Choose The Correct Ending For Each Verb and Fill in The Gaps

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1. It’s very _ _ _ _ _ _ to know that the contract has been signed.

a) satisfy
2. It rained all Saturday so we couldn’t go out and we were _ _ _ _ _ _ . b) bore
3. It’s useless making her study more. It’s so _ _ _ _ _ _ . c) frustrate
4. A new Miss Universe is a _ _ _ _ _ _ beauty. d) stun
5. Have you heard the _ _ _ _ _ _ news about the prison riots in Atlanta? e) alarm
6. Joan and Kevin are very _ _ _ _ _ _ about their wedding ceremony. f) excite
7. The students didn’t seem _ _ _ _ _ _ in their teacher’s explanation. g) interest
8. Touring round Europe in two weeks must be very _ _ _ _ _ _ . h) tire
9. Betty was _ _ _ _ _ _ at the look on my face. i) amuse
10. The Prime Minister’s outfit was very _ _ _ _ _ _ to the eye. j) please
11. Don’t look so _ _ _ _ _ _ ! Your project won because it was the best. k) surprise
12. John has a really _ _ _ _ _ _ habit of staring at people. l) annoy
13. We were too _ _ _ _ _ _ to ask them for a loan. m) embarrass
14. Dave’s parents are really _ _ _ _ _ _ by his persistent misbehaviour. n) alarm
15. George is so _ _ _ _ _ _, his chemistry project isn’t going very well. o) frustrate
16. We were all _ _ _ _ _ _ by his sudden death. p) stun
17. I don’t find his jokes very _ _ _ _ _ _ . I think they are rather crude. q) amuse
18. I’m reading an _ _ _ _ _ _ adventure story at the moment. r) excite
19. My mum finds fishing _ _ _ _ _ _ and she never accompanies dad. s) bore
20. Your idea sound really _ _ _ _ _ _ . t) interest

Choose the correct ending for each verb and fill in the gaps.

Complete the sentences with ‘will’ or ‘going to’

1. We _________ have an English exam tomorrow morning. I have to study all night.
2. _________ you open the window, please? It's hot and humid here in the classroom.
3. Joseph _________ fly to Berlin for a company project next week.
4. What would you like as a starter, sir? I _________ have lentil soup, please.
5. I don't think my parents _________ give me permission to go to the school trip.
6. Can you tell me your secret? I swear I _________tell it to anybody.
7. The scientist says people _________ produce artificial organs by the year 2070.
8. Who do you think ______ win the box tournament?
9. My father _________ visit the dentist at 9:00 am on Wednesday.
10. Look at those fierce dogs! They're running wildly. They _________ attack those cats by the wall.
11. OK. I _________ do the washing up for you.
12. I don't think there _________ be an agreement on the new budget.
13. No, I _________ let you eat my hamburger. You've already eaten yours.
14. Hey, that man is crossing the road at the red light. He _________ have an accident.
15. Peter _________ probably come home late because his car is broken.
16. "Stop or I _________ shoot you" the security guard said.
17. People _________ take food tablets instead of real food in 2040.
18. "You _________ get some good news at the office this week" the fortune teller said to me.
19. Fiona _________ buy an mp3 player for her brother. She has saved enough money.
20. I've got a ticket for the rock concert. I ________ be there tonight.

Complete the sentences with the verb in the present perfect tense.

1. I’m in so much pain. I ________________________ (hurt) myself real bad this time.
2. She ______________________ (do) all the laundry and can now watch TV.
3. I feel so agitated. I __________________________ (drink) too much coffee, I think.
4. What? Who ________________________ (send) me this horrible e-mail? I’m so mad right now.
5. It seems he _________________________ (lose) his hand luggage and now he has nothing to wear.
6. I ______________________________ (eat) too much and now I don’t feel so well.
7. Come on, once you __________________________ (take) your medicine you will feel much better.
8. Well, I ____________________________ (read) all the news. Now, go to sleep please!
9. My wife ____________________________ (spend) a lot of money on useless things and now I have to carry
everything home.
10. I’m so tired now, but I _______________________ (clean) the entire house.
11. Someone __________________________ (break) this vase of flowers. The floor is all wet now.
12. The police officer __________________________ (catch) the thief. He will be arrested now.
13. Someone ____________________________ (steal) my laptop. Now I need to buy a new one.
14. I ____________________________ (put) too much stuff in here and now I can’t close the door.
15. Hurray, I _____________________________ (win) my first competition. I feel so excited.

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