The Angels of Saint Franci1

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“The Angels of Saint Francis” by Jeff Frank June 21,2008

“I have seen and met Angels wearing the disguise of ordinary people living
ordinary lives” Traci Chapman

Dedicated to all the Angels in hospitals and everywhere,

Disguised as humans.
Angels at the party…Laura, Guy, Sandy, Judi, Ray, Karen and Gary, Tom,
Jeanne, Carol, Margie, the waitress
Angels in the Ambulance….Rita Wyatt, Luke Hardcastle, Al Tedesco, Mike
Bouche and Terry, Tracy Martin
Angels of St. Francis…. Genessa, Lilly, O’Ramas, Paul, Lynette, Maria,
Joseph, Tara, Asha, Sherry, Terry, Steve, Bob Quinn, Jack Soterakis, Rocky
Colangelo, George Petrussian, Vinnie Jamm, Jacklyn Thoresz, Mike Como,
Dr. Hoch, Angela, Robyn, Barbara, Dorothy, Dorothea, Dolores, Erica, Eric,
Dan, Richland, Vera, Michael, Tara, Rochelle, Elishia, Nellini, Mark, H.
Sinan Berkay, Erin Rose, Joseph, Richard, Asha, Tamar, Maura, Mary
Claire, Arcie, Melissa, LaToya, Mary, Michael, Rose, Francine, Andy,
Willie Pete, Catherine, Christine, Mark, Carrie, Susanna, Debbie, Theresa,
Sophe, Victoria, Francine, Juan, Adrianna, Jennifer, Francine, Christine.

My Family Angels… Jennifer, Mark, Claire, Daphne and John, Elizabeth

(Jean, Mike, Pat, Jan, Mary Jane, Kelly, Mark)
Angel Drivers… Robert Burton, Steve Cholette
The Angels of rehab…. Nancy, Kathleen, Alana, Jessica, Peggy and Ann

My guardian Angel and body elemental, all the arch angels that worked with
me, Michael, Azerial, Raphael, Gabriel, Urial
For all the Green Guerrillas and friends and strangers who prayed for me
when it was needed.
My special thanks to Hilda Charlton, Sai Babba, Mother Mary, AmmaChi,
Guru Bawa Muhaiyaddeen, Buddha, the Lords of Karma,Babba Ji, The
Ascended Masters, Glycol, Ishmatalda, Serapis Bey, St. Germaine, Johan
Venice, Hilarion, El Moyra, Kuthumi, Quan Yin, Mary, Gaia and Joshua ben
Joseph and Padmasambhava

Giovanni Bernadone lived 800 years ago and a story about him came to us
from a Sufi Master who was Rumi’s teacher, Chams.
It seems Rumi was at the point in his life that he needed a mentor so he
was told by a mystic that the person he sought would be found by a well
after his burro had thrown him off. Rumi understanding the ways of Allah,
left the man and soon forgot about the advice.
One day while riding his burro in Bokara (in modern Afghanistan) Rumi
was thrown off the burro and noticed it was next to a well.

As he was sitting there a stranger gave him his hand to help him and as
Rumi looked up at the man he remembered the prophesy from years before.
He looked at the Sufi’s robes and knew this man was his teacher.
“My Name is Chams”, said the stranger and Rumi immediately asked the
Sufi to his home. Chams accepted and a beautiful friendship developed
between the two.
The only problem was Chams was not a simple Sufi but a man filled with
the energies of a mans man, a sort of misfit mystic and liked to party stay up
late drinking, talking and gambling and having just plain fun.
Rumi’s sons did not appreciate Chams as Rumi did and finally told their
father Chams had to go. Rumi was appalled but did what his family asked
and told Chams he had to leave even though it broke his heart to see his
friend leave.
Soon the family realized that Rumi was affected in a sad way and was not
the same as when Chams lived with them. The sons went to their father and
told him,
“We were wrong about Chams and did not realize how much he meant to
“We will search for him and ask his forgiveness and ask him to return.”
“But where will you look for him? Rumi asked”
“We have an idea”, they replied and left the next day going west. They
decided to look for him in bordellos; gambling dens or any place partying
would be going on. They picked up the trail quite easily and followed
Cham’s trail to Damascus, which was on the ancient caravan trail. They
began looking in all the dens of iniquity, every brothel or gambling den until
they found him playing dice with an Italian Christian.

The sons of Rumi came up and said to Chams, “ Chams, we are sorry to
have asked you to leave, our father misses you and we ask you to return with
us to Bokara”. Chams put his dice cup down and introduced the boys to his
partner, Giovanni.
“Lets go boys and see how your father is doing?” Chams left Giovanni and
went back to Rumi who was to become one of the greatest Sufi Saints;
Giovanni gave up his wild ways and became one of greatest Saints of the
Christians, St. Francis.

O “Great Spirit” make me an instrument of your Peace.

Where there is hatred let me show Love
Where there is Injury, Pardon
Where there is doubt, Faith.
Where there is despair, Hope.
Where there is darkness, Light.
Where there is Sadness, Joy.

O’ Great Spirit
Grant that I may seek rather to comfort, than to be comforted.
To Understand, rather than to be understood.
To Love than be Loved.
For it is by Giving that one receives,
By Forgiving that one is forgiven,
And it is by dying that one awakens to Eternal life.

Preface: This is a story about Twenty-four days in the life of Jeff Frank,
day’s that changed his life and everyone who knew him or met him later.
Twenty-four days of a Journey filled with Miracles and wonder. The
Tibetans believe in dimensions or frequencies called Bardos. They know
Bardo’s open each second and bring miracles and change into our lives,
however most live our lives in forgetfulness, either in the past or the future,
rarely in the present moment. Ultimately we have to be present in the
moment or we forget.

I learned to be aware of the changing scenes of everyday life and by
accepting the change and realizing the possibilities by knowing it was my
“Movie” I was 100% responsible for what ever I experienced. I began to
practice “Short Term Memory Loss”, I figured there was too much to
remember and I was going to forget anyway.
I had watched “Finding Nemo” after a five year old friend’s child Katie said,
“I don’t remember that, I have short term memory loss” after Dory the fish
in the movie. I also practice “Make Believe”, Believing I am Wealthy,
Healthy, Happy and Wise, I attract them to me. I have always thought “Out
of the Box” as it came natural to me. I am an Organic vegetarian and only
drink water. I went to a party and went on the journey of a lifetime.

As the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen says of life.

“Its all False!
It’s all a dream!
It’s all crazy!
Its all Gone!
It’s all right!
Lets see what’s next.”

“The news of my Death has been greatly exaggerated”. Mark Twain on

reading his obituary.

“Dying is easy, its comedy that’s hard.” Edmund Burke on his deathbed

“Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body
but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting “Holy Shit, What a
ride!” George Carlin

“The Knucklehead Prayer” by Jeff

“Great Spirit,’ forgive us, for we are Knuckleheads”

(It covers all the bases)

“It was a day like all days, filled with those events that alter and illuminate
our times except you are there!” Walter Cronkite “You are There”

Chapter 1 Wednesday July 4, 2007

July fourth, 2007 arrived much as any beautiful July day. I was invited to
a party of an old friend who’s daughter Julie was born on the fourth as my
daughter Daphne was and my first daughter Jennifer on July 2 so I was
celebrating three birthdays that day. I felt great! My job as a substitute
teacher in Southampton ended a few days before for recess and I could now
concentrate on my volunteer work with an Organic school called “The
Nature Lyceum” in Westhampton, NY.
Getting ready in the afternoon, finding the present for Julie, a “Slim
Spurling Healing Ring” and leaving the house wide open, as I would be back
in two hours, the computer on, the radio on, the front door open. I walked
out of the house thinking I would eat at the party. I would see my friend
Laura, her dad Guy and Sandy, her mom Judi and many friends. A beautiful
after noon with friends began with a 2-mile walk and a relaxed day. If you
could have told me what was in store for me I don’t know what I would have
done but that’s the big secret of life. The only two things we know is, we are
going to die however we do not know where or when. I would find out. So
the “Great Spirit” keeps his secrets so we can become aware, the concept of
awareness then acceptance and change occurs on its own. I got ready to
leave and decided to take the pictures I have of holy men and women. I did
not usually do that. They are like old friends to me, but stay home.
I drove over to Judi’s house around four pm, the forecast was for
showers later, I pulled up across the street, got out of the car and walked into
the backyard. There were probably 30+ people and a Sprite like serving girl
that I some how felt I knew.

Looking around I walked in slowly and quietly noticing many old friends
but for some reason I was looking for only one person, Laura who I called
“Sunshine”. Each year we get to gather here and laugh and today was no
I knew Laura years before and in 1996 when she was in college, she and
her friend Lauri came to a compost farm I was the director of sales for.
After the tour we went out to lunch and since they were vegetarians I did not
have any meat either, and never again ate meat. It felt right.
I feel I started Laura out in Organics and every time I saw her it was like a
reunion. I also kidded her about the Reptilian’s who own planet Earth called
the Annunuki or agents provocateur for the dark side, no kidding. I always
tell anyone who will listen about them and how the fix has been in for
450,000 years and each birthday I tell Julie about them and she has no idea
what I am telling her but I do it each year and this was no exception. I
spotted Laura alone and we both began speaking and laughing.
“Now, Jeff, please don’t talk to Julie about the Annunuki, Laura says. “ ok”
I reply and begin to laugh.
Julie always listens politely but is not sure exactly what I am speaking
about, when I speak about the Annunuki to her, but that’s ok, Laura and I
laugh about it, even though it is no laughing matter, but what are you
supposed to do when the fix is in?
I saw some other friends, I thanked Ray for inviting me and told Gary to
find some chocolate to give to the Aztec god of rain Tlaloc, so he will not let
it rain on the party. He is very effective when given chocolate, actually its
amazing what chocolate does for everyone.
Laura and I were laughing very hard and I went into a doubled over
position, it was so funny. Then I feel something very different, I can’t catch
my breath, and I feel weak. I feel something is deadly wrong and look at
Laura and say, “I have to sit down” and Laura looked at me in worry
because she knows I have had several heart attacks (7) and a stroke in 2003
in which I was blind and paralyzed on my left side.
Then I cured my stroke with out going to a doctor or hospital, I cured my
self with humor, and I laughed and meditated and used supplements. I called
it my stroke of good fortune! It took me a year but what a year!

I felt my heart going from afib to dfib, its real. This was way different than
anything I ever experienced in my short life!
I am attempting to calm myself down with concentrated breathing that I
have practiced for years to do.
“Its working, I am calm.”
So I go to the ground and lay down, I see the blue sky, feel the cool turf
under me for a moment then I hear Laura say, “We have an emergency here,
please help us!”
The difficulty becomes acute, no air and I realize I am dying fast, I begin
to pray the Hawaiian healing prayer called the “Ho’oponopono” and close
my eyes as Laura and others begin to gather. Laura says,” Pray for Jeff,
Don’t bring your fears here just LOVE, keep your negative thoughts to your
self ” and they begin to pray and hold their hands over me.
Knowing that the last moments you spend on Earth (Heart) are the most
pregnant with possibility for a greater rebirth, I began to pray in my mind.
I prayed the Ho’oponopono Hawaiian Healing Prayer of Rectification.
I am praying, “Great Spirit”
“What is going on with me that I feel so bad?
I am so sorry!
I am 100% responsible!
Show me how I may rectify this situation in me so I feel better!
Thank you!”
Then, I was dead.

I had no premonition and no real pain, just gone.

What happened next surprised even me.
In a flash I was out of my body and seeing the party from a whole different
perspective that remains some what indistinct, Azerial the Angel of death
was there, as I was told his name, by a Shaman Ginger Lee Frost (who
helped me to remember) holding the tunnel open incase (highly unlikely) I
would return.

Four “Elementals”(elementals are Nature Spirits of Earth, Wind, Fire, Water
and Space) surrounded me and made me feel safe and protected, even
though I did not feel I needed any protection, I guess the feeling was love.
They were my “Elemental” escorts, they would not return as I later learned;
they sacrificed them selves for my journey. Time was non-existent to me. I
noticed the pain was gone and I was not breathing, I did not need to breathe.
Hmmm, Interesting! I went quickly up a well lit spiral and into what I
learned was a council room, I saw no one until I was in the large room.
A few moments before I was laughing with Laura and now I was in a
courtroom. I had hoped the difficulty was a warning but as I got down to the
ground I knew it was the Big one however I was very relaxed and fearless. I
remember the sky being blue, no sound, just me saying the Ho’oponopono.
It all happened so fast, no pain, no premonition.
Laura looked up at the faces of her parent’s friends while kneeling with my
head in front of her as they began to gather. Many old friends were
witnessing my death at a party on a beautiful day.
Laura reminded them again to pray for me as Margie did Reiki on my feet,
the serving girl who only moments before, I thought, was an Elemental was
across from Laura with her hands over my head as Laura was doing,
praying. A moment before she was offering us pigs in the blanket, now she
was praying for a stranger.
Karen Pappas The first girl I ever kissed in 7th grade was there with her
husband and was an emergency room nurse for many years and responded
by immediately attempting to resutate me with an Angel/nurse Carol
Mctigh. By this time my body was black and blue and I was not breathing at
all. Karen asked me if I wanted them to keep working on me to squeeze her
hand, which I did and they continued to work on me. Laura said at this time
a golden rosy aura came out of the ground and surrounded my body. She
thought it quite amazing and reassuring. I was unconscious now for over 10
minutes and having very little air.

Everyone worked tirelessly on me, but I was gone, Karen closed my eyes but
she and Carol kept working using every bit of energy in her lifetime of
helping others, now to experience a life/death situation with an old friend
was mind bogging for everyone.
Guy Riccardi and Tom Brophy were calling me back Guy straddled me and
put his hand on my heart just as he had done centuries before on a battlefield
over my lifeless body.
911 had been called and the Westhampton Volunteer ‘s ambulance crew
arrived and brought all their equipment with them. They all noticed some
thing very different about this scene. They had been to many many of these
situations however they said it was a different vibration in the yard, no panic
or fear. The blue sky had darkened quickly.
The ambulance crew took over from Karen and Carol, all the eyes at the
party were watching the real life scene that none of them would have ever
asked to witness, the death of a friend. Usually in war or accident you are a
witness to death. Usually a stranger, not this, like this. Time was passing
slowly for everyone, five minutes, seven minutes, ten minutes, Karen had
closed my staring eyes, and People kept arriving at the party becoming part
of the experience. Carlos and Danielle arrived and noticed crowd in one area
being very quiet and saw a dead man on the grass with people praying over
him and Danielle’s mom Karen giving me mouth to mouth. Later they went
to my friends Maggie and Happy’s home and told them they were just at a
party and there was a dead guy in the back yard! Like “Weekend at
Bernie’s”, all they had to do was put a beer in my hand and sunglasses on
my eyes.
Maggie asked what the persons name was and was shocked to find out it
was me! Word gets around quick.
The EMT’s had never encountered such a calm and quiet reaction from the
party goers, surrealistic as they prepared me.
The EMT’s put me on a board, attached all the stickers to monitor my heart
and it was flat line. They decided to shock me and cleared the area, as they
got ready.

“Clear” a shot of juice made my body jump as I was told by friends. Again,
again, again, again, again, again, seven times and the same result, nada
As they were putting my body in the ambulance, Gary Pappas noticed the
rain beginning to fall and he remembered he forgot to give “Tlaloc”
chocolate, hmmmm.
They loaded me up and decided to bring my dead body to the Peconic
hospital morgue in Riverhead. Someone called my daughter Jennifer and
told her I had died at a party and my body would be in Riverhead Peconic
hospital. Laura volunteered to accompany my body and her dad would pick
her up there and drive her back to the party.
Laura sat in the front seat numb, and four technicians sat in the back
chatting. As I recall I did not need oxygen and since I was dead, a siren was
not necessary. One of the EMT’s closed my eyes. I had been dead with out
breathing for over 15 minutes and three minutes means brain starvation, if I
had survived I would have been a vegetable.
All of a sudden I could hear again.
Then I could breathe.
Finding my self in a courtroom after I died was completely contrary to
everything I ever was told about after life, key word “told”.
After the staircase that arrived, sort of, with the four Elementals and me and
an Arch Angel, we transported to a large room. Now I was facing 12 beings
in robes that I found out later were the Ascended Masters called the Lords of
Karma, Heavy! The table looked like wood and was large, but I could not be
sure about much, there was no air and I thought everything. You kind of
miss the gentle breeze on your face; Earth (third dimension) is the only place
with it.
It was hard not to notice two large flames at both ends of the tables, I
thought, “What are those flames doing with no air?”
The message I got back was “Those are the prayers of the people praying for
you right now” Needless to say I was impressed, they looked like flare offs
in an oil field. That sort of impressed them too; I guess they don’t get a lot of
accident folks that get prayers right away.
“We are also keeping your soul group away from you so you can make the
best decision,” came a new thought from the Ascended Masters
“Decision”? “What decision”, I thought?

“This meeting,” I was told was to “discern” weather or not I should be
returned to Earth or stay here in this new frequency.
That’s Why Azeriel was keeping the spot open hmmm.
The Meeting began:
My body looked real in the clothes I was wearing (good trick because my
shirt had been ripped from my body) but the funny thing was I could put my
hand right thru my skin like it wasn’t there. No air, no pain, no fear, it was
quite amazing to me. Love and Peace were around me, no fear, just wonder.
Everything was a miracle and I was participating in it. The Elementals made
a plea for me to return as they felt my work for Mother Earth(heart) was not
over . The Akashac records of my lives was brought in.
I don’t recall a great deal from my experience, it’s much like a dream with
in a dream. To be considered worthy enough to be able to go back to
Earth to complete my Darma or Birth Vision. I was asked if I would like a
Councilor so I thought “yes”
In an instant a man was standing next to me who I realized was my master
from Greece 4,000 years before and he would be my advocate, he
introduced himself as Roberto El. What his name was in Greece I do not
know. I had never met a Roberto in this life only recalling Roberto
Clemente’s name.
I don’t remember much but we were old friends and he was there to help
It seems the issue was allowing me to return, so I was allowed to see the
proceedings and get involved. I just kept quiet because I had seen
“Defending your life “ with Meryl Streep and Albert Brooks and it was
somewhat like that, except I did not have a Rip Torn as my advocate.
“We are here to discern whether you will be allowed to return to your body
to continue to serve man or go on”.
I was allowed to see my “book of life”, it was hefty for sixty years on the
planet and it was fashioned to get life time experiences and Wisdom in one
life time, however there were 6 pages left in it and I was allowed to see them
however I do not remember exactly what they were except I would be

involved in the re-vegetation of Mars and defeating the Red tide on earth and
I would write a book about this moment and I would be channeled and I was
told when I stop doing what I am supposed to do, I will be, ahh recycled.
By thinking out of the box, not settling for one or two jobs in a life time, I
had 93 full time jobs in many different fields from plumbing, to bartending
to English to Horticulture to Organics to being a Father and Grandfather.
It seems my life was reviewed and I was judged “Selfless” which surprised
me but I went along with the Lords of Karma. The argument was should I be
returned and I was adamant, I wished to return.
Next my heart was taken from my chest and put on a scale with a feather on
the other side. I could put my hand thru my body so it did not surprise me
and the fact I had studied Metaphysics all my life.
I had heard about and read about how the Egyptians thought when you
crossed over your heart was weighed to see “Maat” or how much Truth you
have found. If the feather is heavier than the heart it’s a real good sign.
When they weighed my heart is was lighter than the feather and that really
surprised the Judges and me. Even though they know the future to some
degree. So far I was a surprise to them, they appointed Roberto El and I do
not have a clear memory of what he looked like, I do get flashes of a balding
white haired man with a beautiful smile as I would have remembered him in
ancient Greece 4,000 years ago. Obviously his arguments for my return to
the third dimension were successful because I was allowed to return to my
work with Mother Earth’s environment teaching folks how to love our
mother. .It went on for quite some time and I heard each Master and others
Remember, I feel I just jumped into a frequency or dream and I do not feel
I traveled a great distance to get here, from nowhere to now here. Actually I
feel I have never left Minneapolis where I was born and the only thing that
did go by was the scenery and time, very Disney.
Really the whole show was a surprise to me being it was so unusual even for
the Lords of Karma, I was led to believe its mostly not necessary, most lives
are sort of cut and dry. But I posed a problem in that I was still a “Burned
Out Buckaroo” or a misfit mystic however the good I had done out weighed
the negative and that I had given up my self to service and helping others.

