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Energy 64 (2014) 58e68

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Process simulation and thermodynamic analysis of an IGCC

(integrated gasification combined cycle) plant with an entrained coal
Jae Chul Lee a, Hyeon Hui Lee a, Yong Jin Joo b, Chang Ha Lee a, *, Min Oh c, *
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Yonsei University, 50 Yonsei-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul 120-749, Republic of Korea
Korea Electric Power Research Institute (KEPRI), 103-16, Munji-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
Department of Chemical Engineering, Hanbat National University, San 16-1, Dukmyung-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Republic of Korea

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: An IGCC (integrated gasification combined cycle) is a widely used electrical power generation system
Received 4 December 2012 that allows for a variety of feedstocks with high efficiencies. In this study, a 300 MW class IGCC plant was
Received in revised form simulated using the PRO/II software package, and thermodynamic analysis was performed. The simu-
11 October 2013
lated results were compared to the basic design data for a 300 MW Class IGCC demonstration plant to
Accepted 24 November 2013
Available online 19 December 2013
evaluate the validity. Since changing the feed coal grade causes one of the most significant issues in
operating an IGCC system, this study investigated the coal sensitivity of the system by examining two
different grade coals (Coal #1: 25,439 kJ/kg and Coal #2:21,338 kJ/kg). Their net powers were determined
Process modeling and simulation
via thermodynamic analysis and by evaluating the power generation and power consumption and were
IGCC found to be 324.4 MW and 279.1 MW for Coal #1 and Coal #2. Based on the inlet coal energy, the overall
Coal sensitivity efficiencies under the same conditions were found to be 40.38% for Coal #1 and 41.42% for Coal #2. This
Thermodynamic analysis paper presents Sankey diagrams for the energy and exergy flow associated with the first and second laws
Economic analysis of thermodynamics, and discusses how they influence the major components of the IGCC. As a final
point, in order to elucidate the preferable coal in terms of financial sense, economic analysis was carried
out on the viability of the cases considered. The costs of electricity for Coal #1 and Coal #2 were eval-
uated as 0.07 US$/kWh and 0.08 US$/kWh. Hence, Coal #1 can confidently be chosen as a more economic
option even though, it costs relatively higher than the other Coal #2.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction accurately predict the composition and temperature of the gases

for each stream in the system, as well as, determine the energy
The IGCC (integrated gasification combined cycle) is a repre- efficiencies using process modeling and simulation.
sentative technology for utilizing coal as feedstock and, conse- Process simulation using commercially available simulation
quently, it is playing a more important role as one of the alternative software programs, such as ASPEN PLUSand HYSYS, is usually
energy sources to cover the global energy demand [1]. applied for IGCC plants. In simulating IGCC plant using ASPEN [3],
Compared to other IGCC plants, such as biomass IGCC plants and Gibbs reactors and conversion reactors e were employed to model
heavy residue IGCC plants, a coal-based IGCC plant is generally a gasifier. For conceptual design purpose, simple modeling
applied to large capacity power system, resulting in a large in- approach was employed in the framework of HYSYS [4]. Accord-
vestment cost of construction. Due to higher operating pressures ingly, for both cases, complicated reaction kinetics was not
and temperatures, reducing the operating costs and energy con- considered. However, in a simulation of IGCC plants, a gasifier is
sumption has emerged as one of the key issues in the industry such considered to be a highly significant unit as the composition of
as improving efficiency of an existing IGCC plant including CO2 syngas from the gasifier is a key parameter in determining the
removal by Descamps et al. [2]. It is therefore advantageous to overall efficiency. The plant performance of IGCC plants is one of
the key operational issues and efforts have been made to evaluate
quantitatively using process simulation, as well as, thermodynamic
* Corresponding authors.
analysis. Comparison of syngas compositions of the operation data
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (C.H. Lee), [email protected] (M. Oh). or design data to those of the simulation results is one such method

0360-5442/$ e see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J.C. Lee et al. / Energy 64 (2014) 58e68 59

Nomenclature MDEA methyl diethanolamine

N molar flow (mol/s)
AGRU acid gas removal unit Pcalculated calculated parameter
ASU air separation unit Pspecified specified parameter
BFW boiler feed water R gas constant (J/mol-K)
CCS carbon capture and storage SRU sulfur recovery unit
CC combined cycle s molar entropy (J/mol-K)
COS carbonyl sulphide so standard entropy environmental conditions (J/mol)
E total exergy (J/mol) To standard temperature (K)
GU gasification unit xi mole fraction
HCN hydrogen cyanide
HHV higher heating value (kJ/kg) Subscript
HP high pressure gas syngas
HRSG heat recovery steam generation
ho standard enthalpy, environmental conditions (J/mol) Greek symbols
h molar enthalpy (J/mol) εph molar physical exergy (J/mol)
IGCC integrated gasification combined cycle εch molar chemical exergy (J/mol)
IP intermediate pressure εo,i standard molar chemical exergy (J/mol)
LP low pressure hoverall energy efficiency of IGCC plant

