How To Assemble A Basic Desktop PC

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Learning Competencies

1. Determine requirements of task in accordance with the required output

2. Follow client-specific guidelines and procedure
3. Apply required data security guidelines in accordance with existing procedures

Step 1. Gather Tools and Supplies

 Gather the tools you will need for the projects:
 Screwdriver (for slotted and Philips head screws)
 Wire cutters and strippers
 Needle-nosed pliers
 Utility knife
 Small flash light
 Adjustable wretch
 Small container to hold screws
 Heat sink compound
 Grounding strap

Step 2. Open the case

Open the computer case by removing the side panels. Find the screws that hold the side panels in place
and remove. The panel is removed by first sliding it back then lifting it away from the case.

Step 3. Wear an anti-static device

Put the grounding strap on your wrist (Figure 10) and connect the other end to the computer case. If
your strap is not equipped with a clip to hook to the case, find a place to wedge against the metal as
shown in figure 11. This will prevent any build-up of static electricity on your body from damaging the
computer components.
CAUTION: Static electricity can ruin computer components. Always wear a grounding strap when
handling any internal components.

Step 4 Install Motherboard

To install the motherboard we need parts that should have been included with your purchased
1/O Bezel is a trim panel installed in the back of the case that surrounds the interface ports on the
motherboard. It should be included with the mother board. Figure 12 shows the contents of the
motherboard box.
Standoffs are installed in the case screw holes to create a riser that separates the case and
motherboard. The screws install into the standoffs as shown in figure 13. Screws and standoffs should
be included with the case, but it is good idea to order these items just in case they aren’t included.

Step 5 Install Hard Drive

The hard drive is the device that stores all of your data. It is 3.5” wide and needs to be mounted so that
you can gain access to the cable connections. (figure 16). If that is not possible you may need to connect
cables before you install the drive. To mount the drive:
Find a 3.5 drive bay to install the drive in if you have trouble finding a place to mount the drive consult
your case documentation for suggestions. Slide the drive into a place until the screw holes on the sides
are lined up with holes in the case.
Install the screws

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