I had passed the heart feather test and my record was spotty but overall
good and for some reason it was important to get me back to a little speck of
dust called Earth. I don’t remember what Roberto El, thought to free me to
go back, he was the best lawyer I ever had! However I do remember the vote
8 to 4 to allow me to go back to Earth(heart) because I had a desire to serve
and there was the issue with my genetic structure being necessary for future
Earth(heart) changes to occur. Go figure!
Earth (heart) is a third dimensional world with good and not good, all the
same energy but two different sides and its everywhere in everything.
I was allowed to to see this and understand how to shift the paradigm by
understanding “We” are the creators, gods in pre kindergarten, it’s an
amazing thought. In higher realms consciousness creates everything, same as
here on Earth(heart) however we doubt.
Just a moment ago I was laughing with Laura about the dark forces on the
planet and now it was being decided if I should go on or go back. And it was
serious, I did not detect joviality as a feeling, Love yes, joviality hmmmm,
I know the dark forces don’t like being laughed at it really pisses them off
and they are in everyone imagination however there is a way to deal with
them, which is “Out of the box”. They wanted me dead.
I sensed because of my desire, I was a piece in the earth struggle puzzle. My
DNA (genetic structure) was necessary to be on the planet (on July 17,
Light and dark forces (macrocosms) are necessary to the Awareness to
create gods. The dark rules the third dimension by robbing our energy and it
takes many forms from the Annunuki, microscopic parasites inside of us and
outside of us, microbes to macrobes, none that we can see.
The dark lies to us and suborns us making our ego react rather than respond.
Emotions rule reason, so we fall for it again and again lifetime after lifetime.
The fix has been in and on the Earth for many thousands of years. Evil is in
your face, maybe in disguise of a newsman, thief, a liar, war, famine,
chemical companies or a president or a clergy person or just some one we

The dark is mischievous and plays to our ego’s in very subtile ways. The
“Great Spirit” is a sunset or a cloud or a pretty girl, its very subtle, not in
your face, that’s why folks don’t always do the right thing. That’s why we
need golden calves or priests to remind us or pictures of folks on crosses.
If we respond rather than react we listen to our Intuition, the silent voice
with in all of us, that runs a different program than the ego’s program. The
ego uses paradigms or premature cognitive commitment to over come our
desire to change.
The ego hates change!
The intuitive side loves to “think” or “Intuit”, “Out of the Box”; use “Short
Term Memory Loss” and “Make Believe”(Peter Pan). Hard to find a middle
road some times.
I was allowed to leave the courtroom, I know I said thanks to Roberto El
and was thankful to go back. While I was there I realized Earth is Heaven!
We have been lied to you do not have to die to get there, you are there, it’s a
bit flawed and we have been lied to big time.
The ambulance was quiet on the way to Riverhead; I remember the lights
inside the ambulance and going by outside.
I could hear the voices of the EMT’s around me and Laura’s voice in the
front seat.
I opened my eyes looked right at the tech and said,
“Hey”, “I said, what’s going on, and where are we going?” I had no idea I
had died or anything for the past 25minutes.
I had heard Laura’s voice somewhere in the front and yelled.
“ Yua-tah- hey”- (Navajo greeting means “Walk in Beauty” Laura” and I
heard a big surprised “Yua tah-hey Jeff!!”With a smile I could only imagine.
The eyes of the techs were as big as saucers, wide open mouths however
they responded very quickly, putting oxygen back on and the siren, asking
me my name and date of birth and what I remembered, which I answered all
correctly. Ok, now they kicked into gear and it was all business, but one
thing they noticed, I had no burn marks from the paddles and I seemed to
have no brain damage.
Still remembering the faces makes me smile.

We arrived at the hospital and they got me into the emergency room to get
me stabilized and their responsibility was passed off to the hospital crew, to
take a cat scan to check my brain damage. Just my normal brain damage,
nothing new.
The techs as I remember did not want to leave; they had never seen a person
come back from the dead as I did in 14 years! They told me they train for
this all the time and the ambulance had the perfect configuration for helping,
it was all textbook except I died then I lived.
We all knew miracles were happening and I began the second part of my
At the party things did not happen as Judi anticipated, the waitress who was
kneeling by my head quit with out pay. So not only did I die at Judi’s party
but chased off the staff and brought down the rain. The party was turning
into a “Mary Tyler Moore Party”, and you hate those. When they found out I
was alive the party swung into high gear.
My heart seemed to be working on it’s own but I was told the EKG showed
many small attacks like after shocks of an earthquake.
The emergency room doctors were just as mystified by the fact I was alive
with no brain damage, it meant for a good, new story later.
Laura was right with me and others in the waiting room like her dad Guy,
Sandy and Julie. I even saw one of the kids I teach at Southampton High
come in on a call. I was getting downloaded mentally by my experience,
when I saw Guy, Sandy and Julie.
I told Julie she was an “Ambassador” to the world from her travels. Julie
goes to remote places by herself and sees the real country and people and
has no fear.
I told her, “She would create new schools for the kids of poor countries and
teach in an unconventional creative new way. I called it the Four R’s,
reading riting and rithmatic and raising organic food and what to do with it
after you grow it”. I also dug into my back pocket of my jeans to find the
Slim Spurling “Healing Ring” which I carried to give her but had no time at
the party.
I handed it to her said Happy birthday and she had the look of disbelief that
the techs had when I came back into my body.

A dead guy comes back and hands her a gift. Slim Spurling was an amazing
man and created tools for healing. Maybe it was his bracelets I wore or the
twelve cards of Holy people I had with me or the Indian Saint Sai Babba’s
“Holy Ash” that made the difference? More Miracles! It was great to see
them all.
Maybe going through the next frequency made me realize we already were
in Heaven on Earth. However no one would believe that. More on that later.
Azeriel the Angel of death like in the movie “Joe Black” actually exists but
most do not see or notice Azeriel. Azeriel opens and closes the tunnel so you
cannot return. In my case she guarded it to keep it open in case I won the
court case. They knew, I had no idea at the time. Escorting me from the
Elemental Kingdom were four Elementals who volunteered to leave their
ancestral home to journey to a higher frequency or vibration. Another Arch
Angel accompanied me and Ginger Lee told me it was Micha-el and he /she
actually said some kind words at the beginning of my trial which I have no
memory of. No one who deserves to be heard is turned away from the court
of the Lord’s of Karma. For all the beings on planet Earth go through
transition at any one moment and none are mistakes. However, rarely, a
decision is made in a special case to review the individual. I mean this
Earth(heart) is so difficult why would anyone wish to return is the question,
I guess I did.
I seemed to be one of those unique cases, go figure?
A Burned out Buckaroo from Earth because of my strong desire to go back
to Earth to complete my Dharma or Birth Vision, the reason I was sent to
Earth to do or compete, I was given a trial and allowed to complete it now,
rather than in a subsequent life. I had died in consciousness and actually
came back in full consciousness.
Most folks die asleep in a bed unconscious and come back as a baby,
But at this time I had no recollection of what I did or where I went or whom
I saw, it would all come back in time.

I was stabilized and my daughter Jennifer and son in law, Mark, arrived. I
greeted them with a big grin and Jennifer and Mark looked very concerned
but relieved. I am like their hippie son.
It seems someone at the party had called her to tell her I had just died so she
came to Riverhead to identify my body and make arrangements. On the way
she received another call to say I was alive and in the emergency room.
All Jennifer could imagine after being dead for over fifteen minutes, is me
sitting on her couch drooling for the rest of my life.
As she told me we both laughed. I was very happy to see her and Mark.
They are very special people.
The doctors filled them in on my status and said I had to get to a heart
hospital ASAP, as I was not out of the woods by a long shot. They said
Stony Brook Hospital was closer and was good and would take me with no
insurance, however I had a history with St. Francis and could go there but
they require Insurance and I had none.
Mark made one phone call to Bob Quinn, a family friend who was on the
board of St. Francis and got the ok to bring me there. It was settled, I would
go by special ambulance (if it could be found on this holiday night) and I
had a bed in ICU waiting. More miracle’s, no one just gets into St. Francis
and especially with out insurance.
I knew the “Great Spirit” does not send you in to the box canyons of life
with out a way out however you have to look and find it your self. I don’t
know how long I was in the emergency room, time did not matter any more,
I was in the system and either I survived the doctors or not, it was
completely out of my hands, not that it ever was.
I was in emergency waiting the events and surrounded by friends and
family. It was very comforting to be in their presence.
The Miracles or Bardos were happening each moment and I was present
enough to witness them and be grateful!
A special ambulance was found that could take me to St. Francis.
On my way to St. Francis I chatted with the attendant, it seems everyone
had gotten the story and EMT’s would retell the story as the it made the
rounds of the ambulance departments and of the people who it would touch.

I got to St. Francis and I was rushed to ICU to begin a new journey. That’s
how I ended July fourth two thousand seven, not locking my door because I
thought I would return in three hours. Leave everything on. I was coming
Leaving one world, coming back and hurtling towards another whole
different reality.
I always say, “Keep your shoes and socks” around because once they admit
you to a hospital they take them away and its hard to escape with out them,
the staff can spot a deserter and every one wants to desert.
A hospital either heals you or kills you. They say if you can last four days in
a hospital with out catching a viral infection you will probably get through
it… now it was my turn.

Thursday July 5,2007 Chapter ll Stabilized

Closing out my day in my home away from home St. Francis Hospital. I
arrived much as I did 14 years before in 1993 with my first heart difficulties.
It was now after midnight and my awareness of my situation grew larger
with every precious moment and breath.
The Angel/nurses did their normal thing.
I was in a busy ICU, attached to monitors, I was being stabilized because
my irregular heart beat was drumming a new solo beat and my heart, already
weakened by seven heart attacks over the years and a leaking valve was only
running 28% of normal.
The Stabilization consisted of drugs and two IV’s of clear liquids. I was
amazed to be alive, back in St. Francis and watching the “Angels of St.
Francis” do what they do best.
In the morning the first doctor I saw was my old cardiologist Dr. Petrossian
who spoke to me about what he had to do to find out how badly damaged
my heart was. He would go up my leg with a wire and into my heart, while I
was awake, inject a dye into my heart, which would cause a “Flush” to occur
and take X-rays of the heart and what it was or was not doing.
I remember being wheeled into the operating room which strangely
reminded me of the inside to a UFO and I proceeded to chat with the good
doctor who is one of my favorite people. If a black person is a African –
American and a I am a German- American Dr. P would be a Armenian
American, you would think we would all be just Americans.
The first time I met George 15 years before I asked him what his
nationality was or where his family hailed from. He told me Armenia. I
asked him if he had ever heard of “Masa Dag” and looking very surprised he
said, “Yes, every Armenian knows of “Masa Dag”.

Masa Dag was a place in Turkey that the few thousand remaining
Armenians fled to that were not murdered by the Turks during WW l. they
held out against overwhelming odds until a passing British fleet noticed
them, the admiral disregarded orders from the British Admiralty not to pick
them up, and picked them up after 40 days in hell.
In our world today the British government would probably make the same
decision not to rescue them and let them all die but in 1917 it was the
admiral who made the courageous decision to save thousands of men,
women and children.
So Doc proceeded in calmness, having done thousands of procedures
before. It was amazing to watch the whole process take place on monitors,
watching the Doc put a wire up an artery into my heart. Being a plumber I
loved the show and that I had to be awake for it was great.
As Yogi Berra said, “It was déjà vu all over again.”
It only took a few minutes for the Doc to see the extent of the damage and I
was wheeled back out to ICU to await the verdict and next step. I was
completely out of control and had to ride this “Nantucket Sleigh ride” out to
the end.
Being in ICU was a bit like being in an insane asylum. Everyone was
fearful, moaning and in pain. The Angels moved from one task to another.
The room was very hot even with air conditioning. It all seemed like a real
bad dream gone terribly wrong so I began to change my awareness to one of
I could look at this scene as Steve Allen, the great genius of comedy said, “
Tragedy plus time equals Comedy”. I always shorten the time and attempt to
laugh right away.
When I was living in Vail Colorado at 8200 feet and because of pollution
and lack of living trees, and no Oxygen, I woke up one day in October with
my left side paralyzed and blind in my left eye. Hypoxia!
You know how you can sleep forever if we didn’t have to answer the call of
Nature? Well I had to go and I was paralyzed and blind with no bedpan or
So I quickly realized, what a pickle I was in and began to laugh.

If I had been given a scenario of different events to affect me this was one
of the best the “Great Spirit” could have come up with.
I still had to go to the bathroom which was in the next room, not far you
might say then to me it was in Alaska. My family lived far away and I had
not made many friends in Vail yet so no one would visit and to top it off the
phone was in the next room.
No one knew except me.
I had two choices, “Fearful or Fearless”, I thought with a smile how the
“Great Spirit” creates difficulties in our lives on Earth for training purposes
and most of us fail the tests. We Fear. I took the opposite tack, I thought out
of the box.
“Ok, great Spirit, I said aloud. This is incredible! Even though I wrote the
script it’s a dilly” I began to laugh as I saw the comedy in the situation.
I called it a “Stroke of Good Fortune”.
I, next, somehow got to the bathroom, which I have no recollection of
except relieving myself, then I found my self-falling backwards with out any
control, a free fall. Since I was paralyzed I went limp and hit completely flat
which just made me smile more because I managed to miss everything and
falling flat saved me from further harm. Lying on the cool floor was a joy
however I knew I had to move and again I found my self-attempting to
figure out how to get to the bed and giggling, smiling and laughing.
If this were a wrestling match I’d have 8 points so far just in “Difficulties”.
Still amazed I could think and speak, I was happy. I some how got back
into bed and stayed there for 7 hours, meditating, praying laughing,
Thanking The “Great Spirit” for an excellent difficulty.
Around four or Five PM, my friend Tavius happened to stop by to leave
his dog with me, got me the phone, asked if he should call an ambulance,
looked me over and of course laughed as I told him the story of looking for
my nurse this morning or a bed pan. Tavius left his dog with me, who knew
I was in deep Poopoo and stayed right by the side of my head.

I knew many folks with strokes that doctors and hospitals could do nothing
for including my mother, so I was not worried about leaving them out of my
recovery. When my mom had her stroke it cost us and the insurance
companies lots of dead presidents and what was billed to Medicaid and
Medicare, and she was the same going in as coming out months later so why
go see a doctor or hospital? My socks and shoes would have been history!
Needless to say, Meditation not fear, knowing that what ever happens to us
that we are here to observe this dream with consequences. However most of
us react rather than respond and we think in the box fearfully and lose our
By taking Nutrition, only Organic vegetables and fruit. Lots of supplements,
breathing exercises, I began learning how to walk again, watching TV was
very helpful, everything was new to me and I actually liked it. I could see
where a “normal” person would want to go to a hospital, the AB Normals
In the sixties I tripped on LSD and that incredible experience (remember at
the time LSD was the choice drug of the Intelligentsia, led by Aldus Huxley
and Dr. Timothy Leary) made me understand completely the acid trip I was
now on from the “Stroke of Good Fortune”.
It was exactly the same except the LSD lasted only a few hours and this
would last a year! I had to relearn everything but the TV really helped when
I could understand it. If I entered a grocery store I would forget how to get
out and be drawn to all the displays, holding on to my empty carriage and
staring at the colors of the packaging. My left eye would see things my right
eye wouldn’t and it was quite a show. Needless to say I headed for the lower
altitudes to get more air. I went to Phoenix first at 2,000 feet and then drove
to New York to the Hamptons to be close to water, a great source of air.
When I was in Vail the first day of my stroke of good fortune, my daughter
Jennifer called me when she heard I had a stroke, we spoke at length (I had
no problems with thinking or speaking, just coordinating) and I reassured
her I would be fine and laughed a lot. When Jennifer called my sister Mary,
she asked what Jennifer thought? “Well, Dad laughed at the whole thing so I
guess he’s alright.” Of course Mary did not think the same however I was
2,000 miles away.

Back in the ICU of St. Francis the early morning of the fifth, I was
surrounded by equipment and sounds and colors with busy Angel/nurses
walking the floor. I knew it was serious when I discovered my sandals gone.
I owned this movie and there was only one way out, to become healthy, real
fast. I realized long ago that this is a Karmic game of “Shoots and Ladders’
with consequences to our dreams, both awake and not. When the test came
to me I did not panic or get upset, I looked at it like, “Wow, this is it!” I
continued to do the Ho’oponopono for myself and everyone around me
because there were lots of filled beds with upset folks in them, infact they
were all upset except me.
I was enjoying what I was going through, I did not see any other way. As I
said,” the last words one utters in this life are the most important”,
most say, “What the?, Or Holy Shit!” which does not qualify in “Shoots and
Ladders” Spiritual game.
The prayer I repeated when I died is Elegant, Powerful, Simple and it works!
The Ho'oponopono is from Hawaii and the Kahunas or the “Keepers of the
Secrets” were hunted down almost to extinction by our government and the
church’s in the 1850’s. They escaped to Molokai Island where the lepers
were kept and no one would go there to find them so they were forgotten and
The Kahuna’s became more visible in the 1960’s and quietly practiced their
age-old arts of healing. Quietly they healed their people as they had done for
thousands of years.
They went quiet, understanding way back then that anything that happened
in their lives they caused to happen. By realizing its their “Movie”, they
rewrite the script, the healing goes to the person, place or thing, NYC, a
computer, a car, a cat, a tree or a person.
Today Quantum Physics proves that everything, absolutely everything has
or is conscious. Atoms think, elements think, molecules think, and cells
think. Everyone and everything is vibrating at a consciousness that reveals
itself as we focus our “Attention and Intention” on it.

I began sending each nurse, doctor, patient and anyone visiting “rainbows”
Of light and love. Taking 100% responsibility for everything in my movie.
The first full night of the Fifth I heard the call # 999 for the first time and it
meant death had arrived and Azeriel the Angel of Death was harvesting
I prayed to the “Arch Angels” to remove the “Macrocosms” that infest
every hospital or prison, the scariest places on the planet to be. I worked
down all the floors and wards and operating rooms to remove the
macrocosms that infested the hospital. All were filled with these sucubus or
dark entities that live off our energy and blood. Being a bartender for 42
years I had witnessed and always known these characters hide in bars, the
worse the bar, the bigger the infection. When a drunk left a bar they carried
more than a hangover with them, they carried the dark entities called the
Macrocosm. Like microbes that we need a microscope to see and only found
out about them recently there are larger entities we also cannot see who are
gigantic and we need a special sight to see them. That’s is why a drunk is
forgetful, sick and hung over from these entities. Carlos Castaneda and his
Don Juan books explained the reason we need sorcerers is because of these
entities we can’t see called Macrocosms (to be kind). The first full day we
had we had one death in my ICU.
I could only watch and listen as the relatives were told. Then the body was
wheeled out, “Next”.
At the party I was told when Laura yelled to everyone about an emergency
and everyone gathered around my body, the thoughts of love, peace and
harmony, the party grew quiet as a few sprang to life, when the EMT’s
arrived they found a calmness and peace that they had not seen before.
There was a real sadness in the hospital when a person went through
transition, (not death because no one actually dies) and the relatives found
out the news or even watched it. It was pretty sad for them.
So my second day came to a close watching the show going on around me
and learning to use my experience spiritually to help myself and others. It
was very hot and uncomfortable and it was only the beginning.

Walt Gregory: Please tell Jeff that Walk and Carol Gregory have him safely
tucked away with our prayers. WE know he will have a fast recovery.
Laura Riccardi: Jeff Frank is ill and needs prayers. Lots of prayers and
healing work have been happening to our good friend Jeff. About 45 minutes
after his heart attack, Jeff said he could feel the love and prayers that was
being sent to him. There was a group of friends around him when it
happened and he was worked on physically and energetically during the
heart attack. Jeff is now scheduled to be operated on Saturday, 7/7/07 and
has been in since July 4th . The EMT’s at the scene told me they had never
seen such a recovery. They were calling it a miracle. And told Jeff “this was
medically impossible” Jeff had picked up his head during the ambulance
ride, asked questions, told them his birth date and yelled “Yua-tah-hey” up
to me in the front!” please keep prayers and energy coming! Love Laura

Chapter lll Friday July 6, 2008 Meet the Doctors.

Getting my food delivered was the big high light of my day.

I was stabilized on oxygen, drugs and taking in stuff in drips and was
monitored very heavy. Angels were everywhere. I always asked each person
his or her name and wrote it down, just like I was going to use it some day.
However to me food was the problem or cause for our difficulties and the
hospital should only serve Organic food, not processed cardboard as they do
with a smile. Basically the way food is grown with chemicals and GMO’s
(genetically modified organisms) it is extremely toxic to us.
I asked the nurse/Angel about the food and what I was receiving and was
told a nutritionist was selecting my food.
I asked, “ My Food’s selection is based on what?”
Knowing doctors only take 4 hours of nutrition class in the whole eight
years it takes to become a doctor, I wondered how could they ever
recommend a diet?
I was told I could order my own food from a few selections, so I did.
Oatmeal and juice in the morning, for lunch P&J and vegetable soup and
dinner the same with different deserts of course!
The nurses/Angels were in constant movement gliding from bed to bed
attending to the fears and complaints. Me? I was very happy and smiled all
the time, heck I already died, it wasn’t at all what I had thought and I was
back, from outer space as in the song “I will Survive” says.
Sometime during my timeless day, Doc Petrossian came in to tell me the
good news with two other doctors.
He introduced Dr. Rocky Colangelo as my heart surgeon and Dr. Barkay as
my anesthelogist, I liked them both and I liked the Rocky character, I felt I
was in good hands. Doctor Petrossian told me they would have to schedule
to operate on me immediately it seems one of my valves was really leaking
and the stints Doc P had put in years before were now clogged. Rocky would
perform the open heart. They asked me if I had any questions? I guess I
should have but I was in the system, I tossed the dice and now I had to go
through the looking glass. No questions!

They told me they would operate first thing tomorrow Saturday July 7,
2007. These Angels had the rap down as to what they would do and
accomplish, lots of practice and practice does not make perfect as Vince
Lombardi said, “Perfect practice makes perfect” and after all doctoring is
only a practice.
“Ok, lets go!” I said!
Later Dr. Barkay came back to go over what he would do. Explaining how
he would insert a tube down my throat and keep me alive while Rocky and
his cast of Angels would open me up and fix my plumbing. Hmmm, this
already looks like the first death was easy, surviving this was going to be the
Having watched the movie “Apoclipto” which explained how the Mayans
sacrificed thousands to the Macrocosms they called “gods” and feeling this
had happened to me before, thinking I was looking forward to the operation
and having a better chance at survival this time.
I would be operated on the next day, which had no particular interest to me.
However that would change. My day was spent praying and meditating, I am
sure my daughter came by with Mark but I was sort of out of my body and
attempting to get myself ready for the next day’s fun activities. The day
went by quickly and night fell as I could tell by the change in shifts and the
vibration changed. Tomorrow would be one of the most important days of
my life. As John Wayne said, “Tomorrow is the most important day in our
lives, it hopes we learned something from yesterday.” I hoped so too!

Emails: Dr. Jim Conroy to all, Jeff Frank needs prayers pass it on!
Jeff has unexpectedly suffered a serious heart attack and was transferred to a
cornary hospital. St Francis in Roslyn, NY he is set for extensive surgery
Saturday July 7,2007 We pray for his speedy recovery! Also please pass
along the word to any who might know Jeff, or offer some solace or prayer
or well wishes of any variety.