in an indirect sense. On the other hand, thermal efficiency, which is This study is aimed at process simulation for an IGCC plant, and
defined by the ratio between the generated power and feed heating sensitivity analysis for different grade coals. Process simulation was
value, is a measure to evaluate the plant performance. carried out using the operating and design conditions from the
Applying the simulations, thermodynamic energy and exergetic commercial IGCC plant as well as a comparison between the
analysis can provide criteria to develop process configurations and simulation results and the design data from a 300 MW class IGCC
operating conditions to save energy. With the fact that exergy [13] was made to validate this work. In addition, since the sensi-
combines the first and second laws of thermodynamics, it can be tivity of the plant efficiency with respect to different grades of coals
defined as the “quality of energy” and is a more appropriate mea- is an exigent issue, the plant efficiency was analyzed for different
sure for analyzing energy processes. Analyses of energy and exer- grade coals. Since energy saving was one of the main objectives in
getic systems have been employed to evaluate various energy this study, an attempt was made to analyze the energy and exergy
processes, such as conventional thermal power generation pro- flow on the basis of the simulation results and exergy calculation.
cesses [5,6], and engine combined cycles [7]. The exegetic analysis Finally, in view of fuel costing, economic analysis was executed to
of IGCC process has been carried out for life cycle assessment to consider the cost of electricity for two different coals.
evaluate environmental impacts and exegetic life cycle assessment
to account for exergy input to the system [8]. Kim et al. [9] has 2. Process description
employed exergy analysis to investigate the exergy distribution of
sub-systems in IGCC and reported the improvement of efficiency by The IGCC process used in this study consisted of five important
minimizing exergy losses mainly caused by syngas coolers. units: (1) a GU (gasification unit), (2) an AGRU (acid gas removal
Recently, a detailed exergetic analysis of an IGCC process with unit), (3) a SRU (sulfur recovery unit), (4) an ASU (air separation
carbon capture was performed to find out where and why the unit), (5) a CC (combined cycle) including the gas turbine, a steam
losses occurred [10]. turbine and a HRSG (heat recovery steam generator), as shown in
Several studies performed detailed parametric sensitivity ana- Fig. 1. In this section, we briefly describe the general characteristics
lyses in order to evaluate the effect of efficiency, total capital in- of the IGCC process that we will model in this work.
vestment, and other parameters. For instance, a comparison of the The GU, which is composed of a coal feeding system, an
performances of four IGCC plantsdemploying Shell, Texaco, BGL, entrained-type gasifier, syngas coolers, a filter, and hydrolysis re-
and KRW gasifiersdwas analyzed using ASPEN Plus [11]. The per- actors, produces syngas from the coal feed. Pulverized coal carried
formance efficiency of an IGCC depends on several parameters of by pressurized nitrogen is fed to burners with oxygen at the bottom
different coal qualities such as New Zealand lignite and sub- of the gasifier, where the syngas is then generated through various
bituminous coals [12]. reactions. The reactions include pyrolysis reactions, heterogeneous
The heating value of the feed coal determines the IGCC plant reactions, and homogeneous gas phase reactions. The gasifier has a
dimensions and its generating capacity. Similarly, the moisture membrane wall tubes intended to recover the reaction heat
content of a coal feed affects gasifier efficiency and influences the through both the cooling of the gasifier temperature and the
decision as to whether the process should be dry or slurry fed. generating steam. At temperatures above the ash softening point,
Higher moisture content becomes problematic since much energy the ash becomes sticky and will agglomerate, causing a blockage or
is expended in the form of additional coal and oxygen, in order to fouling the equipment. In order to avoid this situation, quenching
maintain gasifier temperature. Several other properties such as ash gas is supplied into the topside of the gasifier to cool down both the
and mercury content, volatile material and char reactivity all play temperature of the syngas and the fly ash.
important roles in determining the performance of the IGCC sys- Quenched syngas is further cooled in the syngas coolers where
tem. It is therefore vital to perform a sensitivity analysis of the IP and HP steam is produced to recover the sensible heat. Since the
various grades of coal feed to be used in the IGCC plant in order to syngas contains small amounts of HCN and COS, which cause
draw an optimized balance between cost of investment and overall environmental problems and corrode the equipment, hydrolysis
efficiency of the IGCC system. reactors remove them after fly ashes are filtered in the filter vessel.
60 J.C. Lee et al. / Energy 64 (2014) 58e68

Fig. 1. Schematic of IGCC for process simulation.

