _______.

a. after three hours

b. for three hours
c. for ten o’clock
d. before yesterday

83) I would have visited him if I _______.

a. had had time

b. have time
c. am having time
d. will have time

84) Please _______ the glass.

a. have filled up
b. filling up
c. will fill
d. fill up

85) Man: “Get ready as quickly as possible.”

Woman: “_______.”

a. I try to do that, too

b. That’s the only way to go to the movies
c. We do the same in my country
d. I’ll be with you in just a minute

86) Man: “You must not have answered their letter. If you had written, we
would have heard from them by now.”
Woman: “But I _______ two weeks ago.”

a. must write
b. did write
c. am writing
d was writing
87) The sooner you come, _______.

a. the later you will arrive

b. it will be early enough
c. we will have less time
d. the more time we will have

88) Do you know where _______?

a. the Officers’ Club

b. is the Officers’ Club
c. the Officers’ Club is
d. Club the Officers’ is

89) Choose the correct sentence:

a. Put always back the wrench on the table.

b. Always put on the table the wrench back.
c. The wrench on the table always put back.
d. Always put the wrench back on the table.

90) The adjutant told the students who were leaving the base to _______
their orders.

a. look by
b. look along
c. look over
d. look during

91) When will the new book come out?

a. be read
b. be allowed
c. be published
d. be written

92) He spends a good deal of time walking with his friends.

a. a lot of
b. a small amount of
c. all of his
d. a wonderful
93) You should use your head when driving a car.

a. think intelligently
b. turn your head often
c. look straight ahead
d. keep your head up

94) Let’s learn to get along with each other.

a. differ and forget about

b. remember and think with
c. argue and contend with
d. work and live happily with

95) “What do you have in mind?” means most nearly “_______?”

a. What time is it
b. What do you find
c. What do you see
d. What do you want

96) Did you get through with the book?

a. Did you fail to read it?

b. Did you finish it?
c. Did you throw it away?
d. Did you have difficulty with it?

97) He came at the beginning of November and left at the end of December.

a. He left after one year.

b. He was here 30 days.
c. He saw all of the country.
d. He stayed for two months.

98) Can you keep up with your work?

a. Can you do your work on schedule?

b. Can you refuse to do your work?
c. Can you make your work interesting?
d. Can you put off your work?
99) Choose the correct sentence:

a. Tuesday is the day when students in the lab tests take.

b. The day is Tuesday when students take tests in the lab.
c. Tuesday is the day when in the lab students take tests.
d. Tuesday is the day when students take tests in the lab.

100) It was necessary for my sister to drop out of the school.

a. She had to discontinue going to school.

b. She had to leave the room for a few minutes.
c. The bus driver let her off at the school.
d. She lost her school books.


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