Chapter lV July 7, 2007 Saturday “The Operation”

I had no idea it was 7/7/07, now how is that for luck? Actually I believe
“Luck acts like “Grace”, which is being prepared for Opportunity. I do not
remember much of that day, being wheeled down to the UFO operating
room again, everyone wearing suits and a sterile atmosphere.
I woke up later in ICU with a huge something in my mouth and throat. I
looked down and my chest was all bandaged and I had what they called
“Drains” in three places. The new way is to use “staples” instead of thread to
hold the chest together. I felt no pain because I was well sedated. I noticed a
lV was again dripping something into me the monitors and everyone of
those Angels/nurses hovered around me and the other “guests”. No time to
sleep, every time you go to sleep in a hospital someone comes by and wakes
you up to stick something in you or make you swallow something.
But I still had TV, well it was all depressing news and other shows about
death, not the greatest pictures to watch or listen to. I would switch to find
comedy however it was very hard to come by, so with the deadly food and
the depression on the TV it was all a person could do to recover. I decided
not to watch TV. Every hospital should have at least three comedy channels,
one to see the old masters like Laurel and Hardy, the Marks brothers, Amos
and Andy and Harold Lloyd. One to watch sitcoms from the 50,s and 60’s
like Lucille Ball, F-Troop, Maxwell Smart and more and one to find movies
of comedy or Westerns.
Homeostasis or good health returns as the body responds to laughter
Molecules of Emotion and endorphins get released and we get Happy.
I always say as Hilda Charlton taught us,
“All my atoms are Happy and all my atoms are Healthy”.
Just with that, a hospital success rate would jump and have healthier
happier “Guests” rather than sick, scared, and nervous patients.

The change from stale food to Organic would also improve recovery by a
great deal, because as Sir Albert Howard said,
“ Healthy soils, make Healthy plants which makes Healthy humans”.
Back in 1947 this incredible man stated we could save a billion dollars a
year in medical costs and lost time in sickness if we just took the sludge we
push into our lakes, rivers and oceans and put it on farm land thus
completing the second law of Nature,
“What we use up we must replace”.
The sludge would produce healthy soils and in turn healthy plants to eat
which in turn would keep us from being sick and seeing doctors only for
important reasons like accidents and severe difficulties.
Cancers would drop to nothing, mal-nutrition, and all the difficulties we
have found in the last 100 years would fade away to oblivion.
Too Simple?
Ah, yes because in the world today especially the United States there is
more money to be made with problems than simple solutions. Think about
cancer, we have spent over a 100 billion dollars on research and found
nothing except operations, chem. And drugs which kill. If we could put three
cars on the Moon that still run don’t you think we could find a cure for
cancer? We have and all the scientist’s know it is all about healthy food not
sprayed with chemicals and raised Organically.
When you repeat the Mantra about all our atoms being Healthy and Happy,
all our atoms respond and begin to smile (try it, the smile breaks out of your
face) and go in the right direction. You’re the god of your body and every
cell is listening to you think and speak. If you’re upset, all your atoms
become upset and they in turn affect your cells and so on.
When I went into the hospital, a whole matrix of “Green Guerrillas”
graduates of the Nature Lyceum for Organic Horticulture, and a network of
friends and acquaintances around the world began to send me “Healing
Energy” and I know prayer works! The morning of the seventh Ginger Lee
Frost an incredible Shaman in Oregon went energetically into St. Francis
and did what I was doing, in clearing the hospital of unwanted negative dark

She went into the operating rooms and told me later it was packed with
horrible entities, which she found to be one of the most difficult meditations
she ever had done. Ginger Lee is pretty powerful in her own right and
marshalling the Forces of Light, she removed them before I got to the
operating room, whew! And I had no idea this was happening.
That cleared the way for my successful double by pass and ring job that I
was going through. When I woke up that day with bandages and pain I did
not know all the energic work being done for me all around the world, it was
comforting to know later what was going on.
In the Hamptons that day another Miracle occurred.
I was told two rainbows appeared over Dune Rd. from Westhampton Beach
to Southampton and many folks noticed it and one rainbow went from my
house near the bay across to Dune rd. making Three Rainbows at the same
time! My friends said they knew the operation was a grand success! The
people who saw it thought of me because I always send “Rainbows” of love
and light to everyone. Now the real rainbows were for me!
Lying in the hospital is no fun for anyone and watching the Angels/nurses
work around me make me feel I was in the right place. The people around
me complained and were scared so I would use the Ho’oponopono on them
and decided I would forget my difficulties and concentrate on everyone
here’s problems and use my energies to clear out the negative forces
embedded in the hospital from that day until I was released (if I was going to
be released). It worked very well because from that day until I did leave only
one died in the hospital from that day on. When I heard the intercom go to
code it was # 666 which meant trouble but not # 999, and so I kept my
practice going.

Emails: Bart Brophy, Jeff frank is being operated on today!
Marianne Aldridge, I was at Jeff Franks sisters art gallery this very afternoon
only to discover the class for next week was cancelled that I was going to
attend because Jeff had suffered an unexpected and serious heart attack. Jeff
needs Prayers, please pass it on!

Mike Serant, Just got word that you recently had a rough go. I’m sorry.
You’re a great person and you have meant a great deal to me. I hope for an
easy and fast recovery for you. There is still much to do so don’t bail out on
us now. Hang in there and hang tough. I think and pray for you everyday
like you do for all of us. Your trusted friend on the edge of the Texas
Barbary Coast Protector of the Nature’s Lyceum southernmost flanks.

Chapter IV July 8, 2007 Sunday “The Day After”

Sunday in ICU, the pain was kept at bay with painkillers, so all I did was
pray and turn inward to complete the healing.
I found myself with a new attachment that I did not even know I had on, a
“Foley” bag. That’s a bag to collect all the urine I have with out having to
use a bottle or get out of bed. I had seen them (the bag) however I was never
privy to its operation in all my stays at hospitals, it was painless and
interesting. I do feel sorry for any Foley’s who the bag is named after, the
name took on a whole new meaning when I saw how it was being used.
It seems everyone on the floor knew my story about being dead and
returning to my body however I did not speak about what I went through at
the time because I hardly remembered and had more immanent difficulties to
go through. I had a kind of celebrity status, few come back after going flat
They have found that cells still live in the body with out oxygen however
when the body does get oxygen finally the cells die immediately, so the
medical community is attempting to figure out how to get oxygen going with
out the cells dying.
Being quiet I smiled at everyone, attempted to remember every persons
name on each shift and keep smiling. Because of that I got great service
from the staff when I needed it and left alone the rest of the time.
I realized the most difficult moments were in the past and now I had to get
better. Enough to leave the hospital in the future on my own power, when
ever that occurred
My breathing tube was removed and oh my gosh, it was gigantic. I felt like
deep throat! How they got that thing down my throat I will never know nor
do I ever wish to find out. Getting it out was a great relief and I could take
solid food again.

Hospital food at best is not appetizing, but heck I could eat so that was a
wonderful feeling. Luckily I can and do fast for 5 days at a time so it was not
a big deal not to eat.
The nurses offered me ginger ale, which I used to love as a child and even a
bartender for 42 years.
I stopped drinking any soda when I would continually ask the guys who
fixed the soda guns at the bar if they wanted a soda, and never once did one
drink one. They would take water or beer. I always asked them, “ why not
have a soda?”
They would come up with lots of reasons, takes the paint off of cars,
removes rust on bolts and the gunk on the terminal of batteries, or cops use
coke or Pepsi to wash the blood out of the road from an accident.
I would not drink it because its main ingredient was corn syrup. All corn
today is GMO, genetically modified organisms meaning pesticides are being
put into the corn seed by the chemical companies so you get more than the
wonder full taste of corn on the cob your also getting poisoned by Big
Chem! There is a video out called “King Corn” which was made by two
young film makers and what they found out should make everyone stand up
and demand “Change”! Read labels!
You see in Nature, consciousness moves in a slower and surer way than the
way scientists want to manipulate. Where Nature breeds mainly with its own
like species and genetic engineering and improvements are through attrition.
The weak fail! There are lots of like species to work with, there were over
2,000 different varieties of tomatoes and corn and potatoes.
Big Chemical companies have bought all the seed companies so we will now
have only one kind of tomato and one kind of corn and one of everything
instead of variety. What if a fungus attacks the one type of crop as the
fungus, which killed the potato crop in Ireland and England in the 1870’s,
which killed millions of folks through starvation. It would be worldwide
havoc. They are counting on it! The CEO of Monsanto in Houston only uses
Organics on his property and in all the facilities they only serve Organics, no
GMO’s! The Rockefellers only eat Organically and the Gettys and many of
the rich and famous including the Prince of Wales.

Tests done in England in 1996 on lab rats to see the effect of GMO corn on
rats killed them in two weeks. The news was suppressed until 2000 so the
corn could be sent to the farmers and used and mixed with the old seed corn.
It was never tested, and as the CEO of Monsanto told Jennifer Appel a friend
of mine when she asked him about it said, “Its all about population control,
that why there has been no testing and the government is behind it 100%”
I guess death is Big business now, or dying.
Need less to say I did not drink the ginger ale or any soda or anything that I
was suspicious of. My day ended in a crazy ward, hot, uncomfortable and
with patients all around me needing care and the Angels/nurses just kept
doing their beautiful thing. I wonder how long the period of stay I would
require and what kind of care would I need once I was out? I put those
questions on the far back burner, as now I had to concentrate on staying
alive. Oh, and my leg where they took out the veins to put in my heart was
the most painful, I could not move my leg even an inch with out pain, I don’t
know how they did it but one doctor came by who did that part of the
operation and admired his work… I did too!
But the food at St Francis could have been nutritious as well. Lets see,
oatmeal and honey Oj wheat toast, no phony maple syrup or coffee
, Lunch, P&J with veggie soup, desert. Dinner P&J with veggie soup again
and desert again. I liked the desert group. Oh, grilled cheese with a great
deal of praying over the food. I quickly realized as I sat in my bed that to
get out of this hospital alive I had to not eat what the dietician figured out
would be good for me. I had seen a movie that showed the effect of praying
over food does on vegetables that were picked from the garden and filmed
with Kirilian photography. The Aura around the fresh veggies was almost a
foot out from the bowl. After several hours the aura was very weak.
A person put his hands over the food and prayed for a few moments and in
the next photo the aura is beyond what it was when fresh by several inches.
Attention and Intention. Our food is so bad that in 1947 because of
Popeye’s popularity the spinach was tested and had so much nutrition, in
2000 they did the same test on conventionally grown spinach and it took 76
bows of spinach today to meet the same nutrition standard.

My diet that I figured out in one day suited me perfectly and I stuck to it
especially praying over it. However I was still daydreaming of a brownie!
First talk with dietician?
Sleep where are you?
Being aware made me realize I was not interested in sleeping in this amazing
place. I watched everyone and asked questions.
I got my heart pillow and boy what a lifesaver a silly red pillow is. They told
me how to use it by wrapping my arms around it and holding it close to my
chest. The cardiologist who figured just that one heart shaped pillow would
have such a great effect. Every time I began to cough and I coughed a lot I
grabbed the pillow and hung on for dear life.
I feel sorry for folks who smoked all their lives and had to go thru a heart
operation, Hold on!
People signed it and even though I can’t read one signature I still cherish it.
It saved my life.

Chapter Vll Monday July 9, 2007 Susun meets Amma G

I woke in ICU to a doctor telling me that my son in law and daughter had all
sorts of food delivered ICU and even got me a piece of cake, he was
impressed! I was impressed also by the loving thoughtfulness of Mark and
Jennifer. July was hot and the ICU warm, too many bodies. I had meetings
with doctors and more doctors, all of them Angels. Some however it was
“ca-ching”with some of them as in any hospitals but they still cared and you
could feel it. I really did not know how they could do it day after day week
after week year after year, same beds different faces.
Every one cared, everyone smiled (the pay must be good) and the job both
hospitals did was heroic by any standard and it was only the beginning.
Rocky Colangelo, my heart surgeon came by to check on me and it was
the last time, his job was over, I made it 24 hours, I was good to go! I
wonder if he knew he was an Angel? DR. Petrossian wandered in and again
it would be the last time I would see him also. I felt it was the last time I
would see either of these gentlemen in this life time. Hmmmm, I wondered
what I did in a previous life time to help these men that I was allowed to be
helped by them in this one evening the karma scales. Or maybe I would help
them in the future to even the scales. I know Rocky and I met at the top of
some pre-Columbian temple with one of us doing a heart operation on the
other, and there were no survivors then. I received a few phone calls from
“my relatives”, the switchboard could not believe how many relatives I had,
it was almost too much.
Sitting up in bed I have meditated for years that way and can actually sleep
in any position and in a crowd, which I was doing now!
The day passed with peace and Jennifer and Mark showed up again with a
great gift, DVD’s and a small machine to view them and best of all
“Headphones”. The DVD’s were all recent movies and the 7-inch screen and
the headphones were incredible! My granddaughter let me use them and they
took out all the noise in the ICU, it was most incredible. I could not hear
anything, I could see the lips move but not much happened after that.
Earphones should be given out in any ICU on request.

Being operated on was only the beginning it seems this vagabond substitute
teacher with no insurance would be treated to a long stay of Miracles and
Angels. I meditated for everyone in the room doing the Ho’oponopono for
each and seeing and feeling a difference in the room and person. Attempting
to smile and make light their load of Compassion.
So both great doctors in my “movie” would be “Walk ons”, writing the
script and filming it to me was and still is amazing. As I said, “I usually
watch a comedy” in my mind.
“ I Died laughing” just as my dad had 30 years before. Laura played her role
very well in making me laugh so hard it stopped my heart!
My mother made us all memorize the lines from “MacBeth” when he finds
his wife has died.
“She should have died hereafter. There would have been a time for such a
Tomorrow and to-morrow and to-morrow creeps in this petty place from day
to day.
To the last syllable of recorded time, and all our yesterdays have lighted
fools the way to dusty death.
Out, out brief candle!
Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour on
the stage and is heard no more:
It is a tale told my an Idiot, full of sound and fury signifying nothing.”
Boy does that say it all! We are and we do, wow Edward DeVere the 17th
Earl of Oxford wrote some amazing words. His coat of arms was a Lion
shaking a spear. Shakespeare?
All the moments I have witnessed from walking into the backyard, what I
was to remember and forget, as each became a “Bardo”.
A”Bardo” according to the Tibetan Buddhists is a moment suspended in
time and we experience them all the time in the third dimension. However
we do not recognize them and when we go through transition, being able to
experience the four Bardo’s is based on our being able to recognize them
Now, in this life time. This was perfect for me to test every healing
technique I know and learn what each difficulty’s reason is in my “Movie”

I knew the “Great Spirit” does not let you wander in to a box canyon of life
with out a way out. The way out is usually hiding in plain sight but we
always react instead of Responding, making the solution more difficult to
Relaxing, letting go, nothing I could do anyway except to accept and keep
changing my movie director into “Scrubs”. I did not know how I was going
to get out of here because they took away my sandals and clothes, so I
concentrated on me, “All my Atoms are Happy and all my Atoms are
Healthy” Breathing was not a problem with oxygen in my face constantly
and Angels/nurses would come by periodically and treat me to a special
vaporizer to make my breathing easier. This Monday would be the first one
of the rest of my life. The “Great Spirit” usually only gives us this moment,
not later or tomorrow just this moment is all we have, that’s living in the
moment and in a “Bardo”
Watching, interacting, meditating for every one, finding common ground
and helping them and they in turn helped me.
The noise in ICU is incredible 24 hours a day with a lessening around
midnight, maybe it was the drugs kicking in and using the ear phones.
Sleep that night was peaceful. Hot and painful but peaceful.

Email: Sue Lethbridge, Would you ask every friend and farmer and
gardeners group and any other friend in Germany and other countries to do
“Einstellen for my friend Jeff Frank. Jeff started the Nature Lyceum and
instructs thousands in the US and other countries on the importance of
We were just talking about Jeff attending a Bruno Groning “Introduction”,
into on Long Island, New York and I had just sent him information on
Bruno. The next day Jeff had a heart attack and another today so they had to
do heart surgery.
He is stabilized and doing well but needs us to do”einstellen” I tried to reach
him at the hospital but was not able to speak with him. Meanwhile I am
sending Bruno’s photo for emergencies to watch over him.

Susun Friedman: I am going to see AmmaChi today at Madison Square

Garden to ask her for her prayers for you.
Laura , I am sure you do not know me but I heard about Jeff’s heart attack
and want him to know that he will be in my prayers for a quick and total
recovery. Jeff and I met a few years ago at a ACRES USA convention. He
and I have a mutual friend (Andrew Backhaus) and I live in Scottsdale AZ
and own Great Western Sales and Distribution. Jeff and I have stayed in
contact and went to lunch on his last visit to AZ lest year. Please tell him he
is in my thoughts and prayers and I look forward to seeing him at ACRES in
Louisville this December and again when ever he is in my area or I visit his
neck of the woods. Thanks, Dennis Piluri

Chapter Vlll Tuesday July 10, 2007 Surprise visit by Susun

I guess the Angel/nurses decided it was easier to put a phone in ICU then to
keep giving me messages. They just put it next to my bed and it rings! I am
told prayers are being sent from friends everywhere and emails are keeping
everyone informed and up to date on my vital signs, what a net work!
Sleep comes at different times and I get to see my nutritionist.
She gives me her card with all the degrees listed and I ask her, “Why don’t
you serve Organic food?”
Her face took on a look of distain and she quickly quipped, “Oh, its so
expensive”. The answer I get all the time. I say, “No, they aren’t, that’s a
myth. We have a Five Star Organic restaurant run by a great friend and chef
Todd Jacobs who told me it has not added a dime to his food costs. Not only
is the food tastier and healthier but also it supports local farmers. We have to
have “Agriculture Supported Community” because we cannot ship food
2,000 miles as they do right now, rising gas prices are changing that!”
I was speaking to deaf ears and a blocked mind. I know she has trained
under American Dietetic Association it’s the standard protocol for registered
dieticians supported by the American Medical establishment which is
completely bogus. I say quickly as I know she is tired already of me and my
thinking. “There are 18 school districts in the mid-west using Organic food
and 16 report a profit and 2 are breaking even. Besides that truancy is down
to almost nothing and kids are less angry in class and ADD and ADHD
dropped dramatically with no high fructose or corn syrup being used in any
of the schools and no GMO’s.” The nutritionist abruptly turned around and
actually scurried away. With many more words of advice on Organics that I
had yet to speak on how they could help heal, I realized this woman was in
charge and listening to me made no sense to her, oh well, next!

My big surprise of the day was being visited by Susun Friedman, a
beautiful woman who lives in NYC and has been a friend since we met at
the Nature Lyceum class years before and she has come back ever since to
volunteer to instruct on “Water” and how alive it is. She learned about it
from a Japanese scientist named Dr. Masaru Emoto and his books,
“Messages from Water”.
Susun began to teach about water and its importance years ago. We know
the Earth (heart) is 85% water and 15% land; our bodies are in the exact
same proportions, hmmmm.
Susun understands the relation ship of water to Mother Earth and how we
are polluting our water at an amazing swiftness and we have to have pure
water to live. 97% of the world’s water is salt, 3 % is fresh, 2% is locked in
ice and 1% is for the world to use and 99% is polluted. I am a plumber so
water has always been amazing to me, I really believe I am in Heaven (it’s a
bit flawed) I have hot water in my house each day, 24/7 and bottled water
and pools and spas. In my last life I drank out of mud puddles and they were
particularly good if we found one with out horseshit in it! Heaven! Dr.
Emoto has shown us how we can heal water to make it pure again, amazing
fellow. We also know that water cannot be reproduced in a laboratory even
though its only 2 elements hydrogen and oxygen, which make a molecule.
There are more molecules in a glass of water than there are glasses of water
in all the oceans!
In the last Nature Lyceum class in June Susun told us the story of a
woman. Shelly Yates from Canada in November 2002 who was driving her
car with her son Evan near Halifax, Nova Scotia in Canada and the car went
out of control as Shelly was crossing a bridge and the car went into the river
and began to sink upside down. As the car began to fill with water the
windows and doors locked and they could not get out. Shelly put her son
into the back seat to get the last of the air and just as she was panicking she
heard a voice say, “Don’t Worry, everything will work out.”. She said it was
distinct from her thoughts and immediately clamed down but still looked to
get out. “The car filled with water and sank as she passed out, still hearing
the voice saying, “Don’t worry.”

At that moment two cars passed each other on the bridge and both drivers
knew each other and both had cell phones. They contacted each other
because one noticed a guardrail was down and thought he saw the bottom of
a car in the river, the other responded he had noticed nothing but both
decided to turn around and check.
There was a bottom of a car in the river.
They dove in and found the heavyset woman unconscious and broke the
window and pulled her through and back to land. She had been underwater
for at least ten minutes.
There they gave Shelly resuscitation (CPR) and she popped back to life
with a scream that her son was in the car! Both men shocked she came back
as she did and were more surprised as a tow truck driver or just happens to
be passing by, sees the accident and stops to give aid. They pull out the car
and sure enough her son is unconscious in the back seat, he had been
underwater for at least 20 minutes. They immediately give CPR and put the
boy and mother in a car and drove to the nearest hospital in New Brunswick
and put the child on life support. But he showed no signs of life and the
doctors wanted to take the child off the life support system.
But the voice returns to the mother and says,
“No, Don’t worry, ask everyone you know to come into his room and talk to
the boy, do this for three days, tell him anything, tell him you love him, tell
him stories, sing to him.”
The Woman tells her relatives to come his room and one by one begin to
speak with the seemingly dead boy. the word gets out and the whole town
shows up, next it gets on local radio and more people stop by. All these
strangers to the boy would stop by and tell him a story or just a few words of
love all while the boy seemed dead. The doctors advised the woman to
disconnect the boy from life support as he was beginning to smell and they
gave no hope, the Woman’s voice in her head said, “Don’t worry”.
On the third day the five-year-old boy woke up and with no brain damage
and created nation wide news. The woman was interviewed and told the
story that she received from the “Great Spirit” on not only how to bring back
her son from the dead and into life with LOVE but that the Earth (Heart) was
also dying and would die on July 17, 2007.