The main function of the AGRU is to reduce the content of CO2 the process simulation model. The components in our simulation
and H2S. The acid gases must be removed in order to avoid damage study C, CO, CO2, CH4, H2, H2O, O2 and N2 operate at absolute
to the process lines and the gas turbine. In this paper, the AGRU pressures up to 30 bar. So equation of state approach is more
system comprises an absorber, a regenerator, and auxiliary equip- suitable than liquid activity coefficient approaches. Furthermore,
ment with a mixture of MDEA and sulfolane as a solvent [14]. The the involvement of polar components in this system such as CO,
SRU, consisting of furnaces and catalyst bed reactors, is primarily CO2 and H2O, compelled our choice of SRK equation of state model
responsible for recovering sulfur by converting hydrogen sulfide to with modified Panagiotopoulos mixing rules (SRKM) rather than
solid sulfur. The ASU generates oxygen and nitrogen under cryo- using SRK equation of stat.
genic conditions. The generated oxygen is supplied into the gasifier In the gasifier, three kinds of reaction sets were considered,
and utilized for combustion reactions. The generated nitrogen is including pyrolysis reactions, heterogeneous reactions, and ho-
used for various purposes, which include conveying the pulverized mogeneous reactions. The reaction sets and relevant reaction ki-
coal at the feeding system, separating fly ashes from syngas at the netics parameters exploited in this work are described in Table 1.
filter, minimizing NOx generation, and maximizing power genera- Considering most of the reactions took place in a gasifier, it was
tion at the gas turbine. It is a normal practice in the industry to decomposed into 4 reaction zones as shown in Fig. 2. Since the
integrate the ASU with the gas turbine, in the pursuit of improving hydrogen combustion occurred immediately after pyrolysis and its
the overall efficiency. To reduce the power consumption of the ASU reaction rates were dominantly high, a conversion reactor was
compressor, some portion of the air is supplied from the gas turbine employed with the assumption of the complete combustion of
compressor. Then, the percent of air required by the air separation hydrogen. Heterogeneous reactions including char combustion and
unit is taken as the degree of integration. char gasification took place consequently. Finally taking into ac-
The CC is the unit responsible for generating electricity, and it count the characteristics of an entrained flow gasifier, a plug flow
comprises a gas turbine, steam turbines, and a HRSG. Nitrogen and reactor was used for homogeneous reactions.
moisture are added to the syngas in the saturator to reduce NOx and Associated with HP and IP boiler feed water, the gas coolers
maximize power output. The gas turbine contains a combustor, a were modeled to calculate the quantity of the generated steam and
compressor, and an expander, where combustion, air compression, the amount of heat recovery. For the sake of simplicity, the hy-
and power generation occur. drolysis reactors, where HCN and COS were removed, were
The HRSG and three steam turbines are integrated in order to modeled using conversion reactors.
generate HP, IP, and LP steam produced from BFW (boiler feed The simulation of the AGRU focused on the quantity of the
water) in conjunction with the heat transfer from hot syngas, absorbed CO2 and H2S, as well as on the energy balancedparticu-
thereby generating electric power. larly at the regenerator. The gas turbine and ASU were integrated to
perform case studies with the integration ratio of 44.7%.
3. Methodology The simulation of the AGRU focused on the quantity of the
absorbed CO2 and H2S, as well as on the energy balancedparticu-
3.1. Process modeling approach larly at the regenerator. The AGRU consists of an absorber column
with six(6) theoretical stage no. and a regenerator column with
The schematic of the target IGCC process, including the GU, twelve(12) theoretical stage no. at 0.07 MPa pressure. The mixture
AGRU, SRU, ASU, and CC, is illustrated in Fig. 1, which was used for of MDEA and sulfolane was used as a solvent. The Claus process was
J.C. Lee et al. / Energy 64 (2014) 58e68 61

Table 1 Table 2
Reactions in IGCC process. Analysis data for Coal #1 and Coal #2.

Reaction Rate Reference Coal#1 (wt%, dry) Coal#2 (wt%, dry)

Pyrolysis reaction in gasifier Proximate analysis

Coal / a1H2 þ a2CH4 þ a3CO þ a4CO2 þ a5C2H6þ a6H2S þ Char Moisture 5.0 20.5
Heterogeneous reaction in gasifier Ash 15.0 4.5
C(s) þ 0.5 O2 / CO R1 ¼ 5.67*109*e1.60Eþ8/RT [19] Volatile matter 28.0 42.0
C(s) þ CO2 / 2 CO R2 ¼ 1.6*1012*e2.24Eþ7/RT [20] Fixed carbon 52.0 33.0
C(s) þ H2O / CO þ H2 R3 ¼ 1.33*103*T*e1.75Eþ7/RT [21] 100.0 100.0
Homogenous reaction in gasifier Ultimate analysis
H2 þ 0.5 O2 / H2O R ¼ 1.00*1014*e4.20Eþ7/RT [19] Moisture e e
CO þ 0.5 O2 / CO2 R1 ¼ 2.20*1012*e1.67Eþ8/RT [22] Carbon 69.0 68.4
CH4 þ 2 O2 / CO þ 2H2O R2 ¼ 3.00*108*e1.26Eþ8/RT [23] Hydrogen 4.3 5.8
CO þ H2O / CO2 þ H2 R3 ¼ 2.78*103*e1.26Eþ7/RT [19] Oxygen 8.7 19.3
CH4 þ H2O / CO þ 3H2 R4 ¼ 4.40*1011*e1.68Eþ8/RT [23] Nitrogen 1.4 0.9
COS/HCN reaction in gas turbine combustor Sulfur 0.8 0.1
COS þ H2O / CO2 þ H2S Ash 15.8 5.7
HCN þ H2O / CO þ NH3 100.0 100.0
Combustion reaction in gas turbine combustor HHV (KJ/kg) 25,429 21,338
H2 þ 0.5 O2 / H2O R ¼ 1.00*1014*e4.20Eþ7/RT [19]
CO þ 0.5 O2 / CO2 R1 ¼ 2.20*1012*e1.67Eþ8/RT [22]
3.2. Thermodynamic analysis
CH4 þ 2 O2 / CO2 þ 2H2O R2 ¼ 3.00*108*e1.26Eþ8/RT [23]
Conversion reactor used.
The performance of the power plants is estimated through en-
ergetic criteria based on the first law of thermodynamics, which
applied for the modeling, which consists of a set of a furnace, includes electrical power and thermal efficiency [15] using the in-
condensers and three Claus reactors. Consequently, the result of dustrial data by KEPCO shown in Table 3.
SRU modeling does not have any effect on the other units, so the The energy efficiency of the IGCC plant in this study was
modeling was simplified with functions of conversion reactor and described as the ratio of net power generation to energy input,
heat exchanger in PRO/II with the following stoichiometric which can be expressed in terms of the HHV (higher heating value)
equations of the given coal as follows:

H2S þ 11/2O2 / SO2 þ H2O (33% conversion in the furnace) Net power generation
hoverall ¼ (1)
Input energy supplied
31/2 O2 þ 2 NH3 / 3H2O þ 2 NO2 (99 % conversion in the furnace)
Note that exergy is a measure of the maximum capacity of a
2 H2S þ SO2 / 3S þ 2 H2O (70% conversion in three reactors) system to perform useful work as it proceeds to a specified final
state in equilibrium with its surroundings [16]. Because exergy is
Furthermore, cryogenic process was modeled for ASU, therefore, not generally conserved as energy but is destroyed in the system,
it got its power consumption from compressors and pumps. Ar exergy destruction is the measure of irreversibility, which is the
component was ignored in the modeling. source of performance loss. Therefore, even though power plants
The applied reactions for the simulation of the IGCC process are are normally examined using energy analysis, a better under-
listed in Table 1. Taking into account that the coal specification has a standing can be attained when the second law of thermodynamics
significant effect on the syngas composition and the overall IGCC is considered in conjunction with exergy methods.
efficiency, two kinds of coals were chosen to simulate the compo- The total exergy of a material stream can be given by Ref. [17].
sition of the produced syngas. The HHVs of the two types of coal
were 25,429 and 21,338 kJ/kg for Coal #1 and Coal #2. Table 2  
further details the specification of the two coals used.
E ¼ N εph þ εch (2)

Fig. 2. Simulation structure of a gasifier.

62 J.C. Lee et al. / Energy 64 (2014) 58e68

Table 3 Table 4
Operating and design conditions for a gas and steam turbine. Design data of a commercial plant.a