She was told if enough people prayed for Mother Earth on that day, to
“Light up the Grid”, we could save our planet just as her child had been
saved. The Canadian news service told the story and the woman went on talk
shows to tell her incredible story and to tell everyone what we all had to do
five years ahead in time!!!
We had alerted everyone at the Nature Lyceum and beyond on what to do to
“ ”.
The situation on July 10, 2007 was the world was being set up for the
people to “Light up the Grid”. Scientist’s know the Earth (heart) has been
losing its magnetism for quite some time which is on grids which we have
been told very little of, the governments know quite a bit about this ancient
These magnetic lines or energy lines are used by Nature for direction. The
bees use them, Whales and Elephants, all migrating animals and birds. To us
it was invisible until we discovered the compass.
We knew homing pigeons were not going home, Whales and porpoises were
beaching themselves. Bats and bees are missing and all of us are losing our
memories, (dementia and Alzheimer). Our Mother’s magnetic lines were
dying and so were we. So seven days from now the prayers would begin to
save our Mother Earth and it would begin at 11:11am Greenwich time and
would go to each time zone at that moment. New York had 7:11am.
This was an important day for all of us maybe the most important, but who
Susan one of the most beautiful woman I know both inside and out, some
how had gotten in to ICU to visit me today. I was not a pretty sight and
actually it was great to see her smile. She told me about the rainbows on
Dune Rd. that she saw the day of my operation and knew I would be fine.
She also told me the story again about the woman in Canada, Shelly Yates
and then related it to me. Susun had an out of body experience several years
ago because of working down at Twin towers ground zero and could code
break anything. It was easy for her to take complex ideas and words and see
the wisdom inside.

I called her, “Code breaker”. She related to me that I was not to die, the
work I was doing was too important and more importantly my DNA genetic
structure was needed on the planet for the show going on the 17th of July in
firing the grid. It was important for some reason that I be alive then to make
the whole idea work properly. again,”Who Knew?”
I did not find out until later I was told the same thing in the courtroom.
Susun was talking very quickly, channeled, as she was downloading
Wisdom like a computer to me as she always does, as they don’t like folks
staying long in ICU, she was working very fast in the explanation.
And next Susun told me she had just gone to Madison Square Garden to see
“AmmaChi” the Wonder-full Saint from India who smiles and hugs
everyone tirelessly hour after hour. She transforms everyone who is blessed
to meet her. Susun was blessed to be presented to her and asked “AmmaChi”
about me. “AmmaChi” said, “He will be fine.”
Susun had come as quickly as she could to tell me all the news. That one of
the reasons to be allowed to come back was still to come in seven days. I
still had little notion of what happened during the time of my death but I
glimmerings and I really knew something had happened.
Clutching my heart (earth) pillow to hold down my chest when I coughed or
felt emotion. I could only listen to more miracles. Susun stayed for almost
an hour, which is a difficult task to do, especially not being a relative.
She kissed me and abruptly left. I found out later how difficult the trip
actually had been to get her to the hospital, however it helped me spiritually
and mentally and physically and was just another miracle by a Angel
disguised as a human.

Email: Laura, there are so many wonderful people praying and sending
LOVE, light and healing to Jeff! Jeff is in recovery from a double bypass
surgery completed on Friday, the surgery was described as having no
complications, but would still have to go thru a few minor operations, soon.
I have not seen him since Wednesday and I let people convince me it was
best not to go visit him. But Susun Friedman saw him and she said he smiled
when she told him all the LOVE and healing prayers everyone was sending.
Keep sending all of that goodness, for a quick recovery.
Cheryl: July 2007 will be recorded in the akashic records of Mother Earth
(heart) as the cosmic moment when a critical mass of souls evolving on the
planet reclaimed their Divine birthright as stewards of the Earth and
permanently reversed Humanity’s descent into oblivion.
It is important to note the Divine plan is unfolding in perfect synchronicity
through the myriad activities of Light Beings orchestrated by embodied
Light workers and the Company of Heaven. Every facet of this incredibly
complex Ascension process is vital and critical to the success of this
miraculous endeavor. No part of the plan is any more important than
another. Your part of the Divine plan is unique. There is not another soul
who has been prepared in exactly the same way to accomplish what you
have volunteered to do. You have all the Wisdom, Skill, Knowledge,
Strength, Courage and Ability you need to succeed. Legions of Light
through out Infinity are standing in readiness awaiting the opportunity to
assist you at your beck and call. On July 7, 2007 over two Billion people
around the world focused their attention on the Global concert titled “Live
Earth”. The purpose of this amazing event was to educate Humanity and to
bring awareness of the various things people can do to change the adverse
effects of global warming. That monumental Divine light prepared every
atomic and subatomic particle and wave on Earth (heart) for the influx of
Creative Energy that was destined to bless this planet on July 17,2007.
I was busy on July 7th to see the concert however I did experience the 17th.

Wednesday July 11, 2007 Chapter Vlll

Another rough day in ICU, X-rays, poor food, lousy depressing violent TV
and very sick people all around me however the drugs are working! I wake
up; open my eyes in the evening and my friend Kumar appears next to my
bed. Kumar gave me a picture of the Great Indian Saint Sai Babba and some
“Holy Ash” or “Vabuiti” which the great Saints can produce right out of
their hands or even thin air. It was amazing to see Kumar and more amazing
to have the “Holy Ash”. How Kumar was allowed to visit me I have no idea,
he said no one said a word to him except to give directions, he was on a
mission, I take the “Holy Ash” and immediately my fever breaks! We pray
together and I thank him once again for the gift of the “Vabuiti.” Kumar had
given me “Holy Ash” 8 years before, again by surprise.
My friends Patrice and Peter offered to help the Nature lyceum by asking
their friend Kumar to design a web site for the school, a not for profit
foundation for Organic horticulture. In 1998 I was listening to a tape by
Carolyn Myss and she tells the story of being very ill in Brussels, Belgium
and after giving her seminar she goes to her hotel to rest, all the time
thinking she needs some Vaubiti from Sai Babba. She has never met Sai
Babba nor has she ever seen Vabuitti but it keeps coming to her that that is
what she needs. She asks the desk if she has any messages and the clerk
hands her an envelope post marked two weeks before in India and inside is a
small package of “Vabuitti” and she immediately is shocked but takes some
and feels well enough to go to London to do a second seminar.
The next day during her talk she tells the story of Sai Babba and a woman
comes up and asks her for the “Holy Ash” to give to her sister who is dying
and is a devotee of Sai Babba. Carolyn at first says “No way!”
She says, “ Here I am 40+ years old, and never having any “Holy Ash” gets
some in the strangest way and now I to give it up”?

Carolyn reluctantly gives this woman her Ash and goes back to her hotel and
again goes to the desk to see if she has any messages and again the clerk
hands her an envelope postmarked two weeks before in India and it has more
“Holy Ash” in it! She is awed by getting the Ash, not once but twice and
few know where she is staying.
The story intrigued me and I said to myself, “What is “Vabutti” and how do
get some of this precious material?” So for almost two years I ask the
question however no one except Spiritual folks have even heard of it let
alone have some to give me.
Kumar was at my house several times to work on the web site and we
engage in talk about India, Sri Lanka his home and the saints he has met or
his mother has met. We speak about Hinduism and many facets of India but
no “Vabuitti” until one night I show Kumar a picture I had of Sai Babba and
boy, does he react! “Oh my, Sai Babba, he is a god”! So I told him of my
search for “Vabuitti” and Kumar takes out two small bags of dust and hands
one to me. I have it! I have “Holy Ash”!! More precious than gold or
platinum. No one has it and few can get it.
This led to my attracting more “Vabuitti” and giving it away to friends and
sick folks and it makes a difference in all their lives in small and large ways.
I was flabbergasted however a Miracle had just occurred.
I actually had some in my pocket when I died and I know Sai Babba knew
about it immediately. When my pockets were emptied I lost the package and
was sad for it but knew more would show up as needed. I have given it to
many, many people.
Several of my so-called relatives visit me and the emails keep everyone
advised as to my difficulties. We call them “Green Alerts” and they go out to
all friends and graduates of the school to tell them of events. I always look
on difficulties as “Opportunities”. I could feel the prayers each day and from
what I saw in the courtroom in the next frequency, I know they work!
Obviously the pain was being regulated, the TV blared shows of murder,
terror, news, the food was, well, the most difficult part of staying alive in the
hospital, it was all GMO, corn syrup chemically laden food that could be up
Organically and be in every hospital.

That could be upgraded with out additional cost and best of all the Organic
food become the medicine and the medicine becomes the food!
This would speed recovery dramatically, taste great and the patient would
complain less.
Nurses and doctors shape shifted into Angels and back again, none were
strangers to me, and I knew them all in previous lives. I have been returned
to this world some 1500+ times, seems I have not gotten it right yet however
I am working at it.
I feel I have never met a stranger in my life and I have had 93 full time jobs
and met quite a few people in my life. Some I did not like (they were the
ones I was supposed to like) and some I grooved with immediately. The
hospital was no exception. I asked each person their name from orderly to
volunteer staff to doctors and nurses/Angels.
All Angels!
All of this going on 24 hours a day Seven days a week, every day, summer
or fall, winter or Spring.
An amazing dream.
I made good my stay by praying for everyone around me, the staff, every
room and bed, every operating room was beginning to receive Positive
vibrations that I could feel was making a difference, just from each person I
met I could tell.
I had been doing the Ho’oponopono since I went down in the back yard
party and intensified it after I heard my first 999 and watched them remove
the body from ICU. I concentrated on surrounding their souls with Rainbows
of Light. I believe I only heard 999 twice in my stay and both were at the
beginning of my stay.
After all you can’t move, too many wires and tubes and bags (Foley),
everything is brought to you. Of course a bowl movement is out of the
question. It’s the wildest thing and it apparently affects quite a few folks and
to leave a hospital you have to go at least once. Each of my visits to the
hospital contained the fear I would not be able to “Go”. I ate things I never
eat like prune juice and everything to make me want to go. Dicey at best.

The “Catch 22” is, our bodies freak out with the change in diet, lack of
movement or exercise, low water intake and many other factors like change
in routine, very little sleep and lights on all the time, no privacy or sense of
decency but no one seems to notice. But no one goes.
I was amazed at our “Disease Care Industry” and it is an industry. In this
country and the so-called civilized world, “Dying is Big Business”. Its over
whelming and out of control and very complex led by the huge chemical
industry in partners with the University, Military and government complex.
Our World has become toxic and so have every living being on the planet.
As Sir Albert Howard explained in his great book “The Soil and Health” it
begins with Healthy Organic soil which creates healthy plants that get their
immunology from Organic soils and we as humans and animals eat the
plants and get our own immunology from the plants. Today we have to buy
the immunology from the chemical companies for our plants and anti-biotics
for us animals. As a farmer to raise his crops uses more toxic chemicals, he
has to spend more money and it never cures the problem. Same as humans,
we are becoming more and more dependent on drugs that just do not work
any more.
From what I have learned we are all being poisoned in a grand experiment
in population control that has been going on for quite some time. The
chemical companies basically own the land grant colleges so all the students
only learn to raise crops with chemicals. The chemical folks do this by
supplying the colleges with money for programs. Science has become
pseudo-science and the results of each experiment are made to come to the
answer the chem. Folks desire.
Nutrition is the key to good health and the average doctor only takes four
hours of nutrition in all the years they go to school, never mind Organic
Everyone I saw at that very busy hospital was suffering from Mal-Nutrition.
It manifests as disease. Everyone had diabetes; everyone was over weight,
high blood pressure and every man I know is going bald. In Organics we
know balding is a sign of mal-nutrition a lack of zinc. White hair is a lack of
copper, simple nourishment. Look at the pictures of the early 19th century,
every one had a full head of hair, few were fat.

Today in hospitals the biggest growth industry in the hospital is
AMPUTATION, from diabetes! Go Figure?
What Conspiracy? We all just got to the hospital, but the front lines are all
Angels/nurses and doctors attempting to help the casualties from this war.
The person gets sicker with poor food, gets more medicine, becomes toxic
from the poisons and is delivered by ambulance (if they have insurance) to
an emergency room to diagnosis and treatment or further movement to
another hospital. The men and woman perform in this Off off Broadway
hospital movie production disguised as the real thing.
I call it a dream with consequences. Amazing, to come back into my body
and into the drama of real life and having only one absolutely one option. To
LOVE what I was going through, to accept everything with Joy and help
others get through it. That’s it! Love is the answer, the secret. The “Great
Spirit” knows everything and intercedes in our lives in amazingly graceful
interludes of complete synchronicity. Which seems like coincidence and
happenstance but it definitely is not!
Attitude in difficult situations is everything!
The experience meanwhile in this third dimensional reality is usually based
on pain and suffering, we love the thorns and not the flowers.
The Buddha said in the four Nobel Truths, “there is Suffering, there is a
reason for it, there is a cessation of Suffering and there is a way out.”
MY movie at the hospital was akin to a reporter from the 50’s show “You
are There” with Walter Cronkite except I am Walter and its about me in St.
Francis and I somehow got myself into a 13 point predicament which if
survived lends later to “credits” as a college course. “Hmmm, Lets see, heart
attack, three credits
Death, the game
Revival back in to the game, three credits
Peconic Bay Medical Center, one credit
St. Francis 15 credits. And so on to collect a credit or a mark for the
experience. Like divorce is five credits and then we get an over all grade.
My friend Phillip Anderson and his son Kevin also visited me. I had known
Phil for many years as he struggled with being an Organic golf course
superintendent or head greens keeper for a course in Port Washington.

He had heard about me being in the fix and stopped by many times just to
sit with me and his son Kevin who all the time was instructing him from my
bed about the things his dad and I knew but he was not yet aware of in his
industry, Golf.
The ICU was a very busy place and sleeping as I said for more than a few
minutes was almost out of the question with lights on and everything was
open to the floor behind glass so the Angels/nurses could see any developing
difficulty. The noise was high from the cacophony of sound.
The sounds of the monitors going off constantly, everyone’s TV, the heat,
being uncomfortable, the voices and sounds of distress. I had my
granddaughters earphones she lent me so could knock out quite a bit of the
Sleep finally came.

Email: Roger Feit I am in NYC visiting AmmaChi. Tell Jeff that AmmaChi
loves him and we are sending love and healing energy. Hari_Roger
Mary, this is from Jeff’s sister who visited him last night. Claire and I visited
with Jeff and he is not in a lot of pain because they are giving him morphine
and they are right on top of it. That is some ICU! Jeff has his own glass
room and his own nurse right outside the door. They gave him a pillow to
hold on to his chest if he has to cough or laugh. The breathing tube was out
and his cheeks have real color in them. He was wide-awake and has TV to
watch. We were there for two and a half hours. I brought the nurses a few
pounds of cookies and they loved them! He told me he could feel the care
and concern of everyone who has emailed me. He said he was going to make
it back with his heart all fixed. He is a little hungry. The last thing he ate was
Tuesday night. They are giving him ice cubes. He asked me to tell everyone

Thursday July 12, 2007 Chapter lX

My chest felt like it was breaking the staples that held it together every time
I either coughed which was a lot or I laughed, which was not a lot. I got very
good at sleeping upright clutching a heart shaped pillow. I could see, feel
and know recovery or “Restoration” as we say in Organics was going to be a
slow time consuming process. I realized restoration began right now!
The day went by very slowly, and I could tell time by the TV shows and
when food came. The TV only showed fear, worry, stress and anxiety and
we fell for it hook line and sinker as we do everything that “They” give us.
I would never eat jello, which comes from the hoofs of dead animals, which
probably has “Mad Cows Disease” which gives us the human variant,
Crutzfield Jacobs Disease. Crutzfeld Jocobs Disease was discovered in 1913
in Germany in a clinic that also discovered Alzheimer’s disease the same
Hmmmm Dr. Crutzfield and Dr. Alzheimer both worked in the same clinic
at the same time and both discovered diseases that are plaguing humans
Alzheimer’s is from Aluminum in our systems (cans, deodorants, foil etc)
and C J D is from cows that have been raised in confinement, not free range.
Gee and they knew this before WW l, hmmmm, makes you want to maybe
I meditated quite a bit, thanking “The Great Spirit” and practicing
I had recently had Chinese food and the fortune cookie told me, “Awareness
leads to Acceptance and Change occurs on its own.” I realized the Truth
with a smile at getting such great Wisdom from a piece of paper that we
mostly just throw away and forget about. This one was a keeper. I tell you
the Chinese have taken over the world already and there is a Chinese
Restaurant in every city in the US of A and possibly the world?)

Once I was forced to stop on I-70 in Winslow AZ. Because of a sand storm.
I went to the only Holiday Inn with in 150 miles and it was run by a man
from India, I mean in the middle of the high desert! I asked him for a local
restaurant and the only one was the Chinese place across the dusty street.
We walked over and it was just like every other Chinese place in the
country, same sign, same pad, same pencils, and same people! Two men,
neither spoke a lick of English or so they lead us to believe, living and
working in a desert in the US. How did they get there? And Why? I believe
all the Chinese have to do to win is up the MSG and we are all goners! Very
I accepted everything in my life with a smile, after all, it was my fault! It is
my “Movie” and I am 100% responsible and by accepting the situation I
could change it instead of fighting it. Thursday was changing of IV fluids,
painkillers, making sure my friend “Foley” was connected and empty.
Attempting to get as comfortable as possible, meeting new staff and
attempting to pray for each person repeatedly.
I was able to test every idea on healing that I had ever learned on me and
inturn practiced on everyone in the hospital. Little did they know whom they
had in ICU. HA!
Jennifer and Mark my daughter and son in law visited me and I was very
grateful for the “Attention and Intention” Patients (patience) heal faster with
visits and the staff responds better if there are outsiders visiting. It’s a busy
place and squeaky wheels get greased, quiet ones lack the attention and
maybe that’s good.
Visiting a sick person is truly an act of compassion and no one likes it. Few
like going to wakes however it’s for the folks who are in pain that you go.
Hospitals are not everywhere so one must travel to get there then finding
your way in and out is a riot, I always enter and leave by various exits after
getting lost. But just being in a hospital is scariest place on the planet next to
a prison.
I could use the phone now and I was in connection to a great support group,
family and friends, which meant so much to me and speeded my recovery
along. The day revolved around food, staff, drugs, TV, shifts and visitors,
that’s it!

We had another death and it seemed it came at night, (keep the lights on).
I kept wondering if I would ever get out, pay an enormous hospital bill and
what was I going to do if I did get out and how would I take care of myself. I
had no job, no money; I would not be able to work for possibly up to a year,
if at all. Yikes!
Doctors see this realization as a difficult moment to confront the unknown.
The reality of the situation would then remind me,” Hey Dumbo, concentrate
on this moment!” Feel good about this moment, because you almost did not
I had heard from more than a few the depressing part of the heart(earth)
rehab was the stress, worry, fear and anxiety everyone goes through.
I did not go that way, I loved my movie! I will say I fired the director a few
I was beginning to have flashes of where I had been when I died and it
wasn’t planet Earth (heart) yet it was not far either.
Each day brought new awareness, my old friend Phillip and his son Kevin
stopped in and it was always a reunion. Phillip was one of the best golf
course superintendents and his son was learning the trade from a Master. I
had met Kevin years before as a kid working on his dad’s course. But of
course he had grown up and forgotten me.
We became friends that day! Later on he was to take the Organic course I
help instruct on at the Nature Lyceum.
I seemed to be in a channeling mode that day telling Phillip and Kevin
stories about Organics and golf courses and his father who was an
unrecognized innovator and leader in the field. Phillip was the only
superintendent when I first met him on his course who was interested in
hearing what I had to say concerning Organics. He showed me his golf
course and the work he was doing. Phillip eventually got his golf course to
be “Audubon certified”, quite an involved and difficult process. It seems
pesticides kill 80 million birds each year, 80 million! Phil was a true
“McGiver” he could fix anything and fixing up his course to be a “Bird
Friendly” was a natural direction for him. He actually got complaints from
his membership on how loud the birds were, especially hitting off the tee
box and putting.

I told Kevin how “Nature” was is alive and thinks, has a consciousness. We
are only beginning to understand this. I mean plants are millions of years
ahead of us in evolution. They can live off Sunlight and Air and are 100%
efficient, where we humans are only 2% efficient and have to eat the plants
just to get to that level.
I told Kevin stories on the consciousness of the golf course and his Dad’s
role in the discovery process. It seems that plants impulse us humans to
grow them. Landscapers are impulsed by turf and shrubs, Arborists by trees,
greenhouse growers by flowers, farmers by veggies.
Botanical gardens, Zoos, Aquariums and arboretums are simply,
“Ambassadorial Residences”, the ambassadors are the fish, plants and
animals from their species.
We discussed many things that day and on succeeding visits when they
would stop in. I don’t know how I came off, or looked like with tubes
protruding from me and monitors all flashing messages, nurses coming into
do this or that. But Kevin eventually came to the Nature Lyceum and
became a Green Guerrilla and a potent force for change in the future when
he is a superintendent.
It was good to have visitors, especially as I said visiting the sick is
inherently one of the most difficult things to do in life. What does it do?
Speeds recovery, breaks up the day, lets the staff know someone cares and
they care more and its fun!
Amazing how the hospital staff does their work in crisis all the time. It’s
mostly a crisis in a hospital. I don’t understand why they do not have Post
Traumatic Syndrome, except for the absurdity of it. I was allowed to sit in a
chair for the first time and it was great until I wanted to get back to bed and
found a big pool of blood in the chair. That has always had a tendency to get
my attention and I immediately pointed it out to the Angel/nurse and she
said, “Don’t worry its probably one of your drains letting go”. Ah reassuring
words. What drain and what let go? It stopped so I forgot about it.