Gas turbine Stream description Unit Gasifier cooler Syngas from Syngas outlet
GT compressor efficiency Adiabatic efficiency 80.8% outlet scrubber from AGRU
GT compressor pressure ratio 0.1 MPa/1.8 MPa 
Temperature C 250 250 48
GT expander efficiency Adiabatic efficiency 92.2%
Pressure MPa 4.16 4.1 3.65
GT expander pressure ratio 1.8 MPa/0.12 MPa
Total mass rate kg/s 116 57 54
Air flow ratio of GT compressor/ASU 11/89
Total molar comp %
air compressor
Coal e e e
Steam turbine
H2 25.33 23.2 25.58
HP ST efficiency Adiabatic efficiency 86.7%
O2 e e e
IP ST efficiency Adiabatic efficiency 91.7%
N2 9.159 16.788 10.28
LP ST efficiency Adiabatic efficiency 92.4%
H2O 1.5 1.374 0.29
HP ST pressure ratio 12.4 MPa/3.2 MPa
CO2 1.3 1.2 0.75
IP ST pressure ratio 3.2 MPa/0.5 MPa
H2S 0.23 0.211 0
LP ST pressure ratio 0.5 MPa/0.005 MPa
COS 0.03 0.0275 0
CO 62.45 57.18 63.08
Outlet temperature 32  C
CH4 0.0015 0.02 0.02
Pressure 0.005 MPa
Reference data were obtained from Basic Design Package for a 300 MW com-
1 mercial IGCC plant in Korea.
where N is the flow rate in mol s , εph is the molar physical exergy,
and εch is the molar chemical exergy.
The relationship of the molar physical and chemical exergy of a In this work, we compared the syngas composition from the
material steam to the reference environmental conditions can be simulation with the basic design data of a 300 MW Class IGCC
expressed as. demonstration plant as shown in Table 4.
Fig. 3 depicts the results of the comparison. In the case of CO, the
εph ¼ ðh  h0 Þ  T0 ðs  s0 Þ (3) compositions from the simulation and industrial data at the inlet
stream of the syngas cooler were 61.65 mol% and 62.45 mol%,
X X whereas the compositions at the inlet stream of the gas turbine for
εch;gas ¼ xi ε0;i þ RT0 xi ln xi (4)
i i
the two cases were 62.93 mol% and 63.08 mol%. From this review,
the relative errors were found to be 1.3% and 0.2%, which is quite
where h and s are the molar enthalpy and molar entropy, at a given acceptable not only for the confirmation of the simulation, but also
temperature and pressure. To determine the chemical exergy, xi for further applications, such as simulations with different grade
indicates the mole fraction and ε0,i denotes the standard molar coals.
chemical exergy of each component i in units of J mol1. The
standard environmental conditions of PRO/II (e.g., T0 ¼ 298.15 K, 4.2. Syngas composition
p0 ¼ 1.013 bar) were adopted as reference conditions in the study.
All the information required to calculate exergy, such as the Fig. 4 shows the simulation results of the composition of syngas
mole flow, mole fraction, enthalpy, and entropy of each material at each process unit in the IGCC plant for Coal #1. As shown, CO, H2
steam, was obtained from the PRO/II simulation results. Chemical and CO2 were the major components of the effluent gas from the
exergies for various gases at the reference state are given in many gasifier. The details of the compositions of the stream as a function
published references [18]. of operating pressure, temperature, and mass rate at each process
unit are presented in Table 4.
The compositions of the syngas from the gasifier were 61.65 mol
% of CO, 30 mol% of H2, and 3.2 mol% of CO2 at the gasifier outlet
4. Results & discussion (stream 4) shown in Fig. 4. Most of CO2 was removed at the AGRU
by an amine solvent (stream 10). The compositions of CO and H2
4.1. Validity of simulated results

A validity test is an essential task to justify the accuracy, relia-

bilitydand hence, the applicabilitydof the process simulation via
either experimental data or published data. Many of the calcula-
tions in PRO/II are iterative, and require certain relationships to be
satisfied within specified tolerances to reach a solution. The toler-
ance can be expressed in either absolute or relative basis.
Relative tolerance ¼  Pcalculated  Pspecified Pspecified  (5)

Absolute tolerance ¼ Pcalculated  Pspecified  (6)

In performing the process simulation, we used a relative toler-

ance of 0.001 for temperature specifications and heat balance
equations. A relative tolerance of 0.005 for pressure, heater/cooler
duty specifications and component balance equations was also
employed. For other calculations, such as flash, pressure, etc. a
relative tolerance of 0.01 was used. Fig. 3. Validity of the simulation results in terms of syngas composition.
J.C. Lee et al. / Energy 64 (2014) 58e68 63

Fig. 4. Simulation results of the syngas composition for Coal #1(4: Topside of the
gasifier, 5: Outlet of the syngas cooler, 6: Quench stream, 7: Outlet of the filter, 8: Inlet
to the hydrolysis reactor, 9: Inlet to the AGRU, 10: Outlet of the AGRU, 11: Outlet of the
saturator, 12: Outlet of the gas turbine, 13: Exhaust gas).

decreased steeply at the gas turbine (stream 11) due to the com-
Fig. 6. Overview of coal sensitivity analysis.
bustion reaction. During the reaction, CO and H2 were converted
into CO2 and H2O; therefore, the composition of CO2 increased. The
hot exhaust gas from the turbine passed the HRSG, resulting in heat convert fly ash into slag, the syngas temperature decreased by
transfer to the BFW for the production of steam. HP, IP and LP steam 900  C because the syngas was mixed with a cold quench gas of
used for the steam turbines were generated from the syngas coolers 250  C (stream 6). The syngas temperature at the outlet of the
and HRSG by recovering the heat from a gasifier and gas turbine syngas cooler (stream 5 in Fig. 5) dropped by approximately 250  C
exhaust gases. Moreover, syngas cooler and HRSG were modeled to while steam was produced through the heat transfer between the
calculate the quantity of the generated steam and the amount of hot syngas and the BFW. The inlet syngas temperature of the amine
heat recovered by utilizing the heat exchanger module in PRO/II system should be controlled because of the low operating tem-
simulator. This is furtherance, with the assumption that the perature of the amine system (stream 9 in Fig. 5). In the combustor,
approaching temperature for Economizer is 4  C and that for Super the temperature rose up to approximately 557  C due to the heat of
heater is 25  C. After the heat transfer, the exhaust gas was emitted combustion. At the HRSG (stream 13 in Fig. 5), the syngas tem-
to the atmosphere, as illustrated by stream 13 in Fig. 4. perature decreased again by 120  C owing to the heat transfer
between the syngas and the BFW.
4.3. Syngas temperature
4.4. Coal sensitivity analysis
The syngas temperature for each stream is shown in Fig. 5. The
temperature at the topside of the gasifier (stream 4) in Fig. 5 was In order to evaluate the possibility of using lower grade coals in
above 1400  C due to the temperature rise by the heat of the re- commercial plants, the sensitivity analysis was carried out based on
actions. At the quenching zone, where the main purpose was to

Fig. 5. Simulation results of the syngas temperature for Coal #1(4: Topside of the Fig. 7. Comparison of CO mass flow rates for Coal #1 and Coal #2(4: Topside of the
gasifier, 5: Outlet of the syngas cooler, 6: Quench stream, 7: Outlet of the filter, 8: Inlet gasifier, 5: Outlet of the syngas cooler, 6: Quench stream, 7: Outlet of the filter, 8: Inlet
to the hydrolysis reactor, 9: Inlet to the AGRU, 10: Outlet of the AGRU, 11: Outlet of the to the hydrolysis reactor, 9: Inlet to the AGRU, 10: Outlet of the AGRU, 11: Outlet of the
saturator, 12: Outlet of the gas turbine, 13: Exhaust gas). saturator, 12: Outlet of the gas turbine, 13: Exhaust gas).
64 J.C. Lee et al. / Energy 64 (2014) 58e68

gases were used as feedstocks at the combustor for the gas turbine,
which eventually provided the heat to generate power. Conse-
quently, the concentrations of CO and H2 significantly influence the
total amount of power generation.
Tables 5 and 6 describe the material balances for Coal #1 and
Coal #2 and detail the compositions and operating conditions (e.g.,
flow rate, temperature, and pressure).

4.4.2. Thermodynamic analysis

The enthalpy flow for Coal #1 and Coal #2 is illustrated by the
Sankey diagram in Figs. 9 and 10. Total generated power and energy
efficiency which serve as the criteria of performance efficiency for
two coals were examined. At the same mass flow rate of feedstock,
the inlet enthalpy flow to the IGCC was 803.4 MW and the net
power generation was 324.4 MW in the Coal #1 (Fig. 9), whereas
the inlet enthalpy flow was 673.9 MW and the net power genera-
tion was 279.1 MW in the Coal #2 (Fig. 10). The net power, power
Fig. 8. Comparison of H2 mass flow rates for Coal #1 and Coal #2(4: Topside of the generation from the gas and turbines and power consumption for
gasifier, 5: Outlet of the syngas cooler, 6: Quench stream, 7: Outlet of the filter, 8: Inlet plant operation was shown in Fig. 11. As it was expected, the
to the hydrolysis reactor, 9: Inlet to the AGRU, 10: Outlet of the AGRU, 11: Outlet of the generated power from the lower grade coal (Coal #2) is 86% of that
saturator, 12: Outlet of the gas turbine, 13: Exhaust gas). from the high grade coal (Coal #1) for the same inlet mass flow rate.
These figures show that the IGCC process generated steams from
simulation results and thermodynamic analysis (Fig 6). From syngas at the gasifier and the HRSG. Most of enthalpy losses took
Table 2, the moisture content of Coal #2 was much higher (more place at condensate and waste gas flows. Consequently, it is
than four times) than that of Coal #1 whereas more fixed carbon concluded that these factors are critical for minimizing the
was included in Coal #1. The HHV of Coal #1 was 25,429 kJ/kg, enthalpy losses in IGCC and optimizing the process configuration of
which was 20% higher than that of Coal #2. In fact, Coal #1 is a the heat network for steam.
design coal which was used for the basic design and Coal #2 is a Overall efficiencies and net power for the Coal #1 and Coal #2
candidate low grade coal which we seek for the possibility as a feed cases are described in Table 7. The overall efficiency for Coal #1 was
coal. 40.38%, and for Coal #2, was 41.41% under same mass flow rate of
coals, turbine efficiencies as well as compressors’ efficiencies. These
4.4.1. Simulation analysis values may tempt the conclusion that a lower grade coal is pref-
As the first step of analyzing the coal sensitivity, we attempted erable for the efficient operation of the IGCC. However, one must
to quantitatively measure the influence of the grade of coals on the consider the meaning of overall efficiency defined by the ratio
compositions of each syngas component and temperature by between the net power and the total energy input based on the
means of a case study. flow rate and HHV of the coal. In the final analysis, the denominator
Figs. 7 and 8 illustrate the molar concentration of CO and H2 for of the overall efficiency equation for Coal #1 was of a significantly
Coal #1 and Coal #2 at different locations. Note that the concen- larger value (803.4 MW) than that for Coal #2 (673.9 MW); thus a
tration of CO in the Coal #1 case was higher than that in the Coal #2 lower overall efficiency than for Coal #2.
case while the opposite tendency was observed for H2 regardless of Furthermore, when the generation of net power is more
unit locations. Considering the fact that CO and H2 are the domi- demanding, the situation becomes further complicated. To increase
nant components of syngas, constituting more than 80% of the total the net power for Coal #2 as much as that for Coal #1 (i.e.,
syngas, the composition of CO and H2 could have a considerable 324 MW), it was necessary to increase the mass flow rate of
impact on the overall enthalpy flow of the product gas. CO and H2 feedstock.