Email: Laura, Jeff is healing nicely. They had him out of bed and into a chair
for the first time today. Tomorrow they will have him walking. He is bright
sharp and alert. He is on the mend.

Chapter X Friday July 13, 2007 Friday the thirteenth for real!

What a premonition of events! Friday the thirteenth got its bad name when
the Pope and Phillip “The Fair”of France decided to arrest all the Knights
Templars and confiscate their considerable wealth in lands and gold.
The Templars had found the gold hidden by the Jews in 76 AD when the
Romans destroyed Jerusalem. It was hid under the Temple of the Mount in
tunnels or cisterns dug in secret hundreds of years before in just such an
emergency. The gold was almost forgotten until a map was discovered.
Thirteen Knights in collusion with the Pope and St. Bernard took up monk’s
robes and were given the Temple on the Mount to use and they sure did!
Originally the knights were supposed to protect Christian pilgrims, however
in reality never did. It was a business deal with the military, church, and
powers that secretly decided the out come of everything political. It was a
perfect cover for the heist. They found the treasure after years of digging and
searching and over night became one of the most powerful organizations in
the world. Their fleets transported pilgrims and offered a new way to bank
for Christians and not to rely solely on Jewish banking houses to transport
money from state to state and city to city. It was copied completely on the
Jewish banking and trading system built up over generations and
Because of the Christian nobles penchant for abducting wealthy Jews and
holding them for ransom from the nearest Jewish community. A note would
be sent in code from one community to another with the amount of gold to
be delivered and it was always delivered. When King Richard the Lion Heart
was kidnapped by the Baron of Austria, it was the Jews of York who sent
the ransom for the King that Prince John did not want sent, of course.
So when Phillip and the pope arrested the Templars in Europe, most
Templars got away. In fact the whole Templar fleet in Toulon sailed the
night before and was never seen or heard of again. The gold went with them.

Some one obviously tipped them off and Jacque Demolay the head of the
order and a few others gladly gave up their lives to hide the fact, the Pope
Phillip failed.
Phillip got a bunch of tough irate warrior monks who everyone was
afraid of and not much cash, some estates and was able to rid himself of a
rival for power of France and the date remained unlucky to this day.
The hospital was no exception in difficulties on that day.
I met Nick the evening nurse that night. A nice young man, we got to talking
and its funny how much you can learn about a person in a few minutes. Nick
had got the word that 16 heart operations would be coming to his ICU and
he had to get ready, it must be exactly what a triage is in combat. Because
that’s all we had was snatches in between duties and getting the “Regulars”
ready for night.
Nick told me he was bothered by his father’s treatment of his diseased mom,
not realizing everything happens for the soul’s evolution and education. The
night was hot and loud the vibration was urgency, Nick and I spoke all night
long until his shift ended and he could go home. But now I watch as the pace
picks up and the staff goes into high gear as the heart (earth) patience
(patients) leave surgery. WOW, sixteen that night!!
My ICU filled up like cars waiting to get gas. People were everywhere, all
lights were on, moving quickly and efficiently it was an off off Broadway
medical show with very real consequences. But no one thought of anything
except the people in pain and how to help them. Everyone practiced what
they were trained to do. The Angels glided from area to bed, bed to station,
calm, proficient, and they smiled!
Nick would stop by every so often and I would tell him something that was
channeled to me to rid Nick of his anger.
The evening led on to night and Nick did not stop moving except for the few
times he came in to check on me. I sat with my earphones on because the
racket was considerable but a ticket to the best show in town as long as you
can detach and love what you’re going through. I could see everything and
felt I was in the supporting cast and Nick and the nurses/Angels were the
main characters. The night seemed to go on and on, it was Twilight zone for
sure and then it was peaceful, sort of.

More patience (patients), new staff, more noise, less confusion. All in a days
work. Before Nick left I told him I would stay in touch with him by email.
He thanked me for listening to him about his family difficulties and what he
should do. Then he exited and that was that! I think I will call him now!

Email : Natasha Where is the class being held?????

Chapter Xl Saturday July 14, 2007 ICU “déjà vu all over again”

Recovery from the thirteenth. I did not have a window and had almost no
idea of day or night except for the shift change, meals and TV. Every bed
had a body in it and this ICU was BIG! I had stabilized so I was moved to
“Step Down” a less intense ICU but more personal. A step closer to “Life”
as I knew it. A phone and more one on one because it’s a bit less intense.
The doctors visited daily, sort of like a pool of expertise from each main
doctor. Each covered a certain part of the body. Because I was in the
hospital for what seemed like an unusual lengthy stay, I began to know them
all and they me. I loved each encounter, each visit; I attempted to make each
one special. Maura and Jackie were my favorite female doctors because they
really cared and were good looking and a pleasing bedside manner.
I had no expectations, I knew I would be here until I was ready and I did not
know when that would be, maybe a month, who knew? I practiced
acceptance because it was my movie 100% and I learned quickly to enjoy it
and make a serious job for some less serious.
I felt love inside of me expressing itself in “Understanding.”
The Wisdom of all that happened did so according to a plan, “The Captain
is on the bridge” is a favorite expression of mine and I truly believe it.
The “Great Spirit” is the “Knower” or the “Watcher” and the “Knower,
knows”, what did I have to worry about?
I concentrated on my meditations to my heart and every part of me that I had
to ask forgiveness and send love. Everything thinks is a favorite expression
of mine s in “Rocks think”, its all Quantum Physics, which proves that
Atoms have a consciousness and respond to our thinking. If Atoms think,
then Elements think than molecules think and microbes think, we live in a
thinking conscious world.

Hilda Charlton the saintly American who lived in NYC and lectured at St.
John the Divine for years said, “All my atoms are happy and all my atoms
are healthy”, and when you say that like a chant, your atoms all respond and
begin to smile and laugh and move in the correct way, making us smile, you
can’t help it but smile. It’s very cool! So I would spend my days and nights
doing the Ho’oponopono and loving everyone and every thing I was with.
Concentrating on others also is important. I found my self constantly doing
the Ho’oponopono for everyone and by watching and listening I began to
notice differences. More Angels in the disguise of humans went in and out
of my room. I could feel it deeply!
When I get cut off driving instead of anger, I realize its my Angel testing me
to see if I am going to respond or react. So I just smile and bless the irate
person and hope I can make a difference by praying for them at that
moment. The Miracles were happening and as they think in Tibet, each
moment is a miracle or Bardo but few of us notice. We are too busy being
caught up in the silly things of life that annoy us or hold our concentration.
We miss the whole meaning of this life in Heaven and we are in heaven!
Being in St. Francis with no job, money or insurance and knowing it was
$10,000 a day to stay here minimum and knowing somehow, some way it
was going to work out and every bill would be paid.
I always believe that the “Great Spirit” always has a way out of the box
canyon that we usually find ourselves in. An alternative way, an open door is
there but as humans we tend to stare gaped mouth at the closed door or the
walls of the box canyon and despair. Woe is me!
Worry, Fear, Stress and Anxiety, the four horseman of the apocalypse are
trigger mechanisms to shut down our DNA. It’s designed into our cells,
which are advanced microchips.

(In April of 2007 a conference was called in Europe to sign a treaty with all
countries to not program robots to kill humans. At the end of the conference
a scientist got up and said, “We have been studying the human cell and find
each cell has a semi-liquid silica covering with gates and channels in each
one. Each cell is a programmable chip and we have already been
programmed to kill humans, in the last century humans killed over 100
million humans. )
However instead of despair and thoughts of ‘Woe is me” we can think
thoughts of LOVE, PEACE, HARMONY, JOY and COMPASSION and we
turn on our DNA and it attracts “Opportunity” to us. The Cosmic magic door
opens with one word, “YES” and one thought “Gratitude”.
Opportunity shows up as luck, which is a form of Grace, which acts like
The hospital gave me not only the greatest challenge in my life; it also
gave me an opportunity to help others in greater or less difficulty. I believe
most of us are in pain and we in turn cause pain to others.
Angels take pain away, mostly with us not knowing “why”.
We have to discover the Angelic in us from our experiences in pain and life,
not from someone telling us, its called “Wisdom”.
Most of us have no idea of Metaphysics. By studying Nature and
Metaphysics the “Great spirit” reveals Itself to us. There is no getting around
it when we study Nature, we are studying ourselves!
Last week my heart was removed from my chest and put back pretty well.
As a Mayan or Aztec sacrifice or sacrificer I must have experienced this
before in a much cruder form and I am happy I am here now!
It was a day for visits in the glass rooms around me. I was moved quite a
bit and got to know quite a few folks, hospital staff, visitors and patients.
Every morning began around 4am with the plobotamus or blood taker, the
light goes on, the attack is swift, Morning Mr. Frank, I am here to take your
blood, date of birth? As if I am attempting to disguise myself as someone
else, but the repatious questions kept coming. “4/ 6/ 47, ok?
No room for error.

I stick my arm out the gloved hand wraps a tourniquet tightly around the
arm and says “Make a fist” a pinch, tubes fill quickly with a red substance
that looks like my blood and the rubber wrap is taken off, “Open your fist”,
the puncture wound is taped, and whoosh, she is gone and the light is off….
Who was that masked woman?
Next the X-ray guy comes in, with a freeking huge machine that moves by it
self. He moves it around like a NYC cabbie.
He straddles the bed, aims this cannon looking tool at my chest, like it
changed from yesterday (and it freaks me out to have x-rays zapping my
already broken down body). He reaches for a very cold photographic plate
puts it on your very hot and sweaty back, ahhh, and, “take a breath, exhale,”
and whoosh, he is gone too, whoa Nelly,
I hardly can ask their names they are so fast however I always wonder at the
safety of something when you have to cover your privates with a lead coat
and the photographer leaves the room as in the dentist office. They always
reassure you its safe as they scurry away. Which is what I wanted to do, this
hospital routine was already difficult to keep going on, was going to test
everything in me.
In Step Down was the first time I had seen the Sun as it went down, since
July 4, ten days before and I missed it. I loved the thought of still being
around to have “Gratitude” for something so simple.
I love the Sun; I believe it’s our nucleus of our Atom. Following the
principle of “As above, so below.” We are spinning on an electron going at
two and half million miles per hour in six wildly different directions and we
feel nothing!!
A size misconception.
When you see the comparisons of some stars to our Sun, which is huge to
us, it becomes a speck compared to some other stars. A speck!
Actually our Sun has a name, and so does the moon and Earth (heart) which
is different than what we would like to believe.
As I say to the high school kids, “You only know what you have been told
right?” And they all nod “Yes”, what if someone lied to you?

Not on purpose however he was lied to and who told him was lied to.
A man does not beat his kids because he is a bad man per se, he does it
because he was beaten and has not been able to break the paradigm or
“Premature Cognitive commitment.”
The Suns name as I said is “Apsu” and it can actually hear us and can see us
from 93 million miles away. The Earths name has been “Gaia and Tiamat”
and the moon is “Kingu”. This comes from the writings of two men.
Dr. Zacharia Sitchin one of the greatest historians alive with his books
“The Earth Chronicles” the history of the planet and beyond as written on
the clay tablets left by the Sumerians, Babylonians and Assyrians thousands
of years ago and the tales are more ancient than the world governments
wants us to acknowledge or believe.
The second man is Gene Savoy who is the model for “Indiana Jones”. Dr.
Savoy discovered ancient cities and in his book “Project X”, he explains the
temples to the Sun as a better place to view for “Sun Gazing” and its
wonderful effect on all life as it passes through the eyes. He now under stood
the reason the ancient alchemists called the Sun's rays as “Salamanders”, he
saw them. We have been told not to look at the Sun that the Sun is
dangerous. People have Sun gazed for years with only very positive effects.
I have been Sun gazing for a few years and look directly at the Sun and it
has never bothered my eyes except to say they are still perfect, no glasses or
sun glasses.
We have all been lied to.
We are in Heaven now! We don’t have to die to get there! It’s a bit flawed,
and yes its not what we were led to believe, but it is heaven! I am a plumber
and I have hot water in my house every day!! That’s Heaven! In all my
previous life’s I drank out of mud puddles! I don’t have to raise or kill my
food, I give a person pieces of paper with people who look a lot like clowns
with out the noses and people give me what I wish for. It’s amazing and how
quick it can happen!
Having been on the other side I realized I was in a higher dimension or
frequency, this is a lower frequency heaven and I am in a dream that we are
creating ourselves with consequences.

Wake up!
We have all been lied to.
It seemed my story had arrived on the floor ahead of me as to what I went
through, which none of them or myself at the time realized what had
happened to me when I was on the other side. Just the story of being dead
for almost 20 minutes boggled everyone’s mind.
As Osho says, “no body dies with his eyes closed, because to keep the eyes
closed needs energy, and a dead man has no energy. To see a dead man with
his eyes open is a very traumatic experience because his eyes turn upward.”
Karen closed my eyes at the party and the EMT’s did it a few minutes later
after the seven shocks. Whew you hate that when that happens!
The hospital also had a “book” on me that was gigantic and traveled with me
to all the surgical procedures they had to perform. Anytime they took me to
an operation or anything, it had to go with me; everything was in it except
pictures of my grandkids.
Phillip and Kevin arrived after work and found me again even though the
hospital moved me quickly.
Jennifer and Mark stopped by that night and I introduced them to the
Anderson boys. Mark loves golf and immediately found common ground
and Jennifer thought Kevin was a real gentleman. I thought I should find a
way to introduce Kevin to my granddaughter but being where I was
cancelled all thoughts of that.
Interestingly, if I had stayed at home on July 4 as I planned and did not go
to the party, what a difference it would have made.
I would not be writing this, see my children’s children again, listening to
Jazz, watching a deer jaunt in the snow or any of the miracles that happened
to me since.
I call that a miracle. I call them all Miracles!
We have TV, cars, airplanes, Disney, hot water, insulation, fire out of
lighters, toilets, lights, refrigerators, Dentists and the list of miracles is
All the miracles we take for granted and don’t even see much less
acknowledge because they are part of a long succession of thoughts
producing a scene, a part of the play.

When I went over I went to a higher frequency which some might consider
Heaven. Not realizing we are already in Heaven. When we do arrive in the
higher frequency, everything is silent and there is no air and things happen
seven times faster. Anything you can think of will happen instantly but it
will not last as does down here on earth (heart) because it’s your thoughts
that are making the show happen.
Everything is produced out of our consciousness just as it is down here but
we can believe it there but not here.
Again, We have all been lied to.
Being in the hospital on the tenth day brought its fears, however by my
blessing the fears with unconditional love, the fears moved on, to be
replaced by new thoughts. The fear, worry, anxiety and stress would be
lurking in the background however by sending them all love they went
They had no choice!
I had no choice.
Either I could accept this on going predicament or get angry and destroy any
chance of having it all work out in the best way.
I became “The Watcher”, I became the audience and as director, I could
use the setting of the hospital to do a movie with a great story that never
Life is Only a Journey, no destination, I had been to the death depot and I
did not want my Earth (Heart) journey to end again so soon.
I practiced on every person who came close to me, each roommate got
mega dose of healing from with out them ever knowing what I was doing
and the family’s too who were as upset as the patience (patients) got it too
and felt better with out knowing how or why.
The angry scars and holes in my chest were under deep gauze but when my
dressing would be changed they would all remark how well I was healing.
Maybe they said that out of courtesy, but I felt I was healing. The coughing
with the pillow was always quite thrilling; not being able to cough up what I
felt was there (60 years of bad road). I had to use the pillow to cushion the
cough spasms as the lungs attempted to break the stitches and staples.

I was wheezing pretty good and they all zoomed into my right lung near the
bottom. The X-rays which they took constantly and showed a mass in one
lung that concerned them. Being careful about the X-rays in my normal life
was out of the question here. I would like to see studies of what X-rays do to
humans at normal dosages. I bet you that no one would ever use one again
until they found a less dangerous way to see inside the human.
Lets see, to test anything scientifically, we like to use male rats equivalent
to a man of 180 pounds (no baby rats, females or old rats are ever used)
because rats are the closest thing to humans, go figure!
Anyway blast those guys (sorry) and see how long they can withstand the
voltage of the machine. It’s a question of risk factor, is it riskier to do the X-
ray or riskier not to use it. Hmmmm. What happened to the doctor who used
intuition and common sense and Wisdom to diagnose? What happened to
the neighborhood druggist who would talk with you first and knew your
family and history. The man you came to first when you were not feeling
well and he would suggest going to a physician so he could practice on us.
After all it’s still only a practice, no big deal, no consequences of mistakes,
Not the other way around as it is today. The druggist today is a stranger, his
job is pill counter and dispenser, there is no loyalty of customers, and we go
to the cheapest drug store and go for the supposed cheaper drug called
generic, which is not made with the same quality of material.
Saturday ended as the rest, sitting up meditating to calm myself down
enough to sleep with out a prescription. It did not matter in the end because I
got the drugs just as each doctor wanted. Looking around at all the tortured
humans (who arrived by Mal-nutrition) who got to this hospital through no
real fault of their own because they believed in the health of the food and the
water and everything on TV.
When the water we drink has a known carcinogen in it chlorine and deadly
flouride. When the food we eat is grown with dangerous pesticides (“cide”
means to kill as in herbicide, fungicide, suicide, homicide). When the air we
breathe is loaded with pollutants and less oxygen. What are we to do when
the EPA Environmental Protection Agency protects us from nothing and is
run by former employees of the chemical industries.

Never has any pesticide ever gone through a series of tests for safety, none,
zero, nada. And we should feel good about our food with GMO’s now, again
never been tested.
I looked around and meditated for each one and asked the heavyweights the
Archangels to keep removing the macrocosms and succubuses out of the
hospital. I could actually feel the frequency change in the hospital each day.
Each day the light in the hospital seemed to grow, the nurses/Angels
happier, the job less life and death and more life. Looking at the movie I was
directing I was making script changes instantly and watching the results in
my studio in ICU “Step Down”. I also knew the Earth (heart) needed my
prayers, she was in ICU also.

Chapter Xll Sunday July 15, 2007

The weekends were much calmer (except for 7/13/07) because most of
the doctors and staff who could took a much-needed break from this reality.
The nurses/Angels/doctors were maintaining until the regular staff came
back on Monday. These Angels knew their job and to meet them and get to
know them a bit better.
Every chance I could I would engage my roommate or nurse/Angel in a
conversation, mostly listening.
My roommate today was saved by poison ivy, go figure? Everyone hates
poison ivy however it has a job to do and its to defend the woods against
human intrusion however we just get a weed killer and attack it and get
poison ivy on us anyway because you don’t have to touch it or even be close
to it. HA!
He loves golf and He knocked his golf ball in to the woods and went in to
retrieve it and immediately began to itch. It got so bad he had to see his
doctor who took his blood pressure and immediately sent him to St. Francis;
he did not even get to go home, but did call his wife to tell her. St. Francis
stabilized him and they did a four-vein bypass. He had no idea he was in
danger, none! I had only a double by-pass with an O-ring job to stop my
valve fro bleeding. This man had twice what I went through. In a short time
it’s amazing how close you get to your roommate. You meet the family,
know what they like to eat, what they do for work, where they live, kids,
relations, fears, worries and stresses. What it feels like to age, jobs,
aspirations and little nuances. I imagine it’s like being in a foxhole during
war and listening to your buddy tell you what he thinks.
A bond appears.
To me, I felt I knew each and every one on the folks I stayed with in a
previous life. Reincarnation is a fact of our existence. How can one deny it
or think it does not exist and that we only have one shot at life here on Earth
(heart). We play our hand out and vanish? No, no, no, what sense does that

It took me many years to just figure out what was going on physically,
spiritually it would take quite a bit of time and it’s the one precious
commodiy we do not have enough of.
What person or people have we all met that deserves Heaven, and you have
to “die” to get there, and you have to act in a certain way to achieve it. I feel
in my life I have met maybe three people who deserved the right to go to a
higher frequency, the rest of us have to come back to do it all over again. I
have met millions of folks and all of us had faults. All of us have to come
back until we get it “Right”, and that takes lots of time, lots of lifetimes.
Karma is a law of the universe.
The first law of the universe is “Change” everything changes all the time
every second. The second law is “What we use up we must replace”. That is
everything and we need to think hard on how we want to do that correctly.
Using up all the fresh water, the air, the soil, the dying trees, wild animals
and fish and more, all has to be replaced if we wish to move forward and
leave something for our “Children’s children”.
The third law is Karma, The good and not so good that we all do some with
forethought and some with out any thought. This is all recorded in the
Askashic records, a place where every thought, feeling, action and words are
all recorded, you can’t escape it and you definitely can’t lie. We have
become mindless and timeless instead of time full and mindful. We have lost
our lives and now we live lifestyles, what happened?
So very few actually make the next frequency and most of us have to return
here to do our Dharma.
Dharma is the job we were sent to the planet to do. When I was in the
courtroom I was being judged as to my qualifications to either stay or go
back here to Earth (heart). If I failed the test I would have been allowed to
see and be with my soul group who have been pulling for me for along time
and stay in the higher frequency until I remember just what I am supposed to
do here. Its like your thumb print, no one has one like it, or ever has and
never will again. We have been asked by the “Great Spirit” to come here and
do good and a job, which I am perfect for. A job no one can tell me to do or
help me find however when I do or if I do it makes the greatest difference in
our lives and everyone else’s.