Table 5
Material balance for Coal #1.

Stream name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Stream description Coal Steam Oxygen Topside of Outlet of the Quench Outlet of Inlet to the Inlet to the Outlet of Outlet of the Outlet of the Exhaust
feed feed feed the gasifier syngas cooler stream the filter hydrolysis AGRU the AGRU saturator gas turbine gas
Temperature [ C] 80 300 81 1400 250 263 250 200 45 40 175 557 101
Pressure [MPa] 4.90 5.25 4.35 4.35 4.08 4.35 4.08 4.00 3.80 3.53 2.90 0.00 0.00
Total mass 31.56 1.20 23.48 54.40 100.39 45.99 54.40 55.31 54.51 50.17 50.72 502.55 502.55
rate [kg/s]
Total molar 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
comp. [%]
Coal 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
H2 0.00 0.00 0.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 29.42 29.92 31.08 30.70 0.00 0.00
O2 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.31 10.31
N2 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.86 4.86 4.86 4.86 4.77 4.85 5.03 4.97 75.49 75.49
H2O 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.93 0.25 0.18 1.40 4.80 4.80
CO2 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.20 3.20 3.20 3.20 3.13 3.21 0.00 0.00 9.40 9.40
H2S 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.25 0.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
COS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
CO 0.00 0.00 0.00 61.65 61.65 61.65 61.65 60.47 61.49 63.70 62.93 0.00 0.00
CH4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
J.C. Lee et al. / Energy 64 (2014) 58e68 65

Table 6
Material balance for Coal #2.

Stream name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Stream description Coal Steam Oxygen Topside of Outlet of the Quench Outlet of Inlet to the Inlet to Outlet of Outlet of the Outlet of the Exhaust
feed feed feed the gasifier syngas cooler stream the filter hydrolysis the AGRU the AGRU saturator gas turbine gas
Temperature [ C] 80 300 81 1400 250 263 250 200 46 40 175 550 120
Pressure [MPa] 4.90 5.25 4.35 4.35 4.08 4.35 4.08 4.00 3.80 3.53 2.90 0.05 0.05
Total mass 31.56 1.20 23.48 57.13 105.88 48.75 57.13 54.96 51.35 48.06 48.64 500.46 500.46
rate [kg/s]
Total molar
comp. [%]
Coal 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
H2 0.00 0.00 0.00 19.57 19.57 19.57 19.57 20.51 22.32 23.07 22.73 0.00 0.00
O2 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.39 11.39
N2 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.75 4.75 4.75 4.75 4.98 5.42 5.60 5.52 76.21 76.21
H2O 0.00 100.00 0.00 12.57 12.57 12.57 12.57 8.37 0.26 0.18 1.64 3.20 3.20
CO2 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.51 2.75 0.00 0.00 9.20 9.20
H2S 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
COS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
CO 0.00 0.00 0.00 60.56 60.56 60.56 60.56 63.47 69.07 71.15 70.11 0.00 0.00
CH4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

With an increase in the mass flow rate of Coal #2, the value of reactionsde.g., reactions for gasification and combustion for a gas
the inlet enthalpy flow increased proportionally. Consequently, the turbinedtook place. The exergy loss for the gasifier for Coal #1 was
overall efficiency for Coal #2 decreased, corresponding to an in- 12.5% and that for a GT (gas turbine) combustor was 21.7%, ac-
crease of the inlet energy supplied to the coal feed. In order to counting for the destruction of about 34% of the exergy inlet flow to
illustrate this point more clearly, economic analysis based on the IGCC. The main reason for this loss was that the chemical exergy
same operating conditions (e.g. same mass flow rate of coals) was constituted a notable portion of the total exergy and the reactions
carried out in Section 4.4.3. caused a serious change in the chemical exergy. This analysis im-
Figs. 12 and 13 illustrate the exergy flow using Sankey diagrams plies that in order to improve the practical energy savings, atten-
for Coal #1 and Coal #2. The exergy destructions for Coal #1 and tion should be paid to the performance enhancement of the gasifier
Coal #2 were 546.5 MW and 456.6 MW and their exergy efficiencies and the gas turbine. This actually corresponds to industry’s per-
were correspondingly 35.1% and 35.8%. Comparing with the ther- spectives to regard them as the key units for operation of IGCC
mal efficiencies (40.38% for Coal #1 and 41.41% for Coal #2), the plants.
exergy efficiencies decreased by 13.1% and 13.5%. Considering that
exergy is the measure of irreversibility, the differences between the 4.4.3. Economic analysis
thermal efficiencies and exergy efficiencies represented the energy Even though the knowledge of a power plant’s efficiency is vital
destruction due to the energy loss to environments. The exergy in the estimation of fuel costing, it is limited in the prediction of the
losses of the main equipment in the IGCC are shown in Fig. 14. The economic viability of the plant. To have a comprehensive compar-
largest exergy losses occurred at the equipment where chemical ative analysis of a power plant to know how well or poorly it does

Fig. 9. Enthalpy flow diagram for Coal #1.

66 J.C. Lee et al. / Energy 64 (2014) 58e68

Fig. 10. Enthalpy flow diagram for Coal #2.

against other investment opportunities, a firm and detailed US$61,450,909. In order to compare the cost of electricity, the same
knowledge of the capital, fuel and labor cost are essential. This condition for the maintenance/operation, depreciation and labor
knowledge provides a figure of merit based on which informed costs were employed. The total cost to generate the net power of
decisions can be made regarding the plant and its operation. 320 MW using Coal #1 was estimated at US$163,687,273 whereas
For the economic aspect, this study aims to estimate the relative US$ 146,692,727 was spent to produce the net power of 262 MW
costs of generating electricity in an IGCC installation with two using Coal #2. The cost of electricity for this study was calculated to
different grades of coal (Coal #1 and Coal #2). The costs used in this be US$0.07/kWh for Coal #1 as the base year cost of electricity
study were estimated using data which was generally provided by whilst Coal #2 yielded a cost of electricity value of US$ 0.08/kWh.
KEPCO in Korea. Estimated values could be different depending on Usage of Coal #1 as a fuel in the power plant yielded a net power of
assumptions and conditions applied in their estimation. These costs 2,382,720 MWh/y whilst Coal #2 generated a net power of
include the operating labor, material maintenance as well as 1,950,852 MWh/y.
administrative and support labor. There are two components of the
operating costs; fixed operating cost which is generally indepen- 5. Conclusions
dent of the power generation and variable operating cost, directly
related to power generation. Process modeling and simulation was performed for a 300 MW
Table 8 summarized the result of economic analysis. The costs of Class IGCC plant using the PRO/II simulation package. Through the
Coal #1 and Coal #2 were estimated at US$109.091/ton and simulation, both the ability to predict the syngas composition and
US$85.455/ton, and the annual costs for coals based on the 85% the coal sensitivity were evaluated. The simulated results of the
availability of plant operation were US$78,445,455 and syngas composition were compared with the industrial data for a
300 MW Class IGCC demonstration plant and showed a good
agreement with less than 2% marginal error.
To analyze the effects of different feedstocks, a simulation case
study was performed for two different grade coals with the same

Table 7
Generated power & power consumption for Coal #1 and Coal #2.

Coal #1 Coal #2

Power generation MW 358.2 313.0

Gas turbine & compressor MW 235.7 194.7
Steam turbine MW 122.5 118.3
Power consumption MW 33.8 33.9
Syngas recycle compressor MW 3.3 3.3
Air separation unit MW 28.1 28.2
HP, IP, LP BFW pumps MW 1.6 1.7
Others MW 0.8 0.8
Net power MW 324.4 279.1
HHV of coal MW 803.4 673.9
Overall efficiency % 40.38 41.42
Fig. 11. Generated power & power consumption for Coal #1 and Coal #2.
J.C. Lee et al. / Energy 64 (2014) 58e68 67

Fig. 12. Sankey diagram for exergy flow (Coal #1).

operating conditions. In order to investigate the quality of syngas played an important role in reducing the available work in the IGCC.
produced, mass flow rate of CO and H2 for Coal #1 and Coal #2 were The main exergy destruction took place at the gasification unit and
compared at each stream. For the thermal efficiency evaluation, an the GT combustor; the percent of exergy losses at these locations
attempt was made by means of first and second law of thermo- was 12% and 21.7%. From the analysis, we concluded that chemical
dynamics. Moreover, a careful overview of the enthalpy flow was reactions were the main reason for exergy destruction and that
depicted using Sankey diagrams which also elucidated the power efforts should be made on these units to improve the overall
generation, net power as well as energy losses at each of equip- thermal efficiency.
ment. Taking into consideration, the same operating and design All in all, an economic analysis using commercial data was car-
conditions, (i.e. feed rate, turbine efficiencies, etc.) the thermal ef- ried out to calculate the production cost of electricity for both cases.
ficiencies for two different grades of coal were 40.38% and 41.41% The main entries considered in the calculation include the price of
with a corresponding net power generation of 324.4 MW and coals, operating and maintenance cost, labor cost and depreciation.
279.1 MW. Performing exergy analysis for the plant and individual It was concluded that the cost of electricity for Coal #1 and Coal #2
units, the amount of irreversibility could be estimated, which were evaluated as 0.0678 US$/kWh and 0.0752 US$/kWh.

Fig. 13. Sankey diagram for exergy flow (Coal #2).

68 J.C. Lee et al. / Energy 64 (2014) 58e68

by Korea government Ministry of Knowledge Economy (No.

2011951010001C and 2011-8510020030).


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