You know when you have found it when someone offers you a million
dollars to change and you say, “Naaah”. It not being a lawyer or a politician
or any high paying jobs as I can tell but a “service” that you can perform that
only you can do or you feel its where you are supposed to be even if its not
what you imagined it would be or your life would turn out and its for filling,
uplifting and inspirational.
As the Buddha said,” Your work is to discover your work, then with all
your heart(Earth) to give yourself to it.”
Then it’s Dharma.
“Step down” was as insane as ICU, controlled chaos! Jennifer and Mark
had given me super earphones a DVD TV and lots of disks. I looked at a few
and it was difficult to watch a small screen but heck, I was in a peculiar
situation and had the time. I decided to watch “Return to Neverland” with
Jonnie Depp. I did not wish to see fantasy with a story I knew so well from
growing up and seeing it once a year on TV with Mary Martin as Peter Pan,
a “Elemental”.
The movie is about how “Peter Pan” was created and it was actually a
wondrous tale. Disney kept ‘Peter Pan” under lock and key for years for
some strange reason and only released it sparingly.
In the story “Tinker Belle” an Elemental, drinks poison intended for Wendy
Tink and Peter are two types of “Elementals” as Santa Clause. You know, a
tiny man with a red hat and eight tiny reindeer, get it?
Peter tells the audience (it was a play in England first) in order to save
Tinker Belle and bring her back; we all have to clap our hands. As we clap,
Tink regains her energy back through the power of LOVE. It captivated
audiences for years and all of us at home clapped madly for Tink to make it.
We were glued to our seats and staring at a black and white picture hoping
we could help Tink. Tinker Belle got well and the story goes on.
As I watched the show, I realized I was supposed to be exactly where I was
watching this movie to understand what “Gaia” was going through and what
we had to do to help her. Our Mother Earth was dying, what child would not
do all it could for our mother who was dying?
On July 17, 2007 our Mother needed us to clap for her. Gaia had taken on
our poisons and was losing her will to live and her magnetic fields were

All life was being affected by this difficulty and we would not survive very
long if we did not do what we had to do, and no one was sure if it would
work. We knew from stories we had witnessed, scientific reports, we knew
the consequences, but not exactly how to change what was going to happen.
Because of Evan and his mom, Shelly Yates and what I had witnessed also
in 2002 at our graduate class when Hazel Venice began to channel a vision
of the earth in trouble in 2007, which at the time no one understood.
People all over the world tuned into this crisis and Shaman and other
enlightened souls told us if we all prayed at a certain time all over the world,
we might, just might save our “Mother”.
Peter Pan I realized from “Step Down” was the key, we all had to clap!!
Whew only two more days.
Everyone I spoke to who called or I touched I told them they had to pray at
7/11 am on 7/17/07. I told them to tell others and retold the Peter Pan story
and funny thing everyone “got it”! We only had a short time to make this
happen. Live Aid, farm aid and other concerts and projects had gotten us to
work together on many important projects, this was the most important ever!
All the nurses/angels knew, all the Green Guerrillas knew, all our families
knew, we had to pass this test.
My favorite pillow in the whole world turned out to be my heart (Earth)
shaped pillow with St. Francis on it that saved my life countless times. Now
the surgeon who developed that pillow probably found his dharma inventing
it and getting it out to the general hospital public, it must have been difficult
because the AMA (American medical association) does not like change or
innovations and only changes under duress. Just to get doctors to wash their
hands between patients took years and years of stubborn resistance to get
passed. Doctors hated the idea they had to wash their hands.
Coughing or sneezing were a killer and looking down at the staples I knew
were hiding under the bandages holding my chest together did not feel
particularly strong. I began to sleep with it on my chest so when I coughed
or needed it in the night it would be instantly ready. It was like a life
preserver for dry land. Don’t need em’ much however when you do, you
bless the man who thought it up.

The subtitle flow of the hospital when you are in it for a while is seamless,
everyone knows what they are supposed to do and when done right
everything works fine. I had been in eleven days and had not looked out a
window or saw the sun either going up or down. I missed that greatly. I
could see the effects and that was great however for a Sun gazer there is
nothing like the Sun (Apsu) pouring its healing energy into one’s eyes. I was
always told not to look at the Sun, another lie. During the Korean War a
torture of Americans included having to stare at the Sun for hours.
Well not only did it not hurt the prisoners eyes but they got stronger,
healthier and could see better with out glasses. Needless to say they
discontinued that torture, hmmm.
There is a man in NYC named Hira Ratan Manek who is a leading proponent of Sun gazing
and the vitamin D he takes in, just like the plants and photosynthesis. Manek
eats very little food and has gone months with out eating anything and is
done with doctors watching. He is very mentally and physically healthy and
I felt I could use a belt of Sunlight and it would help heal me, hmmm.
I could see it briefly as it went down in the west, across the SD room. It
went down a bit quicker each day but the window was far away across the
My sisters Claire and Mary came in from the Hamptons to visit, quite a trip
and they did it a few times. It was not Mary’s favorite thing to do at all. It
was extremely difficult for her to return to St. Francis because her little girl
Brady had passed there when she was 7 in 1980. She did it for all of us.
Mary has an amazing amount of love and shares it with all of us.

Monday July 16, 2007 Chapter Xlll

Today I meditated for our Mother Earth (heart) all day and night. Phillip
and Kevin came in and we would turn the hospital room into a class for
organics, the Earth needing everyone to clap for her, the dreaded Annunuki,
love and all sorts of topics that Kevin sponged up which I was pleased with
and surprised, he would go far in the world. Phillip was one of the best
Greens keeper’s in the world. A real McGiver with fixing anything, the more
difficult the better. He and his son were classy guys. Visiting the sick is one
of the most difficult tasks anyone can do and they came quite a bit. Angels?
More friends visited now that I was pretty much out of danger and
stabilized. Now I was being monitored to get my heart (earth) to beat
correctly. If it ain’t one thing it’s another.
But today I had six folks from the party, Karen and Gary, Judi and Ray and
Tom and Jeanne and it was so good to see them as they could tell me more
about what went on at the party after I died.
It was a funny conversation and they were relieved to see me sitting up as
Karen had closed my eyes after attempting to resuscitate me. Karen was the
first girl I kissed I Seventh grade and I remembered that kiss however her
helping me was a blank. Also Dave Howard and Bob Cleva stopped by to
say hello, old friends who were concerned. How all these folks got past the
monitors to get in “Step Down as a group was difficult to do but they did it!
But today Monday the 16th was important to the survival of our world and
few knew it or even understood what a desperate situation we were all in.
We teach the “100 Monkey Theory” which is what Rupert Sheldrake calls
“Morphic Resonance” or “The Tipping Point”. A threshold of
Consciousness occurs, Simply put, it means if only a small portion of the
population “got it” the rest of us would get it. I think its 3 or 4% and the rest
of us would get it. That’s what we are hoping for in Organics that one day
the person would come to the class and learn about Organics and it would
spread to the rest of the population in an instant.

Scientists know if they teach a rat to go through a maize the rest of the rats
automatically learn the maize.
If we all clapped or put our “Intention and Attention” on Mother Earth
(heart) we would be able to save her and in turn ourselves. Anyone who
stopped bye or called me I told them at 7:11 AM EST time the next day if
we could all pray for our birthing world we might be able to help her, might
being the operative word. We had to bring her back we had no choice! It was
called “lighting the grid” I told them and in every time zone millions of
people would be praying for our mother. At the specified time, in united
thought we would power up each grid in one concentrated moment. It had
never been attempted before; we never had such a difficulty before. All our
“Genetic structures “ would be involved, that’s why I was needed to be alive
for my genetic structure was important for this moment. I felt very humble
and confused because why would the DNA of a “Burned out Buckaroo” be
so important?
Food was now fairly regular but as usual I was not and it began to think
about it more and that was good because I was thinking of getting out of
here which I had not those thoughts before. Each day now it loomed up in
front of me like an ugly dragon. “Have you had a bowel movement yet Mr.
Frank?” Was the dreaded question. Of course everyone knows who has been
in a hospital that one does not take a shit, from the moment one walks or
gets carried in to a hospital to almost leaving. I ate a lot of prunes! Ah, yes
hospital visits are, well unique.
I was also losing weight and I could tell by looking at my legs and arms. I
call it “The Heart Attack Diet” I don’t recommend it for everyone however it
has always worked for me. I would lose 27 pounds in the time I was at the
hospital. Salads, oatmeal, soup and the old standard P & J was the fare,
along with the constant TV bringing, worry, fear, stress and anxiety and of
course the ever present “Terror” that each news station has jammed us with
since 9/11.
I was wondering why some body would not pick up on that and create a
few channels reserved for comedy. One channel for present day comedy, one
for old stuff like the silent movies and Laurel and Hardy, Harold Lloyd or
Buster Keaton etc and one for sitcoms from the sixties and early seventies.

Now if that does not heal folks faster, I will be a monkey’s uncle.

Again each day, each time frame could be known by the routine the
Angels/nurses had. An important part of the day was selecting our food;
another was mindlessly watching TV, let's dumb us down. We all had to
give blood each day, take X-rays, Drugs, visits of Doctors/Angels, visitors
and phone calls.
Amazingly, in a hospital, if you can survive the first four or five days with
out a staph infection you just might not get one at all. Good immunization!
Doctors realized hands were the major cause of infections
By not washing them. An Austrian doctor in Vienna in the 1860’s noticed
that midwives had a greater survival rate for new borns than regular doctors
and noticed they washed their hands in boiled water between patients. He
decided to do the same and his success rate climbed. In those days not much
was known about microbes and doctors would go from operation to
operation with bloody hands from the previous patient. It was a red badge of
courage for a doctor to have blood on their hands. This doctor was shunned
by the existing medical community until he died and then they began to
wash their hands and saw their patients not have many of the infections that
previously killed them and began sterilizing instruments and hands. Louis
Pasture scientifically proved it true however in France they attempted to
disprove the great doctor but couldn’t. I mean its only a “practice”, however
doctors because of the AMA or American Medical Association makes
doctors rigidly and blindly follow procedures even when its been shown that
another technique works better.

Emails: Laura Riccardi: Hello friends pasted below is an email from Mary,
Jeff’s sister. I spoke with him today for over an hour and he sounds great!
He is doing so well and really seems to be 100% himself. He spoke about
the Earth (heart) healing meditation that is happening tomorrow at 11:11AM
Greenwich time and how important is to energize Mother Earth (heart). We
also spoke about the graduate class in August and how great it will be and he
will be there!

Mary Fitz. Claire and I went to St. Francis last night. Jeff is having an
operation today. They are going up through his leg to his heart. They are
going to shock his heart to attempt to get his heart to have regular heartbeats.
He has a condition called “Afib” (which we always thought was a Lie)
which is basically irregular heartbeats. If it doesn’t work they will have
another operation and install a pacemaker. He is doing really well! All the
attendants really like him. Of course he doesn’t complain and he is actually
cheerful! Every time one of us goes to the hospital we bring gifts of food or
sweets to the nurses and doctors. I guess that doesn’t happen often. He has a
phone next to his bed and his number is 1-516-562-6000 ext 5916. I gave
him all your emails. He says he can feel all the love and prayers, love Mary

Chapter XlV Tuesday July 17, 2007 “Firing the Grid”

The Sun came up and by turning completely around (not easy with all the
attachments) I could see “Apsu” rising, our last day? Would our beautiful
Earth (heart) die as I did and as Mars did so long ago or could we clap loud
enough for Gaia to hear us?
Our time to pray was 7:11 so for quite some time, I was mentally clapping. I
love this “Mother Earth”(heart)
Life and death kept happening in our third dimensional world. I spent time
with the archangels removing all the macrocosms and negative energy in the
hospital especially since I was going to be shocked in an operation. There
was quite a few negative energies in the hospital that were attracted there by
the worry, fear, anxiety and stress, it seems they tune in on us that way.
When you feel “love, peace, harmony, compassion and joy” they can’t
notice you. Nice huh? We have to just think in a new way to avoid them but
that is the difficulty, we have been trained to be negative. The archangels
and I working in tandem worked hard at a new vibration for the hospital and
operating rooms. I was also working with healers and psychics who had
heard of my difficulties and were helping too, along with Ascended Masters
and Elementals, now that is a championship team!
All day my thoughts revolved around healing me and the Earth(heart) and
everyone in the hospital and world. How would we know it worked?
We would know!
Around 5pm I was visited by a Dr. Vinnie Jamm. He told me he would do
my test to shock me and noticed my pictures of Sai Babba and AmmaChi on
my table and asked me about them. I told Dr. Jamm I have had many
instances of help from Sai Babba and he asked if I would tell him one.
I told him I was a substitute teacher at Southampton schools and one day as I
was in a class of juniors watching a movie the kids asked me if I had my
“Magic Dust” with me which is what they called the “Vabutti” or “Holy
Ash” that I carry from Sai Babba. I said “Yes” and passed a picture of Sai

Babba the Indian Saint and the ash around to show them. The kids began
asking questions being naturally curious. “Who is He, Mr. Frank?”

“Well, he is an Indian Saint”.

“He looks young, how old is he?”
“Probably around 80 or so, however he has always looked the same except
for sometimes being over six foot one day and five foot five the next.
“How does he do that?”
“He’s a Saint and Saints can do anything”. “We all doubt and Sai Babba
“Well how does He get around?”
I said “He is everywhere, as soon s you say His name three times he is there.
He has to respond as all Ascended Masters or Saints have to do”.
“So Mr. Frank, if we say his name three times he has to be here now?”
So the kids say, Sai Babba, Sai Babba, Sai Babba and look expectantly
around the room but see nothing.
“Well, Mr. Frank is Sai Babba here?”
“Well, if He is here and He can do anything ask him to appear or do
something to show us?”
I laughed and said “Saints don’t do tricks or work on commands.”
The kids would not take “No” for an answer. They pointed to the phone on
the wall and said, “If Sai Babba is here, then have Him ring the phone.”
At that exact moment the phone rang unexpectantly and loudly in the movie
they were supposedly watching.
“Boy, Doc, there were 20 some odd kids all screaming and we were right
down the hall from the vice principals office and that is all they would need
to hear are kids screaming in my class.”
Dr. Jamm laughed and said, “Yes, you do know him, I know Him also. In
fact I have met Sai Babba several times, in fact He gave me my scholarship
to medical school many years ago”.
Now I said in wonder, “ Wow, You mean you have shaken His hand?”

“Yes said Vinnie, a few times.” All I could say was “Wow” as I shook the
Doc’s hand, but not too hard. I knew the operation would be a success! I had
also made a new friend.

The Miracles and wonder continued in the hospital. Who would think a
hospital was fertile ground for miracles and wonder filled with Angels who
disguised as humans kept the frequency of Love above all to the patience
(patients). As I always say, “Hoka Hey!” which is Dakota (Sioux) which
means, “it’s a good day to die” the Native Americans understood the miracle
of Life and lived in each moment knowing full well each day we have to be
ready to die, each moment, so they live in joy and peace because they
understood. We, today because of fear, worry, stress and anxiety live in the
future and the past, never in the present moment, never in joy or peace. We
use up our resources and do not understand that “What we use up we must
replace” the second law of Nature. We just use up, leaving nothing for our
Children’s children. The soil is washed to the oceans, the waters are
polluted, the sky is white from “Chem trails” that spew out fiberglass
(Morgellons Disease) and nano technology and pesticides and harsh
chemicals to test on us unknowingly and when we do find out, we choose
not to believe! How could our country do this to us? How does our country
treat its people? I would say quite badly. We have the highest prison
population in the world, far past China and Russia. We have our own
Gulag’s called “Halliburton Camps” designed to hold millions of Americans
when the time is right. Our country has become the staging ground for world
war lll, and its arriving s I write this. So how does a normal person cope with
these incredible difficulties of food shortages, rising costs of medicines and
fuel and lowering of the standard of living our fore fathers claimed as
“Unalienable Rights”? I believe it’s the way the Native Americans dealt with
the same difficulties, by living in the moment, cherishing every moment as
one that will never return. To take time to see the glory of Nature and what
we can learn from Her, to watch a Sunrise or Sunset, go outside in the night
or a rainy day. Be happy for the Miracle that is happening every second, a
new Bardo every moment.

By training to live in the moment we see our fellow space ship travelers as
relatives as the indigenous tribes thought of every thing. Try reading Chief
Seattle’s speech some time and in one page learn what that great man
thought and how we can shift our “Paradigm’s” to create a new reality and
new future. It’s your “Movie”!

Email: Mary: I just got off the phone with Jeff and they would take him for
his procedure in the morning. He was very funny. He thinks the procedure
will be to shock his heart a few times while he is awake. He said He keeps
singing the song “Please Mr. Custer, I don’t want to go”. I will let you know
how it goes. He knows all the nurses and doctor’s names. It was one of the
things he learned while teaching and used substituting at Southampton
grammar and high school. He learned almost every kids name the first day
and the kids really liked him. It worked at the hospital too. He is very
popular with the staff, Thank God!

Chapter XV Wednesday July 18, 2007 The Day After, “Fire the Grid”

Gee, no Sunrise today, looks like a storm is going to hit, as a matter of fact
the TV says severe weather was affecting many places in the world and
We had a Nature Lyceum class scheduled for today however since I am
here, its been cancelled and a good thing. I am the master of ceremonies at
our “Off, off Broadway Organic Improv Production Mystery School”. We
attempt to do a two-day class monthly to teach the green industry and back
yard gardeners the advantages of going “Organic”. How to shift paradigms
from toxic chemicals to harmless and effective home remedies that the
government hates because the chemical industry rules the country. The
Chemical companies support the agriculture schools like Cornell, U Mass,
Rutgers or Texas A & M and the student only learns how to use toxic
genetic chemicals for every problem much as they support the medical
schools and a doctor takes no classes in nutrition. The Fix is in!
The folks attending the classes learn for the first time the Truth about what
the chemical companies, the Military Industrial, University complexes are
doing to harm us.
The graduates of the Ag schools goes out and uses GMO seed and chemicals
to raise our food and we get sick, then they supply the medicines to
supposedly get us better. I mean who has been cured of lime’s disease with
anti-biotics? We pay big bucks for them and they don’t work and we are in
misery for years and taking stronger and stronger doses and the food we are
eating is also filled with anti-biotics (anti-life) and that along with steroids,
birth control pills, anti depressants and more go down our toilets to be

forgotten as they go thru the soil to the nearest river to go down stream to
the next village which has no idea the water is filled with toxins they can not
even get out of the water, so we drink it thinking it is safe. It can’t be safe if
they are using chlorine and fluoride; both of those chemicals are toxic to
humans. I have not gone swimming in a pool in many years because of the

From my bed the storm raging around Port Washington was amazing, the
thunder and lighting was a great show. The lightning hit all around the
hospital and many electric services were turned off except the essential ones.
I counted over 40 strikes of lightening and I heard later there were over 70
just around us! Lord knows who counted them but it sounded right. The
Earth(heart) was either waking it self up or it was the coup de gras.
Tornadoes were reported on Long Island. Quite a day after!
To me recovering from my difficulties and Mother Earth(heart) doing the
same I got to witness the ceremony and now this stormy, electric vortex day
was our Mother feeling better just as the EMT’s attempted to bring me back
with seven electric shocks. No class would have been possible today anyway
so I enjoyed the show. I was scheduled to go through the same operation
later with Dr. Jamm to electrically shock my heart into a new rhythm, gee I
hope it works like what the Mother is going through.
The hospital was not affected by the storm and when the orderly came up
to get me for the next operation I was put on a traveling bed (its smaller) and
I was good to go. They put “my” book on my bed; I was shocked at all the
stuff that was contained in the book of lists I was to carry whenever I left to
do a test.
My orderly was a nice young man and was big enough to maneuver the bed
down the halls and elevators, knowing how to bypass one elevator to a
second one that few used.
I watched the operating room from a horizontal position and realized I have
been here before, “déjà vu all over again” This room I had had several visits
to over the years for angioplasty, angiograms, stints and being shocked once
before. Stints only last a few years and mine lasted 15 years so I was very
The ceiling looked like a space ship and again that looked familiar!

Dr. Jamm came out out while I was waiting to go through the procedure and
explained the procedure to me. When he was done we both looked at each
other, a grizzled old Burned out Buckaroo and a young Indian doctor.
I said, “You know its not by chance that we met and both know Sai
Babba” and Vinnie agreed.

“And its not by chance that we are here today together and Sai Babba, when
he gave you the scholarship to medical school, knew you and I would meet”
and again Vinnie agreed.
“Sai Babba knows your operating on me and will be operating through you
to help me today.
Again Dr. Jamm smiled a big smile and agreed with me, we shook hands
and he left. I felt at great Peace, all would be well, the Master sent me a
personal physician to help me. A Miracle again?
It did not take long to zap me and to find out if my heart(earth) could be
shocked into a better rhythm. It did not work but “Holy Cow” it jumped my
body off the table! I mean if being zapped seven times in a backyard with so
much energy it made my body arch in the air did not work then I was very
aware that this procedure was a shot in the dark and would not work.
Besides Dr. Petrossian had done it to me fifteen years before with the same
results, nada.
My orderly took me back to “Step Down” and we had a great conversation
both to and from the operation.
Boy the Angels of St. Francis were great!
Food was brought in, P&J, veggie soup and desert, always the same. Good
ol’ P&J, I guess we never really grow up. I know I never have and I am
happy I did not. My original Angel /nurse Barbara J. found me because they
assigned her to my ICU “Step down”, what a great lady.
Phillip and Kevin arrived and my day made sense to me again. They told me
about the damage to the course from the storm, seems everyone was
The storms across Long Island and the world showed me that Mother
Earth(heart) would make it! We had just enough people clapping around the
world to bring her back to life! Yea!

Email: Angeliki: Surviving the Storm, “Suffering”
Why is there so much suffering now present on our planet; why everything
is in divine and perfect order even though it may seem the world has gone
What we can do to ease the discomfort we may be experincing and examples
of the transition process unfolding in a beautiful and perfect way.
Although suffering may seem ungodly or perhaps even a lower vibrating
experience, it actually has a very specific purpose. Suffering brings us much
closer to Source and also creates compassion. When we are suffering we are
much more open and allowing, and when we are open, willing and allowing
Source energy can fill us up to a much greater degree.
When we are suffering, we are much more “Out of the way”. But most
importantly, we let go and are willing to allow something New and different
to arrive for us. At times we can get desperate when we are suffering, and
this is when we let go. Much else in our surrounding reality can be seen
inconsequential, and this is what creates the letting go and giving up. When
we are suffering, we realize that we cannot solve what ever is ailing us,
ourselves. These are the things that bring us back to Source.
These are the things that get us out of the way. These are the things that
cause us to surrender.
When we have suffered ourselves, we develop compassion for others. After
we have gone through an experience of suffering, we then seem much more
ready and in alignment to assist others, or perhaps become involved in some
kind of humanitarian work.
When we suffer we go deep, we feel deeply. We examine deeply and we
ask for help. When we ask for help and really mean it, we usually receive it.

But we have to get out of the way first and let go our ego or in-charge self.
This is a vital part of the ascension process. Suffering is another way that we
connect more deeply and strongly to Source. After we have connected
through suffering, we can then remember what this connection feels like and
utilize it again, only in a non-suffering situation.

We remember that Source was very present and we can summon Source
again to help others. Viewing suffering from higher realms, it looks very
In the higher realms, it is known that life comes and goes and that energy
infuses here and then infuses there. When looking back at a suffering
experience after one has left their physical body, one does not feel that this
experience was any big deal!
This is the way it is. It is known that this is a part of being in the physical
world. Emotions are very valued; as they are the one of the things that being
in form is all about. Suffering is simply another experience and no big woop.
However we sure think it is when we are the ones suffering!
Suffering and Compassion are basically partners. Compassion is a very high
vibrating state of Emotion. Being that suffering creates a vibrational change
in a person and also an opening to the Source as well as at times a
summoning for the New. We can then see that suffering in another is not
something we need to meddle in or become involved in alleviating. This is
not always a set rule, of course. The non-physical beings watching us suffer
continually and never meddle. And this is why. They are simply honoring
our process. And as we are becoming human Angels on Earth(heart), we
need to adopt the higher way of being as well. It is not easy however it is a
part of our evolutionary process. Therefore, it is important that we
understand and value suffering for what it produces.
When you are able to embrace the process that suffering creates, you will be
well on your way to becoming a higher vibrating human.

Chapter XVl Thursday July 19, 2007

I got to see the Sun “Apsu” go down for the first time in many days, I
usually watch it each day and I have missed my Sun gazing time. It rained
all day and cleared up at the end of the day. The Earth is alive and healing!
I was feeling better and my bandages were being reduced and to the hospital
I was out of imminent danger. I was visited by a gaggle of doctors and
Angels and they were all over me. What amazing people to come to work
each day facing life and death situations with a smile and a good word, real
Angels doing great work. My daughters Jennifer and Daphne visited me
with Mark my son in law and John, Daphne’s fiancé. Great folks and when
your visited it does many things but the two important things it does is a
psychological uplift to the patience (patient) and the effect on the staff. By
showing up to visit the staff naturally gets more involved, by bringing
chocolates to the staff it creates a bridge from patience to staff. Who would
think chocolate would bring so much love and attention? Kevin and Phillip
came once again, my home away form home.
I was moved to a new room, a semi-private # 305 with my new roomie Ron.
Its funny how you get to meet and know each roommate’s family and what
is going down with everyone. Rumor has it I might be released soon if all
goes well, now that’s Big! I have one big hurdle to cross and that’s an
operation to install a defiberator, pacemaker. I am not happy about the
“Thing” in my chest but what the heck? I just saw a movie that a crazy man
was blowing up folks who had a pacemaker installed, also not good to see
before its installed in me.

Email: Mary: I talked with Jeff tonight and the pacemaker is going in
tomorrow. He is fine about it and thinks he might be out after the weekend.

Friday July 20,2007 Chapter XVll

Rain today again. I was informed the operation would be today sometime
and they would come and get me when they were ready, must be busy in
I am in a smaller area and my breathing is more labored, more difficult; it
reminds me when I had Congestive Heart Failure in November 2005. It was
misdiagnosed for a few weeks as an “Upper Respatory Infection” so for a
while, I was treating CHF as a bad cold and using my asthma inhaler to get
better. The doc told me when I went to the Southampton emergency room at
4am that a few people had been admitted that morning with upper respitory
infection, so I guess I was one too. They released me around 9am and sent
me home. Hmmmm.
Since others had the same thing I let my guard down and thought it was the
“Chem trails” I saw the previous day.
So today I am feeling that tightness however with all the stitching and
bandages, I just think its normal.
I know it’s a difficult problem to recognize due to the fact it has a few other
symptoms. I went back to Southampton Hospital and Dr. Hunt took one look
at me and said “your staying!” That’s when I checked in for five days as the
doctors reduced the water in my lungs that I was retaining. I also learned that
I had a leaky heart(earth) valve and that would need an operation because as
a plumber I know leaks don’t fix themselves, although in this case I was
praying extra hard because I had no money or insurance, as usual.

That was the first time I had ever heard of the “Slim Spurling Healing
Ring”, it was sent to me by a Green Guerrilla graduate Scott Anderson who
had heard about the amazing ring and Slim. I put it on and I immediately felt

Today was different, I felt the discomfort however with a doctor covering
every discipline, they soon had me diagnosed and began treatments. I began
to wonder if I would ever get out of St. Francis. I had a great desire to get
“Healed”. Actually it’s healing not healed because one is never healed, it’s
an on-going thing.
What caused my heart difficulties? I have always felt they started with
my second divorce, which was emotional depleting. I honestly never thought
I would ever be divorced again. This time I acted differently and thought
“out of the box”, I was as true as a guard at Arlington’s tomb of the
In 1991 I went to a Psychic Fair with my first grandchild Elizabeth and her
mom and a few friends just to see, “What’s up”?
I choose “Psychic Sid”, sounded good and for a first time I was ready! I
gave him his $20.00 and shuffled the Tarot cards, hmmmm, this is going to
be cool!
Sid asked me three questions after reading the cards, He said, “ How are you
getting along with your wife?” I said “Fine”, we had met ten years ago and
moved to Phoenix with her baby daughter Daphne and we fell in love and
got married out there and eventually moved back to Long Island to be near
our families. We never even had an argument in ten years.
Sid said, “ your going to be divorced in Six months!” I was blown away with
that answer. Next Sid asked, “How is your business doing?”
I said “Fine, I made a half million dollars last year and I plan to double that.”
Sid said, “ In Six months, your going to lose the business and a close
associate is going to stab you in the back!” I was again shocked, the only
associate was a man named Stan, who was not the most reputable but he
could not hurt me, I thought. The third question was, “Do you have Health
Insurance”? I said “no”; he said, “Get it”. But again I was not thinking of my

self but my wife and Daphne who was growing into my daughter. I got
insurance for them however neglected myself.
Well in six months I was separated and almost divorced, I had lost my
business and with in two years I had my first Heart attack ending up in St.
Francis for the first time.

As a positive person I used every method I could to change the course of

events, I worked hard at the marriage, and thought if I cared and loved hard
enough I could change the future. (Jessie was already gone emotionally)
I worked hard at the business, however Stan stabbed me in the back and
attempted to get my distributor business for himself by lying to corporate.
The Insurance was not needed for Jessie or Daphne but rather me.
I believe that a broken heart can cause a heart attack and love can heal it,
it’s that simple but there is damage that is done. My heart broke like
“Humpty Dumpty”. I was amazed at Sids ability and kept going back to him
for years, and he was always “right on!”
The hospital show kept going on this day. I disliked the TV and its shows of
violence, hospital shows (like scrubs) are too real and scary to be funny and
it only adds to the stress worry, anxiety and fear we already feel in the place.
No wonder it’s easy for the macrocosms to keep coming back for the energy
meals they can get in hospitals.
My new orderly came by to pick me up for the operation, I got the “Book of
lists” to bring with me and we were off to a new operation. I went down to
the basement however being horizontal it’s hard to know exactly where one
is but that was my guess.
The “spaceship” operating room was filled with more folks in masks and
green, here we go again. They got me ready as I joked with all of them and
wondered if the weight gain would off set what I had lost so far on the
heart(earth) attack diet.
I still could not move my leg much from the previous operation to grab one
of my veins so I had to be very careful about moving.
This operation would slip a 2inch by 2inch machine over my left nipple and
a wire into my heart to monitor it and if my heart(earth) went afib it would

work to correct the beat and if the heart(earth) stopped, it had enough juice
to zap me with the defib devise, all very “James Bond”, except I was no 007.
More of a cowardly lion than James Bond.
It’s supposed to work for years with out a battery change however we all
know about batteries and even the ones in space need changing. So I am
skeptical at best.

I don’t know which doctor performed the operation but it worked well and
the only thing I had to be careful about was raising my left arm over my
head for a while so I do not pull out the wire. It is weird having a metal
implant with a tracking device in it so they can find me from outer space,
and sets off alarms in airports and is dangerous to be near microwaves,
Now at airports I get the “full Monte”, the “pet down” which has turned me
against flying but soon with the cost of fuel, no one will be flying. Everyone
will be taking the train.
Jennifer arrived with granddaughter Elizabeth who came by to say
goodbye she was flying off to Fiji to help teach the islanders learn English
and she is only 17, wow! Jennifer was flying with her to Los Angeles to
make sure it went fine and returning. It all worked out flawlessly and I was
happy to see them both. Just a two weeks ago it was very different. When
Jennifer was at JFK she met a woman who’s son had a “Green Guerrilla” hat
from the Nature Lyceum and asked her how he got it. The woman spoke
about her husband and how he went to this incredible Organic course.
Jennifer who never hears this or meets graduates said, “Jeff Frank is my
dad.” The lady, Mrs. Stokowski, was pleasantly surprised and they had a
nice time chatting, waiting for the plane to take off. With something in
common which I find that after 42 years as a bartender, if you speak to a
person long enough, your going to find many things including people, in

Email: Mary: Hi everyone! I just got off the phone with Jeff and he came
through with flying colors! A four-hour operation from 11am to 3pm. He is
not allowed to move his left arm yet but he can use his right arm. His phone
is 1-516-562-6946. He has no pain and he sounds better than I have heard
him in years! Really overwhelmed with what has happened, but still funny.
He has been dreaming about chocolate chip cookies and his daughter
Jennifer brought him a brownie. Not the best thing for a heart patient but
was allowed and it made him so happy. He said he might be leaving to go
home on Monday if it all works out. Jens husband Mark is going to spring
him and bring him back to Southampton. He wants me to thank you for all
your prayers. For someone who was not breathing for quite a while this is
unbelievable! He has a whole new perspective on life. I read him all your
emails. I had to get off the phone because he had a visitor. He feels really

Chapter XVlll Saturday July 21, 2007

Watched “Apsu” rise from my room and it was wonder-full and

Beautiful. The dawn always brings a new rejuvenation. Ron my roommate is
a Quadruple by-pass but will be leaving sooner than me. It seems Poison Ivy
saved his life! He went into the woods while he was playing golf to find his
ball and got Poison Ivy. Everyone hates poison ivy however its Nature’s
defense against the intrusion of man who disturb everything. Poison Ivy
hangs out on the edges of wooded areas to protect them against men on bull
dozers (which are skinning the skin off our planet while she is alive) and
building. We never take the warning and attempt to kill it also.
Well my roommate gets quite a case and goes to his doctor feeling fine
except for the itching. The doctor takes his blood pressure and it’s off the
charts, orders an ambulance for him and in a day he has his chest opened and
all sorts of things done that he had no idea he needed. His wife of many
years is scared because this is their first health crisis ever! It actually pulled
the family together and Ron is happy to still be on the planet. If he knew
what was just a “frequency” away he would not be so worried about his
A Miracle again!
I could feel the prayer “Ho’oponopono is changing the vibration of
everything and everyone in the hospital. It feels good to be proactive,
especially when you’re flat on your back and feeling sorry for ourselves.
Ron and I talked about metaphysics and I tell him things he never knew but
were always around him.

I have been in the hospital for a long time and escaped the bacteria that was
attacking kids even in Southampton high school this year and made it
difficult to over come it, the bacteria it seems it was everywhere.
“Overcome”? Yes one cannot go around a difficulty as I had found out in
life and especially this lesson, one must go through the problem or it shows
up again in another form.

Courage is always in short supply and we need it every day.

As Winston Churchill said, “Courage is the first of human qualities because
it guarantees all the rest”
Courage is never given to us before the difficulty but after. Its only then, that
you realize your courage. We are all courageous on this planet in god school.
We learn about ourselves through difficulties not through times made easy
by position or circumstance. Today is no different. I did not want to go back
to the “Space ship”, heck no! Would I? Heck yes!
I had the procedure down, when to help, when not to, when to say
something nice or not say anything.
The Angels of St. Francis always handled me with great care, why not?
They were Angels that had lost their way but were remembering through

Email: Ron Roberts: Have you seen the movie “Sicko” yet by Roger Moore?
And to think all of this health care fiasco began with R M Nixon and Kaiser

Mary: I talked with Jeff tonight and the pacemaker is fine and he thinks he
might be released after the weekend.

Chapter XlX Sunday July 22, 2007

The doctors seem happy and with my recovery going so well I might be
released as soon as Monday. No one gets released over the weekend because
the regular doctors are all resting (I hope) and no one takes that
responsibility on themselves.
Today is the memorial service for my old Mother in Law, Marion; I wish I
could be there however, she reached 93 and I almost beat her off the planet.
The doctors suggesting I might be able t leave after the weekend if all goes
well is a powerful healing thought. Visiting Angel/nurses has been contacted
and will check in on me several times each week including weekends until I
can stand on my own two feet. I live with two sisters, Jean and Claire,
fearless and fearful who might be of some assistance if necessary and they
will be in the house in case. Everyone needs a caregiver to shop and hang
out and help and hopefully not be alone at night. I am making escape plans
and have a ride out, now where are my shoes?
My breathing is becoming more difficult and it’s making me feel
uncomfortable. I have been an asthmatic all my life and know how to
breathe correctly and have had many crises in my life where I gasped for air.
I do not get rattled, even when I had no air at the party, I relaxed. This is
different. I tell my Angel/nurses that I believe its Congestive Heart Failure
again however they are not so sure and bring in a breathing specialist to give
me a treatment. The breathing angel/tech is more sure and calls my
Angel/nurse who calls “666” which is in house emergency but not as final as

“999”. My room fills with Angels disguised s doctors and nurses as I watch
the movie.
Lots of things are put into action, no liquids, a diuretic is administered to
release more water from the body, my feet are raised, and oxygen is put back

I am ordered back to ICU step down, I say goodbye to Ron and off I go.
I was disappointed that I had to go back (sort of like being sent back to
kindergarten from fifth grade.
But I knew it was for the best. I was wondering if I would find out the
reason right away as to why this is happening at all. I feel there is a reason
for everything, a “Why” however we must not ask the “Why” as it will be
made known to us in the future, we need to develop patience, patients.

Email: Mary: Jeff had a big set back today. He went into congestive heart
failure this afternoon. At first they thought it was an asthma attack. He had
CHF a little over a year ago and he finally recognized what was happening.
He couldn’t breathe and it ends up that his lungs were filling up. could be
the repair job on the valve didn’t work or something else. Jeff said they were
right on top of it. He is in the right place at St. Francis hospital. As soon as
they realized what was happening they knew exactly what to do. I talked to
him about 7PM and he could breathe again. He was pretty tired and so I’ll
call him tomorrow and find out what he knows. Jen went there tonight but I
haven’t heard from her yet. I was really thinking he was on his way to
recovery but I guess it’s a little more complicated than that. I’ll let you

know. Claire and I are going in tomorrow. Jen has to go to California. She
was really concerned about him being there by himself. Jeff said don’t worry
about it but this was a big blow to him and I am going to show up tomorrow!
Love yua, Mary

Chapter XX Monday July 23, 2007

I saw a beautiful dawn today from “Step down”; you have to get up when
they draw your blood for the daily donation. Next the X-ray tech comes in
with the Mac truck and slips a particularly cold plate in between the bed and
my back. Then he is gone and I am alone with the Sun coming up as I
meditate and do the Ho’oponopono for everyone. If everyone did the
Ho’oponopono each day for everyone, I believe we would reach a
“Threshold of Consciousness” very quickly and this planet would really
become “Heaven”.
Ah, waking up in ICU again, meeting new people with some thing in
common. The ward looks familiar however its not one I have been in and I
like my glass room. I introduce my self to my angel/nurse Jennifer, hard to
forget with a daughter the same name. Later my aide comes in, she is a quiet
black woman named Lynette.
I ask her what her name is and she tells me, “Lynette”, and she tells me she
is a grandmother and from Jamaica. I pretty much got the incredible story
how she arrived at St. Francis, which is a series of miracles. It seems many
of our Angels come from the Caribbean and the Philippines. Lynette tells me
of her children and grandkids as I do mine and we become fast
I tell Lynette that I was supposed to have been discharged today.

Lynette just shakes her head and smiles and says in that beautiful Jamaican
accent, “Oh, no you weren’t”
I am surprised and say, against my own rules, “Why not?”
Lynette simply states, “Because we had not met yet.”

Which made perfect sense to me; Lynette was the person I was sent here to
Of course that’s why I have CHF. That’s the kind of answer I would give, so
I understand, Lynette’s reason completely.
Lynette worked around the room and I was beginning to feel interesting
vibrations from her. When she left I got a powerful inspiration to ask my
angel/nurse Jennifer,” when you see Lynette again, would you please ask her
to stop by for a moment, I wish to ask her something”. About an hour later,
Lynette stops by and I look into her kind eyes and say, “Would you do me a
favor and hold my hand and pray for me?”
She looked at me and smiled and said “Ok, but don’t tell anyone”.
I got a rush and felt something and said “Ok, I won’t” but I knew this would
be in my book, that I felt I was going to write about these experiences.
Lynette held my hand and immediately went into a prayer like she had been
waiting to do this. The prayer seemed rehearsed but I knew it wasn’t, this
was the real McCoy, the Padre Pio stuff or John of God.
“Heavenly Father, please bless this man and his family and let him feel the
healing of thy love. Thank you,”
I felt different immediately, better somehow. I could feel the energy go up
my arm and into my body, electric. In less than a minute Lynette was gone
and I sat in awe of what just transpired. A meeting of Western meds and
Spiritual healing, different modes of healing all working together, east meets
west. We have to go in this direction if we are to survive both cultures have
things to share and become a better “Health Care” system instead of what we
have today “A disease care system.”
I felt so much better that I concentrated on healing myself and doing the
Ho’oponopono for all the other inmate patients (patience). Actually it was a

kind of a prison, once in either they cure you or kill you. Most of choose the
first option. That’s why I always have my shoes close by. They can catch
you or spot you in bare feet but shoes get you out.

Chapter XXl Tuesday July 24, 2007

My brother Pat’s birthday, I am happy to be alive to think that thought! I

am now attempting to recover from the CHF episode and get a new
difficulty. My “Foley” is empty, hmmm, something is not working and I am
hoping the reason is all over the floor but alas I am wrong. My kidneys are
shut down and that’s not good. Renal failure is a problem I guess with
attempting to limit liquids, nothing for the kidney’s to do. So now the
doctors are all hovering, doing plan ”B”. Is it riskier to give me liquid which
might make the CHF worse or lose my kidneys? Hmmmm, so I get the
liquids and with in a few hours my “Foley” is working. What a relief! They
are moving me again to a private room with a view except being the “new”
arrival I get the bed by the door, standard because everyone usually wants
the window view.

Chapter XXll Wednesday July 25,2007

I got moved last night and arrived in my new home with a new roommate
and with a great view of a construction site five feet outside the window and
the noise is loud but it’s a show, I’m alive, so what the heck?
Any view at this time is a great view!
Mr. Tyree, my new and last roommate was kind of cranky and did not wish
to speak with me when I arrived, however I kept attempting it until I heard
the cutting edge in his voice.
“Let sleeping dogs lie”, I thought.
His family is very nice and cared a great deal for Tyree. He is a Great
Grandfather with seven kids. He had been in the hospital for months. He had
a heart operation in December of the year before and the heart(earth) got an
infection and he had to be reopened a few times and that’s not good. Once
opened the body can get infected very easily and his did. It must have been
millions in hospital bill and lost time up to this point and his family has been
right with him every step of the way. Family is important, with out them I
doubt Tyree could have handled the difficulties he has endured.
I asked him if he ever saw the John Wayne movie, “She wore a Yellow
Ribbon” directed by John Ford and the Ben Johnson character Corporal
Tyree? Of course he had so we moved to a better relationship.
We talked about the navy during WWll because he was in the submarines
during it and my dad was on an air craft carrier in the Atlantic guarding
convoys and hunting German submarines going to Antarctica to supply a
Nazi city, New Berlin, which was started in 1933 and is completely

underground and is still there! Admiral Byrd was sent to Antarctica with a
fleet in 1946 to attack it and was beaten back by the Germans and it never
even made the news.

He also told me he worked before the war at Camp Hero in Montauk at the
tip of Long Island in construction. He helped build underground submarine
pens there, completely hidden and unknown by anyone except “need to
know” basis. Fort Hero is where the government has been doing time travel
experiments using Nicola Tesla’s technology and inventions with a great
deal of success.
Project Montauk is highly classified and is a follow up to the Philadelphia
Experiment where in 1943, a destroyer escort, the USS Eldridge was
enveloped and made to disappear right in the Philadelphia Naval yard to
everyone’s surprise. The experiment was terminated and brought out to sea
off the coast of New York City to verify the results. The experiment
succeeded and the ship disappeared along with many crew members, who
were never seen again. Casualties of war.
The ship apparently entered a frequency (much as I did when I died on July
Fourth) of a different vibration, disappearing completely with a hole in the
water where it was. This was filmed and documented. Tesla again.
Two brothers, Ed and Duncan Cameron actually dove off the ship and swam
to shore and after many hours reached Coney Island but it was completely
different! They turned themselves into the police, who called the local Naval
base and caused quite a stir with their stories because they jumped from the
ship in 1945 and came ashore in 1963! The nave checked out their stories
and found them to have been listed “Missing in Action”. That’s when the
Montauk project really took off.
Barbara Johnson, one of my nurses from my first days stopped bye to say
hello and goodbye as she had heard through the grapevine I was about to be
released. My time was almost up but in a good way and she found me. I had

moved quite a few times and was always amazed that anyone could find me.
What an angel!
My friend Susun stopped bye a second time to tell me all the incredible
things that were occurring in her life and at that moment our friend Patrice
called from Vail Colorado. I was introduced to both Patrice and Susun on
the same day as they took the Organic class at the Nature Lyceum in 1998
and we all became great friends.

The timing was amazing! Susun and Patrice are synchronistic in their
friendship, both vacationing at the same resort with out any communication
and it doesn’t happen once or twice but every year! It was the first time I
had spoken to Patrice in a year, she found out about me through the grape
vine and wanted to touch base and was it just by chance that she calls as
Susun is there too? I don’t think so, another miracle.
My son in law Mark would not be able to spring me but my sister Mary
volunteered to pick me up. Mary was beyond brave to come to St. Francis to
even visit me; it naturally bothered her to visit the hospital where her
daughter Brady had passed. Mary has Grit!
Two graduates from the Nature Lyceum who lived in Port Washington
where the hospital is located came to visit, John and Mike Labeniti came by
and not only were shocked about my death and resurrection, they were upset
that they did not know I was here. They told me they would have stopped in
a lot more had they known. A great family, they have all been through the
Nature Lyceum School. Two nice men from a nice family, Angels again.
They gave me an article from a magazine talking about them and Organics;
even in the hospital I got Organic news. They own Bayles Organic Garden
Center in Port Washington.
My pace maker felt odd inside my skin and I had to keep my left arm at
my side tucked in and held closely. I attempted to do everything with my
right hand, but help was always close by. The doctors came in each day in a
basic routine of listening to my lungs, checking out the lab work and my
feet. Seems feet are the first indicator of CHF as they look like Fred
Flintstone feet.

Food somehow always found me too and always came at the right
moment and was always welcome and it was always nice to be served in
I was now over the critical stages and stabilized. MY CHF episode was in
the past. I was allowed to walk the halls with an aide to check my balance
and energy levels in order to some day leave on my own power.
I would acknowledge everyone who entered my space, custodians,
Angel/nurses, Angel/aides and helpers of all sorts, doctors, technicians and
thanked them all.

I meditated on each one and thanked the “Great Spirit” for meeting them. I
believe they all were helped by me in a previous life and now was payback.
We have to go back in all our lives and get forgiveness for each “wrong” we
did to anyone and even the scales and this is one way. I was getting better
and my bandages seemed to be getting smaller and my chest hurt less and
less. All the staff was telling me my time had really come and I would be
released either Thursday of Friday.
Ok, I might be released tomorrow, maybe, now what to do to expedite the
process. I knew Sunday my son in law was supposed to pick me up but that
was old news.
My sister Mary had volunteered to pick me up knowing it’s an all day
affair and she would lose a day of work, which is not what she needed to do
at that point, but heck, I don’t get released every day from a hospital and this
is a magical moment.
Now all I had to do was get the doctors to all agree and mentally prepare
to leave and start a whole new life.
I had died consciously and came back consciously and strangely it made a
difference, ,“No more Cloudy Days” as the Eagles song goes. Not many
folks come back from the dead and can talk about it. At that moment I had
little realization of the situation I had gone through on the other side, it
would come to me. I had passed many tests sine July fourth when I was in
“Earth(heart) school learning about our third dimensional world and how to
survive here against all odds.

The Fix has been in for many thousands of years by the dark forces. We all
are in chaos and “lead lives of lonely desperation.” Few knew the “truth”
and with all the doubts and conspiracy’s developed by the Annunuki and
dark side over the years whom did one trust? Not the government founded
by Free Masons, not the church’s founded on misbeliefs and disinformation
attempting to rule us through fear. It was not our dumbed down education
system nor our disease care health system and poison food founded on
pseudo-science. Where does one turn?

Mother Nature! The door to the truth lies through Nature and is the looking
glass to find the “Great Spirit”. Nature will never lie to you but it can hurt
you if you do not pay attention.
This fix which has been in for longer than records includes the
medical/chemical, University, Banking, Government, Military complex BIG
As the behind the scenes power rulers, they want to control us to the
smallest degree. Using repressive tactics, no education, to the churches
controlling how we could evolve spiritually including the Hindu’s,
Moslem’s, Christians and Jews. It’s the same story, hate, war, distrust. No
one follows the Ten Commandments, which are all we basically need
because codes or laws are signs of design flaws in the system. Change the
system. The more we have codes and laws the more we have to attempt to
fix them. Lets fix the design.
Every thought and act has to be controlled and all church’s do this by
controlling our education and basing it on fear, not LOVE. Coming back to
this frequency after I died I realized this to a higher degree. Where I used to
think of Earth(heart) as a difficult existence for everyone, rich or poor, with
little rhyme or reason to the castrophies I would study. From Lemuria or MU
a civilization in the Pacific basin thousands of years ago to Atlantis 10,000
years ago to the great flood to the destruction of meso-America by a asteroid
and later by governments in Europe looking for gold and slaves to the mass
extinction of life going on right now in the twenty first century. No bees, no

bats, no trees, no air, no water, no food. Why? What is the reason we have
become imperfect parasites on our own host planet and are killing our
“Mother”. There has to be a reason and I now have it!
We are not in Earth(heart) school nor have we ever been. WE are in
“God School” learning to be gods (little ‘g’) thru adversity. We do this by
realizing the seed of the “Great Spirit” is in each one of us and each one of
us are watching our own “Movie”. We are the “creators”(small ‘c’) not some
fat man on a cloud and a beard that involves itself in the affairs of man.

I mean, Bob Dylan 40 years ago sang “God on our side” and he pointed
out everyone wants god on their side. But I realized its “WE, US, YOU, ME,
we created each moment we see or experience. Once we are aware we are
creating each moment, from beautiful sunsets with a distant plane flying
across the Sun (nice touch) to physically challenged person in NYC looking
for a hand out or a donation. We begin to take responsibility and we change
the effect.
We now know what the Kahuna’s in Hawaii have always known, that we
create the misery and happiness in our world. We do, not some god
somewhere on Olympus or a cloud that interferes as the Greeks, Egyptians,
Indians and others believed.
Now we enter “god school”, the beginning of how to use our immense
power for good by being tested to the hilt. Much like was portrayed in
episodes of “Star trek”. This is done by the Earth’s third dimension being in
chaos from weather to wars, pestilence and drought.
Knowing the difficulties we don’t attempt to change the effects we are
living out but the mental “constructs”. That we create them, it’s our movies
and we have to own up to them.
“God School” is the most difficult of all the schools, yet it’s the one all of us
are in and we signed up for it long ago and have flunked for hundred’s of
lifetimes and we eventually have to pass. Even if it takes thousands of years
and lifetimes.
Being in a hospital is a part of the god school to learn “Acceptance”. We get
tested in a unique way that is perfect for each evolving soul, no matter how

“unfair” it looks. Life is not Fair! It can’t be fair. This world has been set up
to test us. We sign on to this school and live 80 or so years and are
challenged every day in some way. We are not supposed to actually change
the system or the difficulties, they just change form s we evolve through a
“Quickening” process.
We can only change ourselves, nothing and no one else. The Chinese have a
saying, “Change your mind and leave the rest alone.”

The Chinese knew we are almost powerless to change and even if we do

create change as say, Alexander the Great did, it all came down in a crash as
the forces of Energy, the four elemental forces, Earth, Wind, Fire Space and
Water destroyed what he built.
The modern physicists say the Five great doshas are what make up our
world and everything is born from four energies, “Electromagnatism,
Gravity, the strong interaction of the atom and the weak interaction of the
atom.” Everything solid in our world comes from four energies we cannot
see. Now that’s a hmmmm.
Alexander was taught by the greatest minds of his generation and
attempted to create a unique “Polis” or one world city and immediately it
crashed due to the rivalries of his Diochi or successors, his generals, all good
generals but only Alexander could control them. They all fought each other
to be king of the world.
All we can do is ask, “What is going on with Me, that our world is in such
chaos. Show Me how I can rectify this situation in Me so this world is filled
with LOVE and Peace.”
My mind, my thoughts, my solution. My body is in the decline or the weak
interaction of the atom, the tearing down where I was at eighteen I was in
the strong interaction of the atom or the building up.
What a realization, god school and we are being tested all the time, in every
which way until we respond and do not react. Until we laugh instead of cry.
When we realize all the Angels that are in our path point the direction
through difficulty and not “Timelessness and mindlessness but time full and
mindful awareness.

Every eighty years or so we die go to where we originated and spend a
moment and if we are blessed enough we might be able to return to
Earth(heart) and hopefully get it correct. There is always Hope as my friend
Ray says.
Wednesday ended with me feeling better now that I would most probably
be released soon, a thought I did not contemplate because, “No
Expectations, no disappointments”, but I felt positive.

Chapter XXlll Thursday July 26,2007 Last Day

Got up early with blood work and x-rays, which would turn out to be my
last! Yea! Just this last time for good luck, I guess.
I don’t trust X-rays when they throw a lead blanket on your crotch and
scurry into a distant room and shout back to you from a safe distance “don’t
worry, its perfectly safe.” That worries me. You can tell it’s dangerous not
because they simplified the machine and made it small enough to track you
to your room (too costly and disruptive to take the patient to the X-ray room.
But the energy it has to use to take the photo is amazing. I was always wary
of dentists taking x-rays and scurrying out also so I stopped that. Especially
when I realized the most famous American dentist was Doc Holiday who
killed 18 or so folks with a handgun.
I think a lot of the modern medical inventions come from war, lots of money
goes into those projects. Vietnam was probably the reason the portable x-ray
machine came into being along with helicopter evacuation. The war on
drugs just produced more drug addicts and spent lots of money stupidly. The
war on cancer had spent over 120 Billion dollars to date and nothing new, no
cure. The war on Poverty caused more poverty. When a war is declared we
lose. Everyone loses. We have to deal with a different mind set than the one
that got us in the mess to begin with.

As Daniel Quinn says, “ If there is to a future, it will not come from old
minds with new programs, it will come from new minds and NO programs”.
My friend Ron from Florida somehow got my number and called, I had not
spoken to Ron in a year or so. We went to high school together and we all
had heard that he died many years ago. Then I was looking at classmate’s
.com and looked up my year 1966 and Ron was on the list! I could not
believe it so I ponied up the $35.00 to join and immediately contacted him
and sure enough, the news of his death was premature, he was doing well in
Florida and had heard through others that everyone thought he was dead.

My roommate Tyree was slowly coming around, I had meditated for him
since the moment I arrived and it was showing success. I could understand
his anger at being here for so many months and the toll it takes on him and
his family is very great but he had “Grit.”
As I always say, “When your going through hell, don’t stop!” We didn’t.
That night the word had gotten around to the staff that I could tell a
pregnant woman if she would have a boy or girl and four Angels visited me
who worked on other floors and were all pregnant.
I am a dowser and I can dowse for almost anything. I can tell who will win
the World Series or the Kentucky Derby or if it’s going to rain or anything
except I cannot use it for personal enrichment, it’s a tool of “service.” I show
the high school kids how to dowse and teach it everywhere and the kids get
it real fast and love the “wu,wu” it creates.
I told the Angel/nurses all about “Indigo” children who are being born on
the planet in great numbers who are all coming to help the planet and the life
that inhabits this water planet. Indigo children began arriving in 1984, but
the prototype arrived in the sixties to pave the way. These kids are highly
intelligent, can easily speak different languages, are telepathic, never sick,
can eat junk food and survive on it as their livers have changed to be able to
handle the food which is today poisonous. I told them to look up “Indigo” on
the web and find out about the new kids on the block, it’s all very exciting.
James Twiman the “Peace Troubadour” brought a five year old Indigo child
to meet President Bush for a fifteen minute interview in 2002 and extended

it to over an hour and came out of his office completely shaken from what
this child said to him about the future. There are also now “Crystal children
and Rainbow” and our world will never be the same.
The Angels loved to hear this news as they don’t usually hear of many of the
things I speak about. I told them that the kids coming are old friends from
previous lives and they have never met a stranger in this life and each patient
who comes in the door is an old friend who helped them long ago and just
has a different disguise on. The dowsing really got them though and they
believed me, as one or two had been told what they were going to have but I
told them the same thing.

My last night was a good night and I thanked the “Great Spirit” for the
adventure of a life time that I was sure would now continue in a greater way.

Chapter XXlV Friday July 27, 2007 The Release

The doctors all came by with last minute chats and directions, they all gave
me prescriptions to fill and were happy I was leaving. My roommate was not
concerned that I was leaving, I am sure he would have traded places with me
however I knew he would be home soon, I could see a difference in him
since I arrived.

My sister Mary arrived about 11AM, as they discharge you like a motel,
before noon. These beds are expensive and they want someone in them all
the time, it’s a freaking business. Dying is big business.
The doctors had all signed off; the financial stuff was in abeyance, as they
knew I was a special case. My last meal was delivered and of course I ate it,
since I had lost 25 plus pounds, a pound a day! What a diet!
The day was absolutely beautiful and I was about to go to my home in the
Hamptons and it was still summer. A few weeks ago I would not have given
me a “Tinker’s Chance” of making it to this point, but here I was about to

My sister Mary is an amazing woman and one who I was close to my whole
life; we were always friends and never had a discouraging word between us.
Mary even married one of my best friends from college whom I introduced
her to and now she was taking me home.
The last of the Angels, doctors/nurses came by, the forms were filled and Dr.
Mike released me an orderly was found to wheelchair me out to my sister’s
car. What service!
I blessed everyone in the room and everywhere I went as I said goodbye.
Tyree was on his way, I knew!
I was wheeled through the lobby and Mary pointed to a big portrait on the
wall of a man and woman, “That’s Bobby Quinn,” she reminded me as we
went by and I silently blessed him and thought, “What a funny thought that
the Bobby Quinn that I knew, owned a gas station and I thought he was the
Quinn who helped me with his sister Mrs. Gately. I remember the first day
in the hospital, Jack S. stopped by to say hello and tell me Bob Quinn asked
him to check in on me and knowing only one Bobby Quinn I thought it was
my friend who owned the gas station in Freeport who got me in here. I was
needless to say very impressed with Bobby, only it was the wrong Quinn.
We drove the wheel chair to the parking area and I waited as Mary got her
car. I said “thank you and goodbye” to the Angel/orderly and knew as I
turned to go I was forgotten as a new difficulty entered her mind.
Mary and I drove past the guards and headed up Port Washington Blvd.
Towards the Long Island Expressway and in two hours I would be home.

The feeling I was having was ecstatic and happy, I looked at everything, I
noticed everything and the colors were incredible and the air was clear, the
sky blue and close to perfect. The smell of freedom was intoxicating and
being alive was a good moment in my life.
“Buckle Up”! My sister told me.
“Aw, you don’t have to worry about me”, I replied.
“Just do it,” she said. So even thought I am not a seat belt person having
grown up with steel dash boards and no seatbelts I was never concerned if I
had on eon or not. However I put my heart shaped pillow between the belt
and my chest and it actually felt good and at this point I was still following
everyone’s orders. Mary seemed happy to be with me and even though lost a
day of work, not pay, but work, which is important to Mary.

On the way home Mary almost lost control of the car when she was
hurrying t get me home before I had a heart attack in her car and some kind
of bug flew in to the car and freaked her out. The LIEXP is an Indy 500
where everyone practices driving like they are on a raceway, scary!
Mary said, “Claire said there is plenty of food in the icebox (a term we all
use from being kids with an ice box) and the house is clean and she will
cook for you. Now that sounds like a deal, she is a good cook.
Visiting Nurses/Angels will visit three times a week and we have you
prescriptions ready to fill out. Since you have no money or insurance and
was not working, the hospital is going to help you get Medicaid to help pay
the bills and prescriptions and follow up doctor visits”.
It took an hour and a half to get out to Southampton, the place I had left
twenty-four days before with out a thought in my head that I would not
return. It was fantastic to be in my rented space. Even my rent had been paid
by my Son in law and daughter when I was gone and they would continue to
help me greatly in the future.
I could not go up or down stairs or leave the house for a few weeks as I
gained my strength back. I found out the computer was still on and my radio,
the icebox was empty, there was no food and no bills were paid. Normal.
Now more miracles developed, Margie the woman who had done reiki on
me at the party stopped by with food and my friend Fred G. did also and
with in ah hour food was over flowing the kitchen.

I learned to walk slowly around the property over the weeks, to take showers
and dress myself not using my left arm and not bringing it over my head.
The day ended at my home where I started out my journey so long ago but
in reality it was only a “blink” ago and as my friend Ray says, “Don’t
It was a beautiful trip home, I felt like Jimmy Stewart in “It’s a Wonderful
Life” when he was allowed to go back to his old life that he had and almost
threw away.
I am blessed for so many reasons and I was a living example of the “Great
Spirits” love for all of us. The day ended quietly as I crawled into my bed
like a soldier returned from the front and fell into a deep sleep.

Chapter XXV Epilogue

It’s been a year since the heart attack and each day has been a wonder full
experience. I got Medicaid with the help of the hospital and lawyers and was
allowed to keep volunteering at the Nature Lyceum. I eventually got to rehab
and met the Angels there who helped me greatly. I went and thanked the
ambulance drivers of the Westhampton War Memorial squad that helped me
and boy, they loved seeing me! I heard stories from everyone from the party
and what they thought and I learned from their perspective. I was able to
thank everyone who had a part to play that I could and express my joy at
being alive and back. Graduating from earth(heart) school and entering god
school. I learned much through meditation and working with different
Shaman as Ginger Lee Frost and Emigdio Ballon. I realized where I was
during the 20 minutes I was dead and it was incredible to me what went on
and is still going on.
I now know I have more work to do here, people to meet, influence in a
positive way and move on.

The Lords of Karma told me I had six more pages left in my cycle here and
have been allowed to attempt to experience it. If I forget or do not do what
they let me come back for, I will be gone for good, DNA or not.
Do I want to go? “Yes”, Do I want to stay?" “Yes”.
I know we only judge ourselves in the end so why bother judging? I was
able to go back to teach at the High School and everyone had heard and
wanted to know what is it like to die.
Since returning I have witnessed so many cool things that I would have
missed. I got to dance with my daughters Jennifer and Daphne at Daphne’s
wedding a few weeks after I got back.

Seeing my grandkids grow up more, watching them play sports and meet
many new people that I would never have met or experienced if I was not
here (obviously). The people who helped me for no reason except it was the
right thing to do. Feeling LOVE for so many strangers and the Compassion I
felt were incredible. Laughing at our plight and knowing the solution to our
problems is inextricably in understanding the problem.
“The Great Spirit” never puts us in harms way or difficult situations with
out a way out, however we have to look for it and find it. Its not in or faces
but around us if we just “Respond and not react”.
To look around and see the incredible world we create and take for granted,
the rainbows and flowers, the oceans and the mountains.
I have to thank the difficulties for bringing my family and friends closer.
We are in Heaven and its flawed but it’s a good place. We create out of
energy we are beginning to understand and reseeds as the energy (Attention
and Intention) is put else where.
Building up and tearing down.
That we are all brothers and all of nature are our relations.
The stone people, the plant people, the four legged, the two legged, the
creepy crawlers, the finned, the furred and the winged ones, all our relations.
As William McDonough says “How do we love all children of all the
species all the time?” It’s just not our children we must care for but all the

children of all species, then we can become “human”. I also fell up in love
with a beautiful woman, Peggy, who healed my heart better than all the
medicines and the walks. Love is the answer.
The Miracles and Angels continue to enter my life as “Bardos” along with
“Elementals” in human form. They are more evolved and would be more
effective if they only knew who they were, but we have been lied to so much
we don’t remember. We have to remember.
I do know this, there is no pain in dying, and it’s as natural as being born.
There is only fear, worry stress and anxiety that we feel and should not, we
should be feeling LOVE, JOY, PEACE, COMPASSION and KINDNESS.

Death and the dentist, its all anticipation. Live now, in this moment, forget
the past hurts, its history, forget about the future it’s a grand mystery to be
solved in the future. Stay here now in the present moment where we truly
live, it’s a gift, that’s why they call it the Present. It’s the only place we are
and can graduate out of earth school as we remember and we can enter “God
school” and we can learn to graduate from that difficult school too, in this
life time. Then we break the wheel of reincarnation.
My life has always been magical and now I know why. We are in Heaven!
Don’t pay attention to the lies, that we need a translator, a Padre, to
communicate with the “Great Spirit”, you simply don’t trust yourself, or we
have to die to get to Heaven. I am in Heaven now and if I am, then you who
are reading this are in Heaven, it’s more than belief, it’s a knowing. It’s all

Earth school graduates, mom and dad and me, George Burns.
God School graduates, Albert Schweitzer, Albert Einstein, Hilda Charlton,
Mahatma Gandhi, The Beatles, Mother Theresa, George Washington Carver,
Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Martin Luther King
Grad God school, Sri Yuktasor, Thich Naht Hahn, The Dali Lama,
Yogananda, St. Francis

John Wayne once said, “ Tomorrow is the most important thing in life
because it hopes we learned something from yesterday”. Me too!

Everything is amazing, everything is Atomic and everything is the “Great

Spirit”, Have fun!
The End

Rough draft done May 25, 2008, book finished August 8, 2008


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